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Capitalizing Adjectives Worksheet

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.

You can form an adjective proper noun. When you do, you capitalize the adjective.
Example: Italian food

Re-write the words below. Capitalize where necessary.

american car
American car

1. french toast- 13. french cuisine-

2. irish lace- 14. mexican tiles-

3. german cars- 15. american writer-

4. automobile factory- 16. california sunshine-

5. mexican food- 17. italian leather-

6. english countryside- 18. sunny beach-

7. irish sandwich- 19. arizona tree-

8. dirty cup- 20. california oranges-

9. woven thread- 21. car factory-

10. japanese car- 22. German language-

11. handsome man- 23. american investor-

12. intelligent boy- 24. african culture-

Capitalizing Adjectives Worksheet

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