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Table 7.

1 Muscles of the Head and Neck

 Frontalis Draws scalp anteriorly; raises eyebrows; and
wrinkles forehead

 Occipitalis Draws scalp posteriorly

Orbicularis oculi Closes eye

Zygomaticus major Raises angle of mouth, as in smiling

Zygomaticus minor Elevates upper lip and exposes maxillary


Buccinator (mastication) Compresses cheeks as in blowing or whistling

Orbicularis oris Closes mouth and puckers the lips

Levator labii superioris Elevates upper lip

Depressor anguli oris Depresses angle of mouth

Masseter (mastication) Raises jaw

Temporalis (mastication) Elevates mandible and closes jaw

Medial Pterygoid Raises jaw

Lateral Pterygoid Lowers jaw

Sternocleidomastoid Both muscles: flex head

One muscle: rotates head toward opposite

Trapezius Extends head and rotates scapula

Table 7.2 Muscles of the Trunk
Erector spinae Maintains erect posture of vertebral column
Scalene Raise ribs and expand thorax
Scalenus anterior
Scalenus medius
Scalenus posterior

External intercostals Expand thorax

Internal intercostals Compress thorax

Rectus abdominis Flexes vertebral and column increases

pressure of abdomen

Transversus abdominis Compresses abdomen

Internal oblique Compresses abdomen

External oblique Compresses abdomen

Rhomboideus Retracts scapula

Levator scapula Raises scapula

Serratus anterior Protracts scapula

Pectoralis major Controls the movement of the arm, adducts

and medially rotates arm

Pectoralis minor Depresses scapula

Teres major Extends shoulders

Latissimus dorsi Extends shoulders and adducts arm

Supraspinatus Abducts arm

Infraspinatus Extends and rotates arm

Table 7.3A Anterior Muscles of the Upper Extremities
Deltoid Abducts arm and flexes and extends shoulders

Biceps brachii Flexes elbow and supinates arm

Brachialis Flexes arm

Brachioradialis Flexes forearm (synergist of brachialis)

Pronator teres Pronates forearm

Flexor carpi radialis Flexes the wrist and abducts hand

Palmaris longus Weakly flexes hand at wrist joint

Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexes and adducts hand at wrist joints

Table 7.3B Posterior Muscles of the Upper Extremities

Extensor carpi radialislongus Extends and abducts wrist

Extensor digitorum Extends fingers, and flares or adducts fingers

Extensor carpi ulnaris Extends and adducts wrist

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