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Is the Odyssey Bigger than the Creed?

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Review

It’s likely that even if you haven’t played any Assassin’s Creed game, the name rings a lot of
bells, that’s because this franchise was full of innovations back in the day with the first one in 2007
and the second one in 2009, fast forward to 2018, the franchise has seen some changes but none
compared to the big leap made from Syndicate to Origins, a change that was perfected in Odyssey.

This was indeed a leap of faith, since the franchise ditched its traditional way of dealing with
the storyline, side quests, progression and combat and instead took a more RPG-ish approach; on
top of that the franchise went far into the past to Ancient Greece, a land of Myths, Philosophy,
Democracy and war.

Story and Presentation

This game has no problems paying homage to Zack Snyder’s “300” and you can tell right in
the beginning of the game, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. (More on that in the
gameplay section of this review) After setting the tone of ancient Greece at war you get your
character introduction which can be either Kassandra or Alexios, with the first one having a bit more
real tone to her personality and Alexios being more “The big hero of Greece” kind of vibes. The game
revolves around a well-crafted family drama, history “game” lessons and mystery solving that made
Assassin’s Creed the franchise it is today. Although some historical accuracy can be an issue for some
people, the game does a very good job at making you feel like you are interacting with the Greek
world as you see Athens for the first time, speak to people like Socrates, Herodotus, Pericles and
many others, while your decisions influence the fate of Greece.


Some may say that from Origins to Odyssey there aren’t many new additions, however there
are some game changers like the fact that instead of a shield, you carry Leonidas’ broken spear which
grants you superhero like abilities while taking away your blocking ability from the previous game.
There are more stealth options and fun to be had with these new abilities like the “Spartan Kick”, yes,
you’ll be kicking a lot of people in this game. There’s also more ship exploration, which is even more
satisfying as you see the beautiful sea and different weathers during your travels. Sometimes the
game does have its fair share of bugs, and areas may seem very similar sometimes due to the
immense world this game offers, but nothing that will make you get bored of exploring.



If you are looking for the same “old school” Assassin’s Creed experience, you won’t get it,
however, despite what some people think, it is at its core an Assassin’s Creed game, and one that
definitely deserves some attention, although if you’ve played Origins, you won’t fell the punch of
“brand new mechanics”.
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