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11/12th English

8 February, 2019

Definition Essay: What is Injustice?

Humanity limits factors that help determine justice and injustice. Therefore, the word

“injustice” is a concept hard to understand in the human mind. The definition of injustice is a sin,

unfairness and wrongdoing against others and God. The only way this concept can be understood

is by understanding the definition itself better. So, what can one base the word on, and what is or

isn't injustice are the real questions. Therefore injustice is not based on human judgement but on

God's sense of justice which is sin.

The base of the definition for injustice comes from the Bible. The story of how injustice

or better said, sin entered the world is narrated in the book of Genesis, the first book in the Bible.

Also, the Bible states ,“And the heavens declare His righteousness, for God himself is judge.”

(Psalms 50:6) Demonstrating that God is righteous and all knowing; he will judge the situation

fairly by looking at the whole situation of the succession. The Bible also established the Ten

Commandments that have guided humans to justice by demonstrating what is and isn’t injustice.

One can see these laws still nowadays like having penalties for stealing or killing. Even if one

may know the base, misunderstanding of injustice still occur.

A way to have a better understanding for the word, one should know the characteristics of

“injustice” and its categories. The origin of injustice comes from 1350- 1400 from Middle

English and French branches(Dictionary). Because of its French branch, one can imply that the

root is in Latin. The word itself is a noun that is related to wrong, unjust and unfair acts
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(Dictionary). This makes it clear what root and origin the word had and how to use it and

distinguish between right and wrong. When one know how to use this word correctly

misinterpretation and misunderstandings will become less.

One of the biggest examples of injustice nowadays is child trafficking. Children are taken

away from their families and lives without a free choice (Child). Many of them are abused

physically and mentally and even if they return into a safe environment, their normal childhood

has been stolen from them (Child). Every basic human right is taken from them because the

children have no right to act for themselves. The Bible clearly states that “the kingdom of heaven

belongs to the children” (Matthew 19:14), demonstrating that their innocence has a special value

to God (Bible).The innocence, life and security are being stolen from these children clearly

showing an injustice. Not just children take harm of this confusion of justice and injustice

because what may seem like something legal and fair in one place may be illegal in another.

In many regions something that is legal and fair is actually an injustice done to the people

of the nation. It’s a human right to have freedom to practice a religion, but in North Korea

Christians are being killed and persecuted for their faith which is legal in this nation

(Persecution). In Libya, it is just that the press is being censored, but it’s is injustice to take away

the freedom of speech of any person (10 most). Everyone has the right to life no matter the age,

background or religion, but still in the United States of America it is legal to abort a child up to 6

months knowing that their body systems are almost fully developed for life outside the womb

(Aggarwal). These examples can be seen worldwide because human judgement is limited and

has bias in it, that why God has to judge the situation of every person and nation.

The Bible definition gives a good understanding of what is wrong and right and that the

human race is limited in understand it. This makes it easier to understand justice and injustice
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and how to apply it now in time. Many countries have some type of injustice because they are

governed and judged by simple human minds. Therefore, injustice is simply a sin, wrongdoing

and unfairness that is not judged by human eyes, but by God all knowing.

Work Cited

Aggarwal, Reena. "It may still be legal, but women's access to abortion is under attack in

America." Independent, 3 June 2018, Accessed 4 Feb. 2019.

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Bible. English Standard Version. Bible Gateway, Accessed 5 Feb.


"Child Trafficking." UNICEF, 2018, Accessed 3 Feb. 2019.

Dictionary. Accessed 4 Feb. 2019.

"Persecution at a glance." Open Doors, 2015, Accessed 5 Feb. 2019.

"Ten most censored countries." CPJ, Accessed 4 Feb. 2019.

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