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Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85 – 94

Functional anatomy of auditory brainstem nuclei: application to
the anatomical basis of brainstem auditory evoked potentials
Bernard Biacabe a,*, Jean Marc Chevallier b, Paul Avan c, Pierre Bonfils a
Laboratory of Research on the Physiology of the Hearing System, Formation Associée Claude Bernard and Formation CNRS UPRESA 7060,
Faculty of Medicine Necker Enfants-Malades, Uni6ersity Paris V, Boucicaut Hospital, 78 Rue de la Con6ention, 75015 Paris, France
Anatomy Institute of Paris, Uni6ersity Paris V, 45 Rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris, France
Laboratory of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine Clermont Ferrand, Uni6ersity of Au6ergne1, BP 38, 63001 Clermont-Ferrand, France
Received 17 March 2000; received in revised form 18 May 2000; accepted 25 May 2000


Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) are used routinely in clinical practice to evaluate the normality of the lower
auditory system. The objective of this review is to describe the functional anatomy of the structures implicated in BAEP
generation (cochlear nerve and the auditory brainstem nuclei). Indications and results of BAEP in clinical practice are presented
and correlated with auditory structures, which generate each waveform of BAEP. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights

Keywords: Brainstem auditory evoked potentials; Auditory nerve; Cochlear nucleus; Superior olivary complex

1. Introduction anatomy of the lower auditory pathways which, in

2000, is nothing else than a functional anatomy.
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) are
short-latency potentials recorded from the surface of
the head during a brief acoustic stimulation. These 2. Functional anatomy of the auditory nerve
potentials which consist of a series of positives and
negatives waves recorded within 10 ms of the stimulus 2.1. Cochlear tonotopy
onset, are routinely used in clinical practice to evaluate
the normality of the lower auditory system [1]. Useful- The inner ear translates a physical input, the sound,
ness of BAEP can be extended by the knowledge of in bioelectrical outputs, action potentials in the audi-
central auditory structures from which originate the tory nerve. The cochlea has a tonotopic organization
different waveform components of BAEP. (i.e. high and low frequency sounds stimulate respec-
The aim of this paper is to review the anatomical tively the basal and apical cells of the Corti organ)
structures identified as generators of BAEP, with em- which allow a first analysis of the frequency and inten-
phasis on clinical applications. As auditory nerve and
sity characteristics of the acoustical stimulus. In the
auditory nuclei located in the brainstem (cochlear nu-
auditory nerve, high frequencies are mainly mediated
cleus, superior olivar complex) are the major structures
by frequency-selective fibers (fibers which discharge for
involved in BAEP generation, we first describe the
a characteristic frequency or CF) whereas low frequen-
cies are coded by periodicity of discharge rate of the
auditory fibers [2]. Intensity is either related to the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 33-1-53788103; fax: +33-1-
discharge rate of frequency-selective fibers either or
53788102. transmitted by successive recruitment of neural
E-mail address: (B. Biacabe). populations.

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86 B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94

2.2. Spiral ganglion and cochlear branch of the 3. Functional anatomy of the brainstem auditory
cochleo-6estibular ner6e structures

Cells of the spiral ganglion are the somata of the first The major ascending auditory pathways are located
neurons of the auditory pathways. The spiral ganglion in the brainstem (cochlear nuclei, superior olivary com-
is located in the center of the modiulus (axis of the plex) (Figs. 1 and 2), in the midbrain tectum (lateral
cochlea) and includes 30 000 – 35 000 neurons in lemniscus and inferior colliculus), in the thalamus (me-
human. dial geniculate body) and in the auditory cortex. Al-
The spiral ganglion have two different neurons types though the knowledge of the central auditory centers is
[3]. The major part is represented by type I spiral still limited, the functional specificities of each structure
ganglion cells (90 –95% of all the neurons) which are of and relay begin to be outlined. These structures have in
large size (12 –20 mm of diameter), bipolar and with a common a cochleotopic organization, that is, the re-
bulky central nucleus. The cellular somata of these cells gions of the different central auditory structures receive
are myelinized. Type I spiral ganglion cells contacts the neural inputs from frequency-related region of the
basis of the inner hair cells of the Corti’s organ. The cochlea. As this review is devoted to auditory structures
type II cells (5–10% of the spiral ganglion neurons) are involved in BAEP generations, we only describe the
of small size (8–12 mm of diameter), unmyelinized and auditory pathways located in the brainstem.
contact the basis of the outer hair cells of the Corti’s
The dendritic extension of type I cells contacts only 3.1. The cochlear nucleus (Fig. 1)
one inner hair cell but one inner hair cell can be
contacted by many type I cells [4]. On the other hand, The cochlear nucleus is the first mandatory relay on
dendrites of type II spiral ganglion cells contact ten to the ascending auditory pathway [6,7]. Indeed, it was
20 outer hair cells. never found auditory nerve fibers which projected else-
The axons of the spiral ganglion cells project to the where than in the cochlear nucleus. The cochlear nu-
central auditory structures through the cochlear branch cleus is located on the dorsolateral side of the
of the cochleo-vestibular nerve (auditory nerve). Fibers brainstem. Auditory nerve fibers, as they came in the
coming from apical cells (low frequencies) and basal brainstem, quickly divide into two branches: one is
cells (high frequencies) of the cochlea are located re- anterior or ascending, the second is posterior or de-
spectively in the central and the peripheral parts of the scending. A cochleotopy present in the cochlear nu-
nerve [5]. The auditory nerve goes through the internal cleus: low-frequency fibers project on ventral regions of
auditory canal and the inner acoustical meatus and the nucleus whereas high frequency fibers project on
enters the brainstem. dorsal regions.

Fig. 1. Schematic transverse section of the medulla showing the location of the cochlear nucleus. From: Bonfils P, Chevaliar JM (1998). Anatomie
ORL. Medicine-Sciences Flammorian, Paris, p. 323 (with permission).
B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94 87

Fig. 2. Schematic transverse section through the brainstem showing the location of the set of nuclei of the superior olivary complex. From: Bonfils
P, Chevaliar JM (1998). Anatomie ORL. Medicine-Sciences Flammorian, Paris, p. 323 (with permission).

The cellular structure of the cochlear nucleus is inho- the bud termination (94% of the endings) [12]. Less
mogenous. Three main subdivisions have been de- frequent but more specific of the AVCN, is the cali-
scribed, based on cytoarchitectonical characteristics and ciform termination also called endbulbs of Held [15].
auditory nerve projections [6,8 – 14]. The auditory nerve Additionally, the AVCN receives descending termina-
ascending branch projects on the anteroventral cochlear tions (central affering innervation) from the superior
nucleus and it descending branch projects on the pos- olivar complex (lateral superior olive)[16], the contro-
teroventral cochlear nucleus and the dorsal cochlear lateral cochlear nucleus [17] and the ipsilateral cerebel-
nucleus. While specific cellular populations are confined lum [18]. Some central afferences might have an
to particular regions of the cochlear nuclear, one cellu- inhibitory effect increasing the frequency selectivity of
lar type, the multipolar or granule cells, is more widely the spherical cells.
distributed. These cells which have a small cellular The AVCN have bilateral extrinsic projections (Fig.
somata (10 mm) with few extensions, are mainly present 3) to the superior olivary complex (medial nucleus of
in rodent species, whereas they are less abondant in the trapezoid body), the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus
primates. and the inferior colliculus [19].

3.1.1. The antero6entral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) 3.1.2. The postero6entral cochlear nucleus (PVCN)
The AVCN is the most prominent part of the coch- The PVCN is located posteriorly in the cochlear
lear nucleus. It is subdivided in anterior (AVCNa) and nucleus, from the division of the auditory fibers to the
posterior (AVCNp) regions [6]. The AVCNa and dorsal side of the nucleus. Two cellular types are found
AVCNp regions are mainly occupied by, respectively, in the PVCN [6]: the multipolar cells of Osen, very
large spherical cells (20 – 30 mm of diameter) which have similar to those of the AVCN, and the octopus cells
a ‘bushy appearance’ and globular cells with long den- with a large somata (35 mm of diameter) and several
dritic extensions [8,13]. Both of these cell types which large dendritic extensions [9].
are intermingled with multipolar cells, are distributed Peripheral innervation comes from the posterior or
over the entire dorsoventral extent of the AVCN with a descending branch of the auditory nerve. Terminations
tonotopic organization along a dorsoventral direction of these primary auditory axons are various as in the
[10]. AVCN, except the endbulbs of Held. The PVCN re-
Primary terminations of auditory axons on the ceives central projections from the inferior colliculus
AVCN cells (peripheral afferent innervation) [15], have [20], the lateral lemniscus nuclei, the superior olivary
various morphologic appearances. The most frequent is complex [21] and the controlateral cochlear nucleus
88 B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94

[17]. The intermediate acoustical stria gathers together The efferent fibers (Fig. 3) of the DCN project,
the extrinsic projections of the PVCN (Fig. 3), mainly to through the dorsal acoustical stria, to the contralateral
the contralateral nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and the inferior colliculus
inferior colliculus [22]. [19].

3.1.3. The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) 3.1.4. Neurotransmission in the cochlear nucleus
The DCN covers the PVCN on its dorsal and poste- The neuromediator of the auditory nerve fibers is an
rior parts. This nucleus is composed, from the periphery excitatory amino-acid, probably glutamate or aspartate
to the center, of three cellular layers [6]: the molecular [24,25]. Neuromediators from the descending central
layer, the pyramidal or fusiform cells layer and the projections would be acetylcholine [26], gamma-
polymorphic cells layer. The fusiform cells have a pyra- aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine [27] and
midal somata (15 –25 mm of diameter). Their dendritic noradrenalin.
extensions project to the molecular layer as their axons In summary, the analysis of acoustical information in
go, through the deep layer, to the dorsal acoustical stria the cochlear nucleus is complex. It results of many
[23]. interactions between the peripherical auditory system
Together with an abondant peripheral innervation and the upper auditory nuclei, as evidence by the
from the auditory nerve, the DCN receives descending numerous descending projections from the inferior col-
projections from the inferior colliculus [20]: fibers from liculus and the thalamus.
the dorsal region of the inferior colliculus central nu-
cleus project bilaterally on the molecular and pyramidal 3.2. The superior oli6ary complex (Fig. 2)
layers whereas fibers from the ventral region of the
inferior colliculus central nucleus project on the pyrami- The superior olivary complex (SOC) is a set of nuclei
dal and polymorphic layers. These descending projec- located in the brainstem, near the trapezoid body, and
tions which respect the cochlear tonotopy, seem to have between the lateral lemniscus nuclei anteriorly and the
an excitatory effect. Additionally, the DCN receives facial nucleus posteriorly. It is limited medially by the
projections from the superior olivary complex [17]. medial lemniscus and laterally by the lateral corti-

Fig. 3. Cochlear nuclear efferences. Major projections are represented by dark lines and accessory efferences by thin lines. AVCNa, anterior part
of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus; DCN, dorsal cochlear nucleus; LSO, lateral superior olive; MSO, medial superior olive; MNTB, medial
nucleus of the trapezoid body; PON, periolivary nuclei; DAS, dorsal acoustical stria; IAS, intermediate acoustical stria; VAS, ventral acoustical
stria; LL, lateral lemniscus; IC, inferior colliculus.
B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94 89

Fig. 4. Superior olivary complex efferences. Major projections are represented by dark lines and accessory efferences by thin lines. AVCNa,
anterior part of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus; AVCN, posterior part of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus; PVCN, posteroventral cochlear
nucleus; DCN, dorsal cochlear nucleus; LSO, lateral superior olive; MSO, medial superior olive; MNTB, medial nucleus of the trapezoid body;
PON, periolivary nuclei; OCB, olivo-cochlear bundle.

cospinal pathway. The topographic anatomy of the organization. Cells with high and low characteristic
SOC shows a great variability from a species to an- frequencies are located respectively in the ventro-medial
other. However, in mammalians, three nuclei are and dorso-lateral regions of the nucleus [31]. Isofre-
present: the lateral superior olive (LSO), the medial quency cells range from a dorso-medial to a ventro-lat-
superior olive (MSO) and the medial nucleus of the eral dimension according with the endbulbs of Held
trapezoid body (MNTB). Surrounding these nuclei, distribution on principal neurons.
groups of neurons make up the periolivary nuclei [28]. Data on MNTB functions are still limited: it could
inhibit the other nuclei of the SOC during a contralat-
3.2.1. The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body eral stimulation and play a role in spatial location of
(MNTB) sound. Its size which varies from a species to another, is
The principal neurons of the MNTB have a large especially bulky in whale and in bat (location of ultra-
spherical somata (20 mm of diameter) with an eccentric sounds) [32].
nucleus [29]. Other cells types are described as elon-
gated neurons and multipolar cells. The principal neu- 3.2.2. Lateral superior oli6e (LSO)
rons receive projections via endbulbs of Held The LSO is located near the trapezoid body, on the
axosomatic endings, from the globular and spherical medial edge of the facial nerve descending branch. It
cells of the contralateral AVCN [30]. Additionally, has a ‘S’ shape with three subdivisions: the medial
globular cells give terminations to the dorso-medial region is more bulky than the two lateral regions.
periolivary neurons whereas spherical cells project to Different cells types are present in the LSO but the
the medial superior olive [29]. The neurotransmitter of fusiform or multipolar cells (20 –25 mm of diameter) are
principal neurons of the MNTB seems to be glycine [24] the largest and most characteristic cellular type of this
with an inhibitory effect on the other MNTB cells. nucleus (80% of the cell population). The neurotrans-
Axons of principal cells project (Fig. 4) on the other mitter of these neurons is glycin. The LSO has a
SOC nuclei and especially on the lateral superior olive tonotopic organization with the high and low frequen-
with a cochleotopic organization, but never on the cies located laterally and medially, respectively, in the
inferior colliculus [31]. The MNTB has a cochleotopic nucleus [33].
90 B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94

The LSO receive projections from the ipsilateral and are binaural neurons but exhibit preferentially re-
contralateral AVCN: high and low frequencies region sponses to unilateral stimulation (type EE). These cells
of the AVCN contact respectively the LSO dorso-lat- are insensitive to interaural difference of intensity. On
eral and dorso-medial regions [34]. Additionally, the the other hand, low frequency cells are sensitive to
LSO gets glycinergic inputs from the ipsilateral MNTB interaural difference of phase [47] which could be re-
[35,36]. lated to a spatial location function of the MSO. How-
The fusiform cells of the LSO project (Fig. 4) on the ever, morphological and functional differences of the
central nucleus of the inferior colliculus [37], the lateral MSO among species suggest that this nucleus might
lemniscus and the other SOC nuclei but never on the have different functions according to the species. In cat,
cochlea or the cochlear nuclei [38]. This projection, the MSO could play as a detector of interaural differ-
which retains the tonotopic organization of the LSO, is ences whereas in bat, it could act as a monaural nu-
crossed for axons of the LSO medial region and un- cleus, sensitive to frequency modulations [48].
crossed for axons of the LSO lateral region [39]. The
neurotransmitter of these projections to the inferior
colliculus is glycine with inhibitory and excitatory ef- 3.2.4. Perioli6ary neurons (PON)
fects for ipsilateral or contralateral projections, The PON surround the three main SOC nuclei. Most
respectively. of these neurons are located near the anterior and
Most of the LSO neurons have a physiological activ- ventral regions of the LSO and MSO nuclei and form
ity in response to binaural stimulation (type EI: excita- clusters called trapezoid body nucleus. Even there are
tory effect for an ipsilateral stimulation and inhibitory major topographic differences among species, some cel-
effect for a contralateral stimulation) [33,40]. The lular populations have similar morphologic, histochem-
fusiform cells are sensible to interaural differences of ical and anatomical properties [28,49]. From these
intensity and latency. Additionally, some LSO cells neurons, originates the olivo-cochlear efferent system
with a characteristic frequency less than 1 kHz, react (Fig. 4).
exclusively to an ipsilateral stimulation (type EE) [33]. The main afference of the PON comes from the
All the characteristics of the LSO cells suggest that the octopus cells of the PVCN via the intermediate acousti-
LSO is implicated in the spatial location of sounds. cal stria [13,50] (Fig. 3). Additionally, PON receives
projections from other structures of the SOC, the lat-
3.2.3. The medial superior oli6e (MSO) eral lemniscus and the inferior colliculus.
The MSO is located between the LSO and the
MNTB. The main cellular type of this nucleus is repre-
sented by the fusiform cells (8 – 15 mm of diameter)[41] 3.2.5. Oli6o-cochlear efferent system (OCES)
which are tonotopically organized: high and low fre- The olivo-cochlear pathways [51], include two sys-
quencies cells are distributed in the ventral and dorsal tems which originate from periolivary neurons of the
regions of the nucleus, respectively. SOC: the medial and the lateral olivo-cochlear efferent
These cells receive projections from the spherical cells systems.
of the ipsi and contralateral AVCN [42]. Two different The medial olivo-cochlear system comes from the
endings are present: the first type corresponds to a medial part of the SOC and projects bilaterally to the
glutamatergic termination with an excitatory effect base of outer hair cells, predominantly to the contralat-
(type IA) [43] and the second is GABAergic or glyciner- eral side [52,53]. Some of these neurons give collateral
gic with an inhibitory effect (type IB) [44]. No other branches to the cochlear nucleus [54]. The projection of
region of the cochlear nucleus projects on the MSO the medial olivo-cochlear system is tonotopically orga-
[42]. Fusiform cells get additionally inputs from the nized and predomines in the frequency cochlear regions
principal cells of the MNTB and from the periolivary between 2 and 20 kHz in cat [55]. The axons of the
nuclei [45]. medial olivo-cochlear system are myelinated. The lat-
The fusiform cells of the MSO give projections to the eral olivo-cochlear system originates from the lateral
central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (Fig. 4). This part of the SOC and projects on the dendritic exten-
projection which is essentially ipsilateral, respects the sions of the ipsilateral spiral ganglion cells. Fibers of
tonotopic organization of the nucleus: the MSO dorsal this system are unmyelinized.
and ventral regions connect the dorso-lateral and the In summary, functions of the SOC are complex: it is
ventro-medial regions, respectively, of the central nu- involved in spatial location of sounds, in the acoustical
cleus of the inferior colliculus [46]. reflex and in physiology of the efferent olivo-cochlear
Spatial location of sound is related to interaural system. The functional properties of the olivo-cochlear
phase differencies for sound frequencies inferior to 2 efferent pathway remain, in a large part, unknown. It
kHz and interaural intensity differences for sound fre- could be implicated in protection and dynamics and
quencies superior to 2 kHz [47]. Most of the MSO cells protection of the inner ear during sound exposure [41].
B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94 91

4. Anatomical basis of brainstem auditory evoked allow to directly connect anatomical structure to later
potentials generators and clinical applications BAEP waveforms (III –V). Many brainstem auditory
structures are simultaneously actived by an acoustical
stimulus and BAEP waveform appearance depends of
4.1. BAEP generators the amount — positive or negative — of all these
activities. Additionally, some auditory structures with
BAEP waveforms include a series of fluctuant far- asynchronous activity may not be detected during
field potentials occurring during the first 10 ms follow- BAEP recordings even though these structures are acti-
ing a transient acoustical stimulation. They reflect vated by the acoustical stimulus.
synchronous activity of auditory cells populations. The Recently, Melcher and Kiang [67 –69] reported a
BAEP waveforms appearance is dependant of the ‘cellular’ approach of BAEP generators with correlating
recording electrodes locations (Fig. 5). Each waveform BAEP variations with neurotoxin-induced lesions of the
can be referred to its polarity (P, positivity or N, brainstem in cat. These authors studied the contribu-
negativity) and order of occurrence (1 – 5). In human tion of specific cellular populations to BAEP generation
BAEP, roman numerals are typically used (I – V). The (Fig. 6) and suggested a functional rather than anatom-
BAEP threshold is defined as the lowest intensity of ical organization of brainstem auditory structures.
stimulation, which allows identification of the different
BAEP waveforms. In clinical practice, the 2 and 4 kHz 4.1.1. Generators of P1 and N1 wa6eforms
frequencies are usually tested. Structures which generate P1 and N1 are spiral gan-
From an historical point of view, auditory structures glion cells of the cochlea [68]. These waveforms are
involved in BAEP generation have been studied exten- unchanged after cutting the auditory nerve or aspirat-
sively in human and animals. Experimental approaches ing the cochlear nucleus [59,70]. The spiral ganglion
included simultaneous recordings of intracranial and cells with high CF (above 2 kHz) mainly contribute to
surface potentials [56,57] and effects of brainstem le- the generation of P1 [69].
sions following surgery [58 – 60] or injection of toxin
[61 – 63]. In human, correlations between brainstem 4.1.2. Generators of P2 wa6eforms
structures and BAEP waveforms were studied following P2 is generated by the cochlear nucleus cells [62,68].
stroke, trauma or degenerative lesions [64,65], or from After surgical lesions on the medial edge of the CN (i.e.
peroperative recordings during surgery of the posterior disruption of the CN connections with upper central
cranial fossa [66]. The aim of these studies was to auditory structures), amplitude of P2 waveform is unaf-
correlate each BAEP waveform to a specific anatomical fected [71]. The globular cells of the posterior part of
structure. This approach allowed to identify generators the AVCN and of the anterior part of the PVCN are
of the first BAEP waveforms in human and animals (I, the main cell population involved in P2 generation. The
N1) [66]. In the other hand, anatomical and functionnal CF of these cells is above 2 kHz. Additionally, octopus
complexity of brainstem auditory structures can not cells of the posterior part of the PVCN (PVCNp) and
of the DCN contribute to P2 generation but with a
minor role [69]. It could be explained by the number of
octopus cells which are small as compared with the
number of globular cells [11]. Moreover, surgical cuts
of DCN or PVCNp efferences have no effect on P2
generation [58,59] which is consistent with the overall
minor participation of DCN and PVCNp in BAEP

4.1.3. Generators of P3 wa6eforms

P3 waveform originates both from cochlear nucleus
and contralateral superior olivar complex cells [68]. In
the CN, spherical cells of the anterior part of the
AVCN generate a part of P3 whereas in the contralat-
eral SOC, principal cells of MNTB contribute to P3
generation [69]. Globular cells of the posterior part of
the AVCN are not cellular generators of P3, however
they indirectly participate to its generation as they drive
Fig. 5. (A) BAEP recorded from electrodes located on the vertex (vx)
MNTB principal cells [30]. Additionally, neurons of the
and on the ipsilateral ear (ie). (B) Recording with electrodes on the LSO are also implicated [62]. All these cells have a CF
vertex and the contralateral ear (ce). above 2 kHz.
92 B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94

Fig. 6. Contribution of different brainstem auditory to structures to BAEP generations. See text for details. Adapted from Melcher and Kiang

4.1.4. Generators of P4 wa6eforms brainstem auditory structures or cell types, were estab-
Ipsi and contralateral cells of the SOC participate in lished in animal species in most cases. However, to a
P4 generation [63,68] with MSO principal cells iden- certain extent, these same relations can be transposed
tified as P4 generators [69]. Additionally, spherical cells to man when it is postulated that globular cell system
of the anterior part of the AVCN mainly contribute to have a minor role in auditory pathways [32,74]. First,
P4 waveform [68], even they are not cellular generators cat and man have both a spherical cell system. Second,
of this waveform [69], by driving MSO principal cells the first three positivities of BAEP in cat and man
[42,72]. By the same way, MNTB modulate the P4 (P1 –P3 in cat and I–III man) have similar characteris-
generators [68] as MNTB principal cells have an in- tics [60]. Third, P4 in cat which is predominantly gener-
hibitory effect on MSO principal cells [17]. ating by MSO, have similar generators than V in man
4.1.5. Generators of P5 wa6eforms Meltcher and Kiang [69] conclude: ‘BAEP in cats
Cellular generators of P5 are located in the lateral reflects cellular activity in two parallel pathways, one
lemniscus [59,70] and/or the inferior colliculus [69,73]. originating with globular cells and the other with spher-
However, cells of the anterior part of the AVCN and ical cells. Since the globular cell pathway is poorly
MSO principal cells contribute to P5 generation [68] as represented in humans, we suggest that human BAEP is
the MSO principal cells project to the lateral lemniscus largely generated by brainstem cells in the spherical cell
and the inferior colliculus [46]. These cell populations pathway’. This conclusion supports the hypothesis that
are not cellular generators of P5 as they are involved in BAEP recordings in human may allow to derive infor-
the generation of BAEP waveforms occurring before mation from specific auditory pathways or specific au-
P5. CF of these cells are below 10 kHz [69]. ditory cell populations, even though neuronal activity
In summary, relations between BAEP waveforms and can not be directly assessed.
B. Biacabe et al. / Auris Nasus Larynx 28 (2001) 85–94 93

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