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UIT-RGPV {Aufonomous) Bhapal

Suliject code-BT 202 Subject : h{athemntiar- lI

Semester : I/II
For credits & rnarks refer your scherre

Course llescription- This course is the study of sorae advanced and appliecl ntathematics. It is v*rv useful iix'the
students of all branches of engineering. DitTererrtial llquations. Partial Dif?erenlial !,quations are widel-v used in
many engineering and scientific problems.
Prer:equisite Kniwlertge - Uasic knowledge, of Differentia#q$ lntcgrati$r1 ancl Complex algeltra.
Course Otrjecfives- The olr-lective.o.f' th*q--qolrse is iij fami$i#iae tire pr.osrective engineers with techniques irr
ordilrary and parrial difTerential equationi adld {l$rctionso[ complex variab[grrll ainrs to equip the students to deal
wiiJi advanced levcl of nrathemailcs and applications that r.vouid be e$sential fotithejr disciplincs.
Ccurse Outcornes- This course trimriilt contributes to applied rnadrqnratiil': piograrn outcornes that develop

l"init-f I ; Ilifferentinl tlquaticnr tI: $imuitarifrus l.inear Difierential pcp*itiiir, $ecctrxl Order l..inear Dilferential
r11: d*riva{ive, Cltange of indepetdett
RToval'r1r first
Equatians with Valial:le Caefflcients:-=flne itte$-S.l is.,knor*-n, Renrovaluuf"
i',or?*.1, f"-,:ryq1':i;
variahle and h{eihcd of Variaticn of Paralnete,r$. ierieq"solrrlion of second crder ditYerential er"luations.
lltp: :f
t,rnit-ilI : Partial Dift'erefitial.squntion-:'.Fbrmation o1'Pa*ial Diflerentihl tiquati*ns, l,agrange's L.,inear PIli"
Non-iineal PDE, Linear Par64l Dif}'erential Equaticl cfl Second anel'hlgher Order rvith Constant {loefflcients.
Applications of PDE (lVave eqdatiol and tleifEquations) i
Unit*IV : Camplex Variable * Differentiation: l.lementary ccmplexfunctiols such as exponenlial, lrigononlefric.
logarithmic funclions and their properliei, limit,-e*nlinuit3l iind Diflerentiation, Cauchy-Rietnann equations,
anal-vtic functiorrs, jrarnronic fnncticns, irndiilgrrhannonic ccniugate, lrruts{btmaii<ln.
Unit-V : Complex Variatrle - Integratfffi: Contour irrtegrals. L'auch).ffiaursat thearenr, Cauclt;- lntegral fonnula;
serjes, zeros of anafltic functiou!, singularities, LaUf$rlt's ieiies; Residues, Cauclr,u" Residue tlteot'ettt,
livaluation i:f riefinite integrai invclving sine aad Cij.siiie.

1'ext Books:
l. fit v'itt Krey-szig, Advttnced Litttrline ering .l{*themdfics. 9tlt }.idition, .l*hn ll'ile;y & Srl.tts, }0{){:.
2. E.L'. R*mtnann. Higher L)ngineeriug lllathe.mcttics, ll'ata:\k:{.ir**- Hil! Nev Delhi, Ilth}leprint, }{il$.
3. B.S. {-lreval. IIiglrcr Engineering fuf<tthemrstits, Kltuttttu Publishers, i{itir Editittn, 201Q.
4. G.I.'. Simtnpw, Diffi:rentic! !,qiltrfions trilh Ilisttlricn! Notes, lv,{c-(iraw lfill 2''} Lidirirstt

Academt Session 2078-19

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