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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions/ statement very carefully. Choose the best answer and write only the letter on the space
provided before each number.
_____1. An act that includes physical assault, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse.
a. Suicide b. Extortion c. Bullying d. Abduction
_____2. An attempt in which a person does not intend to die.
a. Kidnapping b. Parasuicide c. Domestic violence d. Stalking
_____3. It is a pattern of behaviour that makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger.
a. Kidnapping b. Parasuicide c. Domestic violence d. Stalking
_____4. An act of using force or threats to force people to hand over their money or properties, on favors.
a. Suicide b. Extortion c. Bullying d. Abduction
_____5. It is defined as relatively tough, mostly street-based group of young people engaged in a range of criminal activity and
a. Gang b. Fraternity c. Terrors d. Mafia
_____6. Refers to unwanted, aggressive behaviour by making threats or insults or by using force to someone.
a. Suicide b. Extortion c. Bullying d. Abduction
_____7. Refers to a group of people with similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes
a. Gang b. Fraternity c. Terrors d. Mafia
_____8. It refers to an act of intentional killing of one’s own self.
a. Suicide b. Extortion c. Bullying d. Abduction
_____9. It is taking away or forcefully moving a person against his/her will and holding him/her in unjust captivity.
a. Kidnapping b. Parasuicide c. Domestic violence d. Stalking
_____10. Refers to the use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a great number of people in fear.
a. Bullying b. Abduction c. Domestic violence d. Terrorism
_____11. Refers to the use of deceit or force in order to take a person or a child away from their home or relatives.
a. Bullying b. Abduction c. Domestic violence d. Terrorism
_____12. Which is the risk factor for suicide attempt?
a. Good problem-solving skills
b. History of trauma and abuse
c. Strong connections to family and community support
d. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use disorders
_____13. Why does domestic violence happen?
a. The abuser is trying to control the victim.
b. The abuser is in a stressful relationship.
c. The couple don’t have much money and this causes stress in the relationship
d. All of the above
_____14. Which is not intentional injury?
a. Vehicular accident b. Fraternity hazings c. Suicide attempts d. Suicide bombings
_____15. You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do?
a. Report him/her to the school authorities
b. Get even with him/her by asking friends for vengeance
c. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like what s/he is doing
d. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually stop where s/he finds someone else to bully.
_____16. What rating of TV shows describes the program which may contain more serious topic and theme that may not be
advisable for children to watch except under the very vigilant guidance and presence of a parent or an adult?
a. “G” b. “PG” c. “SPG”
_____17. Which of the following is the best way to prevent in becoming a victim of assault and abuse?
a. Having self-confidence that will make you less likely to be chosen as an easy target.
b. Having a bold and confident behaviour, like speaking with conviction.
c. Immediately get away if you sense something is wrong or about to happen. Use your intuition.
d. All of the above
_____18. What does Article 34 of The Convention on the Rights of the Children mean?
a. The Government should take all measures possible to make sure that children are not abducted, sold or trafficked.
b. Governments should protect children from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse.
c. Government should ensure that children are properly cared for and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect by
their parents, or anyone else who looks after them.
_____19. Why do some victims of sexual abuse remain quiet and don’t report the incident?
a. The victim might not know that help is available be s/he does not know who to talk to.
b. The victim might be told that what is happening is normal and doesn’t realize that it is a form of abuse.
c. The victim might be afraid of what will happen to him/her if s/he tells someone, especially if the abuser has threatened
d. all of the above
_____20. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t know. What will you do?
a. Nothing. S/he is just harmless admirer.
b. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you.
c. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker.
d. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, and then confront the person following you.
_____21. What rating of TV shows best describes the material for television contains some adult material that may be permissible
for children to watch but only under the guidance and supervision of a parent or adult?
a. “G” b. “PG” c. “SPG”
_____22. Which of the following does NOT include in the actions made by the stalker?
a. writing letters b. knowing your schedule c. sending gifts d. Taunting
_____23. It refers to verbal and social bullying done through use of technology and electronic means.
a. Cyber bullying b. Physical bullying c. Social bullying d. Verbal bullying
_____24. It refers to the intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians in the name of a political or
other cause.
a. State terrorism b. Bioterrorism c. Cyber terrorism d. Eco terrorism
_____25. An explicit portrayal of children as sexual subject matter for purpose of sexual arousal.
a. Child prostitution b. fondling c. Child pornography d. masturbation
_____26. Refers to sexual contact between persons who are so closely related.
a. Incest b. Molestation c. Rape
_____27. You heard your friend Ricky telling your other friends to avoid Aaron because they recently had a fight. What will you do?
a. Nothing. No harm will happen from it.
b. Nothing. I do not want to get involved.
c. I will convince all of my friends to avoid Ricky instead because he is a bully.
d. I will confront Ricky and tell him to stop what he is doing because it is bullying.
_____28. It is referred to as relational bullying like hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.
a. Cyber bullying b. Physical bullying c. Social bullying d. Verbal bullying
_____29. It refers to the use of violence in the interests of environmentalism.
a. State terrorism b. Bioterrorism c. Cyber terrorism d. Eco terrorism
_____30. Refers to children who get paid to have sex.
a. Child prostitution b. fondling c. Child pornography d. masturbation\

_____1. A German composer who developed lieder.
a. Franz Liszt b. Franz Haydn c. Johann Goethe d. Franz Schubert
_____2. The following opera were written by Giuseppe Verdi EXCEPT for:
a. Aida b. Tristan and Isolde c. Rigoletto d. La Traviata
_____3. Richard Wagner made use of this musical sequences in most of his operas.
a. oratorio b. aria c. lieder d. leitmotifs
_____4.French composer who became famous for his opera “Carmen”.
a. Georges Bizet b. Giuseppe Verdi c. Giacomo Puccini d. Richard Wagner
_____5. Solo singing part in an opera.
a. act b. prelude c. aria d. postlude
_____6. When singing in an opera, the focus of the performance is on the singing technique called_____.
a. Bel canto b. Falsetto c. Tessitura d. Aria
_____7. The following musical terms were used to affect the way singers sing except for _______.
a. vibrato b. rubato c. polyphonic d. tessitura
_____8. Which of the following opera singers does not belong to the group?
a. Luciano Pavarotti b. Placido Domingo c. Andrea Bocelli d. Maria Callas
_____9. Which of the following opera singers does not belong to the group?
a. Opera technique is called bel canto, which means beautiful singing.
b. Opera singers often sing in Italian and never French.
c. Opera singers were trained only for a short period of time.
d. Opera singers are only asked to sing short phrases and to sing loud
_____10. Which of the following statements is NOT true about proper posture in singing?
a. It promotes efficient breathing
b. It is essential for voice projection
c. It helps the singer project the proper tone quality
d. It helps you look taller and no need to have good vocal habits.
_____11. Declamatory singing, used in the prose parts and dialogue of opera.
a. Libretto b. Recitative c. Score d. Aria
_____12. It is part of a singing voice where register transition occur.
a. Cantabile b. Coda c. Passagio d. Rubato
_____13. It is the most common female voice; strong middle voice, tone is darker or deeper than the soprano.
a. Soprano b. Mezzo-soprano c. Coloratura d. Contralto
_____14. It is a closing section appended to a movement or song
a. Cantabile b. Coda c. Passagio d. Rubato
_____15. It has all the musical notes, words, and ideas to help the performers tell the story.
a. Libretto b. Recitative c. Score d. Aria
_____16.The highest male voice.
a. Tenor b. Baritone c. Bass d. Contralto
_____17. He introduced new ideas in harmony and in form, including extremes of chromaticism.
a. Verdi b. Wagner c. Puccini d. Bizet
_____18. Which of the following is NOT true in controlling tone quality?
a. Proper posture promotes efficient breathing which is essential to projection, tone quality, and vocal range.
b. A singer should establish good vocal habits in the most comfortable placement of the voice.
c. Endurance is expected from singers in order to give a good and memorable performance.
d. Singer must sit down while doing vocalization.
_____19. Sarsuwela also known as drama simbolico was first introduced by ____________ in the Philippines.
a. Benigno Zamora b. Severino Reyes c. Dario Cespedes d. Clodualdo del Mundo
_____20. A weaker and more airy voice usually in the higher pitch ranges.
a. A Capella b. Falsetto c. Glissando d. Vibrato

(21-30) Write A if the statement characterize the ideals of Romantic period and write B if it is not.
_____21. They were inspired by traditional myths.
_____22. They liked to deal with the supernatural.
_____23. Calm and simple melodic line.
_____24. Strict and contrapuntal.
_____25. Purely religious themes and precise
_____26. Opera is characterized by elaborate costumes, scenery, and choreography.
_____27. The text set to music with arias, recitative, choruses, duets, etc. sung to orchestral accompaniment
_____28. Has a style of broken chord accompaniment.
_____29. Imitative polyphony
_____30. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental

_____1. It means “place of seeing”
a. Theater b. Orchestra c. Colosseum d. Arena
_____2. The center of significant cultural, political and military power during Ancient period.
a. Barcelona b. Mexico c. Athens d. London
_____3. The “Father of Tragedy”.
a. Shakespeare b. Thespis c. Bizet d. Hugo
_____4. A short, light hearted tailpiece performed after each trilogy.
a. Tragedy b. Comedy c. Satyr Play d. Ballet
_____5. It is a Greek Theater.
a. Epidauros b. Triumvir Pompey c. Proscenium d. Teatro Regio
_____6. A large circular or rectangular area at the center part of the theatre
a. Proscenium b. Orchestra c. Stage d. Parodos
_____7. He was the “Father of French Tragedy”.
a. Livy b. Cornielle c. Bizet d. Shakespeare
_____8. They travelled from one town to another as puppeteers, jugglers, and story tellers.
a. Minstrels b. Chariots c. Galdiators d. Knights
_____9. He was regarded as the greatest writer and dramatist in the whole world.
a. Georges Bizet b. Victor Marie Hugo c. Pierre Cornielle d. William Shakespeare
_____10. An Ancient Greek Tragedian and the most famous playwright.
a. Sophocles b. Livy c. Aristophanes d. Cornielle
_____11. A play characterized by its humorous or satirical tone.
a. Tragedy b. Comedy c. Satyr Play d. Ballet
_____12. An art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text and musical score usually in a
theatrical setting.
a. Opera b. Orchestra c. Ballet
_____13. A person who writes plays.
a. Director b. Designer and Technical crew c. Actors d. Playwright
_____14. The side entrance of the Greek theatre.
a. Theatron b. Skene c. Parodos d. Orchestra
_____15. Which is NOT true in the characteristics of Satyr play?
a. Contains comic elements to lighten the over-all mood
b. It was short, light-hearted tailpiece performed after each trilogy of the tragedies.
c. Derived from imitation.
d. An ancient Greek form of tragic comedy
_____16. First permanent (non-wooden) theatres in Rome.
a. Epidauros b. Triumvir Pompey c. Proscenium d. Teatro Regio
_____17. A period where the theatre was marked by the use of technology in current Broadways or commercial plays.
a. Neoclassical Theater b. Renaissance Theater c. Baroque Theater d. Romantic Theater
_____18. Which of the following belongs to the elements of Theater?
a. Acting b. Scenery c. Dance d. All of the above
_____19. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of Neoclassical theatre?
a. Characterized by its grandiosity. c. Use of theatrical technologies
b. sceneries were highly elaborate. d. Lighting and sound effects intensified the mood
_____20. They produce props to create the scenes.
a. Director b. Designer and Technical crew c. Actors d. Playwright
_____21. It is a formalized form of dance which originated from the Italian Renaissance courts.
a. Ballet b. Contemporary Dance c. Tap dance d. Modern dance
_____22. The “Father of the Tagalog Zarzuela”
a. Dr. Ricardo G. Abad b. Severino R. Reyes c. Salvador F. Bernal d. Francisco Baltazar
_____23. He has been involved as actor and director in over 120 productions.
a. Dr. Ricardo G. Abad b. Severino R. Reyes c. Salvador F. Bernal d. Francisco Baltazar
_____24. The “Father of Theater Design in the Philippines
a. Dr. Ricardo G. Abad b. Severino R. Reyes c. Salvador F. Bernal d. Francisco Baltazar
_____25. A sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions.
a. Melodrama b. Comedy c. Action d. Fantasy
_____26. The God of Wine and Fertility.
a. Ares b. Dionysus c. Athena d. Aphrodite
_____27. A gold mask with exaggerated deep empty eyesockets
a. Cyclops b. Jocasta c. Creon d. Oedipus
_____28. A painted cloth hung at the back of a theatre stage as part of the scenery
a. Backdrop b. Curtain c. Grand grape d. Travelers
_____29. Which is NOT TRUE in the Romantic period theatrical form?
a. Used fantastic mythical or nature-focused images.
b. Melodrama was the genre of theatre
c. Women were not allowed to perform.
d. Interest in the common man and childhood.
_____30. Which is TRUE in the Renaissance Theatrical form?
a. Backdrops for scenery
b. Protagonist was rebellious who often succeeded
c. Technical innovations were introduced
d. Melodrama was the genre of theatre


_____ 1.Why is footwork important in playing badminton?

A. It brings you to the action
B. It helps burn fats easily
C. It makes the game exciting
D. It helps in the speed of movement
_____ 2. Who suggested changing the name “MIntonette” to “Volley Ball”?
a. William G. Morgan b. Dr. James Naismith c. Alfred Halstead d. Elwood S. Brown

_____ 3. In performing a successful smash, a player needs _____________

a. Agility b. Balance c. Strength d. Power

_____ 4. What is the original name of Badminton?

a. Tennis b. Poona c. Shuttle Game d. Racket Game

_____ 5. Badminton players execute lunges for a quicker return of the shuttle. To perform lunge to its fullest, you need to have
a. Speed b. Agility c. Flexibility d. Strength

_____ 6. When trying to plan for your recreational activity, which should be the best thing to keep in mind?
A. The activity should be of your interest
B. The activity should be away from home
C. The activity will give you the chance to earn money
D. The activity is held within your comfort zone

_____ 7. Badminton were first played in _____________

a. SEA Games b. ASEAN Games c. Summer Olympics d. Barcelona Olympics

_____ 8. Volleyball was originated in the year _______

a. 1891 b. 1895 c. 1910 d. 1964

_____ 9. Volleyball are composed of _______ players.

a. 6 b. 10 c. 12 d. 15

_____10. Dana, the libero of the team in volleyball is very good in her defensive skill. In what fitness component can we attribute her
skill in quick receive?
a. Speed b. Agility c. Power d. Coordination

_____11. Who invented Volleyball?

a. William G. Morgan b. Dr. James Naismith c. Alfred Halstead d. Elwwod S. Brown

_____12. Who brought the game volleyball in the Philippines?

a. William G. Morgan b. Dr. James Naismith c. Alfred Halstead d. Elwood S. Brown

_____13. Zumba was accidentally discovered by_______________________

a. Regine Tolentino b. Alberto Perez c. Lala Roque d. Kayla Itsines

_____14. Which of the following is NOT a skill in volleyball?

a. Blocking b. Smash c. Service d. Setting

_____15. Badminton was brought to England by Duke of Beaufort in the year __________
a. 1750 b. 1870 c. 1895 d. 1910

_____16. Why is badminton played indoors?

A. Its more convenient to play inside the gym
B. Friction is greater providing better stability
C. Air resistance is lesser inside the gym
D. It’s more comfortable inside the gym

_____17. Which of the following is a fitness benefit of zumba?

A. Improves cardiovascular endurance
B. Tones and tightens muscle groups
C. Burns more calories to lose weight
D. All of the above

_____18. In a badminton and Volleyball, a team can win a point if:

a. He wins rally
b. He plays honestly
c. He commits a violation
d. He enjoys smashing shuttles
_____19. Activities done during free time is called Recreation. What is the primary reason why one engages in recreational activity?
a. Fun b. Fitness c. Enjoyment d. Fundamentals

_____20. What physical component is needed for a badminton player to quickly return the shuttles.
a. Speed b. Agility c. Strength d. Endurance

_____21. Why did William Morgan invented Volleyball?

A. To make his clients busy
B. To make fun out of nothing
C. To make his clients physically fit
D. To create an indoor recreational activity during the winter season

_____22. What is the size of volleyball net?

a. .80m x 8m b. 1m x 9m c. 1.5m x 9m d. 1m x 10m

_____23. In volleyball, when the ball comes to rest momentarily in the hands or arms of the player it is called ____________
a. Placement b. Holding c. Blocking d. Set

_____24. In volleyball, hitting a ball in play at net level or above so that it is driven downward over the net is called ___________
a. Set – up b. Service c. Spike d. Dig pass

_____25. What is the height of the net for women?

a. 2.44m b. 2.24m c. 2.20m d. 2.28m

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