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Reblen Mirc Uy BSA-1D

Marynelle L Sevilla

I. Hypothesis Statement

A typical teenager couple (girl and boy) buying a condom does not bother people
anymore compared to a gay couple doing the same.

II. Background

We are living in a modern world wherein premarital sex and unwanted pregnancy
seems like a normal thing. But what is it with condoms that whenever people hear
someone saying it or see someone buying it

III. Methodology

1. The group will enter a crowded pharmacy.

2. The group will set all the necessary things such as video camera which will be used
to tally the reactions of the people inside the pharmacy that is essential to the
3. After setting all the materials, the first couple (girl and boy) will enter the pharmacy
and will purchase a condom with a loud voice in order to catch the attention of the
people around the vicinity.
4. After that, the next couple (teenager gay and boy) will then do the same thing.
5. After the experiment, the group will then tally all the reactions recorded by the
actual recorders.

IV. Testing of Hypothesis

Upon doing all the necessary things, and conducting the test we came up with the
following results:
1. The group recorded 13 reactions on the first couple (boy and girl).
 A group of three boys laughed.
 2 high school girls looked uncomfortable and shifted their gazes to other
 5 had no reactions
 3 (attendants) looked shocked and stared at each other meaningfully.

2. The group recorded 22 reactions on the second couple (gay couple).

 9 persons looked disgusted and had an “Eww” reactions on their faces.
 4 persons gawked at the couple as if something out of this world happened.
 A guy and a girl looked at each other and laughed silently.
 A guy who turned out to be some sort of a colleague of the teenage guy,
teased the couple.
 An older man looked disappointed and shook his head.
 6 persons had no reactions.
V. Conclusion

Purchasing a condom in a crowded pharmacy resulted to different reactions from

people. Based on the conducted social experiment, although we are now living in a
modern world, buying condoms still have this certain effect to people which made them
react in various ways. For most, a typical teenage couple buying condoms is way
normal and a

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