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Diseases in citrus nurseries and how to avoid them

By Megan Dewdney
and Barrett Gruber

W hile the citrus nursery regula-

tions implemented in 2007
considerably reduced pest and disease
problems in nurseries, there continue
to be problems with certain diseases
because the nursery environment
for growing young citrus trees is
also ideal for many diseases. Basic
principles of good nursery sanitation
should be implemented in all nurser-
ies to minimize the risk of pest and
disease introduction and spread within
the nursery.
The two diseases that are most fre-
quently reported to be problems in our
current nursery production systems are
Asiatic citrus canker and Phytophthora
root and crown rot.
Citrus canker is a bacterial disease spread the bacterium and force it into monitored quarterly for contamination.
(Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) that the leaves through openings such as The best solution is to use well
stomata. Symptoms generally are not or municipal water for irrigation. A
finds the nursery environment perfect
easily visible until two weeks post- new option for phytophthora con-
for spread. Young, rapidly growing
infection. So it can be difficult to trol in nurseries is mandipropamid
leaves are highly susceptible to the (Revus®), which recently received
disease, especially when they are associate an infection event with an
event during nursery operations. Even a 24(C) special local need label. Its
damaged, as occurs in routine nursery use is restricted to non-bearing citrus
operations. Overhead irrigation or at two weeks, the symptoms are subtle.
Corky, raised lesions don’t usually grown in the greenhouse for phyto-
other forms of water splash can also phthora control. Read the label for
appear until about 20 days after the
infection event. Current regulations rate recommendations. For resistance
require destruction of plant material management, mandipropamid should
and sanitation in the infected green- be rotated with fluopicolide (Adorn®).
house when canker is found, but it is Mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold®) does not
also the only way that the disease is have a label for nursery use and should
never be used in nurseries.
likely to be controlled in a greenhouse
Other diseases that are seen in nurs-
environment once introduced.
eries on occasion include alternaria
Phytophthora root and crown rot
brown spot (Alternaria alternata) and
(Phytophthora nicotianae) affects all
citrus scab (Elsinoë fawcettii) on tan-
aspects of nursery tree production,
gerines. These fungal foliar diseases
from seed germination to finishing
are avoidable in the greenhouse setting
with high-quality trees. The initial
because they require free water on leaf
inoculum source of P. nicotianae in surfaces for several hours. Citrus black
nursery production can be equipment spot (Guignardia citricarpa) has never
or personnel that move the inoculum been identified in a Florida greenhouse
on shoes or tires from the outside nursery operation, but this fungus also
environment. Foot and tire baths at the needs free water for at least 12 hours.
entrances of nurseries are the best way If sources of leaf wetness are elimi-
to reduce this inoculum source. nated, there should be few problems
Once in the nursery, the organism is with the fungal foliar diseases.
moved among trees by tools, clothing
and hose nozzles that have come in THE KEY IS SANITATION
contact with contaminated surfaces The key to avoiding most disease
like the floor. The sporangia can ger- problems is sanitation. All employees
minate and infect root tissues directly should be trained from the time of hire
or produce the mobile zoospores. to consider the nursery as a “clean”
The zoospores can swim through free environment, and the principles of
water to susceptible root tissues and sanitation should be frequently rein-
infect. The resulting infections allow forced by management. Common
the organism to grow and form more disease and pest recognition is vital
sporangia. If surface water is used for effective employees, and they
to irrigate young trees, it can also be should understand how these prob-
a source of inoculum and should be lems can be spread as a consequence

20 CITRUS INDUSTRY • November 2014

plants, but also wets foliage leading
Table 1. Common disinfectants and factors to consider when selecting to long leaf wetness periods. Long
for nursery use. leaf wetness periods allow for
Corrosive Residual increased infection by foliar diseases
Disinfectant Factors affecting efficacy to metals activity such as alternaria brown spot, citrus
scab and canker. If overhead irrigation
• efficacy reduced by organic matter is used, it is best to schedule irrigation
• degrades in sunlight; solutions need to be
early in the morning so that foliage
Bleach (10%) made fresh daily yes low
• water pH (optimal pH range for maximum can dry as quickly as possible. Greasy
efficacy is 6.5-7.5) spot and black spot could potentially
be problematic in nurseries with
• ineffective in presence of organic matter overhead irrigation or no solid roof.
Alcohol (70%) • alcohol will evaporate if not kept in a closed no low
While leaf litter should be removed
container, reducing efficacy
from the floor before it supplies
Hydrogen • efficacy reduced by organic matter moderate low inoculum, spores can enter through
peroxide • degrades in sunlight ventilation openings, being much
Quaternary smaller than the openings of psyllid
• hard water (>400 ppm (Ca) reduces efficacy no good screen. Plants around the air-intake
locations will be most at risk. Symp-
of their production practices. The Irrigation equipment toms of either disease will be minimal
University of Florida Citrus Research Water is critical to any nursery oper- in the nursery, but for black spot, the
and Education Center (CREC) and ation, but it is also one of the easiest disease can potentially be moved by
the Citrus Health Response Program ways to move pathogens within a nurs- asymptomatic nursery stock. If a
(CHRP) have a free nursery worker ery environment. When using overhead nursery is located near an area with
training program on how to avoid irrigation, nurseries generally don’t black spot, it will be important to
canker and phytophthora infestations. need to be concerned with sprinkler move to under-tree irrigation. Cur-
If you would like to schedule training heads being a direct source of pathogen rently, there are no nurseries located
or a refresher training for your employ- inoculum. However, when using drip in black spot affected areas.
ees, contact Jamie Burrow (jdyates@ irrigation or microsprinklers mounted Hose ends and hand-watering noz-, 863-956-8648). near the surface of pots, some precau- zles should never be in contact with
General nursery cleanliness tions should be taken. Any irrigation the ground. The ground is not clean,
Keeping a nursery clean is a good emitter in close proximity to growing and it is easy for watering nozzles and
way to prevent problems. Clutter can media can become contaminated if the hoses to become contaminated if they
provide refuges for insects and other tree it is watering is infected with soil- contact it and quickly spread patho-
vermin. Weeds under benches or in borne diseases like phytophthora. Prior gens to a large number of pots. See
pots can also support populations of to new plants being placed on a bench, Table 1 for products to decontaminate
harmful insects. It is also a good prac- the emitters or microsprinklers should nozzles that have accidently touched
tice to eliminate any pruning or sprout be sanitized along with the bench, as the ground.
removal debris from the nursery at the described below. Benches
end of each day. Overhead irrigation can promote Benches should be considered a
Diseased or otherwise abnormal disease spread and infection in the clean area, and dirty equipment should
trees should be removed from the nurs- nursery. The force of the water moves be kept off them. For example, contain-
ery immediately, minimizing contact disease-causing propagules among ers used for disposal of plant trimmings
with healthy trees in the process. It is
very important that diseased plants are
completely removed from the growing
Keep your investments growing
environment. Remaining asymptom-  with
atic trees should receive an appropriate F
disease control treatment, such as R
copper applications, to prevent further E
E Sprout Guards may also be custom
infection and spread. ordered to any size needed,
Tool and equipment E regarding mechanical harvesting.
sanitation S
Tools used in day-to-day nursery  30+ YEARS EXPERIENCE 
activities such as pruners, trash and
debris containers, budding knives,
etc. should be cleaned and sanitized
routinely with products listed in Table
1. Depending on the item, sanitizing T
should be done when moving among E
plants within or between benches, S
Black Sprout Guards, 8” x 20”
when moving from one house to 
another within the nursery, or at the  BEST WRAP, BEST PRICE 
AND BEST SERVICE Available in 8” x 14” and 8” x 18”
start of each work day. All equipment
should be resanitized if dropped or Mike Hurst Citrus Services, Inc.
used in a non-clean area. (863) 452-6469 • Cell (863) 443-0531

CITRUS INDUSTRY • November 2014 21

should never be placed on the bench emptied of plants, and the area should hygiene to ensure the cleanliness of
top after they have been in contact with be ventilated for at least 24 hours prior propagation materials, and days should
the ground. If plants are moved, they to moving plants back into the area. be planned so that workers never enter
should never be placed onto the ground Personnel the budwood house after being else-
and then back onto a bench. The nursery personnel are not direct where in the nursery on a particular
Since citrus is a relatively long- sources of pests and diseases, but they day. Similarly, the seedling house is a
cycle nursery crop, bench sanitiza- can unwittingly move them throughout clean location and work there should
tion opportunities do not often arise. a nursery. Employees’ hands should be be carefully scheduled.
Therefore, bench sanitization is very washed before beginning nursery tasks Additionally, every effort should
important when the opportunity occurs. and when moving among locations be made to avoid working with wet
Benches (and irrigation systems with within the nursery. Unavoidable foot plants. Usually, this is early in the
drippers or microsprinklers) can be baths should be placed between sec- morning, but if overhead irrigation
sanitized with any of the products in tions of the nursery to limit pathogen is used, it could be any time of day.
Table 1, but soil and other organic spread within a nursery. Again, water can move pathogens
matter need to be removed for effective Nurseries should schedule when among plants extremely efficiently,
sanitization. Keep in mind that bleach employees can work in certain areas. and working with the plants when they
fumes are toxic to workers and plants. For example, budwood houses should are wet will make pathogen transfer
Bleach should only be used in areas be the nursery location with the best easier. Irrigation should be scheduled
around work activities such as tree
staking and tying or sprout removal
so that plant manipulations can occur
while the trees are dry.
Prevention is crucial for nursery
pest and disease control. Most pest
and disease risks can be minimized,
if not eliminated, with good nursery
sanitation and under-tree irrigation. It
is important that all nursery workers
are trained and actively participate
in maintaining the cleanliness and
sanitation of the nursery by following
proper procedures for sanitizing tools
and equipment, and cleaning up after
themselves. However, if managers do
not follow up when employees make
mistakes, proper sanitation will not
be maintained. Help with employee
training is available through the CHRP
program and CREC, so schedule today
to help eliminate problems.
Megan Dewdney is a University of
Florida-IFAS assistant professor of plant
pathology at the Citrus Research and

To advertise in
Education Center, and Barrett Gruber is a
University of Florida-IFAS assistant pro-
fessor of horticulture at the Indian River
Research and Education Center.

Citrus Industry magazine

contact PICKINS
Industry News

Bob Guerriere Mike Roberts

has been named
( general manager
of the Griffin
Fertilizer Com-

(352) 671-1909 pany. He joined

Ben Hill Griffin,
Inc. in November

22 CITRUS INDUSTRY • November 2014

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