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Shadow Day 

Dan Fowler, Assistant Principal 

Eastern Elementary  
Bus Duty 8:45-9:25 
➔ Talked to loud group about procedures 
Classroom Visit- Respect 9:25-9:35 
➔ Led by principal, filling buckets 
Bus Referrals 9:35 
➔ Pulled student to talk about fight with brother. 
Discussed morning, what happened. 
➔ Discussed why it happened, how it should be 
handled in the future.  
➔ Dan has a folder of each bus with referrals 
organized in.  
◆ Counted out how many the child had.  
➔ Principal came in. Issue with other teacher. 
Lunch assistant job opening- staff member 
came into talk about it.  
➔ Bus- already suspended one day. Increase in days because it was physical. 
Off the rest of the week.   
➔ Called across the street to coordinate with the little brother and what actions 
have been taken over there prior to contacting Mom.   
◆ Dan has a very broad knowledge of his students and is able to speak 
to multiple kids very quickly. Has great documentation of behaviors 
and previous steps taken. 
9:57 Called to Teacher Room 
➔ Student sent to counselor. Yelling across the room. 
9:57-10:15 Talked with teacher about classroom disruption, talked with counselor 
10:15-10:30 Debriefed with principal and coordinator.  
10:30-10:40 Called parent about bus incident. 
➔ RAMPS had already called and mom said she would be driving both this and 
next week due to moving.  
➔ Mentioned that they are moving. Asked if they were changing bus routes or if 
they would need transportation. Asked about street. 
➔ Informed her that it was Salem district. Asked when his last day was. Mom 
was unsure. Explained why it was important to have the child change schools. 
Explained registration process. 
➔ Called classroom teachers to make them aware what students would be car 
riders and when their last day was going to be.  
➔ Documented everything he did in his notebook.  
➔ Checked attendance for students.  
➔ Called RAMPS to follow up with bus issue. Explained transfer issue to 
➔ Documented conversation with RAMPS 
10:50 Checks notes for follow up action 
➔ Calls parent in regards to summit packet for signature. Asks if she would like 
to come here or if they need to come to her. Decided to come to school.  
➔ Talks to secretary to get updated living situation from a parent.  
➔ Notes follow up from bus referrals.  
10:50-1:00 Lunch Shifts 
1:00-1:30 Behavior Incident 
➔ Called to room for behavior. Student glued to iPad.  
➔ Asked to put iPad down in 3 minutes, slammed on ground and stomped on it. 
➔ Ran around the school screaming “leave me alone.” Kicked and hit staff.  
➔ Tried to contact mom on dojo 
➔ Restrained on ground. Let go, threw case at admin.  
➔ Went to room 2. 
➔ Called ATS at Salem for 2 day opening. 
➔ Fills out ATS on student.  
➔ TImeline to do with meds and parent transportation. Talked about “no shows” 
◆ Can reschedule 
◆ Can use as an OSS day which is discouraged.  
➔ Entered referral through synergy.  
➔ Talked with Salem about recent student enrollment (bus issue child from this 
➔ Called behavior incident’s parent. Left message to inform mom of the ATS 
placement at Salem.  
◆ Writes down if he is having iPad at home.  
◆ Faxes paperwork to himself and over to Salem. 
2:11- 3:15 PD Planning with RAMPS (Admin, LTs) 
➔ Suzi led meeting.  
◆ Will watch a video and do a notice (student and teacher) and a wonder. 
➔ Reviewed questions they will ask and what their expectations are for this PD. 
◆ Balance of instructional and grade level text.  
◆ Discussed reading gaps that are challenging at both schools.  
◆ Teachers need to have kids reading during guided reading.  
➔ Grade level videos. 4A’s website 
➔ Guided reading text resources. Linking them on last slide of presentation.  
◆ Issue at Eastern is that guided reading is being used to teach content 
rather than reading.  
➔ Spreadsheet outlining teacher, school, text, and date/week planned to use. 
This allows for admin/lead teacher follow up 
➔ Setting purpose during pre-reading is a weakness.  
➔ Deciding to make teachers stay at Eastern to continue planning rather than 
being sent back to classrooms.  
◆ Straying away from text. Downloadable text being pushed. Idea of 
keeping teachers here is to force them to dig into texts. 
➔ Created Google Form evaluation 
➔ Dan creates sign up for teachers to list where they are going to be on 
Thursday’s PD day.  
3:15 Talked with student from behavior issue 
➔ Asked what upset him. Was upset he didn’t get to play on the iPad. 
◆ Watched a youtube video to hack into prodigy with a premium 
➔ Talked about roadblocks to begin to have a regular conversation. 
➔ 3:31 Counselor comes in to talk about a fight in art.  
◆ Write name down of student to follow up. 
➔ Goes back to student. 
➔ Moving him to ATS Tuesday and Wednesday. Took extra recess.  

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