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Breauna Crowther

Huma 110


This last unit “Happiness and the Good Life” has taught me that everyone doesn’t have
the same happiness. In other words, people don’t feel the exact same when they are happy, for
example, the people who don’t produce as much serotonin as others. Also for one person, the
greatest car would make them happy others would be a new toy. If you are like my dad he
doesn’t care about those things he only cares about the family relationship and serving others,
My personal view on Happiness is that there are two different types of happiness there is
temporal and long-lasting. The temporal would be as I have said before like the greatest car,
the greatest toy, or anything like that. Long-lasting would be like you have a great relationship
with your family or even in your marriage. In my religion, we learn about how we don’t need
World things like the coolest car, but what we do need long-lasting like family and serving
I love being outside in the sun on a nice warm day, I don’t care if I am swimming, hiking,
playing sports, reading, or just laying down this makes me happy. I also find happiness in my
religion because it is working on improving yourself and I love improving myself for the better so
you can help more people. Ever since I was a little kid my dad would always teach me and my
siblings to serve other people and how we felt after. Since then my siblings and I love to serve
anyone even if we don’t know them, no matter how small service it is like holding a door or
waving to people. If you will focus more on the Long-lasting things then you will be happy and
that leads to a good life.
Some people think in order to be happy I need to be in love or they connect happiness to
romance. As Rainer Maria Rilke says,” For one human being to love another is perhaps the
most difficult task of all, the epitome, the ultimate test. It is that striving for which all other
striving is mere preparation.” With romance being “the most difficult task of all” and it is the main
thing that we do in this life, it only makes sense when we finally get it we are so happy. In the
Crimson Kimono it says,”Christine: Do you believe there are people who’d never fall in love if
they’d never heard of love? Joe: You can’t fight the natural feeling.” No matter who we are or
what we do even if we don’t know about love we can still love others because it is so natural to
There are some cases where people are married and they are unhappy, and how does
that make sense to what we have read. Ernest Hemingway says,” If two people love each
other, there can be no happy end to it.” I grew up watching Disney movies and how the main
two characters didn’t always get along but they got married and lived happily ever after. That is
how I thought about marriage most of my life, then I heard this thing called divorce and I was so
shocked that people were happier not married. When I realized that people might not be happy
because as I said up top not everyone gets happy what we think is happy.
I have loved this and other humanity classes because I like to hear what other people
have to say about “Love” and “Happiness”. I also like defining our topics it has really helped
open up my eyes to new perspectives that I have never seen. Even learning about us as
humans and what we think about these topics and why we think the way we do. This class has
been awesome for me to expand my knowledge and go to cultural events/ exhibits that I would
have never gone in I hadn’t taken this class.

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