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3.2 Consumer Trend Canvas

3.2.1 Basic needs of customers

To satisfy the basic needs of people travelling or students at colleges with the main issue of
having a problems to clean the dishes on the go because need to bring two bulky
things (sponge and soap) separately. This issue will rise if the place have no complete
kitchen equipment.

3.2.2 Emerging consumer expectations

Currently, the existing kitchen equipment is quite complex and complicated as it still not
satisfy the users need. The next innovation will be made practically and require them
to use or buy less item for kitchen equipment, since the soaponge is a combination of
two bulky things into one product.

3.2.3 Drivers of change

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People nowadays are very interested with a conventional and simple daily life tools. They
tend to bring easier and practical stuff with them during travelling or whenever they
stay at college or doing an outdoor activity

3.2.4 Inspiration from competitors

Other business applying this trend by creating a simple and practical products but not suitable
fo the dishes which most of the products are produce for bath stuff , toiletries.

ENT600 : NFL 2017

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