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Applications of Map

Association :

Planet name and planet number

Name and Phone Number

Album and number of songs

Designation and Salary

Roll Number and actual data of a student

Roll number and list of Marks of Student.

Player ID and his data

Singer name and his lists of albums

When you want to map A to B, like a list of customer ID to.. lets say… permissions

Class Diagram:

Vehicle number Replace Optional Class Vehicle

able {

Number 1-1 Int number;
Price; 1-1 Float price;
Name 1-1 Char name[20];

Door 1-N List<door> ld;

Tyre 2-n Y List<tyre*> lt;
Engine 1-1 Y Engine * e;
Speakers 0-n y y List<speakers> ls;
Engine horse 1
Tax 1 Map<int,int> mpowertax;

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