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Why do I love bananas so much?

That is a fair question, my friend, why am I so in love with a simple fruit?

Why do I alsways choose a banana, over an apple, or an orange, well, first
of all, they are delicious, but I have one enormous reason, as to why they
are my favourites.

I used to love apples and oranges the most, but it all changed when I ate
bananas more, it was an acquired taste for me, I always liked bananas, but
ever since I ate them regularly, I adored them, I looked at contet featuring
them, I looked into their histories, I felt bad for the inbred clones that cannot
enjoy being a strong, seedful fruit in the wild, but an infertile elongated
berry. These berries are delicious, but it is so sad that not many people
know of their amazing origins in the wild!

Just because I have found my calling in sharing the beauty of bananas

doesn’t mean I exclude other food from my diet, although I dearly wish I
could, for while bananas are rich is many important nutrients, I still need
meats and fats from elsewhere.

I also do not ignore fruit like oranges and apples which I mentioned before,
although apples I eat much less... There is a great reason for this, which
will be answered in time, when these problems that hinder me from eating
these fruit stop, I might create a trifecta of my three favourite fruits!

My reasons for not eating oranges and apples and growing my desire for
bananas, shall now be revealed...
Braces, I can’t eat apples because they’ll destroy my braces.

And sores, ever since I got braces I get sores in my mouth to the point
where I got used to them, although the acid of oranges in the sores, I’ll
never get used to.

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