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Topic: Salary Increase for Teachers

State the Problem: Teachers are overworked but underpaid workers.

Position on the problem: The government must enact on this one.

Evidences to support your stand: They have to bring home tasks such
as lesson plans, create examinations, to check test papers and many
more. While most of us enjoy our weekends, they can be doing extra
jobs to compensate for the low salary from their teaching job.

Conclusion: The Senate and Congress must have been more than
willing to execute proposed bills to give the public school teachers in the
Philippines a decent raise altogether with benefits.

1. The government becomes accountable for their spend so that they can utilize
the taxpayers’ money properly and honestly.
2. Let us all be catalysts of change in our simple ways as to helping these
teachers in deeds or by resources.


Salary Increase for Teachers

Public school teachers bear a more extensive yoke when it comes to

molding the future. They are overworked but underpaid workers. Once
a year every October 5, we celebrate “The World Teachers Day” to
observe the hardships of our dear teachers, though each of one believes
that the appreciation can extend all-year long and preferably with a
monetary conversion.
Full-time teachers, based on our observation, don’t end their jobs at the
same time as our classes end. They provide extra time to those needing
help that they stay longer at their respective schools. After which they
have to bring home tasks such as lesson plans, create examinations, to
check test papers and many more. While most of us enjoy our weekends,
they can be doing extra jobs to compensate for the low salary from their
teaching job and hence affect their quality of teaching. The government
must enact on this one.
The Senate and Congress must have been more than willing to execute
proposed bills to give the public school teachers in the Philippines a
decent raise altogether with benefits, but up to now none of the plans
were realized. Where there is a will, there is a way, and our government
officials must intensify to provide the teachers with the increase that
they be worthy of. Let us all be together in spreading the awareness of
the noble deeds our public school teachers have always extended to
their students.

It’s high time the government becomes accountable for their spend so that
they can utilize the taxpayers’ money properly and honestly. Let us all be
catalysts of change in our simple ways as to helping these teachers in
deeds or by resources.With better teachers, we can raise a smarter
generation, and our hope can always gear to a renewed government.

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