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English IV – Lesson 2.

2.1 Actividad de practica

(May, might, could, must, can’t, couldn’t )

Los verbos modales: expresar la probabilidad (must, can,

may, might)

Algunos verbos modales como must, can, could, may o might se utilizan para expresar un
juicio sobre la probabilidad de que una situación en concreto ocurra o no. Fijaros en la
siguiente conversación:
Jane: What are you going to wear at the party, Laura?

Laura: I don’t know. I may wear my black dress. Or I might wear my jeans and a T-shirt.
Icould also wear my green skirt and a turtleneck sweater. It’s so difficult to decide!
May y might se utilizan para decir que algo puede pasar en el presente o en el futuro. Might es
un poco menos seguro que may, es decir que el locutor tiene poca información y que se trata
de una especulación. Could expresa una posibilidad más “teorica” o permanente de que algo
Forma negativa:
May not y might not (mightn’t) tienen un significado completamente diferente de could
I may not / might not come to the party. (Es posibile que no venga a la fiesta)

May not / might not significan que es posible que algo negativo pase.
I’m so tired I couldn’t stay awake until the end. (Estoy tan cansado que me seria imposible
quedarme despierto hasta el final)

Couldn’t significa que es imposible que algo pase.

Cuando estamos seguros de nuestras afirmaciones, el verbo modal que expresa la certeza
es must:
He isn’t here today. He must be ill. (Debe estar enfermo)

Forma negativa:
En un juicio sobre la probabilidad, la forma negativa de must es can’t – es imposibile que algo
He can’t be ill. I saw him this morning jogging in the park. (No puede estar enfermo)
Activity 1

Completa las frases con must, can't o might.

A: I'm going to climb the Himalaya next summer.

B: But you are seventy years old! You ________ be serious. You ________ be mad.

A: It _________ be wonderful to be up there and have the entire world at your feet. It would be a
dream come true.

B: But you__________ have an accident or get killed. I don't think it's wise to take the risk.

A: Young man, your life _________ be much fun if you never take risks. You should do it from time
to time. You _________ enjoy it!

B: Enjoy it! You ________ be joking. You _________never come back from this adventure.

Activity 2

Escoge la mejor opción para completar las siguientes frases.

1.-You ..... fail your exam! You've been studying for weeks.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

2.-Hi, you ..... be Tim's wife. I'm John, his workmate.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

3.-We ..... drive to the south of Spain this summer if we buy a new car.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

4.-She looks very young! She ..... be forty.

A. must
B. might
C. can't
5.-This is his third sandwich this morning. He ..... be very hungry.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

6.-It ..... rain this evening so take an umbrella with you.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

7.-They look identical. They ..... be twins.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

8.-He ..... be home already. He has just left.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

9.-The thief had a key of the house so he ..... be someone you know.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

10.- Don't buy that red tie! He ..... not like it.

A. must
B. might
C. can't

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