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H AP TE Arches Introduction As we discussed in Section 15, the arch uses material efficiently because applied loads create mostly axial compression on all cross sections. In this chapter we show that for particular set of lads, the designer can establish one shape of atch—the funiculdrshape-in which al sections are in direct compression (moments are zero) ‘Typically, deal load constitutes the major load supported by the arch Ifa funicular shape i based on the dead lond distribution, moments will be created on cross sections by lve loads whose distbution differs fom (tat ofthe dead load. Bat normally in most arches, the bending stresses ‘produced by lve load moments ate so stall compared io the axial stresses that net compression stresses exist on all sections, Because arches use maie- ral efficiently, designers often use them as the main structural elements in long-span bridges (Say, 400 t0 1800 ft) or buildings that requite large columa-ftee areas, for exampld,siplane hangers, field houses, or con- vention halls In this chapter we consider the behavior and analysis of three-binged aches: As part of this study, we derive the equation for the shape of a fonicular arch that supports a uniformly distributed foad, and we apply the general cuble theary (See. 6.5) to produce the funicular ah for an axbitrary set of concentrated loads, Final, we apply the concept of stue- tural optimization to establish the minimuin weight of a simple thee- hinged arch carying a concentrated ad | 1 oh Arches are often classified by the number of hinges they contain or by the ‘manner in which their bases are constructed. Figure’7.1 shows the three rain types: thee-hinged,two-hinged, and fixed-ended. The threehinged arch is statically determinate; the other two types ate indeterminate. The three-hinged arch is the easiest to analyze and construct. Since it is deter- minate, terhperature changes, support settlements, and fabrication errors “Types of Arches | «i Figure 7.1, Types of arches: o) thee-inged ‘uch, stable and deersinate (8) vo hinged ach, indeterminate 0 te frst degre; () ixed-end ach, indeternaté tothe hi degre, 242. -Chapter 7.” Arches Figure 7.2: (@) Buckling. of ai, uniupported ach; (b) trussed arc, the erie snd diagonal members brace the arch rib again bucking in the vetical plane; () wo, types of bap steel cross sections st io const an ate 1b do not create stresses, On the other hand, because it contains three hinges, itis more flexible-thian the other arch types. Fixed-ended arches are often constructed of masonry or concrete when, the base of an arch bears on rock, massive blocks of masonry, or heavy reinforced concrete foundations, Indeterminate arches can be analyzed by the flexibility miethod covered in Chapter 11 or more simply and rap- idly by any general-porpose computer program. To determine the forces and displacements at arbitrary points along the axis of the arch using a ‘computer, the designer treats the points as joints that are fie to displace, In long-span bridges, two main arch ribs are used to support the road- ‘way beains, The roadway beans can be supported either by tension hang- ers from the arch (Figure !,9a) or by columns that bear on the arch (Photo 7.1), Since the arch ri is mostly in compression, the designer must also consider the possibiity of its buckling —particulary i tis stender Fig- wre 7.2a). If the arch is constructed of steel members, a built-up rib-or a o chanel ~ 7. cross sion Weed box seation @ oo Bod8O oo o oO 0 bor section may be used to increase the bending sifiness ofthe cross sec- tion end to reduce the likelihood of buckling. In many arches, the floor ystem oF wind bracing is used to stiffen the arch against lateral buckling. Inthe case of the trussed arch shown in Figure 7.2b, the vertical and diag- onal members brace the arch rib against buckling in the vertical plane. ‘Since many people find the acch form aesthetically pleasing, designers cffen use low arches to span small ives or road in parks and other public places, At sites where rock sidewalls exist, designers often construct short- syon highway bridges using barrel arches (see Figute 7.3). Constructed of accurately fitted masonry blocks or reinforced concrete, the barrel arch con sists of a wide, shallow arch that supports a heavy, compacted fill oi itich the enginoer places the roadivay slab, The large weight of the fill induces sufficient compression in the barrel arch to neutralize any tensile bending stresses created by even the heaviest vehicles, Although the loads supported by thebarrel arch may be large, dircct stresses in the arch itself are typically Jow—on the order of 300 to $00 psi because the cross-sectional area of the arch is large, A study by the sentor author of 2 number of masonry bearrel- arch bridges builtin Philadelphia in the mid-nineteenth century showed that ‘they have the capacity to support vehicles three tofive-times heavier than the standard AASHTO trtck (see Figure 2.7), which highway bridges are currently designed to stipport. Moreover, while many stee! and reinforced cnorete-bridges built in the past 100 years are-no longer serviceable because of corrasion produced by salts used to melt snow, many masonry arches, constructed of good-quality stone, show no deterioration. Figure 7.3: (a) Buel arch resembles a curved slabs (b) barrel arch se to support a compacted fill ant ronda sah, Section 12. “ypes of Arches 243 Photo Pet: Rilo bridge (1909) over the Land- svasser Gorge nest Wisen, Switzerland, Masonry consimetion; The nin ate is parabolic, has a spam of $5 mae ise of 3m. The bridge is nat- row a the fala is singletrack, The arch ribs avea mete 48 al he grown, tapering fo 6 m t the suport

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