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50243-21-6P AID: 30951 | 05/06/2017

Calculate the mass of the loaded ship using the following formula.
M =V w∗W
Here, volume of water displacement by ship is
V w , the unit weight of water is W.

3 V 3
Substitute 500,000 ft for w , 64 lb/ft for W.
M =V w∗W
=32,000 ,000 lb
=32,000,000 *.031081 Slug
=994590. 40 Slug

Calculate the Kinetic Energy of the loaded ship using the following formula.
1 2
E= ∗M∗v
Here, mass of the ship in Slugs is M , the berthing velocity in ft /sec is v .

Substitute 994590.40 Slugs for M , 0.5 ft/sec for v .

E= ∗M∗v 2
=0.5∗994590 .40∗0. 5
=124,323.8 Slug ft 2 /sec2
=124 ,323.8 lb ft
=124,323.8*0 .001355817 KN m
= 168 .56 KN m

Calculation the number of retractable fenders required using the following formula.
Here the kinetic energy of loaded ship is E , the impact load on a retractable fender is F,
and deflection of fender is d.

Refer the figure 21-5, for a retractable fender under the extended impact load of 267 KN
the maximum deflection on fender is 317 mm.

Substitute 168.56 KN-m for E , 267 KN for F and 0.317 m for d.

168 .56
267∗0 . 317
=1 . 99

Therefore, the number of retractable fenders that will be required to control the ship is 2

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