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2019 Preparation Class 3 (seminar session on Christian Ethics and Scripture)

In Class 3 we will have discussion groups based upon the preparation of the questions below. Take
notes and take them with you for next class (Monday 18 February 2019).
You will analyze following interpretations of Scripture, which can be found on Toledo. It could be
practical to print them:
*Reimund Bieringer, “Homily for the Feast of St. Thomas,” (March 6, 2013) [C]. (2 pp. –
Commentary upon Matthew 23:8-12)
*Stephen C. Barton, “The Epistles and Christian Ethics” in Robin Gill, The Cambridge
Companion to Christian Ethics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 68-71 [C].
(2 pp. – Commentary upon Col 3:18-4:1)

A) Map in concise form the different dimensions of your own context: linguistic; geographical;
religious; professional; economical; social; family; gender; political; cultural; philosophical;
ideological;… [Some key words are enough.]
B) Read the text in Scripture, at least in your own mother tongue and in English – note whether there
are significant differences in translation: Matthew 23:8-12.. Use, e.g.,
C) Take the hand out and your notes of Class 2. Read the interpretation of Bieringer [for the seond
round: Barton] and address following questions:
1. Up to what extent is Gula's method illustrated in the interpretation? Can you identify some quotes
which are particularly relevant to Gula's tasks for a critical use of Scripture?
[You could use abbreviations in the margins of the texts or in your notes:
1) Exeg (T°/C°)
2) H (T°/CTODAY)
3) M (RM & RR)
4) Th (Relationship between Sources: Scr; Exp; Trad; Reason)]
2. Do you find the interpretation convincing? Why (not)? At which point do you disagree? Can you
identify at which level (which of the 4 tasks) your disagreement has to be situated?
3. A potential difference among the different readers in the group could have to do with the different
contexts we come from; look at your personal context map and try to see what hermeneutical
difference it made.
D) If you have any difficulties or questions, you can submit them on Toledo.
E) Do the same exercise for Barton’s interpretation of Col 3:18-4:1. Start again with B).

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