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Djsm~, AnJnj~¥'

Frank Thomas and Olli ~ J

The Illusion of life
Disney Animation
YSNEp 1:01'1"10:'

New York
Th~ Illusion of Lif~
Disn~y Animation

Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston

Thi s book is ded icated to
Wa h Disney
~1Ild the sta n' or artists
who brought the magica l qua lity of lire
10 character animation.

Cnpynghl" 19~1. Wa lll),,,,"Y P,od""hOn.<

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I. \\"all lli>ll"Y Pn.d",'lIol\S. 2. A"""alc't! mm. L.n,'c't! Sllllc." I hstory and cr",c,"l1~
I JoIIo<1olL . Oll,~ . 1'11 2 II 1l1'Nua,. rml1k, I ')1 ~- Ui,,,,:y allll1\;l"()I1, III Til le
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IO'J87 6~4J
Acknowledgmc ms
I. An Art Fonn [s Bom 13
2. The Early Days 1923- 1933 29
3. '111C Pri nciples of Anim ation 47
4. Oiscowry 19J4- IY36 71
5. c.lnoon Comes of Age 93
6. Appea l and Dynamics
7. Hyperion; l bc E~ !lI()1;ion "'
14 1
,. Burbank and The Nine Old Men 159
, Our Proccdur~s 185
10 How to Gel It on the Screen 243
II . The Disney SourKIs 285
12. The Follow-up FUll(.1 ions 303
13. The Uses o f Live AClion in Drawing
Human> and Animah 319
14. Story 367
15. C h~ractcr Deve lupment 393
16. Animating bf'TC-...~ions and Dialogue 441
17. Act ing and Emot ions
18. 04her T )'pcs of Animat ion- '"
and the Futuro 509


Thi$ book is about Dimey chanw:~ animation . an an e!lablin, us 10 gain perspective and insiglu 011 e~nlS
form !hat CTtaied such " 'OrkHamoos cartoon fi,u~s lhat had gone: wh;u ing by ~k when ..~ wen roo
as Mictey Mou~ and Dornlld Duck . DiUICyanima- busy 10 1\01;•• or appnise . Ottasion:llly _ individ·
_ makes audiences really believe in t~ charac· ual disagrttd wich anorher over inl.rprtUlion and e~n
1eI'$, ",ho$e ad,'enturc:~and misfortunes make prople Il'«>lIccrions. buc. lhen. argum.ncs ..·.re Ih.·ays daily
laup-and c"en cry. There is a t ped •• ingn:dient in (l("(:urt"tn«S when we " "ell' mU ing chc pkwrcs . ThaI
0\Ir type of animation thaI produces drawings that was an i"'ponanl pan of Ihe effort .
appear 10 think ;uwj make dec isions and act of their Many will loot. to Ihis book to teach lhem the S«rctS
(I'MI volition; it is whal Crea lCS 1M illusion of life. of Disney animal ion SO Ihac lhey can become: huclnl
No • • stud;" Iw been able 10 duplicate this I0O$I $lICCU5eS. Unfoounac. ly. Chis craft canllOl be learned
""I'OfWlI (but!fasc .. 11(\0:0100<1) clemen! in our fil ms. by j use readi ng a book . and not ..... emighl under any
b ~ be prodU«d by Ifl(lney alone. When a pro- c il'C\lnutancu. Our original intention had betn 10""';11:
~ M15 he is coing") make a " Disney_type" film . I book 00 how 10 animal •• hoping we could offer
IIr may thint (hil rull aninwion. nicc c:oIor. and I inspiration racher than _Ihing 10 ropy. bul as ..~
IaF 1ludgtI .e .U tlla! is n«<kd . But Di sncy anima. did our ,,"search ic became obvious C"'I c....... was I
• is mort lIwI dra ..... ing, or animating. or storytcll. greacer need 10 record ju~ how this sp:eial kind of
l1li. or p;iliMin,-~ is what this book is all 1000ut. animacioo had dcvdoped . 'Those Ii""" ..·ere uniqlic:
In tracing the de~clopl1lcn l of cl\aracler an;nUllion and will never be dupl kaled : ~ nHath of " ·...1 was
ndIer than the stooio or the men in it , inevitably "'l' lutnW had been valid in the lhealcr for 5Cvend hun·
will leave OUt the names of many fine anim.. We dll'd yUIl a nd concinucs IQ be valuable where.·.r there
~ slighting anyone , but we n:~t even more ha y· is commu nicalion wilh an audience . We fcilihal lhis
ilia over!ool:ed a key scene: in anim~cion hiscory or a .... ahh of knQwledge in animalloo ~hould be prc5CrvnI.
IpKW SoeqIll:I'ICe in a piccull' chac WOtlld h3V~ helped Ron Milkr. cxecu~ive head of all production I I the
apilin and clarify oo r meaning. h is. . mis· Oisney Studios. hoped 10 doobk ~ suff ofanimawrs
ItIdiDg kl CTtdi! specifIC ar1iscs ,,·ich lhe drawings we by 198 1. bu~ he foond. e ven . flC1" an inlCnsi~ scam..
.... in me book. since Ihis mighc imply Ihac bach Che lhat " ••. lhe~ just m:n ·lIh.1 many people capable of
. . MId the ~ylc (I"", from one person: for this was doing Inimalion in lhe Disney seyle:· Wlw ii the
Iddom me Cas( . So much of OUr o ,,·n ...·ark appears Disney style? Can il be uplained? We hope MI. This
IItrt !.imply b«lIIse ;1 was aJl dIM was available after book is "Tillen for lhe SllKicnl who want~ IQ know how
III lIIII'Iy yean . AnimalOf$ uwaUy do noc save lhe animalion was <ic:R: for ~ hi5rorian ...1\0 wants
~I $kdches. chuxler drawings. and uperi- to know why il was 00nc W t " "ly: for the aniSl ".1\0
mmcaI plans chat re~11 lhe mosc imporlanc slage, in has ncv~r rea lized the pot.ntial of an;malion as I pro.
dtvdoping I pmonalicy or piece of business. In any fusion ; for the genera l publ ic who sli ll wonders.
CIIIt. the tmphasii here is o n lhe research ralher Ihan ·· Whal really makes lhem move r
lilt ptOpIc who did lhe drawings. We hope Ihal SOrTIC readers will be Slimulat«! to
One ofme mosl rcwuding pans of Ihis project has carry on lhese lradilio ns and elevale Ihis art form 10 an
beat me inkrv~ws wilh old friends and colleagues. ever-hi&hcr k~1.

This book bclong~ to the pn>ple. pas! and l'"'5I:nl . of Ed Aardal Bill JU$licc:
Walt Oi§lleY i'rodU('lions. wl'los.l: ooop:n lion and ass;s- James N. Algar (ilen Keane
I.lo~ made it .11 possible. Speciallllanks muSt go!O Ken Anderson • Richmond (I);ck) Kelsey
(he CAl.'CutivCJ E. CIf\lon Wilker. Ron Miller. and William Andersoo Kalherine Kerwin
Vince Jdfcnls. for without lhei. continued suppon Xavier Aleno;io Belly Kimball
(lVe. the four 1<)Ili yeal'll we spc m puni!!g it together. An ll abbin Wan! Kimball
this book wO\Ild neVer have been wrinen . Ted Berman Eric l..aJ$OII
We wi~h to Ih~nk the many <kpanments who Wen: Al 8enilK) Fini Littlejohn
""'"' bclpful Illan their jobs mjui.w. In alphabctK:11 Carleton (Jack) Bnyd Ann LlQyd
order, they an: : the Animation Research Tum. under Roger Bmggie MIS. Ham ( Frukic) Lusl:e
Leroy Anderson. " '00 slorW the anwonc from each Bob Broughton Eustace: Lyecll
picture in the !lasemenl "catacombs"; in Archi vu. Les aart: Jim M",donaJd
Dave Smith and Paula Sigman. who tracked down Ron ClementS Bob McCrea
informalion. checked names and dates and spt"lIings Ufry Ci(mmons Bill Mc FlIdlIen
and tides and locations; An Props, .....tJos,e skills and aaude CoatS Bob MclntQSh
mo"'lrdgc in saJvagin& and ~nting mlIlerials ...-ere Evelyn CnalS Dave Mictr.cnc:r
in,,,lulblc; the tidies In Ink and Paint who furnished Ed Cool< Oarence Nnh
uS Wilh illCll'dible work on the cels: the dedicated staff Bill Cottrell Grim Nal wick
in the Library : Ihe crew in Merchandising and Publica- An Cruickshank Maurice Noblc
tions. and Don MacLaughl in in particular; the cooper- Jack CUlling C liff Nordberg
alh"c men in Still Ca mera and IMir indomitable leader Marc F. Davis Ken O·Brien
Dive Speno;cr . We are indebted!O tMm all. Wc also Lou Debney Ken O·CQnnor
a~ gr.udul (Of tM cno;ouragcment received. in N,.,. Al Dempster Dale Oliver
~cmber 1979. from Diane D~ney Miller, ","arm reo Don Duckwall Bill Peet
sponse to our manuscript in its first rompktc fonn . Becky Fallberg Ken Peter$Oll
We ".en: very (ortUNUC to ""~e (Of our cditOf the Vance Gerry Elmer Plummer
paUmi and scholarly Wahon Rawls . His sensitive COII- Blailll: (iib$on Manin Provensen
u;butions sho>o.·ed a remar1cablc underslanding of our
purposes that was boIh reassuring and apprttiated .
Our !hanks abo go to our ~ympalhclic publiIDcr RCJbc,r"I
"""" '""_
Floyd (iol1fre<bQn
Joe: (iBnI
Wolfgani Rcilhtrman
Leo Salkin
Milt Schaff~
E. Abrams. whose> persona! intcre ~t in the proj«t and Don (irifr"h Ben Sharpstetn
detcrmination to makc a quality book of our writings Belly Ann (i""nther Mel Shaw
and i kelchcs inspired us 10 an cven more critical Dave lland A" S1evens
approach 10 our work . Ed Hansen Sandy Slrother
"The day ancr Wah died. Woolie Reithemlan said. T. lice Hero Taylor
··From this day on it will never be li ke it was. but only John t leno;h Mary Tebb
ascach person remembers it.·· We want tOe~pre5SOUr Did Il ue"",r Ruthie Tompson
Iwm'ialion to the following peopi( who helped us Wilfred Jackson T om Wilhite
remembor the way il was:
1. An Art Fonn Is Born
. 'Animolian elln f,rptnin .. 'I"II~,'er ",,, mind of ""m e,m COll(t;W . .. Walt Disney

MiUI always has had a compelling urge to make repr!:- suggestion o f movement. Since that time. we ha,'c
senlaljon~ of .he things he ~s in the world around been inundated with· a!!enlp\S to .hape some·
him . As he looks 31 the creatures Iha. share his dai ly thing in clay or stone or paint thaI has a life of itsown.
aclivities. he first Iries to draw Of sculp! or mold their Cenain anists ha"" achieved marveloos Il'sults:
f()l'm$ in recogniUlble f ..~hion. "Then. when he hewme. sculptures that are bursting with energy. paintings that
mon: ski llful. he anempu to caplllre some.hing of a speak with slrong inner forces. carvings and dfllwinp
c<talu",'s movemcnls--a look. a leap. a strogglc . And and printS that have captured a living moment intime.
ultimately. he :>«ks to ponray the ,'cry spirit of his Sut none can do n,OTe than suggest whal ILappcnedjUSt
subject. For some pn:sumptoous Il'~. man reels.he befon:. or what ...·ill happen afler thal paI1icular moment
neW'o creale something of his own thaI appears to be has p;1SSCd. Yel, through all the centuries. anists coo-
living.lhal has an inner 51I'1:n&,h. a vitality. a separate tinued to search for a medium of CX p"~ion tlLal wookl
idenlil)'-SOrnelhing that speaks out wilh authority- a permillhem to capture Ihal elus ive spark of life. and in
creation Ihal gives the illusion of life . lhe late 18OC1s new invenlions scen>e:d allastlo mU:c
T"·~1I1y.five thousand yean ago. in the caves of Ihi s possible . Along with improvements in the moIion
soothwestem Europe. Cro-Magnon man made ast<)Und· picture camera and the development of a roll f'lm
ing drnwings of ' he animals he hunted . His repn:scnt3. capable of s urviving the harsh m«hanisms for projecI.
tions are no! only K\:urate and ""aU!ifully df'dwn. but ing its images. a new art form was born, animation.
many seem to have an inner life combined with a Sy making SC<juential dra"'ings of a continuing action
.... 1lJIll' JoIM S.......II. fir;~
and I"..*,,,tin& their phmographs onto a screen al a lion is, it i~ al:>o . m t:mdy difficult . Slill. once an
con>lant ralC, an ani~t II(IW rould creatc ~II of the an iSI sees his drawing,; conI< 10 life On lhe 5O; ... n. he
m(w."",nt and inner tife he " 'as capable of. .... il1 IIC,..,r again be quite p.lisfled wilh any OIl11:r I)'pc
An artl~t could rcp"'SI.'n! the actual figu .... if he of upt<:ssion .
c~. mcllculou,ly caplUring its mo"enICnts and ac- "The unique challenge of Ihis an form "'"as aplly
lions, 0.- tIC could uricalul'<: il . satirize, il . ridicu~ it . dc>e:ribed by Vladimir (Bill) T ylla. fir$! animltOr 10
And he "'""15 OOIitmlted 10 me ... actions; hc could silovo' brlnl Irw cmotlons 10 thc cartoon scfttn . ' ·· It ..~
• mOIlOlllo. fcelinl~. c,·.n innermost fCar$ . Ilc could melMionc:d !hat the possibilities of anlmallon ...., Infi •
K,,·t ..,alIlY 10 tilt d..,ams of Ihc visioNry . He could nile . It is alilhat. and y.t "cry simplc-bul Iry and do
• ..,al. a chuactcr on lhe scr<:cn thai not onty appeared il ! There isn't a minI )"ou can' l do In il u far as
1(1 Itt li"ing but Ihinking and making dccision~ all by composition i~ to ... emcd . Therc isn' t a carKaturist in
himSl.'If. MOSt of all. to c'·.ryone·s su rprise. this ne w Ihis country ,,'00 has as much liberty I S an animator
an of animalion had lhe pow.r 10 make lhe audience: here of t.... isting and .... ea'·ing hi s lines in and 0111 ••••
:telually fCcllhl: CIllOlions of a ean""n figure . But I can't Icil you how 10 do il- I wi .h [ (ould.··
What an an form! Jt is aSlonishinglhut so Bill "'a~ spea king 10 a group of youn, animalors
r.",· prof.nionalS h.,.., in~.Sligated ils possibililies. ....ho had boc:n asking how he achieved his wonderful
for ... he.., else don lhe aniS( ha~. such opponunitiu rcsults on lhe Kreen. II. ans ..· simply, "To me
for self u",""ss ion? The.., IS a ne",' ueilemc:nl 10 the il' Ii jU>l as much a mysICry as cver bcfore-$Ol"l"lCtlmtS
fanuliar e~mcnls of dl1lwing and design whcn thcy arc I g.1 il--somccill"lQ 1 don'l . I wool tncw . ItlCn I' ddo
'""""'n heroi<." $i~c on a large screen. bul. Il"IOoR: Ihan il mo«: often .
!hal, the oddiuoo of n1(w.menl opI'lIS the ""ay 10 alll-' " "The problem IS IlOl a single Il1>Ck one . Anllnalion
uftlimllW new Il'lalionohlps in all areas. And the ""00- is IlOl just liming. Of j usl a ,",ell-dn,,'n CharaclCT. ~ is
dol"$ continue on inlo color . Ihc sum of aillhe facton ~med . No matter ""IIlU the
E",n thc brightcSl pigments on a painling Can ..,nccl de"i1 one talks aboul-wllelhCT fon:e or form. or ,,~IJ·
~k 10 thc ~Ie""cr only a limited amount of light . dn .... n chsl1lC'lers. liming. or 'pacilli- animacion is ,II
Their appa..,nl brighlness is 1'<:13I i,'c 10 itsel f .• nn~ lhese Ihings-not anyone . What you I S an animalor
fronl dark 10 light of aboul 20 10 I. But w'lh the light ~re intcreSled in is conveying a ctnain f~cling you
intensily of III<' proj-eClion lamp ~nd a highly ..,ncctivc h~ppcn 10 h~"c ~I that panicular time . You do all sons
scfftn. Ihis brighlllCss factor inc..,ascs 10 an udtina of Ihings in or<J<,r to get il. Whcrn..r you 1Ilt,·c 10 rub
200 10 1_ II:n l ime~ a$ g..,at! Just as thc slained glaS> 001 • IIiouS:tlnd limes in order CO gel it is imltlOllCrial .n

,,'Indow had brwghl dluling brilli..... afttT cenluncs COII,",)'i"l tJ cerrain Irrli"l IS thc cu<n« of com·
of ... Iat,,·dy dull ffl'SCocs. tilt inlroduction o f lighl munkation in any an form . The rnpoose mIlle vjc",'Cf
behInd till: film made .... hol~ new I1Inges of color ,,·ail. is an emotional one. boc:ause an spcaki 10 lhe hean .
able 10 till: artist . Add 10 this Ihc potenlial fOf building This gh..,10 ""'mation an almost maenl abillly to ruch
«>lor ... IJIKlmhlpS in SoeqUCnce for wonger cmotional inside Iny audience and communicate " 'ith all peoples
rcspoIIse. and till: artist has before him "" incrNib~ c~e'Y"·lItre, ... gamless of language Il.arnen. It is one
med,um for self e~",""ssion. BUI re .... arding as anima- of an;malion 'li grcatesl slrengths and ,.nainly one of
lbe mosl imp<>nanl aspc'" of ll1i. an for the young Scicnlist and aUlhor Jane Goodall repons Ihal c'·en
animator 10 study and mast~r . As anisls. "'c 110....· h.,·c les:;er primales. such as the chImpanzee. have a ....·hole
new responsibilities in addilion to I~ of draflsman ··complex nonverbal communication based on touch,
and designer: we ~ave added lhe d isciplines of lhe posture. and geslure. . ... The:;e ~clion s vary from
aclor and the lheater. Our tools of communical;on are an exchange of greelings ....·hen mceling to aclS of
11-..: symbols thaI all men understand hecau:;e lhey go submission. often ... ilh lhe arm extende<l and the palm
back hefore man df:veloped sp«cll. lumed duwn . When a lop·ranking male arri,·c, in any
poop. "!he OIlier chimps invariably hurT)' to plIy Ihdr up al hIm wilh bil! staring eyes . ·· 1
~.lOUChlng hIm ·... ,01 ou!Stlffi:hed hands or bow· Some tWO hurodrcd ~ s Igns clearly d,s.pLay
,ng. JU!'! IS courlieTS once bov'w befln lheir king . " chim~nzcc cmotiomi include preenIng. embracms.
Mll'Ii Goodall describe~ how a lone male passing I charging. kissing. and pounding . Chimps are apt 10
mOIher arod her family Il:!ponded 10 her gll:eling with ning lheir arms around OIlier for runUnln<;'(:.
a ''''''h. "as . himp eliq..eue demands. then greeled throw Ihings in anger . steal objects funivcly. and
her lOfant. plIuing il gently on tile ""ad while it looked scream wildly wilh excitement .' Most of these ex·


J'l'cssions of fcding.! and language symbols are well ,ired . or discooraged. or e,'en li . tlc" . We can add a
k""",'n In ",~n. W~It..r lhey "'" burk<J o.Ittp in his lur and !,mpoint our ~llil udc a 1I11le he",'" but 1M' is
WbronSCIO"~ Of Slill xli.·ciy u~ In h,s OWn com - ,he U lent of oor capabililies.
mUnlc'II'"'' bc.>tla,-;or. "The: Ih'c actor lias anulher :.<I'-anl~J!<: m lhat he can
Dogs. 100. !la'-" a ""hole p;!uem of actions 001 only imcrrelalc ..-nh others in the ca>l In racl. lho: producer
clearly un<krstood by OIhe, dogs bul by man as well. relics ho:avily un Ihis. When ho: bc~",. a I"'e acllon
Even ",Wl<)\l( u~ing sounds. ~s can coovey all of 'h~ pic. ure. he SlaMS ..-ilh two "'''","S ofp""'cn "hili!) ,,110
broad s!"'tlrum of (moll om and feelings, There i.< 1\0 will gellcr~l c somc lhin g sp<:ci.1 JO" by being lIlgcther
doom wh<:n l dol!- iJ ashamed. or proud . or playful. TIlere " 'i ll be a chemi,,'Y at ""'k Ihal will create
or sad lot hdhllc,cm, .1«1')'. disgusted. ,ndillnant). charisma. a spc<.'iaJ cxci'ement Ih'" ,,111 dic., an imme -
He Sprats ""j,h his whole body in both attitude and diale re~sc from ,he audience The ",: l<", ",it each
mo"cmc:nl proj«. a unH;jUC' cn<:rgy simply beea\>,"" the)" are re~1
'Y'I1c XWr is trained 10 tnoYo ' '''~ )ymboh of com· prop • .
munica'io" becau'>C they are his 1001- In trade . Ba- B)" ron'ntSl. in anima.ion " 'c , Ian "'Ih a blank pi«c
SICally. the animator i. the actor in IIninkl'cd films_ . Ie of paper! Oul af nowhere wc h;,,·c 10 00"", up wi,h
is many othf.:r things as well : how ... ver. in his druns to chalOlclers 1hal ".., ..,31. that hc . that illtcm:lale. Wc
cO""0unic:,lc his ideas. acting become:, his "''''' impor- ha,'C to work up Ihe chcmi>lry hc lwccn thcm I lf ;IIlY I<
lanl dcvk.... Itut ,he animator ha, II ,pedal problem. la ui,' ). find way' 10 creatc the cou nter!"'n of ella.·
On the " age. un of lho: fOl"C'goinll ~)mb()ls arc aerom· "sma. ha,l' lhe ehar"",e", muvc in _ betic"able man·
panied by sonK' kllld of personal magn<:,isnl 'M' can ocr. and do il all wnh mere pcncil d ..~"",V . That"
ro.lU"unlU'C ,he f«lings and al1 i.OOes equally;o,. "ell enough ehallenJl(' fur an) body
as .he action lIsclf. is a ' P"" .n . his kind o f TIlesc problems ,,-uuld SCCm ,u C .~~le COII,KIe",bk-
rommunicalion .ha. is u.renK'ly ali'c and ,·i!al . 110\0'- diffoc:ullles For achl~~ing the c"mmonIC~lIon ct~lnK'd
cver. wanderful a.~ .he world af anima.ion IS. i. is '00 for ~nlltlal ian, . 10'" can 11 ,,'00 "" " ooo.rfully? It
crude la '''p'ure camplc.el)· ,hal ki nd af ,uhliely. dncs il in ~ ~cry simple way Ihrough "h~t "'~ "all
If in ~"ill1aliun we are tr)"inilla shu,,' Ihal "chamc- "auditnce ,"~ulv~mem .. In '~Ir ,,"n livc'. w~ find
Icr is sad. we droop lhe shoulders. slump lhe body. ,hal u we ge( (a know JlCU1Ilt ,,~ , ha.e their ex!"'·
drop III<' 11<':.<1. add a long face _ and dlOlg lhe f«1. YCI ricnces-w~ sympathize. " 'e cmpath<l.(. "C cnjuy. If
lhose s.omc: s)"mbols also can mean Ihal til<' d.arae"r is " 'c lu"c .hem. "l' bcconK' deepl) concerned ~bout
theu ...·df~. We IIecome invol,·w in their lives . mlCTOphone. ~hoing footsteps. a creaky. door. you
We IRvol'l: the audi~nce, in our filnlJ lhe ~"'" wc~ held spellbo<lnd . Tho bro;idcasts were prop,ted
way. WeMal1 with something they know and li ke_ Ihmtlgh symbols inlO your imagination. and yo .. made:
This ... n bo either an idea or a characler. M Ionll as ;t lhe s ituation ~al. It Wall "'" jusl " 'hat you toean!. it
is famIliar IIIId acrealing. 11 can he • siluation every- wa. what the sounds mad<: you bolie"" and fecI. It ...-as
one IIu c~prncncc<J. an cmoI:ional ruction un[\l:rsally "'" the IICtOf·' emotions you ,,'cre sensing anymore.
sllartd •• fllC<'t of sonIWnc ·, personali ty ea$ily recog - Thcy "'·e re y(;ur e motions .
nized. Of any combinat ion of these . But lho: re mll.'il be Fortul1;llcly . ~nima tion worh In lhe sa"", way . II is
KIIIlI:thlng tilat is kllOYl·n lI!Id un<k~ood if the film is capllblc of gctllng ,",ilk the heads of 115 .lIo;he~.
10 achlt'l: audience: in,·oh"emcnt. in10 their imaginations . Tho ulUljflKfS WIll make OUr
In dlt g~at d~ys of ntdio. the~ ""C~ many pr0- little can<XIn character SJld-aclllally. far!-td<lcr Ihan
gram! presented in such a specia l. intimale w~y that we could ever draw him-beo ll!ie in their minds thai
lhey drew the li.lening audIence into lheir 'lotieS characler is uul. He lives In the" imaginaliom . Once
conlplct.-Iy . The myslery prognm~ ...·en: p;IfIicul.trly the audience has hecome IRwlvw ",·ilh your rnan.:.
good Ie Ihls. using VQKl:S tIIal ~lIChed oul to you-.and lers and your Story. almost anything i. pos. ible .
good sound eff~IS: h.:avy bru lh ing up close to Ihe Fm a char.Kter 10 be Ihat rcal. he muS! have a per·
T IME CHART 1923 to 1933
Walt maln "Ii«·. WnMt ,/,,1t/I W" allSa. Ci ty. In " ug uS!. romcs 10 Holly.......,.
Coo,Tr\ for AI ~ .mes.
Fonn. COn'Ipany ,, "h bIOthtr Roy.

J"incd by lib I...~fl< .nd fncnd< from " "n.., Cit y. Tum out ,,"" ~tu fe • """'th .

19 25
~rin 5"".. " ful.
... ff gro'n ". 12. Ne'" cooll"lCl rot one picTu"" . '.ery th"'" ",ee~ •. lJuy pl'Of'Cn)· "" U)·pelion A.·e. Stan buildi"~.

Mo .. e '0 ne"" "..clio 00 UYP"non .

Complete I. .. Ioiia f,lm . !>!an new ... ie> .... i.h OM "hl ,h~ Lud~· R" Pt>JI.

Aftef 26 P;~l" t"I: ' . Wah 1000$ rights to O, ..·. ld., new ""ie, ",·ith Mickc)· Moo ..
SOUN D COMtS I N - - -- ---- - - -- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - ---
Nov . 18. St fflmboa, Will,.. open< in New Yor\<..
More Ira« netde<l . Use of soo nd m. k.. Di,,,,,y·, f"", most c. l1oon stooio. Animato" flOm No" Yor\<. btli n ani,'mR
build; ~ e ~pa!>dod . Firsl Silly S)'mpbony--Sk" ~"" Dan<"~ . .IIid,y·, 0 (1<) C/wo. anima.ed min ."1'''.
Staff in"ea.... '" 30. Chain G'JIIg. has OOi .hat later bee."", Pluto .

Nt "" buildings added for
anim.",,,. plu ~ wund U~ ly Duc*'in~ . nample of .. mnger "ari es , Fi"t I'yoot mon hi red .

n()~W' nnd T,,~• . fi rlol eanoon in rolor . S,.n of.n s< hool al nigh,

Thru Urr/t Pi~. _ " Mou nd,ng """".. fi nance < e>pllniloo and man: ""dy. Bottom oIlJtprt:I,,,,,,
SOIIIIily. aoo. ~rerably. an intcre . ting 011<: . tl~ muS! ar.: stuing tlnwn. You """Id be g~~rul . ~njoying c:och
be • WIIIf..,.,:>bk ;b an old , hot . lCl "" exc iling as a <"",I ...·"'d. Or you cou ld be "rumphanl a, )·w Ih;nt
-!fIriIIc OIIt(oI . Sp«tators ean laugh at a gaG. be o f benef . ~''''''ger . more biting ...·... ds. Or you could
daukol 11)' I lit...· df""I. ""'1 be ,n"'guN by 5<'fM' be ''''mbling " -;Ih ragc a, , he ",hoi" idea or lhe lerriblc
Wng ~kly (re. h. hul an of Ihi ..... in hold their effrontery of Ihis mechanical age .
Itlmlion r... hardy leo mlnUl ... A ~ Ch.rlie Charlin Suppose lhe ",riter " -en: 10"csick and " ·riting IU hi,
aid of hi~ oUln beginnings in lhe m","e husiness, dre am girl- prohably the th;rd ~ uch rnM Ihal "I\If"·
"uuk as I kno:w .1x•.11 movie, . I k..., .... III" I\l)(hing ing . A ~ill)" smi le might become fi~cd o n his rae. a.. he
t"ns«ntkd I"'r<o"ality .··· In addillo n to ~.8 s ami rc,"Cicd in each sug~ry word . Wilh II;Ilf·c kw:o.I ()'cs
.fftc1S. there n\U,1 be a point of ~nlry through .... lIicll and heavy ' iglls. he wo.. ld gale inlo .\fIOCe _ing a" can liknlify ,,·;tll \he §tOf)" ~,"'ation. ~nd the mofM"tal"Y VISion of her precious fa«. '1"..,.., ..,,,,,Id
~ "'lIY I, ,hrou,h a ch:ll:lct. r "ho ;. like someone be kiss,", o f the <...rd ",hen he ",.;;tli fim. hN . ,,'-en
1he)' 111,·" knovon . lie un be more he ..... c. Of biuer rel"",a~ III drop it inlll the nllllho~ unlll be Iu.d
lIIan life .... "11"1<""'" Ihan sin : ' bUI b:I.~lCaU)" It<. ha. sighed onc lasl ,ifM and ki,><:d lhe bek'\"cd n~II"I< jn>!
10 be huma" c'K",!:h for lhe aud,ence 10 "mk:"laml OllCe mOr(" .

him and ;(\cnlif)' .... ;Ih \he problem s It<. be •• in Ihe

nc ,rnt AIIII.: , icall lIIime and an ise Angn. Enters'

II is easy to !OCt: ht' .... Ihe dc"cioPIIICIl1 of '''' ill(iivi.
dual pef5<) n~lil)" in a .Iory s ilualion ca n nwkc ewn lhe
dulln t action b«omc cntcnainin, . In addilion 10 (he
II!Cd 10 &i'~ ller d~ lhe "",i,nment ,,( " 'riting " personality . hO\O't'·(r. the", . hould be ~ ( han1-'C in the
po.!$4C..:I ....... r IllUIl:innl cire"m"aocr$. beea"", il i. initia l aclion that ..·ill enable an ani ""'Ior to show
III KIlon «m' d of an)' inlere.' "h.b,,~'·er wilhoul mofl' than one side of 'his perwn;t]il)·. n.. ,nnsl ;nltr.
1h<..scM.... of rc~nati')" . BUI once a , lfOl" 1"'......... es,in, e llaraclCr in ,"" ...·orld is oot "e r)' u e i, in, ,,-hen
ali\y is inlnxloced g'"" i""',ibili,ics sIMJdcnly bc<:OnlC ,il1;ng ~nd l islcnin~ 10 .. ~)' nlphon y (oneen _ Our \rue
" ,·'wAf(;lll
apparent. personalil;", arc bes, rc\"uled h)" uur feae,iu", 1<> a o.;,n,ld·! C
To be,;n "i'h . i, hdps 10 tlc"dop a s ilualion in chan,c we d ,d nol e~pec'
...tlich )'011' im~glllcd personalit y ca" (uIICI ;lIn. Say Take a . Imple example of .. goll"cl ~cuing ",ally 10 ~'_li~
thal)'llU'" .. .ning 001 on a too.; it is 1II01"l1l0g arnJ I"" make a eruc: IaJ shot . He >hu>o.', conccnlrat'on and !l..1er· ella"",,," .
~! is fUlJy 10 kave . You ha'-e been urged to hurry
lIP. but just lhen )·ou "''''''mber IlI;It you r",gut 10 put
tIw ~ 0lIl he( Ita" ing hom. ! You mu!>! "rilc a
""itt 110\( 10 )'' '''' neighbor "'ho Iu., It..; lc ~- . a,king
her 10we ca'c uf Ihing,. Now. huw w""ld y,,... " 'rite
lilt cud'! If )'011 h,,·( chosen a ncr-.·O\IS. in~cu.(. and
dil<l<Pni~ed I'monalil Y in Ih~ 1i"1 place. you will
h."I,·c allnl'" ""lilllll,,11 hil' o( bus;nc ~~ 10 sho",' all
factll Ii the d",.r""l.r~lt..; ""nf.,;,..... ,he p>nic . lhe
I. . 01 be,o, left ,"",hi nd. lhe inability '0 phr.>-.c " o rd.s
10 II.- they n..Lc ~ny ''''''''''. the fluuc r o f inm"""nt
.IIM». the Ik>rcrallon .
0.. ""PJK'St 11\0 po!.rotl .... ,,"og It..; card i, highly
ind;,nant """",,, • Ctlmpulcr in Ih:.\ It<. n", not
p:lld a o:cn~i" b,lI antl has jn>1 scm him hI> 1;1\1 IIOliee .
No ...· tilt wool. mn>! be chosen w;,h c~re . T"" com-
PUI'" and lhot '·"'"p.n)" Ih'" h.s b«n . Iup,d ~ nQUgh to
....·n it 1!III;t "" told "If in TIO unccn ain tcrms. There
... ill be 110 on..,."... (rom the ioc ",,,'c ,""eu, allons you
minalion as he prepares for the imponam swi nS. llien .
suppose he misses lhe ball enlirely. His lrue characler
will be revealed 31 once! If he is Donald Duel:. . he will
fly imo ~ "'ge and blame lhe ball. If he is insecure and
nervous. he will blame lhe club and promptly break it
over hi s knee . Or. if he is a popular amateur who has
been off his game but has 3 sympathetic galler)" trying
10 encourage him. his response will be biuer dejec-
tion. and you will have pathos in your slory .
Our goal in these s tudies is to make the audience
fulthe en>otioni of the ~ haraclCrs. rather than appreci.
ate lhem intellectually. Wc want our vie not merely
to enjoy the situation with n murmured. "Isn't he
cu-ute?"' but reall y 10 feci something of ""h~tlhe char·
acter is feel ing . If ""e succeed in thi s. the audience
will now Care about the eharactcr and about what hap.
pens to him . and that is audience invoh·cment . With·
OUI il. a canoon feature will ne,'cr hold the anention of
ils vic",·ers.
The various aspecls o( what animalion is. whal it
could do. and how it worked were learned slowly over
the years . lliey werc ccnainly not evident when lhe
an form was flrsl di$Covered. c~cept in the epic works
o( Winsor McCay. the N..,,· York Hrmld' , s kill(ul
canoonist. Working essemially alonc:. he turned oul
several aSlou nding films between 1911 and 1921. with
SOme canOOll figurcs so convincing that he was accused
of tracing them from p/IoIogroph,. In responsc , McCay
drew a dinosaur for hi s next film. and. incidentally.
dis<;oyered the imponan<;e of a canoon chara<;tcr" s per.
sonality in establishing rapport with the audience.
Today his films arc historic clusi~s. but in their time
chey "-':~ not commercially successful. and Chat forced
McCay to return to ,",wspaper work . His c re.tions
were vinually forgonen for fifty }-.:ars.
OChers enlering lhe animation roeld lacked McCay's
awel'llrne calents. and few autmpted anything more
than whal was commercially aCttplable . Aflcr all. in
those early days. movies wc~ Mill a novelty and car·
loons " 'ere added 10 the progrum only (or amu seme nt
11Iey were not an imponam pan of the shnw. and very
liule ~y carne back to the studios thac made them .
Audiences responded tO,he gags and preposterous sit ·
uacions. so creative energies went into a search for
different approaches. fresh angles. new tricks. rather
chan into making hener pictures . When the men in a
Sludio f<IUnd a gimmick. that was successful, Ihey hung was 10 the wall he had Ihe strong suppon of his staff,
onlo itlenaci<IUsly , Max Fleischer had his "OUI of the whose loyalty and dedication to both lheir boss and
Inkwell" series, and Pal Sullivan's slUdio produC<'d their wort kept lhem sacrifices Ihrough dllJls
OIto Messmer's films of "Felix tile Cat." Animaled of uneenainty When it came right down to it, most of
comic strips. illustrated jokes, live action relimed and uS were more interested in keeping animalion alive
combined with drawings. and a variety of othereffons Iban we were in making money. We were beginning 10
were made to assure COntrao;t rene wal for a struggling sense lhe magnitude of the an form that we were
"\ldio. discovering. and ils polential held us like a magnet.
Of aU tile early pictures. only tile films about Felix Wall was basically a communicator. and in the ani,
suggested 1M idea of giving a character personality. mated film he found astounding potential forexprening
but his crealors had failed 10 develop Ihi s past rudi- his ideas_ The cart()()n drawing always had been a very
mentary beginnings. relying instead on visual trick. simple and direcl graphic form. and whether it WitS for
that gOl audience response. Nothing then gave a due social comment or just amusement it had 10 pcescnt a
10 what animation might someday become. and no unified. single idea with nothing complicated ..... tra-
promising artists were attracted 10 lhe studios_ Most neous. or contradiclory in its makeup. When IIle cu-
people felt thaI by 1923 ju,t aboul everything had been IUUO was transfem:<! to film these elements .<till applied,
done Ihal wos possible. and IIle exhibitors were I""king and nOlhing was dra",'n Ihat was no! part of lhe idea.
in OIher directions for something new to lheir Background, COStume. character. and e . pression were
audiences laughing. all de.igned for a sucdncl statemenl. Behind lbe char-
This was the situation when Walt Disney enlered acter there was only a horizon. or a house. or a rocklo
!he field. and he was nol an immediate succes •. In run into. but Ihat was all.
fact. it is uen surprising Ihat he was able 10 get a To include only objttts Ihal Were needed for the
toehold in this tough business of limited contracts and idea became the basis for a language of drawings on
tighl money. BUI Walt was a fighler and had great film, Walt t()()k to this nalurally. and if any of his staff
detenninalion; he was no aeslhetic artist living in a introduced something wrong or confusing or "ague.
drum world. As he said. "I have been up againsl he was quick to nOliC<' and to educate the offender.
tough compelilion all my life. I w<IUldn't know how 10 Walt gradually added lhe more sophisticated graphic
get along without it." Any man with Wah's talents symbols of acting. presenting complicated ideu that
001 withoul his spirit and lenacilY would neVer have had 10 he underslood very quickly . We used to indio
made il. cate how successfully drawings communicated these
'There were conSlanl ballies. many defeats. endless Ihoughts by saying Ihal they either "read" or '"didn',
disappoinlmenls: he losl the rights to his cart()()n char- read . " John Heneh .' one of lhe studio's most gifted
acter. his staff. his contracls. And then when he finally anists. said "We don ' t really know how much we
began 10 achieve a bit of sucC<'ss. his studio became a learned here aOOut using images to communicate-to
pri'-" 10 be laken over one way or anolher. or run <lUt develop a kind of visual literacy ." At the time, oone
ofbusi~ss! Union jurisdictional problems plagued him of us lhoughl in Ihose leoos Or stopped long enough to
u he devtioped new te<:hnique<. new equipment. and gain perspective on what was happening. The language
new idea' in entenainmenl. Yet Ihrough il all he never of imagery was emerging as II _'eparate an form of its
losl bi,love for people or hi s faith in their judgment. own, fC<juiring skills and disciplines different from
" I am inlerested in enlenaining people. in bringing those of related craf~~ . NOI every artisl could masler the
pleasure. panicularly laughter. 10 olhers. ralher Ihan demands. and mosl failed to realize Ihal they were
being coocemed witb 'expressing' myself with obscure invol,'.d in something quite different and exacting.
cre.tlive impressions '" I Ihink Ihis is a lillie hard for people 10 under-
Thn:M.Jgh those first years. Walt and his brother Roy· stand. ,. John continued. "the fact that yOU are devel,
struggled alone against the people who controlled tb. oping a kind of language, and a very precise one.
movie industry. In laler decades when Walt's back They figure thaI graphics are no! precise al all-they're
TIME CHART 1934 to 1943
Aoolh<:r building [(If 1934
New wave of .11,,, , ",ns com ing. A,'t i"n .naly,;'_ cia',"". Icrlu", •. Pla'full'I"", .
• character 'kinks !FI.\;n~ Mm"~, G""Id~>5 of Spring . Wiu I.i lll~ 11m in'reklLl«"
Donald Duck .

Buildi"l\ fOf In k &. Pa'n!. 1935 •

Band Conca'. fi,,,, Midcy' in color.
Person",,1 passe. 400. C"""i~ Cam;,."I. /j,<>k,." Toys.
Goi<lrn r""'h. Who Kil/,d Cod ROO;" '

Mick~,,' ,
Grand Op<"' . Elme, t:l~rh,,"' .
Thru W,,/>-.... Thru 1M Mim)' .

A'pi"t Climb"•. Cmlnln, COO"" .

" r~,,")
Another anim.lion 1937
bu ildi ng
1I"~<lii(/n Holid"."_ Smwr~' s
~"""""l pas,.. 800. Clock C/~,,"us .
The Old Mill'renli,y
II .n ,n"'",,,
Animation on IJr",'~ UII/~ raj/"r. in'o
Wall ~itk, to make one
f~al u ", a yo.r. r,,,,uui,,
Anima, i"n (l" Prac,imi Pig.
,. ,""""'" "Of'
Thf I'oimfr. Goofy & 11'j/b"r. ""'"Y
Personnel p..... Ioc)).
Ugly V"dNnl/
.nima""" , ",n,,'K'" ,,,no ,
"''''' _,1,"1 ".otl<

eurb.nk Studio fln ishcd: n"",ho oni",., ion
stafr mov .. a, work i. "or)"
compl.,ed on Fa"'''',,,. full c'rew
1940 I
Nn\"Cmbc, I'M()
Warin Europe lake, f""'ign
market . Staff cui to 700.
Or,obc, I'M I

PirlOCChio, Fanlasia.
Bambi .11 I"",
money II box office .
Golden Age i. over.
ju~ SI)rI of droJnli~e. IIIe(re pleasanl 10 look 3t. mem were lhe government.financed WpA and Dis.
dlty"re ~helic-;n'lead of understanding ..'hal the ney's . In tcn years the studio wem from lhe ow vital-
bait mini is about · image .' [don ' t know how e~ ity and <.:ntdc. dumsy actions of S,filmOOaI Willit to
anyone could ~ this e~«"pt in motion pictures. and . the surprising sophistication and glowing beaUly of
panicv.I;arly, in cartoons-you sure don't He! il in an Snow Whitt , Togelher wc at the Disney Studio had
111 school," disco~crcd many Ihings about communicating with an
II ii impossible to judge the films that were, or audiern:e . Wc weTC still to learn muc h more ,
1he animation that was done , or e ven whal is worth Wc continued to experiment with many approaches
Jft~ing in tile mcthodli that " 'cre used, without an to filmm:.lting and different uses of animation, from
undef'Ualldin, nf this language of imagery th.l1 spol::c · 's top motio n " wilh cut outs, limited move ment ,
IOdtarly flQ!!lihe K tte.. no! drawings by tho:tmel,"eS stylized design , puppets , and )·0, 10 the full «"I ani.
01' paintin,~....- i!lOla' cd M iles, oot tile v;wal symbolS m:u.ion , Whate~r lhc method. the pictures that tOIthe
o(_io;~tion , When the oulSl.nding violinisllsaac biggesI response in the theaters wen: al ways !he OlIOS
Stem 10';1> ;l>kcd tho: difftfCllI:e bctw~"<!n the great and thai a(:hicvcd audience invol~cmc:nt by telling dermil-C
!he truly great, he replied, "Tho ahil ily to communi · Stories through rich perronalilies,
ca\C ," It i£ tho: key illgrcdicn. in eve ry an fmm and h had begun wilb Mi<;key and Pluto, a cartoon boy
«"nlinly tile' gNat strength of Wah Ois llC(s gen ius, and his dog, who appeared to think and iugge>-ted !he
Wahw.u also a gambler wilen it mattered most, If spirit of life , Tllen, the "Silly Symphonies" portra)'Cd
he believed in I n idea, he would risk lmolulelyevery. tmotions in their charactel'$. and there had been I
thing In Jd it before lhc public, D UI he WilS also prnc. feding o( lifc , Finally . in the tell;ng o f fea~-Icngth
lial tnough to work wilh " 'hat he had, rather than tales aboul spc<:i rlC characle rs who wcn: con~inci""y
~t (Of " 'hat he wishe([ he had , Ilc would ""'y, "[ real. the full illusion of life WU K hicvcd.
don't know if it's an, but [ know [ like it." and he Tlle Illusion o f life is a rare acromplishmcm in ani-
ftil intuitively that if he liked it IIIe rest of the world mation, and it was never really mastered anywhere
would like it, loo-if only he cou ld find the righl way e~ccpt at thc Disney Studio, Of all the characters and
10 presenl ii , stories and uciting dimension $ of ontenl inmcnt to
Walt hiId. rc>tlcss natuTC and never liked to do the rome from that incubatOf of idcllS. this is lhe truly
PIllt thingSl"'ice , As he said o f himse lf, " I can ne"cr uniql>C achic~emenl. This is what moSI he CIamined
SUI'Id $Iill. r must uplorc and e~periment , I am never and uplained, un<leT5100d and apprco;:Qtw, t.aught 10
Alisfoed with my "on:, I resent lhe limitations of my others and ~ on to the animators of the futUR ,
own imlgination _" Where OThers felt luc ky if they It came from new ways o f thinking, ways of making
o;oukl hang on to whal they had , Wah was ronstantly a drawing, ways of relating drawing~ to ClOch o!bcr-ail
~an:hing for new way~, bener ways, and, especially ,
ways th31 hi s sma ll grou p of artists cou ld handle . As
mlny ofl~m .g~ ;n latcr years, "One of Wah' s
g=lCSt gifts wu his ability to get you 10 wmc up
... ~h things )'00 didn ' t know weTC in you and that
yoo'd ha,~ sworn you couldn' t possibly do!"·
As the alidicncc response verifitd Walt's cof"'ic·
lions aboul entertainment. he wa~ able to fight for
bener tontriICts thai brought in a lillie more money.
Now he could begin to add to his ~w ff men who had
be.n b,wer traint:d and artist!; who had a greater vari-
ely of talents , Tlle Depression had begun, and young (
anisu ..'C~ fKed with a bleak foture, if any at all, ;n
the~ial ftclds, Tlle only two places fOf employ·
!he: refinemenls in Ihis language of imagery, BUI il exer.:ise of constant critical judgment. That is why the
also clme from new ways of looking at siorie,. Ours ,,'orld· , greateSl mime. Marcel Marceau, say~ of his
"'ere n(lII "rillen down in Ihe usual way: li>cy were own work. ··h takes )·ears of Mudy . You can t ju~t
dra"'n. because a few ,timulaling pictures could sug· walk Out on tile slagc and do it,'·
&tit far more aboul the potential entenainmcnt in an Marcel Marceau also said that his teacher. Etienne
episode tilan any page of words . More than that . our ~crou~. had lold him thai II>e principles of communi·
5tones were kepi f1e ~ ible unlillong after ti>c first ani_ cation with an audience were the <amc ones in use
mation ~ been dQne. Oflen a whole new chardctcr 2.000 years ago: Ihey had been handed do"·n from
"tlUld appear from nowhere and take ovcr the SlOry. lea<:hcr to £tudent ever sillCe, l1Ie entenainer"s "sym-
When we ~ed Snow While. there was no Dopey in bols" thai bring audience identification arn.l arouse
doe casI. Pinocchio had no Jinlin)· Cricket. and 8 ambi s)"fUp.ul>etic feeling •. as well as techniques used to
hMi no Thumper, An of ti>cse characters evolved as poriray emotions. 10 please. 10 e xcile. 10 capti,·ale. and
!he: pictures de'-cloptd. A~ Walt said .. The i'>cSlthing, 10 cnlenain. have always been known by sollle. At
in many of 0111 ptclUrh have come after we thought Di,ney· s ,,'C leamt.-d lhem painfully and slowly by lrial
!he: $lOt)' was tlloro\lghly prepared, SOmelime, we don·1 and enOl. Although wc had the greatest of leaders. I>e
rtally get do", 10 our personalities untillhe story is in was nOi "rictly a 1eaci>cr. Still. by learning the ru!es
animation ..• this wa), we learned them thoroughly. and son"'tim.s
Jt "'lIS ne'"Cr 100 latc Itl make a ch~ ngc : nOlhing w~s wc think we may have added a few foo1notes of our
el"Cf ~ as long as I"" possibililY c ~ i,~led Ihat il could O"·n to the histone lore of Ihe tlu:ater .
be made 10 relate beller IU the overall piclUr.: or com· Most of our work has been in only unc small pan of
munitate more 'Irongly wilh Ihe audience. We slrug · the vast lield of animatiun . There are so many arUS to
gIed to build interesting. appealing characters. bUI be e xplored. drawings to be tried. emotion. to be cap.
Il105t of all ,,'e worked 10 frod ways to make Ihe audio tured. effecls 10 be crealed. new wonders to be secn. Jt
(Ott Jttl lhe emOlions of the animated figurcs- is an exciting prospect. Wilh electronic aids being
emotions the audience could ··relate to. identify with.
and \!eco"", im'ol'·ed in .··
perfected and new tools and materials being used. who
can possibly foresee what lies ahead'! It prom.bly will
All of lbis look ,lUdy and desire and knowledge and not be another Wall Di sney woo willicad lhe way. but "",ilt
inspil'3lion and monlhs of selection and building. but
that is true of any great a1'1i,lic a<:compli<hmem Fine
someone Of ",1m group of anists will surd)' disco"er
neW dimen.ion. to delight and entenain the world, "'" ,
WOIb iIa,·~ nt".r been achieved easily nor ,,·iIOOUI the Hopefully. Ihis book ,,·ill be their springboard. ~B"'"

- ......
,....... :-
W- _
MrI1t DIIi, Jo~ItSl()lt . ""fin Ward K im/xJlI. AlIt/Sf Frank Thoma.
2. The Early Days 1923-1933
.....tfirsl Ihe curWon medium wm just" "m'dry. but il nf'wr uully begun 10 hil umil "'f Itad morl' flam tricks . ..
,,11Ii/ we del'flOpi'd pUJol/dlilies . W" had /() I:el 1K)'0,," gf'lling u laugh. They may roll in rite aisles. bUI that
dotSIl " meall ),OU }'m-" u grew pin"r,. You Itav,. 10 Itav,. pathos in the thing:" Wall Di,ney

When Walt Oi_,,,,y first cam~ to f-lollywood he had no been praised on T uesday was regarded as only. stcp-
in(enlion of continuing 10 ma ~ . animated canoons. I Ie ping· s!one 10 something better On Wednesday .
had done that kind of work in Kansas City. achieving All his tl\Qocy went ioto films and the development
only meager success with his Laugh·O·Grarns and none of a swdio. as Wall began colk'Cting a staff li kely 10
at all with hl~ li rst film. Alic,.·" Wonder/and. Now he
wanted 10 try something that offered a greater outlet
(Of his continuous ,(ream of creali,'. ideas: Walt in-
tended 10 be a mo"ie director in one of the big studios_
II "'as only after his money ran Out and h. was yet 10
be "f'P'l"'ialed by the major produc~rs that he was
forced to return to the one thing that previou s ly had
paid his bills. Di,appointing as this muSt have b....,n for TSEA
Walt. it was extreincly fortunate for eYeryone else .
Altboogh he was interested in many different aSpe<:ts
of the entertainment world- as he demonSlrated in
laler life---animation was lruly the perfe<:\ oullel for
hi s special imaginalion and sense of fantasy. Slill. the
year 1923 Willi a p:micularly bleak one to be entering
that field .
As. ,howcase of hi s work . Wall had o ne completed
folm. Alia' s Wonder/m,d. and when he sent it off to
a cartoon dislribulor he was surprised to re<:eive. in
return. a contra<:! for Iweh'e mOre fi lms. This WaS a
startling beginning. and if One pIJnned films <:arefully,
watched expenses. and <:ul e"cry <:on<:eivable comer,
it was f'Os,ible 10 make a profit . BUI Walt was nol
inlCreSled in cU lling COmerS. It waS Iypi<:al of him thai
anything he went into had 10 be Ihe best. and not just
the b<,t of whal was curreotly being done. but the be SI
it was possible 10 do. This always made lhe job of
pteasing him very difflcull, since the drawing that had
for lhe average canooni51 1l'~lIy 10 kllOW how 10 im-
PfO'Ie his "'OI'k. The fun 01 aninlilling. of duinggaas. of
IhinkinJ Up funny businrM IIl{$ ~~IK~~ (,lve, the
Iong-Ierm, II'«mingly distanl n: " 'aRk of ~If.impro'·e_
menl . In many CI5eS. lhe aspiring an,lit " 'hoo;c c urios-
ily kept him lleeking more and more knowl(dge oIl(n
found himself lilt subject o f ridicu\c from hIS co-
worlffl . Bill Tylla was asked. "Whalillt Iltll do you
wanl 10 go 10 an school for_ yoo'1l' animaling. an:n'l
yooT '
They could nOl know il al lhe lime. bUI ilClua ll y
lhen: was lillie chance for lhe~ canoonb1-< 10 illiprove.
givcn the Iy~ of material lhey wen: animating . The
spo! gKlI$. Slc1l'OIyped figun:, . a~rw.:( of personality
in the charactcrs. and s lipshod method of working
gave lhe anists lillie opportunity 10 u~ any new· found
kOO\ll·ledgc. E""n the g1l'ateSl 01 animalon would t.a'·e
w ithered under such limited demands. This is as lrue
today a~ il wa. then: Ihe1l' nluSI ~ litO!")' buSlrocloli
gro'" along wjth him . Ben Sharp5lecn.' firs! of ,he: calls for lood animation or the1l' will be no wcll-
anima'," tQ~ (lUI from New York , said. " [ ~ animaled scenes .
a job with I fUlUre. and [ did 1\01 see a promis ing In 1923, lhe animated figure was muved as lillie IS
fUlUre at the$<: lllller s tudios . S UI W alt was diffcrc n1. possihle in ~ canoon. and lhen only 10 n:ach lhe loca_
Hi s hiGh regard for the RnimatiOfl medium 300 his lion for Ihe next gag. If his fttl Went up allll down. he
detenninalion 10 produce a _,upcrior product grea tl y was wal king . If they Wtnt up and down fasi. he was
3Jl1X'alw 10 me ." Wah had 1\0 idea then what lho~ running . As oflen as possible. lhe animall),s cut 10 a
superior pic!Urc~ mig\!! tIC or how he " 'oold go about $l;cnc wilh lhe characl(rs in place to " pull the gag."
makillglhen,: he had nO'"filans and no spe.:ifte ~Iorics. and lhen Cui a""ay aflcrward 10 lhe ne~t ~I·up . lIow
just the conviction thaI thc:y " 'en: going to be thc: best lhe gag was staged Wll.< very importanl and given can-
canoons an)'OI'K' had .,,'H seen. fultbough!. bulthe mo,'Cml'1lI ""as considered more a
01' COUI'liC. Ihis was no! a ~w or U";quo: aim. />bny c~ an opportunity for elllenamment There
of tho mm in New YOIt. had tried comtanll)' 10 impro~ was 00 allcmp! eilher 10 imital( 1l'al acllon or 10 eari-
tho: quality of animation . An cia",.,,, in lioc c".,ninll~ calun: il . Bener W<>I"k had ,,"n dorIC' e~rher . especia ll y
" 'ere fumi5hetl by Raoul Bam! al his !-ludio to help by Winsor McCay. but no orIC kllC"" 110.... il had been
impro"" IhI- drawing Ibility of his anislS. Occasion- done . A fe w wished 10 impro'·c. hut whe1l' " ""Id lhey
ally. an an imator " 'oold ha"c an opportunity to study a study? Who c(""ld leach?
specifIC action c"""fully. and everybody would be awed It "" as e~Cn m01l' difficult fur begin"" ... 10 learn
by the animation thai followed . Still. i, was difficu lt whul tricks already had bttn diS(o~ered . Th~ lead

B,/"" ,h, d",.. of ",,/.

r ..... O. ...... ltF. "f...., _,,/~
,,~ .~"I Iw tYJotlJ ,,,,,",,
I.i. abj«"'.,.
animalQn; g=<kd Iheir """reI, carcfull)·. n~"er re-
vealing IMir pri"ale d~vices 10 anyone . Whal you
kamcd)"QII had 10 learn b~' ~'O\Irsdf as best )'ou could.
AI Wah's Mudio il wa. different . Ik insi~t~"<J on an
optn almosphtr~ where each an i,.1 ~ha,.."d hi, ,· i~".. ,
and discoveries . If one man made a drawing Wah
liked. he called e>'eryone logolher to point il 001. Or if
an action seemed clumsy or 1"~"ly staged. h~ would
diftt1lhe anisl immedialely 10 gel help r",,,, a 'Ironger
man. Alllhe de,k, ....'ere in Ollc large roum all he lime
(which encouraged di!.Cu!&io ns of Ollc type or anOlher
anyway). so lhe .nimalOr'$ talked abool Iheir an and
!heir problem' and whal Ihe fulure of the , Indio might
be. E"cn in Ihose days. Wah was moving so fasl inlo
onoc:haned areas thaI his men Wl:re hard put 10 keel' up
with him . No one cO\Ild dony thaI Wall was exceed·
ingly stimulating and cxdling 10 he around .
1'Iltre wa.< anolller faclor besides lalent and abilily
thaI was 10 playa major pan in Wah' , success. It was
hi s background as a fannboy living dose 10 lhe soil
and working w;lh animals. which had given him a
pIlilowph)' ;md approach to enlenainmcnt "ith a uni_
"crsal appeal. He ne,'cr pUI on air<. WI' alwa)'s sin-
cere and heme.l. and Ihesc b.,ic "alues permealed bis
.."Or!; . Atthnugh his tastes ha\'c hecn called mundane
by some. lie alway, soughl qu.lity and slyle. Wah
said Ihal h..... med hi s pic lure. 10 reneel Ihe "feeling
of happy .~dtemenl 1 had when I wa' a ~ id .. And
trn.1 .piril no....·cd Ihrou~llhe project> he touched,
There w,,-, one last custom thaI enabled lhe Disney
animalors 10 forge far ahead. and Ihi' seems 10 have
~nquile ae.idemal. The)" u",d peg" al lhe bouum of
theil drawing boards In hold lhei r work in place ..... hile
iJI!he EalllOp pcgs alwap had becn Ihe rule . 11 had
_mtd lo&icallo pul Ihe pc~' al Ihe tol' of the board.
001 of lile W3)' of the arti,,', band. and no one recalls
why Wall ,Iarted 10 use hn1lOm pegs hack in Kansas ,
Cily. No one knows why Uh'1wcrks' and Ihe olhcr
urly animalors conTinued 10 pm up wilh the lillIe
OOslluctions Ihal cnnlinua!i)' nicked thcir wriSIS and
hands. bul wilhoul Ihis chancc pmccdure animation
mi;lll "",'er ba>'e de>'eloped intn a "ilaL forceful. and
varitd art fonn .
"The rea"", for Ihis is more ,uhjccnvc Ihan literal.
OnIwin&S can lie made almust as ca~iI)" wilh ei lher Inp
or boltom pegs. and. ""hile rclali,m,hip, in Ihe aeliun ~
IlIl'more difficult 10 see when the paper is held alihe e nthu siasm-nolhing Was impossible.
lop, much of the action can be ponrayed almost as Wall had grown up watching the great vaudeville
well. BUI there comes a lime when the drawings are aclS of the time . acts that had taken years to perfect
near completion that it is necessary to "feel" the life before an audience. amQng them " Willie. West and
sUPJIOO"d to be in them . Thi s can be done onl y by McGinty" and " Joe Jackson and his bicycle, " aod
"mlling" the drawings back and fonh. with one fin- also the work of Ihe great downs like Emmet! Kelly.
ger between each of any five drawings. The aClion is Walt admired Chaplin and lhe olher film comedians,
checked forward and backward in minU!e delail or in KeatOR. Lloyd. and Lan gdon. and he quickl y unde.-
brood relationShips. Drawings 12 frames apan c an be stood a basic truth of comedy: the personalily of the
checked against each other 10 see whether Il1<::y really victim of a gag determines jusl how funny the whole
give the illusion of the aClion wanted. and then al! the incident will be . For instance. falling into an open
subtler secondary leHon s can be studied frame by manhole is 1>01 funny in itself. A lillie old lady trying
f_. to sell her lasl bunch of violets would gel a very con -
A whole SUlek of drawings can be lifted off the pegs cerned response to suc h a lumble . An uger Boy SCOUI
and nipped in !ieqlltnce to give a good check on the who fell while demQnstrating counesy to his troop by
overall &CeRe. but the only wayan animator can le ll if helping a lillie girl across Ihe Strut mighl draw some
his character is acting as the scene was <;:Qnceivcd is (0 c huckles. as long as he was not hun by the fall. BUI an
roll tile drawings whi le feeling the action in hi s own arrogant construction boss who hadjusl ridiculed some
body. Usually the animator tries 10 feel tbe action as wone. for not watching what he was doi ng would be
be makes !he initial drawings. and man y a night he cenain to get a laugh. Marcel Marceau used a simpler
goes home with a stiff neck or a wrenched back after example: if a dign ified man slips on a banana peel. il
animating a dog in a quizzical look or a stan led duck is funny . If il happens to a man who is down and out.
whirling about in astonishmen!. I! is possible to do a it is no!.
vel)' nice scene simpl y Ihrough careful planning and Walt also n:al iud that it was beller 10 build on a gag
hard thinking , bIIt withoul being able to roll through and let the situation develop than to mOve quickly to
the drawings it is impossible to get that extra juice that another gag. And mosl imponant of all. the thing thaI
produces tbe illusion of life. n:ally g<:>I to an aud~nce was their knowing how the
This "'rolling" action ~came so imp<mant during character on siage fe l! about whal waS haJlPening to
the mid-Ihinies Ihat many an anist tried 10 enlarge his him : the "' looks " at the camera . the ··bum.·· the rage.
capabilities o f handling mo~ than a mere five draw- the helpless stare. the blea k express ion . Lau rel and
ings at a time . Many tried to involve both hands in the Hardy used these ructions extensively. and Edgar
proce<;iure. butlhat lost them the possibility of making Ke nnedy was well known for his bum of mounting
pencil corrections or additions at the same time . unless anger. Years later. Jack Ben ny became famous for his
they had l>e<.n trained to draw with their teeth . Even abiJiIy to provoke sustained laughter by llIerely looking
!bat Was attempted . Those were days of invention and blankly out at the audience. Of course. the situation
.II '" t,.•'j'm~M .. ,;,1, j<~~b<1/

... "Iw""
'''~~, .
,ffi''', ,h>~.'" '"


- ,, ,

'-- I-fi,·t'l, ~<'/ln~ ,hm.-,

W,,/t'. !C"'" i~I'T~" in pa-
",""Ii 'i' ~"J 111,' ,hal knge>
h<' ~",.~ W hi, "n,,"""''''
Uh 1.. .,,1;.. ",ad, Ih , I~,''''''
" .. I W(lir ,/"",ii>t',/ Ih, .",.
",,,,"'....1 ,,111/.,.J.o .. ·.UIl~J
i~ Ilk- .... nr

tI.lIl lu b.: buil! '"Cry c~rdull} and \.'Ic'"(II)' for lhl~

hu."""", '0 Ix- cfr~·.:hw. bul the hu",.... .)( 1M s;lOalio"
I~)' In the lous.: ( N' Iknny ', fa...., and the k""" ledg.. o f
ho" h<;fdl . I
( Jlhc, '"('mediaM knew the ,~I"" 0' thi, d,,\·icc.", Kerr In hi, book. 1'1,,, S"<'~I CI"''''I¥.' points
I~ ,/t,' """MI;" . .-If"...
"'~,~ ,""...~ i. a"'''' ,I,·
<,,,I Ihal Chapli n '''''k .arc '" (, h,m",,)f a> one ~" 'm,,' ~'("' . MklCl n-
"r "'. as be longmg 10 ,he world "r Ih .. audience ralher I"'·'.,~' (InX'" allll di'fu"
,"," Ihe characlC" on the >< Iccn. He >h ar~ d e,u)"- i" Stc.,"!~'.' W,II ,r.
Ih"'~ " 'illt u>--I rom rIclight 'n di,"rc sS-~11<! Ihi . is the
qualily Ih., Wah inmilively n:a<;hed for .,,-en before people .o work for lhem, and not jus. a few frknd~ WI
lhe dlys of Mickey Mou§e. many people of diverse inleresls and backgrounds.
In his f~ film$. !he c lw'Klen look I I !he Camel'll ,"el)' unlikcly peOple. III wori<ing ...·ilh each ocher for
allll 5hNg. or ha,>:: an embarns§cd . 1000hy smile. or Ihis OAf:' man !" Ycan laler ...·hen Wah ""ali"kcd " 'hal
regiikr con~cmalion " 'ilh womw brows allll ~WUI he considem:l his grealCU achievement. he n:plicd
pouring off .heir faces in a 11n:am of droplcls . To $imply. " Building an organiUlion and holding il .·· It
I~ of us who knew Wal•. i. wlS ob"ious Ihll he had WIS' n:al ac<:ompl i~h~nl .
acled 001 each simalion and. cNde as Ihal early anima· Walt had ~umw wilh Ihe amazingly lalented Ub
. ion ,,·as. we C(>Uld ,·isuali1.o:: him up lhere showing I...·crl::$ and a few friendS fTOIll Kanl-ls C ily. WI none
how il oughl 10 be done . of lhem n:ally knew anYlhing alxxlI animalion or how
Walt". glop wen: illlrinsic~lIy n(I I:>cner .han any 10 make a film . He had pickw up one or IWO young
ocher ~udio·s. bul lhey " 'cn: llagw beller. " 'ilh ~ fellows "VIking around HoIly,.·ood. bul il ""IS IlOl
Call: taken '0 establiloh .he s itualion . Thc:n: was ~ unlil he was able 10 hoinl <JIll men frvrn lhe New YOIt.
concern for dc1ail. for building comedy. for mak ing lhe Mudios Ihat he fillllUy had some professionals 10 help
lag payoff. but . mosl imponan •. for undernanding improve the prodOCl . Typical of Wah. he IOld lhem
lhe fedingsof lhe clwac.ers ;nvolved in. he gags . The whal to do righl fror" .he Sian .
dcSQlslion when Ih ings went wrong . lhe happy. bouncy Wilfred Jac kson." who had conI<' 10 Ihe Siudio in
walk when Ihings "l'1Il righl. annoyance w ilh indigni. 1928. ~callcd lheirn:aclion. " Sollie of them fell he
I~. dc.e""inallon. scheming. fear. panic. compassion was • lillie rough wi.h lhem allimes . Wah could make
_~ were .hings Ihal could be animaled! This ""Ii you fcd n:a.I bad when he wanted '0. I don' . n:membcr
acti", . and i. ga"IC the animalor a chan« 10 Ui<: his .hem n:bclling when he Ioid lhem 10 do il diffcn:nl . or
medium effecli,-.::Iy-in limi", . in carica.un: . and in all.ed for belief animation . . . . Wah""" a '"CT)' p«.
ac.ion . Animation began 10 corne .live. and " 'hen lhe s uasive individual and a "lC1)' inspiring person and he
audieoccs recognized familiar situations they beGan had lhe IbililY10 make you want 10 do what he wan~d
to iden. ify wilh lhe char:>elcrs' predkamenl$ . They you to do."
laughed harder and remembered . These early ani lll~lors wen: not anis.. as mIlCh as
When Rfflli,r"s Dignl w.nled. biographical s kelch lhey wen: enlenainen . BUI the field of enlenainmtnl
"TIllen on Walt. lhe nug.zine hired Richard Collier. is wide. and any lboughl lhal il ~fen only io humor is
who aln:ady had 1...·0 suc«ssful credits in lhis field. "lC1)' limiling . Wah 's ideas of enlena,nmenl ,,-.::nl far
Ont: on MU»OIini and lhe OIher on Captain 800lh of beyond gags: he sooghllhe new. lhe novel. lhe unex·
lhe Sal'"ation Anny. While at the ~udio. Collier ""ali pec.ed. the beal,lliful. and the colorful s iuwion wilh
asked if lhen: was anylhing al all that lhese Ihn:<: men wannth . Inslead of Ihinking of canoon malerial as
had in c:ommon . His answer was a quick and dcfinile being ··cmenaining.·· one might r,nd a beller COl1CCpI
affinnal;ve . "1.11 of lhem had lhe abili. y.o gel oc her in Ihe word ··capl'v.,;ng. " Aud iences have '0 be
imprt$'C.J. 3hM)l~d . in" o l\'eo.l. la ken OUI or Ih~m , ~ t<JTy point~ ~~ lI cd for 00 ~nal y .• i, " I' an)' lh inll hc)'ond
xIVe5. ~ 10 fOfg~1 I~i, own wOfIo,!, and I(}SC lhe m, tho: .t~f!ing of lhe bu $in.: ss, II i> ,,1<0111 "'onder thlt
K lves ;IWI'S fOf <.'lInOOJl) to ""'''ted. W311 had 10 f,nd Wa lt "tark<ias.king for reali..",. If ~n ~'Ol 1>:0.1~. enc ir·
Xlions lll:M "'~,~ funny tn I~I ,~, yet u s;l)" =<>r' d e ;0 larce ,>bjN1. it fTIC'fl:ly "'3> "",,,he<.! unt il ~,
nitt<l as __ hin, b milia,. g3p thaI ,.,ere I'lau<ibk ( _ ~h to do tM job. If :'l io.·~e)· ,,"', >IIf'I"'!Cd I()

('I'm thoG, h \~ry int,s inath 'e. situations that "we t>cd<on ti> Minn~ . I]u, .J1on ..... s o f hh ~.m II.,..Je tilt
based on tv\'ryooe 's uperience • • 00 ehara<;leN that h3nd 111<1/1; a~ if il " 'ere "'mt~hing hi, nt""" . '0 the lIIo.
hid i1lttftS\in~ !k'l"Wf\OIl itie • . n...,,,,,, we.e the tl\in~, malt" sim ply drew the ann k"'g enough In got tile hind
tllat rould huld an ludic r.ce . and 10 Walt Il\e >' .ude<.l , kat "r the head . oot where the &,·,1110: ~',,,,Id be _ no
up 10 one simple Ipproac h--~ cl .i"aturc ()f .nti" " . One d••y. ~ lntO!lt by """iden!. "''''l<~,"" ",:ok a !lC'f;'s
He could be endle~<ly inll<lvative. c ~ pl,"' in g a ll facet ~ of draw ing.s that looked far toell Cr Ih,m "n)' lhin~ ~
of the entcna inn-..:nl "' orl<.l . as long 3 ' he re mcmbc .e<.l bcfure . Ea,'h drawing. had So d"", a relali<>",h ip 10 lile
always 10 C3pl;,'a(e the au<.li en,e hy ",ali n~ il . 11 tJne prec~ding that "one line " .... ,10.1 1'0110101' Ih ...... ,h to
bclievat.k-h)' making ir real. the I..," , .. L., Clark.! who h;,o.l C'"I I(' In II ..' . 10010 in
.. As far back ~. I ,'an ",me m"t>u. ·· Wlltrcd J••,:hl>f1 1927. Io/d of how ama7ed cw.)',,, ...· u, th.:t.t ;om nt:tk·
said. "WIlt .... nted hts dra"'-ing.~ th.:!! "" e re anima!ed ing the l i",,~ tlmo.' throo ~h eac h dra .. 'm~ in a !o( ntS
M ~m to bt ru l th inS' tMt had fee ling., 200 e (11ol)o coo k! mak e ...... h a di ff...tOCC In'I,·:.1 .... Ihe " XUIO
tions IIId rhou~, and the marn thing " 'as that the accti' lIl "",,111«<1 by a ~p o f ",.".Iy ",Iated dnvo'·
lUd~ " ...... td bt lieve them and that lhey wOIItd e:m: inj:s. -ud..Icnly WK "'·a. a plC3-'in~ ' 1I•• ~hness thai happcM<J III them aoo he u..."tl to .to:" In! tM eye from drawing. to dra,,-injl. " '[,hi, .... 3. ",ally
thM !·· Re . S~atpSleen e _p«ssed it thi. " 'a)': " 1 thin~ an c.w itin!; thin!! Ihat we di""" ',,il....r: ..
t"- Witt WII initil ll )' ins piI'M b)' aninmoon that Man )' pr,lbk01S could""" then bo.' ..>I,'C<! . EWf)'ntI<:
strtsKd ~lWl'Ial ~)' . l"IIe woog impre,. i'lIl th.t il made k""w Iha l it "'~s "",-,,,,,a.)" to ~~ I ~ f~din~ til' "'C I~bl in
on bim ltd to hi. o.le$irt to plu, it in subscque nt pic· the <' h.ora.:te(s and ~ hcir P"'I" if ~ \'e r lhe)' were In be
tlUeS, Thi s ,,'~, une of the biggc,t fac tor< in Ihe ! uc· ~("",ind"g. but just drawin!! 3 ri ~urc 1 :"jI~ ha, "'~hing
cell of 0\1' early Ilicture,; Walt . e""gn il.c <l tho .'a lue tU d<l ",i lh h",. ' hc~\"y hc i~_ " w",~ h,.. r h a ll ,~' n is qu i~
of pellOl1 ality an iOl~tion and he ~~n:-,_",d il in , wry lar!!e. The ,nimat'''' ..,n",d Ih al lhe l c)' 1<' lhe illu! ion
dmlopm<:nl. .. "f .... cij:hl lay in lhe liming a ~d n..,,,, f:,r a Cha.;IC~'
As 3nim.>lion. the " '"d, d~ in the I"" ~ nll"_< ",:os ""ww ho,,,,
a',,", fl uid the "" I;,," "'·as. bm ir W,", not
uJMlmiably trude . but the an"n;lIors n.: w . failed to unlil the)' "" c o::lbk: to stud)' Ii"" :OO;li,," fil"" thaI rhe
[WS(nt the poinl oflhe sa~ clearly, and lhey d~ ""IUli" n fi n.:.t ly "'a~ found . 0 ",',' Ill.: -,<,'rCls ,,'Cr(:
!lie rillM s)'mOOhc II) )ho,,· tM attitlMb o r Ih( i. figu~> . 0.1;"';"""""'. th" anim.:"'" s " ................r \... h~· It...- I'fuhlom
Nt\"frWk-\., thtK ""lis .... ,.,,,igh!. ..... auemp! at anal· h;td I>«n ,.. , diffo.:u l! . but in the ...: da~' .. til.: :.",,,·cr<
.,.y. 110 ;Jt,ouldcn; Of ~pine ' <1. bone> or m ~"",Ic, . The h;td d udo...l lhe m.


If an animat",'s drawings fi~lIy refl«:tw I more "000'1 tonfu~ lbem_ Keep it ~ imple ."
Ulllul "'ay of moving, Wah would be likely 10 say, " Too much action spoils lhe acting ."
" V.... r guy jU)\ ~ in and M 'l then: , ., I don't " Mushy action makes a mll~hy 5Iatemenl."
.lee him do an)'lhing_ V·know •• guy nn be fllnny 1M "Say 5OlTIC:1 hing . Be ""'~ . , •
w~y be ~ Ihing~. Look at your comedian~ and One man had a sign. ""Why would any""" wanl t(l
clown •• they've all gOi funny ways lhey wal k orfunny look al thaI'!" which was " conSlanl reminder Ihal he
timint- ihere'$ somelhing lhen: . We oughta be looking shoold be s un: lie was f,.ming S(J"JClhing up on !be
!OI" fMtnaininl way. of ooing Ihinp. We don't wanl SoCreen lhat was worth another person 's lime 01" money
IO~ §UaigN , y"know-",~'n: not copying n.atun:!" to watch_ Whenever he lhooght he had • yea! illra.
" C.ncalure " and " uaggclltion" wen: t ...-o faVOl"- Ihal sign >«med to tik, "" Rea lly now, would anyone
iI¢ '''Q\h 10 !o1imul'le lhe animalor's a~h 1(1 his other Ihan your mother like il?"
lttI'Ie. The!;e words could be mi~interprcted as a TC'IueM Many aUlhoo h~ve reponed Ih"l "nilllalion W;tS tbe
for wild , uocoolrol1ed action , bUI that course alway~ one thing Ihal Walt coo\d not do. A~ he himsclfrealiud
ended up with, " Look, you'l"\: not gening 1M idea (If Quite nrly , plenly of OIher aMim rould draw bclter
.........TIl .rl« here !"" T he K lio;m ....! III be tw.'iCdon than he , but non.: of them seemed tn ha~ his .... ealth
rnlism . IIlKl 10 fit the stoI"y ~itualioo , pul o V"T Ito.: o f Otkas 01" the knowledge of huw • pie<." IIf buSinc1:5
point ql tbe ~tne, and be in c haracter with <MM. should be Pft".'Cntw . This gradually callied him to
!hillJS bein, door: in different 0«""'. And when the give up hi s own dra wing board 10 concenlrale on 11\<'.0
animalor felt he was gelli ng close to handling thnl areas of his great('t taknlS. Alone poinl, he sct up a
corm:tly, he eOCOlln1ered another admonition . .. y OII're lable in the middle of lhe animators' room and had
tryi", 10 oJo 100 much in the $l;ent . Nothing comes off them bring their SoCenes 10 him ... hen lhe y we", done .
WOIIl b«a1l.<C the dwaclCr is all ove. the pl;oce . "" Stlldying the action. Walt ull«! ( <II new drawings
An animator had to choosot the be .. aclion fOl" lhe ...-he", necessary and limed the SUrlCS so lhey would be
Ipll iw lhe picture, refine it to lbe Jimplest statement, mos.t effective , He cOITCCtcd staging and e~pret.Siom
de> it !be hut lie could, make lhe drawing work for and was quick 10 wucale those ...·orking wilh him .
tvtl)'thing lie was trying to say, keep the personality Years lalcr. he adlllined, "11Ic: fellow . who work near
ilthe movement, use enough anatomy to be convinc- me catc h a lot of hell'"
ins, and do.1 all .n an e nICn.ining way . That ",.l1y '$ As a matter of fx t . Wah could ,ni ma'e as we ll a.<
IlOl tiki.g lUi) much if one apprttiates whal any good any of the men he had work ing on lhe Alia scries,
.nor or monte llai 10 consider constantly. Bill lho$oe with the ~~ceptioo o f Ub IW~"'$ who..,as in a cla.. by
c-ty ..imalOn ...~ jus.! beginners . As one recalled himself. FOI" five frustrating ),(,ars , from tl\<'.o ""Alice!""
withoul malice, ""It didn'l mailer how many times )"ou to Ihe mor~ successful "O,walds," Walt sharpened
did it over, Wall bad to get ...·hat 1\<'.0 wanted_ "~ his own thinking while Irying 10 educate hi' staff. hul
SilM were ~ 10 help animalors ",member " 'hal II( got minimal TCr.oltS. Then in I92H , Charl ie /.iinll,
...,. had Ieamed: \ the d~tribolOl" of Walt 's popular O~wald the Lucky
, "
Rabbi! cartoons, !ook over !1Ie: righ!s!o!he O1~in ehar- io n, anti ~ u ked all animators 10 work more loosely.
;>c!er and h i~ away all but four members of Wah' s The assist.ant woold '"clean up" these: drawinJS tltaI
mim"ion ~tafr. It KConW li ke a diSilStcr at lhe time , looted I\() sloppy , refi ni nlthem 10 I s ingle line that
but xlually it ~ncd the way for I new group ofani- could be traced by the inkers OIItO celluloid. "The as-
INIOrs " 'ho would IIOOfI help anirMIion ,row inm _ s istants became: k""",'n u "clean' up men ," ..,.;I the
surprising art form . le:!i Cbrt rommentw abwI lhe animators developed one innovation after the othn.
men .... ho had lone with Mint7~ "Thesoe animators left achit:vin& effects on lhe screen that"" one had tlIougbt
the studio " 'hen Oswald len and Iht-y ,,~ nQI the pcwItib!c . In _ CIl'lH. the drawings _rc I\() rough it
group who Iller animated on Mickey . I think the devel · was diffICult to find any cartoon figure inside the tan·
opmenl of animation $tarted with the Mickey anima. glw ~ w;rI or Ii..,,.. and the men who " ,..Jc I dock ora
10<$, i nspi~d by W~h 's interest and enthusiasm." doi oot o f s;mudgcs and 5Crate~s had to have I ~ry
At this point, Walt 's undcrMamli,,!! or the meehan · spccial type o f knowlwge.
bolani"'alion beoan to fall behind . Son", r~n IIRIIK iliWlinllliW of~'lIGllhil6100J 1m11111 in I~
merely lock" ... the palie~ ever 10 ma~tCr the art of rough enahled I ~ animators !u check .... hat they hid
",Lat ing "'rawings to each ~her . l'rob;d>Iy he lacked lhe done before showing it 10 an)'OOC . Any p:u1 I~t was
particular talent 10 KC the movement in drawings as he .... Iy uff could be correc!W quickly and >IIot agaill.
nipped them , I! is a spec",1 ability. and many of the 'rhis e ,",ooraled experimentation, uploration , and
arti$ts Ioimply did 001 lIlIye It . Whatever!he rcawn. :os ,mli,naloon. quickl y promoting a cimer bond amoIIlI
It\t teChniques o f animation progressed. Watt under- the animators . This probIbly beg.n .... hen one man
MOod Ie", and len o f how il all worked He knew the wantw 10 s how off the surprliinl results of his ~,
iIIcmlicn!s • Kene ~"""'Id h~ve and " 'hat the acting OOt the animators 'lOOn icarned t~t lhe~ was &reat
should be and what could be done " ' l1h a ""enc that value in sharin& ideas. A..... the sharin, of judgment.
wu IlOl quile working, but he coold not ~ it oJov,'n at a did 001 end with just Yiew ing the lelit. An animator
desk and make lhe drawings Ihat would demonStra le coold take his drawinp to any of the other me n and
his idcu , It was.n itt(reuing mystery 10 him and , in lhey would happi ly make suuestions, showin& w~l
some ways. an '~l of annoyance, s ince it was §Ome· had worked for them in . similar si luation or excitedly
tlting he could not control or s hape into something consi dering some!hing completely new .
new. lie was r~ed 10 rely 00 others . .. Each gellCration of animators btllCfilCd (rom what
This led Ben S~lCen 10 claim that. "Animation the pn: vious had learned by trial and error:' $aid Bcn
was dc:veloped fat more by the animators themselYH SlIarp:>I.cen. "and con.cqucnlly were IIloOft tlcsiblc: ill
~ by Walt ," This is true of the specifIC techniques .... hat they could accomplish, and they could ruth
IlIIt adYJllCfll lhe art. OOt th is adyan«mcnt ,,_Id creater heillhls." 8 uI it scnm that the ~t\CfIliom he
lit,," IIlIve o«urred wit....... t Wah . As le:!i am!.
C- ,
"AnimMion developed bcausoe or Walt ·s insisle~
and wpcrvision ." n.e animator had to ...· rc~1c with
die problem of how 10 make the dr3wing~ work pmp.
my. 001 .... i!hout WIIt' ~ drive it i~ doubtful !hal any of c-.( ->-
!hem would have tried so hard or learned whal to do .
Wall inlroducw two procedures that enabled I ~
animators 10 bellin improving . Fi,."t. t~y rould f~ely
$/IooIlCsts of their drawi nJS anti qu ickly soee film of
what they had drawn , anti. soeeond, they each had an
mistant leaming the busiMSS who was expected 10
rlftisb off the detail in ex h dra .... ;nl . Walt was quick
IOl"CCOSn;« tllllt lhere was more vitaloty anti imagiruo ·
lion and M/Tnl,h in SttMS animalw in a rough r..t. .
'''' EId/7,.",
w:os ~ftrTlng 10 la"ed It.s Illan a year api«c . Wilf,ed E.!Ich direclor ~mc:mbers at kaSi one dismal c~ ·
JilCksoo add •.••... lhe~ was aIW!l)·s _ Ihing new ni ng 001 lhen: under lhe ~tlttl1igtt'$. becausc .~
goin~ 00 . We ...·e~ al1 Itamlng $0 fast . ·· meeting> made lhem face implacable n:~llIy. II "-a~ II()
The: Marodard 1\). whkh the 'Iudio·~ effOfis ...·e re longer lhe n1 of ""hal mil:h! he but the unde·
judged ..·a\ un<l<.'niably Ihc ",·ay Walt initially pomayed niable hJ"hness of what was. Wilfred hcl<snn no"~r
chara<:tcfl> f'Ir lhe "nimalor~ . A. Dick Hueme.' !laid. forgOilhe s;tkwal~ POSl mort~m afler hi_, IIrSI piclure.
·· Wall 'HlUld lak" stori"s and acl them oul 31 a mcel· Tit.. C'ilW""'Y, ·· Walt h;ld lIis hat way down alld his
i.. : kill y..... llou!!hing lhey "'tn: $0 fURn)·. And rM)I JU~I coal up around hiH3.,;: · he recalled . ·· H ~ looked like
becau~ lie ..-a. the ~ "ilhe •. And then: it ",..... ld lie . a wei bird . I walked by and on lhe "'·ay I Maid Roy
You·d havt llie feelin~ o f 1M ,,·hole Ihing . You ·d say in!! . ·Walt. I don·1 know if"'e ~hould rete,,,, Ihi~:
know uilClly wh.1 he w.nled . we oflcn wonden:d if il doesn·1 IIM,k lih a Di_'noy pklure . ··· They released
Wall ~O\J ld have bttn a J;rcat actor or comcdi~n ... , il. of ",''''c. but Jackwn had learned his le.son: he
Wall al ..·~Y' could ., lInw y .... , exaclly how Ille busi. "", vcr made anolher film Ihal ,,,,,Id be 'ailed un·
ness sItoold Ite 00nc. bul tM animator "'·as upccted 10 Di ~ney ,
SO funlter willlihe idea . 10 C()ft"le up " ·;111 ""melhin, of It " ·as • lIar<h "''lIy 10 learn a new profr$Sion. OUI
hIS o"'n. loOOI1oe loucll or bil of liming or an expn:.sion lhere on lhe ...eCI al nighl . but II was f'O'!'iti~ and II
Ih .....oold make il 001 only perwnal bul special. was definite . Tile audience n:3C1ion was .I .... ay. dear
It did IK)( 13ke lOllS 10 Ins",·er any questions or .<elli e and s and undeniable . T hcrc was not >0 much
diSllglttlntnlS as 10 1I0w a piece of business shou ld tie talk at><.>u t wh;11 should be done ne xt time a.there was
1und1cd. FOIlU n.:lleiy. lhere ,,·as a way of scuhng dis· a dissection of ,,'hal had been done WfOf\g on lhe ,u,·
p.t1eS ..·h,le adding to oo r eduulion . As !oOOn as lhe mil fIl m . and Wall' s commc:nb on lhal were as ,-,'u·
_ ..npnnl ora IK"'· canOOn wa~ rec..i,-ed. lhe ...·lIo1e: abk a. his slimulation had been in I~ f .... SIOf)'
ilalf noshc-d 0~(1 In lhe A\ex 1lt.ealtr in Glcoo.bk to meelings .
oec how il would gu wilh an alidicnce. The men never By 1933. tile animal"'s had lurned lheir ha,jc let·
. Iayfd for Ihe fealUre film but immedialely con veiled wns well . and Ihey produced a film Ihal ",,,,,Id be
oulside rOl" an imprumptu meeling on what went over lo"cd aroond lhe world ; Thru UIII, I'itl' . h started.
and .. hy. arol " hal had mi~d lhe mark_ new tr:1 al .1It:: Di"",)' Siudio .
Types of Action Widely Used In Early Days

TIle audience was ra5Cin.ated with animation thaI reo limes. the character would do something di fferent in
pe<1lwlhe same action oyer and over. and. since this his allempls 10 avoid or 10 conquer. bul whe:n he: c .....
_ quite .. savings rOt" the studio . several devices .gain to lhe: »me spo! on lhe: paper . !he: actioo of lhe:
k . 1IrU wtIl' developed 10 ,ivc this 1ftU11: climb. slide. or hil could be repealed.

riKiIo- TM Cyd, . This was a series o f drawings that ani. TIw Cr0S3-U1'tr. Even better lhan having lhe: actioo
mated back into iuelfby having thc I.asl dnwing work
illlO the lim one, cn:ating a continuous action thai
repeooled in a cyc:k wu to ha~ Iwo or more characlCcrs
doing !he: same actioo . A sySlcm called " CrOMo(lV="
IORide never Stopped. II was ideal for walks, dances. I nd 100II:: care of thaI probkm by lining lhe: inkcn trace
tef1ain "scramble IICtions" as a character tried to gel one drawing in IWO differenl plates on lhe same ~I.
away from somc:thing. matching il to..,IS of s mall croues on the: drawing. By
R'I"IJI A('liM . Sometimes an aclion CQIlld be re- animaling a lone figure going 10 the: lefl in a simple
peated jUM as it was in a second scene:. but mort: often dance slep. lhe: animator cou ld gel lhese drawings trnccd
• new beginning or. different ending were called for . over and oV<" 10 nlake a whole line of danccrs . AI the:
In thne cues. the animator could l'qICat part of (he appropriale lime. lhe: drawings could be flipped OvCr
IICtion by borrowing dnow ings from the earlier scene . and traced from !he: back. callsing the: line of danccn


"lra ... -
In OIb:r uses. there would be an action WI rould be
IqItIICd intact in the same sa:roes-a clwxlerclimb-
ing I $I i~ pole. or sliding down an incline. or
being knocked down by a mechanical device. BcIWftn
10 sashay to the right. If cvel'}'Q'lC liked this. il was
e~n simple.- 10 shoot !he: ~Is I second lime . making
!he: line of danccQ go thrwgh lhe: wOOlc prottdure
ag,ain. TlIC audience was cnthralled and could 001

1- I + , I
, "'"

;", illl<

undemand how "-e could gel all lilt figuf(CS 10 acl

--- ~


~_uclry lhe "'"" y
AlIOIhcr popular roul",,, " -as to I\a,'~ the tan""n
Ii&u~ come: up 10"'ard tIM: ca"'era. usually umil lib •
IIIOIIlh filled It... ~n:cn . ~nd lhen retreal 10 lIis originnl
posiliQll. us ing Ihe Same drawins' .11(>1 in revu!oC: .
AI50 pllpular was lhe series of drawings run in a cyde
tllal animated the road as a character ' .m or dr<,.-e ~
Itta'gh, inlll ,he: Camera . This c<HI.isted of a ro w of
telrphonc p<>k:~ ,n [lCt"l'pe<:li'·e. a bush or t ...·Il. and pi.'S'
.ibly some fence pmb lining the road . 8 y putung III a



Rippl e Action
............ WOO/j,1I,;,h,,-

",u _ Fun"y LIllie

f'jw RP<'''''' ",I,. ....,,,

asH j~ "",*j.. ~ IN "',,''',,.
.--- ., " '" ,,,,,,,.
WA,n N.'IJ rail. Ir" la" ,.xIIJ'M,tJ a jI_',n, pall"

»·.-,-,;~li~"''''~'(j)l'1Iro',', ,
jill E~"" INJd".. Thnop
j.II_Ii/,td and r/o<td 1M
",It. EllS ""I.d do,,'" Ilr. oru......',' ....
, Mr, ..
</W•• I"idtd by IN r"bbi' "" ,Iwl """,rn dra ..',", J
""Itt /tft. iMII "'" lHl""j,.
pttIW Iht bw!". IMt>tt~1r , (j)
IU n"'"~_1 ""'. ....,rio-
;'" Iitt 'US T_ pI~>fwl
NJbbj,S al ,A, "8M lO«tJ
lit/I. eanJjtd 'ns on lop.
n.r", ""nts u,u/Jlly "".,
• Th, ;nM'M"'~". ""Mln8 2. "',11 IN '''' Ih,
10 tlJltr ,....'" ,,,,i"""OI"I """h alsIJ. aM" ch,m .."I ~s"all\' mad. la
_,nl d (""".., 1<, </ro>o' ".","''''. l/rr 'a"', '~<I("' eNrl"<'
.-ItQldwyNUJdo. This_
...... 110M by WoII,'"''
··W......,,·· f/,,,AumDn .
,,'110 11«__ a IlqHn';,;n,
a"i"""or. ditt("IO,. andji·
""lIy. prodwu, of <""oon
I.d/w,r, .

fcw Slmplc Inbel",·a:n5. lhe riM polo: anin,atro ba<;

the KWnd and the second 10 the Ihird . whllo: onet
was moving back to bttOllIC' ~no!her.
The publk alw li ked 10 $tt e/aOOralc produc
lines fut fanciful factories thai made toy s Of HI
eus ut in,aginati"c prodUCIS. These S«1\r'!; W(~ t
OIlS 10 animate bttallse of all lhe mo"mg pII1~.
chere ....1$ an ad'"anlagc m e\'Crything beinl in a <;
lhal rould be run o,'er and O1Icr and over-and usu
....1$ . The same W;l$ lrue of lhe g~at crowd shOll t
10 sIan so many pictures, Such a scene WIIS often
only contribution Ihal panicular an;mat<lf could n
10 lhe ... hok pictu~. but if the scene was cffCC'/i
ceruinly set the mood and lhe Ionle f<lf !he w
film . 1lut alone madre It .... onb .lIlhc won. buIll
not a favorile assignmcnl . J ust slightly better ..-en
long panuJes of marching flo .... ers or cookies or
Ihat werc iliad<: up of cycles on long pan paper
cou ld be pulled Ihrough the scene.
The~ " ,,, no n'"""mcn! in the ligures in earl)' ani ma-
tion btsKks a $ pn)g~nK)fl ItCR):!;S !he p.>per . No
one tlle'W how 10 gtl any change of "'al"" Of flow o f
Xlioa from . - Ih "' lnl! 10 another _ ll>ere was no
r't!alioMhip of forms. ,0.'1 !he . .. me linle canoon lig_
"~In. lit ... po-u ioo on the neM pieCt of p;lpe' _ O~
solution 10 thi , . !lffllC" of aclion "b!O conceive of a
figu,('5 appcMaktS as ,",clions of a garden ~ . Since
no "!If kne ... ""yhuw "here bonrs ano.l musc le, mi ght
bt on a canOOI. fisure. Ihi . "'<lrked " 'ell-gi ving g~at
loose ..... anJ a nuio.l nl<)VC lr..,:nl. There WaS no §ug -
gc>lion of'1>«"""" the COflC~pI of the c haracter
was fIOI 00.: of ",a1i<lII . Thi ~ !ype of roo,'Ctllenl fil the
<bign ptrfNlly and brouShl about SOme fun ny ""'tion
,",'i1h pt'1lI charm
II ....~'-n . il ...~ nvt the l}pe o f aclion Wah ,,·anted .
and lit W:l> fluret 10 cm;c;].e . We can imagine hI,
fUClion 10 lilt canoon calne l lhat O §" 'ald has jU~1
kidC'd inlo KIK:m:
"'00 his leiS h3v~ 10 be "" limp like th at" They
don't look li kt the y cou ld holo.1 up "nything.
"Get ~me S1raikht line. in there. like you've gnt in
0..... 10.1, Doe,n'! that camel havc" knee or an :!nkle'!
And )'oo "'t gOi tile 00d)' the same all the ti me- he
ran btnd h:.d Of forward. ( know. And gCI rid of
IhoK limp IIO<Klb; get "'HIM: df3".-ing in it!"

, )
3. The Principles of Animation
"W/!tn Wf ""'sitler u ne,.. wuj~"I, .,-e reully ,.,,,<ly ;/ ... nul j,,'" Ih,' ,'wjilce ide", bUi " ,ony/hint "I"",r ii, .•
Wah D;sr>ey

Ane .... jilfgoo w~ heard awunu the studio. Wonls like they were taught these I'r-~~tkc. as if lhey were the
"aiming" and "overlapping" and "pose to po,e" tlIl~s of the trade, To evef)'one' " surprise. they bttame
IUggested that certain animatiun procedures gradually the fundamental principles of animation:
had bee" iMllated and named. Verb, turned jnm noun,
IWCmighl .... r", c'~"'rlc. when lr.c '''lIge.rirm ... Why I Squash ami Stretch
don'l you melch him nUl ",nre '!" hcc3mc . '( iet more 2, Amicil'ati()n
ilrt~h <>II him . " "Wow' Look at the <.qoa,h on that 3 Staging
dnlwin~!" did IlOI mean th~1 a vegetable h~d sp lancred 4, Straight Ahead Action and p"", 10 Po,;e
tlII: utworl: it indicated Ihat S<lme animator had .uc- 5, Foilow Through and Ovcrlapping Action
ctlsfull)' ~oown a character in a flat1ened poSlUrc 6 Slow [n and Slow Out
Some <>f Ihi, terminology wa, just assigning new 7, Arcs
!IlC'.nin~' to familiar anJ convenient words . . . Doing"' ~, Secondary Action
I stene (Ould mean acting 0011he intended movements, 9. Timing
making exploralC>ry drawing." or a~tua ll y animating it: 10. Exaggeration
and once it was ., done:' the scene moved on to thc II, Solid Drawinl!-
next deportment, Layo ut> w~r~ done. backgrounds 12. Appeal
wm done. recvnling w~, d()ne. and. e,'entua lly . the
whole picture had ocen <lone, ,l.lixcd in with these
!emu were the new natll'" and phrases with morc
obscure meanings,
The animalor, c'()ntinucd 10 scan'h for heller meth-
odsofrciating drawing., to each other and Mad found a By far the most impunant disC(wery was what we call
few way! that seemed 10 produce a prediclable re,ult, Squ,,~h and Stretch, When a fi xed shape is move<!
Thty could IlOl expect 'uccess e"ery time. hut the..e al><>ut on the paper from one dmwinl!- 10 the ~xt. lhere
specia l te<:hni,!ucs ()f drawing a ~haracler in mol ion is a m~rked rigidit~' that is emphasiwJ h)' the move·
did offer"""", ",curity, As "acli of th"'" processes ment In reallifc. this occur> unly wilh the moM rigid
"'luirtd a name. il Wa' anal y;.cd and perfected and share" , u<:h~, chairs and dishe, and pan" Anything
tall:.ed abool . ~nd "'hen nC"" arti,t, joined the staff composed of li"ing tlesh. no matter how tKmy. will
""Id c~.~'W. his (~d-&-L~,,:::J
nllqJ alld dif''''''
oW no m(",hj~g
, in Ms f~u or

US Clark-

'" J,a" ,,"".
~ "" 1M ~ad " .
.. , 1U1;1>fI.
_.,. ..• - .~ ' . T_' .... ",. _~i-'.:.~.I(.'."..
show considerable movement within ils shape in pnr the sa me form in a very cAtcndcd cond ition. The
geessing lhrough an aclion. A good example of (hi, is mo"em<:nt from 0"" drawing to the nCAt became Itl.:
the bent arm willt s ..... elling bicep straightened 001 so "cry essence of animation A ,mile Was no longer a
Iltal only the long sillCws are apparent. T he figure simple line spread a<:ross a fa<:e; it oow defined tnc
cl"{)\lclted is obviously contracled into ilself. in con- lips and their relation to tlk: clk:eh . L<:gs ,,'ere 00
trast 10 Ihe figure in an cxueme stretch or leap. lnc longer bent pipes or rubt>cr hoses; they s"'elled as they
face. whelher chewing .• miling. lal ~ ing. or just show- benl and strelched to long flexible shapes.
,"'for( a ~.a\J'
ing a change of CApre.s;on. is alive willt cltanging Immediately tllC animators tried to outdo each other
-"ay.d in brood, shapes ill Ihe clleeh. the lips . lhe eyes-only 1lte wax in making dr''''ings with more and more squash and
"" b.l' simply in· figure ;n (he museum is rigid. stretch . pushing lhose prirn:iples to thc "cry limits of
dry. Th. '<Jull·
~d" .<>Ium. 10$1
The squashed position can depict Ihe form ei1htr solid draftsmanship: eyes squinted shut and eyes popped
,.1>1<';" In8/Am n.llened out by great pre«ure or bunched up and open; tlk: sunken cheek< of an "inhalc" wcre radically
driU. pushed together . The stretched position always shows diffcrenl from tnc ballooned chee ks of a blowing aclion;
a mouth chewing on a straw wal' first shown far below
thc nose. and then it actually "'as compres,ed up
beyor>d tlk: nose (which changed shape as " 'cll) in
showing the chewing aClion . Through the mid-thinie •.
everyone was making IWO dr-Jwings for ""cI]' con-
ceivable aClion. and by wor~ing back ar>d fonh be -
Iween the squash [Xl,ition and Ihe "retch we found
we could make each [XlSilion sironger in both action
and drawing.
In Ihiu,,"y "" i",,,',,'~ , Ih~
",.,i""i. w<ll ''''Ii''/ I>~,
wry (i/lid " ",/ >liff. 1"1>",.
is "" .q""," u>l<i J "~~'h ,
/011_ ' IIo"' ''KIt • •w f"" ~~
,>j "',ilf~1. Tlro .... ~ ' .......
IwtI It ( /roI", aM" "i",,;,...

boo, 'hr.,· NHI/J ....,
,. ,IN.,, "
.u · ", i~~ "

1'hc I'o.-M :t,hkc for t «ping It..: .!I SI~mkoJ .!'~"'ing~

I'm", looki", !>I();ote.! ur bull>uu ~ . ~n<J Ih..: , t<etclltd
.( j
e [j - ~
PO~llIO"~ from apJ'<!aring min8 Y '" withered. "'~$ to
(') con i idcr tllalthe ~h"l);: ur "olull);: W~> like ~ h,,' f· fill~d
flour "lICk. If dropp.."<i on the t100r. it will "<lu"," ou!
• l "" ~ '( "; <) /. ~_. ,, ~ .:;o 10 it. fullest sh;ipo:.;md ifpick~ up by 1M 'op <omcrs.
it will ,.u~h u ut 10 i,s lon,e~ ~ape : y(t i, "" ill ~,'er
ehanl t "o/urne. Wt e~n rnadl' d,~"" inJ!;s of , he 1loor
~L in Ilifferent allill><lQ-....<m; •. twiJled, do",bIcIl·
/ )
0 (5-
- ,1
!:'.f, tr. ~, 1.. ,.. ...
",·er- .ul'$C"ing elTlOliuns '" .... ell :,~ :o.:1"OOIS. llIaI
("teed us Id find "'" mO!.t 011""" "'-~y. ,he , i'llpksl
"ate""," !, (<< if " ... added an)' UUa l i lK'~ 10 amp/if)'
an ( Apn:. >ion it Iq, no Jongt/ a t1uur ,:.c~ . W.' r,,,,nd
Ihal Illany lin!e inlerior lines we re "'~ ''''''~ '''''y . ;......,

Y) .:3;>
the ",!>uk , h're. conc~i"ed properly. llid il all Tiles.:

.. . .
"". IJ"" ,,,,., ~",
...-., . 1"",,,n. "'~re aprl ied ro ~'1ick,, "'. h<~ty . "r hi, ch"ck •.
III Pluto', Ic~s. ur hi, munk. ur ~ "en I" l)auld ',!
""a..l .
On 1M "1""" ""8" of the: dail )' ""wsl'Jl"' l)C we (,,,,nd
TIlt1-*' "'1I/,plI.'J p.,..r
....t. p>Ik ... _'''~'''''''.I'
....... .. --.' ~"'_'"I>k
....... f/IJ,..<'<'{ ,.." ",,;.
tadt. , ...... ","*",yJ ..-"It
.... ......... <Jj,Jw,p. ••

, ,

1oOJ~ "nO
pplird 10
• Jlfr~g lh
! afuling

a gold mine that hw been overlooked. Here Were great was to draw a bouncing ball. It was quic kly rendered.
photos showing the elasticity of the human body in easily change<.!. and surprisingly rewarding in terms of
every kind of reach and stretch and violent action . Our Whal eQuid be learne<.!. The assignment waS merely to
animation principles were clearly evident in the bulges represent the ball by a simple circle. aoo then. on suc-
and bumps thai contrasted to long. st raight thrusts. cessive drawings. have il drop . hillhe ground. and
Mixed in with these w ntonion s wcre examples of the bounce bad into the air. rewy to repeat the ""!>ole
whole figure communicaling joy. frustration. conce n· pl"OC<:ss. We CQIIld have either a forward movement
tralion. and all the other inlense emolions of the sports progressing the ball across the paper. or have all tl>(,
world . lllese examples opened our eyes and staned uS aClion take place in one 'pol. allowing us. through a
observing in a new way. cycle of the drawings. to make tl>e ball bounce contin-
llle standard animalion test for all beginning anists uously. It seemed lik simplicity itself. but through

,/lQws dr·
'ifling his
'IIi inf'ottl
Whil, Iitt
"rr I....... "


)til)" lIum
)t imp'..'
'olid (/",r_


'Jr"" has
rtn by 'his
>t(JJ1 "gag
clio" Ihis
,/ism. b~1
"tJtt:M,. ~-
Ibo lest we leamed the mechanics of animating a scene
while alro being introduced to Timing and Squa~h and
We were encouraged to change the shape of the ball
in tbe fasto:r SCl:mcnu of the bounce. making an elon-
pred circkl thM wO\, ld be ea.< ier In see. then quic kl y to
nliltn it as it hit the ground. giving a solid contacl as
welt as the squashed shape of a ruhber ball in action.
This change at the bottom also gave the feeling of
Ih t for the spring back into the air. but if we made
111 extra drawing or IWO at thai point to get the most
OUt of this K tion , the ball stayed on the ground too
ton!. creating weird effects of hopping instead of
boullCing. (Some tests looked more like a jumping
bean from Mexico than any kind of ball.) If we mis-
judgro oor arrange ment of the drawings or the dis-
tance between them . we created apparitions reminis-
Itcnt of an injured rabbi t, or an angry grasshopper.
or. II\DSt often. a sleepy frog. Howeve r. many of Ihe
circular foons just seemed \0 take off as if they had
, life of their own. Then. if Ihr botlOm drawing follow altd 8IJVt mort ...
The b<ginning anists were an inventive group. and was flal/m od. i/ ga'·e Ihr /0 1M octiOll. Th .... 1M b
all manlier of variations were: tried. each revealing approrana of bo"ncing. ginning' of SqlUUh <II
ElongiJIing 1M drawing. 011 Slrtlch.
«mething about the man who had done the animation each side math ;/ ~asi.r 10
and what he considered imponant in the ""ene. Some
I0OI added distinction by stming with a big bounce.
fallowed by shorter and shoner ones as the ball grad ·
uaIIy lost its spring. Some put the action in perspec·
live to show Iiow well they could figure a complicated
Anticipat ion
wigrrrnent. or they added a stripe around the ball to People in the audience watching an animated ""ene
simi bow much il turned during the whole action. will n01 be able to understand the events on the scrcen
These men were grabbed quickly by the Effecls De· unless there is a planned sequence of actions that leads
partment. which specialized in a mechanical type of them clearly from one activity to the next. They must,,". Those more imeresled in a livelier lype of be prepared for lhe next movement and exJICCI it before
Clllenainmcnl preferred surprise endings: the ball e~­ it actually occurs . This is achieved by pre:<:eding each
liDding on contact. Or crashing like a broken egg on the major action with a specific move that anticipates for
r«ond boonce. or 'prouting wings and flying off. Ihe audience what is about to happen. This anlicipa-
may not show " '/I)' he is doing somcthinJ. but there is
no question about "'/Ia, he is doing-or ... hal he is
,oing 10 do ~~I . E~p«ting Ihal . the alldKoce can
now enjoy lhe way it is done .
The: opposite of thi s is the "surprise gag. " which
only worb when lhe audKIlCC is upt'Cling one thing
ori" . i ,1t to happen. and sutkknly . ... ithout ,,·aming. sorrw:thing
icip<>IiDIo e~i~ly different happens. Thc: surprise i~g canooc
~U-U work if a different action has ooc been a nt ici pated by
the audience . Similarly. no aclion on the ~lage u n til'
anything but a series of meaningless surpriscs without
tion can til' as smal l u a change of up~uion or as big anticipation .
A$ the: broadtst p/I),sic.l x tion . Before a man runs. he Thc: mo"errw:nt s in early animation wen: abrupc and
c rouches 1o.... la' hering himKlf lih I spring . or. the u~~pccted ; too often the audKntt " .. s not propo.n y
~>V$f:. he: <In. ..'s bact in the oppo&ilC dire<;tion . raising alerted .nd missed a gag " 'hen il came. This was one
his shoulders and 001: leg. as he aims himself al lhe of the first things Walt s laned w correcl , l ie (aIled h is
pi..:., of the nUt activi ty . Before Mickey ~aches 10 remedy "aiming" and IICted OUI just how ~n action or ,
grab an objec t. he first raises hi s arm • • 5 he stares at geswn: coold til' n,ade clear so that c >'cryo n<: would
the ltIicle. broadcasting the fact that he is going 10 do see il. If Oswald lhe Lucky Rabbit is W put hi s hand in
somelhing ... ith that panicular object . his pockello get. sand"'ich for lunch . the whole body
Thi$ is !he oldest <levitt of the thealer . for ... ithout mu~ relate w lhat hand and 10 the poc~et . When ,''''
il. the aud~nce becomu 1ICT'o'OUS and rnllcss.nd " 'his- hand is aimed. il must be " out in the clear " so e>'e ry·
pel'S. " What 's he doing?" The: anticipatory "",,"e$ one can sec: it and . nlk ip.:lle wlt;ll is going to happen.

OSl4..1d lifts IN. ft>ol lNl lo

tI.M .i,hlJ (1ft 10.. tarp' .

... W,"",.·
ipd'icM .,
.~ 0 ......14
, ,~ ",<WI.
~'. N'1(IM
The head nnl10l be looking off somewhere else-the
impol1ant ICtion is Oswald's Il:lChing into his pocket.
hi. no! a pg. it is 1101 a laugh . but it must be secn. No
one should nftd to aSk. "Now ,,"'hell: did he c""r get
dIM s.and",·ich? " As Wall demonSIr.Ued how il should
lit done. he uauerated lhe action and made it far
1IlOO: interesting than the animator W3li c""r able 10

~_ As Lcs Clark $IMJ)'C'at'S later. " Today .t may

look simple 10 us; al the time it wa,n't It was some-
thing that hadn't been ttied before Of proved."
Ftw movemenls in real life OCCur without ""me
killd of anticil"'tion . It SeemS to be the na(Ural way for
creatures to move. and without it there would be little
power in any lICtion . To tho: golfer. it is the backswing;
to the b.:iseball pitcher. it is hi~ windup. ",., bauer
pr<:parn himself with a whole series of anticil"' toty
lC1ions. but the one that gi>'eli the clout is the final
t... "" and the ~tep forward 15 the Nit approaches the
plait:. Without that mo"" the might iest s wing is no
mon: tW a bunt .

"Staging" is the most ge""ral of the ptinciples because
it covers lO many areas and goes back so far in the
tho.ter. hs muning. oowevcr. i. ""I)' pucise: it is the
presentation of any idea so thlt it i. completely and Clnor ""lIi~1I ."pJ MilfJl~
wvnifol.hbly clear. An IOCli."., is staged so that ;t is " ... n I~ IIro<>d rr·
«,;""'. Tu ......,"tIt",.".
understood. a personality so that;t i. rcc<Ignizabk. an at "ali.... . "... N1'I.iM,s _
exprnsion "" that it can be: $eCn . a mood SO that it ""ill bJ~ ""iN"", c{ ,/It .../i-
• fftc! the audience . ~h is communicating to the '14M, .
fuI~ e~lt:nt with the vicWC'rs when it is proptrly

The most important cons ideration is always the
"story point." It has been decided. for example. that
• cmain p;"cc uf busi",," will advance the story:
oow. how shou ld it be stlged? [s it funnier in a long
sho! where everything ca n be seen or in a dose-up
futuring the persona1ity 7 Is ;t beller in a maMer shot
with the talllC'ra moving in, or l series of short cuts to
different obje.:ts? Each 5«nr. will have 10 fit the plan.
and oVCf}' frame of the film mufol help to make !his
p::>inl of !he story .
If I "spooky" feeling is desired. the $Ccnc is filled
...ith the symbols of I spooky situation_ An old house,
..u.:r howling. lea""s or papers ",stling through the

AN'''A'~. An Sobbil/

- TlIc Cnun!ry Coosin.
O~ly do lIN ,lti,., ,,' "
/1_: OM of the _sf 1m_ ...
- ~ = ~,
/' ~
f'O"unl ",Il l
Tiv .-..,,,. _
of I~ 'Motu.
H , lipsy
", '
/ ,(Q. ~ ( )
f,."", fancy/_
is "uMi"l
IOaSI """ "Irs 10
""d drink.
(>It "

clullanl. Ht {lip. hi, ~"'.

of /'
• - ~

./;;:;;"'?:;;z L-
,.{y ~ :.
bulla in 'h, "ir, piau. il
""tti", ..(
ill _iii"" INI"', ...-~
"" iI, and 'WII holds 1M
poSilion bri{jly INI"" InT
.....Mrl/a brN~ ,/J"""A
'".J (--!j
~, /
'for •
th, '(I<m.
""-. r' '..I ~~

, .. (

-- -' J , ), -
,,- , , ,
' 'i
"~I>M_ F", "-, , • "
-Snow Whi! • .
, (,

\ .I •
'. r • )',
lk(Hy ...... Itis t-<
10 u",·
por>lri/y "iflr the muu of
,h. d"'''rf HM",/t 101", _
, ,
TIns C'OIIIp/ic"'M ,i'IIDII'""
Nsi/y w,,1d bN:omr diJfi- ,
elll, '0 ,,,,JuJland If no,
, , )
~jft' ill .... "".1,- of gray to soflen lhe rootrasl or delineate a foom .
, b, U6 /~,.,b Mkkf:Y's hody .... as blxk. hi~ anns and hIS Ilan<b--.oll
1M, " .,., 1ft ,~
black . 1lIere .... u no way to Slage an action u cepl,n
"""' if "'" ,., _~:
. .. ro<{tt,.J or ""'. si lllouclle. Ho w else could lhere be any clariTy? A
.,,;. liM, or ~ • . hand in fronl of the chc$t would . impl)· disapp:u:
blac" shoulde"" lined ag~i~ lhe black part of tho:
Ilt-ad would negale a shrug. and lilt- big. black carl
kepi geuing langlc<l up w;lh the reSl of til<: ac tion juS1
" 'hen I)Iher dl'llwing problem. s<:cmcd to be solved .
I Actually. thi. limilal;"n waS more he!pful than ... <
I realized: ,',e learned !hal il is alway. hener !o .how the
action in si lhoueue. Chap lin maintained lhat if an actor
yanl, cloud. floating ..eros. the moon, lh~atcning ~k y. knew hi s emotion thoroughly , he could show il '"
maybe ball' branches ranting or scraping again~t a s;lhoueue . W,ll " 'U lIlOfe din....1 : "Wort;n silhoutue
willdow. or a shadow mo"inC back and font.-ooll of so thai e'"ff)'thinc can be Sttn clearly. Don't ha,l' I
lhese say "~poob." A bright fIo_r bed "'ould be 001 lund come ov<:r a face >0 Ihal you can'l Stt .... hal·S
o f place . happening. Pul it a....ay from lhe facr and make d
If yw are staging an """ion, you m ... ~1 be ~ure lhal clear." ConSlanl redrawing. pla nning. and expell.
only one ..elion is s«n; il moM 00\ be confused by meMil\i were required 10 make the aclion look n.:.tunl
drapery or by a poor choice o f angle I)f' upslaged b)' and real;~lic while keeping a clear ~illlouctu image.
somelhing tl~ Iha! mighl be goi ng on. y"" do 001 We had \Q find a pose that reoo w;lh both dcfinil;""
make drnwings JUSt becaust they Ire curt or look fun· and appeal.
ny. y"" make lhe drawings th at will st3l1e each idea in
the ~I mngcst and the .impl•• t way before goi ng on to Straight Ahead Action
lhe nc~t :.etion. You arc sayi n, in effect. "Look at
Ihi ll-now look a! this-and !l(/W th is ." You make
and Pose to Pose'
sure lhe camera;5 the righl di511nce from the c haracter "There are two main approache. lo animation . "The first
!o .now ",hal he is doing . If he is kk king , )'0'1 do 001 is known as Slraighl Ahead A<:t;Ofl ","cau.c lilt- an;1Il.i·
have the camern in dOS<e on I waisl 500. . If )"OU are lor lilerally ....orks straighl ahcoo from his first drawin,
displaying your dlancler"s upres~ion , you do not in the SUM . fIe si mply lak.. orr. doing one drawi",
do i! in a long shoI .... here the fig... re is lOS! in lilt- afler !he other , gellins new ide"" a.~ he goe~ along .
background . unl il he reaches the end o r the ..,.,..... He " now> Ih.
Magic ians say lhey p""fer 10 work close 10 the peo· story poiM of lhe scene and the business that is 10 he
pic they are fooling because it i, so much easier to induded. but he ha~ litlle I'lan or how ;1 will all be
direci auenlion to any desired ~po1 . When an individ · d~ at !he li me 110: ' lans. BOIh (he drawing~ aad !ho:
ual work> alone o n a bi g ~tage il iii too euy for the act ion have a ftesh , slightly zany look. as the animalo<
ludie nce 10 watch hi. feet. whal is behind him . his kef:J>S the whole proce ss very crealivf:.
clolllt-S. any UnnalUral movement ; the spectators might The second i. called f>osc to 1'"",. He re. 1110: anima·
be looking al everylhing eU:f:pI wh~1 II!~ magician i~ tor I'lans hi~ 3Clil'R, figures out just .... hich dra .... ings
l/)'ing \Q show them . As a direct"'", D." f: HJnd f:mp/la- will M nuded 10 animate the busi""ss, make. lito the valueo( lhe close-up ~hoI : ·' By iu usc ...·e Il/'e dn.wings . reLluing lh!:m to each OIlier in $i7.e ~ ¥ti<ln .
... F"J Moou.
able 10 el iminale from !he mind o f the audienu any- ~ lives the 5Ct':1tC 10 his assiSlanl 10 draw me inbe·
. . -,int . . ,It 'N m,i·
It . . ." ill Ji''''''''"I . A
Ihing that is less impor1anll han the p;u1icular poinl .... e 1"'"ttR$. Su<;h a 5Ct':1tC is at"'ays easy 10 follow .nd
are pulling OVf:r aI the lime ." waRs .... ell bec3u~ lhe relalion>hi.,. have been clfl:·
"11 ,", uf 1M rltuil)' uf
. btJWi., IJ I<> sItoM it The animaton had a special problem of Iheir own. fully cOJ!$;derM before lhe animal'" gel. 101) far inlO
The ch.araclers Wt':re black and ,,·hite. " 'ith no shades the drawin8~ . More lime is .pent impl"Oving the key
--- ..-- , dnlwings and uercising ""alec control ~!he m0ve-

• ment With Pose 10 Pose, thc~ is clarity and $ln:ngt/I .

In Srn.ighl Ahead Action. then: is 5pOnlaneity.

-, I
8 0dl mclhods arc Rill in usc: bttause they each
offer cenain advantages for diffcn:n! Iype$ (J/ Ktion .
Usually they an: combined in I way thai keeps !he
Stnoigh\ Ahead Ac. ion from gening OIU of lland. The
scene is planned wilh a path of action laid (IUt, and
(/ rough drawings are made depicting the chuacter',
~ probable progress; although none of these will be used
later in actual animation. they still se~ as. guide for
siu. position. aUitude. and n:lalionship 10 the back.
JI'OUnd. Tney offer as much control as might be rudcd.
evcn though some animators feel that the Ycry lack of
control is tho: elemcnt llial gi~es the sponW>eity. They
say: "llle animator should be as wrpri5Cd as anyono:
at !he WIly it comes out. •• Most wikl. $CDIT1bIm, .-lions
arc probably more effecti~ with Illis method ttw. ...itlI
100 muc:h careful pre-planning .
Straight Ahead Animation will "doom work if there
is Slrong perspective in the layout or. ~kgmund lhil
must be matched. One; man animated a dog jumping
excitedly and turning around. trying to aunlt! auen-
tion . While Ile achieved a funny act ion with mIlCh
spirit, it cou ld no! be used because Ile had failed to
match tile action to the limitatiom of tile layout There
was no way to tell how high the doB was jumping
s ince Ile roe~r really comacled tile ground, and !be
relationship of the drawings was thrown off by !be
~rspecti~ he had failed to consider . With 1 fbi back·
ground and 1 clear aren.a in all directions , there _k1
ha~ bttn no prob~m .
I-Io....,,,,,r, many pieces of actinB require a different
approach . If Mickey Mouse is d isroutaged, he tUfJI$

AI,II IWly , jams his hands far down into his p<Xknl, loots
back over his shoulder one last time. kicks a stone OUt
of hi s path. and walks off. This must be: done with
I \ Pose to Pose because each of tile positions mU$! be
handled c_fu ll y for maximum Clarity, appeal. and
communication . They should be WOI'kcd o~~Jy
and t~ther. until they do their job as effICiently II
possible: . Once these: poses relate well to each ocher, it
is • simp~ mancr to time the intervening dtawingund
to break down the action .
Another e~ment thal d>ould be considered in dIoos-
inK the method o f animation is ·· texture ." A seties of

. _-
....~I".ro. Woolie R~ilh,,· accions all with the same intensity aM .mOunt of
"",_ EI Ga""ho Goofy . movement will quickly become tedious and predictable .
Ex~mpl~ of "Srraighr It will have nO punch . But if the overall p<ltlem con-
Ah~ad" animation. Th~ tains a.cents and .urprises, contrasts of smoolh_nowing
animalOr is often os s~r­
aclions witll shon. jerky moves. and unexpected tim-
pr;f~d os anyo"" or 1M ~<I}'
the fane ends up_ ing. the whole thing becomes a delighl to watch. Obvi-
ously. this is impossible 10 anain with Straighl Ahead
Action. Using Pose 10 Pose. the le~lure in the v;ll"iety
of the movemenlli Can b" planned and the aClion de-
signed 10 make this a p<l" of the 100al statement
11>e fim animalors to use Pose to Pose were inter-
ested in a quic ker resull and were not aware of its
brilliant future . n.ey were more concerned with the
.~ geographic locations of the characters Ihan any poten-
tial for entenaining actions. "The guy is over here.
then he gets his hat, then his cane; he looks to see if
his wife is walclling. he does a hop. then runs out the
door. Si~ or seven drawings, a whole bunch of inbe-
Iweens. and l"m Ihrough with lhe scenef" When han _
dled thai way, with no attemlll to relale one pose 10
another. the scenes were bound to be wooden and
/1' jerky. It was not until the development of stronger
(.,_-... ,"', poses. improvements in timing. more skillful usc?f
..,..}i-~ Secondary Action, and. finally. the Moving Hold. thaI
-..,; I. I _.' Pose to Pose animation ultimately came illlo its own

..,-,-, -
-. ",.
~ -'
-- {

Follow Through
and Overlapping AClio n
When I character enlering a sce~ reached (he spol for
hi s next action, he oflen Came to a sudden and com-
pklc stop . This .... as sl iff and did no! look natural. but
nobody ~'" ",hal IOdQ about il . Walt was conccmcd .
"Nnv don'l come to I Stop all at once, guys; fint
the~'i one pan and then another ," Several different
... ays were evemually found 10 correct these condi-
tions: they WeT<: caUed eitt>.r "Follow Through " or
"()o.erbpping Act;""" and no one really I:new "'Mrc
one ended and the other began . There seemed 10 be
fhc main categories.
l. If (Ile character has any a~mlages, such as
long em or a tail or I big COOt. these pans continue
10 ~ after the rest or,lle
figure has stopped . This
is euy to 5tt in rnl life. 1lIe ~""'nt of car;h
mu~ be limed cardully SO i1 " 'ill have 11M: e<:>rre<:t
freHng of weight. and it mmi continue 10 follow
through in the panern of aclion in a believable way,
no ""'ltcr how bmadly it is cartooned .
2. The body itsdf does not mo'"., aU 11 once. bu1
inr.kad it "retches, catches "'p, twists, tllms, and
COdtrICtS as !he forms work against each OIher, As
one pan arri~es ~t the Sloppin g point. OtheTll ma y
still be in movement; an arm Of hand may continue
ilSXtion e"en afler the bodY ;5 in itS pose. (Peg LI:,
F'tte'l beUy conlinued 10 boy.~ and llI.g intermi ,
nably.) In order 10 JltII O,"e r the auilude dearly. the
head. chesl . and s hOlllder!; might a ll SlOp together .
1+-- ~
.4nr. AI~
.4U4. ~""J~'
_,(...1...,. _
- '1' ~ ~
;JR -
_ _
~"'f""7- ---joII-f,&...
_ . /_ _ ~ ~ - ____
_ 'm. ..~; -I4t""" · 1
~"""' _ o,(..,.1~1
-'y.J" -. ~ -.",-........ ~" "'f" /'-7 --r _ .;(_~_r :;..-:..:..~......-
.i~ Ihili i. l~ pan ttw: 1l1l,hc1KC >-houW !IX O~ mul inl behind ;1\ an actio.. i~ S<>mClime. c,,11ed
p.v11hat 11:~>kf~ how thedwX1er is f<."CI'~. 'llItn " dra::' and it ~i"es a h~ .....,.. and ~ ",.lid;I)' ..,
• few (rall"lt~ later. the resl of the p;an, " "",td >oCt1 .... Ihr figure th~1 i~ ' -;Ull to ,lie ftt linj: " f Iofe. Wbm
;mo lhe;, fin.1 """"'t;"n, p"ssibly ..... all :" lhto ~a.n'" dn"., "-en. Ihi. t~·.:hni<.JU<· ,. ""an..... !), d.:t~'·13t.le ~
1;1l"It. When lhe wl>ole fij!u11: has \.wnc tu a -'lOp in ' I th~ film is proj«lc,.L In cffe<:l. the anin1:l( ..r is ur.I"'-
,k fin,!c all itudc, thi ~;, ca ll .d ;( "ncld" ..ira"·,"g. in~ in the fourth tlllnen,'''"' fur II< i~ <k:ri",in$ •
5on", of til<' aninlaturs th"'-'sht ".~ WCfe genin" [i,ur~ ,t... way it ,,",...M bi: ~, .."Iy Ih:ot rn...... is!"
too (u$oS)'. but that " 'as ""[)' the b\:Jlnnlnj( ~' WaU "Mlmem The <Ira'.... mS'> a.... "''' tksisned h' "" ,",,,. od
""w ne ...• po»ibilitic:s in the "..".k h" ll"Itn W"11: 11)- ltu.m><,lvn. but ""Iy in ,. ","'Tk~ 1'",,....,k.'II;\ •
!loinS. Clark r.:ohl " ·'th a ,·h""klr. " . . . We ".t~l>Ii,hcd .p.."C....
couldn'l undcfliland ","nclime.' why h,,: was gi\"in~ Man)' ",,,,,k ;oc1~'n' ha,.., Il<.~n 1>.,........." thl~ prin'
us hell t'''' s<>mtlhml: ...~ lh<IUght Wl < OCI."<:J1I"blc. ciple. ~s tile rat un a ,.unnin~ ,'har:M:iCr droll' ("nhor
'I1\en later on " 'C krw:w whal h~ wa, t.l king .tooul .. ~nd (mile, he hin<J . IImil ,lie ultimate "':"~I'lo' tbe
!>lcdcloo runs ufr. ka"in; It.. llcs.h 10 (.,,1Il for i,...,lf
) . The looj;c fk:~h 'III a fi~un.:, ,ueh 'I> II, ~htoe'" or 'I'hl~ 1)'1'" o f n~~~cr~l i".. ,,-ill I>ri,,~ tauPlS in tilt
D.mald Dock'. body Of aim",,! ~II vI' G"of). ,,'ill "h.lI1cr fitm~. t>ut l~ ,'hid '·all ...• "r lh" kind ,~
mfI_"e at a . I" ,,'cr . ""cd than 1!\c <kdctal pms, Th" r...,I10-0· Thmll~h I,c~ In ,t,
Ill"'" 'liNk II,..,' .


uf ,...".
4. TIle -..'ay in which an action is cc>mpJet~d "ften nt()fC cntcrt~ining the action itself c,>uld be. or "-Nit
lell~ ~$ n~ .bout the per.\oOn than the drawings "r it could tdl u. about the ch~rJCtc'" pe~lity_
Ik lIIO\l:ment ilSelL A golfer lake.• a mighlY swing.
-..'hich ('<)\l:n only a few frames. but wh.u happens 1<> S. Filially. the ... " 'as lhe M<>v.njl Uold . "hieh ~m·
him IfICf".-ard Can easily lake fi~e fee! of film and i. pIoy~ pans <.Jf all the ocher elcmCnI.' '" O,,~.. lapping
mlltb .....:n Il',-uling. whether he is ,racdul and Action alld Follow Through tn ach,ne a roe .. (... r·
$Iick in his follow through. or wraps him~lf up in a ing of life and clarity . When a careful drawmg had
knot . The anticip.tion ~ts up the action .....e e~pect becn made of a po"' _it ,,'as hdd ..... ithuut mu"clt1(nt
(OJ il it the ICtion the character expe<:ts?). the ""tion on the screen for 3 fc'" fmme~t lea,t e'ght. maybe
-"ili7.1,t~~. lOll now ,,·c rome to the "punch line" as m3n~ as si~teen. Thi, wa. tu ~1I"w the audience

of tilt the follow through . whkh tells us what tin~ to abwfb the aUituok . That ant<>Untcd 10 !eM
llappcned-huw it all turnc:d OUt Ob'-;ou.,ly. the lhan a .« <nnd . but il was enough . II",'.-c""r. ,,·htn a
tDding $/\wkl be cnn.idored pan of the entire aclkm dr~win~ was hdd for !ha! Ion~. lhe Ikow of action
bd"", any dl'll ..... ings are made. hUI. am~7.inl'ly. the wa" brol;cn . the illusion of din~n,ion "'as IOSI.
etlding "'IS hardly ever <kvcloped in carly anima· and the d", wing began to I,-",~ 1l11t . A way had to
tion . 1t ..... as enough jU.\I\O do the reach. the thmw. be foom! to "hold" the dra " 'in, and ' Iill ~eep it
lne kk k. aod 00 thought was gi"cn 10 bow much moving!
The "n""~' "'~ S 10 m"~~ I"'," d,"" ",~,_ one 1tIt)'~ Arcs
nlrem,' Ih,," Ih~ olher_ , '''' both contai~,n~ "II tl",
~kment' "r th~ f"»c . II w",
c'p laiol'll Ihi, "ay, \" 'rI f,," ti' i n~ or~~LI'i'"'' are ,·;tr"blc of @wo!, IIt!t
"You hu Ihe 1"'''',
Ihcn drJll nn i>e)-,<>lld I" an "\'e'n h:<V<' " ""'d,,,n;,.1 "' ;olld OLII or up ,,~t! d,'\\,11 f'f,.... ;-
'I",n~~r 1"''': ,,'"'ylhing ~,,.., fwnl,,"r, Ihe ,-hed, ,"'n_ TIl<" ,,,.,,,,,, "f" \\",, ~ljXTkn 11l,~hl 1>1- an n,'<1'"
~"up . 'ho! ,'"" 11)' '~<I. the h""d, ri,~: he g''''' un 10" 1"",. anJ. h<o,'au,c (}I Ihe fe"ml;,,,,, "I' "II ~\t~"1J1
"'''~. h, s "F s upt:n "ieln, b"t """"li"ll; h,", ,ul l , ~o kl<m. Ih~ .." ;Ire ""douhtedly ", ,,,,e "",,"pit, ,n Ih<

"' hi, P"'" """"~ wuld u'" III.: F()II()" Th"~Lgh "",'d "wIJ. !>ttl Ih,' 111<"-"""''''' "I ,,><"1 lil-ing "'.... -
00 Ih~ n"h} P'LTi' to ):i\'c '" Ih" ",)id'I> "nd din,,'n- 1m", ,,;\1 ,;,\1"" ~ '1i~1\l1) ~ir"ular Ilalh, Th~ Ix'..!
,i"n. we ,m,ld drag lhe pan. I" ~ i w III<" added kd - ,d,I"11I lit ..."" ,frJigh, w1. Ih,'n b",'k aga in: ;1 lift,
'ng "r ",'i~hl and 'calif.". "n,1 we n,u'J >ll~n~lh"n ,h ~hth, "t' dnol""' ,I relum,_ I\'rhar> Ihi, 10,,, 1" .1,
' >lIT 1"'''-''' fnr mox. "italil y, II "il added Llr h) ",,,ro! u ,lh ,,~,~hl ,;r ,,,,,)1>1' ";110 1h~ nlnn ,tru,-,"r~ ,,11il<:
life in th<o '<Celie_The "'"~ic' "'" bt:~i l1 ni ll ~ In "1'1"rl( . Ili~ hn fur"" "I Ilt~. but. ",h:Olner the 1~'a,,)1'- "~"1
""'\'e""''''' \\ill dcwr;l-..:.n ,,,., ' "f ." J"", kind_
Slow In and Slo\\" Out
Om:c ~" a"imator 1>;1<1 " '"rk,-,\ ,,'cr h" r"'~' ( 110,'
-"",~,,!<:,-, and r,'d,"wo ,hem "",il Iii", ,,~'" Ihe
1>1,,1 he ,·" "I d dn. he naiUmlly I"",,"d lilt' ;[",Ii~t\i;, I"
",,' then'- H,' liITlt'<lli>o.:.... lec, dr:,wmg' '" I\,nw <l LL;,'~I'
I",on ,"'" 10) lile ne". ," ,hal Ih,> hull: "I 110,' f'''-'Ia~~ "f
The "'~,,~ "'"uld bt: ~; Ih~! ",I '" d"", to lliow '"
Ifen",, _' fh pUlImg the inl>l'lu'ccIh d,,,~ I,) C"dl
nWflle ""eI oHI, ",Ie 11"~ling dr,t" i,, ~ halh",: 1,<>-
I"...-n. til,' "nion;,lo, ,,,'hi",,,,d a '.") 'ririt~,1 ,,·,ull.
\\ilh tho: dMI;oc)cr /ipp;n~ fr"", "n,' "'''Iu,k I" ,11<"
'Il'" 'Ih" \\,,, ,'~Ilctl Sh)w In "nd SIc", ()IlI, ' L n,·~ 110",
" Ihe way Ihe '" h.:(wc~''' "'ere 1llIk:J, ro" mudl of 1h,' ", -ri"" ,~ a h" ",/ ,~'·>II"·" ,"·,,11 " 1"''''"''~ Ji" ,~'" ! "II "".,.
1111' gaw" n,..chank,,1 fed 10 Ihe aClion, "'~hi~~ I!le '-"(11101" paIn . Ih, a"",,,"<" ,-Jw"" Ih. 1~).\lII 'm ,,( h" ,1,.". -
""" "I ,," ~ fhl ,' " " 1/,- 111(11" '.' I", /"., (I,,,,, ·, ,,,,, , 11),1" """
":~'k: of lilt, H':' lil< lil"t "';<, i'<'ing ,,, ,, gil l. hLL! il "'"
,t ;1I ;on ""l~"t"nl ,Ii,u,,·c,) Th"l he"an1C' Ihe b,<", "I
"·/'a,- ifll~ ·'~n'n.'- ,)"",1.1 I~' 1>/'" ",( k." " , 0/". /in,· <'I ," .", ~
,,,, Ihi,· <I,.,' ',,"er~ ' ,"'''.' d,,,,,' ,"'iI/""" J"I1"~ ' m,, ,/0" <II,-
];ofn rcfin<'m~nt, m liming and ,raging d""'~f II,,· "m"" ""1"·,,,,,\
\\-,it """1ioued 1(> ,,<~ U, 10 ""alYlc th .. ~clions "k'''
<-ardully. ,,,,d III unJ~"t~ml I", ,,, th~ ho.~ ly lIurkd. Thi, d',,-'ol-ery m~,I" a maJ"1 ,-ha,,~,' III the 1)1" "t
,i,,,,. Ihot wa' fhc otll)' "'~y \0 ~.t tne ,'a,;,·"I",,' or fI""·c,,,clIl, ""iTWllo" &';gn,,,j for 11,,'" ,-h"r;k'le".
,""Ii"" he "Jnted , "Our" ,"~ mll<t h., c; " fmllld~\;, '" hr~akin~ \\ IIh Ih~ 'i~;d a",1 ",t'!
"':I,nl" lhal had ~"""
"I I"",.n ""Ie, to h",'c ,il\c~fi l\' , n", ,"0<1 h,Lt,,,,,,> I"'f",~, I" " w"I~, ,h" dlan"'t'"" 1",,1 1"'1'1,,-,-1 "r.nJ
""lIlcJ\' i, "Iwa,'s b~",(l on Ihing' an""I ," tl,,"-n I;~,' """,han,,·,,1 ~adg"1s nn an ,-n~inc; n"'" 11." ,
0"" '1\,,,,,110' fr",,, <)1", i,1< the studi" w,,< "am,u"d ":or,'cd" <'In ," II,,· "'r ot' II,,· .. ,1C)" ,,,KI --,,,·,,1--
Ih.1I anyone w""ld lx' tlw inkr<'t~(1 "' the; ",.,h"(\i,, , u",l~r alii", l><mo", I""ition A h't or a II"n" ",~'ltl""
()I m'~,')"'" bUI lh" uni4uc app",ad\ \\'3' th" 1'Cr) on "<':0'''1'''"1<"1>· ,":tighl Ii,,,'. hul th~ l-..:~in"ill~ "I II>:
l>I'aft pf n", \\'or~_ ~'"'C D"'i, ' 'umm~J il (11'. 'Il" · ,,(li<l(\ ,'"on~ "'e~plll~ III on :on a,,' a"d th" I',,\!,,~.
!\<;) anion"I",n i, ju,\ vC'Y <iiff~r"nl "oblJoJy , \ don-1 Ihr<)ugh ,,;or1~d a ,''''k'~",,, ""'i",,_
,·,,1. whn h.: I" ~ <"m con,,' f",,,, Ihe '\O<1,ide anJ Jra" ., A, Ihi< I~·in,:il'le "a, bdf,'! I""k-,,"",j.
"-" ·t,,,, wtn!
n"n.y Ch"rJCICr "'ilh"",. full ""M""",ding "f "hal plolt~d ,lla ,,;lh eh"fts and J,~~. ,to "'ell ,os r(\"1~
,I', ;011 ~ht,"t," I~"e l. h' .t~\~,,,,i,,,· i "'1 h"w hlgh :11~1 h",.' I"" til<
charac1er sllould go in any ac'tion. Arcs were ,k~tc'hed ""'lied" on Ihe pegs Ihat Ihe proper location for the
in, as the key action, were planned. 10 guide the even - drawing become, e"idem, No one has ever found a
lIW drawings along Ihi> curved path . When the final way of insuring that the dra ..... ings will all be placed
drawings were being made. more way' "",,uld be,",,",e accuralely on Ihe a"'~, even ""hen nperieneed people
Bp]!>m'nl for the chamcter {() go e"en fanher in the are inbelweening the "~tion. and ;t is one of the mosl
action, e,pecially using Squash and Siretch and Over. basic requirements for Ihe scene. Dr~wing, made as
lapping Action to good ad"antage, straIght inbelween, compleleiy kill Ihe e,>cnce of the
One of the major problems for lhe inbelweeners is a<'lion
1hat it i~ much more diffkull to make a drawing on an
arc than one halfway bet ..... een Iwo olher dra ..... ings_ Seco ndary Ac tion
Even .,lIen the po';tion ha, been indi<:aled. or a Slcrn
warning 'Hillen on Ihe extreme> .. 'Walc'h a,,"~ . lhere Often , lhe onc idea being put m'er in a "'eoe can be
i~ a ,lrong indination to pull back toward a more fonified hy subsidiary actions within Ihe body . A ,ad
normal inbelween . 11 is only a, a >crie, of dra""ings i, figure "';pe, a lear as he lum, away _Someone stunned
>hakes bi~ bead as be GelS ' 0 bi, (ttl. A (lllsl~.~d cO'l1 inoo:d I" change an" :odju>I unt il all pan, or tltt
perwn pili. on bi, gl~sse$ lOS be reg;ins his com· "rawing wOltc:d lOf-e100 in a "cry "". uraj way .
posure . When Ibis e~lna busi~$~ ....1'1"..1> IN: ..... in It is odv i,.;iblc in any ..'~>C to Iry il all in thllmb-
ac.ion. i. is cilled a ~rondary A~'K:>n and i~ always nails-lill ie uploraliX)' s~etdt(~_II<:f"n: doin~ an).
kep4 .ubo... din~.c !<l 11K: pril1'~r)' aClion, If il <:emOiel. thing dsc:. 10 m•••• u"': Ihat evc')'lhing will >Ia~c "dl
or b,:e:om.:. mo", ;ntc,..,_~ting or dominating. in any way. and ....;n hlk "S conv i"" ing a' the anim~h" hall h"I1.:<I.
it is eilfler lhe wmn~ choice or l, <!a~d impr"l'c:rly . Wh.n u~d corrCCII~·. Sc~on"ar~· I\<.'.io,,; ""ill :MId
The chief difficII1.~· lirs in n.... king a unirocd Slate:· .ic"h...,s, Ie. ,he see"". "","nal""" ." lhe ac1 ion. ~"",,1
ment .bmugh the dnaw,"g and liming of ""ra'-~Ie. bUI fulk. dimen.tOO .o .be pcrs.ooal;l), ,.r
II\(, "h:r.=.....
",1;.0;0.1 . pam . If the sad figure has an upre ...,ion on
hi. (ICe: Ih~t should he "'en. the hand .... iping tlu: ICar Timing
muM hc ca,..,flllly pl~nflW 10 .upport Ih~1 look, A
brood. "wrwllelmin~ gc_ , ture: '"'ilh a tist "o,winS hal f The numhcr "r drawing., u-cd ;n any ,,"'ve .k:lernlHwl
lhe (ae.: would ""rdl )' 1K: ao:ce:p4ahlc _ SlilL if lhe acti.... the amounl " r lime Ilia. OCI;'", ""iIIlak~ " n .he ",,,:.,.
is tOO OIlIt.Juo:d. il w ill be mu>hy. r<!-'lricted. and mcon· If the (1.-.", Inj:~ .re "nlple. de"," .• nd C.1 pr....... ' •. lhe
~uc~ial; if il is 100 ,trong • •he face: ..-ill "",'cr be "''''1' Jl"int Can be pul ""n qUICkl y. ~nd ,hi" ....,. all
sec.n. Shoold Ihis Sc:celfldary ACli".. be mode 10 " 'ork Ihat cooccmc-d. the anima,,", duril1~ Ih,: pe.~>J.
wilh llIe features so that the expression i, "clllally Timing in Ihu"c can""n; was li",ile,1 mainl)' I" f~>I
cmph.,i/.cd. lhe ",ern: will be ",,(>landing . ""}\"~s and ,I"", m"w,. "";Ih ".:.:cnls ,md th""" ~all.
SotoclinlO!' lhe S«nndary Aeli"n "'i ll he the cxprt'.· in)! (or .~·ial handlin~ . lIuI lhe !,("",,,aliloe, ''''''1 ·...rt
si .... Itself. Suppo>.C lhe...: Wl\> I" be a ellange from a .....·'·clopinl: " 'eo"<' defined nl<>« by •...,ir mo~~""""!
painful h" n 10 a helplc.<s. bk3k I""k as lhe cha"""lc. lhan tlock ;lI'P':or.<Ilcr. ;1",1 lhe . -a.yinl! ,.,...-.I "r .......:
lum. a",·ay. befon: he wi!,(.IN: lear_ l1Ic: dan~er no'" ",,,'cl1lenIS dctcrmin.:d ...·he!her the cha. :KI,·, ,,').
i. 1101 that the exp",,,ion ""il1 ""m;na lc Ihe ~cllC bot k:lhargic . cAc' ted.>ll, .•ela",-d, Neilhe. aclln~ ...
Ihal il never .... ill I:>c seen. The <: hange tnU'C come attilude cuuld he ""nmycd .... ilhuut I",yin~ ,"cry d<,.;c
bc:fQr~ I"" nlo~e. or afte •. and myst he 'taged .'" that it allenli,m h' Til11ing.
i~ o/)vklUs. ~"cn lholl~h of ......,onda.)" imporla",:e ,\ T..., (o"'pli~aled rela'ion,h,,,,, . hat ,alllO! ",-ilh St.:.
('han~~ ;n I ~ middl~ or a ,",we ,, ;11 ~o ynno- ondaJ)' '"'''''' IIIS and On,b(lf'inl: M"n,,,,ent. ,-~tlN
liced .•1Id ~ny valoo: ;nlcn<kd ""illite IOSI. ftlr cuen.i,,, refi"".....,nt •. hUI ~"Cll lhe Ilk>Sl hit....
One anin,.lor roond the pmper rclali",,,hi!,, a"'''''g mo,'es sho ..·..-.J lhe ;m(l<"'''''O:'' of Tirllin~ and lhe «,".
alllheM' pans throu~h a "builllin~ hlock" !e~hni4I1e .' stant ""cd f... 11I0re slud~'. JU.I 1"-" drdw;II~' of I
Fi';1 h~ "nill1at~d t"" 1110.1 imponanl n.."'~. "'''king hc,lIl. Ihe ti ..1 showi n~ it lcanin~ I"ward th,' lI):h1
... ~ Ihat il "" or~ed the .... ay he """nled. e"mmllni ..·:,ling ''''>II)der ano.!.he _'ond wilh il 'lVCT "n lhe 1ci"1 and II>
bis lhou~hl in .be st"'I1~~"t .... ~y . Then he w~nl Ih'''''gb "hin slij;hlly r~iscd. "'an be m:t<k ." (o"'mlln;,:a~ I
lhe M't"" a :ocrnnd linoe 3n;m3tin¥ Ibe s......·"n"ary "'.... ;111 ..... of Ilk" •. ck-pmd"'~ ~nl"':ly on I"" Tinll"1
AClion. and e,-.:n ontt more If nc.;h~· . 10 '''d~e I"" " ,,-d. Exh inhel"'ttn d'-d""ng ad<kd ....·Iwccn 1~
f.,1 of Ihc.- Ilra ..... ing .clalc 10 til<"" IWO act;"",, Ik lwo ··cx lre",,,,·· gi.-e< a ne .... ",canin)! In.he ;oct",",

""'::' i
No intM:tw~~ns TilE CHA RACTER has bo~n hit fa'I""tion on . 'IWOS" had I11O!'l: spm kle and ,piri t Ihan
hy a l r~mendous force , Hi . lhe $3me aclion with inbclw~r"" . whkh tetl<kd to make
head is rlCarly snapped off. tile Timing tOO eyen and n:tttQvcd the vitality.
One inbet"ttn ... has betn hit by a brick. Any lime lhe~ was a p;ltt trl<>'"~ in " 'hkh lhedwx,
rolling pin, fr)"in~ pan. ters f~t or a poinl of contact wilh the backlf'lllOd
T""" inbet"'fens , has a n~rvous lic, a mus' we~ show·n. lhe :aclion had to bo on -.~.' to nwch
cle spasm, an uncontrollable the moyes on the pan. or lhere ...'ould be ~il'P're
twilch . which looked p"uliar. Similarly. if the C'a1tlC'fll ~
"IlIrff inbel"'ttns . i. dodgin~ the !:>rick. roll , moving in any dirtttion (" 'hlCh mil$.! be ..... "ones",_
in~ pin. frying pan . lhere wQUld br a Sirange jiHerin~ unle5~ the ch:m.cter'.
Four inbelwfens i. giving a crisp order. action. were Ott "ones' al", .
"Gel ~oing !" "Move iii" When more daborate aclion! were called fOf and
Fiv~ in~lw~cru; is more friendly . "OH' more delicale change~ had to bo seen. lhe animalon
here .. ''Come on-hurry! " ~soned 10 1he use of "o"".'·_","nCli me~ thrO\lgMuI
Six inl>:I"'fens . """. a good-looking girl. the ~e ... and OIherwbc only in ~rtain place" A
or lhe .porIs car he hao alway~ !lCl1Imble aclion or 'I""~d ga,. a _,h;jrp :OCCCRI or flurry
wanted . of lIClivity , lhe pay-off aflCt " big anlicipation. all .
xI'en inbet"'fenS . _ . lries 10 gel a better look at nee<kd "ones." BUI lhe choice was Still difrlOlll 10
something . make ifille animalor had not ~11C' throogh I period of
Ei,ht inbet"'ttn. . sun:hes for the ~~nu1 but- e~l""rimenling and Irying and failtn, and trying again.
ler on the !.:itehen -'''<:If. Only then did he build up a hadlog of Ul""rlC:ntt that
Nine inbel"'ttn~ appraISes, cons iderin , would guide him Ihrough lhe.. I""rpetual ~ision1;.
Ten i!lbelwecn, . sireiches a sore mu ..le . Exaggeration
The 1'(,,>;,lcnl 4uc.linn. eS!,<,cially from Ihe Ne,,"' There WI.' some confusion "monl! tile animalm when
York men W3 S, " W","n Ju you u"" 'ones' and when Wal l first asked for more ~alism and tile" crilidzed
do)'ou u.. ' IW~ "!" This referred 10 tile numbor of the re., ull he<:ause il w~, not euggcrated enough. In
fr.,,-..:t of film to b\: ~hOl of a ,in81e d""',ing . One Walt· s mind. lhere wa., I"ohahly no difference . He
exposult w;'" tailed "UACS, ,- IW'O cxpoMlre. '- Iw",,_"' be lieved in goin8 10 llle Ilearl of ~n ylh;ng and dc_elop-
II Ita;] lon, been koo,,·o f", moM IMJJmal :aclion inSlhe esserIC~ "f wh;jl he found . If a chancier was 10
IiIcn WillS ..... n«d 10 make a new drawing for el'el)' be ~ad, ma~e him ~der. bri~l_ make him brigIMcr;
franoe or rhe film Each dr1lwing could ocrupy IWO of worried. ~ " 'orried: " 'ild _ make him wilder . Some
the ~iotrS f"'mes. and the audknce ","Ou k) 11<'' ' ' of the m ists had fdl lhal " uaggfflllil>!t" meant I
deIeo:I il at 24 fraOles a SC<."Ond. This sa'-N immen ~ "",ion
ttlOf(' distorted d ..."wing, or an so ,ioIenl il_
am",,"!> of ........ k . nd in the slo"'er mo"emem~ gal'e I dislurbin~. They found lhey h;od m••!ltd lhe point.
,11lOO(her appeara fICc 10 Ihe aClion. More Ihan thai. a When Wall asked for rul i.m. he wanled a ,;oriea_

--- -

...... ~ .
~~', -
~ .
- --
I" '" 01 renl"Ill, One ani'l "na lp .. ,1 il ,·",",«,11 ) "h,' n h,> " ai l r" t Ilk· iii ", I",·,,,,," h;,,'. 11'111" "n II..: ~ 1c)\';,'l l ,
",i<!. " I !Ion't think oc n"-'~nt 'r~~II"tl ' I thin\. h" \\'all ': :tnto.:",iii ..
~" ,1 " 1',\\ ''' ''''' . •!t,'" ""1'1"'0.1 b:.:~
">t;~lI t """,,,thmg .ha. "a, mOJ~ Ctl'" 'OClnG •• h:o' n ~,de and I.,,>ltd al " ,,' . 1 11~",ghl I,,· " ", II" "'!! ,,, ,.-[1 me k'
~ hili'~trc"nt:K't " uh propk , ~,1Il 111: .1"'1 . a ".1 'reali,",' Ica,( t"" ~u,tJ"" ~UI "" said . ·"-""r.·. [)aw. Ihal-' JIN
",",,,,,..., 'rcal' ,hinl'S 00" ~.w~ '" "tkn [in 1"'= " hal I "~n,,,d:'
a"im31 ~"" l ' ht l'hamc'e' w<>ul<J d<. "''''''Ih'n~ unn.n- ,. It taughl III\' "h" h' "" all l..- I),,,,,') ,,,,,II,, h,,,,,
\" i ocin~. 'If III , no " , · 00" clewr 1"'= ~nlln:Ol<'" "-;0,. ano.l l no:n ,'I' { ",,"cr h:td a n~' lo'OIIbl,' "" h CUgj!etJlk>:l
il I" . ,n·1 rc"1. il "'3< plm'" ". W:tli ",,,,,Id ,I\,t J(C,'PI WII\' '' I " ,,, dnc,l ing I " ",'01 In ,:t} '" Ih" anllnal""
~"y l hi n ~ Ihat ' k'Irt>)'cti ~Ii e""hnil )', hl'l I, e ,,,"k ,,,, ' \\' ill J"" ,I" '''"'''l hin~ f ('f " ,e.' Will P ' " P11;tl c;1 ,,,
a,ke,1 an anim" I"" to I,m ,e <.Inw n ;on aC'I,,'" if I~ iJ"" nltem' Iha! y(>u """,' II". ",;,,1 ,."
w~s "S hl lor'i><" "'c''''_
Halld 101.1 of a lC,1 he had 0.1011'" "f ~hcl <~
I).. ,..,
nd,nll ,,1' '''11 In hIS ' a ,"cah. ,,·h"llInll. " 'Ih C\'<'~'lhln!,
00 IOC cat rJtlhn~ and t>oo,.n(lnl' . WI..:n 11t<~ (3m" I"
lit< 'W1I<.'r. It-..· ,oar ~k id<k<l a,lIl "Ie" ""I " " ,,' . "t
"h.d' I",1II1 II..: ,'ar ",~~,xJ. til, I"·"",,, I,l"t" t" " k d
" Wr and land,".. "'itlt il> nll mlJ.,·", "1""1<' d"" II an,1
~pcllill~ , " Oil , oc,'k l)" ,," "as "n,' Iltal "J," bu~l ..
and ho: ,,'a' cate fu l !" ' I.. ~( il '" Ih al 'I "",,10.1 mil .....
", ,,...,,1 "" Mlentl) lit had "' ~ e,>II''''''r,·,llh,' "h"I, .-,or
;0" '~lcrUJl). lur Walt ~'t)n'pl;ti"'.:d uf th..· la,:~ 1>' a..-lion
and ~,~ ~d h"n 10 du II o~'r .n....
IIC ' I IC" ,., ...·.·i ••·d 11..-
" ,,,I\: t,·a..·Utln .. It' ~ tI(I( brood "'M
_ '''lIh, II', lin' Iun-
n .·~ " S" I;m..·, I)a .~ ,'orr,',:led Ih" ",·Ii"". """ "11 ;lntl
Tc~1r~,, ;ng LlLllil Ite " a, '''':n l} Ih,,,ug!' lit,' I'''r.: r . and
, Iill W" II d,J nut kd 11t,- "d illn " '" ,p iri led "n" ugh
1,,( ,,!tal he \\ :lII led ,
,\1 Thai puinl 0: .... !"~ r"d "I' "rhe ,'''I~' I I"n~ I
kn,·" 10 tk. " '" '0 dn ""'I\'I""'~ oc """I",,'. laL.'_ ,,,
"'''~, " "" nlr.:n>e Illal "" "OIIld ",~. ' 1 d,dn' , mcan
,II", much" S" I ",cn. bac k and dod "'t1l('1""'!! 1k1lTi"[~ Solid Draw in g
d"h,"\,,1 I ,,'a, k ind 01 f'C\oud ,,( ,,,~,df an" ,·",,1,1" -1
11,,: "ld · I" 'M" '" "co', hat'! l'r""",I I" ~""r up "ilh ,'"
d,'m ,,,,,I, " f II", ,,,.,, 1'1"" " I :"" ",,,1,, ,,, Mo.\" ' hao ,,....
1"1' rJ"'" ,'"""",,,,.1 Ih~ oc~ """, ,.,,. " y"" , h""IJ I..,~"
i', ~
I" JrJ" '" \\'.-11 a, I_""ib lc ""I"'~ '1 ," H"~ I" ,,,,,,,,,,1""
(Or"" No" , "' ~ .' ".",,,,, """"a' M'" .·~",Cf .'I,m'~ "'
""" ,,,.~ ,II 1'):4 . 1"'''" '-.1 ' '''1. ,. n..- ..... lTer ~ .... ,' ''''
.II~", 11M' .'a,,,',. 11'11 "" f'J< ~"" y,,,, '11 h,n' It, dtn
lho.- .'h~r""·'~r m alii_Nit"", and IrOIl" •• ..w~ ~"!,-k·. u,!
,I' , ,," ,'a,,'1 ,k' t1, ,m" It",,· I" ,I ,,~.' ,I 1',1\1" "",,,. ,~I,..,
.'n ~I~. 'I" "cr~ ',-' Irl<'j",' "lid ,,,I.,., h,"~~r_' ~ l",(
I l.t< i. " '" ""-'''' phi 1'''''1'1",· " Ie " ."',,,, I,'h' (; " 1lr""
\ ". ~ " ~i' i "~" I"" f, "'''""" " · :~ ,, ;ttl,,1 " '''' a,'(',,' "I~,,,
L '''~ li"" I<~1 h.1 I" , ... ,,1). ",, 1.' II)' 1;., ~h, I.I~ :",d.!,,~
1"'1"'. '·'I":" "II<.·c " T,~. m~") "I' ,It., ""'''.
,'Id .wJ
- - .. _- - - - - - -- --
• • fA!,e$
~ WOODE-N ~'ll'~.
-- - "./ll!. OI~ ~

lj.oJ, E'<'!; ,Ui'- , ;lIM ,f.I.OM>, FINGE.'R. ,l€G ,aUAIi:.,
~ , ~'fC. lo::>K'5o 714e- ~ A5 '75 ~.
PAIt"f · ,~c ea "'1" r.;; .It vcf!.!< .;;r'FF i.OOI(ING
{ friO'2E /JA1ZJ~'" oGW\R.<,'
€ACH 1J\2r OF
e:;ov VAeiES iN
WWS"'~D 'N6
tosl1e F.... er.



new. were full oflfic" and {cchni<luc~ thai had loo~ed

""a, in canooning ~ hool bUI did n01hing for them
al tilt Di,ney "uui,,_ The linle ,hadows under Ihe
II." <>f 11k: ,1\",,,. thc ,lick line. Ihe tlashy "er.'e of
clothing re:"'lin~ III "jolent .,.nion--all Ihe-e de"ice'
Ih'l had imp'C"C<.i US 11\ high ";h,,,,1 were of litt le
use anynlOrr_
.~igns were hung on many walis where the young
,,,,ince, w,,,,ld he 'u"-' In <Co lhcm. ~nJ the one we
"",w: ",i>cr he" waS Ihi , - "Docs your drawing have
weight. depth and halan<"e'!"-a ("a,ual reminder of
lhe ba,i" or "'lid. ,hrce ·dimens ional <lrawing, Men
h;Id de,'oted their whole lives 10 the mastery of the'e
elusi.'c prin.;iple ' , and here wa~ thi~ ~ ign "bout .,
prttemi'>Il' as OIl<' Ihal ,aid, "IJU)' Saving' Bond,:'
or pointed 10 l!>c nearc't exit.
Aoolher sign admom,hcd uS 10 w"len oul for
"I,,';n,' in "'If dra ..... ing' , Thi, is the unfonunale ,ilu-
alion \\h<:r~ to:lIh arm, "r lk,(h legs arc nm only paral ·
lei 001 (k,in~ c '"~tl)' (he ,ame Ihing, No one dra ...... would never think of c\prc"ing an en...,.i"n ..... ith twin. YOll"J'
Ihis way on ",,'po, e. and usually the aniSl IS not cvcn anywhere, bu(. sornehow . in a drdwing, if you're no! t"" di.
.ware Ihat he has done it. This affliclion waS not l;m- lhinking. il creeps in lime and again ,"
;(W 10 th. thin ;." ror again ;n the ,",vcnlies young Our main search was for an "animal.ble" ,hal"',
animal"" Ron Clement' wa, ann"yed to find "twins" one th.t h.d volume but was still tlcxible. possessed
in hi s drawings no mallcr how hard he worked 10 keel' strength without rigidity, and ga,'c uS oppor1unities for
I~m om , "II wa, <>ne or Ihe roN drawing principles the mo"Cmcm, th" put ,,"cr "ur ideas , We n.,.,<led a
Ihal I heard "I' allhe studio , If you gCl into acling, you shape th.t was a livinl; form. ready to move-in con ·
l<3;t ""ilil the ,'alic fonn. W~ used the lenn '·pllltlC.·'
''''fHIIMI~ and JU51 the definition of the ""on! seemed to ron"ey
~ r>ppMIito !he feclin8 of potential activuy in the dra""ing: "Capa·
"" ,iU<J"" ble of being shaJlCd or form~d , pl iable."
_'d "","
pf'6'1 i. tht
fa sd"ati"g Appeal
lanydra ....
Appeal was ycry irnronan! frOlll the , tan . The word is
often mi.interpreted 10 . t.ggest cuddly bunnies and
$Oft kincns. To u •. it meant anything Iilat a person
llle$ 10 IOee, a quality of charm, plea, ing design. sim_
pllcity, communication. a nd magnet:ism . Your eye tS
dra""n 10 the figure Ihat hilS appeal, and. once there , it
is held ""hile you apf'",cialC what you """ seeing. A
Sinking, heroic figure "an have appeal. A "illaine!s,
even though ch illing and dramati" 'Muld have appeal:
otherwise. you will not want to walch what she is
doing_ The ugly and repu l si\'~ may uplure )'oor gv.e,
but Iilere will be neither the buildi08 o f character nor
identification ""ilh the snuation Ihat ""iIl be needed
There is shotk value, bUI 110 Story .trenglil.

II TM pmalld lin" of the pis~ Or h~., go,', no chana

/er solidif)' or di"'~JUiCl1,

lI'h," hrn,. ilUtN>d of"""", "'nlh, f» """.flh. "
..... ""I)' " IitWlr,n .

o Addinlflnl! i ....rrns.d ,h. ",>!um ... Jlhoulli,·m.f "

fluid , (u: ,i,., po""'ial ,
, ,
\ \
") '
A weak drawing lac ks appeal. A dr3wing I~I is
complicated or hard to read lach appeal. Poor design .
clumsy shape •. awkward 1Il0"cs. all are low OIl appeal.
Spect ator. e njoy watchin g SO,"",liling. Iilat ;s appeal in!
to them . whether an c~pru,ion. 3 charucler. a ~
,"",nt. or a whole story iuuation . Wh ile Iil~ Iwe aclOl'
has charisma . the a";n,at~d drawing has appeal.
Young people, exciled aboYi Ill<: ~r~al su ..'c~,,,,,s len OUt ,,'tten you gel 100 dose on it. W. arc 31lempling
a:bje,'.d with Ii .... dr.,,-ing. are al" ""},, perplexed to ' ooven;"n", Ih31 now. wilh ~ new dye proce«. bUI il
hr. thal delicate rdi'ler!!cn!> are ntIl flO".,ihle in Ihis will be son", lime before it's perfecled. " ( It ne"~'
medium They r«~!1 scene, or g",al beaulY and pic- was. )
IInS wllh strong ("""ions and C3nllOl sec thai lhere is Many greal effe<"" are ro'~ibJc. bUI I'~ nflen lhe)'
an~ problem ;n communkalion, BUI Ihe prohlem is COSI "'''''' Ih~n lhe a'<erage proeJu<'lion Can afford . The
Wit. in every Keoe and c,-cl)- day, Sinee Ihe medium con.lanl bailie is 10 find lhe element' Ihal w;1I look
lackltlle lublie shadow pallems on Ihe face Ihal can besl in Ihis n,cdium and Slill allow the wungesl com·
Itveaitht , hade, of character in a per",m, we mu,t municaliun of Ihe idea presenled . A drawing must be
concentral<: on Ihe acling or Ihe sillry 'Iruclur~, Deli· made in lin~. d upi ic~led on cel.', rainl~d in Oat co lo...
C~ expr.:.,ion. can be misinlerpl"Cted. to .,'cryon' s phOiograph.:d Over a bae~ground. ~T>d projeeled onlO a
,,,,,fusion. and 3!lempl ing too much rdi""n""m can g'anl "",retn. Tiny. sen,ili,'" lines on 1M dr~wings ore
make lilt drawing SO reslrained or m"oh'ed th31 no now enlarged unlillhey ~It more Ihan 3 fOOl wide. and
rommunicalion is po."ihk_ Only .imple arnJ direel '·ef)". "cry black. In lhe mid·.hinks. we wished for
anilOOes n'a~e good draw ing>. arid "' itlmul good draw. shading. for le ~ lures. for are .. w;lh no oulline,. bul
ingl "'. ha,'. 1;lIle appeal. Ihey "-ere nOI pm'·lica!. We had I" find Ulh"r " " ),5 of
The "'hole idea of Irying 10 conllllunitale feeli ng_' pU!l;n~ u"cr the point' in Ihe scenes. and in S(> doing
wilh mue lines doc, ,"oem ridiculous .1 lime, . There is <Ie,-eloped characlc'r .nimalion imo a ,(nnmunic",i\'\:
alwa)'! the lemplalion 10 gel in doSC S<l Ihe audience an Ihal 3$loun<.led Ihe world, Bul al the I"ne Ihere was
can Itally :leC how Ihe character is reaCling. bul Ihe neilher glory nor ",ide in om eft"on~. only lhe nagging
clO$e.up ~WnlS lite grealest prohlems . f)a\-e Hand linmal;on;, As we p."ed tach Olik:r in Ihe hall. wt'
uid. in l\lJH. when '1ue,lioncd aboul lhe 3d" isability shuok our heads and shared Ihe lhoughl. "lI's a crude
of usin, tXlrem~ d"",,-up,;: " The race be,ins 10 flal- medium. "
4. Discovery 1934-1936
" I okjiuir.-I'-fi-..! ,/"" ..... , ''''''''" ,/" ,h", /'''''''-'';<"'/';''11. "',ud (>II ,11.. "'<II. ""I"s$ .,., JkJl /"'''''- ,II .. n'''/. ..
Wall n;'n~)'

Thl mid -\hlnl e~ w~. c~" 'y 110,' """I lhr;lIjn~ ~m'd
fOf the Dj'IIe)' "nimJror~ . II "'''' a lim, explosiwur
~row(h r,1I" 1he wtmle ~!ilt1in. In., 11 ...· ,",pl..,rin~ and
eXf"trimeminr_ ~OO d; ;:<:"""y CI~Jled an eXcllcmcnl
..,w, 'Iulle mald.,:J a,I1ain.
J">I t..",au~ ,,~ h;td n~mcd 0"" "r II,,· n,'" prirn.'j·
pit> IIf an,m.,ion did nOlI me~n lh~. we ",,,.kf.t'~..J ;1
I. ~~I,,-\l d ...· <' 'Mil ,,( il~ r<"<;1>;I/,;",_ C"n, 'am study
,r.! ",.r,·h;n~ had hmughl II> Ih,,' fa,. and mOre , [u,ly
u, In. "nly "3Y '" ~ ~cp ad\'an"i n~ , Wall >~cur/d
111m"" from "rh~r wmpanies for LlS '0 sec al Ihe .w-
~i(\ afln homs. and 110:: ,,,1<1 '" "r Ill<" g,eat ""ud~\'ilk
:0:1, ,<> ",'e whcno:wr till'}' were in I<>WI1 . b'~r)''''hcr~
~... ":em aoo c'-~I)'lhing "'-' did he,'a"", "'tloclhing 10
5/ooy: fu, liminj!. 'I~!! ing. hum"r. pcr""ml ily Ir~ih .
mo,...n ... m,. ",:Ii .. n (ln~ ~tli m;tI"r horrghl a Ihn,m
r..,lCO~ wllerr tloc~ (11'1 ,~n .... "uthe "'~r~ct . 10 pho",,·
mph hi, "wn fc, ,,,,r.:',' mal~ri.1 and Slud)' i, r'r~mc b ) '
[rime. II pul him all('~d uf the <>(h,' I', j",m~d'a ld y.
"rw:e Ik' was able 10 crc~ l ~ new ;'""O"S bcy""d llur
ul>;kr>i4,KJing. an ,eho,,!. Life " ,duL hUI il did nm ~u
d'~wing w~s ,\" i• . ",","O' f.\
Don Graham. 1 h')l in,rrue'",r '" (,h"lJi"ard' ~ A" In . Mally fa, c"ough ur fa>! cnough. DOll soon was ,pend· ",.... ~",d 10 '61
"i,nlo:. wa, t>r.}I'ghl QUI 0111: c"cning a wcek IU imrrnvc ing ",on: tin'" 'lullyin~ Ihan la,:hin~. as he Ir i~d to
Ib: dr,,,,ing lakms "f the sl~ff. ,\1 fim il "'as jusl ke~p up wilh W~It"~ "nl hu .;a~m_
rqular lif~ dr~" ing. 1>111 il " 'as "'~ I"nj! hef"", l)Qn Wah r.:aliled 11\;11 lhe anin'a,nr» I~a("hing lho.· ~n
nmc undcr Wah' ~ im~n>i"~ drivc ~I,,- ap 10 gel ;." "",. "-~r~ Ihe OAC'S "'ho shaT~'" his desire 10 achie'.., hi,her
lhift1 ","lItT. He "'~nlclll)on 10 be,:,}ln< lhe QUISlan<!- "andaru;. ~nd in 1936 h~ put nu, this mCmo: ··W,·
i"l: ,"rhori!)' un lin~ drawing in lhc cuun!ry . He wanted plan "n inslalling ni~h l clas~~s nn aClinn anal}'sis
hi, men laughl Ihings you could nOI find in ~ny exi .•tinS immedialel}' . I in1cnlllQ ha"e '0"'" of lhe he" anima_

1/ ..... doN-s ,lit ilI>iI

,"" (lIma ..."
Ion ralk ro lhese meo and discu ss with them Timing. fil",~ sl\u""ing ba",b,;,11 pit~hcrs and Ilolfefs, bu l soon
landl mun~ of obI~ining cen3in effecls. . . in this we (wid see il in n><ITC- gencn l ar.:livil in . Any I""~
way I hop:: 10 Jlir up in this group of men an cnlh.. s;- ~aning 10 mm"C from a ~ill. st;Inding r-""illOn . ""hellier
u rn and I knowledge of how to ao::hievc: mull'- that to SIan walking or pick l'OIT1C1hong up. alway. bel'""
will advarott them npidly:' Now "''C ...·ere comin~ lhe ,",,"~ ...·i th lhe hip" .
Net two and rhrcc nighls every " 'cck eilher 10 talk or Don Graham c"cntually did I>o:e,",,,, lhe Icad;n~
to lisren. TIlere were liso guc.1 spea kers from OIllside aU lh ority un line <lrawing. hut ""Iy a ",.n of hi,
It.. st udio. bUI. while Ihey ...·ere stimularing and cn · palicll<;C. inteliecl . and calm deter",in"li"n coul d h,,·.
rkhed ou r general bac ~gr[)Und . we did not ge t a.> much las lc<lt hrough lhos( cia,,,,,, •. lie wou ld .• hake hi ' head
from lhem in a praclical way U we did from our own in di~lottief at the commenlS from all sides a. he tried
"upcns:' As Le!; Clark said. "1 karned more from 10 edu.:alc rna."", of imaginaliVO!. cnl hu~i" .. i<' arti",.
worting wilh rhe fellu. and from Walt:· Don al""I),:, had a cigarelle in his hand . hul il wa~ turd
The memo ~inucd: " 1 also intend 10 Iu~e Don to . ccall hi~ lillhlinil- ol1C . In OUr " ",nll";"S, hi, c.p-
Graham siudy our beller animal ion. 50 lhal he will be rellt"> were ....,,·cr o' ·c. Ih.".,·'!uan<:," "f an inch "'"'
Ible to analy •.e Ihings for the younger . nimaton.·· (llcn ing sh<lrter by the minute). and lhe sm"ke clun~
M ~ work for Don. and thi.l in a<Jdition to the cla~ses to hi~ hand and went up hi , , kevc . ·I")".rt .... ere 110
he w~s conducting on acr;on analy,i, from live-action ashtr~ys op on the model slan<l where I>c gcocr~ lI)'
film clips . He se lected ,;ogle lOCtions on short pi<:ces talkcd. '" ru, ....,,'er s."".. d I" have a pbl<;( to put 0111
of film and nn these back"'ard arwJ rO.....·I.d endles.<ly lhe smoldering tip. moving it adn,illy from one SCI of
... hile d;.cussing every observation he had been able 10 pioclll.'<i fingernails to anot her. We found ,... rselvn
make. Our ~ycs Oickered in sync willllhe slow shUllt r engros\C4 in these a",",jng displays "f agility in .. ead
speed on the projeclor. but "''C ...-ere fascinated . of I)oo's carefully chosen wonb .
One piece of film sho ...·ed a hon;e in I ~to ...· canter When St"''' o f the animal"'" ""'''' press",ing Wlh
turning a half drcle 10 hi s left . Don wenllO daborate ro let lhem change Mickey's eye. "" that "1OfC delicate
lengths to prepare us for thi s film. e~ plaining ho .... lhe UpI"C"iun. cOIlld be handled. Walt a,kcd D... " to brin~
hor~ had to lead with his left foot 10 keep his balance. it up in hb class to sec whal all "f the fello .... , lhought.
"If he ltd .... ith his right. the support woul<l con.. too II was a tliffieuh nighl for Oon . since he had "'''~
Ill<: for h i~ ",e ight . and he ...·ouk! rail o.-cr .·· llIen he p'etcndcd 10 injecl him", lf into 1111: actllal wort; of
nn the film, and 10 c' ·cr)"o....,· s ,",rprise--and Don's anima" OI'I. and he found hi nos.:lf trying 10 """,<01 a
horror- lhe horse was running in a left lurn with a spiriled di.cussion between aulhorilies or ""ried "",n-
righl Ie.d. Ke n Anderson' burSI OUI impei liousl)". io," and even more varied pcrsolUl hl ics . Some fe~
'· Hey. Don! Thc horsc is ""rong!" Too many nights the u<lierott ...·wld "","c. 3CC1:r- the ne w design .nd
wirh tOO many classes wcre gening tu Dun. hut he ",'"uld """nder ",'hal WaS wnmll . Others claimed Ih.t
stoically kept on AClua ll y. he ",ade a bener point in rcnplc would ""vc. nOliee, So me fd l il .... "uld be.1I
our mindS than he .... ould ha,"~ ot he rwise. for an)' right to Iry it lOr just one pietlln: 111111 ",e ""hal happ.:nt<l
horscm~n kO<Jw~ Ihal a horse can lead w;lh eilh.:r foot As the tnl k hecame morc Mated, .. lie noil" 'Iuiwni.
on a tum . Uowt\'er, his rhYlhm and I>;! lance will lot " Why don'l ....~ jusl ehan~~ nne e)'e III a Ii"",?""'
betl<:r using the one lhal matches lhe direclion he is Many of the animators re>cnled the ennsl ant 1"'''"
luming. ,nd "''C Iud to know lhal ~ISQ. 1<>W2rd mo\fC ",alism in every acl" "'. To lhem. pulli",
Our OIIOSI stinting obscrv.ilion from films o f ptOIlte o,'cr lhe gag. lhe busil1Cs.~. thc ' tmng p<>SI', ""a, all
in ~iOfl wa~ thai oJ"""l all actiOflS ~tan Wilh lhe thai ",'as needed to be cn lcn~ inillg . '1")'" .esl "'·as ju!.!
hips: and. ordinarily. lhere is a drop-as if gravily frillS . 6111 lhe ne .... types "f pi<'tllres clliled fo. action.
.... ~r~ being used 10 getlhing' going . From this mov..,. that had to be analyzed carefull y if they ,",'ere to COItl~
lhe.~ is u~u~lIy a tum or tilt or a wintl up . follo,"'cd by off. Then: was a famull' S<:crIC in "'h~ Cl,P'''' Shol' Ih. t
a whipla"ih type uf action as the 1"C51 of the bod)' Slans W;t.< (:lI ked about for )"Ca.,.. The ~IO')' was simpjc: In
10 follow through. Th;, was evident first ;n sport. <lId man has a china lohop. ~1lIl ",-hen he lta,'C' al niSh!
* r",,"nn COlI'" h) I,fe lI u"1I.: >Ce .... or.he k.nd ly Throuj:h lhost d.y •. the piCIP' .' ,,·c mad( rdlttled
lhe ",ide rang.: of c~ pt> Wah Wa~ uploring. 0..
old shoptccpr< .~k"'g a la •• kll, k around •• lI.:n opening
!lie douI. "'alk,n~ .hruu~h it. anJ dosing. il behind him film COfl\:CnlrlleU 00 dances and lhe E""""'''M; pM'
"''''1 qUill' 3 change from the br"ad gail> and ;oC t ;un~ in terns danc .... made lllben see" (rum above. TltilO had
!he earlie, fil"", T he ac tinn n"t nnly had «, be Cun· become a popular camera ang le bc<.·au<e of lhe musi.
Yill<:inl. ;1 had tt) have Ch;"""I~L The u ld man h~J c al . li ve ·:';:Ii<>n sludi .". we", m.~ing: it ......., felt ~
mi~ht do it bctt~ • . bullhe audience, did no! .glft ... itb

lillie ptrSOll3lily.1>u1 hi: had ." be old and kindl y and
_ ...'h31 ... mini .....",t .". ",",,,,one oul of a Dic ke n. lIS. We deal' ""'Ih fanl''''''~. ga,s. ,,'~a". IIKalM.
~ ad,..,n,u"" •. perwnalitio: lhe . il le, alone suggnt lhe
~ lIIi.m.uor ".~> delen"i","...! ." ~..."t • shumin~ ....·al k. variety of ' Ubj«1 matter: Tht F/"'III1/ MOIIH. bl/ally
a \)(nl po.»t ure . aP<l a feel in g of age in the 1111,,"em(:n". {.<1M. M ickry'J P,,/ Pluto, Tht P,'~d Pi!",. Th," Th,
He <lid ~ ,,·.nl Ihi. man 1<) rc~c h far. lake hi)!. 'Iep~. Mirror. Thr KIQ"dikr Kid. "buy or lhese w~n: ~
Of in I~~ "" Y """"ar tn be a'hl~I;C or ,"ung . The 'occes~ful. but Wall anal),lc<l,hc relKlior" and ,ried
lI)'OUlnun Ilad dra"" n a donf "n" "''311 Iha' rn.d a .rue somelhln~ dsc . There lil~n>td ..... ,,!kilO h~ ,de •. but
1Wf)'boot fccling. bu •. unfonun3lely. lhe donfklll.>b the bcsll\.',;I"J''''<' from both hi~ sl~(f ~nd lbe audiefloe
10» on lhe far , 10k.". lhe Ill .. , •. a Ion!! di,ta~ from "'as to h;~ talent for "" ....oping po:~lilie •. II pel·
!he eklt.I}· ihoplocpe, Ho had 10 walk o,'e, clOlo< nlealed hi.< Ihink ing 011 a lmO!i! ('"Cry '·cn lo,,, .
enough to ... arh 'lin eas il y and ~ '"'P it lIul th is Ieli
him sta ....hng directly in 'he p~lh uf the dour. which for
$OIIIC ..., _ ope""J in"'ard~
T...'O )'c~ ahe. Ihis. lhe .ni",ator .... ould have run
back 10 IIIe Mu,ie Roo'" and !'C"reamed aboo. ,he
rmrieIi~~ la)'O\ll. "Why d""" it hne to he at th is
anSIe?"' " Wh)' doc, the door '>f"!n in in,lead of OUl?"
" How am I , upl""'ed 10 ge t him Ihroug.h thi s door?· '
BUI tIIil ~ion had tm1 been con,ide .ed al the lin", of Wall h;t<.l . Iway. lo\'ed train!. with thoi. 011llO$!
nt (/Ii"" Sloop . That animalor. " 'ilh great de.erm'l\3· human en,'~. and as carly a!I In~ he had one of
IiGa. .txkcd "'" "rublem fro." an ;o,;lioo >I;mdpo.oinl . chem f""II..:d in lbe filn. Mil-Ic,.... 1 CIooo·CIooo. 1kn
probably hoopin~ >«retly ,ha, he "·,,uld >ho,,' e'"Cf)'Ofl(" SIIarp!.I«n hOKl lhe as";gmnc", or aninuting lhe lie'"
~ . ,tli he .,,.,w 'nalyJ.~ the si lua,i"" , n...: ""'.. chara<.:!er. ·· Walt was n<K content to have a stnllil e..plle
oprncd foo. incoc.< and hil the ~entleman'. fOOl . li e as a prop : he wanted 10 Ili~e it pc •.<onalily. In the
~ Nck in a casua\. ~hu ftling. mao"" •. Ik OJl<'ned story. the c ngin.:: came to a ,.ade ,,'here il w"" t.a~in,
tile 6ot:Ir anothc. rnur inche~ unly '0 tind ,ha,
il had great diffICu lty makiog. bead"'~y. ~nd with muck p!.Iff·
bumped a,a,1tSI his other fOOl . A!;8in he slepped hack_ ing and s' eaming il squalleU down 10 the ground i.
IIIOIlIer foo. inc""" . Now W do", " 'lIS again~llhe tiot fatigue . M ickey Mouse. ,he engineer. tried to prod;t
rO\lt~......., . The.e ....... no "'ay he could " ep bac~ into ",-'cion. and the engi"" trk'" 10 1"" forth I final
fartllOllgh ;nlo ,he ><:ene In dear thi, door. and lhe effon . 1lIe piSloos we"" an;m3ted 10 repre",nl arms
fllllle, lie backed up tm, mo"" I,,,,hlom the.e ..... " uld be
in around the ob'truCli,,,, 10 get our-ide. " 'here
be \IId.o lit by lhe 000 of lhe s<:enc:. So .s ,he film
roIIrd by . •he poor u ld man . huffkd .boo. endlessly as
tile door vaduUy ."",ned e", ... ~h fot" him In .n·elS<'
IIQ w:ps and ''''ru~1e in lu the night. It w., a comedy
of fITO<$ on .,'eryooc·s p.a". but lhe animatur br>.c lhe
bruni 0( lhe k iddin~ mo.e than the dirOX' lur 01 the
II)'IM I113n . The"" WaS much I" be learned . ',,-
IUId hlUlds; lhey n:ached OUI and grabbed lhe rail~ all a had to gel a counter idea in a hurry . loot around arid
person mighl gnb a rope 10 pull himself .Iong.·· This su hi, answCT. quickly convert il inlO $Oftlelhing Ihat
wlS more !han ju.. a mallcr of personality. it wu the fil hii pred icamcnl. lhen pull the: gag by using il
wboIc ide. bIIih on dW10Ctrr relationships Wt wuld wccc»fully.
be .niJTUO~ . Mickey haod a dear ~uitlKk . theu was Of course. the poIe",ial for having a chancier ",ally
something he was trying to do. and the engiroe offe",d appear 10 Ihink haod always bttn there in the routi1l<.'S
all kinds of opportunity to the imaginative animalor. Il\al Wilit had envisioned . bul !lO one knew how 10
A characler was never placed in a lI<.:eroe unlellil he accomplish such an effccl . [t .... a$ r>OI even realilrd
had. definite ",ason for being lhen: . He had funny how much such an addilion would in<.:ru!iC the audio
bIIsiroess. gag materi,l. dialogue, something to make ence 's enjoymenl and involvement in the piclures. Tlw
him . and . ullually . 5QfTICthing Ihal showed all changed in one day ""hen a ~eroe was animaled of a
who he was and how he feh . Otherwisc . he ""as 001 dog who into the came", and s norted . Miracu-
shown. W.1t roevrr left a seeroe atlhe COfIIinuity level ; lously. he had come to life! Walt was qu ic k 10 apprc"-
he made $Omething out of il or uworked the story al c ;ate lhe diffen:n<.:e and 50 was lhe aU<Jien<.:e. llle ye,..
lhal point. As lhese ideas became s tronger. the cuning wu 1930 and the animalor NOfm ~rguson . ·
and Slaging of the scenes bttame mon: important. Wilh lhe gradual advancementS in our skill<. the
Dc.:ision~ .s to when: 10 have the carn<:ra. how far way wa~ open for Walt 10 e~plorc a whole I\CW Nn·
bad 10 be. who 10 have lhe camera on. when 10 be on ce pt : that of teiling a complele ~tOl)' . n.c earlier f,lm'
someone el_all the fllC(:ts of filmmaking became wen: made up of gal:" and had followed a " Iualion ....
imponanl to the lillie c anooo . From. 1lO\"dly. _ prediclmenl through 10 the end . but there was roe_
wtn: coming of.~ in the piclU", bIIsiroess . an attempt 10 capture. an audience's 'nlen:$! Ihrou'"
n.c U!iC of real pI'_lit~. for the c has"ac1crs had lhe slOf)' itsclf. Now Wall wanlcd 10 10« if his .. all's
rome aboul slowly as the belter Iype o f comedy and ability 10 mllent a s imp,," bul complete 5101)' could
gag'! developed . At firsllhen: wen: jusl geroe raltypc s hold up . for Ihat would open gual nc: .... flCkh to us. It
willi. the traditional conootations from the comic slrips: was ~ itep forward for Slory. but II huge leap for ani ·
big and tough . small and quick. fit and jolly. Ihin and matio n. Could we a characlcr. ke<:ping him
mi..:rly . n.c g~gs called for altitudes . np",ssions. a Consislenl and believable for llevCn minute.?
cenain amount of lhought or con silkn lion here and Even more suprising to everyone al the lime "'.,..
thcn: . but no need was felt for pl'rson.a) ily as e~pn:$SCd Wail 'S des ire 10 buik! piclUUi around thr. idea. of
in walb. n:actions. mOOVlIlions. or thinking. n.c audi- tendcmos . lhe lullaby. _ in lrouble. symJNIthy
ence was drawn inlo the piclU«: Ihrough the Iyl'" of and sacrifICe. 11M: fairy Slory. n.ciliC _re COI1ttpIS that
gags and sprighlly bIIsiness; Ihr.n: Will 110 necessity for none nlhis .. orymen would eVCT have thought of doing.
anything more . Ptople wen: delighted by eye,,". and and 11>0$1 cenainly none of hi. con,ptliIOOl. bul once
OIher tricks 10 make lhe impossible look plausible. again Wal!"s intuilion was right . Sturie. with hean and
Prior 10 1930. none of lhe characters showed any warmth broughl the greatest audie nce involvemenl, a
real thought procc ... Althougl\ Mickey had ",placed ruponsc far beyond lhal for picIU"" lJuilt only""
Oswald hr. WIS doing lhe same things. and lhe only gags .
minking done: wu in reaction to $Oftlelhing Ihal Iud "The biw s l diffc",nce-and 11M: gamblc-wl>< tIut
.... ppcned. Mickey would 'IC>C ii, UKI. u alitt Ihal he ,hcsc films would haV(C 10 be laken lleriously . Cartoons
heretofore always were intended to be funny, Would deadly in animation {han npI3na{i(In' of who {he char.
lhe lileater palrnn, accepl thi, new genre, or w(mld ade" arc Hnd what they ,"~ doing there. followcd by
they I.ugn.t 001 ,-rude. pre,umplive efforts" How far more discussion of what {hey are going to do abou{ it!
cOIIld we "re"l tllem w rollow ",'? We searched for (he entertaining si!Ua{ion~ inherent in
Fortuna{ely_ {he audience wa, more {han rcady for the 'tm)" ur in the I'ersun. li{ie, Ihal <.'<JUld be dc_elupcd,
Walt's type of entertainment Even in the grim day' of On~ perfect example wa, {he r'N Mickey C",Won
(ho Dopre"ion, "hen Hny{hing li ke" r~i.y \<,," would in ~olor. TI,~ n"",/ (" ,,",'crt, It in{r",Juc-.:d {ill' amateur
seem eompletel)' out of pla,e. he had one ,ucc-e', after harnyard musician, giving an upen-air concert to an
anotho'-no! ",'ery picture. nor rcHII~' "Ven h"lf of aprrcc-i,,1i"e ,m,hcnce, The ,tory wa, o"ilt around the
them. bul coou~h {o ,how u, 111e way {o go and encour- music being played and {he heckling o[ Donald i)uc\;.
a~ Walt in hi' ideas on communication, an icc cream ,aic,man who wanted 10 play {he flutc_
It was apparent {hat more {han mere nln{ inuity was There is no explanation of who anyollC is or OOW
nffikd in presenting a full ,Io'y, An "kl favorite ioke Mickey acquired a b"nd. '" {here i, no need for lengthy
Babt, in ,he \\"HHI.,_ u,ing {he Han",,1 and Gre{eI cominuity ,cenes , It is n<>1 Ihc Iype of pic-Iur<; Ihat
,tori.,. needed 4"ile" bil mo.e 10 m~h i{ cnt~rtaining 'ICC<JS a .tron~ personali{y build-up. '" i{ {uh" right
in thi' new form, We quickly learned (hat a drab off with emcnaining bu_,inc,;.,. "nd ""c-h and c,"cry
re{.lIin~ of any ,tory or an cmpl""" on c-on{inui1), and <cetlc ,s packed with e tuenainmenL
c'l""i{ion "'as the w",ng way (() g(), Nothing is more TI,,, !'OiIllN ha, "cry Ii{tle actual ,(m), and fcw gag.
\lui;' bIIilt ~1"""1 entire ly on prr:<o~ality , In f:oc t, il did noI give hi m a c li.p aPJ)l'araocc bUI d,d Illake him
ltpR'S<nI' lhoe prak of Wall's f~elinr f()f ~1ickcy and feci comf"lubic and ",Ia~cd , The ,'an~r~ ..-'" ",I up
t... dillocue de\'dopment 111;01 is SO . pecific for Ihis SO f:ll" a""ay flom Walllhal ,MIl ima",,,, on It.. lilm .."3S
dwvltt lhal il 1IIe\ 't'J' ........ 111 fil Oun~ld or Goofy or ' -e-ry liny, bul <lill il ( 3p(urcd lhe e_1I« of his ""'ins
.. ~ but Mickey. One s imple ...cclIIe of Mickey read- While (he anlmaln.. nearly ....cnt bI,nd (rying 10 chan
ing Iu PI~ !O froln a hook OIl I!o.... 10 lrain h~nling dogs. lhe lill\;lI1: and 10 , kelch from lhe aclion. il paid oIf in
llortgff , hoi"f camp in tl\(: woooJ •. ~nd Ihl i. all a """'lOI"~ble litlle sequence that n:n~"'IS W31t ·, Ihink-
anyone otN\ IQ know about lhe situation . Thele is ing .ompleldy .
lillk: ro"linuit)" once again. and ea~ h scc ne is in lhe At Ihe poim in Ihc reeordinli- wh.:rc he ,aid. 'Tm
pielYI': because of il s entertalnmenl p"lential. Mickey Mouse , y'know ~ Mickey "-1ou>.(·'" Wal(
Mid(y'~ leaclion 10 seeing a beal ri~ 11l before him in>lioc1i>'CI)' reached 001 " 'nh h,s 1I;on.! 10 ""...,.~ It..
;. pun: " I)isnty:' uni<!ue .•ponl'!'Ol'OO~, frnh. and hti~ht of a link kid . It "":as the only lin ... ...., t"O:<
f...., No vno bul Walt "'<MI ld ha\~ IhlMlShl o f Ihal knc ..· JUs. how bi~ Wah considered M,dey to be . In
di.l1of.v¢. 01 stlHdled "'" the . ilu~, i...., 10 "" moch spite of lhe help il gavc 11$. he """ 'rl' k l us pUl a
foocage. or nr«IN Ille animator 10 li usl ain lhe 1"'" .~mCla on him again : ami yeal .laln ..... hen .... e ..-an(e~

diomc1ll""ilh IIOIhing bul prl'sonali l)' , Bul .... hal per· to Iilolk allhm film onc~ mort . it had <.ii,aP!"'ared, No
son.lily! Tlti. is no or<.i ina ry, "Oh. Ili. Mr. Hear_" one kno w. what happo:ne<J II) ii,
Righi from It.. firsl netv"", gasp of recognition. while The u.e of dtsign and color :,,,d Ixaut)' in oor film!
he 11 ~f\I~~ling 10 gain hi., e"'"posun: , he is the Mi ..· ",' OS bcllinninlitO c""n~e their appnrnncc·
souri farm lI"y 1I"ing QUI ~ f~nl~'y . '· Oh.. . II's you ly, brill~ inlt the an...-,,", duosc r I" ~IOf}'boo~ il1u."",'
... tlla! 1$. il i. you--.ain ' l il ? I "~an. c<n'l it? L:h . 1 lioo . The a"" 'al of an is. s who.> ...·cn: beller d ... ftlolTC1l
dtou~hl Y"" " -en: Plum, but you ' re 1101 Pluto . . . . meant Ihal the ~Iudio coold di'lltn>c ""ilh lhe lricks
YoII'~ ~vu. . a~n'l ch ..., Vh . . ,,·cll. I' m Miekey a/llJ techniq"'" thaI had brought lho: film~ Ihis far aIIC,\
Moose , , Y'know" Mickey Mou se~ I hope you "'c e mbalk on a mOre ambiti"". ,·,MlI'M . Mou,J began 10
heiU\l of me- J hopr~ _ _., Thi, ~ .v c lhe animator play an imporlant part , Well ' <ks ijtnell long .hot, are
.lron8 chanlles "f allilUlle und IC~lUrc in lhe IiClin~ Ihal udliog (n .e<:, and if lhey eM establish a sprcial
lIT scklom f""nd in oorrnal di alogue . lnc~le and build a ,"'-"'<I :11 lhe '<>1n", lime lhey "'"
Wall Iud h«n ><t funny in IhI: '~Vf)' m«tinB-' acling in va luable , The y ...,aeh ,mn,woald), in lO lhe ,'it..... ,,'
0111 Mickty' , conf... ,ion lhal 'OIr a. ked if ..'c e"uld imagin.a l;'~n. involving lhem in your ,,1t;lures before
lhoot. film uf him;os he nx,JrthI (hi: l int~ . Mickey's you havc Nrdy beglln .
~,.-as al" 'a)'s "',"" by Walt . and he fell lhe lines We were helped in Ihi. by ... hal we ,"< ... Id do 'O'ith
lind I~ ~IIU,",ion ... complrlrly , hal hr could nOi keep both wund effcci. and mll"c . s,)U.1<l m.~c. you Ihink
from lCun~ 0111 lhe t'-eslures and e ,'en (I\( body alii . or you l own exprricnce~ , .... hk h .."..n. up a .... hole new
lud( ~ ~; I... . . ill 11ll> dialogue Thi s wa, r.efol~ he had range of .y mOOb for ~<""'nunkal,,'n, Nighl <OIlnds,
"'o!~fd in fron l "f a ('"mCla. ~n<.i hi: wa, reticem erid~ts :",d f",p. ~elie ""iod, blu_ <lcry "'ind, lain 00.
Doin~ I ~ood job of nxordin~ the voice "'i1h 311 11>( wi/llJow or Qn lhe roof of a cal_ ,,11 .... olk in our '''''Ill-
smdinJ and ul1"n~ and expression 111;01 ""C le "'quiled orie., all<l i"",loCdialcly c>iabli>h a mood . Music e;m do
..-m tlll.lU~h cn:ali", d fon f.,. anyone, c.prcially ",·t..n e,..,n mo~ 10 arouse OUI ~'kM i"".; and, ""hilt .n thr
mlricw.J 10 an unnatural fal>Cllo voice for Micke)', Cally filtm _nd "" " '..,.1), and ~mln'so:e", of I
Wall ..~ ~cplical of l i~e aClion 31 1h31 I,me and no( .mall ban.! in an "",,,,,.lflI pil , nIY'''' ,,"" 'kly found ii,
too Wlc ,Ji how "-e "'~Mlld U,", it, bul Ollr cnlhusia,,,. wa>' to a ITlOfC an;sl ic u_'" IhfOU ~h .I imng thelIl<'S tlaot
woo him owr , Reluctanll y he ~glfed. bul wilh n:$lric_ Iilcr.l1y Il"lInspor1td Ihe audience ;nlo OIl' maJ;.e·helic>e
lion.: ·' Well ... if)'oo keep lhe .an~ra in (11<: booIh--- ",'orld • .
not 001 011 It.. stage, mind you-and if I don'l kno'.i The Layoul l)cpartme nl had ""en . 1",,· I<> &vclop,
"ho:n )'oo 'n: oo!ng it : and , ... On Ihat day. he wore proo'lbl)' bc<,'au,", the...: ha<J I>I:cn lilli( (". 11 for (he art·
his ba~~i(>1 dothes and h, s favorile old felt 11;01. " -hic h im)' Ime, brou~hl to lhe Iii" " . a,1<l ik»,ibly boccauso:
Wall was I>tJI aware at the time "" hal goOO I~yool' I2bIe figun:s In GeppeIlO'S hoo,;c lind dcl~iI aftCf nlL:m·
<'(lII1d do. 'fhcre had been no dr.omatM: settings and not OOIble delail througho,u lhe ,,'hole pICture . A " 'a y had
even. layout that matched the 5Cope of ide," secn in been found to do il.
the action . 'fhcn: was a Ixk of el\ar.l<::ter in the dnlw. By 1936•• new Iype of pitture ""as be<'onllng p0S-
ing. wl lh one: hoose lno~ ing li ke another , all tl'ttS sibic , TechnICal skills Were advanc' ng and a ne:w cam ·
looleing ~ I i ke. and IIIe final ~i nl i nll so gent ly lin lC<.i era was be ing bui lt Ihal pmmised wonderful illu .• ions:
lhal il hardly cou ld be ~n . No one kne w yel how 10 animalion of ruin ~nd clouds and lighlning had ,m·
support lhe pe~aJily of an aclor through lhe han· prm~ 10 the point tlral they were quite coo\tnclng.
dling of his surroundings . 'The aclor had 10 make hi. canoon colors; wen: beginningkl glow: and roc.stylon,
way alone . coordinaled all 0( a fil m ', pans onlO one unifted con·
By lhe lint(: o f the Thru /.illl.. Pigs, Wah ""a$ etpl . W""n I"",,", achievemenl' wen: C()nlb,ned " ,(h
""ginning 10 look for cnte n aining id.::u in a "harne- lhe abi lity 10 portray mood on (he screen. a 1m<: mllc·
lcr'~ loca le. ~OO he 10vC<.i 10 11'11 how the ~nist~ h:,d SlOne in the dcvclopmcm of Ihe an imaled carloon
drdWn pictures of bo~eD and spans r,gurell on the n:sultC<.i: 'fh.. Old M ill. Acadcnly A",'1Lftl ,,',nne:r for
walls of 011(: foolish 1",'$ hoose. and ptclUn:$ of ,iris 1931 . Wilb no Slory OI""r tban I"" reKIIOn of vanOUS
in the nU l , ",'hile the p<Xlkal pig had photos of animals 10011(: -'lOI"my n'ght.n a broI;~n do... n ""11 . tlte:
1> and f'apa . n ils " 'as a ""ginn;II" bul few film sho'.... ed thai an audience ~""Id "" ~wcpl up by
~ >.IIw lhat touch in the background while walChing sheer artls(ry and become deeply invol "cd In an 3111 '
all the ;"lc re Ming act;"n in fmnl of ;1. S; ~ shon 001 mated fil m.
busy ye~n; later. lhe ~ud;ence was !<:eing the unforget· Wa lt had not been so sUcce"fu! in his au~mp1s III

estaIIIUlo new frootm in OI~r ar(Cas. nlMabl y in t~ ..""..,,'" (;"'" NIJ'~-;clr
ani_ion of .... nWl figull:s. He clilled f..... cartoons - Cool,e Carmul.
.... Pn~ in the Godtk.u ojSp,int . II charm-
NI, "',. cootie ,i rl In TIw Cooilit Corn/I'ui. a win.
SOItl( ~tuffed <loll in BmJ:.M TO)',<. and an excitable.

greedy monan:h. King Midas. in Tht Co/drn Touch .

Thecookic ~nd the ooll ..... cre acC<:plably feminine. but
tho ",hok "'(Kid is highly critical of. le~s than ""neet
JtlftIC11ll1tion of a Pll:uy girl. The animator' s d",,,,· n~1
in" and tilt lJIO'."eme1lt wy depicted WCIl: adminedly .-.
far fl'Olll perfect.
Ki"l Midlos pfOvcd to be un.xceplable as wtll.
IIthoo,h thell: WU aI lea..! one moment wlltn his fed-
m Sprir

8t1)tttt '
,,,,,/J ..
inJs clme Kross to the audie nu so wongly that a
IIlI,KTItntary sensation of empathy was ~reated, The I~r$ fit.
IrOObic Mre ... u TI<)( so much ... ith the lonimatio n as
willi tho!>lOl')' .... hich h.... no! b«n ....'Ofkcd oul with
-'y the c~ that ....s customary. It m~ Wah real·
iullw .. Story ... must beoonsidtred the hean o f t~
1Miro:"." He continued . "Good aninlllon..-an make
• &COd strwy a kn<Xkout 11Ie1l: is rM)I much Ih~1 lhe:
best animatOl'S can do with b .... slories.··
Wal!"~ feeling ahout Stories generally always had
been 10 ~t the enlen ainme nl first and then find ways
10 lie it all logether, Chaplin had gone eve n fUMher in
this dilttt,otI. making e~lensi"e us.e of printed cards to
~.p hi) poWi<;.menb: "Sellick:' " That "'ghl:'
" Ii( ftnd~ II fnend .·· '· l.o:sl"- and 1M" ~ had ~ne
rich' !O tilt llean of ..'hal ,,'as funny in the silualion ,
W.k r~h the .a me: " 'ay : he was nOl intCIl:~ttd in gCt.
II", from " herc" 10 " there:' only in what h~ppcned
to lhe ch:ira.ler "not he was there .
A~her fronlier givi ng trouble wa~ Ihat .,r v.,i<;c •.
Walt'. origi!l.ll fecling seemed to be that CanoOn char-
...,,/"'" .hould h:,,'c canoon voices . !;()I'MthinG diffcll:nt
tid .. riot from a nalural voice as I~ d"''''ings "~re
fro.! ~al .nimals or people . He had found a dock's
.-oict in. ,:\diu comic.' a s inging c hicken in an u.
- "''I
., ....
IlpmI sonsSt~j.S ••1Id bill Maff volunteell:d ~ unex. KiqJJ/
<'-rN ..,j
peeled wund., Aru lTUltor Fr~d Sperocer ~ou ld tal k
throuJlt a gargle Ilia ,..,emed appropriate fur a fi,h-------cr
. t 10"" <l)me unoe""aler character- and Ollie Johnston
oould talk ... i,h tile bleating of. shecp, but no U.<e ....'.s
co'ff foond fOf lhat panicul ar talent.
AI the ~orie.. hee;tme more .inc~re. the caSllng for
voo:es lOOk a "'w direnion . Now the ~an:h ....s for
'00; everyone did . There had to ~ mure: '0 i. Ihan lhal.
A. he thought aboul ii , Ben deciUrd 1II:.II .he key ing~
dienl muM. be- "r!:alis m." In hi~ n ... n upenc,llCC'. lit
had found Ihal much of.he material in c an""" "hm
was lOS! on the vie~r5: Ihcy could nor U~r:<Iand it
or ...,lale to il . Will had bridged 111:.11 gap .... ith realism.
or a caricature of il . His si. ualions !Iller!: u~r.;landa·
ble , clear, and funny , Il is ilie ~ were ~ 01
someone you knew .
As lhe studio g""w. Walt had increasing lrouble
keeping rrac k of everything lhal was being done. so he
placed mo..., of.he hurlkn on his IWO directors. Happi·
Iy, he found .hat he could rum out rfIOr"C product lhi.
way while "ill exerci,ins jusl as much conlrol . At firs!
he had called lhem " slarylllcn , ,. because lheir job,...
10 sec rhal lhe M.ary ek:menu .... ere pre..,rvM. llIty
juS! g""w inlO their jobs r~lher .han heing appoin~'
with any ~""mony. because of lhe need for makingal'
!he action sync to !he hr:al. l'irsr it "'"IS Wilfred Jacbon.
)1 . ...-,........- sillCC're voi~es. real voices. 00( lhe ll'llinni voo Qf the who never e,'en ...,ally was hired . (l Ie had asked if ...
-~J_. us slage bul the completely natul'lll voice of the boy and ~ould corne in just to lurn . ) Then Wal. added ikn
-oIrnny C~n ·
...., 8m Gil· girl nUl door . In COQJd~ Corn;"ol and 8,,*('n TQ)'s • Gillell. who had cume OUr from New VOlt with !iOnIC
r.Td S",,, lhe voices were so eommonplace th at lhe animators repula.ion and experience.
Wnlr. Norm cou ld find no g<::slures or auiludes 10 caricatull:. Slraighl Eventually. when Ben moved on 10 Ollie. woR,
lid L.nJ,. voices demand maighl action. and the anisl~ si mply Walt moved up .he forthright and ambi.iou s Dave
("""ql"""" could IlOl make the characters come alive . l3ul Wah Hand, who had a lalenl for geuinSthing. done. By
'''''' C/)·Jr
·""imi. 8m ...·u IlOI worried . He feh su re they ...·ould get ;1 on lhe this lime, thr r!< of.1w,: direc.or were hr:gin-
I CAMlcAili. next piclure ! ning 10 expand . He became the hub from which all
II. flNllIl""" Theil: were changes in audience I.Sles, 100, which other fUnc1ions radia'M . He h3d 10 fo llow every Iasr
..... Wil/mJ
"'ri~, T.... b«ame ~ sop/liSlicaled. ~ accuM.omed 10 !Kt· det.ail .hrough e>-ery doep.onment , 10 make <\Ir!: .hal the
onwsI", J. ter anima.ion and ~ ...,aliSlic prnentMions . !>topIc finished film ..-uuld faithfully ...,neel lhe irku .hat had
Wm/> s",;r/t ...-en: upecling higher quality now and looted to us originalM in the Siory IXpanmr:nl , To do .hi~. he had
dHIIJ. Gi /lrs
for nt...,,,,,,ly co,wincing clranclen . One hislorian, as '0 h.o>-e imaginalion. ~licncc. drive . diplomacy. and
, T"""'''''''''.
, AH,_s,. III' lried 10 .race lhe growth in Wah's lhinking. u ketl, endless c...,ati ve ideas .
::ioorli, PAil· " Would il have been pos.ible to c...,ale anOther char_ The di...,clor· s offt« was c alled.he Music Room in
ICIer as broad as Donald Du~k by lhe end of lhe lhe early days of sound because .he lIlusician had hi,
thinks?"' DIe answer was unanimous: " No onc wanled desk and piano lhell: . L~ler, when music acquired a

a1lOlher Donald Duck al Ihal lime." We had grown broader role and .he mU.l ieian g01 a room of hi. own,
the name nor only persisted bul " .. me tn .usge••• he
CttriSlopher Finch in his book. Thr "" Of Walr whole funclion of pn:paring .he wort: for animatior>-----
DiJnty, told a Slory about Dick Huerner Ben even af.e. there were II10K directors and "Musk
Sharp$.etn on the weel after Ben had 80M 10 wort: al Rooms " . han lhere "'ere musicians .
•he newly ~sdu] Disney Studio. Dick asked him. The euieS! limes for lhe direclor ....~ .... hen he was
"What's lhe 1«1l:' O'"e. II 's? Wha. do you Ioid uactly .... ha. he was supposed to do. His rTIOi\I
Ilu)'$ do Ihal' S dirr~nt?" ' Ben answered simply. "we diffICult momenl. came "'~n his inslructions had bttn
lIIllyu ." Dick r!:spooded .hat hi. people, vague or he had miS;nle'l""led Wah 's Il:marks II a
met!ing . 'The lau~r was ~asy to do. "i nc~ Wall had a sonal involvemem. the animator .....ould only illustrate
wly of awiding a positive commitment when h~ was another person'. ideas , and that is as harren an assign·
IIO! quite sure in his Own mind. His usual method al menl as anyone ever had. Walt had been mOSI e~plicit
such times was 10 bolster the direclor's confidence. aboul!he necessity for "geuing the animators into the
sell him on 1he glories of !h~ ""que nee. fill the air with 'pirit of!he piclure. and nO( making them f~el outsid-
t~ciling geDerali!ie~ . then duck out while evel)'one ers just executing someth ing workM out by S<.lIt\WOC
was!ed. II was no! until hours laler Ihal anyone else. "
WOIIld realize there had boen no real resolution. The Dave Hand explained the whole busine~s of the
slronger directors. such as Da"c Hand and Wilfred handout Ihi s way: "Our entire me<.lium i, tran,ference
Jackson . would not let Walt leave the room that way. of thought. "The thought is created firsl in the mind of
bul !hey ",'ould push him 10 the point of annoyance the stol)'man . . then transferred!o Ihe director. who
until they were positive that Walt knew and approve<.! aUempls to transfer it !O the animator . This is ..... ~ere
of .~ac\ly whallhey "'ere going to do. AnOCher direc· the big problem of transference come,. bee.u,. the
lOr might simply work ahead s!oically. hoping that animator then altempts to transfer it pictorially. He
Walt would dmp in later with cie"",r instruction,. but takes it out of the intangible . and places il in tangible
realizing alilhe lime thai his posi1ion was pre.:-arious form. in picture. for lransference back !o the: mind of
and his responsibilities enormous. the audience and picture presentation i. clearer
The animator received hi. "'enes fmm the director than any other nlean~ of transferring tltought from one
in a special session called "the handoul" ' (or "pick- person to ano!her."
up"). This meeting could stretch out over several days At another time. Dave was not so poetic. " We can
as the dirtt!or e~plained how he wanted the scene talk until We "'" blue in Ihe face in the Music Room.
done. ideally in a way Ihat captured the animalor's but (he animator thinks entirely a differem pictu"."
imagination and excited him about the scene's poten- No one really knows whal ano!her person' s undefstand·
rial--whil. keepi ng him on Ihe right lrack. In the days ing is. and the difference in conception can be unbe·
when scenes were only gags . a descriplion of the action lievably wide. A director on a live_aelion picture can
Iyped on lhe bottom of a story sketch was all that was ..... "rk with the aclor and see what he i, going 1000.
~d. and the handoul consisted of dealing Ihese out The actions can bo altered. refined. changM. or ques-
like playing cards to whichever animator w"' f"", to tioned, and the results judged on lhe spol In anima·
W<rl . Bul when lhe scencs ....·e re expected !O build tion. there is no way of kno ..... ing ahead of time how
chal'a(ter and utilize personalities to tell the stol)'. the scene will look. Perhaps the animator ha, a dear
printed instruclions failed to convey the message . With- picture. but he can be fooled. 100.
001 wide-ranging discussions with the direc!Or and per- A. more and more animators ..... ere added 10 the:
staff. there was an increa<ed need for training on one
hand and control on thc Other. Many system, ..... e"
tried . and for a while there was a categOT)' of "j unior
animator" to denote someone making a contribulion
but limi!ed in what he could do. The problem was bow
!O go about teaching those ..... ho still had much 10 learn.
With several sequence director, on lhe same picture it
was already difficult to maimain either the quality or
the characteri~ation Ihat Wall was seeking . The answer
seemed to lie in giving more re'potlsibility 10 the
stronger animators. and the job of Directing or Super.
vising Animator was invented Walt never likM titles.
so these men were never sure of ,,'hal they "'ere, only
what {hey had !o do. ,(",,",,"~,J ". P',.• c!U!

Wallllad w have a way 10 sec dte animation before i, so much to the making of the films that a standard
""""I into his pktu~$. He could nip u.., ~nes and film<u ttc, 's vic ...''''' ma<k by the Moviola Company
51udy the drawings on the pegs. but tlx: ooly way he was purchased . This had an enlarging lens. and 1.....,
really could t~lI how they would IooIi: \... ~ to h ..'c the pcople .",itll their heads pu~ c lo$c together could
dl'llwing~ filmed . Thi s was known as a "pcncil test:' watch al 11M: s.ame linle.
300 ;t gave both Walt and the animator a chance to When tho: new additio n was made to the slUdio in
siud y the OCI;on and make colTttlions before the scene 1931. the spocc uOOcr the stai rwe ll was ,""ved for a
was inked and painted . place to see the pencil tests, l'rior 10 Ih al. the men had
Ub Iwens had devised a way 10 look inside an old ~hielded the lens from the light by their coats Qr their
projector while the film was run ning. e liminating the hands. Of by pl",ing the m", hine In a corroc: r and hang-
need for I sc=n and v~wing room , and the Illen ing a cunain from the c~iling . This k~pt the area daft
slQOd in line tOSCC the effect oft/M:ir drawings on film . enough. but rrutdc very cramped quarters fOf the t"'o
It was 001 long before this innovation was contributing Of thl« people squeezed inside . That "'as nothing
compared 10 lhe new linle closel under lhe slairs . Get a nervous head on Do<: to "W HO'S A ... " he
By tbis Ii""". as many as five IX s ix people would is mad at the stan and you have him calm down 100
cbe<:t Ihc ~nes logelher . as Walt showe<J what he: much .
liked about lhe wm in a scene; Of, more oOcn. whal As Grumpy says .• A W SHUT u p " have Doc jump
he did no! like. It was inevi table Ihal sOmcQne would bac k (jUSt a liule) in a fighling pose, dropping his
refer to the enclosure 3 S a "swcatbox. ,. TIl<:n as lOOn: fanny and gelling a streIch in the legs . . . . gel a
11'IL'n " 'ere hire<J more machines ,,"'en:: needed, and these spring in his legs and fanny wiggle (as Waltdcmon·
"'ere placed where lhey could do Inc most 10 spee<J up strafed) while in lhe /ighling pose.
productiOll-iM sp.ace under the stairs " 'a$ nO longer Sweatbox noles such as these were taken do,,'n by
convenient enough . T he old leOTI prl:vaile<J. however . lhe Musk Room secll!lary. and il was no easy job.
and u scenes were Cut together inlo whole reels o( Explicit ~ they sound. !he discussions tilatled up to Ihc
pencil ICSIS, the animalor went 10 "swealbo~" when final decisions were full of a ltemale p<)Ssibililies and
he saw his scenes ""ilh the dir«lor. From tilere. it was anemJIIS 10 find com:ctions that the animator under·
a small step (or the leOTI to become a verb. Even stood and li ked . No one tal ked slowly enough for
though by 1934 lhere were Iwo fuU-fle<Jged projeclion complete notes to be recorded. and much of tile lenni·
1'(IOn\i with air co ooilioning 100 comfortable chairs. nology "'as in wortls no one new 10 the business would
animators asked, " IIave your scenes been sweatboxed usc. While the secretary was trying 10 rephfasC Ihc
yel?"' or sometimes said. " 1 bener nOl have a beer for t houghl~ so her nOles would be clear, she would hear
lunch. they're $weatboxing my stuff today . " Walt saying. "Yeah. I think that's your besl bel .
In these sessions. lhe pIlrposc is to be sure that y'know? , .. li ke ,,'e tal ked itlhell! ... do illike tliat
eVCI)1hing is wooing. whelher it is lhe acting. lhe a nd "'c'lI see how il looks . .. whaddya (hink?" and
aclion, or the stage di=tions. If the scenes al"<' good, she would know thai one of Ihe ways had been agrtcd
!nOR: business may be added 10 make lhem even bet· upon . Which one?
t«; if they are wrong. changeli are calle<J for. but To any<:>ne not in the meeting. the swcalbox 00Ie!l
always wilh an eye to saving as much as p<)Ssib le of made no sense whatsoever; and to those of uS who had
'"'liat has been done. Animation is upensive. aoo the been thell! it waS s(ill a mystery most of lhe (ime. since
nIOf2k of the animalIX is cril ic~1 10 a good result . the unfortunate secre(ary had gone through IItr 0010$
Slill. Ham Luskc,· the firsl supervising animator. 31- a nd tried to use her Own memory for the pans she
w:I)'S cautioned lhe young ani$ls. "Never make a s mall thought she understood. to make il all mean some·
change . When they ask for a change, thefre thinking th ing . If she was q~Slioned abl)ut_ of these ralhcr
of a big one . . something that w ill I"<'ally make a p"l'SOIIal decisions on her the normal response
difference: O1herwise Ihey wouldn't """nt ion it." was .. 'Well. you were (here. "'eren'l you?" said in 3
Wall knew whal made a scene play and C()Uld explain thin , piercing , and slightly thrcatening voice .
it 10 the animatIX SO that he " 'oold understand. TIl<:re Wall gradually turned o\'er lhe "nuts and bolts" of
wert many times when Wall waS undecided On whal making everylhing ",'ork properly to the din:C1ors. and
dirrctiOllto go. but once he !-3W a scene of animation devoted his own lime to the bigger ideas . This did 001
he coold quickly analYl,C " 'hy lhe atlion was tlOI as mean Ihal he let things s lip by or did tlOI "",ice what
tntrn.aining as it should h.Y<: been . TIl<: following each man was doing. Not 3t alit He !llCl"<'ly n:alized
e~ecrpI from sweatbox nOles dated Mareh 25.1937, Ihat if he told a supervising animator or the din:ctor
sIlow oowminutely he wenl into each scene . This "·a. how he thought a particular tiling should be, they should
f«d Moore's animation of Doc and Grumpy arguing be able to see thaI it was done tbal way . After all, he
about whether Snow White should be: a guest in (heir had trained us carefully over (he years by going O)vcr
house: every lasl frame in each SCenc-not once. but maybe
s.: 246 Shoo! a Corr. ruff fifty times-until _ had all seen clearly "hat was 10
Pu och Doc 's poking Grumpy morc. be done .

• ITS A f', ".,- ..j.

rm in n.e anim~!O'" saw Wah at (he Story meetings where !an!~ and inbe!"·eeners. no! so much as a compel i!ion
~J,d· he aclCd 001 c~cry!hing as il should be. and then again but $0 lhey could learn to lal k o ver lhe di(ficultie~ and
T. Hu;
in "swcalbox ," when (hey showed him (he scene 3S observe the variety of solutions. One f~"ori!c assign·
r.B~ " they had animated;1 In he! n limes. the direc tors mem was a tug-or- war belween Goofy on one .side and
~u . discussed wi th lhem wha~ ac.ions would be used. Mic key and Dona ld o n lhe OIher. Ben wanled !O see
argued about how to stage them, how long the scenes the rope tau!. the feel plamed ~uarely on!he ground .
shou ld be, and how besl to do lhe business. The an; · hands and amls !hal carried the strain of lhe pulling
mators le~d from each of Ihe dim:tor... and anima- right inlo the bodies. head" Ihal reflected Ihe effon.
lion nourished . and an o"erall arrange me n! Ihal showed dearl y whal
In 1934. ""I\cn the hig upansion be ga n. lhe~ Well: they were doing . In addition. he SIIWS1ed Ihat it " 'ould
lhrl:c dinx!ors. Then: had been more woe\( than Wilfred be good iflhe whole Ihing cou ld be made co tCrlaining.
Jackson and Da,·c Hand could handle. and SQmwlle wilh some fresh slam o n lhe Slaging or the way each of
was needed whQ could deve lop the !alents o f Ihe them was participating in lhe action .
younger men being hired al (hal lime. men Willl abil ity
but no prac tical experience in canooning o r comrne , -
cial an . Ben Sharpsleen WaS chose n for Ihi s lI-<signmcn(
because he was always wOlTied and co"""mcd and
dedica1ed to Ihe studio. He projected a father image
and !ried!O raise his fledglings tike hi s own children.
counseling lhem on everything. from .... hich car !o buy Many animalors were slill doing straighl ahead ani·
10 which comedian!o study. mation 31 1his lime. and il had a grealer appeal 10lhe
Ben Wall cono;crva!ive and made us work on fu nda- young and eage r Ihan lhe more lhough lful. disc iplined
men!als unlil we were o n firm ground before we could "pose 10 pose" melhod . The danger. of couro;c. wal
go ahead . He gave drawing problems !O all the assis- lhal 0{) 0"" ~Iopped 10 make a solid drawing !hal had
("CI)'lhing in it. The animalor kepi !hinking. " The BUI Dave knew enough 10 recognize qualily. and if
... XI drawing will ha"e il- a l! Ihe characlcr and Ihe Walt said, " Let' s gel Ihm into lhe pic!ure," OlIve
aclion .nd the funnies and Ihe siraights and the good would make sure thai il gO( in and jusl (hat way, If
drnw;ng, You'll be able!o see what he's doing in this Walt said, "We Can Save money here; lei' s keep lhe
"01)' nexi drawing , , , , " COSI down,' Dave would "!Ie every s!>oncul in the
lbe nexl drawing was j usl as weak, as waS Ihe o ne boak , I-Ie never mnruS«! his own "iews 0.- ambilions
af! .. !hal. because a good drawin g is not made casual - wilh Walt' s, and he never queslioned Walt' , au thori_
ly, especially while lhe ar1 isl is Ihinking about somc- IY, He Iried 10 prolect Walt from ge ni ng swamped
Ihing else-in (hi s ca!le, how !o gel (he fi gure from wilh delails, and he Iried equally 10 prolecllhe anima·
0'" pi""" on !he paper 10 anOlher. Ben Sharpslun lor.; from 100 many inICmtp1ions. Ik liked 10 see things
k... w lhis all 100 well, and he knew the o nl y cure for working in a producli"e fashion, and he was ,,", afraid
lhe nMhy, indecisi", aclion that ine"ilably "'suhed to do anYlhing Ihal mighl he needed 10 ach ieve thaI.
was for uS 10 work over each drawing, ~Ircn gl hening These qualities made him a "cry good direclor for
10<1 darifying, until the drawing proble ms had bee n Wah, and later an excellent Produc!ion Manager, From
soh'ed, bd= we weOl ahead with anything. Dave we learned courage and integrily and an "&gres'
Wilfred l ackwn (Dave Hand called him Willie but si "e approac h to Our work ,
wrole his nan .. "Jawn" once. and i! slUc k as a nick- When Wah was deep in lhought he would lower one
name "'ith lhe reSI of us) (aughl uS Ihoroughne ss and brow. S<juinl his eyes. le t his jaw drop. and ,Iare fix-
lbc imponanc:e of detail. He had an immensely crea· edly a t some point in space , oflen holding the auilnde
live grasp of his whole picture and what he wanted il for several momenlS , Unfonunaldy, he did lhe same
1000, bul his big strengt h was in the aSlound;ng allen· thing when he appraised you prior 10 explaining a
tion he gave to e"el)' last delai]. E"el)' frame of each new assignmenl or admonishing you for not gening
su ... "'as cartfully consi dered and made ;nlo some· lhe idea he w.,; preseming---<}r worse. when he had
thing .. Iuable ; lhe animator was never al a 10.. to j usl noticed some quirk or mannerism ;n lhe way you
koow whal should be done in the fOOlage he had been did Ihings, somelhing he could exploi l al a laler date if
handed, [f},ou had a beller idea. l axon waS all for ii, he chose 10. It waS unnerving 10 he caughl in that
bul until yoo did he provided you with some very good inle nse Slart, and we never knew whelher lhe scruti-
material to anima Ie. laxon was easi ly Ihe moSI Crea- ni zalio n was because he was Ihinking of some new
li ""oflhe direclor •. bul he was also lhe m",,1 " p icky" way to get us to do .<omelhing he wanled, or if we
and look a 101 of kidd ing aOOuI his Ihoroughness, were merely acciocn lally in the path of ~ preoccupied
D."" lland 's major contribU1;on was in keeping up gaze, Many t,mes ,'.-e would look up casually during a
lhe qualily of the work while organizing lhe proce·
dures, forcing deei,ions. and keeping it all moving in
the dirtClion Walt said he wanled , He look on the job
of making Walt's and vague feeli ng~ tangible,
and 10 do this he conslantly had 10 try 10 pin Wall
down 10 specifics, BUI Wa lt often changed hi, mind,
and Ihi'! led 10 some healed . rgumenl ., lie confided
00Cl: Ihal Dave would slom, in'o his office "while
"ilh rage, He'd grip lhe wge of my desk until hi,
knuckles lurned while. . I'd keep Ihe desk hetween
us. " lben Wah would gel a twink le in his eye, a nd " 'e
knew Ihal he enjoyed ""'i ng Do,'e Ihi, concerned about
lbc produci and was not heing unsympalhelk , As D.,'c
had oomi u(d 10 him earlier, " I can 'l funclion until I
gCI mad!" It was an inleresting siluali on.
a litt le confident aller a sl>ttCssful meeting and would
try makin, a few kiddin, ren,arkli aboul W.I! . This
rash decision " 'as quiekl y regrened .~ Wal! . ...·ith liJhl·
ning response. made lhe culprit look uuerly ridiculou.
_ in I mailer o f seconds and in • very funny ..... y.
Stodcknty thl: .ables had bttn turned. and e,·nyont
was laughing at Waif. commenlS delivered at the
expense of the man who had s toned it all. Ward
Kimb;oll' said. "No one ever ~ (hi: bes t of Wall in
any exchangc. kidding or serious . Those who lrN:d
were cuI to riboons.··
Through all these days. Wall was consta nll y plagued
by money problems and by dislribulors who took the
lion' s share of .he tiny profit f...... m h i~ cre~live efforts.
He al" 'ays fel! that the wly 10 win in Ihis Iype ofbanlc
" 'as 10 "beallhem with prodUCI:' 10 make films SO
good Ihat.hI: ""Ofld " 'oold beat I JIlllh to his door. Ben
SharpSl.cen told of. 1929 conve' "$.l Iion " 'fth Walt:
"He was de.cnnined lila! he wookl no longer be de·
pendent on a dislributor or I victim of his chicanery."'
lllc in'' "'ing wu to improve lhe product.
he<.:ause audientts ...·ould respond to a bener film. ~
did no! believe in CUlling corners to save money if il
hun lhe qualilY nor would he lum OUI a cheap prodUCI
pro"id~ mceling 10 fillll 10 our s urprise that we Were bcinS jusl to make money. Inslud of looking for Ihe ma~i·
as ,lot .~.
sludie.:! inlemly . No words coold break Ihe spell. aTld mum profil. he was looking f(w lhe maximum audio
r""S""w being un~ure of the meaning o f lhe look il was inad· en<:(: response .
,n p,,('I"
l't<l' obil· visable to say anything any,,·ay . So " 'e squirmed. E"cn so. hi: wa~ watching Iti~ pennies ..cry careful·
rdn't/bp- .!JI1ikd " ·eakty. looked .houghlful. Slared ~k . P'l" Iy. An)'onc no! "'ooing at thl: sludio fooM Ihis Iwd
r~~ U.'tn
ltnded II()( 10 00Ii«. or nodded wistty as ifin tenlalive 10 believe. sintt it Wa.'j obviou.s Ihal doing. sec:nc o'~.
Uwm't ",.
agrttmtn •• until Wal! ~~nly bunt oul wilh 5Ome· lhrec: and rour .imes was ITIOI"C npensi"e lhan doing it
thinllike " Why don' l we ha.~ Plulo Jel mi~ed up in oncc:. Re:aching for IIC'W :achievemenls. Irying Ihings
Ihis sbting busino:» . •oo?"· that had never bttn done before. asking more of his
He Upecltd evtl)'OlIC' to work as hard as he did. staff !han they kne .... how 10 do--.lllhis cost money.
.1IIl1O Ix I S in.eres.ed and excited about ...·hat ...·e ,,'ere ATId Walt knew il. bu. hi: chose 10 spend whal money
doing . He IIC'ver splIred feding5. he<.:ause hi s inlerts' hi: had in .ho", .. ery areas. figuring Ih3. he could sa'"
w" in the prodlKt.TId no! in "'00 had lhe best idea or someplace else. For uun'plc. simplifying lhe coneept
who had malic ~ poor suggest ion or expected applause. for a "'hole picture "'ould make it les~ cxpensi,'c:
we WCrt all in it logether. and lhe fellow who Went off eliminating rosily scenes. CXI", dWlIClcrs. crowd .$Xs.
00 his o wn. developing an i<ka Ihal Wall had not anything thaI look more time or more work for lhe
aWO'·e.:!. WIS Isking for lrouble. aTld received it. same result. Too many c hlr:aclen in a Siory no! only
Atmost any comment about the material bein, CQn- run. up the cost bul divides the ludiencc:·. imerest. It
si<kre.:l wu acceptable as long as il ...·a~ offered in lakes a"'ay time needed 10 Gct the most OUI of the:
&ood faith. bu. it was a different story if anyone tried main CharaclefS ....·Ito are supposed 10 be !he moo.I
to Jet in I personal dig about either (he prOOuct or in.cresting an)·"",y.
Walt·s methods. S<.nnelimes an individual " 'oold feel Changing his procedures . using his men di fferently.
Gagman umi ,..11"" 'u/'"'
Pin'" Co/viS ""rjormJ for
"rtiSl AllN?rt I/"n.r. Pinto
~,'" ,Jr • •'Oi,', of Pi"'o.
GoofJ. Grumpy , a"d
SI.,py , us ~" II " s miS«l·
I,m",u. crk k,,,. I>ugJ. and

lI>ing more cycles. more repeat action. careful use of malerial; il waS felt thaI any ......,akne.. would show up
staging and cuning and field sizes to emphasize the farther down the line. or new idea. for "renglhening
cntertainment and eliminate everything else- these and building ....·0010.1 beromc obvious once the first ani -
wcre tk areas in which he saved, The new ideas . the mation was done . Walt was "~ guilty of Ihis as any-
better pktures. the things that paid off with an audi o one. bUI he slill pUI out a memo stating. " Very
e...:.. and even the training of his staff- this is where Ihorough prepamtion of lhe Slory in lhe Slory Depart-
he spent every nickel he could gel. We were "' ked ment plus the follow through of 1he story man with tk
manytimcs to find more economical ways of wor>:ing. dir«lor ... in lhe handing out and in the planning of
but never to compromise Ihe quality of the producL ,(',"'It""'" 1M PIW 90)
Walt was no! maling worls of art 10 hang in a
gallery . He was striving purely for entertainment. and
there Wert many ways of doing Ihal: il could be in Ihe
story. the personalities. Ihe visual e~cilement. innova·
lions. silualions. unexpceled twists. beauty. mood. a
spirit of fun. or just comic movements , If one part
bec:une 100 expensive. perhaps il could be balanced
somcwhert else wilh somelhing Ihal cost less but was
just a5 effe<:live .
The biggest saving proved 10 be one Ihal slaned in
the Story Department . If Ihe work was carefully pre_
partd there. il would flow through Ihe plant al r«ord
speed. Too often a storyboard would be approved just
because 00 one quite knew what else 10 do wilh lhe

First Inspiratio nal
For SI/OW Whit e
1Uf" d~picls silullliQns II,,,, /"'a
I mlO t~/1 S<'qw~1IffS. /<lrgl'ly hr·
Ih~ srimu/ariQn llu" .."m~ tTim,
lU(X"lrrs i~ (lllil,ufa ",,1/ r.-lllli",, ·
j )
,- - ".~

lhe x lion in lhe Music Room , .. will do a ]01 10 experienud wrilers. to his rt:gular staff. ~nd he was
elimin~le losl mOlion on Ihe !"In of lhe animalOrs also d iSCO"ering greal lalelllS wilhin the ranks . Pe(tt
caused by ani"",ling a ~ne IWOOllh= limes because Pearce. who had on<:e ghosted the comic Slri p Thr
lhe xtion was nO! planned out properly in the firsl Coptain orrd 1M Kids, had beell moved outof Inbetw"""
place ." And again. " ... , we would find thaI doing after contributing one gag after another to the StOt)'
the preparalory """' in Ihe beginning is a very snlall ~panmenl . Once lhere. he s howed an ex«ptional
c~pense in comparison 10 having 10 do il when lhe feeling for pe~nalily coupled with Ihe abil ily 10 act
picture is In anlmallon . out the traits that would work besl for animalion,
His brother Roy kepi caul ioning Wall abool spending Perce was one of the first ~tol}'men 10 add the lillie
man: than lhey ..~re gelling (or the films. but Walt's une~pected louches of characler and business (hl1

allitude was. " Roy.)'011 gCI!he l1'IOIley. and ...... /1 make enrid..:d lhe films and made lhem SO memorable . One
Ihc: fil ms!" However. the lime came when there simply section o f the picture might tell its idea ~II and fil
was not any more money 10 be had for a canoon shon. inlO lite story niedy. bUl it could still be bam:n and
Roy pleaded with lhe rest o f the staff. " Hey. look. cold , Pe"", would immediately Stan ,,~aving his touches
fellas. you"'e got 10 wOft on Walt! Hc's gOi lo Slop of wannlh through lhe aClion:o and the personalities-
spending:lO much money!" (Years laler Walt was mak · nothing big or importalll . just lillie things Ihal added
ing Thr MagniJi"rlll M r. TQ(.d "noJ suggested a ]ine of charm and appeal. 11 mighl be a bil of a.cling or perhaps
dialogue for McSadger: "Somet hin 's gOllo be done a colloquial phrase in the dialui\ue . or i{ even could
about Toad! IIc 's spending to-oo much money!")" be a few additions to the background that would make
Walt had a different ans ..~r 10 Ihis predicament. lhe locale rroore dcconlive. more special. more imagi-
a.ceording 10 Dave Hand: " If we put 10 of these 700 native .
fOOl shons logether . we've gOl us a feature--7<XlO TIlere was also Pinto Colvig. ex -circus clown. en\ef-
f~1. Now lhe y .....,n·1 pay us but 15 thousand for a laincr. clarinet player. " 'ho had joined the staffa fe ....
shan. but for 10 of lhese. lhal "'ould be I SO.<XlO. and years earlier contributing story ideas. voices. and fllnn),
surely _ can gel more than that for a fcalllre!" Da,~ ways of doillg things . Stimulaling visual suggestion!.
~s not remember if Roy faint.!d at thaI bit of finan. would be needed for the fealure film Walt had in mind:
cial wizardI}' or not. But he docs remember his o",n S'WW Whjl~. In production management, lhere was
feelings : "There was no OIher way he (Walt ] could Dave lIand with his great ability to organi7,c and man·
stay in the businc... He would not sit slill and make age. along with his creative i1l<:as_ .!lte directors had
cIJ100ns at IS thousand doHars .·· provelllheir capabilities, and ill layoul there we", t""
Whatever his reasons. it seentS now Ihat it was inev_ outslanding anislS Hugh Hennesy ~nd Charlie Philippi.
iUlble thaI Walt eventually would anempl a feature- followed by Tom Codriek.
length animaled film . His canoons had be<:ornc popular Wah ""OIIld need the besl a<.:tion he rould gel for
in !he theaters (Mickey Mouse " 'as kno" 'n around the S .... w While herself. and lhis meant careful planning
world). and he was gaining confidcn<X in his s taff. In and analysis in addilion 10 lalent . A f"ature film would
the mid-Ihinies he wrotc a memo. "The animation has have 10 have lender moments, sincere momenlS. quic1
made a vel}' definite adva",,, forward which. in my momen1s . There would be a need for dl"'dw ings With
estimatioll. is close to IIXl'*> over what it was a year great appeal. characlers with life and belicvabilit)'.
and;i. half ago . I know thaI evelllually"~ arc going 10 and personalitie.< thal could hold an audience for well
allain a degree of perfeclion never before lhought pos- o,'er an hour. Gags. fun ny actions. and visllal Iricb
sible . II IKll>'CS to me Ihal the lime we have Spe nl would ....1 do il. If Ihe audit",e ..'ere to be dra .... n into
studying_ Il}'ing to analyu:: our problems. and sys- this film. Ihi s world of fanlasy would have 10 be a ",al
tematizing ourselve~. is bearing fruil. The hit_and_ world wilh real people doin!! real things . Thi s woold
miss is goillg, not be a canoon . It would be "Ihealer:' and Walt
He ~new he had the Sirenglh in the Slory Depan- would have 10 have men leading lhe way who coold
ment because he was carefUlly adding new people. make il all come lruc . .
1~.uaJ of -w."'11 "fJGrQI~
dro"-,,,,. of ....,.", ............
IU. Hw"u pIor.d _ .
rmpha". /ill l/tu/o(JrQ("/t"
imu(lcli"lI. K·hkh i. 01.
"-"'·S " n",r. prod. ,II,·,
.....,. WUff"'" ," 1I."k"l"
of lit, . h"......." . II Gil
.""" ..-i,lt ,,,.. IIL!f1'.m~
.•knrh .

5. Cartoon Comes of Age

"/~ _IM'~I't('tJ. 1M dr;"ins for,..' bthirw/ 1M «Iw.. Is 1M mouJ. flit ~r_Qliry. lilt ""'I/Uk of 1M ..""" .
IXftr-« al/tllrrt. TII"rfo". II" mi"d is Ihr pi/,M . Wt rhink of liIi"IIS btlor, IIII' bud., dMJ I/"m .· ·
Wall Disney

OisneyslCf)'man Dick Kelsey once said. " There is 00

perfect window for. hoose:: 1M", is sotllC thi ng wrong
will! III of IMm . They warp, conutle. rust. swell.
1WiII. 1IIII need ronSlanl paillling. I,' s a mallcr of ..-hat
you tile...:l "'~1 )"011'", wilting to put lip with . " And
till: ume applies to Inimalion . There is no ~s.I WI)' 10
~..,y more than thtre i. one "greJl«1 ~ni n' • •
kII"'_ pulCSI painlC1" or wrircl or actor. F..ach brings
bis own prr$(lIVl mn.sagc and inlt'l""'lation 1Q his
mfl. Md if hr Iw IiOmClllilll 10 say lIw audic:ncu
wan. 10 hear, and if in Iddition he Cl n effectively
«I!nmuniu!e lhal """"'"ge , he may be ronsidcml grl:~t.
His woct. may grow and l>ecome limelus. or changing
IISItJ lIP)' CIIII~C him in his 0 ...·" lime .
III II~ 19l5. Wall .,;eked four IMTI from his t, l.
t..:I crwp of .ni~lon 10 supervise lhe .nimltiorl
ell S-- Wlrir... ~ men ..ere Norman (Fer,y)
FerJu-, wilh I ma~lery o f broad Slaging; Ibmi hon
(fi¥n) l.uIJ;( , " 'i,h greal ability 10 analyu and develop
procedurn llIar: others could follow; Fred MOOf(', willi
II!)C1tI appeal in his drawings; and Vlad;mi, (8ill IX
T·bonc) 1)11a, with an abi lity to ponray llrea! emer
lims aod inner feelings In hi. characlers . We have 10
IItlievc thar Walt, wirh his uncanny inluition, muS!
luvc IUliud that he had round a magic combinatiorl
ill Ihis lfOIIP.
Tbrir me had been rapKI and thei' contributions
II'tllltndous. But lheir car«rs , whethe' due 10 ch~ng.
irIJ IISIe$ or pe.sonal problems, were 10 be fairly sllon·
~\f(IIj by Disney studio s.randards. " 'here many ani •
...., have produced SU«eMflllly for periods of 0'ICf
fony years . Their "';ork. beginning with shorts in tile
early thini~". ",ache<! it, height in S"o,..lVhit~. PinQ("·
chio. F,m/(lS;(I. and DUllloo . During th,s lin", tlley
more th,m justified Wal!" s confidell,"" in them. Ilut
continued SuCCeSS eluded Ihem. and. somehow. when
Iheir lin", had passed. they ..... ere nC ..·cr again (0 firoJ
the SlIme opportunities to expre" their panicu)ar t.l·
entS . Animation took a dire<:t;OIl (ha( demanded a",·
finement no longer compatible ..... ith their ,tyles.
These men were fine craftsmen ,,·h<. had hclrcd to
break away from the rigid tradilions of the past . Tllei,
scenes were idelltified with the new. impon~nt uscs of
fundamental s-Ihe broad Squash and Stretch and tile
won, Anric'p;lIion. 'flIeir ,.-ark "'"2J!; " '0 unlkr·
~. 10 rttOC."iu. and to ) tudy. Bu. lOll new men
...·,111 formal an rraining came along. and WIIt ·~ rhink ·
i",.umn! •.,..·ard an increasingly sophistica.ed .ype o f
anim.1'ion. I ,,~ sub.1e kind of >l<"tion wl.h more
CQIl'pk~ K . ing and more ,,~aninltflll u:pres,iOfl~ dc ·
,"tIopN . The anima.ion became w sophi,;c icalCd tlla.
,r ... alll'lOSl impossihk .o «<e.gniz" the basic pr,nci .
pies. Thc rntdium had de"eiopc:d in.o a n an form .
Pnhaps iI ..·as fa.e that brought ,!oe5C foor anima·
'(Q '~thcr wilh Wall ar rhis l in~ . Their styles ...."re
as d;,·elSe lOll any four could be: r<>ugh or clean . inlui .
li,"t or .nalyric~l . ir did not nMler . It .... as rhe combi · L
nation of these four men that helped Wah set a COUrse
that would take Disney films to height~ never dreamed
of: lhe creation of chardc!crs that reached Out to audi-
ences in a way only a few live-action pictures e,'er
However. it is conj«ture to say Ihalthe big devel-
opment in Disney animation came just frum the chance
combination of Walt. Fcrgy . Ham. Fred. and 8ill, 8uI
because these: men "'at put in positions of authority.
they aulomatically had cenain re.ponsibilitics thru>1
'lit "";"",,,,,., BUI
upon them that opened opportunities othe rs may 1\01
'Cj«tN 'M 'IF""t'
fiOM/ feeli",. i~'1) ha"c had . TIleir chances for greatne ss cenainly were
'<I<'It'l, incre3M'd.
D.iw Hand believes 111M Walt .... ould ha~ rome up really K1 the COIII'Je _ He was always OIIt there and " ..
" Ilh buically the type of picture no maner ,,-hkh we re trying to calc h up. ,.
top animalOTs he had 'hosen to lead off. Wil fred Wah ga~ inspiration with his IOClina and storytell-
Jltbon f.lt1lM: same way: " II is my opinion if ing. and his animators ,arne up with 11M: e"menu that
Wall had ~ .t ......., d, platt 11 the same brought about 11M: Golden Age of animauOII. [I is doubt·
t,me w'th a different bUn<;h of guys. ,he resuh would ful ,,-hether the warmth and the t.nderne" and .he
Iu.e been more or loss arona the same lille'. be< I heart would have aPI"'an:d in the pk.ures without this
.Junk Walt had a real finn h.and on lhe liller. 11ltre combination . Wilhout these men it would h.I'-e been I
lTIIy be some lh,ngsthat some of the gu~ bmuaht ()Ul different SIlO»' Wllirr--if the picture would ha~ been
" hlfh shon d po$sibililie. 10 Wall lhal he look advan- mad. a. all . But Wah drew ()Ut of each man whal he
~ of tha. spread lhe gospe l and the rest of us pk ked 'ould, and the n ~ontinued to build on .hal conlribu·
up. bIn really wemed gu~ in other d Irections could lion. always askina for more . H. was opponuni$lic. in
11.1,,,, &i'..n h,m a similar thing [ believe, becau5C he a way. in his ability to usc what a man had 10 offer.
I~ ,hi.> X.II. fr- I'cculi.
Pm,:uins. ,Iw ,iri. """"'1ftI
..,,10 10., iMP' boJf~.
flips M • •ail/....Jon. i~ INs
It>«. ,Itno IOfMS Jon ....
in ,lor at'. HI'''' Laut.-...,;·
ma.d.1or s«rrr flap""""
..,.10 rood an.jr'J><I''''''''''
loilo.",II"""II. tn.,/.I,,1tt

..",w.. wrW ....vltl "..

On IIi, .«onl It ... ""

modr,1or .ai/ t;Ola"Jon...J
aJdeJ a ,lib "",*",,,1.,
a<"un, ,,<II.
,lor flip (, 'rr,kGI
row). Tltis ,a", ~nr.>p«ttJ
."",hI"is (1"'/

and then 10 make the feUow produce far beyond his

nonnal capabilities.

Norm RIlI,IWn (or. as " "C 11"'IYs called him . R rGyl
used 10 lib to tell of the lono:ly night " 'hen he s" 'itched
from camcnman to animator . He was SlayinG Late to
finish shootinG I ocellC .... hen he disco«ttd t\lM IiOlM
of the drawinss ""C~ mi~sins . 1lw:K wlS no one: cise
around to complete tbe animation a nd no one: to call.
so IS RIlY put it. " [ had 10 fill in." 1lw: scenes ,,'W:
so SLJCCeSsful thlt be was offcm! • job dn ,,·i nS. And
he ~asoned. "' If this is III there is to animation, I
suess 1"11 switch o~cr_it beat5 beinl on ca mera."'
Fergy . who came to the studio in 1929. had an
...t1I'~III . 'f\'~ti~" mind. and lit J"'I~, ...... I ~nOJ .>/o>;e .....<'d ~.C (I"ing. Your ch:lraclcr g"'.:~ 0.10::0<1 a..J il Ivob lit~ ~
_ ,1ufI1It 1.IIk<'d. ....'bal lit did say (lo_ 0\11 ",ilh a d. a .... int::·
.toctM Htw~ l~ n ~ .... 3nd,1 ""~~ uw .II)· jl<IlIClu.;U<'d Ben Sh"'l"'l«n. ... ho had ~,<>mc f",,,, "'~w YOft
1» . ··Yuh. )~<ih. )'ou kll(O"'. )'00 ~....,w . • Ik ",ould 001)' a fc'" monlhs hdore Fell;)', f'-...,~II$ thaI Walt 'hell
11".tII tOOIoI ~\'~nl~ thai ",.re soing ""(\Ill!. >0 iL " 'as a~sil:""-..J Fer,>" to the hIOOllho.",d '" Chain Gang:
difflC:oll In 1.11 )U;I hew (kepi)' II. felt ahoo l IlIing; . "Ferg}' was I>u.;(cnful in ' gening a lOO$Coc» imo Ihe
MOlt of tile lim.: dU 11"ll • "l>TIvcl5alion he would be hloodhound Ihl cngger~led it~ abilily 10 sniff (a
fooHn, "jib I lillie cu.l of hair (\Il his that wrinllljng of!he ("O{I!;e, and 10 think (fao;ial expte.',ions.
.1'11' Io«~ II> so.p;rrate from 1M ~, . Jack. ClJuin~ ' such ~ a qllizzicalloolo; or a s.. doc!! .mile dim:tcd II
Aid thM "nln wide-open pf-le'bluc e)'oS :md fix<'d the: audience) . Fcrgy ilott«do:d in Jcuing a feeling of
loIoi!c ..........J ,uilekss ~nd friendly , bul ~'Cl)' SO often fl.,..h in", his animation . No <>nC n'aJitcd ...·hat ~)'
)1II ~ tk (,,<,lin, WI his ~mile ""$' ",a.1. ..nd Ihat had done. IklW·C"CT. unlil afler lhe preview . " No one
lIthialj il he "ls OO>c ....·ing and nOlln; .,'u)'lhing you rcaJilcd. dlhCT. Ihallhi s dog " 'uuld dc"clop ;1110 I~
"I'll oI.linr. flmou~ Pluto . And l><Jn GrWl3m add •. "The doll
Fill)", IUle. did n[)1 run 10 Ihe inICIl~(lual. He were , I,,'c, real. Thcy seemed 10 brealhe . They m(wed
Ie"ed the old vaudeville eo",.di~M. and Ihis " 'as like doiS. nOi lite drawing' o f dogs, The drawing$
prOOIbl)' loll chid form of cntcrla;m""nl while gro"'- nplained nOI SO mIlCh whll a n:al dot; look<'d like. bul
.. ..,.11. o.awe"eI)1hing as i( il " 'ere on $llge, nuher ,,'10;01 •• ul dog did. "
iIIIII in ImnI of lhe in~ ol~<'d movement, KmlC anima- Walt did nOI leU 10 do I diffen:nl <log or on.
1m """ IIbk 10 do after slIMlying 11,·" lICTion . A big thai added a new d inlC'nsion (0 ell100ns . Hc did not
JIll! of. o:omcdiln', act was oflen lhe " " Y hi: looted "y, " LeI 'S ~ if " -,, (an make a dog {hink Ihis lime ."
.1IiJ I~dicnc. in rupons.:: 10 ~ llelion or line of lie did not tel! him. "I " 'aol ~'OUIO do. ~g that "ill
~lIoJllO'-'htring his re":l ion broadly with Ih. spec - l(t like this and do these Ihiog~ because [ Ihink the:
W<ln. F.'i)· adapted Ihis vcry Hme rouline for hi , audience will 10 fo. it.·· ThaI ,,'Ij 1101 W,It·s way_ not
_ cIo, "IOQ would become Plum. ha~ins him " 'hen dc~elopin, a new characler . lie woold be apt \0
\oat into the ca!TM:ra 10 show hi! inner fcc lings. No 51111 1.I~i08 aboul diffe.enl dogs and !he fllnny wlY
COCK dco.lblnlWI Ihis dog " 'as Ihinkins. too, lhey IIad o r sniffing when they ""C1l: on !he trail of
la OM of hi, firsl picru",-,. Frolirkh', Fish. Fcrgy tomcthing , Before he knew il he "llUld be acting il
IIIimMtd I lirl~' trio u fi$lIts singillJ and doing I n OUI , and the: fellows in the meeting would SWt laughing
('/4.. iOfHIioe dance. BUI Fcrgy ' s vl\Kle"ille louch beclus.: Ihis " 'U funny. !he " 'ay Wall did it. And
"i'l1lOl11oe IIIOS1 memorable Ihing lboo.n Ih is piece of mon: Ihan likely. Wall would n:nM:n'~r a ~ptc;flC d(lll
lllitn1/i()1l . Wilfred Jactson pinpoinu Ihis itS. big 'tep he ha~ seen-maybe an old hunling doS Ihal lived
fcr,I':Ii'd : " In Ihal scene there was I fluid I)"f'l' of aClion ncar lhe Disnty farm' "Y'know Ihi, old guy "'QIIld
.)w,rt thf)' didn'l hil a hold and move OUI of il_ BUI come s nufflll ' alonilli k.e a "a.;:uum cluner. his mUllle
.In _ pan "'ould hold _Ihing cI~ woold move . spread III OI·e. the I(round . You tll(O'" thisloooe skin
So ihcft ,,-.~ n~"er a complerc SlOp . And thi~ ,.,as a the:y hl\'( up h<ft: ,,'Cll. ;1 " 'ould bc ~ad 0111 Oat he
!(tilt Wah made u~ ~1I100k at, ~.,usc lit !oaid thaI is ...·u II)'in ' >0 hard 10 gel hi~ I"III>'C dow'n nc:~1 10 IhI:
!hr " ....... Ihl"$- aboul Ihe kind o f anomal,,'fI }('" g"ys s _lI. ,,,,I he had 3111h~ wrinklcs buoo.' l",d up OYer
_ .... _ N",_~ "Frrv·· Ftrlw~ayf~1 Pluto
1M ftI-s JlYfNJIWr ~"U from Pla)·f~1 Pluto. " ",11._ '" prrSOMlIty """""''''''. f ·. - ,ltrfi_ '" tIN";,y",oJlyiifJ"
.. slt«, 0/ 'M srk., JI,-_r. _u..,
Pt~.,,·s prob/,fftS ' "", '" !>Hom, ....y, '0
M ' r i,. u'r;""" .i"..", TAr~A i,
'rtJ(",i(}lt '0 M. prrdkam,/U "nd M. flw\l.ghIJ of .../w. '" fly ~,~. Dr, ,/w,rd ..·i.~ ,h. audi,nr, . II "'I"
'hr Jim """ a r/w'(I(ltt
.,,,,,td 10 Iw Ihillki"8 on Ihe K'''''. and. Ihowl(h il last,d ollly 6.~ .,("(}Itds. ;1 ~"rd Ih' ..." ,./or ""i"""ioll of rrot c"'"acltrs
wI.h ,,",,, p,ohI,,,,,.

his I"I06C and down over hi, ~yu. Bm he W<lS ~riou. Somehow he had the a bility 10 make)'O\l seo: what wu
abool il. y'know: he wasn· , a goof ball - Ihis was funny abool!he characler ilself. and il was lhe c harac·
serious businen 10 him .·' ler's ~xpr~ss;ons thai yoo saw and /aler tried to drlw;
And then W.ll would remember how the dog: would but. still . lhal dog·s eyebro .... s could ooly have corroe
suddenly SlOp and look liP . as if he was thinkinr-YOU from Wah .
hardly knew whal. Maybe he was soning Ihings OIIt. When fellY projected lhe tirsl tests of his new char-
maybe he was lislening for $Ortlething. or mllybe he ICier sniffin& and snortin& and Ihen s lopping 10 Ihink .
was trying to remember when he had 1_ smelled thaI everybody was enlhusiaslk . No <:MI<' remembers what
panic1llar smell. or maybe il was just somelhing that Watt Slid. hut vel)' probabty his commenl ..·enl like
cru.y dog: did . And as Walt acted it OUI . it became Ihis: ··Yeah ... y'know. he ooghllo have. big snort.
funnier and funnier: encouraged by lhe re sponse . Walt righl into lhe camera. afler he·. thoughl Ihinas over-
would know he was 0010 $OmClhing Ihat was good lhey do that . those dogs-il's 10 clear lheir tKISC5 or
entcltlinrnent. He would imitate the e~~ions of the something . BUI y· know. he·s look ing around. side 10
dog. and look from one side 10 lhe other. and raise side. and lhen suddenly he looks righl at the ClnICrl
fint one brow and then the other all he Iried to figu,e and gives I big ,nort-not really disgusted . you don·t
Ihings 0111. Wa1fs eyebrows were panicularly facile. know why he does il. hul .it". funny. ~nd lhen he goes
and the piercina look with the one brow down and the bao;k 10 sniffing 5()ffiC tnOI"e . " Wah never Slopped 10
Othtr up was h is II106l common ex~ssion when he praise; I\2Ivi", seo:n somelhing he liked . he stancd
Wall . Fergy was watc hing all this as well as building 00 it immediately. making il betlCr and flllVlier.
laughing al the lhoughl of the o ld dog wilh a ll his Once he had seen whal FellY could do. he asked for
wrinkles and lhe sniffing and Irying 10 fiaure things more of the same I)"pe of Ihing. hul Ilways somclhing
out , and in his m ind he was see ing the way il should new and somelhing stronger. U'idllly the animator
look on the screen. He was visual izing drawings. alli- barely had been able to ac hie ve lhe oriainal ((Suit. and
ludes. u~ssions . hulthey were not drawings of Wah anylhing trIOre _tned 10 be beyond his upabililks .
himsdf; they were drawings of a dog wilh a personal- Bul. once again. Walt would ··talk it"· and ··ac. it
if)' who was thinking. Even though the animaloc would 0111 .'· and you had 10 admil thal;1 was funny busineu
JC1 hi, sole inspiration from the way Wall ":Ied 001 a and the scqucooe ,,"OU1d be better with theM' new idellS;

character. lhe~ was never. temptation 10 draw Wall. so. once again. )'0\1 woold and struggle U)'ing 10
IC""Ir."t<I "" P"'" 1()41

In spirational Sketches
by Gustaf Tcnggre n
For Pinoccilio
opportunity tocreate I world flmous canoondwxter ,
In his anal)'$is of Pluto . Ted Sean; , It<>p ~<>r)'man ,
said, "The: flypaper s.equence in Playfol PIUlo is always
1I1CC1I1K.>ncd IS lhe: best eumplt: o f his pantomime . This
is beo.;ause i. illustrated clearly att of Plu.o's charat'ler.
istks from dumb curiQSity 10 pilllic . It is limed in such
a way that the ludkntt fecls all o f Pluto's sensations-
each 'hold uprH$ioo' after a surprise action was c-.
fully planned , and uprcsocd ~ definilC attitude
causl", the audience 10 lw&h. Eac:h small climax builds
up into a bette, surprise , " Wilfred J ackson also (Qm'
menle<! on Fergy's flypaper st<;tuence: " Yoo can t.ake
thaI UII1CC gag wilhoot running over the dog' s thoughts
or emolions, just mechanically dol", the thing . and it
wouldn '. he funny,"
Fergy ac«pted the innovllions in his won: IS the
.....lIm course of eventS , and he never c&reO for mak·
ing rules .bool how 10 do something 01' being lied
down too much on the charat'ter. In one scene he: had
animated a partk lllarly fUMy look on Plulo. Plifling
his eyes from side to side, the brows won:in& like
Wall'$-<IIIe side lip and the Other down . The young
anirmotors dashed ' 0 his room 10 o;opy the timing on !he
t 1 pmure $ and pa w through his dnw inp_ Fer&Y
was puzzled , and he rommenled : " Why do yoo wanl
10 1I1CCm<>ri~ how I did thaI aclion? I might do it dif·
apllIft &/I dusiveuprH$ioo or ~lI1CCnt or attitude . ferenl ne1ltill1CC ." 6 111 this shows ~ of the e"tile-
Wootin& in this way. how could anyone daim crMit II1CCnt of that periOO--e"ff)'ooe "'PIing around to sec
for doinJ a o;erWlI K1I:ne or evtn an outsandingllCtion? how _ _ elK did _thinl, It also shaws s0me-
FerJY blew IlIat he had made the drawlnp and limed thing abwt Fergy's approach; he would IIQ\ WJp trying
them. They ~~ imll1CCnsc:ly lucassful because he to find I new and betIC' wly to do lhi~ same action
had been able 10 capeure c<nain dog chaQCleri slks nell lime . I. was all well and good 10 I~am how some·
and 1(1 pruent them ""ith enough understanding of one did a good piece of anirmotion , but .o o;opy it was
enlCrtai~nl and enough grasp o f !.howmanship 10 very limitina and something Fergy woold never under.
make I fUMY Kent, Yet , without Walt there ""ould
ha.-e ben no PluIO. Fergy , on his OWII, WOlIld never
Mgy h.,;I had no formal art lI1Iining. SO he IIQ\
have conceivnl of these KentS 01' this personality . and inhibiled by ...... omy and drawing rules . Fred Moore
"" storyman _Id have cons~rM that such business used to Ilugh and say. " He doesn't kIlO"" that you
and aclions woold ever gel across in a cartoon , 6ut can'l raiK .he e)'('brows above the head c ircle , so he
fll$l of all, no producer woold have risked I nickel on goes wad and does it and it gives a &real effect . "
lIICh I new departure IS the ide. of a carwoo chanK:ter And thaI was bu. ooe of the many Ihinp MIY initio
hiving I personality , Wilhout Walt , who had tho: peat ated 10 liw: his ViOCI;: that exIra life and vitality . Marc
insight 10 _ how an anirmotor u~ his ideas, plus .he Daviu ays. " Norm R:rguson wasn ' t the ani~l. but he
great abili1y [Q adapc thi s to his 0""" purposes, there wlS a shatp performer . nd .. s ho""mill-hard to know
would have been....,'1 little improvemem in the: quali.y if his dnwing WIIS lhere or wasn 'tthcrc-he had his
of the: films. and FerlY ""oold never have had the own kind of symbol. "
Fngy"s drawing during this pc:rioo in the develop·
ment of animation actually was quite good and had a
solid sculptured look . Hi s feeling for stretches and
!ension right down to the toes and his handling of the
n~d! ~nd getting meat on bones-without losing the
SlIusagC body and stuffed legs-were outSllInding
Hc worked very rough for first te,ts-usually just a
tilde and two lines for the body . This kept the staging
simple and gave him a guide that ..... as easy to change.
With a quid test on his first rough dra ....·ings. he could
see whether he had something to build on. He could
keep making fa'll changes. never feeling thaI he had
invested so much time in a scene that he could nOl
discard it and try a ne ..... idea if something was not
working. This style su ited Fergy because he always exceeded all expectations; in fact. to many. she wlS
had something he was trying out. Most animators ..... ho exces:.ively terrifying . She. like Tytla·. devil in ·'Night
emplo)·cd this very rough method seemed to be cast on On Bald Mountain .·· w"-' nlenacingly ugly. which was ·
wm in which they experimented with fast action and nOl a characteristic of WaIfs later villains. The witch
gags-all SttIleS with broad movements. seemed to have an Anhur R.ckham ' quality and was
Maybe the", ..... as a cenain amount of impatience in ",mini.cent of his evil old woman in Hansel andGrt/r/.
Frrgy·s wanting to see right away what he was get . Fergy·s handling of her face was less of " typical
ting. or maybe IS Jack Cuning says. ··Fergy was nCr· formula than most Disney designs, ..... ith shapes that
V<lW • •• In eitherca!le. it wa, this abundance of nervous did not relate as well as they should for animatioo
energy thai led WilfreJ Jackson to recall affectionately be<:aus<: of the witch· s illustrative quality . The mouth
It.. following iocident . Someone asked if Fergy. after to check to eye and brow relationship. which i~ so
arriving from New York. had fit in rapidly and made imponam in animating expres:.ion changes. suffered
his ~nce felt. ··Jaxon' · replied. ··Fergy made his from his concept in design .
presence felt real fast wilh me. They had to get anOlher By 1953. Fergy had found it extremely diffICult to
row of animation desks at that time. so his desk was keep up with the new refinement. in acting and draw·
right back of mine . He used to shake his foot all the ing, and he had left Disney·s 10 won. in OIlier uudios.
time. and it would wiggle my desk and I couldn·t He had suffered much of his life from diabetes, and
draw---w he made his pre!lence felt right away with that. combined with other health problems. brought on
~ his death in 1957.
Fngy·s witch in Snow Whitr was the first of the Fergy·~ style of animating influenced younger ani·
great Disney villains . Her impact on the audience mators and is still in usc. panicularly the quick test to
, ,

• ,

f. ,~
Hamilton Luske was opening the door to a new, more
refined approach in which e"'(!')Ilhing 0"" hilS is put
into tile firs! tesl. Th is ~ui..,s an uninlClTUpted conti-
nuity of thought . h may lake days to do the scene, but
you musl not lose the thread. c hange your mind, or
lose your confidcnc<>-you mUSt be sure!
Ham had an absolute fascination wilh how things
moved . Eric Larson. who was Ham's assistant in the
early thirl ies. says , " Ham was studying anirrullion all
the time-it was his whole life. " O ne "ttkend Eric
and Ham were on lhe deck of lhe Catalina Steamer
with their wi~e$, enjoying the ""3 breeze and appartntly
Irying 10 forgel lhe care~ o f lhe day. But n~ Ham! All
of a s udden he pulled off his tie and held il OUt in the
wind . ·'Look , Eric! Look Illhe overlap . Sec how the
end keeps going down after the center pan Start5 up.·'
Every time the y would play golf;1 was lhe same Ihing.
"Now watch dose . See the f<:lllow· through "" my

\ puncr.· · But this was actually Ham·s way of rclaxing;

and if a fricnd was going 10 relax wilh him, he Ud
better be ready 10 do SQmC analyzing and observing .
Of the four animat<>ri in thi s group. Ham was the
only one wilh a college educalion. He was graduated
from the University <:If Califomia al BerJocley. whcre
he majorcd in business. His wife Frankie laughs about
thi s, becau se she s.a.y' that Ham would OQ( cven 1001:
al lhe bills or lhe bank book . Like Fergy and Fred
\ 1\.1 <>OTe, hi s only f(>mla.1 an training came primarily
from lhe classes thai Wall inilialed al the studio .

..-heck a pro~d
panem and maintain flexibility in
Ham had to struule with hi s drawing. bul he bad I
nalural fccling for animalion, story. and for what ""35
c menaining . So despite his lack of an anislic b.J,ck .
ground. he had many things going for him. Perhaps il
any JIIan. [t $Uil~d the " 'ar he thoughL If it works for " ·as hi s college training. or ma)·be it was ju,t inbeTCIu
do mort.
)'OU. in hi m to have a """'1I -organi analytical mind.
Whal he did .... ilh Pluw ....·as probably his biggc$1 Eric Larson said. " Ham pla)·cd a I~ of ICnnis. so
OOIIlrioolioo. He showed the way for other animators when he was givell the chance 10 animate Max Hare in
in !he use of symbols such as takes . fl'(l","s. smiles. lhe tennis Kquence of The Tortoiu and the HOFe, he
and a ,,-hole range of express ions. Fcrgy's was the knew precisely what he wanted to do , ··llIe impona/ll
ultimal< of the old style-a broad, l~ fuli ng. in thing " ·as his krK)wkdge and fet'ling for lhe game, and
conccpl as "ell as drawing- a way that kept the door Ham had the ima.gina lion and the vision to dream
open for incorporating new ideas right up 10 the last beyond what he himself rould do on lhe coon. He
moment. knew the exact poses he wanted to use in his held
:.., .;, -
II ....
po"l,on_ and j usl 00'" much overlap he I\\!~dcd I()
k~cp llIe: (lO>Cs .Iive. Thi s ...a~ a piclUl'\' in ,,·hich
E\"cIYbOOy credi ted II.", ... ith the e.<Senct
of lhe cule pose . fl'\'d Mool'\' h~d found the same: l)"pt
1<H Hs" liming ... ~~ "10'" in, ""nan! 10 IIIe: I"'fSOflalilic:. Ihan of thing imuiliwly. While Ilam di(l 1\01 .... ve lhe $aIIlO"
lit It""i. anylhinJ: done so far . llIc roc ky II.", 1.i~d from flair or rt;Ilu",1 fn:linl in hi. (I",,,·,ng>. the)" may Iu.,"t
'I p/<I)~,. I'll"" I<)~ ..... iih ~mpha,is on lhe movinl hold~. ~nd bec:n casier for mo..l ~hcrs 10 undcrsland . E' ·cI)1hilll
play. 1/,
10 folio .... the sp«dy ac!ion bcctw«" these holds. Ham .... as pl"",cd e X""'II)" ,.·he", he wanled It . nlOf"l: cnode"
w .... and Wilfred Jackson. the dir«lor. dc:visW the bh~ Ihan in Frcd·s dr:l"·ings. 001 " ·Ilh 'I'\'~ cla"I)·. dd, ....
J/......... Mlul; l«h"iq~ . Juon says . ··1'baI·S lhe: firs! lime I I;"" . and caric~u"' .
"""pI lie "",led outlhe char,ICle~. finding lhe ekmcnlS ia.
","~mbrr s hooiinl a color lesl for a PicIUI"C!o find 001
"" I(\~ if the bI~ SI",U WllS goinl lO ,,""Ofl; oul all rilhl . and a JIIM 1""1 ",all)" pmpoinled lhe ~U"'" of lho fttl
" fir·" il·' a JOOd Ihing ,.·c did . The firs! IWO or thm: time:. and body. the ";ghl pi"",,, for the hands. the arch of thI:
1M I~.'· ...e did i, did"·, ~ui t Walt .1 alL·· back. the lili of the head. ,,~hl down 10 hi~ famous
"'41'<:1> ··noah·· n\OUlh . Wc C~n'" IQ Ihmk of II .n. in lhesc
ter",s. a grown man "ctin~ OUI Ihis cUle stuff- lillie
an imals. d .... rfs. ()f Pinocchit>-., nd ",·cryone urin.
lUred him 111:01 ,,·ay. arod always with the .. 000/1 .. mouth
~l the bottom of lhe loog ui'P"r lip h~e S....,.,~y", . No
one ","cr cancalUrcd Fcr~)" ac!ing li~" Plulu. bul H;tm

0 .11 .

"" Ut,l,

I C4>rl. Q
H " .." ....
. ",0;""1
had b«()f11(' a symbol for Ihi , Iype of acti ng. The animators were all wreslling with Illeir filSl
Wilen Wah a~k~d Ham and Le, Clark 10 dnlw a attempt 1<.> draw the human figurc ;n ;001100, and tllty
bdirvablc. pully girl for Th~ G",/J,u "fSprinjl. boIh often wenl behind dosed doon to pl"Xlicc their roovq
uillW«S ,,·tre slumped. Eric l ar>oo aoclw oot lhe withuut the com .... nts of their c<>-" .... kers. ·Tm .un:
~' I(I htlp Ham captUIl' !hi: m<lnnwms. but Walt Walt w,,-, thinking aheaoJ to .mo,.· Wlli" ." In Clao-k
"'"IS IlOl pIc~ " 'ith the animation. (<<ling il was 100 ~ h,dei ... Ahhougl\ he didn ' t tell nW tllat . I a.sumcd
rubber)' and Ikxible. les fvw nC> toelle!. e,'en " ';Ih 3 later be"Ust S"",,' Wl\ite hnwlf wa~ de.ignc'd so that
real ~i'l fl)l ~ modeL "I used my ~t'l(r. Mar<"~i l . for ~he <"1m'" be animated . ,.
Cfnlin pusc'''' lie <aid. "J had to gel some son of 11Ie ll1limattn ocr ...,ionally g<JI Ihf- glre, the m)1hm.
humlll lllcalorny. you know. but it came off miserable. Ihe rdalionship that distinguished lhe Icllding lady of
I dlWtN. And I apologized 10 W~It. ~Il<l lie ki nd of Th.. G(~ldnl of Spr;", as a la.Jy : lhey evcn gO! tilt
lIouaOO-i it "ff and said. ' 1 g""s.~ we coold do beller wei,he "nd Nlanc:e and I"'I"$]I«I;"C ""cur~lc enough
nut lime.... ' And I tllink the Il'as"" il didn', oomc: :I<) thai ;n ~ S«1lCS W moved ronvinc:ingly. Bill.

off.1tIt ctwxtcr " 'asn't desigrwd 10 be animated . T o e~hau)tw by ehe effon, they ~lie<.I on a "pretty girl"
mt, tile ke~' 10 dw-acter animation is the design qual- formula for the face thaI not only looknl:as "-en
ily of tilt figu,e that you can ">C. I h;ooJ a hard time ,,'~aring a muk, bul defeated 1M 100al ~freCi by ,ivinl
"ith the Ii~ure. t\OI thai I didn'l kn" ...· how to draw ;t. hel a .. nmb;e look. She CC'nainly w., 001 alivc and was
but 10 ",imllt it. " M all y devoid of pcrson~lily or feclinp.

, .<, ... . ..
, ,'. ~

After Ham had the experience of animating. Tillie .... hat Ham was bl:st at : lhal. and de~igning the char·
Tiger in EI~r Elel'hom, he ~ali~ed thaI a cartoon acteNIClion relationship for ~n appealing, interesting
ch<lracter only lived when the ",-hole dra"'-ing, as ",,,II ~suh on the IiC re~n . NO! everyone has the mental dis·
as ailihe parts, reflecled Ihe aUilUdc, Ihe personalily, cipline or abililY to think these problems through .
lhe acling, and Ihe feeling ofl he charaCler . His ~nal)1- As Ham a &Cene. he Illade careful. neal draw·
;';'al mind and care for detail equipped him for Ihe job ings that sho",-ed aU lhe actions, expre.;sions, and details
or linding a way of crealing an appealing heroine who of timing . This done. he nipP"d the drawings , and
could survive Ihe growing pains of budding artisls when he found an aClion lhal seemed .... eak he reached
who were eager. bul slill nol able. 10 draw an anrac- in and crodely made a big. bold correclion on four or
ti,'c girl in mo~ Ihan one position . When lhey started fi' ·e d",wings, as he held Ihe whole OOlch in hi~ hands.
On lhe heroine in Sno"" Whit<', Ham CQnceniraled on It looked as if two people had animaled lhe &cene, one
her eyes and moulh and gcning IS much relalive l11O\'e- a Dr. Jekyll and Ihe olher a Mr. Hyde. bUI il kepllhe
mc:nt in her face as in her body . Crude as many scenes ~ne strong and alive with inf.llable staging, dear
",,,re , lhey bl:gan 10 live . action. and strong accenlS.
like Fergy. Ham had a strong feeling for what waS Ham "'·IS always probing around: Ihal wa, the key
entertaining, bUllhere Ihe similarily ended. In coni"''' feeling in lhose days _lhc animators .... ere al .... ays trying
10 Fergy· s nalural ability to improvise while animal· to come up with a new way of handling an actioo .
ing. Ham always sumed 10 follow a procedure wilh a fbm kept experimenl ing. trying 10 lind a diffe~nl
Slep· by-Slep approach. However. hi s anin,alion WIS walk: so he kepl varying tlK: timing and relationships
nO! mechanical in any way . On lhe con lrary. it was until he finally wem so far Ihal he no longer had a
full of life and the feel ing of the characler: hi. abi lily wal k. He had shifted the ~Iative timing of the am"to
10 move the audience " 'ith his palhos was second only the legs to the body until it waS now a peculiart",i,ti"g
to Bill Tytll·s. Ham could nol Slart a ~ ne umit he mo"emem .
had the whole thing visualized . He would sil with his [f he saw an unusual Iype of animalion or viMla!
arms foJd.)(! s taring at a blank piece of paper---lhinking cffcctlhat some Olher studio was using. he would get I
and planning . He fell thai if he could spend half his kind of pUl1.led. annoyed look and >;ay •. . • woOOer
time planning, he would animate hi s scene bener and why we aren·t doing lhal. We should be able to figure
flSter. Eric :;aid Ham would bI: hun<;hed over hi s board. OUI how to do il. maybe even bene .. " And he would
fussing wilh his drawings and saying, "1lIe~ muSl be Ihink aboul 111ill he had a beller way . A.... the things
SOme way 10 euggerale this pose." He ",·ould choose Ham thoughl about- how be could do something new,
Ihe pm:ise lhing 10 do and then push il funher . gO further and make it IllQre entertaining. give;1 more
Ham could make that exl", drawing in tlK: ac lion 10 personality- theM: were all things he was beginning to
give more Ihan the director asked for. al"'ays going understand in a way that IK: could define them for
slronger. If Ihe animalor does jusl whal is on tlK: story somebody else . This was one of the greal things .boul
skelch. 11K: scene will nO! have enough zip_ And that i ~ Ham . He realized thaI thi, typ" of knowledge mmt be:
pb>f~ IJIIIu lhe YOU"!; amnlal"," ,,.. lhe ~t~dio would caricalu'e And Wall ""ronde,1 w:t'ml). (hanki"~ I""
lOt ~ And Ham', ~rI(".'k:<lg( wa, ,,.,. limited fnr hemS tho: in-,p;~li<lfl for kn n)' Wrcn . H am'~ ab,l ·
10 _m.ot~ ... : hi, phi"""-'(lhy "r
~I"') CO' K·"rt-' may 'I~ 10 •...,mh;ne anal)'>'i •. sul>llcl)', aoo ~trc"glh had
hn~ cqouIkd ~ n) ot~ , ro,n,ibuli(>n ~ mad~_ maok knll) an ou. ~tBnding char.oclcr
\I'lltn .. ~ ... "", I~l k in~ O'~' ~ ~ce "e Of a "ory poinl. Ilam had remin"k" lho: ~''''''J! a"'",al>"~ .. 'Ou. fi ••1
"" M H> ... y. "rm Ihinbn~ OUI loud" Wh .1 he job is 10 tell a '1"1)' Ih,,, i,n'l ~oo"·,, to I"" ~UlI;" ......
!IW>IM ""'. "Dun' l take "hal I'm going 10 sal t()() Then ,,'~ h3" C 10 (ell a ' I"'~' Ih,'1 ma)" co'-cr scwr~1
>f,;',",ly)·c I I 'm nol c\"Cn sur<' my,d r. ·· And ""nlC- da) ., . "r !>ever"1 years. in a lilli,' O''a an hour: M'
Ii"" , he w,,~ ld "'y . . Tm ~ "'~ ....·"h)·.wa~h) on pur- c,,",c'I"e ntl)' we have to lell Ihi1\~ ' la,leI Ih"" tbe)'
f"lS<." .. hoeh ,,'~' a l'" \u 1.:1 )"0<1 ~,~)\' Ihal h<' wallk...J haPI'<"" in lit" 1\1", w,' wam '" ma~c Ihmg' m",,:
10 ' «li the 'h""~hl ali ,c. and 10 ,,,n,i<k,
c'""1)1hinj! inlcrc ••in~ Ihan Ofdina,y lif... Our ,,,,t,,n "'"
hcf..< "",ion, II dovo n. '~h.-aN.-.J Ihan n,·,y.t..y pe,)pk: ,f "'~'k-~)"~' nn 3
A. In ~n'malr,... llam prohabl) ""'WI ~ h,_, _" ghb 110"", ur 01"'''' ~ <Ioor or ,," no ~ eM". "'C "-:on. to'"
>Cl OIl he,,,, a d,rn'OT or ~ ,ut'<"""'g a",,,,.",,-. In 'I ~s .intpl~ ~"" pml-..."" ,,,,,II) ~'I,,-,>,,"k . Our .... 1< ....
IY.lI. lot '"'' "nl) begonmng I" rea,'h h" peal poton - mU"t be 111or~ ,"(~'c'lin~ ~".I ,n.",- unu,,,,,1 Ih~n )""
lial in "",malo,"'- He hdd )", 1 "nim;' I~d ,h~ eha"":I "'
of Jtnnl W,,·" ill \\'/", Kilhl (',,<k l/v/",, -' 11,,,,, ',
Jrn") \la, " ,·. r,,·oWft' ,,) .\ 1"" We,1. an d through j,
onl_1 ""'.I)- he h"d I'i"poimco;i "ha' ""lu.II )' mode
hrf M« \\ CM: . ho: p""\"1I.:3.,,·,, '"
~)· tng ,,'al ~ with the
"""" >It,l1,n, ur ",-c'tht. I"" charoclcr"uc ""3y ~""
rnllnlhtt t~n ~nol talh-.J "ul " r, he ,w.:
of her nl(\\llh
I'" $lk'c....Jrd m 1"l1in~ ~., cdlenl diaIOil'''' >l"". bu.
;" I more lublle way than ~\"e' d,mo: Ixfcm_ And ,h:.,
;, _ of 1100: ,hiogs Ihat maW.' he r Come off S<J wdt.
lll!n (O\lI~ lell if w melhing ,,-as e,'c n one f,ame oUI of

S)'D/:. Jenn)' Nd lhe slow_moving, cool. COI,lidcnl "'''''-

lin" !hat ,~1 .. had-no quick mo"c~ or big amic;pa-
tiMs, SII<., l '~~ ,he ",at M"" _'<""'IC<.I ,,, h a'-~ 31'l""'>Cd
_ ",..a.",. "zed up the OptlO:>iU' lfI , aoo "' ''-~ ,n <"0111-
fiItIt e"nll<~ . The maleri31 Ilam had In ,,<lit " j'h ,,-as
o,"lito!. hul ,\til no' anin'a1<'" h"d <"wr ... '"~ anylhill~
lil. II IId"r" . hW~'''ne , aid . "Th ~i"s nell "'on: like
Mac Wo,t Ih:o" Mac he"clf! '" In fa,· I. ~be "Tnte a
ttn(r h' W. II ""mplim."'ing him on Ihe nUNandi,,)!

.. , .
r - "" ,
,.. ...... .., ~-'-<....
, ,; ,-", ,
/' ~-'



'..t I~
' '
~ ~.. "'
~.> ~\Y
. - .- .... j
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"":IN.'>- / , ,1 . ' \1
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'(1 \' '.
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" '"
and I. 1lIcir lhoughl process mU~1 be quicker than Ham wkr is definitely anigncd to SIlO'" Wltirr!"
QUI'$. thoir uninlCfCSling progressions from one si ru· U....",y a casling memo is just . routine ~ of infOl'_
lion to lnochor mU$t be ~kipp:d . " In those fcw sen- mation , but this one fai rly tingled with e xcitement IS
ICfIUS Ham had summed up much tlult iJ in,portant W alt announced the fim man to be cast on this dari",
about picture-making: the Cntertainment , the time de- new proj«1 . This iihows the imponantt that Wah at -
melll . the acling. and the elimination 01 un""""","ary tached 10 casling and ea;pcc ially his great dependellCC
action . Similar principles ha~e long been known in the on Ham al !hi! time .
freld 01 ' il(11lture. for II.S one di"inguishcd prOfessor " Ham Luske moved up quile fast," recalls Wilfred
has said. "Great fICtion is art and in~ention , not dupli _ Jackson . " He w.. one of the firsl guys I re .... mber
Cited rulily . Most lifetimes do not POSSoCs~ the crises who had nlOre t/uln JUSt an assistant_ prOmising young
you find in novels"" h that not what dOll"a is any_ guys ho would hand o ut lillic IOUnes to. One of tile
way. life with the dull spols Cut OUt? first guys .... ho bad a c rew to supe .... ise . Then On Snow
Wall probably wondered man y limes. i$ this the Wltirr he took complete chargo-ltic girls. . tho ani_
right time to sun SIIOW Wltite? Have we got tho man , mals. If you lIIIm: dirttling the se<!"'"occ' with the girl.
power and. most o r a ll. :m they capllble of doin&; the you didn't have 10 direct the &;ill because Ham did it.
job1 Who should be tho fim animalor to lead o ff on He bEw the way it was s upposed 10 be . tic shot ~
tho picturc1lbe aru;-""(c1 to those qtIC$tions came in a of the live action on it too. lie up very fast and Ile
casting memo put OUI in laIC 1935: " From 00Y0' on sllO"'w his ability to organize and put things together."

Tltls . _ . I. M>/", tlttur . . . •Iri• . Wr "7'. laid bJ H"", ...
,ltiM of ··D,. IN",,,,,,.:'
'N .Iut> s~ 11I ,.,..~, kids
....", ,,..,, Aut ,h, '''''"'''''}"
w..J"" ,hid:. kJfi fI-,."
c",... ,i~, . T~i. i. M kltarl
I"i'" Pcto, P~n. ~ni"'(l/ro
by I/~I K;~g .

Ow, of ,ltl. 'hinting cam,

Ih. ,~bbillin Snow While
_ Itls O,1r draM'" by Milt
KoM ...hil. "",,*,"1 ",ith
OI'kft .... II<'ft llam ~1IIl Fml MOOfC "'ould be dis·
1ur11n11IlIouI <o"Imtthing on the pi<.-turc the:y would run
,,10 W._·s o;>tl"oce. full of cnthUSIasm. hoping 10 sell
lIinIlhrir ide. of ho .... 10 corrttt it . But .someho.... Wall
oouldll .... y. scmc if it "" as WffiClhing he did not .... lnt
10 hw ..,."" 31 Ihal Ii,"", AIIIl be.ides. he: did 001
warn .n)'one in III<' position of telling him . o • .-;e ll ing
him. Of conf."",,ng him . Wall had", @rcal curiosily.
but he pl'd(l'f~ 10 find thing, out in hi.' o ""n ",·ay.
1IIk., til<' quc51ioo. he "" anted an5WCI$ II): arrJ his
opnIi", ~m'lflt) .... e..., usu~lIy duigMlJ to pUI you I)fI
.., dd...... I~c Of! 001: occ;o"ion. before Ham arrJ Fr.:d
cwkI JCI.' 00'00:1 OUI. Walt ,>,,-id ... ~. Ihm. 1 dodn ' t
bow)'OII f'"<" "'''"' l lie to """'k ."' whi<.-h gOl thc:m
offba~ and off Ihc: .ubj""" They had a nice chat.
and he~nll""'m on thcir way, When Ihcy gut ha lfway
dooon til<' 11;.11. they Slopped aM I""kc\l al each tllhe.:
Fftd >aid. '" Iky. ",ait a rninulc~ 1)0 ),ou r.:ali l.( wc
didn'llI'l a ,,'ord in'!"'
Ibm si~ and said. " Yuh. he: did it again "'
~ "'JS of",n d,fr",ulllO koo'" prccisely " 'hal Wah
loa" ;. • pocu of business. and .ft... eac h ITICcting
dim wouW be wme di&agrecmCnl OVtl' ,,'hat he
Aid.:on:I c,'on more confusion o" cr " 'hat he: had mtant.
Durin, thom SIOQIO' IV/tjle \lays. Ham was u.ually the
IIISI at kntw"n! jUM ,,'hat Wah wamed . As O~ man
p;ot~. "Somoonc: ,,'oold say Ihal Wall ui\l M want S il
liM '-;l. Ibm " 'oold ....y. ·No. lhat' S not what hc:
_ . Tho. l< ....11;01 he mean< ... But no one hil il
riP .. tho Un", wilh Walt . and Han,' S fint Iry ~t the:
S-- WIll'" mo<lel missed as f .... a~ Wait and n100M of
• klk.., .. , ,,'e.e cOfICemed . llam had an Inl ....csting
idea. iIol>'C"CI , H i~ drawing . ugge,ted an aw~ wa.d.
pIJIy teen.gel' ".. ilh a wim;"mc " harm . who could
¥Cf'j .-ell b>w t....,n animate<! without liv( ""tion, ilUl
!be WOf)' Iu<J >I:utcd 10 go a diffcr.:nt way b)' this lillie .
• !bon's F"I "'.." lurMd oo-..·n. If a ~tory $ktl<:h man
lid IIII'k the dr:l" m! it " 'OOIld not ha,'C attr:oc1Cd I i
-acrit",,,m. bolt when an an;m~I()f lUg~tS a " 'ay " '00 on lhe in~pindion of lhe: """"lent as an ao;1Or
1(1 *t.... the ch.u-a.Mcr , c"cryonc figu.~ thai IS lhe " 'ay \1""5. bul mu . 1 prc~nl our Char.>Ctcri7.alions through a
it is loin, 10 1),;. Siocc he: i. the uoe 10 pul {he char", · combil\;u~", of an. ltChniquc. and mcch;onic. {h;ot takes
111'011 lho: >c.een. til<" animalor r,nds him~lr in a "cry months fMIIl lhe concepliun to the finishW I"oouct.
.... omble p<"ilioo. and oflcn he "'inds up ,,"ilh a And ,,"'c h ~"c to make the au\lic~ rorget that the~
WOUIIIIod <I" arc \I...... ing • . We Cannot ri.k ruininl a SC<j ... nct or •
Some of II"", '. best thouj:hts came OUI in a lal k good Ch;or.octCri7.ation w;lh WIlle mccllanical irnp:rf«--
Jim! .. 1'133. "Our :>elors a.e dl'll"'ings. We cannot lion <If J,II( I lhat reminds lite auoJitnce that ""C are
keys 10 her acceplance by lhe audience , Th is Canno! be
done arbilrarily. The live action mu s! be s!udied m:I
undc .... ood Of , wilh a chaf3O;lCr like lhe girl , it could
bc<:omc comical . A I llw: lin~. il was juS! lhougl\l of IS
a Iw:lp 10 gclthe picl u~ (lUI. Of a cf\llch fOf animal""
who could no! dra .... 100 well. or I way of keeping!he
elwaclcr ronsisrent even Iho\Igh :ie,'enol animalQr$ \OUt
handl ing. her . Bllt looking back <)11 il now. " 'i1ho.t
Ham's control and imagin;otion. tasre and inventi~,
Soow While " 'o,dd no! hav( h"" lhe conviclion and
appeal lhal reall y sold the c haraclcr.
from IMfill1t Wall fell lhat Ham had Ilccn ~ uoxess ful in slunng
10rJ 10 >/I"Jy the fellow, in th~ Ti ghl direttion on Sno'" Whit... and
~ Bdl and
for llw: n\OSt pa" he h"" achic\'l:d IIw: ~suhs wanted:
'" '" S.... ,,' SO Walt rewarded him with lhe very difficlill la.oJ: of
,.;"", Iib.JIoI
M;, "IJII~. shooIing li,'~ xlion for lhe BI~ F~iry in Pi_'flll" . In
I tal k given by Ham 1<> a group of animators m:I
duling wil h drawi ngs inSlead o f ~al being~ . The .uc· direclors. it bc<:a"", obviou, thai Iw: was npecially
ccss of s,,"'" Whil~ wai d ue: 10 lhc publ ic accept ing valuablc ,.. a con,n,uniUlions ~id hclwttn llw:l'C {WO
(IU' ChvaclCr$ as living beings. and llw: Ixt of 5UCCC~~ groups:
of the PrillC'C and llw: Huntsman las clw"~Iersl "'as
~ 10 lheir unprofcSliional ~~ult ." LeI' s say the character of the Slue Fairy now tI
~hfgie Sd l, who did the Ii"e action of the girl in pene<:tly c""""ived and perf~ll y ,:0.>1. 'Illen I ~'"t
S"",,' Whil~, Idls of a funny incident during the shOUt· 10 go over to the """nd stage and shoo! livc actioa
ing , So Ih . t Ihe g irl's head size would ha\'c bellCf on her that will appear na .... less and life· like as ani·
car1 "on proponions and relale more 10 the . athe.· malion later on: afllJ 10 do thai . I have to in"m!
headed dwarfs, SOmeone sugge sted, " Why don ' t wc m,l" enlCnts agai~nough movements 10 be ablo
pul a fo<)[""1I Iw:lmel on Margie 10 make Iw:r head to be inbelweened . And IIw: only movemcnt< "'c can
biglet'l Th:1l oughta 00 it . ,. That did it all righl . Margie, find for Iw:r 10 do ar"t 10 have Iw:r lean f"""'ard and
who 12tc. achieved fame on TV as M arge Champion , b.Kk . So con:ie'l~ntly. in cvery scene. we IOId
said thin " 'ithin minutes. under those hoi ligm s. $he MlU"gie Ikilio lean ("""lnI fow one ph""'" and bact
was re.spiring rr..... than a 260-pound tackk . She fOf the nUl. unt il it "" funny . We did cono...,i"C
'lr IJIId ,,,,,. added. " We lave that up in a hurry!" s.e,..,ral walh and one ~ne o f her bending confi·
""", IN ""- Ham made an enormous contribution 10 Snow Whilc dentially inlO a cl~up with IIw: Crickel- and thai
*"",~! .,\m
by ~ way he directed M argie fOf the Ii,'c x lton . will be OUr be .. scene of her . . . .
~ Ij"", 11><

",,",. -.I. Ham', chokes in handling lhe gi.L lupin, he. inno. You !Ihould rel111w: actor wh~1 1000, no! how 10
tdrl;tT, cent. feminine . appealing. and .ince~. ,,·e. e lhe ~al do it . J think the trouble with mO~ 1 of our li ve ac!ion
has been in not giving lhe actor enoogh business to
do. and then meddling w ilh the way Iw: docs it wben
, the scene look. "illed. If the movcm",", scems inad ·
C<juatc . invent sonIC b"sioo:Sli. ~\lC h ~. pr>I: ;ng lilt
fire or SC'ralching the head .

An uample of in"cm ing busine:s. for ~ char.ortn

occulTed in lhe scene: "'Iw:~ Soow Whire (old< ""
arms as Grumpy " 'ould. while slw: os ,,'atching him. lr
.... vtry JOOd \:~e of aclion for M I. bcealiK il if thr sit uat ion IkmandW it . For one: thing. he roukl
*"'" lit! sentk way of tc:a$ing Grumpy. And if 00( wlente anything that "'"as 001 clear and definitc: .

H-llid JKII u!oed an action of Ihi' typ<:, he W()tJld " If you are going to ~w ~thinll. be SUIT )"011
..... betn IhlCk ".. ith hlvlnilio move her either ,lighlly don't do it halfway !" When ~ drew fOi you he would
blt:k or slighlly forward . Ham continues with hi5 oontinually "'ork his mouth and his brows. and he
IfIPIllKh: seemed to be uraing hi~ pencil on and willing it 10 <lo
wllal he was visual izing .

Ir WIn ",'e pick our Ii>~ ;tC,ioo lakes, a person !hat

!rtIM', aaima~ is '~ry apt {o pick them for flCial
livery time Ham would do or say >Omethi", ...
thought wn really funny . ~ ",_Id laugh so hard his
6prtlSlOt"l!' . and 001 for K tioo . And we can' • • fford fllCc ",'ould lum red IU1d teat$ would roll do"'n hi~
10 do lhll . cheeks. His favorile joke& were punr-the visual kind.
and the more farfetched. the bett~r . 01{«" in a meetin,
Ham', capilCity to analy~c and to work OUt a proce- someooe mentiot>«! Bell &. ~Io... ell projectors . In an
clift WI rould be ",Titlen in outline form as a guide ;n!;Can! Ham "'";IS on his fttl ringing an ''''''gmlll)" bell
lor othm rudo him " too yaluable " to be oonfined to and then ju~ a~ quidUy I'amo miminlt a Ion,. , ikal
_ board . I" ..." though he did some an;mation on the howl. Aft~1 that he would !;Cart laughing . usually in
PI in S/ICIO' Whirr. Ham wa~ reall y a directOi on the lillie $hort bursts. Rnd our disapproval only made. him
pK-llm. Wall felt Ihal Ham' S value lay in the influence laugh hallkr until finally he ..... ould Ito inlo convul .
lit could 11>.,,, on 11M: younger animators. So , much of .ion_ particularly if he Wlil reall y proud of his dfO!1 .
....."mation handout, on the Prince. Snow While, When he " 'ould eventually regain control. he "'ouid
.. IIUM$JJIaII. and the: animals was IUmCd over to look Nd and fonh among us with this half·bun upR$'
HIm. SomdIow Walt always seemed to Io»d Ham up ~ion and wonder why we could 001 iCC the humor in
.-idI.-. wOO: than anyone else . Fred and Bill sham! his joke . Actually he had such an infectious laugh that
the supervision of the dwarfs, ~lId Fergy took over On it was harolo resist getting inlO IIII' ~pirit of hi ~ gagl .
lilt wiu:h. Any Olle of these: jobs was a handful , but It is doubtful thai Ham or anyone else could hive
Ham'l WO\IJd have been inl unnountable for I1"I05t peo- realizc<lthe far'll'aching impao:;t hi s procedUlTli wou.ld
ple. KowcVCl, he • wly of spreading himself have 011 the fututl: of Disney anim;ltion . WailliUd tile
~ .. hik still be ing effecti,·e . .mlltmcllls thai the... proo:cduTC$ b",ughl . and ;t _
Ilul 's arW)'lii. of tIM: beSt approach to desi,ninll a obyious from tM popularily of t... pio;IU\CS '" the bo~
d:w1ClCr that ,"el)"OI1I: rould halKlle i. s till in use office that the audience " 'holehealledly IIttc]>I"d theM:
klday. Cflliinly the execution is more sophi)li cated . advancemenU. TIle direction for the funher develop·
but lilt princlpleli are the ,anle-a, arc the problem s. ment of.nimalion had been SCt. alKl much c~dit coo ld
k II _~ing to see in lIam's 1938 outline (in the go 10 Ham . ..... hQsc ability to Bn.>J YI.e. organi« , lind
"wt.:Iil) OIl his app.....adl to ellar.octe. handl ing how plan had helped open the way .
~ • iIIIJIIic. !<><by. As lhe "Knch ~y. " n.c mon:: Ham was a top dir«1Or on both P;If("-rlfio and Fd~ '
tItiIJp cfIlIIgt". the mo<~ the )' !<lay (he ~me . ·· lus;l>. a position that he e njoyed. '«Iing;t ga,"C him
"lilt had a knack for being crealive in helpinll to the Iype of conlrol he n«ded 10 be mn"t effeclive . Dut
de>dop areas of animation thaI needed Stren~tlll:ning . as lime pan ed his interest. dll'w him funher Iway
He w~ gtl":M with the you nllcr n~n, and . alo na with from animalion. and iIJi lhe MW group of M1ptrvilins
md Moon: . WIIS prob;I.bly the beSt "'ac~. ;tIl_Jthe animatorS added their contributions to the rapidly de~l.
1IIIioruIon. The suptn';~ing position tllat Ham held oping craft flam Ie» and It» innuo:nccc Oft the an.
0- 5_' Whitt" ...,." MkaJly SU;ted 10 hi. abilities. lie fOOT! he had done iO much to advance. lie ~inucd 10
_ " his pc:ak when he wa~ working do..,ly wilh lhe direcl memorable ...qucnccc •. notably the cartooo _ _
youn, ",imtiOtS and still had 50"'" lime at the b<lard tion of M a...,· PoppilfS. but. in<:reasingly, more of hi s
bimsrlf. He was usually gentle and easy going with time was Spenl o n live ·action problem~ for the weekly
lis o:tnlc:i-!m. but'" wuld be quite blunt and forceful TV sOOws. until his lIcath in 1961l.
Speed Lines, Staggers, and Vibration s
n~ .hQrI film' .if'he ~<ldy ,h;,,;., ,,'ere full 'ff<lM <lClion. slid,. fin,l ,·,mlle.' . Each
{mi"~"()r "'Of< ·h,d for" beller or f'''III;'' 11m- I<J dra ... Ih. '!f"'1 II,,'/e'/ I<J fi"'if'-
hi, "<"I;<>I! .


"" '/MAfOlt Frlln' Th"""IS-

Siceping Bc~uly.

F'alur~ film. al,o IIr,J,.d

'''' w.u,,1 d,m"; n~ "!f" fi"
c,,,,,i,, {/Clio,,'. Whe" 110 ..
fI(}Od fain- Flo", had 10
shrink in si:~. " spfd,,!
d,da ,,'{I' " ....,1,,/ I<> ""'ke
,hi, I,,,,k plau.,ible. II kind

', -+-; 4
. •
of " 'iPM"" m,l<l, "f _'I"",d
lines "US uud .

[h. mo.II ,'Qmm"" ,/agger i.,' llor }.J.1.J5656767IJ7IiY liminK

for I(n ,>loll "'hen ,{<I"'"
rm8yc.,_,;"n " dc.,·;ml. II i, ''''fnl in
1',,1/, "'''/1'",10 ... ,md on 110, ..",I ,if <I ",'r\' ."''''"~ I<lke.
,,,MII'~ ..."'" 'if' '" Ih. <lClioll . [iii, '''''fI~ ..r is ,1<11" ,"'ird.,'
wilh ,10 .. ",,,'hllnie, <If""I""inR Ih .. d"''' 'i''~s ",,,/,, II,.. "(1"'-
m,. IniNlWeem ",. ",,,,/• .,I",,·in8 inl<> d"",;"1' No. \I "",/
Ihe 'f.II I." I,.ji up '" Iile ,'lIme",m<l"
"'w_".... Bill R'''''''I.~
Clo<~ Clea n..,.
Til •• ,-'b,mimr ,,,...., ,.
,ll"hin"tJ by oni"..,.", "'''/.
,.,." "''''!;<"S "",tr- " .<IN ·
,I, """,,-SO Jf'ITh'/'~"
" .,,, Ira, '" INMI."ud. ..1I<I
,,,,,. f'<", ... u/',r 11<"<"11• <1/ , ....
•u ..... ,,',1/ J"~'m;"'· t..",
i, " "'",dl,,/ . .\"" '~'v m",!I'·'
, 1"",I,i .... in ,h,· ,.wn,' /,1,,, .,.
on ""Il ,' ''''eeom', .tr"~'
i"lI' . v' 'h, e,'e ~ ...II ,"." ,".
a "'''1' '" II/f "m""

• • " I Ie


(I I "

;1 I
6. Appeal and Dynamics

"W. ~.m 10 too... "'h,,, 10 "'01' tit, htoTl. ' O,h". ha,~ hit 'ht imrliter. 11'. r.." /rillh,,,, h' '''' """,rional"Yl}'.
1'IIou IO'/w uPINal tt) lit, im,lIrel only "ppr.d to a lorry Umiud group . Tit, "0/ rM"g ~hind ,his is : w,
(IT, in lit.
lIII)fi(Jft picrwr, tn..inus, onl)' ..... ar, ur"K'ing Ih~m ;"SI.M of pholOgruphinlf. rhm':' Walt Di~llty

However. his brolhers did 001 know whal Illey were

Fred missing. bee.uS<!: Fred really was a good .thlele. Ten
frtd Moon: never did It I 10 be a bilIUY, and wben be yean laler. ,... hoen Frtd was al Disney·s . ......·as bMy,o.·o
" ' youn, be ,,'as mIlCh smaller than his broIbers . as ",he most ooordillll1ed guy in the ulidio.·· Acoord-
l1q ..wid all pl~y buebaU IOgelhtr. and. OfCOUr5c. ing to Wilfred Ja.c:kson, " He us.ed 10 do all ~ vm-
!bey always made FrW play in I~ oulfidd and nevtr naslies. Fred «l\lld knock tile ball clear oul of tile f'tld
ga •.( him a chaoce at bat. Finally. his mOlller made the where we were playing." Bul he look a 101 of kidding
bt"uthm leI the linle guy bal . BUI the firsl ball wtnl about his s;u . lIam Luskr was juu enough biger
ovn hIS head. and t~ KCOnd one came along the !han Fred 10 eaU him "squin." Ik lited 10 let FIN 10
JI'lIIIId: tach time they " 'ould yell. "Strike!" The ~Iand back 10 back "'im him so ''''Y could measun .
third pil~h was Ihrown behirKI him . " Slri ke Iltr«. E~n wilen Fred "'Of'<' his lhkkc~t shoe •• he was ~lill
you'", OUt!" F1l'd wou ld ge l so n,ad he could eat din . looking up II the OIlier feUows.


- R:M 14 -

He ruUy wa~ a funny liuk iUY, bue IC..... ~~ noc Iliac " 1 kne'" )'011 IU)'s "'OlIld chink '1... as funny:' hi
"" " "as If)"ing co be fUMY . h " 'as jU!1 Ihac his propor· I!'~p<"d . And lhe ",eird ~n~u:lge contin""d 10 1""""
lions ..~ ' Ule. lib, his d.a,,·inp. MId il kind o f licUed of !he ~"u"'er.
)"00 10 " 'IIl"h him moye:.round ,m'''linl ~ like Fred ....... onl)· eighteen atlhe lime he ....... hirtd. 1IoI
FmI ASlaire orChaplin. or trying _ raney jll"linl art lraining had been limil'''' '" a few ni~h. d~s>cs.
acl. Eyen if che stuff dropped on the Ooor. Fred .... ""Id 101 in e~c hange for janilorial " 'nrk al Chouinard', M ~
al ..... a)"~ end up in I good pose-junlike hi, dra,,·ings. In §liIUl( . He ",as given a ~" rlCAI 10 Jack CUlli",:
He could IIOl Secm 10 do an}·chinl,,,·kw.rd . ....·h" wa. nne of Ihe )'oonger ;'ni"'~lor... Jack <aid.
The chinl ch.1 firmly csl~blishtd him a~ che Ir>p ··Fr,.,J ....·()IIld ~illhe", ... ilh hi ~ anm fo l<kd rOf a _
alhlele ~ moni the arlislS " 'a!i ilK: way 1M: cou ld Ihrow utc . 'ncn .. I:on d ·
r, ,,·,nl. lie hadn . I be.:n lhore ..... ,
pllSbpin.••nd make lhem Slkk in lhe ....oo<Ic:n (\QOrl al Ihan 24 hours. Ind he WI' IIlaking the"" gr~aI draf,.
,"" old lIyperinn Studio . Hc I!oc :10 (IQII<Ithal he ,,"uld
throw IWO with each hand at Ihe !>ame ,i_ lAd make
i"p . I c<)uldn 'l belie .... il .
lJ y
lhe end of ~ c~"' l
he "'as slan ing to animale :something. " "e,)1bUc
allrow "iel:. This " 'as an ;no;mJ ible d"pia)' o f lim;nl! came ca.)· 10 him."
and nalural ahi,ily. beelU,"" the a,· feU" .... '~nnoc ·· Yes. Fred "'a~ j usl ffghl for the Ii....·," W.4
eyen bo: ~urc of sli, ~ i ng <lne al • lillte . 8U1 cva)"onc Kimball sa)'•. "He was Ihe fi.,.
one In e",ape fro.
w~ s tryinll 10 do il. and wilh aU lhe~c pins banging lhe m., ld "f the nJbbcr h,,,..,. ,,<lund circle .<chuoI . He ~
againsl the doQrs Ihere was an awful racket up and bell-a n gelling cou nler n",,·cmems. ~""nl cr Ihru,".",
do ..'" lhe hall . The noiw ~'>1 "" loud Ihal il carried ,he ..... a)· he drew . He ""'i1kd ", makc Micke}", ,hcrlI l
up"lain ..... here Wah could hur ;1. and he could no! mow ",·,Ih his """'Ih ...... hich lhe ~' h..! "" Cf do.
"JUre oul " 'hai .... as going on . Gradually 1M com~li· hefor~ h"<:au~ )'ou d"' ...· ""Cf}'lhing i""ode the nmr.
lion la~red off becalU" Fred had ma~lercd "'''ry ...3)" lie "'Iua~ and s'reICh,:d him more and ......~ riglll.
M could chink of 10 Ihrow lhem : MI he 10SI in le re.<1 lbe .ime. 001 Fred " 'as a lIi)!h ",'''''''I 'l3 i''''' an;n_
except fn. an O«"asional h ISS behind his bac~ '" O\·c. . .. ~nd be n""" nr less cn",r!cd dr~wing Ihal ".IJ"'!
hi s shou ld.r . NoI:><)('! y '"""~ 10 rctll<.·mber any dc,·d upn",n!. n.
An(lIhcr Ihing about}·ou ...."OUld ha"c 10 ~all rnl of us came inlO Ih i~ I'l:u:e- it ....·as a strang!
il a ~r :l<lMlic)" Irail- he cOlI ld flO1 laugh al Of . eally placc--"'c adapted 10 il. and .. e k(pllryin~ I" imp<<l't
enjoy ~ Ihinl by him",lf. lie would keep the hu,"", ~nd chanlle . ami .." henmc stlld.:nlS.,r il . "",,,d 11M"({

all botlled up inside unt;ll he righl people " 'e,,, arOllnd lhoughl vi" CI'l:!I. he w",n'l ~ >tudent of anin1<>lioot. IIr
to enjoy il .... ilh him. One nighl he .... as m·e.· ...'" JUS! a !IlIlural. J!ifl~"" ani m:llor . .. ht.>sc "iIl'k MIl
Ii.... alone on SIlO ... Whilt ~nd diwo' ·frcd ho ..· fu nn)' dc ,d"l'mc:m " 'as perfecl. IIming· ...i ... for lhai pooa
lhe d...,:wf, ~okcs §OOnded " 'hen he ran che film t>.xk· in Ii"", ,' "
" 'WIO re .... ind i1. H: probabl y .cl)"fd a.... ake half .he E""n lhe old· hand 1\1 "'k~y nrcn. su" h as I.e, C"laIt
wcre "'l1a1.ed a. whal F",d e,,,,ld dn. ··1' ......1 ..... a~ I
nighl Ihinking how funny il ..... ould bf '0 run Ihe :I<)(lnd
backward fur us in the mornin g.
TIle ne~1 day he .... as lbere ahead of any of u• .
natural . li e had a nalu,...~1 now 10 his w'''~ . Ile"ooklD'l
m~kc a h:t<l drawin~. "'all}·. ·· n, is w..., I"lt:cau,"" Frtd
... il'lIl OUI ,n tIM: hall and about to burst " ';Ih ~nlicipa· ..·as ~n intutt"·c"""n. and il is '1",,>t io llObk
lion . lie pulled us inlO the room "here Ice ha.I the: ...·helhe' """" fonnal an train,n, " '0II1d ... ,.... a.j,-ancal
~Io"ioll all ""V1TICd up and ",.iu"l " Wail lill )"ou him . Ik JUS! " 'as not as ",icnlw 10 ... assmo. ...... "'"
guy. he .... lhi~!·· He stepped on 1M pe:<.b.1 Ind imn",di · lc<1urc.' ~, >OlIte or the "",n ..."re. Ik wuuld '""y. !
alely Ihcsc e rv.y sounds ... ncd ,~,mi,,~ 001: " Yah. .. Don G.aham can giye )""u 11'1<: ru le ; I j ll" !oay .1 looks
yah . yah. osker baby. (FQfWanl Ih is is . " He nevcr b,w er ...
lried. hah . lIah, hall .") Then. " msnik de middem. " Thi ~ is Plnbabl}' Ihe I)igg(>1 Ihing Fred had ioin~
.. hic h Is. '"1" m agin' . em ..• The lau~hler Ihal Fred had for him : he h:t<llhe abilil)' 10 cell " 'hen ~melhing ,,-as
penl up fromlhe pre"iOllS c"ening (lme OlIllikc. dam boue, OM " 'ay Irn.n "",.. her. II ,s difflCuh .(> r.."II.
~aking. and " 'e III doubled up laughing " ',Ih him. .. F",ddic dJII"'ing" lhal did 001 hl\'c e Ye ' ything in 1!If
juSt did ii ," Fred eould communicate his ilkas Ihn.lup
drawings bene. than anyone around. and that i. one of
the nu,n rcawns Watt made him a supcrvisoron S_
Wiliit . II was not that Fm:l1Iad any special leadership
qualities; il was because he: had such gn:at dwm and
appeal in his drawings . When IIOIT1oeQne wu doinc
rom.:! hing well. Walt wanted everyone to benefit from
Walt kept prodding Fred to make drJ,winp fOl lilt
upe~nco:Ilnilmlors as wen as tIM: youn, ones. 10
Ihat .n tIM: dwarfs would look like hi s. This wu. very
difficu lt assignmenl for Fml . He would say. "~.I
~an'l go inlo some guy's room and say 1(1 me sitdowl
and make I <lnwing for you. Walt keeps ~lIing me ".

bul I just can' l do it unless tIM: guy asks me 10."
It is hard to believe Ihat a man with Fred' , Lale ..
would ever have any real diffw;ulty wilh dl'llwinl , but
aboul every four months 1M: would ha~ his trotlblts.

'fin. ItQJ "

For two month' 1M: would be happy : tlM:n . in 1M third
month. he would be reslleu and sian .searching fOf
somelhing 10 Slimulate him , looking at &nd
at dl'llwings by animators whose techniques were dIf·
right place . l1le arms were always retaIN to lhe restof ferent from his . BUI 1M: was not reall y ,"\>dying •
the dnwing. and e~en if he put !hem where they would much as looking . Ariel' that 1M: would spend a mism.
nOl ~ lIQI'Tnalty . they still looked right. The head ble six weeks or so trying 10 incorponlle what he Iud
~med 10 ha~ the righl lilt for t~ shouldeR. and learned . He would have no end of trouble mastc:ri"
w,,",n he su=hed _thing O~l he could make thai 11M: new ideas thai 1M: was trying 10 gel inlo his o.ul.
1001:: ~. too. If Fred drew il. it was pleasing 10 Sometimes il was hard 10 \ell, during this period, ...'bIt

look '1. and it was this pleasing quality that earried his Fred was talking about or whal 1M: was trying to lIIXOfI\o
work II\Cn than the acting. plish . But finally 1M: would come out on lop and ha ....
FfW could not uprns hi~1f in words ~IY wdl. another period of. couple of months in which be mi·
". but hi: had • feelina for ",hal I drawing ought 10 be. Iy was happy again .
II """"" " "
As Larry Clemmon s says . " He WI, such. hdp to AI limes Fred felt Ihal B different pendl would givt
typifird ~II other guys. Guys would come in his room and say, him a new s lant on things . WlM:n be could not
... an/lUlU .
rd h)' lNt. ' FfW . how would you do lIIis?' Fred would say. 'Well what 1M: wanted. 1M: was inclined 1O.\.U5peCI the pape!'.
bm:!,-and he 'd ~w thc~ didn', in;lUfI:, he the color o f the lead . or 11M: weight of 11M: pencil. " I
don't know what's wrong with this p.;ncil: it ju~t <Joesn't
5«m to work anymnre'" Th" prompt~d ('..:orj;e Stal·
linp' to !.IIy. "You guys are like ba",ball player.,; ~)'
billie 1hcir ~Iumps and their 'urel"liti tion~ . They think
they b.,. 10 have a 'ped:.lbat - Iheir 'Iucky' bat -
and you !law: to have your spo:cial p.;ndl. ,uTiSf' F,~d Moor._
II WitS imporumt thai Fred he ~ompletely bUM on bi , Snow White .
sceneand ha"e nothing undermine hi~ confidence while
Dr~ ..-,~ ofSnul.'- d;,pI".,·,
he was working on it . ~cauw he could not ..... orl< until Frrd' s ~M'"ord"'d'" ("(m·
he felt right. The <10')' business ha<J to be ri~h1. the ,,,,I 0 ..." hi. Ii..... .
layout. the <taging. and the footage for his '"",ne.
These were .11 the responsibilities of olher." he fig _
umI. Then be had to fed right ahoUi himself. He had
toapproach the M:ene with confidence. gel his ego up .
~ ...·oold say. "Tell me how Itood Jam , fellows . " We
alwl)'S overdid it and told him that Walt neede<.l only
one animator a, long as Fred Was around. and he
would say, '"I don't need to be Ihm good, iI's only a
lihl. soxnc!" But laughler arnl the 'piril of fun had 10
be !he atl1l<"plicre or he coold not wOlk.
\I.'hen he w,,-' all square with lhe world and him»elf.
he would perch On hi, chair and 1-ip. zip. I-ip-hc
would go Inr<)llgh a ten ·foot scene in an aft~m(lOn, and
1h:n have lime 10 slarnl 3!"<)und and joke about how
IIIIt .11 tllw;e things we said aht .. ,1 him were. J Ie h~led
to ~ '"OI"T"<lioo •. believing thai all one'~ crcative
....It;.. \hould go inlo th~ linn exciling. complete
olTon. Whal came OUt 'parkled and lived and appealed.
and if yoo arc an emotion.llype Ihi, i. tile only way to
JO!, IlIi, procedure is hased on cmifidrnu.
The dlllwing' ",nected il. and his speed and (oocen·
Ilallon ,bowed il.
Fnxr. grtal facility with hb dr~wing fascinated ~ve.)'.
OM. It WaS uncanny ti}c way h" could plll hi s line
down with .\lIeh accuracy-shon Ii"", or long nowing
li..... ;1 made: no diffcren<~. lie COI.I ld control lhem

._' .'
Til< Mood S~ .., D'fKJ'"
_~, NJd ,h.
1M diJlTI/Ho,i"t dnl,,'i"t~ NI'JlArot/ F,.d M",,'~
,Mt slttTto"td 'M t>ppr1W'd Pluto', JudiJUtlll Day.
appt<UtJN1 ",......... • M,·
I'I~", tJPPtfJ'~ 10 'hink as
- .. W....d KitJob<,lI .....
., ",tid ,Moot IIyfrat...• 'M •.<pr.uiM r""",'"
u., IrUruIIf u. ,hi. for.,,.· ,
il. woodtl Wtf . ..1Ik~ Ms
htnf'r dnno.;~,. ,Iwnt _ y
"" ,lot .... ~"', OM'. ,IWJW.
i w, pi...,;. . h ..pts. ~w l·
""" "bI'/()I"ffIJ. aM br-'

/121./-2 ;:;PP-6-''R$VISI<£) KllfBALL I'f()C£L" ClO- ~ MA.


all. His line Wls beauliful; it aimosl had a quality of 11 was just lhe heSI use of Ihe medium in showina
$ba.lin,. When he nalunlUy made the line thicker at audiences what. you wanted them to "'"" . o.o:r the
~ bonom of the dwarfs' juwb. it gave them an UU"ll )'ean " 'e ha"e upcrimenlCd ronIinually. uying 10 I11#e
ktlill, of ..-ei~ and dimension. the most Utreme statement oflhe change between tWO
Will IIIU very . ..-an of the , harm and plus;ng e1prnsions on the dnlwin,l . Ward Kimball_mcd 10
quality of Fred's drawinl! and usually brou,lu the go further in this exer<:i~ th~n anyone else. but Fred 's
impo!\lllt vi.ilors inlo his room. Fn:d found Ihat lhe drawing. moved just,.. well. Fred did no! Ihink in
visilm wen: pani<:ululy enlraneed wilh seeing IWO lerms of eure,"" movenW:nI hi''''idf. Out he was ~T}'
do:Iwiq:1 llu.1 could be flipped to show a dlange of impre !.SCd when he wo,dd Ii« it in _ elK',
upmsion. web., goin, from a frown to. "lIke : ' dnwin&,. AIbef1 Horter did I dnw ing of Sleepy with
CIIIWft 01 ~ eyes that showed tho: brows and the his mouth "',d~ opt"n in a y.wn . and once Fm:I had
ria: lIIO\'in&. ~ shapes Inimating . Fn:d rommenled Sttn something like that he <:I)U.ld inrorpontte ;1 illlo
om and over •. 'llIey love !O tt..: d",wings move his Own drawings. making il look even beuer with hil
IIId the characters think! Remember Ihal! Ifs what natural !;fnlt of appeal.
IIq like to!iU in our scenes. II's what they liked wilh The tTlOfe F~d worked with Mi'kty. the more he
Fern's l'Iuto. you mow. We should always let them suuggled w' th over<:oming the ~itrictionsofa charlo:·
101 tbc dwaclm think r' Ief whose t in:ular head and body the lJIimawl"S had
. . . dIIring this pIwoe thai the animators diSOO\"ffW traced rrom qUll1trS or hair doll ars . He kept puul in.g
~ INt imponaoce of !iUing the characters think by a about why he was not able 10 make the drawings wt
than,. of Clpl-eSl;ion . llIey were concerned wilh the would give him Ihe aclin8 he ",·anted. "Suppose [
principles of ""ting when lhey stumbled upon th at idea . WlJlI Mickey 10 be cocky. well then I have to make
· "";"""OF could him chesly- and Ihat means arching his back. To do perspiring ali he waited 10 see if Walt would notice.
,ltMbby pigs
lirll~ that I have 10 push some of the mass of the lower body W"'n the SCene came on thoe screen, Walt called \0
",/iJiry fi>1Uld i" stop the projector! "Then he had thoe see ... run back and
up into the chest, and I Can'l do it with thai rigid
,,'i"6$ of Fftd
body." As Les Clark also observw. "Us ing dimes fonh several limes while fred sal there and died. NOlI
and quaners for Mickey's head was li ke moving a word Wali exchanged; then Wall lurned 10 fred. one
cut-()\lt across the scn:en. We found out that if we eyebrow down , and said. " Now thafs the way I want
pulled somelhing oul and then brought it back to its Mickey \0 be drawn from now on!"
normal volume. why it would look good.""The anima· "The squash and stretch of the walks that Freddie
lOr.; realized that they would have to be able to shift animated had man: life, fell beller. looked bclte •• lIkl
that mass around. 10 drop it. raise it. squash it and probably seemed more real jusl because of his ability
slretch it for whalever the attitude needed. to change lhe shapes. He had such a simple. clear wty
"The natural evolution for Fred waS 10 a pear-shaped of showing the straight leg, the bent leg, thoe soo...eoff.
body. replacing the hard circle. Now he wu ld get the and the high!; and lows of the wal k. He did not expo.-
flow and rhyth m aoo flexibility. With thoese new shape imenl with a wal k in the same way Ham did. varying
n:lationships. he began to get a very appeali ng Mickey the timing and the relal ionships to gel sometbing
with stronger aUiludes. beneT acting. and more per- unique , because Freddie's was all feeling. He alwaY'
sonality. Mickey could be anything ""w~ with thoughl in lermS of a nice. plealiing drawing. He camt
slopi ng shou lders. chesty. or angry with shoulders up. up with new things. but they were based on whlil
"The head and body wuld stn:tch oul. and the ear$, looked right to him rather than an analysis. He hlld I
100. for a take or an accent in dialogue. Now the way of hooking hi~ fonns toget ... r that gave a nit.
animators cou ld forget aboul coming \0 work wilh all solid look . No one drew the Ihree little pigs the .... ,
Ihat loose change for the diffen: nl- sized Mickeys Fred did. nor had the freedom that he felt with Mickey.
Bob McCn:a, who was an assistant at the time. Mickey Wali not a design based on logic. there v.m
n:members that when Fred made SOme of his changes 100 many cheats.. BUI that kind of problem did 001
in Mickey 's appearance he Wali nervous about show- inhibil Fred because he only would pick a view tbaI
ing lhe n:suhs 10 Wah. Fred cou ld not bring himselflo looked plealiing 10 him.
tell Walt before sweatbox whal he had done, so he Wali If a drawing looks clumsy. or lacks appeal, Of 00

IIHd ill/1M a"i"",·

III"", Fr~1 modd

lik~ ~ ",odel, perha~ the animll(" is

ao..- .omothing IIw Miould noI be .,hc,own. A6mT I'm MOOf1I' _

T.t "'".. givi,,! a ...11< on drawing Mickey . he

Throe UttIc Wohu.

~. "How <k> you draw him lookin, ri&hl down Tioe ..""",i", 1Mpt. ;"
'f hi, head'! " fred . esponolcd . " Why ww ld f '" d M~"1 /Uti...","",

"('pta! in the dc.ign of the ClwllcleT "'"s

""VlIis• JptrioI ' <('1.iJIopIr
to '~"r".dl
' '_111
lE II:M. bIlaroce uf the can. 10 the fIO§C: .
I ' of the cheek. to the C )"Q .n<J the hclld

lmI ..."OI1IJCmI why )"ou would deliberately

Ihe 01", ..;..,. tutd /lrt<Jll'krri..
uf «filM ,
~, "'II ,,~ ',Q,,...
.-!hI! OWlY? Why would you .how a vicw 11\;01
t"" '" mIlCh going for it as possible?
~I!Y ,,"c~lbuxcd ~II of Fred 's early wnl .
'II' lb. d..... arf" and Ihi. inc lOOo:d acling and ,....'..A'.. F"d MDQr<--
90 the I'-'!nl where he even picked on the .ite S"" ... Wlti~ ,

~ in ooc SCene. For some ""ason Fn.:d kepi Th,' fhl It'~nr Frrd ~ni ,

1ft.inB the fi nger; it just did n()I seem impor- ItO<Jlro on Snow While "'W'
..ilh ' his ''''/)' ",,;J("/ of
gh to do right away . So every week in sweat·

O"pey . lA '" IUn'S 'r'
\ ",ould "",nlion ;1 Kgaln . lie ,",Qu ill hXlx al jinrd his ~PI"",,,m rr . <44.
in ~""'tion. and 1"'-'" MS the projc<.: lioniM i"8 d,m", .",,1 approl.
~n ag);" 10 the 00, 1 ,;cene Wa ll wou ld lum to
'~).' rh.1'5 '1, Fred, lhe: finger 1I 1Ql> b ig ..
~ "Ht sccne WI, nne thaI Fred wa~ very proud
rl,od Wah 10".,.,.00\ wh,le it wa. running by
ioIld b. tooling al Fred and OOId ing his Qwn
l ~ !oII}m" Yes , lI!at' ~ II: tile lin,er i> 100

E he would '"m IlfOIInd and look ~l lho:

J-..t 10_11>0: nexi ~ne In o rder Indo this ----~ -

l it. Ii"'" m<>drl uf Dopty

I ItoJ ,/or _ ""..-h",-..

h .. f/tu, h.d ,..." ..."01.
f(lf~t w llIctlli,,!;.: 1 ...... !;Ilt~ make a ~;sn a"d Slid it"
'n {",," of me on thedC".>.k so I "".w """'.. 'hl>t onidc
a~ ain . aUI ,he, e an: "bool a doM~ n Ihin~, I "" ..:va
s hould (orgel. Instead uf ~ s i~n. they oo#lt 1<.1 be "".
" heel : and ncry <1<1)' "",,,",n }OU ,.""", in. }"" j1.I>! ~i\r
Ihal III" wh~e1 a lum and that wa)' it ,," ... ,Id k«9
rem'niling )~ .. ,~ .. So he st:utC"<! ~ 11M o f Ih ..
tal Ihlnss ~n ~nim~(Of s hould ~I"·a)·. "'mcmm. "'"
he d'.""I<"c,.".1 Ilial he had 14 b;a,i<: ptJinb.

Fll.!il>"S ,,, POINTS 01: AN IMAnON

I. A~al in 1I...... in):

2. Siaginj:
~. Most im~"''';ng way'!
IW""ld anyone ,~hcr Ih~Ul )'"u r mother lil~ al It(
". b;t the m"~t CnlCTIainin~ way?
5. Af'e )'00 in chara<"t~
lhe projection i" " 'ou ld ha"c to run !)xk ~g ...;n for a 6. "'",,)" ...... adYa ....·in~ lhe ch;ll'a<'I~
fres h ~t;u1 and he would overlap into 11M: -CcllC ""i(1t 7. Is thi. r"" $implc._1 Slaten",nl .)( the maIn idt:I of
the bill-linger again. l"hcn they "" ould ~ off on anoIh<·r Ihe IKflll:?
round o f "( hc finge r is 100 bi~ ." Frcd WNlld crin~c Ii. I ~ the >II><)' point dcar"?
and wunder why he did II()I j u ~t ~ il do"," and 'OITcd \I . Arc lhe !\CCQndar)' ,...·ti""' working with tbe !Nit
that dUlnb finger. Week after wcek the s""calbox notc a<.1itm ·!
"'oold be: lite this 0 "" from O:l<tber 25 . 1'136 : 10. Is .he prc""'Malion he:<! fur lhe medium'!
II. ~ it h~'e 2 d imensional clarity'!
Scene 26. O .K. for c leanup with 12. l>oe>; il h3~f 3 dimensional wlidity'!
Make [)opo.y . Happy and Snn-' y smallel . 13. Don;t h~,·c " dimcnsion;>l df~"" in,"!
Gronlpy'S arm and fmger gct quite lar~e " 'hen 1M: Io.~, ~"d (,,110..' Ihroo Khl
says. "SHE'S AN O l.D WITC'II ". TIM: ~cti"" b 14. Arc Y"" Ir),ing I" ,10 SOffiClhing Ihat should,,'1 be.
okay. juSt Cll( down on tht .• iu of the flllt:.c r and Ihe ,mt"lf"'-.[ ·'
lenglh of Ill<: arm. ILike Iry ing 10 ~ho... Ille lop of "1k~~y 's lleooJl
TIle Ilvu ,h~r.acte~ in the rij:hl f.g . ,'ollld hc sil·
houo:!lcd ~ litHe b it . 'n.., rela., .. .1. ul"""'f'IIiSlil."atcd nll,"n". th.aI lnotr
hi, d"''''lI1p !\t, grc;K al..., nt.adc" il difforuh r"
II is WfIlCtnncs hard on the ello to lakc all ihe criti· I'.....t to :tdjuSl 10 Walt·s 'OOSI~nl p«""-"''''' for ...".
cism thai goes ""ilh s"'·n,b<,.i"~ . bur F,etl mu,t ha'"" thinp . On.: ..... y Fml nn", hock from a 1II<"tI~
",aliud thai h~ WM one of thl: fe "" thai W~lt Wi<> usmg allll a;~ed . "Why dove; Wall alway, Iry 1() ~, ..
10 set ~ Manda.d of excellence fur hi s nrsl featurc. to Ju Ihi"i(S "'''' " "n', do '! Why (\;""n' l he ju,1 let
E"crylime Fred got "ac~ a Ic, l with " t,n,lal e un it u~ d., the Ihinp ..·c .."n d,, ?··
or an Ktion Ihal did noI pk",<,f hinl. i, wool.1 hc bee"u"" In lhe publ",' , ",;nd lhe", h.,·e bc~n "" ,,~ ...
he had foreonen wmething basi<:, som.:thing he h...! Ill<:nlOl"ahk d>arKt",. tJun Ilk' dwark and lIo......,·
a<.:lually kllO""n for )""M$. lit would lool; dis~u .. ed in p;orticular. Dopc~. s«med tV r<'fk-cl .... (on_
and ~y. " H«k. everybody kno",'~ rhat. I I-hout.ln·t .;0 mu.:h uf Ff~""<l himsdf innoc<"l1I . but ,,·,tII •
m;l)(c. mii l.l&ke like thaI. h 's ju~t bc<:au,,", ytJU a]",'''YS 1<111<"11 of mi.chicf; nai,,'. l>ut with ju>'l COIlUp,
"fI'(WldJi"'m, Tho.., '""a, !IOthin, h;d~n or m)·stc· h<>d achic"ed all his gnal . in a .ciati,'ely short
riou5 aOOul f m:!. H i~ pe1WfIa1it y ",-as on the OIIt- timt . He "'a~ quoted as sariiii-•.. • h;lse ..,ached
_ low t'~\IIlC 10!;« ....'hat he: lact ed in sophis- e' 'Cf)'lhillg • wanl_ and ' -m ""'y (,,'(nty-roor. Now
IiaIion tit ~ up in cllarm . Ht had honu ly. ,,"'hat do • do'!"
_grity. and ,..." al,,'ays ,..ill;n~ to help the youn S He could nnt h" 'e .eali~cd 11131 the ,'ery Ihing
.,i","fro. As Dick Huem( . said. "He was the: Ihal made him greal wao now the thing thai held
1'II'rtlCIIIU)' )"1'\1 woold want II) know . " him back ; thi s childlike qualit y tbat pre~ente<l him
"My God ." M.,-" Dav is ~~ys . "F,-"d M"nfe fro m g"' .... in@ with the changins , tandards. ' "Two
""" Disaq ""',.,;ng ! W( ' ,,( ~ II done thinp on :mimalors \.,hom • ha'''' al ....ay. lhought of "" ~
our O'II'~. bul 1M w:os the I);,.i. " f "hat Dhney '-;elim. of t"is ~"dopn"'nt .11 ~n i maliOf\ :- ~id
wood 1(11'. II " '-a> <..,rt~inly the opr ingbo.a.<I for Ikn Sh3rpM«n. " "en: Fre<kJic Moore ..00 Norm
t\'tryt~(" g Iltot came afte. , Ht h~d 10 be as d ose Ferguson . Th" y . imply <li<l tKJI ha"e (Iw: back-
to I bo)' geniui no, . lit nc"er grew up, and ground , the training , and tm: ;nlui!;"e .bility 1<)
this i. '11'11;01 he Inim.ted , He animated what hc: mn.ur~ up 10 lhe hest nWn we la{cr h3d on our
Dtw-, ud he <I"'" that "" Y- lle" cr gm"'ing up, " staff, Wh~{ i. >Old is (he f"'l 11t;o! they were IlOl
Tk b>1 IeIl ye~rs of hI> life Fre<I txpcnenced secondal)' men : they both Iud hecn lop 111m, and

~m.,," ~... fru>lr:lI ion., He had bUl>l I' m sure it "';t.~ ~ c rushillg blo .... tu r""' ir pride _- -
nthe ,.,.
0IIt0 lhe s.:erlC in full bloom a .... li ke some On November 23 . 1 9~ 2 , Fred Moo•• died a. a
..-hole tl icnt, flowered nrly. Ilc found that he resuit of al\ auto accident at Ilk' age of fon)'-{wO,

polite 10 inlerropl: so while he was wailing for his
~ning he would uncon§ciously Slarl maki",
fUMY linle half-whimpe:rilli, hummilli noises. IS
if he _re luning up 10 be ready ...·hen his oppor.
lunily CIIIX. a kind of an1icipa1ory sound.
8ill lo~ed and believed in 1he chan<:ters he ,"'IS
crea1ing. bOIl he was concerned aboul whelher he
would animale lhem U ~11 ~s he should, fU
rIttd 001 have worried. for he had 11M: s.cnsili.ily

Bill Trlla was (he last of the fou r supervising
animators on S""", Whi/t to come to Disney's.
Part of the great strength of these men was their
dissimilarity . and many would $lily WI Tytb. was ,/
the lea$! similar of the fou •. Dick Hucmer said ,
"Bill Tylla was the broodin, type . He was the
grealeSt ." Physically Bill was very uriking with
his 5wanh)' complc~iQn and bn'.Iad shouldcn. He
"ad a big mop of coal black, heavy black
brows, and very piercing dark eyes. \JUI more
than (hal it was what was under the surf""" thai
IIIOI<k Ilim sWld out. He had gn:at f«lings churning
around ins ide of him and tre mendous nervOUS
ene, lY .
Bill was a very in~ penon, oIlen moody
and ~ often very emolional. In spite of these
volatile nits, he was a very shy. gentle. and
sensitin man . When he had iIOmcthing to say thai
he fdl Ilmngl)' abouc. it would come OUI in spite
of any shyness. The wonls would literally pour
OUt of him , his mi nd worting faster than he could
talk . If 1Oi'1eOI~ else was talking he W<lUld be 100
., IllldersLand his characlers' motivalion in tenns is !rue thaI the basis for these characters is fOl/Ild
III a1ing, and !he abilily 10 interprel !hal inlo in the story. bul to capture SlrOmboli's mercurial
. . . . and staging. He could ~y !he darkesl moods. his lighUling c hanges, and 10 show !he
CYiI and !he mosl frighlening lerror. His powerful emotions !bal came from !he inner f"",rings of his
. .wilIg of !he devil in Ihe " Bald Mounlain " characters was one of Tytla's greatest achieve-
""......... of FanU1SitJ was the mosl awesome pitQ: ments .
III uimation ever 10 reach !he screen. and hi s His conunenlS in Snow Whi'~ Slory meetings.
SIromboli was probably the moSI lerrifying and wbere personality was di scussed . all show !hal he
WIly evil persooality of all lhe Disney villains. [I was looking for !hal inner feeling and mood to



Nil"'.."., Bill Tyfu.-

Nigh! on BIId M....ntai
PI>"'trf~1 aClio", s,
d"J ."·. g, aM d."""
S"'li., Miped '0 rrtiJj
c/w'OCIe' ""y~. tWo
',mpltd pttvi(lw.s!y ;" ,
""'fI''''', "'"
i, ...... Jlot fi
i"g of <III i"",. 'Pi. lf"
alld p, im;liw, ,''''' rio
mtuit hi'" Ii.. 0"
s"." •.
help him determine Ilow Ihe chanc~r wookl ~ac;t , Pcr<:e: let'S take Doc. get him from scratch. an;!
Amid constant suggestions by OIhers that the~ uy, noOOdy knm.-s him . f int hi$ most obvio.
~Id be • $peei.1 anirudc in Ihe drawing on each feature is his pompous Iltitude . lie show$ this p0m-
dwarf. Bill !!ubbomly came block to Ihe ....,., pous altitude with his che!! . For instantt, Ilow do
II'gIIIllCnt: the way 10 get a diffCTt'llCC ;n the appear- you $e>e him. Bill. when he is pompous?
mce and Iltitude is by knowing the mood and the
p«JOnality . In a meeting on November 17, 1936, Bill: Hi s pose is a reaction to something. It is ooly I
director ~nd storyman Perce Pearce pickro Bill's ~action of what he i. going to do. otherwise y""
brains on this subject: are juSt making a drawing . Since ;t is up to Doo; to
then do a quick half gesture on the mistake. and
follow with a broad gesture On Ihe-MEN . FOL-
LOW ME, The half gesture is not too defmite.
but just a ne'""oos feding
Have Doc tum on t~ fOLLOW ME in antici~·
tion of "'alking OUL
",'I,WAr"" 8i11 T." lla-
Snow White .
The range of BiWs characters was phenomenal. His
ThiJ PO>'P""' ~lIil"J, QI! ability to get inside the innermost reaches of tlte;!
DO<" cam, fwm Ih, WI'","·
10"'< kM ...I.d~r oj ...hallhr personalities enabled him to develop great scope in his
chMocur ,,'uslhinklng, work. He .eemed to understand the problems that his
characters faced as well a~ their feelings about what
expllin to the group what is going on, ~ son of was hapl"'ning to them, Could anyone's thoughts be
tmS the leadership whether he is entitled to it or ponrayed in a betle! way Ihan Grumpy's afler 5now
not He immedialcl}' ,;trikes that al1itude He gelS White ki ssed him? The audicnce literally could feel
flu\lered. and doe,n't ~now ",hat he says. trics to the warmth thaI ,urged through him as he finally
mike OIIt-><>r1 of ~ French Provincial Mayor' s aUi· released his bottled·up fcelings .
hick. Grumpy Ihrow. him off balance Doc recom- BU!, Bill"s mosl poignant scenes were of the lillie
(l'.IW ~imself and tries to regain lo,t ground. So far elephant in DI/mho. Bill', inspiration for (he ""I"""""
we h,,.. 10
had no oppor1Unity really try to do any· of Dumbo b~lhing ~ame while watchinj!. his 0"'0 ron
Ihing IS far a' mannori,m Or ge,tures are concerned playing in lhe tub, and hi, great pereepti"n enabled
-ill '" far IS g:stures react in dialogue. There has him I" adapt to animation the spirit of w!utt he saw in
been IKI opponuoily to us.e any ,cratching or Doc real hfe. Hi, draftsmanship is at its best in this 5<.'<:lion.
fooling lIUl>nd with his beard. We ha,'e only had and I~re is excellent analysis of ",hat to euggerate in
dialog"" '" far. the action as the baby s.eampcrs playfully around hi,
mOlher. But through all this. the big overriding theme
While Bill"s wOO: <tood oUl wilh all ilS power and is the elusive quality of love and affection that Bill's
$ll!ngth, it, em<~ions and inner feelings. its pathos animation capture, '0 beautifully.
and deeply tl)ll(hing mO"""nt', it i~ rea"uring to Ihc Many of Bill's characters were muscular like him-
resl of us 10 kllOW that he sometimes made mistakes. self. and when they came on the SCreen il was like a
In 1M pm:eding quote he explained vcry lucidly how charge of eloxtricity, He made everything ",ork for
he leh Doc should act in this Iype of ,itualion, but in him. be~ause he drew >0 well and felt the personality
!he following .,,'eatbox notc from Walt it is evident so Mrongly . He wanted his chardctcr.; t" move in a
tNt he mi.sed on the timing of the f1u,tered f~..,ling special ",ay. to really live! ~Ic animated the head,
and its relation to Ihe di.logue. D,)C seemed to be an· body, hand" and dr.. pery all in different colors . [I was
ticipating his o"'n "'i'take. and thaI was Bill', mis· nO! until he had each pan working. communicating,
tII!;(, 100. and mm'ing properly that tlc would make one oom·
pletc drawing in blac k. The eye" the mOOlh. the ges·
March S. 1937 Walt s",calboxing with Bill T~11a tures. and the SC<.'Ondary actions ar<: an: all brilliantly
T)'lla Sceoe 8 5eq. 4D Original ther<: in Stromboli, Thi. charJetcr has been criticized
Make Doc' s "come on" gesture 8 hmader one- for moving too mu~h. making it hard to follow on lhe
no! a point at himself on . 'follow me." ser«n at times, yet no canoon ~haracter has pul over
The feeling now i, that Doc knows he is going to any beller a rich. \'0Iati1e. and complete personality.
say HEN instead of MEN. He should say COME This character i~ extremely powerful and frightening .
ON. HEN "'ith a bro~d gesture. seeming to com · Bill felt all these things through his whole body
picIC it. ;IOting as if he were saying tfle righl thing. when he animated . alwa)', trying I" !fan,fer his tre·
mendous energy into his characters . T . Heel recalls a " 'as a"'~ that Bill leaned a liule toward the nw.y
day durin, the making o f ""an/asia " 'hik Bill was $I)'1e of dnt.,,·ing.So he n,ade Bill hold his pencil ill tht
working on the ~vil in " Bald MO\i~ain '" f-k " 'anlC<! very tip. He IOId Bill that if he k .... w " 'hat he ".
to see Bill aboot something. but he opened !he door to trying to draw and rc:ally knew how to d", ... it , lot
find the I"QOm in ..,midarkness. with Bill inltntly curlM CO\ild 00 it that way . Too man y ani sts have Icallltll
over hi s board. The only light came (rom the glow of tricky ways of making a drawing look imprc:"i~.
the nuorc:scent lamp under Bill"s drawing. which was even when il i. actually "out uf dr~wing" (i.aceu·
shining up in his face in an eerie way. As T . Hee rule) . As Bill himself said • .. A whole bunch of nit"
waitM at the door he fel! a tension _nd a mYSlieal can draw the figure. bul one: or lWO of the men n n do
fortt II wod . SU<lnge thing$ " 'ere: going on. T . wa~ something 10 the drawing that g iv~ a hell of a 101 of
5(1 unnervW by this s ight that he quietly backM out meaning \0 it . ... here:1S ~r$ in thr ,""'pcan imprtSl
Into the hall ... ithout ever saying a nything to Bill. you. for the time. wilh n:WIy >luff.. ·
T)·tl_lud studioM at the An SWdent s League in New Later he st\ldioM sculpture in I'ans . .... hich accoullli
¥I)fk with Boardman Robinson . " 'hom he re:garded in pan for thr M1lidily .nd weight and e~cellent rela·
very highly both as a man and a ttllCher . Robino.on tionship of forms in his wl)fk. Because of thh an
",. ....," RIll TIt/,, _
S_ WI",• .

G""""., ..... /, " S'n" ,"'...

<If ",dillfratiofr ~. ~.. $ .."",.
Whll~ kiuM h"" /t<~J.f;yt-.
/rut d, h~ .,,,"ylfii ~ " '''Y hi,
",()Qt/ M.~(I" ""'fI,'''. ~,"'I
th~ a~di~"N ,-,,,,M /<·.1 ,h,·
""I'''' §/,,'"
"'hole />od,'.
,"""""''''''J( hj,

__ ~MI!Id. lIill tl>ou~ht of hi s "'tn~s more in tern" ,\ I y "''''' in Nc,,' York neVC' ~tk"W ahoo.t1 a mowi·
",,'' '\"'',)I.n ...than 111",1 animat,n l ie ...·anlnl Ucpth . o!:a- he f"'Oh;obly >lin docsn ', When he ~~" ~ Ictk.
DOtoaly .. the dr:lwin~ 01" tm: eh;,ol"Kle •• hUI ~hu 111 lhe from uno.: of ,..., !:>o>'s here "-'Ih ng about 1..... IC:<I,-
""Y it """"~ d"'",gh tt... la)~lUI ; ...... 1m: tOl~IIk"!n " I" rouFh,. ",mi-r\l"ghs. ",,,u·dunups. cicanup'- and
!lIo: >C(II< II;od In be riShi. Ken Anderson ~ay' lh~t it fjn~1>- lhen lhe "hole thing is doni: m·.,
again. he
•• diff""ult 10 mak~ a layout th>t would pleas..: liill: would,, ' t hclie"e il. My t>o.;s lhoo~ht il ,,'a, runny
be: 11"'a~s h:ld ""me adju,lmcnl Ihnl would make Ihe '" 1H:11-~ hunch of fellow, runtl'ng a.ound in h.111·
5«11( more inlc","inS. h~,·c hellC' ~lagin8. and t>c ".. ,,~· s with pic<:e~ "I' hlad and whilc fil", in their
_~y~m ...·. h~nd, lo"k,ng (or mo"i"I:" . H... ""d. " When! h"e
8~I'u, nne of It... fc",' animat" " ~llho1t lime " .... , a tn.1O to aninlate. I " -an' h.m 1<1 kno ..· 1\o.oYI •••
Iud atI). an 11~,n,n~ . He ...-as <la:rl)' appr«iat i~e I~ 1".... tb,njt> doni: Ix-.~ '~''''' . I " 'oold n...,.; .......n-
"'1. looking for lI'W)fe '1ualil ~ ;ond ....tlct
• Wdio
Iron> [he ani mal~. Ih~t Wall ...·..... Id.s0 M' f~f
"10 $e1 up hi, own an seh",,1 unlk. In e~pcrt lil:e
""tk,"~l . and I k""",- tbe kll,...'~ bact C~.I ~'~r
Ihcm lo( nsa[ional ... htn lbo.·y heM dcsc.ip1IOO' of the
I,..~i"'n~ and opportunities "'....., . lim he", al Ihe _ ""U·
Dot! Graham I Kill and Don !r~w to h~.·c greal "".' pc"t di" rhose ,hint:. art con""" .... d conmlOnploc;: . Tilt'
for <.Io<h "Ihe' . It i~ OO\";ou, II ill's .(ma.h in a a,·e.a~~ (cll" ... he1\! dIX,,,'t ... wo reali,,, .. hat i,
1Ic1un: 10 the )''''n~ animaiOl") that this an ioChooi alrno· beinj: .,II<,,'~d on him . lit is bo:,n~ ,'oaxw ~nd en-
iphm" ... a~ hke a breath of frnh ail to him: ~\lU"'Agcd 10 belle. " -ork . ~nd Ix- pr..mbl)· lhink, it ..
a p;lin in ,Ix- ........,1:. I ,ull)' can ' l con'pli .... nI Wal'
Vl1Im I fiN C3 .... ou1 ""'" aboul t,,·O :md a half ano.l I ..... ' ...~ani/.alion mouJh fOf h:onding nUl ,he
)Ql. . . .. 'Ioc~' >I..ned ha"ing xti<'ln ~·sb cla~SC"S , luff. ",.,~ is no olh... , fdluw ............ '11 ...... II .
.., 1 kll f<lf them lite a ton 0( Mich. I ""a, in a
ptriod bet .. '« n lhe old and lhe roe'" siage o f anima· 8,,~ide . 1... II;ng K lot ~b<l\Il lIill . Ih i, ""' I"rial "i'..,1
tloR . Runn;n~ . ,uff in ,low ffil~;on w3 1 likc lifting a 3n ;nsi~ hl in", ... hy tIK- ,tudi" .~ aoov;: all Ill!.."
~rtain IN "'.... Then ,W(3Ioo, sc"ionl we.e arn,th<:. pla,Ci. alld;1 ~ive, a graphk I'klur~ of Wall', I'hilos'
rt .. lal~m . Afler all. if you d" a p~ce of animat i,," oph), :md .. 'h~' th.:rc .... a. ''''''h a th.n g as In.: "(~~,Io."T1
znd f\JI\ it 1.1'' ' enough tinH:~. )'011 ",USI sc~ .... hoIt is Ai/.~ . "
",.,." .. ,Ih i[ I'ormc:rly. I !\e"C' sa"" ,,"h~t I ~ni· Hill "",Id noI , land lbe ",d,naIY. If you "'c,e inln'
..-J. Wc "" o~kl C3lch a mo.. k " 'c ry N O ,.= t s 10 eMcd in )'fltl' "" nr~ .Ihtn ~"" >hould late ,he pain, 10
5«11«1IC "'.., had upcrimemcd on for d"''''· in~. o. ob."",'< :lnd . tudy and makr P'''' charar"lcr:« diff"rcnt
'f'Xinr ," ti"'in~. hOI ,,"c C<JOld" 't gel ",1I<.· h hendil and uniq ue . N" two SCelles should c~e. tIC' ali"" and dO
from uno: "icwing. In the the"t", lhey would nnl)' 1... 0 Char. ... icrs should ev .... "0 som"!hin~ lhe ..,me
run ,tic rl(lu,c I.... ice-Ihe who.11c Ihing whi1.'lc<l b)' wa)·. Ijill pul it Ihi~ way:
znd)vo f""'~01 all .bout " 'hal )'00 tried 10 do. Ami
lIftIt" ~..... did £1.1 to the m,,,,ie . you " 'nu ld new. Sh.d u""hod , of doin! IlIinll' ~r" """,1<:" ~nim•.
!« "'~)'O\I hild done . Furthetm(lfc . J n,:" cr ""'" . a rion: "(f)' nften . morro'·cr. rhey arc b;o"..d nil ""
fmll Nft in reverse except onee in Nc"" York ,,-hen oIr>'Crv~lton at all . ~""'n1ly . ,;orne animalrO' will
..,. Il1R ~..c.:nc bacb'ards of a fdlo.... di .. ,ng " ff a animate 001 ..rmelhing he ha. ~n..,d . but so ..... •
torod .• tltill& hot h:.o.' nICn)oriwJ ,11:11 S<'mc.' QlhN anim:olOf
lias dooc. In such cases. it is a matter of ""'" anima· that i. already funny to stan with . Yoo may CtI
lOr copying another. memorizing a 101 01 !tinct stuff. very dry pic« ofbusorcss to do. and no mailer
Thi. is ev.nt in eanoons all the dtua<:ters. you work at il, you .... ,11 f~1 )'ou can 't make n
regardless of pcfJ(>na!ity . wal~. run .nd move the
same way . The animator has not given even a thotlght
funny . If you Can make it jmer~5r"'":,':;',:,:~ .:~,:~:; I
done a very good job. But if you c:
to the pcrwna!ilies involved. 10 dcline~ting charac- business that is dry and uninteresting and i YOllclO!!
ter and pcrwnality through variations in reactions animate il so lllal it WIll be ali"e and vital. then IS
and actioos. an animator. I think. you llave fulfilled you. duty.

Bill was intolerant of any animator sloughing off on Not evcry aspect of B,]!' s animation can be properly
I scene just because
it did not inlcre~t him . Ui s advice analy~ed. for hi s thinking was complicated and in·
on an animator's ibility has become a dassic: volved . Uo,,·cver. it is intcresting and cnloghlcninlllO
'" 8i11 list the comJlOf'l'nl$ thaI are found in BIll's work. bt
Another thing in animalion . When yoo sIan yoo his IJnt an imation lhey Ire all '~r... It takes steady
will probably wi~h that you coold get a lot of stuff ooncentratioo to h.~ this kno"'ledge and ~klllll)'('lll'



·tII j~ "", .........",

.,M "",,10 CA '
r;~il rkJI·
flllJMlpli and be able 10 lise il righl Like a baseball Timing
pIdwr who 11M Ih-. rn<)me1lWy Ia~ ud giv"" liP' Solidily in dnwing
home Nn.1be mimalor ~an gel himself ;nlo a hopdess Power in draw ing
IoIhUllon Ihrough lack of concentral ion. This lisl of St re ngth in movemenl
components in good animalion is quitt an imposing l ma,in~lion
JIIlUP l(loombino in any scene:, any """ element on the
till ... challenge 10 \be 1:>0:51 of ani ""'ton.: Bill had done I scene on PilltKXltio that he and the
other animalon. thoughl was grell . . ' Welt , iI's good,"
Inner feding~ and emotion was Wall' , comment. " but il'$ not what I'd cxpect
Acting with clear and definitt action from Bill Tytla ." Bill wlS crush<:d . For I time, like
Owacrer and po:rsonalily many highl y emotional. sensili\'(:, and ern t;\'(: pe0-
Thought procus through upres.sion chang"" ple, he fou nd il impossible 10 wort. A week . maybe
Ability 10 analy>:c two Yl'(:l:u . pas$Cd before he plo.u.tly swted 1(1 JaII"tIt
Clear 'lliging around Ind explore other possibilities . In the end he
Good composilion ,lid find a bcuer way, and Wl tl liked il . This had been

_ _ Bill T,'/II -
S - White.
Wilt.. ,lit
,lit fit"'I. lit "'".,
......... b«t '" ,lot oritiMl


turibiy hard on Bill, bUI he had been ,hown SOme- powerful devil or the lenderness in his handling of the
IIIirI& aboul hi, own greal capabihlie" . Ihal he had poignant Dumbo sceo~s, What OIhe", do mU~1 be dif·
more 10 offer than he realized. and Ihal WaS why he fereOi. for a. both Fergy and Hill said. "Ii is too
iovtd lile ,Iudio. limiling to copy someooe else." BUI il is IlOI U\l1 of
According 10 Ben Sharp,lcen. "T"lla ,umchow gO! reach fur those who feel as dct:ply as Bill did. 10 do
ptued as an animalor of heavies, Aflcr Sn,,~· Whirr something eq uall)' grul in their own way.
lie was ta>l on Siromboli in Pino<,<,hio and Ihe dc"; I in No one thing seems 10 explain Ihe reaSOn for Bill's
tile ' Nighl 00 Bald' sc'lu~ncc uf ,",''''IlIS;(I. dcpanure from Disney' s io 1943. Ihough changing
Wall mad~ ~ui le a point ufTYlla 'IOd his ahilitie. on st udio policie, ar><! Ihe (e"ling thai his famil)' wwld be
tile tal"'r character, He buill il up as a spedal fca · more ,""ure during wanime on his Cunnecticul farm
hUe." Wilfred Jackson. who direcled Ihe " Nighl On were cenainly slrong consideratiuns. In (he East. Bill
ibid Moontain" sequence. describes how he and Bin conlinue<! in the animation business as bulh anim.!Or
TytIa worked lugelher On it; and direc{or. hUI he was never "gain to find the self-
fulfillment and personal gratificalion Ihat he had four><!
1 was told hy wmehody . maybe Wall. I was SUp' in hi< work during those greal days "I Di,ney's. Bill
posed 10 gel IBela I Lugosi ar><! .hool live action, So died in 196)(,
w( got him and he looked upon il as an aClor'job.

bullhis was IlOI whal Hin wamed. He was inler.

CStrd in Ihe nlOyemenL Lugosi sianed showing him
how lie cou ld unwrap hi, "'ings li ke Ihal and we
were gelling along greal. bUI Rill was having an
a"ful lime-he was Ielling Lugosi huw he should
00 it Finally Bill gave up and wenl over in the
oomcr and su tke<! . so I gOI the besl Sluff I wuld uUl
ofil and afler il was over Bill ,aid. "J"d. ! don't
li~ ,,"'hal he', dune . I li ke lhe way you do il: won'l
ywlake your .hin off and gel in fmnt of Ihe COm·
m?" So I look my shin uff and he ran Ihe mu,ic
and we "",d Ihal .Iuff. Yeah. Ihe photostals of
skinn)' me . We ncver lold Wall . Bitt and 1 made it
up in !he music room before LugO!'i ever came. Ihen
Iju,lwenllhrough whal I had been duing wilh Bill.
Each time we'd do il he'd say tine, I even did lhe
box", pocu, Ihing with the linle guys on my hands .
I'm!lOl ,ure Wall inlended 10 h"ve such a power.
ful cllaraclcr. bot when you haw a piece of anima·
I;"" li k. Ihal you ' re nOl going to tum il down .

Someone once asked. "Who replaced Bitt Tytla

whon he Ht','" The an,":"r was. of COUI'>.e. no one- al·
Ihough .Iomeone may h3\'e laken o,'er his assignment
8ill Tylla. lih Fred Moore . Ham Luske. and Norm
~"son. brooght his special magic to Ihe screen, and
wiltn he kft Ihal panicular way of doing ~"melhing
disappeared wilh him . Il would not be possible for
1II)'OIIe clse 10 duplicale Bill'< way uf animating Ihe
7. Hyperion: The Explosion
Wall Disney

t.t.~ .phi~t has obsen'ed (hal 1 pcr,;on's ph¥s-

ir;aI_iIonmeN dct~ITI1iJ\eS how he ",ill ~It.a,,,
JDd . 'haI he is ap1 10 do. One historian 01 aninwion
J.claimed tllat doc: okI .. udioon Hyperion """nue al
[ . ,.,
IIIe farcaslml edge of Hollywood w a.~ t~rgdr rcspon·
Wk f<lr the in!>Ontiv .. and imaginali>''' thinkinl of
!he lI1iru who worked inside. The .wdio was indeed
unique . bill I""" it would not have been filling for
Wall', "udio 10 bo: like any other place of bu.;",,",.
m.n III insignifICant beginning. the sHidio seemro
J1IduaIly 10 take on a li f.. of its 0"'0 and crow like the
IDfCicloI ".."Id i. waS creating. The Ql"iginat building.
,..,. oo:upied in 1926. was a mere t .fA) square feel
1IIl ....,.lLu\tly ~i<,:ed on a quiet 5t~t 1M. munllernl
down I 'l1l<I11 valley. Ne~t to it was ~ pipe organ
faclOl"J . butthtre was space behind and a vlIC. nt tOt on
11M: Olh<r , ide thaI gave plenty of privacy. That firs.
IMrilding oould hold .ome (\Oceoly men at most. ... it
_101 lon, before an additico1 ,,·a s~ . The orpn

fItIory " 'as purchased and rombined wilh lhe Disney

Wlllin rno.uhs ~Ti ll """" space was ,,"ok<;!: the

arptnltll rttumW. and soon the liule building w~s
bultin, and prOlNding in unexpecled place s. In 193 I .
Walt ~iOOJ 10 PUI an end 10 1hi, rnaktShifl arrange-
Will and 10 build an edifice especially de.igncd for
animMion ..... ith In offICe for each animator and his
1SIisIaM. and I"'''' rwms fOl"" directors . Hour. and hours
of pI1nni"i ""till into The design of this " perfecc "
!ddiag. bul il W;tS ouldJled bcf~ Ihe ~inl dried.
f"onI . theft only a SllliIII addiHo n 10 fl. then
dim ..·as I tonnc.::tion to another buildina. lhen >ome- with alkkd bungalows ami things on top or thin",
tIrini 0111 in back. and lhen suddenly a " 'hole new. including . finally. a special Ink and I'~int building thaT
imrnell)e tW()OSIOT)" struclU",. Soon the swdio flowed used a ll the propel1y up 10 the Streel un the eaSI. The
clw 011110 the side .l rUt. then back Ihe other way. studio wa~ spill ing oul in all directions .
ilCroU the SlrcCI. In Ihc main building the rooms ...~re
~ small and evCl)'Ol"lt "'"IS so pmmcd In ~elhc<"
if one IUY " 'amed 10 I,.'et (lUI, a ll thc <)tilers Iud 10
move thcir eh~iB to let him through . With e"eryono
that dOW, there ...·as an exchange of ideas ;t.l. ...·elll! I
lot of funny incident, and aags that wQUld n\lt hhe
happened otherwise. Walt kepi Il)'ing tll shkld hi.
animalon from disU"aClion~ and annoyance~ thai WOIIld
drain !heir creative cnergic$. buI. ;octually. more """,.
was achieved through thi, a.mIn!.~ment th;on if ""C hld
been SfIIl'W out in neat ro ...·s.
Exciting new thing. w~n: happening all arouoo lIS.
and Ihis dose personal rontact and lhe cruy a§~il'
lions kepi u. stimulated . Wc wc~ all uying 10 OIItdo
each 0Ihc. in thinking Q( Krc ...·y actions. delibtralely
n.c~ ~ ;d~ a buildi", across the ~T«tthat had trying 10 be difTercnt . to be fUMier. 10 cume up .." III
been built compkte wilh I skylight facinl tIM: north an unexpected gag in everythin~ wc did-away fro..
for tIM: 111 c1;ISSJooms, offkes (or Don Graham and the sludio as .. ell as at work . ~ uf the carly anillli'
vi~ilin8 lnists, and endle5s cubicles for youni hope· lor •. An Ihbbiu , said. "[ach teSI you did. )'0\1 tnN
fuls learning !he craft . The ~hape of the peaked roof to be as inventivc a~ pmsible..., the <)the. guys would
irtUntdil1ely ~m.inded Wall o f the chicken sheds hc comment."
lI!OC:d 10 know as a boy, ~ he dubbed !he bu,lding Unle" a lagman is thinking " funny" c'"Cry diy. lit
"The Incub;l\or." Before: long, he added 10 lhe back mighl find it hard 10 think 01 an unusual gag .. heft 10:
01 lh'll. thcn inslalled pens be side il for Ihc animal. need. 0fIC. and we we~ <.\o:lcrmined alwa)'. to iCC tilt
needed for study md drawing , Like lhe cooking pot in unu.ual in the world around us , All ~ man had to do
th. fairy tale Ihal t'Q!1tinued \t) produce oalmeal because was stumble over a chair. or knOCk something off I
someone forgOlth. magic words. !he Wldio t'Q!1linued de.k, QI" juSl make I chan« rcnwt. and inlllled;a~ly
10 If)tIwl and spread and COVtt the wllole ~. in a hc " 'ould be inundated w ilh gag dnlwings. buiklina
s iow-molion CTUption. Then: wen: tunMIs and pu. !he s itllation 10 0liliandish prop:.nions. II looked li~e I
sagewlyli and bridge. and link: """""', ~nd partilion> w..\le of valuable time. but. actually ....·c "" CI'I: all
were 1'\11 up and taken down. and walls we~ moved. leamin~ our IUO!iI inlpoC1anl k".orul in S1aging ~nd
aIId projection booths were made OUI of confere""e communintion . If the gag was 100 obscure. if tho
rooms and offICeS and even closets . As Parkin.on·s dra""ing WI> no4 funny. if It was not OOffiClhin; tllM
Law MaleS. "During a period of uciling discovery or could bc IIn<krslOOd ill)UlnlJy, 00 ooc laughed . This
prolfUS tIM:K is 110 lime 10 plan Ihe perftel head- amtl!OC:menl actually ...·as hcllcr t.-aining than de'dop'
qu&r1crs.'" ing bu~iness in thc pirll''''S' where: il would be Wttb
When every incb of open space had been filled. before: we "OIIld kOO'oOo' if lhe gil ... ;ao funny. or the
neighboring buildings ...'ere: I"'"hased and cOIl\'ened- righl thing. or whether it cvcn had been ulKko.tood ,
8par1ment bouses, bungalows, offICes. any lIruelu", Gags we~ also ~ very good w~y 10 rdieve tensioal.
\hal w" near and could house anis.ts and slo.-ymen . In Ward Kimball..ays. "It w ..~ this clme exacling wOO;
$fltakilll of hi~ own uperiencc in those "tan~ ac· ""C!.ad 10 do . . . Y"" had IU lei: il 0111, ro all ofa
commodations. Mcl Sha~gid. "klhn Hcnch? OIl. wdden )'OII'd ~op and lei ofT Me~m. Wc'd all ~it doon
yes. 1M: had !hekilChcn of my apanment. , .. I had Ihc and dflw gap. ·' The drlwinp bn:ame broaUrr and
bedroom and blIth." ThI: artisl' who were no! on lhe more prepotlerou~ by the day. yet there was always an
main 101 felt left OUI and isolaled. Allthei. hopes werc element uf believability in them. beeau"," at tho: ~ore
based on "stepping up" someday to lhe main building they "'-e", ba",d on rome quirk in _ parcicular fcllll\l"1
M.Ug Franl Thoma. ,
Sooroton, ,ugg.,ted /hal ,un lamp' b, inJ/aIl~d ,0
".imOiarl muid lQ(}k mor" h~alrl'}' _ Imm,diru".". /h~
lOB' bt,a. I'<"'ring in, Hn" Frank Thoma> , Mill
K.~I, and Olli. Joh",,,,,, ar" dt:picud QS n~edlll~ far
mort t/ron <J IOn,

lk I

personality . Thi. incisive uJ\dcrstanding of personality

brought on elabora{e practical jokes as well. We had
to have .orne idea of an intended victim '. reac1ion to
Ihe gag, or it would be hard to see the possibililies in
Whil, Vip Panch ",'as an ""ISlam a/limawr. hi, d"".--
il. Thi, ,arne approach was used daily in wod,ingoot
i"I_' ,iwK'ro Ih, "agillg and in,ight thm I.t" mad,
himf.",OILS a, a commerdal ('ar/oonl,'I, ,1./>0"., "Th, {hc gags and situation. for our cartoon charac{cB. If
Gog" mlehe. Ihe pre('iJ. a"itud.. II"d upr,,,io., of you had a Donald Duck .oort. immediately everyone
th' f"loo', lookill~ at a "'''' gog Btlow, Vip' , \'fr- knew what type of gags 10 use. what si{u.a{ions would
.iQtr o/Ol/i, }uhmta"" animalioll ""it, Whn! told h'
hod 108ft an inbetwuner to mo, ... Ihe "'ork f",,,r ,
be funny. It was easy til find business for Donald
Vip mri;murro 1M on/l' typc of pa.",,,,lil." M fell he because we ali underslood his perwnality.
ro«IJc""lroJ. ufl. ",,;mlllOr< O/li~ John.",m a"d K"" l1>e bun of the studio's moSI elaborate practical
O'Sri," jokc was an Englishman, Ted Thwaites, The men who
wllrked with him had ~ized him up as being rather
square and had planned {he .. busin.. .... in their little
scenario ac.:ordingly. Floyd G<Jufredwn, {hen headof
the comic strip department. relates !he story as follows:

\ The whole thing happened in lhe comic strip <k-

\ panrnent and lhe prin~ipal chara.:lers were Ted
\ \' Thwaites and AI Taliaferro We all wuded in !he
\,J . back room of the annu at Hyperion. Ted carried his
'-- --i; lunch in a brown bag and e"ery day brvught in a

. c·
small can of fruit cocktail and Ii<: loved it so much
and Ii<: smacked his lips o"er il and he'd tell AI. "I
juS! couldn't eat a lunch without this ,"
So this staned AI's brain 10 working and one day
he brought in a can til<: same si/.e, a can of mixed
vegetable •. When Ted went out of til<: room he
would always tell AI where he wa .. going, So lhe
minute lie gOI out of sighl, AI would jump up and
lake the label off, and put rubber cement OIl lhe
thing and wail Iii il almost dries-and jusl swilch
the labels from the mixed vegetable Can to tbe fruit
So Ted came back lhe first time and he opened
Ihis thing and he aclually took a spoonful of the
stuff before he noticed it wa, nO! his fruil cocktail,
AI. of course, waS watching him. Ted 'Iopped-
Ihen he took another spoonful of til<: stuff and be
looked at it and II<: says, "I can 't believe thi s, ,. He
was still very British and very gullible, He ""ys.
"Something's wrong here," So II<: ,hows it 10 AI
and Al purs at it and says, " What 's wmng? What
is that- vegetables?'"
Ted says, "Yeah! Look al the label-this is froil
cocktail. "
Al says, "Thafs strange,"
So between Ihe Iwo of them they de<;ided Ihal
some way the labels had gouen mixed up al the
canning factory, There wasn't anymore said ahoul il
eXCept Ted went around and told everybody in the
depanment, He couldn't gel over it. So AI let it go
for three or four days and then he switched I.bcl~
again, and Ted said. "The only way I can explain
this is that they must have mixed up a whole 101
shipmeni-jusl imagine! The.., thing.< arc on the
shelves of markets aU over the counlry,"
Al did it just far enough apan to keep Ted in-
trigued. He'd have peas or carrots and even hominy
one time--and Ted had !Ie"Cr seen oominy before,
To put a linle variety in {he act, Al re"erred the
procedure and put a vegelable label on the fruit
cocktail can,
'"That's crazy'" Ted says. "I know I hought
fruit cocktail this morning-AI. lnok at {hi~,"
Al says, "What'. wrong with it'!'"
Ted say., "Tha!"s mixed vegetables!"
AI says, "That'. funny, You must have pkked
it lIP by mi$w.e.·· So. he open. the c~n ~f\IJ il It;ts
fnIit -':111,1 in it.
FiolaIly ~ was Ted him..elf ...·110 ~ioJ. ··Well J
lftily!hint lhis is an i!em for Ihun KipJty"s Btli, ...,
1,0, N",. [ think I . hould .... rit" il in 10 him Ind
tIl~bt 1"11 gel some money 001 of ;t ...
So we aUagr.:ed und by Ihis time everybod)" knew
about il. and he aclually wrole Riple y. Afler he had
'll'rimn 10 Ripky. w" knew we hod to 00 WI11C'lhing
"pay dI~,.,hok Ihing off. We wonde..w fot I,",u or
Gftt days ,,·Ut ...~ could 00 . We ro&;u..w il ..."OUld
tale richt days ~f~ hi: would expecl ~n an,""CT.
Tk plan called for this las! can to "" lNIiled to
TII ... llile$, witb appropriate King Futures J 1~""ls
IIIIde up by the comic mi p men and was to conlain
,rather poIent mesuge from Mr. Riplc)·. But AI
~·lln'e il alone . He had II> swilch one more
<21 and Ted elme back 100 §OOn .f\IJ AI had 10 ru.h

WIn Ted came in and ate his lunc:h righl afler
WI Md he pku4 up Ihis can and the J~""I s lipped
ott IIoc o;an and he,e was Ihis ",·"t rubber C"mem. He
iIOpPtd Ind looked al il for a minule. lhen II<: says
in hi. 8rllbh ;,cecnl. ··You so and so·~ . Sud<knly
everything is eleu to me. J know what' , bc<:n goi ng
01 hHe !" dreamed of.nd did 1101 unden.tand . We did not know
how any of III<: .ffect. were achieve.! or ",·ho had done
Will wu tttnly a",·a~ of the cn:ali\~ procc5s and ",·hal and how;1 was painted. Even lhe inked ,·d.;rod
'hOI criliciu lfl)'One for tu;ng time off to do gags. back groonds 4id not look like anythlO&; ...., had ncr
He anncd I(l bo: ,War( I...... "'.., ....en: sharpening our seen ""fun: . Unk""", n 10 us. Wait had hIred wkx
stiIk. Tht only Ihing he usc:d \0 say "'·as. ·· Why don·\ upertS and "n&inane and had ben! expcriITWnting wilh
",.. FlI()<III: of thaI in lhe picture.?·· "'",.. w~y. uf lightin~ and a multiplane ~an",r:a and all
The plate ....,\£ ( ,p;mding so faM it !oetmcd as if il sort. of thin!:s. And when ...·c talked wilh fellows like
WOllId bunl at the sea ms; il wa, teemin, wilh new Clau~ Cool.l.· who had been .... orkin!: on lhe pi.lure.
pe.lpIt evcry",·here. and lhe~ we"" ne .... ~ominll .... e could tellthcy .... ere almost a~ surpri..ed and hew;l.
it a/mo<I evny day . We "'..:re all sqlltt1.ed into lilde dercd as we ""'re. uOh. I don't know . Well . il was
..:as Md aaI1nics and so busy aOO excikd Ihat "'" juS! like :lily OI~r picture. W. tried to do .. hat_
(0lII0I . . kctp up ...·'lh whlIt our friends "'.""" doing . needed; ..... had our problems and our MUle,; "'~ had
We ~ always in 100 much of a hurry lu wanck, our troubles ..
..-...dIlle Sludio and ... y. ··Whal do you do?'" T~ n. Each new pktun: <onlained breathl3k ing improve.
_day .• 0: ..·1)" fini ~hed picture we had nc'·ct lI<:;ltd menl,; til<: effects wcn:: better. the aninlalion load !l"I(tt
01 wouW be .oown for the ~Iaff-su~h as The Old lif". and the ",·1101•• tudio h ad an upward nlUn",mum .
Mii/. Where did it <Orne frum? Who had worked on it? It waS like beinH a player on a winning leam! Tow;,
AIo:Imrt. import~nt. how htui tht)' d01lt i, ? allthi. was pure magic. Our own efrons to Slage a bit
Ow r)'n puppW out ""!len "'·e !iIIW .11 oj Th~ Old of btlsincss or let a characler to ,,"roe 10 lif. in an
, M'iI'u\l&:fliftCef\l innu\"3lions---things "'"<= h;,od IllM c'·en intere.«ing ",·ay-whlle keepi"ll our fonta,,, up and

on. really. was the invcntion of animation . Animatlill
had been done before. but slorie, were never toid.'"'
Milt Schaffer ",membe... a meeting in Ben Sharp-
steen's office of all the young ani't,. &n lold tilt.
this was going to become a great artislie mcdi~m.llt1!
they wCre all really going 10 work- that they had 00:(
even begun!o learn animation yet. In the c{)U~ of~
talk he said. ··It will tic with yoo like it wa • .. if!
Michelangelo. When you gu)" arC ""',ut ,i'ly·r,l't.
you'lI be read~' to hang out your shingle," Milt " l'
they Were all impressed. even when !old they were 00:(1
going to be any good until they were sixty -livc----<: ...
that was encouraging! All of this deterrniaed the ~.
ity of animation lhat ..... ould be dolle. It grew as 111111
not getting bogged dow[}--at time, would get us so fonn because evel)lune mred- and not j ust in tile";'
involved that we would lose sight of where the studio malion depanmen! bU! througooU! the whole .<t..m.
was headed . Everyone waS working hard but few Out of this creative cauld",n ~ame the exciting dfi.
complained. If there was not always exhilaration in covery of life in the drawing. mill ... ith it came ....
the work from day to day. the enlploy«s would he way of looking at animation . Now the animator ''''kI,
filled with awe and overwhelmed with disbelief when do more than entertain the audiencc witb [,mny little
a new picture wa.. projected for them. Where were movement. in .yoc to ,ound; through thi , impoNll
we going? What was to happen with this cartoon revelation he could make lhe audic',,-,e believe in iii
medium? characters.
"There were not enough hours in a day for one per- To bring a character to life. il is ncreso;ary 10 i.....
son to keep up with all the n<:w ideas and inventions each single utreme drawing of the fi~ure ..·ith II
and I"ocedures, let alone deal with the imaginative attimde that reflects ..... ha! he is feeling or lbinking ~
concepts and ideas for future productions . But one trying to do, No scene is any better than!he suon 1<MII
man did' And he miraculously rode herd Over hun- of all its drawing •. Lift' mu", be in e"ery' d"wi",i
dreds of enthusiastic employees. A. somwne said. TIlere should be no drawings that merel)' nlOvt _ I
"If Wah had done nothing else. he would be remem- character from one spot to the next. [n other wools,
bered for hringing together 1000 anists and storymen the life and vitality comes not fmm movement or t""1
and controlling their work. No onc in history has ever ing alooo----a.< il did in the early Mkkeys-but f~
done that." that ability to make the single drawings ,,,,nc oli ... ,
Mary Tebb. who staned with Wah as an inker in The animat'" must incorporate into his wt>r\ so",e ~
1927, e'plained her feelings (his way: "That dedica- the power and arhstry of men like Honore Oaumicr,
tion wa.. the greatest Ihing in Ihe world---<>ur dedica- As Daumicr himself ,aid. "[f my drawing doc, ~
tion to Walt and the prodOCI. our unquestioning auilude convey anything tQ you. i! mU.<1 be and no cap-
No one ever said to Walt .. Aw th"t', too much ..... ork. I tion can re!ncdy that, If the drawin)' i. g,,,,,l )"00 1IiI
don't want to dQ it." Oh no. you'd take it home and be able to undersland it.· >~ There w~s hardly" ~
,pend all night if you had to . Walt had something. that m",. mood. or human rela!ionship lha! D,umicr did ,
po ...... r, It was just his pers<>nality. hi s genius. I goc", .• illustmtc . ..I
""It wasn'llhat you IuId to do the,;e thing.>." Marc Animation was beginning to mcan ",mcthing dif·
Davis said. "You ..."med to do them You were so ferent to each of u•. and every""" was ,urprl""d aI till
proud . Every write-up the studio got. e>'erybody Went ~finiti()n 0"" employee found in the dkti,mary , "~1oiI
QUI and got it. Very few people have ever. as a group . people !hink!he word 'anima!iQn' n","ns nIOHn".'--l
uperien«d that lype of e~citernent. What we were in he ,aid .. 'but it d"e~n·t . 11 comes from '3"im11,'" 1Q
_ 'lift or lu live : Making il n1<)\'c is nm ~nima­ And.e ... W)'eth had compar~ble f«lings about a
tiorl, m..1 juSt lhe mechanics of it. " , painting he was working on and c~pr..scd them beall'
I. thr wi)' pictures there ""ele indeed glin'p~~ uf tifull)' in these ...ord~: .. Alld then fin;.lIy when you g<:t
. . "lift:' but .i~ 00 animator reilly kne"'.. then . f.,. cOOIIgh along in a .hing. you feel as IlIoogb you'll:
..Utile NoJ do"", ;1 was im~,ible for it 10 be loving. there-IIOI ju.1 worting at I painting. but actll·
.uOntd 0\,,,a >t1ies of draw ings . In 19)4. Tit.. ~lIy ... orking in th~' v::ollC'y . ~'",,'Il: lhell:."·
F"i~1 MUlOl', with iu pathos, turned tIM: comtr- This is pos.s,bly what savC'd the anirrnttcd c~rtoon!
_ lhm any Oilier tarly film _ fmm Mock gags Ie'> The whol~ ~orn:ep!inn of a sce"" bc.:~me diff"rent. II
~I ():'l I'"""nality. ~nd it Wa, immedialely appM' ne ..... type of businc~~ ..... as demaloded from tIM: .IIOf)'
nt!hat this <;Q.nmunic3ttd /)enef with tIM: audience . depanment. planning that ... <>old invoh'c showing a
lMf. die ~~ ani_ion <In Fig~ro in Pitlorrltio, the widC' rangC' of c~ions through the f,""lings of the
~, lnI.I the liule ugly duckling "..,0: all uelting dla",cleJ5 . S'Of)·",.,n now had to think lip sil~iQns
111!11~ in this ncwdevdOpmC nl Pcnp~ ~ponded .hat wouk] drnw an ~udicncc into .he pictu. e. situa·
10 thHt dwactfTS through tlM:ir fcclings-w",ething tions that r~qui['('d a"'ing that dC'riv<"<l humor from the
ntcly Khieved in a eanoon before . charact~rs rather than ju,t gags . And if Ihere ""a~ a
~ (OI\Cc [Il of instilling life in canoon figures gag. il ,,"'ould now be a real pet><>nality that ",.. panic.
~ the rukof the animatOl' from a kind of c['('ator ipa.;ng;n i. ""her than a ~Iock canoon charactn'. Truly
,."'ISII back and ",'atched in a detached WI) a~ he ['lilt 1M age of .he animalor arri v<"<l wilh ,t.< first crude
IlilHlIlrlK1ef thO)lJgh 3mu,ing anlies 10 someone who. e'·ide......, of lifo' 'n lhe singl~ dno"'inll ,
__ found himself living ins Hk that linie person on The arrival of the latest test liInl " '1. ti1c high poont
bildnt.,ioi 00anI, Jf it was a tcrrirocd Pinocchin locked of tIM: day for animalorS. Son~ wag likened il tn I
ilStromboli', <.ge or. ,hy Bambi at his r,~t mcctins matemit)' hospital when the blobi". a..., brought 10 their
Wh F,Ii"". 110<: anirnat(ll' had to live every minute of il mo!hcr~ . But thell: was Ml much discussion hefO['(' I
«it....,..1d not be in his dra"·ings . seenoe ""a~ done ~nd such high intercM in " 'hat new
,~ ' "

J~' . >',
' ' ,.

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experiments might be in each other'~ scenes. that we addition of '·Mr.·· In his name. Slili. he deserved 100
could hm!ly wait to see the film of what had been much respect 10 be called simply. "Jim."' so some--
tried. llte hall' echoed wilh the danering of film in how a compromise was reached whereby hi, name
the Moviolas and, ,oon after. the sound of feet running was run logether like one word : "Jimvcrity,"
lhrough the halls. "Hey. have you ""en Lundy '~ te'!" In Ihe lale Ihinie., speciali,ts in <>Iher field, were
1l'1I kill ya!" being added to Ihe 'Iaff. mechanics and engi",",,",
One day Boo Carlson was trying to COmplele a SCene whose salaries eoold not be assigned 10 any >peciflC
Qfhis own while thi, aclivity waS going on outside hi, job. Walt did nol know where he wa, going 10 use
door. One I'QOnl in panicular down the hall had attracted Ihese men---some expens from machine ,hop!; . 0111< ..
quite a crowd. as lhe film was repeated over and over, graduates from Cahech-bul he knew he could IlOl
A film could be run through lhe Moviola as many pursue his dreams wilboul lMm . When he wundered.
limes as yoo wished without stopping. because it was "Can'l we find a way 10. 7" hewantedamanal
always faslened togelher in one conlinuoos loop. Often. his elbow who could say. "Well, lei me wor!< Q[I it."
if il was a IQng scene. SQme of lhe film woold drag QII Eventually Ihe ,tudio had eighteen highly ,killed
lbe noor as il made ii' round trip thmugh Ihe machine. engine<:rs. headed by Bill Garil y.~ designing. build·
As Boo lislened he could hear the pa11em of hushed ing. crealing. experimenting. extending Ihe capabili·
expeeuncy, the clal1er Qf Ihe film. the explQ,iQn Qf ties of the animated cmoon to reach"",w heights. ne ...
hilarity. the bun Qf VQices discussing. CQngratulating. achievements . Walt personally direcled lheir efforts
suggesting- then the hush as the action came amund and chose the areas for experimentation. but someone
again . Finally Boo's curiQ,ity g<ll the beSI Qf him and else had 10 find lhe category Qn the production cl\3lt
he had IQ gQ down tQ the mom and see what was on where Iheir talents and salaries seemed to fit.
lhe film . The room WaS packed and it waS hm! tQ In 1935. mosl of the country was still wallowing in
crowd in where he coold gel a view of the MoviQla lhe Depression. and few companies were hiring. so.
screen . JUSt as he g<ll a dear view hel ....·een One fel· j oo was a very precious thing, Where once Wall ~
low" ear ~ad an<llher', shin collar. the f,lm ripped, w<:>Tried Ihal he was getting into lhe busincss too late.
lltere was a groan of disappointment. and all eyes aclually it seemed Ihal lhe liming was perfecl for him,
angrily followed tbe limp film down from the Movio· and he was able 10 pick and choose from 1M c reali""
la. acros, lhe floor. belween alilhe feel. and over to talent of that period .
one big shoe Ihat had stepped squarely on lhe film- BUI there were lensioQ' and anx ielies for II>o!;e
Boo' s! seeking the jobs. since COmpetilion was very keen at>d
Wall liked IQ have people arouad him who CQuid only the mo,t outstanding were hired . All manner of
make Ihings. build Ihings. Create with lools, If he had hardships were endured to gel aad keep ajob ~ of
an idea for a be11er use of SOme space in the building. lhe uncenainty of the times is reflected in lhe recollec·
he wanled to be able 10 call a capable man immedi- tions of Betly Ann Guemher about lhe apprehension
ately and JSk him. "Can't we do something here to Ihat characlerized Il)'OOtS in the inking depanmem:
move Ihis OUt and get a thing here? . . . " Or if he '"Every Friday was Elimination Day . aad we all sllool:.
wanted the c",""ra 10 operale in a differenl way .. 'Can'l in our bo<I1s. for fear we would be lei gQ, Everyone
we PUt somelhing on here Ihal will make this thing go was so scared and w<:>Tried they could hardly relax
arouad Ihis way and ... ," His respeel for lhe men enough 10 do lheir work . "
who had lhe"" skins was .hown by lhe facllhat while Ann Lloyd added. "'1(". a wonder we learned 10 ink.
everyone else in the studio was On a first·name ba,is. we were SO nervous. and it really takes a loose arm
the carpenter wbo waS relained full-time was always and relaxation to get this technique, and we ,,"'ere I1Crv'
'"Mr. Rogers. ""The {)Illy Olher man to have Ihi s mark ous wreds all the time. ··lltey needed lhe jobs desper.
of respect was Mr . Keener. who was the paymaster. ately. but il was more lhan Ihat ; it waS the innocence
Tbe mher craftsman who could do a lillie of every- of Ihal period. young people hoping lhey wQUld be
thing was Jim Verily, but he did nOl quile merit the good enough and that lhey would be liked.
On Friday" tlleir ranks werC thinned dawn,
wtrt many"''''' aoo hysteric!_ Butthme who survived
h.d real dedic,Uion and Ihe sen$e of accomplishment
diat "wid ~'O w;lh w.:alhering , ueh an ordeal. The
sgptrvi><>r> .Iil\ ruled them with a I1rm hand even after
thoy "'ere taken Dll. being . Iem and demanding in
thoircrilicilm .nd e,ening extreme p",,,urc on every-
<me 10 00 it fastcr and belief,
"[ WIll: heR righl "Ill of high ,;chllol. ,. "y' Kalh-
e"*, Kerwin. "arn.l in til<"" <lay, you worked", clsc .
NobOO), had cars il was really difficult ." Many
(I[ t~ young people traveled a, much .,; Iwo hour.,
liII'h wa)' hy 00, ,,,,1 sl1"Colear 10 gel 10 work, and Ihey
on Sn.)W Whil~. Kath-
","\0:. "I.-kc<i lill 1O;()() aI nighl
erine "'"' .,ked 10 wllrk all night lin <xca,;on" and
she "ill ,hr was plea>ed Ihal s<'rneon~ would ask her
'"The pwple werc all so young and had SO mue'l! cncr-
IY. alld ",hal lhey could give, they gave it, " The girl.,
wtIt.1I ••)!Cr In learn and wcnt III night d""ses, lou
1Jx)' lowd to ~n t<) Ihe Il><:atcr when II><: picture, came
OUI an<incitcdly pick out the scene, they had inked or
"It "as ~I"'ays" lhrill when W~II came by." Ann
Uo)'d ~y! _ "He didn't con", uften. but tic always
tinll'i""Il'td .1 f:hri'tma' wilh allthc,;c gifts, He fell
the ~irl, h:lIi hr"n w"rbng "or)' hard w he bro-ught a
~ltm f()f eac'h of u~," And one Chri.\lmas wtlcn
then: ~.~, '~l work he gave lh" girls a week's vacalion
iIIsle..J of loying them off. "Walt wa, ,hy and uncom-
fonaN. arn"oo ~i'ls, " Katherine adds affectionalcty.
"so the)' didn't ,<ee Ihat much of him, but ttlc)" loved
him,.oo I-.. appr",'ialed how Ihey helped him ..
With", much intensily in tm:
~ir, and Wal l', man-
agin~ ne'ythin~, and tho.: 'latI ",,«iog th. thous,md
m.,k, lhere "'<TC Ihe lIlcvimblc inequ ilie_ and ,omc
dislnmtlcd cmpi<,y""" Mainly, 1,,"-, pruhlem Cam" from
.. in<i;,Kiua!', feeling len out "r p", OVN . This
p«xI",:o". killd of bmc"",,, and a ,uilen allitu&', hut
the rtally cxplmi\'c re~clions c~me onJ)" ~s the re,uil strenuO\!< cfl<>rt_ And when yOll finally have it on
<ion looi"KI".I' , wnrk tJeing Cut oul of a pic'lure, Tho raper, you have sialed , jusl as dearly a.' if il were
mol :lnimating i, vel)', very (liffi(uit: fiN. becoming written. your mller Ie..ling, ahout how thi, thing <hould
romrnil1td to yO"' ""y "r doing Ihe S\; ene ; then. "nCe he done Then to have your own personal <tatcn!t.'!I1
rommill,d. ,[wnbiniog all Itic elelf'lC01 , that give il e'hallcngcd "r ~ritkilcd or ~Ol f"-''''' ()\C riclore- r,,,
life-lho <lra"clOg, ""ling. '!aging. timing-wh ile heing ",hate\'~r reas,, ~i. a 'taggering as.",ult ,m the ego .

!i11: Ihat it oli .dd, ur 1<1 enICr\,,,nment rut ",",c"llC At time, it WaS lerrihly hard to de~1 wilh Wal!"
be,i"'•.,oorsclf. Th,s may la};e days or e,-en weeks of e~,"'!ing <!em.nds . and "ftcn a proud young arfiSi found
himsdf becomi", bel[i~nl o\"c. some faull found in botml. and sin« no OI>C k"",w who il was he .;""1
his woot. 11 was not al ...-ays criticism either. 5OI1\C- upon this incidenl as a pc~nt device 10 keep
limes il was just the lac k of. compliment that hurt the the defensive . Through the years. lhe lerm ..
most. n.e majority of us had become accUllomed to Shorts" became synonymous wilh
havinl our work criticized, but we had ""vcr been in, you well: tryinl lO ""I[ an idea thaI did I[
situation whell: we ~artd so much. Love and hate are ""er in a m«Iinl. wddcnly there wouLd be
closely allied. You hate only if you are dccplyinvolvcd " Ah iraaa!" and Wah's finler " 'QUid come
in some thi ng. out toward you: in a triumphant voice he
Valatile stOl)'man Bill Peel ooce became so angry "YQII muSI be the IUY who JIIid 'Stick 10
""n Wah's criticism !hal he !Mew ink ,II over his And for thai day you ..·tr" the IUY. and everyone
wall , flc, the Slory merlinl was over-and left;t lhell: would keep look'ng at yOli and wondering . The
in defiance. Walt prelended 001 to OOI ice for a lonl til
time: then. one day. when thinls were calm. he turned possible. SonIC of lhe men insisled they
10 8 ill and "Whallhe heWs all thal ~u fl'?"" and real culpril w.s and thoughtlhal Wah knew , I
loki him 10 "clean up ,. his room . Wah underslood the if he dod. he was \00 smart 10 k:t on. and he
intensily o f comm;t,""nl lhal Sill and lhe Il:St of u~ relented in his «Inlinu;nl search.
had for the work. and he nc,'er wasted an opportunity Walt fe lt Ihat every idea had been thought of.
to take advantage of this commitment.
In an early SCrttninl of Snow Whirt someone had
PI and even evcry ~ory-lhe key was how,..••
lhe material 10 upress your o ...·n worit . So he
"'rinen 00 an unsilJlCd questionnaire the SW1ling IUC- never con<;emed about .... here: an idea ea_ f........
lion, "Slic k to SI"-,tU," little knowi nl at lhe lime that day he slopped, young artist in the hall and ro",,;.\
he had touchet! Walt in a mosl sensilive spot. That nlented him on his drawings of Pil1OC<:hio~o When tb:
",mark wouLd lLaunl uS for the "",xl three decades. It animator slancd 10 say th~1 he was just IryinllO
indicaled to W,II Ihal lhe", was a rotten apple in lhe like the ()(OO fellows did. Wall interrupted 10 say.
,,', JM' damn ...·heTl: you gel il . JUSI keep doing the pklure to plItch up. Il:plIir. or Te-JIIimale work that
iI." lacked tile illusion of life . In the long run. this ruined
Walt tntd 10 mate best use of ...'hal talenu hi. their _ 'n Ippcannce on the " limo: chans .·· and with
~ had. <>tr.oiously. not e""f)'QIIC caml . As i, a chall(" for any .iuble bonus . The bonUll s)'SIcm
Mill Schaffn A)'S. "Then: ...·en: all varieties. some did 001 produce betlCT pictuTl:s---OI" e""n load ones.
-.: worldly wise than OIlIers. some cynical. some nw n:gulations do. Efficiency is beller built through
.... ~"'(1$. " The practical-minded adopted tile view dedication ratlle, Ihan speed for ilS own :;.ale.
tbat it "'as just I job. Walt was conlinually searching Surprisingly onen. confusion armc from not know-
Ie. rrftnli~.$10 ,elthis group moTl: involved. 10 gel ing ...·hat was Upccled of you . It wa~ even hard to find
11K lllUimum effon from everyone . He hOld used the out ""hom 10 u k. and Ihis caused u~ru.inty and cre-
boMIIl)'UCm of balancing salary against fOOlagto OUI- aled uneasiness aboul one' s posilion . Thcn: ""en: sim-
1*1$ early lIS 1933. and . in spile o f Tl:pt:ated failllres. ply too many people alier a while 10 notify about
"oonI,,·,.aed 10 belie,~ thaI it held the .,'s"'-er. Blltllle """,,1hing. An~ j,c,ty over Ihis lack of rommunication
~ had III ;nIle",nt ...." akness: the largest "''''ards scnt many people scrambling around looking forWll)'S
_ 10 the swiflest ratller than to tile beSI. C.nain to prot«t themse lvcs--to.hoTl: up thlli, jobs. To do
. . tOOk • w:ry pragmalic view of Ihis opportuni ty thi s. some began fonning walls of people around them .
.t spenl mosl of tlleir time looking for shoncuts. scc'~larie$ and assistants 0' wlul1eve, . l1Icse "Em-
ofI!II ,i"in, thei, kuer-paid assistants much of tile piTl: Builders." as Parkinson might have called !bern.
wen 10 do. "wanled!() mull iply subordinates. not rivals .""
~ idl the burden of responsibility for qulity to HOYo·ever. if anyone started taking himsel f too seri-
11K COIIIcitlllious animators who fell lhat tile picru", ously. he was ccnain to become I w,el IOOIItT or
ca. fll$l. They rould 001 stand by and ....atch inferior I.t.r. One new employtt in man.gc~nt was quilC
qtIIIity nul. ;1If'OIIds: so they look time from IlIei, officious and lried 10 rcorgani2e lhe workings of me
CIII1I ..'('Irk to do whatever was necessary throughout studio overnight wilh a flood of memos and orders. aU
intillWing thatlhey were Walt '~ wishes . He " 'as vcry fai ltd to gel apptoV".oI. o r Walt cha nlled his mind.
bu~y and very 'luffy a nd ~ry gullible. One day as e,·e,}·thinll WU adj usted in the morning m"eting.
' tOl")'men Ted &~ and Webb Smith g<J( in t~ eleva· Supposedly, each unit manager W<1S ",spon~iblc 10
tor lhey we", joined by lhis buslling young ncculive. hi$ unit dirc.: tor, who to ld him each dd)' 0,1("11." ",.r..c
Cl$Ually a convcf$ltion .~lartcd as Ted asked, "Hey, he needed and " 'hen he had to have il . But often tho
Webb, bttn meaning.o ask you-did Wah send you unit" S rqMe,;entali"e " ..... ld return to hi~ home ba!.t 10
YOUI e levator pa§5 ~?" Webb, kind of mumbling. report that they could not h~\"e any of t~ things th.
"My elevator pass- Iet·s.w.c .. . " feeling alOunrl in director wanted . After hearins his job rctkfil1l.'<I by lilt
his pockets. "]l"s he", somewhere . ,. Tl><ir companion irdie direclor. lho: unil n",nascr w"uld lhen <"Un" 00...
wU drinking it all in . llley could sec: he had .alten tho: the i tairs 10 "ent his pent ·up f«linp o n propIc .....
bail already. Webb COO!inued as ho: gut off tho: e leva- could not fiSht back. The normal procetlUfC would bo:
lot" , "Yeith. il came yesterday; maybe the day before." to come o",",r to lhe an ist'. lIc:,k, W;tIM... t ~ cllr(1)'
The indignant executive m~de a beeline for Wah' s gm: ting. cllo:.:k the numt>cr of the drawing I)n his board
:;e(I\.'1M)', " ~ 's my elevator pas..·1 How come you and malch i. I<) tho: nposulll slM.-el ,,·i.h an in,inllllinl
didn 't send me one ?" mumble: · · Itmm_mm. " 'f'", st ill on this p:ut. di!
What could \1>< 1'eCretlry $;Iy? She did not know Didn' l get ,,"tT onto \),., ,;erond page li~ c w~ lhought.
whal he was lalking about. And neither diu Walt' did we? C~n we count on Ihi s scenc by 4 :00 I)'dod
We gradually developed so many separate units of thh afternoon'l We're up nc~t in In k ~nd Pai1l1, yo.
diror;l(n and layou. pc""",nel on the fealUres and shon.. know. "
JIfUIlrams and trans ilion sequences and spttial cff«ts All in all. tl>< unit manaj:crs slowed lho: wor\<oo.....
seqUCntts lhal lhere wlt.> a conSlanl traffIC jam on lhe yet on papcr lhey I""kcd like the perfect ~Iuti"" 10
rt'Ctm!ing slage. in inkers. in came ra. and even in oor ,'hautk cnn;s-pu'J'O!".'" It ""as inlc"" ••ing to diJ.
inbetwcoening . Some way had.O he found I<) sehedule cO\'er lhat when the .tudio cut oor pl!"TsnnlloCl in t..-
and ~impl i fy SO that tho: bc>.t usc could be made of all (and thi. typo: 1)( job was II<) longer ~ ..... ry). ",., ..iI
the facilities. 11 wu in thi. almosphere. wilh so many turned out as much work . Another Parkinst'" law 0JIt·
people around. th~l the Unit Manager was born. firm, thi, point: The fact is Ihal the numl""r of offl<iats
lbese men started nch day wilh a meeting in whiek and . he '1Ut/mif)' of the work ..... noI relaled 10 cd!
they pw,ented the work schedule of !hei. individual other at all .
uniu and !be pro;cc,ied nee<Is in.1I ",Iated depan~ts . All throu llh the thin in and fortin. Wah wa, boins'
n.en a lillie chart was made up sa ying that Wilfred ing in one group of effl<icncy c~pI!"rtS aller another ill
J:>ekwn '. unit cou ld record from 10:00 to 11 :00 Tues· an .uempl to find '''~ way 10 ron the studio moll
day , have two extra Layout men for fi ve days on efflCicnlly . He knew t ~.c was a better way than tbt
WC(!nesday, and gel .op priority in camer.l for two CUrren! one, but he ne~r seemed 10 ~ali1e that hi!
w«u starting a week from Friday . Jack King'. unit own flow of ide ... foredolJl1Icol ueh pl an 10 failun:
would r«on! from 11 :00 10 2:00. giYe up hi s two before it had hegun. An organi1.a tion~1 plan presup-
11)'001 men on Wwnesday , wait .o shout his tests for poses that all emplO)'ttS will st~y in .heir o .... n >pOlS
tWO wcoeks--and so it went, until each depanmcni was doing j o.q what they :are SII~d to do in li1r ..... y 1hIt
a«'O\Intro for. As work loads ~ifted, Of • SC<l""nce has been ... I«ted for them to do it Thi~ "'as uttn11
Mrri~ 10 WIII 'S IJIIlnl'ICh II, an)·.h,ng ~nd c~pn:ially abk---i:ven lhough we W<",~ all Y~ry diffo:n:nt.
io_~ ""r'i'ti of his mcn . ' !ikon! ,hem 10 00 Fur .he ;tnimalon; " '00 "''tre nlOtlt t'>HICC",ed wilh
IIIiop w .....,dy ne ..· day afl.:r day. drawing u, lC•.-t",i'!.... or visual df«ts. ,h".....t..d OUt
Wall 1It\'f!' ~ tickling Ihc Mi ff arou' 'heir "''til (nougb .ince they had linle inlnn! ,n story Of
dfxirlcy and hel ..· much "" ork ,hey wc.e !Urnin, 001, clulrncter delineation. figuring IIw Wall the job 0( :spnt·
Mill KaIIloclll !he s'<JrY abou' Wah brinGing a group one c1.e . 8m r", many o( us. 'hi~ 'lopped the (Url"",
ohi$ilon into his room and sayil\~ .. , All ri~h._,oow ~ve loprncnl or char-4Cler animation . With Ihi~ piece-
'.., why i. I.kt' so long .. ltlCal c~tin8. lhere ",'as no way '0 .u"ni" a cha,octe,
ro. erd rA'~ phen\1fnenal gmwlh ..r ~nimati"n can '" e,'~n IU kouw {he preeitot' way he should 1"'"0'111.
lit IiIU<j W III< ron"""l auempl 10 eSI~hlish "l!"" We " 'oooetcd hov.' Walt would interpre' our toC<:1Ie,
I.ald rI QrIk. r, .. ,..., ",,11.111" 'ion of lhe piCIU<C5. Th is II",,· ""IUk! ..... Stt it? Would he go for lho: p;t,hoo <II
1raacJn ..... ~ f'C'P1e~in!! chain of co'mnand for the ,he hU1l1OI" he/('! BUI there "'as no w~y '" find ""I ewn
- . -...ih W~I' a1 ,he '''P. Thou,h his idea. " 'ere " 'hy the !il:cnc w"" in ,he Pk1u/( , 'I'hol SfIIld ide~ lhat
~ 10 -r down to us lhfOl'gh lho: Pfodu" I;"" w~s ,uppbed '0 .• implify prucedu"" an<l n1:lkc i' ~35·
Sltprrv~. lhe SUI-.:rvising Director. and f,nally .he ie, (']I' ""I'h I"'r....,,' 10 do his "",n ,job wilh a minimum
Sequeno:c f)ir«I<)r. the}' never Quile did. and il was of distra.:tion had <kvd"l"'d into" ",sllkliYe ",para-
impg!sibk for ~ny of u, Iu knnw whal W.I, rcall}' h"" lion of ,he 1,1cnlS. We were fasl ""'ing lhe: .Iimulatioo
iI ~ ""~I\ool. >rtin~ .00 hearing h" .dc ~~ f,n;lh~oo, lhal hJd come f"nn the team effon ,
" I dido', ..... 111 Walt "',jng an )·,hin!: abou. th~ re,{ of In W/lUbi. ot her pha~ of tho: business cominuN
lite """'." In\'e 1I:uod. ,hen l'rod"", ion Supe",i",... '0 flourish and Srow in impurtan.:~ . 'The ~"'pIoaM' was
- . "kmo>;c he w,"" , . , "cry valuable in the ilk. Ill".' On t .... ne'" ~k:nlCnL': dfn:ts. ,,"-"JIJ, ...... "'. ",,')'.
~ .. It .....~ tho: lhinking of ,he 'ime ' hal lhe !<lyle; and. e"en ,hnu~h Walt lkmanUed as much frum
"* job rA {IK- '0
din.:elor .. a:< delivcr lho: itloca o( In" lIis .ni""'l''''''. ~llil1l;1[i.m was 1M) longer "",.idtTtd I
sct!IC l011le animator and Ihat Walt w~> '\I hc ,hieklcd lruntic r, As Hill 'J'ytla ., aid. we c(lUld make a com·
frMt .,ll'-"Iihlc oIi 'lr"~Iiu",. ",onpl:>ee s"e'\~ inreresting: we h~d I'fi'~cd wc were
When ~ GllCs,inn.d a p,ece of busi,,,,,. in {he prufc..i"nals .
1IIQUI'tX't'. lilt d,!'«1Or laid il .... a. the .... ay 1M." hod Few "'ere .",arc or the polenli., f, .. beller (Illf!"
Uodtd ~ to him . and ...~ "'e", nu' '\UPf'O$~d 10 ....orry ,ainme"I Ih~1 ...'a. bei,,!! klsl {If {ho: "'~y in ",'hich Ihc>e
... ~ , TM,' h ie ..· """. i, all ..-orkw. and Ihis h (ho: dn:isiollJ ""rre endm!! ~ ~/(ss "f lho lit 01 :an;om--
~"y" .. ~m,'d 11 . To Ihis day. Yo'/! ,..,11 are nm Su,e ' ion . Ken 1\.1~'11<tm! ' ",ho did Set lhe \bnger • ..;d.
no~' _.n ..,c know is that ",,/! "''tre no! ~mon~ " llIe tr~~y was tn..t anim~ti"n .....IS 1\01 really fero!:-
WtI, l""alin~ U' in this "'anOCr w~ , a ".,Wl"" dc"i- nized fl)l' wh;tC i! wa,;.--!he h~"rt I)f lhe busines.,." 'The
m.., m<)I.t "r.1I h<.",~u", v~t)' few l"'''rk "ould inler· .hif, h:\d wm( jU~I a, we "'ere t>cginning I" realize
prtI Wall for anyone else So .he hando .. ," WctC ,:arri.'<! how mu,:h <'uuld be dooc with Ihi, ""'~," nf c~prc<­
OK! on • l inoJ ...... "-'!",bly Ii....: bas;.: "M anima'Of sion. thi . ~ fnon Iha{ w~s so fulfilling aoo rewarding.
~ poet up thT« 0' ('lOll scene, thai .. ..,'" ",;001\'. E~cell(n' animalion .... a' 'Iill bein~
done and """'"
IIdthen ........, the ""'.<1 man mn oul of "'Ofk 1M: " 'ould di ...."'cnn wcre still beill!! made. hilI lho:y ~ndcd 10
pirt lip tile nt.'1 ,11m: '«TIC$. W( ....'C3nl<' in1crch:tn!!"- be in ,he area~ of n:finemem MI'he.- , nan in hold """ of

, /l fj

;~ ~

:r.~ ~d ';~ .


" '

·tLi ~
, .--
- ',

rbe nledium . lltcn:: waS link: inclination 10 c.perinlen! . l1Ie mo,.ing o(lhe.., unilS to Ulhrr quane .. did noIh-
We thought of safe W~)'. 10 do the scenc~ ralher than ing to rd ieve tile congestion in the main buildin~ wllert
exci ting ones . all of us were squashed togcth<!r wor", than ever . Arw.I
Th b had no! come ~boUI through any consdous ha"ing so many separ.te units wor~ing so far -pan
effon 10 do"'ngrade the ani mator OJ 10 lim;, his influ- s trctch<!d tho: production pnxedures La tho: Sn.:l~
ence. T" ~lCn;on. rhe uplaO:Olion "'<IS simple: "T...v point . The pnrocipk of "'Iua.h and Sln:1eh II'I;aI I'IId
f""lors !eroded 10 bring about the: isolation o f the ani- built tho: Studio " 'u beginning to 113,'c a !lewmc:aninl.
malOr . One was the cQlnplcxiry of rhe animation pro_ aut ,;oon"'e woold leave tile jumble of bu ildings""
d"",;on which led to • business of speciali.' ls lin Hyperion A venue. so full of memories. SUI.'l:CSSCS. (ail·
e",aling new visual images on the .<creen j. ~nd the ure •. di.\cuverie_,_ We were se ntimenlally att~lled 10
<>1M' was that the studio was upanding .0 bse. " those MNCtures that contained SO much magic . 1!It
By 19)9 this upans iQn had forced !oOfl1e unilS 10 roomS thaI had secn 50 nuny ilk", Iknlop. tile build·
",ut miles ''''.Y in buildings thai could be ltaw:d in inp where so many o f u. 10010: our first eager ~ep..
Hollywood. The ,",'hole fiu",bi unit "~'as in 3 complex Still. we " ·e.e anxious to be rid of tile annoyaoc« and
1rn.1 un«: had hou>C<:l 31101111:. canoon studio: ~ group e xcited about all being t>;.ck Ingelller 3gl1in Undc:1 one
worked in office space above the Ontra Cafeteria near roof, In 19J9 the move began 10 the glorious new
Iloll ywood and Vi ne . AI a lime when we nccdtd the sludio 0 011 in Bu.ban\; . There. Ille explosion that I'IId
stimulation o f our friends. " 'C '""e", fan ller apoln . begun on lIypt'OOn would be conlairoe<'
Al -"IIIfIIIIx, •.( r".,</"'· .... ' ''''·'M., ..d. W"'llwol k .•.• }101JTS ,,{ ",,,.~,,ij)a,,' l",iMi,,~ /" .,.,....... ,!h.1t/ ( lit;' U,'
Iiat '" oW ,.,..",.,,1 n.""~ ·"h,,, h,,,1 ""r" ," "",,,.,.. 'h~ St"'1l ''I'l'0l>.1,,,, 1""11' ,,,-oblml$.
M II! IN J~;,Lm('r (lnil .\Iim"I",,,,,, "I Jot" ,'r"",,·
I"W/IIIrl /iiI /lnw ...,,~ (',,,,,-.,,,,,,~, •..t '''' 'WI\' ;oIeo,l. Oil ..\! il!"·. ~,,, . ,I I _,h. ...1<1 ,ji~,
r k~,,· l:totr} m~ i" _1( '.1': .
IN"''' pi<·'"T~. "" ("lr,1 ill""'·,,';.m." ,,,,,I,,/,,,,,,jllx.I;"
IN [oIwt . 1'1>,. ,m '·/"'·.m""" /""II~"'n ,.,"',.-."'./ /IJ <I TI,,'" I' U ~ """ "hy. btl! '''· .... n·. ).
bttt.f-rir, I"'~f'f"i.'" " .."" /.:I",,,'" II, S".,.",h,,~ oJ . ,\1><"'1 the J>i~!Ur~' Ihal !hcy ,tt.:h·,·
""" \I''''' ~"'1If .....111 iwur< 'h<-"~. /r<l" " '( l/No roul",,,
...t Of! 1M 1""/11'1'.< '" hi.' .'Np<', ";"t>T, "'''/ tlir,.. ·"'''~ I'll ~V~ up''''' what', JI,'i,,~ "" .
.. /todI "'...,.' f'1',,J,...,,f>tU . ,\tI<I j;'.' il '!r:t.l)!hl I"",, Wa h
1000000'f""""J: 1m- _""",,1,11;"( .~iii<,., . M·,·,h II '/11, Alloll,,-"" I'll ...... "'h.,., "lami", ",,' .
. . . . /1<"1 ..... ,,1(1.:_ , .K _ ,I,,·
".-r.II"''' .... """""/<"'$ WI"," il " 11<'>" m\' f'lUll~
<tm _ ' ,.-"i"1/ n 'rn-lltilllt s,.."",II"",.t. if ,,/ .. /I .
F."", 1'1."",,,, "",I .\I, /1 K ttl!! 'I« ""',1 /II i'"I""'" ,,' " L'U j;Cl 1;.-.lh",,". 11", !hi"JI' !I",},·w 1'1~1I"''\l
iIuorlfl ..." h I,,·!(,m, " ()/o. MrI,i'- 'l'i~, ., Illw 1i'i,'".!I,' · T hai a" i",all"" ''''''H k"" ....
hr-' i>c, /ow,',1 "H ,1111/ 1',(If,I ,·",Iirl' l)o·" "" .,~ 'if hi, s,~ ,·"Im ,11<",. h~"r stHrr I'I,~, .
t1fl..'rn r f'<"~"''''''\'I, . 'If I ,iH:N,loI rlir , "I~i' ,r }I"", <:Xc. r ,'a" h.",1I)' ""il '" j:'"
., . S...NIIo" ,I. MII"",S;' I" It! 0/,'141. I' I/I'm' ..·luI/'.
1M. ~-.c /Itt,,. """,",'Ih ,;'r j/ut .... .. y ..... I h ~r I''''r~'' 1.:I"'n. 1-00" "Ik'" 1'", ~"""'.
1tfuT,.""" 'I'n.'if'" ,,,,,,,,,'Q,..'/'I ......W "" 'OIl ,or"". y .... ~ ...... "lor... 1.., r ..,t..........
MriJ .'/11 , ..., .... ",,,I ,,,,·I,~/\·. ,,'WI vlh' m",''''/ I,) ,1" I J on ' l " ...,," 1... " ...·11 .•,. :Ie I I.
_ """", i~ H",,,,.,,j_11<",,,. ,hr "1",, II""',;ng' IW'I' lI 's .It··I! li..- ""' .
... /ril,~ ,iIt' i"""'b." ,'.'. /m' III ,,"~ 'f ,"'" irl",", ....1
".;n·,it .. ".,,'" ,,,1/,,,/ .Ie·/I ",III .It"., J." ,,,,1, ,1" "1"1... ""'/I.A-"""-,, I"""'" II! "·"ig"''';,m. .. )',/U ...m·,
..-...J bd~~ ,/i,o m"rr' i"'I~"'''''' ',....~I"'" 1/ " .", ri~lil "./,,:"' w,,~ i"" '''''';''.~ """ I~Ilml",i,.... 0,,,. ,'1l"'/'<
""'.' Wall"••1ft,.,. XIhI' ''''.1'1' ,,"s "''''r r/~", (I ''''/'''''{'''' .,/o,~>J.: hi, /""", "",! ", M,..I" ~,·,·, ....III" ..,. hl.
dtwtI tit •• ""I""',"i,,~ ,IK .,,,i,,,,,,,,,,, frQm ,I". 1",,,...1. "1(1 " tJ{ tJ/tIJ ,/"" , ."" ,'"n', "'IIt-"",,
.\111 ' , "1>-" ~.·I
t4< of d." 11'.. /, "-,,, .._,pn ·li" ~ n,,·.... "" 1' 1\,,, ,,,'I <Jf II", ~IIII"" " "
8. Burbank and The Nine Old Men
Walt [)isney

Thr isol~ioo of tile .nimal'" did nO! end wilh the

_'~ 10 Burbank. b"l it wa' Ihe luming point. Except
fu: one: final picture, SIt"'l'in~ iJem"", where color
SIyIisl Ey>'ind Earle had" 1.,1 magnificenl ning. (here
wm no .pt.i"1 "~W breaklhroughs by any of the
SIIflIIOI1in~ fundiOll.' . The wJr and economic factors
hadf",ctd" rutboc k. and the day of th~ ,,,,,"ialis l was
(f<tf, Wilh a ,mailer ,lafr. {earn effon was ' t",<sed {o

o e\'tll grealer dc~rcc .•ml W.II ocgan to rely more

IIId IIlOI'I: ()II animation [" carr.,. th~ fohn., Th~ first
el'ide~ of (lie animal"'" breaking "ut nf lhe;' ,,,,la_
tion fI',", (he "",alion of the Animal;()n B()ard. which
hadbttnc$labli,hed~, early a, 1940 to help with tile
manaftn1enl of the animmion depar1menl. lis memo
be~iid"i ..d on hiring. firing. ""ignrnem5, moves.
proIIIOIions. and Iraining: bul. bit h)' hil. they were
al$o~rrnining what an ~nimator should be and how
be shoIlld be " ... d most effectively. The perwnnel of
!his board chan~cd ac(ording to the rrohlcm, being
<IlII<idortd, bllt by 1950 the board had settled down to
I pm11ancnt SHl"P of oine '''pen'i,iog animato" ,
~se key eTC"lo"" h~d an ;mponance beyond their
duties on th. hoard and inn"cnced the way pictures
tk\'cloped mltlle type of entenaioment that was done,
Although toc ,ujX:rvi,ing animal",.,. were ,(il l in their
tlIinies. Walt joked about their rc,ponsihitilies and
their wisdom and affectionatd)' r.:krr~d w them iI>
.. Nine Old f> kn ... after the nifll.> justices of !he Su
Coun, The board ~()nsisted of Les Oar k. Woof
Reitnerman , Eric Lan;on. Ward Kimball. Mill l\aU
John Loun,OcI)'. Marc Da";s.l and. the author, of .
book. Frank Thomas and OUie John.l lon , We nn .
tho"ght of oo[Sel"e. as >ome elite group. and tilt
lime it even nosscd oor minds waS when Walt mae.:
kidding remark about hi~ N in~ Old ~1en I>cing over
hill. or gening too <kcrt:pil I.:> work. or losing all
old z ip.
In later }'ears. after Walt died, the press pick(~
thi, group's colorf,,1 tille and us.:d il as a ~1~nJOr
way of lin king Ihe.>e anim:llors " , hi m. The \t
publi""s kepi it aliw as s)'mbolk of tilt old gu
Ihal had surviwd from Ihe eJrI ,' days of animat
but the;r on!)" re<jues" of'" were to po"", fMpietU '
and that happetl<-.j ottly twi~~ in IW"m)' ye:m; .'
", Under Ihis le:oc.Iership. a new am! wI)' ,ignif"

,',. method of casting the animators ,"olved: an anima


was to anil1lal~ alilhe ch"ra,·tcrs in his ,,'elK', In
first featurcs. a different animalor had handle..:!.
characler. Umkr thaI ,)" t~tn. ~wn with ~vt'rY"""
eraling , the poss ibilities of gelling '":l~ in ""11 ent, '
"'tnt 0111 of a :;Ccfll.> wc r,' ,,'mole at ","SI. Til<' fi"t,
10 animat~ On Ihe scene usually had t~e lea,! ~hat:l(tcr
and (he '~ond animator oflCn had 10 animale 10
thing II<' could not f~d or qu ite umlema",l. Of
sil)' . tne director was Ihe arbitrator . bUI cenain of
deci, ions and compromi se, w~", SU'" to make u.. '
mo re difflcu ll for at least on~ of Ihe anima1ors,
The t1<':W casling overrame many problems:md,
'"\< ~.......... ", .........
., •.....,.
imponant. produ<','d a major advancement in ~
e ntertain",e nt: lhe dWr(UUf fflulioli shiJ' . Wilh
.,,"-,. ,
"", man now animaling ,'wry dlaraCler in hi, """"' .
could (,..,1 alJ the ,'itlrati,ms and , ,,bile nua",~s !xl"
hi s ,haraclers , No ]O"ilcr "',Ir;eled by whal .0'
cis<: did . he w:iS free to try oUl hi. own ;,lea, of
hi. chardCl~fS fell aOOuI ca,'h OIrn.'r . Animators 00:'
,,'ore oo",rvant of human hchavi<!l" and built on It
!iollships Ihey saw around tll<'m every day .
1lIC Supervi,;ng Animator was given!hc nexibil' .
of making changes and impro\'cmcm, afln the ,
" ·a5 on Ilis board . Challg~~ tllat co",e after Ihe an;
tor has had a chance to li"e w;lh his S<"<,'"" are often
ones Ihal ",a~ c chara,tcrs really Come to hfe. W'
IC"""".,J "" ,.,.. 1
1oMfST. Ward Kimball.
Wa,d Kimball s,l,u,m I"
hi. prncil "Sf: irnfJgi1Wti,'~
doodl .. don~ during "If
Animation BQa,d muting .
cit.,:o /957.

,moto of tn~ Njn~ Old M rlf, Front row, Woo/j~ K,,. Pf'so"",' O«O$io""II,. hod to ~ art"" in Sf""",'
. Ward K jmball. and Joh" Lo~ nJl>rry. Rra'. Milt K"h1. Marc OOl'i •. Fmnlc Tn"",,, •. Walt. "lid Wiljrrd JlKbooo •
, . Fr"nk Thoma •. E,ir La"on. and Olli, JohnslOn . Joh,,>to"'s drawi"g durinll tn. ma~ing of" TV .Iw", ,,".'101....,
, \ I

. . =!~t <::



"~'''An .. ' ""'nt 1""""'as-

TM. , .'"."" ""drn 'his
' ''''''' mirh' .wlll",,", i>ce/!
di.-!,I~,II""~un H,"" dIJJ~r"
"It ,,,,im,,,,,,," Un,l", 'hm
,.Id r""<rj,rg '"'""" ~l" il h
d""b'J~1 I/I ill.'p' of "," ,i,,,,
r ,,"1,1 "',,"' hHrr Ivaor/(/11 <JjJ"
ii' ~I/
suong character dclineal.ion. :and the dcsign of the dw·
acters inspired the animators to I!:et J very Ioo6c: ....
dling in their ,,'Oft. But Il"IOn: inlponam. aill" s busintM
called (or much personal contact bc:t"'"CCn the bo... tbr
fox . and the rahbit . Also. his ",Iationships<km:tndnl
split_SC<:ond reactions between characters thaI woold
have bttn impossible to handle in co-animation .
Thi. new ,,-ay of wOOinll with character relot_
ships e~ the ,,'hok nongc of relations bc!II_
t,,"<> or ~ characters-from the broadest to the_
drlicate . It involved ex~sion scene. Ihat often rep.
te",d the mos t Sttr<:t thoullht., nnd innel enlOlions 01
the char-deters. " 'hieh as lhey became more subtle 11m
""",h oClhe ~nct unok. hi s rontrol. the Supe ..... ising also more ",,"ealing_ With moncy in §hone. 5Upply.
Animalor can plan a Il"IOn: effecl ive " 'ay of using lhe ""C CUt OOt the frill s and put OOr energies to wort ill
animation to put 0"" the Story points. by elu.nging new direction . doing the most with what ""C had . g.
rOOlagc~. >Ilifling scenes. calling for long sho!~. dose ing up for WMt had bttn l05t in one area by corocG-
ups. expre~sions. aClion s- anyth ing thaI makes a trating on outstanding characters in entenaining situ-
.tmngcr Statement aoo richer c ha.octerization . tions . It W3$ a new dimension in animation and lilt
One of lhe fin;.( example~ of Ihis was the !>Cqucncc key breakthrough in ",aching lhe audience.
oC Ba,nbi and Thumper o n i«. TIle conceJll o f an Just. as the «>nceJll of ··l ife in. si ngle dr-awing" ' UI
a.1imMOf takin~ an idea like this and de"doping it into 00( bttn recognized as a dominant factor in anillWXll

a ~uencc ",ally s Jlfllng from the " milking" o f a that ~~ to li,"C. cha.-acte. relationship II~ IllI
situation in the earlier , hons to get evcrythinll OOt of understood as a major contribulion for many ~ars.
it . Nom! Ferguson'. Pluto and tht flypaper aoo Pluto Th~ G",ssh"l'I~r lind Ih~ A n/S had brief mo""'nt~ 01
()II icc were IWO of the Clrlie~t and most outstanding exciting ",Iationships. and thi s could e xplain why iI
pi«t:s of entc,uinmcnl built by an anim~ tor . Fr"W was so successful. Tlte seven dwarfs had slrool ftb.
Spcn«r "'as s~ssful with this t)·p" of improvisation tiom.hips. but thrso: existed Il"IOn: because 0( . tory ~
00 00N1d in 1010";"1 f)(ry . But lhe Bambi and Thumper animalion. "The animators:u that point coold not hart
~uen« had something that the Pluto and Donald developed this by themselVCl; .
Stttions did nol have. Th at wa.~ a charactt r rdation_ Tlte Nine Old Men eventually we", able to do.
ship with Strong beginnings in the "tory dcpar1mem. because lhey inrorpordted all of thei r "w""~',:~::,~:,
whe", it wu workffi out by a man who had • feeling (along with what they had learned from tl
for animalloo .· With this U I springboard. the anima · tors) ;nlO this new way 0( ,,' nol
tor cont inuocd drveloping this rdationship ..... h k h only animatioo . not jU51. good dnw ings that ~,..~.
could have bttn done by one p"rsotl Iu.OOling both
charxtc:n and eompletd y controlling every s inglt bit
ofocti()ll. limin~. and cutting . JuSI how much we "'e",
reall y aware of the value of this type of casting then is
hard 10 ny .
~,"er-al )"Carli later . for " 'hattver ",asons. the mold
was fur1he. broken on the thrtt Uncle Remus seclions
0( Solo, of 1M SOI'lh. " 'he,,, all the supe ..... i.i nll ani-
maun handled footage in large blocks. Bill Pect' s
s",al Mory ",or\; seemed to lend itsel f to Ihis type of
casting. He had de.'elope.:! ente r1aining situation'! wilh
~ ... ~. ~ ju.1 <1"".'in~s Ihat weI\' funn)-. btll
mm'tJ lhe aud~lII;c . As animalion hls-
.......... C~I~nc: said. ·· ~I o\ing drn .... inl'. bo...:ame
_1J""iII~ ,Jr;r,o. inll' ," ~
fob ... ,,)",1"'-" Nine 01<1 M.n <'olll;nu<'<l " , au~ck
.. problo"" ~nd ITlC'CI I)l( moonlinf! challcnllC< in
..... __ I~I leha!>"d . ....-ilh fcar on hi_' fa.c~ , 1<>01< the
1Il1 .ltr ur." lhal "L()Um""I)"~ wol f in Thf S"wd
;. IN SWlI('. with ils bn",<1. ""!Ilk. bul lerrihly rea l
ff"lSlr.Uioo. ~nO.J \ ' ill', Shere Kh an. a dC\" ''-'Ial;n~ cari .
Cllillt ,II" Ill<" 1.le G,.. ".~~ S~"'k,.,. ~ , ~ ,upcr ,tulf~d.
iU! Ii;". "'m: n.mpics of aclin!! 0;- c artoon animal,
in die 6O's 1M ~re consi<krably ad"anad from I""
WIo.Xln ., in anim.uioo·, 50-called Golden AJ!C
in die JO's ~",I -II)" •• , .
ObI....."}, ~nlfllal io.~1 ".,., ", ~n",un j,,!! " ilh Ih"

atitnI:( ho.1k·, Ib;.n II hild hcfu.-c . ~I'KC Ihan "'-Img.
• )
IIUR 1IIo.>n ""'~. tl)()fC Ihan ",,"'M IC' hy il..: lf. <omc:--
1MI~ bl ~notd Ih~1 wa, all"win~ I"" animalo,... m
nprts, 11>..",,,,1,·,,,, nM~ r"II ),.• fI<llho.: ' ·ic"e .... ""t i<.:o.1
Ai W;d(', inl~n;'1 (u[(",d to 011"" thing,. Ihe ere"l; \ "

, ,,~,,, .. f,."" /I"",,,,,

\ 1.1, ,· 'Un,'" .' 1 1.11." ",1a<>J
\11 1". ••• 1

". ~ -'"0"
;:: ;;;;; - " d , ..,,-
P _d_ ~' ~

cn,dI rIf 1M pOclUfC" ""ifled in 11I.\'or nf III(> 3nima-

lin. lit had ~n "'h~( (hey could do ";Ih m31~ri:l1 he
. . . . . haooe o~a}ed in carher y"~'-Iht:)' mitdc it
!IIIC(IJiJlinf juS! Il'IlOIIgh lheir . kiTlful handlin.~ Be-
mloC' (I( thfJt ~ki!!., I"'mmalil)" animati on bcj;an 10
dvrnin ... I"" 110<)' mOleri,1 H(}IWH' . "... ~Iill n~.<.I~d
WOIIJ (.IO{ics. and t~S<I' c""ld !Kll han ""en <"Tcalc-J
wllloJ"j. .... n "11th a_ K ~n ."ooerwn. Rill Peel. " .. In.... "
~ >lid I)on l)a(ir.KIi "-110 gan" ~uch " blIlancc or Nrrm Wurd Ki""-'ll.
'*- ntlllflUl of idcilS ....illt lheir dlff~r~nl PC,""p<-'C- W ....d 1<11." .. ',i.-li. j ib.
ti>l1.I'ictur~ _we pl ~nonl .... ,rot "" i(h p",..,I~ en(cr -
'" Ir;~ ",'f1,t '~II_' ""_-
uilllltnll'«(llC'n(r_'-"rit~ in 1""'''n"li r~' .nd charnt ltr ""-'. f -" ",I, ,,"" Olli<:.
-and IIK' .... in (um. oclped the ~nilllltnr c"ntinu"lI)
I(l d,.'\'cklp h', :l("tin~ ~ kill, In hi gl~, "'I'e l" "i\h U~ lwerk. ha.-k in 1'l17. and he i tudicd conli,)-
l<litn Culh~n" r-;aiJ tit", c·Ita,aclc' 'clal,,'n.<hil" !oJ<.! "011,1)' fro,,, lhen "''- En.." [.arson. W ~fd Kimball , and
IOIfI;n IX'l1c' OCllc, . . 'I n R{"';~ If<!<.Hi. Ihc rc "'ere Milt Kahl had all Ic""",d uoo.:r Ham L.u, k<-: F•• nl
10 ~- vibfali"n' p.l"in~ t>.M,; k ~nd (,mh ....I".o n ·n'l.Ima~ ;",,1 Ollie Johnslon had b.....'n \I·itb Fn,d M,~...,.

I'tirIt< MIn. the ,.. in and mangy lI.m • • nd his taP- I>u, !he)' \I'ere .. rungly in flucoc.'d by Ibm omd DiU
-."CId ~ .);op/wII. Si, I l i~ . Ihal il a",ounled I" T)lla. l"hM~' Luunsl:oef}' tr.u".,.J undtf Norm~ .
-..!1OIl Sm.QIOUnd. " . And CulhalK" arkIN lit" in a ~1 a/c Va,·i. undn Grim N3I,,-k k , 001 bulh "r ""'IIl
~I k!1<'f 10 II>< anima lor of Ihe~ .......'ne~: ~Iud.ed ,I\( ....lrl; of all of the lop ",en , woo! .. Reither-
man WIlS 1"'>b.1bl}' inn".'K"n1 ""IR' 1:1)' r-ergy 111M 1111)-
I " .11)' d~1 ted h)"f>n<>lilcd in my Iheatre >C ~I . In one ci s.:,
fx( 1fdt lho: "'ay Ihaltllal lon~ · a~o r.d ,u produ.:~r White 00 (,,'(} of us were: ~Iike. wc ~(ill had many
... ,1 !\:r,c fclt ,,1>0 ~udilil'ncd i:.dlar a<::'gen :ond ""iI' in ~<.>mmOI1, Forcmo:;l """""B 1i1c",' lOb (he""";l"<
OwIio: ~t.,:(""hy.and ,,-a~ di~gu>1ed "'n~ Ik'):~n 10 INI the fi~SI pt>S-<ibl~ ~nte""in"""nl 00 the OCTttn.
kw IlIlInl'lIngovn h i~ toMS unnl McCmhy ~napped: 1l!<.~ ,,-ere tTWI)' argUrt>l.'"IIl> ""'" d~""",,", """"'&

'Hm, let me 1Ia\"~ a 100).: at tha( ... an.J lhe pm--
do«, .twusr II\(: <'crill' jmo t~ d""" ny ', inanimale

M<J!'11>c (I,' illl' (lid ~1"n "ilh.. had le~ll\cJ Ibm arl
ditr<ll) from lhe 1nr ~nima")f, of n", I~ir'lies or bern
all of II! VII '''TfY co"""inbir is.~ ... . Still. 110 ....1C:r
how e~ a~pc'al~d we were OI' ilh """k."""'. ""ve,
en(crc:d 00. lIlillds 10 question hi~ m"li,'~~_ W~ k""'"
Ihal he wanled t~ piclure 10 he juS! 3< 11000 a. .. cdid _
fur "va Iwcnt~'-fi\'C Ihi~ remarbbk learn

""",l~<.Iloll~l~r . <k.Jicated to Wal! and lito: 'llC'tliulO

1IT!li'IYl' mlil).'l1I."(\j ~y lheir "<>' k. lA, n ",L hlId S'ar1c-d and its (on,Canl imp"'~"mrnl. T I><n Msrc D~vi~ Wb
nlo.)",~<.1 I" Wl'J) . our , iSIC' vrpni zalion. kl put
h'5 ~1"'<'i~J :rbilil ""'lo woo-k on lhe ndc~ and ~fOl
Disneyland. Wooli., Rcilhennan htg3n diT<"'<'I i"" m
." 1% I • Elk La,•..,n ."..,/lluall y loot o~CT the ali-imP"'"'
(a/ll traming program ((0 in.un: Ihat ocw latcM wookJ
reu h ils ror~nti"1 quick!y) _ and in the mid,.o;cvenli<:.
both Wan! Kinlball and le i elm. ",(irc:d ,
(n I Y7S. aU lh". John CIIIk.'r'Il:Ikcr p:lid IribulC 10 !he ~
m.ining fOOl" ;winw.,.,; " r the nnginlill nint . " Thr>Inaf,
KIlhl . 'ohl\JtOfl and Loonsbery;lll" tiny bul daz:zling
re~' ,'n"'p;!Ily uf 'acton "'il~ a pen<:il!,9 With
cadi new film. lhey clwlgc roles. but >Iill ",uin tl>cir
individual spttialta. their star qu.alita. if you will . " ~ginning jU$! as the one thaI had ~ned nUlly
Johnny Lou.nsbery died suddenly in 1916: Milt re- fony-five yean of animation tame 10 an end . Hclt iI
tired in 1911: and. in January o f 1918, we. Frank and I closeT 100/1: " these men in the order of their arri\'lll
Oll~, len the . nxliu to write this book . A new en. WI. althe Disney Studios .

Les Clark
When Wa.Lt hired Les Clark in 1921. he said, "Well, thoughtful nun. who came in with no an backgl'OUlll!
)IOU know thi. is only. temponry jOO, Le •. I OOn' t yet through lihttr detennination and desiTl: not 0IIIy
kno ........ hat·s goi ng to happen ." But as Le. said, "So kept up but helped advance lhe an with his ",fint·
it IlISted fony-eight years!" menu of many fundamentals.
Les just kept going---.J.nd kept up! As Walt asked Walt was pleased .... ith Les's Mickey in FWll/lSio'l
for the b,me,. dnwmg and ~atef refinemems lhai left .. Sorttm'l Al'P""ntice" and especially liked his ddi-
50 many othen ~hind. Le. wo able 10 -"'pt and cale handlin, of the Sugar Plum Fairies in the " N...
continue: in the front ranks of lhe animatOf'S. year .fter crachr SuiIC." Ho.....,vc:r . the laller were not ~
ye .... His <inwing. had appeal. were alway, gentle alitie. but more like birds. lei said he had thought d
and wann and likeable. and hi. liming was always hummingbirds. and this gave them a chann in timilll
.sensitive. He quietl y went a/lcad perfecting what he as ....dl as movement.
did bcsI. CQIISWIIly aI art class working han110 impl'O\'e Les was a Sequence Direclor on Slap'''' BtInItJ.
ancIlO learn. 'There was moch "millltion for this quiet . From there Wa.L1 moved him into direction on TV
specials and educational films. )l,Ilt as he did in bos
animation. '·Le. never settled for anything that WI$II't
top quality-his work always had lhal fine fini~h . ""
One of his pictures. Tht RtstltSI Sro. was a winnerd
many awards . He continued directing I,Ip I,Intil bis
retirement in 1976. He died on September II . 1m

u~ Clar~ had a rpffial

luli~g lar lll~ I'mi~i ~,
'1"'111" I~ Miltlti, M""".
Woolie Reithennan
W!dit _III( IOOSI physil:i1 of IhI;: group-"'ilh a cuon-
,u1siool1O my young and 10 squeeze in e~erylhi ng
loefOft iI is 100 i3te .
Ken I't~rwn. who "'..., Woolic's ~s.blanl on the
dinD",u'l in f "aMmj(l . ~ay '. "You i:n[)w how Woolic
is . .. , lie ', ~onna lick Ihi s if il' ~ the l a~l thing he ~~er
iIot~ . The WI)' W,>OIi~ i~. he'U liglll for (n lC1tain -

.....- 1I'''' dIlI ...;n, pnlble" " ~ Md on his Sl uff---OOI

lie fi",Ny ~ iI. Sumo: of those p;lIICN. ~..x.o know.
'O'btooy(lU'd f'l In dean them up. \)u,n: wa. pr....1ically
noIri", Itf. of \110:," . They were all crumpled like o ld
<kill. bilt,........,,;nkk<l and brown "jlh different col-
om! pencil" :;u!l1in~ "'., ever finishc.J: a. )(}"g a. he
couW flip il. Il\t:rc we re going' t<l hc , hang~ s made_"
Wool~ "'y-;. " My work II..! vitality ~ 11d .n "I don'l
Ji... ,j;um-Iry il !" qu alit}',""
~ (ioo(y IhIIt Wwlie an;m:>led coonmun",ued wilh
Ik 1Udit~ in a "~'ay llIal o nly W.....l..., could have
<hit ~-Ihis ..... . new type of ao;o OllI;OO. Hi. tim-
iIa. w,iIIg. lellun:. pacing. ~s,rc 10' d.. <Otl"lh ;n~
diff..... , . .,n,! ~ag ~n~, knowled~c of whcthe r it
"'al(nI(minin~ (and tho abi lity to think of "'Ill~ ,hing
tilt if ~ was 11(ll), . 11 nmed over inlo hi. di rcoinl\.
Emy >101)' p"inl. every scene, ••'cry line or dia· atld would s till be going s(rotlll at five o'clock while
qwload .... he Ihn..,hed over • h~nd~d rime. in lhe the n:.t of Us , at in exhausted :od",i..~ti"" . lie was the
Itllth f(lf lhe e<~ncc o f rhe marerial . W""lic 'omuld ooly dit'e('1".. eyer 10 holndk a /Calli"' .1,,,,,, Md per-
SlIIhbIImIy . guc hi~ poinl ; then. oft~n rt) enrou",,~ a hap. ,,'as lhe only one willi lht: ...~njl.h atld .tImi... l<I
D/tII' "y ollootin~ al son"" hing '" .., [110l:Il: ,kern. k«r tnlt.. l of ~lI lhc people ~nd wh;tl tho;y ""'''' ~
!.. wwld .wileh ru a new position hoping 10 bri ng our and he ab .... to pull all the piCl.'<:s tdJ<'1her in the lise
tome frnh argum.nt~, Alway, .he search "'ll, f,,, e m.r- hcetM; mlJnlh~ .
Wnmtnl l n,J .~dic~ commun ieal;!)n , Iii., energy w~. l!oundlcs~. A.' 'III<: ~nim;otor 'aid. Wall . IH: never seemed to run out or energy "He d".... ' n· t ~v"n gel jet I~t: ...

Eric Larson
&;,:'1 F't pn> i~one of lhe fjnc~l uampln of p'''. "'''teU trollSt ,,r tho: lik;oblc old 0"'1.
~ime t...,r dune •• the .'IOOio. The xting. lulure 1\..·'. 311,.... "r hi' abilitl t" h~ndk "wry ' YI'" of Ihint
in limIng . anct inner feel ing for lh e charal:tcr were tllat ~outd t1 y. En.: bcc~I1'" know'n as a bi rd·""," He
ltlI'Iarbble Ihin~" to ""hiew wit~l b.! ncfi r of dia- did cY<:rything from ~ jT"'Crc hint' wll<' hclrnJ Cindorella
. ' Hi, nyin~ horse. in FmllUliu w'ere gracdul in make lIer beu to the 'T~liest of 111<'", ~ II. the Ar:ocuan
1tO\n1t1'll lind coovincing in aclilJfl , He "'fXr.i..:d (he bini. In the"u~n . Erk dbpJ~}...'d ~ rcmm.bk f""l·
.....ioa ()II lhe "cry difficult " 3g in /1"mbi atld ani- ing f,,, an Intagin.1ti,,, C.......c1cr In hasnJ ,WI ;on lIIIIM>-
pomorphkconcept . And one might add th.t t~ wu

ne~ anythin, in Eric', ~ dignifl«l outward behav.
ior 10 indicue IlIat this 5-I .....'e inooncruity could take

His quiet. matUft joogmcnl was ~ even when

he Will young . Whenever I special committee will
being scl~~, it waS always Eric and romcbody dsc .
And when. scrious conflicl or disagrcc:menl arose in
any large rnccling. il was Eric who scemed 10 be able
10 IOOthe everyone wilh his · · pow-oil.<),Hroublcd.
Wiler 5pCCdI," as Ward Kimb.all c.lke! il .
lt was _imes difflCull 10 lift how Eric evt:r got
any wOft. done, He: had lhe IIl"gC$I c~w. of any ohhe
lOp nw:n, and ~~ wu alw.)'$ someone in his room
with. problem. often nothing 10 do wilh produclion .
Eric was al ways p,alic:ntly listening . occuion.olly coun·
scling. but somehow, in spi te of .11 this. he was one: of
the besl footage men in the Siudio . When and how he
did it no one ever figured out. And 10 lop it all. he w ill
able 10 gel rootage (lUI of _ o f his c~w . At this
writing , Eric is Rill in clwJe of lhe lraining
f« the new talenl coming into animation . Ace has noll
dimini$hed his cmp.tthy with you", proplc .

Ward Kimball
Not III niDI: of the $Upetvising .... imatOIS 'Ovt:Te illlCr_
C$kd in personalily animation and c~ ~lltion·
ships. To Ward Kimball fell the mantle 0( true ic0no-
clast of the group, He had tried and done successful
per$(lnaJity animal ion 011 Jiminy Cricket. but soon
found this style too limiting for his JIlInicular talents .
He felt the proper use of animation for him lay funller
away from livt: lCI1on .
His conception and execution of the long song
5CqUI\'no;e in T~ Three C.II~rOI is I classic in the
ulllUtnclod use 0( the medium . The $011, was four
minutes loog wilh lillie « no business, and. after
lislenin,1O it for a week , Ward says. " 1 decidW tobe
optic.lly literal . What you hear is what you lift . When
they !-IY lhey havt: serapes-the SCrllpes appear. And
when ~ chll"loClen Went out 011 the righl-they'd
rome in 011 the lell : ~y'd , 0 OUI 011 the lefl , and
they' d c:omc in from the lOp. II wu opcically 1bMrlCI. ··
WOld KimbGlI
. "PP'u;ochunioj10 ...mi, "'as
Killy ~. ,
1(0 I'lL'" <>n
""'''' 1)'1'" (Of enlenain' Iinlc:· ...... 'cN Ir.i" in ~Imusl c>""l)'<lnc aroIIOO him .
and 1'011' I,,", on thai pcnun wwkl ha .'~ _ 1'"""1 ..,
II< _b . . e).ccllenl drafts"",n ... ilh lhe """ Wil ily hlln He " 'as an (~,:dlcnl mim< :.nd ,"OU ld " ilher ..,1
iiid t fU<l~y in)!.., C<ju~lIy u " 'el l .....,iou. ou l lhe"" !rail. o. in<:O<pOrllle Il!.:m Inl" one of hi.
OIH. lie: l\;Id a bone, de'ign M' n,.., Ihan <110,1 and " harp ~aric'lUre S,
I~Shl oflm.~in"livc ways uf duin~ Il1 i"~i, Il~ n~ve, Typicat of Ward. he was at"" "..,ali ve in hi. apfl<\IOCh
did ~'h~1 "'., ~.",,"Icd. and 10 the conslemali(\n of al \() l(aching life drawing. He u ...'<.llhc ;n",,>"alive ide.
I.. ~ un. d,m;IOl' never did II><: "-,,i~ nn"' nl Ihc way i1 "r lhe "model in ""'''en",n!"· to n,:U:.c h" dar.o nlOlC
.... IIandtd 001. Hi. stag ing VIi:.os I~, h b limin~ aw,"", u f the pri nciple. of animal ion. whil.-b eJW.:uu,·
1IIiqur• ...J he c"uld , h" ... " 'hal wa~ funny 3h<ml a al,:•..., lhe )"OUnl,: sruocnlS 10 lhin~ in Icnns of rI'll,,",
...... lit h:od II knack for pick,n, QUI tl!.: ~PCC'"1. and a.:lIon ,n Il!.:i. dr::lwing •.

Milt Kahl
~hh·.,...w \lfcnglh lay in h" d,~"" in, ~bilil)' ~nd his lhe ,uf'PlI'I "I' ..,k",""c malerial. TlIoujth Mill ;o:,;l~·
COIOiclion llul ~nill13lion dr::l"'ings we.., ....,al ly I"·... all y pfde-m:J broad char",,'cn;. he \Ql'"
,","I pride '"
--..w a .... ,.... JlJld ""Ofk In 111:11 pia.......... ckiM, (Jmng ;usignmenu. thaI "'ere l"Ugh '" draw. lIis un""",
. . . . . (10 )' ~J ....,ad and unlienland A. "n~ til' four ..,n~ tlf dlaracler de ••gn oo.nill:ued lhe feallln:. ror
IlIiMlIICf'i \oj ..illl on the ch:u:octcl vi I" II( ..-.:h;... he uvef Ih in), yean. bul 11 "'as SO Pf'1l""",1 Itw il was
w.. ~,..." ,be l"i~lIrncnlllf an imaling P",,,,",chiQ ~s a "flen d,m,,,11 (.,.. o.lien; 10 fntlnw . lie woold dc:ny
rt:ollxl)' t.,'I:"U'" or hi, carefu l dr'''''ing, Ihi •• 'lay "'!!. ... Anyone who can draw . Can f"I1" .... it"
Mill '> conlr,,1 .n.bIM him In do Ih~ m",1 sublle Wh", he reatly meant wa . . .. Any",", who ''''' dr~w
rDO\.... lUlling III repealed Call'"1: u" human c har~c­ Ii~c me can du thi ~. .. He hall fCllt.aO;al>k powe!'>
Im. lhs 51! I:CIOI' and Kay in Th~ Sh·.ml,~ /he St"",, 10 ,·i~II.. lile . ~nd I f ~ .. id . "On..~ ho: (;C'!' <kiil'
-m Iht hHl ""man fi,u ..... e"cr done MI lhe ~Illdio, in hi$ nllnd ,,'hal he' s goIng 10 00, ii', .lIS ,00II :» 00
allho::) " '(f( oJone ,",''1Il001 bell<'fil u f Ii,'" ,""lion or lhe paper."
He '''is hono:.u In the poinl of blunlno;:~, . Unl i~e
-,. irascible tcmpcnlllC'lIU ...110 ha'.., fi lled lhe halls
d~ . Mik ha<J a ""/)' SWUI hdpM sid~ . ....·hell he
chest. lie I ,ve uII$limina ly of his lim~ ~nd lal ent
. 1 II WU IQ help lhe pictun: and almosl as o rten 10
ldp . ltllow .niSI " '00 had a problem . HOVI·cve •. he
~ l/I)'lI'II: comin, for help to have worked hard
lflii rifd ~hing-(o have done his bc:~t bcfe«
Mih ', flftwell animalkm was his brillian tly done
~ in TM R~MW~'I. Thi, lime Mill h.lId. c har",,_
. . . 10 ~l\\SII:tf. aRi hi ~ n:wards ,,'en: ,.eat. IS slicN.·n
bJ 1M lribute: " The )'(lIInKer gencralion Mudi.", the
ICtIIC in "'hkh M me . M edun lakes off her makeup
wbilt plQIIlng child abu.>e. The way thaI Mil! Kahl
_ (lfraldinc Pa~e's fTUilY. cruel voice by nulI _
itc kr I. , ( lIl1I hard at he. false eyrltih unlil he.
f)'dioIlNpIC bKk [ike a IlIbbc. band is like ~ dnwin,
m., DlumlCr"s 'S ketcllC:! of E~~ ssion' series.
bul iJ1 mov<:mem!" jJ

Frank Thomas
Wriit.j: i. Millimtltr miI~I"!ine. John C.ncmake. !"lid
1M triboMe \0 Frank: " He ~ been ";nccrcly' affec I-
itc __ 1Im for fony years: he has made them IlIUgh
ftl l'I)", hate and fe~ . u~ing basicall y a pencil he hu
dlIIJrd Wilh intelligence ~nd humanity, tun s of parer,
IItd tht 'pmi"~nce of vision' . .. l )
1'10 job \,..~ 100 p;oit1>lakin,. no rcsur<;h 11)0 lime_
~ t(I boy lhe &JOOndwod for a Thomas >c.
~. Each p:>ssibility had to be nplorcd endle"ly
10 fmll t'·'l)' Inl oooce .or enlena;nmcnl , H i~ polller.
of gt,ltO'liion and hi~ acutt memo')' for thing.o; he had
_WId ~udied ""cr IhI: )·t;m. gavc him a "a~t TC>CI·

.... uI nptrien« as he ~~ his s.cenes for anima·

His lINoIysis wenl paSI Ham I.II~k~ '~ rules . Through

1beIC powtrs be was abk to portray WmpliC31ed a, ·
tiou. llIitudtl . "ld ICI;ng , Hi s great feel fOf chanoc·
tr. K1 .... 111<1 enlertainment c~n be seen in the many
. . . 1Ibk sequenceshe·· in . ~ mo5t famous
lIII1lO1 oco;nurily the: mo:st diffiwlt Kene. the d warf.
CQinl arouoo Snow Whit e', hier. is said 10 nave
extended \he emolional range of our cartoons. Frank's knowledge of what the character should do
To bave worked under Fran k was to have been and Milt·s ability 10 draw it .
subjected to the most rigorous training imaginable. As Like the reSI oflhe fellows. Frank gave time!O help
One young animator said, "II is impossible 10 plea~ others. His advice waS sought on music. layOtlt, I»ck.
that guy. He's never satisfied."' The solution was nOt ground, and SIOry as well as the animal ion . On the lIS!
to try 10 master Frank's extremely complex acting pat- few features. Frank would spend anywhere from Iii.
terns. but to study bis approacb to entertainment and months to a year h.elping develop the story StT1lC~
bis usc of the fundamentals of animation. Frank's stag- and situations, sharpening up and defining the dtmo-
ing and his USC of squash and stretch and the strong ters and tru,ir dialogue-and then h.e would animate oJI
changes. in body shape that gave so much life 10 his those same sequences with a fresh eye .
work were tangible things that have helped many young Frank is a modest man. '"frank'" in his bone:sty,
animators. penetrating in his criticism , bUI always tempering it
Walt cast him with Milt Kahl repeatedly because of with humor.

Ollie Johnston
Like most of the group, O llie was at bis hest when and would work lireleSllly to correct i1. He had a vi.iQR
leading off on a character, par1icularly if the story and of what it ought to be and was dedicated to seeing II
the characters were at a stage where they were still come OUt that way. Through early experimental ";·
f1e~ible. He was often the first 10 perceive that achar· mation. he was able 10 show the potential for t!Ker.
acter or a Story point was n01 developing the right way tainmen! in the characters that would then be developed
in future story s ituations. In doing this type of devd·
opment he combined the appeal he had learned fKIII
Fred Moore with the ~nsitivity he had for tm, emo-
tions of how the characters felt
Colleagues agrud that Ollie carried acting and the
feeling of the characters to the highest point. He hod.
sensitivity for good picture, imaginative layout ..... hit
th.e character should be doing. and how 10 arrange the
scenes for the beSt effect. His knowledge of wbat MI
needed in a voice made him valuable in dealing wid!
difficult decisions of the vocal talent was ~i¥·
ing lru, animator the performance he must to
make the character think and act .
In an interview Ollie said, "1 talk a 101 about any I
scene I'm gonna animate and get the best ideas I cal; I
and .... hen I'm convinced I have lhe besl ",a)' , thenl '
put everything I have into e~ecuting il. But just bec:t1M
I have a good plan doesn't make it easy . Animation is
inherently open to mistake s, and I could know exactly
what I want to do and still have trouble . And I" d say 10
myself. 'Whatever made me think Ihis scene .... ould be
e asyT or. '1 thought I promi>-ed myse lf last we<:k 1"4
never make that same damn mi stake again ." "
In .pite of the u,ual problem,. his footage output Hi , drawing' of Me. Smee from P~t~r Pall mrned
wasal"'a)'s the hi ghest on the picture. and the fact that <lUt to be a near self· portrait . Of course. 1hi~ is oot
he ne,er IoJkcd upon animation a~ being casy helped uncummon when 1he animator is really feelinJ1. the
him Klemph3thize with the young animators and assi,· expre" ion, . A young an sm<iem vi,iting during the
lUtts working with him . He knew that their problem, production of The R .. ,.,:u~r., glanced at thc cat on Olli.· ,
rtqUii"td gUldarx:c and patiencc. and this he willingly board- then al Ollie- and s.aid. " Y,m look just like
provided. Kufus. Why you eve n wear glas",s jus1 like he doe,!"

Tho Jun ~1o: Boo);

Johnny Lounsbery
As is of~en the; case. the; pupil surpauoed the ma5W .
Norm ~r,u_ had inslnlClcd well but Johnny had
gone beyond ""hat the Jf:gendafy master hid bttn ab'"
to do . His better drawing and bigger conccpl. not lim-
ited by old vaudeville acts. brought the bold. crude
approach 10 new heights, using more refinement. more
dramatic angles, more interest. and .11 without losing
the main ide., His simple staging. appealing ctwa.:-
ter$,,oad lasle. wong squash and 51",«:11, and con·
rroIled anticipations .nd follow throu&ll made a big
bold SUllelllC'nt. but they IE\a los! believlibilily. Hardly
subUc. his characlC:rs ~ always fun to watch.
He was good I' wooing with the young animaton
and did pose drawings that were an inspiring spring-
bolIrd to gel anyone started . As a draftsman he was
ideal for animalion . Hi s drawings were simple and
loose and full of energy. Tbey had volume and thaI
elusi~ quality of life. He had _ of Ham's ability
alway' to find the way 10 go funller in strengthening
his poRS .
Johnny's favorite of the c haracters he animated was JoM lAoi1lSMty
Ben Al i . the alligator in " Dance of the Hours " from somc of its subllcties withoot losing the 'tr'"i~ ·'
FtJ"tasia. whert\ he caplured a cocky. spirited walk cartoon action.
and allituoJe....-QlII'! that was particularly unusual since Johnny ~nded to be an introvel1. bm asscned h'"
it III had to fit the tempo and lhe .ecents o f the ~If on key decisions. He had his own special way 01
Jn5COl'ed . This work was I Ilrt\al innuence on lookin! It things. and no mailer how bad they WCK.
the OIher animalOn doing this ~tion. many of them alwlYs had some funny obscrv.tion 10 lighten the"
anilNlting for the f\JSItime. He had an especially good ation . At the lime o f his death. Johnny was d~
way o f woning 10 live lIottion. bo:ing able 10 adopt 5Cquenccs on Th~ Rucwers.

Marc Davis
M= Davis is an example of I talent bo:ing shifted 10 he was given his fIrSt chance at animalion on the cJ..
.... hert\ il is most needed. This h<tpp::ned to many of the Xtef$ of FIoWCT and his girl friend . After Btmtbi . .,
men since no one had been Inincd for the jobs tlw ~ry ~lUt ile Man: returned to lhe: Slot")' dcpartnd.
were being devdoped at Disney·s . Seven.] men actu- where he designed lhe: Eagle and O:topu5 $CCtD 01
I lly created their jobs by doing something panicularly ViclQl)' Through Air P_·~r for Bill Tylla to aniR*
well-and Ihat is how we got tile great rt\sults. Due to some carden oversight. he III'!ver rcceiYld
From careful cleanup on the delicate drawings of Slory credit on either Bambi or Vic/Qry Through A;
Snow Whil~. Marc moved \0 Slory sketch and charnc- Power.
~r design on 80mbi ~au~ of hi s ability 10 drn .... In an interview. Marc upres~d this p/lil!>:lClpbr.
animals . Af\cr doing outstanding work in lhe~ areas "To be an animator. you have to haY<' a ~nse of.
dmnllic. I feelin1 for ""ling; you h~~e 1<1 boe a ~10<)1-
. ... " II his own ""Ofk Mar.: ,I$<) added IIt(SC
~ _lOIl!""lin, 3uim,;Ie" btlln dl'll,,-ing, ~nd
* UIII\olJM:illJ rTIO\I\'llll'nl thai Came: ",ilh Ihis dl'll ...-ing
.aiIy. ~ 101"', unified rc:iationship of all pan, of a
cUt1ntr lIIOJ on lhe fI"",ooyant Cruclla \lcVil made
IIiC of rvt')1hing from her bony elbo",. 10 her posluring

Ihrou,h her malic mC\·emems.

OIl Marc', "bkfi~nl, he ~ho",ed ~ flai r for Ire
lllawlic NS«I ~ 00 p""'erful sh~pes in his de,ign
.. 1In'III, 1\Oe of color than 011 broad aclioo . lie had a
r.-, ((0' ihIlmpu:r<.;mce of a ,000 layoul and "",~

OI'tIbJUd the "a!ue of props such as the 11I'~n and
I!lc i!4f w madc ,un: they wen: pari of the overall

Mare Ii . vCI")" gentle per",". hoi wilh sirong COn-

vietions Iholl he nold, 10 lenaci,-""Iy !' He has a special
Itol< <>f h~mor Ih~1 ~suall)' has Mln>C unc~pecled Iwist
.... He n I ,-et). >UCCeS.'ifullc""hcr. specializi"8 in
~ •.., rot 1""... IIon _ I/i, main courses ",en: giyen
io Ii;' sdiooIll Chouinard'~, and many of hi. Mu-
*-s IaItt f<llio'A-N him 10 Dis""y · • .

I / •
. '
Refining Techniques
Und~r 1M Irodt:rsltip of 1M Ni.... Old !ofr" , Ih, _ ....TOII F'aM:~

origt""l a"imil/to.. p, tN('tpl,••..,,, r'finn), p" , Bambi.

f«lrd. aNi ,~"'ndrd. By 1960. 1M r/ta,,,,,,,,,' Ot.Yrl<>ppi"6..rn....~
oc,iOllS had ~ So saphiJIKa"d il " 'as 01. IN)rr IIta" flu. " " "<IJ' 10
rrwsl impoJJibir 10 isola" Ihr rlrmrltls Ift(Jki"g
.Itt", " 'OO'k. SqutJJh /I1Id 'Irr",h. !oIlow Ih'OIigh, n"""""Ilifftriniarti""
d...nd "'M"
10 I~ 1M
1tr<Ht</ary aC/fOllS. all " 'rrr So suhllr and ;"",, ,dM",
" Bi, ·d!"
Bambi 10 ~"Y
rrlmld l/oal <Jnly Ilrt ~n(rrtainmrn( in Ilrr SUn,
W(i.J oo~io..s.

AN'.... TOII, Mill Kahl_

Pino« hio.

Pi""""Mo is 11M' /HJ"/( as

M /HorillS 10 /ur" i,./o °
tIorrkry . A. Irur, ""imo,or
"",N ","w.....or 1M ' ........
Iiofu .I<) 0'i0kItI oM "';w
IhoI,1tr J"""" ""M .aM
"",-uy _IJ Jrt,w 1>«.0
10./. Do lIOII confllSe kliorl
willi lOCI;",. , , • ,.
" "

"'''''TOIl, Er ic u."o,,_

/" ,M. qui" .aM, 1M old

0 .../ ad"tUS SOIfI' ~ou"l
/;i,tIs visili,.. 1M ....... baby
drrr .IIa,il is 'i..... /() 10.
TM si,,,,,,ion rrqll irrd ..
rr."aflWd IN)W, bo., _
wi,1t rlMl" JiIi"i"""" Do
I'0OI confuse ",btlety wilh
_WAn;ar, Ollit JoNul_
Adven!"",' of Mr. TOld.
Somt dft''''dlor~ ha.t
claimed. ··Ead drawing
.,,,., in/porlanl. i f, 'he
mowmtlll"· H~r./ar
dhlr -g •.., mod clarirya{
<K"fiaot.not" drawi.., in
I~ seeM ",,,,, ~ ,lie

al/irride dM ,lie """"g.

TIW RYM IIMgood ,utMr<"
/n ,Iw rUtiiq. "",,"asling
,he _~,ed. prNUt <I~
dlille <larr wi,h ,Itt " " ...._
ptc,ed whi,1 dM ace",ing
p<>'1Il allhe eM .

.' ••
",'INA'o. Fro~ * Th""",s-
S word in lhe Slone,

TA~ "",d Mud~,. Mi,. "'.. c>

" '""""aJl of M'ild DNitHI,
"nd '''lrallt' , M'ilA ~~ .....
J)«fl'li /""b."", a«~lilq
Mr ".w"/ilimi.. ,, 11',,1,
IuzJ N>~'iottl'li Iti, a~i .... _
'0", "D_ -, I>r b'04d
",It~.. 'M'~ if "" Ttf>JOII ,"
"", IAi. ,,"16 I.~ ,.,'fN'
pI_ /tN ..""Un, .... ,i.ily.

M"NA "'" _Mill Ka.IrI-Robi n

I, loW Import"n, ,'''" ,A, t>
""dime. U~ Ih, Sh"iff cf
NOI';n, loti,. p~' ,hi. rojn in
hi. f"ITU a' 'M WIW Ii""
M <hliwml" liN cf di4 .
w,,,, _Flippin, ,M roUo I..
1M "i, "flTlNu 1M 'Y" It,
'M at:liM "ltd ,,.,,tin, 1M
JnUH " 'i,h 'M rojn IIUik
~ttrkM' 'M SMrijf. p" _
_ l(1)·. A JiM biI cf ""'-
i .., ""d "It"""'PI, cf
I.:upin, ,., 1N1i0l0 drtJ, .

AN'NATOII, Franlt. TIwmD._
The Llu&hing O'II< bo.
Thi. 1i,,1, ,a","" had "
tm.,1t lloal ,Ioall,rl'li ,Iau
IUIliI hU wHet Man,td. H i.
<h,p""" """"1" I" pt<>_
d~ Iti, /<mitt, """It tk_
INJIIJtd r'1H"ud c....",
In"lIw,~, i.. Iti,~
, -.- .~-

MTig Gltn Krone.

FarlY )'t~rs later ,Itt Win-
ejpl~J of e"mmuni,U/;ng
lhrough dra~ 'in8' j, car ·
,itd on by ....... animalo,s_
Tbtu .lOry JU(,ltts f'"
n.. Fa' and 'he lIaund
Iti;ny ."~ng'lt and dramal ie
impact in IIt~ dtsign, Pia,·
in, ,I«' lHat ltiXIt "n 1M
serun maUl him look bi,
and p"_rful.

"'''''011 GI~n K~an~

The 1'0, and Ihc: 11""00.
;I~n cd"i~d 'ltis Julin,
}vir inro hi. ani_'ion,
'~lainin8 1M grrol JCal~
",hil~ adding 1M ~ujU""'nl
,liar "" ,t."from ~_nl,

...,," ~II/I K"M
W, loud I>n~ 'a~llll Ill""".
II} loot '01 '~'~l' /, ...-
"""OM P'op/' ...;S~ lA~
...,../d do, "'" too o{r,. ,. . .
~,,,,, IffQU""/ dt_..J,d
cau/"I 11,,,..·,•
.11 iJlfJ sOl/>-
tI.. ,d (I(,i<1I! TM~ uDrfo
_~ 1111/ PH' f''''''''' W
.."mIN/' s J.. ,/ I. SW<J<d In
.he St ...... II ~rf«r .....
of g~,,,,,,,,,,,,, "",m,,,,";.&,
,"""""lui,. ,hrou,I'A a
. .. 'pr;so~t {""'mI' iw forms
m,,/ ncili~1 """011.

9. Our Procedures

'nr lIIfoI
. . . JiJlI
of >Jon
'WIU/J "" Ihl' ~t''0'''''III. Ih,' ,bTU!"'. <Iud 1/... /<1\"<1111 """'. <I.' ......11 <I.' ,1,(, "" ... id"". ''f'<'mtll1$
,mil. TIrt-) <III ,-h ""IJ "" Ii,...,,/.. "'IU"~lrd ,It
lh~ I',.-r,m' . No 0fI<' PUMPl shuulJ <I"",i"",(' ItJ
.. flltlll 1I'''''rl' I..- 'H,.. /tl trrp ,1... mhers 1m", rltlrm'j( ;/f'0 Ih.. """llKli,,,, (11,,1 j"ru/,· 1'.'1"("";")( ''''m",I,'t's.'"
Wah Oislloly

lupiltnf COII>liInl efru." and PCflll~lcn1 d~;n~. Wah h;od <-h~r:lCtcrllcd the" id.:~1 ho::ro " ' l1h gl/"'-,ng. nu....
...... dot! budd an org3n17.l1110n on the ~lricleSl ." ,n,. of loe'" as " " 'he F~,r. llaircd Suy:' ~nd ~I Ot~ncy'S I~
"word. WI\;oI he huih W3' ~ l"o~l)' umfied ~f<)lIP of role W3< aflilo ho:: .., t. ~n,icnl Ih~1 1M " fa" lI:Ii, ' " .• ~
IIIrnIOO I"C"'f'lk "';lh part icular all, I,,;e, ..... ho ~(lllid work ~"umc,j to ~ an ca,ill t," n,fclTC<.i ,,-,~ , -n.. .mp!oy~c

IIJStthtr in ~Ont i n" al l y ch " n~ ;"~ !"Ilt ern ,_ They did wanting an up,I:lIC o n "" velop",c nt s in hi, proj.,,,.
1M."" I minimum of command and a mllXmlu,n of " -oold a~k . a~ he arriwd for " 'ork In the mumin~.
obIiaIiool. \\'hat Wall " 'limed " ..~ I,,", great"" =al;\"<: "Who's gOi I,", "'s today""
tII'on-lIOIlhc 10051 dficienr ~r.:Iljon . Thoere "ere This me1hod ,,-oo-1;e<.I bttauM' Wall ,,-as 1M boM-noI
IiItI and d.put .... nls and job ciaM ,ficallOlls .. irhQul jU~1 becauSt it was his siudio or 1n.1 '"' h"" the author,
mt. bulll1e)' had more to do ",il h rnpon~ib;I;ly Ihan ity 10 ~tt " 'hat h~ wanlffi. but bocau"", hi. Kleu were
mhonl)' . the be , t. Mati ) times we (<luld "'-'I umJc"I:md whal il
It 0/1\ the I'nwn Wi lh the bene. idea who wa, on was tie wan lcd. hut ne,'e. did ,,'c lose confidellU in
"'P. ItGardim of his job . Slill. Ihis ,eco~nilion alkn him or his abilily. We could qunlion his judgl11l'nl. or roc"" 'Iii'
IW\nN 00')' a 013),. 3~ ~me ... her l.ka "3' ~mhr:tC'('d hi' .mphasl~, (I, the ".~y he went ah""1 ",:h",,',n1: "
iI. 1"«"" 01 coole" gn'" Ih The .lang of the da) "",uh. hul 11 ..... ~ "'l1h th~ bu""lnl~.· that Walt', "':Iy n.: IICSCIII
, .

~l"'~) ~ " ." ~ "cry ,OOIJ w~y, li~uall)' c~dl of liS fde. souls " b«amc: "aluahle conlribulOI'l' 1O"" anb OW
" Why dldn ' t [ Ihink oflh~IT ' bul ncr)" so ofltn ""e pruoJuo;tion pro"".... AooJ ~ OIhe" .....""Id finJ a
oe<:mly "'llUld feel. " M y " 'ay tS bencr~" ~OOJ ,~a· niche thai ~~lisrlCd tit.: . tU<Jio a n.J IhenL
siQnl,IIY;1 wou ld s.utIoknl)' o;«m so 10 W.II. too . He
",]jed 1Io;;."il)' on hi, sl~rr to feed ;n neatlY' idea, . P()~sibl)' tile mosl elusi"" part "f Ih is caSling. and
[n umkrsl.nding Wa lt' ~ methods. il i. imporlant to lhe p.ort Ihal Da "e con'iders 10 he "filM: "Ulm,,!!
",~lil.e Ihal he ..... as no! in 1110;; . nimat;on bu,;ncs, to im[lOlt~nce." " 'liS the building uf lho: "",Ierial froM lTlllI'Iey. As be . . .M ~y-", ralllel the Ia('k lhe first da)'$ in story to",.rd 11M: mo:n ,",110 "'·ere .....
of it to) <:any oul my Kkas- may worry me. hUI II doc.s to Mndle ii, ".. story ere .......'11> !'elected for tho: i .....·
not c Adtc llIe. ldeu c,dtc me : ' lie ..... a~ tllOIl' [;kc a ""t they m'l:hl ha,'" in II type of story ~iluation . • .
man ..... ,th a hobby Ihan nne " 'ilh a <'(lmmc",i . 1 en lcr· vel)' "",n . fter..... ard . as lhe en lCrla,nnlCnl val ues '"'m
pri~, li e was doing ..... hal 110;; ..... 8nt.d to do .nd hoped emerging. lilC direclo.. ",,,,,Id hc sd~'Ct~'tl . The "t~'nl("
Ih~1 OIber~ .....ould shan: hi s 'Ulio< ;l), anJ eXdl~lll<:nt kne ..... Ihis <.iifi,elur·, lalent' 1I00J au tomatically 'lalWd
aboollhe pokntial in what lbey ""en: doing, Hc pllt all "tI;,ping their bu~inc\.S a lung hi, li,~ , At the l;Omt
tho: _ y gained b.:ick inlO the nexl pielur. bcc3~ ti""" Ihe nltn ""00 e,'enl ually ..·.ould animale thi. fila
thilt ..... as ""hen: the flln "'·as. aooJ he cerlainl)' ne\'c' "'"rc: cho.»ocn. ~nd e,,,,.yonc """l'kC'd 1<1 p""'iUc the I)'pt
reached. pnim ...'bere he did nor kIlO ..... " 'Mi lO I'y "f nlalerilllIM:y did beM . "E~ell in tbe "'01'}' dc~e"",
~xl. IllCnl f!"riu,J. the bu,i""" hcin~ ",,",idered tf'l.m.p.
He ,lid 1\01 dream" hig , ow rall dream: he m"dc il urn:on sd<)u. ly) is thoughl of rc: lal iy" to a (crtain .rr;.
up os be wenl along , E;H.:h Ihing II<: did sugllc>led 1lI.a\<)f hci1\~ ahle 10 handle ii," I),,,",, ,aid. " 1 h"'itvt
SOIIIelhing cl",. somC:lhing new . somet hin~ Ihat hlld il ,<> ~ a n w~ importanl part nf ha ~in~ lhe ricturt
nevel bcc:n Iried . something an aud;.""" mighl wam I" n>lOC '111\ ..... ;Ih qual il)' al 11M: .Kh<:r end .- -
..,.,. IIc rc:ali,...'tl lha, he: cuuld 001 c~rlore thc.... arc:a. Thi. ;~ oh\'ioosl)' lit.: "PJlosite " I' approv'n~ a . .:npl.
..... 'Ih<1II1 IxClcr laknt alou n.J him. so II<: waS al .... ay. preparinjl. the 1oC(""', and IIM:n callin~ in any . \'ailllhir
lidding to tile ,Iarr. "Nevel l11in<l Ihe dassifo':~lin". animators to (Oml'lele lit.: W()fl;, It als" pinl'"inblilc
jUji get Ihat guy in here ." Tolenl. "hilily. IlCW ideas su blle ..... orkin~ rdation,hi[lS lhat mooe an es\;,bh""-d
..... cre the im[lOltant matters . organ;~;lC i<ln iml""'"bIe. Any attempr al <I<.....·,.;bin, hoooo
ll i. ~1Il~/.ing faculty for C~Sl in~ his men on a»ign. lhe piclllfo!> .... ~re made h;o., tu be dorIC in lerm. of tile
' nc OlS lhal ""(ltdd bring <lU ' UII<,.pet;t~'<I lalent' CAlenokd nltn ..'ho made \hem and ho ..... Ihc)' fell aboul IhriI
de""'n 10 lhe IClist elllplo)'~e . When Da"c lIall..J ",'a, ass;gnnlCnt~. There "''CI'I: constanl e~rerimcnt~ in i.....
p" ..hMt..m super";,, .. he ,aw Ihi, h:'Pfl(n O\'e r "nJ ,'ali,·c pru,:e</urcs lso mc sue(c~,ful. ''''"'' '1uidly
"wr: ,lis.:.,dedl . hUI through ;! "II lher<: wa< a perpetual
shi !'li"~ of job r.:"I'<,"sihililies and <11ltlor'luni l;es. ~hl.,
I think W ~II h;od an uucllnny ...'ay of lindi,,~ ju, 1 the lng ~ fil m h..:o; arne a seq""",,e of as.«",ial i<,",. "'~h tile
riplt pl""e for II .. ..".. SOIlI. " Admil1C'dl y. "''('IUS(: ",hole process k<"PI utren.:ly Ik~ible until a p;IOII
n!OllCY had no relationship to his findin~ Iht right prud""l xlually had been 3"'>\11\.'<1.
job for lhe rig ht man . he .....ou ld dire'l lhe <I10\\: 01(nl or all til<: Illtlhods lried ...... e li ~t bere ,110;; rt1<lM .<UC-
of the creative lalent . . . from nne place to an'MIler, ct,,!'ul. and. in mo,t ca"",_ the nn..:' that prtxluccd ....
In my position. I waS ready 10 I:h'e up On s.on~ little ~re"te'l film~ . N() 1..... 0 pi<1Urc~ were dnne e1;O::II )' ~lil;(
guy and .... ould 'iQ expres. my""l f 10 Walt . ~lan~' ,iM'e Walt ~I .." y, ",~rehc:d !'or • .'l ill hcUer ,,"~y . "
limes he would say to mc:. "No. 0.."(. Ie, ', nK>,"C !he proccdure~ pre""nl~'<I h"I1: . how lhe ..... ~y the bnI
him over 10 thi~ SpJl in Ihi) depanment . Maybe work "'.'" done ... t;oeh sta~ . l'elba .... il ..."" an unlJlU
he' ll ",'Uri: out there ." And e''<'" at timc • • if Ihe wa)' 10 m~ke films_ but il br.... llhl in'piration ;n ,.
"I""t "'1111" didn't ma\;.c;1 in thai department. Walt conceplion. coo tml in the t'fIJ!.lueli"n. and §UCl:C'~~ •
.... 'lIIld"·! ~ive up on him; ,",'e would h~,·. In I')' ye! Ihc h<IX I'm,e , It look ),ea", I" folkl Ih""" concepti .
allOlher spol . To my amll7.emcnl. IoOInc of Itlcse . ' \OM and I;: ..... "f lhem are quite " 'hal anynllC ",',1111,1 t ip«!.
The Team
The basis of (he Disney method of makin, • I'ilm responsi bility since ,,~woRe<! so democratically.
alway. has ~n ICam effon. where mnstMl di$Cus· snorted. " lkmocrncyl Ttu,'s nO' I .
sion and daily argumcn15 replace rigid procedures. Wall MOB-ocncy!" [\ is true thaI
realiled thaI each person connected "" ith the film had their lalenls 10 the group efforl. Highly
10 fec:llllal whal he did was the element made iI.1l ideas aR nearly always bealen 10 the ground, " .
wort. This meant keeping everyone involV«! in thc preference given 10 ~ $OIid cnlCftainment. Ioiaet
lCan:hinl and the trying and the cvaliwing thaI went the baK mUSI be as broad as our audience. PnKIIIII
on through the whole production. Wah summed it up prdcren<:cl succumb 10 the:: majority rule. or the dilt(-
vcry simply. "Everyone has to ronlnbu le. Of lhey lor. or the producer. bUI in the uthangc of idus Ibm
~I~rs.'· is a stimulation thaI rIO individual cou ld generate ill
frank Lloy(! Wright once was trying 1(1 pinpoint the himstlf. Our proced\U'CS trkd 10 nW:e ~ beSlIl$e of
blamr for something he did IIOC Car!' for in one of O\lf this collaboration by add.", COIIS\2IIt opponullitiH rtf
rdm$. Whl:n ""C uplaiMd IhaI "'t all Wred in lhe it 10 flouriUl.
..."" Kay N;~lu~­
"N;~It' "" BalJ
M""",,,i~." fanlb ....

...WiT Mil,., I
"Jqlmm, Itpp
Melody T ...",

SJ.,j, Q..J K,,/ "".

"'. duUHI djK"II..s J,Q"'j",.

,My "",,... *- II.
1(, ,It,
MM. vi lA, /it", .
lilt , , " K~" A..J~".",-
1"" Rescu ....
M!.IOX)' s«mc:d to call for >onJething new in the
.~ of ~)k iUId do:!;ign 10 m;Uch the mood of the m:lle ·
l1li;10. befono any KlUal SlOfY work '.'a~ begun. Walt
_lei IoQI: fOf an ~nist of unique ability 10 make some
di70iltp or painl,ngs tlw "'OlIld e~cile e~cybody .
From Wl$ido the studio I1c brought in lOp illusmlton
III thiktftQ' s books. such • • Kay Nid",n and Gu~taf
T~. 10 uplOl'e the visual possibilities of, suI).
p:t Witt"n our o .... n staff wen: highly talented stylisls
Iott Akn lIurI«. Mary Blair. Don O:oGnwli. and
(eo AIIIkrsoo ..... ho knew the produclion problems .vUjT Va ...... G..r n -
-' roulel r.uggest specific I~yoots or character s ketches l 'lM: S,,'ord in tbe Stont.
a<odl-lo help ",tthe,r ideas into the wooing de-
_ of !he pic1u~, But more often. thcse "ylisl>
om not r.upposed to concern tl1cmse"'cs ,,-jth the
~ of malin, the pICture . ll1ey we", tcying to
m• • "'I)' the whole concc~ >0 that il
..tdbr IIItratti~e ,nd fresh and wablish an imegnt)'
til ~ fl)f both Characters and 10coles.
~ "inspirational ske "hes" Sianed the whole
IIIIft"""" AJ one animator saKi. "There ,s some-
""'(mung about animating on a seq uence that has
.~I\'C locaJe-.--a milke-believe plact: IILaI would
_'millIS 10 be In , Like the Snow Wbite IiClling- a
r.c.ful workt , lloc senings in Pilloccioio--Geppetto's
'"" full of all tllosoe dolls-the inside of the "hale. or
Pkastln: Island-the locales i,"pin: ide"" for [ayuUlS animation thaI W ah had decreed they often ~ ~
and exciling ~""" thaI you can' , feci in the unlinary spirit o f her design . h " 'as 00 problem 10 mo~ die
,~~rgl dif. siluations. h §timulaleS your imagirul1ion SO Ihat )'QIJ drawings art iSTically. keeping nKlly her suggesll\lIIIi
~ ...
:am. pk'Urt
.,~ "" Ihink of mon: unusual ideas . "1 No One ha<.l a charn:e 10 - and some very imereSling innQvat ions came from
get bore<.l or §talc IX feel he was juSt doing lhe SlIme lhose efforts-bul as won;c; il w~s M«essary 10 Idla
,<I Jittd IIw
.,,1, 1« " thing uver and over. Evcryul1C got a lift from ha"ing $lory with warmth and pers(lfla[ily il all broke <\I;N.
For Bambi. frnh .... Ienl .;u.uinuaJly SlIggest new concelMs . We had pro\"ed in Fonuuio any ~ could II"OO\'r
riN ID alp' "Then: " 'cn: times when the dramalk QI' e huming in almusl any manner to malch lhe "erve and CIC"",
uI./w PIH''Y styles suggested could I'lOl be maintained in .he aClUal Mlcnl of a s.rong "'u~icallrack-as in the stirring dancn
•• ~'. booI;. animal ion-to everyone's disappoinlmenl. l'ossibly ""e in .. Nutcracker Suilc" or the ab>lracl !lcsigns of ··Toc·

~ rrudiriIM ro
"'"ere juSt not guod enough to ron"ert the slrong designs
10 our Iy~ of animation. bIIt we fel. that as long as ""e
cala and FugUl:" - bul this nlO,'cmenl could Qflly illlll-
IralC a Siory roocept; it could not sU$lain iI , "Thtrt a
""ere achieVing our audience idcnlir.calioo .hl"{)llgh sin_ po!O§ibly a way to do both. We JUSI ... ver round 11
cell'. believ~b1e characlcrs in real ..,,,ings (no mailer Ken Anderson fclt the problem wenl deeper. " Mary',
how fanciful). we had 10 keep certain fundamenlals of style. . <lorsn'l adapllhJI ..... cll. .. . When you made
animalion . We u~rimented ""ilh OIher Iy~s of move- any adjustmc:nl al all , lhey ",'Cll' not Mary !:l IllI'S
ment .hal might fil lhe sug~stions of lhe Slyl iS!, but BUI if you had mo,'cmem and color aga"'~l lhat bad·
they al"" a)'S seemed 10 lack life. No maner ""hat we ground. iI's a guod que.cion as 10 whether l1 ....wId
tried. "" e well' ,"",ver able 10 adapt our Icchniques 10 ha,'c been as wonderful a Ihing 10 Loo~ al.·· II m~y ~
lhe n:slriCiions of an incompalible design . thaI ccrta;n dcsign§ simply s hould be left in thf.:ir SUI>;
w e all loved the c risp . fll'sh drawinp o f Mary !:Jlair; form. suggesting their O"'n dYlWnncs thl"{)llgh tbtl
and. since she al"'ays wOlked in flat rotors wilh inlcr_ Il'lalionships . Anlmalion has ,,~ Own languai"'. and •
~Iing sh.apes. " seemed Ihal her "..ork rould be ani- is pn:ferable 10 dc'"C1op ,ts own c1cnlCnlS raloo .....
mated wilh wonc1erful rtsults. AI'hough wc kept the try 10 force il lO duplicate or augl1lCm another an form
colors. Ihe Il'lalive shapes, and Ihe proportions, once Afler alL aninlation is as much a scpara'e ",cilium iI
Mary' s drawings 10 mo\"e by the principles of ecramics. carvings, lapeslric~, fll'l'Cocs. or pl"inls.
,!I"",;u ""o>/Iit-- Sambi
How The Storyman Works
I~ l10e foa ...J !he Ho.mcI. ,,.,. flu ..... ".is~J OIl 1Mf_ "", _hils h«Io ,~,..u loou ill dot 'WfHNh. Sui",,, ~i/wl ';UII . '" ,",,,.,,.,., ,~I.....,..,...
",,,IIl. poi"" lot is ""'" likr" In""," ...,.. "'ttJl/<u . Tlot oiu" is fi. A;"1"1 " JI,M>tI. iUIJ M ",JIltS "'~, 10 "'/P . ..,;,/0001, . t -"illg "",.,IIi", ..
~ .. fWt ·

:;vry upI<N'S lire pOJlibi/irjtl af 1M Si'IUl'iOll, 'ry;", """'Y

J ""yJ '"""8i"l pO.slbl, "",iottSI, aNI ,,1I,rMu .i,,,,•. .r'·~pl.
H , _II" 10
Va"", "i,s /1> find" NNllillUiry "'itA",,, dill/o,,,, 'M' il ,,,,ula;n;.
/1>/' bmlr d,,,,..,,,,,,, H, kttps hi, drow;n,. simp/., looIcln, i'" Ix>
" ir! attra(:li~ and Ih, h,.., lik,,,bl., with bolA '-''1 i,,',T'If,d ill ,ach and .....y. 10 ,,,,",nc. Ih, clu"''' 0/ ,h, si,"o,ion ""d tlr, dlll'o",

It.......,. rlI<u do _ .,..ilt

fl, dot 1IOryINUI' , c~".,,' COlI';""'" ...... V""", ",'HI'ulW b<Hvd,o '''' I'rodw'i(Hr U1ll,. 8,JoinJ v........ if
""" S«VtOd """,.., coJld IN . ',<HHIy bo<Jrd. •• TM, willllitN</DUIMtu _. '~II W<>DIje Rej.~.--. /.4", Cle"'-'U. tMId. j~tr-.,
..... '"'""'" DNI """ "" IIUd '" pill "I' OIl ol" rt.tJu nHIIi""ity. II ...... a~s di/fi<:MII /0 pili tIv IUldn "p i" d Jlnlil'" Ii.
Imk ",..IN:I, v........ d,D.... ",11I1w i .. lire fi-t fil". . boo, Au "",Iy ....111 ./oa.
up ... lilt e'ld. il ...... ",id I~ '''''JWWM ...... "" ""m..hl
.n.:.u MIl "".., I""w~hl "~rJ(HN' ..-.\c> ..«h "" ,,.,. '",,",,". Jq,.'''. ~ - . a (H"j",jJl . .
I'lritlli pf pm,.." ,~ilJ hiKI be~ll brought into the ~tu· and a stof)' sketch m.n who ,'parked each other. eitoor
diG. oollho)' ~'tf\: 'eldnm J;inn a charn:e to "'Iile, A through slimulation (>r 'heer irrilation, When any-
5I:ript could be u....-J in Ill<: bo:ginning 10 sh<l"" ,ugge, one \\'as tl1'in~ h' pro'-e Ihat hi$ idea waS the very beSt
MIls pf "h.1 mighl be done wilh Ihe maleriaL hul I"'''ihlc. he would \I'()rk harder to m.~e it ," interesi'
"""" c{ltn tl>< idea, we'~ talk~d (I\"e,. lo>s~d ~mund, ing snd definite und clear", he could. n,., smryman
be.llten to dc.lh . ..lIang.,.,] , di5carded , rc\'umrcd. built did the talking in the mecting>. which !!""c him a
upon. iIIKI "mitkeJ" \\ i!ll()Ut • >ingl~ \\wd hein~ put d~f,nite Jd'-anla~~ in prescntin~ hi> ,,\I'n idea,: but Ihe
tIown on I"'f"'r. Si~ animOl ion i; a vi,ua] medium, it shtch m;1n could conlrollhe appearance or the board,
~ imjX'nanl th.1 the ~tM;- idca$. the ,'harac'l"fS. lh~ hy <'Iagin~ nql su~ge'tic.'n~ less <b~llingl}' than hi,
biJsinel<, 11>< e<>n1inuil)", and 1hc relation,hip, k pre· own, Usually "'''Ie agn-.:nl<:n1 c'ould he reached ~fore
se!tl~d in I"ilual [","111 rath"r tha" in wonk So th~ Wall came III lee tn., I:>oards. bUI often a ~erlai!l t~ill<""
1WI}''''''rd ""' innnted_ could I-.: di'Ccrncd as the storyman ~1ancd his prcocn·
1M fIN , kctcllo;, to be pinn~d up ""'ere not the tation "'ith th~ offhand ""mar~. "The -,ketches ore,,'t
romi""il -' "r prof'< ,,,,dad iII n !:>ut gone", I iII u, t ration, vel')' g(>oJ , but_
1Ifthc ide.: ~ro"pinp of c'ha,"~le". _,il"atio",. 10,:", When the men in the story unit !CIt Ih"t thc~' h;od
lion,. th< fiN attempt, 1<' \ isu"li'~ thi, ,tor)" Ur~d· ~otnethin~ to ,ho", . the )' ",~,Id <,;ol! f"r a mct1 ing
1IIl1)'. il,; ,"'>io;~, wcre made. mmc of a ,'Otllinllity was M"r~ olicn. Wall would barg~ in ulla nllO\l'l\....,d to >cc
leen.lnd. CI'"ntltally. ,ket"he~ emerged that defined ho" thin~ , we", ~"ing , Sirn:c h~ h~d a hahit of I'",wl·
k'l~l so;c"'" Ihol mi~hl be on the >ereen, Thro ugh illl ing through th~ "",m. 3t night 10 S<:c wh~1 i<.k~' wcre
t/Ies( ,h.n~>(" a, io.lcas g.rc ..... into >ome lhing bcll~r or bdng gen~r3ted. this type of \'isit u,,"uall}' meant thai
lIiN to hold up, ~r ..... ere found to be 100 elusive to he had sun the 5tol')'hoards and wanted ~omethin~
clp!Ure in <Iill dra ..... ings. <kctch"s ..... ere pinned up amj diffcr~nt_thOtlllh this wa, ""Hr nlellliQIlCd . He woold

taktndowlI , da~-I{le, day . h is a very nUible way to

The misnmem !;(Iundl deceptively $ impl~ . Find the

feign innocence wi1h. "Whateha got here. guys7" iU1d
the "'guys" would be caught so unprepared that they
could respond " 'ith neither a hard sell nor an alibi. So
emmainmenl value, in 1he MOl')' ,iluati<ln~. then pre- they listened. and learned . As Dick Huetner ~id,
wm!hem \;lu311)' through Ihe feelings of Ihe person· " Walt was his own beSt stol1·man."
lIilies ia\'ol,·ed. t:ntil tm, specialor can S\:e an im:idenl Jf Wal t fclt that some solid idns II'¢re beginning 1<>
through" ,""rader', ey"'. thcre is nn life and I'e r) sh"" up, "r that lome fn:~h ideas wen: n«ded. he
link .-amnh, So lhe di,cu"ions ..... cre n('l ," much would ~"II ;n "tocr M..... ymen to gel rca,'tions. F,,,
lbout "Wh,! hapl"'''' ",,1','" a, al"Jut "h:ita<.,tcr rda· quit~ a ["'riod h~ had what he called his "shaping
ti'lI",hi!" and 1he tunny Ihing, that peopl,' do crew." "ho 1"II"wed him r"'111 1001111<, n""n ~i"ing
A 11\11)' ,ntcrt,,;,,;n~ ide," ,ioc' nol c'ome o",il). and thelf thou~hls and sugge'ti"n~. One di~~rut\t lcd ~I<,,,y.
hwoor h:i<lln "" c"n>ider~J a vC'Y ,erioo, hu,in¢~, ,\ man "ho preferred 1<> wor~ ",''''pletel)' .Iune co",·
PI: ~'" n,,,,,, "",ei>led ju<t Ixc'~u<e il ..... ~s t'u""y: ;! pl~in,'{) al",ut thi, "~onventi"n " method of huildin~"
had to "'mk )U>l rigln f"r that '1'<)1 in the ,to",' und for S1<11')'. and wp S1<)I')'m~n Ted Sean, ,um",,~1 up the
Jh>1 panic"i." char""t"- On" new "'a" wa, 'lilt1n,d at 'imation I",,,t "ilh this pungent remark. "Ttw,,··, lII~h·
as r... t ,~~~ nl<ttlllg, "Ewryone W3, >0 grim, " he in~ w""c than '",neone "ho ,0n",'S in with a ffl"oh
uid. "So "'" \I", laughing_ I 1hooght. '\'u ncn,l direc· coc'" But OUI of this sy'tem C3!OC w"",krfut "lOric<,
to:n ha\'e ,,"Ire fu n Ih"n thi, I' .. : filled with r;"h jili,a' that g;l,"C tn., animal<.>n the ~redtC't
\\",11 !<ktnm had ~ ,ingle \1ol')' man \\'()fking alone, kip in the IIorld One of thenl conmlent!'d in Im"r
becauso ho.' kll t1J,tlwo or three men \\,,,,~ing togt lher year; "hen he viewed ~n old film. " y"" ~ct the f,..,).
_oold !c",,",c m(lfc idea, a"d ::i'c gre"ter >C('!'" to in~ (hal C>'~r)' la,t frame of that thing ha~ httn worLcd
!lie;' subj<t'I , Oft~n it \\'~S " combination <lr a siorymnn ovcr un!il it's perf"t!"

W"II "YJIt,rd 1M ..+wIr l/aff

10 ptJrtidpalr 'It
Ihr build-
ilt, of nAOlr ('kl"". "l1li M
rItNwr('g.d ""uyo,,, 10
,,,bmi, gtlll {)#11M ~wrrml
Slory. HIN' ..'. ,,-,-c{'M
"",pili"", ,,,,11M ;It for
In. dwarf. ilt Soow While .

Story Sketch
"A """y , uK"h j. 001 r'''Il,aphy- it ;, nUl mminul1} .·~n""fI , lit LIIC'" 1\ .... ould be al"""" ""I'".. iblt 10..10.
-aI ~;, not. di~v~m . Nor ~s it merdy iII... stl~tC ;md v«y $OOfI h" MlMkms ~al;~<1 Ih,s . ' 00, .
lilt 1Ii:I~'1"" rOf die: >a/llCnc.:. Thm.: a,e aU the cum· " ~Inry ~kC!ch "Ian at 1M ,;10010 ....."'" IbUaIly ~"
_..n.u... ort"" bc,;nnin ~ story ,k~l<:h man. TM ~n"l .. ho It.1d ~ ~ ....dal i"le~st in iIIU,lr:olinn . <k.~n .
l11li) Ikttth ~1Iou1d .hQ .... dllrk'" , . alti, u,k. feelinl!~. a ptl<"uan.:c. and char",·,cr . Hi. M~~In~ mllu(",·td lhe
tJl\f:!U!lI!Itnt e~pn:~Sl()n •• t)I'" of ""IOn. ~'well .. la>'OUIS !h31 1r>I Lo",td . hi. approach ~".,"Ii,"'>d a '1)'lt
wllm~ I~ .101)' of ,,-haf , happ.:ning . Wnell )"0'" look h" lhe piclure . ~'kl hi, ~rt:lJlgtn",n, ..1 the -ctnc. aod
., board, it :;/10\11<.1 "' 11""1 the feeling of til<: "'que""" Ihdt slnfytc ll ing value ""~"I11~ a gunk ,,, the: c Ulli n~
I(l ~ .i<:~'cr ,tan. ,,, pkk up S'''llc c,dl~nl enl and an,! 1'r.:,emaliQn "r Ihe i<kas in Ih~if r'n~r fQrm ,
$li1tlU1.1;"" ... , W"ueas the " ,),I;sl had b<cn a, • •...t I" I11~Lc be.uti·
The >I<lf}' Iktl. h ;, Wille" hal ~uml'ar~hk to th~ lui dr:''''"8 ' ;n full " ..lor ..·ilh n" rc,u k l,,,n< Qlh(r
,~..... r",I;t, c.nwn d'3"' on~. of the thon;" " "hen Ih an Ihe creali"" (If an ~~"il;n~ illu'If~".m. lhe: "Of)'
.,." '''I''''
,. tile fi/.. l
ItaroW Roo. pe,,,,,,ally ,evlewed all the dra\,-,ng .• ., ~tlch mi n ,",'3S b...~J " 'ilh Ilk- 1"'oI>"'n, .If n,aLinE ~~ ..... QII<

$IIlInoir.nI. lit " -a, ( .lIIeal of 11M: , taging. the: ,·hMac. />nIJo WarJ,
c" CI)'t"ing " ',Ilk pod fil t"~e.hl:1 ~ ... I n"",'h ."'" s"",,·
1m. lilt "",* oJe• . in r..., •. w:cry li nk ,,( the original Ii"" 'Ill his..t...,,"""'d I k tried ,.. he n,,~ ibk and k""" ""' '" ~
. ·d' Tim.
.m. ..", p,..;rd hom . and h.: "'-~ c~l"'clany u~ if an ,' .... n min.!. "'·... ause II< L"",,- ,"'" In ,hi: " Of}' " ..:c, · &11 P«l n
lie _14 MI fi~ule ,,,,I "h<'" h. a. , It( ",t·....., ... " "')I h" idea~ " -nuld he 'lilly 'I'rin~huarJ, ~l "" .. and ."...-d_
~ III bt .. h,l~ ~f\ 'n, Ihis '!luau.... ,' Mar.' j1;1~3Icl 'nne";'.....
."... /oak
~,.... >«11<> ~".• 1'0,_ , .n d~,..,. the ~,,'!!nn..,nl nf h ..., difficuh 1<11 Ih.· >10.), ""-"I,' h IIIall ,,, mainlall'
a..J ,'" apr
w>Wc to improw 'Ill Ire .Ia gin~ of ~ No·.., rorker a f,,"' in~ of dcl;l<;hn",nl al Ih,,,,., "".Sklll •• silK'<' lit d.. """",,_

n~: 1,

. .
~'- j13 wa~ the firs! One to put up a drawing willt his bean ill
it The who followed would be: juSt as vu1 ........
ble. but he was lite lead_off man . Even though 1!Im

• --
.. ~ Il
);: , were altempts 10 soften the blows ("we're no! criti·
c " , cizing you, it' sjusillte idea we don', like!" ), tbc: fll:l

-." -

remained Iltallhe sketch man had believed in rhe draw.
ing when he made it. Because their comribution lo!he
whole picture was so grcal, only anist, who dre"' ...'~
a special appeal or a sensitive slyle were put in . lOr)'
- . .., q skelch, and lhe very sensitivilY thai made them VaR.
" '::-t., ";1
" '~''-'''' " ., , I able was whal made lhem so depressed when the .tory,
~'~~:ff?C '~ ('
board was changed. And il was always changW. ThlI
~' ~"ir ,/ < is the point of a storyboard.
.II " Occasionall y a SIOry sketch man would become too
personally involved in his work and lei hi s ego bliDII
S"t8~j/ionJ jor CQstumes by Tom Ortb. for Slttping Beauty . him 10 lhe needs of the over3 11 story _There was ati~
when one such harned aniSI could nol staDd the !Tell.
I, Captoi~ H""l lit" ropl",~d Tink~r B~II and is 1,)'in8 '0 make her d;I'U/II' 'ht
men! his lovely dr3wings werc receiving , As a paniol-
P~d • Sff'" hiding plact, Pre,ending friendship, he plays"" ht. jt~IOI<j)' of
~fino.lly wi", " " ""tr. She marl::; 1M Ipo1 on 'he map Jar favorile was being tenlatively fol<led over, he critd
i ratii up/Off<! <'<""""
"nglt •. slaging. of/ing. cha,act.. , d"'t/opmem.
ill riuY early d~t(heJ ,
IIX"''', ou!, " Wall, you can'l do that! Not thaI oner!"' WJIt
did not respond directly but carefully' Ii
pvIkd!h;lt s;:ct,h and the next th= dear off the board, selling Wah the ideas being presented . TOIaily unpre-
tearing tile comers where the pIIshpins had held them pared for a Chicken in the middle of his .\to<y. he Wa!;
<lfIlive; then he ", leased the tattered paper to let it deep into the action as he approachc<l the interloper:
fluttI,r bclpk"ly to the n"or. He ~emcd to he en - .. Donald Conl~S maring ar<.>und the ~vrrn:r. ,;c;o. an..! he
go~d in the pi~ture itself 300 totally unaware of .tips o!llhis crJzy old rug here. ~nd then he crushe,
II"lIat he w~ doing to these ·'ma<terpieces.·· but the into this lamp, and he·s getting m~dder. and then this
menage k> the ,ketch m~n waS unmistakable. :-;0 dia- chicken comes and he - uh - he goes an· - he
~oe i$ needed if pantomime Can lell it all. cOmeS - he comes in here an· _ well. anyway,
WC"bt> Smith wa, a great stor)·man wOO drew ;n the Donald c"()me, along here "'Jmewh<:re ...... The mood
old cartoon ,tyle and became not only one of 'he beSI had ~n broken.
,",m." bill ()Ile of the most innovativc prankstcrs. Afterward the devastated storyman vowed revenge.
Om:c. he h<ld been ridi~ukd hy ()ther st()rymeo fm a but Webb had a wal of protlll:ting his u wn boards
jW1;'alar drawinG "f a chiCken on Me of his story- from intruder,. >0 the sketch ended up on 'I<)fflC toolly
boards. and he felt that !'Orne form of retaliat;on was in innocent man· .. board just hcfore hi~ tie,\! meeting.
ookr. J.... minutes btfore his Co· workers were to have From then on. year after year. the great apprehen,ion
lit important me"';ng w;,h Wal'. Wellh 'lipped iow of e ,·ery storyman was that the famed ,·hkkcn .,kcl<:h
die mom .nd pinncd ,he thicken sketch right in the would appear on hi s tloard in the final tense m;nUle>
m;ddl< 01 ~ MmyWaN. llIe ,wryman usually tried to before Walt came for a big meeting. llIe ,.;ketch. bc<:ame
workupa fiTIC pitch of enthusiasm as he told his swry. more crumpled and torn <1.'; it W;!S gr~bIx,,1 viol~ntly
hilling. the boar<l, with a pointer. talking fa't. and time after time and thmwn clear out (Of 1he mont. but
!o:!ling ...' <pontane()\l<)y as he c()\Ild ;n hope' of somehow it .<urvived for years .

, , - - ,.. \1'-..

~. .
8,11 ,

... -""1; .



. . . . ..;:1 _ .. ' Director
:.t ~~/ U"

~~ " 'as a g~3te. v","..,t)" in " Mllsic R."",," pnxf-

dll'c than in an)' othc:r area. with W.Il·. Ica<knlllp
~ing tl\( only ronstan, f""h)( . Wah ...·Ofh-.J ""., .. hot
hc: " 'as undune.ed ...·uh .ktail. and able '0 Ie, hi!
imagina.ion ron free .... rho: di.<"Clor· . job I>.:~Jn ~;m
the fJfOC'.''' of picking up .Ik- pi.:ces and .rying to mal.
thc:m all fillogelho: •. Man)" diffcrt:nt men .... cre ,O«j ..
,his posirion. some cumin!: from .1\( r~"k> of rlIt
51"')'''''''' " '00 a ~'i31 ,ocnse of rh" ,,·IM ... pot.
ru,c. :rnd tllhc:rs from rM ~"un~''''''' " '00 Il:od ~ tucl
of ....orking " 'i,h )"oun,,-.:. al1is,". Loyou. n..,n "/"If
tried. a"i •• an. dir~c",.,.,. and c,'en people " 'hn ~
,0 nuat !>cl .... een dcp;lt'mcnl., wilhout ;'ny real t~

'" SI<.:r-
.,,.,,. ..kl'......

</1" /),,,.
II")' 1(>~a1llhcir oorne . Many of l he~ cooic~s survived Wal t's ;ntCresl !ay. If something excited him. Ilt would
for only OIl( pieture . be deeply involved. lelling everyone .... hallO do: ...·hile
Wah wanted to be told llIat he could not do if he Were mon: inlell:sted in some other area. he left
1GB"tIu",. ~pn""iaJly if 1M reason "'"lIS. tecltn icality .urpnsingly big decisions to his direclln. often by
or mcrictlon of production . Still. he " 'as realistic <kraul!.
tfIOlI&h to know Ihc~ anno)"ance~ had to bc consid_ TM mOSI successful arrangement was the Produc-
Md. IiO Ilt pul key men in the unen"iable flO"ition of tion Unil . ...·here responsibility " 'as s!wed. TM di..,.,-
1u.'·ln, 10} w.y, ··No.·· when the i<k~s " 'ere becoming tor mllde lhe decision, bul .... ~~ aided by his layoul
lOOimpraclkal. He could not toicrale a ··~·e. m.n" al man. 3 couple of supervi~ing animalors. and possibly
lAy ~me. bul he brislled " 'hen he received any nega- a s tory sketc h man on loan to draw up lhe ne ....
tr.t rnpomo-it brought his cre~li\"c dri,·c 10 an irnme· changes. Just bccau.5<: the storyboard. had Ilftn moved
.... hall. down to the Music Room did not mean Ihat they h.:I
"'limn tilt directors fclt like little 0",", than c~rb. b«n approved enlirely . Hopefully. the .toryman SliU
11)"" 10 put Walt ', i!leu On the sc=n. ,,·lti~ al other could be persuaded 10 joinlhis crew in the process of
limes they ....("K eXpn""ted to o13kc ~w«piog decisions rdininl and devcloping wilhool f«ling Ihal ali hi.
tIu.I aff«1ed lilt ...·oole studio. It depended upon where cardul work ,,·a. being thrown OUL
to "find" his characters before going GeppetlO we had wanted a gruff, crotchety old man,
other Story sequences or even the experi- who had a heart of gold but was accustomed to having
so the production unit began search- hi s own way sine<: hc-lived alone with only his pets
~I as one of its first assignments. By this and his dreams. On the storyboards this had ~med

of character we wanted in
voice that made him
ideal. llIere was warmth revealed in his inner fox>lings
and humor in his put-on crankiness. llIe perfect voice
always a very demanding process. For belonged to the character actor Spencer Charters . and


chio IW """'1 0
PINOCCHIO " :J 3 rir. ufO«. "".
i~ Snow While. t
combined ....
who did rM oa
...... swilrWro d
d rotttpl~dy lin

P,NOc'CH/c) d!»
itself ei.her bring, piclurcs to lhe animator's m;;"~
does not . TIle anim.tors were liso found 10 be
alcn 10 lhe linle sou nds. the g!\lnts. the
yO<,:11 mannerisms tha. gave .he specific
nttdcd to make .he (11100II dra"'inp li,·e.
is ",waled IlOl so much i
and ""'"' enleru.ining characters are
lillie _nds ralher Ihan lhe actual dialog...,.
h was abo disro~red lhal nuony times lhe
who had broug.hl lhe sequence up to Ihis
now drained of ideas: a fresh lalcnl Ulking ~
working wilh lhe a!;IQI$ eould :>dju'l more rudily
lhe problems of lhe ~dinll . If (he voice
liked ",neeted J slili'lly
0l'Il: plJllned. I~re hJd to be a in our
was Importln. thillhis rlCw i
for whal i. offered . 1ne", ofl~n would ~
our flBl model drawinp ..~re inOucnced by lIisappear- enten.inment patenl;al in a y~ or
ano;e. B",I • • fler nearly 100 feci of nperimental ani- chal I pt"rtOII wilh J pm:oncep!ion mig.hl miS$.
malion 11I0Il bttn done. i. ~me .pp"rent tl",. lhe PcIer !:khn teSled for the bunny 111.:11 was ."' • ""_
hidden nuances tllal sllould have &i~n the wamllh Thumper. the ",action of the ca~. ing direc:IOI"
"'tCre not as evident here as lhey miglll have been in "(io:. IhJI kid 0111 of there-~ can't act!" Th;, ;" . .
li~ ac1ion. The character seemed abrasi~ and 100 danger o f one man lI·ying to do it all himself. It i
51l'0III in his manner. Wc had ~. KrlwS miSl2kc . 10 bccornc so (klcrmined 10 gel ,.'lI.:It you Ihin);
With JUSt o ne sequence in work and only lhe nper- w~ntlhat you 10K .,.h;,
sighl ...
"~, x,",,10,~,
iment.1 animation inyolved. it was still possible 10 offered.
back up .nd SIan o-;c,r . The KaKh now Wili fOf • The difflcul.y of making .his kind of j·'~'_"1
melJo..wr .... n. more gullible. and with an old·world compounded by lhe " cin cu" lhat everyone getS 11111
chann. TIlesc qualities were found in ChriSlian Rub . liSlCns 10 lines being said oyer and o~r. Soon IhI
The characlcr Wili redesigned. the dialogue changed
to fll this new , u itudc. the Kqucnce rebuih around.
diffcrcnt per$OllalilY: e~n(ually lhere e merged .Iova-
ble old woodcarver ,,·110 was both me"-,,ble and
For a long lime Wall considered reoonIing!he voke$
iii pan of the Wlfyman's responsibilities. since he had
bttn deeply invol.-ed in ,.·riting!he dialogue and knew
so welt what the: lines ,.·c", supposed 10 do fOf lhe
sequence . In the fifties. Ihis idea was gnuJually aban·
doned iii II10K value WIS found in "-ying the dirtttOl"
and the ani .... tors on the r«Oniin, stage. II is Ycry
importlnllhat the animators be able 10 "scc" lhe alli.
tudes and npression s whcn lhey close Iheir eyes and
liSlen 10 the: voice . Too oflcn grell voices Of ,,,,al
actors prove disappointing in this "'gard: il is not •
maLlCr of talcnt or upt"ricnce . The quality of the voio«
aclimu. offeeling. Othe. actors became O>l'lSlimu latro
and neglected subllelies of the character liley were
Irying 10 portray. Usually nothing wu lost in h•.ving
K lOrS record their lines sepanuely , because I Jood
(l)l("h could bring out refinements in I perfOf1Tll/lCC
poaibly missed in a group recordin,. Anot"', advan·
tage to separale recordings surflC«l " 'lIen ei!her tile
I/limaIor or the di=tor later decided to alter tile amount
of time belween two lines-perhap$ to change . dw·
K le.', fK ial expression. If both voices had been re-
oookd on one track. wilh natural ovcrl l ppln" it would
have been imp<:>Ssible to open up the sou nd track. PM
We always tried 10 I"(cord only a portion of our
dialocue in the first SC$sion. On t... shorts il did no!
matter too ~atly. si nce thel"( was never much dil.
Ioaue in them anyway . Howe~r, on I'" fUtUl"(s. OUr
conlracts usually cilled for five sessions over I period
of It least tWO years. and occuionilly we had pr0b-
lems in rind inllhe acl()r1 ..·... n needed 19ain. (~
calls 10 Ellrope. Japan. and New York "'"Ue ~iml

~ all sound Ilike and no one eln jud(C' if

Illy f t _-tw is Willlted . Once again. tile team effort
fl_", !he I"(spons ibilities offel"(d Ihc be51 wlu-
1iIII. So !he director of tile sequence was askcd to
_ the ~ing session. with most of his unil
-.cIhim makiRj suggcslions, lislcning. discussing.
~. The recordin, Ihal was approved o n Ihal
.,. woukI be around 10 lutunt tllem all for years 10
___ ..., importanl thaI il be lhe besl everyone

Vr:ry 5t1doln did Ihe K I()r1 record all lhe lintS wilh-
!hey look I page or '''-0 of lhe $C11p1lt I
p>l' them I ch.ance to listen 10 ...~ they

;:~:~ l~~d':;:.=;,«:.~e~hance
of the10$.lime
and !hey weI"( numbered Ind I"(femd 10 as
we I"(

One " or "Take Two " (or occasionally e~n

~n seleclions
This wmeli mesweI"(
led tomade later
rallier of
Ii . ssistlnt director: " T1Iere ' sa
take in Take 3. so take Take 2 and CUI off the
. .. " . .ok< ."1 third take and take it clear 10 the

SeD ICIOfS _med ",·clllocether. giving I natural ,

_~"'. . quality Ind building t'" whole pie.:e 10
Sdndy DU~~dn .....U ' "
Vult in TIlt Fox and the
HOIInd. ,,'i.n dITU'OFl AFt
Su ..n. f/fft) d~d T~d
S.."".,n .

one oily 10 locate Peter USlioov. who was working 10 give any line In unexpected charm . BUI thoop lief
only' hal f_mile away a!!be NBC Sludios in Burbank.) performance was exceptional. lhe "'ading was di"l'"
We needed lime 10 develop our characlers and build pointing. lacking the crispnen and definition we had
SIns through thdr penonaJities. Jim Jordan. ooce anlicipated . ~periencc IQId us lhe trouble had 10 be;'
famed as Fibber McGee. was hired 10 do the voice of our script. and ~ wOft would be needed 10 p¥t
our . llHolrou in TM RUCWfS . He ~ame alarmed Miss Dunean I clear Cha"'ler and a strongtr sitat-
when we oullined our e~tended limetable and snorted. lion . We n:alized that we n:ally did I\()( know OIIr link
" Huh! You beller get nl<! all at once! I 'm 5e""nty_si~, fQX as well as we thoughl we did.
y'lmow." Yean laler he was Slill =ording voices for Back al our desks. we looked (or business lhat p¥t
111 on Other piclIlRS. change. of altilude. SQmelhinlllo bring OUI n:1l COl>
We learned 10 be very careful about choosing the cern, a ~ilualiQn lhat WQlIId $how Sandy-. CUte. u.,
voice of a fine performer if it did no. sound entin:ly side. and make usc: of the wonderful warmlh ~he 00IIId
natural and casual. An outslanding Stage voice, or give \Q almost any material. We wrote and talked a!Id
even I straight voice , &ave the animalor very lillie ",wrote. and when she time in agai n the Kriplgl>t
viMlal help . Similarly. the phony voi<;e or fabricated her the CIJIPIIf1unilies she: nm:Ied. Her perfOl'lTllllCt
voice of lhe imitator proved 10 be I problem ~IUK il wrpasscd QUr original hopes, giving the inttgrity, (\or
never had sincerily. In a parody or a $Ilin: the "put- surprises. the te~turcs, the appeal that we needed.
on" voice works well, but il fails to convil)C<: an This kind of building and adapting naturally made
al>dience whe", bel ievability is required . The straight utensive changes in the sioryboards, and the s~
voice will keep !he clunocter dull . and lbe phony voice Willi e ither enthusiastic about the great new po$$ibililies
willlO$C the audic:nce . that were IIOw opening up , or he Willi slightly jIdnI
A difflCull II"IOITIC'nt rornes when I lop wem ~Ii aboul all his careful work being aboned. Since l!o!
rIQt give a perfOlTnaJlCC wilh either life or entenain- new suggestions had rome under lhe di=tor"J COD-
men! in the first Kssion. Is this an off day? Is Ihe Itol. it was only natUrallhat he keep the boards lid
material at fault? Should we look fOf someone elK? ine~ the new ideas . Ilowe""r , the changts .....
We asked the very talented Sandy Ouncan 10 do the: IlOl al ..... ys wccessful Of easily made. IeldillJ _
voice for our lady fox in TM Fox dnd the Howrd Sloryman 10 pin a large silln over his doot Ihll IUI!,
because m her fresh. disanning manner and her abilily " II was funny when il len here!"
Assistant Director
This indi\"i~ual is neither an assi~t:"n nor a director . whether ,ound or (lietore. w3, <k"e[oped in the forst
Ik i! l uoobleshooter and ~cord·~eeper who has th.: days of working "'ith music and is mo"" fully uplaincxl order out of the ,weeping ~ritidsms and in the chapter On -- The Dis ney Sounds;' oot il must
mali .. e th<l\I~ht, of the direc1<>r and the productio" be mentioned here in relmion to the responsibilities of
unit. H. "'orks in area\ where Ihing., wnstantly c,on go the assistant director,
WIIIn,. Fr."".." can b.!com. )o"t morc easil)" than c~t · Thc !tar ,heets are a chart <In pa(ICr of e'-crything on
lie on the r.nFe. and. ~' '''ith the ~ tral' dogie, a nliss· the rcel~ and On the grey., In a s imple namp!e, 3 take
in5 frame mu,-/ be found_which i, incomprchcn:>iblc has !xcn ",I""ted of Grumpy saying, .. I lion't know.
10 li"NICli\ln edilon-. wh" me",ur~ Iheir film in arm hUI I'm ~gin 'em." It runs 3 fcct, b frame:;, IUIII the
lettgth" Every frame of " canonn must Ix: c"n· v"ice.1 of the other dwarfs hllVe !xcn cut into the Iccl
!rolled if Itlcrc i. 10 b.! any' :'IIIC with th~ ""ice'. the in relation to that foo,~ge, Now, the animator fon,h
musio;,th. '''''00 dfe,,". or e"cn t" match one track that tlte line lacks Ihe emphasis he fccls for that spot
10 1IIOlher. and (lrcfer~ an a!l~rnme take, which had more vitality.
After a !"\!f<xding sessi"n. lilt' ""i'lam director takes The di!"<X tor agree6. so thc line i, rf:(llaccd . !lut the
!he .elected lines and, with the cunN . .'pliccs them new line i. ,h,)[[cr, running only 2 feet. 14 frame,.
t<J¥Cthe, "n they \\'ill play like;< r.dio scri pt . EVery'IOc Eight frame" mu,t COllie 0111 "t" JII track, for them to
listens. erili<ilin~ the assistant for not leaving cn"ugh work with Ihis tIC'" replacemcnt. but;t all can Ix done
Ii.., in SOIII< place>, puning in t"" much in others, on the !'Iar , heets first.
andocc;uiorolly for having cut in the wrong --take" As one well -trained as~istant expJairnxl. "You do
It)mewbere el~. When the tra<;k i~ approved. it is the CUlling on paper. in df«!, and if your bar sheet.l
written up on ~y sheets of paper marked with m~!I)' are accura~ . the assistant director doesn't have ~, ,'pend
1iDeJ, each one indicat ing a s ingle fra me of film on Ihe lime in the CUlling Room . The culler jllst does what' ,
trICk. The Itan and ~nd of each take is OOtw as ""ell as on lite bar sl!«tS!'" That is c.:nainl)' the ideal S;IIta·
\h:\otaJio!I of the words within the take. Any ch~nge (ion, bUI in actual uperieru:e i( is seldom that easy.
io1bc tratb from then on will be made on the~ !trey What work~ o n pap"T may not sound right 10 the ~.u.
s/Ietls, .,,,,sing "ut >-Ome frame l ine~< patching in "th. and after trying a lillie ~hangc here .0<1 shifting one
en, In tbis way. these "'S~Y~" hccome the li"in~ lrack to a neW location and moving the music up
rami of the piClUte. re.:ording each shift. each chang~ , earlier_ omehow nothing OIJy Seem 10 fit to!1ethcr
(lit, RplaCt'mt:nt. s wilch. addition--evcry whim of anymore .
the diIector and animator, ' I1lere is no more desolate fcdinj!. ~han being cOO(led
kfort lronl(. thc<e grey~ will be <0 patched and up in the ~utling room late at nij!.ht with the folm all
tanered that thc)' arc alm,,-,t unintcll igible, but TC-.;",d, Over the floo... with nothing in sync anymore, 00 app"'_
of atIOIher type ~ept .t the same time will take over. ent way to ):et back i1l10 syl1l:, ~nd tlte "~rey.," not
Calkd"tw- shcc1.<;· they continue to be .. the bihle" refl«ting whal is on the tracks . Somdltlw thi$ u,u:tJly
of the Music ~oom right On m the end of the project. OCCurs when the"" i. a crud~1 meeting schcdule<l for
Thil method of r~cord-keepillg for every piece "f fitm, first Ihing in the morning to look at the r(els.

The cartoon ,uller has none of the latitude of his Ii"e ' film. aO<1, ~,ond, wilh keeping lhe all·important sync.
.wn cOIlntcrp;lr! to deternl;ne lengths of seenn or In order to have everythinj!. a" flexible as possible
~which ,b<~s shall be used, Hi, job is C<lnccmed, while the animmion is !>ringing out new ide;lS, tlte
first , "'ith keeping. marking. and storing all "f the !.Ound should he kept ,m sel".rnt~ tracks. Even tltc
Mmplc~1 film ""I II h..·~ four !".eb : IWo of d'alo~"". The whole un;1 m.) be u,~r to l"le" tn a ... ~I)
""" uf sound dY~·h. ~ """ of onu,...,. .ecorded lract. hul lho;- l;u:onlC cUller "'ake' (>'tT)'_
11Ic culte. n'U~1 10.1 ~nd ,;".., ~''''ry lake lhal has ,,'~ it unl,t ho;- has scrobed hb lakn ~nd put n~rlll"nt
betn m~d.o: of (;,ell '·ute.., lalent: 1M sclen~<.Ila~C$ Ihal in tmkr , In :oddit;on, h~ """C , u." ,. hi. ",",I~' trJet f<Y
Wtre I"ed Ihe rceb. Ihe replaccnM:nlS and altcrnal~' an)'lhing, I·k worb cnli .eI)' wilh p""I ' so Ihal lhe
Ihal ....,'" con~lderW, and. linall y, all llle Ihou,and" of dir~ctOf nn Iry any id<:~, he wanl, " ';Ihool jeopardlz·
I'ny scraps Ihal Were com. """,nds some an,malO' hkW ing the ori~ ,"al. Clln~rs u,u:llI)" ",c", unc""l""fal"-'
bul could 001 find any plac( 10 u"'"' AI thor t nd of Iht since lho;-r :Irc reluctant 10 t3~e ~ dun« J~ 10 hca'
pkl"",. lle w,lI be ",,~rchinl: desperalely for many of how an ,dta ,,·ill .. >lind A baldul C)...• ~rc.". the nu·
Ihe'o . The J"" ,""e,m mUft I, ~e thai of a I,brari an Ih an beranl animalor who d~i"". ·· we Cal\ 1(11 in ~ minui(
I film ed'm•. e'l'eci~ll)' if lhe .""I~m di.eclor h~. if it" " ~olng 10 wor t and lhen " ·e ,·"n put il t'~hl back
dooc hi; job "'·ell. bUI. atlually. trn:rc ;~ moch crc:a· the " 'Il" ,1 ".,,!'. Somcllll"·, n ",,'·e. '1u'l<' ~o." n,.
1" ·IIY and dear Ih,nbn!; demanded of lhoe cutler . back. and hoot., arc 1of"'n1lrpng 10 find OUt "h~ .

Charactcr Model Departmcnt

In the mid·lh'rlM:'. ron modd ,hoxl o r the ChafXlei'S stimulJlln!; S~ctclll.'5 of all t.... """ ch~r...,t ...... bo,,'I:
was official "nul" bon: the S<!'I. '· OK. J ,G .. Joe eo""dercd .
G.a nl , "nisI. wrile" dc~ it:nc •. onll. alone I'me. Pr<)· Joo:., .In- wings were o.i<mc predominanll y in "","1 ~I·
ducer. was Ihe 'lull,,, aulhl>fil), "n Ihe design and lei,. hul hi, c.~w ,", .. ,1.1 handle ewry dramatic and
"flpearance of ""ulr ewr)'thin, llul "",,·W un lhe fla~h)" nlwium klll ... n 10 ~rt'~I.'. This " ·a, al ..·a)"s I
scra:n. and hiS la>lt and jud~nl(nt "'ere larlel)· re· SOUrtt of anoo)";Intt. ~nd or""r. 10 .he ~n"n3I""". "•
• pon.ihle for the plcas'n~ \Irk that identif,.,d lhe we'" '~StrKIe<J I" 10"" (Iraw;n~~ and nal ,,,lor Joe
1)i"lC), product ,juring Ihal period He wlle,led under ..:enlCd 10 ha'''' an end I,·,> supp!)' "r lo"ely sketch<.;.
h" ,,·ing. in Iht CharctCtcr MndclDepartmcnt. a 'trnng hi . podet. , >u~~c"in~" nkcr effect . a ~flc' look. I
j/lOUp of ,"cry taknled ~rI;>b .. ho m;uJc ;nspif1"~ ~nd mo.e inler-.,ti n~ .ha~, and W.h a, ked r-.peale<.\l)".

$UGG[Sltll MOIlEL."I

JI: 7

or me NOUIlS
\ -
~ F-I2B -
Sc~lp/O" C
doro ..NfDllk.
pow/oj" ....
oj a,,;u.
..-1 -..,..

",,'1ST J,m Bodrno


' - ,

The Characler Model Department eventu,
panded to include three SCUlplOrs who lransl'
drawings into beautiful, liule day figures of eao;
acter , 1bese ,'..ere cast, and a limited number 01
models, painted in the colors suggested by the
Model girls," were dimibuted 10 the animators
were no elusive smudges here but hard realit y i,
and shapes magnificently do"", and lhey were
aid to the whole animation department . Unfom
lhey were so good that Wah started giving $OIT
to VIP's as souvenirs, while others became per
decorations in the offices of tOP personnel. 1
had a way of disappearing, especiall y as we 00:
end of a picture.

/" ,, ,.nsr J(N Gram

-" ,

"WIIat ya gO! lhere, Joe?" Joe would caslla!1y revuJ

his lillie masterpiece, causing Walt 10 exclaim. "Yeah
.. yeah! Look 3tthis. guys. isn'lthat beuer" Why
don't we draw it like that?" However. there was no
wayan animator could duplicate in line what had been
captured with a sl ighl snludge Qf chalk. Although I
stimulaled by an improved appearance for the charac·
ter. we were completely frustraled by lhe lechnique.
I1'" .. ""Ie deparlltl.l'm ..·~s d,,,"an.kd i~ tile ,'C""".
.,,,,,.-~> MOOfhl un by till" ,,,',,nJ \\ ,,,Id \\"1< _ and
il ..'.' nt't. r<or~~n;'.td 01'11, "lOt'" IWO af In. ""."
,,"n I\'lum~d 10 thc studi\) .

'!be Story Reel

'lI I" "'~"\.If~' mu.t oow l.'IC ~I", ...,J
10 m~t.h Chnt 1M d;!'" .... >11 ~"" hi. ,,1I"'e !oC<ju(nc~ (In fil m on
, rurfl>l ""'I'l<l u:...-ls. so a "',,'r<l,n,!' i~ m.:l<l. thai ",nnin~ f{Ol nl Th" is ,he SlOT)' I/.re l, II i< ~ .t'·t lll ....... .
1-10:I~.~~J "b,k' 11k: ,' IT" "~ll:he< the ~lN~" ""n ;1 i~ "nrrc,."~'-bUI il ;, ~Iso t~1I vI' w'1'"~<~; !;OJ
rIO II.., famiio., ~k~ld"", . It is (l1lC thing 1<1 ",..11" !lion: ,· ,,,·.t~I;''''~ aIt mad( S,nr::~; I ;S almost .'IS n.y
. \~I. l/w pW1. spiril~J '" p.!acdul by I~ 10 ch"n)!c K s~ewh and ,<,hoot il I t. differenl fool~~c
I ~);h ~f Ih.. ""i~~ ~omh; .....>J "i,h dll' 1<'miX' 01 Ih~ ~. tIl ~ " "nl!~ II on \h~ Mnr"h"ard, f<!visi"' I> C"" he

.t- r'
~\i'IIlJ1~"' . hu, II is quile ,,"()1her H> .crtal,' "II) ,.f
~n. "h.I,' " ) In!,' In ~up "I' " ';lh a iOU 'lli ,e.."r,j·
'!!' WI ,~, Ih'''''~h ,he ."'w
I"" Is "nJ J,-ap (,'I",,,,
",uickl)" m..1t "oJ [~"td Are'" p<:ninent ~C)"nd dfc,'h
art :\d,k~! I" fl' c a litlle lC.q. alld ~me riC('<'~ "f old
II>U",' ""~11I t,.,. play\XI alooF._ide to su¥~c" I nll)(ol. 11
~ >l"ould I,,· Clcit;ng . Ol"'iousl~·. SllIII",hinf i~ CI\!o)' h ' " ~I"-'fln",nt "'"h Ihc ,«Ii ~I Ihi~ ,' IaJ,"'. ,1\IIk.
I ~ be ""'"'I""d on hoIh .. "" Ill ""'. ph...IUfe _n,•.' i. II.... inj: 111<'11' t .. i....,"" lang. or >J'IIIl~r . boI<kr . jl~mkr .
~ii., .... d'e 4'''',inu,n,; "1\;!,,fC' on ,.... :;"'~s. :...oJ ~ U~II"'~ - Iht pic'''ft" n,U~1 tr" all"",e,J t" ~r"'"
,-... .._,I. r~I.:h.d. ~",t "" "",,1 3. th. ,rarh"1\"
rodI<> ",,,, , h Iho: OC"" d.~" '":;$ Ihat " ill c"".k'n.~
kIft X1;""j ,,1lI (lp;ind OI hc'~ .
in,,, "'nrc,h in" b.:lI~' .
.~d,lin): I"," clemenl of "'.... to lhe ~IQf) t>u,inc~s
~ I ..... ~, m.k.> a >I:I1I lin~ d,fft.en,~ . It i~ nne nl tho.'
f"f1li:, prt"'''' I> ~ ...."'gh ~1'1"l'~im~­
":1"'01<'<1 unl ll nlOil dlffrcuJI ~hifts for ~ "'oryrnan!() make, ~nd "ftw
'T''' "'h;.·....d "r IIII! .... Y lhe sc'lucn.;c cw,llu3(()' he ~~m,,,, ,~C ... hy hi~ apprQa<: h ... ~~ nnt herter, It i,
ajl "1'1"'''' s.,"'ICday III; ~ iiI", i< sai n!', to t,.,.1''''jc'''cd I"'~ thai ,·,·,M;n IH"'~ of S~S ....... mQn; 5 uil~,1 t.:l pi"<"
'j'l \mCn at 90 feel. minule. aoolhe soonu We Sllln l emalion In a ~Iil! dra" ini, but some ~itualio n$ Ihlt
wilIt th~t <pced tI,e bene' (Iff "'e arc . We .an sou ndM \"r~' funny ""hen lold from the ""I)'board
t IIrc indi,idll.l! dlawin£.l .'n lhe ~t("ryOOard. let 00,' suddenl~' b:~(>n1e '-cf)' long !nd a"c ':l)uiit ....·hile
TIin~"'~ thtm. fewl in the rol(lr and the dcraih. ",hen; Ilf"! ,~dll~ pruot t~ Spo::.-':I~lors befn~ lhe)' I~,,'C ~
., NI it not tire "'~y lho: ;w.tW'flC"(" i. I!""'~ to sn OU, chan,.., Iv gr..,p ... h11 i~ happtnill9. ~ ml$ mu" be
~ no.- ok:I"'inj!~ ...'ill fI~,.h 1:0) mu,:h t,.., quid;I,' c","'creed ~ the} ",-ill ....<If\( .," filrn and """'c th.,

1rI,'" 'I'I"",i,,,,,1 ~ Ihcm;ch ·.. ~ . (::,,-h imJ~ "ill aold
hi k. Ihr "'h<~c c. "•• cpl. 3",1 Ih;, Lar~cr pi" IU'"
~ ,,-, .... 'Qf '" the ~udl("""'" , ,maj!inati<>n ,~ Ih<·
"''1u~".~ d""".,. II) it- final fUlm
E'~'~'''ne . tudic. I h~ ,",m,,,lt led n:el ~ . 1)OC. Ihe
""'1urn,"" I>l~)" ' hc ... ~~ il "d>". ,~ in:.lly pl~nllC"<1 '! 1~
. th:~ IkmaOO5 ~II ,lUI uIlCn(",n. II dt" d 1'P "alur~t1y? b il ,"pclil .... U•. doo:s il jll'[ lr~
, lIIo;: Itx~1 ~IIJ the d'~win!1" ~e.n' ro reI31.~ ill a lhe. t. h II (~nfu.'ing'> T'IIt la)'QUt m~n ,'a n <C(' ""hal
f~k "',"1><:,. tll( ,J,re",.,. ·"me.
(}\II I,,, ,,-,e~' .'~ >t~f:in~ "en lit:: ",'ay II\" Y.lre and ",-".1 PM!'
r'C >\I " nil 111m Willr (h~ ~rl"}> <m
II.: 1'111 \)1\ n'·... dIt""" '!""'I"pm~n'- H" ha.' roll,nd o ut .... lre'" he

j~"","m . tt,,·
,ea"d plar~1 ,'" Ihe OIh~r. ~",J 11,,:
. ;~h"'I. 10,' ""C~IIr' .... it li tire rcf"''''''CIII'. II".
IIlII" ""'''1'.1110'' Knd "-h~re he can ""e hlm~c h n~J ·
I,·>~ "'I'I~ . T he anin1Jl0' .an 'i~U3Iil.c IIi> inte nded
I lr.rra In"'~\'td and (he l'f'X"i~ staging ~wi l td . ,,«nc~ not "n ly in re!\i(i ... " II! the lime .U" ... «,
hlll tl!
'j _''Un«I ~Mr~ an: ...."Cdc" ill II\" ,Jr~"'in ... ' . an.! the 01llr:r >cenO' in thaI ",,'Ii"", .11'1<1 I!\(- <l"'yman ,In
flit ."",. ,...."'<',, .na~· I~k .. 'c\'.'fa' J3y •• J:out II i. >CC II hI> I,k"'" Jf( aclually "'-o<k"'~ III Ihi. ""lIal form
¥ <,e~ n1l"me of I"," suu~glc _ h i ... nf~ ()"" ,(~p in Ih~ ... h,,!e rroductLa n procc\lule.
J:.:::~hc" ~,~~mf i. tI'fI ... ~h . lhe ~.)I')' ~kc"h~< al\' I>UI ;1 i~ 3 ';131 <lnt Ihal ,,·.11 speed up all of \h(o foIk,w.

'r-knI ""
l - ,.,01 k> Ca",era t .. ",. nf""",tI at Ih. f. Illt .
the 1're~·J. ~"tI. tlv' nc_" day. P,,',I.,:
'''I fU:l\.'IIOO~ a..~ ....eU
~s guide e,'cryone lQW;Ud 11 br::1(c:f
The layout man has the Il'SpODsibility for the appear_ have 10 make our de<.:iS1ons when the film exists only
ance ofthc pkture, ~ne by scene, and.s ltota l film . in our d~ams. II i~ far easier when the~ a~ tangible
If" special style has be<:n set for tM production. h.. strips o f film thaI can be spliced t"lelher and ce>led
adapIs this work 10 the breId·and-buuer ne.eds of the and j udged .
SttIlCS. He worb with the: direclOr on the: suging and In theory. the layout man plarrs his seque~ e_
dramatization. building on !he ideas of llle story sketch fully in rough s ketches. working back and forth to find
man. He designs the ~kgrounds. suggesto the; p<lt . the bes l way to IiO lve aU of the problems inhc~OI ill
tern of action for the .nimalor. ;nd~.tes camera posi· any film . Surpri singly. one of hi s biggest lM:adaches iI
lions for the most .,free.ive shoI and the cuui"g thai in keeping the di~tions clear and C(IfIsi§lent lIS dw:
will tell the Story in the most elllenaining way. characters move "<'ross 11M: ~n:cn or uthangt: Ioob
In li ~ action films. this important t uning. or wi ling. during dialogue. As long as tIM: were prcsenttd
as they ~fcr 10 <.:all it , is done after the film has bttn as Ken by an audience watching. mge performanct.
sboI. 'The arrangemenl of the pieces can give the pic- the~ had been linle problem. 8uI once: !hi: camen
tun: special meaning, e>;cilemcnl , .",spense. purpose. moved among the acun and throogh the sets. ~ bcame
or j ust as easily make it a dull conglomeration of more difficult 10 keep 11M: audience oriented. Since (b,
tedi0ll5, endlen scenes. 1),., sarrN: potential uius in ~enes we~ planned 10 stage the bus iness ralher
the animated film. but _ must operate in ~versc ! We clariry the precise location o f 11M: c haracters.

from I~~' 8001; ,

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Imaginative Staging Helps the Sequence
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• WirA lay.
• riot ......,.

. c",_
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''''Ii",.o ,.,..",llrtiIU.
~'(It ,on,tanl ",arnplc~ of o;omNln. apparent ly lookin g Ken AnderS011 . I have 10 tv back 10 my de,k and
I~'a)'~, he >p<lke tn ~ companio" who Was nOI 'lIow- Ihink ab.,Ul il 3 litHe .. ·
i~ in ttl. scene, Argumenls raged and diagrams "'erC Here is a 11<1 of .ome ()f tbe Ihi11~' Ihe layoul spe"
~ to I"v,-. thai a ,onccpt WJ, correct_ "The duli,j> think "oout. l"k~n fr<.>rn Ihe .",rap~ of !"Iper
camt .. i, he"" ~1ic~ey i~ here, And Donald is Ihcre~ pinned to ~hei, <Ie>ks. They cOme primarily from Ken
He h;lS 10 IcXl~ 10 hi. kfl 10 Htlk 111 ~lide)'~" BUI O"C,mn()r an<J D<ln Griffith. wilh a few from Ken
ItS",lI." of "".I"si" il ne"cr loo~~d corre,t to tt><: AnJers"n. hUI much of lbe wi .. I"", ~OC's hack 1<> their
.;ewer; unles> a Ck;if directivn fmm one OIOC nf the leacher<,
I(lt(n 1o Ihe "ther had been e,labli,hed, C~~'lir ,
The", ;, mo."" fun in drawing up Ihe b,~ pi,'tur;al I, One qui<:k l""k i. "II Ihe 3I1di"""c gels- keep il /Q,,,hr,
Itt'"" thal_<h"" the wholc ,et,up and e""bl,,h h<lth ~'mpl~. di ..,t, li l e a p"'ter; i1 must sell ;111 idea: ofl'rl>Ot1
!he _xl atld the d<;lails "I' Ibe lox.le Ofl~n Ihe pi.:-
lIlrn on Ihe scr(cn wiliidl as much about h"w ,orne·
2_ btt9 rendering al u ]at" ,laiC cannot sa,'e 3
p"ur original c<lf><'Cpiioll_
~" ...

one f..,l, as lhe acting: il i, a combin. ti vn "f tbe ,~ Alway' keep '~"-'en dir~liOl\' rI.."y. Thi< will Mml. "I
mood ;md the rdation'hip of Ihe chamelcr to h" ~ur­ he your bi~gesl head""he--don·1 ",-..I'M>t. il _ pom, ;r
fIlIIIl<Iinf' , <I K~ep illf"r11lcd on: art in hi~l(lrY-"fchilc"'·lUre. ';rla", ,
Wilh the ex,'epli!>n of IhC fir-t four or fj," fcui<lre,. C,,-,Imne., land~·ape._ ""gof,ri,
_t of H,i, r"",edur~ 1m, relllained nnly theory for ~ Kcep illformcd "n: ,1}'I,'s, nl\:diums, textures, ",ir, rho
pl«, ,iW
!he11)"llIt m.n . The "nim~lor~ need work h..:fore IllCTe ~urfa<:c" """'P'"ilion. ,Irawin)!.
bas been time It' pi". an" Ihing. III\: I:>a.;kgwund paint~r h , Keep ;nfonnc,l <1,,: le.llnic,,1 inf(lfmation--t"f- It",,,,,,,"
~ ~"il,"g 10 "'p,,,inl\:nt W;lh I((hnique ' Md colors, feCI> ~,,'cn by differenl lenses. gm"nd gl"ss. f'ltcr~, had no
lhtdire.:tor "ant, him to ",ake 'orne ,kel"""" to repair ~ek What Ihe "1>1kall'rinlcr ,,"n d" f"r you, ,hall -""
!be 110<)' ltolS. and, svmehow, the part he ha~ been 7 :>'1000 can h<: e~tahlished b)' Illning and "IOVC· """',.,,,
1»' ",'int
dtinl:U\i aboul has !>fen revised before he even bad 3 mcnt' Y"" I'"
~~ to p~1 any thoughts down on pa!'C'r, Some men Sad "r Quitl-Iong $cellCS with slow mo.·e~ p","i.,.
CIil adapl quickly 10 ~uch chang~., aying one ide1 on pans, lrocks. and character;: . compJlco
Ifteuoother on the !po1, bUI mosl need lime 10 ~dju,!. Happy or E~ci!cd-.hort .\ceru:s. fasl CUIS, I"4'Wa&'
As one Itm.lrked, "! can·~ do ske~,hes on my lap lik~ quicktr mo'·cs on cameO! and characters. ·t·;", "
I..-_K,. O'C""fJOJ'
W. ~.....«Iof·Ar
.... ..s p#tofc8>np/tM"
.... <lid 19 dNl~';nJ ;n
,.....,.., I'''JiV<'''''''-

Fm~1 ("I. of .Ar """c/I
s/toM-1M .........r<>n. ofdNJ"'~
mg. ,ha, camr ',om Ih,s
~pp",,'ch ,

• !Itt ,,'pI_ fi<M plan -
' ''lJrJUd

..., o/CinJ",II,,', roach

.. OIl ...,. w .It< <""I• .
Four Ways to Plan and Make the Layouts
~~~--'(:.,. <£,

I. The Thoughtful Thumbn ail !If~

Devdoped by Ken Anderson and Wi lfred Jac:kson for .,.-..,'.....
... _.......
.." - . " ........'"- ,-.......... ...., ,,",' -
. ... ~. " 1
- ,-~

Tile Seng of the Soulh . W ilh their knowledge of ~!a,­

ing. layout . and visual communK:3!ion. !hey worked
~-" -. . ... .
... .. .. ~ .. 01

from the s toryboards in s mallihumbnai l sketches . try-

ing one way aflc r 3001hcr. When a conlinuity fin~lIy
was found. [he animators were Cllkd in 10 cnlk il.e
and StoWS! slill more iokas. Wilh Ken's IllW'ing abil·
ity. !iketches were made as fa~1 IS the men •• Ike(! .
~ became lhe basis for the final layouls. cunin,.
and SllIin,. and showed "'" :mirrullor where lIis KCM

........ ,. - ~

_ , .... ...
- < f"• ...
•~ -
fil inlo the fult continuity.

2. Traditional
More: though! is pU! inm visuali1.inlllhe aclual layout
110 III • • C~ryOM will know ulclly wlu.l is being
planned and can judge if il will wOO; properly. ClaMP
still (:an be made . bul !hey genenlly are confined 10
small !hines. such as extending the drawin, !IO I slil,hl
1"'" move un be u~. or moving a piett 0( fumiture
10 make Il1(lft room for the chafxlcr in the KCIIC . ",~
method works best if the t.)'OIII1tWl has had cnougll
lime ~o plan ~he ~~~ging for the whole se:q~ncc .

3. The Multiple Choice
Also contributed by Ke n Anderson , the idea here is to
stimul ate everyo ne to the poss ibilities in a situation
and a locale, g iving the director , layout man, and
animators a cha nce to choose the staging and layout
each liked best. Ke n ins pired us with the possibilities
in the visual presentatio n, going far beyond business
and staging.

4. Long Shot or Establishing Shot

For The Fox and the Hound, Don Griffith establ ished A scene of a closer shot along the fe nce is planned,
with this mas ter shot the houses o f the hunte r a nd the keeping all the spatial re latio nshi ps established in the
widow , the dista nce be twee n them , a nd the detail s in long shot. No matte r what came ra ang le is chosen ,
the terrain . For the w ho le pic ture, this layo ut the n e ve ryone in the unit knows what shou ld be shown in
became the guide fo r all business in thi s area . such a shot.
~, Experimental Animation
"t With the voices recorded and the lead story sequence
" approved in the story reel, it becomes time to start the
personality traits apparent In what they 'do to show
who they are and how they acL
' ,Jx(Jerimental animation, The term is misleading in some Some animators' prefer to start with the acting ,
" ways, It means that' a supervising animator will now revealing the personality of the new character through
, take these ingredients along with the suggestions for what he does and leaving the refinement of his appear-
the appearance of the main characters and, putting it ance until they know him better, Others feel just as
all together, see if he can come up with a personality strongly that the appearance is primarily a drawing
" that comes to life on the screen and is interesting enough problem that must be conquered before any acting or
i to hold the picture together, movement is attempted, Animators, like artists and
lfhe sequence that is chosen for the first story work actors everywhere, are all different, and they each
:it involves the main characters coming together in an have to find their own approach to their work, Much
" interesting situation, For instance, the first sequence of the strength of the studio actually has come from
~:' ~f Pinocchio was the one in which all the characters
just these differences in the individual animators, which
;" are introduced in Geppetto' shouse, The action here is
subdued enough so that everyone can observe the
" appearance of these new figures, and there are enough

,1 ~VISED Moon

Our firM Pinocchio had wooden hands, (l stock-

ing cap, and a cocky personality. Wafl found
this to be lOO brash and lacking in appeal, so
we slopped animating until a new design could
be fOl/1Id, marching a !lew story concept of the
Fred Moore 's drawings at upper right sug-
gested more innocence and the proportions of a
boy rallier than a puppet.
Milt Kahl's drawings of the chubby, naive
little boy in the Tyro/ean hat became the filial
model when we resumed animating six mOlllhs

account for the variety of feelings and characters they HATINOI/O."
NEIJ'S A~' £N"T"It'6
can portray on the screen . ~~RrAIAJ

The general appearance of the character can be

almost any design that fits the story and the overall
style of its presentation, but the specifics of how he is
drawn depend entirely on what business he has to do ,
what attitudes he must show, and what expressions he
will have . The voice will suggest many facets of his
personality , but the needs of the story and his place in
it are the major considerations. Once you know what
you want him to do , you will know how to construct
him so that he can do those things best. His job as an
animated character is to communicate story ideas in
the most entertaining way, and just being alive is not
We must study the design carefully, questioning the
shape of his whole figure, his costume , his head ,
cheeks, mouth , eyes, hands, legs, arms-even the set-
ting he is in and how he relates to it. Is the scale likely , a way to build to an even more entertainingl
correct? Is it drawn to give the best advantage to the action, but the main reaction is one of enjoyment and
character? Does it support and fortify hi s personality excitement. ~
so that he feels dominating or timid or clumsy or defi- Walt seldom complimented anyone, letting us fee~
ant, or whatever he is supposed to be? This is as much that sheer perfection was the standard he expected of
a part of the problem as the type of movements he has, everybody. Nevertheless , we will always remember
the timing of them, and the acting in both body atti- his reactions to o ur experimental animation of BambI:
tudes and facial expressions. and Thumper. He had been concerned over our ability,
However it is done , eventuall y there will be about to make four-legged characters have enough personal,
75 feet of film animated and projected fo r all to see ity to sustai n a whole feature, but when he saw OUI
and criticize. It is interesting that the react ion always first efforts he turned to us with tears in his eyes!
follows the same pattern . If the characterization is " Thanks, fellows ," he said , "That stuff is pure gold!'~
weak for any reason , the drawing is criticized. If the It was one of the few times we can remember hif.
business is weak, the characterization is criticized . For coming right out with a sincere compliment. Les Clarki
some reason, the original business , also being tested at one of the earliest animators at the studio, remembered·
this point, is assumed to be infallible, and only the its happening twice in 39 years , when Walt said JM:1
new figure's appearance is tom apart . particularly liked the Mickeys Les drew; usually his
One young animator was quite shaken by the criti- appro val was indirect or buried in some other thought:
cism of hi s scenes. "The best drawing in the world He did not like to expose his feelings , and it was ',
wouldn ' t have helped because it would still be empty; impossible to thank him for anything. He would cough
it was because of the emptiness in the business that and scowl and mutter, " Yeah, uh- well , say , we've,.
they criticized the scenes." He went on to explain , " I got to get going on this thing, y'know ; it' s gonna get
can' t make a drawing until I know what I'm trying to way out of hand if we don ' t pay attention here .... " "'
draw. ,, 7 With the experimental animation approved, everY~
If the business is right and the animator made the body could go back to work with a new idea of what
right choices on hi s drawing and acting, everyone is this story is going to be and how it is going to be told,
elated . There may be tiny suggestions about details, Once the characters have been seen as living and a,t~'
appearance , or ways of doing something , or. more ing and showing very definite, specific , and , especial· .
Iy, entertaining personalities, everyone knows how to situations that will give these characters their best
handle them . The storyman can now start on the next chance for great performances. The rest of the anima-
sequences with more confidence; the layout man can tors are brought on as suitable work is found for them,
·work with more precision ; and , also, very important , although it may be six months before everybody can
!he " inspirational sketch" man can start exploring new be working full time on the work each does best.

The Handout
The animator gets more than just a scene and a pat on Jackson was used to the sounds of a musician working
the back when he picks up his work from the director. o ut a pattern as Bert jumped from his table to the floor
There is a tape or record of the sound track, along with repeatedly, trying to capture the timing of fleas jumping
an exposure sheet, which is not only an exact copy of off Pluto 's back, or even the " thump-clop , thump.
the scene as it appears on the greys, but it also con- clop-thump-c1op" as Peg Leg Pete ran after Mickey .
tains suggestions for accents to be caught or certain But this sounded more sinister, and Jackson just had to
staging to be maintained . The animator will get a copy go up to see what was going on .
of the final storyboards so that he can see how hi s His eyes popped as he opened the door. "Here was
scene fits into the whole sequence , and he will have Frank Churchill over at the piano with his cigarette
the layout showing the size of the characters. their hang ing down, with his eyes closed and his foot
suggested positions. the extent of their movements , stomping away," while on the other side of the room,
and the area in which they are working. In addition , Bert had Fred Moore up against the wall and was
there is a full scene description which reminds him of swinging wildly with his fi sts. Fred was trying des-
why the scene is in the picture, what it is supposed to perately to duck and break away , but was doing little
.actiieve, and what has been considered entertaining to defend himself. Jackson stared in horror , wonder-
'3b'out it. ing if he should call for help or try to stop the fracas by
When we were younger, the director and the anima- himself. Suddenly it all stopped, and the three men
.t~r acted out everything for each other, down to how walked back to the big table and looked at the expo-
'Bluto would eat out of his dish . The handout of only a sure sheet, marking down actions and timing . They
few scenes could take the whole day because the idea were working on a scene from Ye Olden Days where a
'W'as to pack as much entertainment as possible into big horse has a fi ght with a donkey .
that continuity , and we knew it could be still better. no There was always great value in this process of
matter how good our last version sounded. Elsa Lan- ac ting out a scene . The animator even had his assis·
chester said of the business she had worked out for one tant do it when back in his room , so he could see how
of her scenes , "There's always a better way, you know . the scene looked and determine the best angle for draw-
No matter how good it is, the re's always a better way , ing it. This helped in deciding how best to use the time
and you ha ve to keep trying, don ' t you?" Back in the for putting over the business , as well as noting all the
thirties, we talked of how Chaplin would do the scene, tiny details of the action.
or perhaps Buster Keaton, or one of the fellow s in the The handout is not finished when the animator takes
studio whom we both knew , and we climbed on the his scenes and layouts and tracks and readings down to
table and over the chairs and all over the room chasing hi s room. He is sti ll turning things over in his mind.
imaginary cats or villains or whatever. The director has told him that these particular scenes
One day Wil fred Jackson was di sturbed by violent are the most important ones in the picture, with the
sounds coming from Bert Gillett 's room directly above best entertainment potential , that probahl y no other
him . "I heard this terrific music going on with thump- animator could do them as well, and that he really will
ing and bumping- I tho ught they were moving furni - make a name for himself on this picture . The animator
ture or something ." Gi llett was the other director , and listens to a record or tape of his sound track and won·
ders if they really picked the best take of the dialogue. scene without any life if the animator does only what J
He looks at the layout and wonders if this is the right he is told to do. Perhaps he is not thinking about the
way to stage the business. Is the character too small scene in the same terms as the director, and that possi-
for the expression to read? Maybe it should be two bility, coupled with the likelihood of a mechanical
scenes. He makes some thumbnail sketches, studies' performance otherwise, makes the director do some
the photocopy of the original storyboard, then storms thinking. He has an opponunity, now , to get a scene
back up to the director's room with a whole new idea. that sounds different from what was planned, but one I
" Hey, wouldn't it be better if we did this in a close-up, that has enthusiasm behind it and a good chance to be
facing the other direction and saying this second line just as entenaining; it is worth considering . I
of dialogue flfSt? Then we could add a gulp, and maybe A compromise is reached , the track is shifted, the
a sigh, and then go into that other line . . . ." The scene description changed, new layouts made, expo- I
layout man turns back to his desk muttering some- sure sheets and greys are corrected, and the enthusi~­
thing that no one hears as he stans a new layout. tic animator returns to his drawing board . The handout
The director must listen because he may get back a is over.

Supervising Animator
This title meant that the individual was responsible for ideas on how to keep him consistent in appearance,
the work done by the men under him. Ordinarily, he suggest business that might fit into their section of the-
:animator is would be assigned anywhere from one to seven or picture, or discuss further ways they all might develop
training the eight animators of varying talents. If they were strong , the character. He might also commiserate when things
r assigned 10 experienced men, he had little to do. They would pick went wrong or try to defend his animators if they were
Inston, left, up their work from the director and do the scenes by unjustly criticized.
Ie discllss a
I animate in themselves. The supervising animator would talk to When the animators were less experienced, the
ne Hound. them about the character they were doing, exchange supervisor did whatever was necessary to help them
get a satisfactory result. He was present at the hand-
out, making suggestions and being sure that these menl
understood just what was wanted. In some cases, be
made the key poses for each scene and even shot them
on film as a guide for how the scene should work.
Afterward, both drawings and film were tumed over
to the new animator, allowing him to concentrate on
just the movement within the drawing rather than wOll'f
about all the other aspects of doing a scene. This young
anist still had the problem of making that movement
convincing and entenaining with the quality of life we
wanted; his energies could easily be dissipated if be
were expected to do too much all at once.
We estimated that it took a year and a half to learn
the basic fundamentals of animation and another five
or six years to be at all skillful. Even so, we never
outgrew the concept of helping each other, exchang-
ing drawings and sharing ideas. It was the basis of the
team effon and enabled us all to do far better than we
would have by ourselves.
The Animator
Stooy,layout, painting, styling-these are creative jobs , the values of the scene as it stands . More than one top
difficult and rewarding and interesting , but essentially animator has ruined excellent story material by insisting
concerned with solving problems in the most an is tic on animating a scene when he does not understand the
manner. Only animation is magical. This is its appeal. humor in the story situation or feel the action.
The creative artist can make something here that exists The animator works back and fonh through his scene
and breathes and thinks for itself, which gets back to until he has made the drawings that control the move-
our test of all great an: does it live? Techniques can be ment . He might have to make a drawing for every
copied, mechanics can be duplicated. and even the frame of film , or his key drawing might occur only
drawings themselves traced, but the spark of life comes every foot , depending on the panicular action. The
only from the animator. His taste , judgment, and ideas number of dra wings is immaterial, because as an anist
are unique with him and his animation. It is a highly he would be drawing day after day in any job he has
individual effort. taken. Here , his drawings happen to be in continuity
As a person , the animator may be shy or introvened, and related in a very special way . He discards far more
arrogant or domineering , quiet or pensive; it no longer than he keeps in his attempt to capture on paper his
mailers. Personality traits fade away as an artist enters feelings about the scene, so his concern is not how
the private world of the drawings on his board . Through many drawings he has made , but how well they depict
the characters he creates, he can be adventurous, crafty. the vision in his mind.
funny, evil. lovable , athletic; he can be a bird, a flower ,
a snowflake, a shaft of light. This is a very auractive
prospect to most of us.
At times his scenes appear to be controlled too much
byo!bers; the design of the character, its personality ,
~ layout, the amount of footage are all determined
by soineone else. However, as a contributing member
at Ibe group, the animator undoubtedly will receive
I!lIlIt stimulation than restriction from this process .
Wbile the layout man was thinking primarily of
storytelling and design and mood when he suggested
the locale and the props. he undoubtedly had strong
ideas of how the character should act as well. Equally
sllong ideas were held by the storyman, the director,
and everyone else who had contributed to the scene up
to this poin!. Now the animator must build on the
work and the ideas of all these people , selecting and
discarding carefully, sifting and judging, suggesting
aad changing, until he has found a paUem of action
that is just right for him . He must understand it and
feel it; it must be his own, regardless of where the
ideas came from . It is this personal thinking of the
animator that makes the scene good. not the re liance
oa others to tell him what to do .
This does not mean that he is obliged to change the
business or feel compelled to think of something com-
pletely new . First , he must listen and try to appreciate
The idea for this scene in Vance Gerry develops the
The Fox and the Hound situation ill his story sketch.
comes from GIl inspiration.
al sketch by Mel ShalV oj
the faxes meeting in a ro·
malllic setting.

Rough layout oj the spe-
cific scene by Don Griffith

shows the approximate po·
sitions of the characters in
a close· up of the setting.

~ator Glen Keane Jits

his action illlo this set·up.

" .-/
\) ~
I I -~

. ;,
- J~

These rou h .
drawings I: g ommation
Jrom The J
Book establish th e ungle
and capture th actIOn
that the b e adoration
for his ne2fi Mowgli has
the bear. nend Baloo,

re . y c Ieon-ups
. qUlred whe re
d rowing ofth the
subtlety of t: eyes and th e
are ehe ke . e expression
the scene Y
Thlngrediellts in
b . esewer d
Y specialist Dale ~/tze
and projected a . Iver
on the scr een .
mazing We

Before W I
moved int: ~n Stan chfield
made a wh ImatlOn, he
the com ole booklet of
e eg mn and
c Iean-ups th er En
sample p~ ese are two
Assistant Animator
Gradually we developed a professional class of " clean the reels away from a distraught assistant director "for
up men " who took pride in their work. It was their just a couple of minutes ; we want to see how it looks
skill that made the pictures look so fi ne, ye t for a c ut in the reel! " Together they budgeted their work
number of years they never got screen credit , nor even and met their deadline. No other system retained as
the salary they deserved . They sometimes were com- much quality or moved as much work without losing
pared to a blocking back on a football team who clears control of the way it was done .
the way for the star runner to make the yardage and the Assistant animators who had this much ability were
headlines, and it was true that they had to take their seldom content to stay in this position for more than a
satisfaction from the success of the sequence on which few pictures. Some went o n into animation, but most
they had worked. went into other types of jobs where their interest in
They studied line drawing, training on Holbein , detail, 'efinement, and design was stressed. Unde-
Degas, Daumier, Da Vinci; they watched drapery in niably, it had cost more to have a clean up man redraw
movement , noting the difference between filmy the complete scene, but it was the o nl y way we could
scarves, woolen skirts, f10wing capes, a nd even baggy have produced the rich charac te rs of the first features.
pants; they learned the value of a sharp , crisp line In later years, as costs continued to soar in all depart-
against a large , soft shape; they knew how to keep me nts , a new procedure call ed " Touch-up" was insti-
a design in the free-f1owing changing shapes of ani - gated . It asked that the animator draw slowly and
mation rather than make a rigid copy . They always carefull y enough so that the assistant need on ly touch-
extended the arcs of the movement , squashed the char- up the drawings he re and there to make them ready for
ICier more , stretched him more-refining whi le em- the Ink and Paint Department. By this time all of our
phasizing both the ac tio n and the drawings . They animators had become more ski llful and were able to
understood the business of the scene , what it was sup- adj ust to the new idea without noticeable damage to
to achieve, worked closely with the animator in the product. Top quality clean up work is needed on
:deciding which parts were developing well and which only a handful of scenes in any sequence , and a great
needed a little help , and the y could see the char- variety of shortcuts can be used on the balance to
start to live as they " rolled" the drawings on make them acceptable.
pegs. This required a special kind of talent as well Unfortunately , the assistant' s work over the years
study-not every arti st cou ld master it. has been considered an area where money can be saved.
The best working pl an seemed to be the small unit The production manager watching the money will have
only a few men who , with the animator, carried the been frustrated through the early days of production
responsibility of doing everything on their own since there is no way for him to measure ideas or work
. An ideal group would include an assistant ani- in progress. But once drawings have been made, a
who was experienced enough to make simple smile envelops his face . Here is something that can be
IlnilnatilJn changes and corrections, a second assistant counted, checked , timed , and followed through the
drew well but was just learning his job, a reliable plant. The term " pencil mileage" is heard often as the
limlkd()wn man, and an eager inbetweener who could number of artists plus the speed of output is balanced
as bookkeeper and handyman . Thi s las t cate- against " footage to be done." Between trying to please
included everything: threading the film on the the animator who wants the best and the manager who .
taking a test over to the cutter, running up to wants the quickest , the assistant must reach a com-
Music Room for a corrected layout, or even prying promise that still satisfies his own standards .
Pose Test
The quickest way to see how a scene is going to pl ay is quite a good feeling of how tha t part of the sequence
to shoot wha t we call a " pose test. · ' While the anima- will play .
tor is sett ing up hi s sce ne , fig urin g the size . the move- I
T he re is also a poss ibilit y that the scene may look
ment. the ac ti ng. he is making ro ug h drawings that funni er and more interesting in poses than it ever can
wi ll become the basis of the ac tual anim ation . No w , in full animation . Fred Moore had a famous scene in
instead of refinin g those draw ings and re lating the m to Snow While that a lways worked far bette r in the pose
each other , he se nds the m to camera j ust the way they test. The scene showed Dopey and Happy ve ry con·
arc . They are the key poses fo r the sce ne a nd show cemed a bout the mag ical powers of the ev il queen.
how the sce ne is be ing pl anned . By shooting the m at Grumpy had just informed the m that she might be in
no less t~ a n 4 frames apiece and no more than 24. both the ir room " ri ght now! " Fred used abour ekven poses
the director and the animator can see if the action w ill to show Dopey looking from side to side , then glanc.
be strong e nough . or too strong. and if the amo unt of ing at Happy ' s beard, lifting it, se arc hing under iI.
ti me all owed fo r the sce ne is go in g to be ri ght. Whe n a then rece iving a " bonk " on lhe head . When th is pose
series of pose tests are c ut together in a reel , the re is les t came bac k from came ra . it had a s urprising crisp·
ness that gave excite ment and a fee ling of nervous

\~ tb I +-
I/? ]Po'l M_ l-
appre he nsion . There was a big laugh the first ti me it
was shown in sweat box . but that was the hest the
scene ever looked . f rom the n on it we nt dow n hill. I
i - - - =--': '-'" I Fred made new and be tter poses as he animated the I
scene , hut the c rispness was gone .
Afte r severa l uns uccessful tests. in desperation he
went back to hi s orig inal poses and tried to work
between them , hoping to recaptu re the spark le that
-- - - I - t-
--'--'-- was in his first pose test. T hat w as even worse. He

-- 1-, t"'- 1.\':
-- never d id find the ri ght combinatio n of ti mi ng and
- spac ing and regre tted e ver having posed Ihe scene in
1-- ' :1
-= the first pl ace. The sweatbox note shows Walt 'seffon

I--.I f!~:l )
- -
I - ~ 10 ge t more life in the sce ne:
,t 1:-- - -
..:.:' 1'= I- ----1.1. Scene 3 1 ShOa l corr. ruff.
. - t- .
f:::- I- f- - 1= -g;:;z - ,;:.
Be closer at the Slart of this scene. and as you pan dialogue that had been recorded was excellent ; the
up. come back at the same time. story sketches showed clearl y what great enten ainment
The minute Dopey looks unde r the beard . have the re would be in the situation; it would be a wonder-
Happy tum right aro und and hit Dopey. takin g out ful seque nce to animate .
the stall yo u now ha ve . Happy wo uld ta ke it j ust as A meeting was scheduled to make the final deci-
the extreme was reached a nd turn right to hitting sion, and the animator was de termined that this mate-
Dopey. rial should get the best possible chance for approval.
Fred, you suggested that Dopey's head , fro m the For three days and nights he worked , posing scenes.
bonk , would go down and pop up agai n . Walt ro ughing out new sketc hes , making o ut ex posure
okayed il. sheets, shooting held drawings and story sketches. until
he had a running reel on the main pan of the sequence .
Despite some negati ve aspects, pose tests have a It was c rude, but it sold the idea. Without the pose
distinct value. as we d iscovered when working on tests sho wing the poss ibilities in timing and reaction,
Bambi. The sequence of the young deer on the ice the sequence would ha ve been cut from the picture. As
with his friend Thumper was a bo ut to be c ut fro m the it was, the relationships were built into even more
story as being ex traneous business . The animator who entertai ning actions until that section became a high
had hoped to work on this section was appalled " The po int in the who le picture .

The Work Reel

When the animator has film on two or three o f his this spot in the pic ture . Here. the y will benefit from
scenes. he wants to see how they play in contin ui ty . the suggestion o f ac ti vity and pe rsonality in the scenes
By themselves. the y may look just great, hav ing life just preceding, as well as the ones that follow.
and sparkle and clarity , or they may be a comple te As each a nimator continues this prac tice . the story
disappointmenl. All of this can change completely whe n reel gradually becomes the work recl. or the ruff reel.
the scene is viewed as part o f an overall contin uity. since it contains all the scenes of rough animation.
After all , they ha ve been planned to work in sequence Coupled with the matc hing sound ree ls. they are con-
Sl!dthat is the way they should be seen . The dull scene stantl y chang ing with the latest revisions of footage
may have just the subdued feeling needed for that and scene cutting. As each new test comes in , there is
spot. and the active one may be e ntirely too violent . usually a request for the additi on of a sound or a slight
The only way to be sure is to c ut them into the story shift in position fo r bette r sync. In this manner, the
reel, re placing the story ske tches that are occup ying work reels , at all times, reflect the progress of the
sequence and show whether the anticipated entertain- will be covered by the figures. The director wants Ihe
ment is actually there. work reels for his sweatboxing, the animatur needs
Everyone can learn something from them, even in them to study his changes. and the assistant animator
this rough fonn. The layout man might discover the must check the scenes he is to clean up. Throughout
mood and design is not as evident as he had hoped, or the day, the assistant director will be trying to grab Ihe
the background man can find out how long a certain reels so he can make all the changes thai were requested
background will be on the screen and how much of it yesterday. They are a popular and necessary item.

How Does it Look?

We never made a picture starting at the beginning and There was enormous excitement when that point
working straight through to the end. We began with was reached in the production of SilO II' White and a
the section that gave the best opportunity to get hold of special evening showing was arranged out on the sound
the characters, then moved on to a sequence that either stage, the building then doubling as a theater. Every·
had the greatest entertainment potential, or was needed one wanted to see the film, but there was only room
most for the development of other phases of the pic- for the key personnel in the four rows of seats at Ihe
ture. There was no possibility of establishing a now end of the stage. Getting ready at home, Walt was
this way and very little chance of finding a balance of nervous, anxious. critical, tense , eager. He suddenly
fast to slow, excitement to serenity, pathos to comedy. called to his wife. "Hurry up , Lilly , or we won't get a
The individual sequences were not handled like a short, seat'" Lilly, who had a much more pragmatic view of
hut they were complete in themselves and high in life than her intense hushand , turned in dishelief. " Do
interest. We were curious about how it would look all you mean to tell me that in your own studio they won't
cut together. even save you a seat?" Walt was nustered and tried to
We knew it was fairly easy to make an interesting cover up , muttering about how late it was and wanting
picture that would run only ten minutes. Most people to get there early and you never could tell what might
will watch almost anything that is fresh or funny or happen , and it lVas a very important occasion' We had
surprising for that long. Twenty minutes is an ideal saved them two seats right in the middle ; as a matter of
length for an animated film, and even a half-hour show fact, there were four seats there , since no one was sure
offers few real difficulties. The audience can be kept he wanted to be sitting right next to Walt at such a
dazzled or persuaded or laughing, mayhe even crying crucial screening.
a little , in that amount of time. But beyond a half Seeing the picture all together for the first time is
hour , troubles start mounting . A feature -length film always a startling experience. Somehow it has picked
requires very special considerations. It is important up a life of its own. In some ways it is like one of your
that it be seen in some kind of running form as soon as children. It may not be what you expected or what you
possible. told your friends you would have, but there it is, and il
Eventually, the day comes when this can happen. is yours. Up until now you have been living on dreams,
However, there may be blank film on the picture track believing that the picture would be a certain way and
with newly recorded dialogue carrying the intent, and would tell a certain story and have these wondcrfui
there will be many areas with only still , inspirational characters that everyone would really love. Now your
sketches giving just the barest suggestion of what is to hopes and dreams are over; this is what you have, and
come. But between the story reels and the work reels , this is what you have to continue molding and shaping
and the bits of completed animation, perhaps even on a very practical basis. The picture probably has
some in color, the staff can follow the story, and for some fairly good moments here and there, but it will
the first time see what their picture is going to be. never look just right all the way through. If it is sup·
Layout for the entertainin8
bed-huilding sequence iT.
Snow White. The dwa~
wanted to make a special
gift for their guest, but th,
sequence slowed down lht
movement of the story ana
had to be cut out just a.s
the animation was started.

to be exciting and is not , now you must do what

to make it exciting. If it needs s uspense, put it
. If it is too long, trim it , and if it is too short , Walt quickly realized tha,
IOQ.-Out add very judiciously. If it is redundant , or the relationship betweet
th e jealous Queen and rh,
to make its points- whatever the problem-you
unsuspecting Snow Whil~
work with these pieces of film until they become was the main thrust of tht
best picture you can make of them. story.
Too often the money is all spent by this time and
is screaming that the picture must be com-
in any form , "Just get it done!" But that is a
decision. This is the very time when the most
work must be done . Famed film director Blake In The Rescuers. it was not
said in an interview ,9 " It 's nothing to bring th e conniving of [he wild,
unpredictable Medusa that
in on schedule or under budget. The hard part
gripped [he audience but
making a good picture- I don ' t care what your the poignant predicament
or budget is I " of the lonely, little girl.
When making SI10W White, we thought that our main
Menainnlent would be with the dwarfs and the funny
they would do in trying to solve the problems
d dragon/lv largely through keeping our procedure flexible , we
~he Rescuers
ended up with the best balance of story-charac ter-
n incidental
Jr role ill the sequence re lations hip we ever ac hieved.
While working on Th e Rescliers, we thought thai
the greatest interest would be w ith the two mice and
brought abo ut in their li ves by an unexpected visitor. the ir overwhelming problem. We worked 10 make Ihem
The queen and the girl were necessary parts of the sma ll and inept , but de termined. Medu sa, we fell,
story, but we would not dwell on the m. When we saw would be a spectacular villain, slighll y mad, powerful,
the whole picture in a very rough form that exc iting and a constant threat. The crocod il es wou ld be in·
night , it was immediately evident that the tens ion vinc ible , stupid , and ch illing. They would be the scary
between the vain quee n and the girl she was deter- part of the film . The little gi rl would have to be done
mined to kill was the main drive of the picture , and ve ry carefull y because she was presented as a real girl,
anything that interfered with this story progression not acaricalure, and since s he would be difficult to do we
seemed extraneo us. As a res ult , two whole sequences tried to keep to a minimum the scenes she was in . We
featuring the dwarfs were c ut out as well as a comic believed our big entertainment would be in Medusa
fight between Doc and Grumpy ; the sequences that and Snoops trying to o uts mart each other in their
carried our ma in story points were stre ngthened and attempts to get the diamond for themse lves, and in lhe
made even more dramatic . Partly through luck , but mice trying to outsmart the crocod iles.
Instead, when we sawall the pieces put together, the
dogs ill Ads· only thing anyo ne cared abo ut was the predicament of
'eoll arid La- the little g irl. Medusa was a wonderful. flamboyant
so succesJjll1 clown, Snoops a bumbling , ine ffecti ve partner, the
,equeflce Iha[
to be changed croes onl y dim-witted louts, and the mice j ust cule
rome in mw in. little charac ters trying to do their best. But the girl!
Your heart went out to the girl and the terrible situa·
tion she was in. Ii was not the vi ll ai ns surrounding her.
' ,derson . who built the anxiet y , but the predicament itself. So
we strengthe ned the sequences that featured her, paying
r oll/Illeers ill
:rs were cut special attention to an ything that would create more
a dedicated pathos. We staged he r sce nes for the most impaci we
, th aI drilled
could get , and used the sad and quiet moments fealur·
1incessantly 10
helpful little ing her for a bal ance to the madcap activi ties of lhe
Ihe bayou . rest of the cast. We used less of Medusa than we had
planned , cutting o ut one whole sequence and trimming
others, so that she would ha ve a brisk , crazy te mpo
whe never she was on the screen. The crocs were cut
down to relatively minor parts . The c limax was now
centered on the situation down in the cave, wi th 'Ihe
heroes facing the mindless force of nature rather Ihan
any di rect confrontation with the bad guys. At the time,
it seemed we would never be able to make Ihe film
come off with the proper balance, spirit, texture, fun,
heart , and tempo we needed , yet the public acceptance,
once the film was released, proves that it was worth
every headac he and extra dollar spent.
Some directors stubbo rnl y ho ld onto their beliefs 01
:what the picture is saying and cannot detach them- retorted, "On every picture, you're in a learning pro-
selves enough to see what they actually have up there cess' It's not so much an application' of professional
on the screen. Woolie Reitherman has an amazing knowledge as constantly learning! " He went on to
ability, as a director, to pull himself back and view the say, "It is always new, or it had better be. On each
product impartially . He readily admits the weaknesses film, you start from scratch , make the mistakes, pick
and the strengths of what he sees just as if he had yourself up time and time again, yet never give up.
nothing to do with the film up to that point. As he You must keep your belief in the picture and your faith
commented with a sigh , "You've got to find what's in yourself. For a picture to end up good, it must be
.working-not what you thought would work, and not treated like it was the very first one you ever made."
what's in your heart, but what's up on the screen'" Animating at Disney ' s was exciting, but it was also
Among the things up on that screen that are working extremely difficult. We were under great pressure and
might be an incidental character who, because of an had tight restrictions on time and money, although
unusual voice or special animation or even sound seldom were they both imposed at the same time , If an
effects, is starting to click with the audience. The farm animator was doing excellent work, he was told not to
dogs, Napoleon and Lafayette , in Arislocals and little worry about the budget, but "could he work overtime
Evinrude in The Rescuers are examples. We always to get more of that kind of footage in the picture?"
tried to build on the scenes with such characters and The demand for sheer perfection in execution , along
even considered bringing them back into the picture in with the constant search for top entertainment values,
another sequence. Often we found that some clumsy creates far greater pressure than the requirement to
Story point could be told in a fresh and interesting way complete a job by a certain deadline.
simply by telling it through this new personality. When an outstanding scene of animation was done,
Our best advice, at this point, is to develop and everyone somehow expected the animator to do that
;trengthen what is good; edit out and shift emphasis on well from then on, and even thought, hopefully, that
what is nOi coming off; stay away from the common- he would continue to improve, as well. A few weak
place and the hackneyed; constantly search for new scenes in a row and the animator could be considered
things the audience has never seen before- but tell it to be "in a slump" or, worse, "slipping"! There was
all with the same old values and fundamentals of com- a cliched remark in Hollywood during the thirties about
munication. actors and directors: "You're only as good as your last
No one can say that anyone of these steps in our picture." One of the top animators at that time adapted
way of making a film is more important than any it to animation, claiming, "You're only as good as
other. They are all needed. The two most important your last scene'" It was a joke with an uncomfortable
procedures are certainly (I) to involve the whole staff twinge of truth in it, and we all felt a compUlsion to do
in the production, and (2) to keep the picture growing our best constantly and try to keep moving that stan-
and improving, constantly, right up to the moment of dard ever higher.
release. Many ideas that sounded great in those story Munro Leaf, who has written considerable fantasy
meetings become sodden and lifeless when seen on and magic himself, wrote these words after he had
the screen in relation to the rest of the business, and seen Snow While. "If you come right down to it, there
, the sooner these elements can be discovered the sooner isn ' t a live thing in the picture. Technicians can tell
I tliey can be corrected. Many other story ideas that you how it is all done with ink , paint , photographs·
i were only "touches" will come to life in animation hooked one on to another and garnished up with sound
, with so much entertainment that it is foolish not to get effects. I'd hate to call a technician a liar, but some-
~ the full value from them, even if it means adding body is going to have a tough time telling me that
.unsiderable footage. good, beautiful Snow White , her prince, the wicked
Someone outside the studio once stated that it prob- queen (who is really wicked when she settled down to
ably was easy for us to make a film now that we had it), and all seven dwarfs, and the hundreds of birds
lIone so many: we must have found the fonnula. Woolie and animals carne out of any ink or paint pots . ,,'0
Seven Steps in Animating a Scene
When you picked up the scene fro m the d irector you 2. Thumbnails
we re given the story sketch , the layou t, the exposure Work out your ideas in sma ll size before making a
sheet , the sound , and a full description o f the ac tion. big. complicated draw ing. First. you will test:
Now, what do yo u do?
1. Think Example I
Wh y is thi s scene in the picture? What is the
e ntertainment pote ntial in the bus iness? What
ARTIST.- Marc Davis- Cinderella.
should I have the charac ter do? How can I best
show it? " Don't start animating before the idea Cinderella is awakened in the mornillg by (/ friendly bird.
Thi~' iJ the imroductiull of rhe heroillc. lind il is imporflln/
is worked out. Kno w exactl y what yo u are going 10 Jhow what kiHd of girl she is . Slw 11/11S1 he appecllillg .l1ol
to do before yo u start. " merely p relly.
B. THE: C , -hole sequcna so you
Be fami liar wllh the" fi . With the director
. ,_~ scene Its In .
.. _ ••• """T
know JUloIlOUw

and the la)'OOl men: 'II haracler you will ha ve

1 Plan t 31l'full y whte t '-_ I enlcnainment.
. on 10 gel to", mos
2. your
Pl an camera
when \0 use a \ ....'0-5 hoI • I long shot. or a

. _ \0 gel dcpch and I'I'rspec -
J. Look for opponUnllICS lIeS in a row Ihal afC'
live and avoid \00 many see

~ df.
fial-on . Ie I1c:Il il is possible or logi-
4 Try 10 chan~ ang w . confuse the vjew.
<>. / ".
. I lit.. do not do anythIng 10

. R .
en . .
5. Do not pick an angl
hal is loogh to draw juSt to
. ed'fferenl'
I w,
II' "II l ake longer
be doing S()melhl~l~ ~ be M' dfeclivc . CIIoose
\0 animale a~ WI hc:1 fill for yoorbusine».
the angle that IS most p
i \;;I~'\-
i (,
•• ?
Example.~,_ _ _ _~:-;-,;;;
J . ., . .
~ ·'1

.' \

JJl ~_ _
}\IH'J"<"U.M //oJ I'Ul'W<TI'"
3. Mechanics of Presentation
With a rough continuity ~nd Kene cuninll es!ab-
liIDed. !~ individual pictures l hoold tit: c~kw @.@ A_~/~_~

and developed .
@ ""'"
_ IU ......
_ - _ 1/IIF _" ""."
A. t>ERSPEC'T1VI: '" PJAI/, Aj oi((IIl' ....
Be sure to match !he perspec!i\'e~ of !he layou!. A"'~ . "'1l IOHI. 1. "
/IAn _ . ...,.... ... l ••
IF!he Fee! do no! fit on !he ba<:kllround. how
can you !how how much they lifl up?



If you draw two or more characlers in a Kcne.

do careFul key drawings for si,.c rela!ion Ship and
",,-ging . HI'''' IInod eye contact if characlers all'
looking a! each OIher!
8. S(' \U
(ho... ~ all I.",~,,, r", ,1'1" ...,~k " .., ,,,...-...1 on.,
[""m,' I. """,,.; ~"\lr "''I''''''''''
f,,,. '-pi,'to",,,'"
,,",,. ,... ,, ",II fcmlll,j you '" ,he ,"~ '" ,,,,.
ctlJl ... " " ~"u ~,~ ~"""., .. ,,~ Toc ',~k "f ,h,; """ /1,1/ r,,1.J.
,t..r....'I~I. '" the ,IIIn" aruun,j 'h<cm. and 10 II,"", 1."'.... 1.."'"
<...-1, ,~ho.' •. ,,~n ""r-~ ':"" pan n~'~,"" ,1><,,,
t>o:'h",.bk'. a. "dl a~ ~""'~ ,I""" dlam, ~",l
'W· I
--1 '."'C'"/
..-' [.i.E ' .~,
, ~"y,-':-
.J • ~. ~ 4 . Solve Spec ial Drawin g
Ik ,un; ",., no ,'ommu",,·. '" ~ .... r t<k~:lII<l "'~
lit: ""1'1.,:.1 1'1\ "~"'rn"",,~" ,Ir~" "'~ 1"'*'1,,,,,,_
Wnrl 'hcm "", ." , hu"'h,,~,I' ," , ull 'If". t>U, do
"'" 1"...·'...-...1 u,,"1 the~ ~n.. ",1,,"<1

___ I
"II" \I,,,,! A ""I~,II (i ",~' rdb I
I.",'~ ,1""",,,,1,",,. "" , ,w,,,,,',' ,he ,,'ai,' .

..,~, 11m. ),-1>...___

11; ..,,," '''''.,
I'. ,~ ,of th_"'~. 10 •
'M ior-;s ~-..,' II} o/wJw R.
1/._.1 a, • t lJ'S' prr.
"'~, p". M« ", .. <ry

, '. •
, .-::.,..

~ ,
• -•-
0 '. -- "

.... , ,• ,"-r. •..

, ..
5. Double Check Your Ideas
Onc~ you h.:I'"e you r ilk as dearly Ilefll\~d. check " 00,,", ""ccp' your dra " inS' to" '1uldl)':
your I~)"outto 1>1' 'lire it will " .... ~ as pl;tnl)fi\, Ih<cm 001 un >onwoo", (1)< ..
IJoe! il allow ellough space fur thoe ac:u ons )'00
....., ron>i"'riIlK '~ E.u mplc .

s...,..- WI"I<
• • ,
.... "'D.IfW"}' --..-::.-
"*<ro' Itn)tlll.
,0aJc.·_ .
, .
II "
I I •

6. Blow Up Drawings FuJI Size

Indi"Mjual slelche!; do noI alway~ relate 10 exh
oIheron the p.:gs the way you t~hllhey " '001<1 .
Kough 001 ali lhe l ey posilion, o llhe Stttle. ba.ed
on your Ihumbnails all<! re.earch ',

'. ,
.- . .. l , ij
fr l

'h r~j, '."'r~


,/w ",..,.;,,'
'M 'A~",b ·
",.....J M·" A,~
M f"u "",.
I • - , - ~l!
. i!J -


[1". ,,- ",'

i"""'""r fro.
li"1 ri<'l m.
!'''I~, · r" ,·,.

'lit., '" ,'"

,P ', ',"'C"'.",
,,, ,,.,, dr,,.,.,

II',,,,," ,/),<1.
i",. "f<' md
Ii,,· I"",. ~
1,lon:: . Thu ,
" lIlod ' ..
""H' T'"
r,,~ , lit, IJm
' ,H lit, <I'd'
IX''' ''''" "I :
'"' 1..1"",,·,.

(I" " .."" Id.

'", "'''''' "
""T, ,,''''"''
i,, \' ,or"","',"

! 11,-",I",., "
'-" """";"(
"',Ii "''''rlt
111 ,iti.' '.11""
" 1,I"" ""r,
~r, · "" "J"
""" 11.' [,"
/" M ,'''"'
~h"." ,"11r~
Tik ,-,"R'"
1.,<, «Ii, " ""


10. How to Get It on the Screen

10 do (/(Jrn "tar o"yllt, .., if ..... ji,,,u
"/(J pouiblt 0«' u rtoi,. dtjittirt /Ioillgs .
• t _do ""Jlloi"8 ..... //rinJc of ... illt litis . .• Walt Dis""y

SIatIy after Tlte Rueue.s was rekased in 1977. a ~haraclCrs Ihal wen: I"<'al. whc~hcr lhey wen: dwarfs
tndmnarted ,"J love those characters ! I thin ~ Illey living in a land of magic. or a wooden puppet being
• probably the ,,,,ateM Dis,..,y h~s ever done ." ,h~ by a monstrous ...' h~le. or tiny fairies §pruding
U.... niably lhe animal ion of the characlers is what drops of dew at nigh!. In his imagination il was an
a n ... audience. but many othc:r elemelllS playa 'oming 10 life-mythical. bul bcl;"vabk . Thi s was
.... role in:o. ~ful picture: the colors. the bc:aul y. noI a dull. humdrum Iype ofn:alily bul one lhal
til: ,',su,al effects. the locale •• and the musk . The from drum" a land where one could fccl at home. yel
_ o f ou. r.ntasy worlds tool: u much dW kalion whel"<' e~eT)'l hing ""as fresh and new ~1lIl diffel"<'nl. To
.n.,..'Ied~in !he ocherdepanmcnls as il did in tM achie~e this on lhe screen. greal auemion tw to be
_lOll, and il occupie<J moch of Walt 's interest as gi'-en to the locDle5--the si •.c of the fum'lure. the

'Ilia '-' ~ in those firsl mtttings looking at !he
oob' !.ketches from the ~ylisl or IIIe inspira·
props . the Il"<'es. lhe animals. lhe shadows lhey cast.
the air lhey bre~lhcd. the clouds tlt;u floaled o' '(rlllem.
lhe rain- it all hoo 10 be right, juS! .. hat you would
. . anist. an image was fomling in hi , mind . a loul find in such a place .
.ctptcl "'Nt this piel",,,, could b«<!,,-how all 'The: inspirational sketches often hoo .1M:rA-·n mIlCh of
... pw ..wid fil lOgelher. I10w il would look . how il this. but they wt're only a handful of still drawin,s .
_1<1 SQIlnd , and 1>0101 il would ma ke p'''''pl<;: feel. II u§ually done in a medium unsuited to production wort.
. . I lJowly developing roncepl . but all the paru One question always hoo \0 be faced. " How do yoo
....: m..1y related righ, from the Marl . get il on the scrttn?" This major question broke OOv.'n
lit btgao to 5tt a plate ~hal WaS real . inh~bited by inlo a myriad of fiufe ones: how can " -" gel !~I soft Fanuosl

sh 3d<>",'~ ",ere ~ho",,, on ,II<' "'all •. :tdd,ng 10 lilt spooly

drccl . bill Wah saw ""ore Ihan lhal. W",",n 1M d~..m

were grouped lOI'CIhc:r there \... ~, no' a f1a! 10'" of
..,'-en c~noon cha<'ll. II w-.. , more of a pl'11'llllll.
wilh the figu",s III lhe (""'ground (II Illulcr rolin,
givmg onl,,"'" and "CliMion to {he group He .."OI'oIkmI
if his .Iaff could do «"He!hing like that lie wondmd
if the mcn woold g~! fre'h Ideas on hghung In ~
if they acluati) could see a rcplic~ of the d..Otfs·1lOI'JII"
AI~n Il uner. lhe ,l~lCh ~no" ... hose "nagll\MJ\~
~" drow;IIg' in'pirC<J !he ' Iyle aoo "p'I""" of mal)
' ~I"
'mly Silly SYlllphonic•. h",! ~ar l lcr been ~.",gneJ lhe job d

G#. drow 109 ~lIlhe nook, 800 .-r'lnmeS of Ih" lo{lI:C .. l .......
Hi. Swis., herila~c ~OO l oxn powc~ of obsm-a1Ol
. ",
made hIm Ilkally ,,,ued for capturing the storybook
,W charm or ~ couage that dwarf. ""ghl ha'l' "mh . ...,j
N, . now he h"d .0 mallY dntwlOll' of the s!"ir>, tile bed>.
lhe ...·,OOOWS. the fireplace. 3.00 eYelllhe kItchen """
' FIGARO Ihal lhe "hole structure alnlO!.l cook! he \ls~tiud
W~I! !-aoJ .. , So~ ..... ",Id probably b."k! a Il1OIII:I

f 3 · 5EQ.IA
.., of Ih~1 house just from IIIeSC drn"·lOg. , y'lnow. IbI
Il~>dcl we had of the <lId mi tt was a bIg Itdp 10 ","t!).
body 10 v",u;,lizin" !h"t picture. "nJ ;n plaoolng die
s«ne,; 3.00 camer. an"le, Let·, gel ,", cn Arw.Ico<>aio
ht-rc .. ,",en already Itikl been trn~fcm:d from antrD-
loon 10 layoot beea"",,, of h" archul'Ctur.1 k_ledct.
and !II,W hb formal tllt'nin& would he flUl 10 fuJ1het

-. .:~ . •
us.: . Wal l a.ked him to build lite mo<kl on a 5<:aIo d
one i,,,.
1t to lhe (OQI , Inlerpreling AU",n', I~
"kelChes 1010 rc~1 sha~~ and d"la~' W,lh Wall',
enlh"'Iasm aoo cur"",,)" cleanng the " 'oy, lhe d........
COItage .....,n emerged as a rcality. comptete wilh fPl'
niture ~"d prop,.
.. E"cry""", cn)wlled ~n",nd 10 "'" 1101" u Iookrd •

rd~ ?: OOW CJO lhal brilliaoc~ of 0010.- be anamed?;

how can we gCI Ihal elusive feeling of glowing lighl
ev~r)""here'!: hnw C~n Ihal overall effeci be ~a[llured
in our elUde medium?
While 1M Nckground man thou,hl mainly of roIor
:ond lhe la)"OOI m;tn of d",wing. Walt was all"."y, 1h'nk·
mg of a d,fferent approach thaI mighl open up some-
,• •
Ihing enlirely new, At {he .<Iart of Snow IVhit~ . he
studied 1he first drawings of IIIe dwarfs >ca ••'h;ng
,. through 1hei. """SI'for ,.... UnkllO"" imruder. Greal
1IJI<thtr. (<&inaled by lhe rtlalionships llul ,'...,." now The work of the layoul men refkcted Ihis stimula1ion
.(1lOknl. A (ew uCIl.:d morroenls lale • . Walt had in eve' )"lhing fllMT1 the desig .. of the specirlC 5('e~ 10
. . . , ill... Why 001 lake Margie Sell ("'00 had the presentation of lhe whole sequel'!«. Man: effoe-
betn hired 10 do lhe live III:l;on of Snow While herse lO tive camera angles. iOieresling aroupi ngs of lhe char-
_ !ohooI rolm of he, nn lroe siage . prelending to co"", aclers. u~ or perspe"l i~e to live dimension . types of
*ough . door. enlering lhe room. lookin, about in $Unes 10 build the mood--4l1 ,,-ere hIIndled SO sltillfully
~. ~ing a sm;oll chili. and Nnning 0"", 10 s il On that the spe<:tatOl"$ neilher noticed nor wondered . They
il"ThIl coold.1I be done " 'ilh the rroeUUTl:menu of " 'en: romplelely ab-wd in " 'hal was happening on
Ik ",'xld of lhe couage blo",n up !O full siu. Then on the SCreen.
~'lttl of film. we CQIlld . hooIlhe modelttou..,.

_un: . .
_hlllJllhe same camera moves--only this linlC' in
asumnenIS. This film ,"'ould be prim.:d
• •"III'IO/f reid eels (a newly disro...emI phoIographk
(Qr prinling dirtCtly omo the ce l ~) and lale,
"'ilh Ihe r,lIn of Ihe gi rl. If the dislanCeS
I I . it would appu' Ihal Margie
. . li).ii.\0 the dwarfs' house!
~ ntll'ly y,urI<ed . FOfIy ~ars lal<:l". TV cameras
Tl:gular!y combining lhe III:lion
on one Camera wilh a minialure sct
. but in 1935 there were 100 man y problems
lOka 10 be practical. For one thin;. lhe eels
ftrtrilt and the developing ehemic:al~ "a .. sed an
amounl of ~rinkage 00 eac h piclUTI:.
'one to the "" XI. lhe qual ily
was in eonSlanl jeopardy. Walt
for • way 10 make backgrou ....h
e'..,O ha ving them a nima led in
00 ..,,·cral pielures . While: lhi s .ozrm AI", ... Hu" , r -
• ffecls for individual scene s. il fu n he, Sno,.. While .
the n al c haracte!'!' on Ihe cds f,om Ihe "",ur's drawings of ,h,
io lhe background by contrasling lhe d"..,rj,· rollal' ...,,, So
'/001""",~ i~ <"OMr", aftd
techniques. Mrail 'N" a "",,"I at ,h,
of lhe COItage " 'as far from " 'asled sil'!« ~'h6I, "" i/di~, ....,s ...,...
uStd e'lonsi"'ely by both lhe . Iory skelch nlen s"~c'ed i"" jro", his
la)'OUI men 10 determine whal they should
.hen ~nling any piece of bu,iness. The Story
bad the job of making lhe house Sttm n::;tl
lICIivilies goinl on. and the la~"OO1 and
hid the responsibility of mak _
in a praclieal "'ay. They I
" Ihat " 'oold th row ~ h3tlow~ on lhe \
the 1ight~ for a variely of ef(<<1S:
p;c.u~ thal had a new authority. for this
longe, a make-belie~e hou!iC-il "1lS there
them;n a "cry rul Slate .
Four Styles of Background Painting
,~ s"",A_
S...",.. WbJ ...
J . Fo, S""" Wl
hlirdr~ .....u,..<tI
ftiqws popdtv i~
I",,,oriotu of jaJ
S~S. "illS. <111
M/(H"j "" .. ""d<
o<r~rs fir illlo rhi

4 F.... S"""""'B
of cloJt >tJ/w. ill

dUtoriIy. a dow.
, .

Backgrounds cha.,.",\Crs will be ",·orking. He i. told al>o 10 ~.
handling "cl)' simple on the Itft s ,de.' b«.... a Itor!t
The background painters " 'ere expe"mcnllnl;. 100. will be: standing the",. IlOl mo~ing much but >till occ.
Il)'ing 10 capm,.., in ""ater 00101' or tempera' jnJediums pying the sp""". And the grass al Ihe IXlUon, (anOOl b<
easy to chang~ if necessary) Ihe .ame eff<XI till! styli_" harsh or real istic ,,-i th indi"idual blades. becault drot
had ",hic,·etl wilh chalk or inb or some special hui ld will dra'" 3nention a""ay frum lhe.' aclOO.: nor ran tbr
up of p.oinls. Taking the layout suggeSiions liS ~encs grass be: 100 soft and fU7.7.Y cither. or II ,,·,11 ~ppe.tIut
that actually would b" inthl: p,,,ure. and SUrTQ\lnding thl: ch¥acICrs ~'" ,Iandmg in a cloud There mu>tb<,
hin'sclf with thl: original s ~ etehl:s that Wa h had Ii ~ ed. solid plane for their f«tto match. and il must be pm
thc bac kground )lai nte r search<:d for ways to duplica te i>e<:ause il i.grass. but it cannot look likc gr~>sorb< 1
an elusiw df«l . JNjor pan of lhe design . The areaS "'·ben.' Ihr pol8In
These pa'nte~ ~re ~ the:: SlI''''' as easel painters, can >how the Ita"es and br....che~ and the btaul) III
c,'en though they ,hare many of the same talents. The Ihi s rQrnanlic s~ are along lhe 10j>. oo..·n the n,II
background palmer must know color very weil. I"l" side.'. and in a liny palCh O,'cr on the left bt ... th tb<
scs< a goO<l .e n,c of de.ign. ~ now how to pull a horM"S helly_ It i. nOI easy.
pi~ture t¥tllt:r. and Ix able to handle hb mcdium If lhe bac ~ground has been tk;,gne<l around tb<
utremely ",·cll. lie may e"en ha"" some reputation as cha.,.",ters and the aclion in the first place. this ~ b<
a painter of landscapes or abSlractions. hut here lit the all (hal IS needed to gi,·c a gn.'at crfeel Subtk
Sludio he lias II "cl)' ~pe<:ial a..ign mc:m . Ik musl .tage (close in "alue) behind the figu,,"s aoo along tltt '"I*'
of act ion" can .,ugg~St much ",·hile ",toally s/IoIo""
,,,,,b· lilt: char""tcr and s up[X>r1 the ""t ion . That con"",, Ix:f"",
an)'thing c l.e. His work may be dramalic .•ta"ling. vel)' liute . This is pos.ible to do, but a do:fini~ cfuI.
;" ,A,
",,,.a,, 1'O"'·erful. or thrilling. hut il mUSt still be only a ~k ­ Itn", .
.,.110. ,
ground for lhe.' "'lion.
There shou ld be IIOIhing behind the animated fig-
A~her " 'a), to keep the c haracler complaelr cQ
at all times is to hold down all tIM: dcn~nlS in"
. ""'., ures Ih" dismtCts in any way . Too much <ktail. hu,y backgroond SO Ihal lhey fr~me lhe actor as if toe ~M
",!Ct· .ha l"'s. eye ·,atd,ing forms are all ((,"fusing: tOO much s~lighted. or working in a ")1001 of light . " Thi,."


color. tOO much dark and light panem. colors that
coonict ""ith the figures are all d,sturbing . The back_
ground anist i~ a.ked to paint l woodland gl* . hut
IlOl gi,'c lhe excite"""", found in a Wung dc.'sigo, I...
",ill insure that the animatioon ",ads "'clllhrou~
lhe ~ene.
not 10 ha,-c any tro!<!S or bu.hI:, in the middle where tilt: The bac kground noa" i, p~"icularly fnr"I"lt,ed II!
"1It·~, Thore may be a long shol ",'h a !)usy brock and .he .... ,11 ruin lhe SCCI>C ,f he 1TIes. A pll'n
.'. bth,n<,I IIIe figu'l's or a .hdf full uf lOY'. and on colored card would be far beller. or juS! 1he rainles'
• IIU. >«nc a clo..e·up of lhe characl~r. 'n.., pain.~r $IIu~stion of lhe 1hongs seen ,n .he long shot AClual·
....1. '''h' N"" I can ,hoY. all the lel1urc and lhe Iy. a li\"c·lI<,:lIQr1 «lmn:a mo"on, on Ih,s ""Y ~bly
MId KTalchcs un lhesc ob)CC.~ .. There ,~ r~ally ",ould ha.-~ lhe background out of focus. and tim
III nmilO k..,p .1Ie ~aTlle background on ,uch a CUI. would be .he ns,e<1 §Olulion
A >'<'ry dfect;ve SUite in Thr llt",'r 8001< showed
the !WIther si uing on a 1= limb with only the lumi-

... nous miSI of'hc!rOpical nigh, behind him . In ,he fore-

ground .... as a small clu.stcr of leaves and • flower
pI'~ '-'!fo>N"
... ~, ....
"., ...ulfllll. /ry.
dnwn vcry crisply. b.1I with just enough ind ividuality
10 ,iVi: the scene realism. heamy. and c haracter. [\
;"1 iii. paillli,., look ~ars of upericnce 10 know tha, th is W(lUld be
~ ("'~rall ..wod
bc~l. bul, 1;leraliy, only minules 10 paint ,
n ,,.,,'" bIowks of
<Md, l uping a Pointing backgrounds is a challenging and compl,-
«Ii""" dt<Jf of ealed luignmem, bu, one lhal offers vast opporlun;.
, dra",in, ; an;!. lies LO the artis!. Successfully done, the backgrotmds
/ins Q Ird"" of contribute m"..,h .o ~ audience's enjoyment and. like
~ lit< t:1\a,4(:ltrl
musk. can crUle a depth of fttl ing in the mood and
""' e~ ,he dnm.nic quality of thc .... hole film. Wlh
fdllhis was SO important that he asked [he background
mo:n 10 uy se"enl difT~nt paintings of the key IlCeHCS
.... ith • ".nety of colors and techniques 10 litimulate
tlw:ir imagiNltions and help !hem find the best IIflIXOKh .
These ....ere lhoI in color and judged from the film IiO
the aniS! could find the most S\lCCeSsful handl ing befon:
flOCing the restrictions of .upporting the animation.
The background pain(er .... ort;. closely .... ith the layout

~w..pItl>tri .
.n.. Ju"llt Boot ....,..,. AI CHMpJur - The: Ju",Le Book .
..-,Jr /kIDil «>
1M idra of ,Jrr
, ........ fYNI/Iit"inl
T IIon:/ow«j" ",
- . from lilt cMly u~rimcnts thai dcvdop eM roIor
~ *' 11)'1.. 10 the doign of 11M: effects animation
. . .ilI _ l i d the dlaractcr$ wilh all man~ of
~ fOlCtS. BUI adaplinlllIM: slyk ~nd thee rolor Of!
t I'I1II poett or p;lper is only p,arl of tile: problem. There
• IIiII Iht mallcr of gCll ing il 10 look rillhl in 11M:
IitIII:Itd film on tIM: SCl"<:en .

Effects Department
no eff«li animator is a special kind of ani.1: he hit! a
«Oity about tt.. way Ihings work. a feel for 11M: -""
··Ultk P
.....~. and uwally 5ttS gr<:al beauly in 1M p,at ·
_ r:lNtUrc . ~ df«u ani~IOI$ have b«n fas· 7lot link
c-.I,,1Ih pu~ realism and ha\li: tried doggroly to Jim ....,/
. . . . rt ..."hiIe otllers have treated spiril in thee
A*". I1tOII
_ 0( .."lUer and la'll. drama in fires and 'Ioons •
.t1llOll,lohing Io\·clines~ in lhe handling of falling
b>tI and _ . During tIM: making of Snow Whi't •
• £n«u Animatioo ()epanmcnt ,",W to a lotal of

. -.
itr-Rl IIItII and ""On"oeII. many prof"tcicnt in special
all amazingly polknl I S tIM:y du:wcndle$s

Otiy~lIy. ,~acte, animators had done all of tile

dIrm ill Ihti' own scenes : rain. smoke. sh:otdow$ •
..... doud$. dur,! . speed li~vcn Ihrobbinglina
IIIqmn1i pain and question marks 10 show confu·
_ hWah fell lhallhe$C all lacked style and asked
~ . . to be men ~ .... anl and 10 draw more accu ·

-it They ottst...."Cd. and as soon 1 5 someone noted

.. dor ..... g! of a real object moving fu t is blurred
.fiIta. every lIIimator tried to find his o"·n way of
..... ab!umd image in eanoon terms. In attempt,,,,
I I " (xl! other. these animators rn:aled shapes
.. btamt designs in thcms.elve$. dominating tIM:
_ • .,,;Ithe inkers ..·ere pIIl.~led as 10 whet .... ,
_ ooncoc1ions should be t,aced in ink. painted on
.,or tilt: «I. drybrushed. or done in different rolors .
A fMnIr device for portny;ng an ann or a lei
..-.c 'If:tY fast was 10 dra'" a s.erics of afler i~le$
...... alone. UnfOf1u~tcl y. this always looked
_Ih$flllhttti uailin, eM limb than a tlW blurred
. . Cnton (Jack) Boyd. wlM:> lal~' became heead
or IIir Eff«1S Department. ~1;1I laughs about I~OM:

w dro>oioor.
for ,los P<'P
1>tj{)U WrJJJd
_ ,;,/tIp
,.. uFo:..- f"", 01 w« spaghclli! It lool::cd awful-bul
Then wllh a sigh. "Now J -"'lI<kkr 10 thinl of'"
stuff .••

"iere anolhcr problem . These had beoI
done in a "ery .implc " 'ay from the ea,lit\l "'"
because they ancoo...d the figure to the ground
out 50fm kind of contact with lhe background.
characlers seemed 10 noal around. walk ing 1)11 au.
maller how mu.:h "-eight had be<:n an"Nlled Into
movements . J USI a cireular shape painted around
feCI in an unoblrusi,-c j:rcy defined where lhey ~
s tanding. and as they walked about or jumptd ~
tinued 10 shov.' JUSI "here lhe)' wen: . Ikrng OJ*III:
covered anything on the backgrOUnd Ihat II
over. unless il had bttn carefully animated 10 f.
shape it eneounten:d . Too often an e,"ler .§DIU!. .
to ask the backgroond man ~imply 10 In,nl "'"
offending objeci and luvc a barTen path in Oil ~
As the quality o f the P"~tures appro;oched "'- 0(.
heuer book ,lIustration •. Ihis crude ~h:ldow " .. It-
placed by om: dQm: ....·lth a transparent paim I~IP" I
much more realistic appeara~ . S,nce th" daBtleli
the background ,,-i thout obllleralln& any of lilt drIIi
the spoxlator rould now see every rock and pctott
rightlhrough the shado .... and lhe background pauw
became mu.:h happier. Unfortunately thIS """""'"
dried very quickly. leaving .Ireah and pudJltstl
varied in densily from celiO eel. c~u sing lilt ~
to i0oi:. quile agitaled on the scTttn as il "-luJod lit
we were Irying 10 find QUI how 10 do ii , II look a 101 of jiuered,
mi~akes before you found OUI whal you ~ould do:' When the painl "'as vcry cold il "'as .IOI1lt
This Iype or pel'§On~1 exl'fl'ssion ~ame 10 an abrupt easier [0 uSoe. and if i, ,,'('re confined to ~II amo;
end when Wah evenlu~lIy set up lhe Effe.:ts IXpart- llIe "'girls" could paint quickly and deftly.,
IlIcnl 10 sI8ndardi'.e Ihe ~ures . unify Ihe appear- lory result could be oblained . So Ihe painters
ance. and ronlrollhe quality . clo$c: to tile refrigeralor and moved fast. bul lilt
With new imponancc givcn 10 ",hat always had was >lill only one ~h;>de ~nd the", was ""
be<:n serondary anim~liun . the men selected for the possible if a sli&ht variallon was de"",d. M""
new departmcnt ..,I/Iom could hold themsel"cs down that. it was impossible to palm large ~rus tHI ~
to a support"'e role . E"en !hough they " 'cre awan: th.1 and kerl' any consistency 10 tile qualny .
their work .hould be subordinate 10 lhe main action of A far hener ",suIt canl\! fl"Qm palnllng tho:
lhe scene, lhe enlhusiasm Ihalled 10 lhe e~perimenting complelely black. but photographing il al tHll) away care and rnuc:h of lhelr Judgmem . upo$IIn: . This way . the", was complete o;orotroI
Again. it was Jack Boyd who shook his head and _.hadow would be lighl "hen il " 'lIS ~ hot alllllll)
laughed as he thoughl bac k on a !.Cene he had once cenl eXJXlSure or very dark when .hot at ..'till), p!I
dono:_ "1 hild just di!;l;Overed ,,·al.. r' I was a ~ar! You cenl. and helwern the 1"'0 almo!;! any shade C'OIIId
guys did a wonderful jOb on lhe ~flaracter animallOll. obtained. ennchlOg the appearance of ttlt 5aI1
and I eame along with a splash and destroyed )'ou!" both design and color. ~i nce (he .h~dQ ... dark.ned
~ "'~" ~'II"ul J"lurt-'n~ III<' h''''~''\.'

I'I~ U , 111'1 ,. lui ".' ",,~.kJ h' mA.- the ~"'ul'

Ik";' ... I<h III<' ~~.hl~ of 'ho...: !ir'l , l~ldl<"
,,( the
uI. ... [1 " ' " ,'>I Ill< ,,'~"" ,·h.n.!'~t1 II>< '~Iu~, ,,,, I h ~
madf I" kJ\~ "~it Ihf ,h;oJ"" , ~nd palnl Ih" ".111 Jar\;
~n.J "fl In>!uil Tht ,11<..-, an..! ft-~I of Ihr dlaflfo.·!cr>
"~f" pa lnl~J Ja,t al"". ><' 'he~ " ''IlIJ I>t J IIII.>M. part
,,( III<: t-ad~h",md . ~I""~ lhe- 'hal Ihc~
ah .:o.I) '" ,h:.J.""
ipt> ,.lwno:H' I""~ ,'nlc, ,,J Ih.1 .'n. '''Ih''ul ,.. 'r h",,,~h III~ uri, Ih",,, •. 'ht . m". Elf" "" Dr -
, . . . , '"~ 1"1(" r',"I,"~, " " <'1',:,.,.1 1). a ,,11(>1. ",'" p~rlrntnl ,',In;,, ,,J ,>t onl> I" " lIlen l'~() D ' O.", •
Iti Ii(oIo., ~"", ,t.< ,I.,,~ JnJ Io~hl 1';011,·"" "t Ill. 'lr"'~hlf,'r" a c J, ,Iullho.)m. anJ ..kil,,'llfJ hahan and
!<tIt\" ... klt-.: ,rolI<J ,,,. n'" "",pic "") . rou l '" • C~ Y,)u nW , a 4ulrl aroJ "'".,,,'" ~UI ~'IU311~' >lubborn
II) du! J<J;kd ,lq' lh .roJ 1\IIl\\n,'"'' !" all ama7' ''~ C h",,, ..... "h" I"HJ I" pl., II>< "3,. f,JJlf as. h<>hb.
/qIrt n... ,h.,j,,,, > Ih.:u Ih" J " Jet> .; ••1 .'n III<: ".11, 8 " 4h 'I"'~< "1111 ,u," "an
",',-cnl> Ihl 11\,1>1 "f III( haJ
- " II< h. 'uMI. ,·,'Ior. ellae "(,,,. ,we ,'" .n~ "". -, dlffi,;uli) unJ.f,'~n..!ln~ "hal lhe) "crr J,I~'nJl . and
.... ~Iltf w ell<" ,·",-h~nl~J r"d 'n~ "f II>.: ,,1I<'k ~,'mmunl, ~Ih'" N I" fen ...... , .. " ... , al""'~1 ImJl"'~I·
COIIft .\1 ItI< ""K "mt, "'''' Imlil"!, III<: ,11:0.1" " " hi • .•'~' ,"II) "II<'n<'fs ilaffil Sm,'f !M) d,J
*f.,lII(' In Ill< ~"~'I' r,,'.nt,J tht.'m I",,,, !,~\ l, "~ m,·,1 ,)1 Iht ~·.Hdol " ,>r~ 'h~m .. I'n. I II<' ~ n.~~.J ,,"I,
Ill . p.>I"'t hneup ~ ~ ln~1c ~S-; "IJn! t><1"'~" In.,m , aM 3 m~Jof r ail ,,(
T'rIt« J,.. u~ I ~ ·t'r<',('J ,haJ"", .. """.d Ih~ 1 \h( hI S J ~I' ,,~ . I,' :1i;1 h In'~'1'r(I~r. Jlpl nm~ It,' ."II I\a,, _
~-mt i'< rfoo"c'par/leJ N I,. , ''''' ' ,,"11 Il>< m and OOCr and f'C' K.m~hf S!;II. r." alllmal "f~ ha" . ~urra,~d
, ...... Iu.' ~ "1, IIo'e onl) 3 h<3d1.:1>< IN II>< ,'am - ,I\( il(h~IIIIUI fClUI .. Illal 1M'" I"" n\("n .I<J .. I~ .nJ
....... tv! J,,,,~I.-J ,II<" t ,[,<n", " f 10" t !f,'fb r-:,,, "'" ""Ii.:ald~ ".;hlntJ ,, "h ,11<';, ",nalC scnk "f Jel"n ,n
.."hilln lot .,,,,1.1 t>c 'h<><>IIII~ s.:r""~ ern and 1".1>. nk"l"'"
.. r... ,~-'"1 ttl'd>. ," ,I\( pf"t-Itm> ,'I 1 ",',>n..! Who., ,3n cHf I,"-~., !II<' It" d~ "h"~ "..",,,,,",.
~,",,,,,,,, nnn",...1 IL" ,,~, ., _In Ihr It.tII )'.". II\( t-,Iknn. '" r,,,,,.,.,,, f1"ahl\~ ~, .... ftull~ !t\ ~ 'ar.~'m~
~"p."..,! ,II»,,, < "tr~ ,n'on~ Iht f,f; 1 Ih1n~' 1a"'hn~ ,,·n.1Ito so rtK( ,,( III<' " 31( J, ''''I~ I" be .. ho.>m •
~ ", . II m,n;l\td on It.. dnH I" ,' ul C\['<II .... S and n><: or In'CIl<J , .. orhnt: aM ip' nnm~ as sl\(
.Ib, J"mJI'" ~ .... l ~n>untl r~lnli,,~ "'It. "ff) "'t· J",,:.J "ft ,,"11 tiC! _"I"n·ul .;nmp3111\l<\.' Thai ,,;><
!oIu,'h,n~ c,' Ir.: .; hJf:li;IC, ach, .. cd 11\.<\.' "f Ih,' C) Y"on~ :11 h<> 1'<';1 Rl,,1> ;;,'IlIJ " II",I~ ,' cul< !u..- h
_",.~,. ,. ,'fCJ'N a 'Uri'X f «J J,, ~ 0' le~"'f('d """I f) anJ ,;.:n,ual u) ,,,. !n("fe 1\1,,,,,,,,,,', b!lln~ mlO
U I ~ .. t.I.~ ,110.,,, ~ .h.aJ"" I" n,,· R,'" ,,, ". Ih.: a 1"",J
Wljltlk1"~ ,'''' m,,', .. no! Ihr ~"I "'-'" n ." II\(" ,'a'~ t· ~" ,h"".J "".... Inu"s"~ anJ (Of . . III h,. ",n.
. . ~ • M~ IJlllem " .lUIJ h"f Nfll a" IJ~ J! hul .. ..., .>lu~lI) ... n>II"', '0 ,"" ".ul .k"~,, T~p .. al
~ b .Ju,J,,,,, I" au~ nl<'m 11M- 'u>!"·n ...· ~nJ III( ", h" ,ir,,,,np .. ... !he- ,'3111'n~ ,,~,·t> ,hOI 1I(• .kJ
b\l of ItI< .. ," ~1I.>n , ~UI .. .-..;,' Ill<" '.~u(n'·. ,,~, ~ t ,eh) 's .;,~ml1\on"~ ,n It.... 0.1""111 k~W""" "f"' Tllt
i:lJk"'"~ t l "",~h In. ".I) il '"'' Ill<" de,'"> .,,, ... , S"r"el~I '> Arr"nl"'~ Th ~ t1'fU I,)[ ,,( 'M I"'"''''
""mnl<'"I~J ,'n '" 'M .ma,int: paIICI\,:r anJ le n:><")
""",,,. C, !"""X- I l '~"1 JlSrla).d 111 J,"n~ Iht fih~r('(' ""'f! an.! f~m
'\ ~" ,.1, (," S"" ... I>< '1'"'n,,.,.J· ,roo..: I'. "t m~ pra.;n. all ) ,,,,I
b "IJ"~
,.f In. 1!lUt:",.n"n. 1U4\~ be lor. lhe I\(lp "f I(sc:ll\-h
1 >,,/, .. ~, Uf, "" /, " H,"'" ph"h'~ farll\ .. :
,"',,' , •~,/,I h. •• "
8,~h C) ~",j ll ~" " CfC J"('rm,~J h. ~.I "alt.m
,h" .~N""'''' ~I,,',' /01,.,
.n l" Ihr,r " ,,,.l allJ .""h"J ';"""andy I" ''''.•• • ''' !1I(;f
UI\,IcIS!,nJIIl~ ()n., do) 111<' )' "'~r~ d''''u~"n ~ • "'tnt
m'"I"I\~ a ", I,h', l ett!. hu~"I\~ OVfr ~ f"., M

dra"·n 00 t~

layout it was an old pol . ruSty and p.ilf· in

Dtp.ilrtment a steady .",,"u.~ ~~ dn, ".
tiallyrove~ ,,·ilh 500t from yurs of cookina . Cy fell full of ideas . 0... o f tMIoC ,.~ JOIoh Meador.
lila. light from I~ fla~ ,,·ould he fdkc'ed c~nty comer ,.·ith an unusual CQrIlb,na'ion
"'",.. a ...· o,·er I~ ,,·hoIe pol ; Ugo claimed that I~ lighl "'ould and ind;vitluatiSlic. Josh ,,·as

r.::~".:'M~ ~
he only on I~ p<lt1IonS not co'·c~ by lhe 500t. since painter. drsigner. and he
soot Ilas 00 rdlccli~e po,,·ef. Each man wlS adamant. ity as "..,ll. 8)· the eoo of
and. s;n<;c lhere was only one way of plUying ",ho was laken over lhe depafln""nl. and for
right. a tire was buill in an em~y filII' cun ;11 the year lalcr. he had well over a hundred rnen
middle of lhe floor. with the shade from a goo~·ncd: lurning oullhe most imp I
l.,,,p invened n~er it as lhe pot. Soon lhe fl~mc~ wcre seen. One of lhe", !-aid ...
dancing merrily. live aclion arod upc:rimcnling ,,·;Ih lhe
While t'·eryone else was screaming . ·· Put th~I tire and smoke and a ll IIM:>5e Ihings . lie wa:;
OUt!·· tile discussion gre .... ;lIto an argument. The " .hoIe: thorough ,,·;,h hi~ research ,,·ork. He <.lido·,
",rface of the lampshade "·as indetd b.:athcd ;n glo,,·;ng down and an;male he ... "'~"'~ ....
li,h! as the fla~ en,·eloped il. bul lhen: "·a~ 00 5001 w:aler. lhen too~ il home: a nd ~tu<.lied ".
on II- liS )"el . l'e<>ple ,,·ere running aboul. and ucilCd days y<MI <.lid that_you " ·ent homc alKl
prol~' " ·cn: now coming from far down.he hall . but dl"llwing .•• j
$Iill lhe IwO In;matOfS fanned lhe flames earnestly- Some: things jus, oould notllc <.I1"lI ... n;
Ihdr faces right down al lhe floor_ and slooied lhe wind. fog. driuling mis" a Ihick
curved bol1om of the shade. almosl aU kinds of snow . 8laine Gibson.
The llooleum had begun 10 curl on lhe floor before a scul~Q1". who was in lhe Effects
brigade of Dixie cups could be organi1.ed 10 <.louse lhe ly len years said. ·· It is quilc ·Il
flames and send the frustraled cff«IS animalors b,ac~ thing like that ; when you pul a line
In ,heir desks-wilh lhe poinl still unpro~ed . Maybe il even lhough you only give il a i
was inconsequen'ial any",·ay and hardly wOI1h coos;<.I· a"·a)" ;t". something tha!" . <.I,fferenl
Milg. buI thaI intensit)" of feeling and the: driYlllg drsi.., nUll foct did not .<I<:>p l<:>sh .
fOf knowledge: "'en: Iypical of their IpplWCh to :u.sign·
8y 1935. new mell "'ere CQming in.o the Effects
nexl of II.Itun:
theThe ""35001 "::;':h::~~~~:~
he against
before llIat winter " ·as o'·er he
Tltr .... lrod~" ofr~ Ejf......
Ih".,rr_~r IIwh' ""l>bIi~1
"'MIl I~ a S•...tio ,ur. Fn.R
I~II. }"rl Boyd. }o,1t
"" odor. (",J Do~ Ma<;·
M(I~N' .

I rupl",,,.-.I d,,~It,. o{I'~ Tior II.......· .~'h·1t of iIIirr fl<)(J li~!; i~ lit, bOlll.
HI rh, J,,,,~ lor a~j"",, · >hooo., (I ,'rn' .Impl, rJ,.i~~ lor 1M "'01" tff"".

ml "'II,,r . Ir ...... "P to .Ior "'" ift llor u("""I.u"," lilil ...., ..... • _tlt TIt;-
,jfN1. a~,_, .....
'O MIr,· "" " .... ,., .... St. I. ...... impowb/. I() 1.11 """"
"''''' Ik>oo' ... ""1Id1, llory
i"lmll'~I' 10 I" ,lor d,·
""P' Allu .......... """. /D, ......y shr ""t'" Iw
Tit, arid",,,,, of ""p ""1>bI~. P'''' 1M JtN<hd
IIml tff...... ...,,1, to , ....p Mr ,.../)· _11
.' ..
.r. r . .<'. ..,"
..... ::"""~
'''": ' ''
• , , 1,

.l " 1.1 ~
• ,., •,
___MOIl. Da ..
- Bambi.
Mot'Man~ s "
• ,
Draw;ngs 10' thr .plash of
a .1..,1, ,,,IIId,..,,, i .. ,h,
"....1.. , IIMmi.. 8 .mbi " -
f1r<:t Il..a,
tutd obs,,,,,,,;QII
'" ,,., ,11«11 " ..i _.

r "j'
111<,.... _ KtJ#<J//-
P,, ~ I

" RiwofSpri..,," !'""wi• . / /l' '\.

l"""ilWlio<l i" bolA ,",I,,,
tutd ""","",..... "1 ...... ..udrd
10. ,hi.
i", Jaw"
/"",IK_ .
laM of
prl_ dlal
- /' /'.

Mmt Jul,. £",,1- "" """011 Ed A"rtl"l_

··RII,ofSpr;.., ." Fonluo. " RitrofSprI.., .·· F_o..
~ " Rile 1)( Spring" ,n Th,rr ....... ,,0 ""Y'o "Ully
Fon,a,i. ~"II,d I'"
mi." ,"<1h'woK- .rwpriolu in prr·
ral.. , .".01" , ",ltId, .....Ir• . histork 'i"... •. bu, this "",.
follin, rocl:s, fin , "ndflow- .,ondl,., S«N ""i.IS " ro,rd
i.., Ia ..... Iws' l t)I6r y"''' 1__ /1Upi' ''' ;QII(II ,trrr lw,
,a,/i." ItOM 01 ,M., rl· and J~KI'J'i<",S of '''to·
/«fI "",Id loa"" bult a ..i· po ...." In Srr"";", ky' ,
• ma,rd ron,'I"';"gly , ,.,~,ir.

\Ofl fain, hard rain , h<:avy r"on, blo,qng r~in chas<:d Ihe witch up.he rockS; and alter ,he had blkn,
I:Iln, dr'I.1.1ing l1Ion' llIcsc .... ~.., pr,med 001< . he >I~ad), drenching. Ilea,)' r~ln thai seemed 100 ,,'bIo
..-111 papas, SO Illey oould I1c cOl11bmcd ,,"h Ilk Ille nil nlCmonc. "\I"y, A fe,,' )c." 1~lcr. a ... 1>011'
~,...n OS III:1:ded 10 I:e l any dfcci wanled Jml >C<:Jucncc of <'ffeets an;mal;"" (Jericli n, a 'Ilmmcr >loml '"
l1li bM lOkI, "Wilen I look al no;n. I don' l K'C • 100 ,,'as. h,p.'point 01 cn'ertaonmenl on Bam'" 'n.. effect.
tlMod: I.... around c"cry drop. SOI1lCIl""'~ I don' had bcconlC an Imellnl pan of the film, ron'ooolm8
I« ibt drop>. s.rcah Qf ligh!. and lill~ drama and excitcrnC'" ami !T)i)(X!. a, wd l as the, " 31
.. Tile animamr's d", wongs b clemen. of makmg t"cf)th,ng so belle, able .
gil'(e Ih •• illUSIOn, bu. by COomb'n- Of all Ille n.,untl cle"",nb lhal h<Kl.o be dial'," In
,dIM, II was poss.ble peocj) hoc. withoul ,hadmg, WalCr "a' the 010" dlf·
I There waS drcary, fkll11 The combmauO<l of Ir:ln.parcncy. ela'''elly.
sad ~I""'ct In S""",lI'hu, "Ilen "''(elght . mOoI"Io.),. and ron,"'enc), "~lller ""h lilt
M ber death, Illerc "',IS Ille fury Oof driv_ many ","Ood••,wc,aled wllh bod,e, of " '3'cr. ma(lc II
III, lIOI'my , e,cllcd min ,honly before, as .he dwarf, ;'11I'"""ble to h,,,,dle rcah>l;cally. II had 10 be rcpre·
.. nted in a design Ihe audience could accept without audie"'" remembered impressive !'Cenes of good ~ltI
ques1ion, As one animato, said, "You had to drJw animal ion longer Ihan any olher effect.
some kind of effeci Ihal would give Ihe impression of It 1"'" nOi only a malier of repre .."ting MUICt-
,,'alor withoul costing a fonune," yet what could any· each film had its own design concepl. and lhe (Im,"'I
one draw in line Ihat would look li ke waler' "You of the effects had to comply. Someone woold U)maI)
,,'eren'l jusl drawing the creSt of a wave, you were different wayi of depicting whatever it might be-
moving the highlighls and shadows and an the color water. snlOke, frost. or sheen--searching fOl a "-3)-01
iooications that were so important \0 lhe animal ion ,... drawing Ihal was compatible with the Style but !iii
If it was a large body of water. the animator had to allowed the necessary frttdom of movemenl. H. WOIIIiI
Ihink in temlS of the mass, the perspeclive. lhe depth, Iry complicated groupings of colors and patche., niP.
the movemenl of ii, all going back into space. And he lights and sparkles, drybrush. airbrush. any effeellhl
had to be careful thai he did not have everylhing mov· pictorially would be convincing and exciting. Donrc
ing Ihe sante amoont and at the same speed. which tile period Ihal Josh Meador was in charge of fie
wO\Ild gi"e a t)'pe of rhythm 10 lhe aclion Ihal would department. he was a wur«, of many sugg.-.
kill any feeling of realism, Ed Aanlal was one of those si"", he had such a feel for design and fomt aOO em
"'ho had a special affinily for large water aClion, which The experimental sketches were .ho"-n to !be de-
he allribuled 10 his year spent on a fishing bo<Jt off lor and his crew> and decisions were made allo .. hidt
Alaska . "When you lived all Ihal slUff." he com- design was best for this particular job, Often I Ito
mented. ")'ou kind of memori"" ii-YOU gol Ihe feel color leSIS were shot to be .ure of the results bdM
of il." embaning on the e~pcnse of animaling an elabont
One animator admitted Ihat he had tried 10 fake his concOClion. Josh would brnk dow" the "I."",mol
","IS""I handling of Ihe water in a !'Cene instead of taking the his sketch. figuring whal lhe animalors "wid do .•1tI
lime and dfon to study real water and make il righl. should be added by the inkers and paintors. and.iIII
-, The ",\ri: was crilici7.ed immedialely. and a """"" expe- would be done by Ihe cameraman with ex~1III
IS ..... r~ rienced man was caned in to take it o,'cr. Nothing but spcciallcnses_ It was often difficult for the an,mau.
""'"8 a
the highe>l qualily was accepted. and although water visualize how his limited ponion could p<.>S5ttlly 1'1"
bl~s '0 was the mosl difficull effc<:llo do, and lhe moSI e~pen. duce the exciting drama that had be<:n de>eriixd
sive. mOSI of the men in the depanment felt that the Wall had SCI lhe siandard. and that way of ~
Ihings persists to this day: il muSt be lhe "el)" bell ~
can do; and, ,f properly prodded. you can al"~)1"
far beller than you think you can. Duong lhe_
of Pinocchio, lhe animalors were experirnenunl'"
various ways of handling bubbles, trying 10 gel_
thing on the !'Creen Ihat looked wet and shiny, 1\c)
carefully animated the circular forms. keeping lin
rubbery and fragile, wilh changing .shapes: bullllOlloi
their effon went into the choice of inks, of culm.
highlights, and lhe loxhniques thai woold milk. da
circles look like real bubbles. The 3nimaloo f.....
shot an assonment of e~perimenlS in coIol" and.
them for Walt so he could choose ",hal he ""lrltOO III
surprised Ihem all by commenting oot on the lines.
colors. bulthc qualily of the animation_ "Ilikeda
---Ihe OIhers look tOO heavy. The bubbles shouldll
full of air." Who else would even notice if ....
mated bubble looked heavy?
....'... mr N""" F"r~MM
- Alpine a/mba>.
Plw,,, /ws bUN r~s"w,d
from a s_.J,ift by ~ $,.
8",,,,,d " 'ish ~ braN/y
"Dlk. Wo,,,,,d lirro"8h .
I'/",,, 's r,,~ is ""'" ;n',,·
"'/1I,d by" "iol.m Iri<xwp.
srAllYl' (No.'I'AGE 199

r~ ..ory su,,1r Iwlow of
,Jr, 'itrrm.nj"l Ty , a nn<)•
... ,"'" Ru 'n "Ru. of
Sp,i"," .""uu !o,t.d
1i,1t1"1"~ <I ... b«tJrap.
Ali' .......
C",I""" (Joct) Bayd-
"Ru,ofS",m,," Fanwia

,, l),gM',nNJ ir"", ,h. sun,

"n;m(l/rd show It"w rir,

"I'"'I1CI</<I' fl<lJhinK '!fec,
".", a"hi"',d . MUrmll'
f'"'"''' of blad a"" "'hi,.
d""bl" uposrd (J"U ,Jr,
( d'''''',n,s , ..."' ,Jr. sIr,,,,·
",,,in,. ,uml.,., 10M. of
•< ,,,,,'Iirlt,,,,,., •
Spec ial Effec ts
Pinocch,o is ~wimming madly 10 e:<cape the pot.<III of MUn,tm tM " hak . lIe is ~UfJOllndedll) ~
a ll da.hing for Iheir Ii ...."". He finall) brt~j 10 I:I!
.urfocc and app;trcnt freedo,n. but lhe mon'olnllll
n)C, from lhe deplh •• and III, huge .1"""'cklit. •
heavy sound on all ,,110 had med loelude hliD ••
C~Clung rnorncnl- lhe audience ohoukl (ocl *
$;00. lhe susre""". lhe desperalion of lhe"_
Iry,ng 10 (:<care.
The nnllnatlon of Pinocchlo is gOCld and <iox-;(\ICfI
whal i~ nceded for Iho.", ."'encs. The: r"h Iff . .
animated and the cff':':I' of bubbles and !.IftJlJ. all g"·c lhe impro:.slOI1 of grtl! C"ffMIIII
speed RUI SOIllClhmg more is I\eNed II dot; ..
Iha! neh lool. of a fir:u...,lass ,IIU$lraIlOl1 II dim
,,·ay 10 gel a waleI)' effecl here·' Afler .1. "'~"I
way down tht-rc: and oughl lO look di ff~n:nl . And .",hal
abllul Monslro? 110 .... un ""' make him look huge?Of
course we need the Oilier char.oclers to be ",ocll smaller
to give the proper ~alc. but how about :some sllading
on the whale? One cont inuous lone over his entire
bult will ~'·cr gi,.., (h, illus;on of volume: . WIIal will
take i\ oul of the Ihin. flal world of the line drawing.
and get it inlo the depth ~nd dimensions of the shaded
df'~wjng and the painting?
To gellhc WlIlCl)' effect . a panel of glau ,,'as ground
wilh (he same Iy~ of ripple found in low-grade win-
, dow glass. When Ihis panel " 'as placed over the "cels U.,..CTSA1o'I,.,roll
u!\de, [he camera ~nd pull~~ slowly th rough It.. scene. G~",,~ R"~'I<'1'­
lhe images ilenealh it .... rithed and " ';lUIled jusl as
~IS do when rdlected in I lake or C$fJ"Ciall y when S"",/J /l1l"'~6 g~~~'"l1y
secn uOOcr Water. haw II mold. uMdu/II',"S
IffJ""~. bad a~d forth,
Fo r 1m. tiny figures in long shots (fijures 100 small ~ "",bi~J ~'j,h II .Iigh, "p
10 be drawn XClIl'lue!y or painIW) . wlbholf n:lief cc:ls ",.J dQoo'll .... , ..... .
could be used since this permincd normal-size c harac-
ters to he rrouced 10 very s""tli si7.c. or blown up
large. as " 'ell as reposilioned or even made Inlo mul1i ·
pic prints .
To ~llhe sllading on Momiro. sorroeone devised I
"frosted" cellrealed 10 ereale a 100tli on lhe surface
Ihal would la~c ""ncil. paslel. chal~ or crayon . wilh
~mearor s mudge orcareful shading . alICe lhe drawing w's~ jllJI1It'S N"'t'IIM ~1IIb·
was compkled in full cok>r-il was really ~ of I O.aU (><lIIUlt of dONI~1
~I. r.rll. pan.lwfill:.
IUlured JliIinling- a special procedure cleared lho: cc:1
Iltloffmtd nurkd "p . ........
10 ils normal lransparency wilh lhe ani.!l·s origi nal M"ro "'ilh violnl tl(',i...ry
work ready 10 go under Ihe Camera. Now artisls could "'ilhilt Ih .. Ih~MS.
wed: in lhe colors lhey wanted and lhe sllading lhey
nttded 10 uplon: new dimensions in visual effects .
1llc men ... ho wI~ thesoe problems .... ere tho: skilled
crnfUi men of diverse backgr/)\lnds who had \:Ittn thrown
IOgether in the calChall deparlme nt. Special Effecls, aJ"'ays Iud bttn skeptical of theory and phi kJso.
phy. preferring 10 have practical anisans around him
who could get right down to work .... ith their ha,,,;IJ.
For some reason. he had a dislrust of engineers lIS men
... ho designed primarily for thc~lvc$ without regard
for the inlended U$C o r the product and he refused 10 1M _gft"wl< of W [or.
have anyone on lhe: slaff wilh the lille. ··Engineer.·· ~"fi'~ in Bambi " .., "",.
There were unly three categories for a lechnician: "~y~(1 b,,, b~ ",O>'i"S "
c~m~"·". sou nd . or special effects. Bill McFadden had
di<l"rr;"" ,Iau 0 ... , Q

dTlIIftlllic p"i~"It,. " up'"

a degree in acronaulical engineering. which Ilad nuth·
ing 10 do with e ither ( amen or sound. so obviously he
'III~ 1""''''''
MHd[or ff·
ilt 1M ...., .... .
~ Q ,.,.It".
B lmb; AI

l~"''' 't·

lplm J" .
i. f7lw" "P'
,;.,~'" '"

had {o Ix in ~p"~1 df<"<1s. lloog ",nb lilt

makers. Iheamca1 craflsmen. plImlm. n~l"nllt\. (a
r<' nlcrs. a nd Ilk: odu'r individual. lrallled In
fc'~;()n Ihal ,,'a, "eve' ""<;"~',.~:""':::,",::::::;~I'.::I
mCn In Ihl~ cool!lomcrale I)

flo: dOIng nrxi Of /10 .. n mlghl ",laIC.' ~Ilhu ID

lralnlng Of Iflo: 1••1JOb lhey

nll ghl b.:: ask~d 10 find a way
~. Of build a "hole ... " camera. or. pm of r...
lUre.. des,gn. tIl"khng. Of siring oc;Ws 00 bIld
I<J re.~"'nI >taB In lhe firma .... nl Few pt<>pr il fir
SIOOIO knew" /10 lheoc n""n well' Of ,,'''''1 the)' <kI . ..
c,"cr)"one SlIW Ihal ~ma/,"g >ceoc. were. apptJll,, _
lhe 5Creen. As one employee saId. "You C",,'I ""In
how m~ny prortlc II la~e. 10 do "'-'""I'lh,ng hk...
Rill Gamy. an u!X'n 00 "'a.....-:ll krues ....
rIill head of lhe lkpann""m. bul Will ,.."OItt!j ••
nell man on an .nd",dual baSIS. ISklllgquWlOIIS _
Ihan as,ign. ng J"b~ . A~ one of Ilk:," s;lId. ··Tht *
'1ues1.ons Wall a s~cd nlO>l were. 'Can you do _,. III
'What can )"ou do here? '" "J'"hc:y ,,'e", calk<!
5"'C~lboxes and SIOf)' Intttings and ofIC"ll)W WI
Igredients of a Scene

J r
/ •

- - - -,

- • ~ Gel>t,.."1> "nd Pin()("fitio Iry

r {I> 11",/0 Iheir raj' imo the
~. ocean ~'h.n MOIt.,'I' ,h.

tit '" ,~ .
...hal. ~ns his ""'WI/o 10
snu" . Th. SCt"t /a>l,

.____________________ ~!
bar"',. flJU' '<,<,ond, on t~
S,"m and .hows ,"" ,,,,,,,, _
ing COJtNpl of ..'10m mad.
F a good-looking pic/" .. for
Ihis pia,. in the film, T""
.eparau poT/S o'r:
.... . Mons/r,,'s ",,10 aM
u~r ja ....
8 . Seagull. in di""""•.
C. W",... aClion on dis-
lOn/ .
D, WMN running inlo
'M"th .
E. Th, ra/I,
G H F. Wale' spla,h., ",."
'lor IUlh, ra/r, and

G. PinOC('hio and erp-

pushing 1M rot,.
H. Tlte ki",,, Figaro.
N 01 ,hoM'n: J""bI•• txp;>nd

=:----D smole jill,d ,,,.. lop half of

Ihe s,tnt .jrom ,"" /ir"liul
Pinocrhi(} s/anM.

The "<ira/I'" ojrht pklur.

Tt'COTds ."d. SCt"t by n,,/II-
brr. drscrip,ilHl, mul/oo/.
ag •. OJ .",1/ os ...lto ""i·
mal,d il. Srquenc. No_
10.7 aJ P;"""chi" slt",,·s
Su"e I a, 6[,,14 [,a/llu
and d'a"'lf by six ani"",·


-- . . .
as ~he p,tCU of an ,dca stlned ~o come ~ogelher, \\" ah fnme had 10 be a Ihree·mmute Ilme·nposure "ob'"
,,'oold SIan calling in lhe men "ho m' ghl do lhe ,,-ork, room eompletel~ da.k Wllh 1M lime needN wMilt
CUT}"nl II \0 I mort ad,'anced sialic ,. He~. Ict" S gCI alllhe mQ\eS an.d dunges be(a« lhe ne\l fl"1llllt
Joe In ~and "bo 's IMllmk fello .... ho bu,1t Ihal be ~. lhe men ba .... ~ could do 16 f"'lIlts an hoor
Itllns for us? You \( """,' , Iha! lur from camer;) ; gel ThaI " -as only one fOOl of filnl, and somt of!ht >CfIft
him In he..." 100, An.d see ,f you can gel a mus;clan. " 'ere o'er ! O feel long'
100: (hese liuy~ will havc to ,,'o.k logcther," Camer;) ' S'lilng Ihere In the dark . hour afte, hour, the) n..w
man. c~nltr, styllsl. colorist. (cchnictan , anist - nOl keep from noddmg. but ~omeone In the Ihru'l!III
Ihey formed turn s n needed. " ';Ih no money for c. e" a l" aI's manag..d 10 keep Ihlng' ~o,"g h) s.n, ...
upenses, no lime 10 n:suKh. only ,he" o"n in\"tn· 001 Ihe hour or 1M fOOlagc Of the ne~t lnO'e to bf
u"e mmds and Wall 's enlllUSlism 10 gUIde lhem made One of them ...,membfred after an all·nlp.t ltl-
Once the y ,,'e.e asked 10 buIld an amngernenl tlla! SlOIllhat he had heard, ··Th.« o'clock," and a bIiIr
could hold $CpMlte la~'cn of an"'ork al "If)'1ng d,S' Ille., " Four o'cloc k ." ooe t~llhe ne~1 numb.! ...
tanCes from a still camera. so Ihat the ensum, p/loIo· "S'x o'clock '" Whll had hapPened w fi'e u'
graph would h,,'e lhe appearance of dept h It " -as bUIll No one kne,,· II first. bul j!rogg~ cOIIfe »1Qn\ rt,~aW
of " 'ood and glue and lape- lS BIll .\kFado;kn uld, Ihal all Ih",e men had fallen asleep II lhe !oamt I.-
" Yau couldn' l build anYlhmi Wllho ullape , y 'kno" , .. and SlePI for nearly IWO hours befo •• 'Oint In .., aI.,.
But 11 " 'o. ked and Wah lI ked the .esull and suddenl)' a,,'ake ned them
" '1\ talk,na about buildmg IIloche. one. larger Ind Earl) In Ihls C1 hau!Un~ schedule the final pial
more complicaled , th .. mlilhl be used for shoollnil "'eu maok for ShoollngtM la~1 \Ccne In lhe pIC1urt •
,,,,malion TIus " 'as more of I problem and called for ,,·.s the endln~ shol of lhe "A'e .\lMJ.I '" '<,..~
enlllleenni k""",'lcdlc, bul on lhe r«ords II " 'as buIlt "h,ch had run 1010 st"cnl del,,~ s. PUIUIlI ~ fif ""I
b)' Specoal Effects: And SO lhe firsl muillplane camel"1l on lhe SChedule The.e had bun man) r.u~~" ... 1ar
" '11 born . lhe content of th" ""CII! !o<: .. nc, rangIng from !WId
Foor years Ialer Ihe men " 'e.t 11111 " 'ortlnl ,,',(h a lass " lndows 10 lo ,,'cflng cloud fo.mallunl till
lipe and glut , bUI no'" Ihey " 'c re creallng nquI slle, S)'mboli~ed inner f«hnl~ of il"'lt magmu><k BUi ll"
delicale scenes for Ihe films FaMuw<I ,,-as a pamcu1a, declo:lcd on a Ioog. conllnuOllS s<:ene, nearl)' no
cllaJlenlc 10 !heir c...,ati~c mln.ds. "nh all of liS unpre· lenglh, Ihal ,,-auld "aJ'I " '''h an Impn-.s1Qn of tho: _
cccknled effee,, _ To leI ,,-raith! rising lhe gra,'cs nOf o f a largc GothIC "Ihedral From lhert. tho: c.-
in !he fin! sce ne of " :-" Ighl On Bald .\ IOIIn\4l,n:· lhe)' era ,,-ould nK)'-C slo" I) and Sltad,l) Ihroullh tho:
ck~t:>cd. method of ",n«lIng the an"'OTk 01110 a p!«C III In,cnor "'hlle a shaf, of hghl d'lsol,'w '".
of benl lin. much like lhe mlmm In a fun house It KrosS the Image 1"tH.n a ,'emeal !JIaft of h~ht ..0111
11,'e an ee rie effecl. bU110 .vold OIher renecll ons tKh spn-ad as gl,nt door~ oper>c:d on a fantas) " OO'idl"


II'/( AC TIOI'! c.roo "'-((ISM,

~.-, n ~ ~ ~
I' '1l10 • -'U lI'UI lR€ ' OM""-!
u.yo~ 1 \" '1 lUI TW£l DO NOT !lib

~~ ~
• prIX.-
rrppl.J Marra "
V N)'P' .Ioo~ 100-0-
t~r K"rr~ t>
• <la_1I. Jiving a spiritual feeling for the end of the

1\t 1op«ia1 effects men looked at each OIher . No
Ihty had could move that dO"'ly and continuo
wsI)'-"hy. it would have to bI' 40 or 50 f«t al:>ove
from one end of the 5!age to the OIher. Set astride !lie
camera track and the marked rail were l~ stands
holding IWlCS of glass with lUTpOsingly litlle color
painted on ~m . Most of the dfect would be in the
lighling and (he camera exposures . Tooay it woold be
Ik drt"ings. Maybl' the camera could move horizon· called a "Micke y Mouse" contrivance. but everything
tally. but c,'en if il were put <m $(I"'" kind of linle seemed 10 ""Qrk , to be sturdy, and 10 offer the neces-
~ and !lIO'o'ed Iloog a track. a crew could ne'"er sary cootrol . TIle tape would certainly hold for one
III i III prttiKly ~ same place a second time 10 lime Ihn.>ugh: as ""ith """,t of the $Iudio se"I-ups. this
.at !he diiiOl"n Walt menlioned . And evcn if they .... as never e~pec~ed to be used again .
wert lhIe 10 calibrate the camera mo'"eS $(Ime way. W ith barely three we..ks len before the deadline and
k an.'Or\ would ha"e to bI' on pane5 of glass at only days after (hose men had fallen as leep filming the
least IbM or foor f«t wide. and mounted on some spirits rising from the ground. Ihc: crew suoned to shoot
bid ohund, and tho6e stands would haYe to bI' move- this last S(:ene . With e"eryone can:fully checking and
1blt.1OO. It was out of the queSlion. il could n!M be rechecking_ each man made his moves as the lead
. . HoIo· ..."OUld ~y e'"er conuol the light ....·hat read from the dabonle e~posure sheet
bid of room "wId they lei. and ""QUId it no! bI' and the camen inehcd its ...·ay across the stage . The
lIIf'OUible 10 do away with the reflections off the Crew who had built the set-up stayed on to do the
,ws! 1"hm was juSt no way that this cou ld bI' done. shooting. eyen lhe carpenters . Since lhey knew how it
apoaally in !be few remaining ""«h bl'fore the dead- was supposed to woO;. it was assumed that if tny!hini
'- for die picture. wem .... rong they could fi~ it morequickly than anyone.
So Walt had ~ cllpCnten knock the seats out of On thai crew "'·u a )"OUngand eager Bob BroughlOl'l.
k cud of the SOtInd $ (which was at leIS{ 4.5 feet ""ho would contribu~ his talenl$lO the Special Eff«lS
_I, II!\It down the recordinl senioru, and he told IXpan~nt for another 40 years . They §hoi; nights and
8m! 10 iO ahead! A couple of cameramen. 1"'0 or they shot days. and the only time they had I break was
au (alPC'nttrs. twO inYenlOfS, and an an ist. and the the One night of the ...·eek Walt played badminton on
pt.,:t "':as begun. A panilion was built across the end the stage from 7:00 to 10:00 in lhe evening.
If .. $(J.IIU mge. and behind il stnnge things began It tool< JUSt over si~ days to t.hoot it In, and Ihc: men
DIjIpC_. A ~iaJ $l.3.nd mounted on rubber ""heels fell into bed ""hile the film was being processed at the
. . bui~ for the camera. and on the side, poinling lab. The next da,y I "ery anxious group assembled 10
f'cidIylOthe floor. wu. metal pointer. On I ""ODden s« how this won<lerofwonders looked on film. It was
tail naikd 10 lhe floor tiny numbers were marked in beautiful ! There was nol ajerk or wobble in the whok
IIlIdt and red and blue pencil. I II cardully melsured thing. but there was a major diffICulty . In one: of those FIIIIlSia
unfalhomablc vag~ric, of tho: human mind, $OIDWIlC 0000 ,,-ith a good four hours to ~ pare ! It
had put tho: " -rong lens on the camera; $0 in addition 10 01110 lhe ",nd of lhe picllll'C and that is the
lhe magnifl«nt an,,·OO. lhe camera had recorded the ",n nighl afler ni,hl il
Stano», the track. and c>"cn lho: busy ,,·Oftcn; running lhe ,,'hole la" reeL '
around during the w«k of ~hOOling! Why did these men work SO
II had 10 be done over. The deadline waS now only cagerly? Why did all)' of us become >0 t.
days aw~y, Dul Ihi~ was 001 the deadline for Camera unquestioning, SO tlclem,inrd?
"'ork, or r~ the lab. Of fOf the ~nswer prinl , This was young aOli lhal the " 'ork WaS it;
tho pn-miffl: sIIo"';ng of the picture ;n New York ! No menl sccmed impossible al lhe slart: let a "'TJ
pitlure c\'Cr had been premiered with lhe 1.,;\ 200 fcci found 10 do ii , and to do il SO ,,'CI1I""t the
mining. The filming had 10 be perfect this timc . The was a,,'ed by the results . The I
CftW shol for three days and nights. stopping ror a Ihrough barri~"lo new frontiers waS II10re than
brief reSI during lhe badminton games-then back 10 us could resi st.
the f'gufts On lhe floor and lhe carefullllQ'·c S. All was Orville and Wilbur Wright ."~",""' ",~r••
goilli " 'cll, (off« was k«ping lhe CIl'W awake. and a Kilty Ih"k thai lhey ,,'CI'C be'ng eaten ali,.., by
qu;"1 detem1ination had stilled OVCr lhe " 'hole process sand fleas, .mliled by lhe bIo:ra"'I
when suddenly. late in lhe e"ening ofthatlhird day, Ihat got i t
lhere ,,'U an canhquakc! Not a hig, shattering one, bul cold wiOll., t i ; 'to read thei'
a rolling, shaking mOVC",.,1l1 Ihal fro,., Ihe mCn in ureS wilh i!Ultlcqu31e r tin lhe . i
lhei. l.ilCks. Rockinlcl and vibrating before lhem was SO exdlcd abou t what Ihey were doing.
the line of wooden Stands holding lhe glas, I"'nes! The by the liny successes of each day lilal the)' fell
mcn held their bn:alh. bul;1 was ovcr as :wdI.Icnly as il kids again and could hartlly wail r~ the
had begun . No glu5 "'as broken. ooth;ng was off ;IS that ,,-uukl bring them it'
marlt, lho: lrack sc-cmed intac1 and straighl. bul 110,,· ~vcry in\'entor has the cha"l'C' 10
could they be sure? If they ,,'enl ahead and compleled lion, fOf o ften in spir~tillO end, up i •
lhe scene and il lumed out to have ajump or ajerk o. a compromise and d",d,ery . Fortunate are those
fal>e movc , it would be ruined and lho:re ",ould oot be ha\'c known lhe e Xhiiaral ion o f the crcat; \·c prott>J-
enough time 10 reshoot it before opening ni,ht. If they With tile bo:ginning of the s.:cond World w;sr.
5Iartcd all ovcr a,ain. lhey Nll'ly would ha'''' lime 10 this camc 10 In cnd . Our highly lrained and
fin~ il before Ihat imponall1 date . What iflhell' ,,'Cre mt'n " -cre dra,,-n i I
a t\clay for any reasoo? Was that CUlling it tOO Ihin? skills were"",", urg",nlly nee<.k:d , Only
This was a big decision- for SOmeone d>e to mah. younger nll:n relurned to the fabled
The Crew went hom", to bed . Del"'nment, but the "'ork was different.
The next morning lile del"'rtrTlo!ll1 heads decided il was calling for experimentation. bul in efroc;"1II !I'd-
would be bener 10 cha....,e aoother ~anhqllakc. fire, ~ ods rather than in nrw fidoJs.
flood and go for a lake lhey could be sore of; sounce By Ihattimc: , Ub I"'crko had returned 'i ,
Ipin lhe cre,,· rolled lhe camen. back to the slan;ng Iype of creali\'e ;n"emion. It had been barely I
mart. checked the lens. pol in new film. and staned years si"l'C' he " 'as known U lhe ,reatesl anim;l1Q1-
one la'll lime. Wah cancelled his badminton arid barred Ihe "'orld, yet now he had given up drawing to
cvcryone from going on Ihal stagc_ centnll. on his in"entions, finding """"
Wilh only one day to spare. lile Crew finis hed proc:cS!>cs, building new devices. crcating
shooting and rushed lhe film 10 lhe tab. were 00 effects . Pan of his genius ,,-as his Ibilil)' 1
di_~ on the stag<: ~ al the lab. and the men had 10 the hean of the problem when something
done I peffectjob. While lhey look a ,,'eek 's vacation, ""Of king. Whe,.., others lried 10 fix the fai!ing pan.
someone else jumped on a plane for New York with insl;nrlivdy went right to the thing causing lhe prte.
the precious film under hi s a.m . arriv ing in the afte.· le m . Where "'hers looked for a way to gCI lhe
Ikn:. Ub found a way 10 maxe il into ""mclhing bel-
'". II< underslood cameras, projeclors. lenses. cds.
palM. and film, yel he al", undCn;loOO Ihe "nisI's
difflCull;'s. the ing.rcdienlS of a qualily proc.lUCI. and.
_ of all. Wall' s dreams .
The Spedal Effects Department became more
IOphllliralM. repiacin); hapha"ard laclics wilh orderly
flOC<dures_ InSlead of Ihe contraptions bui II with tape
iII.uch a casual maooer. the new devices were built to
M)r\; and 10 I." . A machine . hop was ",semhled !O
..u f)f«ision instruments and intricate mt.'Chan ;sms
. . ~<lUkI a,Sure ",pealed qualilY in the visual effecls .
no: mon in the Jcparlmcnt bc<:ame SOm'" of the mo"
IipIly skilled in 1101ly"'oOO and occasionally were
lent QUI 10 ",her siudios whcn "cry s pecial effect' were

""'The" unforeseen and enormou.< prohlen" of Disney-

1IId;md Walt Disney World drew lJb away from the
film ~'orI;. and Eustace Lycell look over Ihe depart·
..... Eu>lace waS one of the " kids" from Ihe carliest
~l.;md together with Arl Cruickshank and the rest of
am... coold handle any problem tossed 10 them . Sca-
1IIkd. e<perieoced, c realive . lheir ,kills were oeeded
...... oftcn on lhe live action pictures Ihan on lhe
~tf"lIy budgeted .nimalion fcalUres. For Th .. mack
Holt. IOCY had 10 Ihink up the answers before anyolle
nlqu ile awaJ'C Ihere would be a problem_ They koew
kft "wid h..'e to be a device Ihat could hold a
-..Jel spaceship .nd move it in e"ery flO"ihl.., man-
lei In il(\dition. lhey would h"'e to haye a camcr~ on
IIlounllhal could make any move 1<> match . and lhe
"'* ~wld have to be ~-oordinal~-d by so",,, meehan·
icaI IMllennind . They S"I around in a circle. di s·
aMing, first. what lhey would have 10 have; second .
.tIIItrpe of Ihing would do it; and. Ihird. how soch a
til, coold be buill . Thi s approach was reminiscenl of
m¥ing the homemade contraption for 1he lasl shOi in
' <lllkUu.. bot lbe results were dramatically different.
1W .... n dev~I"P"d ,;omclhiTlg so intricale and com ·
pIic-aIe<l. )'tl SO simple in appearance and operation.
*- ~~"" 10 be a highly sophistiealed rot>ot- which
is ju\l what il is. allhough they prefer 10 call il a
"C\ c. mer~ , " As long a< these men can
""'" up "'ilh answen; before we reali7-c 1here is a
~i()II . tlx- film, will continue 10 combine fantJSy
.d believability in a "ery real way.
Before 19J2. the only fuil color canoon, an)'""" had
eyer se<:n were in the Sunday nc ....·spaper comics. SO it
wa~ only natural that ..... hen Ihe first animated cortOlllS
appeared at the lah •. the tcchnicians tried to II'\3tcb
their harsh and gaudy and brilliant rolon . Wilen Ihe
original an material waS sent over to show tile deliraIC
gradations that had been SO urefully painted. the: ltx·
tion was still. "Why do)'ou ..... antthat? This bas!OOlt
punch and sock to it'" Gradually their .!litude: changtd.
but somehow the film did n01. For yea .. Wal t battled
wi th Technicolor 10 get them to give him tile elXl
colors his anists had painted . until everyone boe~ 10
reali7.c that it ..... al the oolor system in the film i~ff
that waS tOO erode to control 10 such a fine de~.
It .....orked quite ....·dl for ail tile hues in a middle
value. but once the colors s!lIned gelling 10 tile ligtwer
shades they bleache<l out quickly Teeth that WClt sup-
posed to t>e merely clean t>ecame SO chal ky tlleyflirly
leaped out of the mouths. whites of eyes glartd likl
headlights. soft foam on water looked like piles d
popcorn And on the O1her side of the ""ale. an)w..
slightly dark weill almost black .
'/.oJ)' in
To get. crc.m·colored dress or a soft bluebird ....
nOl casy. and a black dog. li ke the StOlty in Lodj' aN
Ih~ Tr<lmp. was alnlost impossible . If he were paiRlCd
darker than a medium value. he ....."111 too dart ta Kf
",""S ...
any or facial expression. Careful shades of grt)'
'.Jt~'ItoI~ had to be selec ted. and the feeling of a black dog came
11<" 1M from painting the backgrounds very light behioo him
;,n oti.mi b'ery color sy"lem on film has ils own stltngda
,~~~. jot·
and .....eaknesses thai somehow mu,l be ma.>tcrtd II)
the craftsman ..... ho want< to put his color theories (11
the screen. It is oft~n an annoying and ffU\trating gam-
ble but il is wonh the effon if one is .1 all concerMd
wilh the appearnnee of the produce T . Hee. brill. .
caricaWris1. $lylist, and director. claims that. "Colo!
i$ equally imponam to the drawing itseIL " It sUppMI
lhe whole idea being presented. cenainly. aoo il_
troi s lhe mood completely. leading the auditnct a
surely a. the mu sic tr~ek from one feeling tQ the .m.
More lhan that. colors hav" lheir own vilali1 y. mat..
characters as weI! as si1uatiOfls exciting, restful.l\appy,
Or ev"n funny.
1b. delil>C"lion of any personality almost stan. ,",';(h cme what colors are available. and even " 'hich ones
. C()Sluming has been an essential pan of the are stable or cause problems_ In addition. she is 3 fine

anist and has a good color sense, She knows how
slightly less understood
impact and poIenli.l of lhe rolors them - much tbe thickness of a cel wi!! darken a color and
· Hee is more sensili,'. (han rl>OSl when he "'hat to mix to compensate for tl>e loss. To tbe un·
"On50meof llte caricatures. . [would make initiated, the list seems endless.
""" face ,'''''n. because of his character. . he As one of the women put it. "You had to know
'( look good in any OIher color. And olher e"ery other aspect of the business to do your own
make their fa~s completely red. and wor~ . and be creative about it. . . We're like a liai ·
f",os "'ere no! red . Red is vibr~lions and son between all the departments,'"
il "ibrations and ~II Of;1 is elecl,ic and iI' s alive Finding a set of colors that will work with the gen·
if you'"" around a pcrson for a linle while . . he eral scheme. the specific bac kground. and the needs of
the character is only the beginning of the problems tbe
Color Model expert faces. All of the earlier work has
or be does no1. Relative values can be learned. been done on paper with a variety of techniques. and
approach always will remain. making now a way mUSt be found to achieve an equivalem
onhodo~ or sensa!ional. dark and mystic Of effect in flat shades of tempera paim within outlines
· realislie or abslracl. no maUCr how ....·ell he on a cel. Handsome. appealing characters li ke Jiminy
leams!O pOI colors togelher . This is a conSlanl Cricket or Thumper look so right that the average

:';:~"~ producer who wanlS a special feel to his person has great difficulty in imagining their being
if he has a dozen color stylists and back- any other way. but tbey all took imagination. dedica·
paimers. seldom will any be exactly right for tion. and persi~tence.
, There must be conferences. crit- One small example is the expense that will be
and to oblain a incurred in putting any character on the SCreen, To
i ilit idea and graphic begin with. each color represents an expense in itself
by the time it is mixed, put in small jars. dispensed to
will ha\'e the responsibility for the painter. PUt in the exact area On the eel. and then
IIQI only a cnlor ~ey for the whole picture. but allowed to dry. Each use of color adds an additional
of til.! characters in tbe various expense. so the Color Model advisor speaks up early
direetor aJ,,'.YS may have visualized when she sees a bit of questionable detail on the ani_
in a pink gown. but if pin k does nOl fit the mator's drawings . That item will have to be drawn
1Ct.eme being suggest~-d, he had bener be pre_ many times. have a color selected. be painted on hun_
change his concept. perhaps radically . The dreds of eels. and. finally. chec ked carefully . We were
1 "Nutcrac ker Suite" or tbe quaint told. "Each button COStS ten thousand dollars!" and
tt '. house only can evolve as the ....1: became vcry selective in our decorative additions
"m together perfectly. The background man to the characters. The question is constantly asked.
... ill have complete authority in this area. since "Is it worth it?" "Do we really necd that exira but_
is fully .uccessful when one function has dom- ton?" " How about the buckle on tbe belt--docs it
t a balance is maintaiMd . the direc- really need three colors?"
· layout man "',ork do",ly with tbe painter Jiminy Cricket had 27 colors in Pinocchio, but "'ben
producer watches the results carefully. he appeared later in the Mid..y MouS<' Club films that
1irtt~r oelp comes from the Color Model supervi- number was CUt to nine, Almost any character will

~ ~~:f.~~:~:~~~:r"j~f'~ that many colors. no matter how simple he is.
Ink and Paint Department well. There are always lots of little places to paint> such u
ability to qualify for
is easy to do and woat is difficult and time inside the mouth. the eyelids. the bonom of the feet: a
how much any prOCI'SS will person docs IIOt ordinarily think of these as having a
diff.",m color. )'1'1 il i~ needed for definition Black is a complete absence uf lighl on lhe screen
E'-cl)'oJ>e k llQw, if the character is a drab liule guy, and Ihus becomes a hole ratber Ihan a color. While it
• flamboyant extrovert. a deceitful villain. a SWeet may add Kcent and sparkle to a still <.Irawing. il has a
IJIO(hcrly type. but the selection of the eHct colors lendency 10 suck Ihe life oul of the object when it is
!hal go logCtller 10 CrealI' this appearance is a mauerof projected . In SlupinK Beaa/y. the bodice of Merry·
ptrW1131 JIIl'ference. The beueT the I~SIC and judgmem wealher's peasant costume was black; and while il
rJ the c(llor ,noo.kl experts. the more handsome the made a brisk pallem in lhe o,"crall design. there was
\'lIarXlOr will be. These chalicnJ;es are compounded an ama:>:ing los. of vilalily in the scenes in lite color
by ttlt fact thai <01()fS thaI appear right in a daylight print compared 10 the rough peneil animal ion .
lC!Iing become garish against a nighnime background. BIK k detail.' alo;o tend 10 blend intu lite darkcrareas
Olkn. different se1 of colon; will ha,'e to be chosen of lite backgrounds. causing them 10 lose lheir identi-
r.:.!he night scene. or for some O1her unusual sequence ty. The marcelled wJves of Captain Hook' s hair io
II'iIh a ,peciallighling or mood. And the problem does Pe/er Pan caused much consternation in the lnbet .....een
101 SlOp lhere . Depanmenl because lite comour could 1101 be a straighl
l! is DOl .oougll (0 choose colors for one character inbet ..... eeo oflhe lines. but had 10 be a complete draw·
111M IIIill wor~ Ihroughnullhe whole film. H is colors ing of lite hair in a new posil ion. Ho..... ever. his hair
ibomusl be related to those of all the other characters caused even more consternation in the final Film as il
lII¥aring with him in all the ""luc"""s; and. inevita- faded into lite dark shapes in lhe background in scene
bly. "'"' sh.oo and hues Ihal seem perf«1 fur one after see ... . We could have saved ourselves a 101 uf
firgurt cla:;h and Fighl wilh Ihe perfeci .;eleclions for work and money if ..... e had known that tbe oolors
... <halllCler beside him . Then when Ihal annoyance is behind him were going 10 be Ihal dark .
1OI,"td. the ""xl sequence introc.luces new Figures who As a rohn. Pitlocrhio is undoubledly tbe mosl gor·
lipid evcrything Ihal has been d«ided up 10 this poinl geousJy inlricate Ihal e,'C r will be done. f"uttJmi(J had
The .. is 'Iill more. Often there will be mOre Ihan more imp.ressive scenes and visual surprises. but for
_ cilaractcr representing a generallype of pel1'on in richness of handcr..fted detail. Pitlocchio will never be
... \lOry. Tltere mighl be two bad guy, ....·orking as a surpassed. Walt knew Ihal be wanted a picture wilh a
1I:Im. '" three fairies who arc alway. togelher. Tlte greal f«ling uf atmosphere. with dimen<ion and space
~Ie. of course. w~~ seven dwarfs. Seuing Ihe in lhe backgrounds. He wanted dimension in his char·
cokIr n"o(lC\<ls is a difficult and lime-consuming prnce- aclers 100. wilh an emphasis on depth and roundness
• . It lakes mure than one nice skelch 10 Find the in tbe actions. To aid in this. lhe Color Model advi·
....trs. sors. working wilh lite background painters. the color
Iftt.: picture is designed to be reali<lic. brighl col. experts. and a special group of effecls animators had
en on the characlers will be a problem. causing the developed several t~hniques Ihal changed a nal area
lrad;groond painter con'tan! headaches as he endeav. of paint into a rounded form. TIley used a blend (hat
cnlOfu the Figure> back into his painting ur maintain was rubbed on. drybrush Ihal was st ...... ed . .and air·
UlKctssful color scheme for mood. Snow Wltile run- brush that was sprayed on.
.., through In.: woods in terror is a good example of Gradually one department after another ....·as crealed
colors thai ooapltd as well 10 tlte threalening foresl as 10 controllhcse special processes. ~ airbrush depar1.
tor had prtvioosly 10 Ihe sunny glade where she had mell1 alone had over Iwenty wumen in ;1. all adroit al
. . ""~ ing nowers. MUied color.; and a moderale controlling lite delicale spray Ihal o;oftcned harsh areas
of hues give lhe painter far more lalitude in of color. The killen Figaro had boIh airbrush and
::::,,,,;:, on the screen. A characler drybrush 00 his face 10 give him (he .soft. furty look ..,
: will limit the badgrounds 10 about Iypical of a kiuen . Since Iltere was no way of making
I'1S of oolors for the whole picture; any other (hese particular effecls e~actly the sallle way Iwice in a
. will be muddy. 100 light. 100 colorful, row. there waS bound 10 be a n icker and a crawling
wben il was finished. but it helped lhe appea..-.. nce ~
muo.:h thai lhe decision 'us made 10 uSoe boIh te.:"h · 1;10.... that seemed IOSUITOOOO lhe fig<=5 . and he ..-wed
mques. boIh of those featurc. kept in the final furm. no IIWIa"
l! was imperative Ihal Ihi s work be startetl early so how it w~s done, To lhe a.'scmbled l,rtists. liOlJleoid
lhe~ would be lime to e~perimen1. This hltllthc added aoo some new, he said . " 1 $ay the~ arc possibilitlcs.
ad.-antage of keeping the ,,'hole e~w ucited as they those backgrouoos down the~ ... ~oo wi.h ourdt-fl"
saw new df«" being created for the piCIU~ e,'en drop fairy lhere' s a cha~ for a differem trcaunm
though lheir o,,'n part of lhe production at that time Get away from lhe vivid 001"... aoo get a night rokr
migJIt have been minimal or rootinc. It also gave the for her. .. Our bIodgrounds should be done ,n I
animators I chance to make their OWn 5UggcSIions and fantastic ,,'.y when rcndcring lhem: iii) l oa)'. kt'l
enn to inoo'ponm, emergin, ideas imo their handling open up and give us something thai hiu us. BOO.\I'''
of the c1l.araclCT"S . When Walt Slaned Funt(u;u. many When lhe meeting was 0''''' the pu1.1.1cd t~hnlC"
of ,he pictorial s uggeslions ,,'e~ so diFfcrcnl from the asked each other. "l-1ow Ihe dic kens arc we goinglO
SUlndard appearance o f cartoon material Ihat a special get this thing on the KreenT' The new anistS ..-...
crew of color uperu was combined " 'ilh the I«hni· de~d. 100. Obviously. '''''"' painting " ' ;1.$ lOOt !lor
ci.lJI~ and cameramen to~ what could be done in Ihis ans,,·er. They ,,'oold ha,'c 10 uplorc all the lechrucal
new direclion bef~ commining the " 'hole Studio to devices and ]If'OC('sses .ha. might help lhem . IS well .
the projecl , think up some new things to tl)' in evcry arca. Su.d)...
Typical of the new men we~ eSlabli~hed paimerl the s ketches, lhey gradually f""nd ""nain c.. ~
soch as Lee 8 Iai • . Elmer Plummer. John lleneh. and that could be dra"'n. and others lhat "wid ha,..,
painter· teachcT Phil Dike. who was put in c harge of all ~Iy on what the camerl could do: the kn~, tile
color. Everyone was encour~ged 10 experime nt in tech· fi lters . the double and triple exposurcs, Still
niquet, ibign. and effects . As John Hench said. " ThIlI might be h:tndled wilh special work 01\ top oflhecm
was one thing; if yoo wanted 10 do something Walt airbruSh. oils. 5mud~s. bknds_
v,oold let you do it." John gill inlo back,roonds. ,,-hich They u ied a fim tesl and looked al " long and hard.
soon led 10 a curios ity ahoul "'hat ha ppened in cam· "Oee-----it doeS,,'t look anythi"g li ke the ,","" " ••
Cf1I . He had done some photography, so he tried dif· liked: what do we do now?" All the eXpenS,..1 '
fercnt I~ 105CC what df«IS hecould gd . This led to thoc showin,s. o ffering SUJi\CSlion$ from
three yean; in the fabled Special Effecls Depanmenl limiled knowledge. and lhe materials werc
doing everything. At one time he e""n did some effects for a second try. Finall y a way waS
animal;on. His sense of design led to work at WED , h:t,-.: taken lti many a> twctlly separale
the " Imaginecrin," subsidiary company that c~ated the camrra . or a mask LO block out light from
Disneyland and Wall Disney World . tk later became neath. or. IiOft mul.iplane effect " 'ith slightly
one of WED ', ch ief uccutives . fOCtls edges; each SCene was diFfercnl. each
Walt tried these men he~ and I1e tried them lhere. inative e ~plomtion, II
IS he found out wh:tt they coold do best; and wilh hi s original sketch in every way . ll>osc
;1ICe$SlJ\\ drive 10 pia« an iooividual for t"a~imum ,I"""ed and $/Iimmercd. " 'ere feminine
crcative output , he Maned them de"ciopinll his radical and worked in backgroooos of pure magic.
ideas for a roneen featu~ film , Li ke the styli ~ts. the y The " 'hile ballerina blossom Ihat floated.lO
werc unhampe~d by past nperienccs on cartoons. fully down onto the placid , black water wa, i' ",,~,"
and .... ell: free 10 uprns an idea in the medium W I " 'hite oolline that matched the rolor of the pculs
heM ~uited !hem. without regard for how it evemually she g ill looked 100 hanh. too ch>llky. Th;.~_
could be duplicated on cds . shot again wi.h a slighl diffusion that helped.
Alone meeting. Wall' ~ eye was caplivuted by a was not unl il separate exposures inlcnsifi"'] ItIt
series of wft pastel sketches 01\ black paper soo,.·;ng a th31 she seellled to glow " 'ith a pristine bc:ltlty.
tiny fairy srnltlling dewdrops on the pllJItS at night. and radiant . Elmer Plummer do" . . . "", • •
Wall panicularly liked the delicate handling aoo the knew ,,-hat he "'amed in values. and wort.,.]
IIIMI In S"",ial Effecls unnl lhey g.... il: btll he $lil1 insiSICIIC( On exacl values 300 relalionships 10 gel the
paUMW lhe bIockgroono.! himself 10 be su", Ihal il would
look ju~ 1br way he " 'anted il .
Elmtr explai .... d hi s posirion rhis ,,'ay : " I was a
.... weHecls he ,,'U ~.king on ,''' ~n . The corn-
mercial anisl who mighl say. " Th al' s good enough:' ~-
would neVer h....e ,''' pc:l'$iSl.~~ or ,''' judgmenl 10 ~
bo.a fdt uri". and h:ld picw",s hanging all o~er lhis kIlO"" the diHe"'~ , [1 ofren rook gn:~1 ]lCTliiSlence.
roll/llry .... arercolors and oils. aoo ~II of a sudden I One o f the m.osl imp"'ssive KC .... S in lhal k<jucnce
"-l1ll)'~lf dOIng. "01')1 ske"h in paslel. bul done: in is 1'" pride of 1'" harem in the Arabian Dance. the
IU<h I ,.... y Ih.r ir w., hard (or a guy who was nQI a delinre. whit~ fis h with lhe long flowing lail. sur_

p!O-.. ho did IIQI know lhe lechnique-to pul il down
fie wno .... Wah relied on lhis u!>Compromising
rounded by her bevy of maids . As their black . ~mi ·
tr.lIIsparem tails enshroud her at lhe stDrt. there ill I ,•
~ne or buried under layers of pa"",r , The ar\JOII r>&
tU311y was I:>n*en inlo th= !o«1IC~. "h"'h lNdt,
ea.<icr 10 carry . but it ~Iill look 'u'>\ as lung 10 $IIott
The . uc«ss of these glorlUu_ ""cnc:~ "')S dDt.
large nlCdMlre to Phil Dike. the 'tUdl0'~ cob ~
nalor . lie had an mgeniou s ""lUi ,on 10 the prOOIt1o Ii
gClling a ,alhfaclory re_,ull fmm Ihe clu""e,,~
lies of lhe film being u>ed . I k a,~NI Tcchniroklr 111
prim a KCIIC as far 10 the m! , iok a~ lhey wuld (• •
lhey called " OUI of line "); then . gooually. on ~
so,'e prom • • he had them ..... ne ~k . onr ~ ill I
lilllc . 10 normal. 110en he ordered Ihc same thlllll ••
the blue . This " -ay he klli:w "hal he could tIp:<!.
what hues Were on his palellC. and could work IOda
These c~pcrin",nting 3ni,,. h:Kl funller d,rr""h.
wilh lhe slightly mOl'<' orgamicd dcpanmc1ltS"
surmtlndcd lhem . Walt h:od ~ "'~y o f Idling""" pr-
son 10 go ahead and gel " 'hal " ... nttdcd. 10do . . .
c~r "''as ~"''''''Y 10 rompielC lhe .JOb-.. 1Ih:,u
any oflhc other people ,,'100 would ~ in'....h·c-d m sa
a proj«t . When lhese roew men "-.,01 10 aooIher"
"",nl and annolloccd that they had 10 ha.e a «rlIiI
Ih ing. ur somelhing had to be d{lll< " ~n"," "'.y .•
they needed six in kers riChl away 10 do W11I1' .....
dirtttly fOf lhem. lhere were all "'I<ts of departmea
jcalou ~ics and " 'oundcd ~b'OS. Su""' ...·o'iOrl ""'" b'JIII
10 :!ohe new. unheard of p..oblcI05 . run their.
menl S cffocicmly. and >tilt g o~c Wall "'hal ho ___
!<n . when !>OTOC OUl$ider came in wilh an lde~ of ubi!:
filmy light provocativ~ly gleaminll behind this ..... t of over for a while. lhere n"tur~tty wa. SOIll" ronnicl MI
veils, Never h"s an object on celluloid looked so diaph- one could c,'cr run IQ Wall and iI.,k him 10 ,tr:t,~.
anous ~nd delicate. When Ihis effeci finally h~d been 0,,1 or Ikflne lines of aUlhorilY. So coch man hadlOW
perfecled. il presenlcd an cnormOllsly ronlplicatNi job his own diplomat and do whal he C<>\lld to get Olhrn.
for thc camcl'lIman. but Ih~1 ·..,as OOIhing 10 the shuck coopc:nl1e .
he rttCh~ when the rompkted ~ne was broughl 10 ThaI w,s the "'00-1 pan of 1'1111 Dok~ '~ a'l."'_
him. l ie " 'lIS respecled and he was hked. bulhe IWIO
lbe Slack of dl'llwinp was far n~ Ihan one man cnll1dy Ihroogh other ","'Oplc and tho" de".._,
could carry-lhe scene was over 100 f«ttonll- and il " 'olh " 'ords as his only lools. lie ( oold not poII1Jl ~ ..
luoI:ed like a ~ mall rnounlain. for il included nul only them. or s hoot it for them. or c han~ a teltS for_
separale dr~wings for lhe fhh bul for all of tl>e 'par. and sioce lie worked primarily with Oilier an,!-1. . .
kles. lhe effects. the shadinll on the tails and Ille fins . was no end of opinions on whal the color >hooldll
Each le~11I<kktl anulher group of drawinll". In facl. and Ioow it could be oblaioc't! , But Phil w.s ''tT) ...
the SC<:IIC had bttn so unusually luge that the anima- Iomatic . always look the bl~nlC. :ond ~_
tor. Don Lusk. and his assislams had been the subject thai the mos1 beauliful scenes c,'Cr done In IIU
of Je"enl gag dnwinp showing them d ..'3lfed by lhe ,,~'" ( 'plum! fore,..". on film .
Ihal nothing mighl come OUt of lhe pen al aU. except a
Ink and Pain t long. fine scralch , You draw ~Iowly. you draw fa~I,
'I\Im: ron>es a day " 'hen the animal ion dra wings h3\"e ),ou make link mOkes . ),ou usc sweeping lines. lhen
lien COOlplete<J, ThI: sc~ne worh in continuity. tm, suddenly. for no reason, Ggrbloob! a hug<' $pl.ner of
ct.nmr Kts as ~ .hould, hi, c~pres.sions communi · ink "}ln~s oul all al once , ll>c same is true of tracing / '
~ >troI!gIy, the I~yout Stlppotb hi~ actions. and tt.. onlO a eel. It seems II>( ink mUSI be ··floaled " 00
"',k of C05!Umes and props are all accounled for, ralher Ihan elched in 10 bc ~ ucccs,fu1.
0. ~I <by, a big (I\rtk goes up on lhe prodU(:lion In New York, il Will' fell that only men could master
BIn lhe draVl'ings an: far from finished, They Ihis diffICult an; in Ho llywood Walt assigned IWO
apprund as " -001111 ~Iy , Now ,,'Ornen 10 lhe job. and " 'hen he could not p.ay lhem he
be pUl inlo Im,ir final form, lhe way lhe married one and made the other head of 1m, Ink and
"il l see lhem, Painl Depanment , The IWO ladie.' in qUeslion ne"er
III tilt I"'cr-lies. lhe drawings were inked direclly on denied lhe slOry. although tl>(y exhibiled knowing
pafIm the)' ..-~n: dnw n on , wilh 00 shades of smiles as they listened 10 W~It' Ii relelling of ;1 O'~ lhe
tlnl'l for le~lures, doCS, ~lwJ d«orolions Ihal years ,"
bc <lone with a pen, Celluloid! were used only Mary Tebb remembers !he day s Ihal followed be·
W Nckground ~nd " hdd ·' obj",ls Ihal did 001 ~a"SC she in ked all of Th~ SkrltlOIt f)wrct by llersc:lf.
TIll! SlI>ed the ledious VI'"",, of redra"'ing c"cry· riM . .... ulls. and ,~nebrae_ She ask! het'selfnow. " lIow
II "'" JllClure for e>"cry si ngle fra""" Winsor did I do it? I don' l know. J wa. young, J sec il now and
ftll Ihal Ihis ronslanl lracing broughl a I'm amazed!" HUI it was si mpler then with a heavy.
life 10 Ihe Iolal drawing Ihal was untapered line ~rQund e>"erylh ing and none of lhe
an form. bul few who fol lowed refine"",nlS Ih<I! would make each eel >uch a "'ark of
bll diligence and dedic~lion , He ri,hlfu ll y an in only a few ""'"' )~ars . II WiU Walt. as in aillhe
• com"",rdal lrade OUI of ,m, otl>(r functions. ,,'00 gradually raised the qualilY; he
lit had tIt "eloped, asked in a way Ih al ~howed he e~pec!ed (he girls lobe
l'..-.;r,'ro by Ihi, crilkism. lhe ",,,n in the ~ludiQ'i able 10 do ;!. In Mary's ""ords. " That's " 'h<I! maOc
~arch for easier and quicker " -ay, 10 gel him g",al, I Ihink. because I>( brought out from ...
II I , As long as 1m, backgrou nd ,,'.1 ""'"' than " -e lhoughl " 'e had ,' ·
lop of Ihe drJwings, lhe aCli on of lhe I'ai nling is not ~s difficult as lhe inking. but il s!ill
..-a.\ ~Slri(lcd 10 lhe O('I'n arellS. and this lim- lakes palience. OfJ!~nizal ion. and considerable skill.
I)'pes of gag. I"''' could be u~. Then one Mary u plained lhe job this " -'y. ·· You .... ,..,!O learn
...-..dem:I "hy lhe figure5 could IlOl "" on the how to do it right first: leam how 10 mi~ your rolors •


were drJwn on lhe paper
I Inslead of being done as simple ink dnw·
read yo-ur model. put the righ! painl on Ihe righl
Ihinll- how 10 dry it- and be su", yo-u don't do il ""
both "'" ch<lraclefli and lI>(ir locales could bc the frool side of lhe eel inslead of II>( back , It 50Undi
;.., . all the sh~ of grey as " 'ell as black and easy. 001 it'. how nlany people can 'I do i!!"
AS long n II>( pai", u~ "'n ~ue. lhe On drawing after drawing lhere an: linle areu Ihal
":~:::::~"'; lhe eel would bloc k OUI Ihe parIS of could be anylhing: pan of Ihe flowing hair. lhe skill, a
tl he wal co>"ering. while lhe dur cd tail. a ribbon. or even a hand behind II>( b;ock in II>(
httIt dfect on . i else in lhe Kelle . Earl middle of an K lion . Looling at the: drawinll by il~lf.
'i dilCO\'~ry.or in\'enl ion. and lhere is 00 ""'y o f lelling what il mighl be. or ..·hal
btcn 00 essential change in Ihe procedure in color Ihould be pul On i\. SOnlelimes a check of !he

t~::!hing lO!>lIy 1....1 lhe drawings " 'ere lraced

dra"'ing5 in sequence will rtoveal II>( idenlily. but oflen
a fuJi confe",1lCC must be called , ·· Wh<l1 is Ihis thing
cdluloid. bul quile another 10 do iI, Anyone sOO"'ing Ihrough t..n:: supposed 10 be?·' To Iwlid this
. ,.. " . '. ,' o w on glass wilh a pen will m:all kind of confronla!ion, lhe animalor's a5li$llnl usually
ad, Wbo Kill....
,? inI9J4.}"",y
,.1:1 '"~ ... poirUM
• c/ pink painl .
" '<IS iWt! in ,''''
, m.1 1M 'ff'~'
~ do,"'" milk,·

~ little OOIes on his dr~wing~ c ~ pla,nins any m)"5- This t)·po: of 'l'ftne"'ent was particularl)" needed on
IIIrious forms erealed by the "",'-eme"t . femini"", fac~ " 'helhc, thl:y " -ere human or ani ...... ls.
The ""OItl(n "'00 had "'-orked up to the "lOll: impo.-· A strong outline around any p3rts of lhe ""ad changed
")Ob:s cootinu.lly were looking for ....·ay. to "':Ike the feeling. as indicated by Ihi_, nme f",,,, a I'j~O<"(hio
fir mdi,-idual cds 10m; '1"IOfC appealing . They did no! directive ; " When Pinocchio is a puppet. before 1lcL
.10 St'O crudt. barren "'00 going .hrough .he planl. COITIeS 10 life. "'e are going 10 have the black line
~ though the)' l """, thai pnlbably. in ac.i"". these ....·here his neck joins because it looks "lC<:hanical. but
...."IISS " 'OlIld do tlocjob. Still. if the dr4""'ings could " 'hen he comes 10 life. il spoils the cu te""ss .o have
lor NIk to i0oi; b,mer . ' 0 have a bil of _hading. or a those li""$ in blact SO We just ink this in the SlIme

-'go:. Of one "IQI'C color. or a bil of detail tlla, culor as his ne~ k SO you don'l gct any hanl edge ho:re_"
_101 male the wort Sp.1rU", . they would sug- Hefon: lung. the chane.c", had "lOll: colored lines
on lhem than the bl<ICk. and the y became so on,-01 ,~
looI;ing al • eel of Sn"w White. some "f the w"men Ihal the Color Model e .perts had a whole page of
lilt thiot tile bI;oo.:k hair looked unnatur~1 and han.h . S() notes on j ust the inking. a.t<Ic from 11M: notauon~ of
*r tntd adding a .....'Sf' of drybru.h on a lighle, Grey lhe colOO' lhemsel,·cs . 1l>e na~ a«epled for the col·
tlMlfltn the cdge of her hair. II helped immensely. SO ored Ii"" be<.:anw a ""self· ink line."' and even afler lht
*r procteded to add ;. 10 e,'el)' cd all ,hroullh . l1c inkers "ere replaced ....';{h duplicaling proce:»n. lhere
~. "l1h no indkation. (o,m the animator... and wa~ still the r.eed in crilleal arcas f"r this kind of
IlCIIi n, to Kuide tl\o!m but ll1cir ""-n sens.c of ,,'hat fines.., .
IIattd right . This had to be do"" on .op of lile cds. Stili l))o(R refinemrnts " -ere ,uggested--many mon:.
_ tho: OIIly ...... y to he sUre the effe<.·' was worling 01le that was quite impor1ant fot a few )'urs ....·IS
tom 001' to Ille ""XI W:lS by ml'pin~ tho: whole s he..,t called lhe ··blend."· a ....·a.y liltle crayon tlult came in
""I/uloid. heavy ....·ith paint . It "'as tiring and ri _ked "anous colors and cook! be rubbed o n top of 11M: ""I to
~ lile pain!. butlhere "'as no OIher ....·ay . ~Iightly duken the c"lor un<kr""alh , With the .. aliMic
No 001' quile reml: "'ixrs wllQ first .~uggeslcd the painting mid strong dimensi"" in lhe backgrounds. the
IIa of ,nking tho: outline of an a,..,~ ....·ith lhe SlIme ccls with IlM:ir Oat colon ....·ere beginnin~ '0 loot like
... IIw ,,-ookl bc u~d to fiJI in lhe area. but it display urdhoanl." Tlle srlf· ink line leading to aOOll1c •
MUlklnilCd lho: aprcarance of til.: char""tcrs . Each Shade had helped . but now ""ith a trans!",re", smudge
~ mal,s . srpar4.e c"lor must ha"e an outli"" dfeet available ,n lhe blends. a luming edge roookl bc
--.I it (!elining it from the area ""AI 10 it . 1l>e hat is suglle"cd . As with tho: drybrush. il required flipping
_roIor. lho: hair aoolrn,r. Ill.: face still .nother. and lhe painted "",Is 10 "" Sllre the "'ork followtd through
... Wlot .. lhtst' ootli"", arc done in black ink. there in both placement and density from "",I to cd : it took
thea,)'. crude: loot Ih.1 is tine for PCN Leg PelC but tim" and judg nw~t 10 put on juS! the righl amount in
. .""",. for more oclicatc charac~crs . CoIoretI inks the right place~. but il ao.kJcd "'och to the ~ppurallCC: .
tried 011 tlot first color films and "-nt= an imPfO'~- .."., bknd ,,-as such a suttessful addilion Ihat n"t1l
• but "Iotn a !oot of quality and careful shading Mickey and Pluto " 'ere given a face· lift in Th~ Poim·
nttd«!. 11ot)" were still 100 strong. So sonle<'ne u . MiCkty's dleeh were not only round and ~hadc:d .
up . ·,th tlot Klta o f inking " 'i,h the ~~ p3im bolt lhey had a lighl bil of ~allh y color: Plulo's
.""Id be put on the back o ( the cel. Thi s pa lot "'''ndcrfull~ flal lack of anatomy .\ uddcnly sported
tIlinned do""n to the corosisteJ'IC )" of ink and made sh:ooJing thaI made him 10m; like a collec. ion of old
dM:Ur '" ma"h the ~)"ing effec~ of the thick- telephone poles. In the ne~t picture. he had aU of his
of the eel on lhe color beneath il. Now there was fornwr cartoon noppiness reslored .
CM!m.!Nt "as scareely noticed on the screen . The Howe ver . "'hen lhe blend was taSldully used it Cre-
.... op:n for SClft color chang~ 011 ~ny form. the a led maf\'elous crfecl< . In SOIlle caSl'll. the scM-Ink line:
Ih.ldes aOld su bdued "aloes Ihat l>3"e the beauly would be rubbcd off after 1l1c 3rea had been p.1i~ Ie<l.
~ been s«king . and lhe place " 'here the ~,,-o colors canle together "'as
, "r'

lion . a ... hok liule d<:panmcn! e."()I~c,J. (()II~~'nIGf

'oc peoplc ... "" wcre WpI al lhoir O"'n special tff«lS,
~~ , When thaI mammoth scene of tho: fish from It..

~ n• "Ar~bian Daocc" am"ed at Ink and Paint . il "'M!!Iis

I ;.;\ \ • group who pul IIv lra~m palnl on IIv fill5. !lor
, ~

\ ~ drybru~h on tho lips of the tails. tho sp;lItlcs In !lor

water. the highlightS <m tho hubbles--all lhe ( l in

, "'or\.: thaI had tll be "'alched and checked and
through unlil finally tho ca"",,,,man rlaced lhem 01
.', - his pegs. one by one. in sucuss..-c C.' postoRS. to o;ro-
ate 11M: nlystic and shImmering ~pectadc of Ihls pncr

"" lor;al harem, llIc Irail s of fairy dustlllarking the PIths
of tIM: d<:wdrop fairlcs . Tin~Cf &11 In P" u Pn" . .t
/ '...... e'<el)' ~horobject ,1000'ing " 'ith ir~nt mat~_tIt

~ . ;/ tIM: work of this speCI alized crew . Difficu lt and"

mandin~ as it was, it Wa, the es,,",nee of fanla,y. SKIf'J

'- and animation. layoul and background. special df«ll

and can~ra could all creatc i""redillk illulJOR>. I.-
\ ~
lho visual s!imulalion Ihat came frum this patltrn.t

• r.
( c~re and \ kill addcd a touch thaI could not be Ilupl>
caled by anyone else .

, • " '
Actuall y. thore was more in,·ul.'ed here IIwt JIll
anislic endeavor . llIc !ransparenl pa;nllhat ,.,. . .
, , " • '- @....; :' , : '
the appealing filmy dfecl on the screen "'as IIII4r
from the bile of an Asian ox. alld "'as smelly MIl

C J ', \. unpleasant!u usc . When this paint was emplo)'«! kr

*1"" cu"erW by the blend so thai it bt:camc invisible. Wah


was as amv.ed as anyone . "This is very effective! I
think we a~ cenainly on the righl track: ' Then.
..,membering hi. continuous financial problem. he
'''t. cautioned. "But let's be very sparing Wilh Ihis blend
and tholil: lhings . That i~ "hal wHI hold up the works:
aU that bknd will s low it up." Later he commented
a~ain. "\ say \'.aleh this bklld business. and not de) a
101 of unlll'l:essary work . It is tOO upcnsivc. 100. We
muS! keep from going bmc on Ihis pkture.··
Most of these inoo\'alioos had been worked 00\ by
the Ink and Paint ,",pc:rvi:;ors and the Color Model
ill J{H'
advisors since lhe rest of the depaMment was too busy
1')""'"' producing the eels do any experimenting. Wah

~ "''hiot
bI.,.., .
asked, "Can'l ",e do wn>elhing "",., . . . ?" and the
women thought back 10 their an school days. or their
childhoods. for any materials !1Ia! mi,h! gi.'~ a rIC'"
effect A~ !he: demand ,re'" for !hi~ clabon>!e d<:<.:ora·
.h~dow5. i. was imperative lh~1 00 oulline be: ~n. S<!
lhe int ers had .0 .race the drawings 0010 .he ~Is in
", h~. ~mounld '0 invisib le ink. The p,amlers com-
plained . ha. lhey I"lOl only had 10 wort: fas! bu. rould
no! c,,",n s« .he lint lhey "'~re ..... OI"klng IO!
The washoff relief cds had .he cmulslOll on Ihc
back of the eel ..... here lhe p,ainl ",'U 10 lO. 1Uld ulreme
<;are ~ 10 be uS«! 01" boih ,.·""Id come off .he ~I
'ogclher. Bec ky Fallbe r,. ",'110 "'as lalcr he:.! of Ihc
drpanmcnl. ... y•• "0Il. il w~. honible! Everybody
moaned when lhe y g01 those kinds of scenes." There
even waS . rouble w ith the eel. lhenlselves. e~peda lly
whe n the on ly ones avail able Were made of .he highly
f1~mmablc nilralc. O ne s hipn",nl would be yellow.
one grey . one Stl would buc kle . the nex, would warp.
~nd all "" oold shrink once lhey ""ere ..... ltO ~I« .
When . he animation on 8"mbi .,aned rille" .. ,
Fwaw <"II~J jM I., Ihroop. lhe Ink and Pain' Deparlmenl . a ntw probkm
_ .1<lb«,,1t ul ........t
.lrosoe. The ~gs of the !lttr Iud 10 Ix 5troII& and ngld
ntr . . . . . .. .1 TIN. ""i" fOl" .he animal 10 be rotIvir>eing . The aSSISlan's and
. . rtI .1111 fr_ /!IJ9
.... dot ''111;'" '" ~",I inbe'''''ccners in.he animllion bUIldIng h:.! wen "".II
.."" .....[,"""" "'PI", care in p<"IClically l<acing the legs dunng a scene of
. .. "/1'",,",,"1., S~".·· . lillie nlO'·el"l"lem. bu, now lhe inkers found .hey coold
nIlHtJ I."".J,,·b'~Jh .
....",. 1I"""'I"'f<nl f1<1;nI.
-."Ir-all '" ",1</0';,," /()
... . 01' jOO of 1,~ci"6

" pono:il J,u,," "S' m Ih •

A ~"'.. '" "'Ilpl•

. . ...., III Q ''''';''1 '"
""'" - -.I ...
... ,.,. ... ottJ "."tJ•
"p', .
.,.... H,,,. Mrr'Y""
....., ...... " bil of
In- ." ~......, ;11
iS1S no longer could be hdd !Ogclher. Whon pox<
rClUmed four years laiN , Ihe mnecnlralion " .,. 00
bener way.~ 10 achie"c Ihe ,''''''e re, ,,1i Ihal "1'1('( h.Id
eml SO much in lime and effon . Since no rI.,<:ord~,,~",
kepi in Ihal era when procedures chanj;e<l WUn c<1Ch
scene. gradually people forl'ol how lh;ngs had been
done . Before long. the C<juipmcm Ihal once prodoctd
III<: greal effccls- Ihc dnnn lhal had ek:m,d (he frosled
cells, the mechanism (hal had proce~",d wa,ho(f "hd
cels. the in.-cmions 111:11 had held delniled wor\; 1000ethtr
under lhc came ra-WaS all ruSl;ng On (he bacllO!.:II'Jd
newcomers walking around the 101 "I nonn wOl'\lJtfed
",h~rr why anyone would keep ju"k like lhal around. JUi>! a
, all 'h, few years Imer. i1 waS lhro,..n OUi OC'C3Use the ,"1m;!
I GJ ,hi. was in new procedures.
, Yr.o"'P. The primm)' concern waS (0 free the fromlk

,101 wpy Ihese dr,;wings accuralely enough 10 a"oid

lhe jilitTli and wobbles Ihal always manaJ;ed 10 creep
in . Since lhe mO~cS were so , 01,11 ,nd no knowledge
of animalion principles wa>; in~olved. the Ink and Painl
artiSis sugges lcd Ihal Ihey do Ihe inoclwecning on lhe
eels, ciiminaling Ihe e ~lra drJwings Ihal were causing
lhe Irouble . There were many days during (he making
{)flne piclUre Ihallhey regrell~'<l baving made (he offer.
001 lhe resulls wcre magnificcnl.
This Iyl'" of dedicalion. in addilion 10 lhe len long
weeks oflraining hefore anyone e~en was hired. led 10
III<: mosl bcauliful inking eVer done. The lal"'red lines
and lhe sure, def! much made each eel a work of an.
Be fore lhe War 1here were many 1alen1ed candidales 10
choose from for (hi, work. and lhe ones selec!Cd were
line: anisls in lheir own righl. Belly Kimball admils.
"n.. inkcrs were "el)' good 31 dr,;wing . . .. They had
10 be, because Ihey had 10 gel Ihal feeling of lhe ani .
malor's drawings in lheir ink lines. and ifs vcI)' hartl
II} cOnlrnl a I"'n on Ihal slipl"'l)' celluloid."
M~I)' Tcbb fell lhal the morale of lhc slaff was
renecled in (he ...·o.-k Ihey produced . "'I (hink Ihm's
one n:ason why lhc produel ilself is. . slil1bcauliful
. because il was done by dcdiealed 1"'000Ic.·· TItcre
is cenainly some elusive rea~," why lhe pKlUres never
look daled. heyond the slyle. and fashions in both an
work and humo.-.
Wilh lhe second World War came economic prob--
!ems. and lhc in"nen~e slaff of highly skilled special ·
~~of coole" tracing. 5Q they ~ould<kvOle Other oolon Ihat the Xerox CorpocallOfl rould offer
Ib<v tIme 10 thlnv tmU re"lty counted . There wa~ ~ were no belle •• so we allem~ed to mate I"" dark
1tIl't OIIlbc pan of the animal"'" al lhe!>llme lime 10 outhne ""* man: acceptable by .ISlng II as the "ylc of
faI_ ""Y 10 duplIcate accuralely theIr own crisp. the woole ptClure. backgrounds and all 1010..1"",·
!III-& drawlnl" on thl: eels. The: " 'O"",n " 'ere good. ,;".... wa. IhI: result. spearheaded by the mulmal"nted
vay goJOd. but I""i. won: ""'" . 1111 a tratlng. and Ken; the linear qualily of the anwort gave a
_inKs never h:av<: thl: villllily of thl: orillll1al. In lhe crisp. handsome: look. especially for a fIlm about !>lack
'* rofnn. Ub Iwerk. adapled the Xerox proce." to and while dogs , Th" animators were very pltased. bul
0111 IIII(th. creatIng a great machine that copied the Wah leh it hleked lhe delic~cy ",id the ca.e that the old
,nVlIIIgS OIl an ch,elric~lty charged plate . Th"re was picture. had achieved. Many in the IlKhencc relt "'"
'WY hnlt \ltl...,...,y in the ",.ult. and a light hne was same way. saying thaI they m~ the elegance of"'"
",10", OIIt cnhrely. bot the ~nimator's drawing prewar films . It was not unlll we perfected a &",y
"111 do:rc. ~ronll and Irrevocable: In the !>Iacke" of Ii"" for TM Ru€"~rs that we w""' able: 10 lose the
"'In flC!. thIS heavy. black line put uS right back harsh OIIt""" and regain a soft IooIt ThaI simple

_ tilt 1921),. hefon: the rdinemenu of inking had change brought rave. from c.i, ia wOO claimed we
had developed a wholt new Slyle for this picture .
WI;, ~~i1J,,~ ~~J
.,,/. /r;~tuJ from
kood. n,. ~~i_.
",..-u.,u llot lai'~ ·
'pi "prod.,'i""
f!.~';,w.., II!,
~ ,,.,, "'ssM 'h,
I ;~ //0. !aul ,lot"

Many s~ori~s ~m 10 call for a final shoe of the We ~ 10 animate only one complelC SlCp cl
main charxlCcr .... alking a""ar inlo the di~t~occ: .... hile chanw:tcr ..-alking away from us. and it tan bo
the ca~n pull. back ~lo""I y-usually up imo the sky size con"cnient for us to draw . Once the action
for ~ picwre of the SU""" or the m<)()f1 or a ti,l., llial c~ked and approved. the dra"'ings arc stili 10 '"
says. "The End." This was always almost impofoSiblc Xcro~ DepMlmcnt where theyall' bl"",'n """1110 61:
10 animale. because: of the dual problem of making tile correct s ile ror the SCene. More than that. tht drP
figure juSt the righl amount smaller .... ith neh SICp ings ~rc repe~tw o,"cr ~nd over. s nl:lller each ti .....
",-hile keeping tile same s pirit throughout . The camen tru.1 theon:licaliy OOr character can keep ",.I~ing b·
u~ually pulls up intc) the sky beca use the c h~ractcr ever. From a pr.tI'tical stan.dpoinl , the painters c~
looks SO [uTibl., thaI he is ruining tile wllole cooccpl : paint him after he reaches a tiny Si7.e. but uswlly'"
and, even though the see"" needs 10 continue for al point is no! ",ached until the ~s o r lhe !CellI: lint
khl nine feel. it ....ould he impossible to keep him Q1l !Je<,n well n"'l .
the screen any longer. 1loe ooc problem thai ","'ains 10 be sot'"W is brouaIl
Out will\ the Xcro~ machine. all that h"" changed . about by lhe "cry procwu", that sa~es 50 much eff<rt
endless copying ha"c givcn way 10 special work thai
re<juires II\c same skill s. bul nOW Ihc inkers Can con·
cemrale on juS! the Ihing., Ihal will make Ihe picture
look il s besl while cosling Ihc leasl. With. gianl
machine to take o,',r Ihe dull pans of their jobs. they
now can devOle lheir lime 10 lhe project' lhal a machiroe
cannot do .
From lime 10 time. Ihe key creative perwnnel felt
Ihal some of Ihe Ink and Painl aniSls who had done
superb work should gel "",en nedil for their effon..
[I would be impo,,;bJe 10 mentionc~eryonc. of course.
bur a few. wilh unusual talcnlS. or Iha! cXtra bit of
dedication. should be recogni7.ed. Th is neVe' oc<:urred
for sevcral reason~. FifS1 of all. in lhe early years, 00
one gO! screen credit. Walt had known Ihal the audi·
ence ....'uuld respond beller 10 one name-onc producI
Ihal easily could be rememhercd--than to a long list of
unrerogni7.ed names. Slili. he was appreciali''e of erea-
live effon and fell Ihe person who did an ooisianding
job should be given credil for il.
On Ihc comic strip he had tried 10 replace his own
name with those of the men who aClllally were doing
the con1inuily and the drawings. bul he was lold by lhe
syndicate thaI such a change "..ould kill the strip. 1be
public knew Wah Disney and Ihal was the name lhey
wamed 10 sec on lhe drawings. regard Ie" of ..-ho
made lhem. When he embarked on Ihe fealure films.
fiwGlrom Th< Rc,""ucrs. TMn I"nd//ines ,md" medi"m
t"1 ,_, ill ,M Xerox I.",~hin' finally ~~,., uS 1M '''fl howe,'cr. Ihcre WaS a precedent already sel from lhe
."....,...... "',u mort. Colo,m line. "dded Ii! a cd of this live aclion films that justified Ihe naming of his key
WrrropI""d thf df/icdcy " ... hod mjoYfd " 'ith the inHn~. people. Bul by Ihat lime. Ihere were over 600 mem-
(}lol""';"" IIf t~f ,'0.</ . bers of his staff putting in long hours. working with
complele dedication to the studio and devotion to lhe
..... y lmall. insignificant, hanlly ooliceable error in films. Mosl of lhem were unconcerned aboUi SCreen
lilt ..-.:l,'cmenl is magnified by repel ilion. A slighl limp. credit. preferring 10 be known as just pan of lheleam.
,gimpy ,,'alk .• n unnalUr~1 TOil to Ihc OOJy. a fool Slili. il was impossible 10 lisl even half the number
_picks up 100 high. a leg lhal pushes into lhe ground. of people who really had struggled to make each tilm
lilly lillic Ihing Ihal would nC,'cr be nmiced in one step an outstanding experie 'lCe for the thealcrgocr." Ass,s-
1I1I1 ordinary scene. becomes amplified wilh each lanlS. inbelwccncrs. cutters. sound men. cameramen.
~al Unlil Ihe characler looks as if somelhing is and. especially. the "girls" in Ink and Pa;nl had lobe
ItIIit>ly "rong wilh him: and as the camera soars up len OUI. evcn lhough Ihe tilms could nc,'e. have been
l1li0 the sky. mo" of lhe audience is .....ondering if made wilhout lheir suslained effons. Some people
I(Jn'Ir(lIle silould not go help the poor fellow before it is claimed Ihal Ihis work was only a craft and 001 al all
100 1>1~. comparable 10 lhe neative thinking done by lhe "men
~re continucs 10 be a need for good inking. bUI it in lhe main building." but we relied heavily on their
is In Imall areas "'here a self_ink linc i, u~cd or where skill. and thcir ideas. and they ncvcr leI uS down . We
some imtreMing eff':':l is desired, The long hours of loved those girls, Still do!
II. The Disney Sounds
"llhml' " ~,,()(I muir ,if ",,,,I<' IIYIII/d },.. i"di" "'~"j,,lJIr w Ih~ "";'''/11''''1-;( rea/i:mi,," "" /hrir pan'" how
mUlI,- i,I. h",,' 11111"""/ it is far ,,,'uple 1<1 ',.,,,,1 10 /I" 10 ""'S;<'-<I Jilll/Y of rhythm , II", d,,,,c'-Ih~
Wall Disney

~<rl "'as ~iII be ing d'me on the laS! segmenl . of
r _ ", ,"'hen I"" Bambi "'C'" on(wed ;010 rull pro.
" ".1IIId W~II .... 3S kepi hoppins from one prujoe<: •
... room to lhe: nc:xt to kttp up " 'jl" lhe red . as Ihc:y
~. 0... day he ,,·~s called inlo a met'linS un
fir knll n~ ~q l>C nce in Hambi JUS! ~s he fi ni.<hed
y.e... ,ng Iflo: ,,'o.-k ree ls on Bccthow n', "a>wml S)"I11 -
,.,.y. The Il~",bi pictu~ ~c l was on ly half «.>mple.-
III. '- die inI/:". "'' as clear and (he music-ian. Ed l'Iu",b .
QI ~ 10 ~n. hi, Kkas on the §CQI"C he was
WIIIIIII H3If"'ay Ihrough IIj~ (JTcscnl a, jon. Wa ll
~ h,m alld asked the projccllo nisl if !1Ic f "a"II/';"
IIIriI " ( (t sfill up in Ihe bOll(h. The y weI"<!. so he
IIltd II> flo: ... lIN: storm mus ic from lhe PU5wm/ Sym·
,.,., nln in .ync ""ilh lhe flllll,bi red _ w e wnc
- . I by lhe ro"-Cf of lhe mus ic and lhe ucilcm,," 1 " 'ill be bigness and majesl)" and soarill~ spirits; " 'ith I
• ptt 10 the dnowing~. nermus, flullcring n",lod)" line on a single in§uurrK'III •
"11m " " 1IS o"~r . Wah lumcd and said . ·'There. or pulsaling drumheals. lhere will be agilalioo. appoe·
iI. that'l ", hal I wa n!. Somelhing big! Sce lhe diffN . hension . suspicion. Music Can build Icn.lion in com·
.,.-1" mo npl ace >« nc~ or ea"" il in noc s Ihal have btton",
1,:1".i00i; " -a.p:I" .hoc k. p:ln disbelief. and part visua ll y lno frighlening.
....... "'Bou, Wal!-Ih::u 's n ""loo"en!"' At times lhere is nl ... in playing counler 10 "'hal is
. 'II! 1tipOIldtd. " Yu h . , , ?. and wailffl 10 he~. being ..,.,n , C haplin "'rile~ o f hos troubles in getli"l
_ ~ ...·hy Ed roukl 001 " ·. il,, lhe sam<' SOI1 of arrangers 10 realize Ihal Ihc musk hehind his {ramp
... II ""S 1\0 rnor.: Ihan " 'h;ll he as ked of his whok charneler . Ilould 001 w"mpllO be funny. bul should
lit! O:Iy . fl"r day. Slri v" for an e mol ional dimension . " 1 wanled II>e music
Mm.iI: it ulldoublcd ly the 1110.1 importanl addilion 10 be a cou nlerpoinl of grocc and cham. 10 e~ pre.!s
..,..111 bo ~ 10 lhe piclure . II can do more 10 s.e nlimelll. ,,'illloul ,,'IIieh . as Hu lon say •. a work of
• pnlduction 10 lif", 10 ,in il inlegrily . ~I)"k , an is inc""'plel" , ""
~:?' mnnin~. and unily lhan an)" other ~'ngk Slill other limes require lhe music 10 express :Ill
; . Willi lhe s urge of a full on:hes lra . lhere allilodc: 11131 cannoo: be .100..'11 mooll y in "",,'inll dr.ow·
connotalion~ thaI crealed an immensc emotll)ll.ll It-
sponsc. ~'Ioy'" theater mu.oc,ans Ilad a lfItC,al fffiill
for JUSt lho righl music 10 fit any silualion. t~ bP:.
ground 10 r~"eall lunes from cverywhere. and I~ abi~
ily 10 improvise constMlly. adapting new i<kas to old
song •. Thoir music communicaled; Dan,c. R0-
mance .•. Loneliness ... Cold ... .loy ~
. .. Bra"cry . . . .
Walt bffluglll men in from all oyer the coonl')' to
hel" dc"clop a new u~c of ",u,ic in a woole now ilB:!
of cnlcnainment. TIley i""loded Carl Stalhng. ~..
had oncc pbyw fOf lho 1..1Ougl!-0·Grams bact III Kat-
SIS Cily: Ikn Le,,·is. also from Kans;os City; Fnoi

Churchill. who wTOle the mu~ic for the famous tlypa-

p<'r sequence wilh I'luio. and "Who', Afl1lld of the
Big. Bad Wolf .. ' and all the wng. for S_ 11".0.:
Leigh Ibrline . ,,"'00 ..'as moSI f~lfK)Us for " Wlft Yo.
Wi.J\ Upon a Star"' bul had done tho m.. ~ic flO" ~
ing, . Feel inp of isol~tion. rejec1ion. an awarenes~ 0 1 divcn;c suh)«ts as TI... OmsshUl'I"" ,,,,d,II<' ANI_
beauty. ~ se n!;C of growing .trengtll. of lIope. of Th.. Old Mill : ~nd Ollie Wallacc. ",'100 I;omf"M'J do!
dc~otion-theS<' are ~II inner emot ion; tllat are diffi . .<;ore for /)umh<, wilh Churchill and was be>! i.DtM
(lilt to show. FonurI3tely. this i~ the area of greatest for "Dcr Fuehrers Face ... The,.. nrn were jOlla ~
strengtll for music. ~nd the mu.ician " '1\0 feels the Albef1 Malotte. who achieved nlOR! fame as lhta:e
mood in your fi lm can make it all intensely moving . poser of"TIle lord's Pra)'cr.·· and the h'ghl)' ~
Since mu~ic is IiO dosely assodalW with nlOSl of I'aul Smith. fresh out of uni"ersity and full ofmlWCll
the major even lS in our lives-nursery .<onss. C~IIII)' ideas . His adaptalion uf canO<\f1lCChniques in !he 5CIl'!$
fire songs. s-cl\ool 5Ongs. rel igiou~ 5Ongs. dances. f{)l".he Trul' Uf, Ad",nlur,s ..,,'cral years liIICf III.kW
.... eddings. and . finally. funerals-it becomes the 5001 immeasur.obly 10 tllal SoeflCIO of live action films IJUtio
of our nrmory. f,,",~er coloring OUr Impressions. JUSI Bakrl' al ... comribu.NI to botllli •.., aclion and ~~,
lhe playing of a familiar theme bring. I>K~ the CI11<>- «jual facili,y in ~)"mphonic sunes Of ~
lions of I""lt e xperience. and through associations W~ ( hoscs.
Can be made 10 feel empathy nen fOf proples uf di~· Each of the." , men had a greal SCIIS<' of melody'-
tant cultures . This b«mnes a "ital elemenl in makmg a unique abllny 10 orcho.. r4le ,'cry lfItCW f... II~. CI"
fanta>y ....orlds belicv~ble-notjust as ~ plact obse ...·~ them all. F",nt Churcll,1I probably h3d ,he
from lhe comfort of OUr lhealer scats. bul a "'gion ...·c feel for.he an ,mal(:d film. a~ hi. !CO«: for S"",,· \I·/itr
aclually inhabit f{)l" the duration of the film. showw '" well. The buhbhng qualily and fri<-tdy
" dare lhe days of ,;<)\lnd. it .... a~ the organ;,ts and spirit o f lhe "",clion in which the ~nimals UtI;( Iht pi
piano players in theatefli ""rms the wuntry .... ho used 10 ,he dwarfs' oottagc ..-a~ especially apprahtIJ. _
lhe magic of muSK" 10 trnnsl""1 audlcnces 10 other ".., as ~cd F..d Plumb "hat gin lhe mus",!IuI u.
lands and other times. In a pnnmi\"e ~nd "ery di""';l somwnng Ed squinled hiS eyes. " Y·know. 1\.,,_
",,,y.these muslciam comm unic~tcd w;lh lhe vic"·"fli. or;"w eyery oote in thai orchemation and I >I,ll ~.~
leading them from one emotion!O another as the slory figurc OUl what dnes i, .. ·
in tho film unfol<kd. From opera thoy look thomes of Aflcr Fr.nk ChurchiWs dealh. hi. room ..-as
pnsion and _ n l . dr)criptive pawlV' and mood· .0 Ollie Wallace . 011", was ptPl""ry . 5pr\I(\J . .-
scUtng phra>cs. In fol k songs. popular soogs. sentl- al~y . had a Iwin~lc in hi. eye .... "hon ~clauDeil

nlCnlll ballads. Ihey found m(lodie. "'ith strong that Frank '~ spirn " -as re"pons,hle (Of the: grUI ....,.
~ t"- to.lIinlK"d to come f ....." that room w~ IIQIkkd o"er and o"cr again ,,·hile Ihe animal ion di=IOf
_ htad~ and ~miled . Sut one d~y he was SCI",·"ng visualized and timed (he aclion in his mind. WorkinK
II1II prof~ gn: .. anno)"lIocc ··That Churchill ha'"·t back and forth . lhe musician ,,"OUld """"'ti""'5 ~h:ongr:
_ntltn a d«ent note in lhe la.t Ihr« days!·· el"menl~ in the ~ore 10 enhance ~rlain "",lions. Of the
In 1928. 00 00.: knew how tile llrawings of Ille dirw()I" ,,·ould modify SOnIC: piece of husiness.w Ihay
~V\OOI1 ~nd the limes of the musk enuld be plJIlIw:d il worked beller musically When bOlh "'ere !HIlisfied.
~r It "'a, easy enough 10 improvis.e a..::OI"I.' 10 ~ (he director " -ould mark the aclion do,,·n on lhe .dope
oornpklt\l filn •. bullo figure out ahead of limc ,,·hell: sheet" [Bar Sheell ,,'hik hi s panner ~kelChed OUI lhal
it bexs ...wld Ottur on Ille drawings " ·as ~)·ond pan of lhe music SCofc. TIM:n lhey would move on 10
....,~ Wall in,;sled I~ mu,1 he a way lhe IWO lhe rIC~t link pie« of action .··
\Wid be "urted logether and he eon lrolled and built This dose cooperalion became the Siandard pnx-e-
IfIOIIlnd changed . What kind of graph or ch~rI or dure as other mu~icians "'ere added to the staff. It was
kOIt roIIld t>c de,·ised Ihal w<lu ld bring the mu sk and a long and tetlious process for mu sicia ns more a<kpt .1
pK1~ 1.lhc.?, improvising tbrl)ugh inspirJlion. and they often ,,-iM\ed
1\1: ..,,,1)· arri,·ed Wilfml Jackson had lhe ans"·". lhe)" could wilhdra"· from lhese daily meetings .fln
. ... "" metflll"lOl"lle. He rea.wned Ilia! if lhe film ran at laying oul _ basic fOOIagu and the numbc.of Iw"s
. _ lpo-ed of 24 fl"3n~ a second. all one hoolo in a '."IM: 'If a chorus . Even after the di=.or had
.. _... drlerminc how mIlCh music wem by in a,;«· wor ked o,·tt evc r)" ""..-en,enl in Ihe pi""re .
.t, " lIhough his knuw ledge of musical siruciure " 'as slrelching il '" condensing it 10 fil Ih" palle.n or lhe
n41mrn(ory. lie did know b;lr~ and beat. ,...d ~wffs beau. there: " 'a.< slill the animator who h~d 10 be

:~:~';':"i~';'OC;'~':': "~'": :OC~':,"~;:;":':"::~~d~:'!~: :Ihcse.".t""

sa. isfied. and he inc,·i.ably had more refine"",nl, and
ideas Ilia! built on ,,·1Ia1 alread)" had been done . Ther'\'
rIC"· langua,e hoo been disco\"crW . ...ere other limr:s " 'hen It.. anima.or simpl)" muld not
hctITI$l.implc C1IOUglI nov..• bul Dave Hand reponed rut over all the busirICss demanded within Ille fOOla..~

. :~~~.~:~;": :N;';:W~ limilat ion! impoM:d by It.. mUlie. and lhen lhe musi .
)'car ,Y;:ork
.nd a were baffled
half before and tried
figuring out cian "'ould bc asked 10 add jusl onc more lillie beat to
acrenlS would occur" hile his music-jU.<1 one? ASIOUndoed a( Ihis lack of com·
tile drawings. Jackson·s s)"Slem " ·as calii ly prehension of lhe basic ma'hemalkal SlructUIl: of

: ~~~;~~~!':'_~
mllsic. lhe n'"sici;1.n would insist on a filII "",asurc. or
in .empo
Ille .ong and 0100
adhemllo lime
a s.ricl bener )·el. a phrase . bul that onl)" ~med 10 add fT1I)r"(
he ",rillen OUI from b"ginning 10 end . problems. The IIClion could nt~ br: padded by thai
the dilttlor kne'" ",h:,t pari of Ihe song "'1JU1d be much, SO!he ··)· 12 measure· · ,,·as in~cmed.
any action he planned. anll the musici~n TI) ~ measure contai ning 1,,"'0 bca(s. an exIra beal
" -ell: being planned 10 go "'Ih w~s added. crealing a measu"" of Ihree ~alS . When
animator knc"· that if he had hi~ cha.· lhe first musicIan lave inlo this rompromise the kmpo
from nlly in Me"sur'\' 54 .0 I~ middk of wa, in 120. I,,-cl'·e fra~ 10 each be~t. 50 il ,,-as
I~r'\' wooid be dlher a slid(, "'hi.\lk or an ~alled a 3· 12 measure; bul the lern, I"'rsiSled f"(gard·
glissando (0 back him up On Ille final less of lel11[X1 f(1f years_ It wa> like adding an exira
~Iep on u"", fOOl in a mareh; insl~:ul of ··Lefl, righe

Tht musician and the director wo.ked closely lO- lefl. righl:· il b«all1". ··Left. righl. righl.left. righl'-·
la tile $.I"~ room. planning .he ~ntir'\' pic.ure: When an animator "itb a lI1usir:~1 background asked
anImator bej!an a scerIC . Wil fred Jack~ hov.. Ihi, " ·as possible. he ~impl)" """lIS lold. ··Oh.
in an inte.view: ··Fir51lhe mus;· Churchill knt"'·~ 00"· 10 do it!··
~\lU1d IUUeSI lune_ , for .he various ~Iions of W.1t used to claim lhal Frank Churchill always ~kpt
' :~';:;I'O gel Ihe mood Of general.l)'pc of action Ihrough lhe ;,Iory lI1"eling~ alld rIC'·er li~lened 10 his
II . lie "ould palientl y play Ille Sam..' phras.e firsl instructions. bot Frank hardly can ~ blamed . lIe
knew that no maner ,,'hat kkas w~re tossed out. and It.." y had never faced the discipline of "''''king IOthr
00 maner how cnt hu~i3sticall)' they might be receivw. rigid pal1ern of a beat. Where ,,,.d,na .. I)' they ,,'oW!I
that wook! h~ve linle bearing On the mu~ic he eVentu· h,a.·c la""n an e.<lra ci~ht '" ten fr~m". to COInf>IrIc.
ally "wid .... ite . Il y the time: footage " -as addW. l><.:tion. stage a pose. QI" reg"tcr a look. the InUIIl
~ ~pealw. K<1ion§ CUI 001. and c"C1')'lhing plas- moo.: them ""arch for the: absolule essence 0( ....
ICmI together ,,-ith an assonme:nl of )· 12 me:asll~'. Klca-lhal and ~hing more . No fnlls. 00 "'I~: pi
all)' original plan " 'ou k! be SO but,he=! lhe~ " 'ould right 10 thc point. It is doubtful If lhey ncr .. ,.,....
be link of illeft. Ue figu~d . COI'TCCtly. Ihat he ""OIlld ha,'" "",hie,·w Ihis§c dislillation ,,';(Il0011''' ('I-.
do benefto wail unlil lhe decisions had been made and stanl [IIl:S>u", thai do"' ....... d lhe r r,nd a .... y. 1.001:,.
lhe foouge, SCI . and then he could write ~ ..:orc ,,'ith back On it now. we Can sec thai it "'as "aluable ad
integrily and no w. "'gardles' of " 'hal had happo.:ocd 10 necessary Iraining . Unlimiled footage nc~rly al"'11I
lhe soo,alk.... SlnK IU~ , He would 5il al hi ' piano pen· lulls Ihe ani mator inlO a ~l ipshod I'crfuflilance
ci lin g in hi' melodies and mUliering. "Thi, ltOIe is for While II><: shons fealuring M ic~cy and acl,on lIP
lhe dill'uQI". and Ihi., is for lhe producer. while this .... re giving lhe ",u, kians such prohl",,,;. the S,u,
link note oo"'n hell' is for the animator. and Ihi. i$ for Symphonics Were pushing illto ~ new relalioMlt,p /I
the di. ecto' s Aunl Tilda. and Ih is is j us t fQl" me!"
It ..-as 001 an ca,y prucWll~ for an)'OIlC. bul 1""1
music and ani",alion. He",. the ;lItegnty oflhe """*
was mure imponant. and the action had 10 do
c""" rollabor.u ion " 'lIS the "ny Ihing that prodU«d :odaptillg. When a Ihc,,1C from
lhe 1lC'" art fonn . From lhe ad"enl of sound to lhe laIC used. il bail 10 be used imacl or Ihc " 'hoi. cffet!
Ihin ie•. music and animalion had been 0IlC. Wil f=!
J.,bon C~(lI\'»Cd Ihe: general feeling: " 1 do 001 believe
thell' ..-as Iht)ughl given to the I1m,ic as ono:
thing and thl: animation as another. I be lieve we con· Bar Sheets
ceived of tl><:m as dw>cnls which ....-e " 'c,-" trying 10
fusc into a ,,'1><.>11: IICW Ihing Ihal ....·ould be more lhan The exposure sheets were ,I~," and only
si mply mo"emcnl plu.< sound ." Jerome Kern rccoK · enough footage for Ihree ur four beals 10
nized the artistry in Ihi s process ~nd claimW thai a Wilfred Jackson wanted to see lilt
di.ltioct ne ... music.1 fonn had been crealw. He termW OUt before him like SMoel music. so he
it "the use of music as language·' and credited Walt "bar sheel ." This oflen " 'as calkd lhe"
"'ith mak ing an oOl,tanding cootribulion to the m~ic sil"lCC ;1 ,,"cnlually CQfIlaincd all lhe dope
of his timc-po$Sibly lhe only ",al contribulion o f tlw: mus;,,-- and the aclions. bul ;" "'",. ;,,' '"',...
I ..-.:micth <.TIltu,),!J lbc dfecl of absolutely c'-':I)·thing lay OUI the bars of mus;,,-- in long boxes tM
being related to the musical beat bttamc SO ..·,,11
do.-.:1opW thaI. in lhe musical ..-orld. " Mickc)"mous. Vie"~';:;:::;::,<::::::::;:::';~;;::~,:
songs. ~ ' \1
ing"· lJcc,~mc: lhe name for mllsle thaI accented QI" cach beat. and a notation of lilt §Ian of
echoed e.·,,1)' oclion on lhe ..,,....n. As a " 'ay of>\COring. which par1 was "erse and " 'hich chonos.
it " -OS IlOl limiled 10 ca'lOons. but also was used wi lh (hal mighl De used. and whe~ tilt 'nu,K:
good effect in suc h picturcs a. Kj,'g Kong. matching
the huge ape's aSC(!<>I of lhe Em pire Stale Building
into3~co nd
b<I ~es.
song, Evel).thinll;;':ir.:,;~~:
(Veil the location of sound
"'i\h dr.lm.lic progression in the orchestratio n. dialogue.
If Ihi. close integral iun u f music and aclion had Along wil h Ihis was .... riltcn ii" "~,,,;~ ..
been a heao.h><.:he lu lhe music ians. il was e qually scenes. lhe stans and cuts ~nd tDe pal1em
dcm;mding for lhe animators. forcing lhem 10 beconle Wilh alilhe information in ooe "':':::~;;:::
more crisp in the ir Ihin"ing and bener Ql"gani7.w in Ii« how any changc on one pan
thei. ,5UICment... The:y al"'a)"5 had been rtqui=! to Bel lhe otlw:r parts. and corrttlion~ could be
iIoCTOSS the ~tUf)' poinls on lhe leaSI amounl o f lime:. bul ~impl)'-OO paper. Disaster follo...ed ,,'hCQ
forBOI 10 correct the animator's cxpowrt
ootif)' the cutlcr. or mado. aJI~ 'i
e"~I)'one concerned. bul Ihat son
Iplikl! Tlw:r~ "'~ re 00 3-12 measures here, aJ>d con- enlirely in pantomime. It was a rarc combinalion.
lIdmbIy mort work ,,'as requ,red 10 fiJ>d a<:.ions lha. reOeel,n, slill another use of music as language. As
Ii Ihc: mus>c . IOId the >l0f)' . and >I,ll buih a penooali- One pnxiuc<:r sa'd. " Who else ...-oold lake a bandcon·
., II mo.n~ ih31 " 'as righl. ,·isually. ,••t)U1d ",Idom CCTt out of Walt·, boyhood. mi~ in ' William Tell" and
...rn.t-.: sound on the U1lCk a. Iha. poin•. and lhe 'Turkey in ,he Siraw' and a Ka nsas cyclone. and
~ had '0 11«0"'" mon: like c hoaographcTli, come OU I w'lh a performance Ihal would enchant
1)'uI~ 10 1lI"ld ~ un,riC<J 'la ,cmcn l in m..,...cmcn. rich in ToscaninP'" (Typical of Wah . he did 001 Slop I"'",
_1QrI31 COmen' and w'lh a mllesi, 'c nQ_all w'lh,n bm began Ihinking of an eVen bigger lise of lhe sa me
.'. ro,C"~' of an e.<tubl',hcd >COre. The visual male- principle . He called Ihal one f"IIIIIU1;(I,)
!III roukl JIOl be choppy or f..... gnlC:med; it had tQ ha" c In addi tion 10 lhe siories Iha, ca lled for . piriled
., "~ unily Ill' I"" mllsic. musH:. Ihl:re " 'ere ""'lIC~S Ihal ulkd for a mood 10
1.1ho:v fil'S! bttn s im_ be eSlablished by a spcc iallhernc . In many in!.WlCe:§.
, Meps and runs Ihal easil y could lhe feeling of Ihis score ..."t)Uld inO""nee lily furthtr
10 ful !Q,1,· lhe Ileal of.he '''USH:. 8uI wilh <k "eloprncnl 10 ~uch an Ulenl Ihal il ...·as decided 10
1II111l<:nee on humor and pcf'll(lnal'IY . the films record lhe IiOUnd rim and ... urI< 10 ils limitalion~, The",
qu, c ~ ly inlo Slories Ihal (iC"'llnded 'he acling is a fpedal feeling in work that is done Ihi s "" ay ,ha, i1

::~~~:":,:m!po. 100. This rcached a pea k ,n 1935
nO! found in ot her mClhods. hilI il is "",re cxJl"nsive
C,mur/, which comb'ned ,,·c ll · koown becau~ of lhe demands il makes in all the crealive
strong perwnalilH:S and a .i.llalion playtd <kpannlC:nls.

A bar is Ihll$ 24X loog_

. . ., ". .. . I.;
'C" : I
Now we added lbe """ne <lans and CU IS. nOIing how
many Frames beFore: a bar. or aFter a b;tr il mighl be . [f
a scene ,,·e,.., ~hiflcd . il ...·as eraseU and pul in its ne ...·
Ioc~ion .

. .,.~ and ,he ~aff lines. ka";ng Ih i.. ... hich

bors. or ,,,,,,a' lIres. of the son~, .r:r:-:--l.
Ne~1 Call 1l: Ihe aClion. , imc<J 10 the beal of a me lro-
""n.. . lhen wriuen On lhe bar ,heel . ,..,Ialing lhe aclion
10 lhe beal S. Now".., knew j usl how many ban ....,'"
,. . . . No- !.heel. needed ror nch bi. of business .

...~ dclcmllncd the ,cmpo

t aw us lhe number of fran ....
. lOs. 16s .... halevcr . The .lrUClure Lalcr. dialogue was added, sho ...·i n' ...·here lhe 'ake
lhe number of beiliS 10 ,h~ bar. Maned and ended . Localion of wund effecls were

OOIed . 100. (There is s. ill 00 music sllggeMed. just
lhe bealS . )

;~ :::;~:::".·.:',:':'":':".:':'~bcal. h~c 'h" In ,h,s

12 f",me> '0 each bar.
Timing, Spac ing, and the Metronome
The: IoCt;O" ,n • sccne " 'ilh me, Ooc . .. , .• bttn
wI. by IN: .niml_ ..... Ikin' ()n 13.. ..
tor and , .... .1'=1<)< ., ,h<c Wilh lhe m,:ln,IlOn .. 1"IIn ·
lime ot' the handoot . If ning, I~ mo" C> " 'cre Ic'"
1MI'<: wal musk. there N ; how long dotll~ ch ... ·
"'_ldbcclI,,"'~ aclCr ..7Jk. bow ...... y SlC'pS
uxt Of • tempo seI by the dotl he cale ...· ~n doe>. ~
"",.ician ,hal could be "op, how lonE;' ~ ~kP
m.l"'cd on the c~ poiu" II w:as.1I n.ocN ()n c~ . ~ .
. bee!. When . mcl('{)r'l()<l1< pos"re . heel. <<>rr<<!w. al·
"'as .... to th.t<:>sc IC""'.' OO cried )! ill 'l'IOl~r
.... rin.n b.." ludi - " 'oy , "nlil Ih. "cry be.1
bit. , iVIR, • ,oad indka- pallem of 0<1100 I\ad bttn
tion of ,"" lfnOUnl of Ii ..... rouOld . II ",·oscalkd. " " iOld-
f.,. lIN: oct_ of the =~ . in, lhe quid .... "-'y I() do
If m.n, " 'as "" sound 10 lhe 1nO$1."
..sf as I , .. ide. ,he m<:tro- T" roncci,-c "r a Inies
"""'" ,"'lltM only "" Y t" or ""c;"". Ihal would pUl
dele.n,ine the length "r ""cr I~ siorypoinl, kccp
Iny of , .... "" lion . I~ per.o,.. lily o r Ihc char_
A Stlti", of 12, (N'icc. ""it" .. 00 he ;n"glnol,,·.
strond) "" n ,,_lIy "sed . cnouglc l<) he Ctllcnaining
... hiell mcam thai. bel' .... . . bit ... i",menl To
came ~ 12 rl'lll'O. This do il all " ';Ihin lhe IIm'1> of
ju.r hlJlP(ns 10 be 'M the alloctttl rOOl."" " 'Ich I
tempo of III mw:hc:$. al'ld r~linK of ICC<:nC. I() malch
ofr.... ,ood ol'ornl,i,·.
",'hen no me' ",nome i.
I~ heal and geM"rei Ih l '
g.,·e ~y n< .nd mych",. 100/; Th~ ;~spirm;OI"'1 ,k~1C1I by Mrl Slo,,~, ,/w, J ~88~S'M ,lrrsunt.
~y, W",,'le ""}' ..-cll · more Ihon "" "" d"'''-inX

k""""n marc h until the abilily . EXAMPl.ti fll , In Ihi, "".... fron. TIo,-
rb)1hm il well e5llblio/led A vis,tor .'a1k,,,,Ihroo,h F.,. aNI ,10,- /f",,"". ,here: ,~

in )'00' mInd. tap )'011' f_ the hall. " 'oold hea. the n~ -Ktltt ..·,,11 _ _ NI had 10 he ,he j.pInlcd r~l · AI·,n
ane! t\Io,.., • r...,nd "",n' II>< ", licks .nd cocb ,rod for a , ..iilt, ,nK of 1" 0 kid. In lhe old
"P' aI you ac, out
>Unt. You ,,',111101 be mon:
,h. (omin, from "".",1 to()n"
II lhe ...... lin .. , I. III< Soc ... d<lCripllon: Ani",als
' '' ''''""n, hole . The
maUM" dccKkd '0 .,;on lhe
til.., . (!'IIme " rr. M ill Kahl ,,,,imol"" Ii"cncd and playin g; fo > in waler; occ ... .. "h ,hi: f",
alone '"
CHl<c proool.imed in " IC<'- acl.d. conoidered and lIoun<l dh'cs in. ,pl.'hi"~ III< wote•. 'hen bring lho
, ...... "Evcryooc " "Ilk. on limed . Thai metronome ,,·.ter .11 ""cr hI> friend . I'Cl,,,ld in on the nimh r..",,,
l~nlc,.•• "".... """,._ 10'11 I '!em . "n",knlln, L"tcnlnK 10 ,he rRC,m-
th,n, ""","" ...i.h ''''m~'' l:askmasltt ...... ic "10. ,..,_ TempO' Stc mC"lrot><>mc ()n ...,.... , "'" d<ccnmnctl tho,
WI lt S'"l'IChfidd immedi_ """",iblc for F*ki"3 """'" 12 beac . ,t>t "'" >h<>uld fUn for II)
~Iydn:w«:hof. man cnlena inmenl inlo s",all f.--s hef"", hi: Jumped .... . . ...
at I~ oo.:lor', off,ce ")'- .mounts or fOOll,e Ihln " OOloge : Undele.mlned, For.t>t di~ •. It>t I"'P """'Id It"m /H , of f ru ....
in" "Som<lhin,' . .... rong ~ny oohe. prooNUrc , bUI keep bri,k .nd l>II.y . h.,·c • bi, leap wi,h • 11,,,,_ It'~" j" ~m aN,,,,,

TIo,- bo<Itrring ",./1
of ("f)ft'tK'
{)ft/y ~
MYI/o'Io,- , . ""nd_

,!O .t '""It '(Jnd'n ~ and iw"'l"ng l'<M1tJ(1l ,M

, ,0
-'J 0,
cP· ~",.. nd /<N si.. '" ~,~II' fr- '


Tlo,-y ,.. '~/,,~ fra_ ......" ".. ...,"'.... {)ft,M Ch<mM {)ft ,10,- r_q'(Jjj"~ , 10,-.."
txpos"" JA", of a rMrI, liu ,/oj• .
' It 'lo,- f - I,
IotJb /,u ,II,.
Th~ (lnim"'", m(!k~. "
r""" ,hrno';"JI "'~r'r 1M
P"P's hh>J ..,/I bot "" .....,~
of Ilrr d.."wing' i" rlrr Tun
,mJ jump .

"".... :!4 frame>, ~In! ,he 16 <'<lUI' .pac... . Earh o f 'pa; ifio artion. 1lw; >lcpo
t..sI. Thi, W1$ chancd on ,he.., became It\< !">Silio" that ..,.,nd .., """,h... ",.1
"""jlo)$U~~. ,..~h the of ,he pup ', head ., he in ""';tin.,,, ill oll .. imulal.
I fnme>bbnk .,Ihe >Ian. ~ '"' hi. run . To hi, imagination . and in.
co,ng 16 f..",., (0' Ihc k..,p 'hi' nm 'i,..,'y .• n S on:'~ lxlth the fu" of doin,
spIaI/I. >nil """' ...... 8 f"",.." (",me galk>p was c~". the ocellC ond Ute prtlbobil.
...... (111;1 ... ..., ,lie pioclu~ ,"'hie .. P'" the pup. hap- ity that it .. ill comcOUI on
or "" ro. drenched. bul py. bouncinB """,<monl •• tho so"",,, just ,he .... y II<

boighi",. The whol< ow,.. he cnlc«d . Wi,h coofi. has .·i«<l i, _
'-10 ~ fttt 8 '''mon.OI' den« in ,he timing and ,he
p.3.h of ac'ion. all of ,he A c\oocr!>hot or til< ac·
Thr, ,,'., <lIcok.'<! •• ;m"')("' cnttgH:' ,"()Il ld tion of ,II< (ox and hound
..... " ',",IT ..-", .""'"PI ,,",W boo conccnlr •• cd on pI.yin, in Ute " '''ff. Wi,h
_lor Ih< pop 10 run [Of "",tin, d",,,,' in,> or 0 ploy- no $Olid ,un..,., ",,"Ulh
16 f...,..,j from (he field ful pup in • mi",hievou. tll<ir r.. t. pcrspc<,,,'c bo,.
booIo, 1<1 the rdllC o f ,he mooJ. cornel impo...ant as the
_wr. ...... ""''''inp W1><n tho f"'X'"d"'" i. only mean. or .... bI,>iling
.... o(lho .i,..oil'" dog ,,'rinon do" 'n >tep by i tep the k",,1 or .he "'ater. A
>lid hi, Illiludo .hroughoul th is "'ay. i. ~n" Ilk. an IIrld is dra"'n .0 n:mind .Ite
"" at100II. Ali ,h.,
- . d ..... to dc:lCfminc
re · im 'ol.'tt! and tntiou. pm-
.:0•. bu. ""tually i. to~ ..
animato< or the d"' ...·;ng
n: .. ric. ion. as he bob!; the
.hI: .pacing. 00101 far he only a mall .. of min"t .... cha ..... te ... "P and do... " t()
1lw; bi, ••hanl"", i. thai it l ive Ute fttli~ of ""inl in
_Id """.. 00 .""" dn ... _
"-n' . imple:
....... of .. kin, .he di.-
~i'"UlItc",,_a~ ..-at..... T1tc timing ()r the
10 think about his ""nco acti"",. "hkh . n: matched
- . from ,.... fiBl dnl"" pl.y " 'ith tho idoe •• . and to .hi. pcOl{l«.ivc. i. til<
. . 10 lhe >pol " .""",, he , ..... it all ","'ff in hi. mind only .... y of _;"~in, thi,
~,anddi"idlng j, into ber"", be i, co.mnil1cd to • ill".ion .

- •
T~ r~ptJ. u'r Uofft ~'jdo.~
0<1i<><t "'IHJplhr "'~. IN
jump. rmd,~ spl~sh .
':-> ,. ~'''''
., :''"''\".
:/( . " . ...",,
~ - .'
......'.... . .,.,.
~ \o . 'F'''''
.' , ,'. , ,
# ' :""..t; .

" ',')


.;"" .'
EXAMPLE ,1'2 . "'" and co.mlle. lhe bIg ,tt<: do<>rs,cr. bu, nOl ".,
~km/;n'~ of 1roe .,c."".
Set· long ,h., 'he 'empo "
WOT~in, '0 mu.i~ in dn ,in&th<' ,nclWOOmc'ma 14 ,poilcd. A, 'he door i.
n/nl>ilJh"/In.,po. I>o.!. ",'e u')' 10 vi<u.lize lhe ope .....'\!. ,he pig ~n'idpale,
'ypc of KIK>n ,hal ....'ill "" f, .. . n"'''ie. 7 f,,,me•. divtS
Sec"" de"criplioo : Fi..., h.· bc:~1 for 'h" ",wo{ion. We for ,tie .... ,. and gnbs " ""
$''''''' ,he ... ~t be.t. ''''''' pull> "
tie P;I runs iftlO his
houH. slams doof Wel-
come mal I • • n fron, of
"'"'" 10 S« .be pig \.11\11"
gle ntllnUy .nd . kid on
[he romo .... he :..,empt<
in very f...The .....,,"'
door ~I.rn rould rome- ""
door. He ope ... door. pull ~ ' 0 n;ach 'he door. (TIl .. d.. do.....bnL of Menure
in "... ,I.m~ door .pun. ,'>'do.he aud~ • ch2ncc In A.lln,.ll of 'hI< OU,
to .han: hI> .",""""" •. and 10 ,he II.h of lhe ""', ....
TtmpO: ,woJ 14~. 0.-7 f'"mes ,he mU'tel.n an opponun;ty oornc .how. ,h., 'h" pa'_
pcr ""'!. '" .uppor1 ,roc lC!ion.) The
bel' :>I'ccn, musically for
'em is jlUssible. II i,
bul .Ho"",, Ii".., "'..,. ..ery·
h,m '0 da~h in,o ,he house Ih,n&-,heudted f:>l'c.'he
would be on Mca'Su,. 155. ",och . or<! lhe l",bbi"1 "r
First. we de,ermi"" tbc w"h ,he door .Iam roming ,he ..... --and ."ll len.,..
nuun acccnt~ ,.-t ,.-ant lO 7 f",rntS !a,« on ,be up· p<CM" fo< 8 r",,,,,,, bef"",
~alt h ," ,he 0<11011 . "They ~. ,hean '"khnl.tctche, of
-1. Gotn"broughtlocdoor.
, The nc .. bI& accen'. for
,he "I"'n,n& of .he doxw.
,he po>Il""" <>f"'" lillie "'.
throw,,,,,,,, the ac:ti<>n help;
2. Sllmm,n, the door. cornu on MC&lu,.., 151>. 10 prove OU' ,he pl"""'"g
1. Or<n,ng III< <100<. jUl, 21 f.amu af,Of 'he ll>e ;1(1)00 ,,",II be brhk.
4. Pulling the mal 'Q . d<><>r slam . The d<><>r muM bUI "'hen " " chaned on
S. Slmu1Iing,hodc>Ofagain. be clo>cd 10011 enough '0 lhe ul"""'" '''''''' il i< all
S~c<,"d. ""C "udy the
uposure >heel In<! ,ht lay.
g., pic''''''
the of lhe house
w"h ,he ",ekomr ma, .,
cleat or<! look> in'ere,""& '
II ,. 1>me '" "an .n"nallng
Tho: ..'hole §Klion of S,,,,,,, \vhi,.. th~t ,howed t~ mllsie . The Silly S)'mphooics had laughl lhe starr tho
Moo"" lying on her bier while her friend. mourned "alue of 1~Il;ng musi" speak its mcssa~e uninletTUpl'
_ planll<d 10 ~ I""",......,d Ofg~n lrack t h~1 SCI the cd. SO the ~nimnlOlS ,,'en: well · pn:p.arcd for an (X.
¥ and lbe mood of an)·thing that would be dllnc l<ernely diff",ull job: ncvcr enough l in~ in 11M: nlu.ic
riIoullly , No one ~ame 0111 of Ihe lhea ler " 'hislling that to do what needed 10 Ix' done in !>Orne ""l""r>ee$, al><!
..,. bill it was ~ ~at pi«e of mus ie ~nd did more to far tOO much lime in .",as Lacking ideas in lhe fim
dIotr \II' I~ sprclalOlS Ihan is generally ",alized. TIM: place, TIM: years of lraining produced unsufllused
IIIIlbtr of scenes was c~",fully pl~ntlCd as well ~s M;enes of <le<:eptive simpLicily _
..... rootltnl. 50 Ihat then: " 'ould be 00 busy scenc!i • Wall had discovered "et)' early )"N' much lhe music
... fl)( mo ...... nothing Ihal " 'ould conlr.odict the feel· "ould do to eSlablish a mood and how milch il aided in
ill in the music . communieatioo witll {he audienet' . II did not bavc 10
Tho: ... i.... I<)I' had to play Ihis lrack O~er and O'o'cr to be a symphonic score or c~e .. a gn:al p~ of millie,
..uta'" lhe righl feding in hi s dr~w ing., and hi s oc· us long as it COlllained lhe essenlial cicment of com·
_ .j It "'as ncccs'j.3l)' lhal he s,ilturatc himself wilh nllmiealed (""ling and ...~s right (or Ihat spot in ttlt
as5plm 10 caplun: a similar mood in the animal ion . picture ,
l/IfO!lu ... {~ly. nc~t door. Fred Speoc~r wlS Irying to C harlie Chapl in ,,'roIe of his ""'n d.sco>'cries and
_ as much life and "italily as he coo]d into the r""lingl: " £~en in !hose earLy cumedics I SIn»'C (or a
tInrf,1S they ... ng and danced for Snow While in lhe mood; IIsually music c realed it An old ~ng ca lled
Earui""",nl s.cq,,",oce . A~ lhe d",ary org~n t~s o f Mrs. Grulld), crealed lhe mood (or 1'ht Immi,ra"',
• mournin~ §Ktioo seeped through {1M: wall s . Fred The tunc had • wislful tenderness Ihal suggesled IW(l
IIIDNI"P lbe "oluOle on his recorti of lhe yodelin, and lonely d"relicls gelling married on a doleful. rain)'
~. This quiekly cnli.'cncd the funeral ne~t door. <,\;iy . ,,~
~"ng hours of gelung ,nto JUSt 11M: righ' mood . Wah had a si milar kind of rcaction 10 lhe emotion
Tk!t ..'~. poundi"g 01\ the wall from b<>th silks ~nd s uggested by music . and " 'hile he did not P""ICI><! 10
fitrot lohooots of. "CUI OUt lhal sad Sluff!" an''''cred know h(lw il wItS constructed or """. I, ...·orked he
.,. "Swp thai d~neing in lbere!! " always knew jll.'1 (he feeling he wanled if 10 Bive .
During lhe making of Sno... \Vhi,.., a SC'tj"""".h3d
been planned 5how;ng lhe d,,-arfs assembled in the
Prcscoring ,,'ood. oYlside lheir cottage . The)' wcr~ Irying to Ihink
I. f""kU"' . n""" of lhe m.. ,IC " '"," " frft ".,po" of a presenl they coo]d make for the girl " '110 had
-.I dol *" ~ ,0 • "rIC' he.,. ,,~och t .."a,cd .... k· ~ome In , my wilh I~m. and as lhey Ihoughl a mu sical
.-vd conJui"", fHr ,he use of ,he b;tf ,heelS , Wnh ,"'"
vamp gave the (<<ling lhal S(,"~, h;ng "'OS aboul 10
Iror bt"" 42 frame.' al><! ,tit ~'I 4 7 and ,tit nn' 4~ .
happen . One by one tbe y " 'ould have an idea. leap up,
Ibm _"ti "" ..... y of ge,,,ng a CQfI.i ~,cn' "",",u",,,,,,nt
,nake {heir annolloc"m..,n! , havc il rejected, then wilt
!(. • chiln , In"ci>d. ,he ,ra<k s ... crt "re:od" hy ,be
back into dc:spoodcncy. and moo: 'hough! . Wall wanted
ntIm •• 110 ... ,"" a, .... y .."ad I"" diak>@:'" 'rae ....
_m'"I!1It Il0l>1101>. "" ,he ,,~..,,)' • . " lhe music to «ho lheir altilUdes . ~nd hi s rcoc,ion s to
M,",ure "umbel> ""crc ...-ri"cn "" the >11«1>. alon ~ lhe propused Sl:on: is Iypical of his feeling~ aboollhe
.... ~ acrmh and iUl)' OIhor place"",n!> ,he difn-· music In .'''''y
ptctll"': " RighI""'" you !la,..,
100 much
... or.""""(01 ""~h! """d. Ac{"", OOIe. " 'ere .. fIl'en sharpness ar.d 'boom·boom- of the piano , When one
t» til< P<)', bt,id< ,he mu,,,, .."ad,", In Ihl> CiISC . tr... o f 1M guys gels an idea . 11M: key!ohould chan", . WlM:n
..., ,,-= l"'f'l """" .' a fttOId ,han a " ... l,n! he lifts up the nmsie g,,",i " ';Ih him. al><! when he sits
proct<lure . dO"'n ,he mllsic should go do,,'n. . I don' , like {he
idea of lhe muSIC jum]l1ng al you . I see i! liflin, up
Tho "]"....1. on ,,-orkonll 10 ~ ~>con:d lrac~ ,,'as ,,'i{h lhem . . As eoch guy who think< he has. rare
f",,/Jjw, ond ",any exira Story ",,,etings were heLd 10 idea is ~O!ed do"·n. the music 1""$ right into lhe wilt
Iitd!ht tat ~ivlIOC'l' to ~hov.' d .... ing all pa"S of lhe dow • .
Music Not Prcscored Surprise Accents
MOSI all"""';"'" on Iht ft.",,,,~ ,•• as noI dont ' 0 a lbt audic""" f« l. romfonable ,,'Ioc ... ltd 10 btl"".
pr=omJ ItXk . and will> .he tmpl\as,~ on actillg alld thai • .". in Ih,ng< w,lI happ'''' aOO.n fac, they .... , Thr
mood.he S«nt~ ...'e,., belltr ~uppon«l by a fl'« 'tmpu Clta"""" ..·.Ik' in rhy,hm wilb ,II<: musk ; he IoCctlll$
.ype: of mu sic 'han by tbe rigid beat . 10 tbo$ cnts. his mo'·e ...... "l> 00 the b..,; i. f«l. ",hI. TIw: oppJUi<
.he mu,i,,, ... would a>t fOf • dummy ~ .0 he ...- "",>I be lrue of the ""fJ'flse ,IK .• he un~_ dIo
up ,""",,'i.., him ""~' he had ." mllch alld "'here ",.nling . n..", accent> . too..ld ron .. 00 ,'''' off bt•.
'hings happe:lICd , A mu,ic cll<:d "'a, ma<k of ,he .11<: up be.,. ""n,.""","", in In.. middl~ of ,"" ...........
""holt _,ion ",'i.h .11 the ,"""me, . •he fOOlSltps. jumps. " 'he,,, they are lea>! upc-cL«l. "floc auditoc. OJ. led 10
"auns. dISplays of troolion. or stlulli looks . fool · anllClp;1l. 0fIC thing. and the COOllnuctl aettn'i on the
ages ,,'tre mar\;«1 for each of ,he", .• he .. nlt.s 00 ,he "",,'nbea. fonify IhIS >o(n<c "f secu,ity . To lie. ,",_
bar .~" . bu, !he choke of 110",' 10 ,ie all of lhem prise . Ihc ..... 1Id mOl" rotrIC al a ""ally """,peeled
lOt<.htt "''a$ Idl up 10 .he rom~r. If .hey bopp'nt<i pi..., in t10c """ie _
10 fall ,n rfI)'thmic .... " ....... lie rould u", a Ih«l ~ml'"
if .... cho>c. or he ( wid do II .11 to • free be.,_
Walt also ~\l tloc", might be feelings of diw-
Jim Macdonald dcvb.ed an in..,.,.,in! "'")' of n.a- naroce in .he harmony. for the sak~ of comedy. and 10
'II!' pm:;..,@uidcfOf ol"mII>..::;"' ''''ilh.h is problem. 5h<>w that tbc", was 1>0 a ~reemcnl in Ihis group, With-
On a 1'«1 of blank film. he I"'""hed (KII hoi., ,h.,
out jus. the right feel ing In the ",usic. he l/lc)ughi tltt:
would make clkh.1Id pop5 ... hoen ,he film ...'.s run '"'
.... hole idea of doc sequcrocc: " "1$ onlinary IIId ~ ..tdi
.he soulld head . "T'heJo: sound, " -ere tilllCd nactl y '0 doing_ He ro""'lenled a. the end ur lhe m«ting. "lt~
the acl"", '"' .hc film . .., ,he m",ician rould hear
wlocrt .he« ""C."t~ while: wrilillil a SCOf'c to imponanl that ..'e work OIl' a good musical pattern {It!
maleh. .his or else " 'e had bener give up .he idea and IrY 10

lbt I"'bloc conllnued 10 enJOY .... in' clnoon cbor·

W()rk i1 0111 in some othe, .... ay .·· The seqllC'lICf .'"Q-
wally was ~ut OUt of the piCIU""
acl." 1110"" in close rtlation 10 ,"",ic ; there "" as ..,,,...
.hin, f"""n,'in,aboot il alld 1lOnICthing tha, felt ri,11l Wah was JUIl as Crilical of the songs that 10m
10 Ihtm. 1I_'c,.." . iI had to he dont "",,'ully . ...·,th !ug.gcsted for !he characler! '<1 ~ing . One ~
"""" n"" . .,,., alld . urpri.., ••• arefully avoiding the ",poned that Wah could get his ideas acrnsi almost
choppi"" .. alld "ricky_tick" ..... 1Id of the u,ly Cat- wit houl usini words. because his c riticism Wl$ "WI)"!
,~ . ill terms <If tbc feeling he: " ·anled . He knew !hall
lIIerely prclly SOIIg wi,h a nicc melody w{)llid ~
_ _ ordinary ~nd drag h~< picture do"·n. The wng wrole it is Sl~nding by to help <.Iecidc juS! whattOOse
IlIII '" ~,·c a fr~slllless and a Yitality and something c hanges should be and ""heK in (he score they should
IID1 brlotl' he ,,'OO1d ac«pt it . If it did not rnUe him C<>lnC'. l ie i~ not beat~n dolO'n by whal stems li~c ,Jaily
ftrI tho .... y he ...·anted the audience to feel. he " "QUId trivia. but is av.i lable when help is needed; and !lav.
.. tho romposcr 10 Iry again. ing made hi, initial statenlC'nt of how he helievq the
As he Malted work on ,..""1<151',,. he was very honest mus ic soould be, he exens {l1I}1"C inf1l>C~ than when
. . . his lock of musical kno,,·ledge. and it did not he tried to tkl instant con'jIOSing in the 100m with lbe
-rr h,m in the "'ast 1h.3! his r.:octions wer.: those: of director .
• I11III In the suut. l.copold Stot.owski ...·as im . n.: best mllsic was achie'"ed " 'hen it could 'Pring·
_ If helpful and s!",nl some tinlC' e:>;plaining the board from the hours of thought and refinemem that
c.lNCtion of a musi,,0.1 number and the relation of had gone into lhe story dcvclopnlC'nt and arting. If.
• form to the reaction of the Ii.<te"" •. He concluded. ""quencc is. well balanced. builds properly. has life .
" If our pleturi'.ation i. contrary to Ihe music. it will gotxl lc xtun:S. and a flow . lhe musician has a much
_use the public; if it is in form. it will be clea. ~nd beuer chance o f " 'riling a wperior M:0Ie than if the
~ and they " 'ill enjoy it.·· picture is dull . lifeless. and spotty . e ",n the grandt$I
W"fs "'"flO'I§c was leu erudite . .• ~ an: th ings score w ill stem unimpressivc under those rontIitioos.
ill . . mus.ic that the ge""nl public ,,'ill not un&r- With a ~nl;llk. crew and n tcnded schedule!; for tho:
-.d ~ntiithey .<co: things on II", screen reprl'Sl:nting pictures in the sixties and seventies. it WIS no longer
til nIIIlic. Then Ihey will feel the depth in the 'n\'~ic . jIOSsible to keep a musicia n on full time. so we shared

OIr nt;.ct is 10 reach the vcry people who ha, .., walk~-d
this 'Toccata and Fugue' because they didn't
~ it. I 1m """ of th«< people; but ... hen I
one with the live action units. (K:orgc Bruns "vrkw
equ all y wel l in ei ther med ium. ""iting "Davy
Crockett" f.... the I;ve T V show at lhe same time he
-.lmtand~ . I like it!" W2S adaptin, Tchai kovsky 's ~lIet !'COle for S'UJII~S
-':mably IS lhe work r«>llreSSl:5 On any SCtjuence 8~"wry to our animated "en;ion of Illat classic fairy
__ KleIS pop up. aoo surpri.<i ngly ofte n these ilka. laic. George .... as big and easy-going. but he wortw
_lIy will strenglhen the musk. since they shafJlC'n very hard and produced a """"'ingly e ndless string of
Ik do:r.nilioo and emJlhasilc exactly " 'hat the com· fresh melodies and haunting SCore5 .
. . . IS Iol)"ing. If tndy creative people"", involved. H~ d id Icmp tracks. prescored .some selections .
.. nosoc_ is quick 10 ..,Ihe the impro"ements and orchestrated sonp. jun,pW o,·c. to lhe live artion
tItFf to adapi his KOfC if that is still possible . The shows. lhen back to consult on the best mUliical {reM-
~ solution to all of this " 'as the "temp (tempo- ment for the ""xt §C<juence in the canoon . When there
.-y) tr.oc:kJ·· that were uscd so n tcnsively Ih roughoul was mme to tkl than he ~ould handlc. he suggested
"lIIin;'s. fonies. and fiftics. Ihat we find a piece o f musk fmnl an ~arlier picture
Ia concepi. the musician " 'ould record his idc~s in ~ ~nd . ' track" our picture with that . 11 (BabIed liS 10 f,nd
.-If Itmporary forn, as a guide f.... all the pro<IUC:. just the mood ..·e ,,·anted. the tempos and phrasinl to
. . thai ,,"OUld follow . In .'iOr1le cases. a small orches· support our art;on. lU1d ~ept uS from ..."aring him QUI
"."JS broughl in and the " '00 .so carefully planned " ';Ih tOO many c hanges .
_the IC>ult could be usc<.l f.... pnJdoction-i f desiml . When the lillie ClinIC' 10 write the final score. George
1I<ilhefs. the studio co"'poser woul<.l play hi s score on was fresh and en thusiastic. suggesting more effccti ve
.. poano 01" organ. ways to present our coocepl"s. and wriling 10~~ly ne ....
1\0: 1IIl'"lIntag~ of Ihis (arly t~S! recording is obvi- ballads in the SlUIlC' tempo and r..ding as the """ we
_ . It pl"tsc:ntli a slrong musical coocept that i5 had ~ for our ·· tracking . ··,,,, and inspiring . As lhe director and anima- All of our feature canoon~ 100/1; anywhere: from t,,"O
lin do:,dop lhe graJlhks. lhey arc guided but not to fi"e yean; to complele; w no mailer ""hat the
.ant:tcd by this track . Being tempur.. ry. the music invol"ement of the musician during lhe formali "" peri •
• lor changed and new ideas tri~d; the man woo od. there ... as .It ill much to be done in the final days.
In"ariably !here ""ere loan)' .urpn!ieS and ell;on~e. from 10 make!he mlCc .!r~ln and hea'·. ;~.,::;;,';'::~
lhose fim UCI!ed plans. 'n., d,,«!or lias gooe !hroo~h the,r strength .. hen lhe) pu>hcd agalA" I
lhe =Is wilh lhe nlUskian hour after hour. di~u"mg, hUI !h's--Ih" exhau_l, IlIC""
planning. changing. humming: bU I he ;, IlCver ,ure S""h efkel. ~rc no! e,,,lelll"''' plall<llrack
that It.. musician understands " ha! is '.'anted. and lhe " hen plalcd "'Ih a couple or ""Iru",,,nll 011
musiciao lias an c.-en Jl"IOI"l: difr",ull lime ~e!!ln, h" tr.w;l It tale.!he full VOICIng of lhe orcheWli
Own ideas ""r()SS si nce !t.. langWlge of m,,'1C I. IlOl the mU'le to hfe. and unulthal II~ I
IiOme!hing lhe direCI()f unde ... !~nds . SomC!UIIC. the go"" fallh Ihal the ~ore .... ,11 fulfill hl~
music will lac k Ihe magic an!ic llxllcd. and "hole .....> dreams Th~rc" no "ay a "n~J~ IlIu"e;."
!;"ns of the film " 'ill seem 10 fall ,har! of "h~! lhe) ~1Il.11 p,ano and an enlhu".,lie "uk" c.n
might haw been: bul just as often. e"ery""" ",II be f....,hnll or 'pim Ihal ",II Come f""1\ lhe same
startled by how nluch n~ po.....erful and Inlcn>t !he pI')'e<J {)n allille In"ru ..",nl>. Th"" unfoou ......
",,!ions ha,·c bttome "hen fon,ficd ",Ih!he mu,1C
We had worked hard on T/", Rescuas. Irying to
t"Cnl)·· (jvC ",u'Iem", ,uung un the .'!age
uNruc"on, h","," :on wK;t>mfonable ~f1ccl on a
make the mice seem "ery .mall a"d inadequale 10!he lur' S judlln>en! of rc""on~ "tlCn !he fiflll ":~:~
lask racing them. but the con fidence and sp,rn In the ..,,·cah a d,fferent f....,hnll III the "'..,,.; than '"
v~s KCnlallo dispel an) C<JIl«m " 'c could de,·clop antlClp:lled.
All !he: Olht'-r funcllon, '" the m.~,"~ of ::~:~l
for them . Whtn Anie Butler ...·toIe lhe mu,,,,. he fclt
lhe predicalOCnl of the mice !>Culely and " ... ~c muSIC NlIlllhruugh COlls!ant !e,lIng a"d cotr«lIn8
that immcdi"lely made lhelr IU,k "nOnnuu'. "hlle ing dlC be" rciall"",hlp!" the "h"Ic .• nd In I
somehow kee ping lhem vinually helpl6' When lhey non, ",u<o<: " 'os done: !he "'Ill" ""} FOI "' ..
tried 10 mo,'c lhe huge d,amond from ilS hIding place. year$. greal -..con." Il;o'c conhn[l(d I" Iolln, nc:-.
!he score added a good 0..., hundred p<JU",h 10 lhe the MOOOO' < "",,"I I"'pular fil"". ,., en lhourh tho
weighl of!he gem. The animalor exclaimed. "Iuie;j mlt""< of malchlng "'Ulld 10 r,durc haH dUI!fld
"""""""I}' II <ocour~~c' one II. I>cl"" ,c Ihallhcre ,ull I" a ~rickcl ",II>" gt:nllc pen.onahl)' a, " 'cll a. sening
"IIWI) """" "'a». cXCllon~ "'ap, on>[l""'~ wa)" a mood f,M' lhe ,,"'hole piclure 10 follow . '!'be .......1"""I.
10 meld "111>1" and [lOClUn: 1U~~ll>cr .. Liulc Woudcn Ilead.·· captun.'<llhe sp,ril of (JeptlCll"
and ga"e u' a chance 10 inirodlJC<: the ,"'<>Oden I"'ptlCl
in his lifelcss .'13Ie . Wilhoollhal ""'I: wilh lhe n.. lod~
Ih" ""..,,,11.'<.1 10 iii an ol<l,world lIlu,ie box, lhe "'q"",~
Wnrn Illtre "we >OI'~' in a picl ure in :"lU,uon 10 of inu-.Jd"",ing lhe [lU1'P"1 10 lhe olher res idents or lhe
. . .",col >COre, II.. ) were" rlilen and reconk:d "el')' 10), """r W'lIIld ha"c IJc.en full of dL"IOIlUC:. comri,"",
arI).!iU 11>c)' "",Id "" 'nlc~r~k'<l carefull)' ,nl", lho.: gag..', and knglhy busi""" , Wilh a WIlg t""t fillhe-
10') !le"flopn.. nl . Wah Wa' ~d~mam aboul Mlllg' " walion. il was full of melody and fun, and did mlOCh
l1li >C<:Ipf1W the flo,,· of lhe ."()f~ " 'h ,le ,;on", ,in~er 10 show lhe au<lience how Ihis " 'oo<karVef livcd .
*"",",Ir:lled hi, prowc". ,,,,d he illsi,led 11);11 Ihe On.:c II .... ")tIg was rcconkd. Ihe slory""tn coul<l
:~):::~:,:~:g "il 'O<Ild I>.: !U piel up II>.: le",p<' of
in a",~l>cr wa)'. "hile a,kllng 10
s,an I""ci_sc ,,'orl on hi, storyboard. adapting II>c gen-
cr-~I ideas 10 II ..... mood and mcasu ..... of lhe- music. Of

I I comen! of I].., ":<I""IIC1:. A good ,;ong

nW.e lhe audicnce fl.... 1 ",ore <kepI)' about lhe
... ue.u~ chan~ lhal mighl help bulh pictu", and
""'g_ Wilh only a ""'nlO lrack. chan~s "",Id be tried
and lhe structure ofthe- mu,ic altcred 10 fillhe gfO\\'ing
Om • ""'g had oc~n ,""eepled fro", the co"'p<,,,,,'r, needs of lhe ,Ioryboard. In >01," ,'3""'. lhe vocal " 'ou ld
rCII",in. h\JI if il has bec" r«:urded on a §cplmue track.

: ~::'::'«~'.;;',i":":' """Ie.."1.""proximali,,)!
'· ... n, Ihc lenglh
'I'll.: "(leal mighl
Illal cou ld be used in lhe finall .
....oolol be far beller on a lemp IrdCL, ""h lho.:
be On changcs in the resl of the mu,ic " 'oold ha'-e no df«t
on il an)'''·a)' . Now. when lhe- booIrd looks promising.
aoo lhe Icnglh of lhe- song fcds ri,hl. the ~letchc:.ciUI
be shoi and:.dded 10 the story . ketch red. Once more
:::::::::~:.:"~::.;'; or >ln~1I group Ihal
bier "he:n all finat Ik"'''i, .... , I>",'c oc"<:n
lhe~ art" changed and shirl~'<l. redr-~wn and reshot. unl il
tn III< «<o,dong bu,inns. ,,]..,n " ""c"li>l i, everylhing ha, Ihc proper flow . The'" "ill will he
. ~"''''. the >'M ' g ilsctf a,,<l the: . i"ger·, ,lyle will impro"cnlCnls lalcr On. a, ,I\:W i,kas keep coming. bul
lhe numll<, of dlorusc) aool h< 'ight arr~nge · for the ,no,t l)art. lhey will be ,,"ly loucbe. Ihat add
~". ""' """'<'_In ~ film. II>c _,It"",tun: mO>l be ,..-.iril and ch;w.oclcr to _he: performance . Anim:oling 10
by II>c na.'<l, o f the MOl)' . 11.11 I"'el oncc music is <llffIC"h and opensi,~ ~nd il is ""ise _o k""""
• """fIO>oCr '" 110 " 'anted 10 conlrol lhe: pr<:- cxactly ",hal" " 'antcd before an),OfIC . Ian • .
of hI> n",loo),: " You ' re benef off " tilinG to
I I in II", piclure. bec:[U,c )'''ur ,on): "ilie",i
n~""" "ni~uc . h'>lca,1 of ,,'ri ling "hOi )'W
Sound Effec ts
and a,ling f,M' 1"'-' pIClure 10 to il . Funny suund' ~I""a)', ha,-c been ~n imegral pan of
1""1 I"'" carlOt)fl malenal has been ,.'urked cart"""s . II " alnlO>-l impo»iblc 10 thinl of lhe cnl)'
O\~r. II ha, more lhoughl . <lcp<h. aoo enlef_ films " ,Ihoullhe ,Iide whi~tk:, ratchet. flOP"gun. A)'Jo.
,n ,It""n )'(111 ",.lofC . You 'd bellcr II"" il!" phone .• nd bell-. Tb".., had all bl~n wrincn in a~ pan
Ii flO',iblc 10 "m~ ,,,eh 'I"'cial ",;"erial of lhe score ~lId were"", r«orded until c"c'~lhing 011
il beenllk!_' lill ie """e than a """cil),. lilt: pi<:lote ,"'", co"'pleled . The animal ion had been
II ~'ork' "ell for lOe picI"'" aoo progre,,,",' lhe done 10 ~ ,p«i (", be:'l. II>c aclions "~re all marked ""
"""~."'" n>lill "III h",·c g"'''1 value_ lhc .,,,,'" "",IF. and fou, or fi"e pefCu"ion "'en ""ere
A..., I"'" OIlchc:, lhe e~act II .... '" of lho! '""I""!lCC no,.' broughl '" ""ilh lhe orcb(~r. 10 record lhe "'hoIe
n In I f.-.:;.h ~nd "k!"IOr~blc ""a} "In tIo piclU'" in 0'", long. cnmplelC talc of C"cl)'lhin, Ih~1
, (or 1"'-' l'U"'p<>SCf. Ino . I.cLgh would be on Ilk: sound m.c k .
and Ned ; 'I I""cl), "When V'III As lechnica l ~no"'ledgc advKoccd. il became POSSI-
dUI)'. introducing us hie 10 do Ihe differenl pan_ of Ihc .'<>1100 separ~lcly and
combine them omo one track at a later date . No ..... if tracks as a good track inspired beller business .... hod!.
wmeone hit a wrong gong or scraped his s..ndpaper in tum. built an even beller track . No departm<nt ...
block once too often. the whole seven-minute take did free of Waif s constant building and improving. M!
nOi have to be done over. But a larger advantagc was new idca had to be tried out before a decision cookl bl
that now the way waS open 10 experimem. The music made about il' actual value. and this led 10 test tm
could be recorded in separate takes called ··cues.·· the and leSI recording and test music .
voices could be done oVer and over umil JUSt lhe right No studio could afford to bring in specialists",,,,
inncction waS captured. and the SOIInd effecls could time there was a new idca to try. ,;0 members of dill
be recorded individually. speeded up. run backward. staff who ..... ere particularly inventive and creati_
Of built out of 1.....0 or thT\.""I! separate pans. along wilh their other talents-were asked to do dill
For Thru Lilllf' W"I,·es . in 1936. the sound effects experimenting. If it had to do with music or $Q\JrvI .•
men had to get the juicy impacl ofa ripe tomato hining waS usually SOmeo"," from the sound effects ~
the big. bad ..·olf in lhe face. A ..... et ..... ashcloth had tOO men!. and most often Jim Macdonald .
much inlpact. a spoonful of grease waS \00 "·et. and a With consi!lcrdblc in!,,,,nuity and a great dral of~
cup of water had too much splaner. The "",und finally ing and accompanying dizziness. a track h~ bee.
was achieved by comhining the three best sounds OVer recorded for thc organ that Grumpy played in fie
the blatant wund of the . ·razlberry ..• the impeninent dwarfs" house . It was only a first test. oot it in,"O/¥etJ
noisemaker made of two loose pieces of rubber. No"," everyone in the studio who could read music:. pius.
by itself sounded anything like a tomato. but togcther handful of com petent musicians and all the 001IIII
they had the feeling needed to match the action . effects men. wme thirt y of us in all. blo ..... ing on Ixt-
As Jim Macdonald says. ··The "",und man must ties and jugs and strange homemade inSirum<nlS. 1\t
think about what the sound is going to do for the most demanding pan waS for the man who blew 0I'III"
picture-ooljuSt how it ought to sound.'· Jim was the
most creative and dedicated of all the sound mcn.
the giant jug for the lowest bass notes. That pan"
gone 10 Jim . Whcn Walt beard the tr""k he e~clai_
staying at the studio for SOme forty-two years. then "Yeah' Thaf s a happy song. . a happy groop! Some-
continuing to come in for "",und effects sessions after bod)· should be )·odding:· and he turned to loot.
that well into his sevcntics. Originally brought in as a Jim . ·· Why don·t you get down on the stage and Ir)••
drummer to handle some of the sounds for those early yodel?·· As Jim said. ··1 had never yodeled in..,
canoons. he was offered a steady job because of his ,.·hole life. but ..... hen Walt said. ·Yodel!· yoo y~IN"
imaginat ion and <ense of emenainmen!. lie .says that And yodel he did. oWr an<l o'·cr. for a coo~"
tl!" sound effects man must ··feer· the effect. cI·en as years while Ihey built the track into a happy stqueotlt
he makes lhe sound. and in suppon of this philosophy witb JUSt the right amount of si nging an<l playing'"
thre ..... himself violently into e\"Crything he did. from fun. When everything ..... as finally approved. a proto.
JIOOnding o n a door to choking himself with the hic- sional group of yodelers was called in to gi,·c ..
cups. Being a musician he saw to it that the soulKls ringing. authentic sound. but the structure and ..
always fit properly into the score. and being an en-
tertainer he made sure the sound was the beSt that
length had been ""OTkcd out by amaleur y<l<kler
Macdonald. He commented. '· 1 was al ..... ays dotIII
could be gotten for Ihat spot. Good sound effects will voices for actions where they didn·t ..·ant the ""rot" _
add life alKl excitemcnt to a film. whereas drab. ordi· hun hi s vo;ce--grums. sirains. screams. gasping.. .~
nary sounds will quic kly drain ....· h~t life there might be In Aris/ocm. there was a scene of the alley III
in the action . O·M.lley nearly drowning in the river . Phil II-.
There ,.·cre always changes in the ideas and the playc<J the pan and ..... as not only wilting to do..,.
material as a picture developed; but ..... hen the studio thing we """d.,d. but invariably found a ..·ay to ......
embarked on the feature cartoon. the period for this alJ the morc entenaining. Still. dro ..... ning did...,._
uperimentation stretched to three year~ or more This to be a suitable application of his lalents. We had ISeI1
meant that there would be endless changes in the sound SOmC miscclla","ous gasp' and coughs he had o:.n. for
berale il . or take oul Ihe lows. or , pee<! il up. or
combine il wilh " Iher sou nds. Wl\.:n Ihe day comes
Ihal lhe dire""lor is down on Ihe S1agc 10 record. lhe
sound effecls man mUSI Dc ready. II is Ihen (00 laiC 10
Every sound Ihal is recorded c"enlually goes 10 lhe
Sound Effecls Library for ~ se in olher piclures. Over
Ihe years Ihis enormous colleclion has been built inlO a
treasure house of ocarly e,"cry sound in (he world----
u cepl lhe ooc. special. elusi,'. sound Ihat you wanl,
There arC tiny different coughs. whi>lles. footsteps.
creaks. and foghorns. and Ihcse are widel y used 10
build Ihe leSI (racks. bUI when the pkwre is finally all
PUI IOgelher. Ihere i, al"'ays a long list of needed
sounds (hal should be dooc a link differenlly for I h i~
panicular piCI Ure .
If lhe sound is (!<In of a Slory idea or rela(ed to a
chara<;ler. it i, always re<;orded early. so lhe animalOl
us a."~ buill our conlinuily and bu,ines_, 10 ilS cli - can work 10 il. ralher Ihan 11)' ing 10 fil il in later, As
max. ""Ilhe n we called upon Jim. Aflcr lookiog m lhe Ihe idea for Ihe exhau"ted dragonfly in Th£ Rescuns
film r.. .-.eommended Ih~1 be do il all in one lake as be was developing. Jim was (old uf Ihe problem and
ulchOO the film on (he s.:recn. ralher Ih~ n in separate immedialely Sianed searching for Ihing. he could use.
pieces as he ",ually did. He brought oul a big (ub. A power saw wilh ils varied whines and straining noises
filitd i( with waler. and Ihen wilh the mi~c in place seemed like an obvious choice because il sounds so
Mid his chin half ,ubmerged. fi .,~-d his eye, on the determined and despcralc. but il did nul prove as
scm:n and gave Ihe order 10 rol l Ihe ti 1m l ie not only flexible as a liulc creal ion of brass lubing and an air
matched lhe ""lion preci,"]y. bUI inhaled JI le"'1 a, hose combined wilh a rubber mcmbmnc OVer" kind of
much w'aler as Ihe cal in Ihe pielure. and ended up just drom Ihal Jim could play like. musical inSlilImentli
>bool as rlCarly dro"-ncd. was when Jim add~-d (I\.: panting and v.' on lhe
Jim had • "'oodworking 'hop in his garage and end of lhe bu1.zing sounds Ihallhe characler of Evinn"k
.""kl spend hours buildin~ ~ad~et ' Ihal mighl make finally leap( 10 life. Thai sense of cn(cn.imncnl in
!OI.lods for 'pecial ",cl ions of lhe piclure._ When work commonplace .sounds is a vcry .peciallalenl .
• :asboginning nn Thr Old Mill he ~aw (hal lhere would Ie is lhe aSS;Slant dirCClor"S job 10 bui ld his InlCk$
be a ~ for many differem kinds of creak< as old. and keep lhem in syrn: and growing 10 ",aleh Ihe needs
roning pans of Ihe SlroClurc would lum . He corn:cived of Ihe picture. So il falls 10 him to rummage Ihrough
Ii "" . labornlC commpl ion of drum head,;. siring and lhe sound CiTL"<:IS library for lhe mosl appropriate >ounds
bIInons and suppon,. and a wheel for lighlening il all . he can find. and. also. 10 dedde juS! how many he
f".ring thai ",ilh a bi l of ro,;in and a bo w he , hould be should PUI in . Too few can make lhe film sound spot·
able 10 gel w me exceplional groon,. Whal he gOl wa,; Iy. 100 many can make il sound ridiculoos.
I porfcel foghorn! So he recorded Ihal. which is slill AI Ihe Slal1 of lhe war in 1941. Ward Kimball and
the on< used luday. and returned 10 his shop 10 Sian a Fred Moore were animaling a long. involve<! sceoc of
ne~' idea, II is "cry imponanl (hal (he effecls man a .mall soldier going (hrough all (he Ihings a soldier is
hal't enough limc !O Ihink and play "round wilh ideas if lrained 10 do-drilling. manual of arms. saluling-
the soond is to be al al l unu sual. or jU_'1 righl for the cve1)'lhing excepl making hi s l>e<l and KP. There was
poclure. Man)" l;'l>CS il is necessary 10 run Ihe recorded an eager aSSi~lanl direClor at (he lime ""ho " j uSt
I!Xk Ihroogh SOmC of Ihc sound ~"<luipmcnl . 10 re'·er· wailing for hi s big chance 10 show whal he could do.
nr suggeslion was made that the scene "'ould gel over in hi~ mind fur scverJI days. It s!lould be like_
t in ils rough state if it had a few .ound " ';nd chime. he l!lought. soft and delH.:ale, withoullhe
, Ward lind Fr«J cautioned the lIMistant th~t if impact of glass hilling glllM: it had to be something
• effeclS "'Cn: lOll n:al lhe scene would be dull, else .
. . . if me,y 'o'en: !OOUOIie il ,,·o.lId b«ome si lly and Jim found his an~"'Cr in ~ ~ of duraluminum
its ~~nglh. But the right IOlmds. carefully cho- 1((1 over frum a """. panel inMalied in the sound
D. . oold li,'C • sprightly character to the " 'hole de~"mcnl. He CUt the material into s.... 11 piccn and
suspended them from a plywood frame . and ""hen he
hour$later IIIe !)earning assislanl returned with sho<H; the whole thing an amazingly light .nd shim.
t it on the MoviQla wi th the.ound I"",k mering IiOUnd Came forth. Walt li ked il so wdllhal he
beside it. On the open ing frame of 3£ k«l Jim to tune it chromatically so that a gli5salldo
, then: was a ratchet sou nd as the soldier' S could be played. or maybe eVen ~ lune . II was neVer
in I sa lule. fo llowed by a " ping!" from enough 10 give Walt wllal he 3£ked for. ThaI always
.s lhe fing¢f$ touched the forehead . This .~timulated lIim to even II>OIl' elusive. bul untlcniably
"sproings:' wheezes. tllOOs. claj1!i. beller. ideu , and especially ideas that never would
(llher. ac«nting every la.'lt linle have been t!louglll of in the beginning .
the animated churacter made . Fn:d and Ward One of Jim's gll'aleSt accomplish ments Wl5 the

::':~: : : ~::~:'~::'::::~.::,::.:;.
sound for a gianl magnet. This actually was inttndrd
back to lhelaugh_
into convulsi''C film. for I r10k at Wah Disney World. but Man: Davis. ",'110
They fell 10 the Iloor and could no longer sec the had helped develop the ride. k""w from hi$ )'e2l$ of
bill me, p.:nde of unlikely sounds continued on animalion training that the key factor in mating me,
• popping .00 bleeping. li ke someilling gone whole idea won: was 10 have ju~tthe ri,hl sound. He
Tho: kIIlger il ,,'enl, the funnier it goI. and once called Jim OUt of ~ti",ment to find it . The fascinaling
and Ward had sta l1ed to laugh . t he~ wlS no thing is tha.t Jim "'enl righl 10 objects Ihal make no
.ound! Thai is, no sound the human ear can £kl~t . A
assistan!"s bu ming look of anli ,ipatioll had heavy-du ty soldering iro n operating on 60 cycle~ held
. . .,. " """",,,.,, mo«: defiant anitude. then 10 a close 10 the microphone gave off a very low. rhythm;';
1(1 of determination . lie sta~d doggedly at lhe hu m . A de·magnetizer u~d for laking sMic elttlrit:ity
through the Moviola , intenl on see ing out of Kissors bef,,", CUlling lape gave oIT another
10 lhe end 00 matter what. sound that barely could be recorded. and, finally. Jim
off lhe machi"", look o ff the lUi a large cymbiol and gently brushed a liny piece of
lhe room with his track under his COlton against the edge. No sound could be detected
'The gales o f laughlCr had on the "~e, but lhe tape machi"" "':as pickinl up
allrac:1ed everyone cI~ in Ihal wing of the ~trange vibrations. These tIu-cc ooullib well' taken to
and now ('Urious heads "''C'" thru'>!ing into the dubbing panel in the thealer. whell' lhe t"",ks " 'tf'C
."",1,., lhe WOfCe of lhe humor. lhey mi~ed and s wilched and altered. and raised in volume
paSt lhem. and Ihal very until the sound could be heard by human CaB. II was a

, .:';=:';:'"ma n is asked 10 come
sluw. pulsing. indefinable sound. and il started to make
everyone lhere sick . As they bolted fur lhe door, lhe
• SOlInd for somet hing tllat cannot pos.ibly ~nnoyed lCchnician! yelled back al Jim. "You can't
iOUnd of ils uwn: fur instance. the sound uf a pul that in Disney World! "
"'eb shimmering witll de w. Wah insisted that RUI Jim CQntinucd to play wilh his sounds. r~ling
should be • 5pe<;ial sound. and though he could like a mad inventor, until he had lhem at the provoca·
llescribc it uactly he gave lhe impression lhal tive " age ju'>! short of producing ill",," and ju'>! pa'>I
",''''r knew "hat it should be . Jim Macdonald n:eognition o f it as wond al all . It was mtII'C of •
1,,'Cn tho ,,"ign_1II al that point and lurned it feeling, and il fcll like a magnet should souoo!
71rt- ",."KIP!.. cf IIw ",~/,, ·
pia," """"ro " .Irot.n IH
,Irt-... ""'/oIk~,,,. IIrt- " ....

"'cf' * '"
r/~ m .. ",n' hm .. 1M<lm~
rlrt-/ar",/row) ..
Ih .. dr.<la"u is (lCI""/h'

"ur<it' "I' 'if fi"" riiff,,'rrll

I~,'' of uri WI!,t
12. The Follow-up Functions
"No (1/1( f't'WII CUll /akr cud;rfo, rhr Juct'rlS of" mor;on pirmrt . I,'s strklly" tram ,!forI. From thr iiiitt' I~
SIC!')' is ... ,ilun 10 rhr limr rhr finui ul~uu prim cornu off thr ",inuT. hlmdrrds of fW"l'if (trr ;n,'()h'r~(Jrh (It!<'
tloing " job-""'h job ("omribll(ing 10 rhr fi"I'/l'roduo. ,. Wal! Disney

'-"1Ih lilt ...·riling of the mllsic. the 1$ ' Nly creali"" dud. qunlioncd. and senl to lake care of mings.
funclion has been completed . Some membcn; of the IIis job was easy when the picture slo .... ly ,,·u!alt·
lUff tlrudy ha,.., new a.signmenl$ and are excitedly ing shape in the Story DepartllM:nl. the dirtCtOr was
f~pIoring the rlCXI rrojeCI. bul the.., ~!i1J 8«' &Cvcral Ics!ing vokes. and lhe experimental aninlation was
crucial;oos 10 be done and deci.ions 10 be m;,de Ihm being done. Not much money was being spen t. bu!!he
""'11)' .ffecl the final appnflmcc of the picture. crealive pnxcss is impossible 10 coo!roI anyway. How·
UlUllly an rile money budgeted for the film has been ever. ~ the "'ork h",~ been p;tssnl by lhe animalOn
IJI<III. m.llht big push is 10 "get il out" in lhe '1uickesl 10 their assiSlanlS. dra" 'ings Can be counted. deadlines
Q)' pouibk; )"CI 100 many oompromiKs al Ihis stage impo:sed. $("hedul~ arnngcd. and ",ork organiud .
could desuoy much o f [he ... alue of rile work already "The: pic!ull' ill in full produclion at this point. and
door. FonuILlIldy. there are still dedicated propIe kfl .'iUddenly e"erything i. going a! 001'( and in all dire<:·
who ... ill 5« lhal this doc:. 1101 happen . lions . Theil' is I'lOl enough !illM: in any dlIy 10 check
n.: ~ncS muSt be chec ked OVer and Ovcr 10 be even half of il . especia!!y if lhe CrtW is behind sched·
MIlt thaI all paIlS worl ro~!ly. The ~nwork must be ule and working oveni me to meet I deadlinc-whi<:h.
phoI~raphe<.l by lhe Camera Dt:panl1~nl. alilhe dif· somehow. nearly always happens . NOIhing seems to
Imll! _nd tracks must be combined onto one: track. be wming OUt quite lhe way it was planned. and 1>0
-.I then !be lab must face lhe impossible lask of gel· one: really knows ,,·hy. Everylhinll conceivable for
. . the colors on tho: film !O look !he same as tho:y keeping prodUCI;"'" moving has been trio:<! .... one tirrc
-m painted. While these jobs are noI glamorous. or al'lOlher. but a sense of de"OIion 10 the produc1
!ky are "i!al in a~ing tho: seemingly endless string brings the beSI results. Ne,'(nheless . the Production
r;I. one process or anolocr always going WTOni . Fran!i · Manager will tell you Ihat!OO much devotion can COS!
all)" b)'ing !O control these proccs~s and keep the too much money. too!
pic!Urt movin~ i$ the Production Munager .
Someone has to assume!he responsibili!y for seeing Checking
_!htre are no boctleneds. that ~ne:s move through
• OfJlIlizalion smoothly. !1Ia! dire.:!ives are being One of lhe beSt ways 10 keep "oR flowinll smoothly
caned 0lIl. that COSIS are held 10 a minimum. andliul i~ to have each $("CDC checked c_fully befOK it IDOVeS
• prod~r understands why the projec! is I'lOl be:ing on 10 the ne: ~1 dcpanment Once!he animation is com·
wopktal on schedule . II does I'lOl have to fall to one pletcd. il should be: chec ked for tcchni<:al problems .
..tividual. It tan be: shared by a small group of over· l1Ie d ...... ings may ha,l' worked well in te~1 camera • artists with a special loyally to the whole pro-- but sumrene has to adapt them 10 ~heir fin~1 fonn on
durtiQn. However. it is the one person wi!h!he official the cels . Are the c haracter. on!he right le,'cls to ma!<:h
til:k Produclion Manager " '00 can be: blallM:d. criti- the other $("Cne:s in the SC(juen<.:c? Should ~ of the
Icvels be comhined? will 1he pan moves and lrocks m~ke W~ cv~rything was on tho.: eels .nd follow,..
woO; Sn1OOIhly? 15 the aclion ,onlplclCd 001 10 1he through perfeclly _ Some of lhe arna7.ingly cornpIin""
r~1d bonkrs? Will il worl under the camel'll? Kenes from f'<Jnlwi<J even required a specialw •
Befon: we had cheelers il was up 10 the cameraman cheeking. 51""" the (1)fIlponents were iI<I involvul"
10 lttp a close ...·aleh 00 lhe drawings on hi. stand as intemoliled thaI hardly anyone evcn knew ..1Iat ....
he was shooting, bul1hal usua lly wl,IOO laiC. Typical supposed to haPl"'n .
of lhis situalion was an incidenl on Mkkty's Kanga· On ly ccnain individuals should be checkers. Tht jo»
roo. After shooting nearly ha lf thc .<ccne. lhe came ra· C~ 1I 5 for a special persona lity ma keup more than an It-
man noticed thaI Pluto w~s snarling as if he we re tistic ta lent . and not everyone tan ~dapt '0 ,he do-
g\lUding his dish. 001 in a peculiar w~y he was stand· mand5 . Complete concentral ion 300 an "cagle eyc"
illJ! in ii- though not quite in il. Ili. fOOl covered pan are needed hour after hour to ferrel out the ~, ...
of the did!. bui il did 001 match lhe ",urYe (W lhe sha]IC ellon btll in lhe process a huge one 5h00.1d no!
of il. The dean·up man was ",alled over 10 explain by un"",iced! 'l'1Y cheeler mU$! be a dctcCIi,"t.
...·hat was intended. and he immediately cried. ".some- pletely dedicated and above penona] ;";:"::::~
one has moved the d ish! h 's iUpposed 10 he over hell: S"" h ind ividuals scarcely can be blamed
righl under l' lulu'sleelh , not back where hi. fOOl is!" ing. ·· ah.H AA.:aa .a.~tl!·· .... hen they d iscover a
A call to lhe hac kground man p",. lu,cd his copy uf the lake. but 1 . i ll

laywI s.k.elch and his notes on the 5CCnc . • Ic was blan",'

AOOIher call; Ihis lime 10 the layout man . ...·ho can'"

pcrwn who made the error. No onc ~s
on purpose. and somehow a diSlll:ssing .ir
ination 'lttm. to bon, arouoo I visit to lhe Cheda'l
with all his dn winp \Q prove lhat the dish always had roolll . For IiOIIloC reilSOlt. the feeling ;s "'";"""~ ,.
been in the same place. Now lhe ~nin'~lor joined the being called 10 the principal's ofrlCC .
as5Cmbled group. and after mon: di.<cussion he «<ailed
moving the di)h .<0 there would be room for Pluto to
run in and lup inlu Ihis defensive posi tion. He had
Blue Sketch
made I lrac ing of the locatio n of lhe dish and marked New procedu~s wcre .uggested con,lantly .." ... .
it on his copy of the laywl. h was surpris ing 10 him make thl:: checker's job simple' and eliminale $OInt of
IMI lhe la)'OOl man did not lnow aboul il . aoo he the npensc treated by needless cffi)f"$. The " 8.
wonden:d ...·hy the final animation had not been ched ctl Sketch" ""1$ one of the mosl praclical .
before going ahead. One lime a backgrouoo painler was given a Laylllll
They all WlJ"ed bleakly at the compl~ct1 ..,1· Up on showing an ominous evening s.k.y with the vquc ~
the elmol'll Mind . The eels then "" cnl back to the pro- of tree branches i ilhouelled againSI the clouds. nc
d\lCtion rooms whe", adj us,"", ntS were made unt il lhe color key that styled this sequence ~ho ...'ed a grctlOlllt
SCene ...·otked properl y. bul muc h time wao lost in all sky with an ev il louk . "The bac kground man was ..
dcpanmenlS through mi slake, that somehow s lipped trigucd . Here was a good· louking de~ign. i
past everybOOy. Ralher than u tablish blame it "", med dramalie. and an impressive painting could be
more imporlant 10 prevcnl it from happening. so the lhis. l ie ca.dull y worlcd 001 lhe I
pll6ition of Ch«l e r W3S created . branches. the contra.uing dl~""" and colors.
Very soon it was d~red that one: cheek ~r ....1Ii tie shading in the clouds . The whole thing
IlQt enou,h . In addition 1o the eheek f(W mechanics and would make anyone: look I.... ice . The I
and technical problem~. lhere had to be & cheel for was thlt .he background paintcr had not
mi~sing delail. for clear inMroclions 10 the inkers. f (W "'" what action touk in the
mini n, 1i nc ~ around color arc~s. for r~gislry of one a do!'C· up of a large and formidable character
eh",.-.cter to another or 10 an objec t on thl:: bac kground . blotted out ali lhe lrees and 11I05t of lhe I
In Ink and I'lti nt (hey needed addition~1 chec king before of painting around the edges showed .
a scene was painted. a nd 51ill aOOlher afterward to d iu-ppointmcnt for the painter as ,,"til as a ,,__
...... and time. Something had!O be done: 10 keep Ihis E ven so. lhe clemen! of buman CIT()f will not be
from Igppening Jg:.oin_ n..ol WIOS when 5O'''0:0'''e (hough( shol out. TIle", was a Kenc in Th .. 1Iml(It Hook Ih.1 is
ofJJlJking a "bloc .~kc( c h" of (he so,.'coc , s lill a myslery 10 all involved , The boy, Mowgli. was
Wlltn lhe xlion of (he rtlugb animalioo has been 10 be w"'n running through the j ungk: af."" he thought
IpprOYtd I".- h.a( we called " OKed for Ckan Up"), the he had been double...,ros~ by B.loo , "The feeling
1«.. il picketl op by the t.ay()U1 Dcp'II1menl Jnd needed 10 be one of dcspcf:lliun, wilh more ahandon
checked for all lhe U(remCi of movemcnl , A c"",pos. and no.... dering (ban speed . The animator who Wa!!O
.. lnI:in~ iJ nJade in colomJ I"'ocils (predorninarllly do lhe 5Ccnc: ren ~mbcred a pic« of live aclion film
bkltl lhal. ~i (he size of the characlcr, how mucb showing a boy pusb asitle some ""'oche, IlJi he I11n inlo
of him is showing. how hig h he goes on the paper, hi . • {hkket. II sccn~d li ke a good aClion Iha. would r,(
Jo.,.'e:!.I point. his maximom move 10 the k:ft or righi , both Mo wgli 's allilude and lhe: silualion, 50 the film
MY conl<lCl he makes ,.-;Ib p3.u of (he Nckground, lOS was broughl op and.he anim,"or ~tudicd . made nokS,
.-dlas lhe fi~ and laS! d",w ings in lhe IiCene. ~1iC and ~kCIChcd unlil he cou ld adaJII lhe acliun 10 lhe
e$$t.lIi.1 lnoveme nl.' of Ihe c haracter are recorded So .",Irkl iono of hi s $CCI>C , The boy threw op a prOlCC1ive
1haI cvtl')'One will know j ust whe", he g"'" and wh.:ll arm, ducked his head, \wislC:d his body , then 1cantcl
.., 000$ in th:ll OIW:' Kene , II ",\'(Cals cbanges lhe ani · back . ~II givin, him more thrust .. hen lhe branches
_ may have ma<lc in lhe ... hole ~t . up tbat the were pushed u illc and he hurst Ihrough. C<lIIlinu;ng
b)'OOl man possibly does no! know ~boo' y<:l. ~n,l il hi~ forward progress. It was a good acliun and difrlCoJI
DlDin!O the background nUln lhe: nUlin .",as of ac · 10 <:3p1u"" hut wonh it for lhe cxtn Ijual ity if would
Imf)' and !hose places lhat should be painled s imply . gi\'(C lhe picture .



This type of aclion would t10I show up on the blue Camera
sketcll, and """" of the peoplc who " 'Of ked on the
~nc toot OOIe of anything special about it, The effens The first animat ion camera was , uspc""'" f....
animator ..'ho did the final drawin, on the branches wooden frllme so it " 'ould poim SlrlIight 00..'0 111

a:;':'~b:':;.:Th<~~":':'~U~ ::~i:~::~~~
....,-m as dose as he could to lhe action the animator
had defined, bul he fell the leavcs needed to he bigger and most on
drllwings filmmakers boilt
10 malclllhe new model and evcn:sddc:d a few more to ;ngs had to he I
increase lhe overall masS. l1te layou l Illan , thinking in lhe ,\.lI me place. various nW:llIods Were tried.
more aboul dense jungle thall the boy's problem. also oole. punched in lhe papcr Ihat matched little
incre~sed the s izt and number of lhe luvtS . Finally , pegs boecominll the most successful.
the backlfOOnd man. looting at the la)'oot and the ings absQluttly nat whi le photOj:rlIpilinC. a I
cff"" u animation . addc:d a bit of lush g"",·th of hi. of heavy ,lass. c alled a pI~tcn . "';I;li
OVo'n that was .ppropriate to the jungle. bol by then the Thi$ waS c,'cn more imporlant ...'hen Ccli '"'(ft
Xlion " 1IS co",pleted covered! 1'he boy s imply JaJ1 voh~. sincc they IIad a tcnde...:y to Nrl and
behind """ W: de""" boshe~ and canw: ntll on the OIher lighl bac k up into the eamerll knl.
side: •• till running . lIefo!'e lhe hullon is pushetl to shoot J ,i ngk
Mon~y and tim" and "fforl hall !I"'I!! into ~hOO1;n!l of film , the woolc se l-u p of atld
the live action, animating Ihc $<;cI\C. cleaning il up and mU~1 be cheded visua lly to see I
inbetwffnin; it , making the 1~)'QlIt. and painting the ~'Ontple'd y f"", of foreign matter. A speck
bacqround . Al Ihi. poinl in the production. whkll curious fly can ruin ~n expens ive k cM,
ani5t should change what he Ilad done? A confc..,ncc is kept handy to blow off anyth ing thai
" 'as he ld and the decision was haloed on c~pedieney: thc~ .
1e.,'C it lhe way it is: the audicOC'C w ill ",,"cr know In lhe t ..'cmies. t,,·o CamerlllllC1l "'Cre . . . .
..'lull lhey a.., ",i~.illg . The beSt pl"OttdUIl'S always shoot • K'C"" s ince the Clmcrll had '0
be t
have I way of bll'aking down. and on ly dose contact hand . One man stayed up on lop and carefu lly
betwff n the individual artisu can keep cveryone work- tilt (!'link one lum. trying 10 keep. consistent
ing toward a common goal. and m ythm throughout: the OIher lmlngod
ings o n lhe pegs. At Disney ·s. i, was lhe
Ub I ...'erks who rigged up an :::::~;'~'::'::':
thin, could be done by ooc man
lable ,
As fi lmmaker'S' ideas upandc:d,
to move I"" camera up and do .... n so
in closer on l sec"" or pull
action . A calib!'llted post repl.,.;cd lhe
A short !inw: later, lhey wanted to the,f"W.
cither to ooc side Of the OIher .•nd then
needed to twist !he camera as"m:OC~:h~~::~::,::
for special shots. and 10 lIlO'Ie ,
right a",l~ to their oonnal "",ition. This
"erl Kal pan even lhough t"" an " 'M
foxily flat . The pegs at both top and
placed on bars Ihat cou ld slide,
we!'e intrOOuced. and then a contrafllion thlll
IItOve lhe: pegs in any dir«t;on .
AttOfding to Bill Cottrell. "ho • . •" '" . : :
around and unbe lievably hea"}' . The li&ht · ~ight met ·
als ....~ hanlly known at that lime, and foor strong
II i ilit . li is ideas <<In· men were needed just 10 lift the frame (hat held I
illiClf and cfft<'ls wen: single animalion level. As many as ei,hl .'iOO Will
Bill said, " He asked me 10 experimcnt bulbs ...~ in a bank of light~ for one level, and when
filltl-to put 5i1ver nilMe on lhe film all levels "'ere lit the helt wu oppressive .
. Tile pielun: Night waS prinled Somehow this Camera Captu~ the im~ginations of
srock, and we had • fin: sctIucncc Ihal was both anisls and the public , either because of its over·
01'1 red ." whelming s in or its imJ)C'netrable workings or the
tho ~ixlkl;, the came .... and animation slands possibilities of what it could do. The prirociple or its
0.10 aimosl mon: Ihan moSI animalors knew how operal ion is simple and easy to uplain. but maki", it
..... of. These giants wcn: expensive, and few work is quile another matter. The COllIplieations an:
. . . . , . , , " ' , . , . WffC uSt<! very oflen, b,,, " 'hen suggested by lhe (act that less than IWO years aller its
wen: wonderful 10 hlvc . II was always I initial use. a manual had 10 he pI'l'p3rcd that began:
. .,~, • •,.".. it was (lleaper to have the can~r· "The Multiplanc Planning Board is I body headed by
the Direction Unit and CanJCr.l CoordinllO' and. rep-
r,I"J'UI'l', Ind different material , until a very resentative of the Enginccring Departrnent. lltc fullC'
effeel Wli achieved) or un enlerprisinl: tion of this bo.1rd is 10 work nUl the ways and means of
artist draw it ~II by hand . Sometimes lhen: was accomplishing Multiplanc shots ..• ,"
sioo:: !he cffC'Cl could be obtained only by Baskally, the multiplanc aPJlllratus makes Woe of
1OUIt, but oow and lhen an enthusiastic and several layers of glass . each with some jUnk malerial
cameraman cwld tal k the producer into on il and placed at a varying dislance from the camera.
lhan really wa~ necessary . For an average shot . !he background itself would be
Tkrt ...... a in the mid-th inies when every eight f« t away , the fin! level ~ix f«t.the IiCcond live
the cn:ative fields had tn wort. in the feet. then another al rwr feel . and maybe a founh
six weeks to learn how the pic· level at only two-and·a-half feet . As many as si~ levelS
pIIllOj;C!her physic:aJ ly. It $OUnded like a have b«n used and 5hot from a distance of 14 (<<I.
.sea because il educaled everyone in the major bul thll is not an average SCI · Up. Assume !he scene
would be using in pulling lheir ideas on tile called for the ca n~ra to move in through the anworlt
I in truth it was a fiasco, The need for an and progress 10 the righl ~ Iowly , The amount of the
eye and complete concentration , com· move on each part woold luve been vcry carefully
a l _ unlimited polenlial for error calculated by an eng inccr. and alilhat is !cfl would be

~:~~:~more than mOSI anislie lemperaments 10 run Ihrough the SCene to o:c:e if everything worts as
. E>:JIC'nIiCS soared and the produclivity planned . On (he regularcamcra , there is no run Ihrough,
itself dropped to an all'lime low . If a scene has been c hecked and approved, it will ... Oft.
idea ~ abandoned, but for yean camcran~ n 00 the carnera. and it docs . The cameraman sllools il
IOCI~ a baleful eye at any animalOr who eal11e just as the exposure sheet is marked . On the l11ulliplane
. It was unfortunate, because animators must camera, ;\ is OCttSSllry to lest lhe mark ings.
_ Itthnk_1 knowledg<' just to animate ,,'(11 The lights arc turMd OIl , the first eels an: placed in
...... ',oo"" "t assi~ance the camera Can live position. and the Ic<:hnicians take !heir places beside
in achkving their n:sults . each of the level S, Up 011 top the carneraman is peeri",
lied inevitably 10 the huge. shiny, m)'Steri· through the lens , but lhen: is no Iilm in the camera.
hidden behind signs saying, First, lhe level wilh the fealured an .... ork is lit with the
Admittance" " the multiplane proper intensity, then the OIher level s arc lit oeparatdy,
Solidlyenginccn:d, it was built 10 withstnnd SO that each give s the besl anistic appearance 10 the
.,",d ,r;""""'~'''t . bul il was a"'k"'ard 10 ~I .... hoIe scene . T,,'O big problems plague the Crew end·
lessly: (irsl. rdleclions Ihal bounce off lhe ,;hiny «Is backing.) The p;linlers " 'ere annoyed al !Ia"in, kI do
imo ~ eamen klli . and . KCOnd. lighl from a Io"~r this utra ",ork . because ooly ooe fl3ffiC had 11l1li
level lhal occasionall y shows Ihrough lhe ~inl on lhe leak . and a pic« ofblack paper ~I id underneath Iht cd
back of lhe «Is. would have Stopped Ihal in a hurry . Aft~ }"zs(lf
'The refleclions look all kinds of ingenuilY 10 con- protest from the paimers il finall y was agreed Ihll IluI
quer. from adding neu lllli densily gla",,, undet lhe waS a good idea .
talTlCl'lI lens al a fan y-five degree angle (10 " reflecI Won: in U ITlC .... completely Stopped while 11'c paIIII'
~ refleclion away") 10 leaving the offending level ers fumed and ~imcd the: back o f every last ttl ..
darlt for one diooIing. lhen ligNing il by ilsel f for a that kvel. ~n......n resumed late. that day . .... l1li).
second run·lhrough . E:.pcnsive and ledious. bon as lhe evcn lhe neXI . lhe camera c re .... started \)'o'Cf 1pUI»
crew uid, " We ~re shooting ~I of III<: .Ituff wilh male sure everything "'001(1 work smoothly "'Ith dMt
mul liple exposure anyway ." new correction , They could 001 check cvery frame (If I
Conquering lhe lighllcaks was nsi<:r-for the cam· scene bul did have 10 run do,,'o to all die crilicalpoUIIl.
I.'r.llTlCn . This involvoo scnding all III<: «Is in lilal kvel checki ng lhe umera moves . lhe appc ..... nce of !iii
back to !he painters for another coal of~inl. Ihis lime SCcne al thaI poinl in the camera findt. , ~ Ii&hl; Ink!
in heavy black . (Laler " 'h;te painl was used for this on ocher k,ds, and IIw: ro<Istaoc rcfk<:t1ons . In 11*
of Ilr mosl ca",ful planning . ...,nlClinlC~ lhe~ ,,'ould era was SO upcn~i"c and why il WlIi used Ie" in laltT
find thai lhe~ were o"crshooling a painl«l ."'. or years . Just 10 SCI up for a held p<!$ilion wilh lhe back-
_ing I Ie,..-I ""f~ all o f ilS pans were 001 of lhe ground 0\11 <:If focus look Ion&<,' Ihan on lhe regular
QIIImI forld. camera. bul lhe resulls were ull$UrpasKd . n.cre "'as
A! !he tamtfll WlIS Io".-erw closer to lhe al1"'oo. also I li_ faclor in just shoolinC lhe: film: 10 ~ tho
..... problems Ippuml b«ause of lhe chan~ of angle depth <:If fltld in the focus for ~UC:h • diSlarw:c •• time
r..... camera 10 lighlS. Alleralions Ihal COlTttIW a ron- exposurt: of SOme: eighl or nine s«onds was required
doIoon alone poim . Iway~ ..,."med 10 'rl:ale a second for every frame: uf film . In addilion . IlICre we", 22
probItm al arlOlhe:r. So hour after hour Ihe canlCTa possible adjuil ments Ihal cou ld be made before each
m" Nck«l up. cbanged lhe: equipnlClu . ~la"W for· funIC was shot: not all wert: used on CVl:ry f~. bul
.ad. bided up. ~ over. chllnged iOmClhing elsc. all had 10 be caleulal«l and wnnen up and tlotck«l for
.;[_11 pIIl1S or lhe scene " -ere working Oawlessly. ~iJClo Ir~ . The upostlrl: sheets were so compIicaled

nos literally lOOIt daY" . eVl:n with a full Crl:w of ro'"C that only highly trained tethnical me:n cwld write
or !-lIlIItn. bul evenlually lhey wcre ready 10 ~hooIlhe the:m-or rl:ad them .
In spitC o f the complications. there _re thrtt K'p<I'
II is u .sy 1<:1..,." why of'CMing lhe muhiplane Cam· rdtc muh iplane earneras working around the clock for
many motIlhs . One cameraman .a id •.. [ wor1<ed almOSI and lhen you'd do anocher. Ihen a distonion: )'cMid
a year on FumM;u. 12 hours a day. I had Ihe night do a diffu sion . you'd do mist; if you'd make one mis-
shift. I" d come in aboUI 6 o'clod: and I"d never gel lake afler you SIan . ." He shook his head al tho
home tillS Of 9 in the morning ." He remembered the painful memory . "You had IU absolutely duplbil:
special problems of shooting a lillie scene Ihal would every move Wilh four or five guys-yoo've gOl a guy
be on the screen for a mere Ihree seconds. yet it had 10 Ihere. arKl a guy lhere-and a- yw'd never make Ilia
be shot [2 ~parate limes 10 gel the sublle effecls that film looay. I guess. ' "
came only from mulliple exposure. "You'd do one Few invenlions ha"e made such a difference in tho
appearance of lhe prodUCI as lhe old mulliplanc CUI>
era. When il was firsl used il was very special. aoothr
public heard enough aboul il 10 know Ihal il ......
qualily in produclion and vi~ual e~c ilcmenl. II .....
good publicily. a grea l adveni sing ilem. and the NIDI
appeared prominenlly in our ads. We well: amazal
one day lu sa an ad fur a Warner Bros. liv.-ac~
fealure, laid in lhe wooded hills of magniflCenllllOlla-
lain<. Ihal claimed the woole piclure had ~n s/IOI
wilh the "Glorious Mulliplane Cameu!" A goodpob-
Iicisl cannOC sum 10 pass up anYlhing Ihal is hoi al thr
[n laler years. when lhe mosl oflen heard quwx.
is. " How can we gellhe same effecl for less ..;~,ff· '
layoul men increasingly have gone 10 lhe optical

Ihislheir answers.
device: Asson;"~':O:";:d:"~";::~~:~;~~,?:
among them
of film Ihal in many ways duplicales I
anliqualed muhiplane camera. long si""" priced
exislence. In Ihis process, called bi -pac k. lhe
ler is shol o n o ne piece of film and lhe background '
shot on anocher. In lhe primer. I,~",,,pi'";"f'"
are combined-somclimes revealing a i
rim-ligh1ing. buc usually producing a , ",,,,i,i,,. ,r.
ing of dep1h 10 lhe scene. For a charolCler racing
lOward lhe camera. Of going away, Of for lhe
10 pan wilh Ihe character Ihrough ce nain r ,,od",,,,
bi-pack gives Ihe besl illusion .

and il is nul
over wilhoul asking questions.
Don Griffilh wenl Over 10 ask aboul the beSI
plan a scene he had for bi _pack. he was lold. ·"·m".
you wanl bi-pack? Why don'l you use Iwo-slripr'
Don asked. " What" s Iwo-slrip?"

He is nul sun: Ihal h:i:;~:7;,:::~r~,:~::;:;:

he says , "The main Ihing is Ihal
masICr peg Ihal used 10 slip and cause lhe
The Mu ltiplane Camera


... '" 1M OliVE 1I0TOI

7 ~\\

') \ ,\


+Jf'"' ~ ~/
') ~,\

~ ') \,\
..," "AC~GROUND !'LAN(

M 1:::1
rim. lighting has been eliminated. and thrre a nd foor ues that each has brought 10 the pieture . Proper hoi-
wips can be wmbined silTMJltaneously. mel a soft focus anee bet"'een these .ounds Can giyc lhe film more life
cln be achie~ on one level (as in the old multiplane). and sparkle. while a lesser job will leave il muddy'"
mel ev~n a see · through effect for an overlay is possi- undistinguished .
ble . While Don Griffith is udtw a!xxll these accom_
Since the process actually call s ror~,:::,::~:.::~
plishments. An Cruicksh~nk. v~teran of the Special thing a second time. it al,;o has been c;
Effect:;; Departn~nt since the thin;~s, $Iill likes the or ··re·re. '· This presents 31\01her octa~ion for
multipla ne camcrJ best. He wishes it could be used onacy and compromi",. The wond ",,,.~" ". h;~~.
again. because I>OIhing can tate its place in achieving dards for what corn.lilute:;; good sound. and he;'
~a1 effects . " 1lle bi-pack is okay for I C'1)lIpk of awan: of whal other sound men will »y about
Ie~b. moving in .nd around, but for a full . six-level " ·on(. Most potential conflict here comes from
scene. it can't do the san~ thing al all." sound man' S very best effOrt 10 gel clear. pu~
Sc:v~r31 uceedingly alert minds around the world on lhe tr..cks " 'hen Ihal mighl 1>01 he the &OiI1 of
ha,-c come: up with a OlIUPUleriud mulliplarM: camera dir«1or . He may he after lhe reality of voices "';::::
thai make:;; all the moVes of lhe separale level, aUIO' in a cro,,·d. lhe confu~ion of noi~ in ~rong ao
,natically. ~nd Ihi ~ eliminalC~ loooe four or five I«h · lhe impact on I'" liSlener if he were the re ! The
nidans who stood around wailing 10 make I sma ll man want., to hear every JOUnd clearly ~nd dI,,,",,,"
move on t"'ir level hanlly often enough to ~member the direclor " 'anIS emotion and invo lvement.
if lhey had done it in (he fi~ place . NQW . when !hey There are 00 ab'iOIutcS in sound ; it is all .,••••
aulomate lhe: position of lhe: l ighl~. their relalion 10 lhe ships . You c~ n havc more highs. or 1llOIl: lows.
c.n~ .. and to lhe ee ls. and figure how instanlly to this. or a touch of thai. or a bit of ~,·crb. It is
effect changes in the cels lhemselv~s as n«euary. it plex. and it is all conlrolled by a sy~lem ,r".".O
rn.>y be economically possible to $Iart planning those: regUlators and buttons that only the " miAt, "
in voh'cd SttrM:S again. l1w:rc lfC n"my wlys today to t<".lOCh. Through this system go alilhe ~,"",""',
make the old device less cumbersome: fot in'tance. lhe same time . and there probably witl be as
the use of sorullier lighls thai throw out as much actual tracts as there are sound he:ads on ,,'hich to;~::::
CantlkpoWCf as lhe old bank of 500 wan bul~ but even whenlhe music has been re·rcc-onkd
wilh vinually no heat .
More likely. how-cver. new U",iii will be found for ,
mel is now on one: track . If the music track
the aslonishing eleclronic invenlions that berome a'·ail· lhe dialogue Cln~ he heard . If the dialogue is
able to lhe imaginatiV<' prod~r and director almoM up. lhe music can~ be "'anI. And i;r "", ~,.'<r..
daily . 1ben. the venerable old liant thai stimulated 50 are gi,-cn a .. ~. .~ apt to Wa!>! you 011
nuony ~rful concept:;; and made w many visual your seat. 11 iii a Ii 'il
d~ams cOme lrue. can be retired 10 Ihe mu",um. 11 s ion of whal shou ld be done . Very rarely ill
p<O\l:d th;!t creative men with detennination eventu- any agreemenl .
ally can find a way and Ihat !he anist who is alcn to 1lle assistant directors and tbe cutters spend
mechanical aids Cln find the assistance he need:;; to put hours pre-puing for dubbing sessions. because:all
his ideas on lhe screen . trach must he in order. with no din
old duplicales from the work tracks mUSI be
Dubbing Th is is lhe tin~ they discov~r lhat the
piece of film lhey thoughl had been 1
This is the: original name for lhe process of combining ally 10M' This is also a tin~ of hope thai the
all lhe: sou nd tracts onto a si ngle track that wilt be Conlaining the bar ,11«1, has been ac<:uralety
prinled on lhe film along with the picture . Some:ho.... 10 date. because this is the supreme aUlhority
the dialogue. sound e ff«ts. and music all have to he stalus of !xxh the picture and the sound uxb.
dubbed togelher without losing any of the ~peciat val - (I()W on lhe", .wo " 'ilI be " 'orl::cd on scpar3lely.
II hipJy advisable mat they fit together perfectly ...·hen Answer Print
"'"'tuaJly they an: printed silk by sid< <m • roll of
r... Anyone ...·ho has shot color pictures of a vacation trip
Oflen, additional rcds containing the sound will be knows WIthe slides or print$ ne""r corne bad looking
-.Ie up jUlt for the dubbing scuion so that one take e~actl y the w.y the scene I PPU..w 10 the eye . The
01 dialogue can be moved off the reel that contains pictu~$ all' a little bluer , or maybe redder, or in 5O<IIC
pWMeS too close together or too different in \l()lume . sU'aIlgC """y not in the same baJantt It all. "The wne
Thm must be enough time for • dubber or mixer to thing happens when film is shot o f the compleled
Ir1I his dials when he blliances everything . A low artwork and Sl:nt to the lab to be developed .
~ cannot be righl next tQ • yell <m the same: nac ~nes come back as " dailies·· and :eeagerly
ntt; it muM be II100VW to another rttl wheR it can be 51udied by a oon«med 51aff. 1'hc ~presentative of tho
-.>lled better. After the s.ound has been checked lab uplains that "dailies" all' never true in color
MII.shihed . nd mea5ured and repl..:ed , cue sheets all' s ince theyall' printcd in whatever bath is available at.
~ up tIIat show the sound men just ...·hat is on each the: time . He IS$llres everyone !hat the: ne"ti." is
ntt, ho;tw long it runs , and what come s up ,",Xl. good . nd thaI .11 Ihis will be ~Ied when the lab
'Ibrse become the guide as reheal"SlLls bring out sug· makes the Ans wer Print. 1'hc big trouble is that tile lab
. ~. . . aai notations of what to uy on the neAt rull . cannot a lways do it . 1.$ }oM HellCh grumbled after
tile mUiic down jUi t a bit and bring up that hours and houn of experimentation. " film j ust won't
"~'.'kI'~W' ",,,,,,,1,,, in there ."' <10 what you think it should!'·
TheIC ~Iic:e runs can take .11 day on a compli· The result. improve each year with new chemical.
and in lhe carly days there was no and proc:esscs , btn for four decades il ...... I Ihomy
a mistake . Whatever happened, the problem that took much energy and many meetings.
to the end, then be taken off, wound Walt even hi..w two key men from Technicolor to
i on t!'le sound heads. ()flIC advise 011 what could be done to irn;\I~' cenain reiUlt
, With ten =1 •• and a CQIlfused s.ound in the final printing, and magnifLCCnt ~sults wue often
I spewy projectiQlIL st CQIlld not make up obtained one w.y or another .
. One assistant diRCt1l1' says h is bl""kest !fa certain visual dT«t ~al1y is nttdcd in lhe film •
!hose rehearsals, for afteT the proper it is wise 10 experiment early to see if a ooopenli"" lab
had been detennined for all the can help in any way, for after the print has b«n made
in tile whole rcc:1 the diRCI01" would be called the:re is ~ery little that can be done . II CIn be dafter. Of
. . _'"." for the first lime. While he frowned with redder 111' lighter 111' bluer , which might m.ake Lhc: over·
appnisal. the film might roll by for 700 feet all scene read more clearly, but il cannot achie"" a
perfect balan<:e; then , for no . pparent reason , • whole new color baJantt. That only can be done by
woold not be heard . or. sound dllltging the original anwork IQ mate list: of 50ch
be . 1'hc diRClOr's comment woold capabilities as are available at the lab. It is often I
when you've got the bugs worked out: ' disappoim ing compromise .
woold return to his room while the rttls ...-ere
_t. re· threaded, . nd nwJe ready 10 Sian Over Foreign Versions
,.., lrom tile beginning .
""' cqII;pm.llt and inventions have greatly simpli· Ordinarily one does not th ink of the special problems
"'hole procedure now. but there an: still deci· of making . foreign version of a film until after Lhc:
be made:, 10m film. pal'1 S that sound thin no initial release. when the box oWl« rc<;eipu indicate
dials an: lurned . heavy . tubby sound! whether the venture is j ustified 111' not . At Disney 's Lhc:
be made: IQ match. f~t ic trips b¥t to the foreign man.ct always has made up a large percentage:
shift or replace a tiny piece of sound . of OUr revenue , stal'1ing wilh that first =ordinl of
over again . . . . Snow Whir.. in another .

-- •
$i.:t!he shorts were Da$ed on sight gqs. the sound As animators we WOI'Idcr about this popularity of
Iud bttn mainly sound effects and ITMJsic. llIe our work in Olher lands , When we have ~ so
"H i. Minnie!" and "Yoo-hoo!" were hard 10 gel good syno--the very best acting 10 maleh
enough t(> he translated in to Freoch. lhe voice lrack and to convince audiences IIIlI the
Ii Spanish. and Ponuguese , But wilh voice is ",.Uy coming OUI of thi5 cartoon ch.aracler-we
of !be fUlures. new considc:radons had 10 are puzzled that lhe figure still CUi corne alive when
man Wah cho5r: for this diplomatic and hi$ voice is chan~. Do we worry 100 much about
_ .. ,., was lack Culling. who had staned as an making lhe li~ and the moulh and the whole fltt
lIIilIked hi s way up to animalor. then swilChe<I speak the lines. or is il this very concern thai mnes
be the first assistant director. In thaI job he lhe character convincing even wilh another voice11s II
evtrything about puning a piclure together. lhe care lhal Jack Cuning used in choosi ng a ptl'$OlUll.
pII~sically and aniSlically. bul his talents lay ity!hal would match what we already ha"" animated.
thai . It was hi$ fccl for the chanelers them· or ;s !here more magic in this medium than we llave
. . . ". "'haI made lhem wort; in tile picmrc that su~pected7 However ;t happens , il ;s extremely graI;'
his vtrsions in Mher languages so unique. He fyinglo know Ihat our lIIork and our vicws on enter·
to malch a deep voice. or a whiny voice. or tainmenl are bringing h.ppi~ss to peoples of all races
but wenl instead for an actor lllhocouid all around the world .
r understood lIIe That's My Character!
n:laliorl$hi~ and 110111 they should play agairLSI
and he sea~he<J umil he found actors in Everyone who has wo rked on a picture will feel thaI
",110 could capture the $ame feeling he made the personal contribution Ihal caused the car·
version we had mad<:. loon cllaneler \0 come alive on the !Creen. The SIOr)"
Jklnlveled Orlen. lived in Europe: for much of each man ... uraJly will feel that the charaCIc:r is his. because.
IS be lumro lhe hlnguages. and be<:ame at · after all. it was lhe Slory work thaI determine4 wbat
i' in Ihe studios and performers kind of an individual this figure would be: and the
and in the films. He worked with the story sketch man smiles because he dre ... the new
",Ti1cn and inlerprclers in rinding the best character. made the CIprr:Mions. showtd how he would
keq') the spiril of a line rather Ihan just the look: and lhe director knows that il was he who pulled
. Ind used his lraining and his judgmenl in all these lalents logether and kept insisting llIal the
the vo~ ta!cm during tile recording sessions. figure lOCI a cenain way: and all the time lIIe actor who
in lhe native country did lhe voice is $.I,yi ng. "Well. I know he's my char·
i I because of the availabilily aclt r because he ', me; I did him!" And the animator
lCIon and pilnly for the ....tur,r,1 feeling th;u nods knowingly. because 00 one can deny that he 5C1
the phrasing and expressions. the final nKXkl and broughl him 10 life . and lhe _is-
M the popularity of the piclures grew in Europe and lanl knows Ihal wilhoul hi s work lhe chanocler would
.• II'IOre and I110fC languages were dubbed in with never have relOChcd the """",n, llIe person who sekctcd
k~~~~~m;,"~':ic and sound effects: all of the Scan· lhe colors. IllcoK lllho pilinled the eels. even those who
~ ""ere reprncnled. as "'-ere the Mid· carefully checked 10 ..,. if Ih;s d ....lOCte\' had .11 his
w. lapan. Korea. Thailand. and even India in I bul1on5; the cameraman wOO she!; the scenes; the _nd
version of Bambi . If . piclure WaS popular in miler who gave the spec ial sound 10 the yoice--(o all
II popular around Ihe world. of them . he is/hei, cl>aracler! This is as it should be.

" Unless everyone feels thi s closeness 10 the end prod.

uct. the dedication will not be there and the nrttSSary
care will not be laken 10 inwre lhal lhe end ruuh will
II time in that country. be the finesl anyone can do.
T_y·four frames of film ... projected every-'. The LaYOUI mandoes abouI halflhat many: Ibm: Layouc
.,111 ",vnaj d rawin" 011 each fra"", . men: 22.SOO drawillp.
Then: i•• he background drawi", .hroughoul. plus .. The animalor makes .. Ita$! fi ve drawinp for cYC"f)'
_y '" four 1e...,ls of drawing' laid over il. For one Ioc keep'. bu! Ioc does ooly aboul • founh of lhe:
,MWICe: atlUal <In. ... i"" in lloc IKe... . lbo. would he: 11 '.200
A. Midcy·o It,. and feci ( ...·hich cIo 001 ........ c).
.ime$ , • S76 .000 dra .... in" from IU .Ioc Inima«lr$
combined .
B. Mick.y· , head I nd body ( ..·hich do """v.) .
Thc inl:>c:."·ee ..... do .1oc 34S.6OO leA in .I:>c: ~ .....
C. Plu,o . QlK"e in ruff. <>n« in (:QrI«'iooo. and aKlin in flnal:
pornops 1.036.800.
D. Plu"'·'lli l (,,·hich ....,'
The clean.up men mj,aw all.1IO animo.on· d",win, •.
1'roNblc: ...raK' of 4 d"''''inl'' por frame lim.. 24
keepin, ""ly aboo. 0fIC of e~ery .hm: .hO! lIIc:y draw .
va - ' •

fl"lOn01 96 drawio, •.
11~.200 'i ..... 3 - 343.600 .
!16 draw,"IS I seawl Ii ...... 60 - '760 d ra ..·inp I
o..."" np by all per>OMCl of gap. carieM"'", ....
of how 10 ,.. 10 _ _ ., hou~. capLan •• ion. I ....
Tho: pietu .. i, 80 minu,,,, long. suW'-'ions for new >lagi,,« would c.,.ly IOUI 2000
Then:..., 460.Il00 1OIa1 drawin" for film.
d ra .....

This mokes.he follo wing va<td lotal :

Bu! thoH are;"~ .i>e finished dra ... io,. (which will
be pu. 00'0 ""II and pain,ed. for .noll,ct 460.IIOO!) . In.pira.ion.l ,h."" ,"000
S'orr Iokc«:h 75.000
I. be,1O ... i,h .he: inspira'ionll . kcloh mu. Ik u. · uY{)U· 22.000
(\Oo,j t.l.dly did 1000 d",wio,o. , ke.che •. do<>- Anint ....... 576.000
d~ . ....,In:h. Ind fi nll. In])e,w...... 1.036.800
No •••• he <101)' , k.teh "",n . Each man doc ••, Ie... 2(] A"i$lanlS 34S.600
drawings IdlY. 100 • ,,·eek. SOOO. year. IS.OOO !-'ni.hed «I. 460,80(1
dwi", .he .hm:$ i •• ake. '0
make the pO<:.u ... . 1.517.200
five ... n WOUld .asily do 7'.!XXl d",winp on cath MiKeU.....,... . ke ...... 2,000
fc""", f,lm. T",al drawinp 2.S I9.200


A f........ film ""' ,. be nne hou, •• n minu.cs Ion,. 100al.
min,mum . A. nine. y f.... of film proj«.ed .very min- The ....'" .i . moo .... of ~""h bef~.he film
UIt. Ibt:.. are 6300 fee •• 0 be animo'cd. Ilowev.r. ,nc5 iOlo pnxhlC.ion . The ... i. 0fIC year of WO<t on
..,., OJ .... y filOl' " ..... obou' .en minu.e. longer. ""'Y. planning . .,yling. uponnlOnting. Ind "",ard·
'Olilini 7200 f« •. ina bef~ .nint •• ioo i. begun.
Ten fee. a ,,·eek was .he avcrag. OUlf>ll1 of an Anlmo,i"" ,ak••• • half.
lOin,."", 00 ,hi •• ypo or OClion: 5Q01O did more. $Ome Si. moo.hs follow·up .ime tlCeded for cltln up.
ku . ..". ....'" usually had 'cn men ..·110 coold do ,hil. color. OIu.k. c ........ '""'_
Ten men do;na ten fee •• ,,·ee k " ..,.,]d 'ake 12 erand 100aI: .hree ~ars Ii. moou.s, If ,!locI!...,
.. <d. '0 do 7200 f.... . Add 10 IhM boIidays. ~aca· "" . ..... rophes. (fwcnty ... imacon do;n8 fiflccn f....
•iano ... in"" roId~ .• 1OlIc:h of flu. sl~ml'S. miSlat .. . • ...... k could do it in .i. montll$--Ou •• !Ioc....... not
..h scmc or I...., .hM has to be done ~r. 78 ...... h . wen.y ani_.on ,,·ho can do even len f« •• 'lll«k!)
13. The Uses of Live Action in
Drawing Humans and Animals
"Tllis i, " I'ery impo,wm IhinK. Thue (,r~ so In""), I"'''I'/e 5Wrling in "" Ihis . ,,,,d Ihey mig/" go hay· .... ire
if''''Y don-, kilO'" hoI<' I<J u:;<> this Ii". aerioll in anima/illg," Walt Disney

Our ((rm "Ii,'t: ;I<:(ion" refers here to (he filming of many job" and i( led to !lome imp<>11ant di,coveries.
ICI\lI) for
animals) performing scenes planned for car- Livc adion could dominalc lhe animalor. or il could
toon charoclcn. before animal ion begin" ., comparcd (each him . It could ,tine imagination, Of in'pire gr<:al
to "re&ular animalion, .. which develop, emirely rm", 'ICW ide~s. It ali depended on how Ihe li\'c aClion waS
III 3Iti~fs imagination. The direct usc of li"e anion concei"cd and ,hoI and used.
mmhas b«n P"" of the ani,,,.lion inJu'I'), for yc.~ In Ihe early 1930s, animalors drew from ltoe "mel
>i ." .id 10 animation. a companion to animal ion. anJ regularly. bul a, the necessily grew for more intricate
(,"cn as a replace",,,,,t for animation. From lime to movement and conv;n<:ing acl;on ;n our film" lhis
lime. almos, ~,'cry ,(udiu has fa llen back on a ,(rip of type of ,talic study quickly became inadequate . We
li.'t fi lm 10 pcrfecl a specific aClion animalors wen: had 10 know more, and we had to draw bettcr 10 3crom-
t;)[ able 10 carlon;. AI the Dj,ncy studio. filmed "",ion plish whal Wall Disney wanlcd. SonIC IICw wayl\ad 10
\lfh.mans and ~nimals was u,ed in many ways (0 do be found for an ani,t to sludy form, in movemcnt, ~nd
for this to be useful it had to n:late (0 the ";Ofl:. on OUr was a gold mine. Fn:ddie M~ had the
drawing boards . Running film at half·speed in OUr i 1 Ii
action :malysis classes wa~ helpful fur ~ gencr.11 under· ran the Collins film over an<! over on
!>landing of ..... igh. and thmslS and coun.n thrus.s. bu. ~arc hing not so much for Specl rlCS as for !be
Ihe principles wen: not difttlly applicable to anima· CCIlttpt o f a chanK:ter. 1lM:n he sal down ;. ~:.:~
o. tion . Our instructor Don GrJham had chosen c~ nain and animatn! a couple o f s«nes that fairly
fitm ~gnw:nlS as dear. isolatn! examples of move· with frnh ideas. Wail I Urned 10 the men gIIhtmt
ments he could U.<C in hi~ lectures. bill. " 'hile ,hey the s ...·ea'b<u and .aid. " Why don'l .... e do 0I0fl:
gave uS insight into an iculation. they were slill eSSCn- this?"
,ially classroom uerci"!' •. ImlMdia.ely other comics ...·en: "".!"i.~"
One day. during a discussion of how the Snow Wlti,.. , ainers from vaudeville. men "'00 had done voira
C .....II....... dwarf Dopey should ItCI in a panicular silUalion, 5Ome- lhe OIher dwarfs; all .... ere put before lhe:
one suggested tll:lt his oction~ might be similar to those roulines were filmed. jusl i II
of burlaque comedian Eddie Collins. This led 1O~~ery­ expressions that mighl help doh""ale a
one'slloing down to Ihe theater 10 _ the exceptional o ...·n storynw:n who had 3 spec Ial I
Mr. Collins perform. We inviled him 10 the studio. <.Iragged tu ttoe sound stage. I
and a film was shot of his innovative interpretalions of grJIphed each Olhcr. As Bill COll...,1l .uill ~ellfS
DopeY'I n:actions--a completely ~w COft«pt thai .. .. all _nl> 50 am~'curi~h _ b u t ;t ""as r... '
began to breathe li fe in10 the linle canoon cha rac,er.
Dopey had been the "leftover" dwarf. with 1M) p,an ic-
"'<OJ fun!"
probably ttoe most important dement of tNt
And thai spirit of fun and <ii,

ular per'$Oftalily and not even a voicc:; so, now. 10 sa: No .... ,,~ had fi lm 111:1. had been shot
•he possibility of his becoming somc:one speci al. and. directl y related to lhe ch"r~ctcfl,", W," d'. . '••.•
panicularly. someone entenailling. was 311 uti. ing even though ttoe ItCllnB was crudo. we ~Il p;cked
moment! And best of all. ev~thin, Collins had iIlg-
itkas 10 enrich .... r Sttnes. We ;:~~~"r;:;~
gested Wali on film. there wen: 1WO distin<.:tly different"
Then: was nUlhing in the film th~. could be copied be used. As resoun:e material. It gave" ~n overall'
or used iUSl. the way it wali. bul as 5ClUrce material it or a . .... ith gcslUre~ and an itudos. an
ooald be Cariooluml. Ai a I1l<XIrI for the figu<c in
••.m'lIItnl. it could be studied fr~me by frame \0 I'\: veal
W ~.d" of a living (,mn' s actions .
"'1 ilia! time. tile only .... ay of studying live action
fnmo by frame was to trace the film on our 1'OI0SCQPe
llldulle. This was i imply a projector co.wcned to
b.:us one image al a time. from belo w. onlO a square
" ..""." mpullled in a dra".-ing boord . When draw.
III paper "1\5 placed ("~ till' glass. tracing after Ira';ng
could be made . each sheet kept in register by pegs al
toe IJQaom fA Ihr &las" It ,,-as lCdious " m and time-
CWIIUrnins. but Ihis was the way il had been done for
...tnl)' ~ars .
'-'1I;III1II'y, Wall changed that s ituation in a hurT)' .
II< had lbe fil m processing lab .... ork OUt a ~yslem of
,n.tins f<l<: h frame of 3 film onto pholOgraphic paper
* same SiK a~ our dr~wing papu. l1Ic"" 'ih«IS.

I ~~~::~:~~::~':~",:'~"~;' :h<~n punched 10 fit

animalor could
the :.cllon by flipping "frames of mm "
IIdward anoJ f.,.,..-ard. just as he did his dra"-ings .
Hrtt ooukl be ~n c'"CT)' tiny deuil o f changing sha~,
-.I reiatioonships in the muvcmems. Al last. lhe ani-
cwld $tudy a ll of tM n'ystencs th~t had in-
them so Ionl .

;~:,;'~'=~:<:d:.;';what we saw
far tnOfI! . The human form
o~~nJl ""ti,·ity
II was not jusl the chest work_
agairu.l hips. or tM backbone bending around. it
~ bulk of the body pulli ng in . puShing out •
. Here ""Cre Hving eumples of
. principles th~t only had Ixc:n
And he~ WlIS the ·· follow throogh ··
i action:· tM Changing shapes. -,,- \
theCOOntef tcMioos. the ,.·cight sho,.·n
··timing:· and the '"exaggeratiun· · -unbelic v.
f I
:::::-:'::;; Wc thought had IKen urawing
• but heu= "·c~ examples surpassing any-
we h.d done . Our eyes simply are no1 quick
~~ ;,::""~ " 'hoIe aamut o f mo\'CrtlCnt in the ""j'
Somt lClioos wcU= so cumplicau:d they ,.'ere impos· , /-\
:~:~~,::~::~::r';:';:~:too /
ny of to capture
the: mcwes that
}\ \
tlte ' it tumW. [he changina
-.", .,,'<. the slight s" ",,n ina of a cheek in a
\ - ' g:C-' ~--~

A~ 1~
fl" '. 0

- -
t\a:lins smile . 1M raisi ng of a ~kler as the body that is there . with an impartial lao.:k of emplLal;is_ On
IIIntd fo.....n -thc.'sc wen: the precious elements of lhe other hand . an artist sho .... s ...·hat he sees is there ,
1m ~~lICd by 11M: camera. especially thaI .... hich might n<)l be percei ved byoth-
But .... her.eve. we SIK)"'d 100 ~ 105C 10 tile pllQlOS la lS. ers . His dr-dwings can be closer to the true realism of
1)1 directly copied even a liny piece of human action. an object because he can be 50Clectiye and personal in
IIr InIIIIS looted vcry mange . TIle lTIO\'es appe~ wlLal hc c ltooosC's to sho.... . From the phoIo5uu, the
InI enough. 001 tM figufT lost the i llu~ion of life . animator chooses only those actions that relate 10 the
Wti a cenain authority in lhe movement and a flQint o f hi s particular scene: then he strengthens t~

until the y become the dominant action. with every-
cmoIionaJly action. but it waS
wilh this thing else either eliminated or subordinated . Whit
creature who was IlCVff a l1:al inhabi- a~ars on the Kreen is a simple , strong, dir«t ! 1aIC-
flnUlSy world . men t that has clarity and vitality . TIle spirit and life
No! until we r.!al i~.ed Ihat photOgr-dphs mu St be ha ve be..n g.i ned by adapt ing the human form to an
in Inimitable SMp."S (our pro.-cn loois of art is!"s own designs, thc shapes and fonns that be ~s
Ii "'en: ...·c able 10 lransfer Ihl ~ kno,,·I· in reaching an audience . This is no m«< than ,,-hat
animation. II was not the photographed art ists al ways have done . M ichel~ngelo 's magnifICent
ao actor 's swelling clM:e k Ihm mancred . il statue of David . for all of its power and beauty. has
!be animated c""," k in oor drawings thai had IQ soch liistoncd normal proportions that Dayid would be
-::::=;;:.~ .~:~~::::~ to m. kl' (he canoon figu..., a strange looking apparition ,,'cn: he to be met .... a1kin'
~ SlIme nlO"cmc: nlS U tile li,-., 3oC'''f. wilh down the greet. 1lIe COi:lebnted Venus de Milo could
WIlt timing and the 1HImc: stag ing. bul. because not even fil into modem clothes, and most of the other
, hapes calle.J for a diffcre oce in propor- classic be~utic s of art, who have enthralled men for
the figu", and ils modd could not do Ihinp in ~enlUrics. would_tInCt only SlUQ of ama«:ment at_
!be Nlme ... ~y . 1lIc actor's mo~emen t~ had to social fuoction . 1lIe point is: a woe"\; o f art is never a
••.~~, • •,.'" in lhe ...·orld of ourdesigM and .h~""s copy; for ill0 meaning to people of many genera-
tions and numerous c ultu res. it must be the personal
As long as ,,-e remembered to use the phoIoslals s tate ment of an artist.
as I ",fnell« in making our o,,'n Slate"",m of 1lIc firsl li~e,ac:t ion films " -e had ~ ,,"'re for
be in the Sttl"le. oor animation " 'as ne,'er ",fe",occ only. and il was pure chance that 500lCthing
Our drawi ng ability had 10 inlprove. fit ei the r Our story continuit y or Our sound tracks. /lut
of anatomy and ao.: t;og had to iocrease. il was n<)l long before one of uS had pic~ed 00\ an
had 10 de,,,,lop. but ..... ith an aWre- action be liked on a piece of film . synced it up with his
t Di§.l1Cy .... ~tcf1ing e"el)' line .... e made. sound track . made a couple o f adjuSlment~ in liming •
...·as IUlomatic-difficull, bul expecled . Our ~n" then incorpora ted thaI action imo his ~ nimat ion .

: :~~.~~~~::::::;
Soon " 'e were s hooting film for sp«ir~ ~CIICS or
a force.
befon: . This look study andand a richness
analys is and iipecial actions. so that an animator would not ~~e 10
. but 0I'Itt a mo"co~nt " 'as undcrMood it spend too much time searching for "'lennt material .
('QUid be i!lC'Ol"Jl'O<"ated into cartoon tern's . We A~ a dirtttor shot more and more of his cartoon
break with rOloscope . continuity in sequcrn:e .... ith live acton . he began to
~ure ...·hy a peociltracing of a live "'31;,.( that this was a ...·ondcrful opportunity 10 check
should look so stiff and unnalurnl on the planned busint$s and staging befon: it ,,'as animated.
~i",ply is no realily in a ropy . 111e This was alw an c ~ccllcnt way of cSlabl i~h ing catly
~ learned this in art classes, bu t . .<ome- communication .... ith tm: anim ator himself. for bere
film of a moving model made lhem was something tangible to diKU~S . l11c Klion was on
" 'as different . 1lIc ca"",,,, ~r­ filn •. and thc director and animalor could build from
...·hat i, there, but it records r ...· f'y'lring tm:re , adding or cun ing, doing more or doing less.
snn,thrn ing or modifying: but . ~l lust. lho:y \" cn: "" 'cal what is I\;af>Pl!ning. or il i~ lighled so Ih31 " '1Ia1
1IIrIlllJ: from 1M ~ poinl.
All of Ibft demanded Il"IOR' 0In: in tho: pbnnin~ and
you " 'lim 10 _ i) in sh3dov." (}tt..,iorAlI), lilt fOOUlJ('
" 'iII ~ho,,' o nl y ronllnuil)' of an actor lt1QVing from one
lIoooI,,'1 of li~f ""lion film . If the Ima~e on tho: film pl ace 10 allOlhc:r. or jl,lSI,ing. til' gelling ;nlo posl'
_'1\ righl. a "~ak animal"'" tou lll ,~l by '""ilh it and;l lion 10 do sOIll"lhing ime"" , ing lal~f on . Tnc aclion
\' it evell belter. Howe"cr. if muSI be "at:cd wilh enough delin;ti"" and emphasis 10
Ih"c "",ion ,,-as poorly plan... d, or staged in ~

:~::':':lII:Inntf. il wQUk! ~au~ trouble for

I (\'(1)"
dir«1Or ,,-oold do bene. \0 lhro,,· the film
"'If and.un .frel'h with tho: ... im'".... and hi. )turr'
11•••1. Es!oCnlially. the film .hoold be considered a
ilCp in 1m, v;syal <kI'clupnl\:nI of the StU!'}'
_ m,Ll. like . n . d".",.,(1 s lory s kct,h . and i, . hOllld
..'ilh that purpose in mind . Hefon: going Ol"cr

::~ ::~"=.gc.lhc di=tor . bould late.

is pbnninllO shooc and ask
h;InJ look

b llIis m.lcri~l really r(lIdy 10 go inlo animation?

~ lilt t..Jli",,~s fi t It.,, , tory'! The Char.lClcr'.' Is it

""" rOf the mood. the tempo. the 01".,,,,11 idea'!
TM ..'look pt'tI'dwriM """ "'",. p<I"...."..rNl i~ IN ""';"1
of lnKiaJ anioN, /11 ,1tI. SUM J« Slftpinllkauty. f __
Is ~ fIIltNininl~ I, it jllSt SQmd:>od)' ""ying _ ,,,., '4'. Itl,_, .....,.
F.".,SI N""dl, . 1)0" G'iffin.. (Ut;/ T_
~ d~Ioj;\Ie. or is it I s ituation thaI gj"e> tl!(, Codrirl< ,Mrt 'M;' 1".,_, "",r1,,,,,,,.
rl""'"s fA Krill_
..... , (",J II.I.M S'anlr,' di«,... ,h." "II.. ~ i,h ,h. di'ff'
1(101, ch~~ '0 build and C(m lribu le?
10f", CI,yl, "a,rry" G",",omi: S"I,,,,'i.in8 Im;"""01' ""J
.~~ .... ~Ji ,""'" f :,", I ..""", n'";"" $ ,,,., sc'ipt ~,ltil~ pro.
Un h:ipptn to lie! Some: funn), action...- "" ... bu,i- J""rioto <k ..gM.,\I.... Sl~ ~"''' _k,• • ~.. IN .........'" _ ,.
ml."ill;1 rot? Can thi~ be I,IS/:d casi l)' and cff« · 110.1 """dr. IN «r-o, ,'''', Nu ""~II plallMd.
bdi! Oats ;t animate as it is? Will it m:I~e: a good
_ ? WOlild I Ix" ucitw if I had 10 animale it"!

Am I ~tping the ani mator by ~ho<)ling Ihi ~. or will

i: be l(lUih 10 handle once: ;1 is on his boo,d '~

on the ,.,age .... ith tbe ....;en.:

and lilt X t...- ...:::od). be ,lIould n·"",mb... ,
film director Stank)' Kuhrlc l ' , t,nal
" Is anything happ.:n"'~ .... >nh put1in~ un

":::,;.',:;::::~'~e" ~plion:Iny i,.., _or an ~n'ma·
a,k the man" ho ultimalely "ill " ~_IIOIUC-Wpurfr"",Copf. IIO<II;tMdonis'~
tbt 1«nes to belp plan lbe 00""""
on the Dt>tr BoI"C"'y rI'~s"'",,, ;-tl_i.~ pr~ <II M, .
SIItN III ,lti. SUM f'- PcICf Pan . TN FOP _ T«b
AI"""" aJ",,)'S " 'hen >ou1«>IK: eI", ~> fitm
Ih~ 1>00,. ~"DI;n,,,~ ",Ii"" ,'''', .. _Id"" diJfint/l to Q~;'
. . ."maIQf lhe ~amc"''' ;1 I"" far back . ur I"" mUl, ronl'ir/Ci"gly, K·hilr an ""iJ,n,if/rd rhlltl tJ<:IQI' pl"1'
. ..., I~ a.;tion is s iaged al the ...· fon~ an~ k Itl 'N .'okallttd,·,," /Hi1f(',,' TiV' UI)' .

M ulremely dear. but neither over.t<:ted nor so sublle roecessarily make il right for that place in the piocIu~
is very difr",uh to jud~ "~::~::,:,:~~;~'::::
111.31 il f. ils to communicate.
p/tlrGlralt(!. On:at can: in the IDoocing prodU«d :K"enes on film doing something is wonh the e~ lra
au pu.,toI,J 11111 W~n: iO lUttiOC1. $0 rich. and $0 ... ell ~Iaged lh~ 1 il Can b( shortened in ao;",atioo w;thoul Io!.i"l
".. rAlq IIUUI "..
lbey could be CUI illlo lhe cominuil),..,.,1 almOSI like a value. Conw;:dy roul ines and pr.:r~rit)'-""ildift,
<IS "JlrQ il~'"
r~I}"l",d rlRl rough leit of animation . U"",·c '·er. they ...-en: nor lake tilTlC': they clnnor be IUshcd . 'n.e
lbe W"li",t pieces of Kling onc might u~t in a li~ animalor mliSt decide ...·lIt:ther I
action film, b«ause Ihese imaginalive scenes had been tant devdopment with t i
c&n:fully planned for lhc medium of ,,"';';awn: . Usual l)' or just ,t",' ching oot the
we use.:! attors whose talents included comedy. inven- Usually we did IlOl USl' 11

tivcne~$, and e,""aliv;ty--as wdl II-!l CQIlsid.:rable ,hoat- ocling and the charactcr"~ voice 011 lilt: sour>d
rica l nperience . As the ",suit of building scenes wilh since we found thaI actors had a ICndcllCy :~;~:
~uch people, incorporating TlC'W ideas. searching for a Ume interpretation '0 both performances.
10,,0 IMaM'
way tha, communicates be,rc. or offers n>OIl: en' er_ .... ant(d w~s somrone who coord add to the
;0 IAil IUM uf
·.,IIU wi/rA";,,, tainmenl. lhe live action film gave the animator a performance . come up ...·ith a new dimension .•
iam . springboard '0 go beyond ",hat ho could II.3ve imag- of doing itli1lU no one else had s ugges ted. T~:::::
ined himself. ....e needed an ;nventi v( :.tClOr fl"Csh 10 lhe ...·
We photographed anything that might pro'''' help- .... ith no precoocqMions 10 limit his imaginal .....
ful .• nd soon we disc...,..,,,,,,, thai the limin, of a clever 11Ie sound track was 00 a record. ,,·hich. ~:::~
actor could make I mild gag hiluioos. tllltt an e"peri- played OVer and OVer while the ac,or wlS n
eneed siage comedian ...·oold offer SlI'" ways of 5tal- and trying out ideas for timing and clw"acler.
inl ' 5C"CTIe's business. th<ll another talent miJht suggest when the scene: actually ...·as shot. a recot"dUlJ
8,(Jl~.q"' dt· ways to put life into actions that had been conceived mad<: of lIN: sound as heard on tilt: stage" ,,,;~
.d 1M slap,rid simply as continuil),. Some actors ga.,." back only what After a "tak(" .... as ,hosen ",'..,1111 days latet.
oJ " ..i"';OI'I was asked of them: o thers ....ere uger to lake O'o'er ~nd ",cording waS replaced by tOO original track. m',,"'
llot" 1«ON!·
tell us how 10 do our whole production . In bet .... «n. in sync .... hat had been r~ded on ,"" stage . I
tllt:re was a group who enjoyed workin, on a role. actions had been devised that r((juin:d mort I
buildin, character. and finding ....ays to make it mem· b(t .....,.,n lines of dialog"". the", was no "","_
OCiIble . ing the lrack al that point: ,;0. the needle ..-as I
Many times a performer ..."OUld devise a piece of from the m:ord and the scene .... as shot ··",ild.··
business $0 funny. so unusual and appealing, lllat (~ry. the film carne. back from lhe lab. the
one ..."OUld b( sold on il immWialely---tllindni 10 the animalor juUIed the pktu,"" and the sound
faet that iu length would ~Iow down the pact: of lhc and forth unl;1 lhe y had lhe b(St sync
itOI)'. Just beeaU5C some: business is funny dou nor athie~. Sometimes a new ;nlerpreutioo
Have Been Successfull y Animated

... ne«:5Sit~ted doing the ..1i~I<>g"" over with a differ· died more easi ly. This would be a mislake. for sp«l.a·
COl or e~pn:S5ion; tlLlII se<juence ...'oold he lors ""rd It) ha~e .... meone or somelhing lhey un
lhe nUl lime lhe "voiu lilen!" ' belie,'c in . 01' lhe piclure faUs apans . In TM RrKWrI.
reason for 001 m.'<.roing all lhe )'OUn~ lirl Prnny "'"as .... rrounded by a ""hok (.lSi
at CJIIe session , of broad characlers; bul .... hile lhey enriclled the MOf)'.
It became increasi ngly imlX,rUnl In ~hoose jll fl lhe they did noI carry it As W"olie s~ld afterward. ·· N,w.
~wr (or Ihis Iyl''' or he ;l<; lion, since il ...·ou ld the liulc gid was !ii' behev~hle ! Alilhose things ~nlUnd
SIKh an inn""nce un the <kvclopmenl of I char· her wen: gKal. bul you ""edcd Ihal si ncerily .··
IIZ'I p:rsonalilY. and eVen on Ille entertainmenl val .... n.: s,ncerity in lhat case came from careful planning
comc:diaOls ";ere versalile enough 0( lhe Ke""" to make use 0( Ihc most appealing ~
anllcs for charactCI'li in one piclure aller of Ihis lillie characlCf. Some miSttllanoous scenes had
• bul (or IIle nJO:<il fill" "''C wanted a differe nt been mmed o( lwodifferenl fivc· ynr-old girl s . .... lh.1
Obviou~ly. the li untsman in S"" ... lhe animator could slUdy Itow a child of that agc mo>'ed.
never be portrayed hy lhe same man who bUI lhere was '''' alternpl 10 ",cord special mOVelj or
Mr. SIner in Pn", P",•. aclual SCeneS after lhal. Inslead. ,he effort had gone
~lIy. lhere will be a cartoon character K· into findinl lhe righl Ihings for her 10 do and lhe bc$I.
5Ubd~ role. or such careful planning. "''''y for IlcT to do lhen, . II is .~iom~l it lhat boy or girl
is vinual1y no roOm for ""w conee",s from characlers can be done more easi ly in live IClion Ihan
IIle role romes 10 life with lhe proper in cartoon. and Ih.l One ,~hou ld no! do lhings in •
llIe visual image Should maleh. and nOlhing ~an(Jf)n beue. done in live acl ion, I~owever. if Ihat

The Huntsma n needed no more (X'rsorullity. no philosophy had been (ollowc4 O,'er lhe years. the",

:~.;:::';':';iStosc:e"". had been so " .."II coneci"ed ...-oold have been no S......• Whitr. roo Cindrrrila. no
loot convinci ng to make hif s;ni~. PtlU Pan . nor most of lhe f(.al"'rcs lhal Ihc Disney
bdic,.,,~_ studio produced . To make a ",Inighl" Chancier con·
Of roursc. 1M", is alw.y~ I !.il: problem in making vincing and inleresling ""Iuircs llreal c"'3live effon . h
"rul" or "straighl" charoclel'li in our pictures may lake imallinalion and a kn<, ... ledgc of Mh "Of)'
-;,::!~ :~:rwn~lilY In carry Ih.!ir pan of IIkl sto- and animal ion. but lhere is ~Iway, a way- if lhe sl~ff
~ dirttlor Woolie Rcilhemliln has »id. is sman enough 10 find il and willing 10 WOf~ hard
a'! of aniJIIJlioo lends ilself least 10 reil people. enough to accomplish il.
_ 10 .-:oric3lures and illusioos o f a pc,,-." <knenlly s peaking, if lhere is . human <:hano<;1(' in
: ::.:": is misintcrpreled by many 10 mean a Siory . il is wise 10 draw lhe pc"- wilh as mIlCh
: ",·Ito h.." 10 be represented as real caricalu", as the role will pennil. Early in lhe -sIOf)'
bo: ~(1 oul of fealure r'hns. lhal lhe Morics developme nl, Ihcse qucsl ion~ should be "'ked : "0nc5
.....,,'"'w,'" broad ~ h~r.lclers who ca n be han. this Char,ICler have 10 he Slrai ghl'"' "Whal is lhe rok
hu~?" If il is ~ prioc~ or a hero or a sympa- re""h up comfor1abl~ 10 danu ",ith a young gil l? The
from lhe audicnu heighl of each dwarf had 10 he planned. not in relation
>lory ..."Oft. . It..:n It..: chl""'ler mU>I be to lhe girl doing lhe Ii,.., action bul to her canoon
f but noc necessarily in a re~tricted propor1ion~. derived from the photoslats of her danc-
In 101 Dalm(llians. Roger and Anita had to ing . For the scene to be eff~tivc. il ",as important Ihal
trt~o:d ... ~al people because o f tt..: genuine ron· lhe dwarfs should no! str~ in or he awkward as they
their pets: yel they _re drawn w ilh reached to take her hand . Fortunatcty. with Ham Lu, kc
lhan tho: pri nu in either Sow'" Wltif~ ... shooo:ing the li~ action. a ll such details were c"", fully
design o f the " 'hoIe piClure .• ~ well as covered
~lory. pennincd the: .nimalor more It is not worth the trouble of filming simply 10=001
in ~prc"'ntation . ~ Badu ns ~nd Cruella a change in ,i1.t as a c haracler co"",. d()!;Cr (0 lhe
~ broa!I.r roles and cou ld be drawn wilh more camera. but if a nlajar pan o f lhe design o r a sec"" i.
them more inter- ~ on Sianling perspccli"e or the "'Ialionship of
>lronger. In • the lillie girl had several character,; working in penpecli"". then ~ g~at
~he wa~ the hean of tile deal of Ihe unimalor 's time may be saved by first
alld Snoop~ L"UU ld be wild . romic fig _ proving out the effecli veness of lhe: scene on (,1m .
they w~re no! sinister. The same ~I Megy applies to the action o f the inan-
"bmevcr t,,'O or more ani maled characters arc in inl~le objects lhal might be in ~ scene . Ro ll ing bamls.
SttIlC:. illlemlat ing in ...·ay. lhat ~'" lrue to falling trees. avalanehe:s. maving car.; . wagons. and

~~~~~~:;'i:':i :':':'i~:• iltionis difficult
st~ging caton be par-
tllin. are all tirtle o(on,umi"g and tc<.lious for an ani_
anil11al~ malor 10 maSlcr. and Ihey are ques ti onable c ' penses In
>hannl a space. moving them aboul the ani"",tion IJudget " 'hen traci ng sue h things from
thtir Mtpping QIl eaeh ~her. " 'hiie kttping a photOStats will gi~ jusl as good result,. if not hellel .

In l'i1lo«h;o. Siromboli locked lhe: linie fellow in a
if some crit ical ""ling is large bird cage made of ben! Stick s. which boonc-ed
the sceneinislhe: scrnc
s hot "'ith. and swung as his wagon bumped along Ihe cobble-
IIle actors mOve around in a "'~y Ihat stone streel s. The cage e>"cn had a s mall peICh insi<lc
110 the animalors. e' ·cry..... will be""fit. that was s" 'ing ing in a scparale aclion . This iMriule
C1art W2S li~n the Stt"" to animale o f lhe objccl "'"QUld have been almasl impossible to d"'...· in
.::,~~:~~::~ " 'ilh Snow Whilc-l he: on ly long the fil'!ol place . let alone 10 cap'urc the .... dght and
~ dimensions of Ihe dwarfs' room C(lnv incing mavenw: nt of its action. However . the poinl
char~ctel"l' Ihrough their move-
tilt \Cate of the of the scene "'~' not the cage but I'ioocchio's ",action
Animating the decrease in the lirr s size as she .... hile inside. calling r... help. Thai "",ion in itsc:l fwas

~ ;:~~::'''~'':'~'':'''~:•'''butwasronlrollcd
difflC\lll enough f... any animalor. and rOllun,"c1Y lherc
the matchingby,,·or\;-
perspec- " 'as no need 10 add more expense to (he ~ne by
Lcs animated from imaginat ion havi ng wnlCOne work o~r and o~r on the dr."'ings
scene amazin gly convincing and added cre- of til<: ., winging cage. A model cage was built at half
the "hole sequence . size. and il ",as fIlmed so il appc.'ared to be the lighl
dancing ~nes in I slOry should he . hot e arly scale and ...·cighl for both the little puppc1 and the:
'~:~ :_:ghoul the: musical number. ",iller ,,·agoo . The a nimal'" lhen ...·oritc<.l .... ith uxinp from
• pi«cmeal ...·hen an animator nttds photOStats of the s",inging cage •• llemp'ing to match
. Obviously lhe chorwgraphy will be richer if a the act ing he " 'a nted with the cha"~ing pcrsp«tive~ of
it all. inslead o f leavi ng it up to the the bouneing cage . It was a nightm are to animate. bul
.. f,,,,"
,~, o f some SlOf)·man. In the !iCtne a spectacu lar Il\ealrical dev M;e .
there waS a special problem w ith Snow In 1948. Wall Oisney had money problen'" (agam).
hand positions. Ju~t how high can a dwarf P;'wahiv (which had been finished in 1940) had not
Tior mool'l ofCra,l/a', en, "" ,b, PM/OJ'UII. TIw'"
wm;"",nud h b/arl< /in" aS' "'0' c ui oWl and p;ustd
,hal malil' i, look Uk, a on a e.l. Ib,,, r"Pi,d "'!itt
<I''''''i''g ...hen rrpr;>duc.d Xuru 1"0""" /il, ".,
'/"'''';ng, O'IC' il ""'p<l"'"
ed in filii color•. IU .....
ber•. illook.d J"" liuw
Qlher ....1' in ,he PIC'''''

"101 Dalma·
'aeolli<i"" M-
•• yel paid for ilself. Fm''''.,illlo"ked a, if il Wal' a!~1)1
10 be in lhe red. Bambi . Wall's favorlle pK:tu",ofall,
'Jdri'wtbyl/t~ was slil1l1l)/ ill lhe de"r. The solUlion 10 IIw studio',
>lingllor sa", financial bind se('lncd 10 be al>Olher carlOOO ftal ....
",,/tn'ars "'~ along It., lin~s o( the successful S"" ..' whi,e-1>IIhet
f, I">",,,' man
, Do"iJQvil("h, lhan anYlhing cxP<'rimcnial. Ahhoogh "padage roc·
j nw(M "",ker lures." like /If"." Mi,,,. MUJ'i,'. did not h.,"~ lhe f"'"
tff",. Mi"",· duel ion difficuhies of 3 "ol)'lclling cartoon feOlUlt,
ell')' aNi, 0' lhey had nol been ,"ery profilah!c eilher. A '"'w.....
<:dCooI:. Sw:h
J ,ak, howrsw expensive way 10 make the pmjcclc;l Clndfl~/lu lSi
w.., 'hi' Idnd full · ncxiglxi animallxi (ealure had 10 be found. R<aso:D-
ing Ihal animalion was Ihe mool rosUy pan of ~
business. Wah felt Ihal everylhing possible slIouJd Ire
do"" 10 save lhe anim~lor" s lime. 10 help hIm m3I.l
Ihal firsl le>1 "OK for cleanup" wilhoot (~
He IIlmed to live ac1ion 10 solV<' h, s problem.
All of Cinder.lla was Shol very carefully "'11tt lilt
actOr<. leSling lhe CUlling. the conlinuil)'. IIw >lagmr.
tile charac1cri1.aliuns, and the play between lhe ctt:n".
lers. Only the animals were le(I as drJwings. and It<l)
reels were ma(\c of lhose SkCIChcs 10 find lhe ~
wilh the reSI of lhe picture, Economically. ~'e rotIIiI
nol experimem: we had 10 know . and il had KI be
good. When all of Ihe live film was spliced IOg(Ihn
this was undeniably a sirong basc for proving the ~ttI..
Tl'(I("in~1 fr"'" pharoslats of I~ bird ("ag' Ihol i"'l"iJOI1ed abilily of .he SCeneS before lhey were animaled. III
P,fW("chio go,... Ihe uali>Ik aClion Ibal ''''IS nenled K'hile lhe in"cmivcneSl! and sl'e<:ial louches in the aclin! tIul
....",ing Ihe time Ihol ...ould b"," />een " 'quj,.,lro on,muu had made our animaliun so popular were lacklllJ, TIt
swcb a difficult assignmenl. E"'n more ,im, "'.", , ,,,',d b)'
droK'ing Ihe back <>flh. cog, on Gne I.;,,, and Ih, fronl on film had a distinclly live aclion feci. bul it ~'JS '"
beaUlifuHy S!ruclured and played so well 111:11 no ..
a"",h., 10 Ihal Pinoahio ,,,,,,Id I>e ,andK'khed "' ...."Nn Ibe
.....0 K·ilhou, In/,,,,,, r.giS!roti"" to ,b, bars "" dro"'in 8. could argue wilh .... hal had 10 be do"" . AS ani",..
~c fell r~'lri,l"cI .
.... ~n thou~h we had done "',," "t
Ih¢ tllmin~ (\ur<ttws . hUI the pi<:ll"~ had to tJ,., m~t!~
f""rri<;~. ,,,>.1 tlus "~'. undeniahty. a",,) "r d<ling
• By the time w" were stanin g l'<"Ie' 1'"". ".~ had
inn",d to get further away frum "n)" actual usc of the
h,·, ;octi<>n ,""en",. r"'taging them ~n~r >ecing w~ak·
!ll:S!its. "'ing the tilm as a 'tarling point from which to
"' ild.oJ inv.nt ;ln,1 eori~h . We hat! been ,h,,""n the
~..)·to go. hul we had [(> do the ··going·· <lu[';elves. Th<~,
III<Ithr pICture was bellCf fnr il. We recaptured much M,IS/"',
o(thr fanta,y an<I magic in lhe feature, In""" befo", acr., hi!.
cl ".1 Ii<
tho """",I World War
IInlma1<>r, alway, h;ld lhe feeling Ih~y were ""ikd
10 thr flOOf "h"n their whole 'I!'lucn"e, w~re shnt Tilt .ni"
tht ,/""
ahead o[til1l" in li\"~ ~~ti[J1) . E'·eryone·~ imaginali"n
1I ro!tow ~ ,,",c no might be ~laged was limitetl hy lh~ "."""t"
~nl of the camera. for once a SCene had he~n mall ,.
I!Iot ~ was very hard to s ..... itch to a "h<)le !le .... poinl of """~Iri
,·Ir-<.·--<e'·cn though in anillla1ion i1 is qui1c easy to
!lane the came", from a Slar. or a "".rh". eI"ud. or let ,,,,td
tMU d<l
it drifl with tn" hr<~,o wh~rever it is needed. a,d th.
Robin H,

Animals I. T"h< 51
tilt ..I,.,
If .. animal in a f' iln is ,,"~"r;n g any kind of costume. /mit hi""
hr(ln oc hand led with human allrihmcs and the .udi . ,hk' i.l<
IIaJ '0 hi
tIC. ",·ill ""c.rt him . In '·<lnlra't. if~" aTlllmd ;n hi, ,har
IIiIIIlal fur ,hoo ld suddenly 'l,md "I' and ,tart g~'li,· ". Ii", 0

btin~. tho.' \'irwe" will feci uno",,,. Put" (;"P on him. "ill br "
"'. tio:. and he c·an ,,,"agg~r ",,,undo g",lllrin): and
JIOinling like any ham a,· lor. \"OU"~ f~
Stnngrrthan that. if the story parooics human activ . Mthkf fo
ito •. ;Il in SO/,t of 1111' S{!wh and Ro/)in Homl . lh"r" i,
110 IIC(J to restrict a character", movemenlS by lhe
limilation> of ii , a"imal txxly The ~hara~t~r can have
hit""" hall<is. fingers •• human pelvis. and fect w;lh
shoes. Of ml",. nalUral animal drawing or realistic
xrion will always add ~incerity and inter~.t 1<l lhis 0( film. oot it is not tru Iy needed t<) tell the ,to')·
0. tht !litle, hand. if lhe 'tofY is man·, vicw of whal
Ihnn imai ",,,, Id i, like. a., io /.iuly WId Ihp Tmml'.
IQlllIllm""lins. and TI,~ lImgle Rook. In" animal.
rwst be mmp lctel)· bclie,·ahle or the ..... hole premi,e
oill collar'"
Tkre "·a, a un'4uc situmion in The Sword ill I","
f' ?-I(

~. ["
- . mise was to have the boy limited in his ~""" I
squirrel's body and appearana: . yet retaining bi$ "'"
rhoughu and mannerisms. lic IIad to move like a 5qIW'
.J£ rd. but .. rather ine~perienccd one.
When we Soay " real. " "-': mean only whIt tho ......
, 'J:("\\\ enee ac<:epts as being re~l. for obviously a real anillllll

.)- ~ -

can1lQl aCt or emote as hmadly ~ s animators I'eljUII'C,
The more an animator goes toward cariealuring the
~nimal, lhe I1'IOR: he SCems to be eapluring tho es!nCI

-r- of that animal, and !he I1'IOR: he is creating poss.ibiliul:l

for leling . For e~amplc. if we IIad drawn real <Im'.
'.' '---" Bambi there would have b«n iiO linle acling poI(ItbII

, • ••
• tlw 00 one would ha'-.: believed the decr really c, iSlal
as characters . But because we drew what people i....
ine a deer looh like. with a IJCrsonalily 10 mat~h,"
<..""'" audicocc ,rcccpted our drawinlls a' bcing compleldy
real ,
or course. style ~nd design aIT pan of thi!.
cari.... ture canllOl r.. m;odoe without them. But lht
puint is that characters on the screen appear
real ...·hen lhey c an be ani",at~'d
and thi ~ only can be <Joo>c, .... hen there is
movcment in ~ll parts of the body . In Olller
more realistically animal s an: drawn. the I
will appear on the SCreen .
T he ~nimals in Sno ... Whitt Were c rudely
compared to those in Bambi. YCt they all r..ha,'Cd
w~y they should to work with lhe girt in
And sume people e"en thought the animals
Since it cenainty 1101 the d ....... ing
creatures so convincing. it must ha,-.: been
$rOM that called for special ded~ion~ , The young in the animatiCKI .
A"hur had ~n rumed imo a $Quirrel by Merlin, the When learning to draw anything. it ;',•::~: ':
magician, so that the boy cou ld gain a bener under- the aniSt go to the source . Afte ..... ard he can
st.iUldillj of the world of natu~ , While in this guise, usc: of his lrno"'lcdge tllat he choo6es. but in tho
Anhur met IiO!I"Ie ~al $Quirrels who ac<:cpted him all ning he muSt Study u.., real object. whether It
one of !heir kind, even though he could IlOl speak their zcbrula or an aardvart . If Di sney ani~ .~, . . .
language , The probkm was to animate !he boy so that aninllile I fOK. they ....ould try 10 aet a rell fox
he would he believable both to the audience and 10 the and phoIograph. and. ifpossiOle, f(el. N:~~~:::
squirrels , If he Well' just .. boy running around in a the learning that comes fTOOl feelinK In
squirrel suit the audience would have no trutlble =<>g- and mUKlcs and joinlS. 10 discover how
ni .. ing him, btl! wou ld people believe that real squirrels together and how far they tan move in any d:::~
could be fooled SO easily? If the ooy were animaled as is always surpris ing . The llI1ists ....ould Bet ill
~ genuine $Quirrel, it would be impossible 10 p""serve of fox s keletons to help in understanding ... hy
his characler--<lr !he humor in a situ.lion based on looks like. fox . How is he different from .... .
Anhur', beillj' ml$fit in a foreign land. The compro- mals? Then !hey would get film of foxes ill
fwlt'lild' , UIII~ birdfrin"b ""~ J.r,p'i\'tIHimpl~. Th,,'
,."...IIMIIIow. of srwJ.· Q..n Q full ",w"na",I"., of .~

DIr ....... 11'00/" R",huma~ Juul" pt. fM ,1••11 ".~ ("fflll.i

...... ,...,.".......-""II>. QJ >owl "',.. ..a"'~1 (HI TIw::
"'" -.I lilt Hound .

, .

I fox~

~y ~"")"s.
and their lim ing . What make.
Whal all,ludcs or aclioru; are unique

film was a'·ailable on ,,"uall)" any

. ~ ofllie sludK)". greal hve·acl,OOl sene,.
mg phocographs made by l-.:adweard MuybrMlrc ' near-
ly • hulldretl run ago were good for ren"nd,ng lhem
of .... ha' ,he animal doc~. bu, his callie,.,.,. did OOI.lwars
calch lhe e\l",mes or Ikla,ls of ",Iall\" IInU"g. Ind
,lie p,cture' could be m"leadmg ,f the anllna't)I"\ .... ere
r",l.ij. "',A.nmr~s. The an;malOf> dre,,' from 'h" unfamilar .... 'It. ,lie animal oc- IIie :KIlOO Smce 1\ 'i
CQadQffbtlH.facuon and tim'n~ !o~ludy. "iw al" a)'$ hard 10 figure 0111 lhe bun,p' and ,haVC', ,n 1>1,11 XIIOI1S m soe«,,",'e dra"mg,. and Ihen wcnl phOlograph~. I;\'e aClion fi lm i, "'<Ire u:.cful : )'10 can
Iod '" ..c!.dy some ""'"". "fhc: y f ....nd !hal !he am.]- s« a rolt de,-dopmg . .". pull ..., <lUI ~mllghl. or a
Wltol -.ttl

""' .....
..... nul"',.,
fa """"'"
b\llgc coming ~p. or a JOInl mo"in~ ~mk:r 11M: , kin bit . OtlM:r Ihan a special cla.~ Ihal mighl .Iart 314:.10
much It1OIl: tlc~rly . ... and go ~nt il 6:00 (one hour of OUr lime a!IInSl I
Many ~ ~I 11M: idea Ih.aI produclion $lopped half hour of Wah·s ). atl of tho. Il:>can;h ""as doD:
for wx or (C"cn " 'ttks " 'hile C'"Cf)'I)M learned 10 draw .... hile kttpn, up our footage on lhe CUnni! ~
I ne ... CIlarxICr. ThaI ...-ould Iu,·c b«n I 100'c!Y " 'ay aflcrlloun ....ttkcnoh. noon houn . "'hcne'"Cf"'f ~
10 lain kno .... ledgc. bul il ....u II(lI e<.:Qnomkally feasi- sqU«1e in somo: exira lime: . 80th man "'"lImed 10 do
_~. and when he saw OIlIers draw ing bener he the hilld end comes up fiDl . Tben I put OUt his front
qldly tried to learn what they knew . kgs . . . . I think that's right. but what hal'l"'''SIQ ~
Thil .haring of koo ... lcdgc speeded up the whole he~d at Ihal poin"!"
ming process and kept a st imulating almosphc:A.' Garbutt would prrch on tho: edge of the table. ~
"'c. If one of U~ Slarted to fall bdlind. Walt migtM like a bird than a draftsman (he neVff sceme<110 sit in
!If. "We can do bener than lhal!" as if lhe individual a chair). and Slal1 nptain;ng. ~nd white he 1~lked his
- . JIOI as important 8" the whole lc~n1 efron. How- pencil wou ld ••art making a thin line Ihal _med to
1Mf. lie' was more apt to :Illy ... Why <Jon'1 you go see meander aimJc:5>'ly across the p;1per. We would lum
Marc [}avis1 Hc', go! some nicc drawings of lhoo»e OUr heads first one way. then the OIlM:r . trying to see
e .... ·know. he ~sn'l get all lie<! up in lheanalomy: what he was drawing, bullhe Ii"".
fe2nll,led a tangled
}til look 11:11, ar.J they've gOi an aJlP"al and a cobweb as much a.~ anylhing else . Then . suddenly, ~
&0 look al them: Marc might
. And Mon: would. and so would
saw a deer in the precise phase of the mo~rnenl we
had \k:;crib<:d; only GarbuU was drawing il upside
• and any of the sketCh ,"",n working down so it faced us.
of the animau,.,., <kvcloping idc~s . While"", wen:: blinking and trying to a.bsi.:dI thai
or~ m.n.Bernard Garbutt had ~ """" pr<TIb- combination of rc:ndition and cxplarulion. be would
. He knew animals ~nd how lhey nlOV<:d 100 continue: "Now wilh a camel. he'll put Ihi. leg OUI
Ihing~. but he ""vcr d",,,, from an ItClio" first and keep hLt head down .. ," When he had
There were 00 Ihru.'I$, no mU<eIcl< . •,.., finished dra"";ng a camel getling up, he ",wid go on
a clear • simple oudine of the aninlill 10 the buffalo. juM "" _ would ha~ a tlKwough
_me'l! . would go 10 him with a """"if..: undeManding of whal was unique abou t t""decr in
""m, ''I've ,01 Ihis dcer gcu ing up. and I know Ihi. par1 icul ar action. In ten minutes we had a whole
, ,
-I' ~.

"- 'J, L ,J
, ,
"'"\ , ~

\, '
, , ,/
, ,,
"' , / ..... i '
V '~ ,
'j'J f,
I ", I ,J \
/ , 1/
course in comparalive analomy. iliumalcd v,ilh ¥cmle Another imaginati," bil of prubknH'olving
li!!lc conlour drawing~ Ihal had no bohJno:ss or Vi¥OT. for in Bambi was lhe drawing of lhe majtS1C
jom surprising accuracy . anlic rs. To follow Ihrough the perspec.;'-c ;;,~:~:=:
We IIad alIOIller unique laknl in Rena Scot!. lIIe prong as the head O"IU"w _buul was just I,
rlfS! ...·oman a. our slIMiio 10 ha,-c an ;merest in am- caled (or ,,'-en the
mation. She had an aslOllnding abilily 10 draw powCrfli1. and the fif'Sl filn>ed tests of the
virile animals from almoSl any perspe<:li,'c and in any revealed robbery.
action . Alone poim in Bambi. '.ie nttded $Om<' con- ofmajesly;
vincing and (righlening hounds 10 cha§( our heroine glory . So. a miniature plasler model was maok
F.line. bill none of. he anima.ors ,,-as advanced enough staB's head v,ilh the fun complen ... n. of anden
in his UndcrsllJl(\mS of hound. to !.:Kkk the i1.<liign~nt .
ke!!a cuuld dr~w th" dogs in any posilion. an-d she
and Ihis was placed bclICath
scope machi,IC. Up un the d
kJlew the Mliludes and Ihe mood. but ~hc wa; i,ICxpc: '
ril:llI:l'<l in It", ~" ul' relating nne d,awing 10 lhe nex!.
So the $upervisill{; animalor. tori<: UtrJiIIIl. sct lhe: ":elleS
lip fllr Mr.nd shn,,'w her whal needed 10 be don.: .
Wilh lypocallllOde,ty. Eric says. "I " 'orked " ',Ih her
on !he timiJ\i. bul iho:: d,d II all; sht: worked and ,,'med
on it. " Ilowever it was done. bcN"ttn lhe \ ...'0 uf lhem
there on lhe ~1l.'C1I one o( the: rrKbI chI lling
and uci. in, pi«t-~ o( aclion c,-", In he animated .
had the first drJwing of & scene with juS! the head of
the stag carefully drawn in . He slowly turned and
tilte<l the model undernealh umil the head liMd up
exaclly wilh his drawing. This done. he simply lraced
the horns. That drawing compleled. he muv,,<.i on to
Ihe next; with a slight change in Ihe model. more
horns Were ready to trace. The result waS perfect_ a
bit tedious. but not nearly so demanding as the aUemp!
to draw it all in perspective from imagination .
Rico Lebrun had been hired as "'-,:: began to work on
Bambi because of his knowledge of animals and his
ability to leach. He fdt slTongly that the only way 10
learn all about an animal was to gel your hands on it
and move it about and feci how the pa"s worked. He
started a search for a young fawn. but since none WaS
then available we conlemed oun;elves with studying
what film We had and observing older decr at the 7.00.
One.- day. Ri~o gO! a call from a ranger in Ihe FOTCstry Th, fa ..·n,ha,
had bUn1h.
mod.! fIN So man)" i"'pi"'·
Service who had come upon thc Carea" of a very
tional skneh •• had sr""·"
young fawn. no mon: than two days old. It was st ill in up 1>, ,h. lim, ,M oni"",·
good condition. and he could have it' Rico was ecswic . ",,, "Orlro On ,h. pie,.r,.
H.,.. Rico ILbeun SM""
That nighl in class. we cru",·dcd in close 10 watch
Frank Tho",,,, how ,h,
the 1lK>,·emcnts of the legs and the back and the head htad fi's om" ,h, n.d.
as Rico turned Ihe txxly roun<.i and round. lesling Ihe Also ...arrMng art Rma
aniculalion of each join!. He was enrap1ured wilh his S~o" and Boo YOltngt{uiJl.

model: we were a bil moTC TCsc ...·e<J-.aflcr all. il had 1M"" In f"NgrOltNI i, *«p.
n fIN ,b. de".)
be<:n dead for three or four days. Excitedly. he an-
nounced his plan to remo'·c the OUler layers. a linle Th, dur slom.oro mort in·
each nighl. so we could learn alilhe intricale workings ,,,,,, in Olli. JoJu,."o,,· s
righl down to lhe skeleton. The whole procedure mighl draM·ing ,luIn In h" job of
fh'.ing for ,b, dass . In
lake Icn cvenings in all. backg round. Mil, Kahl.
The nexi nighl. we stood fa" her bac k as Rico I'fl. alU! Bill Shull.

AN""A7'/)It D(m Lust-

Drawing peol>l~ms
mt)l". of a ,heM' '0,h.wu.
j.srk SlOK in Bombi 'han
,M bullns of ,h. hunufj.
No on. rou/d draw ,h. im·
(X)sing anll." So 'hat ,h.
colum. and pu.pu,'w
...,.,. ~onsron' from. draw·
ing ,,, drawi"g. Th. ac·
eurary sun hut ~am' from
'rodng a plasru mod.1 ,ha,
~ouldbt ,umro in on>" di·
r'~"o" '0 "",'eh ,h. ani·
"""ors dro"·'"g .

tt" motkl''''''*''1 N/II -
""ltdGjgi"uJ...-~" Tails and Ears Are Important Too
....... ...,wIIJ"
• JI<"UI6 J." ""

• "" BMnIIi.
.... .
B" ...
J ""
'" tnn...., .I",...",•.
"' ....".., 1M IOn.

(I! 1:."<". ""

,/II impo""n'
pari of./w w./.ud. ,,~ any
""Imm .

(2) H ,,;' .... n bt- " t , y ,,,

~""mality. "",I ""'"Y.jmu
" 'iII ......... II" ... " ,/wroc",
/uls , S,ruU/' /Wlr ,i....,
"" wM,''''pl. Irri.ub/. Iaot.
S-lItmJ '/"./"" j. soft
WIll /m.;";", .

(1) Tail, ...." rJD ", ....11 '0

, ........./w - ' " of "" (I"j.
mm. TIorJ ...." ,,,... ,, fNdy
/.,11"". '" Jtow" *'jH.lott . ......
'" uf/«rw... Tlrq ."""Id ~.......
IlOl "II 'HI .11, ~ro,,1Id "'j,lI·
"", a ' nmlll, 1'h,y,"".l I
'",~~1,~, I
lIa.', lif' ,"'-'. Wm, 1I ou'/'"
"d",,"- WI/i.

($) R,m.mbrr . i. mu. /~I T/w ...... t is if"" (>'U"

JqWl.Jlt WIll s/r.ull ,'~ """.... ,.I "" .... "'/w" «IO
ptUf. of ,/w ..""""'" ,Irm
""'" IwIp Jtow" "" ""'".,".
It "'" /It' ..rrlINI'" /It'1Ii~·
~"II«. ,I0000' alrrMn• • /It'
CD<"ly " •• 11 ell,., ""'. or j lt·
dk"tt ,mt'"
~111O\'ed the ~k in---50 w~ CQUld ~xamine tl>< musel~~
and the le ndon ~ and the remarkable engineering prin-
ciples n:vealed in thi. w<>n<.k. of n.atu~ . Unfonun.atety.
uth ti mo: hi: contracted or extended l ny pan of tbe
cadaver a rich aroma wa. pumped into thl: air. He
called to us. ·· Hey. fdlu.gel in hen: dose. ""hen:)'QU
~.n sec what this Ihing i. doing ."
We answered warmly. " Oh . ~ un ~~ juSt fine
from back hen:!"
In spile of this uniq"" opportunity to gain vast
kno ...·lcdge. ~lIendance al thos<: evening cias5CS began
to fall off. Ilowe,'c" Rico's enmusiasm sa:me!I 10
i llC~JS<: in dirttl proportion to the odor ..... hich no
k>nger could be described as moeI'd ), pungenl . Our noses
finally lurned us all away. but not his. He su yed wim
his prize until it was only OOIlCS . In the end, Rico
furnished us with a ....o"""rful 5Ct of dr~wing~ that ...·c
studied ...·ith consitkrably more rcli. h ,
WI;i\c il is extremety hl:lpfulto understand the anal ·
omy o f an animal. its movement and timing and bal-
11K" and rh)-' mm an: just as imporumt from an aninution
standpoinl. and probably Il>< y all should be learn.d
together. This is ~ comfoning lhoughl if the subject is
~ lion. or liger . or rhi....,.,rtl5 . or any large. wild crca·

Ex"" ...,;... '''I(1f'('/t "'<I' al....", dt>M aI''''' a~ilft(l/(N, ~·

,...~ (1 """ rNu-lNln. Stnrlt ..., dir«tly from ,,,,. Jil... of·
't~ «1'<ltel ,Itt ' pi,;, of an a~i_1 anJ tltt uu ..u of hi.
"'o<'r"'t~'. f")T 10 I I)alm .. ians " ... u.d "'" Jilmtd aNion
,hi. ""Y - 'I oflt .. /"" .. "" pItcloJ/(JI,.

Sm'(" k,,,1 M lllp ;s>-

Ma,~ D;m·._
!Ure. We had link de~ire to probe: with our fingers the had liven .11 signs uf being ready In deliver. '."":1 .•
inncr .... orking~ of the orangutan while animating King night 's "igil produced nothing . Nor the nUl
Lou~ for Tht Junglt 8oo1e . A few th~rts of comp"r· either . "The " 'elf}' crew prepared for tile second
ati"e analOmy and some rttl! of film told us as moch under the ...·atchful gn.c o f laT~e. doe C)"CS. '' ' ' ' '
as ...-e .... anted to know . Ca rne and the prospect ive mother ...'as calm ml
Long before Our artists encountered Rico'~ fawn _'II:rvcd . The crew .... as ex hau't~d .
cadaver. lhey had been ~tudying the JlcnUBI behavior When ..... hing happened during the
of real dec, at close range . "The sWdio had been sent a sign~. no indications of any kind. lhe cn:w
pair of fa .... n~ from Mame that ...·ere kept in an arc.a g~t IIOme ~Icel' and corne bock aboul
alongside the animal ion building. and the arti~ts had been a~. urcd by the ,-"okeeper thaI "'OSI
only to glance out the ...·indow for stimulat ion and during the small hoof'll of the morning .
ref~reRf;"e 10 the real thing . Despite the great vaJ~ to
the artist in dirtttly observing an animal in iu daily
gone for barely fi>'c hours and n:turned
and be .... ildered from too lillie slccl'. 001
activities ..... hen • story called for a rare or unfamiliar e,'en more bewildered 10 ga~e Ul"'"";': :::,:~~~
action from a deer it was still a major problem for lhe five·hoor·old fawn I'r~"cing aboul It
animator . In lhe first sequence of 811mbi ...·c needed 10 ere .......·ent back tl) bed .
portray thoso: initial fcw minutes in a fawn' S exist~ncc.
" 'hen it is ..."Obbly and "ulnerablc and plI17.lcd by the
world. and dependent on ils mother . I-loweve •. nature
animal action 10
In contrast seldom ::~~;':":i~:::'~~~:;~;
th'e can be sphced i
helpful continuil Y. Then: mighl be l shon
endows fawns with a sirength and ,,)ordination that action !<Cem:s in ~ run Of a fight Ihat could be
develops ~ quicldy that " 'ilhin only a couple of hours t~her from !<Craps. but more often the
they all: "ery different n~atures . Wb<:n the San Dkgo 10 be in"cnti'-e. to find a specirot place
Zoo phom:d 10 say they had a doc ready to foal any use a particular acl;on. Hopefully. he CIII
day. the sludio s hipped a film Cre ...· down lhere inllne · film of an animal flopping
diatdy . l1Io:y sct up their C<Juipment j ust outside the Of <>roe 8ett ing to it~ fttt .... ith a Ii
dec,'s cm:~ure. at a Spollhat ga"c lhem full to,·cr· mUloCles, Of a spirited, uciled
age of every part of lhe pen . There ,,'as no place the
doe could have privacy if she desired il . Although .I he run-all
thi I1K1VCI1\CnIS
s. IhI: animator can that ';"~:~";"~"j:':'':':;:'""~;':::
place .. Ii j
lhe one ~ imagined by lhe animalor. showing whal lhe
dog c<.>\lld have dollC'. in ways lhe dog would havc
done il .
In addilion 10 mo'~mcnts nttdc<l for KCIIC'S and
continuily, many miscellaneous ac1 ions wcre fil~ in
Ir)"ing to capture $OIIICthing of the animal' ,
o,,'n pcl'SOflalily. These nalural movemenl~ proved 10
be 1he mosl helpful. since special meaning cou ld be
gi""n them by adding dialogue. or music, or sound
cffe.:ts, lhereby inlerjecling an eX ira qu~lily lmo lhe
behavior .
Probably the most important ",Ic for any kind of
animal phOiography is . " l)Qn ' l be afraid 10 waSle
film!" To gCI lhe nalural , lhe unexpecled. the rare
~nIS, there musl be unlimited plItience and a rvn-
ning camera. Thc director who is detennincd to gel
only what i. called for in hi. $l.:ript. and gel it righl .
will miss the wonderful Ihings that make an animal
whal he really is. Thc animalor who leaves the whole
ted ious bIJj~ to(llhcn will mi~ the firsthand knowl.
edge 111:11 only c ln rome fllJm being with lhe animal
while Dllempts are made: 10 capture ils unique auri .
bllle •. The besl ;o<;t1om are invariably unplanned .
When lhe caSling sel for us 10 animate lhe Seese
in IlriJIIK"uts, we borrowed a camera fllJm lhe smdio
and vi~ il(d a friend' , ranch . He h:od . wo gcese. some
assorted c hic-kens. and J decrepil. 1allerW while lur·
""IV, TOft lIuXh F''''N_ key who had an amazing desire 10 slar in a scree n leSI .
'['he Adventure" or Mr.
The whir of film running Ihrough lhe camera caus.ed
him,o ~rvt ~boul " 'ilh his three or four ~maining tail
TM ..w",rl MJ" ""'~ body,
"sIn/Ilk,. ''1'1'~''m''c~, Imd feathe,.,. ukew. bUI il made: Ihe g(cse run away _
il"""'""J 10 W >NUJ.ywoJ As the ~ ran."~ were amaled 10 s« ho>oo closely
"p 10 ",,~, A s 0 " ' ' ' ' ' _ lhey SID)'ed together, with their ....ds almost inler-
dl/lnxftr. ".. M'"'''''''i''''' ,wined. We had Upecletl lhe roll of lhe body as .hey
"'''''ing hoo.llu",_
paddled abou. c lumsily , bul the way lhe two geese
wor\;ed logelher "'a~ Slal1linll. AI once a kind of char-
w"...m",.. of feeling, and wilh a little adjust· DCter emerged for .he 1"'0 . which ,,'enl heyon<! lhe
"""' ilIId there (to improve the sync and m:llch dialogue ,,"<' were conlempl3ling (or a p;lir of silly
spinsters on a walking tour of France. Thc film we
r il . look sct:mw 10 have an ~Imosl ronStanl o"erlay of lhe
. scenes were shot of a dog JnPOStcroos lurtcy. bul behind him "flC al,,-ays the$e
and luming, coming down two heads flCC'ring aroond , keeping lheir e)~s on lhe
. Mraining on a leash-a ll of which were camcru and the highly SUSI1«I man behind il. We
lids in liming scenes for lhe piclure and skctched from the film and from our n",mary. for ono;c
......'"• • ~ 10 achie"" nDmrar' appearinll K lion . ".., had seen lhese girl s in action . nOIhing rould crase:
~~IIC'S Ihal broughl Ihe charaClers 10 life were Ihe realily of Iheir inlense s keplicism . The nicel y
designed dra"'ings of geese lhal ,,'e had seen on lhe grew up thinking a ecru in " 'ay that is where you IlII.III
SlorybQards we~ ~uddenly lWO vel)' ~al perwnalilies SIan . To hl\'e a mean and cruel kinen tcrrorizi", I
ooMling about with lheir O\O'n poi"ate dignity-/"laugmy. family of nervous . nigilly bear.; is an uphill fight (0:.-
appnising . critical. and funny . "They were ~al gttse. e ' "CI)"body .
with all the mo,'emenls of rcal aeesc. OOt they IIad Still. lhere IS considerable room for van.llons. I.
~"ealed lhe pe""",alit;"$ lhal could be understood and Robin Hood. some: of u i thougllllile Shmff of~·
shared by all humans . lingllam " 'oold be nlOll' inlc~~l ing if lie "'m: I ~
Finding emenainmem in a per$Ofllllity does not mean As the story wu structured . lhere ,,'a, no oem fo:.-'-
making a clown 0111 of Illal e haracter . h means o nl y to be ~ crafty villain: he " .• ~ only slUpid. bossy. and
lhal one is ~la1ing 10 qualilies common 10 all individ- u!\Concerned wilh the peuple he mlghl be hurti", A
ual s. and lhere is no loss of dignily inherent in thaI goal Wilh a lh,c k skull ,ould do lhi.' milch and gi,'c lilt
process. The personality lrails can be heroic. allruis- animalors ~ neW animal to dr~ w lhal could open op
lic. or noble; il is the uSC made of them in the Story fresh idt~s .
sil ualion lhal delermines whelher lhey ~rc comic. or The director of [hal film fc!l jU~1 as Mrongly !hit tbr
cute . or stu pid . or mean . Therc Irt many "'ay~ of Sheriff shoold be a wol f. becaUK tile I
being tnlenaining . and the ch:.olkng.: is It> lile slOl"}'man lile " 'olf 10 be • villain . The facl lhal
10 erealC s ieual ions where these individual lrail~ can be ~ shown him 10 be • good famIly =n and I
brougllt OUI in an emen .ining way . fellow " 'ill do louie to cllang.: ideas lhal ~ . " , _
Many animals h" 'e !heir attribules al~ady defined old . In aojdiloon. lile goal has no established 10k
by the legends and sU}lies o r various culeurcs . " coy- legend. and .. e ,,"OOld lIa"e the burden of,~;. . .
Ole is. cunning and wisc hero tu the American Indian. he " 'as good or bad or indifferent . De"clopin, m.
and I villainous predator 10 the Sheepm. n. To mosl image coold w~~le precious footage lhat mighl be bIl·
people. a rabbil is nervous and almosl completely help- ler used to .how entertai nment in lhe .pecifoc kind
less: I wolf is all villain. whether he i, slavering or villain he was.
Ktn Ilndu'(NI_ deceilful: and the beaver is liard-workinG with no sense The mUSI provocalive discussiuns come when tbr
"ood o f hu mor. When casling a pic ture with "I\ood guys" story calls for a mythical crealure. or one """ •• 'd
and " bad guys:' llleSC are imponanl consideralions. appurcd in tale or legend . A dragOll is kOO\lll
"The "good guys"lIavc 10 be small . ineffectual. CUle. ill-tempered and s ullen . so Ihal is not too much
and associated with OOIlviolcnce . II doesn'l maner if
!he rcal animal is thaI .... y or not . You are playing off ~m. BUI OIher
no connotations picture,
. When ~:.:,:~.:"~~~~~
images in lhe vie,,"CT$' subconscious. and if people mating lile dillO$3l1l"S in F,mt"siIJ . Walt


~wa", of an)' human personalit y$, " 000', m3k~
tllem cUle animal personaliti"" They ' "c gOI small
bnoins, y' koow ; make them ",al!" II was a disanning
m:juest .i nce ther~ was little ",sc~fCh pos~ihl~ on "'hal
a real dioosaur mighl hase bc:t'n like , but WooIlC "'3li
1\01 bothered. He dipped inlO his imaginal ion, com·
binc<J lita. wjth a few raw animal things he rutd ~n.
and, ,,'orking closely ,,·jth Bill Roben s, who wa s
directing Ihal St:<iuence, Came up wilh scenes of dino-
saurs thai St'Cmed 10 ~ ju.' the way people always
im .. gined these gianls should be . jf ever lhey had
thought aboul;1 bef<;«! Fooifled by Slra~m>ty's mag-
nificent S<;OfC. Ihey crealed , togelher. a Slirring flhn
. ha. ne'~r can be forgotten

""",.""" w""u~
H,,,~,,,,,, ~ _

" RII,o{Sp"ng," hnta...

W/wi k_'. ""'" ~ ,1"'O5<'~'
"·,,Il,d ",ill,,,,,, '1 'Y'<l"
II,,,,, Th,nJrT«,nJ,
''''''",,'''' ,Iu~'.
"8"'" lHfou tm,"t ,hi.
<v""'"";"t ~"n (III Ih, T.·
' ..n""5<l~'~' R,~
" 16 pound bo,,'Ii~g bo/J i$
rolling da....n Ihr a/Jry. II
ha$ a snu>olh , ron1;~uaus,
~venly sp<lcrd pN)gr~.._ -o-. -e ••-•••
.- ...
II is n(){ uralic; il d""s ~()/
s[Jrtd up ond s/o'" tkJk'n,
then spud up ogo;n.
II d""s nat chong, dira:_
lion obrl<ptly (I<n/~ .. it
mt." somnhing strongu).
••••• •
Ho", muchonobj«1 wrighs

•••••••• e.
is shOM'n by how much ef-
fort is ff(juiud 10 mo .... it.
'0 "OP ii, 10 dltJngr ilS di-
"c,ion. Th ... orr show"
Ih'""gh Timing , Ara. ond
SqUOJh and Str~l<h.
.,. c

II,h, obj«1 is 0 eHoraclrr.

(Jles i$ pu, OI<l I(J '''~ Ih,
_iRht, sqlklShing and ab_
.orbing 1M lorer 01 the
ma .....

In 1928. Mkkqhadcharm
bullIO w~iJlht as m IUrned
a romer wilh""l regardlor
'I<Pf'O'I or gr(Jviry . :-'----.;c

The Rhythm Walk

This spirlud "<I/k k'iln 1m
Munc. in Ihe middl. ,,""s
">id by au)'on' in thr
.ar/y lkirtin. II "'as 01-
"·o)" don. 10 II mu.kol
btal. g;";ns a happ)' .•nu_
gtlie luling 10 Iht aclion
and ojounryolliludrlor Ih.
eN".,uttr, Combin<'<i ...i,h
SOmt cartlret .. -his/ling. ;t
did much to "lab/ish M ir-
key's I""mwlily.
(U6) Mickry .111"$ ailOr_
mal ."'p. lilting hi_< ",,,1..-
(USl ln Ih, miMI. of Ihr
sr'I', h' dips do,,·n.
( I j I) Then "P ,,~uin '" "
high pmition an h,ad WId
(/54J n""I/I', the 10"'.
",q""sh'" /Wsilio" ," hr
"'acrs his fOO( to romplerr
Ih' st,p.

Wall. ~1I"ay, have becomc lrouhle""ne and O)tn - in everyday,,"lIles. Once lhe character ,,-ent into
.nim"I~ . The >ell"n Can o..X·<>Il'" 0.1' ,n - ""lion. il was lhe U me old business of moving lhe
body ,,-here lhe animalor ",ante.! il 10 he. lhen adding

:~:'il::~";.:"':'~'hl Ihal
di,lribulion and balance ami ,"",c -
ncr)' 'ingle dr~"' in~ heCOlnc, legs al\d feCi undernealh moving up and do",n .
lbey can do ><l much", "" 'c311"'''-'-
MId allliludc 'hal lbey arc UI>( of lhe anilnlllor ·.

: ::~:;~::::;;~.:;:'?'
in gcuing hold of aMany aclOrs;,fcd
char.K"ler Ihallbe
10 3",l y1.e
,I I I . Even the nlO,1 c:,wa l study uf pe"-
a b\J~y . lreel ,,·ill "" 'ca l dr;11""li,· diff.rence, in
lhey achieve §i mplc locomOlion: long ,Irilk,_
Ii I bouncin~. minelng.
l- ~

._ / /
,;""Iing: lhere i~ no end 10 lhe ,·ar..,I)·.
IJi the cady can()(}n~ bcfo,"" sound c."", along .
wm few attem pts lu makc walking anYlhing
~A >
- -,-

Ihln a means of mO"inli Ihe "bara'I.' 10 a ne w

- ./
on lhe: .<C!"ttn. Tko: "'a~ pacing b;>ck and
.;;:,~~;':~~:~;::~ off.....1 io SOITO'" or despair. - A ....".~i~, ""~
'F ~1rid,"g as be ... r""ghl back . bul no • >lwJq> 9t1'

"'. ""oJ.
lritd 10 O:lahl i"h characler by lhe " '3)' lhe
Wilh lbe ,",roduclion of sound lhe",
" rhYlhm walk." ",ilh il s C.<Ir" bounce in Ihe
- . IItU",,,".
~ will
'Ill i/N
anlllt"ni,., i.1O 1M
OJ" ",,' ga,'C lif. and 'piri l 10 n mundane "haracler I() kttp hi, btJJa/Oa .


h was the realization that the canoon figure could

ANI"ATOII, Frank Th(Jntas- nOi be believable without convincing ..... eighl Ihat really
Robin Hood, changed tbe animalors' thinking. Tbe principles of
Rabin Hood rwns ;n 10 pick squash and Slf<'tch were beginning to be understood
up Ih~ lasl sack of gold. H~ and provided lbe procedUf<'S and thc tools for display·
placu h;sjOOI "'~II i~fronr
of his body and tlidu ;nl() ing lbe "",W discoverie s. Basically Ihe principle waS
p<>Silirm, "ll;ltg th~ olh~T that a moving body could not be shifted in direction
Itg and planting il I() help TIIr ,",,", of ~I
wilhout encountering resistance from ""mething in its ing thr/XIgh Ih,
Supporl Ih~ ...~ighl of Ihr
pf<'SCn l path of movement. causing il to tum Moose lIu", .
,Iold'1$ ... rll at I() Sian his
chang. of direction.

"''-I''.r()// F,,,,,k Th(Jntas-

T1It Re""uers.
Luk., Ih. m~.kral. is Tun·
ning with his j~~ "'Mn h.
roUts a crocoojk nwku a
...ild. s<:rambling tak•• Tt-
I'"SU diTUli<m and l ips
""" Through Ihis impossi.
bit action, Ih. jug is limrd
u,,'itljca" y. ",ilh a full
a'cand convincing ,,'righi,
... hich mak.s ,,,,,ylhing
.1•• sum /Hli,''(J/)/r lao. If
Ih. jug IuuJ flipprd aOOUI
likt a pira of da/h Iht
...holt scene ...ould ha.,
lH~n j"" ano/hu franlic
roT/ocn wke.
(I J Obj«lJ/J7ma'~rial"M'
.....iSh n' amoun'S.
~~(j ,'2~~
~~., ,

Moid Maria,,' , .mrfbi"",.

in 'N brt,,:t in Rooin Hood.

""'''.roo Fud Moort'-

Plum· , Judgment Day.
E""1t in mnoo"laM, Plu,a
... dSIlS as mud. 011 a bowl·
i"S ball. H.. ,,, h" skids
"NUM ,h.. car"", umil 'N
fore .. of his ori,inal dirt'(:·
'irm has bun ilbJorlHd aM
a ....... di,,,,,,/rm is."ab·

A............ Olli~
LOL DfJnwOano_

12J Tn, '/,mm/Hon l,.pu .

,"", IA. f"/i~1 of ...,I,M.

A.•., ....... F-rd Sptwn, Mo.-jill! o.oy

o -/d i. Iryj~1 M pI "fi.A buoo~ off /til ,ro, Iw 1)"ln,
'~J"''''''''' a'tHlull "rid allacA,nl 'h, 01"', ,nd 10 a P'«'
off~'nilw'• . H", h, i , ,unninl and ,lippmg as h. '~",:M.
1M fw/llfmi"" of Ih. ,".'~nd.".

ROV' ,,/til AnilO..fr_ LOI

DalmariAns. io<"~f,,/I", 1111(}
Ih~ pond. n~ " 'Dln hal
mod. all aj Ih,i, dOlh.,
1oH", and Ii..." aM ""-

n~ ...,j,N of I~ ,,,,jn~ i,
sloDw.·n DIll ' l ids '0 a IIOf'.
""" 1M odthd WlK"h of Ihr
rooJp,"i", _",,,riIY;'l/o
Ih. ,,/, h~lps Ih~ 'If'''',
A/o"MAm. F"d Moorr-
SIIOW W hile .
Dopry ,ips Ift'o 1M ,Uftr
1Iop1"I/lJr " l«oM i lll
/,.,.,. S_· WIII,r. I" ordrr
10 I:Hp A..... lit bo/<Ut« I"
,N. "b<"PI SlCp. 1M ".n_
1IOQJ0<'ldrd" ....,_,Iidr
" 'ilil ,lit! /UI ...rll ""I I~
/ ,0ItI. /oJ/_tid by" ri,IJ
,>"/>r"li"" "" ,lIr ,«ow,.,.
Tills ro,iro''''r "/0 "''' .
~ /w."i("{J1 s.op addtld 'M,r.
10;"""", "';,/ro", d,,/,oy.
Ing lh, .....;ghl or brU,,'nlH/.
lry ~ /h' dklraclrr.

(JI 1V""~lIt i. ,,,,'ralrd b,'

hOM' Ju,rd " ch<!'~rttlr h,,, ,,-"/MAm. FrankT"'--
10 push", ""II "guin., "n TIlt Sword in ! .... SI<"'• .
obj'ct. Thr ITrat M'i,,,,d M"li"
ha. cJu,"Krd himsrlf inlO 0
.qu;" ,,/ OM mn a /at aM
'"1''''roy/"""'/r. SN i._II
'ITo1ll " ,h<!" M OM filld.
II,., ""fty 10 Jloow NT
.......,. Ail ~ly ..",...;",.
.... Mill Kalrl_
." ,,,ugh., .f l'i~'K"'
appily ,i.i(>pi"! of} 10
\p""., Ih. mnDIilll of
lIS. Illar i. p'm;b/,
I"':''mllnr oJ ".," ~
.. boy.

Walk s FO UR-FOOT ED FRIENDS on 10 F"IO/M/", IWO unimalors: wen: a,signed 10 p.zf

zle o,'er Ille n>o,'emem$ and dra"'inll pn>blem, of ~
By tM time "'e had finished our .... ork 1)1'1 Pi/Wt'('hio and rabbits, anoJ to I><'an:h for a ".. ay of i"",OfJ"nI"
in 1939. lhe animalors h~d done skip.s and fUns. clsual our lenelS of cOll\munk~lIon il>to tlll".\.C forei~n ~
ilroli§. walks wilh emhusiasm. " 'ilh liud f« l , " 'ilh We kne,,· ...·e cook! make Ihem n:al--th31 i<. look lilt
appuhension. and ...·ilh he~v)·. f~w rage , In one ",aI deer-bul ....e .'so bll"" Ihal without ~bI~
",,"ene . Jiminy Cricket e'"en dusscd himself " 'hile fUo' perwrulity " 'e could ne'w m~~ ... Ih~1 Iyl'" of 11m
ning full s peed; and in anQIher. Pinooxh io •• ~ a I"'P" ~ aJTy ~ ,,·ho~ feallll\' .
~t, waf made 10 simulate a " 'Il k " 'ith minliS. We >tOOied film of deer. looted at pictures. taIted
Tllcn Wah Disney decided 10 make 8ambi. This to the: sketch men who had been drawing ~r for ""*
WII 10 br: a picln'" of buuly and mood. of philowphy of 3 yur (while tM Slory h3d b«n shaped arid &vtI-
and poelry. contraslinllthe inlimacy of I dewdrop on a oped), arod w~lched deer at the loo. The t,,"O f."1\1
bl~de of grass wilh Ihe excilement o f young bucb kepi at tM sludio had long since grown up arid dtl*\i
leaping aboul o n a meaoo",. 8<1mbi had Ius Slory. by cd. so we gOl 00 Ilelp from lhe:on. bul we did ha.t film
flf. Ihan Ihe OIher fUlures . being olOre like lhe: piclo- taken ",'hilt they ..'C~ )'oong arod frisky . Howevct.
riai Silly Symphooies. bul il had SlronS charac~r ",Ia_ no"'""u cou k! " 'c ~ the leg !;<lUll'" as il 1M tilt
lionships. neitM.cartoon n:1~lionships 00f caricalU~. weighl of Ole body. and 00 checks fallCoW as lilt
bUI ",aI . believable ulalionshi~. Was Ihis askinlllOO mouth closed . No eyes chanted ihapc . .., ja"" ~
much of personal ily animalion? il> a big )'a,,·n . 00 bud~' bulged or MmCbMt *'(
Wah ...·u not sun: wc " 'en: up;lbk of aniltlillng " 'en: a/l1"IO)'il>gly IiI"" ynd :iUpplc and Slrong and_
Ihis fi lm quile yct. SO " 'hile lhe: "'51 of lhe: slaff rtIO"w cullf. What ""en: "~aning 10 draw. animatc . ......J
IlJt >lttIh,~. Ii,,, ", """
"4{,.M",. "' m~,,·..d
.... '~JI' hun"" ~()"'''''I!
.."'. I. g ,.," .p/"","
_,1M ....,,,,.. w".
"'"' _ _ .. _",lid /rt>,'"
...""",. I••" if " ... " ~ ...II
Md IooJ "~".,"al /,j_ "
p... .,..Ira .., rMrt " .
.... 1Iw< all Mimi III! In •
........ />vJ, J,'""Pf't""ru
... "I"" ,"'''''' .V ....·
......., IN """".... cr·
"'*" ""., ".'hilt ,h"I'"
.., ~ ..d ,ud/,vll." <>n
tri?-rflltr/ilm Each
....... <)Ith /i ... I ..........
. . • lri/r "" d,,<,<:/,,,,, .of·

"",_~"" ,,,,,,,ruU.", In.
""II"" milt. ar/i"" rr ·
It wa. in the t,acing of the film th"t we found our of being oUl in th,' open, a"'ay from In. bod)'. the
anS ..... cr, W~ did nO! have photostat, on this footage. acti\";!y w ~s a! both end, of the Ie);,. In the sllouJdm
and the images ..... ere small and difficuh to SCe. bUI and haunchc,. and. again. in Ihe tinge" and 100
once we discovered Ihe se>:ret of the animar~ con· Il ere the action ..... as as hroad "' any cartoon dra" iog.
struction ali lhe pieces fell into place. There waS actu· with greal nc xibilily and ,pring in the tips. alld fl'W.
ally more squash and stretch than " 'c could use. but it si"e swelling and IhrusHng up in tk bod~'.
was not occurring "'here we had been look ing . In,{ead h took WOlle time to understand Ihc dcers an.lom).


f?~ '\.-.:::->
-- .-
.. ,,- ,.. ..
...-:. ... -

• .,.. &

' - ' .... ..., ~



8~si,' 'mimal ~'"Ik on /Qs, }/"I'I'.'" (I"ion. The wind· fa,;n II" ,,,,,,,. 11(111 TM,·
sho~'n an" P"I'P), b~co"s~ pl~s "" Ih~ ."me ~'h",e"'r sP<'rd "". slm" ,10k'!!, I''''''
il is "",'i" '" su M'hm i, 1M anim"l, II,~ le~ /,,""',,", m,,;II'Y ("(m'
happening in his loou "nd Animals ult/"m walt '·~r." <'~nlral"'~ on ~'herr Ihel'
• I'I'(1Jf1:
• ,lid the 1I",,1Id.
rn'on<fap"f'P)' run·
10 rnlin Ihal (he ~houldel'!; an: ne~rly in front of lhe lhe from legs look up lhe "c'llhl of lhe body and
iii ~ and ihal lhe n:ar end is pl'aClically all leg and guided il inlo alum. lhe clbov.' Klually pushed up
1IIImclI. ""I ~ Ihis " -as under$lood OUr <Ira" inllS o f abo.-, {he line of lhe bac:k . After Ihal. ,,~ bool;",'w
lilt ammals btgl/l 10 have lhe fluid. loose fuling. an)'lhing " l i pos.iblc .
rombllled ..'uh mUieular power. Ihal w.s so Iypical of Our o.hcr big ,urpri~ came in lhe amount of mo"e·
dm, Qnc, day "'e "'ere Si udying a Strip of film show> men! in 'he deer' s spine and pel .. i~, The ,wiSIS and lills
iq; an adull dur bounding across a smal! ravine . A~ and lurns ~nd ne~ibilily wen: II"O(lfT Ihan " -c knew how

~ ~~
"w,h on Q

Sr'''/gh, Squosh N''''II(II Sr"'ln

-'" -. ....

,..." '
.... .,u
? ~~~ 0.. •

E !ft-
""")"" .<idt.<10M ,''',r·
lorooouItop •• Ihr
1M lilt rira,U<"u, of 1M
o~'_I. )_ ("(1M

Ihr ~'sQn~/jr)' ,'om '0


Ih. ~''',* : J~'''gg'', p'~na.


""'''/''''. M'orf)' , £ofljid.nrr.

rlu hMd ""'1 M ""d ~illh .
n . ,n'lu, ",ay d'''11-
rlumgu "r Rlr/lud. lind li",-
ing "'ill rhans. In. rha,·
orl.. ""Itt ....,Il .
$,,"J,' Ih. all;"",I_ _ ,h<'
("(lTlQ()ft lo,mula,

r <tY ""·I,W,"''' OIli.Jm.n"tm_ The Fox."" {he 1100"".

Cyrlt ..,.,;"" of iMlwll dOli 'Imning "" 9• .
,4 _'U(~"'P"'fMCO''t''
"'W" ,...,,, ,,.,,,, I() /<>11 /,..
JlMJ of .""1" ",lIop or"
"ad (dnOOll '.", 1M a"i·
"""01' (tJ~8hl ,h~ IIU\""";
....".", of" ,fill _ u ,
ohw, but (hey helpnl us Un<\ersland how fBwn~
~~~~'Ibc frolicking look ",he" playing. Thb also
III lurn the ba$ic p;!llem$ of all four·legged
In .... alh. troiS. gallops. and TUns.
II cmffc. for example. has 10 move his from fOOl
!he ...·1)· of the back fOOl. IS il swi ngs fOf'o"aro
long legs ,,,ver so much di~tan<:e in a

the illusinn of bolt. f«1 moving on
and in a :;ense they du fur a few
....·,".TOII Mill Kahl_
The Jungle Book
. 8ul. os""ntially • all animals mo"( their legs in
TA~ '''i~~ ,,~ ,A, li,~ • .
,.w ","""' '" right fore followed by left rear. We "'hie/! ordi/Ul.;ly WQl<ld I>t
doll'" 00 oor lland. and knees and t";"d it our- ,iNw"''''"SI.MiJo,dNomIiM.
..y,r ..w IInr ,,, d~rnil>t
~~::, immo:Jialely disco>"ci'W th., it wlS the IIut!u,m ofSIut,~ Klwlt. Br-
way to progress and stay in balaIKe. To ro~sr of ,.ro,.
JPrlt' <twdy-
lep in any other panem ,ives an i"'kward i~1 d~imal _ .... _111. ,lui

_,,.;, and a poor base for lIny kind or stability. anilfJl1lor "'Ill ohlr '0 do Ihil
is pussiblc [0 lrain IIorses and some circus scr,... Mli,,,,,,,,,
Ii..., <><:/iM /il....
gaits. these are b.uically unnatural
of 100000molion. By studying the I"<'al animal
iii ."'rting o'~r a cartOOn formula . we had
Ihrough 10 • new level of understanding thaI
oIher SIOrits .boU! ··..,al .. Inimals possible for
than that. OOC\' the ptoy~ka! rdalion-
~hara<,:ter of any animal are understood. the
altitudes: belligerent. ~od')' .
• rw:rvOll$. worried. or timid . And if thert: is a
I (Of a hick of coordination. 1M anima-
10 break the: animal' s natural rhythm of
. 10 mix up the: leg pattern . Il is dw.r1lClCr
Walks ACfING AND AlTITUDES se mi·dog actions for Pluto. acting and emolioos
capturing audiences in a new ..... ay . As the
Once the walks of the Canoon chardCters began 10 watched Grumpy pull oUi of Snow White's
look ~at. the animators CO\lld experiment with charac· and Stomp away defiantly. they were more
terization and atlitudes . While pure inyemiveness and with hi s feelings than they we", " 'ith
imagination were still ,"eating funny scrambles and his walk, Figaro. thc cat in Pi1lOcchio. "'a5

"8ill Tyrla-

'~i" lri., 10 K;"~

"fJdrling tits as
.for ""ri ,

UOSStl lit, so/'.

mforr~r o~ his way

--. ~

!,Erk CI""""I>-
81< Book.
It WI2$ animsJltd as
,/w drtlwing. WO' ....
i",iniJIt~d in siu
II", so l/w ~1~pIumJ
"",,,It tIw persp«'
l/w 10Y'J"1 as ht
,,,,,, I, "pl"'~lm~~' he w~l~ ed aero" t h~ !>cd. 'inking lOJ,· dun if fie ".~, i",t m"\' in~ from \lnc place to
d«p ,"h) the ."n c'''''''''. hut II w~, I,,, ~"n";.an,·~ anothe r, There wa, nnthing t<1 caricature when nothing
.i,n Ine ,",',,<lant mtcnllptions from (jeprel1" th~t wa, h"ppenin~; !h(1\: shoulJ be »ml<: 1\:",,->n why ttlc
nude tho: ,(ene come ~hve. "hara{·ter is walking . and that i, .... hal )'0\1 animal~_
..,,' matter "f f"c·1. the animal"" found il e,,,ier 10 The ~"!ing pussibihlics in an 3",ion enable the "ni-
~, ~ "Jlki,,~ ,,':c"c if the character had ~ strong a11i- mator to go beyond a mechanical perfonnance .

.."'.e,,. om,
TO. Rr>1CU<".
Aft" 0 ,,,,,It)
~(f«1km btl"
M , hi", ".tI
'M /cI'iu~ wi
a"d i",p' ""
.'",un~ {MOP/'
pm. Ir ""-' j'
"",ch /Of ,~;,
rlw film_
"""I"ATO* W.. ,d Klmboll---
l"",gi~~II ... ~J~pl,,'ion 0{
"/"" ..... ~ll>y" ......"""""
.."/00 IIDJ obunnl ....,...,.J
~""Id ~"rirolU'~ Iitt" .. " i-
Iud" .

K~" ANkr_ $l,IC~ tI,·
pIwUoI$ "" " /rip It> Ajri€...
lOW" _i.. g wrMof'~~t>(:.
/i" ... 0{ olh~r ".,,,.M,, of
~is ",'".

K... ·sl:no ..1rJg' 8"'" au-

th.nliciry 10 his ideo of a
p<JmpDIU "'jlldb<q /<N CDt.
HGI/oi i~ ~ J....... Book.
Tw ..."",;0. of per_-
aliry lInd allilud, Id ",
S(.MS wil~ 8"a/ ~c'ing
DppD"un,·lie$ .
... ,.... It'II. Fr~M. T/JoIIuu-
The Rescue ..
8~rll(JtJ Iri~. '0 be It(»tCM.

r .... ,... "R'H~_

~ . #,-"~-

~~ -
I - - ...·tNl.i). _ :r. _ WQ ,,~OIfT
....... ..,....• .AU "-I~_
_ _ I~II' a.1ot relfffJI,frcm ,lot
C"M,,,, '" I~e /n"",·h"', .
TIt<: 1Kt;"" .....
i" Ih~1s U> ...udI IN
Ju.Io,_ """,Iot
U> ,he _"'" 0/ Itis 1UpI.

The fiNd Jr.....,.,. sJtow

" - """"I pItuuIi,.,

scIwd flv "",,,,,,IDt'. "'"
probI~lIU .
Walks that Show Character Personality

:1, Kahl-
, ""'''Am.,Milt Kahl-
"P,cas Bill,"
ng in Ihis ..'all Melody Ti .....
IN pnson~liry
'us SMdf! af Thi •• a"y walk wilh Ike
A. modd shu, , winging hips has I><en
,,"lhrSctn~m copied widely Ihrougl>ool
' ~'lJlkcauldM 11>< animalion ir.dusuy. II
_It/w p;r,uff. was C""led origin.lly ror
SluerOQl Sue, lhe ,itt who
cap<ured Pecos Bill' , beatI.

olin LounsMry-
,/w H""rs."

'" r/rona for a

"ra",,~ for B~n
,,,<>/th~alliga .
:hl. litrl~ co-ciry
,dIG rMk~him
'om Ih~ olhus.
""I"~_ Erk LorSort-
~!Cr ar.d lhe Wolr.
Many dud "'<fddles haw
M~n a"lmald. and II Is a
cltall~np 10 find a pall'Tn
of "'oY ,m~n' Ihar Is just
rig'" for (/ ""... chartJC/~r.
marching boIh Ih, peTSOII-
aUry and 'h~ d~si8n.
Group Movement different J«m~ like needless .... ork . SI
When rnon: than OM animal is walking or running special opporIunil)' in the handling of '"
in a sane. there is alwa),s a temptation to animate the make scenes of greal impact . Then: is
U~ action for each figure . Once all the problems cltilicil), 1$ OM figure pulh; away from
have been solved and lep an in the righl placc. the cI<*s in again. or passes_ up ...
idea of doing a ~ SCI o f dnwinp onl)' slightl), lhal livu the charm and feding of life

........... 1':-" 1_ _" 0tt« U_" Wi~urti_ ...

Melody 111M.
~ Lm_ uiJ. ' TM ptU'~'1t af "",....-Itl yoor ,n "'" af
IU<J , , _ "'" "Iw<oy, /r1Ic/""ud _ ." nm. M d,_ 'M
Snow While
uNnJI fi, ..,r,. IMIt .I<ITltd filliltlt ;It ";111 ",M,s. "I......)".
utU'Clri", 1M ,"", fI- "ltd frudom ,/sar uP' IlIr It,.",." An)" J"'''P •
llIiw. TM _ 1o<Id " w_,t.J/Jir lui af ,lIr JH111mu af J"""ldlw>~c
""""',....'" r ' Nlu b)" (J ''')liP of , ka,erl . E'i~ altd Rrll" ,iwm 10 IIrr
Srolilollo ...d 1M , ..,.... p'Mrduu ....MIt alti"""iltlllhr M,' all;,,,d,,. ,
"""'ilt, "llIi~ lit (lamb; . The I,ad dog wa, do~ firl/. mo,', 10,,,11.
IMIt 'M OIM" .....TO fill,d ilt /Hhiltd him • .../r,ffW' l/r~y 1Ul11y. "mll
"""W /Hit. mDd, rItrttt i,

_ _ Bill TylIa-
SOlOW While .
F"", of 1M dk"aif, ",,,,.
,I, IU IMy ",i, a l u,/OII,
G",'"PJ' "....., "' III, '~b 1<>
IH WOIMd aM «,wblmJ.
Bill T)"I/"', """h, , Ira ...
lIis IlIilllilt, (}It Ihl, IUII'It.
"...1\1 oM iri'luli", of/row
1M ,'''''''' and MI ...... of
ON! dkvuf """",d "II 1M
",M,. . H, ""<Id _ /JIll.
IfIIUr ""Y """ of 1M'" silt·
,/y. "", Io<Id 1<1 COftIitk. lItr
..ttak ....tion of 1M It'_
'" rJw nu,rfll;1tIIVIII ill rJw
~M .
..." ... _ f'ro~k 'TItomtu-
Robin llood.
TIIi$ *YN e{hJs roi~,_
.1000< .10, ....... bo>w tMd

ON e{ .1tntI1otoJ
..... a /tom .....
.-a,""'. S"'("~ .10, HqW<tU
'mmnlit,,~1y FlUr/'IIl IotoJ
e'IMd "" a wry 'l"~' <Utd
JOfrIINr""'t. i, .r".,"" /IotJl
'" starr .hrl I~,,'i/)ft "'i,h a
Imrsl of lawghur tJnd mk.k
and rUn"inx I.,r/. cami"t
0 .... a hill. Th~ a~i"""or
r/r ..... a ,tI."" "'/llt a IITr"
comIng "raithl in,,,IIu-
.............. TArn 10, """"""",,a
,impl. ~¥i''''0II. '" _~A
IN tpim 10, "'o"uJ Lok'
lit ...~~, bod Dlld dru,.
mi...-d .. J'id'JHI" ~/Iot
lOIIWbodv·. arm aM .......
ale,. "'DNad. auitt. or
a ,ibl>r>n lIftu,/o, ini.U1i
~..... " 'QJ ",,,,. I/o, (",.",.
a(:I." 1IJ.,ntr/<Utd ","11
,h. '''ttl 011 a sM. pmt.
,,, Ih. aw,/;u(", a
("/oanu {" lu fflt"h of IN'"
jndil"idktll/y .

...,.,.... ,"" Frank T"'-'_

Snow While
'n S....... Whlle,/o, rJ....t/,
SN<Jk ''''''IM~..,.A
'Q,Mtl pidJu.,. 'rOJY '"
bll ,A. mo,..". I" 'N"
~ds. It ..... ""1'01'1_ Nrt
I/oa, att 1M rl/a"""", .........
IOtnlrrr. took IO,,,A,,.
Slop '''t"h ... '"uit '0.
",N •. '" ,hty "-rr. ani.
maud 01 /)ft. la". ""'IS
d"in8 lit, a(I00ll . .v",.
~"<Ird. ,hisshapt ..,ubrok,"
do ...n .n'o .It,
rnd,,·ld.. ai
dll""t/I. trrprn, all pam
... "lrin 'M _omwl ....".
shop' E,·,,. ./oott,1r D«
....'1M ,/0, Iv ...., ""
mor, 'mponD.n',""" illiTe{
.M ",,,,,$. TN o..JiAt:t
..... lMlri,wJ ","",yn_"
,ftJ('I,", QJ OM .... ,Ir_1t
,"1/ "",illl /n hi, ","'n -..
..·"hu. ,A, pol"'"
man muSI JU c/""rI,. in
his .."'n mimi /WW f"~f)' pi~c~ of bU"intss in " Story .... iII lH put "'-..
....."')' <'« Klio". H.. sm,..ld 11<" fur ""''''lilt
OMYl)' f rom /tis SIQt')' 10 l(1k.. /.I sUon
" ... 10 JU wMIMr 1M,.. is lin)' drod phtlst' . . . /0 srt " 'MIlt" 1M /HrSl)NJluits ou goi"l 10 IN
~,,"",<l1Id "PP"(l/'''tl /0 ,Ir.. olMli.."u . H .. ,,,,,,"Id al.<O try ro su ,'''', 1M II.;IIIIJ t/tal Itis clwraclns art'
ort of on i1!lurm'''11 nalur..... Wall Disney

For Animalion be a story . And. ~f(:l'lIbly. ,Ilohould be a llooo.l one.

One artisl 5umlTOl:d il up. ··A ,ood Slory ~anOO1 be

~~~~~~;I" glUI U~ to as k "",hal
ruined by JXXH" animal ion. bul neither can a JXXH" story
filmma ker wrOle i:ooo.J
characters. good g~g,. be s.a~cd by lbe very beSl animation ..• ,
Unfoounarely. there IS no closely lie could ~ve gone 00 to say lhal a JOOd Story ,,150
nor any slm~ ans ..-er. Qlhcr tl'lan judg. ean be ruined by poor de"doplTOl:nl in the S.ory De-
. ~nd taknl. It ~gin~. Qr course. with partment. JuSt bcc:;ouse lhe Slory is g~"I. lhe~ 's 00
KIn for the whole pklUre. One .(oryman COUn· a5sura""" thaI il ..... ilI ~main &~al aner il has ~n
. " Film. to me. i, no diffcrcnl from crear ing a worked over and over on lhe Sloryboard s. Nothing is
...., . paiMing. !>Illig, play, or whalcver. If you automat ic ;n lhe ,n;mltion busincu ucepl the nega-
posit;'·c Malcmcm 10 ma ~e. )..... should ti'l'dc""RtS . 110.... good a picture can bc<:omc is much ,~hQ..

I it I
Of pencil , '" M"""than.
mUSt have enough Importance to
kiiS certain .
First. the~ muSl be the big. simple idea : the story
Lady'nd 'beT.....

~'onh cummunkating- lo t>c ..... orth lhe ,,'ork and you can tell in two iiCnlences . As you ..... ork On a pic-
thaI ,,-,II be ~u,re<lto PU' it on tbe §cl'ttn. II tu~ il seems so compl icated thaI even two paragraphs
spellbmdlng; il mllSl ,,-ill 001 tell i. a ll . but if it started OUt as" good Idea.
and you have been fl ilhfullO that COIIttpt, one: day '1 acters and pu. in lovable KqlM:0ce5 and eIua . .
will end up very s imple Ipin . know will be gn:at . but • hodgccpodgc can lUll!
Alfred Hitchcock ha$ recommended I similar ap- unless the~ has been ~ clcat. Slrong dri,,~ to tilt JIOI)'
proach . from the v~ry sta",

I always ful comfonab le aboul ~

proje<:t when I Sequences
can ~ II the 5101)' in a very simple way ..• . I likelo
imagine a )'OIIng WORWI who ha$ been 10 S« liM: Our featu~ films always sccmcd to ~nd up ""itll'"
movie and gon home very P lisroW wilh what she 14 KqutnCc$. No m.1tt~r how ~ach JUne(! OIlt ....1tnIft
hu_. wilh high advenlt>re or C'OO,pl i<:a.~d slories, by •
Her mother asks hcr. " What wu it ahout1" lim. we devcluped and NlftllCCd and SI",amlintd 1IId
And the girl replies. ·· We ll . it was aboU I a yU\lng edited we eooed w ith li ll ie more thnn a dozen. Allcatt
wom.n who so lUll! so ;ond SUo • . . " twoKquencn would ha"c~n cul ool.f"'r .... suna:I
I fccl that befon: ullde"aking to shoot • movie. production , and something else would have yow~ III
OIW! J huuld be able to do jLl$! that. to S.II isfy oneself $¢(j1lO:1ICC !cnlth and been insc"ed e,'Cn la!C1" . SIlII. •
that it can be namtiW ju~t as clearly. the whok roever had more than 15 nor f....·.r rhan IOKqIltlKU
cycle . ~ This facl becomes quite in!portan! .... hen I .,;c..
mjuiring many incidentS in diff.","t locaks is brtIt
We have fou nd Ihal the siory idea for an ~nimate(! oonsidert'd . Constant ac1ion s;w arions give no dwa
film must be e ven 111011: direct for lhe quiet Kquences lO'iM:re audiences can fall.
10" ..... ith lhe c""'""lCTli . In our experiotncc. a pK\III
Jealousy leads a vain queen 10 tbrealen the life of a that allempied COIlIinoous excilement and dronaroc lIS-
young pri0ce5S. who nU5 into the woods where she sion Mver held rhe attention o f the andicncc . It sm.II
is befrknded by seven dwark When lhe queen. in
disguise, tncts her into eating a poison<:d apple . the
'0 dull their senses. "There could be a '~::".~:: I
ing tilemc. bUI the Slory had to be told wilh
girl is thought dead and preserved in a glass w ffin of rempos and f~lh ideas .
until a prince awakens her with love's rUlt kiss.

A b.obyelephanl iJ C'OOsidered a freat because of his

enormoos cars. unlil an enterprising moose discov· L lntnxluction; Quun
ers I wJy to tum Ihi' liability into a sta"ling asset.
2. White orders
Queen in ':;:i::,:~::~'~~;::~~
i .
An orphan girl is held captive by an «centric: WOUlan White and Huntsman .
who i, using the chi ld 10 retrieve a large: diamond 3. Panic in lhe woods ; SOOVo' Whi",
held in I lIeacherous cave . Two mice from the Res· animals; they tak. her to d ....arfs·
cue Aid Sodety help the girl find the diamond ; and help clean housc .
liM:n, with liM: aid of some local animals. effcc. iM:r ••
e$Cape .
,. $Onlething in .heir house,
Discover Snow White; .gree ro ....
Such a synopsis givC$ none of tiM: navor o f the Slay .
pKtUre or the rich c~rers that motivate it . but it 6.
dou renccl the basic drives that hold the piclure 7. Queen turns
together and make it ""00. If your idea is complicated Dwarh ente"ain
in the beginning. there sllQuld be much more thought
•• for them; dwarfs give
and discussion before cven sta"ing the picture . There 9. Witch prepares poisoned
arc many ~mptalions to overdevelop wond<:rful c har. cottage .
](I. J)"a.h lu'·( 10' ""'k. 31kr "Ilminj: Jlf~""nt~U<ll' vr I h~ 1I1~leri~l . 1110.· ...• ,h'Klld b< ~ <ORioi
Sno,,· Whil( . dc,·;:lopmcnl of lho: dru'rn1 ,"herem in c3iC"h 'M.....
I I. &:. 12. BOlh ~u~ru;~~ d'opl'<'d. A ~ilual"'" Ihal i. c""ntri,·oo ,impl)" "ilt ....,. hI.rJ "1'''
I). Sn,,,,· While making ri~.,: "lid, arm·~> Ihe ,.:,..·,·n Similady. a 'iluaUon III;" j, ...d,ru}· (f
3nd cnl~ " h,,,,se. prcdkl., bk 'Ini.·kl)· " ilt ~c,'''''" dult 10 >()Ur aW~"'1:.
Animab ""am dwarf<: Ilk)· r~lnm 1O~' I:ot~: It " vita l d,al ).,'" ha,," the '·"·",·rs wil h ),,,,.r
Snow Wh;l~ f'I"""O<'d: "i1<·h fall, "n ~ ardutl) I~"J them Ih"",~h tile . 1''''y .itl"'t~_. ""'.
cl iff. i. aimOSI ~~ ,mportant Ihal Iht:) ,1Ot).'fi ahe:ad 0( )"l1li.
l~ . (),,·arf> cry a1 Sno"· \\"hil(·' bicr. Tho:) c~n inl~rC.1 in e,,,,n .'"'Klt 11.:", d""~. 'rnl
16 . G lass rofr.n: I'lintt rol1"\eS; SrIO" While e'·~f)·ooc L""w. ,,·hat 10 ':"[,«1. or. """'""'. if ltullp
awakened "nil gOl:' J",a), " ·;tll Prine",. just seem 10 happen" ;thoul re~ard (<X ,,110 the dtn:.
lcrs arc or "·h ~t i5 moti'·alin; 11k:n1.
Often Ihi~ ~ilualion cannot bf: unct»em;i u.ntil fIIO<IIII
,,·ork has b«n compielrd 10 run lite rou~h redl. k'
I. Boule found with call for help: KellCutc not 100 lale to COITttI. ddelc. or fortify. but it r
A.d Socict~ ...,nds I) ianca and Btmani. eruciallh~1 the ,,·cab\Css be rtCOllni!ed and idoMifi
2. ), Iict learn aboul !'cnn~ rrom old C.l aI al this point. A eritici~m writ len aboul Tht fQt.
o'1'h~nag( . Iht lloomd after an early ~ n,,"ing of 8wroximllll:1
). At P<'wn shop. lhey learn wocre she b be· half the footage ,,·ill illu$lr1lte the probiem' "'e~.
ing held ; Meduu Ioea,·el.; mice left behind. me balit SIO' )" is lhal a )"oung hun1ing dvs pII)
4. D, opped. hal'Pil~ " ·i1h a kil fo., ,,·hen both an: puppic-J. \IrI
3. Albalross Air Ser,:itt: mice lake ofr'. fly adul .. ther li\"e in differenl ,,·<xld, . "The fo., his
Ihrough clouds. rais..d b)· a kind ,,·ido..· li"ina on a (ann ....,,1()
3.2 Dc"il·~ Bayou: P~nn)" lri~. 10 escape. huntcr ,,110 is \I·dining his dog. and lhoere is I "
caugh! b~ crocodi les: mice lIrrivc. m~c l owl who conslamly is tr)"inJl to help t~ litll~ ru.
Swamp Volun1eers. ride .... ilh E,·i nrude. c.'plai n Ihe wa~·~ of lhe wild 10 him .) Our .()flt.
6. Medusa and S!tOOJ:IS plotting: mice chased was enouJlh . bul Ihis " ·as lhe r.:aclioo:
by cnx.:! inlO organ. s1loi 81 by),ledosa.
7. Medu l-iI "Ih 10 Penny; sad ."",,: mitt The bineS! ""takncss is Ihal lhe~ is no ""I'ffl
lIrrh·e: escape pl.n. audic~ can relate 10 lhe characler,;. We 00..·1
8. F.,·;mu<le ~m f()r help. ~ha.\td imo bOlll~ how Ih~ owl feel s aboul the fo.' . really. ~"M
b~ bat •. is Irying [0 do--or why . Is ~~ Ihe SIImt ..
9. & 10. Dropped. ,,·idow? And we don·1 ~e enough of!~ .. io.i;..
I I. Penny in Pu'I1CS find~ di.n>Ofkl. f«l in,> 10 ju>li f~· lhe lenglh of a ... Itok:
bard ~· ~t$ OUt . where ~he Iums the fo~ I"""" in the ............
8 . 1. E,·innodc eludes bats: animal) 10 ~inl of Ihc picture .eems slowbttaule "'.., oK
the resc"". involved . More footage ~.'plair\ing lhe", thinC"
12 . TI", c~ape: diamond , ,,,,overed: I'~ rln)" just mak e Ihe pitturc eH iI , lower.
rescucd ,,·ilh aid of fire"·orh.
13. HaPi'~· endil1i : mICe s<:nt on 0<'''' mis;;on. O n ~n e~rl~ sOOwing..,f SlupmX 8,..",,)' " f rroml
a re"""on lhal rid,s OUtlhe , anN" I>pt ot .. abN
Our goal muS! be 10 k«p the audience pl~ascd . hul 0\11 pf'C"•...-nIUI "In·
lbo e.,cil~-d. ''''''''m.-d. ~",.r. c,p.x-ial1y. "·\J!lIlerin~
wh~1 i, soing 10 happen nCXI . "'hi~ ".. ill takc pla..·c on l)
if tM ~udienec i, involve,1 "illl In.- dlaf~C I~' ,\ and
Th~'...,,. no ,~al ,·onl1i(1 "fGood and b-'I.31" I
abIJUI llo'lt. ;,oJ il UM"d :<[Ithc 'Y' "hol, and ~ \IIIJ
..... hal IOCY are dOing . In addilion 10 an (~ci1ing ,· i.u~1 w~, aboullM a~~ ·uIJ .trutl~I,·. I'IlI ",""""", .
(~to hl~, 00 coon '''1 r~ally
de\'doped The "ud,- enlcrtammg) ",II ~lInplif)' lhe ~1Qf)' and make u deam,
(!K't "b 1lC'-er .n\'oh-..l, 1lle characler< lallaJ aboul 0r,en. (Ile cn(hu>!a,m for a "~n: b't of en(eru,nnw:nl
Ibo'>l<lf) lho) " cre III. 001 d,dn't he 't- lhe audi- ",II h~'-c blond<:d ('''')Ion. to Ille nttd for cOlftful
CKt nt'-er fell II_ II ",as newr real "'Ofl; in ~ .IOf) Of layoul ber...., (1M: ~nes 0Ift p,..sed
on 10 Ille an,malor. Somel,mes lhe ~nmulor him~lf
Ell') I"",ure gel ' lhe '."'" Iype of eni""'" at Ihis can be l<I nj;cr Ilc doe> r>OI wall for an) more prcparll'
1IIg(. "hl(h bungs up one of the mOre dtffkult ehal- (ory " 'OI'k before lie begin._ Th, s 1x,".nlC ~ rut pr0b-
Itn,el ,n the woo lc proce.s of making Ihe fillll , Whal lem on Ihe lale Ihirtic~ ,,·hen II j;cllcrall), WaS felt (hal
!h:Jol~ be dor.e al Ihl< point. reganlle" of "hal wa. jusl aboul an)lhing ,'oold be anlmalcd .
.nurn ,n tho §Crlpl. 10 ma~e Ih'" p.clure COnIC 10 hfe '? Veleran .!Or)man LeQ Sal k' n. >peak,ng or ltom..
"\M ",II male the >!Iualions """" belle,ablc '? And. d;l)'. <a,d Ihallhe >(01)' work " -as much more e~dli ng
_ ''''f'O"ant, hoJ,. can we make lhe: '101)' ~m 10 and SI,n,ulallng ., 11M: :tmm~lorS ,mprowd ,n their
..... from "~I llIe eharaclers do~ ab,hue' 10 handle an)' l ind of :telm,. ROIl Ikn Sharp-
\'rf}' oflen a fe'" \lmple change, ",II bf,ng d"4- .I«n fell llul """ and lhen lhe SlOf}'n'.n lefl h,s o"'n
.-.: rtlulh AflC'f 0f\C of lhe sequenc"" ,n Thr Fo" "ork 001) half done, 1·lc ..-rOlC, " I ~m ",clined 10
ad lilt 111iI"" had been reworked. " )'<)u"g a,,,,,,,,lor thmk Ihal 100 oflen people grew lScruSIO",ed 10 ..".... .,.
,_,h" comment "All righi' Nov. you f.:.: l thal Ihe
\!ll!j'I;'OI!If:! 0,11 of III<: p.""'nalll,.~_n i~ not a riO!
M""e IIr Ille ~rc"t p"rformanee, Ihal :,nimalors ga¥c,
and IIle) were conlinuall) rel)"n~ nn lhem ,n """,I iring
D • .,,,,,,

., """,ad
:K":Ift Ir)'"g 10 (lU>h lhe character< mil) n ~sn'l IIIe makmll of a picture. of rcall!.'Rg Ihal. f",. ".pM.1
.... fttl hle a SIOI)' II's jusl o;onlClhong II\;lI happen, <jUCRII), ""'pic SIOf} changes could produce e,'en be"
.... )'ou ."' lho". personalll'.S v.orklnl "Pili" each
Icr"""Ii, ..
To ,lIu"lrJlc. he dll.N: a >«1100 of /)untbo lhaI5OOvo-S II tIfflIIJ
SomotnllC~ ,I "(01)' a mailer of a f,," IIC:" >celles: Tm~h)' MUll,., Mortling dronl The elo,,-ns h.'-e fr"""
,~ '"
• nubh"',n! >bot 10 clarify the locallOfl or lhe cond,.
Id\ ",rroundm8 the characler>. or • ne'" way of
b«n celebrallng and droppc<J a bottle of 1I,!"or ,nlo a
,ub of walcr. Timolhy and lAomoo ConI( along. "ery
,'" (1111.
~lnl til< or'~mal idea Ml Ihat il h., more "reng,II , d,>o<:on,<)I"te. and L>umoo begin' 10 IlI ce"p. Timothy ~-. ""',of
Iltt ocn,l()fI;jll y lho Slaff has 10 con.., up ""h :I "hole ,ugg"'" he drink ""nlC ,,'alcr, .. ,Id .'oUOn the lilli. de- _boJIbI•.
Ro rompronu>e. or e'.n a complcl" lie" ...:<jOlene. in phant .. b.:l.3' ,ng on a slr4ngc manroer TonloOlhy "'00'
QJ,...A Tj
.... 10 mnc lhe: COOI"'UII~ on lhe "'r~n hold an

S<:.n.bmes cullln~ OUI pans Ihal ~''t' b«n o'-crblllli

Gf bm>rnt ronfu~",g (e"en lhuu£h Ihe)' n"ghl he
ocrs "h:.t ~ ,nd of " ."Ier is in Ihal lub and lakes a dnnk
h,m,elf Th .. "a, IIIe :tC1ion lhe ~Iof)'m.n lefl up to
11M: an,malor
The >O<:fllC "a. g,,-en to F",d 1>1.,.,.." 0fI0 of lhe lop
__ ."",11/

111' dot .""

.." '..'

animar"", (wirh "ucce""," in Pinnrrhin on rhe c har~c­ Annlher Iype nf change 10 consi<l<r if rho c~
rers of Geppeno. Lampwick. and Jiminy Cricker ). bur need strengthening might be a shi ft in character ma-
he had trouble with rhi s assignment. aen Went on. lionship . It could be the busine~s itself that ItffdI
"Moore was animating the scene. and we could I>Ot bolstering. but it also c~n be thallhh':,~:~:~'~;:.~:
gel the result rhat we had visuali7.ed . It was based on It not have a chance to play properl y a,
very suhtle and difficult piece uf personality anima- they are. Adapting the pen;onality lraits _ to
tion ." Timothy. so .... how . had to react in an appro- si tuation s Ihm are developing could be one
priale and emenaining way, first. 10 lhe laSte of the but occasionalIy a whole new relationship is net<kd.
water. and, second. to the way it waS beginning to Whon our production Unil slaned
make him fed . 'There was nOt enough lime to have of us thought we would make
him complele the change 10 a funny drunk: the poim of tives more interesting and a lillie different
this SCene was jusl 10 show hi' initial reoclions to mice we had done by having them married.
taking the drink. It s uht le-a nd questionable been several successful live· action shows
planning as wdl. band and wife team. and the idea seemed t
After Fred had swealed and squinned through sev- si~uatinns that would be stimulating for all of ul .
eral lests. noltC of which felt righI, the deci sion ,'..a, had moved lhe first Ihrough lho SlOI)'
made ro change lhe SIOry concepl at thaI point. 'They
went bock to the storyboard. and after many discus- well into experimental animation
sio ... Ben recalled they eame up wilh Ihis idea: became apparent Ihat 'he responses
various si tu ations "'ere too subtle for
When Dumbo showed signs of imoxicalion. Timo- cation in animation. [n the live films. the fact that
thy remarked. "I wonder whal kind of water this is characlers are good-looking and involved in
anyhow ," With Ihal remark. he leaned over 100 far ment really was all that waS needed .
10 look into Ihe tub . fell in . and after a splash or logue belween them wuld fonify
11010. Ihe sound of his voice c hanged considerably. but that was nOt vital. You either liked thorn.
(In the final. lhey used a happy y<XIci I This was not . and if you did li ke them .,
done wilhout showing animatio n of Timothy . The Ihey were doing. In animation, tha~ is IlOl enough,
nexllime " 'e saw him. he was reSling on hi s elbows We had 10 have stronger reactions. more
on the edge of lhe lub with a sill y smile on his face. f«tings the audience
This was a simple and easy way of puning the We tried bkkering. affection.
transition over. II was a far bener .... ans of doing il bUI everything was tOO mild or li
Ihan to have squ«zed everything we could have nut We finally realized that our biggest Ii
nf the animator in some subt le manner . In fact. the was thaI there was nothing eilher mouse was
resulling animalion could have been done by an achieve in their relationship. Withoul tho
animalOr of lesser abilities. wildering momenlS of gelling to know each
the p<:>Ssibili,y of roma~. without 1~ ~xc ile­ the mice 's prcparations for lhe mtssl()fl. 1bcy well'
of I new cOInp<lnion. ,,'C "'e~ rinding "cl)' few told to check OUt the equipment needed from lhe sour
, .N"."~h anim31ing. old rT1O\ISC down in lhe 51OCkl'OOll'l , While Bianca was
II lAs 100, bttn koo".-n in the rhcalcllPtar OIlC of (he selc<:ting 11315 and oull;t5 chat ,"'ould make t~m loot
"")'$ 10 gel hold of any characu.·r is 10 find OUt debonair. B~mard wu concerned with ... fety and
he is trying '0 do. If he is mm:ly an """'n'er. ingenious invencions thae a James Bood mighe have

used . When asked by the clerk if he knew how to
be difficult
in any situation. il will only concernedto hnndle a ~f!C':ial lial1 gun . he aCled tlO1\Chalanl al>(!
real 0 1 exciting. It is noI until he competent in order to impress Bi~nca. Naturally. he hit
to inle~late with Ollie, reoplc 01 ,,-;tPt human ehe rclc~se and nearly killed them all . lIis aplomb was
...~:. " ~. hc Show5 his amy of unique t,.,.it~ . We funl\er shaken when ~ was handed the survival kit
to find intcn:Sling ways for OUT charact<:rs 10 wilh t...-o pills 10 be. taken in case of c apture!
10 .. ything they might encOllntcr . Ken made hundreds of dra ...·inp of the: props that
Imkad of I professional team " ';Ih the " 'isdom of mice could mne OUt oflhimbld and erasoen and thinp

~;;~;. wc changed our mice to amateurs who had thaI human s had discar<kd. and " 'e "l'll' all exciled
pledge to the Rescue Aid Society 10 guide about the enlel1ainm<'nl in both the locale and lhe situ·
Immw iatcly ric h alti tudes appeared, and siory' alion . It wa~ no! Unlit several wefks later. after we
,,:::::~,,:,:~gcr [0 ddv~ into (he Ol'W P'J"ibililiu disco>'ercd Ihae the plighe of the little girl was ehe very
f it I But even more IM:lpful was to h~\"e b;tckbone of our Story. that we realized Ihat we would
II(lI e~'cn ac:quaimed al the: starl . each seeing ha,l' 10 give up all of the byplay of the mice Vtting
for !he fi ....' time urly in ehe pio.:eull' . Now ready 10 go on lhe m ission. Ie juS! delayed our Vtt,ng
them did " 'as roloml by l~ pres. Co the main part of the: S1ory . "!"he picture ~
new romp;rniOfl . Min Biann. was v~ry interesling ...'hen I~ mice had a real problem 10 solve.
. " ' ilh qui ee an appeal for Bernard. and. and allille talk be.fore they-acmally sean ed OUt became
duey was to ehe socielY and hi s desire co dull, and. WOI'l'C', made later pailS of the piCTure seem
predica=m s "l're made rnuch to he boring hecause they repeated atti tudes we were
such an e~cieing f~male by using here , So the SC<tuence had TO be dropped, Of
"" as wrong. he course. the big problem romes in r«ognizing ehal chis
fa r mon: encerlaini ng possi. should be done . Basicall y. it i~ l:I\Iill 0fI a knowledgt'
mamed for ewenly years. o f what business is beSi suited 10 ehe animalion medi·
B~', lack of regard for logic created real um . Every piclure will ha>l' scene$that an: diffICUlt 10
any ronniCls bClw«n e~ two offered draw and ii«nes thaI call for upcrience and talent, bot
pQ5sibililies 10 boIh the sH'ryn~n and the lhe bulk of the film should be made up of scenes chat
. AI>(! all hecause we had c han~ed their Il'la. are usy 10 do, should be ~ffect ive and good·tooking
to one lhae could grow and Il'mnin active. on ehe scl'ttn. and should make ehe but possible usc
many good plays have hecn written with no of the anin,atiOfl poIemial,

Hell' arc a few guidelines Chat can help anyone joogt'
""I.10 end. feel abolu
gt'nerally. the each
will the: material be.fore the animation is\ed:
IS easily if lhe chan.c:lers an: no! pro-
tOO. An)'time tllcK c an be a de>l'lopmcm in I . Avoid sce~ Of activities thaI are OfIly ronlin .. i·
i, will be c<tSier to fil>(! busi~s ey . Thi s type of OoClion is difficult 10 do convincingly
personalieies and hold ehe interest and is always judged critically by an audience , If there
is a mood to be eseab!ished or scenic almosphere is
so carried away by the potcmi~1 of the needed. all in the dwarfs man;hing home from t~
.iC had made thaI we were in~pirt"d by Ken mine or ehe: sequence in Tht RtJcutrJ showing ehe:
",~· ".,,, t"' 10 build a whole sequence about mice flying on !he back of lhe albatross . chen t~ conti·
- ,
, :\ - -
;~- . .!\ (l . t U
I ..Ai. .,f

..... .
, k -i-
• I

S«m ap~IJ al,...,)'. sh",,/J

Iv ~"yrq~ippW Iv/ur'
",,"i~l ""r, Tit", d,,,,,,·
inSI",' K,n AmiuSblt n. _
pwu 1M /du '" d ,,«k.
"""" ~""T' mk' rM~l 0'" •
fiI"~tU ,.uMiJ fiN ,11m T'" _flY /t"_,,
FOP' DJi>pthl '" ,Iv ffNfIt
' "d _ ... Ii,., ,0100, .. ",.J

snJI" tn""",Iv rlwv....·

IT" _II.

".I'I,""~ Erk U
Lady and (he Tn
P" . tit, jaJnl.
Onl ond P()IlY
'''amp/oJ{" rita;
II IN/i<>,"tJbI, "'"
,,,i< _1M"",,,,,,,
""mr RQlpIJ H"ltII-...... R""",,,,,,... .....rkIN ''' .....
ptVSSWIU by 1_

1tNJuo, _,It. nK"''''

e opla... 0,.,.11, f/"11$ 11l",«dt' 0''''' !ofart/WII"" Iwfor,
il "'P" ofd,ommir Kf'1tN; ,loot aJdJ ,UII...
"rrol dot'._
... , .., 10" _ _ tty dull ''''lNMU of rI.orIKUrs mm"ml"_
1«0/' W "_It,,
'" OM
can be oecood~ry .... the pic!(Jri~1 effect . Other- wilh " definile and inlcresling a(l ilude . Confronled
is more ;lIlere,<1 ;n whOi h:'ppcns o,...:c the wilh !M problem. he develop. hi s OWII pomonatily,
"'he,,, they are going lhan there: is in the grows a link. ~s " '00 he is. makn his decision for
oction of gell ing there. action. lhen docs i! in an clllcrtaining way.
, ""(lid M'CIICS whose orly funcHo" is.o explain. 6 . Ask yOll~If, ··C~n the slQr)" poilll he: dono: in
~::~::'~::.;~ chaoxlCrs ha"c 10 ~and around caricature"'" Be sure lhe scenes call for action. or
:. I art .Iway~ difficult . Be Sure {I\c", is a s;tua. acling tlml can be caricalure<! if you an: 10 make a
1M ~ivc:s ,he characl.:rs ~ definite ~l1iludc. or dur SI~lemenl . JuSI 10 imila!" n~ture. illtAl""" reali.

: :~?;£.::~::, Iy, orduplicale Iiv" action no! only wastes the medium
3 disagreemenl. or 3 prcdica - of animal ion bul puIS all enormous burden on thor alii·
Use a narrator or a title '" set up the
make the onslage actors t.Io il. mator. II should be belieYllhlc:. 001 not re~liSlic.
l Mate sUre (he story in<;illem or . ituation is really 1. Tell your Story Ihrough lhe broad cartoon char·
:>etc"' ralher Ihalllhe "Sl l'lIight·· OOC5 . "There is no way

1 1~~~~""~~X~'~~j";:'~"iS'",H.i c~!l)'
acting . n.ey should m(lIivalc the !o animale Sll'OIlg .... nough alt iludes, fecling$, Ofnprtso
no! be upeclC:d 10
(he decisions they IIwke sio'" on real isl;'; charactCI1i '0 get lhe com,"unicllion
,,'oole slruo;lure. OOt there you should Ntve . T he more: real . lhe leM lalilutic for
be a Sll\lIIg si' oalion Iltal has ~ootIgh imerest in clur COll""unicalion. Th i. is more easily done wilh
I di Like the liCeoc in 0"",00 of lhe cartOOfl char.oc:le(S " '00 can carry !he SlOI)I .... ith
IB,ng ,ho drillk. il should noI be len enlirc:ly nlOfC illl.. resl and spiril anyway. SIlO'" w,,;,~ wa~ told
10 C'IT)' the s""1' idea. Ihrough lhe nnilllnls, Ihe dwarfs. and lhe wilch-no!
S. Sure 1M char.octcrs ha'-c an oppo,1 unily 10 through lhe prinrC' or the quoecn or the huntsman. "They
to life. Wah al"'ay~ lold us. " find the enter· had vilal roles. bul lheir 5Cencs were essenlially situ,,·
. .~'" in tile s ilualion and in yoor c har"':!c(s, Don'! lion . "The girl herlil'tf was a ",al problem , 001 she .... as
bognI down in . he SlOI)I itself," 011' for helped by al " 'ays working 10 a sympathetic alli!lU1 or
activity or uplosi!ioo . Bad; up hnmedi- a broad characler. This is lhe old vaudeville Irick of
playing the prel1y girl again.1 the buffoon : it ho:ll'"
S. look for place!< to shuw!he chamc:ten thinking . both characters.
,.,• . ,~'" Changing aui lmk, and look for way~ 10 Our own f"" lings were ~ullllncd up very simply once
~ fac~., uf lheir ",,,,,,,,,,,Iilin; .hey should in a «01)1 meeting; " J uSl ~ $Ure you gi~ U$ some-
~• • ~•• h .he film. Consider Ihi s: ~ strong silua· Ihing 10 animale . Don'1 give us a ~ene " 'here nothing
has ~n ~stabl ishcd. Th .. Chal'"oIClCr "OIlI<"S imo il 11;11'1'" ns!· ,

Story""" Ed ""nner had an unu"u~1 prubkrn in TM "Yeah, lY's lol;;nl ,ho: Ion~ ",,,Ik'"
LwJ, - ' 1M Tramp "'~h lho: ....... ~ oflho:~. in " OIl. ,,·.11 .• I<hort lif, and a .....IT)' one. "
tilt city poond . The- i"""", fil<"l thallho: un"'anled l1>csc wcre f.",iliar 'er",. lho: audic~ undcMOQd ,
ani ....... ore PU' ''''oy al lho: .. pi ........ " 'a, a ~ey pan of S«ond. show ,ho: doS <)Illy in ,ilho:Juc1lc , '" a $hadow,
.... ...,.,. 1JItI .ho: lhoug/ll had 10 be pI .... N in ,hi. ,<> minimi •.e ide ... iflCa,ion . Third. cwge IIY q',
StqU<n<: • • ",. ra'''''''of mc!anchuly dog' hchind b... na",. 10··N utsy."· I nd. fourth. give.ho: .ni ..... lioo to
is""" Ihl"!'. bul ':lkin~ an "ni ..... l.o tho ,., c""nU. C liff Nordhe:., " 'ith in.IrUClioot •• '" M .k. it fUMy!"
tudorf,J "" lho: m<lIt>ld and "'..,n,ln ..... t;" ,n ow ..... - Only Oi« cook! handlt: wch an .... gn ..... nl. II. had
dlum. II,,,.. ",>o ld il lit: pre.. ntcd,.., thai il was unmi , · beeon .. kno""n for hi~ abilily 10 ."'... lho: un... reeled.
LobI<Io.)'Ct tk_ ...·i'h a light I"""h~ scn:wy act ..... ,,"hen: ordinary " ..."".. 1ItS _III ha""
or. jO[u.i....: Firs,. buIld a I"'FoIlkl ,""Ih ,ho: I;,..,· ",meed. !lis .. knls gave. uny '1uali.y '0 "'und....
l<lion pri<Ol'l (il"" Ih .. had been.., popula. jU>l. few .itullion. and ""ere just righl for Ih;, ""Iiea.. 1pOI in
)':>n nrlic. ITlit' lI;r 1'""s~. TM I..... M"~I, ..... ~'n' lho: pictun: . No ooc doubted lhat Nu"Y """ indeed
>1-.;1",* dtcl>t. of dIal",,,,, and ,"itude. , .. ling hi. IISI "·llk. but IY "'''s 50 romical oOOul i,
'"1.0,,1;, gUYI, ,hey'", lakin' Jo.Jo."· th •• no one could bt:oomc o,·.<ly ronccrncd .
Walt and the Storymen on film . Prior 10 1935. hi, story_n had mn t"""
10 Iool; r{)l" .he fres h. tile une~pected. the diffctnl.
Story_n are as d ivel"$C in thei • •~len\S and in.eresls as and 10 think in terms o f cancature and ~U".nt __
anima'OI'$ , They are not interchangeable and cannot be which .Iley interpreted as meaning bilam, wikl. lIIII
e~peclC:d 10 do equally " 'e ll on e~ery assignment. When impossible . The rtlOfl: outlandish . the bener thc~ liked
Walt wanted a cenain result. he cast his story_n wi.h i•. To them . anything real or , incere meanl "~raIPt"
the same pc:lttp(ion and imuition he had displa~ in and automa. ically wou ld he dull . No .... , sin« ..
castint his animaton . animaton could do so much more. Wall had to pull.
Ted Scars and Perc<: P~arce were s ll'ong on chalX · s.orymcn hal:k and leach them ne .... ~alllCs of ,,'ama
te r dc~clupment ~J\d JIIlf1iona litics, Il ill Cot trell added and bdic val>i lity . II~ still wanlc-.J fresh ~ituatiOM lid
good taste. Ippropri~tcllt:ss. and judgmcn1. Bill I'l:c\ funny predicaments, but he also wanted hil ~~
"""Id co ..... up wi. h I whole "",,W visual co"",,cpt , to achif:~ mnin' um identity " 'ith the aud~
Erdman (Ed) l'cnner and Dick Creedon kne,., story This .ype o f think ing is .he Uillmale In CIUll..,-_
structure and undcl1.UOII the mcchanic~ of cOlnedy . n.e challenge to.he st"'Yman plus tile "imulltlOl ~
Ou" Englantler Wa~ a veritable libr.rian nf Walt's Wah's ~onSl nn. pressure-- nol to deliv~r, but to $Card!
discllftlcd idea • •hat were too gOO<l III lose . The: li st and prnbe and disrovcr_kcp( an air of c~ (~
c..ntinues on. with each t.lOIYn>aR Il:rving his O¥>'n indio _nl in the Story Depart"It:~ , I. i, not 100 difflClllt.
vidual s m:ngths and t~lent~. think " f ""'e hilS of business tha. dalmatian J'UPI"CIo
Wal. nc~er was in.crested in s.ory ~tructure. relying mighl do. e~pecially wilen Illere are fift~n of diem ill
instead on his almos. infall ihle intuition f{)l" what wu one family. bul lhe hig itlca tllal has them all "'llchiaC
entertai ning in any idea . He tore ~tol)lhoards apart tde~ision li ke any family of kids is unique and cOllld
ruthlessly as he tried to find .Ile span that could he from I ",re talent. The idea goes further. for thc ...
developed inlO an unusual and memorable sequence gram they are Witching is a :\Cries featuring theu .....
Thunderbolt . the Wonder Dog . The aooiefu has •
_aJw.q. "WliJ. •rouhle at:eeJlling this since Ihey have =n it in lhoW
" d«/Ii()#l ....... o wn holllt:S night after nighl. II is completely tithe".
011 ""'YfIV~ lVId
{I<_lrDiIl(l rtlldr ble and offen; endks.. possil>ili. ics for bllli ...u. pa
~ ""'. H ..... " """"h.y t.......,hc:s. gags. and _thing entirdy ...... ..
........... ill I~ the scrttn . M~ than that . i. is. warm. h3!lP)' ..._
Jot: GI'QIU, C'nI-
'n KlruvyNu
that w;1I play inlO lhe e~i l suspense of.he ""PPIn·.
'mpromftI~ SIMy
heing kidnapped immediatel y following. Maybe II.
not genius. but it cen ainly is creati>"ity!
Many people contributed ideas to thitl ""_':
wi.h Wall leading t.... ,,·ay . bul .he .. oryman 011 • II
101 D"lmtllimll was .Ile talenled . pIIngent, imcitlle
hurno.-isl from Indi"na. lIill I'~e., He shared .IOII'Ir d
Waif s feelings fOf fannl~nd ~. and hi s char.>etm wm
al"'ays 5Omehow reat and do ...·n· to-earth. no
ho,., fanta!.!>c .he concept . It is amazing 1'0""" ..
observation e""bled him 10 calch lhe essenct of "I'f).
Ihing he drew . .... helher ;t wa, a hoxcar 00 a f~iPl
train or a Bavarian dwarf li" ing untler a lil y pad. feI.
10-..' storyn.. n and s ketch anlSI lbtph Wri ...... ,,'110 . .
hener kllO ...·n for his great gags "' the Goofy ..._
~ ""Ill thaI Bill ...·as 0fK of.he few ·· ...·00 rtr.....

up re.1. li ve charnclef1i thaI li ved and bre~thc\l . .

thougllt and came from the hean of tile Stot)' an i.!."
Bill PCCI alw~y$ a ~tl'Ollg, overall CQI"ICepl or tile
-"ot)' IT\3t"";al IIIaI integl'llled tile lIumor in boIlI the
cllaracters and the situation . Rather s pOI pp.llis
imegrity drove lIin, 10 1iC;orcll 0111 an idea tIIal lifted the
s ituation OIIt of the com mooplatt. and sliI! left tile
door open 10 funher development in Ihis new difI!C-
tion. Yel after cooceiving all this in lIis mind . he could
~jcct the cmire lIOI ion if il did IlOl work wilh tile OIher
pam of I"" Slot)' .
Hill Pw pt>HS"" .. pIIMo
One suell invention IlIal laler lIad 10 be diliCanlcd s /uno' i~B ,~, "Dry"",,.',
was bhw. the buuard. in the early versions of TM
JUng/if Book. Rill nttdcd some way Ihat the bcaslS of
lif,." "'" -*""'"..........
pld. dT"",.ItII. wod _
prry could find OUt wl\at WlIS ",ing on in OIhe. p;lfU of e...." a piau fO.II AI /»rIo
.i,uA ,,"lSI aM "ory-
the jungle. so lhey knew the movements of lhe hunlrr malt. Bill /lad a ~";"w "".
Buldeo and lhe bQy Mowgl;' l ie could have !lad them r,,11M fi..,li~1 u" m"Ndi~·
s\.llking about. jlCt!ring lhroogh (lie tall grass constantly. i"8 ""'Y '" I~II " "<»""1 I"
or lislening (0 lhe:: warning cries of SOme bird of tile .irumi"", INu fflI<ld".. .....11
Indian jungln. BUI llill found a JTIOfl' en(enaining w~y
of lying ;1 alilogether. Since buzzards do not kIll , he TIIr ItJltlily of dDlOOOIuuu
had !shtar in [he humilialing position of llavi", 10 get " '''lrA 'M" I"WJI"iu 1V
lIis meals from (he scraps left by lhe liger and leopard pt<>"tJItI I(}~'IIr. liU "'"
Iuuntuofiuroily. lit IINs """li'
and !he wolves . Iking cn\(rprising:as ...·ell as hungry. ,.,,'i....
<UId rmrrl(}''''''l~'
lie promoted himself and hi. even(ual meals by u - 'IOU"'''' ,,. 10 1 ~(moci .....

No one had an easy lime wilh Wall or found him
p;l<Iicularly romfOf1llblc to be around. and anyone as
argumenlali~ as Bill was bound 10 compound the
problem. Sl ill , he e njoyed a rare rappon wilh his bou
lhat led Wah 10 relax more in DiU', room Ihan in most
orlters . Thi s was not always to Dill's advantage. He
lold of one 1II0min, when Wah dropped in wilh •
lerrible cold and nopped in an easy chair in fronl of
lhe boord!. It was c lear that he s hould be home in ~
instead o f roaming the halls wilh walery eyes and a
Sluffed· up 1lOISe . lie admi ued . " My head feels like a
block of cemenl.·· but quickly he 5C1 his Jaw in I
defianl aUitude and continued . ·· b.II I' m oot giving in
10 it! "' Bill smi led weakly; lhen Wall. with a heavy
sigh lin~ wilh dclerminalion. wen l on ... We ll . whal
the hell ya g(~ here . Bill ?" The boards were not
uppruvw. a!ld Ihal aflemoon Bill 5tan ed work on ~
new ven<i".. of lhe malenal .
Walt' s pass;ng fT100ds had a prufound errc:c:t on boIh
his judgment and hi~ bc","viOl" • and on his dark days he
was apllO rip I storyboard lpart for no apparent rea·
son . ti lll alw~yt; claimed thai there wen: 8ClUally thn:e
diffen:nl WailS: the dreamer. lhe realist. and lhe spoil-
c/wIgln, bils of informalion Ihal lhese bcasl~ mighl e r. You never knew which one was coming into your
need or find inlcn::S1ing---<'spcda ll y informalion abou l meelinll ' Bi ll quipped. "You have 10 pIlone down 10
tho Iocalion of a prospec live 11",~ 1 for e veryone . lhe fronl gale and a~k the «>p wh ich Wa h came in this
BUI all uf Ih\:)e meal..,aling animals I"fIIl\1«I by nighl. mornmg.
mllhe buuanJ is not el.juipped for 1I1Ivcling in I"" Thc biggest problem the .torymen had with Walt
dart . He wall alway. SlIggc::slin,. " Pcmap' "'" can go was lhat he nevc-r would look wben: they ~ ~nling
fnI thing in I"" IO>O<IIing . _ . "' only 10 be cut off by a whe .. lhey uplainc:d the aclion on lhe 1MMnIs. Usually
CIO"lin,. " Now !" And as "" ran off in pursuit o f his he already had seen every thin, ,nthe room a couple of
bmefilClOf. bumping inlo tren and stunlbling . "'" heard nighl' bd~ and was not cvcn Ihinkin, aboul whll
his vOO ~rying. whining. " Bul why does il have 10 was tldng said. bul be also had the knack of lislenin,
be now? If. dark and ... Oof . . mBYIJc we cou ld wilh one car while complelely engrossed in somelhing
. .. ,Ikk . . . . 1I 0w aboul al the crad of dawn . else . Nothing ever slipped by the man .
Oooof! ... T' Webb Smilh Slarted off one meeling by askin, Wall.
Nono: of t~ predalors liked I"" buuard . but I""y " IJQ you see this drawing up bere'" Will assured him
'""' lilcd the infon",uion he brought them ....·hich he did . Webb COIllinued. "And)'QU _ this drawin,
[RieIIlcd I wooll relalionship on whkh 10 build their down here'" Wah grumcd I n:ply bul his curiosity
~Iil ic$ . It is al\uys good 10 know how Wl!S piqued . Webbconcluckd. "Well . when I'm talking
ICIer f« ls aboul another. BUI Bill 1hooullhl he waS on aboullhis s kctch up hen:. I don', wanl)'QU looking al
the .... ronillrack and lossed OUI both lhe character and Ihi s , ketch down here:' Walt laughed. bul deliher_
tho ii lualion . lI.eali ,.ing il was more imponall1 to de- alely looked every where e~cep' where Webb was
.tlop a very believable re l alion~hip belween lhe pan- pointinll frolll lhen on.
ther and Mowilli. he found Ihis wcakened by the cOfl,ic With Walt', policy of seldon' using. sin,IeSioryman
..oc, of orh." cllaractcrs. working alone: . lhen: was always a templalion for each
man 10 build his o wn private s toryboard over in a it. production, I naturally assumed Ihat I would stan
comer iftStead of working together on • common dfM. at the belinning 0( the story 00 a!leQUCfICC or Mictey
Ralph Wrighl in~is(S llul this is happe ned on I~ Mouse showing off as an icc s kaler. Wah dropped
thort . TM Art Of SI:Ung. One storyman had all his in unannounced, sat down. and began looking II ....
husi_ going from right 10 kft, while the Ot:her had Story s ketches . He said, "The picture, ~ i1 ii, il loo
his gags going left to right. When Wa lt tried to com- long. " Then he pointed to two sequences that \tint
bine their e fforts, the dir«liom s imply did not: work . pretty fir down in the nary. The first involved
After an annoyed s ilence. someone suggesled , " Why Donald Duck and Pluto . Donald Slr::opped a pailgj'
don't you usc this stuff of the Goof going to t~ topof ice skates 10 Plulo'S paws while PIUlo wu ukep.
the hill and i\C'uing ",ady 10 make his descent down the Oon~Jd lhen yowled like a ,~t, wak ing PI"t()"p In
SI«I' s lope f..cing hi m. then suddenl y have him shoot a n llgil:lled stale . Plulo's firsl thought was III take
b;K:kwlrd$ do.>wn the ~Iope he has just climbed; mat' ll off '" pumlit of lhe sound . lie hil the il:e and sklddod
make him gning the ~vrn:ct d irecti...,n for the ~t of the IU'OUnd hartly , and ~ fooh .
husineu , " It also mIOO thc funniesl ll~g in the piclun:. TIE second lCt!ucnce presented Goofy u an ia
To lien SluupI;l«n , Wall W;L' the wool<:- Siory dc- fi.r,,:rlllan QIl lhe ..... ..., fW7.en punoJ , H~ !\ad <:lit,
partmo:nt . no maltcr who wa, wurking fOf him . Fmm hole in lhe itt, and lhen had dropped bits or tiIe..m.
lhe puliition of di=1Or and oo;c25ionally l upervi,inll tobacco into it , with the in tePlion of dubbing rh<
director, Ikn had a special view of whm went on. l ie fi5h as lhey c ame up to spil in the cuspidor "" had
uid. " Walt's :.:ting and Murytel1ing abil ity were If! provi<lcd. Iking Goofy. however. he kept mimns
important fealu", in the success o rlhe studio . He had D lhem . Th is K'tjuence was • perfect companion fir
terrin,:; J"'rsonality fOf ttlling puries in such. way that !he Pluto SCCjuence, because _ coold kave Pluloil
the animatan ~nd di=lon; were lhoroughly confident I helple •• S'lualion and then cu t back to Goofy and
and believed in thorn . lie could lell a story so that yoo his troubles without wasting time on tr::on$ilicmt
coold see it as il would ilf'PCIII' on the 5Cf'«n , I e;mnot foou!'! .
give the man lUll much erediL. " Walt said. " lI ere YOll' ve 101 tw<) great li!ulticlBJ.
Ikn _III on 10 rcl ~le how W ~1t helped the di=tOt It i. n ' l ;mporlant how we lead up 10 thml. Nooo-
of the piclure U well. a fler you gel thr:m done and you know how mocb
footage they U!ie. lhen you can go b;K:k -.I t-iId
I was assigned to di~ 0 .. Ia:. As I began 10 plan your heginn;ng ." Walt procteded to describe rh<

rhi, i"ht {i",,1 ('Q1I'i~uiry of 'hr ""tmp' '" tm s"""" W/IW

TIu- "rdit,,«'1uJd _ . INj(Kr bNft a<UJ 10 ""'int" •
....'''''1 "'u~ NlUld '''It ~ ;ft " Olrn>Oft. W...., Ifw:r
Iwlint .hi,?
..aRou$ " '115 tl'llt Pluto would try to get up on his montage. a collection of K:ene5 CUI together to give an
feet Igain. only to nop down . He w~nt through the overall mood rather than a specific continuity . Dr.
. fdc: routine . H~ a lso de!iCribed Goofy's fishing Jdr),// (lIf(/ Mr . Hytk. iUUTing Fredrir; Mardi . ronWned
prob!ellUi . H~ concluded by lIIying, "Now when a gripping lran$formation from genlleman to beasl right
Goofy i$ completely outwitted by tho!ie fish. then before QUI eyes . The film Privott WQI'ldsc~plored the
!bey aU come up IS' group Ind spit in !hecuSpidor. mirod$ of psychotic indi viduals in an institution, with
And ..-hy don 't you consider pl ayi ng a little tune? /.>lIe panicullll girl named Sally. who hurd her name
Some son of I liute tune wi th the spit hiuing the: called over and over in a fading echo. The sound track
cw.pidor." We ended up by usi", what musicians was beginni", to be used to interpret f«lings and
~J.l1 • " btt4k .·' They were high spots in the fin · sensation~ in addition to just carrying the dialogue .
(shed piClun:, This expericn<:~ was a valuable lesson Film I\ad oo~ of age as a medium o f uprusion and
for lOt . W alt would not be left behind . He would find ways to
adapt many of these ideas in an imagi native way to the
A drar example of how Wall worked wilh lhe story limitalions and strengths of !he , lItOQn ,
-nIl i~ found in !he !ieq~nce in SliD'" W/rir" in He wondered what he could do with his o wn $eo
.. hich the HUn1 sman lries 10 kill the young girt. The quence of an attempted murder. a burly killer who
original "n';u" of this cla.'\.\K: fairy taie ma~ say, "So ' annol carry uut his missioo . It aU sounded SO n:a!iSlic.
tk quem onk..w a failhful ~rvant to kill the girt. "" WlIighl. SO emotional and dnomalic, and none of
but. ;nst~ad. he told her lu nee inlO the woods." The lhose: elements ever had been consitlered for animation
$('til( could hav~ been playe<l lhat way. " 'illl oor .". before . More tl'lln onr;e he asked , " Can it be dont:1
lit! illustnl ing lhe aclion in. few pH:torial ~nes. but Can we find • way 10 bring il off?" It was /.>lIe thi"110
that WIS not nearly enough for Wall. He fell there have the girl s ingi ng to a group of ani mals. and quile
OOIlkl be an n eili ng nlOltlCnt ~t thj~ spot. and there another to prescnt two human chanw;:1CTS gripped by
Ud to be _ w.y ""e could do it in c,noon , Could intenSC' cmoxions . How could he do il1
..t poMibly ~a(ll I ny of the techniques o f the curre nt His first thought was to have the HunulIUlJI a real
hw·actioo cinema'~ villai n . a he.vy , with a "voice that is lUSty and
It _ • lime o f stimulating adYltntt:S and c~peri. cracked ," He would l'llve . name , Humbert . and ~Id
rnt1I1S IS new areas of commu nicatio n werc being be a de finite personality. like Wa llace Beery. only
upknd. Many u titing uSC's ~n: being made of the meaner . His daily job was 10 kill , and perl1aps he neb

/ I

-" "" -
looked forward [0 this particular tas k. "When the should be stretchctl OUI . reaching for. particular flower
Queen says. 'till hu: [he Hunm""n's foce brigtnens in the Cnlnny of a rock , She would be more "ulnmoblt
up IS though he wants to do il. " Here was real mc:~ . and make . better larget iii lhe dagge. w l'l raised • ...,
1lIe girl had b«n "" nl out \0 pi~k flowers , 50 the one lone flowe. ",'ould be mure sy mbolic of the l"""ly
sequence should star! on a happy l10Ie wilh no hinl of girl.
tl'Ollblc . 'Then gradually the suspen"" would Slart to Wah began 10 feel Ihal even lhou,h tllo: flovom
build ali Humben 5tt$ hi~opportunil y, draws his knife . reprnc:ntcd inntJ<:e~ lhey lacked warmlh . and tNybt
and . pproaches ~auliously. When somc:lhing ~auses cIlanging 10 an animal Of II binllllat coold respond 10
him 10 fail to CUT)' 001 hi s bloody as~ignment. lheR is Snow Wh ile would give a slronger situation . If . .
co nsi<kr~bl~ dialut!ue explaining whal he h:1(1 heen we re hclpin¥ an animal in !rouble the r.: would bcgreal
lold to do. why he muld nol do il. and Whal Snow conlrasl 10 lhe evil ~ppr<>'lCh;ng behind he., and I
While should do nnw . woulll hdp build he. Ch.anlctCf as "" til . Immedialtty
This fim ven.ion Iold the .1IIIy wilh melodramatIC the i<k~s he",n pounng in .
e~cilement . but . If II h:od been !\COl down 10 the anim~' "S hould the bird he sick , 0 . have a brol:f "
t"", at that poinl. it would have been difficult to do wing .. . ?"
and ulKlouhtedly very cl umsy on Ih" SCreen . [I was R " 1 <lon'1 see !ha! il i$ sick , bul jusl li~c ~ liuk kid
Ii_action situatioo. with lIe.icale acting. 1lIe anin"". woo is lost ~nd is rrighlenW, crying . , , ."
100 wookl not be able to get hold Ill' either characler "Sllo: l4.;,k~ . ' A~ you an orphan'!,"
without endlcu slIody of film, and even IMn lhere wa~ " , .. get • lin le baby t.jrd idea the~ . .. It"
the danger that the re~ul l would be on ly a cruUc: ~ym­ innocenl, paralleling her o",'n SilUftliun ."
bol, oontorted by rt:~lricted mQvemenlS and wei¥hl ' Looking over lhe , kelches o n lhe board, Wall coold
Icssness. 1lIere had 10 be ~ thought . mure refine- sec !haltoo mIlCh time w..~ heing $pCnl 00 unj~
ment , ~ adIopt.alion, before this woold be righl for ",,!ion. The: preceding sequence had ~~Iopal .. iIb.
.nimMion . <!rnI1g endin" and you knc:w of the: COII",ming jea1-
More story TflC(:lings were held . .lind ma ny n>()fe ou sy of the: quun as ~IIo: assigned lhe grim lask lo ller
d..-~wings were made . nd pinned OfIlhe hoards. InStead faithful servant. This was n<) lime 10 51aft a new job.
of pickin, a bouq ... l of flo",ers . perhaps Snow While He commenled , "The mQnlCnl silo: lells 1110: HunlSn\a
10 tiU Snow Whi!c wc fade out and fade in on the on the board . Art: "'-C: doinl it the right way? Will it
dullC !ring curied ou!- matc it movc fas!cr." And wor11 M aybe if we juSt kept it short and direct and
the dialogue a! the end had to he brokcn up with more stic k right to the point. and do not develop the Hunt s,
anion !r!,,·ecn the !ine~. ··Tha! would be bencr than a man as much: play OUI the situalion. but do 001 1"1
Ioq bv.och of di~log"" . She would ask shorl ques tions inmlvetl with him . W ah Mlggested that they woO; on
-ad he "'"(MIld answer ,,·i!b sIlOf1 ans"-C:rJ ." the dramat ics of the whole thing. keeping the Hunts·
The", was a big discussion about how Humben man in shadow. showing only his feet I' he comes
-..oold wc:aken and when hc s hould drop the knife. forward .. •. . . and hear the crunching of the lcaves
'·1 mink it would be a stronger picture if $he j uSt and twigs." This woukI build it in the audience's imag.
_1lfOIU>d and Ke$ the knife over her. It would be i~l ion tl1oOR . ·· When)'QU get d06C-UPS o f faces)'O\l
_ .n.rn.!K: .. , : . havc to !ell them!OO much aoo you lose imaginat ion."
··1 think it would be bener if he droppo:d the knife No One ever had done anything like this before. and
when her back is turned . ·· it was imperativc that the audience accept it the way it
Walt starn! at the board. bis finge rs drumming on WI5 intended . If they lauiJted at the Huntsman. it
lilt Jm1 of the chair , one e~brow down . l1Iere W2S a WQIlld lnC'an thlll the audience had not been dlll wn inlo
long lilcocc. then unexpectedly. ·· Maybe we cou ld the s ituation and could not !akc hi s type of handl ing
!pttd the woole thing up-ot". m~ybe the", is • bener serious ly in ~ canOOll. llIcy m US! belicve that this
"lY we can do it. Maybe ,,·c don·t nttd this ,ilwtlion animated figurt: uis!ed and n:ally w;aS goinllO kill the
..1Ih her at all!·· girl. llIcn: WilS good n:tiQn fur Walt 10 w~r .
Thtn: " ·as anolher ~ ilc","..,;aS!he fellows in lhe moel- St ill he kept roming back to the salnC' ingredients 15
in& tried to consi dcr this proposal. Finally one sug- being the right way 10 go. In a stOl)' meeting in J une
&nttd. ··A fcllow like lhe Uun!sman who ilKnt out he was able to outl ine what he thought ~n: the best
• I job should do II. A fellow like that wouldn· , ideas. and though there .... ere ~ n:fiOClnC'n!5 as the
ronfas tNt he couldn't do i( .'· sequence .... ent through the plant thi s is csscnlially the
AnoIher silcI>Cc. way i! wa~ done. NOIe the Icngth of lhi~ meeting .
··You could have her e.s<.:ape . Saturday. from 8:00 to 1:00. wlui a "'gular work. period
Mon though! ~nd ~ ITIII.'C tings and!l1Or!' uctches in those days.
SEQUENCE A-SNOW w llIn: ANI) nit: she is talking 10 the hule: hlrd and .Ioa)"in, Ih1l1,11O
H Uf'ITSM AN IN T H E WOODS C!>ttl;t up. litre como: the fCfi 51"",' ""m I hnI-
Meeting held: Saturday. June 27. 1936--8:45 A.M. eating Mcp-il could he the kInd of a SICP thalrs
to Loo P.M. trying to he light.
Pru~nl were: Llrry: Woold yoo su the ., haoowli on the grouoo'
Wah Joe Gram Wall: Yes, but the shadows are so that the)' any
Fnmk Churchill 8ill Cou..,11 IhTOllgh , She is 1M.., with the lIule bird and npc
Charles Philippi Larry M<ny bc:hind COI'IM:S the shado_blllid up the sI\ado<o.
B<Jb Kuwa/w"a and the: knife .
Walt Snow While is 10 be picking tlowers-so Ihal Joe : We jUlit set a flash of the knife a~ il ;1 btllll
when you open up on lhe ~IUp here there is a pulled .
menace right offlhe bal- YoU jus. cu I to a Sh()l of Wall: We jU.l t flash on (he Shining anicle-<;ut 10
1M HUni sman m."rc wilh j usl his eyes looking . ller alld ~he kis~s the liule bird and il flies '''1)
What I !itt tiw:1l' - she is trying '0 help the: liul~ - Ihen we CuI back 10 the knife o~er lin 1IId.
bird and tllen the Huntiman starts 10 come 10 her begins to shake. hand . n l and knife drops
wnh tho: kn ife, and you CUI In the Hun!Sman as ..., Maybe he coold drop<k>wn riSht in !he scene, and
JlUII.< 11M: knife 001 and have I slow wal k un him she take. il as he say. FORGIVE ME ¥OOIt 11I0Il
out of lhe scene--that is the last you Sec of the NESS. Soow Wh ile is up the.., like she nII'l
Il unlSman, e~ce pl hi s f""1 apprwching. While understand iI_ WilY . II U~lH~Rn WHAT IS IT'tnd

1" """"'~ bot/I ~/t(J,.

I11ft I....INI ~
btr 1M
r• ...... I"'"
"'-Iii.... ,All .~ •
" ,1_
ra' ,/uJ.
" ,.1/'111'"' in
',Hn' "'''''X ,,,,,,.
,;/1001;""" 'O,,.iM-
llumber1 coold I'lIY, I COUW/<"T 00 IT YOU R IIIGII · is Ihi~: " Siling the whole Ihing up-do you think tMt.
~ESS _Snow Wh ile says. wItAT'- liumher1 : I ~""r.llI y. ,.-c are: 00 lhe right Ir:ock for • Ihin, lit..
CANT I(II.L YOU fOR it ER- Snow While l'lIys. this. or do )"011 Ihink il is too heavy?'" There: was 00
11'1101 Ilumben ,.ys. Tllii QlJI:f.N. TIl E QUI];/< , ~nl to guilie lhem and 00 way to lesl the: sequence
GO 00 00 ANI) /<t,VEK U "TU MN TO TIlE CASI1.1i unlil .1 was completed in oolor . No one could say for
FC* THE SA IH. Of' NOT ONLY YOURSELF, SlIT FOR sure. but Wah SHICk b y his 'n,ui lion and d«oded to go
lllOSF. WHO LOVE " OU . DON,. Rt.i 'URI< Ma )'be ahud .... ilh II .
lie' rould end up wilh GOGOGO, She is ronfu~d Today. we c:lSily can _,he: ingredicnts th.1 made
arod run, off and maybe cut h;lCk 10 a Shol of him il work so well. The crew conccnlralcd on just lhe:
In. bRakdo,.'n qui"~r posiuon ~I the lasl . Gel a cssc""c of lhe SIOf}' silualioo. 001 Icuing any pan
!IIOI rA 1ht ,.rods and ~he dlxsn' l k......· " 'MI 10 become o~enk"eloprd : Ihty used carefully pbnntd
do. bul jU!;l goes on . hesitating at lhe heginning. <lramalK: >laging <alher lru.n uplanslOf}' 11«",,5: and
buI gres 00 decper and dec""r_ maybe yOlI C'KJ ld they underplayed 1M emolion,,1 . SpeCIS of 1M acting
carry lhal "SA U.Y. SALLY " idea of I( ILI. YOU- ins,ead of calling for overwroughl. lom",nled histrion·
" 'HO"-THE QU~t.N_/:KJikling in lhe liule: Ihinp ics . A$ a """,II. lhe: audiomc:eo; ,.-.:n: s"-q>I along. ClIUghc
!lit Hun\5flWl said 10 her. And alwaY' Ihal GO in a ,,-cb of their own imagi",,'ion. convinced of !he
0000 ",hen "he "'op', inle ... ily Ihal "" vcr waS aclually sllown . Thc leu lhey
wc..: lo ld. lhe nlOU they filled in with lheir own
IhouJ:hts; and the less thai was :said. lhe: more: !hey
_rued 1(> understand. As liule as was Jhown on the Huntsman after Snow White SCream5--just a fI&\h
Huntsman . he probably ended up with more substance to a clo5e-up front view of him .
as a eharacter than uer had b«n planned . Dave: We ha~e discussed lhat 1(> §oow his haDd
By M~h of the foll ...... ing year. the animation had reining and the knife dropping . but if. a JOf.ld
been completed. and. as usual. several of the poinls so poinl and I'm glad 10 have it . We arc coin, 10
tboroughl)' discussed ""ere ~ coming off. Alternative do it §lo"'er and ha"e more furtivellCSS in his
ways of doing som" of the things woold have to be movements.
found. and in this transcript of another meeti ng, Super- Creedon: He walks li ke he is loiAS 10 meet some·
vising Director Dave Hand explains the ideas they arc thing . He should be movins sideways or e=pina:
considering as he listens to the reaction of !he staff. I»<;:k of somelhing .
Incidentally, the hours of 5 to 6 :30 were no! normal o.\"c: I reeall a g~neral reaction . P«IpIe ,,= ......
wurting houl"$. but reflect the overtime that already Mbly surprised with the aninUltion , il didn'l kd
was expe<:ted of the personnel in order 10 .;o"'plete the ~ bod.
film . Creedon; I was agreeably ~urpri""' , lIearins tbr
voice alone. I thought it " 'wld he ham .
S~:QU F.NO: JA-SNOW WHITE AN D THE Dave: We still intend to ~Ct aJl(>thcr c",",racler voice
Il UNT SMAN I N THE WOODS and do it over.
Meetin; held : March 17. 1\131- S:00 ~ . M. to Suchanan: That"s a I""""y hit;h cliff she falls over
6 :30 P. M. Swe~tbox 4 Dave: W~ have had a discus~iun of tltat, and""I: felt
PrcsetM ",'ere: it should be a shorter drop-INny of us.
Vern Papineau Fool ..... Suchanan: It ·s 100 d:mSCrou5--il might kill hc:r.
Ted Baker John Hubley
Juon Eml'Iit Non.Il i "The scene of lhe f«t wa§ replaced by a ~ of die
Stuar! Buchanan Harold Miles II l1nt§man's face coming closer and closer. but 1I1lIt
Ken Anderson CharleS Philippi no ~h ange of eXl"""ssion. The menllCe of s«ing die
Terrell Stapp Tom Coorick steallhy (CCI had sounded !iO good in the SlOT}' meet-
George Goepper Les Novros ings. but even Wall agreed that the repl~ment IocW
Dick Cn:cdoo Mm: Davi. bener. What is more inleresting is lhe thought ~
tllI&h Hennesy Dave Hand sented by lhe last three comments on the page, n.
Grim Natwick Mike Holoboff cli ff ~ 100 high .. ;1 might kill her! The girl
Grim: I didn't care for the !-hot of the Hllmsman's a.
become real to the crew '" ,".".~,
to lhe audience . No one ever WOOTled aboul
did ••
feet very much--it didn·t _m s.trong enough for
lhe place it was in--it _med a li n le clownish. Duck filling 100 fa.!
Dave : Yes. we are retiming it and possibly reshoot- Th is sequence has beco"", a,',."';;,,,'
tion wilh lhe audience. Everyone was drawn inw
ing it .
G rim: the feet don·t _m strong enough for the picture in a way that made the eventi 'h.",,~
have a greater imparl . It was melodramatic
situation . I feel you ",'ant something big and dra-
,""tic. I think lhe shot doe5n ' t even show the feel becoming saccharine. Perhaps the ".",11" .,,'''.
o ff 10 advantage. You 're up«ting something worked on it contributed the most 1(> malting it
ominous and an you o;oe is a Pli. of feet . A knife SUCttSsful pan of an outs.tandin& film .
W()Uld represent ",'hal was going to happen bener
tn.n a pair of feet. Dialogue
Dave: A shadow comes in first. then the fccl. We
speak of having the feet s tep o n her bouquet of "The easiest way 10 develop a Story is to do il
flowel"$ as he come. through the scene. dialoaue bet",'CCn I
Tom: I Ihink then: oughl 10 be a CUt there to the lhe audience neem to know . But. as
iMd. " When !OCe tell a >lory in cinema . !OCt should character is not K ling. he is not · Iiving.'" They Iud
raM 10 dialoguo: only '.'~n it '~ impossible to do to Itl'lQw!he feelings that go deeper Ihan ..."OI'ds before
odII:r.,ise . ..• The hardc~t way to de"elor a ~tory i~ to lhe y could fin<.! lhe strong attilude. that woulll male
OOtt~lIwith panlomime . While it is truc Ihal a charJe· Ihe silualion believable,
11'1 iitklom comes to life as a s pe6ft<.: I"'rwnality until There .... en: four major rules to wriling dialogue:
tk vo;.:" is added. t~re is alSQ Dupey ...·00 made no
1I:IIn!s. Pluto ""ooonly howlnl and pamed . and Donald Rul, I. Do rIlH " 'riu diDlogue Ilrol ducrilN~ """'1
o.:k ...'hose dialogue ...·as filly perttnl uninlelligible. )'0" urr suill&. If a character is panling and s~at ing
Slill.!IIQ(>1 of the greal characlers owed much not onl y from lhe he al. 1M lasl Ihing he needs is a line Ihal
Siaies. ··Soy. am I hot!"' Or if he has sianed 10 lelve.
10 the 'oke but to 1M carefully se:1«lcd line. they

Wall uwally lefl 001 lhe dialogue umi l a s.equo:..:c

it iHoo late tocommenl. "Well. I guess 1"11 go now:'
His " 'ooIs should refl« 1 his feeling. ilbo!.l ...·hal is
IIad been de''C~ 10 lhe poinl wllell: he: could I « happening .• nd be wriuen in • way that .noclle. hi.
JII!I bi)w liute waS ...,all y needed. If lhe idea could be perwnalily.
put o'er ...·i lh an express ion. an action or a souOll
dfec1. or with music. M would not uSC dialogue . The Rul, 2. Tin: ....ords utld Ihe IhoughllNhitld Iht.., shoWd
AOI)lIWI ~ 10 think in ... isuallenm firsl. and when IN sp«ial 10 Illis OM citarOC:lrr. No one else: woold
k dIid .Tite dialogue it had 10 tell 5OI"OCthing ~bool lhe say things quite this way . Look fOf unique ..."OI'ding.
dIIno;ter and not be: cxpo~ition. WIlt insisted thai no colloquial phrlscs, colorful upre~sions Ihal are righl
OIItwanlS to see a cha racler c hewing away on a bunch for this one ""rtieular chlaratlcr.
\ll'W<lr\I$ . 'hen a provocalive silualion i. developing.
nc .wir~ ...lnU 10 I « what is going 10 h. pp'n. Ru/t J. 0;,'/0& .... I7Iusl IN ...·rilltll So Ihrrt j s _ ·
.-I Iht swyman only .... ant. lhe dialosue: Ihal will rhill& 10 ullitn(u,. It has 10 n:flect an attilude thai can
bufy and ~n hi. story and the: per50ru.lit"'s. be drawn Of an emotion Ihal can be soo,,·n. Exposilion
Hilcheock also said. " To me One of Ihe ca rdin~1 is deadly. and 100 many words waler down Strong
_ for a $Criptwriter. WMn M runS into SQmc: diffi · altitudes. No one can keep any sirengih in a long line
nIry . is 10 !;.Iy. ' We un cover lhat by a line o f dia· of llialoguc.
. : Dialogue: >llould be: a ..... nd among ()(her
""""'thing Ihal romc:. out of I'" mouths Rult 4 . Diu/oB .... ..,usl IN ...·r/lttn MJ 1M aclOf' doing
.,1I<.>sc: lelllM story in visual term,: " lilt ...,ju run comribme somnhillg. Wilhoul changing
I' 100 :IUSlere for 1M cartoon Ihal has 1M flXaning of the line. il is usua lly possible 10 give it
and per)()fllhly IiQ heavily . but it is more life by rephrasing or adding a louch thai lives
Ihlat Iry to call)' tile meaning of tile , lie lOCtor. belLer c""""e. Oflen a chuckle. a sigb . a
stUIIC!. swallow. or gulp will reveal man: of lhe per.
Ont producer al Disney's insisled Ihal if a character 5QTlality Ihan lhe words IMnH;elves. Other limes. lhe
-.I he feit a cerlai n way. Ihal was a lllh.1 was needed . actor may have an inlimale know ledge of fol k phrases
wl)UkI.stabli$h the fact aOliIM loo",,,,,e would from certain regions Lhlat willMlp build a man: inter-
10 belk,'C it. Bul il docs 001 ""OI'k like ' hat. II is nling characLer .
a cllar.l.cter is mad
or Ii . "!bere muSI be business 10 "!be voice lalent usually i. uger 10 Mlp devclor a
~Ialcmenl and a s iluation in which he can unique characler. cspedaUy one Ihal is unders.ood
Ilw:se: emotions if the Jud",,,,,e is 10 Iw: lhoroughly . and Ihis comribolion should be encour·
so. Un'it ,he viewer feels IIIe eTTJO- aged. Ho""ever. in lhe early day. of wild chases and
• Iw: is 001 imfll'Cssed wilh the "''Qrds. violent lOCtion. lhen: was lillie opportunily (04' lhe
it simply : "Anyone " '00 nuances of an individual personality. As one lCIor
·li '. notacling.~ndifacartoon adm iued wryly. ·· It 's a linle difficull to build a strons
.. UuryCkmmtHu CharaCler when all you say is 'Oof . . ugh. 'flY"
"mI<ffl1i." INfQ"
1...".,,/ by Ward
yip. and Wheee!' bUI i('5 slill imponanl 10 do
r. whal you can."
Occasionally. lhe dialogue would be wriuen befm
lhe skelches were made if an oulline had bec.n approved
a nd Ihe wriler had a slrong idea of how lhe sequenctS
s hould play. Larry Clemmons. who had bec.n in ani·
'malion during Ihe Ihinies. Ihen len 10 wrile for radio
before returning 10 Ihe sludio. had a 1~lenl for brisk
dialogue Ihal gave everyone a feeling for lhe ch.1nc·
te~ and lhe enlen.inmenl pO!emial in a silUation. Ik
always wrole scri pls. lhen a~ketl lhe suny shIeh ....
10 follow lhem a~ cI'lSely ~s possible. If lhe , kCl(l
man was 1101 alen. he would end u[> merely illu$1I1lins
whal was being said and nOI adding any ne,,' ideas 01
approaches 10 Ihe problem fmm a vi.ual slandpoinl.
Woolic Reitherman direcled these tilms. and. whik lor
enjoyed the word·gags and Ihe play belween ch.1nc-
le~. he knew Ihal Ihere had 10 be a new ingr.ditd
added 10 make lhe .<equcnce do ils job. lie "wid
complain. "There '5 ,,"Ihing happening! I wanl a hop-
pening! I' ve beard enough words--J wanl somrdIi"
going on now. I wanl a!lilUdes ... you have 10 tnow
.. VanctG.rry mrs how tMy're fee ling. whal lhey're Ihinking bef~)'OI
fN)JIumtS. 'xp"s·
OM al/;/"".. for Can tell if lhe words are righl!" Slorymcn must
/Iv linl. SUir <!f1l>t lhe palicoce aoo energy 10 try many Ihings
•• seuling on a direclion .
VlIICeGerry. "'ho did both ,tory and slory sketch. the little girl was the very heart of the picture. all of us
hit upon the best solution_ He u&ed Larry'S script as a decided her introduction shOUld be in a situation with a
p!de arid a basis. but set it aside while he staned strong hcan-lUg right from the stan. We wanted the
making the drawings that seemed to fit the situation. audience to become involved with Penny and her feel.
One drawing led to anOlher as he explored various ings "'l quick ly and forcefully as possible. SO our first
_l)'S of handling the chamcters as ....·el1 as the whole sequence of her became the one in the orphanage right
mood of the se<jucnce. Evenlually. he W"'l able to pin after she has been f>35",d OVer for adoption.
"l' • continu;ty that included actions that could be In the story meetings. we had conside«:d ha~ing
animated. bosi!>e"s that developed the characters. and Penny do a linle act for the prospective pal"<'nts. some
pantOmime that strengthened the rclationships. At that litlle song or dance: something she thOUght she did
PJOnl he had a meeting. and all the ideas ....·ere pre· .... ell alld on which she could pin her hope. for adop·
!tilted. Following thai. LaIT)" would rewrite alld Vance tion-something she hoped would make a mother and
~"OUld redra ...... bul bil by bil they Came together and father ....·ant her. If she did her beSt and failed. we
tht result ..... as a unique. convincing sequence that k!>ew there would be a strong empathy from the audio
fl'lbably could nol havc been achieved by any other enCe. But it also would !leee",itate showing the visi -
torS watch her act and perhaps pan of lhe act of the
""'"A good eumple of this l'ooperation is the introduc, lillie red-haired girl who finally would be chosen. [t
tion of the linle girl I'enny in Th~ Re.c"as. It had had good pathOS. but also problems ..... ith the added
i«n assumed thai the proper ..... ay 10 introduce her characters and more fOO(age 10 put over the additional
~uuld be in a happy sequence ..... here the audience bosiness.
could be taken by the appeal of a cheerful. spunky Vance Gerry had been exploring Ihe appearance of
child. She ..... as an orphan who wanted "ery nluch 10 he the bedroom in Ihe orphanage for the next pan of the
......... ed. oot it ..... as felt that any sad sceneS would have sequence. and Larry ClenmlOllS had wrinen some poign-
!!lOR impacl if she were secn firsl in happier circum- ant lines between the little girl and the orphanage cat
.\IanCeS_ A whole sequence was ..... rinen. sketched. and Rufus. as he is trying to find out what had happened .
iW1ia1ly animated of her on a visil to the •.no_ Penny Tl:sponds . '"They looked at me. buttheychoosed
Il'hen it waS discovered latcr on that the pathos of a lillie red·headed girl -she was prettier than me."

Vane,. ,uggmi,
P,"ni' bN in I~
of r~ big"""" in
pha"og~. SAt Iw
pamtiU>'" /orodaf
Ihis day and i•• il.
a/o", Iryi"g 10 /to,
,At "arl. R.j.,.
cal. b., .... ''''"'''
wrOllg and gIH' 10,
con At/p.
Thillrq~~"<r il'h~ im'l)·
J..c,j(}ft of
"t~..-,. W ,h~
Ifl'C>ll,..lIlfDU""~f po..i·
bh ......'M - " It> n,Qb-
lu. ,Itt fHMMt of 'M ti,....·
..... woJ """" ,It, .""",h
of 1M /,~,Joip bt""'""
'M li,' olld 'M <VU . V" ......
upI.,.." J;w"u IJi<u ""
Ihi•. •"""·i",/"",, ,.j",.•.
ba<"t viro.·" lid. viro.·s. Ih~
pDJi,,,,,, '" ,,., btd and """,.
",,,,,, .. 'ill '''''''' .illi"~ ""
I,. WIra, is
"{l~h {l~'
,II. """ ..,,' '0
{lnd tQurh th.
{lu,II." ...! A, Ii", ... {lli", ·
pi. IIl1i,...I. il ,,/I Ilktl il
""d,d: if tit. a"I",,,,,,,
{,i"", do 100 ,",ut'h. "" ...iII
brNlt 'M """'" ~. i. ",. Belw~n Ihalline and Vana: 's <.lr.. wings. lhere was no
.....,,;"1/ 10 ~''''''' . nce<I for any OIher inlrodOXlion . Her fim !occ'"'" in lhe
/)r-'~' /,_ ,lot uc,,,,,1 picture dlowed her sinin, on her bc<.l. all al""" . in
SUM. i~ 1M (>kIll" w.... !he orphanage .
/ooIov "'I It{litis pImvoi"K {lM Now ""C' had 10 to!K:cnlnUC on lhe ~rongesl stIIle- fHlid off. ~
_ . {lrt ,..mI•. bioI tM menl we could make for a sad. lonely girl . We had 10
thillli.., is brood. (lM Ih~ ha~e warmlh. rommunkalion. and sineerily. and lhe
1"'1'''(1 1)/ ,It. ,<r".. i, girl had 10 be h;mdle<J u a real girl in a real Sillialion.
fIU""e1wl. I/Ih, "";",,,t(>r There was 00 latilu<.le for broad drawing orcaricalured
hDd ,/toll81t1 • ·,,,lnl." ilt Itil
c~ prcssions. Whal had 10 be caric~lured wa.. thc film
pla"";"I. 1M "","ld
_ /w,., n""",,,,,k,,,," nt approach In gelling lhe: audicllCC 10 fed For Ihi s girl
,,11. and he:r problems. 11 had 10 be immediale. succinct.
and conlpellin,. This was our he:mine and <he: had to
capli~alc lhe audicnce from the: ~cry firsl 1«.... wilh
no false ~ I nd no ronfu$ion . II was a delicate
SilU3lion and required del icalc handling . The rnovc::s
would be iiUbtle. bul I~ planning had 10 be po.."C'rful.
Vance Gerry did charming drawings o f the girl md
!he cat . He lried different uniform~ for her and re·
searche:d the: kind of bed 5he: would have. as ",·cll as
lhe ChaJaCICr of lhe room in .... hich lhe orphan~ ~lept.
The sizc of the: room and the position of Penny's bed
in il ",-ere both impo<1anl. He tried various type s of

""....... ........
1/:UI"05; _0_.
_T.......,.......... ~

1\,",", .....u • .,.,. ...F

e"T"""" e~v
..... O-~I!W....
~ i
SIIIing. showing (he girl froOl the fronl. the ~ide. and audiencd lrQUnd lhe world and raised people's spiro
.. t>ack. Each "jew offered something special. and its. and Ihal mUSIlx wonhwhile .
.. ftlat~ip to the cat varied with each angle. 100. William Faulkner said lhat the only subjects worth
... roukl sqUCC1.c under IIcr arm in the front vicw but wriling aboul ""'Il: "!he problems of lhe human heart
", .. !be: OIhefs-without an a,,·b."ard move-and ",-c in conniel wilh ilself. ·· lit: "",n1 01110 say that;1 was
wm.un:hing for the bold Slalcmenu, Ihal would flow the poc:t"s and wril~r's dUly and " privilege '0 help
smoothly and naturally . man endull: by lifting his heart. by Il:minding him of
Tbt animator who was given the Il: ~ponsibility for the courage and honor and hope and pride and com·
Ibis cruo;ialltequencc decided Ih.ll lle rear view of the passion and pily and sacri fi ~ which have been lhe
aund,irl was the best for the first scene," Somehow • glory of his past. " 7 Even lhe cartoon can lry for SllCh
.... Iooted moo: vulnerable wilh the s loping MIoolders ideals.

--- _.
~ lirIIe noe<:k. and it allm,;ed him to hold off the first
ItIIIIl ,,10'" of ille Birr s face: unlil lalef. when it would
,. ,.' .., ~ ""
""'"' impact . The back view WlI$ al§O a good
['181 11:r-~'" H1, J'!foA- \ Jh:.
• fOf the eafs IlCt ion as he rubbed against her
~.nionaldy and tried!O look up into her face . M any
dille e~pres~ions were then played off the c~t because
'" face "'"as SO much more pliable . lI is chin could .-,....,. .......
_" ~ ~, ,,_ ,
..... ..
_ , _ . , . _ .... ,
" ~ ,,
.. '"' ... --
.. . ," .... .. n.

Itmbk as he WiL'S on the verge of tears witlw:>ut ""ing
" ,,

... -
,,,,,~,;, . It was hoped lhat the audience ""ould

,0• .....
tmpMhy for the girl throu&h him . When she
IiuMydoes tum !iO that hccr face can be secn , thell: is a
... rolling down her check , bu, no 1l:31 dramatie -LW-.

it wb .11 that wa, needed . the build·up --
. , ....
received a leH~r
I jaded crilic wi,h this comment: " That scene
:::: :~ ~::;~':~::: surprised me: ! "rom lhen on. I
aboot whal happened IU Pl:nny . Maybe
. 0<1;_,

tIIC' dialogue. or her expressiorl. or ,he PUt· .,,",
~ , , . bul !i()Ol"oI!thing l1lO\'ed nle as no O1her

H. _
_ • m~k has before." '
We II"'IY~ "io.".!er if ....e 31l: go ing 100 far . or
high. in our aUcmJIIs 10 let 1l:~1 feelings -"
in our medium We cannOI be 100 dramatic
'. and if we start 10 copy Il:althealer
look l ill y. Yee within our limil31ions . we have
ways 10 !lel'elop emotions that have lOUChed
___> I
IS. Character Development
"'Ih,nk )''''' Iwl't' 10 know ,"nr /,,1I0wJ d"jit,iltly INforr }'QU CUll dw ... Ih~m. Wh~" )'01< J/(I rl '0 roricalu" /I
""WIt, )'(IIl cuo' / '/0 il wit/rout kltowinglhr person . Tak~ LaurrJ "mllll).rdy for ~xamplt; t .... ryho<ly can Jee Laurel
""'''' (trl/li~ ,!tinl(l be",,,S<' ,Itt)' kn"w Ll'''rel.· · Wah Disney

\10',1", de"dop"",nt of a cartoon ', chantCt~f"S was ~nl of the Je""" dwarfs: c/~;r rdation~l\ips with tach
lXMopklCly ilWu,(j"e. He never had to analyze the " 'ays OIlier. and how they would move and act in e~ery
101 mighl c~(ablish (loom or find (Ilcir pc:rsonalities . He ,i1Uatlon. Many of the s\.Ilff <.:O\lld ~ s« beyood jU51
J1t'tr worried abou t their mot;"ation~ or ~.rchcd for finding something for !leven characters 10 do while on
kl."Miquu to make (hem believable . There was no the $I;""co together. but Wah was looking for much
pRlbIcm in I>ow 10 integrate them into tllc Story; they more . He knew thai the development of rich perso<UlJi.
.....r the MOl')". lie rot.Ild no! conceive of bus inus (hat lies would be crucial to this Story. and it was I ~ of
did fIOI reille 10 a s pecifoc I"'rsooali.y. He had such a tJ>c, p1ctunNlwing thaI he enjoyed. Wall
ifni fed fOf the e ntertainment in any situation WI all wu SO immersed in these characters lllal at limes. as
ut these ront ider:ations " 'ere aUlomatie. From the he lalkr:d and ""Ir:d out the roles as he saw them. he
Iq'MillJ . lhese c haracters had been real 10 him: (he forgO! llial we wcre there . We loved to _lel\ him; his
!>It now ,"lS 10 make lhem as interes ting as possible. feeling about 1m:. characters was comagious. Each IN" o;rrt
H, "",/4 «I
In Novemlle •. 1936, we started having weekly """'t- succe«ling week he refined and wengthencd hi s ron· d",,/Jr/t, aNI g
mp 11 night 10 talk of nothing but character de,·e!op· cCplion. and ours. too. We ,,"'0II1d think LO ourselves, I~ro ,~ pYl(IIIQJ
,aNI CIIIIl<m·
'1'1 bidutd
rb 0/ Snow
auasilyjl ...
6/tiO find 1M
~(",;hi"K. M
I IJ/UTI oul
rinK .-!wl ht

··Gee. if I ~"" Id j llSI I'.~I Illy hlld. "II tiM S\.·~!IC of is thai way. in that when he hc<:omes nuslcR<!, ""
Doc and Grumpy lhe way hc·s talking about it . Boy. [ <lammen; for words .
can see il so clearly!·· ·' Il e has I~i, hallil of gening mixed up, only "hen
Wa ll wa~ saying, "Do.; is upse' by Ihe le"~1 li'lie lie is upscl or when he L, ang.",d ," "'hen he ">«1'1
Ihing. lhe ICaSllil1le annoy~nce. lIe do),,,n·' kn<)W whe", Snow Whi'e. Whcn he n",cls Sn<)W While. he is like a
he is; somebody has '0 help him O\I,- ,h", is. a~ far as 1;,)low meeting a girl_ gelS awfully tlustered-son of
memal reaelio" '" IlCrsonality is concerned. When an inferiority complex."·
Soow Whi 'e s.ays she is a princess, he becomes all An01her nilllli. Walt waS lalking "0001 Dup<y. It
nuste",d and gets his wmds mixe<.l "1'; and. when he was not jusl his pcrsonalily but his physkal appo:ar·
finally does gel the word. he says 'he wrong one_ For ance . '00. As Walt described Ihis lillie characler...~
instance. when Doc says .. ",~ ARI; 1l0NOMEI). "'EA ~ E- · could see how " ·c should draw him. from his propor.
(he hesilales. he docsn· , know what to say; Grumpy tions down to how he would stand .
then comes in and feedS him Ihc wronll ",,,rd; 'MAUAS
~ lit. ta_ly
Iopryfarlw>. ItOIH<h'TS,' and Doc imme<.lialely picks up whal Grumpy Dec. 9, 1936
I aMI""'y. says hefore he realizes whal G rumpy says. [thinl.: Dvc Walt Dopey i~n·t cute looking in tllesc dl1lW(1IV
H i~ hoody should be longer and his legs shooct".
You should haw Ihe feclinll aboUI him Ihal he i$
wearing somebody·s cas'·off coal. nOI as Illough

d he \,..,,'" a big g"wn of something . He sho,,~ 100

much analomy. I don·"hink you would sec iliP

thi~ liltle guy.
Babbitt Do you see him quil. e=1 ~I of W
... _.-
,." ., lime?
Walt Yes. ale". That would come righl in Wllb
sprillhlliness. When anything happens. Dopty

runs as (ast a< he can and gets ahead of the OlheJ

s'-Y dwarfs--tums around and looks back like a kid

Langdon had thai kid action lie .... ould hold""",
@ his ha' whco running along wilh sorne: feIi0"·5. la
,- ...

"no "r Langdon·s pic lures. in a faclury seq..oo:.

Langdon was inviled by some oflhe fel1o,,·s lOgo
along wilh Ihem after work . The idea of his he;"
laken along made him happy just 10 be ,,·ilh!hem
They igll()red him and lie ,,·ould run ahead of Ihrm
has 10 see :somebody else do it before he can do il . ··
n.. mOSt slimulaling pan of Millhi. 10 lhe anill1<llon
was Ihat everylhing Walt was suggesting could be ani·
mated . II was 001 a"'kward conl inuity or realislic illus'
trations bul iOCtion. lhal _~ familiar 10 everyone . II
would ~ be eHY for lhe animalOt'S. bul i1 would be
fun . It seenIW weh a short lime ago tlul they ..-.:n:
animating spindly legged. "" eighlleu Mickeys .nd
Minnks Wilh lheir superfICial lillie "'Ialionships. Otta·
sionally the~ had been a glimmer of things to Come in
pict ull'~ like Elm" £1~plllJ'" and C{)IImry Cousi~ .
whell' there had been a special el\aracler " '110 had
aM loot back ri"~
a kid . I f~lthat Oopo-y would strong f~l ings aboul ",-hal was happrning . bul fOf the
"" the same kind o f guy- grad to be in on any- I1lO!iI pan Ihis " 'as all new. and it seemed as lhough il
thing. had blossomed ovemigh1. Now ....·c sal c nlran<.:w as
Walt tal ked aboul lhese seVen liule men who were
Mcr tl'c OIeeting . Olle of lhe men jOlted down so",e becoming as much nesh and blood as lhe per:son Si t·
_ : "Walt is so .....·are or lhe foct Ihal it " 'oo ld be ling nUl tQ us: and ....'hile tlK problcm~ they faced in
m)" to male Oopo- y in\l)«ilie and he doesn ' t want lheir make-believe w«1d ....'ere utraort!inary. ""<: C(lU1d
. . btcau!iC it"s ~ funny- he jusl ....·ants him ~hild . grasp lhem and could feci lhem ou~I\"<:$_
is/! +Idling. h'sclusi,'(, but Watt always seems to llIcsc characters W-C~ dealing wilh life and death
h1~ a way of seeing it:so Ihal il·.' righL Lik e the way problem s, ~t i,""s in a humon.>Us way. somelimes
lit t~lk s about when Doc SO". imo his thin king p<l~. serious. but always sincere ami believable. and each
and lJorIey is trying 10 do the !>11m" thing , H~ hu his acu>rding 10 hi . own per:sonality . This was real char·
f.. gcn "I' 10 the .ide o f his face. and his finger slips OCler atling. and it ....-as all soeasy when Wall cxplail'lOd
. . Cot:S in hi. e)"<: _ Ik is trying 10 imilale IJoox lho.:re . how il should be . It could be funnier . Of " " " " ~riou$.
Bot lit tw !'Ie'"<:r spem any lime thinking befo.-.: and he or more fanci ful . bul the c"""ial ~Iationships had been

.... .....
...... (! .. ~6:»
_o ~

"" ......
1M "tiUisA
e5tab1ished and the c,;'ici~"'s now ~ . U minor in ~ inlo drugs ."
tern,. of chiU'1lCler deV('lopmcnt Without Wall's ;nlui- We started on each of our c haracters in much !hr
d"urd lion. how ,k, you build a char...cter'! How do you reter. same m31l","' . Usually lhe Siorymon ..,archro for Iho
mine wltat is imeres!;ng? Uo w do you koow if il is broad Iype o r PC""'" Ih~1 would fil the ~ory. ~
right fOl' your story? 111I1;ng on lhe general aspects ralher lhe rri"1IIt-
An .nicle by dnuno critic Charles Champlin in the monts. One "oryman enrolkd in a " ·riling cWJ ..
Un Angtln Tlmu teUs how John Hun went abot.. improve hi , skills and was s urprised 10 find tIw Iht
chara<.:lcr development in his portr4yal of Max in (he ,;time advkc wu pan of IhI: yOling wrile'· s curricu.
film Midnlghl F.:xp'<,:ss. "~ In the su~rb ",ay .ha. acton lum . He reponed . " You mUSI de~lopclulrac1(IIIlIIS.
can, lIun ittmed 10 have buill the ch;u-.octer of Mn you m",;! think 0II1- wh.a1 ~ of person is thi$? ....1111
from \he iMid. OUI , invt$fing him with II past and a kind of background does he come from? Is he 111l1li)'
perwNI only hinlt<1 l ! in the ..,ripl ... Champlin qUOle5 chantcteT1 A happy characler? A fooli' h chanc1tf-
111111 in SOme detail on his creative approach \0 build- how would hi: rea(:I'! He mighl alw~y. cany a "lie.
ing Ma~ 's eharocler. " Without knowing:' Hurl says. mighl ha~ a IwiLCh ,,·hen he nIOVCS. he miglll ha>'el
" \ imagined that he was ofa very good fami ly . Locs of I\;Ibil of lighling his pipc. Wh~1 son of clot/w:$ ..nUI
money . And W I he had SO"" 10 a Vff)' good scOOol . he wear. how would he ~'! Well . Ihis is ,,·IPI we
Harrow . maybe, or Bon. And he had started., _re doing lall"" ~udiol . We wnc dl"lwing the Goof
O~rord. probably , but dr<l(>fl"d out as a 101 did in the and having his pants hang down. and you have I \U
'605 and hi. ,ho. C3lilem Iraillhal was popular lhen and Ihal doesn·1 f'l ...

lhen a,ke<J wrn:re we find our characters and our is trying todo or even what he wants 10 have happen in
~, "" point Ou t Ihal one of the biggest souf<:es is the story.
~Ic right around us. wherever ""e may bo.. So. Obviously. thi s all will De easier and more inte~st­
,"'e &ay to train yourself to bo. consmntly observ- ing iflhe animator likes the c haracter in the first place .
to "'atch for Irw: unu<ual and trw: cntenaining. We advised a group of young animators, "Look for
lainly that is whal John Hurt did in hi s preparation things in your characters that make them so interesting
he role of Ma. ) If you see SOmeone with. uni<jue that you end up loving them . They should be appealing
of gesturing and talking. watch him and make to you: you are creating them . Endow them with all the
ental notc--maybc draw him when you have a great qualities you like that are consistent with their
~e. A boy and his doG and the way they look at personalities •.'iO !hat you will want to be around them.
oIher. or tWO lo,'en; holding hands. SOmeone wail- like an ador gelling a good solid role_ you will look
mpatiently for ano1rn:r pen;on. a &alesman. a spons forward to each day. and at night you will think about
~he)' all hold the promise of inspir.lOon for a your sequence and the characters in it and what you'~
ntia! character. But you muSt be thinking that way . goi ng to do with ii- and you JUSt can't get it OUt of
baS(ball pitcher is constantly adjusting his cap your mind, It' s wi th you 24 hours aday,"
"'iping his brow on his sleeve. mking his glove off Some of Ihe funniest shons the studio ever made
lilbing the ball. All pitchers do these things. but came from the sheer enjoyment felt by animators work_
,one does it differently, Walt was oontinually tak- ing ""ith a character trn:y had come to know and under-
,is glasses off and on when talking over a scrip!. stand extremely well. These were the " How To"
Kahl did not need his glasses for close work. so Goofy pictures: How 10 Pia), SlIuhall. How 10 Swim.
n looking at sorrn.-onc·s drawing he would take the Mrm' Olli~ JoIoltltlHl,
How ro Fish. eiC. Mos! of these wcre directed by Jack
;cs off just one ear and let them dangle precariously Kinney. with inspired work by animation s upervisor Mil, Kohl m"ly US~ his
'ghout the whole conversation, Woolie Reitherman and zany touches from animator RlaS/~s far c/OJ~ ~wk rvuI
oft~n In ,h~m Mill in Q
lICe tile general type of character has been found. John Sibley. John. !ike Woolie . was especially good dis('QI1<trring >W'ffrom OM
, begins on finding Ihe refinements. the details. at funny. imaginati"e aClion and timing . They loved to N' "'hil~ rxamining a
pedfics that make him into an individual---uni<jue talk ahout how funny the section they were working ,j,-a-"'ing,
entenaining . This is more difficult to judge. but on was going to be.
"imator will noundcr wilh indecision unless he The more they would talk. the funnier il would
get inside the character and know precisely what become to them. and soon they ",'ere just killing them-
,nS are righ' for that personalit y, As long as lhere selves laughing at all the gags. So they would decide
Iy confusion or lack of understanding. the draw- to go a nd lell "or Kinney" aboul their new ideas.
will be vague and indecisive, A good che<; k on because he might think of something even funnier.
:ber the cha,.. cter is really understood is this <jues- Everyone could hear them going all the way up the
"Do you know how he feels about himseir!-' sta irs and down the hall, talking and laughing about
lOUt knowing his se lf-image. it will De difficult to Ihis with an occasional pause while one of them showed
,how he really feels about anyone else or what he the OI her how it was going to be: then the laughter


wwld gel "vCn loulkr. By lhe lime Ihey were at lack idea around" and continually observing and Ihink",
Kinney's room Ihey were both in tears. but Jack knew and w3tching each other aCt O\ll llte i)usiness . llusil
(he malerial so well he could pic k righl up wilh them how great cha'a<:ICrs are developed .
and v"ry SOOn was in convulsion~. too. In Ihe early SM)' conception of Th~ Rfscufrs. ("",.
Thi ~ love for the characler is reflected in the fin- O rville waS juS! a bird-perhaps a pigWJ\-wllo ,",wid
ishc<J pictures. for Ihere is an inspired quality Ihal fly the mice agents 10 {hcir destination. lIil IIIQ!I
"",'cr would exist if il had been P\'l logether mechan- distinguishing bus;""". was thaI he woold be calapll~
ically from [tle storyboards. This clearly show', lhe oIT the ground instead of laking off under his ~ ....
impmunc" of tal king and talking and " kic king an power. This was a no~el idea. but i1 sumed 10 iMibll
.. *"'Iopmcm of llIe d, . Thinp " 'ere llap- 10 ... y. " This can juSl as _II wli. !;IIIOmOrTOW.··
pening /Q him rather than having him make anything PilOis $.a)' thallhe lough pan of fl)'ing is landing and
h.iMltn. laking off. The albatross does nOi seem 10 recognize
On the strengdl of 1;001<: of 111<: slooio's nllure film s. llIat 11<: lias a problem in either procedure , and thi s
• " .. d«ided 10 base Cap! . Orville' s ~h3racler on 3n ,."" us our c lue 10 his I"'l"!iOflI.lity-t1le bel thlt ..... lIen
alNlroU. Immedialdy .his opened up a ll kinds of lie landed on his fa« and IlIen cra\J1<:d jnlo sc\lt:ral of
poIoIibili!ies. An albatross in tile air is a thing ofbeau'y lhe OIher birds on the beach. nobody made a big deal
IObehold. IIlI: ul\imate in perfect coordination. but on OUt o f it. The)' JUSt shook Ihc ... nd off and plopped
tile ground. either landing or taking off. it exllibi!s the do"'n again as ifoothing had happened. In our pklure.
1lciJ:h1 of incompelen<;c . 1l1<: alhotross lands like a lhe firsl tinl<: Clp! . Orville landed. he pl_'w inlo the
"""'Iilll bill. scauering companions around like len· run"'3Y and lilill 10 a Slop on his fa« . 8errwd came
p.. lIillake-off. if po$sibie. is evcn worse. MOIher running OUI 10 see how badly the alhotross had b«n
N~\ure had an off day when she devised Ihi s pie<.:e of hun: his reply was. "One of",y beller landings. Bub!"
, . .~, unroordinalcd K lion. He canOOl C\lCn run well . And he meanl it! This would be his I"'rsonalit)' through·
lltina I longer slep ...-i,h oil<: leg Ihan lhe ocher. which OUI _ He thought everything he did was the grealest.
1"'" him I gimpy JooI,: and makes it doubly hard 10 and lhe only " -IY 10 do il .
~':'" enough ~ 10 gel airborne (much of lhe
lime he docs not succ«d). After running what seems
His takeoff ..... ith the mice a~ b«ame the funni·
est pica: of business in tile whole picture siroce it played
miles. he will suddenly abon lIis flight as Ihough into all three pef$Qllalities. Ikmard was afraid of Oying.


and Bianca was looling forward (0 it Wilh enthusiasm. came the muskrat Ellie r..1.c, wife of Ihe shiftltss Lu~
This gave each of them definite UUilutles thaI opened and self·appointed rnajQ1" domo of lhe area.
up new facels of tlleir personalities. She had been thought of a< a Germanic t)"!'" ()(
Orville was sort of a crusty guy , but likeable. We housewife. capable. energetic . slrong. eager. and bp-
Ihougtll of him as a World War 1 ace wilh hel· py. with boundless energy. bUI now she had tobeo:ome
mel. goggles. scarf. and puutes--the work~. He toler- a specific individual within that category. A TV com-
ated Beman.!. bUI warmed up to Bianca. The slory mercial showing aboUI Ihal time feat ured an actress
could have been told without him There was a lime who waS extremely large. but vcry delicate arod remi·
when ..',e considered having lhe mice da" into 3 regu- nine in her gestures . To that "Iinle girl" sclf·imagt
lar airliner, hUI how much beller Ihe ""Iuencc bc<:a"·>e we added the Slrenglh of a horse. and had lhe Stan ()(
r liMY ,"US, (Y)ftlaiw sil· Ihrough lhe development of CapL Orville an interesting character. We did not know )'Ct if >lit
.,,"' ,hal QI/"w ~"eh Difficult as it is to conjure up a successful character would be e~plo~i'l<:. forgiving. self-<:emcred. aggres-
..a<;I~r '" «'Ull"" ~". and to know him thoroughly. it is oflcn surprisingly sive. Or petulant. but ..... e were finding out. Iel~lC
"'''"""n' in hi, P""""
)t. TIt• ..llSkrm family aw~ward to find the ways 10 lell the audience all about Nolan was chosen to do Ihe voice. and she nwle I
Ibt Rescue .. COltSi.ud him . The oppol'1unilics to show all thes.c delighlful sta"ling contribut ion (ha( developed lhe idea funn.r.
EIIi, Mat, 'M bossy. Ira its in a rich personality can slip away one by one a. She played the quiet lines wi(h great s)'mpathy and
,tIi~g wif•. and L~k"
. shift/us b,bonJ wirh the sequences develop . leaving an interesting residue tenderness. s upponed by a slight lisp. then unexpect-
jq Q["n<'lJrIlp juice." hut none of the exciting momenlS that had been visual- edly shrie~ed the e XCiH:d lines in a voice tha( ....wId
lit,", NQIan, in (omrib· i7.ed . We had thi s distressing silualion in The R~s("un5 shatter glass.
~g Ih. wi" of EIII. She helped Bianca from ttoe Illud with a warm. 10ft
in the very next sequence.
It. aJdrd IIWF' dim,,,"
n I1y gi,-int a d,lkau When the mice. flying with Capl. Orville. aITh'cd at line. "'Here. hone y. let me hc'p you ." Then ....·ithou!
~"'h ", lh. buS/ling the bayou, Ihey were forced to abandon ship and para- even stopping to inhale. she beIlowed. " You bo)·1 gil
1i1S. and a , harrui"8 chule 10 ... fety. A ....·aiting Iheir arrival was a group of over here right now!!" Then Once again. all gcntJt.
'itt /0 Ih. agg'n,;'-'
it wht .. Ihe cho,aruT eager local animals organized into a home guard unit ness. "Oh dear. ain'! thaI a shame." II ..... as a frt!lt
UUirtd. Un/orMwltly. known as the Swamp Volunteers. When the parachute eharac(er and one that we all liked. The dra ..... in8lof
!lot $IOTJ ,W>I,u, ,h". of the micc gOltangled in a lree. lhe reception commit- her showed ' tmng arms. a stocky build. a defiMt set
''''' plou 1<' silo ... lA,,, lee bmke ranks and ran about like the Keyslone Cops to her head and a <weel little smile. She was lhe bos$
g/ili., and Elli. MM
ltd up a. a mort con · as they tried to reseue the suspended visitorJi. Through· and could do anything. but .he Ihooght ?fhe~lfonly
tI""""/ nwlMdy I)'~. oul all these proceedings. the dominant character be- as S....·ce! and delicalc and vcry feminine . She did not
ucitable because sllc ,.'as 50 competent. tension be,,'ieen them. immedialcly there will be aui·
when she wanted 5Omeoroe else to tuOcs and drivC$ and actions !lUI re'lt'al indi vidu,l lnoilS
WU often . Thi ~ s.upponed tile nK)TC clearly Ihan would be brought OUI by passive
changes in he' delivery since it was !lOt agrttmenl. This is something to consider when scv·

;';~;'i"'o; an enlOlional build-up. and it reaJly waS crdl of lhe chaMlcters work as a team wilh one unilIrd
me: w~S 1101 awall: of doing. pu~ . l1toc Swamp Volunteers all wanted lhe .... rne
U.fonunately. as the continuity de>'eloped and the Itting and diffcm!!l'OOI"<' in pltylical appeann« than in
...~. .,~ relined. almost .n of the OO§ines5 that either aims or penooality . Withoollhe conniel supplied
usc of her OIJlbulllS was cut 001. and we were by Ellie Mac 's bossiness. lheir $Celles had lillie vilali·
left wilh, rich chara<.:lcr who had only I1lO1herly line s. Iy . 1fle i1Cmkol1lic villains o f 101 /)ulmmj",u. IIIe
We scan:hed through the rest of the picture OOt found 8aduns. sham! ,. COmmon goal and a con'mOfI ptr.
110 1'1- 10 make uS/: of lhe emenainment ~lIIial"~ sonalily ~ well. 8 y h.,·ing one !l'OOI"<' "upid lllan the
hId_n. OIher. and a lillie k ss aggressive. wc " 'ere able to
tl brOII!:hl home lhe point of how imponant i1 is to introduce :;ome ~rgumerl\ Ihl'Ollghout lhe Sl:enes .
111,'( busincss thai give .• your character a chance 10

I:~:::~:~;i:S .you 10
It is so easy say lhal your character
know """ry angle o f his pcrsonal .
Probably our most ensptraling and elusive char"",
I<'fS were the lhree Good F.irics in Siupilf/J Iltuu,)',
,,'110 " 'ere commilted 10 doinl only lood; they had 00
that he ....·ill be memorable and outstanding. but appatI'nl ""<'aknenes or foibles at III to exploit . In the
~,o ••~iifi, "" "<, ,"" ,~,,, in the film-intell"l1ed early s tiles. Walt actually loyed with lhe idea of their
into the story- no o ne will ever lllOw what was in being all ali~e. but iflhey WeI"<' there would ha" c been
)'OUr mind . It is not cnou~h 10 say it ;s there; it must be noIhing to ~nimatc--lllere was 00 play anlO<lg tbem .
mo."n. In our case. tile work we had ~ made Ellie They""C're like Donald Dock's nephews. This JIO(oSibI)"
Mac J liefinile chaJXlcr . sillttre and COIlvincing. but would h~vc been accepIable if they "",re to be jU§l.
"ithoul lile' fur. ,,"<' ha<J ~nticipated . $pc<:lalOn commenting on what they j.3.W.
All lhe whilt O!'>e char""ter is tlC'ing considered . Rut Ihis was a story of how the!;e lhree fairies lried
,lo§c ~1I~nlion also muSt be gi"cn to the Otller players to save a girl from tile curse: of the evil fairy Malefj ·
,,1'10 ",ork around him. for it is only the ir interaction cent. and \osl . For Ihis role. they would need s lrenglh
!lui brin~ the serReS 10 life . II seems like a dcvastat· Ind purposoe and a ernain aggressi"e"""!;e idoom _ n
wignmcM, When Ron Cltmenll> was new al lhe in pass ive spectator.;; . Moon: lhan thaI. they ""C're tile
studio. he commented. "TIle grealeSt challenge in ani · rulers of their variou s domains. and while undoubtedly
malion is to create a relationship of charKlers Ihl'Qllgh ,"ery gentle monarchs lhey should be more lhan ju,l
a picture tllat an audielltt bclie'lt's in . To them. these sweet and lovinl . l1tocre llad to be more ~ub!.lalltt \0
~IC"" ui"~lhey're real. II '~ IOUgh enough to them and 10 their relation'ohip. The animators ,,"OOJd
(Wile one eharacter Ihat li,·eli. but to get 1"'0 or !l'OOI"<' need "",""thing posilive lhey wuld caricalUre in order
inlerrclating-lhal is lhe impossible dream ." 10 make any ~ind of Slalement. but whal should ;1 be?
Actually there can tIC' some advunlage in working What could be done with Ihr« !;ecmingly VIICUOUS J~rI~& r
t~-o characters IOgetller. If there Can be some kind of l;>dies who agreed on nearly cverything? in,1ot ........u.
• ,.' ~ '" " .. (

As the ,u~rv;sing ~nim~lors On these characters. thing Wa~ lila. cveryone: start acting on i. immedwtly
we would be responsible for tile" personaljlie~. aN.! She feli the burden of any problem, and lhought
we spent many scui<ms wi lh the siory crew working herself u having a ~nse of ~sponsibilily. I't
out ~pecifk business for the first Stqlleoce. Even ber""" 11"10>1 important. she had a gf'~Sp of the big c~
the voices " -ere re<:onlc:d . "'c had uied ideas. disc:ardW ,,-hal "'as going on .
them. 5 ...·;lched trailS from one fairy to anolher. jug- Now wc had 10 find .he wt " 'ay .0 play ~
gled and tJorro,.~. buill and appraised . "'-ealher again>t .hat Whoa. if "'" had
We had Maned out Wilh Flora being bossy . To her it idca~ lhan Flora. especially in lin"CC~ of erhis?
was more imponanl Ihal ~he be the boss Ihan he righl. the frustr~t ion of having to do il Flor., ,,-ar "
So she would dominate and the other 11"0 would fol - payoff. She could havc a ~ason !O argue with
low, bUI Ihal did not ma~e a good relalioMhip. The n and Ihis type o f ronflicl wwld liven up their relit
,,~though t . "Whal if slle's the leader but no! always ship . Also. maybe oM is ~ impulsi,.., and qud
right?" Merryweather ''''QUid poil\! 0.... the error c, -en acl- ~ of a doer lhoan lhe others bu... "hoot
thouCh !>he was us... lly all ,,'rapped up in herself and understanding of the big e"'nI ~ around her, Silo: •
having fun. BUI Ihi s mighl make her 100 a.gumenta- be ;nltn:>lW in little thing_ and how thinp
1;.'( and that would nOi be desirable. And wllat do we and would volunlccr 10 do tile housework. we 1lI0II
do with Fauna? She is ~ wishy-washy_ sllc always she would love lodancc and 10 be happy and IOU
goes along Wilh the last person talked lo--llOO Ihis herself physically . Her feelings ..'wid be on ....
lea"e$ her.oo "'-cal 10 be imer=ing . face . and ~he " 'ould fla~ up in anl:<'r mort
Gndually "'-~ began.o fed .ha. Flora should 001 be tllan the Qlhen .
bossy. btn ~hould domina.e w;.hou. ~he ;, Now ""here in hen: could ...·c fil another 1)"1""' F
doing i1. She would be jU>1 a more agg~~~ivc perwn- characler waS the moSI difficult 10 find
alily and full of ideas. I. was nO! imponanl Ihal her we could not ha"e anolher dominant pcTSOlUhly:
idea be t~n. it wasj',IJI thai i. was the ~s, ilk_the we dill not " 'ani her simply to be baltered bct ..,tn
fac.thal it ,"as MT idea was imma.erial. The: imponan. other IwO. If " -e wenl 100 far that way. the •
",laIioo~h;p ~amt unpl~3sanl . Wc had 10 ..,mc:mbcr who rould move through any problem unscathed &$
lhallhe>c ladies ... ~.., "~ood " fairies . bullhal alway5 "..,11 as unaware she W2S inspiring .
ltd U~ illlo I"" saccharine: , This opened up a whole new n:l ationsilip and made
lkn .... hilc on vac~!i<M1 in Colorado. one of U ~ mtl uS think a lillie o f lhe gn:at comedienne Billie Burke.
a lad~ ""00 was 10 have ~ profound influence on I"" AI last we fell " 'e had an understanding of the elusive
,haracter of Fauna. She rou ld be described as wi sp~. Fau na. She still could tit vague. in lhat she could lOS/:
~tly ~mil ing . t""inkling-f:~ed . and almost unawa.., track of what she was doing. but she did have idea, of
or ",1w might tit going on aboul ""I'. She IovN nny · herowr>-most o f them lillie. feminine ideas. She witS
bod)'. !hought tlta utifulthoughts. rould scarttl ~ ron· interestw in small details. She liked the idea of bak ing
cri'~ of " 'f(Nlgdoing . and delighted in spreading " 'hal a cake . but had trouble keeping her concentrati<M1
!.he romidered to be sunshine . He.., wa. 11 positive throughout the process . Ofille th~ fairies. she would
<1I.racter ""ho ,aw only good in everything and slill worry the ",ost and wo~ld be the one who would try to
I;o:;ked OOlhing in personality . She was supposed 10 slIl(X)Ih o~er any COOf1icl between lhe other two . This
IUd an inspir",lon;tl JlOCm at each rottIing of iler ""0111 ' new sbnt had given F~una an l imost aggressive vjew
.. '~ club. but w""n s"" arri ved and eould no! fi nd ""r of lifc.
pn:pall:d .se leetion--in,tcad of being flustered . upset . Aboutihis SIImt Umt . 1he muliil:l\cntM 0.;., DaGradi
cmN ..,assed . or confused- s he blilhely pulled OUI OOliced thJt little o ld ladies tend to wear their hat' flat
><J/1\Cthing else. like a Ictler (n"" t..r cousin in Indinn . On top of Iheir head • . He made ",me drawings show_
l poli s. and read it to the a' .<e,,,hlcd ladies. She was ing them as e Uler. mol'<: win !iOme . more appealing .
Il .... )'s sweet and .parkling. and also a link infurial. Our drawings had been 100 Sirong and heavy . Now
i",. but as a model for a unique " good" c lt.anoeter Don sUgg<'s ted!hey eoukl be filmier . more like maiden

- j

' ,',1', .

'--"- -- -

_. -
:;y "
\ (I \
, ~
- - ,.. - '~N~- ,

aunlS. smelling of lav~nd~r . Suddenl y il ~ II ''', ,_

get her. The.., fai ries were cCrl Dinly 00 mJIcl!
Malefoe<:n1. bul still (MY feh they had to try.
"good" all the way through , bul enlcnaininsJpll.
They helped 10 tell IIIe SIOf)' in a fresh and
ing way. adding imaginalion and warmth.
CIlan.LICrs llavc been ·'found .·· il i
of the story a~ an)'lhing btn a I
,,~) Wilh them i",IOOed. i! tJ«ome5 a

~ (
_ /
" ,
something Ih31 h3ppen;;
~udienoe know. Th<:y are tO~:;":;'~"":'~"i" :-;
;n,crested and. suddenly. ;ovol v.:<l. A~
,,-') )
\. \0/ .

" ,

:W: 1'IIom.u.
, \,-,:y
·.twI ......"'h
'" ;, <"t1""",.
, /~
,/ " <'F
- .,\
," . -
N,">..."ftlIA~r anJ Flora
"""I. r"r~ ",h.r ~'ilh
#ItlJ k ,

cst3bli~hes all that is needed. but more onen the.., will

ha"c 10 be: ""'ny SCCnQ. tach CQIIlribuling a liny bit 10
lhe o"crall altitudes. An elus ive soensalion of warmlh.
of unspoken aff~ion. o f ~n\liTIC ror><Xm be:1" 'een ~ Bil/PHI-
IwocharaclCfS may take more Ih:ln one sequence be:f~ The Ju"," 800It
I dW3Cter growl>. iroc:"itably it .... iII influence the dc~d· the audienu , ha"" the redings. You cannot <;:()Union
~n1 of lhe story. and that in lurn influence~ the ils corninG off or be:ing lhe~, bul you Iry and Iry und
tlluacttr'1i ~13tionship to others. The ~tory is 00"" il i. in all of yOUr thinking : somehow. when yOU are do,.,mind 10 ,«
b«ominl alai.! aboul specifIC characlers: .... hal they donee . the feeling is thc~ .
chilli; and dttidr to do tkltrmiroc:s ""hat .... ill happen This " 'I S panicularly evident in the c haracters of
and !he ""y it ,,-ill happen . 8 al00 and Mowgl; in TM }IIIlII, Book. and l1WIyof
Chanoeltr ~Ialion,hips nlust be built slowly and lhe intangibles of accomplishing this kind o f r,,jalion.
carefully through aclions. t~P"'ssion • . and emOl ionli . ship b«onlC appa",nt as Wt look bac k on the dilcm-
Ottlsionally there will be oTIC key scene thai clearly ma, In the early stagcs. the story was all about the

A .1r<HIg'M'illro u~d ,/"" . lion with hi s f""hng.~ of rejection. II s«med beller if
.,o'nro MO~'lili T~li;'tus he did no slrong acling or emoling. We fell we CO\Ild
dospl""uT( "t lIalih~~m' s
(fito'd.", , ponray his feeling' bener by IIs;ng mo"ly long shOl~
and fealuring only kidlike aClions such as kicking a
rock. Ihro""ing a Slick. climbing a boulder, sliding
down a tree-all th;ngs he ord inarily would De do;ng
playful ly. bul now is do;ng aimlessly . We fel! Ihat this
approach portrayed a loneo;ome liuie boy on the screen
beller Ihan any complex. close-up acling scenes ""wid
have done,
I! was at this point Ihat lhe big-heaned. slow_lhinking
aaloo entered Ihe piCiure. singing' 'Dooocy·do-doo.
it's all so easy .... " He wa, a standard diamond-in·
lhe-rough character. big and sirong. and someone who
fl3nther Bagheera and the trouble, he had getling Ihe could play righl inlo Ihe boy's predicament. being
yoong boy Mo ..... gli out of Ihe jungic and back to the eilher comfoning. threatening. 'illy. or friendly. de·
manvillage, Each of the animals Ihey met along the pending on whal worked besl fur us . I! was I;me 10 slart
~" )" reflected a different philo'i-Qphy. and Baloo. the lesling vo;ce, .
ea»'going ocar ...... as Ihere to show Ihe slo"enly life- The panel that listened and judged consisled of Ihe
.\I),le Ihal i, po"ible when one is Slrong and can eal direelor. Iwo siorylllen, and Iwo supervising anima-
all)lhing . lOTS. W;th the very first actor ""e reali~d thai our ocar
Uagh«ra had to oc ,-ery ..... ise. orderly. and faslidi· waS 100 old-fashioned, 100 much like other bears ,,"'I'
OIlS. which made him ralher sluffy. Those lraits are had done. too ordinary , We tried changing him 10 a
... ilher endearing nor inte","ing. and al this siage he sort of Ed Wynll-ilulhorily wilh a comic Iwist. We
~"3S admitted ly dull. I~ is primary relalionship was with lested Some exchange studems from India to s« if we
Mowgli. whom we Ihoughl of as a tenaciou, kid of could get a voice wilh a special QualilY indigenous 10
Ie'''" 10 Iwet-'e. confident but not smart-alecky- a Ihal area. None of Ihese gave us any kind of characler
)'oong Tanan who could lurn 001 to be greal. if he we could <;ee when we closed our eyes and lislened.
lired! Finally we found. funn y voice Ihat made a son of
Mowgli had no inlenlion of leaving lhe jungle and bungling. confused ocar out of Baloo. and we were
became obslinale . Baghc..,ra'. patience wa, at an end. trying 10 develop Ihal Ihoughl when Walt suggested
ill .fter 0"" final di"greenlenl he g3\'c up and left, Phil I-Iarr;. for the pan.
The boy. li ke any kid who has wOn an argument he did Phil had ocen associated more wilh nighl clubs than
noI. ""am in Ihe firsl place. was disconsolate. slill a Ihe jungle. so we ""ere surprised and he was stun""d .
litl le annoyed. and ,"cry lonely , He had his independ- I-Ie explained ... I don'l do voices: I waSn'l so good al ".'t,.._ Olli. Jolt",,,
(lICe. 001 no friendS . reading to my lwo daughlers ""hen Ihey " 'Cre linle." An a'gu,"~nt ~'''iI B
11 ",'a, imponant at this poinl 10 build sympathy for BUI ""I' gOl him 10 corne in and go through a few Ii"", iluT'(J lrows M",,-'gl; "I'
H. ,Iw~'s hi. jr#jn8' I
Mowgli . He had been unre~sonablc. bot he was young in spile of his obvious discomfort . finally he backed !id·/o'kr grlt.'rJ ""
ml i""xpericnced. and we r>eeded audience identifica- up and ,aid ... [ can' I aclJike a bear_and. hesides. [ Ilw. dramatic acton,
don' t do that doobey-doo stuff ." We asked how he PitlO«ltio. ,,'e used Chff Ed wards. top
,,'OU1d del i,'cr the line~ if he could do it hi ~ own way_ o f the Ihinks. Wal'eT Ca. len. popular
lie grinned at the script I l1\()ment. lhen threw IxIck hi s bo.h stage and sen,en. as well a, Chri Sl,an Rub. I'
head and shook the St3ge with 3n infeeti""s. rhythmic Venable. and Charles J udel~allwcll-k l.o'.... n I
chant . " Well it 's a doobcy-do-doo: ~s. it"s adoobcy- patrons of that lime . The Iype o f lalem IIw can g"~
do-doo; I mean a . . . . " Immediately we had Ich3BCtn, you the eharacleri7_.1I1on y"" ntttl almost al"'Iy. ,,'.11
As we warmed up to thi s new 8alO(!, Phil began to he well -k nown in his f)w n field. unless he ;, ver.,.
sec nlen pos$ibilities himse lf and became relued and )'oong 1lI'. that exlremely rare item. a "ala".1.
exc ited by the end of the day. But bef.,.., he left the When Walt heard 1't1it'~.cst .rack he Io,~ it. e-\'ta
r«ording session. he began to thin~ Ihal Ihi s new to the point of staning to OCI "'" how the bear wwld
nsociation wilh the Dis tlCY studio mighl be hard for first ..~'")C d3roc: ing intu Mo " 'g li' s !>ct:11I)', llIesc rll:I'
his f/lends and f~mily 10 undcrswnd . lie asked . "C~n dimensiuns Wal. was Stto"l bet:au~ of I'hir~ voict
I have a ~~'PY of " 'hal I','e reoorded loday? O'llIC""'isc naturally affected the al'l"',rancc or llalno , We bcpa
Alice Ihi . wife is AliC<' f lyc l will never belie ve nll)'." 10 d':ow ~1I indi vidual.
Once Baloo had become a detinite individual. he As "'e talk",] aboul .h is roc:w c haracler in our piC'
was so enten.ining il was imp<»Sibk l<) k«p hi m out . ure. we tricd tf) gel inside him. to koow him ~".ID
Q( the rest of the I'io:ture . In>tead IIf the litlle came<) Undersland ,,-hat he miShl 00. If he ,,'ere lJI anI_lor.
pan Ihat had Ilecn planned. he was built into Ihe "ury what kind of a guy woold lI aloo be? If you came InIO
n1OI'e and I1lI)TI: unlil he was lhe main furce Ihal made hh room. whal wootd i. be like'! He probabty .. ou\d
it ,,-ort: _Phil IliIlTis' s performantt added sincerity in a be: silling there " ·' th his f«. up on hii desk and lood
rolorful chantcter that gave new inlereSt 10 everything all nver the plaC<'. crumbs and roff« stains all nl"a hoi
he did. bill. most impon anl. Ihi~ hear suddenly had dr~wing, . l'n.>babJy he w()U Jd have hi~ nlOOlh full 01
""at warmth . something thoc picture had needed . Nunc foooJ whocn he grttlS you: "Come on in and ,itoo.._
of thoc otber "<liees ,"'e t~ed or lhe jICfSOIlalilics ,,-e take fi,..,.·· The trouble is . •here is no !'lace to sil S.
considered ,,'ool d ha,'c (0011)' this. Baloo might h~~ re- sonll)'how Ihi s diw.>rdcr is t>O! as boid as il fi~ ~rned.
mained a camco hecausc he woold not have bo:t:n ,trong bet:allSC you immediately like Ihis individual and)<ll
enough (If imponant enough to u§C in more Ihan one fcd good whit( you are around him . He isa flft .....
place . and lhe story woo!d have been quite diffCfl'nl, ",'arm and friendly. and ~eeping every.h'ng in ooIn- is
While il may take a few minUle~ for an audience 10 j usl no! ;mportanl 10 him . Life is s imple and Ihing5ft
disassociate thoc visual int:lllC of a well -known performer solvC<.! in a simple "" ay . lie would be ralilc-r Cal,!, to
from his role in lhe fil m . the gain in ehancler de,..,I- trick or dc<;ei~ because we 1hink o f him as bnIt
I.>pf1I/lnl is immeas urable , In Ihe scrond and third gullible-gullible mainly bttause he likes people 10
n:leascs. years later. tu audience~ who re~lIy had !IOI much that it would not OCC ur to him not 10 U\lM tilt,.
koown Phil lIarTi s lhl'Qllgh radio or movie roles. Tit" He would be impulsh·e . If somelhing pupped In10 Ita
d~. )11"1/" 8001: has proved to be increasi ngly popular. II head that he woold like to 00. he would do it. IIt\'II
is obvious that having e~lablished the c and con,Kkring Ih •• ;. might no! work out.
<JI fUdy 10
,;th t~ affa. used il in the best way is fur more imponanl Ih an how M os l of all. he would lo"e sensual plc~"rt$­
wetl- known the voic(: Ullent might be: al the lime . In CI. ing. or m'el'1:'I'ng. and singing. Whocn ;"" ...., . I
Phil Harris you Ihin~ of rhythm arK! finger-snapping We had animOled about 35 or 40 feet of Mowgli and
and /OOVing 10 the be:al . and Ihat is the kirK! of thing Ihloo for a tt~1 when Walt SIoIW it arK! uid. " This be:ar
Wallwn looking for ""hen he s h"".,ed us how the be:ar i$ ma",elous-we've goI lO keep him in the pK:tUR: ."
"""'kI dance . Then scralching-Ihal has gOi 10 be: a Phil Iiams came bac~ for a KWnd n:c:ordi,.. iinSion.
bi& pan of his life . and ,.'e sho ...·ed him Ihis animation . He $tared It il.
Sooa ..~ foWled seeing how Ihis new Baloo ...·QUId unbe:lieving: fut3l1y he lumeOlO liS Ind u id . " Gee.
IIdp lIS wilh Baglittra , too. What could work be:n~r this .... ill make me immortal . llle way you gu)'$ ani ·
.1Ih I f~ spirit Ihan a slUffy. disapproving straight mate n", I can do no wrong ." This piclU~ was 10 bring
JIWI?The IooI;o:r the be:ar gOi the more entertaining lhe him a ...·ho~ different group of fans. When he walked
parnher became . So we stanM building on Ba~era do .... n the $1""'1. ~ids woold C<lme up and grab his
again IJId won<kred what he would be like if he were harK!s and ron al008 beside him calling him . •. B~Ioo ...
ill! animalor or perhaps a Moryman . lI is room would Everywhere they we re reaclingto his chal'llCiI'r JUSt as
~ nc:1I lIS a pin wilh every pt:ncil sharpencd and all Mowgli did. They loved him becaulie he came across
laid 001 in ni« row, according 10 color arK! length. as a living Char.lCler on lhe SCn:en.
Paptr IJId pads would be: neally Slacked. and there The relationship ~Iween these IWO be:gan 10 ha"
"""'kI 1M: no food any .... herc--just a bottle of anlacid enormou~ possibi liti~s for .... armth. comedy . !,"thoi.
piII$ lOll the wlf. He ""ould be: friendly. bul m;e,."ed . a rK! 5Uspensc . Thoey really needed each OIhe, . The bear
\\"lIm "'1: were ~UR: e"""'gh of our cast of charac· ne~r had a cub of his O,,'n and saw in Mowgli $Orne'

m. "1: came back 10 lhe scene where Baloo arK! one he could teach the things he thought "'e~ inlpol"
."""'·eli til)! m«1 ~ .\.IlIned crealing the crucial rell' lant . lbe dOl)' had bec:n grim wilh e~eryone again>!
IIIlILWp be1"un lhem . Ho w ...·ill they rellCl to each the boy, and now he had a friend . BUI ,..lul l friend-
other? Wililhe boy be: . fraid of this big guy ? He is. irresponsible. impuisi"e. thoughlless . The ludie~
«lIrlIKCOOS yoongsttr. bul he is slill upsel from his knew lhe panlher was right in his concern for Mowgli"s
orgwntnt and Mill is trying 10 son things 001 in his survival. bul they also could see lhe a~al of the bear
onnd, When lhe bear tal k~ 10 him. we decide Mowgli to Ihe boy. All the c haraclers had clear drives; lhey
.ill uke a swing at him . I~e is 100 nai"e 10 ~now any were in conflici and they were enjoyable and provoca·
!tdlt!. and at Ihis point he wants 10 be left alone , live .
How <loot 8al00 react to this lin le squin hilling In lhe firsl se:quence. " 'here lhe '''''0 have met. the
lim? Is he SOIl' about il? No. InSlinctively he takes . be:ar COillin""$ his ~s"""" and tncs to leach Mowgli 10
compIcu:ly opposile point o f view . "This kid needs glO ...·I. Bagheera hears Baloo's roar. fears lhe wont is
1Idp. 1k·1I get himsd f killed s winging at big guys l i~e haPP<'ning to MowgJi. and races back 10 help him . lie
_ of I don 'l help him ."' This isn ' l a mental problem: is ~IIW 10 find that lhe boy has picked up wilh this
it IS PUftly physkal and right up "'" hears alley . " jungle: bum:' Baloo tell. Bagheera thai the kid is
goj... \0 stay with him. and he will teach him all he
IOJIrrsr FroM TIJomos. knows . Baglittra's sarcaslic response: is. " Thai won't
Mo,.,,1i aM 8a/00 fi lld Q" long ." ' lbe n:lationships among the Ihree
~mply plQ~ in 'Qd.o'h~, ' s characlers an: be:ginning to dictate lhe way the situa·
lif~. This h./pM produa tions will play OUI and what the dialogue should be .
m. I>{ ,h. " ...
'm'm~" ,,'ao
hG>'~ "'~r
The second sequence has an entirely different flavor
achi~y . d . becau5C it is all done 10 prc scon:d musk wllh lhe
characlers moving in sync 10 e vcry be:at. aclually danc·
ing their way through "'" song. Eve n the 5eCondary
a<:liom an: pul on "'" be:at as much as po6Sible . since
this always COIl\"e)'$ a happy. e xuherant fffl ing that
can be achie"ed in no OIher w'y ,
Through Ihis seq uence . MO"'glt .....allv I. II) In& 10
hack that sets him off. but whatever it is Oaloo f",1s
the urge to be .scratched. " Hey, Mowgli. oowabout
$I;r.Itehi n' that old left moulder?" Mowgli <Ioe$ ..
best. scratching higher and lower and all 0YCf thc~.
btll this is just a tcllSCr for Oaloo. " This call s for IOI'I'Ie
reol scratchin· .· · He finds I very rough·looItini paino
tree and has at it , The more: he scratches the mtIft
franlic he gct.s-hi s eyes become glazed-he no IQrIp
>0 mi&ht WI · is in control of what he does. Finally he slides e~1IMIed
<shi. ~'I' 10 into the water, and he ~nd Mowgl; Jl:prisc the SOl(
together in a s low tempo as they drift dow~lltI.
At one point during Balon' s scratching. he upooII
the tree and scratche$ his back with it. The dirlaor
decided we needed some mus ic to make the trod WIll"
port th is ~nd add to the excitement of the pktUl't, lit
called in f"ur mu siciun J- piano . drums. N.'\S, II1II
lrumpet. While the y " 'ere ad libbing to a sect!!,,,t cl
. 'The Bare Necessities," the trumpel phlytr, C"""
~wis. was asked to gel ~ of whllt the hear ...
r«ling-~ frenzy- to gCt the feeling that tho bow
could not stop if he wanled to! Cappy finally £01-
thing we alllil,,:d . a really dassic piece of i~
trumpet playing . As a rmmer of fae! it -:~':,:::
~II that we decilkd to ~prisc it exactly at
the picIUn:. This would send Ihe alldientt OUt
big lift. Danny Alguin:. the "'."m'''~"'''. '~"""
to have a musician transcril>c it note fOf note.

mimic OaJoo. Thi, naUo:n the bear and gives the feel ·
ing thai they a~ ~sponding to the same vibrations .
which adds to the closoefle$$ beno.'een them . They could
not feel bettcT about each ~her or themselves at this
musical director George Bruns inserted it

'The time came to do the final rtCOldi"l

seclion, with lhe same trumpet player and the WIl!
lib solo all nicely written OUt for him . He

moment it- looked closer- blew a couple

Oaloo drops down on all fours as he finishes the hi s horn and shook his head . The phrdsing was
lyrics and Mowgli hops up on his hack. J>crh~ps Mow. him . He looked up al Bruns and said. "',~::;,:;,
gli accidenta lly touches a sensitive spot on Oaloo' lIi play this!" or course. he did play it. and

. /oJuuIOtl .
<lI1y. Bal""
ojJ a"... '"
Ih. I~M",b ·
p'-;"g I ,piri. of e1ubn'anc:e and vi.alily lO.he ending gcOl.Urt's IS he searches for an Kka . If he is 100
of.he pic.ure . nervou s. or h.u 100 m~ny e~ ~nion5. he becOl'{cS
8)' thi~ . im<" .he bear and .he boy haoJ \.Ic'dopw a excited. Cf evasive. Cf even overly dcspcra!e . Our
00"'1. iOIJ>ething 11m grew out of all .he lhings lhey brar is despenue. bul he is not excitable orevas;ve.
had tftn doing togeiller . !lit by bit lhey had opened He i5 a simple. direcl characler ,,'110 meets every·
_ir hem) 10 ~3Ch OIher and there " 'as a rt'al f«hng thing hcad-<>n . Hc i. used 10 senling hi, problems
oflruM belween Ihem. Thi s w"' whal w~ had hoped wilh physical force and Ihi s ~dkamc:nl is n:ally
we ...~rt' geuing. becauS<' il " -as !iO vital 10 lhe Mxt Itcyond him . He is tOO honeot to be evasive and too
wqut~ " 'hen: their friend'hip ,,-ould be ItMtd. on a simple to ha\"e a complicaled thoughl process. He
differenl way. by eac h uf them _ should be desolate and lost. yel his lo\"c fCf the boy
MO'fI'aJi is kidnapped by the monkeys , a big fight is w genuine lhal he cannot walk away from the
~. and Baloo and Bagheera gel him back. Then problem,
oomes a dimeull all-dialogue Sl:elion belw«n the pan_
thtr and lhe bear ..-here Baloo is finally con\"inced that So what docs lhe bear do? Whal kind of acting will
fQlIhc boy"~ own good he mU_'1 go baek 10 Ihe man· show lhese inner feelings in drawin~'1 The best way
.dlall". Bill even though 8 aloo is eo.wincw. he f«ls 10 501"Ilhi. OUI would be 10 make Ihumbnail dr,a",ings
~ u,"ure of himself. ·· Well. un't it Wlil till m(!m- of differt'nl Ihing~ he mighl do . They musl be acling
InIT' he pleads. bul Sagheera ans"·crs •. '11" morning symbol s thaI are in ehanoo:;ter and arc e~ily idcnlir.w
_ .... " Baloo $llrn IOward the: s leeping MowgH. by lhe audience: . Baloo is in way over his head. bul he
bnitales. and Bagheera has 10 urge him unce 1\"KII"e. is .rying very hard 10 Ihink of somc.IChin&'"
__ Can
_ "yor
" ... SO on. 8aI00 . ··
Before .he animator slaned on Ihi, !if!Ction"he wrOle
do.m.1I his f«lings aboUI Ihe Siluslion and Itw. char-
1ICIm.1O elear il up in his own mind . Ii is e~y 10 get
bI ;" uying 10 do 100 many .hings when you are
lllill\ljling if you are not s ure of whal your main Slatc-
_ is JOing 10 be . By ,,-, iling cvel)·. hing do",n fim.
)'001" mind bcwmes organ;ud. chan ... led in.o jusl whal
}'W .... nllO do. You can always change your mind if
.. is not working. bul i. does give you • stan and.
dlltClion .
lkn: is ..-hal the animator " -rOle :'

Thm ;/Iould be an aimltss feeling.o Baloo' , walk •

• • huddled f«ling. in contrasl 10 his nornu.l
e.pansive. confident manner . He has nervous vague
AMm, FrruIk nooma..

1M ""illlOior U(Jrc#W. lor
JJNdlk acrion. rhar ",ill
OS It#: ~• .., 1~1I Mow,l;
It#: mllSf I......., rlt#: jwIr/'.

, .r . 7" l_· ~ r

A",JMrotI Fra"k Thomas.
~ lIu.",bMil. b«om, a
S«1W ,IIa, odds a ~ .. .Ii·
........ iooIIOBa/oo·. cll/J,.... ·

00 paJXr. None of il is pos.s,ble. OOwc:veT. ,fthe an
hllS failed to develop the Cllal1l<,:lCn 10 the poinl whm
!heir llloughts and lheir aclions seem naMal and belin·
able . II eannot be achieved mechanically. or by oop)"
ing. or by wishfullhinking. bul ooly by comf..1build.
up. understanding. and a love for the chlU"aC"krs.
This fIOw.rful bond belween Ba1()() and Mowgli_
lhe ingredient Ihal held lhe piclure logcdlCl and midi:
lhe audience can: . II also enabled US 10 build twO
Spc:<".at 5equenee. al the end tllat nc~r wukl ba",
h«n sustained olherwise. Mowgli· . ertlOlioos .. lItn
he bdieves the bear i. dead WOtlld OIh."wi~ ba",

\ "
dC) . lie can pull hit ear. rub his arm, look around him
been JNoolin. and lhe billen ...·ttl fan:wc:II . .."bert dw:
lure of his own kind is If''aler than his 10>-. for IllS
fricod. would never Mve becn convincing Of sati>f);",
for help, rub his nose or h;'_ j~w. ~niff. KllIlCh his ~~ In coding. II was Wah ""00 asked lh31lhc roy JO
neck. or roll his C)'Cli. Anyone ofthnc is in clunoctcr inlO !he village through hi~ own choice rather "'""
for him. bul he cannot 00 .hem all . Does he move into because the aRomals knew il ""as the nght pIICt fa'
(his Kllon or is he already in il al lhe sian of the him . Jt gaV1: lhe IICCessary light touch 10 cod !be pe.
s«nc1 l1ow much ""l"cmcm will there be within this ture on a happy nole.
pose or .Uilude? Bow long ....·ill be rub his neck or how Tire J""gl~ 8oo1e was the fir>.! picture Ifler S-
much .,"'" will it \.like 10 mil his c~s or do "h.:ucvcr Whir<, 10 have the JXrsonalilies and feehngs 01 tilt
action has ~n chosen? chan>etel"$ $(I dominanl. The audience undtrslOOd'-
As lhe lJor,ar agoniUIi OVer Ihis problem, the a<;ling characlen and idt:nlified with whal each was "Y',",,"
oflile boy bttomcs vcry clUCia!. Wilh 00 idea Illal the do. Every 5eqllCoce g3v<, ne .... opponunilies t05ee.
bear c"en has a pn:>bIem. he is running all 0"." the fattts of lhe JXlWIIalilies . And <,ven though ~ ...
place. h<lppyand unable 10 senle do"'II. If the boy very lillk Slory a~ suc h. these characler re~
",QUid JUSt stand still and lislen IQ 8al00 il would be and interesting JXI"Wnalities m;><.le Ihis lhe 11>($ sot·
difficult ell()\lgh. oollhe facllh~l Mowgli is KI ucited ~dul canoon up to that timc in our hiMOf)'.
about [he day they ~ going 10 sl"'oo wgcthcr just
makes Baloo', problem impo:Mlble .
Baloo instinclively lhat their relationship is
different from anything he has had before. They have
UlIsled each ocher. and he is afraid thalillis will end il
all. 0111 !he righl ...·oms jllS! ", ill noI c;omc 10 lIim .
Finally he has 10 1IS1: force 10 m~ke MO"'Bli lislen. He
Brabs him and blun. out whal he has to say' "1've got
10 lake you back 10 the manvillaBe!"
MowgJi al firSi 's unbelievina:. Then. heanbroken.
he pulls away and runs off inlO the ...·ood~ . • te has
b«n belrayed by lhe one frktw.l he loved lhe most.
Thc:!iC are the momcnls lhal live ...·i tll an audience.
mai:inB lhe film ~ Ihanjust a canoon atw.llhe char-
acter! more Illan JUst dra ... ongs . T1ley ate al"" lhe
moments thai offer the grealesl opponunities for mcm-
orable perfOml~nceS to ""Ion. whether live or created
Costumes "However. on lhe w~y 10 the wardrobe I IhoIlght I
would dreu in bloW I"'nls. big shots. a une and a
Tho: ""Ioe of lhe: CQl>IUmc in crcaling a Jll'rsonalily derby hat ," he ~aid . " 1 wanted everYlhing ~ conUlI·
cannoI Ix Qvcrcslimaled. In addition 10 lhe obvioos diction . Remcmlxri"g Scnroe1! Md upected me to bo
()t appeal 0( the: col()f and de. ign. lhe: specific a"icles a much older man, I added a small moustache ,,·hich .
IIw the cilara<;ler " 'cars m~kc him a sp«ific individ • I reasoned, " 'o,lId add a~ " ';Ihout hid,n~ my upru·
.... The anirT1lll()f can become uciled by lhe possi· ,~

bilities forcaricamre a nd movcmem in lhe: malcrials of " 1 had 00 idea of ,he: ch;,~lcr . bul lhe fflOII"ICnC I
I diffen:m kind of 1ppan'1. bul. mosl of all. cycry<lIlc waS the dOl"". and lho: makeup made me feci
~ Iilimulale<! by the personalilY Irdib and cartoon bu.i· lhe pcrson he wa., I bogan 10 kl\Ow hIm . and by lhe
KSl IlOOII that It.. cl\anc1Cr is becoming $0 definite . limoo: I walked on lhe 'Iage he: was fully born . When I
Wlltn o.arlic Cllaplin firsl wcnl 10 lhe Mack S<:nncu confmmed S<:nnen I assumoo:d lhe cha.....,l~r and !;Inoue<!
Studios. t.. was Ioid 10 pul 00 a comedy makcup . Al about, .winging n,y cane ano.! I"'rading before him
lilt momenl. he had 00 idea whal he w(MIld pul On. Gag~ and comedy ideas wem racing through "'y ",;nd.)
The Appealing Villain
\lIlalllS are usually the most fun of all characters 10 knew he WIS not going 10 be slavering and gro,,'ling,
On'riop, ~ause the y make everything else happen. TIM: llLOry called for Shere Khan LO Ix the "huvy" of
1'Ity are !be instigators. and. as Chaplin has pointed the jungle. He had to Ix jlO,,·erful. utremely compe-
•. aI,,'1IYS moll' roIorful than the hom. llw:y may be tCnt , and feared by e "eryone , Bu[ be)-ond [hal he could
~ic. a",csomc. insidious. or sc:micomic. 001 inev_ be sneaky or aggrenive, ~hel1ling or direct . belliger·
iI.IbIy lbey will he rich in unusual personality trails. cnt, unpredictable. bragging. or reserve<!, It depended
E.~n before we know for sure how We wanl them 10 on what worke<! best with our OIher characlCrs. and
bit, .... know the: role they a.e 10 pia)' in the Mary " 'hat " 'ould give uS the bcu opportunities for l[[illde$
lid are fairly wn: of the effect We ...·anllhem 10 )",,'<: and IICtions in anima[ion . As one of the crew wg·
.. !he aooieocc . Which brings up the big question: gested, "What if he ' ~ 5<) wnlident and invincible that
jItl.I !>ow KaT)' shou ld our villain~ be' Do We gain lie doesn't have LO prove anything to anybody? Like
alnUin.menl by scaring anyone here? Is il a quick. a really tough gangster who I>C'ver has to shoot or
ldbIiII, scare that is soon 0",', or. deq>. abiding throw hi, ..,.,igtM around LO ,how " 'ho he is-everyone
fur? Ahtlm'l any Siory becomes innocuous if all the knows!" Ho,,'Cver. we wanted nlOl'C d an and favored
f\'il is eliminated. hut we do nOl necessarily gain an aristocratic. "'gal monarch, SO we made some draw·
lIml&Ih merely by being frightening. We IT)' 10 find a inp of a tiger reminilCent o f Basil Rathbone . We
mnner!hat " 'ill hold an audience and entertain an "'-ere dc'-eloping a villain ""00 had only disdain for his
~,"''<:II if il is a chilling type of enterui"mcm. vktims and " 'ho ,,'as confidcm to the point of being
1k tiger Shere K han in Th" JIIT/glt Book cou ld art'OI!an1. This was getting Ixttcr! In fact, C011«il would
Ito( ~n a vicioo" snarling , ill , tempe~ Ixut . Tile be a good t",it. s ince he had to be dcfuted somehow
ImIH could have been planned 50 they we~ terrifying; by our hero. or combination of heroes. Ne~nheless,
m aU, he " 'U out to kill the boy, and tllat was tt.. by the time we were ready 10 record a vni« . ..,., fell
1IOO,'lttion of tile whole Story, But Wall kept asking, that the imellcctual ",finc:mem inherent in a voice like Bill Pm',
"lie 's rIO! going to be the same old ,Iav~ring . growl- R~thbone' . would no longer be quile right , We found

iIrc III)' likc " 'e' "C al"'ays done , is t..?" We had not the perfCCt combination of trail. in the voice of George
6:tidrd just how [0 handle [hIS villain, bu[ now "" e Sanders, He " 'as the ullquc!otioned king of the jungle.
.. "
II is easy 10 see oow a comic villain can br
,• and a dramatic onc Ii . but a mOre diffICult
lengc arises .... hen the
visually diSlulbing, In addilion to the normal
of making him or her convincing
lhere is the increased burden of designing
an« in a way not only KCeJ!lable 1101 IIj¥aling.
OUI appeal. no one ""iII respond CnouglllO ;"'.1
involved .... ilh cither the c haracler or lhe 51"'Y.
, SQme c realures, Ihis secms impossible . Whal iflte
supposed to be revollin,? Fearsomc:? Lo"h~" 1
WIuoI if he i5 • snakc? 1$ il I",..ible 10 rrW~

tWOIn villains
the following pages 0111
who star1C(\ ~~~~::::;I
wc lrolCe
yet lhey grew 10 be among our roosl
I. lovable?) characlers . This was accomplished by"",,"
I bining the elcmcnts and principles ""e have disawet
ioIOI"Y. charxler dcvelopmellI. «,~""w ~.., . •.•'1
emotions. l1Icre wcre dark days of doubt. and IIlOIIIi
disappointments than nee<J be mentioned . but e~
a competent. inteliigent . conceited Itiller " 'ho never aJly • " 'oy WIS found to mxe them Ippulin, ne
had 10 ~Iaver, or growl ~ creative mind al"'ays " 'ill find a way 10 do tilt _
In 101 DO/millions. the same type of decision was im~sible assignmcnlS, given the opportunily lIId tie
matlc in determining how bmad the villain could be Slimulation .
w'choul upsetting the Story conccpl. No onoc: ever
doubced thaI Cruella deVi' actually would skin those Kaa
puppies. yet lhis did r>Ot keep he r (rom being a wild.
fa!ICinaling figu~ who could gel laughs . In oonlraolt, There is definitely something ~ry disturbing lIId
It.:: queen in S,."... Wllilr had 10 be cold. ruthless. ting about seeing a s nake . When the
mean. and dramatic. N~hing would be gained by dc- U"j"ll Ducrr wilh engrossi ng
""'oping her personality any further or by Icuing the raulesnakc at work. an exhibitor in the ca.<;l
audienc<: di9;Qver her weune»e:i_ U ke a Slukespear- relcase tbe picture . Hc claimed thai c"ery
can rTIOIlaJt:h . she: had 10 be regal and beyond lhe reach the audience wOlild leave lhe theater
of common people. "The whole illusion would have would be OUI of business . Snxes may
been destroyed if she had s lipped on the stairs as she crealures. bul it is hard to love lhem or build
swep! dQwn to her dungeon . em5Why for them. Bill Pe.eI . one ofourbetlCf"''''
Cafllai" Hook in PrIer PM, on the Qlher hand. was IIId tried to sell Walt on • story .... ith I snake Zj
his most entenaining when he lost all dignity and con- chancIer for a propaganda fitm during ,~ ••. II
lrot, as he tried to gel aw~y from the crocodile. Yet evcn Walt had shied away from the idea,
llIis ne"", ~akened his relationship 10 Peler Pan. as Few artists had ever ~lIcmplCd 10 do • -.:
dlher menace or advcnary. Admiuedly, ""Ier Pan animalion. for how can you gel any
wlS intrinsically in~ indblt, and ~ny foe was fore- ture that has no shou ldcl"li. arms. or /uln<.b?
doomed 10 f.ilure. so there was lillie point in =Iricting there had been tokcn snakes i
O\II"$CI""" to pc:rsonalilKs who were only threatening and there WU I small sequcn« in
or ~illainou, . made in 1933. where a s ly , capricious
snake would eSlablish lhe variely of dangers Ihal lurk
in lhe foresl and enrich lhe piclure wilh an exotic
characler, while ,oowing Ihal none of Ihe animals had
any respeci or concern for Ihe boy and (hal he had no
frien<.ls 10 help him , Only Bagl>eera. Ihe black p"nlher.
fell a responsibihly 10 Stt Mowgli safely oul of lhe
jungle, and early in Iheir joumey lhe IWO had been
forced 10 climb a Ire<: 10 avoid lhe mad charges of a
nearsighled rhino, Mowgli, laughing al lhe inepmess
of Ihe beasl below, failed 10 noeice anylhing Sirange
aboUI lhe vine upon which he was sining. Bill Peel'.
script conl;nues:

II is a giam pylhon and while Ihey've been lalking,

Ihe big snake has quielly arrange<.l a few of his large
coils around lhe boy until he is wrapped like a mum_
my, and Kaa is about 10 put on Ihe big squeeze
s",,\I.e ~"s: when lhe panther spOls him , "Hold it. Kaa! Hold
Tuq r OJ't ' " il!" And Ihe pylhon he.ilales, "A frknd of yours?"

JiJ he asks polilely. "Indeed no," replies Bagheera,

"merely trying 10 save you from a very long caseQf
indigeSiion. Thi s miserable mancub is so spoile<.l he
wouldn't be a fil meal for even Ishtar Ihe buzzard,"
The python studies the boy with his hypOOIic beady
eyes for a mmnem, Ihen draws bac k in disgust.
"Ugh' I lICe what you mean!" and he makes a SOUr
face, 'Tlllal<e toa<.l5 and lizard s any day," and he
glides away, his endless body circling down lhe tree
Hunk 10 finally disappear in Ihe deniiC growlh far

The firsl SlOry meeling broughl OUI n,any new ideas ,

Wall fell there should be somelhing more between the
sna ke and Ihe panlhcr. He sensed Ihal Ihis unusual
c~ure a small bird Ihal ha<.l been pecking al his M· combinalion of characlers offered more Ihan we were
des. This gave a fluncr of eXcilememlo Ihe film an<.l a gelling, and he kepi digging for more of a .ilUaiion,
oouple of quick gags Ihal prove<.l Ihis panicular bird "How aboul Bagheera hilling Kaa 10 SlOp him from
'1$ brighl and quick and a polemial hero , bUI lhe eating the boy- what would Ihm do?" Would K...
illHe gOlIl() '.lVeS from anybody_ resent il and sian afler Ihe panlher? One animal has
When lhe decision was ma<.le 10 <.10 Th~ ""'git'8ook, allacke<.llhe OIher in defense of a small boy, and as a
i ":as obv;o,," Ihal Ihe greal .nake Kaa should De one resull becomes Ihe polemial viclim himself. ~s Ihal
of !he charOClcn; in (he film, even lhough we had nol give us a real silualion?
ehminale<.l many seclions of Ihe original nalr~live, l1le best ide~ 10 come OUI of Ihe meeting waS Ihll
lllben lhe SlOf')' work was begun, il was believed Ihal when Kaa was hit by Ihe pamher he would release his
!bemai. poIenlial for animation lay in Ihe relalionship hQld on Mowgli, whQ would then begin pushing the
of !he boy Mowgli 10 Ihe animals of lhe jungle. A heavy body of the snake oUi oflhe tree while lbe head,
several feel away . was busily engaged in lIypnoli,,ing with the", characters and wonder whallhey would 00
Idgittt'" MW
~, by climb· Bagheera , II was 1101 an act of heroism 10 save Bagheera ne~!.
• <lI 'hi' poinr but an innocent act of se lfish defiance: however. il The revised storyboards. severJl meetings laler. had
1RI~""n n"" worked very well, saving (lie panlher from cenain the snake drop inlo Ihe scene. unnoticed by Bagheera.
rd, rh. liaM
In IhiJ lim death and crippling Ihe s nake temporarily. ThaI way. look the boy OVer wilh CQJls ider~ble reli.\h. ar>d pru-
, in"odlKl;"" Mowgli .... ould become confident , rhe panther fruslral - ceed IQ wrap him up for dining . When Bagbttra &a'"
rh",' i$ wry ed. and Kaa compleldy humiliated. All three charac- "'hal wa;c happening. he hil Kaa full on lhe wide·.,pen
liily OJ! Kao
ters had definite business. clear mOlival;ons. and strong mouth. causing him 10 release the boy . Kaa', indig.
altitudes. We hoped Ihe audience would be int.i,,,,," nant response was. · ·Ooh. how dare you . Baghecra-
r' shook! roe"cr ha ve done Ihal! " and he Slaned d os- ment on each indi vidual 5«ne: we tried 10 put OVCf the
III in on his IIh~ ,,·jlll hypna;c. C)'es. A$ Dagheer.i business ncce$$U)' to the 5«ne. but in the leaY objec_
Iried (0 k«p from look ing inlo those e)'e~. Mowgli lionable way . It would be wn)ng to give up tile slitller-
flUlhed tile snake off the li mb. ~nd 11M: fall nearly ing completely. we a ll agreed . We alliO kepi thedatting
~ K.... ·s head off_ He lalKkd in socII . Iang~ tong"", l in<;c it did not Kem 10 bolhc:r anY""" QRtC
_ 0( coils thaI he was unable \0 straighten himsel f these ()(OO characteristics had been changed. Then:
~ ..-j 11-.110 en ",1 . ...·.r wilh his ""hole body jUlt wl5 even a small gag built around it. Ku, in Iookin.
one hu~ knot. A ~loryman s UIIII<!sled the line. " 0-0- over the boy. seemed 10 npn:ss glee wilh hi s daning
(HH)/I, my crawler's broken!" We laughed . but did tong"". ~ing this. stuck his tong"" oul at
IDI acupI it the snake 10 show his o " ·n feelings abool this inU\lOer.
8i11 ~ 's 510<)' .\.ketche$ of Kaa stKn.'cd a big. "The final feature we emphasized was the big, blum
povom-ul p)'I00n wilh a simplified drawing of the head, nQSC. Fw IiOme n:aliOn. !'Wple and cartoon Characters
\OIIich alleviated $OI11e of (ile unpleasantneSS many peo. an: !"lever considered to be mean or n:ally siniSler iF
pk feel about n:pti~. bul he was slill very much a they lIave big O()liCs. Comedians ha~ big noses.
Ir*I snake . Qtr;iously. he had to be. or the $(01)' w-ould Rcal snakes do noI ha'l: I«th and gums like I bear

t llWl' ~ audience lIad 10 believe Ihal Kaa n:ally

, Id cal the buy unless solll<! lhing happened to Slop
m. Still. if we did our best \0 present a Il'~J ~nakc at
dis poilM. " "C ,",oold ~el lin le ~ Ihan Shudders
• di.. u~ ."" The slOry situation would
Of a calor a man . Some have l"'lh. bul these are quit~
different from Ihose of mammals . s ince they an: 004
designed for chewing or tearing the food. The s.truc.
tun: of lhe inskk of the mouth is uniq~ 10 n:~ iks.
and the color o f lhe nesh is a~ to be I silky white . The
IIOMroogcr. and it ce"ainl y would noI he any iliOn: law i, hinged diffcn:ntJy , too. which w/)\lld make I
''!Iining . We slartoxl wOfldj,ring just how far we di fference in the way a snake ,,·ou ld t~lk- if he could
10 £0 to prove that Kaa was n:al. and that liroe: of tal k . Howe""r. ""C decided 10 treat the jaw like I nor-
in, kd liS to the big <t~st ion, "W}uot is enter· mal canoon ja w. the kind ..·c knew how to handle
·ning aboot ~ ~nake~'· We cou ld ~ think of much. wh<. n we were trying 10 draw convinc ing dialogue. but
While the stor)' work continued to search for stronger we wanted the insid" of the mouth 10 be n:ptilian . That
io.:::.r n:lationship<, the n:st o f us started ~udying meant more study and more: effort . but we felt tile
~ and tried diffen:nt ,,·.ys of drawing them . From mults ..-ould gi~ strength 10 our clwactef.
·in, our film of pythons, it wa, appan:nt that then: Somehow ..·c failed to notify the color model peo-
several objectionable fcatun:5 of a sna ke : ( I) the pie of our brilliant decisions regarding Ku ·s I11O\Ilh.
;oj that is an utens;on of the body in one long IiO we felt complctely betrayed .... hen they suggested
: (2) the beady. unblinkinll eyes: (3) the slitherirq; the pIl:tty. pink mouth they put on a ll canOOll c~·
~nt. d"void of any appan:nt feelings: (4) lhe ters. We screamed that lhere !"Ie'·er had been a I'),bon
daning tongue. As soon as we bent the hnd at right wilh a pink mout h. They asked wh y we hId not lIid
.,.tes to the body, we avoided the first problcm . As something bdOll: if il " ·as 50 important, and then then:
11'1 "l: ,a~ him large eyes, e""n silly Ping· Poog were some: accusations back and forth . Someone criti_
WI eyes. "l: eliminated the beady look. and also gained cized the lack of communication bctwttn departments,
attitude that made hi m mon: inlcn:sting . Eyelids and this was followed by the usual commonts about
p~ him a whol e ga mut of e ~pn:ssions unkno wn to anim3tOl"5 who think the y know everylhing . ·· Whars
IqIIlJr snalr;e~. but ""'" animator insisted we wen: giv_ the big d".1 with the mouth ? Show lhem some of our

"kl "p 100 much of the n:al !make al tllis point . Kaa
00( have eyclids, and alway. should maintain
,Iassy Slare so distinctly I"I'pt ilian. BUI Ihe in' por_
n:al problems!'· Eventually Kaa ended up with •
s lightly tinted. ivory-rotored mouth. and a ~tudio party
al the compl etio n of the pictun:. once again. smoothed
ItIR of e~pIl:liSions for his pcrwna lity wOR OUt. and tile ",rned n:lationl bel,,"ttn ~t least twodcpartments.
~Iids Came back . Some people wonder ..·hy " ·c go to such lengths to
n.: 51itllering mll'l:ment became a matter of judg- kCt'p IiOntClh;ng o f the n:al animal in our pIl:scntalion .
llIere is cen~inly a lemplalion to fonso the ~tudy and We had dialogue wrinen thai seemed ngh! for 0lIl
dfort needed to incorpor:ilte the animal' s anaIOfn)" and particular snake. hul d~~ " '!IS silil a "ide I1lIlP' 01
!llO\'ements imo OUr dr.awon&~" But if we we~ 10 thl"O\O' inlerprellnon possible "hen " "c began te5un,. AI ..e
OUI thi' s peeial effon. " "c ,,"ould soon ha"c all the explained the story silualion 10 lhe voice l~k1l1S, II
animals loobng ali ~e. ~nd ""ne of them looking li ke hccame evidenl Ihal Kaa ",as sl,1I Miler oldonal)' and
much of anything. As onc animator "'id. " Wh ~ do obvious . He had 00 pefSOflalily quirks Ihal nude 111m
youtl)' to make any dl1lwing good'} Yoo do it because unique or inle~sling. 00 mJnncmms or ...... ys ofduli·
il look. bettcr~" illS 111<01 made: h.m d'Slinclt,"c . Each ""lor "'"OIIki 1<:....
While lhe changes we had made in lhe neck and 10 find some spedal qoalily . hut for the II1O!iI p.u1111
e)'e~ had rid us of the mo,t nhjectionablt fcatures uf a we got were a '~"(1y of hi~ses-Slnt'lcr hl<ses. \Oed..:-
snake. ,,'c ....·erc tampering wilh lhe I~PC of prescnl~ ' 1i"e hisses. hypno1i<: his""s. tomptlling hisses. SOlI..:
tion Ih;jl would make Ku bl'lic vahk:. W~~ he ""gin_ "'ked if K~a we~ a man Uf ~ wo'''an ....·as he or oW
ning 10 look 10" silly'! We~ we loslll' uur men:>ee? mean. playful. VlOOICIt'"C. aUloc"I~1 tk
lIad we given up .., much of the IoClual . nale thai we could be any . or all. of lI>csc Iltmg> without eban,IRC
no longer had the ~'urwiclion the slOry nccded'! we fell a linc of di"lo~ue or lhe 3ppe~rance of a d"'I'Itng. nUl
the repul,ivc qualily had been "uC1."C"fu Il y eliminaled . !lone of lhese IUilS al""" was cn1enaining eoouj!.h. nor
bo.u he was rar from 3ppc~l i ng. and possibly too weak did any or lhen. ~lIm ula1e 1he I n11l1<1t"", 10 $Ct' tlprts-
in appear-mce 10 put O''Cf the siory poonls We decided . IOOS and 3u.tudes (or the character,
it IOIne 10 search for a \"(),"'. since lhe righlcoolri · After eigh1 alle"'pI~ in d,fferent dtrcc1>,,"s. II .....
OOlioo from an aclor could livc lhe ncede<J d'rcclion 10 Slcrling Hollo"'3), "00 finall y Came up with lhe pr0-
funher refinements in our drawings. vocative voice aoo altitude Ih"l ~par~ed us all lie 1101
0lIl)" g",~ a re;oo,hng that " ..... the charnete •• he ""as able read them. We wrotc and re,,·mtc and he made ...~.
IOWuc>t line.' that "'"OUld fit !xue. wilh Ihi ~ evoh'inl', tiOOi. and mtelher ....., decided that this snakc' s weak-
rcr;or1 ~l ily . When K•• hears Bagh~'C11I tcllthe boy 10 T1l:>S wa, thaI he cou ld not k~ep his mouth ,h ut ",hen
rolO ,I ... p. Stc.ling ,uggcs lw. in a s ing_wng)" voice. he "'lIS ahe~d , Just when he had e,·el)·thinll he wanted .
"Y~ s·s . mancuh. go 10 .+slttp!·· w'hich led into he had to Mcrpla)' hi~ hand and 1~ it aiL When
~ h)"pnoIic Sl~"", When Ihghttn. hi. him in the BaghttTa told the boy. "Now no I1lOI'e talk till morn·
moulh. imleod rof •'0011. I\< ,w dare yoo. lJaghecr-.!'· il
\>teanle. "Ooh. my s-s · si n" .·s·e~- <·s!·· ful1uwed by.
"\'011 1Ia,'c ju""sl m:lde a s·.-scrious-s-s mi~-s,slakc.
") rnrnd. a 'l'fY ,...·'mpid I1lIS·~"'akc . . . •• Suddenly
K» ,,"). ~Ii,..,! We could sec hIm durly. and he WaS
funny, He ""aj "'''''''''ing enough. but he was alloO a liv-
in,. breathing. enlenain ing (n:~ture. We could animate
~ guy! Everyone sianw s"ggesting lines that " 'ould
rot M Kaa bite\;, Ilagheera dO"' n the br~nch he :<;IYs.
"Look me in the eye ",hen I'm s·s-spea king 10 you!"
R~ph Wrighl 3<Idl"tl. "Both eyes. if you pk;>.'ie." ,i~
W J'Wllhe. " 'as squ inting and trying 10 ~,'oid look ing
..., """'" di:aoJly eyes.
As quickl)' ~s ,uggeslion s were made. Sterling was
Mlk lu male lhe T1l:'" wortls come alive by the "'ay he
ing." Kaa could not kCf'p quiel and simply ta ke lhe man: and more flln . II had seemed li keSIIC-:h:.::::.,~::1
boy away . lie had 10 brig. " He WOO'I be here: inlhe al firsl . Lrying to bI"ld a situation and a <
moming!" Which . of course. alened Baghecra 10 Ihe we wert never Sure if we wue on lhe righL track in
situation in Ii"", for him 10 take actioo . Th i~ was lhe fiTS! place. bul. finally. the doors
line .. e hood been looking for LIIat "" ould cause the we could no .... sIan Upccrimc:nlal anima1ioo.
~lhtr LO lum and see Mowgl ; abou Lto be eale n. II Su\kknly. we had I TICW and UM ~ pected probltm
001 only gave us a richer characler. bUL il w ived a The girl who brought around the paychecks .",h
problem wilh the Slory slniCtUre . Now lhe " 'hole SUM Thursday .... as ~alhly afraid of SIIake:s. and Ib60Iutdy
played easily and nallltllily. Whal hood begun as a bleak refllsed 10 come inlo our rooms 10 deliver our m.ds
(IIOOIInl(r with a minor ChllT1t<:LCr waS begi nnins to be as lon¥ a. "-e had any snake d ....... ings in the .~ J
Slit ,"'ould !Iand well 0111 in lite hall. bend ,,~(f as far bul since , he absolutely refuse'" 10 look al il "'e had a
• !.he could loward lhe door. and lhen wilh a half. problem .
p!IISI1 ~ ~Jf.lOS.~ ~nd lhe nunering e~k on ilS In the meanli"",. we worked. Irying 10 "'.. w IIl\IIS·
'"1. ThIS "rl could 001 he coccl\Ced into coming even cui.... body Ihal slubbornly kept Iootin, like • hu~
_ ~ f~. afId $he wamnlu •• ",~aledl)· . lhal fire hose . A Sn:Ike ob,·io;xJsly is round. and ycl really
sbu.wld ne~er. ne~er go to ~ lhe film ,,·hccn it " 'all he is 001 . ~:ore $lraight lino Ilwvughout hi,coils.
fllillled ~ we lned 10 explain how g"'31 the cha,.,ler b," lhey have 10 come. and go as he """'". And IJw:n
us. and 1\0'0<' $he wool'" forgel he "·as a snake . She ,,"c ~ I ~ spois lhat ~med fore~ 10 animal"
_Id 1101 e'·en lislen . We ha ... lhoughl she might be a back"'·ard on lhe screen. Should he have largn spois
plOd 1C)l alldienec "'hen ..~ ha ... SOIl'" footage oJonc:. or slower moves? The ans"'·n ~1I1ed 10 he pIor1ty in
the de~ign nf tlle dr~wing , and in the way h~ Iwisl~d as eoough of a picw'" 10 suppon ~ilher lhe' gOJ! Of tho:
~ :Ioch'anco:d. with lhe coil s moving ~t different sp«d~. allicude . The animator ,,'00 fin;tlly did tile .ane <lecidrd
A nlOrC elaborale panem of marking al ... would hel p. ttl ha"e an elabor:it~ flopping a",1 d ..~"ing otlioo. a,
OOIm:.1 would add tOO much eApcnse '" lhe pK:Wrf , if lhe hod)' hiMJ be.!n broken inlO many !iCgnlCnb I....
llow could "'C' k«p tile design simpit' f ",,,,gh h) be Il<) lunjlcr ...'Oded 1Oj!elller. J Wh31 had ~et1 0111 :115 •

(wnolllK:ally ~Ik.1, )'et delailed enou~h Iu be con· funn~ s ingle dra""injl had "" .... hecomc a funny lIClioo
"incing and handsome? thai ~omhincd une~p«lcd mo,..,n",,1'1( " 'ilh tile spinll'll
11Ic:n. one day. Danny Alguire, the assiuanl din."'· acling "''C' needed .
tor on ll1e sequence, told llii exeiledly , " lIey. I ha"e a The: end ", suit uf all chi s d fon and fun was a higilly
flitnd in to" 'n from Texas ...,110 is terrified of snake •. suee",,,rul <equence. and a ,'iIlain wlto had become III
Wh~I do )'OU s.ny I invite her in w see pan of lhe enterta ini ng personalil Y in the picture . Walt liked Kat
pK:ture and nUl lell h~r lhere's a snake in il. and ....e SO much Iha( he suggestcd Ihe c h~",cle r lie hrooghl itt
can see how she reacts. O K·... • II waS a mcan .c heme . agai n laler in the 5tOl')' . " If you ' ,·., ~ot MHlIC good
001 a I'Iecessary one. for we had 10 find OUI if "'~ had entertainment working for you. US< il !" On.e SIO'Y""
gone 100 f". or if the s nake .I>ould eve r have been in felt (hal lhe snake sllould no! be developed be)'onddlr
tile piclure in lhe first place . small role planned originally. since il "'QUid up$t\
11Ic: ~t.o..in8 "'as ITTlIngeti . and the lady from Texas balance of the story. The audience cou ld e<lSil)'
sat through the IoeClion of tile film "" e had pre~ . lim! of him. He thoughl ...'e should '1uil ...·hit. ""' ...
giuling.nd clluekling llI llle way. We "''C're mnding 5<)mc:lhing 800<1 . and 00\ !.ake a ch;.nce of fIIiPi..,
by witll cU!", of ",.. Ier 10 revive her if she fainted. E"en though ,,~ had 00 idea II lhe 'iml' of 00.'
5ed3ti,'H if ~he b«anlC' distr;lUghl . and strong"'""" to could possihl~' work in aoothe. IoCqIlen." "ith
catch her if ~he bolted for the outside without stoWing snake-,,-il00ut compleu:ly de>.unyi n8 what liNk
for doors or $ta;.....·1)'5. BUI none: of Ihal was needed . " 'e had-we voted 10 use him again .
She cooetI. "Oh, lie was n' t a sna-ake, he was cu,u· We Went 10 work pry ing and IU88in~ on I~ >lUI)'
utc !!" We relurned 10 our drawing boards " 'ilh 1l:1'Ie"'ed SlruCIure. rebuilding here at>d tearing out l~re.1IIIiI
enlhusin"" we had ~ place to bring Kaa into the SIOl')' in a 'llIJ'
Some ideas are funnier in a Slill drawing Ih~n lhey nucural way. MO"'gli had run away from Baloo....
are in ~nil!llliion , That wlll lhe case " ';Ih lite tRngled " '1$ ma",ing aboul lhe jungle disconsolately. AI .
coi ls. after Kaa had fa llen OUt of the Irtt . 1lle dr~wing .l-ame Ii .... . his mortal enemy Shere Khan . I~ tipr.
of the body IS one giga",ic knot was alwa)'s funnier had heard that the mancub "'as around and unjltOl<dCll
lilan it ....ould 11;1\'( been in anilTuuion. l1w:re was 5<) WlIal if Ku gOIlhe boy fi~. h)'pnoIi«4 him "' • •
liult' body left o~er " 'ilh which lie could mo'·e. Ihat he dreamy song . lhen pla~'ed ..·ilh him bef~ ~
only could look 8TOSS. inslcad of funll)' . as he tried 10 lhe del is+~ ioos mors-s-""I?
limp off; bUI worse. il did 00\ gi"e OOr snake lhe l1w: Sherman broo:lIen. Bob and Dick. "'roo: a pm!
prop« altilude to support lite exprcnion he certai nl)' liu le: !iQfl g called ''Truu in :l.l e.·' and e"eryont' ~
" 'QUId h•.\'~ ~ after ,uch an iooignilY. H~ ,,'ould he con lributing ideas on ways Ihal Ku I'OUld pllY'"
embarrasS«! and in furiated , and needed an aclion Ihat Mowgli . Th.. hoy would be rigid when h)·pnoti«d"
"'QUId ~ol'llbillC ruffled dignily. anger. and pain wilh. could be lossed and tumed. c,'en ",ade: 10 flap hi! . .
perhaps. a certain amount of floulI<:e. He was nOt u if he were flying. or he ~ould be Kslffpwalker ,"
deftRIC{l. lhough he w a~ badly heaten . As wc argued 3 s illy grin on his face . This led to graph;" idea, "'.
o\'er how 10 play the ~e"" and OOW 10 make lhe <I.. " .• s nake forming $13i.. for MO" 'gli 10 deSttnd lid.
ings. "'C' found th~r llIe knot was gradually geuing treadmill for him to " 'alk on endlusly ,
smaller and il!lll lkr in our IlIin): ing. as our empllasis Soon " 'e had far more llIalenallhan We ('OOldr--
shiftrd 10 lhe manner;n which he " 'ould mo,·c. Final- bI~' u~. hul ,,'C re,..,led in this luxury . T\lOof. . . . .
ly, the kI'ul was 1'1(1 more Ihan a , imple configu"~I ;"" is not enough bU$ine» 10 SUpporIthe di.:>1upr If Ik
on tile Ill' of his la il. and al Ihar poinl ,,'e did no! Ita..-e slo, y idea . and we are aU scratching OUI
10 thInk of more material . n.e song could Iu'-c been Kaa wa$ doin, ....~ should get on to u.., T\e~t incidclll;
,_'I« a~ Ion&. We had anoth(,r ~ho<us plannro that in this case, the introd uction of the tiger.
w:11I<k<l wme of the mO!'I imaginative business, but SlIcre Khan. wandering by. had heard Kaa singing a
W ~jrtClOr wisely fetl Ihut ,,'., "'e~ in dang~r of stalling "Iullaby" to sonJeQne. and IIOW he imclTUpted to find
our pICture . Once ,,>;: Iud m:wJe our statement of whal out ....·110 it might be . Ku was in a fix . In one half of
AAnsr, Frank Thoma._
l1le Jungle Book.
M""'gli 'ri~s loavoid Kaa'.
ItYfHIOlic gazr, bu"hr.rtak
forces Itis hMd arallnd .0
lheir tyu will mul. The
marking. gi," form 10 'M
body. suggr.ling a po_r_
fll'. mll!icular ."a« ...;rh

AATlrr, Frail! no.....

The lunsJe 8oQk.
his body. up in a Iree. he was holding the sleeping
A['''''''gh ~ lias If/) I
Mo .... gli. bUl down On the ground the liger had a finn brl. KI)(I WUIIu "'"
Iw.>Id on Kaa', Ihroal: he was n01 only asking embar_
!USing questions buI wanted 10 see whallhe ot her half
iJtg/y"';/h drU
like <l("/i"".
oillle body was doing. [I was a gust siluation for Kaa
as 1II actOf. and a juicy one for the men who would gel
10 animate il.
We knew our characler wc![ by this lime. The
Slor)'mcn knew how to write for him; we knew how 10
dno,,' him: and Slerling knew how 10 play him . He was
I formidable villain with strength and slyness. and he
'II'U all snaxe. He was heavy and oonvincing and ua[.
ytl he wa, nO! straight and he was nO! uvolting. We
twdly remembered those days, only a few months
back. ,,'hen we were wondering . • 'Whal's e ntertaining
lboou a snake?

MmT, Mill KiJIoI_

The JunsJe Book,
SMre KI"m, tI" •
'ipr, "",,,,s 1O.broII
Kaa lias I>u~""'"
;n Ih, ,tt,.
Sir Hiss
Two pictureiii laic' we lIad anochcr snake conflOOunl
US, but this one: ,,'as of ~ "cry dIfferent t"..... 1'utI)
bccau!ie of know.-ledge "'l' had gained by thall,me. and
panly be<:ause Rob," Hood was a much lighter ilOly
Ihan Thr Jungl, Book. we we.., able to handle S" Ihu
in a much bn»Ikr f~ioo . making a charxter of"""
Ihal simply could rIOI ha"r been imagined eartlt! II
had nO! been necessary W worry abotll roo ... to mat.
Kaa :OCI w~n he no arms Of t.:.n<ls 10 II!o( 1m
gestures . Ewn wnh all Qf his expre!o' oons and leU'.)·'
Ku had "cry hlile need for .houillers or body I~.
gil"" to suf'p'.'" his dialogue . He was I big snake.
and though his pel'5Ol1~Jily was "h,m,ocal he had l
fllrthrigln manner of 'peaklng. which fiUM a WPII£I
physical limitations idealJy .
In conlr~SI. Sir Hiss's dialogue and ~niludcs ~I<d
for shoulden and ~hrugs and cringlllJl and petulwt.
and c''e1Ilhough he wore I small cape ",hen; his.,..
den might have been. there was nul the slightest m-
tige of anythin¥: wilh " 'hich 10 shrug . Ik. SQIIlCIIO'O.
Ilad 10 do all hi, actin, wilh only hi' rather 5n'W1_
insignificant body. which ...·a~ really Imle mort 1hIa
an utremely long neck , We could ~ver have !CII'rd
llItSC problcms lllhe lime wc ""ere Marting 011 K.u
The fcalure .h:iI.\ follov.ed Thr ),,1Igl, Boot ""II
MiS/ocarl ""ilh lilt Iwo giddy ~ . Among ocher
things. thcy had been an uccllcnl pro"ing groord for
cMablishing altitudes ...·;.h only a long neck tIC'~
the head. HandS could be ~;mulaled by IOing tips. bill
Ihc shoulders ""cre 100 far away to be used . Then
",'C,," not many ways 10 ~how an allilUoJc. I pow.«
e~n an upression. bul wilh ext""ne care in tho: lilt
ing and consi(krabl<: imagination in the "I'PfI"dI.,
Ihc problem. lhe resuits \I'e,," suc.:csliful. Sir Hiu IJm.
efiled imn",nSl.'ly from these uperic"",c~.
Since Kaa had been slICh a popular vdlain. SIf H...
...." at fim c~;"ed as being I~r and man: IIIU)IeI
Ihan Ihc model finally used . A drawing had been_
of him wearinll the type of hood popular in m. o\rIo.
enlh a<nlury . He looted pr.r.o...,rflll and mtlrl . .h !Ilk
ridiculous . This ronccpt of a counselor srWc.•fIo
aclually wielded considerable innuence "'ilb I'nnI:t
John. was accepted for 5(>mt: time . lie,," ""2$" C'III ,...110 could ~t !flto placn ....tJm, he -.wid
101 be !.«ft. Ihrough l mall OjKnings ...·here no mile. Thi~ wa~ an uncxjIC<:!ed role for a $nak~. and a fresh
NI.I <'OO1d go. H~ could sJillier up tu his victims c hara<:!er for the pict ure . We knew the audiencc "'"u ld
'Jitbwt owing ~ soond . Those around him ... ere ;n """'cpl him. in .pite ci his repeilian Ilerilage. ;oS Ioo~ ;0.'<
_ u fear (If bci(lg spied upon . He was a Fcarlc$$ ... c gaw him:an iruriguinll personal il)". and II",. _ ,.....
riI~n who I\ad pow'C'r wi! h!he o:>f'pl'CSSOf . What .fhe like a eertain!y . ioco: he w(lned with theerr~lic Prin.;"
U'tmearu what somcOllC laid ? T hi s Hi .. lik~d the mle John . Sir Hin wa. thc ~oun",lor. " 'ith • M'1I!oC "J
d iroIimidalmg lnos., around him propri~y and of villainy. Sm;utcr Illall his l"illC'C. hi.

Tht <lfti§! had IT\.IIde an<>tlh:r drawin, of II small ".-,>r1d " '35 tlx> world "f ideas. He wa$ no! a cl(no.·n or a
ke iJ<"ed on ~ cushion . He wa~ wcaring ~ short clod. a~ a <kspoC's a<s; ~t~m usuall y is por1r~Yfd. 001
rap. and ~ l illy look ing hal ...·ilh ~ purpk feathe r did his sch.: min~ in a [tcn,k. intdliJ:C1lI " -ay . Ik did
pnrlKd 00 lop of his head_ Instead of an ;o<.1 ive , ph)'s, 00( like ,·inkno.'C .

I' .I I!T'" ci \';llain ... 110 ,,'uuld cnjo~' gCllinll 001 and Prince John cnjo)'ed hi. rci;llionship to Sir Hi,,-,.
!fIlChing fill' dl fflCUil infllfnllliion, th1s shteh ~u~· .inee il ,ave hion 1/,., ' '!'rV"un; .y I.. u~ h~ fecl-
1f>ICd.., ineffective. brighl-eyed . nunphY~I<:~1 !~~ . ings in a flamboyant . Shakc!OjX..-cln tT\lUmer llud f......·
So. jWlly be<'IUM: We ~Iread y had Prince John and lhc others would have tolerale"' . flut Hi$~'. weak cha~.
lberiff lS "illains who weTe capable of rcal harm. His! tcr made him a perf«,t at.ldicn<;c. If lhe prill<'C Ixcame
... c;rsl as tho: fop who liked lhe $Oft life and proto>
m.1tft comfort and his impMance. He liked clothc~
!hot 1ugge. le~ casy li\'i n~'----rllther lhan the mOT. lui·
1m ho:>oded Pfb of 1he "'lIain we first !\ad considered .

Pn~ Joluo "'OSCOIUl<Jftlly

/wJRilw.ri"l Iri. NHotlUWr .
Story ...."'"" o{Hi•• s!row Th~u "'~'~ .o"'~ of ,Ir~
"" i_ li1t{ltiw "PP,,,,,,,,1r 10 i ,.,jilnilitl JwJJ~red by Sir
~ ,w. 1 ob s~ "", 'iQlr, Hi" .

o&sw"r!ed ,,·ilh 1M «'$poose M " ·as gl:lllnS. he could lainin; as lhe picture proeresscs . As " ·c di~'·cred
"Oil)·' hit hi~ coun,ciur 011 top of the head . which he rleW f~cel.' of their charllCters. we were able to write
did lather oflen. Howevcr. lhe prince w~s alilhal W.- increasingly . harp di~log""" for them .
b.I. and h,~ posilion gave him an im",,"allCe hecould The perfecl vo;u for OUr neu.o.ic monarch Came
ret ,n noUlher way . Withoutthi •. he wo~ld h.,·c I>«n from Peter Ustinov. lIi s f« ling that Prine(: John WII
Il(llhing;e,·cn ,,·ith il he commanded no rcspecl . When omesstd with the idea of being king came across in
.. oppoMpnity did present ilscl f for him to "" 1M lhe way tri,";.1 ide"" " " re dt:liwred in such M lofly
1't{lftS<"ntall~e of the cro"·n. no one: would listen to manner. He woold relish cvery word and dl1lmalize
him . He cou ld become haughly. bUI he wa, alwa)· s cac h Ihoughl .
illtfftc1ive . T efT)' ThotrnlS. who became our onake. understood
fluringlhe tournament seqlK'nce. His~ suffered 1M
irldignities of being sat ~pon. crumpled. dangled un ·
wtmonious ly before Prince Jo hn. and. finally. dis·
-.sro from the royal box . Later. ,,·hen I1C' »w through
Robin H<IOd ·$ disguiSt. he fe lt Ihal succe ~~ ,,·as al last
- •
!'tI~, U"j",,". dO
!',ila J.... H"
'd'ioot '" , .
/lire 1M IMllo
~·ithjn hi s gl1l~p. With this piece of nc:w~. he surely !',jJtct., pH

-'d be praised and res pected . He cou ld taste: the NIl,",,~

tlwill of VictOry. But , as usu~1. the highs in hi, life

.·m mea.uled only in seconds . lie was intercepted by
Friar Tuck and Alan . Dale ~d Sluffed into a winc:

If Hi~§ cou ld havc chose n hi s own rolc in the pic·

Mt. he probably ",ould have picked the one wggeSied
\If dw fir..t dr....,ing . for as he played out the pan the
'il)· we decided he ,,·as hit. beaten. crilicilCd. accused
iI t,·.ry way. and suffered greal indignilies Ihrough.
~ lhe pic1ure. Through his gcntkness and persht·
~. Iv dod lOChi.:,,, a kind o f pathos wilh h~mor . [n

'pile of his pathetic. desolatc ubtence. he was funny

. ·,tlioul u ymg to be funny . I-k ne'·Cr ga'·c up : this was
1m life. The op«talOf"li had enjoyed >cdn, Kaa Gel
physic.lly beaten up because of hi, evil intent. bUI
tI!ry almost felt pity for poor I l i.~ ,,·hen he rttcive<J
ItPU!(d ~bto>c.
Hi" and Ka. had 0"" personalily Irail in common :
..1It1l Ihing~ ""re go;ng wdl . they "",·cr knew when
., >top talking. On occasions" ho>n Hiss was nanering
py,,,,,, JOOn . the wonls wO\lld pour OOt ()f him . He
It""r .... med 10 reali1.e thaI he was going 100 far. and
~ PP Ioo;ing ('''I)·, hing.
The I1Itcm:la!ionships of lhese ChanK"lers " ·ere of
particular imron"nce in Rooillil(X><i. becau.;e the "0')'
_ ~ono.I.;!ry to . he c haracte~ . There W ill> no ful
iUSptll"" in Prioce John · s many . tltmpls 10 calch Rob-
in. They art: .howca:;es for the histrionics of the IWO
vilr.",OlIs ilClors who ix<.:ome richer and nlOf( enter·
) ) ,~

John Iwu jMJI two

,~d '" nYr)'tIwt, .,
/oi. "ntk"""", . .4~ IIIUft11lJ
His. . ..'Ioo ..W1WI ......
llU....... ~, ...
....... It> 100", i. d h<1~
/>111 -.,~pl,litut ftuJo-.
Sir li injust as wdl. and could capture the hun f«ling
in his voic( after cuuing reprimands by his master.
Draw;n" immediately came to mind-of Ihis ")lInse·
lor sul king wilh ... petulant eKp«:ss.ion . Perhaps the
beslthin, Tury did " 'as to fortify that ncrvl')US. incf.
fective quality!hat .. e ......ted for COIlIJ'"a>I!O the unpre-
dictable prince .
TIle subtler 5hltllings of this snake', personalit y ""(re
based 011 n:al experience. Occasionally. Over the ),(&rS.
there had been men al the studio who in their determi - ""·,,,.rUII OlUde>luu,_
nation to please Walt did a fair amount of bow in, and Robin 1l00d.
""raping . In spi l( of our annoyance. we had 10 laugh Dial"gu~: "A_II" IIi"
at them . Suo:kknly there waS a plac( to use theK ob- 0'" of",.. . .. uh • .. wh • ..
se ..... tions as our canOOll character matched the real _ Hi". ,,,,J,,,..
iVt ....,Iti~l
'0 NOI'i",Ittmr.··
ily o f hUmlJl Ktions. ··Now. " 'hat ,,'as so funny about Ulti_/rl, /lIilJ ,,,.. Prill«
the Wlly those guys did ilT- With Ihis much <kpth to ...... u lj-uIIHud lIMIfow·
his personalily _ Sir Hiss was a ''nY inten:Sling . 1~""1 a..d sptJU ,,,.. Ii",

Kaa moved.nd "",ted li ke a n:ptile. " 'hile Hiss. lik( wi,h a P'~ "'Iild'
,i",.. TIIis ...,~smJ ... _
his m&Sl(r. appeared to ha"e enjoyed the IIOfl life 100 a";"".,o.- ,IIa,Jaltir ..... 10
much !O have developed physically. Hiss did not slither ~",rol wl ;~ ",ulli.., 1Wto·
in I reptilian " ·ay. but inched a]oog or IiOfI of crawled . Irl/ ,Iwl Iw- IIaJ diffindry
um~mM'i~, Hisl' r _.
If he WIS in In:al hurry . u he was when Prince John a"J ..........n UllfCta~1 1<1
WIS chasing him wilh the club. he would hop along on lra'~ hil imago in 'M mi,·
Ihe end of his lail. pulling his coils up like a skin . We '0"0''''. '0 hisrououir>r.

Hi,,' , TftlClioIr "' _ _

of P,i..u J<}/o,, ' , .. ild
glw_, is Wldl......-J lip
ill .hi. /IktM 10«.

" anted I",,, I" ml)"e \l\ a way IluLI II"" ,~"Li 10 lile I"" am" II ~ a w a" ;111 '''-.1.: . aLi i",ap"'.",.,. 1OUc1l.
h",_ n<>. lile Kaa . and a (u'",y [>i,-IUn:.
W~ ,,"'ere "" kln~":' re>Ir"'I~'<Il>y a real 'nak~ -, anal- SII1'Y"',:" \ '.,,,.., Gc~ "",I 10..., ('I,'w,,,,11 .. <II! (U,-
"'''}'' ~ " lflSirtK1 iun _h" " au"", wilb tlli' mu,'h ~h ,,,,,,·t,·r 11"'r tr\ Ihcir It' in l'n~. ':"""!I ~ up \\nh all ,,, ann,,, ,,(
"cWI"IlLllenl ll',- '....1'" ear;""lu rin~ "r<:",,,ml il )" Illore ,,,-I" ilie' 0,,'<.',1 " " , Iw id~" ,,( " prdl<;""t,- '"il fl.-
IlI:.n ~ replil~ . Th i, al"'ap all" ", """" f"..,d" ,., in Ihe n ..,ld !>okl hi> ~ t ..,,,,,,, " . il,·" "Il:""'~".:, ,~>ut1I """ "")".
...:I i,~" aoo mo'·c n",nIS. "' IO"I1~' (hI:~ arc In l <:<:"llL " g. ("\.'n PU I Ih" IL !, 1<> his to (1) ", ~ "'u,h,"~ a..-I"",- II"
,,·,111 "h., the charocter wou ld "" Ken An<kr",n had ~" ,I >,,,,,I.;
II!.: pia....· "f a" a .,.,~. hi: ," i"~,,,t 1(1,,-.,d t>ff
mad\: a ,keith of lIin su lkin ~ in his ba$kCI. wilh hi, u[>eclcd bl(l\\', rmm Pri nce J(llin ,
coib d. ape<! o vel Ihe rim so lhey look\.'d vny m ud, He ,..", l'i" c n l«lh bcraui><: il iM:ll"'d ,n the 'n"'''

1'" ....., JoII" ...... f<I<I
r~T t I~ ural" 1M bla"' ~
,,"M~ hi" 1,lan. ~ ',m u,,'')·
~lrd ~ """.,., lQO~ ",,, Iti.
IT..,''''';'''', "" Ai. (min...•
,~ .

:f .rr.... , in
drrr ~ oj
/ttr Prlnr,
./otd Ai", 10

,,",UM"" Olli~ J()h~s"'"

H<J' /tad '" ~KVlf" 1M ~n_

It" d''''JI'' of h" ""',,,~r
"," " ... .'. hr cowl.l

~' ,
, \
Inspirat ional Sketches for Robin Hood
u~ \h;M "'~ n«dtd. and the animator ~idW ...·.nl to be: entena;ning abo~ alt .
... 1Ia~ fun by u~in, the ,ap in Terry ', _th as a M i lo along livins with the$e l'I)'$ ~ tllc
model . ...·hich pye an opening for Il iss's tonglJC to )'CatS. I learn more aboot them. and the more I
dirt through. lie eyen had hair in SOIM ea~s to kam. lhe more e~citing they arc. 10 n~ . I know
$lfCnlthen ~rta in ideas. Whate'~r fitlhe situat 100 and Whal lhey like and what u~tS them. They are
Ihr ptf)<lIAlit)' ...'as JiC'C'rptable. What is entcrtainin, ptopIc to _,,'hal !bey do COIlIC:$ from in$ide them.
aIioula J.lW;e~ E"C1)'thin,! and from inside me. To me the)' uiS!. and I ~nd
The«: "'IS one LaSt ingrooicntthat made: this ~ini.ter most of my ....uin' hours wilh them .
l'tJIlik into an aflPC'alin, villain . JUSI a. imponanl as I h.~ to plan e arc.full y ~ that e ' 'Cry fralllt mta~
all the ~tory ,,'OI't. and c haracter developmenl and rell ' ~mel hin,. I mU5t make the audience feel "·...1 I
tio;w..hil" and X ting was the ferlin, the animator had fer!. I may III:I~r ha,'C .n opportunity like Ihis
(Of Ihis C~lCr . ll i~ undel'!>landin; and affection It i. nO! often that "''C' have a )ympathc1ic
imbuo:d lhe link ~nake with a special quality that ,,~nl like Hiu . This makes him a different and tieher
bc)'ond hi, pcl1iOnality. As lhe arti SlrCnCCICd back on'ler. I li ke 10 think abou t how he feeb .boul
the challenges of Ihi s assignmenl. hc revealed tMSC Priou John . I know he doun'l like him . Many
thoughts: limes I think aboul this miIJCrablc existence _ ha~
fon:ed upon Hiss and I ferl sorry for him . I wondtt
~ is a ITII,lO'I'o¢nt at lhe $tall ofa picture that I call if I should ha\~ Prince John hi, him 50 1uIn!, 1 .1$0
the anitrnltor'$ OIoOlcnt . [sit at my bl».rd ~t:uinllatl wonder if lhere isn't _ th ing I MIould do 10 that
blank pie« of p;.per. [1I3"e a sound track and end· he could lain I linle iielr.respcct. bul lhen I ",ali«
Ius ideas from everyOl'lC: on how my dwxten he is ,,·hat he is. and I ...'OUld be: ...mening his
should look and an . This moment i$ lhe heart and rc.latioftship " 'ith the princ:c if I mack him I SItOIIser
SOUl of ~ ...'hoIe thine, I 1uI''C thought I lot about pmonality. The bn! I could do for him wall 10 lei
.. bat I ...·iIl do ...·ilh t~ ,wo pcrsonalilin. but him hll'e his fleelin, moments of happilleSS, tbo$e
pulllnl the fi~t Jin<!s down i. still kind of awesome . momenls when his " 'OIld was right.
1"''1111 to stan OUI righl . This is my chIOU to mold Thil i. lhe pan lhal maku Inimalion like no other
tllcK characters and give them lhe relationship I~ I medium . To be: abk 10 play wilh the emotions of my
see it. I am ease' 10 get il on film and set' lhem clw'lctc ..... and know lhal I can make them lau'" Of
come 10 life . I have thoughl aboot the e~pression • • ery or become very angry. 'S 10 upcricncc animation
.nd I know just how I wam Hiss to look when he al ilS beil. II is difficult 10 e~plain the Ihrill I gel OUt of
tltal'S Prince John Jay. "Ha", Friar Tuck ." But ~einl my dra"'inp move through lhe chan,es in
fil$ll have 10 build 10 lhat poinl . Now i. the time to uprcssions and allittidcs. in a "lIy thai ,ives Itltm
Ihiltk of the Ihi"", I ha"e learned O'O.C!' the )~ars. I thai m)'$lical quality of life ."

ROlli 4",10,," """ 1"1'"" Wi". ",i,""r ""'" '" .....'d

siOIu rNl"irrd Uti" i~ ,,,.. off /Haw. _ u.o..ldn~ '"
S*l11" _ , • . III orJ"~ AM1Irlttlp. Hi.. rn~......
,,... -t'" ....,iII ",",.... ~ 111_ .. loop ill iii. body '"
"f"~i~, . .. 6"P ...... Ilf' pro'", Iti",sdf f"'''' ,It..
~r;!:l';) bI, ..'un 'hI fron, ,u,h. P,/nrr' s 0~6l}' "JS""/u.
, 6 ' po"U"~J afu,,~ fgtnO<ll

16. Animating Expressions
and Dialogue
"Af." ~'r /t",-, nt"" ..
/II;.-tn 1/'" 1/,1... suglll'sliUJls "'I" WI! ",,,,hI,," 10 do " 'j,1I rxprasi',g ii/(I" ''''(HIgh tltt body.
'''''n ..... ..<In <,<)mt' ,'0,,"" IQ Iht' ,"a/" .. if ,I... fi,cia/ uPUSSitm_ IM USI' of thr ",.I's. l'J rb,o"·J. Iht'mourh- lirtir
rrwtw.. 10 {}I" a.I<II"",- h",,· rh" ryrs /III;/ lit.. mOll/it M'", 10 "'(lri /()gnhu (wmrtimn ) /ort):pun ioll-iw>o'
IIIty ""Ofk inUt'l>t'ntir mIY/(}T ......",usion <II OIhu rimrs. In OIhu ""OrlJs. Ih,,, " -I' would I<J 1m" 1M NHrIbintd~
<f (-'{Krnil-' j ..murrs und (xp;rss;,'" U('/iOilS of 1M bod)'." Wah Di$l'ltY

One of our an teachers lold us that (he eyes in self. Lalcr on. as he becomes more DlTOi\ant. he lifts his
ponrailS ~~c~llIow an mist reds ~bou( hinlsclf. Every chin and looks ddiamly al the world . Then. as he
young p;linrCI Siands in front of lhe mirror and fillds ages. he IUrns his head and looks wj,h wisdom 0111 of
dut h" true po:rsonalit)· sccms to be ~'"Caled as he lhe comen of his eyes.' show;n,. as Co kridp Nid.
icM"tI'S Ilts fhin and looks OUt frum undo:r hi. brows. " Commoo sense in ilII UJKOmmoo devee ."
~"8 up hav. ""'T<
.., liu{. !uy ,";Ih "
"_m, Frum Ihe {rfl.
Ih. ,.un" in Bam-
'P.j' from Snow
I<I'{Y ntrJ(M Bash_
Snow While. la'"
!lM/iful ~'llh lon~
" , and Pluto Ih.

.,11Iw, ilL lias ,hoi

"tad oflhe mcost.
100iS0 Huot (193} J. singl~ drawing Or painting. but they never can show
1"8' art <llOwn In anything e~cept that one ani\ude.
it. C""""" S}'mllO/J
'., Infore Ih. <lap This brings uS to the hean of what lhe animator or

• the actor can do. imagine that whilt you an: looking 11
one of these fK'rtraiIS, th~ subj«t gradually lowmd
his brows inlo a frown-paused--and lhen lifted one
brow and glanced to the side. You immedia!oly woold
sense a change from one thought to another. Some-
thing v~ry imf'Ortanl happened! Through a chan!' of
t xpnssion {ht thought proctss shown . Si1lCt the
first discovery of this principle back On !h/, elrly
Mickeys. the animator has found it to he his bes1 mem-
od of showing his characler's thoughts and feelinp ,
in lhose days there had been little n«d for 1liiy
1l!e early Renaissance painlers always had their main expr~ssions beyond the crude fK'rtrayal of emotionl
f'gures looking up . II is an acc. pt~d Iradition for the suggested by the situation ~ . A e hame!er wa, h.ppyor
innocent and Ihe pu re. but it does seem to be based on he waS sad: he waS frighlened or he wa, mad: he was
truth and reality. The artists at the studio hav~ used worried or he was eock)'- and it often was difflCulllO
Ihis anilude repeatedly for cute chara~ters. Somehow [el1lhe diffe r~nce, among even those six basi<: reac-
they look mo'" wistful. more hopeful. more vulnera- tions. unless something li ke te","". or t",mbling bIeeI,
ble. This was particularly imponant to F",d Moo"" Or drops of perspiration were added, "Then, as Walt's
even though il was an instinclive thing wilh him. There acting stimulated the drawing of body altitudes. it was
was more appeal when the figure was drawn looking discovered thatlhere was bener communication in the
up al you out of Ihe tops of the eyes, Somehow you whole figure than in the face alone.
~ared mo", for the innocent , lilll~ characler. By the ~arly thirties. thc ~taff was able to do I
In each of our art teacher's examples there was an version of Tht Ugly Duckling Ihat waS all feel ing. and
inner feeli ng lhe artist had about himself Ihal caused though it was drawn simpl)' !he audience bol.,vcd it
,," wo,,",h in T~ him to choose Ihe partic ul ar attitude he did. While enough (0 enjoy the predicament of lhe lone,ly. deject-
",,<lin!: (1931 J t\"~
'h" drawi"~" ..-er. Ihese Hample~ a", all expressive ones. Ihey are ~tatic. ed. baby ~wan Soon after came Pimp" P/uroaOO the
oplt and br()lld They may represent the best thai can be shown in one wonderful sequence of Plulo entangled with l ""=! 01

flypaper. Expressions played.. very impofUnI pan in

!be entertainmenl value of those scenes. and while
~ ad miued that Ihis was only a broad canoon
symbol for a dog and lacked any auempl at rul ism. it
. . Ilill felt thll the door tLad betn ~ned for even
cruteT .cttic:vemencs in animation.
In the next five yean. e~rytbing possible WIS trinI
in Ihr way offacial expressions-some 50 compliclted
iMy looked like road maps, othe rs ro simple they
lacked interut. Refinements brought subt lety that. in
11m. oI'ten brought vagueness. Some expressions juSt
do IlOl 5«m to wort well in animation; they may be
100 obKure or 100 dirrlCUlt 10 draw . In this cue. the it does not animale prosxrly . Do Ml be afraid 10 di5-
ItOI)' lilultion $hould be ch«'kcd to be sure it cills rOf card you.r lies! drawing if;t docs not fit your action . It
1"11)' spedrlC altitude from the character. The ani$1 is Ihe idea thai ;s important !
.110 cou ld try a simpler uprenion, something thai (2) Do "01 In Iht nprtJJlo" conflict with Ihr dla·
offm more caricature . He s hould Iry it oul in thumb- wg~t. Nothins tan be I1'IOIl: diSlJaCtins !han this. An81'\3
MOb. turn ing the head lUound. strengthening the lines EnI~Q. the ArTM:rican mirTM: . told her class. "llle tnOII
of !he fa«, lurching rOf Ihe lies! and clean:$! wly to obvious Jlfoblcm was to avoid deflecting the meaning
WiC t....! pal1icular ex~ssion . Often the animalOf of the line lof dialoguel by emlN: movemenlS . The
Illy think of the right upression oot becomes dis- way I chancier walks. siands. silS. lislCns-all reveal
""'raged wilh it because his s taging does nol show il the munin8 of hi. words ... 1 This rule would apply 10
10 good advanlage. Only careful experimentation will panlomirTM: as well. where il cou ld be equally disturbillg
", ••• 1 the besl method of commu nicating an ide • . to have I CharlCler mak~ an cKJlfeuion that docs not
fit lhe personality .
Tips for staging upressions; (3) TItr r:tprrJSion m,lS/ br NlfJrurrd Ihroug/wf</ 1M
(I) RtsiSlIM r=pf<llicm 10 I")' 10 uilloo mut:1I in ,,"'o/r &od)' as wrll as In lilt jUfY . If the charac~r is
""",/.a"';n8. The import, nlthing i. that the drawing defianl. his eyes. brows. moulh. cheeks. and head
br qukkly and simply read: no matte r how beaulifully alt itude will be defiant. If any ~ of the figu~ is
it may be dr.wn. il should nol be forced into I scene if shown. il will be defianllOO. wilh clenched fiSls, sboul.
<ieTS back. f""l apan. ~nd a belligerent thruM to III tilt
related pans. Any uprcssion "'ill he ""uke~ gltllly
if il i. limi!ed only I() lho f:lCC'. and il tan be completdy
nulliflO:.l if lhe body or ~Idtr au ......' is in Iny ny
canl/'lldiClory .
We had learned .... hal 10 dnw and when 10 00 .... iI.
bul we "ill h;wJ mu<:h 10 learn aboul how II) dill .... it .
W e watched Ihe beSI OCling in lhe live oclion fiI~ III
the lime . but the exprcssions ..,.,mod 10 he fa, 100 IUb-
Q f~"..,/j",.w ·
lie for us 10 ~llCmpl . The overacling of l""'nty )~Jrl
• ~~"""'" j~ lid.!
Dttly D ......11 earii(r would have been iIk~1 for us . b\ll. lit.... KiIooI
iI. """'"
of realism and fine K tOO Ilad laken ...... er UoU)'I"OOd.
Ern blaa-d wilh anger , or burned with ~ioo; '"
snapped w' th jealousy. >hone wilh happiness. ,"'inl:1Id
wilh humor . sparkled " 'ilh enc.... nlment. dartcned .....
,u!<picion. 0.- ""erc Illlow with love . Some KCmtd III
tlriU rightlhrough )'flu. None of lhese eye e xpress~
*"" fA.
fhaf ........
lid. WPP" lid.
could be dr~wn no mallcr how we lried . We lookl:d.
lid Ivow, DII OUr dnwings of Micke y and Donald and PlUIO MIl
..",.. 0/ f •• lhought , "l1lcre '§ goc 10 he another ,,-ay. "

~ of,1t<- 'J"
d. s/N>w I ••
tldtU)~ The Eyes
As we alwlYs did when confronled wilh • new pr0b-
lem. we wenlto the rcallhing: lhe face, the eytS,
lJ. the brows, and tried II) find Oul whal made them.....n.

~ , The ' Iudying of phOlOllJ"aphs of real eyes . ,..," ,.

. i 6------
1~ obvious facl tru.1 was !.lanling in ill im~
- ) ""'- ~

- - "-
us-----che eye c hanges shape! We knew lhat lhe r
"- /"
hllf-ciosc lhe eye , bullhere ,,-ere OIhrr fQItCS
~ i up from below and lighl~ning at I

nt. of .>,p",.
. tnf jw j~11 fit<-
tIIr ~ye to U "'''''' quit~ diffet"erd slup:" from 0 ...
t~prl:S5ion to the ne~t.
When an actor h.a< to portray a rob<>! Of .. sl«p-
nlk~r. the fi N thing he does is 10 fi~ hi. ~yes in "-
Sian:. a lif~l e~. gaze with no moveme nt. If he wanl< to
portny an exube. allCe for l i~ ing, the actor changes
uprtWons cnmlillllly with daning l<ds, ha.ppy k.>ol, ••
II.fII:I quick looks. DallC ing eyes and sparkling eye. have
I &I't~ deal of ~JI'IC'nt , ranging from wide with
Ucilemenl to crink led in laughter. ~ an im ated o;hM.
ICtt r $Ortlthow has 10 Clplurt these .. me elements . If
the eyes .eJlWlin constant th.oughout • setne . the d w·.
IWcter .... ill be coo.listelll and 1001<; like tile model ~ t.
but he also will look like a doll with painted eyes. Thi s
OfIlIity 101;1$ used purposely in Pino«hio. first when
thepuppet was " fden. an d when Ile wu danc ing
with the m3rionenu in Stromboli's shnw . Tile eyes
pmt~ flII interQt ing proble m . illCe Pinocchio was
still . \/o"OCI!Icn puppet even though he had been brought
to life. and p.;trt of the devicc that made: him puppctlike
wu to keep his c)"'s • • cooslam as possible . gi ving
~lt'Ill wide. innoce nt 51a", . Now he was ... orking with
tul PUPlXt.... hose eyes we", only paint. and there
wu .. fine line to be dn. ... n between the: lifcleM and the
li';ng. while keeping boI:h as PUPlXts.

c..._ ~~. ~. MI"".<h

MIl llmelr f rom .~ ........
pus fhar w"rl 011 ,,,,I
.",. T~y " /10 MM at I~
.,.,..... ~~ of npr• • ·
_ fI'OSlibk fltr<'f<lIh nr>t~.
lilt ..or" c/(m'~Jif mor~. Or

.....'i", fM dirUfiOll of"

7'.:;1 '<5 OV -e6 ~~ (j~

0000' '(j tl 'Va ~~
When Drawing Eyes . . V""'ifs wi,hl
in ,At K·hil<
ptar 10 bt 11
Tlrt Q~S UTe ,Ire mos' imp<>rlaM JHln ,of spar:e. ins't<
on txprtssion ond musl be drown wllh Whitt cJ!JI{J/
alrtme ror't. Any jilltr or fail' mtI,~ on
0/1 inMMun dtstrOJ' boIh ~ommuni"'lion
Dnd btlloWlbili!)'.

Pmi!ion oflbe Pupil Wilhin !he Eye .

J, Whtn theT' i'loo lilil.
Dflltt P"I'illircming. il "'ill
bt diffic~ IIIO mtJkt DStrong
s,o"m,nt oj ti,/r" ,Itt u·
p,.s.ltm or Iitt diT~'ion in
",/rich Ih. rhDrarltr is

looking. Pupils ItOI ,
. omo dirte"
.xprusiOll Ii
2. Thi. P"l'il i. dfilr ~nd
d'fini,. for a look to th.
Tlrree ""'Y' I() anl"",u 0--= "',

o 3. As Ih. pupil men'"

oW(JY from Iitt . im oj th,
ey'. 'he dirulion of ,Ir.
100II. c!rong ...
look 10 Ih, right: 00 This is IAt .-u,

4 . As mOrt and mtI,. ",lrilt

surrmmd, Ih. ""pi!. 11r.,.
is on inC' Nltd f ooling of
ndltm'nt and I""nsil)" 00 Q()

go UU This is """'8m.

5, Whllt all aTouM Ih, pu·

pil gi"n a Wlg"'<USl '0 Ih.
,xp,.slion and "",us Ih,
dirtClio" of 'h' 100II. un·

F,.d Moort Nul

6. A $mIllI., lhan ntJrllUli pl. for drawing d

pupil giwI a d.1ztd 100II.. 0 .)~Iids. ond bra>
wilirdra"",1 fro m ualiry o. d .. ,xpand;n, .
lad of .ision . same po;'''' I, t ,p
dir« lion a'ld ..I
in tho eyes.
7. ThisrarlOQl/ symbol for

G D drunk or knM k,d'Olll

charar:l.r was IlStd n l,n ·
siwl)' in lilt .orlyfilm.s, /xol
gm,rolly was abamkn.d
by ,Itt mid. ,hi..i.,. A " ""k
$)·mbtJl ",It bt w.t/IlI. /xot
always will d.S/roy alty
Look for cpPiJm
liaw pupils ir<tr/i,
feeling oj ,.alism. 1'«11011 of ,Ir.
This placed. s pecial burden on the clean · up mllJl
II1II in~!wecner. who had been laugh! !O emphasize
~ chanaing shapes of the eye !O strengthen the fecl-
il&dlife. Now. with less movemen! in 1ho$cchangcs.
!IIm .... as an inc~.sW chance for wiggles Ind jinel'!)
on the 5C~en , and !he drawina:s had !O be done very
carefully. and !hough!fully, to keep them working
.oodIly. All inbe'\""CC1I out of place or poorly drawn
IDly cc! by on an am> or a lea:. b\lt ... ver on .11 eye . As Th~ ~~ ./i~St M i(irq "P-
pra • • d 10 Iw wrarin, h",.
Wall bad said. the l udience watches the eyes. and this
,onl~s .. i,h bla<t pllpill .
is wlv:~ the lime and money must be spent if the
cUracler is !O act convincingly.
For Disney c moon chanoo.:!ers. lhe basic shape cho-
IetI (or the eye was the early formula ofa circle. Thi s is
IIO! the on ly way !O draw an eye. but mi s shape has
Hi. Iwd 10 Iw ",iltd
&i- ~I maximum npression . Wall would keep prod. 10 m<IIr~ hi", I""" "".
' " \IS I<)comc up wilh more ~aJ i$m . bul we always
CIII1e back!o the circle . We haye refined i! but never
found . bener shape . MallY Brlil!1 !ire of lhe old .
round eye and wlnt • more decorll!ive design for some
picItres. but often they lose more they gain. Sin«
• eye is the most eloquent !ool of communication.
added strengths mu s! be provided in other 1~IS !O /, ...... difficIII' '0 roll hi.
mlkc up for any loss here. or the c haracter is api to ' )In 10 1M sid. OM main·
lain a pl~a.ln, ~"Pru.i"".
sI up " 'iib a li feless. uninteresting personali!y that
dill ilUdience ne,'cr Cln quite believe . It is up 10 the
mirnIlor!o be sure he lias not been lured inl o design-
itl l liny eye or one that cannot give the nC(usary
Mickey's eyn were, special problem. They had
ancd II black pupil s in large eyes !1Ia! looked morc
lite ronles than an eye shape . Since the whole figu re
111$ stock Cilt1OO!1 formula for lhe lime. the eyes worked
.-dl. bII! when the I llimator Slaned muinl the head
\iuCr and rounder . and elevaling the rinu o f the eyes
10 !Iv: stalus of eyebrows. I strange condilion arose.
Thepupils we~ now considered 10 be the whole eye. a
lOIid . black eye like thai on I doll . [I was CUle and
IIIde I greal dQian. bul il c~lled an ,llllOSl impossi-
bk jobfor the animator who WU Irying IQ draw a look
it any direction ot her than slrai,h! out in froni.
Eyes wandering around the fate lended 10 pt'odu~e a _ F"dM"",•.
IlWUYeffttl on the audience . so the animator had 10
awli his IltCmpu 10 make Mickey have iblt added M~'I_"""
Tht Pointer (lPJ9I.
tIIr:h of life . In most ClseS Ihe reslrictions were han· lip opfHmuniw, /(1#"
dkd 10 adroitly Ih a! the audience never noticed. but <"P'fsslolu.
ItIo:.~wcrc >Iill .i"",s whe" Ihe ; 'l<:e\koJ II>,,,II ~uhllc. io:, h;." 10 be ~i"" 11 up . III.: a"dic~.... b:.J ..
~l ick.. )··, e)'n in a ~-..:i;lt k>ul; ""'hou. I..wi,,~ ." Imuhle in I<~t""'i", .......- I"d. "'II> r..... tin~ .
m.)w h ~ "":00.1. 'fh,e"c ~ri"ti..n' ,,'cre I"" timi tln)! . Pi~k.~ ... ;aS n-.ore of a l""bkl1l ~i",·t II.: halt"" Mt;t
Wh:ot if O~>hf\lt h;t<1 """n d ... wn ,,;,h a wlid cyo: 11\;01 rud,,,,ents of ~ l.ce . Wilt! tlnl ~' olt.lI. for t).t:) lho:n' ...
IIad II<> pupil- O)f Dumb.. ? There "" 1II1d hlvc b«n n<> OOIhi"~ 10 ,Ir.. w t~"'111 Ilk' c lUlioI e~ptC'»ioo>. We
""')' 11I ,..>i )f)II. tk: . ucilCm.,n ' . antilite-..U of ,1\0: h;W ttl ~-on.."" ntM" I..... ""lin!! in boldy aUotuoios"
v~rict )· nmkd . h~nd :and I"'-'tlll\" '0 COI"p, _ f.,.. .hi;. ......
s... ""e nlll;Oli)' ~t icle{. eye.' " 'ere ch~n~coJ ~nti o..'('asiotlioll~ a '1 .... >t"'n b r~iliC'd ,.'0000 hu!Ioa
rupib "'e1'C addo:<I. "P"n;ng up new . ;tinll pos .. bil il~s. ~y,..!>hould blink a[ lol l Jinec I......,. is so n,ud! tltxmitl

lie COIIld III'''' look inllllCent or emb~ .... sKd out "f.he keeping Ille n:ali, m of .......1011 . SoI'X ,,"iMS f«llllfy
'''I' "f hi . eyc.-or be could glance 10 Lhc ~ide without are losiniliheir ba.i~ dt: ~i ~n if the ~ alter lhe slupe ill
tho: upreu ion f~ning apart. any .... y. lhe)' arc thn""ing ..... ay their best s)1nbcI
OIl Winn~ tbe Pooh. we had b s uf; prob lem Ih~n of lif( .... illllll.s limilalio n. K(n Anderson cxprc$s.:d il I'
" 'f h:ld with Mickey. bee;...."" be w". Muffed 10)' ~nti " ·ell. "Thi s creallln: h:ls "IIo,ically bccn ill\bfjtd ..ilb
,,-a.o no! upcl:\coJ 10 have cycs lhal wande~d on h;~ life . and ~ of life is the Ibilil~ I<J blink the ( )'e$ 1JIIIi
face . It s«mcd apptopri. t.. fur him to tum his bead in gel cxfJl'C',ions. It has 10 r"l;k up I..... ~ .."" upln..
the direction o f his " looks." and Ihis aclullIy ga>'e me nlS or else it ...ou ld only be Itll in, hlolf·life. "
him a leu 5Ophi,.io;atcd feeling thaI WU rnotl! in keep- ComparN 10 Mickey or lbe dwarfs . .... 8m1bi I1t'
ing ""ith a " ~ar of ''Cr)' liuk: brain ." With Ihis I)'~ <>ppCllI' 10 be "C1)' rcali>!ic . ~)' are carintum at a
of ani",. "''C always could k«p the e~'cs in I c~ eker's eyes ~ .han being tanoon C1~ Wf
re lationship with the ~ o f lbe ck~ntli Ihal p vc had the: )U,Utstion of a lear dun and had I cadult
cxpre~ion . A.$ .he mouth and the chc.-h .ni matl'(! . d ra" 'n upper ..ycl id " 'ith a Ih id:~S$ to it lila r......'(I'
the shape: of the lillie button eye s would be .«rele.:!. the eyeball. The pupil with lhe dart. cnler aDd die
and .hey wO\Ild squu b and strel~h the amo\Inl ncclled high ligM made the eye .he most Ilet.i lN "'f Iud ever
[0 keep lhe p.nicular action a li ve . Tho ugh man)' dra ..." . MQj,1 auditn«s·...ou ld ha"c been hard pressed

".,; PI,'
I ! ~'hirh
' on 1M ~


~ ttlllh;o, a real dee,s eye waS any dIfferent. In spi,e
II all ,his dtlall. or disguise. it was sul1 basically the
tlllOOll formula. justllXlre refined. We could 001 have
squashed it SQ ~dul1y ot/Ir .....·ise .
In lQl Da/"'''';(II'''. I'onllo'~ eyes had the dark cen·
Ier ""itb a rol<:>ml iris only in s pecial closeups. 'There
""IS no detail like lhe Icar ducl. bul we did carry a
cmfully drawn upper lid ,hal helJll'd fit ,he eye un the
10:1. Our problem 00 ,his character as wdl as on
BmIbi ...'lIS 001 in animating the eye it!<:lf. bUI in trying
IOftlalC it to ,he OIher featum that had 10 affect il for

r" ~ (.in~ ,"m,~s,,,,,
Ihis ,X/'n",
r!o".up of
Maid Ma, /a" ill Robin
Hood ...... IlHtl ~ s""'*"" ~ blMt
,ffu, IMI Sr/ IM P"P,/l>act
"",I" ,~/ul. i~6. Mil
,/t«, For

Th~ /jul, ~i'l ill 'The Jun·
Book Ious i<J'JI' pwpib
• Ilrround,d b,' " da,t.

. ,.",..~.....
I/"St)· "'S. W, ",'IInI"/ '1) ... I" ... ,
JI"'~ ,~It /oQI: ,,,,It, E,m It'I,wc"
Indian 'Y" "nd. MpqNlly. "'-;".,;
II "dun" ... qu"li,v as ...·,11 . inl 0{ ~ •

I.IId!". IhT "il/aino,,, ""' FIJJ_·.~

,~Ci~lJa.1...d ~s Inth ,no/",,,, .. ~
a (oloud ,,'s. OM 0 '''I)' W,vll tUlIJi
,,,,,,11 pupil T~ 'MfH ..,,. tIwtr.ltlJNs. ,
''''"'N aNi cOl,I,u. U (TP' _IJ~ ..
'" la*u 'JT .u,pTis,d ,s· ""II<')' "\11 "
p .....'I)IUi .u.n..,,,,
I ~I ~ ~~',,_I,.
j .... IIINl r"".p
, ,wluQlly •• I~
P' dtff...,'" ,_Wol,.
It.< !/try",. "'"" ,1m.
fI, I"Iff of rll«kJ <IJId

", IM1 Aall
'I I. «(Hf'tf'I.u r",,·
/''''' .... "',," ...i,~

". ~~ .
of ,A ••• "'" "..
"" '(11".,.
~ body. , ......QI Olt'·

~ Mad. owl h..

7./~ NItJ1TflJI. ,A.
w.z...t .... ud"d
y.dlftl IK_ QIId
loud 1>1'"1;0<1'
--.s "'. ,IMI.
U ..... ofr.~ ,. Ih,
1M pi, /IQJ tI """,,,1
~ hot> il I, tlifJicw/. ,tI
Wt ..'IIt,IIt, lit "
Ii' ".,,,Iy IIltp)",

Eye Blinks
Bhnks may al fint s«m hke the more mechanlC"ll ut
of anlmllion, but lhey do many things to kttpl dIK·
IICter al i\"e. If there is an inlensity 1M a look !Iw does
not allow cllanging ~ sllapc of !be eye lIsclf. I bIDI:
...·,11 keep.1 from going dead, If !be eye Slan$1O 10 <
like. ICnms ball or lias lhe hfelest iIare of I doll. *
blink ...·ill make 11 reiligain


81inks In: a u..eful devicc ,0 " ~,,., . he )./)ur;t of going

in.o a hdd dnwinll . ~re is ah,·ay.' a visual jar ,,'1Im
lhe dn "'inJ; suddenly §'ops mo"ing , and lhe illu,ion
of roundncs~ and dim" n.ion quickly fade, a. ;1 is held
imllJovat>lc . In mr.><l cases. 2 fcc, ~ fr.. "",. lies. Ihan 2
:;.ccllndSI i~ Ihe max imum lin", a ,traw;,,!: can remain
on lhe K rttn will>oul move menl . Ho,,·~"cr. lhe ~im­
plf ~il ion of a blink during lhe: kuId m;aplurn lhe
'" ioIud.J,/It", _/wotld ,., (I f"I'''/I offir'" " ",I ,~,ct~~" ,,,
" ' -;ng qualily . k«ping lhe: ~~lahlfS from ruliz;n~ ~
., .,rltoh _II''''''' ,h.,• .,. only",.. ",/w,,,-rr.,. " , 1",,' 01<'"
"'_~'''ff_ /lH rN'''j_ If'" i.. M""-. .... is J,,".·.. i.. IN i~ only a dn"'ing afier all .
~. rIrt ... ~',II "" ___, f"<"~'" .... ,.. K 'T''' t>{ .. /rail- Blinb ",ill makc a big visual change ju>l by lhe
.,.. .,.. 11tt... '" ",Irr, • .<f" ..... pm",..... <vlor al()IIC . es~iJlly if ,he pupil is cnclosed in a
",t>i,e eye , The dramalic eha nge ffnm lI,hl 10 dark
eyelid 10 li ~ ht a,ain can be very ~!anling and un-
doubled ly will aUrael Ihc audiencc's lIaze . The eye.
!he: lid, and lhe blink mU~I be cardully dnwn and
bw,wu n• ..Jr,... 1<1 (I . .i""". ""ot>l~I)' ",,,1 Ml flumll' ....111' ,imed 10 ron v"y lhe pre<:i.;e aUilUdc of lhe Chara<>!CT
" .. rMJJ, ,,-hen .he}" h.,·c b«omc '10 iml'0.13 nl.

The Face
We hive found over lhe years Ihal te nain ,-"Ialion-
Ililtb 0{ di, /1rlitj, pu::l,mrnl, or "" ",I.. us""II;' "" .n""'I!
..iIII (I JilIn, "1,,;11' . In ,h, clo,~d 'Y'. ,~, "'I'
"n" bollom lid
shi ps make an expression n:ad. Nu one pan of Ihe
cxpfenion. Ihe eye. or any Olhcr pan by ilSelf, is
..." ....'OJ, ,h. rtlllr' '>i ,h, 1'''l'iI ,
going 10 communi<:alc if lhe exp«~s ion doc_ not work
o DO
0 0 GQ
" I un;,. To ~I Ihi. un;ly. !here musl be a cloK
n:lalion~ip bcl"'ecn lhe clUC;al piOns, If lhe: (UIUIn
arc spread 100 far apart il is bardcr 10 read lhem :lIId
fTIOfC dimeul! lO mue 0IlC' part reael 10 another_ This
is. of COO1St', becau~ mo'l of oor e~pcric:ntt wi!b
nprcssinns hu bun on lbe human fau . An an;
suet> liS an antealer. which has il. moulh so far from

"' ....
/. ,lit flu"" b/",t of" " ,,"n',/ (}I" halj-rnMno", laot. ,h,
.....·nou "" ./"'" ," i" dk(l" ,/ in

.. .... lid _,<1<1",,11.,- opt ... .

rhim " , <Inri
..... r.qJOJtod ,n 'M J1attlu ,i",i." . h",,·., "" Ihr rxpo.a"
....... o.l,- IN " 'Art, of tM ,"(-N}I ,,,. flJ'Pil-is ,.po>d
lbe eye. is a !uugher problem Ihan OM whose fealUn:_
rclale in a closer 10 a human ' s. If lbe line of lhe
mou,h t>as a d"... relalion"'ip wilh lhe eye. il can
push !he chech up a~ainsl lhe boclom ,,~clid in a smik •
•hereby alilhe t ey pam of lhe fa« .
. "'...-
,.... f'lfJ"

j~ "",apr

Thr :animol' ''' mlot,t be vcry all.",,,, thai he;" "'min,
. ith (oot_not " no:s. The lllOO lh. lhe ~"""k . tt... .
.. e)",,"U. the nose . the fun:hci><! . It... "","'., an: ~tI
IN<Ic up or ~"n".... n Iksh I~at is b<:ing movcd ailoul
.. ith • .Jefinile plan . The ched: muM bc rcj,!arded as I
IGlid 1'1<1"" th~t r~'ta i ll' 8 certain ,·" Iume wh.:thc, it is
_ hO...J Itl "'-"COfIlnlOd;otc I ..·ide ...>p:n JIl<IWIl or f'I/>'ItW

llIkl a 111:". shape II)" P"'lSUn: rnNII the or a
<Wd IIMl\l lh . I.. ;, n e Xlrcme s mile . the cheek C\"e n
~y be rorc"e<J ..:ros! Ihe hOII<HII p;o rl or the cyehall
II i. ~Mn
it",I'" Now C\·"'l·thi n~ i , '<I u<''''~c:d up H,It.",thcr.
"'........ w ~milc i, ..,Ialed. the:.o: (... m$ all wilt >Cp.! _ • • r-
.... Thi. ~i'~. <lill",n, inn It> lhe ror'II! ~' they ellang~ _ IA ..
ill ..,I;r\i"",hip In e:... h ....1Ie•• "'I"a.htnl; up or "Mdlin~ <'-'tri, '"
lllII_ and it is l h~ 00.: o r this full<.l~ mcntal pri,t<:ipl<'
/'OW it "
tIw ~i"" li fe.u IIw: f ...." . As lhe ctlf..'Cb urop away
from lhe eyo . the 110M: ",·iII d rop .li~htI)' . Ihe moulh
. ·ill mak<, a la~, mn,·c. and lhe ,,·hI,k Iw:a<l will
ftonc;o1 t ' "<:f1 ically to help 1K....~nI U~lc Ihc ,·hang~ .
""""n the bn.,w. ~rc rd"e,j h'r h and II .... C)C~ J I\:
. ·ode "l"'" on a c har""lcr likc M r. Snl« in I'n<'r P",•.
Or"""ohhc <I "·arr. . lhere ,,·ilt "" 'n ,n kJe$ ab","<: the
...,...,.. In lhe norm al "", ilion . the forchead rna)" It.:
;..t the '\liI<:~ hetwe..,n lhe hro"..~ a.... the cap . 1'........
"" .-

I" •• ''''''~
,\,0.,. ",, <'1\
.. (or,:ho~d Ixin¥ 1)\I~ht:<I "I' an<J "Iuash"d by lhe ~jnI.
broo,.,. ...·ill he lull of ,,·rinkles thai rna)' c'·cn ~." ~nd up
Pf>IIlt< cUre \If the ~~p . Still. thIS " not ncarl)" ~<
........, .. Norm I-er"uwn·~ "~rly dr~ .. 'n" of PIUI"
. ,Ih tho: I><n,,", 'I"·k,n, up abo\"~ Ih.: h" ad dT""e . 11
(J,;~. H""
"'", diJIi<
...... /or,

""""~ ,1M
Smrt ..,"" In ~" intn a frow" fill'" lhi> PI" il;" ". 1M: ,,,,j
,,,,,/ rOo
,.,IN .... ) .. ould h''''e a "1("·C fn"'·3. d ~,,\! o,Ir>w·n ...ard ...".,. . . ...
011"'" heat bul Ihi . "....,1<1 he mu,·h ...."', I.... n the
I<1Ut "f!he bro ..... I.... lhey .rfino.· the <."Xrre-"'~ion Ih~1
- ",'"
...1 I>e ..:en. ",;,or "'"
A, lhe bn, w, """ '<;cnd . Ill<: flesh th ai ha, piled up
h:hi'lll I~", flatte" , (}Ul . When lhe y '·"Ml act Ihc c;r<:t( 1"h,';~ ....,~ ·,~IiI,·.\ fr" m Til<
til tht cle. tMy bqdn In push it do ..·n ;rnd change it. ""
1I.<,.,·uer, "'~I ,ltul"J "'"
,,"",. ....,('/tnr ..".....s......
~ . ,\> lhe f...",·n ........"On~ more ,nto n,;c"he pupil~
,~ rr""l"f'f~Ji",,,.
• lI! .... p;tt"1iaJly C<lI'cml by t]",<t roll ' of n"sh . "J""he-re Ii< .. '" ,Jot. '~pI;lit,~ ,,,,.,......
~. ' h",~,.." . tn Ilk"" tm.>..". more reflnc,,] no" l h~n
Il1o: n~ 1 of ne.h "" I'luI<>. nut slill ' c p'",enting thc
QTI< prjr,,:ip"' .
~ toI.o mono 11':11\ "",.e hno:. ghdmC h;od :rn.l "onh
-'" Ih.: ......., lu regi)!e, em<lIton. · - lhe face nlU>I .... '"
Ik Ilr'" .,~l th..· n~ "",nc,n mu'l I)( lim..'d I" ha'·e
ill< 1<,: li ,,~ ,,( wei~ b t. N" '" ,,"ly in :o ta ke Ih c 01" "'.
.t ch ..~ '~k"
. iM, QM " ..II
QfJw.J '''''.
"in, ,,~, 0'
"., [ge."
"" U".
AII,II w "
". <N¥Jlf<i 1ry

,ion change can be as fISt as the animator ""1M III

make it; certainly Bill Tytlll made li,hmillJ dlIftFI
" 'ith Stromboli in dialogue . But in each cut: !hm
is a reaction afterward- a Ruling or follo:w.· IhrQlj,h;
othe rwise the ne sh will lack weighl alld ROC tit roll-
"The expression chanllcs 011 Wall" 5 fa>% WCl"f 1*Ik'
"la. l}, >timulat ing as he \bcrib.:u _hi"" 1(1' lIS
» mr r,,,, Moor~ His actin!! st...r.-·(U the ba'lic humor in the ,iI-.
S'.e,... Whitt . but the acthity in his fa.:c ,nspirro c'~ry IftifllljOl.
On _~ d, ....,i.., ofStu py. His brows " 'ould risc hill h in one 3ttit. . . the. AlII·
ont f)'1 I,.",..n wid" ' ..... n denly plunge down into a deep frown. " ;th the c~
,Itt 0111" or on. (k. rk il pushing against the c)·c . gi"i ng an imen>c , pilll"ins
sq~~Jh.d m"Tt ,h~n rh. qualiry (0 hi s look , The n <me brow w')\Ild shoot ~pilll
0111", 10 ,i."
lift '" Ih.
nowing ship" acr~. hl ~ fO'l"l:h"ad. T his " '1:\ nllly
upnu;"". Tlwbo,J wNi.,
,h •• yu (,.~u " P~f!Y. squash and s~tch use<! at its bnI to rom_
ll..p}" 1001:. with an . udic",,,.
'Nhtft dialoeue " 'as added 10 !he stories. an imalors or I dip "I that poinl. llItre wu ...ery lillie I1ttmpt 10
!Uddtoly "'e~ faced ,,·jlll I whole DCW problem . What cl\oo:Ke Iht mtKl approprillC ICUon while evef)'Ofte
don tile character do wh ile he is ' liking? There he! was $0 dc~perlile .boul gelling anylhinllO won..
betn single word s and cxclamati on~ and short phrases In many pictures the chuleter sans the linu. No
before. but nOw the s~hes were longer and de- one remembers ""hether this was I n II~mpI 10 mate
nwodro some: kind o f I(:li ng . Wah ~ .. iou$l)' lIad necessary expos ition ~ palalable or ...·helhtr it was
mlted I mood ",';11'1 musk /'JI' inuginillh'c use of dfe<:\:S JUSt I way 10 avoid bad , l m.leurh h teling during I
or O('Cuional pamomime; oow he was un~ure of 1M long spe«h . Wall felt thlt a s inger ""ilh a pleUllll
I)'PC of lK1in,1 UrtOOfl eharacleT ....0\I1e! use 10 ~pport VeM« established an immediate rIIppon with the 1IIdi-
_ fortify the tiroes he was Slyin, . As tong as the to« , " If )'0\1 like his voice, you like him ." (AC\cr
dt.loj: .... only ~prang from embams~ menl in f ront of one unsuc~~~ful meetin, . John Henc h quipped. " I'm
Minnie. or from a boy scolding his dog for doing gon .... stan laking ... ~ les$Otls!") aUt , ac1u.lly, ~
- ming stupid. Wah tnc:w how the charac:~r was one way of drllwing vjc,""ers into the film ....i\h a
_Id I0o/I; and KI, but I S 5<>On ilS the ,,-ords b«amc posi li "e altitude right from the "~ . There "'-ere many
pan of lhe story the animllOf'S were upec te<l to find seeMS of questionable acting thaI were c arried by I n
Ibc KliUlion . Ippealing voice .
" Hi, Minnie" and " Watch out!" lwlbeen done If lhe dwacter had no re~ 10 sing, he would
,"'jill only the m<)ulh opening and cloling. but when iI speak his liM S in rhyme , ""hieb 1011$ not 1$ CI'I)' fOl' the
~, had 10 SlIy , " , .. I'll be ~a k Ind you' ll be >OITy animator as the singing . bul this was bene. than tulislic
"bell tiM: ",oI f c:ornes 10 your door ... napping the Io"'cr acting . In $(,,,,,,', "'' ' ' 'hop the clerk tells SltIta that.
lip Ilheu "~rc: ,~~. few lo....e. jaw. I . thaI lime) did " Willy Bro",," for ~~n )~an I hasn 't wnhed behind
101 do the job. TM Inimalon Iri«I nodding the head his can." Both tbc drawing and the I(:lion were cn.ade
up W down. but s till there wa~ no feel ing thaI the but the combinacion 1011'1 S\l<;cessful in Iht !hula , Even
woi« "';os romi ng from the chara<:ttr. Something h;od if lhe charlCler did IlOl: qIIite look as if he we~ doinJ
lObe found lhal ""oold Sh~ the imprenion the cha~· the tllking , the speculars ""ere IlOl [00 crilical because
ttl u s Si)';ns the liM . The animalon !iCllfChed (or key they ...·e~ enj(!y ing what they were (Ioing _
_(lids that seemed to be Slid ""ith more empha5i' than The big problem was to find • way \0 ICCCnI !lie
'iltocbo:n and Ihtn put in an ~nI. a ;tsl~. I botooce . dialoglle , or 10 match !he ICCCnlS already \hm; Ira the
" lif_" ".~,­
>Jo~ .... ...... ,
,... fi"'~',

L I' 1

deli~n)' . 11Iese weK marked o n !he elI.posurc Sheel. convincing type of ICling---{lot illl the way thr1lrIp.
1O !he animator knew where the)' came. He had I copy bUI in k(y ipolS. Th~ Fiyi"g MOllu. ",lei'Sed iIII9l4.
of the track and coolo;l liSIl~n to !he lints O"er and show'cd • new <;cncepl of a tartOOf1 t~ "" j"g l
'>Va". but for h im 10 capture the ~ ~~ fedings In hi~ litlC of Jial[)!!u~. and while the an it1lat,~, ."wit onl;' tI
drawings and liming WJi a real pmhlem . He;od ~ 'mh- A roughe r ",ri~Iion of the SiOttlC "Id JII........ m. ~ _
hltd (ronl _<ilk .0$io;ie. hands ...."CTC placed on hip •. actually ..".."hc:T ~1~1' fOf'o'·ml. 1'10.. ,,-I!o.,k "''''''''1$
arms ",'ere folded-but by far the mo~1 popular ,olu· buill on t~ f(cl ing' <If the (harlK'l ers ~rIill!IC <N~e\
.ion .... ~ 10 hive tile index fingu point ellhe. up in the thaI OCCUtTed as 1M si.u~rion~ tlewloped. The dine:
air or ,. llltOIller It "'31 001 rein)' ~Iin)! . llul t..n .... ~,.. rhi1l~ ing. ani! ,naI;ing oc'Ci,iQ!Ii. ~nd ""tlJillC
it "'"u 1111 ea~}' way to lIel Ih' nece;;ar)" acce nt s to 1\('" ~moliOOJ.
and. most of all. intt'racti~ " 'M
match .he fu ling of .he o;IillIogue . dW1Clen in l~ mIf)'. The pointing fintc' . '11 100
Some animaton ~'ari ed Ihi s • Iiule b)-' ui ,ng a limited for lloi$ kind of letin{;.
cl~",htd fist in~Ieild of a finier ucnded . hUl i! wu Tile: follo"'ing year \>roul1hr a 'iUI,""'" :110;1.
lIil1lhe >I0Il KCenling the v.otd~. and . u,ually. ~\·"ry The T"no;.., dud rl,e I"".~ ,·""t"it,,'I.l tt~ 101,..,..... tIra-:
"""ro th.! waS ia;~ , Walt inld\C neml )',<;unai led that acl~r d~\~ I"I''''''nt. rll<' d~.,,'~" 1...·"'1J~\ l il), nJl'<-~.
~pp...>;\ch by phmning ~Iorics Ih~z dcm;nd.!d a ,not~ anJ llw- »,.·s. sy ....: "" ilb JialufUC" )".1 ...·h ....,nI. lit ,_
1r.l!.I. T~ Colli.." TUU("h faIled all .he " 'ay arQUnd .Ic Io.. w h,s fIo",-en and h", fOOnla;n and his food
E'"tI)"OOt "'" 11"1.llw W"". ,,'Cn! "-rong.' Why did" alll105-l n much as hili gold .
... ,,-.,d ~ ~'"CI)'thmg done had "'OILw before: smglng Then afler gellll\¥ his WI.<h lIlat c"Cf)thil\¥ he IOUdw:d
5flOlC III>C •.• peaklng In rhyme. poin"ng • finger for would 'um 10 gold. he gradually realized Ihal he was
ac~nl!i. wobbhnll Ihe head on lhe d,alogue. II had losing cvcrylhing he I(>ved and was faced wi.h $tarva·
btm a wOntkrful "",,,n, opponunny . 100. for Ih; ~ Kmg "on and I Ilow death . Whal a s;' uI,ion for an Ktor:
Midis " "as no ml~rly mona~h, mean and lIlin , • the Ihough. ~. !he: ooncem. !he despair, !he
ilJnfl,n. hoardIng hIs gold and halln, !he " 'odd fie mounting panic . Then: WIS. wealIh of possibilities,
"'IS I h;lppy man and cnjo)'cd hi s "'callh and h;~ lifc . hul somehow the cmoon did IlQt come orr. Mon: was
aninl'llur tl;od ~ diffc",,'" h..dy ... t'lude <In ""'..
plIO ........ ilh al'JlNPf'alc ~"'IU1'b, Th..« .... h<ottI ~
slight f"I u!oC at the end (If e""h phr:tsc, ... hk h ~ve a
ehmll:t' 10 display the UI)1\:ssinll " 'hi lr till: bo.ld)' w"
qu iet, The next phr ..."" h;,d ~ """, ~lIiIU.J.: with ~ 00:'"
8C"1UI'I:, and pcmap,. II \'ari~t it1.. uf lhe e~~.
This . impli(1i:d tho: ... hok probkm of diakJr,... I»· Cm..
in.:lling ~It lho: nlr:tneWs 1111>"" lh.:ll h;td ktpl Iht:
char.octer mo\'ing wilhout meaning ,
This hegan 10 fucus Ihe .ni "'~lo"5 anent..... 0111
nttded Ih~n mcK gClOtPn!S, hiPPY .m ilcs, ....on icd relatiun5hip uf anil\l\k , geslure, and upm.sion, ucI
loeb, and I king ruMinll around the coonyanl for tile: ,,'ithout realizing the advam-e being made. he $lII1OII
lUdic""" 10 ~llte IU 11M: clw...:ta, aski", queslions t i he ""ldled t'"",h ne ... K't'IlC , " Wl!M
ThaI "'i<> 19)5 and work al~ldy "'~, <lani", on should Ih is character do 1>11 Ihis linc-leu fon.-anI!
S"",,' Whitt, a picture thaI demanded far more in con- Lean I»ck'! What is lhe poin t here: ... h)' is he doiq
\incin, ch.1raclCril.alion iUld belie~able actin, than any- . nything in Ihis scene? Do I ... am lu ,how thii siWy
thin, done before , Both the 1000oi!.C and the hare had grin un hil fac:e. or jU$t put O,'e. that he is haPP)' ' -
~n broId comk characlers shown in strong 5illlll- IIQ( "'OITied .bout an)'lhin,? Can I do il bellel' iI •
tions titat in~ured lheir ~uccess, but TIlt (;oIdn. close-up or in a full·figure shut?" As he 1I)ktd IIInt:
T()U('h .t>OI'e like the fea ture ~ing ~Iarted . 110'" qllC's tion • • he ... as thinking uf a<: ting aoo per,;ooal~y,
could S_ W"il~ he wccessful if King Mida~ cou ld and Ihis "0011.1 IiOOII lead 10 a roe,,' kind ufbelie"1billty
not be made con~incing? 1bc:re wou ld he no problem in the animal ion ,
" 'i\h lhe dWlllfs. $tumbl ing around . bumping inlo cacti Of CUUI'K, phrasing a line of d;,Joguedid 001 _ _
OIhcr II Illey II)' 10 d;sco~er "'00 is in lheir house, and all the problen)" In Pluto's Judgmrnt Du," lht~ _
only minor problems with tIM: q.-n consulling her ,;c,'eral Kcne s of the calJ in Plutu's dream Icstif)'i.,
mirror , since Ihal could he Clrricd ... ilh lhe strong about all lhe ,,,'M Ihin" he had dune IU CatS, o.e
<hmatics of !be $ilwotion. But !he d ...arfs arguing abolR very /'Wild Cit hlKI hcc:n chased ' intu the piOth ell
whether the young girl shwld )UI)' and ... here she stc.. mrol1er and httn fl:U\ened ... afe...hin, The PI
dloIIld sleep and, especially, cryini $inc:e rely ,,·hen "'as lnal on lhe las! line uf his lestimony. he ,,'OIIId
tlley think she i5 dtad- how cou ld wc c~e. , ucceed in tum side"")'s and walk off. ~ho"' i ng loi s pmlklmelll
makini the audience bel ie\'e? and makin, a runn~' eunlra~llo his ~ppc:an~ ifttht
As llot ani~ors studied llot problem , lloty hegan 10 three opening lil\e$. To aid in this ,'i~ual rontnst,loe
5« thlll mcanin,lets , Pnn:1aled mo,'emcnl~ of ehlUX- canied I balloon !hal !<OO1e"""" had hfcon... jotII II
tcrt durin!! dial~uc dc slruye<J " 'hal liltle ""nuMlil )' lhin wil00Ut !)O!Ipin8-' 11 was a C'Ul~ ga~ wilh. owpriIe
the)' rna)' have all.ined in carlier JoCenn , The)' already Iwi st. ~l\d ~V(I)' dfurl h:ld lU bot mad.: I" \UpJIOII the
knew Illal a m<!\Ith nopping abOlll like thaI uf a ~cn · illusion lllal ~ ,,':as .~~lI)' a "~f}' fal ~at ;0\ the .....
Iriluqui<I'. dummy Ia<:ked wn~icl ihn and a head bob- U.. m L ... kc Wall g"'en the ~ne. and lot tatted ~
bi", _ k and forth did fIOIhin. 10 de"elop the dw· ()V~ " 'ilh his ),oung an iSlltlI Ward Kimball , ..... fat
antr, 1bc:y all>O realited thaI too m.....,h 11)0'=1 on line. " Thlll greal bi, bully picked 00 me:' Jft-.I
lhe eharacler made il impuuible fOf the audience \U hir!y easy, . nd the )' 'arce(] that lhe ~at "XlIlkI poiIII
see the upre u ion on hi s face, In looking back at tuward the offstage Pl utu while he wa~ leanin, for·
SCelle$ 11Ia1 had been successful bef~ , lhe animalors 'NllJ'I,I. with a pelula nl willll~ , NO>II' he could Ihw
~ lhe idn of phm;ing lhe aclion in ICrms of the back . nd stick 001 his otumach <ICIlht !luI Ii.... .. ".
phmoes of dialogue . When the fairy ;n TItt- f'i."intr b«au.;e I "'IS SO fat .·' and eitl~. pal hi, tunllll)', ..
,IItJ<IJ'r had said, " 8 nl\'l: link tl>UllSC, ruu'"c httn make a ) "'f~pin~ gesw r.: wilh hi~ hand , IIU11he IhQ
kiTKItD me, I'll gnnl one "'ish, whal shall il b.:?" the line. "Il~ ~ h~..:d FI ... ",Klcr ~ S1~:lInro! !cr , , ," :iI<lpPfd
boIh of !""se cr~ali"e minds. Thoey IlM>ughl of his run · Gr:odually It... CXlra"""" • .". arbitrary $O;lions Mgan
nin, in pia«. turning in fur . doing a tak~ at ~n imago 10 disappur and a 1)'pC of acting " 'as ~n Ihal Sttmcd
Uy$klmrollcr. but nothing .."" imagi!uli~c enough. so natural and so righl for lhe dUnclcr tm.1 no .....
10" _mcd 10 fortify !he Ii"" of dialogue . Finally could ques lion!he bd ic vabi1ily . There ,,'ere .. ill some
Wan! !Uuc.. ed . " Wc're s upposed to do >()lnClhing animators ,,110 felt lhey " 'ere 001 doing 1fI)1hing unles$
diff~rcm Iren ' l " 'c1 Well_ how aMI !Ia"ing steam lhey had an arm waving or the head nip· nopping
come OUI of his cm. "'ho:n he "'Y5 · ~lC.mroller' ? ·· Ihroughoullhe 1«"". bul e"cntually they teall"lCd Ihal
113m !houghl il was jU. I c.,,7.y ~nough to "" wonh a lhese IOClions drew lilt autiicIKe 's aucnt;a n away fmm
II)·. bul who.'n Wah saw i! in the swea!oox a w\-ek lalcr Ihe nprusion and con lrad icted thc all ;ludc .
he ~ lhe r,lm with a long . slow. "Whal in lhe The s uccessful !icc""s ...·cre lhe~, " 'here,he ani-
hell W;lO!l(hll?" ' To him. i! kidd"d I"" ch:m.cICr ~nd the rn.:IIor had fclt the righl u~Sli ion. urwkn;tood (he
lilll3l1oo ~nd lac~~"" tho: ~i nccrily "" wanted in his pcr:lOlllllily of his character. and k""w how he would
~C). Many limc .• he ,,"OUld laugh at a s uggestion reXI 10 e,'cry s ilu;uion in his own pan k ular ...... y.
or , bit of animalion but Slill discard il because it And. funher. he a~oidcd making dra .... ings 11m
4t>tTO)"N lhe MI~V3bi l ily of I"" silu~l ion. and Walt wcre JUSt drawings . but worked 10 nplurt the fc~ling
belie"ed In his pictures alld in his men and in his oflifc . A ~ Li v Ullman. lhe 8rcal aclre~$. has said. ··It
a~ k",c and would do nolhing 10 break Ihal bond. i$ whal is behind {he s mile Ihal mancrs . "
""".. rott Ollir Jo/I",/O~­
Robim llood.
DW"8~: ·'I'",,,,,,_od. " .
"",Ie ""ndilS. ,~bbi.h . loa
Ju. 1uJJ. ." Till. d'ol"tw
...... dd' .... '~d by Prinu
Jom. ..·,,11 on oi, of bomJ
"rro!OIlC~. rol/i~l '''' "
dri/ri'" ')IN of """011 .." ,II
""ItO, llead oc.:~'IU. Til,
_ Iy cloud ,,.,, willi 1M
/iJs"''' ~." run., M/(Hd
'M/_"ing of <:O~""'fH. On
tJv .....".1. " nd>/>isll ," Iw
lIU"IIS_y. roIli~ Itis~
"I'WtJ,d in " 8'"''''
<>, im·
I""irllC" Tit• .... ",.....
p"";",, IIos hH" ""mod
,hro,,&_' ,It••UM "w'
willi ":..,in&,ugrtU of I~·
'.flJiry. TM .,.... '''''''til'
lias IN,,,. "Yow. Hi•• . drt
.,lIpid! l ..... rl~ r_ "
How Do I M ake It Sync?
E.~n Ihough Ihe U"""ators 0" those carly pict ure. with help 'wy muc h, Thenlwo f...~mes. and fin.3l1y thr« .
IOoInd ~ a 'lronlllC~"'nI In the dr~"lng Ihul matched When lhe whole: action "'"IU cxpo:o;cd tht'tt frames ahead
lilt fl1lnle "he"" lhe beat "'as marked. wmethlng o f the actual !:leal. the char3Ct~f ~ppeared 10 be moving
!<'<med 10 be wronll w ilh the '}IlC. " 1 PUI troc squa, h e~ac lly on the beat! Mysterious illu sion!
dr~",ng righl wrocre you "':.r ked the X ." the anim.tor The ""ord "" cnt aroond the animator's rooms. " ll u
claImed n.., dl= tur an,,,'crcd. ·· Yeah . but he seems the llCcems tht'tt frames ahud of" the beat!" No one
10 be I~t~. I hear the ,o..",d !:Iefou I see him do it. .. On h ew .... hy il should work . bul somehow;t did. Then
Iht M""lol" the Mlund head b "-'paro le from the pic· so mebody had a sce ne in a lempo of eights (a !:leal
tu"" Krun. SO t"'-' fIlm "ith lhe animation " 'as ad· coming cvery eighl frames). and ""'hen he shiOed his
'~"hlk lhe,.....,nd"'"lb left In the .artie pia«. At :octi<Jon by thrtt frames he found he actually hit the
font It "'as ad'"3OC<:ti JUSt one f..-.. n.... but thai did 1101 ha tr·beat and gO! no sync at all. For a jUnlp. a land. a

. .,.,,,.
-101 ~

IHtd r/tQJJ~. I
""ttll,.,. /.>0,
,A, se,.'

, ,
1'<""''''' /,I<:l<)0l; IIw>ooj
anm,.", by 'N 1/11,_
pirt 'k'l' ,I.,,,,.,, .
his _Ad ITIrllllWi j
a ~.... '" IIrMdh /JW
fUJI ",DtM",
hit. a ta~e. thl« frames ""arly .lways ga,'e a betlOr
illusion than having the e~treme drawing right on lilt
beat. Yet. in this ca...,. it did I\()[ work at all. n....
Sttms to be no hard and f.>t ruk on S)'oc. "lw:tlw:r it is
on dialog .... or a musical beat . One: !lane in Pinorrllio
had to be shifted a rllil eight fra"",s ahead of the iK1IW
sound before tile e llaracter ~med to be sa),ng lilt
line . It consisted of only two " 'OIds. " 'hlch mighl hal't
heen pan of the problem, but no one ever Iw bmt
able 10 ""'y prcci,;cly ,,'hy any of this is so, The animr
tor!; have bc\:QIUC l,r.l!;llIal1~ ; If II worh . Illey do il; If
it does nOl, they e~perinlCnt , The hest sugge,tlon ilto
be alen to lhe I'0"ibilitie~ of shifling nny action againsl
the sound tr~~k Ylltil it appears th:ll the CharactCf is
matching the sound . (Of COUI'$C. an honesl antmpt
must he made to animate the ft<.:ling of the 5OUrd.
the first place. or no ~ylloC e"er " 'ill be poMi~.)
'These gcncral ruks on 31lJ"'WChing moutlt~.
dialogue are based on . and refined from. lhe primpks
that ~bm Lus~e de"doped:

I , Anticipate dialogue " 'ith helOd, hody . 01 ~

Ih ree 10 four frames .Ilead of Ille Ileavy modulal ion. ~. l1Iere an: not too many straight inbetweens in
bIIt mouth sync should be right on It.: modulation. dialogue . You may wanllO retain one ITlO\Ith a lillie
If il is a dosed moulh . il will be on It.: con~l . longer and then move quickly into IIIe nUl one. Of
and . if possible. remain dosed for IWO frames in vi<;e ve<U . Either way you w ill favor one eureme
onIcr 10 be seen. If you are us ing " Iwos " and lhe over tile Olher---bo(h in liming a nd the shapes )'QU
mouth aclion falls a frame allead. that is okay . draw .
2. You need imeresl ing moulh shapes thai renee t 6 . If you have a word Ihal h~s becn siretched OUI
IIIe per~naHly of tile voice . Look for thai fairly Ion,. treat it like a moving hold . Make an
,n-c: you an eUra IOUI:h of (hatacler and arc pec ul iar u treme which ~ the shill'" you want. then make
10 this 0 111' I"'rsonality . You have a difrcrent voice a 5CCOnd one IhM is e""Cn stronger and "slow into"
for eadI dw-ac:ter. and you should have I d ifferent il. If lhe sound i, diminish ing ralher than growing.
moul h a<;tion for cad voice. lhen your second Ull"Cme will 001 be as sirong.
3. TTY 10 show enough time on Ihe importanl shapes Either way. you will keep Ihe fedi ng of nesh and
so that lhe vi ewer will be .ware lhal Ile has s« n a life in the moulh.
p;clure of lhe word . 7. When wing the ey<:s only for )ync in an e~lreme
4. 0.. holds al the end of • pIuasc: or a line of closeup. stan lhe eyes into lhe ~ al leaSl three
.n.!o&ue. lry 10 retain I moulh cxpre:ssion tlIat reflects frames lhead of the 1CCVl1. If it is a mushy . lOfI
the ~hancter of It.: last word . Do 001 change lhe li ne. lhen lhe action don not need 10 lead lhe 50Und
mouth ~hape j uS! because you are Ihrough wilh 1M by man:: Ihan a frame or IWO. If lhe acce ntS are
word or phrase . Retain 1M c haracter of the ~h ape in strong . Ihen you may wanl 10 lead by four 10 five
the hold or pause wilh a soflening aclion 10 keep it frama . Sy " Iead:' we mean to have lhe big move
alive. Ilia! far ahead of lhe heavy modulalion o f the won!.
S. When U,ini ~ blink 10 Ilelp gel ~yne . Ille eye, "r
m<lUlh I" ~el ~'Kid 'ync and m.l~C lite line. u;;,IC>!'uc
.hould close ahe...:l of ~ accent by to roo. con>';ndn!! . Here arc sonl<! 0( lIIe n",llkld, ... ~.-d:
9. If )'O\l are going LO . LDl yOur dialOl~ on a I. Rely lOYif(' on mo."'~~.
drifting or slow move wilho\ll ... atlt i<;ipalion. il If the lK:ad mo.)'·cs a~ prul"l'fl)" " W:'C'C"I\"ffl i" ",1.1lioa
hel~ IU SI~11 Ihi . move anywMle fmm Ih= 10 1(1 lhe di~logue. lhe np"''''joo on llIe f",-'l: ard t1le
ei~ 1 fra,",, ~ ahead of 1m" aca;,n1 . mouth shlllCS bo.,,:omc f~r Ie» ~rilic.1.
10. TIlerr are limes when all your dialogue will 2. Charac ler rear view. in shadow (If s ilhouette.
haw 10 be un "une•. " When w'lrk ing will! Rre. Sync will come from head and txxJ)' nUl'"e, ... \\-,:11
Fo~'s volee in SOftg ofrh~ SoU/h , we found that the: .. g,lOd ge~lUre .• Thi s Iype of SI.g ing gives yariel)"
actor talked 5(' fasl we coold no! poss ibly hil the and ct"kn mnes I ve.y dramalic ~el\C .
at~e nll wilhou l animali ng ,II Lhe dialogue on 3. OffSUje d ialo,...., . Khanroo;ter i,,!' is IIOl
"001:5 ." Some of lhe w0Td5 were » 5hun as Iwo shown . )
expowrtt and no! many ~ o,-cr four. The camen miglll be on a scenic~, somedf«l$
I I. The vowclsotmds. A. E, L O. U. alwa~ will anilllll ;(>II. ",in. a p;o.norama . ",,;ome ~5 ill.
re.quire some O!)ening. 0 and U are aclually com· room Ihll baye I spe<:iaJ nxaning .
plete word 5OUnd. at lime1. ~ acton each w ill 4. Camera "on" a c har.. ~ler ,~her Ihan In. speaker.
have lhelr own way of saying Ihese ~ound~ . Snllle !n shuw ing one character lislen;na 10 anolhe. ellar·
wi ll draw them OU I and I500Im will c lip lhem off. IM;tcr's lines, yoo oflen e~po!'r lhe feelinJ .• of boll!
11. The consonan1 ~rnb. M, p, S, are all closed o rtMm It tM ~ time-one IhrouSh his dialope
mou1hs. Keep in mind \hat 1M mood of lhe ct.arac:- and IIIe other Lhrough h is reacliom. Thi. is. JODd
In will determine !he shape o f Lhe matllh . If he is idea 1<1 eonsider al any lime .
pinninJ whi le talking, his elosed mouth will be
"'ide, If M is pouling, il CiOn be • very "pooched- Listen to Your Track
up" d oiCO mouth. SlY the •• ,t of the consonanls
over 10 youm:lf. always remembering Ihal in se- Carefu l study of lhe sound Irick wi ll reveallwo very
quence you do n01 hear !hem !he w.y you do indi- importanllhini'!. First, thc: overall phrasing and lim·
vidually . BUI in saying Ihem you will gel a fed for ing of Ihe li ne , Ihe a.:cents. the r.. 1 move~, drifl'"
tbem--where!he Longue is and how much lhe I«lh !TlO\'CS. the~. And,~, the personality IOUdIes
sIIDw Oft cenain sound •. All IMse Ihinp giye a of the chll'lCla" shown in 1M ~fit Wly a ...n
color lC~ture 10 the matI!h as lhe sounds I re mlde . is said L1UI! will be ru ffe",'" from the WIt)' all)"{*" die
(ienenUy, lhe ones lbal have the E IiOUnd show would do iI , Neither of lhese Ihings shoukI be_-
1CeUl . T Ind G liso can puder like I U, and Y and looked.. for bel,,'~n lhem they offer lhe key 10 Itow
W eln!!-o into y ~ery .m~1l 0 or U s ha)'e . V and F Ihe eh.racler i5 feeling.
art oflen heil shown wilh 1m, under lip LUckw under The expression chose n is iII",,,,,u/'11; 11i~ 111(1li~hrs of
llIe upper teell!. BUI li Slen c/ll'tfu ll y 10 your In.d Ihe ~ h~r"",er and nol rh" words he 1$ sayin~: Lherrlort
Il!Id lillie lhu mbnail matllh s lill you havc a it ... ill rentain constant 00 malICr ho... mMy worti< ~
serifs Ih.1 works logelner and is enlenaining . said . For each ~ingle !hoo,h!. then: is OM ktye.1jlm-
13. IJe SUTe Lhe IUlh /lI't not painled whitt or they $ion . and " 'hile iL can change in intensily if will'"
will flash . This ean be especially ... noy in& if the ch ...,e in f~ling . When the: characiet &flS a ....
moum is ovenrticulatw. Ihooglll Of hal; a realimion abou l SQmt'llIint doai:c
lhe '<!C 'Ie. he ,,'ill change fron, one ~ey nprcuim 10
Other Ways of Syncing anollK'r . wilh the timing of lhe change reflecling .....
he i. Ihin~ing .
Elecau>c of lhe limilations in !lc. ign illlpos~<I on us in If the lhou~ hl l""'lCe" i. ;, sudlkn reali~alio". lhel it
mIIny pN:IUres. we had to find Olher wa y~ be side! Ille wi!! be. quic~ cllllng~. If it inY"lve~ a .lCn.mintllClial,
WI/It /oj
Ite 'ilk
,/,• . 1
"", It..
' 0"

·""""" F'dnl n .."", ..

C.m u 1I..."A ..oh ~ a .. ,· nJ'~ _S.:~• •/tm Cltallpd '" ~JlCqH for a sJo,ltJ """....11 *"looIr _,It
""""" s" ,I... , " UJ'f't""" ,<.' Jllle .. ~ ... ~ Id It",·, ~, ~ .10, '''P .'I' 'NH"/i"" "' ,Ite f" /'"8 of "'M
Ah<t tn WOfId<.,,.!d
~ ,h",t onx a/""" "'hm,, ;, "lOr, ,,,,,;,'N,b/P;n ,/oi, "''', /mlM" lif ",,/( 1"h~ b ub _th.""
'W<I, wop....
,·",ho~~· . ""fW~"
su .....(· Th~ A"oo IS" S"OI'
pI~ f'lfft' of_it,Rn\', ""J
~ca~J~ ,~ cltu,....,u
"",""",w '" ,me ~. T~
js II s~1f mo.·.. In.,
rio<urps s• • .., /I
,,~ .... ,
"11,,,.. ,,,..
filS ./u< Jlojfi

i>k'" "..,1 '" ~ In,w,, ~-II/t w~m lI",s;d, "I~e ,'",,', cm" '''''' i/J m, ml/or " .a/IIY. n,

..,,,.'''''' Ho ll T.·,'" e",,"p'- " fu ",,,,/(

,10, fa<", ,h. <11><,.,
,/till "'/tu
".. O-"'f( \'f)u, "..""/, "I' m
I,i"" "bhtm, .. Tit,
I I, ,. ." . p wu" ,10m
roIlrd -r-j.><JI'I!"' ~Jrops
""ff ....,..Id /ttlp hi",
Tyt"' . ....... ~'IIh .
s.".. I', hOle
(I..,,,/< a', "II Sf> <"Ille' II> ..", ..... , .... I.... ropt,,,,(1 IItt> it.. 1><"' " .../ ~ ..... b<>t-l It) "..,,~, . .illY •.....
o..w,.... ·-S/u<·/1 ~ "-ml p/~u" S .. ,,,. Wit", 1/ .. ~.....,lnf"1 ""re."·,,, of ,Ite IH-m~ ... "'/ 1/• ..." ..... mar. ~" po",' "',.. 110,
.'"",""ml, "I' "0 I"'"
Iooou "",I ,_1I0~l
"", ~p
fir., "''')''' u"r,jjj""
•"""JI<' co..... us /u< ...a.-~.
1m, '" G o" nl' \' ,I,,; "'".' p',.
u,.,j, 10 "",t, /IItI, ,ibba#rJ
iI. ha$ """bI~ Ihi~~'~, of
l/tr ~'OI'J ··""rf_" aNI
.... botIt«rastotu"
I,~ IW ""'MnrI /I
",Ii ,Ito, "~ff mlhJ fm ... Iou an ..""d hll'fCh,d " ... of lou hr<I,J I'M" hIS ,"",.,j "" 110, "ad G"""P1 '" dc.
"","10<.", m'" ",,,,,,,/, '''''', "Sh,'11 ..... he ,,,,.,. "",,/1 .",,1/ "I his h,ad uS ,Jw..~h I,","
Dit>lo,~" " W,II, ." on ""1Iry!"" "aIN 10M.,. ~
..'i,h il! Uh. . rominu" y,II. , " Wdl. gN Of! M;/Ir
my d"Ir." i,!" Nnt i. Ih •• ~dd,~
A!r/4lrill, J C"I'l(Ii NH 001:,
IHnf MtJJ "';,h th,iu for
,,,,,li:o,lon 'M' M .......·
",tubd hi. J"liNI" H,
r".,NI' on P,It, PaN , b quietly ",oln. conlfol,
Irying to ('<XU Jrom a j,,,I. anJ ....I'A.1n I<uina " . ",iI,
""" Ti ~k,r 8,11 th, ...·M,.,·
abotds of hi' ir<JtN /Hh." .
tmJ o~ oily . .....",
SIllY'. ··C....w-."'1*"':'
~ry .

Tht cnangtS in attltNd,

".;,/0 ,h, ''1'''''"'''' allIN,
chunS,,/n ./rapt",
",., ~'lrat mak, tM. w,,,, Itll "'/ta, CapUJiN HooI: i.t
,irh , FI, ... I~'" i. tht 'Irin~i"1l .
L~~~"' .;n b< "0",' Th< ",p~h" ip Cip-
dtrtlla, Prince John in Rubin 11000, and Caplain Hook
"'''S>:. Fm~l TIrOl'lll' -
Cill'krt lla.
.. 't~, p~" were all schc ll"" r~ w ho wok Ii"", to:;how
. . e\-il thoughts . A c hange to a smi le or a puzzled
look may also lake t i~ because all of these thought
{I'OCt'lSeS ore " f a more de liberate nalure; the u~s­
UrnD>n moo:: gradually across the face and i. likely
IOItfI\II; n there longer, In pantom ime. the only ke y the
Vlirnal"," will have to the timing of these c hanges wi ll
be tllt parlicullll" personality of his cllarac ters. With
• addition of dialogue. much of the IUtu.e in the
.cI"tS in hi, s«ne will ~ from tile [i[(k nUI~S
and ihad in,. in the sound track. whi(:h wi ll sugaCSI ...un Olli~ JoIt~SII_
tile ~d of hi. actions u wcl l as ho.... broad or Robin Hood .
R:SU1IiIOed they mighl be . "Iller will affect whet~ he To W wlin""bI~. ,,", II",·
IIIIOYe$ continuously or pau~s and then con1inues . Lis- m o'lr~r had '0 M much
len to dialogue carefully ; "'l im 10 tht thought. and s'rai~h'''.
c",I",,~ ,~ .
I", of"
idras-chey are your d",,,*,le" ,. He is thinking them.
IIId you mu>! Cap!UR them.
~aps then: is a manne ris m thaI wil l fit and .w:I
life. It cou ld be a thoughtfu l movc o f the cytJ. a
.rnl glance. the tong~ moying across 1hc lips. lhe
WnctC1' pull ing on his clI in. or pushing lhe hair OUt
Iof his eyes. Any of lltest and OI her similar aC lion s , an
become pan or the u)lrCssion if chosen ,arefully . If
tilt JC1Q1' doolli lhe V<.>ice h.s d<livered the lincs as
lhouJh he thinking the:m for Ille firsllime. lhey
"i ll suggesl express io ns. As has been menlioned be·
tn. il is absolutcl~ essenlial lhal the actor gi~e a
SpO'II' _ ptrformarv.:c. If he sU~SIS laki", his
lines bomc 10 praclice. il is a good lip-off lhal we may
nox have Ihe righl actor . lie is alnlO51 sure 10 gi~e a
poIGbtd ptrfonnance inslew o f 1111ering the: unll~ual
lilde $OUOOs that make il possible for 1hc animalOl' 10
visu.lize express ions.
Above all lite yoice musl be belicyable and il mUSI
oommunicale. Our standard for a "0«'( voi« sptn·
me "" ilh .pontaneity and ,d loc:ting a llIOughl process
. ·as !oe1 early whe n Luo:: ille La Ve,-m, was Tl",ording Ihe \,I
lmes for lhe wilCh in Snow While. Bill COIlre li . SIOf)" -"!
111M and dircclor. "·as in cllar~ of the session and
said Miss laVerne .... '5 50 convincing lhal when she
Iud from Ihe sc ript. ·· A glass of ....·a ler-plea:o;c !-a
ellIS or waler!" lhe OWiistlm dir«tor ~aped 10 his ,
I ~ and dashed oot on the stage wil h a brimming cup r' J
-, - }-
before she cou ld gel 10 the nexll ino:.

Il""" fit4lll N""'. ""'It
,,,,, ...... ....J ,"" 000~ _T~
n>eopIm/y ~..... ~.INl. altd
A,...IIi""du """ rtnllJ
poi'" [ubly a, M,.li" aM

...-NT, "" roI/,.d ,m" fl'''''

jilltJlI, llid~ It> '''~
a"J IWpnlIt" IIi ••,., ,.Ii" .
........ ""'I bid"M "';IIt Iht
owIIII""'RIoo"llhr pirl"" .
,..,.,IJ Ihlnt '" no ~,.,,. 10
,,,,a/jg.~ "'''~. 110(,,, 10 pwf!
Of! "is pifH a"J /0I.t •.,..,
The Total Expression
Tryinl 10 Illonl; of e'"l:1')1hing at Qnce can be \'CT)'
('I)IIru~ing . Wh ile "'..:.nying about [he: sllape of lhoe
mouth or ~yroc;n g It.. ",,[ion 10 the dia logue, ;1 is easy
IOf<>rgcllhe auilude or the esse nlial uprcss ion for 1he
"ooie Stt~. To overcome lheK obsl\IC lc s is lhe dai ly
challenge animators must face . ,,",w ,h., F"d Mo,"~ I"jn"il'/~ fi" "Im;n~ Ih~ "'/wi.
M"" to Ih~ f"'-;"/ UP'''';'''' , II /""K'n ctmrpm,u. al/ """"reM: £tk
All of oor rules. list •• and suuc$lions haw COme Pinoxchio.
1M ""n. , Q "lOk, ' OfHn. 1M ... WI',
from Iry inS to unify our message inl<l ~ , 'alernenl Fi,...,I1''''-u

... -.
lIIaIlw in.pac •. Someday. ani""""," may be able to ,Iti$ ~".
""III« illlo tile areas of hidden mc:anings. sly sugges-
lion. c,'c n dooble c nlendr". A 'I""''' from Alfred
OIhcr; a c(NWCl"Salion may be quile uivial . bu. orlen
11M: c~. will 1'e\,(Cal ""hal a person !"(Cally Ihin ~$ or
llil '" 1M'"
ro.ld didltJ,

Hitchcock re minds us that 1hen: arc Slill some exciling fee ls.'" 1M vitHml.
typn of ~Ol11municalion 10 be cons idered. "Peopl e A sequence overloaded wilh dialogue can be<:omc III llot '/(Iff, llot
licipol/(M. IlIId
don ', . I"'ays npre ... their inner thoughts 100""' an - very di sturbing 10 the view~r . bu t hopefully this Can be
, 1""'1' iItIo <lot
, . Fi6<m>',
IHII~' IIwr if
..,.,., 1Il-..
discovered before too muc h of it is anim ated. On more I. Show the express ion change'
than one occasion we have tried running a sequence a. Avoid making a fast move while changing the
wilhout the dialogue track and have been surprised to e xpresSIon.
find il played beautifully wilh just the right pantomime b. Change you r expression before the move. or
md the music. A key line may be needed here and at the end, when the c haracter is mov ing slow-
then: for explanation. but the idea of the sequence ly enough for it to be seen.
lClually is communicated better. c . Do notlosc the expression change in an active
"l1Iere is noIhing wrong with dialogue." T. Hee secondary action---,uch as a hand wav ing, a
once said. "You and I are usi ng it right now. Hun- bi g ann action, or follow through on doll>e' , of plays have been writte n b.""d entirely on it!" 2. Avoid looking up for a frown. unless it is a sinis-
But somehow the canoon communicates better through ter, domineering one.
elpression than words. 3. Do nOl hide a smile with the head tilted down too
If the line of dialogue does nOl require a strong. far or behind a big nose or moustache .
ckfinite phys ical expression. it might be a warning 4. Be sure you have the right staging (0 show al/ the
~t the =ne should be handled differe ntl y. II shou ld expressions in your scene to best advantage .
be reappraised bolh for the wriling and the aClor's 5. Have you the right expression for what your
cklivery, and steps nlust be taken to im prove any weak- character is thinking? Arc all pans of the head
ness before more lime is spenl. and face related to this one idea?
Many of the sce nes will be entirely pa ntom i"",. a. Do nOI change shapes tOO much all over lhe
whkh gives the animator a chance to build the emo· face.
tions of his character in his own way. This i, more b. At ti"",s. hold oown ac(ivity on the face so
clullenging, but when done well these moments can that j ust the mouth is movi ng.
be the mo.<1 rewarding 10 the audience. This point is 6. As we were told so many ti"",s before we learned:
nicely illu,tr~ted by the story of a famous Greek actor 11 is the change of shape (hat shows the character
~'OO lo't hi, voice on Ihe day of a performance . He i, thinki ng. 11 is the thinking that gives the illu-
went on anyway. but acled only with ges1Ures. People sion of life. It is the life that gives meaning to
liked it >0 much that they said. "Oon' l tall any- the expression.
more"" Saint_Exupery put it so beautifully in his cla...ic
In ,umming up. here are some of the rule, we have line. "1I' s nol the eyes. but the glance-nOlthe lips.
learned over the years: but the smile. ,,'

17. Acting and Emotions

"In uwr (mimation we mllSI shol<' nm only rlre oNiuns "r 'euClion' 11/ (J dUl' acter, hili ..... masl picrare "Iso
tlte al."rion _ 1M luU,,/( of thou c/rartJ<"lers.·· Wall o; ~r.e1

Lropotd Stokowski rerognil.aJ Walt ', Il\I ly unK!1J<' tal_ In the animated film the~ is actually a double JIOIen-
cnl when he co mme mcd, "Wah had the imagi nation. tial f<>r th is type of pe rsona l e' pression; firSI. in the
in~ighl. humor. and sense of o..ig n to emer in to the emotions of til.: charac ter. in the film that arouse addi_
f..lin, of life of any man. anim31. lree. or .tOM and tional res ponses in the audie"';", ~nd, se<:ond. in I"'"
nute us red with him,'" From the '-ery heg illll'"g. it anistry of lhe " 'ork ilsel f. It ""'ill show in I"'" writinl
..z oo"ious till.. lliesoe f«lings o f the characters w'OUld a..... lhe choitt of the material. in the design ;ond pre'
be ItIC' !lean and """I of rhe Disney pk:tu"",. n..: storiti. sent.t""'. lhe staGing. lhe pkl u~· mak ing. 1M Y'Oice
which at first had been to ld through bits of businc.<_' tale nts. Ihe co lor, the musk- and especia ll y in the
lrld iocidenls. were !O ld 1lJ()«: and 1110re through Ihe animation , The re are the individual drawings with their
ruclion~ of the char-dCters to (hose incidents. The: ioci- elu.ive senS<ltion o f life. and there are the relation·
.OIS rMnlSe)..." rcmai.-.:d viral 10 the Slory . but how ships of all the dnowings in mo>'cnw:nt and limo: .
die ellar.IClcrs felt abour whal was happening became In Ihis book We have outlined the basic ... ills that
...-c imponam. must be rnas.t..,red if strong. clnr comrrHlIIicalion i, 10
In every an form it i . the .moIional conlcnl fhal be achic>'ed. We also have pointed out many eumpks
miLl •• rhe difference bet ...'ecn mere tech nica l skill and of fine animation that becal1le memorable bc<:ausc of
trIM: "" . The poet. scu lptor. dancer. painter. sin ger, feelings the allbt had atlout the l'haractcr alld the ~itua·
lrtlJ- all eventually can become proficient in their lion . There WaS more than jusl frowning in anier,
<.. rlS. ao;hievin8 dazzlinll mech:lnical perfection , but ~ Ihan a ~ingk expression . .... e>'en one lone COlI·
tllrir " .....1; wi ll be empy a..... me.ningl0:s5 unlo:s~ the Yineing o«nc . Tbcre was real drama wilh I"'" full p""epl ions of the anisl = communicated as range of emotions.
well , This thooght waS stated most simply by """ Too often there does ~ ....-.:m to be any real reason
~udi" alli.t when he noted tha t ma ny of the young to prolJe thb deeply into a char~cter. bu t anyomi"ion

..... ,1 "cou ld a nimate beautifully. but that isn't what he", is :lOOn ~iced. One cri tH; complained th~l a
Mrs )'OU laugh and til;,l isn't ...·hal maku lhe tears certain animated film had ~lIina more than a gallery
of paMlOns. II. the character 5 " flKC t .... itched tlll\lUgil

- ,'- --
'" I\"",C'! "'pen".", of ~'im"e'c, '" e, a'H! "'W _.. G,e,,' (,yin)! I" h.: humih"lc,l. I,~'ing tl> 1)<. aHr,·'~i~c . ....,
,,:~nt" "'we new' 1",;11 Illal "'"Y tllq'", d<Jin,.; "II Ilw", thil1,o;>' and ii', I"",),!
h Ihnc a mag;'" formula " -c h:ow !ea"",.! fo' buil,l- ,\,,,1;1 lic ' there I"~,, ;.Ikr h"", ,,,,,I ~''''' k"",,- it·,
,nv ,,',·n,·, ,'f ~"'al e""~in,, into m" l,i"WI,"" nf m,,~· n'" """kin~ allJ )"" Ihink . ""II"", ~a" ~"" ~CI it"
"'~ ,Ir~wing, wilh """,,,nal fcc!in£ II"" ,',Hl U"mlllil 11<,w , -an """ ",A,· Ih"t ~~~lI",t?"
Il,,' ,,1I1'" emolion 10 ~n 3u.!icll<"c? _... n "'>Ionbhing n"", · AnJ IlI.:n righl .... ,1 "f n,,,' he,,'. "'"WI»1,· " ill ""
I"" of people in Ihe "eld ~rt: 1101 ",,-are " I' Ih" I"Jlcn- ,"-'ill~ a ,",ene. "",I r".. " h,ief. ",ayll.:. -0 >c<-~\IIIIs
1iul. '10', acluaily. urn!c"tand how ",,;mallon ,,"orh _ {t", 1,Iamn {hil\~ ,,,m,,, 10 life I SUlI,kllly Ilmt ,,,",.,11
Even WBh n,,,'.r n;aliud whal made >ome s<:e~~ more b a woman in Irouble. and Ihi. guy is being "",111
~uc<e_"f\llihan OIIIMS. hUI he was such ~n uU l§landi ng and ~~',e rcaclin~. and you, "hok: [xing i$ """
.tol)·Ie1ler that he Imew ",h31 ,hn"ld Dc shown. whal denly f"" "n ,hal. ~nd Ih~n suddenly it di,I;'
would hold an audience. "h~t "'ould gCI a C'Cnain palc •. I n~an . """ ,,-rong "",,,d. 0"" "rong elllj'ltu-
~:lCti"n. and he could afford to pay f'lI" II", fumbling sis. and the thinjl i! go""~ ( Ihi"k. " Whal millJe IIlI1!
errors of his art i,,~ ;<.; the)' learned. ,,"or\;'! Why dict Ihal happen al IhM IT\I,),,,,,m?''
It w.s lhe supervisi ng animal<)I'S ,,'ho had 10 lind lhe
more effe<:li\"e uses C>f Ihe an iSIS' limited ahil ilic:I. That ~o[d.:n momcnt is our goal. '!"hal is "'hll _e
WOfkin~ wilh lhei, c rc"·s. Iho y .searched for easier muSI understand and r«reate in "''' own rn.:-diulll.
" '3)"$. simpler wa>'S . s tronger way'. trying 10 find tl!.: (s il possible? .... s .he animalor s i,s al h,s oks~ Ilil-'"
essence of the emenainmcnl in the . .. tnt) Ihey Wt~ ping Ihe ,jrowin~' and Ihrowin~ th~", "way and nut-
doing. And Ile,~ the)' ~i~t""c,,,d that intre~~ ingly their ing new ones. he probably sh<>uld ,,"onder 31111e3ll'
problems were in the field of acti"il _ daeily of ~n)'one proposing to duplicale an actor't
Seve",] people It the s1udio e"",lled in :\<o:t1ng dassc • . ani~lic and tnO"ing ~ rf"nnarn:c " 'ith <tnly a roIlecriOll
;e~~ing a great~l understanding of the di sc irlin<:! of e,f dra,,-ing',
tile 11le31er. L~o Salkin. from the St<:ll)' Dcpa"ment. The :lC!<Jr and the animator sharc rtI.l;ny int«W:;:
repo"ed his c~perie,,~e: 'hcy both use symb<)l; m builJ a ,har:>Ctc, in th.:~~­
laro, s mind. Cenain geSlures. altiludes. e~~"ioAI.
I besan to ~,,;;e why cenain »Copk. good aclors. and liming bave come to ronOO1e sp«ifi~ perwnloliliel
communicate and ma~e 3 ehar.lCIC. bdic,-abie. [" "C and enlOliont . S<Jm( regional. tJlh('j oni'"Cr>ll . II)'
>at and walChed yO\ln~ student actOTS . .. arnlthe~" re usin£ Ihe riShl ~ombinalion of Iht>t in Ib~ pNptL'
$a}'in, tile lines lhe 'ny they "'er~ writlen. and S«ju(n.;e , .he aclor builds a oond ,,·;tb III<: ptOpl< it!
Ihey're uying 10 be angry. or tl)' in~ 10 he sad. or Ihe audience. ~nd lhey are wiln hi",. lhey u~





- .-
bim; and if they like him they will be Ct>/IUmed about wants very much to achieve something and fails ill a
...Igt ~ns "'him. 1'11ne are tIM: an imator' s tool.:as way that hUlh him; the other C~teB ridicule him;
,,·eli. ~ ""hile the aoctor can rely 00 hi~ inner feel ings he I.ks again. fails again ; lhe .OOien« feels the IMor1
10 build his ponraYlIl. the animator musl be objecIi,'Cly and Slans 10 pull for the liule , uy ; .... hen he finally
II\IIy!ital if he is to rea<;h O\I! and tUUI:"h the audi~ nc~. sUl:"~e~$ in a unique and heanwarming """'y, c\l'Cl"}'Olle
Kath;orine Omlllanncy. in her book on acting for feeb like c heering .
~udc:n1~, hiS <kfined the ru lu arwJ the uen;; S/:s thaI It ;~ an (lId formula and the K ting c~. ,..., ele·
... lhe . ICps for lhe beginne r.> She a~ks the pel fonner me:nl al. A. long a~ lhe cenl",1 figulc i ~ sincere. his
10 ron.i<kr 1M", '1ucstiuns liS he tries 10 communicale actions can be broad and louched wit h humor wi!bout
•• ilh an audiellC(!: upKuing the patho/;. The ugly duckling' , mournful
cry of rejection was a ludicrous hook . which only
Are the t hamcters inte re5ling. li fel ike . and vivid? increa5(d the 'w:lf(no:s~ in lhe ~udicn« thaI this poor
I)u >-ou beromc emotionally in"oIwd ""ith them'.> lillie: OUtcast did. indeed. ha,'C a real problem . Lau&h-
1)0 the p'sturn arwJ ~lIXnt~ ~m sin«n: . tcr and sympathy were ron>bined in I ..'ay that or·
Wlwincin&, clear and properly nl(Jli""ted1 fe:red a high potential for e ntenainrncnl and for ""r·
l)roes *" ur lhe actiun help to delineat" 11M: charac· 5OfI~ lity deveJopllX nl. bullhere wer( no greal demands
ltl> and lheir s;Wali"n for you',' in acling .
I) the ao:;tion clear·cut. realistic. prolonged suf· By lhe linIC lhe >llIdio belj:an 5"Q .... Whiu. 1M ani·
fICiently, and eu~cla!W ("""gh to be seen by lhe malON " 'ere lM:ing asked 10 depicl much II1On: lhall
"''-ok audie",:.,? jusl happiness and sadness. Now. tMY ..~re fared
with the tM of rommuniUling ~uch subtle etn(l(ions
Undeniably . the,., are the criteria for judging any pe1"- :as love . dejection . hate: . jealous),. con«rn. and fc ....
flllTnallCc. aninlaled .... live . They sou nd ,;0 si mple • "The firS! real e Unlple of an entin: sequen« ba.<;Cd on
• 'riUen thi~ way . and an; elL'y to pin up on "",,' , pure emotion .ho\\·~ the dwarfs c lying be. ide Snow
o.>k- bu l Ii<) diffic ull to achieve . W hile 's bier: il was a trilical detis ion even to allen>1'<
Tho: demands ...."e q ui te simple in tile carly films . this t)·"" of sequence: . The supervising director was
limited Illain ly to gestures o f anooyaro« Ih~1 Iried 10 cono;cmed " that the aud ie nce would IlOl react :as we
lie " anger" and a kind affright that wished il could be hopfd il woukl . It was IlOl a mailer of \\'hal roeld siz,e
" fn r : ' G radually a kind of formu la developed for we used . o r panning . or what Chlll'a\.1er we: Cut [O-.-~ ·· p3tOOs·· the: prillX ingredient in a fitm . MlCh was lhe mood in ""h ich \\'C wanled our audience at lhe
• r ... Uti), OlKtli"t' an aPJll'al ing lillie chancier lillX .··· It ..-as imponant that IhI: vie""eB he involved ~
completely in th~ fulings o f the dwarfs_ and no one wCTe being asked 10 respond 10 these canoo" figures'
knew how this could be done with mO"ing drawings . a new " 'ay and 10 share tlleir feelings of desolation.
There were twO enormous problems. laugh 3t this p<Jint " 'ould ha\'~ de ~ll"Q~'ed the
First. the animators knew of only one way to com" concept. In the original version of this seq=.
municale an)' emlJ\ion: shu,,' the change of expression audienc:<: had laughed at a crucial $Celie of Doc
that wwld re"ea lthe charaCler"s thought process, He Dopey. AI Ihat time. Dopey began the scene s .
had to move to Stay alive. and a series of drawings bleakly with mi,ty eye_ at th~ uffstage $0011' ~
mo\'ing from one animdc to another was the only way before turning away 10 b<lr)' his face In Doc',
kIlO,," to establish the emOlioo . If he w~re secn to der. It was a touching m"ment: ho\\·e\,er.lhev;'
<hang~ from a portrayal of concern or WOfTY to one of ""p<Jnse 10 thi, ,hot of the usuull}' jolly Dupe)' .... 111 ..,
desp;!ir, or from d"spJir tu fight ing ba,,~ the tear<, it anticipator)' laugh . un. that ,!uicl l)' tUflk>J I" cUDltl'
might Ix: [""sible to make him bdiev~hlc. But that s iun and th~n cl11barrassl!l~"I. bU I by (hen (he spel hili
...·oold ma"e too much movement for thi s ~"(juence been broken Fortunately. thi, was ea,y to COIT<d ~
Ob\'iousl)' all the dwarf, should Ix: o"crcome with CUlli ng off the first part of the scene. How coold ,~.t
grief from the beginning to Ihc end , with no change of un~ have known ahead of tim.? Yuu canllOl alwaYl' tIi
ani1ll<k and as little mOve mem as poss ible . There would i, righ l (he firsl lime: many thing. do rIO! wm the ,," I
be good impact on the initial picture. but whal would they are "'talked,"
~ «"p th ~ Ow.,rfs from goin g nat an,l lifele" afte' that" There wa, an unexl"'cted I"!nll l fmm thi! CIll.
n,. OII>"r probl~m lay in the fact thm the audicn~~ ,'au,C now Grumpy was th<- onl y dwarf with ~ . .
h",l become co ndni on~d to laugh at the dwarf> when- bod y move , He had bcm the la,t tu giw in to1hep!.
,'vcr Iht)' O m >! on the M"re("n . N,)w . 'he ' i"'<""ta'n" ],,,, he '''3 )' ha'·. had 'he d""[l<'I' fe~ling,\ for her, WIit.
1:0.11 Gn"np) ",,,,,1<.1 be lhe one 10 >Ob openly al her any jilteD. bul we didn't want any shoe1.jerI;y mo~es
bin? Ik could 001 tI;,,-c pul h,s head on someone's cither- and ,,'C matched tlK unung of the teal"!' 10
slIoukkT h~( ~)'. Tru~ 10 hIS I"'rso<lalily. he must thor rontOllrs of thor f~s . Unfortunale1y. my fi~
1UIJI1,,'ay and cry alone . tear.. were W well li ked Ih~1 n1()'" teaf"!' wcre asked
"Tho anim~w.. ,,·hose a,sillnmCm wa. to make this for .• nd then c,'en SOme 011 alilhe chancte .... SOOfI
al l conIC to hf. _,a id: it lOOKed li ke the worst hay fc,'cr epidemi,' of lhe
century. II'hieh w~s 001 helped much by lhe uger
It j~>I felt h l~ they shoul<.l ~II """ 'c a~ lillie as Erfl'Cl> IXpaIlment addin~ highlighb and r<:1kc11OrlS
p"""blc TlK"" guys "wc consumed wilh g"cfand and gloMC",n, effeclS. unll l each drop looted more
,,'w ldn'l be moving around Tht)" d ha,.., strong like a mart>1( lhan a tear . At tlus potnt. ""<0 bacl etl
tnI)· a"'tude, that could be held fOf lhe moM pan. up and chminate.:l a fe'" To me. there " 'as more
and ma)'be a sagging "lOve on lhe head her<: and value in a te~r·itained roce than in all the>!' rhulet.
I ~r\:. Ju'l enough !O ~cep il alivc. E,"en a "Iiff soa king their collars. 1>01 no one could devio;e. way
~("",d 1(10 much act,on for the mood . !'rank to cr<:a~e tholt effect . w~ >!'ttled (or moiSl ~y~5. ,,·tlkh
Chu,dllil hold ,,-riHcn a g..,~ t melody that really car· they could do "cry eIT«li,-el)". and lotS of 1o'·~I~.
nt<! the ~""ncc. and "'Y problem " 'as more of 001 shinong tears running do"n tlK c!ltt ... _· ...
brcalmg the "f'Clithan cstabll~h'n~ how OOdly any·
""" fell Sad eye •. slow blin~' .• nd a few Icars llIc"" dc<-i.ions pro,·cd to be: righl for lhe ~lICCncc.
....ere all thai w", needed , especially the dedsion to Keep the dwarfs in nearly
So "e drew "cry carefully and packcd in"! ""ny .. held " posilion •. 11>eir su!ldued attiludes rontribuletl
inbct"cen. as we pos"bly cuuld- we didn'1 want more 10 the " 'orking of the ~uence 1han ""e ",.h/.cd
It the time . Undoobtroly. Walt was a big influell« in done as in the dwarfs' se:QUCntt. but, sira it
this 11$0. for he had " 'riuen in his famous meroo to illustrated wllat. ha~ned , il could not i nvoh~
Don~m in 1935,' ""The animators(\on't make the audience . This is a vivid o flhc i
held pos;t;on~ and the reluro i'OS;tion~ exp«:ss any- story Structure: in i ,
thing , 'IlleY try to <k> ~II tile expression with the parts These "ueial feelings of Ihe characters cln
that an: rooYing- whereas tile body should enter into trayed in many different ways . Iksio:b usin, the r.tN!:'
it." But the dwarfs did not let Walt down by making lUre: of the Story de~nts. there is the gJ11p1tic prnn-
My rllse IOOVC$ . "The .ud;"ncc cried for the first time !.lIion: the layouts. the se:tTinp. the cuning. the suglJll;
during In animated cartoon . 1<1"".
and lhere are: ali tile fllCe!.< "r the animation: the
'!lie film Bambi contained anutller reaction to death th~ expressions. tile dialugue, the attitudes. StO!)'.
-{/lis tillle v~ry real- as tile young f~wn lost his graphi~ pre .~ntation. and auimation arc import_
moIlIer to. hunter s oollet , A sccne 1001$ animated of enough 10 be eoosidered .~paralely .
th< dI", Klual1y being shot in the middle of a kap,
Ihrowm~ bock he. head and crashin~ to the groond
where she lay col1~psed in the snow, hut it was CUt OUt
when we found that the sequentt played bene. in the
imagination_ EYeryone sensed tile dln~., knowing
When the Story is well designed. the emotions of.
characters " 'ill be so logkal and natural that Imk dtor
tho: huntcrs were near; and wilen the shot "'as lleard II should be needed 10 make them ... ark ""ilh an .,.,
did not mane. wllethc. you knew the mother was do:ad eoce . The wise: storyman, ho,,·e,.., •• also " ',1I1en
or ...'lIetller you wcre IS innocent as Ibmm, returning how to uSC animalion rT100fe effecti"cly. ~od [11'0"-
to search for her , h was powerful eithe. way. TM tiny opponuni!ic~ for dramati<.: g",phies in the ""':;tnt.....
figure in the midn of the huge t=$ helped I'" feeling The best example of a great sequence crated tf1tI'dJ
of oYCrpOWering loss. and the Quiet of the forest al this by story is found in Cind..,ellu. as ':::,::.~::
point contribuled 10 the: se:n~tion of loneliness. The a~lItS. The girl has run inlo llIe ~anlcn
best idel. howeyer, catlle ,bout by lICcident. When the long ,hot and is oow ..-..bIling wilh her head In
stag appean:d. he was too much uf a s hock . visually. arms: her friends. the mice. are staring dumbly.
We wanted him to be impressive with a feeling of ...·ith the horse and the dog. and the I
wisdom and com~sion . InslCad.1Ie somehow looked found in the tiny s panlcs of
ominous and threalening. He had 10 be in the SCQIIC'ntC vening on the: spot where the Godmother
in some form. so the decision was made to CO,'er him Yet. everyone in the audicnce has I I
partially with faliing s now. lightly at firs!. tllen Ileav · and it gets bigger and bigger as tile sceTIC
ier and lleavicr. so that in the final scene tile stag This is all due to the: ure:fu l story
wO\lld he only !lalf vis ible . The snow al$O added an preceded this point in the: picture . The people
immense emotiooal dimension 10 lhe " 'hole sequcnce . audience know this girl, and what she ...'JIlted.
We looI<ed at each Other and ~id. " Why didn ' t we how she feels at this time . They al$O know' ~'~=
think of that in the firsl place?" and what they were Il')'ing to <k>. aod "'hen th
Twenty yea~ later there was another ""queocc of COmeS tllere: is nothing rIlIJr<: to be said.
clwxte~ crying over the appare:nt do:ath of a young scene of Igirl..-..blling, the helplt",neS!i in~::~
girlu the thrtt Good Fairies bade a \Canul farc .....,11 to her friends. Ind the magical 'ns"'er 10 ali
Aurora. the sleeping beallty. Here. however. the stot')' Quietly forming before lIS are all that is
SlnlCture: lacked the ingredients that would h.a~ allo"-cd wanted. Anything Il1O!l: ,,'ould be an ;ntTUIIOII
this to be a scene of Strollg emotion . The chalKter Another sequence that re: lics more 00 1tory
relationships were not as imponan1, and there was animation is the one of Snow '::'i:,,~:'~.::'::
lillie concern Over the fairies' attempts \0 thwart the: ihroogh the woods after she lias left the
tvil prophocy. lltat point was not fdt to be the impor. This revcals more of Walt's se:nse of hovt. I
tant one in thi s later film. The animation was as well should play and includes . ,"ery dramatic ""_"
IhrootJ>out. but it a,ks hnk of the anllNnOl'. h 's an I .... """'I JWN ,,,wliM.
dfoxm 'c ~q~ncc. arou . ing grcal em~ion in lhe ,..-n· I",I~ ..""~..~~, i.
tlu,I~,1 W",,"om ,h~ mocd,
,'It",er by thrusting hlln into the . ituation along ",ith
Cm,I~"lIa' J/, i.ndJ ~""c~
110: ,nl 11 .. lhe (veil!' that oo;eur r:llhcr than lhe h.lpI,ul.,' ... ,A. "'01:..".
",.ng I~ ,n"olve h'''' ,n lh,s KtW'ly. bulthe CQn.l(!. h'a",d ,,,1 b~,i.. ht,
milK.'" are JUSt a, ""la,led arKI romplicaled . h.",1 m Iw, a"~S, 1'h. "'mn
flow kIn& <Joe. it take 10 build Snow While ', lerror'! tIC.i,,,, <"<Imi." "',"" '''''8ir
'pa,ll.. • 1",,1,' I'''''''rln,
fbo,. ...."y ,ncidenh do .... e nud tQ ,hock and scare? '0 /""" ,h. r~". Good·
Do""(C IO!IC or ga in by .ho""ng. '" her ",,,,d . the log • """hu
.. Ille "ate. Ihal appear 10 become c"",oo ,les with
....k-<lpCn moulhs~ The fao:s ,n lhe t=, are terrif)"ing
I(lbolh the awhcoce and 111.: gill. bulilmo.' lon& should
II", be allo",~d 10 go on. beyond making lhe point of
.1Ia1!he ,s '<'« 'ng? II" .... ion& ,hoold she be on the
JfOUnd. oobb,ng. after lit<: lem)r and p,an,e m the
.'OOds. bcf,m: , he see, Ihe eyes", lhe dark-eyes Ihul
JD'oIualJ)' become innocent hllie an 'mal s~ The 3ud,·
an IS more Illan ready f"'the hU1I\"'lllal wmn as.
n:1..'" "'hen lhe anllnal> arc cunou. aboul Snow
While. arKI even a lou ie frighlened of her, Thi. is an
cumple of lead,ng .he aooieOCl: Ihrough COIlln.,;hng
rmoIoon<. and ,i, 'ng Ju,t enough lime 10 titCh. wnh·
('lUI movins 100 fa.1 or becoming redundanl Imlll",1 Ihan lhere would have been if he were only a
"IlIe!'. are ""'n)" "a), a char""ler nlaY be Iland~ ,n vISual 'ymbQt of a killer. The executIOner ,n Robin


I film. arKI ' lIS largely lhe responsob.lny of the story· Hood had no such role 10 play. so he ,,"35 ~ omi· S_ Wloir. ~
"'*" 10 delcr",,"c Ihe mOSI effcClI"C u<c of the role. If nou, by be,ng complele ly im~r!iOnal. His Judgn"'nt ,A./o,," lit
11101)' call> for the !IIa,n ellaractc. 10 be threatened by ,",'as not in",lived IIllbe tlttosion to chop off Robin's
d..d..ome k,nd ofl,ller must be ,mroducc:d. but "hal head or 10 let h,m go. and lhe ~ he ""Is presented UJtfiJ stqW01
typo: of )X"1'ltI'n he is will <!epend upon Ihe way Ihe as only a profc.~'onal. With no emotions. and not even i" ,A • •,ory/>(
laOlC> are (:{)IICe;ved ~ Hum sman m Snow Whu~ a face sbowina belund h,s mask . the greater the erroG- _Iic Jttqlnt ,
bcnmt ~ real by hl'ong a wn:c:stion of persona II · tional ,mpact he Ilad on e'-nyboojy . ~ JlI,n. the s...,.• .-bii
(lIrihltk. /100 rII
I) Hu. a'''gnmenl "'"10. more Ihan he rould do. as ,I sequence had n01 been built for nld"dram~ up to th, s voIvt rM oJMdj
lIomOO OUI. and ther~ w"-' more drama In hi' mner poonl. S''''C th'~ lighlheancd vers,on of lhe populu I."",.


, . •

• • •
• ~.

- .... ,i
. , • •

. :'*\. •. .......
"' .



- •
legend reqUIred only a momentary s iluauon " ' ilh the e~p«ss,on. lhe antmalOr ",n be qu!!e hmned
hero as a ("apli~ , lIo..-e'"<'r. lhe ~inisler fedings Ihal the ~tory is bu,lt so that the chal"Kler rel'eals
lhe s.eque~ did ha,'e ....'ere almosl solely dependent feelin~s in .... hal he doe> and ho"" he does ''''-'~~'ooJ
upon Ihi$ chuao!;lcm....lion of lhe: C1""III~r. the clO!;C-lIpl only for cn.phasls--tbc ~no:~ ~
Klilors can ~ pRscnled in many other "·a)~. each Irlppong and cnleruining

c()rllnbuting ib own values 10 lhe Slory. If the ~"" i5
lhown enlirely through the k,l1e( ~ c)·es. re"ealing c'"Cn inner .trogslc. becau§(
more ofhis own fechngs (or lack o f feclings). lhe", is .:oroc,§( is an inherent cauj:C
MIll anochcT dimenslOfl 10 the: sequence . I1lls pel'Spec- Ndly and lose credibihly MOIl: t
u~e ,s often used. especially on li"e aclion. because il 109 and c1pen analySIS often ,s Jleeded to keep
can sIIow how rold·blooded. how methodical or dia- feeling of s ioccrity . A spedal effort on::::~
bolical the killer actually is: " 'hich. in lum . builds fW1 is ",qulred to find JU>! the rilhl =1Ie$1O
more roncnn for the ,nlended vi<;tlm . Qnc, approach is the Ilt'e'ded CmotIOllS. bul II is ..-orth !he dfon
no h,mer !han aOOlhc:r. since lhe key factor is ",-hat queen inS"",,' Wllllt'",-u ~ndled
worb best for Ihe specific ~ilUation and what re~tion was Ihe stepmother in Cm<ltrtlla. and
is ,.'anled from Ihe audieroce. ("Ited ,,·cll. Roth depended on can:ful
If a iCene calls for showing tellSe emotion~ such as ing animalto!!. and fla"los iCene
angu,>It. scorn. h,llemess. or cnvy " 'ilh only facial lhem coo,·.,lCona: but " " til the
Pri,..~ Job. i" R obi~
11 00II. IHlsn 011 ~ ,,,,di·
,1(H14/ 'YfH D/ ••i,II. D/.
1~"dJl~xibilil)' ill 'M ""1J
Iris /H"""alil)' rould H
d4ill~4. Th~ ... il fiai'J
Mal~fi~"'. ill Slupi",
.9t.ldy. lrDlall oIDof.• -
-.... .,..alII)' It> hn tkJi,,,:
if sIN IrDI H~" """" oJ
"';,Ir 'M - - ' ~J ill
,""'" sJoDpn ,...,. t I r - r
I~ _14 Iur.e """
,." .

~depended on Ihis meliculous Iype of work. Ihere was the \ksl,n. the settings. the tolor-all of the pictorial
100100 way 10 do it . As the anilTUltOl'S slid. " No fun oomponc:nu. Their goal is to build I mike-believe
10 do. but n«ded for the pictu~!" world around \he viewer. makin, him feel a o;enain
Makrlm\t.\he evil fairy in SIffpi"l 8~, ~ way about w... he ReS . EVft)' Kelle must say its
lief redinp in a II'IOR dramalic mel flamboyant "''lIy. ~ (learly with no oonfusioft and 110 00Illndic-
~ Ihc: "yle of w whole plUeflUlion relied on tions, but it mu5( iQve something to be imapncd.
design. roIor. and ~geanlry. This WIS ren«IN in her In Bambi. there is I stirring fi,hl btI_n two mile
_menls, which gave the anilTUlLOr slighlly more deer . Beautiful anirmtlion Willi done of the battle, per-
lIIilude and freedom. bul it was Sli ll an e<jually de- fect in draw;n, and movement. but IIOmehow it was
mncIi", drawln, assignment. The J«1IeS were impres- not e.citin,. 'The plan had been 10 draw the audience
1M wilhoul losing believabilily. JUSI as muo;h inlensity inlO the fiaf\t by showing dose.. ur- of horns and hocwa
"ellJ(llion Wlii shown by Prince John 1R Robi" H ot;;d, and $trlining muscles. yet iC'eing I II this tended 10
IuIllliuequcncc was Slr\lctured for humor, 110 \he ani- make it m.lller-of-fact . Walt had the answer: trellle •
Mar could oonccnllllie on \he upres$ions and IIIli- mood. make \he scenes dark and drunati<: , kt every-
-.b IIlOre than intricate dnwin, . .... s I rewli, il was thing CO bI..:k. ~ the lillie pltU. and define the
_ fun for the animalor. characters only by "rim li&htin,.· · Use the music: and
Thrsc chl~ters ShoWN haired Ind 5OOn'I in their wuncl eIT«" instead of all that dn.wing. Immediately
OIIo'n way, bul in a convincing manner. They were Ihe sequcnce became tense and thrilling.
equally enle"aining, bUI they were in no way inler_
dWlgabie. which points up the imponance of the
!IOryman's knowing his thanrK:tefl Ind buildiOl& his
1lirNtit-$ through them .

Graph ic Presentation
Most of the examples we h.avc di5(USS/:d $<) fill' have
IlOl menlioned that each required In uceJlence in lhe
]ft:SCntation of the idel in addition to !he story work.
So:ldom is emotion C$t.blisht4 on til< ",reen only
*oqII Slory, graphic an. or animalion by itself. Here
~ are Iot.,...tin, them in an Ittempt to undtrstand the
u_ of the oonlribution from eadl. " Gnphic pre-
_ion" covell \he cuniOl& and uqinl, \he planning.
cal Ways
I Can Build Emot ions

tions of the Audience

R"i>l 'he '~ml"a1i"n '"

m«" f\ ''''ph;IIg /';gX'" a",1
,""'0 ~"'g""''' "'h"n ."""
",," ""'''8""ml,-,.·

I . RI;;A R VIE W ~k c p L n~ Bcaul)',

The I"'Q im"",' look ()ll ;'''{) lire ,/"""", an" ,/,NIItI IMt
!"i!'(lle ,irl''''"', Sill"e Inti' fuling. are be"" 1""'8''''
Ihan Ib ... ""uid "'" Iw ,ho~-n ill d~,,,i1. Ihe ~"di",,,, d,,,,,,,,
a lo"~ with tMm

4 , OVERLAYS The Ju ngle Boo. j ]) R A ~ tAT I C LAYOUT The U~ I ) bu,-khng ,

B"/",, i, ,/e>,I"''''''-/y ,wr,h",sj,,' M""'SIi " 'I", hw jU>I ,"" O\WII<I~'I'''''X ,'h~ I"'" ",,,I a 1'~1h oj ~ction ,~owx J."'n drt
Q~'Q)' . Ha"i"~ Haloo p""jally em'",d b\' 'he ,,,,,,,,·h.,
in hill J,m" ~,I<I f{) 1M julln8 oj dep," as 'ht U8",DIri.
Ih. /xl"kS,,,,,"d ml<k" a more "w"rdin~ .<C'"' Ihan In'lng /in8 sIQ~'I,' ~'"Iks a~-a." Th, !"mmmi of h;, j",;"~, r.w.
10 rim'" his d;'''m.~hl jaa . on ,he 10,'0'" th,,' mali •• him 1",,1i >m~1I ,md d"o/aI,


WITII CA~ I E R A MOVES 101 D.lma,i.n,
~W"' np"";rm,, wm,OI he ,""n~lhe""i h" 1II000~me"t,
I"Slrad oj'"''''inS Ii" ,'hamu", ",;,""/w,·"julilli( "jau;,·.
ii,' ~..,. ,whl"',,, by , /(,,,'/.1' /1101'11111 1M """,r,a _ III ,'u's
"IS' , ",«'k;n8 ;1110 " dQu, .,"" "j 'he ,i,,~ ' ,. co'n,
1. SHADOWS Sao"· While . J . SIlAIXlWS OVI;R TilE CIIARACfER Bambi.
SlNuJow. a,~ ulul/II)" as,M;m~d ~·"h .u.~~ ,~ ,wd dmmu. F,,/j~, k''''rh~. "l/Mfi",d as 8m"h; fighl$ off lhe ;nrrwk,.
r~q caa ruM ;au,e.1 ,wd '."';~'). ", U co",;nu;,}" ~·hil, Th, ",dU""al of ,10, .';Ium",n IS Mil" ron.~)·~d by 10"
",,·m, ,h~ tom, nud~d /(J d"",· all ,h~ dm,,/ on elul,· ,,·IoQ/~ "1"'O«i~. "';110 110 •• Io,,,/.. ,,·s ..f Ih~ ac"on pass;ag "'"'I
"'rt' . h,r. Ih"a ;1 <.. uld h",·~ bun hy JU"
';"n ,,~ her file•.
,h. e.. nu'acJnp'~J.

6 PICfORIA " Sl tOT Cindcrdl3 7. EA'-cCfS ANIMATION Bambi.

CmJ",II .. nwi been pr"·,,,"·d f'Qm lIo;nfl w ,10, ro}",,1 ",,/I. Fine an;",,,,;on of for",s fro'" nalu" caa ,,,abU, h a mood
1/" tua '/)HII'PO"""'"nt U besr mmmu"i,·"uJ h.l· 110, m· dlh" b,. s)'mbo/;sm or ./ww,ng "'10", 110. char",.",,, JttJ.
"",,,II<;=ed '.;'M" '>/ Ih~ e",,/~ ,,·hu, .h~ 'nM" '" M . A 1><".(. Fol/jng ,ain. a flo,m. app,oaching fiff "'ill quieti,. Uro',
t"",nd ,,-i,h n ." ,ong mQr,J nm "w, difficull "m","'",a, <I"'ng f •• lings, Th, "a,k <0/'''' of ,lots. aulum" Iw.'es
forn,1I ,h. ha,shats. of ,h.
(lI'prl}<1chiag k'ialrr,

9. OFF STAGE SOUNDS Lady aad (he Tramp.

No animation i. nud.d on " c()mpr~h.nsi,'~ .hOl of 'Ilt-
10t."()1~ 'J Dpp'oprial~ ,-ounds con Iouild 'mugts;n 110. i""'gi·
am;on, Th~ em'ana 10 110, dO/l pmmd in Lady o.nd (he
Tromp loots for/",n ,lad mOl<,nfu/ ,nou/lh. bul i, ~,"" 11m,.
ing 'M h",,'I,~g and ,10, />a,klng and ~'h;n;ng 0/ 110. dot.
Insid, Ihal "oily 1Oi<llh. Jlory.
III Th.· Re''-''Ns. 11Ie", ,. I' >-cry IInr"rlanl >«:110 on
Ih~ rlWrboal of llie li ll!c ~;r! kaylO~ the min oJl~
"U all"IC".s Medusa aoo ,1.,,.-1)' .. ~Il"'j! up the >Uin 10
,lie ,.....; k . Slie h3' ju,. h.,,,,n I>;Idly hUll by Jolcduu'.
,,~UI)U ' remark ... WI." ",w~ld ",;"" a homely linlt rill

like you?" "00 is tl~h"n~ i):Id tile t~ar< as..t1C .."Ib

"", inll) the nig:hl. II w~' (k~ ,d(",1 thai lhe n",,' .ffe<;.
tive way I() pia)' the .<ccnc " -,,,,1.1 1>0: from ~ rcar .it,..
On the d i ml~' lit ,("ir •. rcaturi"~ her ,.~'), yoon~ arc:
a,><J her helrl""".", Once ,,,, ,kcl .•he i, bailltd"
'o()fl n.o.... hghl_
Whc-n , lie r"""r~ " -3' ~ompkl~-J "e ,•.-oodernl if OiC
h3ll made lhe he,1 dloO .. ..,~ Would ,( ha''C: ~n bc1""
,r Ihe .!aIN·tU had ~n ~"'nl'!(ld~' d;lft . ju~ • I/lI:kk
ofhghl commg down Imm aOO\'e. "" Ilk (1)( girt" i add
,ho"'n onl)' In .ilho\oc(lc·! Tlie "Ioatlon called for lhe:
",,'nges( ,,,....-xl ,,~C(>ul,1 cn;'<ic . When we <3'" IReo(
_'("~ne, comp leted in <<,In. 1,00 in c"'''inully. tilry did
IlOl ha" e lhe "i,,,,,1 "'IP;"," .hey cnuld haH had. n.e,
",,'(I'~ dark ~nd "d""m)' . bu. l1l)I IIrJmaloe _ Pertup.
wa. nul a 1'1:>0..... 10 be IIK'«' drJttl>"c. and ~"'" _
,ilhoucm' lream",,,, .. ouk! nul have ~en lilr be>! "'IJ
",Iher. hUi ",,'e ,(ill ""<lIlIk,
In co",m,1 10 lhe bc"",fil. "r rd leuin~ I~ >p<ctI.
10<> ,c~ cvcrylhing. lhere m\' OII",r (ime" whon forrin,
Ih~m I,) loo~ aI ccna i" delllCIl,. mi¥hl <",ale Il"IOIe
,i"lal excUell",nL \\'h~" th,' 'I,oecn in 05",,,,' W~jlt
IIra"~ II", ",!lion, Iha. ,·han!"'.! h..• inlo an ok! .....
11",,,· '"'' e mo. io",,1 in,-"h'cll",m Iw:~au,.." or lhe: In!
<>1 It>t unk ....wll . Wa" ' hm¥ Ih" .Jr.",,,'oe ct..nrr lid""
)ou. ' -c,) eye, hekl you '1"'lIhn"oo;wd a li"k oppe.
Ilcn.,,·c or "hal you m,shl "..., n.'~1 Wh:1I "'ill w
tum InlO1 Will;1 he "'n"'th"'~ hllle""," Will [ .... Olla
look at ie '("hi, sectiun "a, Cui 0'" uf lhe ric'u", I.
~"'~tk:n as bcin~ t<Xl f.ightening for c hildren, ",'hich
pro\'(, Ihal. right <II' ",ong. lhere ,,'a, a Siron!
lIonal upori.""c in lhe pre;':n,allon of tho !Nterial.
Another frightcmn~ sencs of sc.""s ;" lou..! ..
P"w..chio in !he "'-"<I""ncc on t'1(:l>ure I>bnd Oibm
on''''re("',n~ boy. are chant-...'1l mlo d"nle)" in pay.
men! (!'Ir a mgh! of run "fhl>" a ,' be ... he", e.cc1leit
i,ni"'J""" added e'~!'1 111"", Ihan had Ix..,n rx~.
hut II w," the cOI"bin;III"n ", II", ,,,,gin~ and pl"nn;1ll
So,",, """W,,,,,' ""c"me mo,,- /"-,,,w/,,/I>I' ,h""·,,,. ,,1I11r< 1!l al lIIad~ Ihl> im[X,,,,bk ,~lInation "" bclicvobk and
J,'",,1. TI", ;, I~",;,- "I"d, '''". ,d,,,~ ff"'~'C '"
!.i.,"" " j~",~,· ..1 lI"~ "H~ ,,,..II,,,,,,'~I "·"111~ 1/" 'I"""" ," """"Y , The n...... lhad I>,,~n "~IIC,I "'llh lbe ""'....
•",,1.,111. ",., ",.,.. ,m old , ~'IIA,-,,',I ~ ," A ," ~~ ~ I,,~o,.t ,t.;'l"'le", ~II bl..::~ . I••:.,b" "'.km ....
iV, ~"trhM />,nouMo·s/,;,<ul I...",p ... k k tw,,, i~ t"" d""*q / .. "","'m. ,h, /aulus ...""Ur. "" PI.IM,,", Islaltd ""'..
riPt 1HftK, 0." ""S. miN. /'i#h.. "'~ 1>«,,11>, ...... «JOt/II "'" SU ...-100 ,Iwy """t.

"-en: dos ,ng ,~ gates and <;r.I,ing ,~ <k>nkey~ . • nd 'The audoentt became involved in .~se
scenes be-
Ihtn. greal voice IntCk. along with t~ realistic han · cause of it~ unde~landing of the chanct~~ and tho:
dling of t~ backgruunds. lhe eff""ts. 'he shad(>ws. f",,'ing~ .ha. were so familiar .0
everyone:. Bu•• here
and all the oktails. kept the audience so in"olved that an: other way. of involving the vie ,,'crs bcsi<k$ get.
Iht'r e)'('s never left,~ ~reen . T~ woole film would .ing .hem.o identify with,c cha.ractcrs. The
!Ia'e been 1'0 much ,,·taker and flaccid without this (\evil in ,.·",,'m;,,·s
"Night on
Bald Mounlain" was
nnouon.1 f;U'g<: to give" ,ho: necessary importance anything bUlsympathelic. and his feelings"~ bc)'Olld
aid 10 make tho: fantasy so S1imng. our C(M1'P"'~nsion. yet the 5ttne5 invol"ed the audio
ences. drew them in. caused t ~m to react to wh ••• hcy
Animat ion- A cti ng were SC<!;ng, To poin' up .he difference. one ha~ ooly
!o imqine lhe I'I'nsalioos th:J! would have been arou§Cd
The .tOf)'m.n can devciQp tho: right business for tho: if. during .his a wesome ri.ual •• young boy and girl
dwxte. 10 perform. and t~ director and layout "Ian had bttn $Cen as t"''O liny figures Il)'ing \0 climb.he
tall srage 1\ and ma1<e ,he presoemation graphically inner walls o f that vokanic mountain w'!hou. being
Alwyong. but;t is the animator " '00 mUSl thinkdecply di5COvcred . or Jl"map:< progressing deeper into thl'
,nlO I~ personality of ,~ can oon acl0rS. Each must fiery cauldron on some importune quest. Your ~an
be handled differenlly. because each individual will would be in your mou.h as you tried to sca le those:
upress h,. emotions in his o wn way . s.oocs wi.h them. and you would jump at each sign of
The ~If•• ppoinled Ie""'r of the dwarfs. 00<.:. would possible dete<:.i"" . You rex. /0 .he evil el\arx' tn. defiance in a way d,ffercont from that of Grump)'. but ,... ,h .~ sympathetic charxreo;.
He " 'QUId hase blustery. ""'""ou, movcmmu. and take 'n.e ",me is true of C rucll a deVil in JOJ Val",.,·
shoner ~tep" . He never w(>Uld , wing hi s am'~ ,.. ,;am. and she is a comic villain , ~w ofuscould share
GllImpy did in his defiant walk after Snow While had her comJRIlsion.o skin JRlppies .o make a fur rea •. yet
kissed him . That walk. and t~ gradual stop as ~ we wen: ron'pktcly involved in her sequeOCC$. Because
sm,led. showing his true fedings. were pan of the an· of OUr fa~ ina.ion ",·;.h her uplosive Jl"l'SOrullity and
ful deloneatl"" of a pel1lOllahty in boIh S10f)' and ani. our enjoyment of ~r .... tlandish beh<lvior. appearana:.
matK)ll The COO<:\'ptlOfl was thorough in all respects : and x'ions. i he was funny wi.hout losing ei.her her
tile stag,ng of lhe e xJ"l'"''''''. the use of fundamental menacing quality or her audience . Whe.hcr people
prlnc,ple, like squash and stretch . the amount of time lhought s he was horrid , <idieul(>Us. or wonderful. they
u",d to soow cach emotion before moving Ofl to the all Sa. cnr~plured .
nut one-.~se soow anima. iOfl at its. bes!. In t~ "",x. example . " 'e arc involved through our
3f'p.....·'allon "r • ~'tuatl"" ~nd ,h~1\'" the ""n>aI_ <i
Ihe, Ilut wnhmll .n~ ",n"" o( K1enllfl(1lt..
wnll hll" 'In"" the c:"~ "ill, Ihe ralher UIN'r)r)'
lch:lhOO CI~ne ., he rKk,' lhe 01..1 plo"",,,,,,, 1010 tho
lerror.. of Sleepy Hollov. Thai ""lUCoct ,""'<Ie .......
tur Blaine Gil>-.on OC"':IIJc 1<1 k.,·c Ihe l,ff""1< l)qr.In·
nrcn t rur the dram,"i,' dla llcngc< or characl.r ani",,·
nun The ,u I"'Ninuu, khal>uoJ ~~t' i"'rt~I~P7
'lg1l31r<J the farther he prl~n:.,..:, m,o ,he "'~\oorI. t-
h.. ,Ic.:py " ,~~d IS b,,,d~ al~n cn"u~h 10 ,t3Y awm, k
reminded BlaIne of h" o"n e~I"'ric",e a'\ a boy ill
C.Slern Coloradu, "kh.;d..Id, and Ih" I'rorse. ud ..
gU) "h".hn~ - this" ~ ,'moon. but I can (n~llIa
s,,,,,, .(U~ ~., Jut" khaM ,,"h Ihis gU) bttau!ioC I' "C bo:~n on a horse OIl' on the
Cr. n~ (/9491 b.\ Jo. HI · farm al ni~hl wIM::n I ,",'anled to """lie. b....,.ulot I'~
nuld. J<N hud Q pai, fo,
bold. drolfl6llC" .,a ~ m (("Ill
he.,d S<.IIlloC' ""''''' and I wouldn', kilO" ,,11M" ,,_
..... Id "",k. ("<I"...... ~Iotl , · and, ai§/), lhe Wll) lhe horse ",em ~ Somebod)'lOOllll!
(I~,." fir inlO Q"'Uom••n· lrouble 10 .n.l)'le , "hal ho~~ look lik(. liloottd
\' i '''m,'''''' ~u r mil
U U ",lIy. hke a horse The"" an: II", lhmg' .hdl, to ""', /NIle ..
d,ITcrcne" betw«" ~ood and 00d an,1fU11OII II's UIl·
Ing lhe lroobk 10 pul Ihal hnl" Ihl"~ '" !~~ ," Tk
~n;llIalOr ,)" Ihal parl,,'ular "ee!i"n had 11ldi.~ kIlO".
hor..:" and hoc hood sullered " ......, than h.. .~ rI
mISt""'''' ",~n~",,,. In tryin~ lu gel un~ve
nag~ to behave like Ihe ,",'orrd.:r hor"" (\f I~'

·rhi. po,nl In the poetun: (cn.,nly ILao.l bn.n wei
loIructU.-..'<l m the ,'ury <I<,'(;lopm.."" dn.!ln. prt\ftIl'
"orr w., ""ell "1Il~d h) the SltU"!I,,", bill It "',. tI,,:
:mtnmion iN:lf Ih:LI carned .,••hellCe, aloog, They
sa", 11M:: r"ar ,n kh.ahOO '. ~Y'" and In hI> ""holt . .
lude. 300, ;0., he Ii<:h'<l h" hp> an.! .""al/ov.'td. 'iItJ
cI!utd f"..,1 lhe >Cn,alton of the dr)' moulh r".... ILiI
e ~!",,,,,,, apl""h~nsion The ",US"""",, 011", WJI/iI:(
matk an .. roormous comnbuhoo '" hen 1M: 'tt:Oi<ltd ..
!)'A'n ,,'h"lhug for khabod' ~ f""h'" an(mp!~ I() k':qllp
hIS courage U~ he nmc closer and closer 10 pame,lId
1M MOry man Joe Rtn.. ldi I\;l(l dono: " ma!4CIf.

A"'''Ar'''' f ·mnk T""-J_
khabod Crone (1<11" ("Om ·
hm,d ...·lIh Mr . Toad j
T~ 6 ft/ _ I", cam', ,~
id,a. " ' ''P f~"h,. ..·<lh
mo" ell" l/iI·,n 10 siu
T,I~liOltJhlp. and .,~cijic
bt..!,It"J .

'leri(, s of drawings nploring every possible position

for a tall . skinn y man trying to hilk on top of I .
So the animator had great help in gelting started. oot
the burden of the development and the (nt(Mainn",nt
in the acting ~s\(tj o n hi~ shoulders aloroe .
()nc(, the lIeadless .I<neman appeared . tilt ...·hok
Ill()(ld changed \0 ....·ild. tumbling. comic panic. with
both Ichabod and his 00rs.e frantically defying all tho:
natural I."" of weight and gravity-in a very belie",,·
ble way . The sc r«n fairly exploded with their fedings
of d~spe,ation as they $ Iithe~d and scrambled on thei,
bellies. the IIoors.e ~ low thaI the ,ilk, was half.riding
alKl half· running hims.elf. The viewers did 001 !"tally
care whether IchabQd gOi away or not , but they we~
complcldy caught up in the ucilement of the cI\ase
oM '"~Kf''' ,,~ and were thuroilghly involved ill the whole .i1lI31;,,,..
iii ~K!or !It ••';1<1
'I' Iii. H~<J4i,..
." Such ~uel1\'cs arc I"'rli"ubrly ,,;ck y to 00 OCc. • .e
M, By 'hi' rfmc. ,., oJf Ihe need for Ihe lemf'<' 10 be maimai....-d .11;1 tbi:'
j 1'<'~k Wfl.' .'0 ih'
, nclion 1U be,'""", "">re an<! m",,, len..: . '"-, lhe""
, a~d;,",.. "~II/d will buil,j "oJnlinuously 10 ~n ever·grealer rilrh ;:/
btU,,·, M< I,.~"
cxdt~mr m , An ,Io;I;On thai i. juS! h>O ,low. or a cOOi:e
~rl Q h,,,,, Jll r;"~
of"" Ih"l is too ordinary. c"n Kill the ovd
"fleet. Story SlruclUre canm" do much I" help in Ibis
,a,,", The la)'OUI~ "nd S<!lting.< an,j Ihe cuUin~ ploy.
ll'klre impo!1am I"In. al,mg wilh the conSlan! e'pm'
memalion. ",..,.".,(jnn. and revision ,'f III<: "ni"",I;"".
The se~ucoce musl bc keplloosc until il re.Jly~
In Ci"derdla. (hccre WaS tile cI."i, se<.Jucoce of!wo
mice Irying (0 carry a larg~ and heavy ~ey up (wo lonil l
flights or stairs in order (0 frc:e Cinderc:lla from ber
room before (he Grand Duke had left wilh tt.e gI.m
slipper. The characters had lxen well embli.,W so
that (h~ir determ inat ion anoJ emotion, w"re quilt de..:,
but the (ension of Iheir (r~m"n,jou; dfort. wlIichl:)!_
hau'l~oJ (lie audience aimoSI as much as (he mice._
all in the animation, No one coul,j ,lcn y that lltt~.
taro", shared (he sen timents of IOC cartoon rtwacJtn
comple lely ,
Back in 1935. Wah had asked <om" rr<wocatil'll
~ues(ions about jusl thi, Iyl'" of action_ "Wll<:n_
one is lifting a heavy weigh!. whal do you fecl'Do
}'O U reel (hal <,lIlll;:thing is liJbl~ til C~.lCk any ,nmUle"
and ,jrnp <lown"! Do yO" kelllM t.<....·"u"" "f(t.. pres
sure tt,, -, go\. he's going 10 hlow np. Ihal hi~ l;;ce i
going to tum purple. thaI hi s cycs "rc going [()IM
""I "I' It",;r ',lI;: kcts. that IOC ("""k'" in Ill<: ~rm is
lerriflc that IIe' s going (0 'map''''
Fifl"en years Ia(cr. (heS( qlt~Slion' we", "'e n iQ
swered by Woo li e Reithcrman ~ he animattol .
sequence, 'There ii no doubt that tM key was too
for the (wo litt le m;ce . (hal the pre»ur: 011
mentally and physically. was (remrndous. t~"' 1I
. JCM S;blt)' -
MltJN> 0; khabod

,d ~'ilir i'"'' b,;,h

;J rid" '0""'/>/'
iclli" I,; ~""", 1M
,,,,,r<i ofIk H_i-
""""'~ . A~i""no'
"'jw,,"i</ "",t, "",I'
lilt.'" '" " 'd 1/, f,.>.
GUS'S e)'es could bulge OUI of lheir SOCkc:IS or W<)fn<ln . She could do nothing but ren"",n ~ ..ive . The
. . J",, 'J fa« could lum purple . The timing of liIcsc mice in Citld.., ..//a allea~t could temper .heir pank by
lCliools pvc the franll<; (jUlllily . and 1M sucnglh or 1M doing somethin, . In lhe,r desperate plight thc~ wu
.lIIT.... drawings ga"e 1M in. ponsion o f effort and still a t hane.! 10 !'Cverse lhe s ituation if lhey ju~t could
t.lhMlMion . gel lhe key .he", in li me , Fnr ",mita. the", was 1>0
n..: m()~1 importall1 cle mcnl in ma king Ihe $equcnce s uch c h~nl"e . On Ihe s.oryboard. (he drawings were
III outstandi ng . however. w~s the fOCI Ihal lhesc lillie in'pre~ive and ga'o"C 3 good. s ubdued f""ling 10 the
~ "'e", doing all of Ihis bccau~ tMy car-.:<! very touching situation. The >'Oic:a wc"' rtCOI'ded. and they •
..-b iIboullhe girl's h.appine'n . Uwally . Ihis ft"eling too. ""ell' effccti'o"C. adding s ine.!rity and~ . BUI
«~,m"~'_ ~ stJ'1,lCtuml in the Story Dc:pan. lhey were "straighl ," The eharaclers the~ l vcs ,"'en:
_ and mUSI tlepend enci",ly on the animalor for its "straight. "
porIl'lyal. bul it remains & very mercurial ~nSl t ion , A Al .he story lI1<'CIing. Ihere was a~hension ex ·
note can not he pin..w h.> the slOryboord saying. "Gel pressed about lhe difficulty of such a se·
nRmh through here ." oor e~n il ~ " 'ritten as all quence . The", was nothing.o get hold of lo"ricalu", .
lClion on the upo!>U"' :\h«t . "Ani",""1e 3 fect o f The Yoice lalcnl had gi'·en . beautiful. dramalie read-
......... h . " It cannot he a..alyzed. or acted OUI. or ing oilhe line'S . ch:arged wilh emotion. but!hatlypc oi
f\'PI\'Knted in the Jar"IX way ItS an u~ion or a tension is difflC\lll 10 represc'" . Even the voice of
pz»ing thoughl. s, nce it '$ mon: of a sentiment thai Pongo. lhe n.ale dog. though iIOOIhing and cornfoning.
POW! wi thin the viewer fmm Ihe spec ial way the busi· could give no emphas is or strong all it ude 10 suggest an
~ h~s been animated; actuall y. i. grows frolll Ihe 3Clron Ihal could be animated . And. to top il ~II off.
.Mili"ity or lhe animator ,,'110 makes lhe d",,,·;ngli. It the scene was set IXnealh a $I0'·C. in an area 50
is .ttdoobtedly one of lhe nlOSl impor1anl fX I()I'$ in t'eSlricted thallhl: charactCT$ could not even ni~ tlleir
bringing lhe audience clOM: LO lhe characlC~. heads Of shift posilion 10 at«nt the won.b in lhe dia.
Desperation " ' ill not he di~ayed always through log..., . Ilow could we possibly make lhe audience
frJrtl k ..:1ion or panic . Atl . il is numbing despair. IXlieve the dog. well' ta lk ing if ,,'e cou ld not move
and that prescnts an even grea ler challe nge to Ihe ani_ lhem . and how could we make the sequence convinc-
.... or . In /0/ O,,/maliotU. it bccame 1tC«&Sary to h;t ~e ing if lhe ani mation did not hold up? II was all (00
..-cry tlel .... te. s iro«rc. and CQnY,ncing 5eq1J1:~ mow· subtle and delieale .
inc the upectatll female dalmatian Perdita !'CXling 10 There is . I,,·ays this problem wilh tM ".Irtlight "
tht III'W' Ih;tl C n.w:lla tleVil i$ planning 10 take all of characters who IK k the Ik~ibility in des ign and pe'.
be. puppies as !K)OO as they a", born . The ) toryman sonali.y 10 allow much more Ihan a rigid 'lIu""'lion .
lqd (dllh3t a dog 's norma l reactio n would IX to hide Thinking back on The Ugly Oltd/;"K. we recalled wj ~•.
somewhere in Ihe house. in so,,~ location Chat o fr(red fully how th~t e harICler did not have 10 IX " straight"
• tiny J<'nse o f pnxe<:lion . lie made a dra wing oi her and thai hi ~ mournful hon!;ing brought laughs along
Itnder (he kitchen ~1O>'e. way Nck in lhe c~r. This " 'ilh the tears. Now. (he s iery material was o f a diff<'T'
.... Perdila ' ~ emo..on~1 response 10 the near-~nic ~ en! wn. Fnr Ihis picl"re 10 be »UCCessful. 1M", h;td 10
fel( at lhe thoughl or losing her puppic$ 10 !his hotribie IX u tremely CQnvindng. heroic action. not from a
queen or an evil devil but from four· kgged c~acu~s get along III a d,fficulc s nllllllon "1lIe" rolCl ,"'crt btiI-
wich animal facn that werc 1\01 desIgned. even by cally designed to hold che >lory together so lIAl the
nature. to communicace delicace e~l'R'nlOlls. Perona broad chanctcf$ surrouoolng them could ...«t Thr;c
was 1\01 flamboyaJlt ellOUsh co have feelenSIi Olhcr than tWi) character~ had to be convirn;ing for tbe It>! oI'!IIt
moIhc rly corocem . ~nxiecy. and occasional hop". " "hile C~St to he emcn 3l11ing. A Mern ""gnme nc !lut Irno
Pongo was simply Mr. Averllge Nice Guy . crying co one: believed lhe s.rn;crjly orlhe dogs" concern" 00_

_OIIk1t1C'loe'"e CT\lelia And ,f 110 one took her "",OO)Us· p'clonal value of the hodlng pl:t«. "lIh onl~ such
I). >lie ,,'ovld 001 be M"lIa,n" The ""'Iuence had 10 tIC' acUOfl .~ w'"" needed to gel lhe dol!" on posouon He
• !he pt<1ure Fin;tlly. one antmalor thought toe oould eho$/: an angle on lho: so that lile leg ~1>Ua1l~
!« I ""Y 10 do II • Immed,atdy. n w"s dumped In would ""paratt the.- hod,ng ~fllol" from Pon,o. ,,100

... '"
In ttlC' fir)t I"V Sttfllb. lhe anllruttor featurN tho:
"anted 10 he.-lp betl did 001 know 100" The prl'scnl"·
1100 " 'as ~,mple and un<lerpl,,)·w. lenon& the poclUre of

."'w,,"" ",ooll~ R",h~rman_

the (log under lhe SIO' ''' Iclllhe Siory The: nexl $Ccnes genllyon lhe ch«~ The: ~udlC:,," Mhe~cd lhern bodI
fUlurtd Pongo's difrlC:ul1y In gClhng under lhe SIove. ~Jld fchihe warmlh of lhe" rdallOlllhlp. 3'i "cn II
whICh forad hIm Imo imere!.lInC and dlffcrcnlllCllOIIs . lhell cono:em for "halihe fOlUre nughl bnng
Thc: audience became more aware of hIS allempts 10 OePlCllnlllove bel ..... ""n I,,-ocanoon ClwaciCr! 1$ ....
gel near his male Ihan of his mouth mO,'CUlenIS In more dimcull lhan w~rrnlh; II is possibly lilt froOlIt
ph",s,ng lhe d,alO!lue, II never (>Ccurn:d 10 anyone Ih~1 elo.i ,-c (",Ollon 10 ponray l. i~c the ICnlllllOli III
!IllS .. ;as a rcSlrlo;lw or subtle Kene ~ cOftCcrn of waoruh.Io,'c IS buill alnlOM 50Icly Ihrwllh lhe aruJIII·
lhe o:Ioj;s for each Olher, and for lhe,r unborn pups, was lor'S personal fedlng<:oOOo1 lhe dra"' Ings he;1 mU-
,II anyone: saw, Once the came", was under lhe SIO'"e, ing_ No one <:all j.3) cuclly ... hoch dr:;,,, llIg, or .. bdI
il w,~ poMibk 10 Ilave a hnle ml'IK rtIO\-cmcnl on ,;ccne, or ... hoch :0<:1I0Il Iw wid lhe .dea beaust 1ht\
~rdlla SnlCe ihe new angle •...'IS no( so rcslncllvc She an so ~ublly ~Ialed • •1 " only lhe sum IOU! of ..
hflw her head 10 ,"Ilalc, Iookw awa)" and ~k oo..-n Ingred~nl~ lhat CrealcO lhe 1110-..0<1

In • do:fealw ligh . Pon8'l rcachcd 0\11 and hckw her There I~ one p;ortlCulu component In our JII<IIlm
Til<- S"'I.""~ II40i
d", m
o """"-'1/,1."
"., "1IS1r.1inIl

B""", _12:1 ,II<-

b<-<>, ~"'" load
.")~ o{'M"
'''''''' ......''h 0
"'""'." "*","h
dlmg 14\U",.. ~
"" ''''''I'/IOIivr
'"'''~I QN/ 01
o{ ...... ,/onuu,

T"", ,1Ia'MIt"
~""1.p«wJ ""G)'
1.";,,/ wu"';""
qUICII)' .:nnehlng nu. ~m<)IIonal and d"'m~loe mo,·e·
menlS. Ihal hiS ~O<>< b)" !Itarl)' unlIOuced Thl~ r~ I~
""",d I(> tilt
"'nmal •. ,
dehcale cnnlaCI Il.,."..,..,n our eha ....... lers-Ihc louchmg. ;., hondl. D
Thi< ah..·a)·s has been a br~ pan of Ihe Ihealer and of i$alt(lW#f<iNJII, '
live "CI,(>II fill",. usually a(f«,ung lhe spt:clal<lfll (Ifl(). /n<, h.lptd ,~(
1,00aU), T ..... o lo'·ers hold hands for lhe firsl lome. or
lbe", " an u!ltxpee'ro w nnng ,ogelher on a leO!;c
\ ~1I<h..uutd 'M
,itms. Tik r
,lIU3110n lbe ~onlacl hr~alhc s 3 ~pecial ,,~enr~nl.
TIler. I1tU" be a ,uhconse,nus 1"<:3><)0 for Ih" re_pon-.c. ~m."s 10 ,h"
gOIng had to carlie-c n13n. "nc~ II " obst:rved 1003)" Iq... 4jflUr
'" ~ lro .",,· 1a..IVl In III,c I '>1lImUIl"''''''''' t'<,'I,"wn ,.""".
I"'''''.... ~ '" . h~ w,I.J · II ''''''nl' I" he 'ilal ." 'lor ......
•;'.m,,1 •• ~b'lil) or ...... ""b ... I",,1. ha,- ",~ 't1"'~ '.......
lan,( 1hem " C u,,,\,·r'!.t!J \ \ '<' ~ Il,'" ,-",\,.!h.u .tl...,~
,"il l,.. "u,·,,," ,h.u".• ,n Ih" , UHI>Ir ,« ! "'I,,",IL"'~
A,·,,,,, II). r h)', i, .,1 " "U .,,-I "''', ;,! !h" ,-.-n!,·' "I n~M
" f Ih,' C"riy , h" n, . wul , .id,ing. 1L;( i ll~. 1,ittm!', anJ
,·"~r) ')1'" of ,i.. k ll l ~,'m"," ""~~mablc In..· I•• ". t,~
, :.... '. ",." h" ",,,,I £~'" nUL It "a, ,kJI unll l w~ h;oJ 11..· "'1"""':1
"-'.- '"~i",'1 ~,,'
'lJ1i~, ,,,.. ..
d .ar.... " ·'~ in S,~, II"/UI,· Ih,,, an},un., ,~~I".-.J h. ...
pro'-"';"I" " 11K" ,",'I ", I........ h"'~ ,~",'.J tk: 1'" .......'(IUlJ

cf ~o"rh!"~
',,"". ll h,"
~""' " m ""
~Ir "'''''', ~;\
.,~ "",.."",,1
,. ,,;.0., ~, ..I
""~"" ~_ h
"';,; { ~I", A,..
ha~e gues!iW how much!he audience would be mo~ed
by ""'~ d",,,-iniS of!he girl kissing the d,,·ans.
A few years Ia!er. this touching be!,,·e..n !"'"O ~ar·
toon characters had a spe<:ial impact far beyond any ·
thing the .tory cre w had imagined. The film was
LOVE BI:.,WliEN MOTilE!!: ANDCIIII..D. Ti....xllyMOl<M'
D"",OO. the StOl)" of the unfonunate baby elephant _Iv,
WIth tho: enormous cars. When his rnoIher had !tied to
defend him from the tQl"Tl"Oents of a group of boys. sI>C'
'<Jltl ,IN> forlorn D"mbo '0 vi", Iti.
ft_ '" . . . ,. "
~lJDinnl ilUiIh" ....."""'. TiN>....., ~1~pft<J~1J .....
OfiN>, ,,,,4 CfIII.ow:lI 0ItI'f ..,,11 ,lot" .....IIb.
" '0\0 u itpI

n.: animator', ...,gnment. C" " ,~ttdn. poi~""n' Sf,in of

had been labeled J "~l ad Elephant " and chained inside
the bauered old wagon that ...,rved as a jail for .eeald-
su~. ,ho, ./Iow! /low! m..m D"moo ","" his _h" miss_It
",heF. ,md /to", much ...·~n ,hi, limi,ro ~"""'c, ..·;,h n€,
uant animals. me<1llJ ,,, II, ....
II ,)
, 1I
.,,-• •"

.. c'
,"- \
-' ,(-, , •_\.l• I
. J....:. , .~ ~
•..>. ' •
'~'"'i. >
!IY"~ "-;.....-.-
. -~

- , i'I

, •
"" \ I' ~f
, )).r'" ,.;.,"'-, -

,\..." ' "

/ r --.r A -__ _

"-'_',",0", ~" "rr" Thoma> . FALLING 11\ I.OVE Tlr. do~ oj ,/" "'<>r/of. T"''''I' ....
Tramp ",,,/ L:,,/y, J,,/m w'£r. .7 ."()"n,~ I"d," f rom ~ .1t~1,,·...,d Ixu-t,~'''''1Od "'.,
I .. "",...;"',,· , '['rill' ","1J",~ f""";'" Ji"" ,,~ I'["ct- lH'h ,,,,1 " rr,W",,'G'" ,,,,,rod "f IItt
Lad)' '''xl t~. Tramp. Iru"d,,~1S he ~~pea> , Ih. ,,,,,,,,mi,-P"QI""~'o.- a..J hi,
,~" .,' ,hem Ihe 'r'~<'i"llI- <Jj fhe iwu.'e ,-,mll,I,.,e . 'ilk .,. ...'"
", ',', ''''Ik'''' "'''III .
Th e- .";""",,, "', i ~nr"<n ' h '" ,I,,~, ,m- Iv jail i~!1Jw
"'hil~ C"''''~ " pi",,· of -'I"'X/"'III if" " "{<,,ed _""I
,I/(lkr Ii,,' ""d,, ' ~,,<, /'di ~ ,." ,/',1/ rn;" , r " II,' ",.1,1 kit.....
W,d.out h,~ ~her. Du",bo '~ problem~ hJd In· In ....·ay .hat sa,d ·-w>"!.·· Two dogs eating spaghem

I ~:;:~;and he "'as""", ,n deep despaIr H,s fnet>d ""hil~ b"lng ~Iena<kd by a couplo of roman.ic dlefs
I'i Mou,", ,mgge.led ,hal 'hey pay her I V'S" on with mandolin and accordion did ,~ ~m like the
lilt quic! of .he nighl. " 'hen ,,"eryone else was asleep . mOSt appcaling situation for a romaace. Beside •. lhe
Dumbo •• OO<! un III'''''' 10 Ir~ to s« his T11OCher. bul he comedy i"'pllei. in !he whole broad "ory concepl. the
..... 100 small 10 reach up 10 ,he one ...·indo.... in .he "ery thought 01 dogs digging into a plate o f pasla .
...cap. and >he "'01, chaIned >0 that she «)!,lId no! """Adm unallrICti~ and crude E"~n Wall WlI$ not
tome ~n)' cI....,r [0 hIm . Onl)' tile,. nllnh could reach wrc: this would not ddeal lhe main >lory poinl here-
fl( enough 1o touch and nfC~S . I. remains one of the Ihallhe dogs ,,'ere falling in lo>"! .
om. Icndor $(:qucnce, c"cr animaled. yel One of the The rear of lhe leslauranl wher~ Tramp usually goo
..... , unlikely. With noIhmi: 10 drJw bUI a couple of a bone or '''''' ""as not a romanlic seu;ng. bul;1 did fil
\I\lNI1h~c trunk< groping abou\. i. would seem Ihallhi: thor realbm of lhor dogs lookmg for a handout. ~
1III1N10f would t..a,·c been complclcly defeated ~for" surprise tlegan ""horn Tony . lhe o ..... ner. saw chal lhe
., brian. but Bill T)'lla h~ lh.s assignnKlII and he sewnd dog '"'ellS a lady of dass and ~ed 'IOf'I1e-
fell tile: "moI""'S ''''ry strongly . It" tlandhng of Dumbo Ihing beuer Ihan a bone: . He ordered his assiSlanl 10
Imfully hugging his mOlller' s .fUnk and then gently serv~ them "Ihe beSt in the house." complete with

\ltinging Oil il made Ihls seq uence oulslandinl!\ for tableclolh anti di.he •. Ne xt CallI( lhe lIlu,ic. and willi il
.. n.i",,;,)'. delicacy. and good juds ment. Every move lhe challenge 10 the animators . Could the human char-
is ~ full o f 10"0: and lhe lU'1hf. fedings are ~ g~nuine acters convince lhe audience .ha. Ihi, was a real slilla-
doll nobody laugh'_ nobody qve>lions. lion? C.... ld lhe xillai ealing be enlenaining? Could
taJ). ,,,'" 1/'" Tra"'P ....·a. anothel pICture wllh • Lady be made af'PC'aling and aurIC""" and <faiRlY ,",'hlk
1InIIg'! SCI of mgm:\;"nts lmol hiid 10 b" broughl t'lgC'lher consuming long strands of spaghc:lIl~
. .
- ':. -

M- Ii"... SIIl'<!rbl)". 001 ,he;r anim'lioll has I""h'" lilt
sin<:cri l)" 10 gi v~ lhe.., idea, Ihe impacl lhey .hould
h~ ,'c I' " lhe "'-'.-«n . They mi"hl h.,·c t.....,,, imdlc:clu·
fJanIQJ,v. alLy pe rf~'Ct---OOt ~mot!<mall)" N flcn .
The ~ni m"ur has Ihree "CT)' ~·.al problems.n lilt
Ii • . rICId of "",i"g. and lhey c.,,"'"
lie il' ".....,d. Fil":>l. lit
mu,1 ~now whall he c han"'l ~ r ,hou ld ,k' in a part ;';u!.r
ci"':um-;I"""c . Second. M must he ., kilLful ( n"ugh M I
IT.fl,,,,.n 10 c apt u"" in draw;n~> whal ~ k",,..,.s j~ his
hnd . Third. he mu.;{ lie ahk: In "'t,in 1M n«ti ng .
del ;';"t.. lhoughl o( 1M moonenl ,w( r Ihe """clal oIays
il may 1ak( I" M inw.le ,he """no::. Whe n I"" I<:lOrun
the $IallC fco;,L, ri&ht aboot an atl it..,.x, or an action. he
does il and the mumenl passes . S"mehow . the animllllr
hLI to . IOp lilll<' while he captu~S Ihal elusive moment.
diss«ts il. ",c"" I"s it . and gelS il ~ II <lown on paper.
The live aclOf ~ not ha,'c an u s)" Ii"", . ""'I al it ....
he can waLk Ihl"Ollgh a pan. 1,,$1 ideas . Iry diffc:mll
approaches. sironger al1 iludc ~. l"Iil. of bu~inch . md
make hi, chan geS a ltai the .... ",c lime. When an . ni·
maiO!" ·· "'al~. Ihrough a scene ." il will br IWO .."ftb
befOK be COIn ~ a ~"' : and when lho: dim.1(lf says.
'"Ni\..o-o. il', not worting:- il i~ much nlOl"l: dirr,ai(
and "x l"'"sive 10 Iry Ihe se<:ne ;mmher way.
A ll of lilt aninmor' ~ ski lls ~'" bmu~hl to play iro
Tr.unp's gifl of I~ last """aIN Il . animated 11M: way cf(lI1 in~ true eonotiuns; his k"""' of Ibf funda-
i. was. i~ .channing indQ(ion of hi. lave ror her. II l~ meniaLs. of <tOry. chancier dc,·dor fnelll ....1ion lIIIIIy·
001 a sure-fire 0( affection. bul the gen lie sis. aclin~; Ihis is the hi!;hc' 1 fnrm "I' lhean .
way he pushed it (oward her and hi s expression ~~ he II make.' liule dille rence whelher lho: <.-haroc'(f"!> ",110
looked al her left no 60ubl abo"l his feelings. Th is h.a'·c these reelin,s ak humans. Mnimals. m;>ke·brl~
de~ion of his love was set up by the UI"ICxptelW C"'altfI(CS . ... e'-en i n~nim~'c ,,",,;.x·1S ~i,""n a per>Ollllfo
oonlacl I S lhey chewed the ir way 10 citCh OIher on a I)" . In each case. lhe p"-.."C<lu",, " f c.. ah1i'h;n~ audio
. ingle su".nd of spaghelli . The c ~tiremenl of thai erII'C ident ifical ion Ihrough a spo.....·;ullypc of con,nlwti·
RIO" demanded a reaction on hi . p"11 . II relied on c~lion a~ the r.;Imc:. o h l>ou~h lhe", is oomitlc<lly fI"I(ft
the build·up in the ~ing ~cnes. aoo on the flOCl of a problcm in ~...~ting p""ple 10 ,-..... "",,,,,t ~n oW
thllllhe dogs belie >-w i, .lIlhemselvt'lo . This "'lIS actu- ~ or ~ garbiogc can. To ~( I ,ndi,·idu,l. ,.... lI:e,1Itd

all y I big evening to them and not • farce or • j;ag. atJoul lilt ernuli,ms o( a fantas)" <.- haracter i, also !oOmC-
Once thl t poinl was eJlabhshed, every! hing else in 11M: what of a c hallcn~e .
rnI of the picture follo ..'w naturally. If v'c II3d bi lo!'<! I\-L.os, P«>l'le h:l"( ("d ing' of >OIl ... "-Jr1 3hout. •
10 make Ihi. relaJionship hel ie,1lbIe for the ..... in """ . Ii " jng ercalUIC lil e a do~ 'If a I>c:ar "r nCII • "lOUIe.
acters. none of their later action s ,""oold 1Ia,'c !lad lhe ~au'" the...: ""imal> d" 1"""-". defini 'e pcr!>Ollalitie$
ring of sincerity nceded for this Iype o f ' IOf)', o( 'heir o ""n. But '1Ulsi<lc or a \-~r)" PCN>l'.) (lperi.
Sincerity is the key word when conveying emQIitms "nee or IWO. mO.l people .In ",Whaw lho: ""n il: fed- J
through e hanoctcTs IbM must be believable _ Moo: lhan in~' ~bout a ..... () ..It,,,,.'" r ... /,..-" ", ...1A/i,·,. 8 /",·/>toMfIk
one an'mator ~s hatl ,mai i" ' live sUII~iot,. for bus,· or a IUltboat (Unt.. T,... .,I. , .... car (Sf";'-. f~ /JIrk
ne~. and actions Ihal fi t the per"", . liti .. , and Ihe situ,,· 11/",. e"'If"')' In ,<.)"><: cas,,,. su~h "_ the MIOntS iftj
\I 'h<'N ,"""~'" '. 1/ ,ml'f" Cm·
_,•.,' /~f' "" SImI", ,,,.. I
_, '~,I ,,, ,\',,, r"rl. hI>
"(',/I'",,,'" ",,,,I,,,, I<KII.~,I

"'" "" Ih, "'!C"'~'I> on II,..

( ">I S n', .. AI"""" ,m",,·
,1",,,/1' hr flJl""I" ,.hllr",'·
,,, /tI'.. 'h,,~ h' 1..,,1 "III'
.."",I II,· ,'11//,·" " I,I/I/r
T".". "'", "", """. '"
\\,~II. ,iI<'" ".,.",,'" '" ,,''''r
"""* '<f'r," I~'f'"'''' "'~,'
abm., Ihr 1U1\'~""",,_\
"/ ,h ..

A ....'''.. . howl ...., .."",,..<1OI

8.// f'ul f"~,,,1 fi' ....'· ,m,f """",f.. ,\ ,,' Ih.. I"''''' ,11k.. 001"rI
' " II"" ,f"'"''''X M'hr" hr.I,,1 ",n·",;."" ,'ar, fi>l' Su~"" ,""
1."11,, 111 ...• t,:""J'< Th"''''~''''fru", " SO"",.." AI'I'FtM'
""," ,n F,""",a "'·...IIYI_"Mr""-r "'>r rhame"r dCl'dup-
...."'. Thr bQ,' "nd !C"/ ''I ~Iu,'d;lnd II<alfil('" ' ''f''"'''''f'OM'l
"'~I,,' II'OIh ' I<>
01> , ' ' ' , , """"'1" '"
"""r ,Iu, """'1(" '''''''''from
Iii<' ,,,","'''~''' "><If-
ANIMATOR : Bob Wickersham
- Thru the Mirror.
A happy-go-lucky tele-
phone answers his own
ring, then talks to himself.

, ~

j! !

! ,.

! ~t

e <0
-", ., ,~
~ ~

57 6/ 67 (,9

Fantasia 's "Sorcerer' s Apprentice ," it was important

7/ 77 79 8/ .fJ. PI

more to show its reaction to this big dog intruding in

that they be living and active , but have no feelings and such an offensive way. A face would have been wrong,
no means of communication. In others, such as the because it would have destroyed the elements of fan-
doorknob in Alice in Wonderland , the specific person- tasy that made the hat so entertaining,
ality and suggestions of the friendly but unhelpful door- Many people insist that most of the machines in
knob were very necessary to the situation, their lives have personalities that are clearly apparent:
In many cases, the personality will be suggested by the elevator that works only when it wants to (and
the job the object normally performs, A · steamboat goes particularly slow when its occupant is in a hurry);
whistle is big and authoritative , It is almost impossible the car that will not start (or seems to sulk when not
to think of a shy one. A rocking chair is matronly, or treated just right); the door that always sticks when it
gossipy, and a bench would be robust and healthy , can cause the most trouble ; the typewriter that contin-
unless it is an old , decrepit one outdoors in a park . ually reverses letters in the words- we are surrounded
Some objects have potential faces in their basic by objects that do seem to have minds of their own, To
design , as in cars , with either the headlights or a divided find the face in the design of these objects, and one
windshield being the eyes, while on others there must that expresses the feelings that we already have sensed,
be a face created and superimposed (M usicland). There is the problem for the artist. To move the parts oJ this
is much more charm and conviction in a character if design so that it has a suitable personality and seems
the eyes and mouth can grow out of the natural appear- believable is the problem of the animator.
ance, such as the telephone in Thru the Mirror, but
when this is not possible great care should be taken to
make the additions as believable as possible , Some- The Illusion of Life
times the character is more provocative without a face
at all, if his whole being can convey the pantomime to In the final sequence of The Rescuers, the villainess
show his attitudes. The magician's hat that Pluto Medusa is being pulled behind the swampmobile by a
encounters in Mickey's Grand Opera needs nothing rope. She is bouncing and splashing around as she is
~ alon~ and Ialu quue a Maung , We all s ug- ., It depends on the hal's penonality-.. kind of
~ iOUdluonaJ gag~ that would maJ:e the ~Ituation a guy he is , ,.
!'t~ funnIer, but the d,rector he~u~ted : "I don't ...... nt " Then ho,,,.. do you make I hat into a belic~.blc; I Wam to know how ~ is fe-ellng about
_ character?"
~ u"$ put In a dOSC'_ul' of her face as .he comes
'" OUI of the water- the acnon " funn",. If "'e'~c
.'11tc same: ..'ay you made a crude; canoon!los into
PlUtO, 8y .showIng the "moIlonS , How d~ do)"O\l get
seen ",'hat shc'~ thlnklng~" lifc into anything?"
nus locident illu" tr:ltc~ the dm'c thai has run Ihrough Veteran an ist Mel Sha"" added a thought . " It is.
all ~ !),SrlCy rilm~, the "11)" of th,nkong about cnte.· personal thinl ' You 'll' tlkong the ..'hole personality
_ n t that led [0 Sl.lC'h a hIgh degrtt of an In lhe and dwactcr and making tlw person bchcv:ablc ;n
.,,,,,,1011, An onteNlewer .,h: moIlon and E-molion, That ', (he an of animation for
" What' s funny about a hal Snc" ~ ing up on adogT' me ,

.......'" ,

JHNt of lifo
Will! all of.he fonn~ of oumand"ll C1IlCftaIQmtIII
dcv,;;ro by Wah D's",,) .• he mml onllm~llnd ullIIwal
conmbuu<>n 's shl1.h,s quall.y of hfc ..".h "h",h ho
endowed all of his eh"mc'ers I·rono.he firs. ~hrul
MICkey. hoping for a k.. ~ from M,nnlC. OOvo'n lIIrougb
,he: gro"''''1 fcar and p<ln,c ,hal KIIlg M ,obs fell. ho
~Ihl.ed he: w~s gotnllO SI"""C II) dc:~,h McaU5c oflm
greed. lO.he dram~Hc nchoc~. of !'even ~hel".. mon-
cr~ fa lhng in love Wilh an innoccllI young girl. ,t lw
b«n , he e haractco' cmoHons .ha, have made tho
Dosney fil ms ,rcat
lllc anima'or.; at ,he DIS"") S.udlO ha,-e =-d
many grca. chara.c,ers over SOI1M: fifty ycars of P""UI'C-
maling , charac:tCI'll that h~,'C lTlOIivatffl ~tones. brought
""Iuencn to li f~, and ~ndeare<l themseh-es to aud;.
ences around the world . 'Then: is something o f mallie
i. Ihr ..'hole process that Comes from the vcry a.:t o f
ar.JI;v;ty. individ ....Uy and rnlle<.:tively. that tr3Il= nd.
Ihr single stcp.; of production. It is more than a dl"llw,
itlg and more tllan an id u. Possibly ;t is the Itw~ ..'C
ferl for cllarxters so heroic. "" tender and fun ny and
eI ciling-ali of them e nt~ na ining . )'(1 e ach different .
neh thinking hi~ own tOOught • . and uperieocing hi ~
own (motion s. Th~1 is what makes them :\O real. and
thaI is what mak es them so memorable . It is al, o what
gives them lhe asto unding illusiun of li fe _

Points to Re member
Whe n Ani mati ng Emotio.ns

I. Make sun: the cmolional flalC of the dwac:te

c learly IIcfined .
2. 'The thought process n:vuls the feeling . Sot
limes il n n be shown with a single. held dr
ing or a simple mOve . Other times ~ she
be gcslure~. bod y move •. or full action. De
minc wh ich is besl in cach case .
l_ Be a len to use of cuning and camera in llel
~ntuale the ~ moI ion .
4 _ Ask yoofSl' lf comta ntly:
Whal am I trying 10 Jay lIe,d
What do I really want to lbow?
How do I want the aud ience 10 react?
5. Us.: the clement of ,i_ wisely:
to eSlablish 1he emol;OO of Ihc eharacter,
to conve y il 10 the viewCI'll,
10 leI them U vor the Situation .
Don ' t be ponderous , but don't take il away
them juM as they sIan lu enjoy it.
18. Other Types of Animation
-and the Future
" II'~' re .' ..0",.1';1111 here. Ir)";"11 to xn a"~,)'
f ro", 1/... em ",.d ,fried ha"'l/ing of ,/,inKs "II Ihl' "'' ')' ,hmugh-
n"..rythillg_ IIII(I 1/'" (m/,. 'my to do it ;s IV 1,-<1"" IkinllS o"en ",,,;1 ,,"e hal" '"fJml,lrldy ('.,;p /o,..,/ "wy bit
<if it." Walt Disncy

""01 all lhe' films dCp.!mJcd on ,he illusion of The notes frum the Slory mecl ings on F,ml<lsi<l Il,,'eal
life for Ih,,;, succe... Walt was imere'le<.! in en lcr· lhe ..... ay he ..... ent about Irying 10 capture 3 rlCW and
.ainmem. and lhal bmad field included more lh an illusive cO~p1." l f we don't ,"cn'plto wcavc Siory
,!<)rics ,,,1.1 through bclicv:obk ch:orac lcrs . He loyed to here . it will be more enjoyable ... . Our overa ll efful
s« a'-tio"s Ih31 mpw.J in p.:rfC(:t sync wilh musk. is Ihe mOS I imporl.m Ihing." In lhe "Nu lc rac ker
flowing or le""'n ling Or .urging. " 'h,',e"cr the sound Sui le.·· Wa h d id nOi ..... anl to ..... aste footage ou show-
led. 11.. sought beaut)·, 1101 only as a bac ~ground for a ing the Nu lcracke r and lhe girl walching Ihis >'Cries of
~OI)' leiling
cpisudc buI fOf ilSclr. in d<:r.ign and colors da nccs (as ..... as done in lhe original baileE), but, in_
anod mood . He cnjo}'ed making lhe comedics rull of sicad. he wu look ing for somel hing in cach section
gag'. and he li ked to cr.:alc new characlcrs. hUI he imc"'siing in itse lf. .. It ·s the fairyland thing wc are
abo wamcd '0 If)' film, ",hcre Ihc ,lory was sub- picturing . • ,
ordinale 10 Ihe graphics. piclU ..... S withoul gass .....·ith lie had thoughl of lhe Chi~ dance as somelh ing
jU>1 lhe good feeling he gO! OUi of ..,..ins. g ..... 31 ~n_ wi lh a sroup of li1.ards ....·caring f1o"'ers in lhe shal"'of
"·Ol~ . lie told hi. cre ..... at an carly mccting on the coolie hats. and the Russian dance as mOl'C comic.
"NUlcra': ~cr Suile" sc~ucncc in Fall/mia . " Ii should us ing tu nics with thcir heads going in and OUI. Several
b. somelhing ""auli ful and .Olllcthing f.ntasl ;c- a of our finesl an isls ""~rc .....orking on Ihis and we",.
"ill.o· · lhe · ..... isp feci ing . ·· daily. prc5Cnting idcas and drawings. c"crylhing from
I! ..... as IIIe audience . ..... ho >'Clected the cutc. round . lhe charac l~rs' appearance 10 lhe ""'hole visual tOn·
3mh"'l"'m"'l'hic anilllab ..... ilh rich ~rwnalit;cs a, Ihe cCpl . A ll hough Wa lt liked ,,'any of Il1<:ir suggcstion"
t)·pe of char:tcl<'TS Ihey li ked hesi . Thi s may h.,·c there was sHIl some lhing missing; just handsome 311 ·
repre",nlcd Ihe most difficult and highest form of Our work was not e nough.
3rt but it ....'a.s by no means Ihe only product of either He had often said. "When I" m interested in ,;ome-
tho sludi" \If Wah's fertile imaginaliou . Ihing. J "" am 10 5CC ..... hat"~ going 00:' and IMI ex_
Own IIg hl foUows ,hcsc fa iries around_ all that lIght>
il up IS lhe falnes ,"

en, sc_
Then Wah began 10 wOO<lcr If lhey could rqn>nI
and group cenaln cffrclS logC.her 011 ...
basis " ThaI's "'here we bnng III FaU- and bnn,"
,he wind and lhe ..."d pods bill don·,.ry 1(1 !til'
Slory- jU.1 lhe lhree scasoll> Those bIg brovon
leaves drop down and "h"llIfOUnd makIng p:i,,<,.01
movcnlC:nl agaInst lhe " 'Ind from lhe . ky_" RIthn-
,han a .. ory. II ".-as. a proJVU.~M)d of odc<>!' ,hal boolh II)
pK1u~ and 1I1O,..,men.s. "h"'h ....,'" IntR:I>lngly ""'"'
inlere shng ,
The muSIC w~' helping the Idea mon: Ihan an
",~l i~cU, by gIvIng a SlrUCIUn: ~nd;l. de_dupm<",
.heffi311C mau:nal ,hal. in llself, carflN 1hc auoJ
aloog. PossIbly Ie"",r mus .... would .... ,.., lacked lho:
SlICnglh la sustam SO moch poetu", roou~; «rUIn/}
whcn f ·unt(lSIa .. run w"ho\Il ~lUnd II 5ttrn~ '''rut
and lackmg 10 I"'l'fI05C 1)1" direcl l""
When alllhc righ. inllrcdlcn.s hod !>ren f(IUnd.lI'ctt
,,'as an ama7.ingly rempil:lc unll of C"ICrl;l.In_
Music. ~Ign. acuon, ;l.nd color.1I WQR:cd~.
n:flee""g a Unll Y of lhoughl lhal comboned aulllorll)
presSoed as ,,'e ll as anythm, h,s <iiss:lllsfacIKlll wllh Wl,h be~\I'y. II " 'as noI ,hallow Of n",,,,ly "prtll):'
~.!O:' urly drawing" 'I'hc~ "'u IlOl ellOUgh "gom, and lhe ,lk.. we", noI ~a"c",d in a hOOgcpodge prt.
on." There was IlOl enouGh of an idea, yeL for a senta"on . h was c. c ltmll .
pic.u~ 10 be scan ed. Even n>OfI! advenwrou, was.he vi<uaIIlU<rpttQllOll
~n, one day he r,aw a dr:lwlng of a mu.tlro"m .h~. of Oach ', " Toccal~ and Fugue: ' "h"'h ~ ool'qlR'
Elmer Plummer had made Wah ImrMtlialcly saw a ~n.a.1OII of ",al forms . OIIly colors :and !JuJa..:l
poIenhal .Iui. far surpassed any.h,ng .h.:I. coukl hI'''' movemenl 111;01 m;l.lehcd lhe f«lm,oflhe mu", 11111:
bc:cn done w"h lhe " lAmh, I Ie ~'311ed .~I ~l n, of huw a had " aled. · ·W~ don' , wam 10 fallow ... Iw ")'1*
mushroom even looked Ch lllese. how II could do a else ha' done In ,Ilt: abSlntel We have fIC_c, deal, ..
cenain Iype o f dance. alld soon he had added allOlhcr lhe ab!.lr:IC'; "" have g"..,n Ihm" • reason for <' 111'"
nluu,n)om .. ho W:L' always ou. of sle l' alld causing and lned 10 ConVII"",C lhe a.... w:1IC:C lhal II could IwIp-
•rouble for.he whole group. ThIs did IMlI haPl"'n In I pen . or .."5 poss.bIe " 1 N"", he had 10 fel'l IllS..,...
day. or all m one mechng, bu. II did b«ome a solid. "''lIy 1010 Ihl~ ~w are.. and find I""'u= llw .......Id"
UnlncU lIka .ha. c,'cn .. ,,""". a s.ory ,... oukl hold any_ more 'han JUst dazzle or "mlulal(. tbey ,,(llJkllll\~ I)
one's mlcrcst Wah r,a"I, " people ,,,II ~ nlC m­ ~ach an aud",,,,,e and ""Iii lIS Inlcre;.t

ber II-eVCry .ime lhey loo~ a, a musllroolll .ha. AS all lhe pan. began 10 rdale. Wall beN,,,,,,
'hey'U try ,0 sec lhose Chine..: •• enlh",".,11C over,he pt)'."blhlle~ In lhese c~PC""1t
A. lhe same 'ime, he was developm!! h,s lhou!!h'5 lal odca~. "hlCh wcre far allC:od of anyorac'S lhml ",
011 lhe 1lIh<', d:mccs . searchIng for i<k'as .ha. m:llchrd n.. am~1S II:Id c realed SlanhnK ""... ',su.>I cffect<.
lhe mu51C lie li ~cU lhe !my fames moving from plan.
•0 plan, making C>'cf)1hlng sparkle and ,"'lcn as lhey
IrchnlC'~M ,,'cre I"'",n, Ihln" on film I'" "'..
could he bel",.'cU. lhe mu.oe lrac'k< " 'Cre nC"'IIJ .
.. a,·ed 'he" wallds, finl lhe dewdrop falrlCS "ma~e Fanl:L'<)\lnd , .he ""''''. sound ,y~,cm dc,..,1oped "",,,,,f
lhe 'I',dcr wcb loo~ like iI' s made of pearls-ihcir for Ih,S 'bow, was a whole upericncc in IIstlr II'
us ma!ed, ·· . ,f wc call gCI ... hal ....., ..., aflcr Olhel1l . Sn ...... Whil~ was done: wllh sofl walereolor
n . on ,'''' ...:rccn. wilh !tw, muSIC pul ~r lhe W3Y ",uho:$ 10 reminiscem 0( old book iliuSUllliorn<; Aliff
'"" no> pili " ""..".- 1 \:0.:1;",.., ,, '~ IOOnl! 10 lo;nock ('ny- i" "'O<td~rl(ll.J combined a nlORe nlOdc.'m des,&/, wllh
body 0111. ,'''')' JU>l won', \:oeloe"~ II . II 's an cnmd), un"lUC: colno' combinalions. II) make il look slighll y
.." roehl upcncd up for OIl' medium .. " 'dnJ and u n)'; Uuly UM thr l'mnv. ....:a.< "o:o(Ic of
RUI P"''''''''' had no chanee 10 kllOCk everybod)' noslall:;~ . like an o ld poe.lcanJ. wllh bn ghl. sunn)' col-
0111 Even 'hough II r~n for a reu>rd . l:>rcaking foft Of. aoo sofl edges . 10 / Ihl/nomimu used a $lloog
.... ~s m Ne"" York . and Ihiny-nllle '" 1.05 Angcl( ~. linear Ircallllcnl, wilh Oal ~wa.clICS or color in lhe
Iht ~P'X'al "", nd l"lu ll",,,,m n'quircd Imliled il 10 onl)' backglOl.nds 10 match ItIc handlong of lt1c characlcl1l .
• f. ..· 11Io:~len. OCrt"" Ihe counlry . and ",os l of lhe For Siu/>inll 8 r<lut)'. lhe "f'I""ile .... as tried: I.....
.. gular lhealer !"'lrons had no OJIIlOrlum!), 10 sc.: il . design 01' ,he charac;.= "'U ahered I" fi' , ..... "vCfOlIl
TIle <>pC"'''g, 1~le on 1940. """lCidcd ","h lhe .scala_ Ik"gn o f ItIc b:ockgroonds. Slyllst Ey",nd I'.ark.' had
oon of lhe ..-~r '" Europe G ..",... ng len.'"", in Ihis done ...... IlISpIr:oIion;o.l s kc.chc:J Ihal eaughl Walt's e)'C'.
eo'Ullry. akll.g "" " h lhe studl<)'s liS fOKign mar_ and now lhe: s l"'rl:l"'l! "').IIh. lhal Canoe from lhe: Oat
I;cc • • 1113<lc II 1I11p<,,;,ibk ' 0 eA!"'.1d !he pnldUCllOO .deas col,,", uS<.'4 In 1..."<HlilllCnSK)!Ial panem, ,.~ u lling
Wal! w" >" cager II, II)' . P"",,,,.i,, 1 1. ,.h,ch was for a new Iype of dr3wing in lhe ~ ",ma1l 0n . Even
""II [la" Iloc 1'''''''''''1.( .,'a~e. w., .h:II"'"ncd. and Ihe Ihou~h four and five h01l1'l' we'e rl"luircd 10 make
1" '0 scg",c nb al ready III " ·()f k. "Cia" de b .ne" and SUllo.: o f lhe drJwi"gs. !he eoo resul! was a gorgeous
"i'c1C'f aoo lhe Wol f." were rewor ~ed a nd USl..'d in la~lry of colors and pleu"'g ~hal"'s-cold and 1""'-
bIC'f plClure> Th,~ " ':os a dl","ppoomlllCm 10 Wah and dcrou~. bul ~1:u1ring . The: p;og.:~nlry of !he: Middk

'" I"" staff 0( 1:!(Xl emplo)'o:c.., all " f ,. huon h;od been Ages " 'IS e apturro with a nl:lgnlr"",nee lhallICver will
c)e"ed aboul lhe Inmguing fUlurc 0( ann"."on We be duplicated again in lh.s form; aoo "hen ~1C ..'ed on ......,. Uan,~ "root
Ptt« MIl It.< Wol/
>1111 ""onder "'hal " 'e ......... Id be wOf~'ng on hlday if .he "'ide l\C""'n ""lui,..,.j by lhe 10",,,, lilm used for
Fun",.,,, had b.,.. n .s popular as Sm, ..· Wh,u . Ih, s 0fIC pmduc!ion. il is c~ lre",dy InlpI'C"""e. F""",,6<'''_foi-
fmUdJ/(I I.atl ~,vcn OlIr 'Mi.-h lhe beM "pl'o"unil), To ",~ke lhe: " "", cff., uso: of Ih.s v;sual malc- fi~ ' m",kaI
..n ...,
/"'"118 11{ ,
10 usc bo.~11 Ilocor IIl1agi n:lIIon, alld dlfferenl kioos of
''''r/lIC'. hul cven ,,"-"" " 'as alle",pic..! O,'cr lhe neU
rial. '''''Ylllan Ed Penner "",,,~cd .1U1 an ",vorved S1.:e- I"'. uri

It. Y"a" The . I",,,,·ca...: for """,c "r Ih lS Ul"'rinICnla-

I>0Il .... . lhe " p""'~agt' pICIUrc.... • Th~ Thru C"II.. /·
Inm . M,,~ ~ ,\I",~ ,\1,...... and MrlO/I,' T,,..... " 'hich
coon/)on.,,1 """cr~1 dellghlful I.......... Inlo one fcalul<'
f,lm . II~~ a ,.. rlCly .ho.l", The)' l:""e lhe .,aff a d'"nee
'" If)' .....1 mil 'I;:u"'g ,dca. Ihal "" cre 1101 "rong e nough
10 ''''':lIn "~M~ 111'11 I~II '" fo flccII ",,,WIC. , Man)' or
lhe"" ,dca> on",,J""cd :1 ''''w " , yl~ IIf draw,"g "",I de ·
" K" Ihal ,,~, an ""purla'" I);>rt "f Ihc w.....k c""",cpc . lhe SI)I~ for a pIClure fulk,,.< lhe: s.3me
",dehne. :t\. ~hot'''ng the ok.'gn of lhe: char:occen
n.. >I)1c mu,1 empha."e 1110: ..lcn"'lIls Ihat ,,,,1 III<'
>!Of)' 111:'<1. cro:",~ rhe mood •. and ~.!abhoJl!"" degree
of " .... crlly fur Ih<- comple.e Idea . A .om"".. Iup'C .... ,11
be halldicd '1u'le dlfr.... rcmly from ~ 1'''''01'1U1 one, ,n all
g... r/I,c "'1 ......'1'. and lhe cho",~ of ""hal 'S \:oeM for lhe
.. bjfi'l m:lller ,,, on., Ihal must he eo."Kkrcd carefull), .
Wa ll "~~"Ied c""h " f OOT realu"". I" ha~r an ,00._
..dual "yk- Ihal " 'oold bc d,fterc", from any of lt1c
mlIi" Ih'" relied n<~ ' " much on d,,"~eler idenlifi,~(i"n
as a bu,y seyu"nee of evems Ihal rOIllf'<'d ~I"n!! wilh
good pacing and ,urpri,ing (wi, I' The 'I"'y. heing
highl)' romanlic. called ror warmlh and humo r "",!
dra"'alic "lUll'enIS Ill"", Ihan al"lere dc'i~n . and un·
,!ucMio"ably we surrendered ., ome ,""dience involvc·
menl ", Ihi, ,uong ,(yle. Slili. '\'l" ha"c n,,1 made a
comparable fcalu", wilh ", mOKh !>cauty in holh aPl",,,r-
anee and color and ,",,'h "o",istcm Irealment f,,'m
, Ian 10 finish--which W3S just " 'hal Wall wanted for
(he piclUre .
Careful alieni ion always should be gi,'cn 10 the valoe
of (he graphic, in any film. for Ihe whole pmduci
r~p;d!>, Can become barren and ,lull and earthbound
,.,ilh"ul some ex,cllenee in drawing. design. and coli""
This is easy lU f"rgel under the p«'ssurc 10 PUI a S(o'y
on tll¢ Screen that will live 'Illd build and cap/; ,'ale.
Good design. in i~",If. will make lhe 'Irawing. clearer
and the idea~ hehind them u,ier 10 see and un.Jcr·
stand: lhe Siyle will Sl",n glhen lhe comnlun;cation.
bee;(use i( has b.!(n eho>.o. in the firsl place. as the
best \\'a}' of pre_"'nling Ih. idea. It is. difficuh point to
pUI inlo words. si nce il ;s made up of ta,te and jodg-
menl and lalcnl and ",ns;ti\"il>' While Ihe ~ud;cnccs
'llay no1 seem 10 notice. lhey stnsc the differen'· •. and
they ..~ drawn IOlne object with the belle. design, h
is One of the differenec~ b.!lwccn Disneyland and Ihe
"wrage amusement park,
Wah ', ",arch for Ihc ,,,lid. unified idea Ihat made
Ihe g"'l'hics h"ld an alldien~e is pmbahl~, Ihe dO,"",1
we ,'In gc t 10 an nplan~lion of what consl;lules ,u,· ·
~~,ful visua1 communicalion Today. most people rerer
to Ihal kind or an ide" a, . 'Slory , .. BnlO" 1l()/~ctI".
(he Italian aninlalor. de signer. and produ ~ r. stres~d good \\'Ofk '" memorahl( , ,\11 of Ihe ~le rncnlS
Ihis on a visit 10 the .I ludio, "The fir't thing is always
Ihe story- fI(}l 3 drawing Or" ba<:k~rouml-but a ,lory
p"'~ntcd __' lory. ,har3Ctcr. ":::.:'::'.:i::;",::~,~;.::j
lk,ig n--mu.,1 conlrihllle to the ,,'''' 'l"lentent.
! w,nl 10 tel l. Then I eh.."", the medium," He wen l all ,·one,·pt.
0" 10 emph"~;?_" (he importance of making that ,tor>,
as strong and as rich as fX>'sihle, "Disney was a fan·
mSI;c ' lor),lel1.L·· he ,aid . "Th,'r(', IIel'er a mOlllenl Still Pictures and
;n hi' films in which you relax: the _,lory is al\\'ay, Limi ted Animation
Whate'-cr Ihc idea. ;t \\ill Ix· 1<,ld heller and in " ,\ piclure lh'" h~" no "''''(11\0:111 \\ ill!'" ",(,:",," OItJa
more in leresting way "'ilh a Siylc that i, ,,,pport;vc ,,:re'en in only" fcw "".""",,. "" m"lln 0<,,,, oompe!
an.J "()II'p~libk . Like" g,~ld ~ari,,·atu'e. il "'ill hell' 10 lin~ i1> d~II'~n1S. ,\lol'in~ the ~all"'r" ,1>0"'1 \\UI ht:1,.
achicv~ the c~,e n,'e or " particular ide~ Ih"l mah·, h'" Ilnl~ 1\\" bcl"" rc"Il)' ,-an Lecp the foolage
Mexic<:>. m~ an app:aJing W\lOO lnet tllal ~upportcd
.he fi"" arI,,'ort.
Jo~ Kitn..,rs """m Tr..u KI IQ musk by OK..,
Ra~b;och provided the sound track for a film wilh 00
animal;on Ihal made: e xlens;" e use of Came,... move·
men!. genlly probing 300 searching. moving in and
OUI and uamining the details of p;.intings, Dick Kelsey,
slylist and p;.in ..", had 3 remarkable taJ~nt for dnwing
IrttS tllat had !;Irenglh and beauty and a unique design,
combined with a color sense that was e~1remely I"'r.
SOIIal and (~dt ing . TIle sound lntek (in M,IQdy Tim,)
offered li!tle variety in eitller mood or tempo. 50 the
camern 'noveS .....ere restricted in the textu",. that "'ight
otherwise haVl: hc:cn mon: inte!"e..ti"g. but this is still
an nullcnt example of ,,·Ilal can be done with only
still paint in&!, and imagination .
n,., litkS for Th, Ruru"s were done in much the
same way. using Mel Shaw·1i pastel ",ndcrings as illus·
tration. of the journey of a lonely boItle. from the
swamps along the Gulf of Mexico to New York har·
bor . It waS felt that fun animalion of this subjecl mat·
ter ,,'oold not be: ;1$ effective as the ,Io"·ing colors and
ri<-h delail in the pastels. n,., OKhestnllreatmeM of
the song. "n,., Joorney ... anowed a greater varic' y of
camera moves here. some even suggesting nlI)vcn1l:nt
in Mcr. superb dmwing • .
'·Baby WUnls," a short film from The Re/Ur/,ml
OrUg<M (l~ 1). was ~scnted lhe way a storyman
might .cll hi~ namuiVi: from the s ke.ehes on the !;I"'Y'
boards. Si,," it .....'" m~ up of IiCparntc sketches.
there was neither reason not justificalion for any move·
n1l:nl. Stil l. to ma~e the picture dear and nlI)re imer·
esting. limited 111(),'emen,.' .....ere ooded here and there.

rf:':;::.;';'~~101)' Kk~ that moveslhe audience. a Of just an arm, Or a leg. or a simulated walk. or I"'rhaps a
Ilia. has meam"g of Its o"'n . rl"IO'o·ing jaw during dialogue . It ..... as effeet;,..,. econom·
tf Wah!':olw ~ s ketch or palm,ng Ihal he parhcularly ical. and soon picked up by other studios $CllK'hing for
he ,,'oold tool: for • way to gel il on the KIl'en a cheapt" way to fill the Saturday morning TV de·
U>l (he way il was. and then figure OUI how 10 keep ;, mands. It becanle known as " limited animation .·'
""'" tung enough for 1m: au()icnce 10 enjoy il . 100.
In Th, Thr,.. C..ballfros. Mary Blair. channing
.",ungs of .he Muican ch,ldren acting oUl La<! !'osa_ Animated Des igns
In had only ,1M" mo"~menl <Jf the: names on the can·
lb . but1her hdd the: audlcll«' s inlcrc~1 becau>c: lhey Mos! of the scenes of .'n,., Nutcracker SUI'~" in Fa~ .
Ilu'lrlued a ~lOry . tn anolhcr pl,ltt in the same pkture. ,asia had little mon: tllan the animation of designed
I"IOfl' of Mary's painting. wen: usetl Wi(1I00 ~I"ry or shapes of n()\ and frost and snowflakes. or the
"","nuily: h"",·ever. a ,;.ollg. telling of the "'ondus of changing light in this sl"'cial wonderland as a fairy
<bnN b) b..,n lhe", filII) aoomalW characl= ....cre moI,fs. and. on ""me cases, Oonald Duc k "'•• 1m ....
!uho",linalc"<llo Ihe p,elorial effech of t~ <;ceneS. ye l dllCed wo rking Illrough lite evolving patterns, Whi le
lillS ".-a, "nou~h to SII"am ncarly fifleen mi"UI~S of he:t<kled liule 10 the anisri(: "",ril of the ~ucnce, he
lilm bro",ghl lhe a"dicnu inlo the film on I " 'ay ,hal the
"TQlX31a and I:u~",,:' al"" frolll ,..",I/DJil1. prnbt...J geomelric dei igns never could h.,'e by lhenlsel vu .
In ~l01ll\:r direct ,on . combi nmg ab,'r.tC1 design s and An ;mriguing ;dea Ihal 'le Vcr reached complelion
undrf",ed , hal"'< .... i' ll pur~ ",u,ic Once again. lOP WllS Sllh'ador Dati', viS<Jalwuion of a -g. "o.,.UIIO."
""lily . «eel, a"",,:lIIo.. ,,~, ........... 10 INIeIl the ,,I00<I ,,'r'llcn by Armando Dornl"'l""'Z_ .... ilh John
oflheU-.K'~ , In b<"h S)nc :Uld f"",',ng, All of lhe lceh . Hench, Dali had pul logelher a whole ~( of
"ocal ad"ancem"IlI' "'ere l'a lled upun h) l',..,,, ,c ~""al lhe s~m:alislic drJwingi Ihal had m~dc him fan"",s.
"'\:j~< lhal earned lhe -a"", deplh and P<>"w ", lhe bul . unfonun:nely, lhe rroJ"t " 'as c~ncdktl " ith tlllly
"'''~. TIw I'ltru Cu"',l/rml cnnlainro 'nore ""reo, one ,;cene ever pul on fitm , ,1.5 a >hon Interl~ In II..
"",nl""on ""h Iii<' an; m:lllon of de",ns. but due to fe" '",~ f"m ;, would ha'.., been prov"," UVe, "helh'"
bWge l reslricllon, durml1lrn: ",ar il is k" prelcmiuu s people followed lhe idea. Of undel'l<lood any of II or
Ihough J"'t as ''"''£'OOI''-C and ",,'oIu1lo":II)', "" h I1100tc noI 0:11. and Wall go! along ' -"I)' " 'ell. but the picture
nnpliasts "n Iii<' chang,ng of ..!tapes a, lhey an""aIW. "'a~ not be<:<Jm'ng 'I"'''''"hal cuher of lhem had hopal
ikt:au ,,, of the ~ kx ,C:m hac~ s round '" Ih" pan of Ihe whell III\:)' St" rled, so il Wn, ab"ndon~d. by mUlual
f"m. lhe de"I1'" "we ba",d on Me"call aoo loo,all agree",,,,,,,
l'mb:lbly the most chamllng of lhe filrm lhal ,,·en:
cssenl ,atly lhe ammalion of .,kn.. ms ".-... (ound
in the imroducl;on to ··lIaia" in Thf Thru C,,/x.l/f ·
Strong Design
With Animated Characlers
Usually Ihe animalor mu." !;i"e up h,s beSI 1001, of
comnlunicalion if he Iim,ls h" drawing to ltoe tt-;!ric·
lions of a .'Iron!; design. but in . 'Once Upon a W'nte,·
lime:' in lhe fcature Mdo<ly T,mr. Eric Larson. ~~.
ing wilh director Il,m Luske. animated Mary Blai,',
slyJiled ideas with sreal .>ocee". He bordered on lim·
ited animation where he coold. mO"IIlS the ,,~lechar·
a<:lI:r ,limy. but limed it "', convincingly Ihat ~",,}"thmg
ros, Mary BI~ir had made a dazzling skelch of lhe ....·orkcd. It ....'as ,mpo",ble C" 'er 10 bee"",,, rea lly mn·
IIr~1.ili;," jungle wilh " liny, colorful lrain jogsing cemc<;l or involved with either the eharaclers Of tho
along 10 a s~n,b~ oca!. Lc, Clark ."i,,,.led Ih", >tory. bul il W"> emen:oining and deligMirl. and.sbotttli
keeping Ihc drawing so Ihal il malched perfectly to Ihat de,is", ,;ould he animated "'cce., ,fully when lhe
M ary's overall picture. There were nn <le'''"nds un Ihe "hole idea Was pwpcrly unified, There " 'as allQ\Ul-
animalinn, Olher tharl 10 I;;xp Ihc design d~n"n1s in gic song settin!; Ihe mood. and a simple 5tOl)'!t13t
the movc nlenlS, ""hile lhe liulc locomotive chugged called for a 'loai"l. unreal 'l'l;Ilily. '" the 'I""',al k,nd
along the Irae l; 10 lhe slation al Ihc ernJ of [he liroc, It of animation fit in perfectly. withoul los'"8 life (O"
mel sever~1 problem, along the way. which kepI the wannlh or the needed communication,
idea alive arnJ added interesl 10 llIe progression lhrough Me/oJ)" Time offered a"",her venWIl: illl0 pon: d6ip
lhe jungle. bUI the out$landing design in lhe original animation. with a popular rendit,on of "FTigln of the
concepl conlribuled lhe moSI 10 making Ihe sequence Bumble Bec" done in Boogie Woogic mylhm CalJN
memorable. "Bumble Boogie.··;t featured mosical symbol! I00\I.

mutt Mary liI"j"

"",,,.,.,,.., /:",ic La'm~ _
"Om'~ Upon a Win'u·
timr."· Melody Time,
..." ..... 'OIU CIoa'Q"'~'3,
F.rd M "",~ , I'a,,,' bnulr,
""""" c/a do "",.d."
Sal..oo. Am,coo ,

",..",.1'011 F.c'/ Moo. r-

""lIllrc CdlS Joj" I~ ,"
Make ~hne M~"c

ing in a wild lurnlOil 10 malch Ihe ex~ilcmem of Ihe 0"" magic brush filled wilh ,,'alcrcolor, or lhe brush
SCQre. 11Iere was linle SIOry, Oilier Ihan lhe plighl of ac1U~lIy oould paint each delail while you w."bed, II
lhe b« Irying 10 escape this nllld world of sharps and waS always surprising and often uciting .
fiatS and mrf signs and OOIe5 III dashing abolll in a lITUIginativc """ of this tc<.:hnoq~ was rombined wilh
~y ab$1l"11Clion , an extremely simple slyle or dR"'ing In " Alilhe Cau
A rasci~ing devi« ,...u 10 painl or Join In. '' done for Ma!;, M,~ , l1le >lory line
dnow lhe piclures as needed, ju>l ahead of lhe 3Clion-a was ,i mply thai. group or l«na~11i gOi ~Iher II
son of "Onw t i you go." 50",,,lime$ lhe main char- lhe local drugslOn, 10 dance to lhe j uke box, 001 with
Kler woold Ix in I"" scene, progreuing dQwn lhe Fred Moore's animation il 5C1 a Slylc lh~t has inn,,·
>llCel, or climbing Slairs, or viewing Ihe scenery, wilh eneed olher filmmakers ever sinee, The clean, simple
all of Ihis background malerial being addeil j ust 81 lhe dc:.ign of IIIe characler.; , the appeal of 11M: drawings,
lasl I'I'I011lenl. AI other limes, I"" enlin: screen would IIIe sirong oulline, the dirttlness of approoch combined
to: "mply, and I brush "'QUId painllhc piclure t i you wnh lhe syne 10 lhe music and lhe crispness of the
. 'alChed. l1le whole SCelX could to: flO»lw on from hming "~re worth ropying ,
V ic-t",,·
Irani Kiml~,11
Th,..~t~h Air
PH" Of.

1he r<ll~ .
It is uni4uc to that one p"r1icular , how. An
Styled Animation St~"~n~ condu<.l~d with this thought : "The charoctm
Ward Kimball found ,In excellent "",dium for hi, brand in TOOl. IVhi5t1~ . "ren'( n~,h "nd blooo.l . They
of humor in the styled animation of Tool. \VMs/It , mo,'( in a more ab'tract way-but you aren't &lOying
Pluuk . aud Boom and the latcrTV specials he directed (hat one isn't as cntcr1aining as the other ."
ahout man ami his varied activitie, in space, The term View,,' Through Air I'",,,,'r hegan wi1h a ,lion his_
"~tyled" means that the whole ~a has been cooceived tory of avialion done in an engaging ~tyle created by
wi th a dominant design that will innuence both the T, Hee, By removing the reali,m of a~ri"1 warfare, he
appearance and the action of the characters. ",mo"ed the hom" and was able to bring about I
Not everyone can adapi his work to this kind of humorous treatment of the subject. When the design;'
thin king, Ar1 Stevens. key animator on these films. this dominam. limiled animalion will suppon itlxtttr
said. "Give SOmC guys a styled c haracte r and they than other types of styled animation, As is often the
don' t know how 10 move ii_you can't make il move case in lhese films the basic humor i, in the drawin,
realistically_" If the Story concept is realistic. then the itself, and the animator mUst he careful that his addi·
animalion must be real istic. too, Bu t if il is a styled tion, do not weaken the communication al",a<ly there.
concepl. then the c haracter must move in a special
way thai is compatible with that sly le The Iwo do not
seem to mix. Imag ination Unlimited
This Iype of animal ion is only illumating rather
than sustaining the story. 0;0 you are free to engage in a M(1II and lilt M,x",. directed by W.rd Kimball. fea·
completely different form of caricature . !:lol h An and tured a simulated flight to the moon long before NASA
Ju l i u~ Svendsen became adept at animating mO"c"",nts wa< ,ure anyone really would he going there. Sets
that fit thi, type of design, ....·ere built and C0!'1ume~ crcmed. but for the rockel$
The chief reason for selecti ng a strongly designed and the big events. only drawing' could give the illu-
~tyle is to use a wonger type of caricature. Which is sion. and to be convincing they had to be "Cl')I special
particu larly ""ell suited to sat ire and commentary on Ken O 'Connor, a lOp layout ma n, was given the
the world we live in. These character> are created to assignment. His experiencc~ "'ith back~round. col«,
do a different type of job and are not interchangeable and the labs. dating back through S,,,,", Whil~. made
with those from oIher styles of animation, 11Ie caven",n him well suited for Ihis nacting job. With tech.
in TOOl. WhiSllt . could never play the role of the assistance from rocket npert Wcmher von Braun. the
puppetcc r in Pinrx(hio. and Stromboli would be JUSt whole procedure from bun"h 10 circling the moon
as wrong plucking a harp string Or blowi ng on a raspy SO ....·ell concei"ed Ihat ",hen the actua l flight w". '
reed . The desig.n of each was determined by the need~ more than twelve y(a" later. many of the details "'t
of the story and developed through 1he re,!ui rcmems of JUSt as they had been ,hown in the tilm,
N,... ,,·s Ar~ . ..,leas0:4 in 19S9. "'~J rn:o<k by R,II
JU>l~ ~oo Xa~1tf Atencio and fUlurW lhe asloooomg
eano::alures of anm.als o:k>nr by T II-« 8,11 dod doe
stop mol....., ",'00. ullOdrr lhe carnrn, m..... ng the Imk
figu..,~ ,n >pl'Cial ",·a y•. aoo T . c..,~tW a whole Jungle

or ""probable ammals from the wnp!.! ilems found '"

allY ,-ariel)' , Ion:
B,II Ju,lIce (camed up ",ilh X AtenciO again. 10
design. Co. NNCI, and nKW" tl><' ~..,Ion:d p;lper c""",,,·
te .. u,;cd ,n ~,-eraJ TV .t.ov.'~ MO"cnll:ll' by ~top
1lI0hon ha' bc:cn a f3,'OOlc or film",",~er'5 for lIlany
),"ao., bn:au~ u "",..". ,he Unll: of nl:d.lnl n.ra dr.I ....
Inl!'- and full) uu lo7.eJ the appeal of one ~-Iool"'l
dc.>lgn . ",.,.., I. a faSC1ll3110fl II> lhe n""'cn,,,m .. hen
lhe "Icwcr ,an .-.xoglll7.e ~nd IIknllfy lhe dcnlCnl.
belllg ,,<ed. whether they an: made "r paper . .and.
nuts, vr "hale"cr
The three film, about 11'",,,i, ,h, 1',,ovJ, noad.: ron·
>lant ..,f"rence 10 .... book from "h",h the ep'~
wen: amrniued. pnd. IQ ~eep Ill •• 'dea alo~c, shOb or
[he bool. IIsdf and [he pnll~ lel1"" on lhe page ....".,
used repealedl)' WI><'ll the ,,',00 ..... bk""'1lg ,n HI~s·
len' f),,,,. II blc .... llle type ngllt orf.he page When .""
Il<x>d came latcr, the waler o,I""'I,....'tl .he Iype and
w",hed II 3"'3Y. Often the !oC<'nc, were deSigned as
illuSlralOoll_' on.he book. aoo Ihe figures nK»'cd aboul
" ',Ih,n IIKI>.c IImualions. or IKIppcd :teN... the p;Ige 10
a new locallOfl II ...·U onlY:ln In'-em"',, de~IC". bo.Il II
fil the lllOOd or lhe films. keep'", _ of the whimsy
of.he orlgonal >lorooe...
J. •

- -'-

NI,.,.." Clt,'d,~n of
,d,oo/, In Inl'NnUS-
The Loch Ne .. Mon"er. C>

NlNtr ",,1 SNI_

The Cauldron
F.,Vry<>M Joou looI.nJ 1m"
."..,.". af,1t; "-,,,"pooI.
..-IwI, dIN. lit, bollom 1001:
iI~, ' Tit" on, " ,It,
,nlmncr ." ~n U'''/N'
,,,,,,lid ...,,"d. "lid M,/',
dr~~'in, "",l ,. II all .",m
IV')' pI"~,,bI~ .

NI,m Ma,.,· Blal'-

AI"" in Woo<le.bnd.
Mary's draM'ln,< had (J " "_
dill "1'1'",,1 for Wall. II.".
,M ,/toM'S It., uniqu, "P '
p'o«1t '" lit; inrrodlK"w.,
""itt"f-d TIIII")' Wood.<.
"'/to ,Iu .......Id /wI', ('tJtf .

u"onJ cf ritt" MI'""", II> a

f""" as" ~'Uy' S...-lt
d'(J~·'n,. ~n,d up "'''
IIt,nk"'JI ",.J "art..J IJ IOWrt
/",,,g/n,,,,,'. "1""()(J~1t I"
"''' IJ"'n .......t .

B~. ,It; 8yi '" .".....

"ip//1Ta"o~ . "". arl""
.."""",ttl ,,-IwI, ,,'r
filld OIl Olio" pI"n"• .
(AI I"!'.nII below.)

......,. KtlJ NWI$~_
·'A ... "'a",,:" F..,f.OliIo.
T}"~ d~/j"",~ P<'Jld of X"y NirlHfl ...., _ '" 1M
fril~lt~rd .,..,.i/ ~idi.., ill S,wJiohMl '-Sit '" ifIIj1~ . \
t~ ,'<lSI play. "" 1M •..,.._ "," O1tJny pk'"rYI. INtI "..
u ', i"'''~i"mjon by no' /rnJ " profoultd ,1!rr' ""
slw"'inS hi", ...,r",hiflg- tltt d"iS" of bollt 1M "A,,,
jr41. ~I~/'" Au.. lOst''''' ,.,,,,ia'·""d " Ni,/t, ""
1M wtOOJ ..1Id IIw1....Ii", of Bald "''''''''11'''-' '''I,.iII.US
IIw fo'n' "rnlf~'u. ill Fan,.,;a. TIw ,1..... c/
'M ""IIdI" CDTrird ,.,. ....
IN10tHdfi,'''N "..,.wll<> bt
"II """,,' >1M, pTObl,... /..
prod"",;",!. but lit, 810ry
uf.lrls roMrp<fqr ,It, 1Cr,.,
math " 'n)'OI" k«p'ryl",.

W~n a mm was bei ng made aboll1 the Loch Neu

monslcr. school chi ldren " 'ere asted 10 dr:aw their ideas
0( how " N<:S$~" should look . ~5C deligJuful tin ...·,
in,s .... ere inoorponlled into the Style of one !«Iioo
of the fil m. with «:nain of the drawings going into
movemenl. Considerable in'·cnl i'· ,,'as ~d 10 They could fall 2000 feel . be elccuoculed . blown up.
animate susgeslion~ from . he schoolroom. but;t made CUI inlo ~Iions. burned . n~ucned. drowned. even
• clumninll bi t of cn renainmcnl . frozen in a cake of ice. yet be right back in fighling
wpe in a manrr ofscconds. ~ only thing Ihal could
not be destNyW " ·15 lhe penonalily.
Strong Personalities with a In Ho ..' To Rid.. " Horu . the firsl of the long Soer1es
Different Type of Life of l""$ll'\lClional films §latring Goofy . a formal
was cSlabli~hed Ihal opened anolher door for the ani -
While Mic key ~Iouse wa~ living up hi$ for~rly pre_ maton . Any !levitt Ihat a teacher miglll use to del1l(>ll-
po>l~rou~ ~Ill ies 10 bc<:OIn( _ of a human ~N, his strate I point " ·15 used wilh Goofy as the ~ub.i«1. He
~Is [)onald ~nd Goofy ""~~ de\'eloping I wilder. " 'liS dra"·n 15 I dwt in ...·lIite lir0e5. u>oed as I .
broader Iype: of comedy. w~re lhe incidclll ...·15 more Shown in sirfMllaled slow ITIQIKM'I . run backward and
belie\'able llIan ihI: ~haa<.:ler. 80th lypeS or .nimalion f"",,·,rd. and through il all he could $I ill reacl lO ,,·lI:.It
~licd primaril y on personalily. bul ,,·here Mickey was bein& done :
suppor1cd hi s since rity wi lh belie\'able aC lions hi$ Even lbe role of lhe nal'Talor l was caricalUll:d to be
buddie~ cng3gcd in t~ mosl improbabk aclivities. an inlegr~ll"'n of the comtdy . He would speak about
...,.,,,.,.... /I"".,,,,J h'i"
Th~ Pi .... EI~pJw~"-Dumbo .
Goofy. e<JnUnentin, on his actions ("You will noti«
th~t the subj«t raises his k, high . . .. ) orcom:ctin,
his performano;e ,··No. 00. 001 that ....ay! .. ) or t..... ght.
leuly IeaYin, him in an a .... k.....w predicament .... hile
upouooin, the philosophy orthe .... hole subj«t . Th is
idea o f PUtt inl the Stlf or the picture through weh
riJOfOOS t~atment led to the development or ne,.. tech.
niques in the use of held dra,,·inp. limited animation ,
and li mited lire. unir",d only by Goofy'~ ind<l1uitable
personal ity. The fi lms .... ere highl y e nte rtaining and.
, ince they hild practically no Story. rel ied o n SIrong
gags, etear §tagin¥ , brisk tim in,. surpri 'in~ actions.
and I fMS( tempo.
All man~r of Camer. tric ks " 'cre uscd to heighten
the efftds . When tlK first combat film foota,e came
back from the Wilt' wnes in the early fonies . it reyealed
that the camera itself,ianN by the foree o f nearby
explosions. Practically the nut day, the eanoon cam-
era would he j atn'd .... hen Goofy " 'al ked into a watt
(actually. the jar .... ;\Ii s imulated by moving the pep
back and ronh a brie r moment) . Vibr.l1ion ga,s and
animated effects had ~en used for several years, but
the crew .... as looking ror now ' riet, s that would give
more impact. When the Goofhi( (hat wall . (hey wanted
(he audience '0 fed it! 11 ... IS 001 necessary that any_
ooc believe in (he character as a s incere entity. only
(ha( the belting he took was rea l.
Thc Pink Ekphantli 5oe<juencc in Dumbo called for
much invcll1ivenc:" frot" the animators. No mailer
how peculiar or ;mpossibk the picture on the screen . it
had to move conYinc in,ly and in keeping " 'ith the
whole weird dream .he liule elepllam was haying .
Instead of mnYinS the in terms nf a bdieYa-
ble personality, the emphas is was put on the anima·
tor' , abi lity to surprise the audience with actions (hat
are cnmp1etely beyond anyone · s e ~ pcrience .
Ward Kimb~11 ... as a maste r of this type of inven ·
tion, u t(}Unding the industry , first . ... ilh his handling
of (he title SOIl, fTQl11 Thr Thrrr Caballeros. ond con·
tinuing that special type of mad~ .. thmogh ""«&.1
Bilt·· in MtlDtJ,· Ti",.. . Ward had a ... ay of disregarding
logic ""hen it suited him and of getting right (0 (he
heart of the m~l(er . He "'as caricaturing the whole idea
of his sequence , not jUM tM action or lhe character .
which enabled h im to m;d;e a very direct and pu~
Slale_nt of ""~t he considered funny . fils scenes
=! ~ .. -
- !,
:; ;


'. -..-
spawr.ed a whole wave of preposterous "",(lOllS and
briulc liming throughout the industry.
The Brazilians have a bird that is considered com·
pletdy cra,-y and apt 10 do JUSt about anylhing---IDe
Araellan bird. To animale him was a sp«ial challen~
10 Eric Larson, for if the bird will do anything what is
left for the artist 10 contribute or caricature? Eric rOOM
a way that was light and uny and so uncx p«t~ 111«1
Walt laler had a whole short buill around the charac·
teT. Clown oflhe Jungle . Pan of Ihe craziness ""... the
fact that the bird did nOI eVen follow the rules of
pic(Ui'l: making. defying pen;pective , eWing. and sa:,..
planning . He would walk any",'here, a'OIInd the frame:
border.<. in and Out of scelles-----.all the things (hal nor·
mally L",,"fuse an audience-bul Eric SCI this up!J()
adroitly that the audiences merely gasped. and lauglled.
• "Illey probably would 00\ have bc<:n surpri""d if the
Arlellan bird had wal ked right OUt of the sc~n and
irno the theater beside them . It was a singularly invtn·
tive use of full personality animation.

Combination Li ve Action
and Cartoon
Walt alway< had fclt there was a special fascination ;n
comhining live action ....·ith the canOOfl. as he had dont
in his "CI)I first shons back in 1923 wilh tn. Alire
pictures . Together. Itl.! IWO mcdiums creale a differtnt
kind of fanlasy with a potential far beyond whal any·
one has done. New restrictions are placed on .1I1lIe
panicipanls. because they are ~ simply adding anothet
dimension to ltl.! familiar product: they are now wort-
ing in whal is actually a third n",diu,". It must bt
planned more carefully. conceived wilh cwn mort
imaginalion. and budgeted realistically. but tn. rtlulij
can be pure magic.
In The Thru C(I/J<lllaos, there was an .Iaborut
display of lalents and technical proficiency in lile sec·
lion titled' 'Baia ... The Bra'-ili an singer and entertainer
Aurora M iranda. wilh a chorus of musicians anddanc,
ers. worked on a stage set that combined aoima!ed
buildings with real streelS. drawn props with real suuc-
tures. painted illusions wilh reality, It worked pan"'._
lar1y well because the .. rear' pans ""'re only llIeatrical
SCtS in the first place. and had Ilttn designed I<'ith fbi

"~I."".rO/f E,j~ Ln,_ _

The Three Cabal"'..,.

... rface~ ami ,imple ,hape. >0 they would match the
drawIIlg<that had 10 b." pan of the wholccompo,ition .
.vnsr Mory'
WOf king in ami '1Il1 of thi .• "'ale of a<:tors ami props Th<Th= 0
and bac~ gl"O\llKls w~s Donald Dud. with hi' ne" found
f""nd J~ Cart<JCa In >OI"e case, lhe animal;un willi
dotw: fi ... l. and the I,,·\: actor< had 10 ",...,110 the IIm,ng
and achon SCI by lhe ("".moon chaJacler.<. In OIhe • .centS.
AIlIOfll and her tOI11p.1"'on~ " 'en: photographed fi ... t
and the amn,;IIOO had 10 match thel' dra"" nl!'~ 10 lhe
11"e tharatte~ . In lhe fin-t ease. the "lInunalion " "2'1
pnlJtCled OOtO lhe bacl of Ilf"lln,lucenl "'!'ttn. "hoth
became lhe bacl ground Ixhlnd the actOf'l' In lhe !ICC-
000. lhe art,,1< matched thel' dra .... lIlg.!O phoImlal s of
lhe actu.s. and Ihe tWO p,ece, of film wtn: comb,,..:.!
laler III II>/: opt'cal prinl,'"
In clilocr caM:, ,I "dlff,cult !O kfK)w how Iloc final
ple<:es ....·111 oli fit logether and 10 Judge IIow anyone
s.ho<lld act ("l1o: ll1o:r human or canoon) in any parlleu-
la. ,",cne .•lIlee half the )Cene is Mill in 1110: Cn:all'c
minds or n"lny otiler people The: andienc" an: 1tC,'er
a.. are of the problems or dlffiruliots. or the diSCUS-
sooos that ha"e bn:>ught Ih,. all to a ma~otal conclu-
sion. (or If ,t has been done ...-eU ther an: enth",lIed.
Ixlie"IIlJ; that >Ol11cOO ... , all of It is n:al and happemng
nght bdon: lhell ert.
il. KtJIrJ_ $oI!~ of'M Sou/h. produced In 19.16. l~p!tllr Car- 10 "play" tool: prccc<k""'f O,'Cr plannIng for the toW
.. -
toon scgmtnt~ scpara1e and compicte fOf lllr lnoo.l p;an.
I>u( tn(egraux' them SO "..,11 wnh tllr few conMclIng
<!ffect of tile see"" In It, " 'cnlUllI form The !".~ at11011
director had h.. hand, full )u.t .l~glng the ac:tlOOl'fOIl"
•• ~~nes and ca",ful stor), work that the "'~ult wa. nne crly and l1-~1l,"~ the charocl~r~ 1" cunlt to hft, no.
uf (he .tulItO'~ n\O<l "ucce.sful. It w," al...., oue {>f lhe Idea of making any all""'''lCe, for ",n... hu le dr.,,',
favorite fIlms of the an,malOflj "hQ wnr~cd on lhe mg' thaI would toe addcd Imcr wa. the la~l thlng he
.o:q""'''''''' for II ",,,,b'ned broad ,h~r.loCtCn; w,th .lrOllg wanted 10 hear about
Mtuation •. tn a ;:cuing lhal ....'a. pur" fJnta~y I'an of In fact. Wah ~ncoural1-cd lh" "ttnude by (eiling lhe
th.s can~ from B,n Peef s e~cencnt ' tory "or~ In d,reclor: "lJoo't "otT)' atloul "hal the ammatOr>:ft
:oWp!.ng the Joel Chandler Hams da~lC~ ~bout Uncle gOIng 10 do: Just ma~e )·ou. ov.n Muff as good as )·011
Remus . p.:an "f It .... as tllr design of the chano<.:lcr). can. becau"",, t~ gU)'" .... ,11 top )OU' " A,. rrsuh,
"hlth oO'e..w ma~ ,mum eommunlt~11Otl 1001< to tilt there " ...' ne'er enough room In the ><:cne fIW f_
ant'". and J ''''ry large p;an .... as the ma ... ..,Iou. ,-ooce penguIns, (he camera "3' never al lhe n~ht an~k 10
trxh. cQ"lnbuted pnmaril y by the wunderful. nlull.- ,00..' 1.... 01 off to the """ alh.. mage. and the art"'"
talented JanM:. Baslett. n.... fact that all of the X lIon wa, ne,'er ,t~ged "" the) ""uld fit ,nl0 the poc-tlm
actually W IS lakong pi""" 'nside a young ho(. nllnd. Nor "., lhe", e'er the n~ht .n"->tLm of"."" lefl lO <10
as he was betng told tile .tory. adtlc:d an extra louch of ever) thmg call1"<l 1".. In lhe ..cnp! l'cn~Uln, ba"e '-C'l)
hf~ (0 the wh.,le "'}[Iccpt. ,lion leI!' and cannot fly, '" II " al",,,,,, In\[lUSslbk for
Mil", l'0l>I'I1IS. produced c;ghl~"Cn years I~l(/. 111 them 10 kl"C[> up ,,' nh • r.,ng_ICl!ged dancN like 1M,
1%4, once again placed the I,,-e actor.< '" a CanOo" Va" D) ~e. pUllong f""r of lhem In (ach >cent I'tlll)·
....'orld . coonb;nmg backgrounds lhat were panly real compoundl"<l lhe problem
and p;anl y drawn. ""h story 5ltUahon, (hat put all lhe or cour.... Wah ~ne .... ,,>""tly .... hat would ~n
actor. together. No ",ar proJ""uon "as u",d lh .. tome. The animator .... ouToJ fu'> ~nd n>nlplatn and call. rt..
ho..'cvcr, SO all the humans " 'en: photographc:d bo;,forc names . but In lhe end he "oold hccome """" IU' ....
~ny ammlllOO was ""gun, S,11CC OOQne "a. a "",nod- 11", and nK>rl' emenalnlns lhan he ....'oul,] h:t,,~ beta tf
ary charxtcr. the lKX1llal problems of gettIng a >IX"" " 'ef)thlng ~ Ixcn ITllKk U ' ) for hIm '0 a,nmatOr
e~er ,',ould back aWllY from wch a cluillenge . He might tho prublem f.dng the: animator . or the layout man. or
SoCl'l'am and ra~ a bit. but he never would give up and the color consultant. or lhe background painter . All of
admil defeal! And Wah knew thaI. too , these people muSI search for a way to produce uerieS
While tbm: mi&ht 1Ia~ been ~ inventioll in doing of dra .... ings on the ",,,"n that .... ill ..... tch in weigbt.
!he S<;ene Walt'$ ..... y . a better ~It o~e raJl ...·iII be lutun:, shadin" color. and perspeclive thoe li~ dIU'
obI~ined if the animalor ~OO the live Ktion CIl'W can a<.'lers .... ho are shari ng the bit of film .... ith them .
coopt:r~te, Withoul adv~nce planning the animalor is "The color almosl al .... ays comes OUt 100 brighl, tOO
a~ to be Idt with long cQIIlinuity scenes to animate flat . 100 intense, e~n if [hoe live bllCk, round hu been
simply because il was comfonable cuuing for the l i~ p.ltinted in gaudy colors and lit .... ith. very nat lighling
a.clion . lie is faced wilh the awkward job of trying to 10 bum Out all shadows . In addition. lhere is texture to
.ltll'tch his action. k~p his c llaracten alive . and in~nl .1m(l$1 everything in the real worLd , and the flal , lhiny
appropriate bits of uselelS busine!.s. JUSt to fi ll tJUt the: p.ltint on lhoe s heel o f celluloid rot.''Iff quile fits in.
footage gi"en t<) him . There .... as a scene in Song oflM SOfllh that sho .... ed
In lh~ animation itself. there are many new pmb- Undc Remus fis hing beside an o ld bullfrog. and, for II
lelm that arise whon lhe: dnwings al'l' secn .• ide by brief moment . everylhina: was perfecl in lhoe matching
side . ,,·;th a Il'al person on film . TIle cel animation o f the two mediums _ "The frog .... as s mall . bul .... ilb
~Iways looks flat and shapdess by com parison . It is enouah detail so that textun: was not a problem, !he
nol economi~ally practical to make lhe perspecti~e perspecti,'c of thoe drawing was identical to that of !he
absolulely accu rate in boIh dn .... inl! and aclion . and it live background . and the choice of color .... as j llS! right
il> rumpletely in' P'O"Sible 10 match lhe lighting"" the: for e~1)1hing else . TlII: whole ere .... had ......,n,cd just
he action figul'l' . If a broad action is used un the as hud on each ~nc: in lhe s~uence. bitt forture
<'arloon characler. it .... ill $tem out of place and un· smiled on lheil effons a little I11OI'e .... annl~ on ihisone
natunl . ...·hile ~ Jt1OIl: subdued '~rsion may go by II«ne . and it al ..... ys h;as been held up as the uampk
al/ll()$;t un~i«d . Tl!e characters come from different of ,,'hat is poss ible in rombinatioll footage .
...-odds. and ,..:cd ~pecial con.ideral ion to make lhem
,,,,npatible .
Worsl o r all . the:~ .... ill be a lack o f we ight . no
Educational Films
m.ttcr ho .... carefully the aclion is timed . "The sublieHes Durina tho second World War. the ~Iudio had u~ ilS
of the human form in mo~cme nl cannot be matched. animation skills 10 make training film s, educJliollllt
and the caricatured aclillru lhal .l«m SQ Il'al .... hen films, ....,ientific films. and health films for various
,·ie ...·ed in an animated fi lm npidly 10K credibi lity government agencies . Whon peace rdumed. WaitOOl\-
alonS, ide the I'l'allhing . Such handicaps ralher easi ly tinued to probt: in to ocher uses of the medium, e~n
can be ""crc,,nlC or minil11 i7_o!<l by careful o rganization having a special unil make commercial~ for lhe emerg·
uf lhe mate ria l_ "" that lhe aLidienee', atte ntion is led ing TV maricet. and induSlrial films for a few <XlfpO-
off ,nto othc:r a«as . H......'e'~r. mhc:r tllan ""aSle lhe rations . Of allillne. onty the edunliooals became III
~~ i ll aoo talen t of good ani mat"'" in doing this . the important di~;sion of the company .
",oney is bener spent pl~nning jusl how each thing Animation is panicularly wei! suited for teaching.
5hoold be presented . becauSoe of its ability to aet iMide: thoe mind of the
Technicall y. there al'l' a number o f .... ays of rombin- v~~ , as "~II as inside any object or subject il is
in, tho li~e aclors .... ilh lheir cartoon cou ntetparlS. and roveri ng . Wholher it is a philosophic co ~pt. a nalU-
the choice depend .. on the re sult desil'l'd . Es.<;(.'ntially. T1I! pbeTIQmenon. or a complex machine , animation
... haI is needed is t....o seclioos of film. each ",ith Kso",n can make;1 all rome alive in thoe v~,,'Ct"s imaginalion .
separ.l!e imalf. but SQ amnged tllat the: t .... o pieces fit The series of weather films that expl~ined the anatomy
together ~i!iCly. If you have that . the wiurdry of of clouds and Stonns to Navy pilots showed the pow.
lhe process la~ c~ n combine the: IWO into OM impec· erful elemenls lhal ....,ienl isls knew well' then: . which
cable print . Fonunatcly. that technical aspect is not no one ever will sec.
In • S(:riu of films on I;>cha"ioral a hemalives . and eyes 1b.11 bl inked and a moorh Ihal !llkeli ~nd lips th:a!
again in Th~ S/Dt")· of MtlU/ruorion. use was made of (0IlTlCd lentn. 1besc were imprc~ve addi.i".... lO!hc
animation's compelentt in handling hillhly personal .... o.bhop. and an intrigllin~ hobby for a cn<lli'~ lNII.
wbj«!S in a very impersonal wly . lbe lise of real AMad o r Abnham Lincul n was built .... ilheres lila
people in eilher of ~ sensiti~ sllbj~!S would have moved. and .eetil behind lhe l i~. and suddenly Walt
had tho: '"kids reacling 10 other kkh" as actors. whereas was talking aboul buikling I whole figure lilal would
drawing lhe figures allo.... ed lhe audien<:e 10 see only walk up and down and duplic llc lhe famous gcslUfn
the idea that was being prese nted . of our si~ tcc nlh pre~i<.lcnl ~nd sir in a c hai r and be
Wall ~hied .way from Irying 10 lell 100 mu.;h in a j Ult like IIIe man himself. TeChnical and mechanical
film . sly ini . " We are 001 IryinS 10 leclure and leI probkm~ forced him 10 cu"ail some of these idelS.
thl:m Ihink we know a 101 and discovered 50""" bul to everyone's amaze"",nt he did COOSIrUCI • •tt>'
thing-ifs all in I ligh( mood. ,. This philosophy kept liea of Lincoln thaI has . ,,·ed mill ions of people ift
him from the usual pitfalls found in educational films . repealed perforrnancn. That ....u onl)' lhe htlilled&-
or ~Iy iIIuslflling a dull 1«1ure. or !,lSing only dia· Show .fle r show was buih around the improved fog·
gJam5 to explain lhe poinl . DOtUlld jn M o/hmagic /...and lire. now dubbed Audio-AnimI1l"un ics. 10 fin the Oi!·
had begun as ~n attempl 10 arilhmel ie \0 the ney Ihe rne [l<Irb and a",l7.e the eT()wds .
beginner. bUI il changed to a more general inlrooU<.:tion The: url y e~perimcn l5 had t>«n program~ by the
and orienl. tion . which wO\l!d remove ~ny coneern or tcchnician! who knew how 10 make a figure perform,
worry .bout the subject whi le e uriosity iknd bul they lacked lhe kno.... ledjc of ... hal it should do 10
crell in, I base for fUlure untknl.lnding . Educators be entelUlining . For Ihis. Wah lOOk tho: men (/0lIl Iiris
ha" e acc:laimed il IS one of IIIe mosl j.UttCSdul films animation staff. " 'ho could adlpl rhei. nperitllCt ......
on the wbject. drawinlS to Ihi. SWlling new mc4ium . These mecfIa.
lllt fICld of educaTional film~ has an alrtlO$lunlim- nilm~ moved in a completely di fferenl way. but. die
iled future wilh very linle of ils potenlial e KpJored . unIC principles of commun kalinll with an alldic_
did apply, and lhe highly ~pedali ~ed lraining liIeK
Audio ~ Animatronic s men had received on Ihe canoon s made rhem uniquely
suited (or this assignment.
One lasl use o f lhe animation principles to achie ve M an: Davi~ had lhe rare abi lity 10 make Ihwinp of
OOJNnunic.tion and entertainmenl mighl be "", nlinned. characters in silualions that captured. living pmIA-
even though it went far beyond j usl the dn"'ings . "",nl and st imulated endleu ideas o f ....1\at miglrt hIP'
Wall alwlY~ had bun fascinaled with m«hanital pen I)(" t. lie could upture a ff\O mtnl. in time , j.II
<!evleu .nd enjoyed doing fine model ....·00 himself. " 'hen a rclalionr.bip of chuxlcn ....." reacl!ing a peat.
>0 it was on ly nllural thaI his intere st ,""OIIld be aroused and present it in a clear and aPIICaling "ily. Thil talCI!I
by lbe auto mated whislling bird he saw in Europe in had l iven lhe sIan 10 many great ItOl)l I«]UCIICn in
1948 . He houghl it immediately Ind broughl il.bae .. 10 the past. so he was an obviou s chok e fur Ihis new
his machine shop at the $tudio. livlnl it to Reaer "",dium.
B,onie . lhe I.lIeMCd head of lhe shop. Roger had • As Man: summed up his as~il"nltnt ... W~ a;:1IIIlIy
w.y of makin! Ihings wor1c . no miller ....·hal they ....·ere lOY 10 crUlc a . ilU31ion and rMte it htl;","3I)k. r.
or ....·hlt llley ....·ert: supposed to do. and he had g.rown worlti"J in I foeld ....ith tremcndous limiwions on YoiIlI
1IOO.ISlOmed to Wall 'S tequeMS not only ((K lhe impo!" you ean do .... ith action. <0 11K .... hol~ Ihing h . a . a
sible b\llthe unt hinkable. Now . W ilt asked him 10 ICIt picture. and il has 10 be the mome nl when IhinCSbap-
apart tlte linle bi rd and find OUI how il worked . pon . Otherwise. )'00 don'l have an)·thing . .. Walt called
Before long. OIher engiOtt I'S ....'cre Jdapl ing lhe prin· Marc '~ <.Ira .... ing a " story" clli n, rableau:' "'hicb is
dples Roge r uncovered 10 ~Iter mechanical fig.ure~: reall y jUM anolIKr way "I' de~fib;ng a good story
old Granny Kincaid in he. rocking chair. a 50ft s hoe skelch .
dancer. a bafbcrshop qulT1CI . • Chinese head with When lhe drawinp for rhe mimatroaic lit-
u~ ""ere approved. a sculJllor ""as needed 10 catT)" would "" orIr; for :0 "" hole line of dialoJue: for e,..,n
~ plans il>lo lhrec-dimens;.;.ul form. and who would lhough Ihc figure wou ld move, it could"'- change its
be beller for I h i~ Ihan a sculptor wi lh a backgrou nd in al1itude utensi"dy Wah told him . .. A good cartoon
an"n"tion~ The man scleclcd was Blaine Gibson. cun te ll ils story " 'ithout lhe line of dialoll"". and I
"hose hobby " 'as $Culplure and " 'ho already I"l3d "" on figure " ';Ih the right expro:ssion and all ilude mruires
OiC" 'ffill pril~~. lillie animal;on 10 lell its Slory."· 11 seemed Ihat Walt
Bla"'e was puulcd about designing one sha(X" thai had been telling his siaff that same Ihing for many
years. and it WllS still the right advice.
Claude Coats ,,'as mo"cd from <!oinK inspiralional
s ketChes. roIor ke)·s. and pa.inting backgnJUnds 10 help-
ing design the areas where the animatronic figu~
would be work ing . H ~ comparc..J the II<!w problems to
the bac kgrounds he h;wJ p;jinled: " Before the time of
The Old Mill. lhe backgrounds had b«n washed OUI.
flat. Now there " 'as a kind of s~ for lhe
characlCT 10 act in. no! quite reality but believable
space. We're still doing that On tbesc. rides; we COfI ·
sider the space: tbe (X"OIl1e Il"10\''' through .·' lie "'ent on
to say today the public;s so u!iCd to s«ing Ihi"lls
on I TV M"ret'n Ihat when suddenly llIey are thru01 inlO
a designt:d area th al lOlally surroonds them n,1II become
part icipants in a s~. llIey lire o'-e",·hdmed .
If planning aclions and designing filum """"' famil-
iar jobs to !he nlen from In,m3Iion. tlley ,... ere in for •
shock when they began conSlru<:ling tllese figures. Plas-
tic skin h;wJ to be creah:d Ihal would survive ahoost
coolin"""s SI"'lching and pulling. and eyebrow. and
beards had 10 be buih up by inserting one hair at I
time. At lca~l lhe eyes "'~re some thing that could be
boughl outright. sint:e the manufacture of glass eye.
had long athlc"ed "ery high Mandards .
n.. Mudio wrote 10 Amenean Optical Company in
Boslon. requesling a calalogue and IoOme SlImples.
Roger Broggie Idls what happe ned. "We rcceind a
case of some 70 different eyes. which was the method
us.ed by op/"IlhalmologiSIS 10 malch a pallCnt'S eye for
rolor. Blaine Gibson sc.lceled c)..,s from these sam·
pies. 001 ,,·hen we ordered 37 pai, s of amficial eyes.
" 'e ",ceived scnral phone calls from Boston asking if
we were ",ally serious .•. It seems thaI roo one e"cr had
asked for a ptli, of eye. before. si""" the "'hole I""nt
Wa< to "'~ teh [he patienf. good eye .
They r. n into more trouble when lhey asked for
heavy "rining in sc.' ·cral $CIS of eyes . Ai Roger ex-
plained. "This " 'as for lhe Pirale Ride. and Mare and
Blaine ~I~d bloodshot eyes in the drunken pira1es .··
The manufactu~rs evemu~lIy undcrsrood " 'I\;,jl " 'as WIll( reaJQn. those lhinp projecl_ lhey xw.lly do I
behind the Str1l~ requnts and producN a nco'" line 10 bellC' JOb--the~'s _Ihlng SUP" hunun about
the studio's lp«irtutioos. Roger roncluded. "we be- them ."' Ukc lhe c3noons. the)' touched I.... ij>t<'W
tame "n~fk3n OpIical Comp;,")""s largest CU5tOn~r.·· world of magic Ihal WI' the real SC'CI"CI ~t l)i~IICy"$.
TlteSC' mechanical figu~s. carefully designed and When Dick Hueme. asked hi., fanlOU.I '1UCSI;"'" in the
programmed to communicate and to involve the audi- early Ihiniu. "What's Ille S«rcl o~er al o.slIC)"·sT·
encc. " 'n"( more succe»'u' tlwl an~"OfI(C could ....·c the answcr should not ha,·c !lttn ··tim,ng.·· or ··anoI.
amidpalcd . Jolin Hench said u( them. "1'copIc get _how.
~·sis.·· - ,I WlS, in fact . IlI:It. the dwacIm
more OUt of ilthan if lhe~ we~ I real aclor lhere . For ,,'c", trutoo to Ji,'c in tile aooicnt"C' s imllgi~tioo.
The Future
TOOliy. ,he: fUlure of anil'llMion 100ks more neiling tocharm , infonn . pro'~oenteruin , ~ a mar_
w n I' ally lime in .he las. ron,. yurs . Around the ket has bttn fnund that ..,ilI make diffm:nt IengU!s of
world. yount ,n;sls haVC' bttn cKperimenl;ng witb pictures profitable . whok new arcas of eKpIontion
animation. $Iud)'ing animation . dn:aming animation . will be open to fenile minds , And as the iOphiSlication
WlM:re the Dis~y ."im had 1(> pi~r and discover of the audicR« gTOWll, a ""alcr nnlle of sub~t mat ·
-<l nd then gradually build up • credibility with the Icr will become lICceplable , Who can pn:dicl whal will
audieno;o-Ioday there exists a sophiSlicalion and un· be ne~l?
derstanding thal,Uows ""nture$ ;nlO many Mw fields . Walt was always wly mad of Iny of ns, searching
In addition 10 lhe lonJ; liSl of n noon fUI\l~ tho!: for new pro«dures. new fonns of cnlenainment, and
rns1ll:Y . nldio his created. the small commefdal SIll- wc never can think of tho:: folore w ithout ..,membering
dios for ~ars have been producing ~MiV(: Inirrwion how he !II.--ned ideas oyer in his mind . One IMme lhal
for TV. Th;ll mtdium. in ;!$elf. I\u trained viewers to kepllllon[ing him was the -I-tOry of Hiawatha , He kept
IICttpI and upt(t quict communk;llion. brisk Ctluing. brinllinll il lip over 1M years, Irying 10 find lhe right
.1Ion ..:c:ne~. and clear picIUn:S. The W<>I'ld is famili .... way 10 do 5<)f1lCthing wilh iI, Ue Aid 10 us, "TIle..,'s
with animal ion In many forms and ready for great somelh inll IIIere . y" know? Somcthinll we cou ld do-
films. somelhing that" s right for liS, I don ' l know wluu il is or
A. the audicnu has been maturing . the spatt age how wc 'd do il . Don' [ think ora film . don' l even think
lias m:aled many new materials and flnlwk lOols for of a s/Iow-don' l limil your Ihi nking to a "'IlIlar~·
ani'll' 10 U$C . The video umen , co,wcned to run at aler. Maybe it's ~ing OUI in 1M woods . 0.- on I
24 fra~ • ~ . made a major chln~ in ..-ort. moII ..... in , maybe lhe people arc broughl ill--Ol'- I
t.abiI5. sin« a ,;ccM could N vicwro and ~Ied don' l know-bot there' s _thing tM..,! " That is the
whil( i, was being animated . New types o f compu ters way we yiew tile fUCII'" loday ,
appear on tile mark~t a lmosl daily: ~ daim only 10 In lhe la[e thit1ies , Alexander WooliCOlI, author and
..,pl ace tile more tw ious fu n<:t ion~ o f getting tile ani · c ric ic . vis ited lhe st udio and was llreatly impressed
nlator' s dnwings on the Kl'ttn , bul OIIIers ha ~e • with lhe appearance of the rough peneil lests he was
mI>Ch more ~t imulaling potential. E , Cardon Walker, s hown , All the eXIra lin« Ihat Mlped conSlrucl tM
" 'ho I'06C ffQtn tnfrtc hoy 10 prnio.knt of Wall Dis ney characters and sel..,h OUI lhe movcnOCII\ wc.., liltle
Product ion!!, in looking al the variety o f electronic man: than cobwcbs on tho:: SCl'ttn, yel , somehow . LMY
doyicn offered the ~Iudio , conllnented lhat IIvsc de· sec.--ned to coalnce into a charxter, e .... sinl WooIlevtl
\'icn " . , , will ne,,<:r take the pili« o f . , . the g..,al 10 Slale that there .... s man: c..,aliyily in Ihis fonn than
c..,atiyily or IIIe anislic abilily . Whalever fonn it' s in any finished animation , Walt alway$ liked tM vi[al·
~og.nphnl in , , it's Mill going to mjui.., tile ily of the rough animalion. but he ne ver found a way 10
originality , the imagination. and the newness of what use ie properly in a piclure , COIIld il be combined wilh
you do 10 n... kc il ..,al. to makc il last," live lIClion 10 iuggcsl the inne r ideas or d..,lms of
Just as important an: the markets opening op on some character? Could il "'presenl a f. neasy of wan·
many fronL~. from the horne cntcnainment ~nters 10 dcrin, thoughlS. of vis ions. of only haJf_formed no-
ne"" 0!ICS of TV it~lf. For )un, the fiI......ucr has l ions~ Could il be a myst ical Charac:1CT Ihal was not
been ..,Slricted to tile len'mioole s holl , tile hoor·and· e arthbound and only panially formed ITIOM of the lime1
len. minnte f~atu.." or the half· hoor T V s.pccioJ , Many In one discossion, Mel Shaw conlmented, " It juSt
wonderful stork~ :ue i<kal for a twenty· minute film. _ms to me thaL !IIe..,'s even more o f an art fonn inan
and almost unlimited ideas uisl for very short sub· impn:n ioni Slic medium OUI there , somewlle.." We
~1S of ic» Ihan s ix minotes, A cOftl:entr;uw n~SSilge haven't e~perimen!ed , "
Can ha,-c in,pact . a!! ...'ell as a capabililY10 del ighL , In addilion 10 the e>;c;lement of experimenting with
UM:~ of animalion. tl\c", IS
of ',ying Il) ,"chicve audIence
IhI'QUgh od",,' ",,,ans . II"", much s)'mp"lhy can
bui ld for a shapeless glob? Whal ttthni4U<: I
uS(: to Crcalc "",morablc pcrwnalilic$ OU1
S"'3lches of col0<7 How can you make lhe
care aboul a Spool of liShl~ The great " ,
and d,=10' Fe<Jor Hilruk ha. had UIIIsiderablc
cess in building wanmh in a , ""Mion and " . ",.,]
fl~ling for hi s characler" u_'ing hmill'<.l 3n;"'''II1)11,
cUI ·OIm. or hinged figures. and _
' lyliwJ designs. I
much fur1h<:r anyone could go;
known. II would require a ,[>Ccial i
in>pinng Iype of dc';gn 10 conjure up a
unique "wid. but "h(I kno" S if there are an)'
10 fa nlas), and im~jnal ;on~

Of course. ~ sur
will Ih"re son;';':":':":'.::':~:~~~1
.... ive lhe preSCIlt
cmls ha"e PUI picwr.:s like "'"
~yooo anyone' s means. bUI fonuII31el y III<-rt is no
son 10 duplicalc dlher o f lhe"" cia"b. They
been done. and now il is lime 10 look forward 10
challcnges Ih,l awail U!i. ahead . COSI ::'';·~'.~~~::l
a prime facIO.: W,ll c(>n,i,lcmly looked for
"'ay to gel Ihc samc resull. or a le!is e.\pen,i,·e
that " 'ou ld ~till do "hal " 'as nt....-dcd . The not.,;
old Siory mceling. arc full of his admonilion, 10
Ihe COSI down and 10 kecp II moving
001 .ont... ,· Ihal did not add enough 10 III<- ""'III:
be wonh Ihe expensc . No. il is not It..: co>llil;tl
hold back Ihe grcal ricwrcs of 10rOOlTOVo'; II
lack of creative ability or foresiEht or planning. filmed image through a compulcr. Ihe Cameramen """
When Ihe uncenainly of the future for animation daily eroding Ihe private fantasy-world of lhe animator
was being discussed. one alarmed sludeOi uduimed. and his hand -drawn craft. To the alen anisi . lhese
"I["~ 100 good a medium 10 let ,lip a",ay! It can go incur:sions do nOi rob him of anylhing as much as they
"'here nolhing else can go._ il can show Ihings Ihal show him a way to free himself from antiquated proce-
can'l be seen! h can ,how thing> Ihat ui>l only in Ihe dures--so that he may e~tcnd his own reach .
anima!Ors mind!" The second and more stan ling invasion comes from
llIe nn of animalion doe, indeed ",ield nlagk pow_ ad"anced e<juipmcnt used in scienlific discoveries thaI
ers, but compelition i, "oming from IwO unupecled gradually are revealing lhe true nalUTt: of uur world
quaners . Firsl. Ihere are lhe inroad, from Imagtn~!lve and our universe. II is becoming harder and harder 10
li"c _action camera",cn. Wilh filter>. special lenses. tell the difference belween reality and fanlasy From
e~"tic printing lechnique,. muhiplc exposures. tOlri- unbelievable organisms revealed by electron micros-
cale mooel, . trick lighling. and e,'cn I~ pushing of a copy. 10 shapes and colors in the undersea world. to

Th~J~ or~ nOllh~ ~'lid U~<1lions of Oll"'::f::~:;'::.':;:
p/wlOgrophs of rn ll rr~a/urn ,n 'he ~ p la~~1
In 1M '(XUV <1f ound ''' .
as tounding pholos from Sp3Ce, ,,-e arc ....,ing ching ~ audieocc. J 11Ic aocienl <;QUnsci .. Kno .... Ih)'selr' iI
be)"OfId m:on'5 dreamS. Frum di;lplw>ous. fIlmy sI\rO\I<h (ull of wisdom. but. for lhe fmc"ai ... r. II ~ po.'IMibIy
10 knobby. armored animal~. "'e arc dis<:o"cring chac jU>i as ,,·i.., 10 WUC!oI. " K Il(W,' you. au,.Iotnox:·
OOr _ 'n world hu more bo:allly, and more . ,""Ci(ImC """"n Rod ... y Kict . the I.isl! radioo peDONJoIY, _
beings. than anyone e"e. hlJd env isioned . JUSlthe: infi_ illtcrvic" 'ing people al lhe siudio. hc: a,""ed ON: or the
nite vari~ l y of lhe: shapes in a sptXKlful of plank"'n Nine Old Men: " I>OCs Ihr.' animator f«1 i"""altd
would put any designer to " h~me . from wcicly. living in a dream world?" The 3lIs .... tr
If phOlogrdphy now ean show uS a real " .... Id of was. " No. he has 10 tic p;ln ofl he conmmnily, pan 0(
b ma,y, as wdl .~ a (anl~SY " 'orld Ihal appeal1i to be che humM upcricncc. 10 ~""w " 'hal 10 (ornmuniclle.
real . what is len (or ~nimal ion 10 do~ 11Ic 3n",'CI , of and ho.>w 10 do il . l ie ,,'oold be both oul of <.bIc IIIIdI*
..." .. ,~ s.......· course. lies in the area of personal inlerprclation , as il of louch if he ,sol .. cd hi"""If.·· Mr . Ro« " 'IS iIII"
"",so,..u....a doe. with any an fu rnl . II may bt hard 10 find Ihings pri~ . " SUI don ' t yuu h....e 10 be wackp\> JC1. 1Midc
".,..'4roor~ lhal do 001 really uisl any"hc:re . bul how thc:y are lhe: ,""ull or I ducky or a Goofy?" In'>lead of1llt I"'ely
/wI<;" 19M ,/try,
;M I~ d poIl/kGl us.ed in a film, whal i~ ..aId abot" [htom. and ho.>wlhe)' answtr he had arn""!",led , he ~ Ihc: slral,ht , _
pkrin~ ,Itt-_, relate 10Qlhcr pncnomcna are jobs (0< lhe "ni. t , In Ihi s !rulh. " No. lhe Ihin~s lhe .udience lilu abou1l~
,,,,,,/I "",;"". '" area. animation will be around f,,, a long time bccau!'e c har.. cICr.; are Ih~ human eharaccri_<Ii<;, . They can say,
~, lo.;"t 'h~; ,
of ill! un;(jue, abilily 10 conlmunicate. Whal is necdctl 'That"s just lilt Unclc J~ .. or 'That" S the way I ftll itt
J«.,i'J u. Ihr
are anists who have !i<Jmcthing en[enaining to ny. school: or 'Some ~ids did Ihal to I1KQII«:'"
lhr l'Iu:/. " 'UJ
and the: training 10 say it in a ,,-ay llIal in"oh"cs the Thac pe.son waiting in the lhealer ~s paid biI
monc:y. and is "",,' " 'a;ling 10 be enlena;nr,j. Ik is 1l1li
an~iO\l~ 10 hell' you "ilh yoo. job. As Mara:1 M~
Iold his Sludents. " Don 't UJleCIlhe aud~1>l"'r 10 lISe iii
energy 10 (0111( lu you- lhe energy should COllIe (fOIII
lhe: penon"e • ... )'011 mU'1 reach 0111 and louo;h Ibtm."
Other ,rca" of lhe cnlenainm~nl wor ld h,·t agrttd
wid> Ihis anal)".is of Ihe audienct . llw: laIC Jcan iknoir,
outstanding fil", direclor. WTOle in his rncmo;ooil"$. '"The
speclalor is a human be in,. cap;oble of refloecllOll:and,
lherefore . uf IINgII"'IIOO. Belllg huIIWl . he:.~ ",tr1(ICd
b)' lhe Ictil efTorI: hII! II..." beill, human . lit IS de-
"oure4 wllh curlO>IIy ... , If M _ Rt rooo. i. rorftCI. me
beSI WI)' 10 in"oI'"llIh<- speclalor in I film., by pI')"irIa
on thaI ( uri osi ly wilh lhe big idea Ihal has I ~
sion. leading the SpeclalOr in deerer and d«pcr,
The graphic form u",11 III pre",n! \hi. idea can be IS
van.:d a. lhe conc;cpt. I)f lhe ani>!s. bul lho SIIIIt
a~·0111 pnnc.pks of communicalion still ,"'ill apply ••
lhe)' ha,'t (or lhe: la.1 t" ..., Ihoth.3nd yc;on" TIley .nn
no. chan/:<! .. nnl man', c~pen cnces and ~_
ha"c devalcd hltn 1<> a",,'" .lalc of u~andilrc.
The ad,-..:rt;'mg agcoclCS. who ha .. e enhcncd 11\0 TV
""''''eIlS wilh all k,nd. ofv lsu;,1 st imul i cre .. cd ",.111 !he
aid of "k.....!ronic lechnoluH. "ill "'\"en II) .y",bols lbe
" -orld undcr>land .. f.,. lhelr .ub}ecl mallet: '11", rule
bab~·. lhe ~randparen". family gc1-logelbm, SOI_,
'r a rull moon . a m.scr~bl~ , r~"'y n'ghl. 11\0 00,....
romance. They may have !<"dined the public to accept
cuning and camera work and technical ideas that would
have been completely confu sing twenty years earlie r.
but they can communica te their message only through
symbols that have a broad appeal.
The popularity of the Disney films around the world
is proof that en tertainment values are simi lar every_
where. in spite of geography and cultural differences .
People are people. wherever they live .• nd while they
may bo attracted to a broad variety of activities and
subjects. the one thing that al"'ays interests them the
most is themM'IYes, Regardless of techniques . !o be
successful the idea for a film must be presented in
!enns uf universal understanding directly related 10 a
person', e'periences: for the most important e'peri_
ences are the individual', own.
This iocident was observed one noon hour . on the
step" of a building across the way, A girl Wa' waiting
imp<l!iently for someone She obviously was annoyed funny or sad. ridiculous or poignant. RundyCartwTighl
and restte« . She was nu! Sen ling down for a long wait Ih~blank p<tper.
but change..! her position constantly. and the positions
As the audience's sophistication grows. there is an
increasing burden on the young animator or filmmaker. ""'.1
IItdny <>I,",r
I(}«. (>01Uhrs lit.;
were all unusual : crou"hed and leaning against the Finding an idea worth puUing on film. presenting it opporlllltirks i.""
wall. then leaning against the balustrdde. first facing with enough imagination to npture fleeting imerests.
i1. then with her back to it. ,,·.i!ing- ..... aiting. and involving the audience cmolionally is a big assigo.
Finally the young man came up happily. unsuspect · ment . It is also the very soul of entenaimnent. Yet. to
ing, She was accusing: he was unprepared. baffied, Walt . there ..... a< one more componen t of his films that
lIer frustration bruke uut in IcafS. her head was cannot be quite classified under just entenainment.
dropped. She pointed to her watch. he pointed to That was the uplifting feeling that pervadc, audieoces
his---but he had to bend duwn. and twist to <ee into as they walch Disney pictures .
her face, lk was coocerned. loving. but confused . John Hench said of Walt ', philosophy. "I know he
Shc turned away: he followed. pkading. She accepted looked at entenainment as something nKJre thart escape.
the ,i(uati,m at I.. t. but she <'ould not forget. They There was a kind of reassurance-he alway6 made
wal ked off(ogether. but when he tried to lake her hand people feel good." There was no one SCellC . or one
~he pulled i! b:tck ami thrust her chin up in (he air, action. or onc background that created this seo""tion.
This ,ituation could be presented in almost any bUI the special feeling stayed with people for da}'s.
graphic fonn without altering its basic strength You It was the final bit of magic .
f~1 for both character<. you understand. you identify, We hope that the great pictures of the future will
11>ey can he young. agciess. ugly, anatomical. shape. have some of this same aUra. regardless of the graphic
less. styled . or only torn piecc~ of paper- it "'ould not fonns they lake. This feeling is needed in Our world.
mailer. The wri~!watchcs arc the only props. and they and the potential is there. as it is in no other an form.
are nOt necessary: they merely are convcnicll(;es !hat Marc Davis summed it up very well: "Animation is
~hnplify the communication for anyone who is famil- JUS! an incredible medium. and it's JUSt wailing
iar with watches. for another great leader . . . and i! will bo "'lually
All the ingredients are there to reach almost an}'one. great. And yet. there' s something that came out of
and this is still without introducing any personalities. the Disney point of view. thi s business of bringing
That addition would refine the situation to make it things to life .
Analysis of Mickey Mouse
I. Character and (5«
Ii,urf ll·some po$<$ followi",

Personality This is. new procedure on Mickey

and is not !manl 10 chanae him $0
Mickey leem$ 10 be Ihf lver.,. youn. boy
of no p;lrlicula. age; liyo", in I small much U 10 ;mlllove him. Notic. on
(1) and ( Ia) lhe cha"iC i. small bul
lown. c10ln livilll, fun loYin •. basMul makes Ihe body pliable.
around ,i. Is, polile and IS doY" I S he TM body Ihould be pliable al III
mull be for lhe particular IIOf)'. limes. dfpcndin. on pose desired on
In lOITIt plclUfU hf hu a louch of F.ed """emilY of K\ion .
Alllire ; in OIMrs of Charlie Chaplin. and

. ,.
(See Ii,uros 6-7· .... 11.)
_ of DouaIu Fairbankl, but in aU of If Mickcy -.e lak.", a deep tM.,uh
t ..... IlInt should be sorrIf o f tht YOU"l
Wi: would &i~ him a ehesl . IfM-.•
SlId Wi: would 100im chesllnd droop ,
shoukkn. fie. "....
II. Construction The body could be IhOUlhl of as
A. Mickey'. head i. drawn u a elrcle; or havin,. ~rlain volum •• so when ill s
beuer IS a ball-with the featyrn Ilretched it should 110W thinner or
pl~ on Ihi. ball. The eyeS and Ihe plumper as il Is SQll&&hcd.
blacks and ,,·hiles. al w.1I as IIIe If lhe body 01 stretched OUI 10 an u ·
moulh , .... drawn 10 r~ lhe ball . Tile trI..... for an)'thin • • do IJO/ leave it
• noul ptOl . udins _ from Iht ball, Slmchcd OUI Iont tnOUP IO _ •
and llIe ..... 10 be drawn u l WO " not The body can ......... anatomy .. il
q uilt" d"k'l. ~. lappin, Illthlly ;.,; needed; woh as I d>tlt. S1om1ctl,
into Ihe ball. II is n~ 10 keep tM fanny- accordin. 10 1"-*.
black and whiles fairly well distrib- In dil lOnln. Mickey's body-il il
uted-so .o not have 100 much white alwa)" I ,ood Idnl 10 compare Ihil
or vi<;e"·'rSll. new body with IMoid one, (Fi,. I), 10
!in: illustralion (27). also 4-.... ~b-<Ic . keep il 'rom ,flli"l 100!ont.
B. The body '0 be drawn u somtwhal For dil10flint Mickcy'l body, _ fi,·
pta, ·shlpe. ,.irly short Ind plump . urn (20-lOa· 2Ob-&lso 21 ·2Ia·2Ib)
. ,.......... '" ,. ...........-, -'. - ~r.';;."'" .....-- .,
$_. -H. ' " Qo .. y _
"- .-;-- .... - .r-_ ... 7'"
_ •
~ ,r;;.,(. ... "." .n ( ;..,. .....
,..,,, c. ...'
...r. ...<. _
... .... ,~ ...... !Iof'"

.. _ ...
,.. . .. _T. )

-. .. .. ~~ ~ ~

.. 0;: _ " _ _ . . ,

- _~_

. '0-('

& ~ . . . . . ., .
... t.
... _ 1"",,, "I .. or.
III. Handling
of Mickey in See F" . 01-6-1-9) IV. Minnie Mouse
About the lIIndIi", of Mick~Y'1 head-
Animation ..... know it il aood .0 kHp the bia.:kl and
Mic'''' IIa$ alrt:ldy I>«n fIOftIparw '0 a ....hita well bllallCftllO when Mickey has
you", boy. 50. of courl.e. M should tK a smile •• he« is very lillie black . bu. whm
h,lIIIkd llI.hal. Hi< poses, 1>01. only hold he ~hl ...a . 0 I .. cxp.euion wi.h . he
poses, but posi.ion.l of body while ",alk. mouth Imall, ther. would tK tOO muctl
in,. runninc, .alki",. etc .• should contain black if w. followed the mouth wltll tilt
,IK youn, boy fttlin&- black the lIII"Ie dista""" I way .. on .Ile
M ickey I. wMn draw n ",j, h small smile . So it il belle. ' 0 cheat ,l1li1>01. bri ne
shoulderl, wi. h a ~ion of Ilomach Ih, black down 50 f.... Tho: mouth , .. a
and fanny_and, r li k, him pil«\ft ·.oed. .uk is better kept inside circle o f held;
Tho: pi,ton·.oes .r~ mort of. s,,""'ion tll il doesn'l mUn i1 has ' 0 .IWI)'I be her Ilc,
~_ I ' ike .0 .hink of him .111 . ....,.,y. d . ..... n till' WlIy-apcciaU, 1>01. In dia· .~..,

TMu art mlny .imes when his fM would 101'" or bi, ..h, et~. H... fm
tK poin.w .• oes ou •. allll in .~ cases. "The ....u ar. better kept far bao:k on tile
piacon ••oes ...·ould tK bad. head and onm ICI as • balalltt fOf .he
TM small should~r drm can tK IIId by fi,u.e . Ho ..... "' r, do no, shift . hem
>lan in. rhe arms furlhet do ...·n on body. around 01\ the head jus • •o bllano..
Don'. I~ •• hi. keep you from usi", the Mic k.,.'s pann ... to be hlndled 1$
. ho uld ... when needed for. pOft, •• k• . pants and not as mldeofmetal. By that, I
or l ny kind o faerion. See Fl • . (7-13- 16.) mean lh, pant·le" should drape O'<tltM
Ordinarily shoulders are liard .0 make leas .1Id tile Plnu betWftn . beltaJ $hOuld
allll arc tKll ... 1tIi off. T heyt:ln tK used .0 >l ret~h IS his IcJS , ~, and ~ .0 .be
bc$I IcIYlnt. if their U$C is rHCr~ for mo of body as aU panuda. With.
etnplwis in expressions. poses and t.ka . S"IWIl Itt; .hey would lIIn&_with 1be
Tho: ......,.cion of st_h and rlllny k-. ~ fted Illey would wrinkle and d .. p'
can tK !lad easi)y ...·ith hil back Ircll«l . ~. Itt;, fie .
_~, 'H" -....

/: "": . )
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- U'
t-I,,1 Y<'O ( ;; T IJ l(O A.T
... ,q, .. '., "., ~v'll:"";«
\naiysis of Donald Duck
Character and The , ize or lhe head Is Wppo5«110 be so lhal in I )/4 back ritw half raised
half tile size of I'" Iow~ pari o f Ihe we show In ulldn side which ClI1 b
Personality body, and is bpi round . painled 10, as ch. "sole" is painted!
Donald has <kveJoped inlo 011( of the To show a...... ,,~ ••• ufOed tH«1 dark'" shack .
_ nt''''
int .. SCTttn comics. Tbc altdi .
~ ah' lI)'1 likl:S him. provided he plays
OIl 1M he.d ; bul OIhctwise keep 1M
head smoorh .
Whert the Iq fits inlO I'" fOOl.
does no! corne "",I at Che btw:k mdo
true 10 hi, Own character. Hi. best fea_ The neck Is Ihick~ II lhe Mad Ihan lhe (oot. but leaves a knob or. bil 0
lures .r. hls oocky.Iho ....... rr, boastful at. il is al Ihe body end and iliO bt kept hcel ,
titl.lOk lhal 1u,n, to an&<f .. JOOfI as he is -'&Illy. bul nOi 100 Ionl.
E. Anns, Hands and tail
croucd; his typical ana.y ""'ure " ' jilt C. Eyes. Bill , Ind C1>eek.s
which lh. audi.""C i, familiar, e$pe:cialiy The IrIf1$ IR kept chick 10 ...... p in ell
TIiI' mOSI ;mpOriam Ihina aboul Don-
hb fillht;n. pose a oo hi s peculiar qu",,~. .... ighl. and II\c h.nds.,. made mOl'
ald i, hi s e>preWons. A 101 tin be
ina voio:e and Ihr.all ,,'h(,I an&rY. likt ••11 hands- rall\cr Lon" wit!
dont- in Ihi, conJleclion "';Ih I'" eyes
".,. Dtatt ,eI'a bia kick 01.11 of imp<ll'- and lhe ~brows. 'M: find thai fi"&tf1 Ind • elIumb. In cbe rlQ
in, on 0I1t(1" people 0' . nnoyinl Ihem; but d.awinl' lhe hallCb were- limply ell
immedialely " ' - his ,ernpt' when the Ih. hal and Ihe pmilion of Ih. bill .rub of Ih. ",;nas wilh willi roal""'"
help th. upression of Ih. eyes.
.. bles are 1urned. In OIM "'o.-ds. he can
T he oydI.Owt are..sed in , ... $lome
T he wi i. JUppOScd co be ~t .....
" dim it 01.. " but he ca n't "'ake iI" , u'" dllCt 's lail. There;' a tilC"~
way lhal Pluto' s oydI'Owt ... wed.
TIlt Duck I.~n himsdr ~ery seriously. pa'i before lhe fco.l""" Sllll on iii
H. has. high opinion of himself, and as Somelimn th.y p'OIrud. a~ lhe lail, Ind Ih,,>, art k"pi curled ,.hen
lOp cirel. of Iht held. ever possibl • .
soon IS "")'lhi", 10<$ ..... 0<13, hcimmedi.
llely "lintS 10 rol)l! . Whcn he i. pleased T IiI' eyes aR nOi 'OUnd IS in pr~. F. Hal and Jacket
,"'illt lIim..,U, or happy about 5OmClhi", OIlS pictu'es . l"hey arc more 0>111 in
lit has don ........ show his nervou s charae- shape and are 101M sid. Of Iiii' The jacktl is 10 be ralher loose, bu
,.. by "'iqJin, hi, tail. I don', think it . In Ihi l wlY more black can be not so loose lhal il is floppy-IOOI
wiK to _ the tail " 'lui< ..,"""' he .. used in , ... eyes for the ""pressions . moua;h 10 help in the flow or lnimt
ulf}'. Whtn lhe eyes ... edosed, "l' break up lion .
H. hal • very suspicious nature; is theei'c'" and animate il inloa ,ound. The sleeves are • linle 100lIo .. ow.
quick'lem~cd bul ;s j usl dumb moullh "=.
Tho eyes Irc wide apart 10 live
Ihe w.iS! and Ih. wllar has I strip
around the OUI", edge.
10 be lrapptd ~Itdly ;"10 1,*", his
lem~. H~. he ;s nOi as dumb as betl'" UprtUiOil aJ\d on • 3/ 4 vito ... The hal can be used "ffa:ti.-dy •
Pluloor Ihe Goof. Donald cannol be fun. lhe eye on Ih. OppOSi'e side is losl. h.lp ,~p'CSlionl and lakes. W hei
ny if lhe s.inuliiOil does 1101 /"il his peculiu T he lOP parI of Ihe bill filS inlo Ihe Donald is meek or when he is lhin~
fnlnnn1$ml. eenl", of lhe head. Inslead or Iller. i",. 1M hal can , il ,craWu on top c
beina; • "'ai&hl line from lhe lop of his head with IIIe: ribbon IIowiQa I
.. General Construction lhe head down 101M end of lhe bill, back; bullO show &iliff II is aond'
hay. Ihe hal down over hi. eyes an
Ihe < of Ih. bill <urves imo Ihe
A. Body
inlide of I'" head when he 'mil<:s or il lhe ribbon (allin, down;n f'OIII.
Donald ;. dra,,-n a. Moore: draw. happy; whtn Don.1d f.owns o. is Another ntablilhcd charac!erisd
Mickey. He is OM piece ."Ihe. Ihan ani')'. it prOirudes on lhe OUISKk or of 000aJd', is that w..... his hat nil
Iwo pariS; has a ~a Nhapcd body; il lhe d.d. of Ih. wilh. down. in_ a
o ff On la~. or in an,,,,and land
,lion. squally. and i, dr''''n 10 I how IM· moulh (IOtJiIll. on lhe iJound , he a!lsenl.mindcdl
"eighl in lhe body. Kttt> as mud! We use c heeks on Donald OIlly down for il without IookiDa 1
"'.... hl in him as possible. 1"" is. feel ",hen we indic.le d>....'n. or blow,,,, . il . picks il up, and slams ~ on _ bel
Ihal h. i. hu"i ... Ihe 1I.0und. To al. before loins inlO lhe I>C~I action.
D. L.IIS and Feel
lain lhe bel .esubs. on. Iq is btnl
and Ih. olhe. kePI .... i'h1. T he The Iqs .... suppOsed 10 be ,hon and
sq .... nyand IIIe: feel kept 1lrJ" 10 live
Ill . Line of Action
' ''I i&hl Iq is as sllon as possible.
~eep;nllih. bulky mus down close 10 mort of. comfdy "ffecl. When drawi", Donald for • ~I>C of.
lhe UOUnd . KeeP/III Ih. Iq up imo Th. feel Ih'ee loes and lhey lion, Iry 10 make Ih. wbole Ihina curl f
lhe body and showi", a saa under - ar. nrilller pOint«! nor 1""1, bul • one li, live di.CI;Ir>es:s.
nealll will hdp 10 ICI a fodinl of hippy mtdiwn beI-.vcen lhe IWO. He
usu.lly plOp$lhem down on .....,k or A. . ......,kI aJ\d Run.
run . In wal kllO show CUlel1C$$, il is bo
B. Siu of head and n«k The r_ is dra ... n ... ilh. tIIickl'>Q$ 10 ha.e him walk pijeon·loaI, and t
draw 1M Iq back .nd fonh wilh tM Ind land back on his head.
actioft of 1M body .0 il win make il v. Fighting Pose
look ~k~. w..sdk. This tan 11.0 h< IV. Dialogue One of Ihech"~(fislics Ihe ~k had 10
in<d in Ihe run. 'lin 0\11 with and one: we h.~ lried 10
The "PP" bill i. to h< kepi more station-
ary thin tM Iow(f onto but not to lhe: kocp. is his rl&hlilll post. II ...11 ella\>-
B. Tilkes lished by Dick L ..ndy in ORPHANS'
point of , i&idily. The lower biD lhoIILd h<
On wes. Donald ;. mort xti~ lbibk. bU11'IIM 10 the poinl OfM", rub- BENEFIT. Ind Wt I1Y 10 11K it in twJY
and I>IOIn _ i k than My of our
dl>1'ICIUl. Tb h" nat .. ~. Don·
&!d', lakes ar~ Ilmo5t to 1M UlfnM.
"".To IJCI lhe dfect on "0" and
"u" or on I bIowilll xtion. WCdislOr1lhe
pict .. " ",.,"", he IttS mad and "'aim to
r1Jl!l . II is III liP Ind down movenwnt of
.he ..holt body Ind one arm ;, bold
ThIll is, 110 j\ll1lPS up in 1Il00 air. I",,,, bill. slra;,hI 0IIt wi.h the: rlSl up. Tho 0Ib<r
fasl wltirLs. actS himKIr all OUt of When lhe bill is ~ wide Ind sIlows Inn moves as a pmd .. lum. Thr timil\lof
$I\apt, and in amcral is fllSl and furi. 1M inslck o hhe uPPl'r bill. I~ is loh< I .his xtion is lhal lhe body _I",iero.
0lIl to show his UC:;llbk nat .. ~. AU bLao;k lhadow effect lbo¥t lhe I~ 10 fIlSlISIMarmlh.atswinp. Donald is_
hi$ tIothiAa. Inctudinc ILU Ind jackCl, Ii~~ deplh. Tbm! is a ~M around lhe in· auy in dialocue In lhis ~ion, and his
pOinI iIIllw: dir«tion 0"'110 take. _ of lhe biD and also. IhfOlll tiM 10 ~ rai&/ll -ollf arm doe!.n·t inltTftT~ wilb tilt
Tho hat alii h< UKd 10 ad""lW~ JiY't lhe painl(f'J a pIaee for chan&e of action 0( lhe I1IO\Ilh .
by keePnI il flltC1led 10 his had and «>lor. IS lhe iMide of lhe "I>PCI" bill i, I Refer 10 i11uSlrllions on 111 pOinu roIIa'l!d .
pulJcd out of sillPI'. 0. it tan also Oy dlrker lIIad~ I"'n lhe inside of lIIe lower
off iII.o Ihe lir. circle SCVCI'a1 Hmes bill .
'- ....7lJ
---,==- ...
- .~

-....... . ,
~ -
.............. ........ ......" ....-

Analysis of Pluto Shirtl~ taiIIO.ud~nttl0 3. In lhe case mild

I. Construction make fXprCMKm definite. Befor., ant eyebrow lOCS UP. ,h.
dumb look .
in Ihlff Of
A. Body Olher down. Eyes and t~brows .taCh tile
I . I n the
roullh_ sha~ like a jelLy

2. In dunup-pu, in shoulders and

sid. 10
I tJai&luen OUL, th ... tyQIO from
side. Head kepI slill duriJlJ;
$h.~ It oul for. feelin, of bones WII<n Plulo p,auSC$ rOl" uprcs.
unck •• IM: skin.
3. Q,nc-ral ~pI;on; Heavy dOS. Irri"l 10,", on his fm inON ICE,
slon or IlIoUIIII in a sil,,"ion like

Whtn ht leans imo lICIion. too. is In slliftiJlJ; Ille 0")'0$, definite poIU1a
lou of anlirip;lIion. should tit madt- .. neh end of III<
upt"ossion, "';111. dcfinile moV4' of D.
lhe eyeS flom n ....... 10 a ....... .
PhilO !it,in, down. moves ~ 10 This lIelps 10 ronny ~l .... ly til<
snirr 5OII'It1hin&. BefOfc tit' &eU up. ide, Ihll PlulO is thinki",.
In.icip".ion of. AI wi,h head OUt E. Nose Wrinklos.: fll:>jbie,
and body comins up bdor. be al· fou. ill numba-.
C . Ean: HandJi", for ... tWlt
ltmpu to .t' OUt of ,i nine pcni.
lion. flead moves Over 10 ne ... I. PlulO jumpinl up in ai •. Insleld of
po~lion. hlvinl lbe ears carry IhlOlllh lbe II . Handling of
ume disla~ as Ihe bead, Ihe fim
IwO 01 thl« drawinas of the ears
Pluto for Action
B. Eyn

are slower to Slar!. Wilen he lands,
l.,1 Eop.enion: Dumb and III. ume holds l nod. The elrs ... b",
.. d~td A.
Slill quite lonl and tlley ~ome In JOIm i be
2. Nobsovtr eyes tikt prominem eye'
down w'lh I SWcc"p. [n III< n" ..... maled IOOmudtlite.smd,
browt or furrow" always there. dowll Ih ... is a slntoll and lhen OUI any wei&ht to D . f"'*
Euml\k: ON ICE. Pluto slipS. lhey 10 up imo a normal 'lSIi", dy value lies ill YSiQC him •
,.lb, Duck ..",hi orrStage and position. nunbuso<lle, .wkward .so.
Plut o looks blc k I. 'Iii. cyt, 2. In • fast wrpristd take Ihe ears avoid lbe rffcct or li&hlllla. ,
brOW$: clown. oon~n, IIKIII&lI1: shoot up faster. bul setlle III< ume be is used I\IIIfliQc. jumpiQI 0
"Tlwr.', SOfMIhillJ ""01\1 bert." w.y. il is wdlto bear in mind \be,


, ~~

~~~~- ~ '"
r",. _ . .Jf>-!
......... 1 s-.~ .. ,.... Q ...... -<- ~""+
- -

J .... . _ . . ..

- ..-----_....
~"' .
hu~y dog ,,·ould naturally need mOr~ good example of ai~ing ,he fetli", ,,·ill be . This sometimes means il
anlicip.o.lion 10 hi' run 01" jump. and in Iha. Pluto is a huvy cIoa. (!itt I_A_3) will Ix T>eCeS$l,y to add fOOlage when
III< cal<' of a fall hi' land would la k ~ D. Sniff Action: Usually done in 'wo , uch ' POlS af< reached in .. imalion .
mO'~ " mehing and rceo.'cry Ihan
draw ings of two exposures each. One Fo' e~ample. in 'he nypaper sequen«
that of a liahleT dog. In Ih( case of a ex"eme do",n On 'he grounU. with ( PLAYFUL PLUTO) as wen as Pluto
"m Plulo would take half again lhe nose louching gfOund. anolher ... o n ice ska'es (ON ICE). SO much de-
lim ina of a liiht "'~ighl dog in Ihe "erne i. the nos. up and wrin kled. It
pended On 'he building up of the ,il" .
!;IIm( kil>(l of run. .tion and the pau"", for Pluto to
also can be handled on one exposure
Of COU' I<'. ,heTC miahl b¢ .ituatioru Ihin k aboUI diffe,ent ..·ay. of J(1'ill.ll
..-ilh four drawings with e' ''emes up rid of ,he flypape. 0' J(1ting up on h;"
"'here il would b¢ '00 s'rai,11t for Plu · and down uSi", in·bclwetns-c lose 10
1010 anlidl"'te slowly. Fo ••• ample. if fet' on 'hc ice. G<x>d e'prmion< were
Pluto WeTe 10 react v.ry fas' 10 so"",· th. e, "eme up On stl'ting down and ne.:~ry in ,h= ,po" 10 build the
thing thaI happens, the action follow·
ing his .eaction could Ix handled in an
clOSt to Ihe extreme down on 'he Slart gag o. situation 10 a dimax. To a"ive
., Ihe fOOlage needed for ,uch SpO!$.
.,,'k" 'l'd 01" slow effcel '0 ai"e Plulo F. Snort Anion: Anlicipate b",k with as ",en as 'he follow up in aclion, ,he
his "'eight. as in hi. jump Out OnlO , "" Pluto·s head and ketp 1>0$( in normal animltor has 10 fet] ,he situation him·
~ in ON ICE. His , lip w;u ve,y fMt position. In $hOOling head forward self. Of COIl.SC, IheTe can Ix too much
bYlhls lurn ,)"o'eT in ,'''' air pvethe nee· Ihe nose wrinkles and the bulb in· ,im. Or "ailing a, «nain poinu, al·
ess.arY "'cight for ,h. land follow;ng. creases in size . showing lhe nostril, in though it has be<:n found e.,ieT tOcul
In ajwmp ..·heT. a .mall Or ligh' dOg the extreme position which is Ihe down \1alling in .he rough tnt than to
might la ke off quickr •. in Plu,o'. ca", accent of the snon. build up undertimed situa,ion, later
• aood anticipa'ion w;1I aive you lhe For a defini'e accent on 'he snor, . On. The rel.5On for this is ,ha"heani .
..'eigh, feel;n, and at the lini.h o. draw back ,lo ..·ly "i.h a . ..·clli'" up mllor work< sponlaneously ..'hen II<
land. a aood sag 10 Ihe body and legs of Plulo·, body. 100e'Mr wi,h a d,aw- feel. the ,iluation, and tryina 10
to. 1101' posilion uP. Or follow lake to back of ' he head IUld 'hen ohOOIinll ~,O>\'d Ihings inlO 1 ai"en foolage han·
another action, i, helpful. inlo an utreme position with the nose dicaps him to Ihe Ulcnt of bruki",
wrin kled . mou1h closed. let,h show· 'he lpontaneity of hi l wor k. Thi, I\>"
B. Slip 1il/t'C1." (ON ICE) In all , lip. with
ing disgusted upression, a nd bulb plies 10 any .ilUl lion in cartool\l, ro-
his h(ad, twO d.a"' inas we •• used
,oina up. When hi. fOOl dipped. hi. show ina nostrils, u.ina One in·he· aardl ... of character. Of course, in
twetn " 'i,h a pause selliina back .Iow. buildi", up a s;tuation 01" gag, lhe
body saUed. al the same tim •. T he
lI<ad ,hot up IUld a f,.. he collapSed. Iy from the utreme position but still val". of e",h piece of busin... sllould
'M bod)· landed very quickly, bul ,he in IUl allilude of having snorted. be d(lermined ... 10 Ihe amoun' of
footage il clUl $land.
hud came around in an l'C and Ihen G. SnH U': Same 1.5 the snor' except an
,napped 'hrough. When he hit, two open moulh is
dU"'inas were .quashed. Ihen he IV. General Working
H . Barb:]n a bar k th. 'etth show a ]il·
came , lowly out of il into a hold. H.
did nOt >lOp when he hil ,he ice.
lie with the upper lip curvina O\'eT Method:
and ,he IUm s/>owinl . ]n shor' bark'
C. Rt bounds: When Plulo lups and which art doroe in 6·s. 3·s and 4·5. a In roughinl OUI I<:tion in a >cene a good
Ian'h. he lands (,on, fetl linl and turned up effect is used on lhe jowls al method to follow is 10 "'ork from e,treme
Ihen bac k fetl. The whole body s.ag5 ,be e",eme position. giving Ihe fetl. '0 e,"eme as ,he aClion is 'i, ..aliud. This
and in coming uP. if he is still 10 re- ing of flesh in an extrcme wide open helps to hold 'he spoma .... ity of the ,ilua·
main in. Cloueh position. a drawing mou,h. lion Or gag and p...... nts Ih. animator
half..'ay b(ol"ietn a linl land position from dwelling 100 much On an unimpor.
and 'he exlteme saa posilion clUl be lanl spol in the action. In 101", back "'...
used 1.5 a linal posi'ion for a hold . Bu' III. Handling of thost dra,,·i ngs. eXltemes can be euggn·
in brinaing him ou' of hi~ low"" sag Pluto for lied when ne<:eiSIIr)'. Or a _ $lan' may
posilion, enough drawings are 10 Ix had On diffe ..m points ,hroughoul .
bring him up slowly inlo it SO ;u to Expressions
lake up just I ,light rebound. Possibly
e,'en in the cale of him con'inuing Ih. A. In ,he layi!\i OUI of Plu to's aClion on
leap you could U"" the ... me ,ebound exposure,h""" before anima,ina. it is
and then continue "ith him leapins hard '0 anticipa,. Ihe neecs... ry fetl· Jln.4.]936
forward inlo 1M air apin. Thi, is a inl in certain SpOI' whcre ex pres~ions E.T.
Analysis of the Goof
II is ('\iflicull 10 classify lhe charaaeristM:s o f Hi, pOstlire is nil. HiS Nek arches the dome-large. dKamy ()U, buck ItctlI ..

;a~~~~:; aa~-::rt!.::=::"';
1110 Goof in10 columns o f ,he p/lysinl and ""0", " .. y and his lillie Jlomac:h pr.,..rudn.
m_a1, beca...., they inl~"(. ,dleet and Hi, held , Jlornach and knen Iea<1 hi, body.
..,hlJltt one a_her. TiI<1"cfQre, i1 .... iII prob· Hi. ned i. Quit. long and ",awny. Hi. knen lll~r on ils .... y 0111 and lurlll up. His I
ably be beSl to mention everythin, I II al onct'. Ilg and his f••1 are la'll. and flal. H. walk. On should remain partly closed 10 ""Jp Ji,e iii
Think of the Goof IS a composite of an hi. heel. and hi. loa lu,n up. Hi•• houlders tlupid. sleepy appeara~. as thouah he 1
cvnlaslin. OJ)Iim~. I luUibk (lc)od Samar;-
liIlI. a h.lf...·;' •• miftkss, hick.
... narrow and dope rapidLy, civi",
part or his body a thinMSS and makinl his
I""uppa «MUIanlly Jlrainin,10 remain a .... t. bIi
IIOU..,.. lhoy can Open ..-ide for
lot is Loooe-joinlcd .00 ,.nely. bul no! rub- arm. _m long and h.a..,.. lhaqh ac1uaily '"tnIS. He blinks quile a bil.
bery. H e can move fut if h. has 10, bUI would nO! drawn that way. Hi. hand. arc ,·.ry $tn,i· He i. very basbful. yet .... htoi somethin&
rather avoid any ov•• -exertion, SQ h. takes liv. and exprQ.iv. and Ihough hi, geslures art "upid h~s bef~ILen him. he muas lhe
"'hat 5«"" thc .1$~'1 "'ay. H. is a philoso- brNd. Ihty ,IIouLd still renee. I"" gentleman. like an amalrur lICIor with rdati ... ill
ph.. or 1M harbt. shop v,riely. No mailer ~ Ihin k of the Goof U 1 ...""'iC ... ith aud~~, 'ryi", 10 r;over up his
.""1 happens, he 1oC«p1! II r. ...lIyas bcilli rOf rubber hose l"achmrn15. Thoua.h "" is Vfty mtnt by mati.,. faces and signaIIina; to
the bnl or al ~I amusing. H. i ..... illillA 10 I1cxible and tloppy. hi. body .,ill hu a solidily He is in c",,", r;OntllCl wilh spritCl,
help anyone and off." his assi,tance even and w.ighl. Th.loosenelS in hi' arm. and leiS fairie.and other such (anIM. Eac;hO~
"h". h.; , nO! n«<kd and ju.t cTUlesconru- .hould be achieved Ihrough • ',,"",ion of piett or me;:h~nism which 10 lIS Is hfe
sian. fie "cry Kldom. if~.• no.,," hi$ ob- break> ill lhe joints rather Ihalllh.oua.h ,.hal a soul and peuonaJity in tho: mind of
j«I;~ or romplo:ln ..·.... t he """ lIaned. His $C<"fm like the ...·avin& of SO much rOpe. H. is Ooot'. The improbabk b«oalCl real ~
brain brill, Blhor vapory, il i. difforu1! for not mu~lar and}"CI h. hu I"" " . ength and Goof is concerned . ,
him 10 COO""nI ••!. on lny one .ubjttt. Any ilamina of. very wiry pc~n. Hi, dothes ar. 1·le lIu marv.lous muscullr conlrol
liUI. dislrBClion c.n th,ow him off his t,ain of mi,fil'. hi. IfOUsers are blU)' al Ih. knen .nd fanny. He can do numerous ~nle
tllouaht and il i. e~lremdy difro<;ul1 for th. lhe !)oJnl l.p ' lIiv. vainly to touch hi • • hot ... i,h illnd hi. fanny should beustd
c-r 10 k«p 10 his purpOse. lOpS. but n"'" do. H i. palllS d.oop at lhe $tal lhere is an opporlunity 10 anp/lllizlo a
r.. t"" Goof i. no! I"" type of half· that and Jlrctch tiply ItrOlS _ di"anee bela .... posilion.
;" to be pilied. He donn'l dribble, drool or I"" crotch . Hi, ....·.al.r fill him snugly ~pt This lillie anal)"i. has ".,.,....,.j the
,hrick. H. hu mu.le In his he~rl .,·.n though for Ihe n<"Ck and hi. v... i. much 100 small. lop 10 lotS, and havi",comt 10 his
il be the .... rn.lun. fortver and I _ him hum. His hat i. of a $Ofl material and ani males a ,", .
minll 0 himStlfwhile"'orkinaor Ihin ki.... He Liule bil .
wb 10 hirrudf becaUSf il is ~ for him 10 The Goor. head "n be 1.......,,1 of in lerm.
t il"'" ...·hal h. n IhillkillJl if he ""an it fir~. of a carlcatur. of a person wilh a poinled

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