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Jacobie Geer

Ms. Cole

English 4

26 March 2019

Service Research Paper

It’s been said before, people with any mental illness can go through many things in

general experience different things during their lifetime. They may deal with those type of things

earlier or later than others. Researchers had spent so much of their time looking for the main

reason why some abnormal things happen in the brain but they couldn’t find anything related to

that they were looking for. People with schizophrenia have told their experiences with the whole

ordeal. They know how to take care of themselves.

Eleanor Longden is a woman who experiences one of the most common symptoms of

schizophrenia; voices (Longden, E 2013). Everything started in college when those voices began

speaking in her head. It kept telling her her own actions, like opening up doors or eating food.

Longden told her friends about it and they ignored her. They thought it was too taboo (Longden,

E 2013). Soon she decided that enough is enough so she went to go see a therapist. Both of them

talked and the therapist gave her the medication she needs to help cure the symptoms


Scientists are discovering new things about the way any kind of mental illness makes its

way to the brain and take control. But with schizophrenia, there isn’t much information about it.

Sure, they have found ways about how schizophrenia works but they don’t really know how it

forms. All of the research that they need has cost them over a million dollars in toll just do what

they need (Balter, Michael 2017). It wasn’t until years later that they discovered that genetics,

with the help of multiple families and their histories, is the main reason why this mental disease

became known as schizophrenia (Balter, Michael 2017).

Another article about someone experiencing a symptom of schizophrenia. The woman in

this article is named Susan. As before, she has voices inside of her head. Without knowing,

Susan had the disease passed down from her mother. Schizophrenia has led her with bad

behavior on the streets (​Luhrmann, Tanya Marie 2012). Selling drugs, getting into trouble with

bad people, etc. During the whole course of her life, she hasn’t been taking any type of

medication to help to sooth the symptoms of schizophrenia. She stated that staying in her

apartment is the only type of medication for her. Within about twenty years, better research came

to be about how schizophrenic symptoms can lay low for the time being. She finally gave in and

went to the doctors. They prescribed her medication and she’s now acting normal.

Works Cited

Balter, Michael. “Schizophrenia’s Unyielding Mysteries.” ​Scientific American Mind​, vol. 28, no.

4, July 2017, p. 50

LONGDEN, ELEANOR. “Listening to Voices.” ​Scientific American Mind​, vol. 24, Sept. 2013


LUHRMANN, TANYA MARIE. “Beyond the Brain.” ​Wilson Quarterly​, vol. 36, no. 3, Summer

2012, p. 28.

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