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K104/9 Lê Đình Lý St., Thanh Khê Dist., Đà Nẵng City PROGRESS TEST
Tel: (5113) 222.713 – 0905.023.042 – 0903.535.563 PREIE.P-06

Full name: .................................................................. Time: 20’
Date of Test: …./.…/……

I/ Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.
cinema foyer aisle trailer cartoon critic
usherette poster row screen horror performance review
Fiona and I went to the (1) cinema the other day to see 'Devil' at the Odeon. The (2) review by
the Daily Express (3) critic was good, and we decided to go to the 8 o'clock (4) performance.
When I arrived, Fiona was waiting for me in the (5) aisle looking at a (6) poster for 'Devil'
on the wall. The (7) usherette took our tickets and showed us to our seats. I don't like to be too
close to the (8) screen and I usually sit in the back (9) row if possible, and I prefer a seat on
the (10) foyer so can stretch my legs. Before the main film there was a Mickey Mouse (11)
cartoon then a (12) trailer for the following week's film. 'Devil' was a (13) horror film and I
was quite terrified, but Fiona thought it was funny.
II/ Choose the correct answers
1. She finally decided ..... her children alone in the house
a. Not leaving
b. Do not leave
c. Not leave
d. Not to have
2. You ought to be insured now ..... you’re married
a. That
b. Unless
c. Though
d. Because of
3. I wish you ... longer
a. Will stay
b. Can stay

c. Could stay
d. Stay
4. It took the director two hours
a. Explaining us the new plan
b. To explain us the new plan
c. Explaining the new plan to us
d. To explain the new plan to us
5. They were too late. The plane...... off ten minutes earlier.
a. Took
b. Has taken
c. Had taken
d. Was taking

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