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1. Five level of prequention : promosi kesehatan,perlindungan khusus,diagnosis dini dan

pengobatan yang cepat dan tepat,pembantasan kecacatan,rehabilitasi.
2. Communicable disease : is a disease by organism bacteria,virus,parasite, fungi, that can be
spread from one person to another
3. Exposure : something that recive by patient as a part of a diagnosie or treatment
4. Infection : condition bacteria that lives on living body become pathogen,process of bacteria of
virus invading the body or making some one ill
5. Infection disease : is a disease caused by pathogenic micro organism such as bacteria virus
parasite or fungi from one person to another
6. Health Out come : change in health status as a result of the process such as recovery disability
and death , make specific protection.
7. Intervention : rasional action that are intensionaly caried out the patient of the baseis of doctor
or nurse or collaborative decision between them,giving new treatmen


Infection disease

1. The differences between communicable disease and infectious disease ?

2. What caused of infectious disease ?
3. Why a person may infected disease?
4. How to spread the disease?
5. How to prevernt communicable disease following natural disaster?
6. What factor that can decrease the infection disease and how prevention and control ?
7. What the definition five level of prevention spesificly?


Infection disease

1. The differences between communicable disease and infectious disease ?

Disease no differences
2. What caused of infectious disease ?
- Agent cousis of a living element ex: virus,bacteria,fungi,parasite
- Environment : low oxsigent,co2 tinggi,perubahan suhu extream
- Host daya tahan tubuh yang lemah
3. Why a person may infected disease?
- Decrease of immune system
- Unhealthy environment
- Ressiten host
- Bad Life style
- Bad culture
4. How to spread the disease?
- Kontak fisik dengan pasien
- Kontak dengan benda yang terkontaminasi,ex: goresan atau luka
- Gigitan dari hewan yang membawa anti gen
- Melalui udara atau airborne disease
- Kontak dalam jarak dekat droplet
- Melalu media,ex: alat kesehatan
5. How to prevernt communicable disease following natural disaster?
- Ruang isolasi
- Karantina
- Evakuasi
- Meggunkan alat perlindungan diri
6. What factor that can decrease the infection disease and how prevention and control ?
- Alat yang Steril
- Kebersihan lingkungan
- Gaya hidup
- Vaksin
- Health promotion

7. What the definition five level of prevention spesificly?

8. What definition of natural History of disease and the four stage?
Progretion of disease without intervention of agent,host,or environment
Stage: - exposure
- infectious disease
- out come

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