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Red Panda

Ailurus fulgens

- They can be found in eastern Himalayas

and southwestern China.

- Poaching and habitat loss have left less than

10,000 wild adult red pandas remaining in the

- The loss of nesting trees and bamboo is

causing a decline in red panda populations
across much of their range because their forest
home is being cleared.
Indochinese Tiger
Panthera tigris corbetti

- They can be found in

throughout Southeast Asia. This
population occurs in Myanmar,
Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia
and southwestern China.

- As per 2010, their population was

thought to only around 350
Indochinese Tigers left.

- Indochinese tiger numbers are in

shocking decline across its range
because of shrinking habitats,
expanding human populations, and
their body parts are used for the
increasing demand for traditional
medicines, folk remedies and wild

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