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Americani Jouirnal of Pathology, Vol. 146, No.

1, January 1995
Copyright C) American Society for Investigative Pathology

Distribution of Unesterified
Cholesterol-Containing Particles in Human
Atherosclerotic Lesions

Sara Sarig, Wulf H. Utian, Leon A. Sheean, ing unesterified cholesterol and calcium phos-
and George 1. Gorodeski phate in the midzone of the intima. Because in the
From the Department of Reproductive Biology, Case Western second stage of aggregation the transition of cho-
Reserve University School ofMedicine, and the Department lesterol to the solid state has already occurred, it
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University MacDonald is irreversible. (Am JPathol 1995, 146:139-147)
Women 's Hospital, University Hospitals of Cleveland,
Cleveland, Ohio Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the leading
cause of morbidity and mortality in men and women.1
The prevailing theory of atheroma formation indicates
accumulation and deposition of lipids, including cho-
The objective of the study was to characterize un- lesterol, in extracellular tissues of arterial walls, but
esterified cholesterol particles in human aorta little is known about the actual mechanism of cho-
and to correlate the findings with the severity of lesterol agglomeration. In particular, little is known
aortic atherosclerosis. Human tissues were pro- about the role of unesterified cholesterol in athero-
cessed under conditions that preserve deposits of genesis, and most of our knowledge is derived from
unesterified cholesterol agglomerates. Filipin- studies that focused on the esterified form of choles-
fluorescence was determined by using a novel terol. Unesterified cholesterol constitutes the major
triple bandpassfilter. The pattern of unesterified part of the total cholesterol mass of degraded low
cholesterol deposits was age related and corre- density lipoprotein (LDL) and is therefore likely to play
lated with the severity of atherosclerosis. We a role in lipid accumulation in peripheral tissues. Pre-
found three types of deposits: 1), smaU spheru- vious studies have failed to depict the unesterified
lites (3 to 5 u), which were depicted in both the cholesterol in arterial walls in situ, partly because of
media and intima in individuals as early as age inappropriate methodology to detect lipids. Routine
16, and which, in more advanced ages, showed an histological techniques use organic solvents to fix tis-
increase in density and a tendency to aggregate sues, but these solvents solubilize the unesterified
extracelularly throughout the intima in clusters; cholesterol.
2), elongated structures (10 to 30.u in the middle The objective of this study was to use the fluores-
zone of the intima), the density of which was di- cent agent filipin to detect unesterified cholesterol
rectly related to the severity of atherosclerosis; aggregates in human arteries. The fluorescent poly-
and 3), large (100 u), irregular deposits found ene antibiotic filipin binds specifically to 3-0-
mainly in the core of atherosclerotic plaques. The hydrosterols2'3 and was used to assay unesterified
medium size deposits, compared with those cholesterol deposits in experimental animal lesions4
found in the core of atherosclerotic plaques, re- and in atherosclerotic human tissues.5'6 Our objective
tain their overaU size (10 to 30 ), uniformity was to use this probe to localize and characterize
(oval elongated), and localization (middle zone unesterified cholesterol deposits in human arteries
of the intima). On the basis of these observations obtained at autopsy and to correlate the intensity of
we hypothesize cholesterol deposition in two the fluorescent pattern with the severity of the ath-
stages of aggregation 1), early degradation of erosclerotic lesion.
infiltrating low density lipoprotein particles
forming unesterified cholesterol-rich vesicles in
Accepted for publication August 19, 1994.
the vessel wall, folowed by aggregation to
Address reprint requests to Dr. George I. Gorodeski, University
spherulites in the lowerpart ofthe intima; and 2), MacDonald Women's Hospital, University Hospitals of Cleveland,
more massive agglomeration ofparticles contain- 2074 Abington Road, Cleveland, OH 44106.

140 Sarig et al
AJPJanuary 1995, Vol. 146, No. 1

Extracellular filipin-positive particles represent a the filipin fluorescence by using a triple band pass
previously unrecognized structure in which unesteri- filter. The use of the triple band pass filter resolved the
fied cholesterol accumulates within atherosclerotic difficulty of differentiating between filipin-cholesterol
lesions.4 Previous studies described the presence of and tissue endogenous fluorescence, registering the
filipin-positive particles in rat, rabbit, and monkey integrated fluorescence pattern on a single photomi-
atherosclerotic lesions induced by cholesterol feed- crograph in different colors. The background tissue
ing. It was found that early accumulation of filipin appears gray and the small circular particles con-
fluorescent-positive material occurs in the intima, es- taining unesterified cholesterol (identified by its green
pecially against the elastica interna.7 In human ath- fluorescence when stained with filipin10) are pink,
erosclerotic lesions, filipin staining occurred in asso- whereas the large elongated agglomerates, evidently
ciation with three extracellular structures, spherical composed of cholesterol and calcium phosphate,
particles, elongated crystals, and granular calcium stain brilliant white.10
deposits, neither of which stained by red oil-O. These We used this novel microscopic method to survey
results indicated that accumulation of unesterified a number of human arteries and to observe the dis-
and esterified cholesterol may occur in separate ex- tribution of unesterified cholesterol-containing par-
tracellular regions of the arterial wall.5 ticles in human arteries of donors within a wide range
In earlier studies, calcium phosphate-cholesterol of ages and of severity of the atherosclerotic lesions.
agglomerates containing unesterified cholesterol
were investigated both in vitro and in segments of
human atherosclerotic tissues,6 and the existence of Materials and Methods
apatite-cholesterol agglomerates in human athero-
sclerotic lesions was verified in a study with five di- Patients
verse electron microscope techniques.8 Cholesterol-
hydroxyapatite agglomerates, produced in vitro, Human arteries were obtained at autopsy from pa-
which simulate the calcium phosphate-cholesterol tients, males and females aged from 16 to 83 years,
deposits in lesions9 stained with filipin-emitted who died from diverse causes. Histological diag-
fluorescence in a manner very similar to the fluores- noses and the causes of death were obtained from
cence motif obtained from the filipin staining of the the Department of Pathology at University Hospitals
tissue.6 Those studies were focused on the com- of Cleveland.
parison between natural and artificial cholesterol-
hydroxyapatite agglomerates, and the experimental Tissue Preparation
procedure adapted in those studies6 included immer-
sion of the aortic tissue in ethanol for 30 minutes to After adventitial tissues were removed, arteries were
eliminate all of the filipin staining except that associ- opened longitudinally and segments of 1 to 2 inches
ated with calcium deposits, ie, all of the free unest- were wrapped in aluminum foil and snap frozen in
erified cholesterol accumulations. In the present liquid nitrogen. Cross sections of approximately one
study, to prevent unintentional dissolution of unes- quarter of an inch were cut and mounted on cork-
terified cholesterol deposits in the tissue, the tissue boards and kept frozen at -80 C until subjected to thin
sections prepared for filipin staining were not treated section cutting with a steel knife in a Reichert Junge
with any organic solvent. The problem of differenti- International Equipment Co. apparatus at -19 C. The
ating the filipin-cholesterol fluorescence from the sections (14 p thick) were mounted on microscopic
autofluorescence of elastin and cellular inclusions slides. Sections for red oil-O staining (which demon-
has been addressed4 and resolved by using con- strates general lipids and esterified cholesterol) were
secutively two separate filters for the same field of processed with red oil-O solution in 99% isopropanol,
view and eliminating, by visual inspection, the stained for 45 minutes, counterstained for 30 seconds
autofluorescent signal that was seen with blue light. in Harris hematoxylin, rinsed in tap water, rinsed in
In a previous study carried out in our laboratory,10 the 0.05% lithium carbonate for 15 seconds, rinsed in tap
fluorescence patterns obtained from filipin-stained water again, mounted in glycerin jelly, and kept under
human atherosclerotic lesion were studied by using a subslides. Sections intended for filipin staining were
blue standard and a green dual filter. Though it was stored at -80 C until assayed. The filipin stain solution
possible to identify the filipin-cholesterol complex by was prepared by dissolving 2.5 mg of solid filipin
comparison between the blue light and the green light complex (F9765, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO)
pictures, the procedure was strained. Subsequently, in 1 ml of dimethylformamide and adding the solution
we described an improved methodology to specify to 50 ml of diphosphate buffer saline. Before viewing
Unesterified Cholesterol in Human Aorta 141
AJPJanuary 1995, Vol. 146, No. 1

with a light fluorescent microscope, the filipin solution and in spaces between cells. In addition to the dis-
was layered above a frozen unfixed section and in- persed small pink dots, there are also several brightly
cubated for 20 minutes. stained particles, approximately 20 p,, located in a
rather discrete area close to the elastic boundary be-
tween the intima and the media. A few small pink
Microscope and Filters dots can also be seen in the media. A similar pattern
A Zeiss fluorescent Axiophot photomicroscope was of filipin staining was seen in two additional cases
used. The UV excitation was carried out with a super (Table 1, patients 2 and 3, not shown).
pressure mercury lamp, HBO 100 W/2 at 365 nm, Figure 3A is a section of aorta of a 28-year-old man
and the viewing was performed with a triple band (Table 1, patient 5) with a more thickened and dam-
pass 4',6-dianidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride/ aged intima. Dispersed throughout the intima, but
fluorescein isothiocyanate/Texas red filter set-up with particularly in the lower and upper zones, are numer-
excitation wavelengths 405, 490, and 570 nm and ous small circular pink particles of a size of 3 to 10 p.
emission wavelengths 465, 530, and 640 nm (61002; They are also arranged in small chains and/or clusters
Chroma Technology Corp., Brattleboro VT). that appear to be extracellular and lie in parallel to
the surface of the tissue. In the middle zone of the
intima, there are elongated white, strongly fluorescent
Results particles forming a trail. These particles vary in size
(approximately 20 p).
Table 1 lists the data on the patients whose arteries The five donors (Table 1, patients 1 to 5) had no
were examined for deposits of unesterified choles-
cardiovascular disease.
terol with the fluorescent filipin probe. Sections of the The aortic section in Figure 3B is of a 45-year-old
arteries, untreated with organic solvents and pre- woman who died of atherosclerotic cardiovascular
served at -80 C, were incubated with filipin and disease (Table 1, patient 6). Figure 3B was used in our
viewed with a fluorescence microscope with the triple former study of filipin staining in a different context10
band pass filter. This filter allows us to distinguish on to demonstrate the improved sensitivity of the novel
a single photomicrograph between the endogenous
filipin staining technique and to compare it with the
fluorescence of the arterial tissue and the fluores- use of green and blue filters. In the present study, it
cence of the unesterified cholesterol-filipin complex,
serves to exhibit the spatial distribution of the filipin-
by virtue of color differences. positive particles. As is shown in Figure 3B, filipin
The segment of aorta shown in Figure 1A is from a staining can discern three types of structures 1), small
16-year-old male (Table 1, patient 1), and it depicts a spherical particles at the base of the thickened intima
nonthickened intima (left upper part) and an expanse (approximately 5 to 10 Ip); 2), elongated, intensely
of media with gaps between the tissue fibers. A few white large particles in the middle zone (approxi-
separate small pink dots, approximately 5 p in size, mately 20 to 80 p); and 3), pink, medium-sized par-
are dispersed in the media (arrows). Figure 1 B is an
ticles (approximately 10 to 30 p) in the upper part of
enlargement of one such dot at magnification x200. the intima.
Figure 2 is a section of aorta obtained from a 27- Figure 4A is a section of aorta of a 66-year-old man
year-old woman (Table 1, patient 4). It shows a mildly with diffuse atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
thickened but intact intima (upper part) and multiple
(Table 1, patient 7), showing a subintimal core lesion.
pink dots sprinkled within the intima. The latter appear The upper part of the intima is not disrupted but, as
to be composed of chains of two to five dots arranged
may be deduced from the gap in the right-hand side
horizontally, ie, in parallel to the surface of the tissue
of the figure and the remnants of the tissue above the
gap, the core of the lesion had developed under the
Table 1. Clinical Data and Experimental MatenIal
endothelium and pushed it into the arterial lumen. In
Patient this section, as in the former ones (Figures 1 to 3),
No. Artery Cause of Death Sex Age
filipin stained three types of structures, but the relative
1 Aorta Hydrocephalus M 16 distribution of the structures in this case differed
2 Aorta Viral encephalitis F 26
3 Aorta Hodgkin's disease F 27 markedly compared with the former cases. Small pink
4 Aorta Respiratory arrest F 27 dots, (approximately 5 p) can be seen throughout the
5 Aorta Cystic fibrosis M 28 intima (triangles), including in the core lesion. Most
6 Aorta CAD, diabetes mellitus F 45
7 Aorta CAD M 66 abundant were large, filipin-positive agglomerates,
8 Aorta Complicated aortic lesion M 83 which stained brilliant white (approximately 20 to 60
CAD, coronary artery heart disease. p). These were found mainly in the core lesion (arrow)
142 Sarig et al
AJPJanuary 1995, Vol. 146, No. 1

Figure 1. Filipini staining of unesterified cholesterol aggregates: cross section of aorta fronm a 16-vear-old maoi (Table 1). 7he procedurefJirfilipin
stainitng and fluorescence microscopy are described in Materials and Methods. A: tpper part, nornmal inititna. Media is shown w'ith gaps between
tissue fibers. Several small pink dots (arrous) are dispersed in the media. These dots represent spherical cholesterol-containing particles. Jlagnifi-
cation, x 100. B: Same as (A), magnification X200. Note the pink stained dot. Bar = 1(0 0.

but also outside of the core lesion itself. In addition, pear to be discretely extracellular and to lie parallel to
elongated structures (approximately 20 to 40 p) were the surface of the endothelium.
also stained brilliant white with filipin and can be seen Figure 4B is a section of an aorta of an 83-year-old
in the middle zone of the intima (square). In contrast man who died of diffuse atherosclerotic cardiovas-
to the former, however, the elongated particles ap- cular disease (Table 1, patient 8), showing a complex
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Unesterified Cholesterol in Human Aorta 143
AjPJanuary 1995, Vol. 146, No. ]


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Figure 2. Filipin staining of lnesterified cholesterol aggregates: cross section of aorta from a 27-year-old woman (Table 1). Note a thickened bht
intact intima and multiple pink dots in the loner part of the intima. Some dots aggregate in short chains (arrow). Several pink dots can also be
seen in the media. Bar = 100 y.

atherosclerotic deposit with thickened and damaged proximately 10 to 100 p. Some of these still retained
intima. Despite its complex appearance, however, the their elongated shape (arrow), whereas others were
filipin staining had the same general pattern as in Fig- more rounded. In the core of the lesion, filipin stained
ure 4A. As can be seen in Figure 4B, in the area that diverse elements, some of which were large, irregular
corresponds to the middle zone of the intima and that agglomerates that stained pink-white (triangles),
lies above the core of the lesion, filipin stained with whereas others were smaller and more condensed
brilliant white an abundance of particles that were ap- structures that stained brilliant white. In addition, the
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144 Sarig et al
AJPJanuary 1995, Vol. 146, No. 1



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Figure 3. Filipin staining of unesterified cholesterol aggregates. A:

Cross section of aorta from a 28-year-old man (Table 1). The intima
Figure 4. Filipin staining of unesterified cholesterol aggregates. A:
Cross section of aorta from a 66-year-old man (Table 1). A siubinti-
is thickened and damaged; areas in the upper part of the intima are mal core lesion is shown in the center of the figure. Small dots (tri-
discotntinuous and disconnected. Smallpink dots are dispersed in the angles) surrounding the core can be seen also inside the core. In ad-
lower and the upper zones of the intima, and large elongated, bril- dition to the small dots, two otherfilipin-positive stained particles are
liant uhite fluorescent particles form a chain in the middle zone. B: evident: large particles of diverse sizes and shapes (arrou), seen
Cross section of aorta from a 45-year-old woman (Table 1). Note a mainly inside the core itself and medium sized elongated particles,
trail of large, elongated, strongly fluorescent particles in the middle seen in the middle zone of the intima (squares). B: Cross sectionl of
zone (arrou), small pink dots and diffuse fluorescence in the lower aorta from an 83-year-old man (Table 1). Note a subintimal core le-
zone, and medium size pink particles in the upper zone of the in- sion in the center of the figure. Shown are the three types offilipin-
tima. Bar = 100 }. positive particles, as in (A). Most abundant are the medium sized
particles in the middle zone of the intima (arrow! points to al elon-
gated particle). In the core of the lesion can be seen large agglomer-
ates (triangles). Also seen are pink dots, scattered throu.ghouit the in-
small circular pink dots were seen through the entire tima. Bar= 100 .
section in considerable density. Overall, compared
with less severe cases of atherosclerosis (eg, Figures
3A, B and 4A), in the case presented in Figure 4B Despite the diversity of the filipin-stained particles,
there is more diversity, intermingling, and superim- we have found a pattern of unesterified cholesterol
position of the different kinds of filipin-stained par- deposits in the human aorta that was age related and
ticles within the intima. correlated with the severity of atherosclerosis in the
vessel. We have found three types of deposits. 1,
Small spherulites (3 to 5 p) that stained pink with filipin
were depicted in both the media and in the intima as
Discussion early as age 16. In more advanced ages, the density
The survey of human aortas obtained from patients of of these spherulites increased and they tended to
ages 16 to 83 shows a spectrum of unesterified cho- aggregate extracellularly throughout the intima in
lesterol deposits, starting from the few isolated, small groups of two to five; 2), Elongated structures (tens of
particles (approximately 3 to 5 P) to dense agglom- microns) that are stained brilliant white with filipin can
erates (tens of microns). The detection of diverse in- be seen in the middle zone of the intima. The density
termediate patterns suggests that the modified mi- of these structures was directly related to the severity
croscopic procedure used in the present study can of aortic atherosclerosis and they were detected only
become a functional tool in the study of mechanisms in middle-aged patients. It appears, however, that
of atherosclerotic lesion formation. these deposits differ from those found in the core of
Unesterified Cholesterol in Human Aorta 145
AJPJanuiary 1995, Vol. 146, No. 1

atherosclerotic plaques (see below), as the former were formed through the collapse of cholesterol-rich
compared with the latter retained their overall size (10 particles and the condensation of released choles-
to 30 p), uniformity (oval elongated), and localization terol molecules.
(middle zone of the intima). 3), Large (100 ,u), irregular In patients with early atherosclerosis (eg, Figure 3),
deposits were found mainly in the core of the athero- the spherulites containing unesterified cholesterol
sclerotic plaque. The experimental approach used in tend to accumulate in the lower part of the intima. In
this study was novel in two aspects: 1), for avoiding some instances, the circular spherulites form chains
the use of organic solvents in sample preparation and of two to four closely spaced particles. Such a phe-
2), for viewing the filipin-cholesterol fluorescence on nomenon suggests that these particles are contained
a single photomicrograph with the use of a fluores- in the extracellular space. In addition, this may rep-
cence microscope with the triple band pass filter, al- resent vesicle aggregation, which precedes their col-
lowing a better detection and resolution of the filipin- lapse and cholesterol release to form crystallites. On
positive particles. the other hand, small crystallites are also known to
Unesterified cholesterol particles can be detected aggregate in an aqueous medium12,13
in human aorta as early as age 16 in patients with We have observed an age-related tendency of ac-
histologically normal intima. As shown in Figure 1, cumulation of the spherulites in the intima, particularly
small unesterified cholesterol deposits are widely in the lower zone, and the effect was more noticeable
scattered in the media. Of interest is our finding that in patients with atherosclerosis. Currently there is no
the earliest cholesterol deposits have been the explanation to this finding, although it may be asso-
spherulites found in the media. Because in older pa- ciated with an increased influx and/or decreased ef-
tients, and in patients with advanced atherosclerosis, flux of LDL-cholesterol in the arterial walls as age ad-
the filipin-positive spherulites in the media remained vances. Another factor to consider is the relative
sparse, this indicates that these deposits may be tran- larger accumulation of the spherulites in the lower
sient and reversible, or they may be accidental and zone of the intima, compared with more superficial
associated with the individual pathological condition parts. One possible explanation is that the steady
of the donor. Also of interest is the finding that these state level of accumulation is equal in all the layers of
spherulites can be found in the intact intima of arteries the intima but that endothelial and subendothelial lay-
of humans and of animal models. The fact that such ers are continuously being shed and replaced, thus
deposits have not been previously reported is the re- creating the impression of less accumulation of
sult of two experimental factors: 1), the minute cho- spherulites in the more superficial intimal layers.
lesterol deposits are subjected to rapid dissolution by The second type of particle containing unesterified
organic solvents traditionally used for sample prepa- cholesterol was of filipin-positive agglomerates that
ration, which have been avoided in the present study, are seen mainly in the middle zone of the intima.
and 2), with the previously used optical filters the These particles appear as a trail of elongated par-
minute deposits could not be discerned on the back- ticles that stain brilliant white with filipin and are lo-
ground of the endogenous tissue fluorescence. cated in the middle zone of the intima in individuals
At present, the exact nature of the filipin-positive already in their twenties (eg, Figure 3A). The aortic
spherulites is unknown. However, based on our10 and segment of the 28-year-old male demonstrates, in
other2'3 studies, these small spherical particles can Figure 3A, intimal thickening with some disruption; the
be speculated to consist of aggregates of the spherulites are concentrated in the lower and upper
cholesterol-rich vesicles isolated from human athero- zones of the intima, whereas a trail of elongated
sclerotic lesions and characterized by Kruth and col- strongly fluorescent white particles is located in the
laborators1 1 and also observed by Simionescu et all middle zone. In this figure, the chains of several small
in arterial intima of cholesterol-fed rabbits. In contrast spherulites are possibly in a preaggregation state in
to membranes of undegraded LDL particles that the midzone of the intima, ie, in transition to larger
have a cholesterol/phospholipid ratio of 0.9:1, in circular bodies and to the elongated particles. The
cholesterol-rich particles the ratio is approximately larger particles are evidently crystalline, possibly ag-
2.5:1. The large excess of unesterified cholesterol in glomerates of unesterified cholesterol crystals with
relation to phospholipid does not allow the formation calcium phosphate.
of 1:1 cholesterol/phospholipid complexes which is Although we have not seen an intermediate state
characteristic to most membranes. This may allow the between Figures 2 and 3A with regard to the transition
formation of cholesterol domains that can react with from the small spherical particles seen as circular
filipin. The other possibility is that these spherulites dots to larger, either elongated or irregularly shaped,
represent unesterified cholesterol crystallites that cholesterol crystals and agglomerates (probably be-
146 Sarig et al
AJPJanuary 1995, Vol. 146, No. 1

cause of the limited number of specimens), it is sug- seen in the former figures in such density that they are
gested that such state(s) can be found either in a superimposed on each other. However, the most
more extensive survey or in a systematic study of an prominent characteristic of this structure is the trail of
animal model. large, elongated, brilliant white fluorescent particles
Of interest is the fact that in all cases the medium in the middle zone of the intima. Comparison of Fig-
sized, unesterified cholesterol particles were local- ures 3 and 4 reveals remarkably similar structural fea-
ized in the midzone of the intima (Figures 2 to 4). This tures, despite the differences in the ages of the pa-
suggests that accumulation of unesterified choles- tients and extent of the atherosclerosis. The deposits
terol can occur anywhere within the wall of the artery of the small spherical particles are localized at the
but that the irreversible co-crystallization of unesteri- lowest part of the intima close to the elastic boundary.
fied cholesterol with calcium phosphate occurs in a The upper part of the intima is either completely (Fig-
specific area in the intima. At present we have no ure 3A) or partly (Figure 4B) detached, and the mid-
explanation for the susceptibility of the midzone of the zone of the intima contains numerous large brilliant
intima to the irreversible crystallization of unesterified white fluorescent particles.
cholesterol; this spatial composition of the lesions, The arrangement of the results of this study in an
with large unesterified cholesterol deposits in the order of age-related progressive severity of the ath-
middle zone of the intima may result from the limited erosclerotic lesion allows us to formulate a preliminary
accessibility to this region of agents that govern the working hypothesis with respect to a possible physi-
efflux from the arterial wall and the reversibility of un- cal aspect of unesterified cholesterol deposition in
esterified cholesterol deposition. Other possible ex- arterial wall. Our hypothesis visualizes that choles-
planations are that this area is the least perfused re-
terol deposition is accomplished in two stages of
aggregation. First, after degradation of infiltrating
gion of the intima or that it is the transition zone of the
LDL particles into the arterial wall, unesterified
intact (stationary) intima and the more superficial in-
cholesterol-rich vesicles7 10 are formed. These par-
timal layers that are constantly being replaced.
ticles are too small (approximately 100 to 200 nm) to
A third, more advanced form of unesterified cho-
be perceived with filipin staining by a light optical mi-
lesterol accumulation was seen in aortas of patients croscope. Some of these particles coalesce to form
with advanced atherosclerosis, eg, Figures 4A, B. In the 3- to 5-p spherical particles described as spheru-
these figures, atherosclerotic plaques have de- lites. At present it is unknown if these particles are
stroyed the lower part of the intima and, along with the aggregates of vesicles or already small crystallites.
bulk of the plaque, several rather large solid particles The second event of aggregation occurs when the
are embedded in the upper part of the core of the spherical basic particles form chains of spherulites,
lesion. They can be resolved to small fluorescent par- seen in Figures 2 to 4, mainly in the lower part of the
ticles and could therefore have been formed by ag- intima. This stage is still reversible. A more advanced
gregation of small spherical particles of 5 p or less in stage will be formation of thin elongated particles,
diameter. This hypothesis is supported by the simul- followed by more massive agglomeration of irregu-
.taneous presence of particles of all sizes at the same larly shaped particles containing unesterified choles-
location, ie, the small spherical particles that were terol and calcium phosphate. In the second stage of
seen as pink dots in Figures 1 to 4 as well as medium aggregation the cholesterol has already made the
to large sized particles. Aggregates composed of transition to the solid state (ie, post crystallization).
small cholesterol crystallites are known to have strong The second stage is irreversible. The processes that
filipin response, whereas large perfect crystals promote reversibility of the formed deposits may be
formed by the mechanism of single crystal growth do limited topographically, ie, with respect to the pen-
not emit filipin complex fluorescence.6 Seen with the etration into the intima not being effective on deposits
applied filipin are either aggregates of small choles- in the middle zone of the intima.
terol crystallites or agglomerates of these crystallites
with different elements of the lesion. This would mean
that if the small dots are aggregates of cholesterol- References
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