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Flow of Story

Exam Copy

The film begins in an examination hall of a medical college with gothic architecture. For the
visuals of memories of the past we will use a different colour tone to differentiate it from
present. In an establishing shot we see all the students are studiously writing their exams and
a professor walking around the class. Puzzled Singh ask Pillai to give him a sneak-peak of his
answer paper. Pillai refuses it and hides his papers. The professor walks past young Singh.
Singh looks at the professor going away and coughs a little-bit and one of the students shows
him his paper. After writing down the answer Singh again coughs a bit. This time the
examiner gets suspicious and thinking that something is fishy he becomes more vigilant. Now
Pillai genuinely coughs. The examiner comes closer to him and asks, “What are you doing?”
Surprised Pillai replies with hesitation, “What sir?” The examiner says, “These tricks won’t
work with me. Even I was on the other side!” Pillai looks at the professor dumbfounded. We
morph into a present day situation where aged Dr. Singh and Dr. Pillai are coming out from a
lift with visiting board in their hands as if holding an examination board and laughing
remembering this incident. Dr. Singh says, “So it was just GERD!” Pillai replays saying, “I
wish I knew it then.”
We see RAZO logo on a blue background with VO: RAZO treats Pharyngitis/ Laryngitis
associated with GERD. Cut back to Dr. Singh and Dr. Pillai standing in front of the lift. Dr.
Singh says with a taunting tone, “And the examiner thought, I was coping! Cut to super of
RAZO with VO: “Be Razo sure. We leave with a Dr. Reddy’s logo at the end.

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