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Flow of Story

Non Cardiac chest pain

The film opens in an autopsy room; the lighting will gives a spooky feeling. A scalpel on a
dead body is shacking vigorously. As we zoom out we see a hand holding that scalpel. As we
zoom out further we see young Singh holding that scalpel. In front him a dead body lies on
the table covered with a white cloth, only the belly portion is open. On the opposite side of
the table, Pillai is standing while another boy with spectacles stands beside Singh. Singh tries
to make a cut on the belly of the dead body but fails. Sweat tickles down from his face.
Nervous Singh looks at Pillai. Pillai encourages him saying, “Come on do it, it’s just practice,
tomorrow is the real exam, remember!” Singh looks at the other boy. He also gesture him to
do it. Scared Singh tries again but this time a hand get hold of Singh’s hand with scalpel.
Shocked Singh looks at Pillai who lifts both his hands in the air indicating it’s not his hand.
Then Singh look at the other boy who also lifts his both hands in the air. Singh notices that
the dead body is getting up with his head covered with white cloth and the hand holding his
hand is dead body’s hand. Extremely frightened, Singh shakes his hand very hard, frees
himself and runs for his life shouting, “Ghost, Ghost, Ghost...” As Singh runs away the dead
body removes the cover from his head and we see realize that the dead body is not a dead
body but it’s actually one of the students who acted like a dead body. Now Pillai with other
two boys start laughing uncontrollably.

As we cut back to present, we see older Dr. Pillai in the hospital corridor laughing holding his
belly. Dr. Singh sheepishly says “I almost fainted that day and experienced throbbing chest
pain that full night.” Pillai replies, “I should have put you on...” cut to super RAZO ‘Be’ and
‘Sure’ with VO: RAZO, treats non cardiac chest pain. We cut back to hospital corridor. Pillai
is still laughing. Singh picks up a scalpel from a medical tray in intimidating manner and says
“I am no more scared”. Pillai stops laughing and now Singh start laughing for scaring Pillai.

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