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Brandon J.


Enrolled at CPCC Levine (Currently)


 Dependable
 Time management
 Good communication skills
 Friendly
 Extraverted
 Self-motivated


 Waiter – Worked at 4-star Asian cuisine in which I managed 5 to 15 tables at one time and was
recognized with my ability to upsell wines and appetizers.
 Soccer Referee – Provided a safe and fun environment for children to play and compete. I finely
tuned my conflict resolution skills by deescalating kids getting into altercations and calming
upset parents down.
 Delivery Driver – Used precise time-management skills along with a focused mindset while
driving a motor vehicle during the day and a majority of the night


Varsity Soccer Captain at Grimsley High School for three consecutive years

Graduated top 10 in my high school class and then transitioned my academics to a university (CPCC)

Acquired my real estate license

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