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Reader Summary

Reader: Dechuna S.
Grade: Third
Tutor: Lottie Freese
Date: February 18th, 2019

Quantitative Summary:

For the first work session, I conducted four different running records. The first assessment was
an independent Rigby level 21, which Dechuna scored 98% accuracy with satisfactory
comprehension, had no self-corrections, and 84 words correct per minute.

The next one was an instructional level 22, with 96% accuracy, limited comprehension, no self-
corrections, and 83 words correct per minute.

The third running record indicated a frustration level 23, with 93% accuracy, limited
comprehension, no self-corrections, and 57 words correct per minute.

The last text was a frustration level 24, with 94% accuracy, limited comprehension, no self-
corrections, and 59 words correct per minute. The words correct per minute from all of the
assessments showed that Dechuna scored between the 10th and 25th percentile, according to the
oral reading fluency norms, which is low for third grade in the spring.

Qualitative Summary:

At the instructional level, Dechuna made substitutions, such as “arrays” for areas. These
substitutions did not maintain the meaning of the text but she is substituting a noun for a noun, so
the syntax is preserved. Dechuna did not make any insertions, but omitted words which disrupted
the meaning of the passage. During reading, she fluctuated between reading slow and fast. When
she did read fast, she would skip sentences, get confused and comment, “That didn’t make
sense” then go back to where she left off. However, I saw this more in the higher level Rigby
texts. Dechuna did not ask for help when she came to words she didn’t know, she either tried to
say the word or just skipped over it. She was reluctant to try and pronounce the entire word out
loud. She did not use a variation in her voice when she read the story and did not pause when she
came to punctuation. Overall, I scored her fluency integration a 2 on a four-point scale. Dechuna
was able to comprehend the text and read some of the reading fluently, but there was very little
evidence of her reading consistently through rate, phrasing, pausing, intonation, and stress.
When asked to retell the story, Dechuna seemed unsure of herself but could tell me some
information that happened in the text. She was able to identify the main idea and remembered
some smaller details. I did have to prompt her thinking when she only could retell a limited
amount of information. Overall on her instructional text, she received a 5 on her retelling. On the
other text levels she averaged between 4-5. However, on her independent text, she got a 9. She
told me that she has read this story before, and since I had her between specialists, we had to
restart the story over again. I believe that these two factors played a role in her retelling.

Reader Summary:

While observing Dechuna, I noticed that her vocabulary and background knowledge seemed to
be not quite at grade level. When she came across words she didn’t know, she skipped over them
or replaced them with a word that looked a little similar but didn’t make sense. Even if the text
didn’t make sense by her omitting or replacing words, she made no self-corrections and
continued to read. During the retelling, Dechuna seemed uncertain of what she read but was able
to identify the main idea. With a little encouragement and some prompts, she was able to retell
more information. After each Rigby I asked her if she enjoyed that book. She said she liked all of
them and was very eager to continue reading to me. Dechuna is hard-working and enjoys our
time together. She was never reluctant to read but I did see challenges in her overall integration
of fluency.

Goal/s for the reader:

My goal for Dechuna is for her to monitor her reading and focus on whether the reading makes
sense. In addition I want her to accurately identify words she doesn’t know. I believe that if she
implements both of these strategies into her reading her comprehension will be higher. I will
work with her on what to do when we stumble across words we are unsure of. First we need to
stop, sound the word out, and see if it makes sense. If Dechuna continues to omit words and not
make any self-corrections, she will be confused with the meaning and structure of the text.

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