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DeAndre Jordan

Period 5


April 29, 2019


The topic I chose for my capstone was originally learning how to play the piano.

Though, after much consideration, I decided to change my topic to learning American Sign

Language (ASL). I chose this topic mainly because my mother is hard of hearing and uses sign

language on almost a daily basis.

In the city of Riverside (home to one of two schools for the Deaf in the state of

California) I was surprised at how few people in the area knew the language. I wanted to learn

basic sign language communication so that I could have conversations with my mother and her

friends. In learning the language I expected it to be extremely difficult, which it was, but it was

definitely a mind-opening experience.

Initially, I planned to attend deaf outings and interview friends of my family who

were either deaf, hard of hearing, or just knew how to sign. Unfortunately, dates and times were

very difficult to plan out for events and interviewees. Luckily, I was able to watch YouTube

videos, read sign language books, and practice and eventually interview my mother instead. In

the end, I was able to shoot a quick video of my mother and I having a short conversation using

sign language.
In the beginning I just thought I would learn basic letters, numbers, words, and
sentences. I did actually learn these things as planned. Though American Sign Language is just a

small part in the deaf community, there is a deaf culture aspect as well. Communicating with

someone who is deaf or hard of hearing through sign language is different than communicating

with a hearing individual through sign language. I learned that ASL is different from English

words. For example: in English we are taught to use proper grammar (I am going to the store.),

and using ASL, you would sign (Me go store.). As I stated earlier, I am surprised at how quickly

I learned some of the signs. Though, it is a challenge to communicate in ASL rather than

English. I feel I could have learned more had I started earlier with sign language as my topic

rather than Piano. What is most important is that the language is not universal. Just as we have

American Sign Language, there is sign language for Spanish, French, Japanese, and so on.

Do I feel I made an impact as I originally planned? No, the impact I expected was too

great of a goal to reach in such a short time period. I do feel as though I developed a better

understanding of why sign language is important. I feel if I had started earlier or had more time

with this project, I would know more phrases and have longer, more developed conversations

using ASL. My hope is that I will take the basics I’ve learned and enroll in Sign Language and

Deaf Culture classes so that I’ll be able to communicate effectively with my mother and

members of the local deaf community as well as understand the culture.

I’ll admit I got off to a rough start since I tend to overanalyze which led me to changing

topics. So, my advice to incoming students is pick a subject that you are passionate about and

stick to it. Most importantly, follow the schedule.

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