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Block B:
● Students wrote down homework in the beginning
● Watched a news weather report
○ Had students watch twice, second time around students were responsible for
one topic to take notes on
● Looked at location X’s weather today
● Students took notes on their worksheet
● Students watched a demo on gas in a syringe on overhead
● Had student C move up to the front during the gas in a syringe demonstration
● Had to grab student C’s attention again when demonstrating the lab
● Assigned groups
● Students did lab, teacher walked around and monitored
● Explained homework to students while showing the worksheet

On 5/2/19 you asked student D to move up front (he usually sits in the back) during your gas in a
syringe demonstration. You also had to grab his attention and call his name out during your
demonstration of the lab, why did you do those two things?
● I wanted student D to get out of the class what he can, he could pay more
attention and participate and see things
● I try to give him the support I can
● I know he likes to participate in labs, I was trying to encourage the participation
● I tapped him so that student D would not feel embarrassed in front of classmates,
rather than asking him to move up front in front of everyone

On 5/2/19 I noticed that you gave one of your students the “black spikey massage thing” before
class, what was the reason behind giving him that?
● I call it the squishy
● It is a really good sensory stimulation for student Y
● Student Y needs to sensory stimulation
● He just sits on it
● When he sits on it, there is a tactile feel and he can move around
● Gives him some motion if he needs some movement
● I also give it to students that tilt their chairs a lot. I’ve taken away their chairs a
few times but that doesn’t work
● The squishy helped them because he needs that rocking movement, they don't
have IEPs

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