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Classroom Management

Basic Classroom Procedures

● Entering class: The students will come in to unpack, taking everything

they need to their desks. They need to read the PowerPoint or

whiteboard to see what they need for the day. Once they are seated,

they need to begin the warm-up.

● Bellwork/Warm-up: The warm-up will be given to students at the

beginning of the week and they are responsible for keeping track of it

by putting it in their folder. They need to complete as much as

possible if not all of it before we check it, which will be after


● Sharpening pencils: Students will need to sharpen a pencil or grab one

that is already sharpened upon entering class while unpacking. Once

the class has begun sharpening one’s pencil will not be allowed until

station time.

● Getting in line/exiting class: The students will have a designated line

order, which they will be required to be in while walking in the hallway

to enrichment/specials, lunch, and dismissal. When I say line up, the


students should push in the chairs, and get into their line order quickly

and quietly. We will not leave the room until all voices are off.

● Turning in work: There will be a specific box/bin where students will

turn in the work once it is complete. When the students finish they

can get up, push in their chair, turn in their work, then go back to their

seat. There should be no talking to other students on the way to turn

in an assignment, so they are able to complete their work.

● Absent folders: If a student is absent there will be an absent box

that is labeled by the days of the week. It is the student's

responsibility to make sure they grab the papers from the day they

were absent and complete them. This procedure will vary and depend

on the grade level I have. I have geared my procedures for


● Fast finishers: If a student completes his/her work before everyone

else they will get 4 options: finish an incomplete assignment from

earlier, read a book, draw, or complete a worksheet from the fast

finisher box.

● Coming to the carpet: the students will push in their chairs and walk

quietly to the carpet. They may grab 1 pillow to sit on. No chairs or

stools are allowed to be on/near the carpet. The students that are the

closest to the carpet may stay in their chairs, but everyone else will

need to come to the carpet.

● Changing classes: the students will put away their folders and

textbooks. They will wipe off their desk with a sanitizing wipe, push in

their chairs, and line up. We will walk and stand against the wall as we

wait for the other class to leave then they enter their class.

● Walking in the hallway: the students will need to be in line order.

There needs to be no talking in the hallway so we do not disrupt other

classes. The students should be in a straight-line walking one right

behind the other. They should be looking at the person's head that is

in front of them as they walk.

● Bathroom: depending on the locations we will either sit or stand in a

line. If the students need to use the restroom then they will remain

standing, but if they do not they will sit on the floor. I will call

students 2-3 at a time to go to the restroom while the rest of us wait

quietly in our line.

● Asking to use the restroom/get water: The students may not go to

the restroom or get water during our lessons. They may go during

independent work or stations. They will need to raise their hand and

show me the signal or if I’m in a small group come up and show me the

signal. If I nod or give them a thumbs up they will be able to go.

● Quieting the class: When I want to get the student's attention I will

use an attention-getter. The students will need to say the correct

response, and after they need to stop what they are doing and their

eyes and ears should be on me.

● Independent work: When doing independent work, students should be

in their own seats working quietly. There should be no talking to

others, but if a student has a question they may raise their hand and I

will go to them.

● Partner work: When working with a partner students should be

whispering. They may only work with one other person unless granted

special permission to work in a group of three. They can help each

other out, but one person may not do all the work.

● Asking a Question: There will be a designated time to ask questions

after I explain an assignment/project. However, if a student still has a

question there will be a policy, “ask three, before me” that way a


● Dismissal: The students will need to clean off their desks putting all

folders/pencil boxes/book boxes away in their designated areas. They

will wipe off their desk with a sanitizing wipe, then place their chair on

the desk. Then, they will get in line order and wait for us to leave.

Classroom Rules
1.We follow directions.

2. We listen when others are speaking.

3. We raise our hands to speak or to ask

a question.

4. We keep our hands and feet to


5. We say only nice things about our

classmates and peers.


How to establish procedures/rules

On the first day of school, I will go through all of these procedures. I

will teach them by using a PowerPoint to show to the students while

explaining as well as demonstrating each procedure. Furthermore, I will

demonstrate examples of what not to do that way students know what is not

allowed. We will practice certain procedures multiple times like getting in

line, coming to the carpet, and getting their attention. We will have

discussions about the classroom rules and I will ask for students' input on

why they think the rules/procedures are important to follow. During the

first day, we will practice all the procedures. For the next few weeks, I will

review the procedures, ask the students to tell me the procedures, and

adjust the procedures if I see that something is not working. Also, our

classroom rules will be posted on the wall on an anchor chart or poster I

created for the students always to see. After each procedure, I will allow

students to ask questions for clarification. Furthermore, to ensure students

are clear about each procedure they will receive a little booklet that lists

the procedures and what to do for each scenario. I will also have small

posters on the wall for the first 3-4 weeks to remind students as they

adjust to our classroom procedures.


Dealing with disruption

If students are causing disruptions I will first respond with proximity.

I will go stand by their desk and use non-verbal warnings such as eye contact

or pointing to their desk. If the behavior continues then I will call their

name and give them a verbal warning. If the student persists even after a

warning then I will take away a point from the reward system I have in place.

If the behavior has not been adjusted, I will tell the student they have to

sit out of recess 5 minutes. The next step will be contacting parents, filling

out an action plan, and the last consequence would be visiting the principal.

If the behavior escalates to something that physically harms another

student, I will write the student a referral to the principal and send a

note/email home to their parents. Other forms of consequences will be

cleaning up all the trash from the floor, taking away the distraction from the

student, or having the student redo something the proper way such as

walking instead of pushing people. The consequence will depend on the level

of disruption and the exact act that is causing disruption. If students are

being disruptive during a lesson, then I will use call back to get their

attention. If the students do not quiet down, then I will do it again. I will not

continue the lesson until everyone is silent and eyes are on me. In addition,

to callbacks, I will say “I cannot continue until everyone is quiet” and if the

class as a whole continues to be disruptive I will take away 2 minutes of

recess each time I have to calm them down and refocus the class. I will

explain that if the students take away my time, then I will take away their

time. I will not take away more than 10 minutes because I still want them to

have recess. If I have to take away 10 minutes, then we will not have free

stations on Friday, but rather do work all day.


My Action Plan
1. What is the problem?




2. What is causing the problem?





3. What plan will you use to solve the problem?





Student Signature: _________________ Date:___________

Parent Signature: __________________ Date: ___________


Recognizing those that follow rules/procedures

When students are following the rules and procedures set in place I

will recognize them through positive reinforcement such as giving the

students a compliment, “I love how she put her book away and is sitting

waiting for instructions.” Also, I want to have a reward system in place

where students can earn points or money that way after a certain number of

points the students can “cash” in their points for a prize. Some prizes could

include cool pens, pencils, a pop-it, a small toy, or lunch with the teacher. I

would ask for student input on what prizes they would like to have.

Therefore, I could give students points or cash as a reward. Additionally, I

would want to have a whole class reward system as well where there is a list

of things that the class as a whole does and if we take all the sticky notes

off a large piece of paper (about 24 sticky notes), then the whole class will

get the secret surprise. The prize would range from extra recess, free

stations, board game Friday, or anything else that students told me they

would like. If a student is doing an excellent job or trying their very best I

would want to send a note home to parents letting them know how great

their student was in class that day.


The physical layout of the classroom

I want the desks arranged in groups of 3-4, depending on my class size

because I will want students to work together a lot. Also, during lessons, this

will make doing turn and talks along with group work easier. I want there to

be no desks facing away from the front of the class if possible. Also, there

will be a seating chart that will change periodically throughout the year. I

would like my desk to be in the front of the classroom. I would place a cart

behind it that will hold all my copies of what I will need for each day that

week. I want to have a specific area where I will do small groups whether

that is at a rainbow-shaped table or a specific area on the floor depending

on what I have in my class. Next to this area, I want a small cart that has all

my small group materials. I would also love to have a classroom library where

books are sorted based on the genre and in alphabetical order based on the

author. In the library, I want to have a carpet and pillows for students to

read comfortably. I will have an area where I will keep extra supplies such as

markers, crayons, colored pencils, erasers, and scissors. I want these items

to be in bins and they will be labeled by table group number that way each

table has a specific bin to grab supplies from if they need them. Also, I want

to have a pencil sharpener with two canisters or small pails labeled sharp and

the other dull. This is where students can sharpen their pencils in the

morning or grab a sharpened one. If a student is absent, they will be able to

find their missing work in either a crate or folders that are hanging and

labeled with the days of the week. I will also have turn-in baskets for

students to place their completed assignments. Next to the turn-in basket,

there will be a place where Each week folders will go home, so I will have a

basket where students can turn in their folders which will be next to my

student mailbox. The student mailbox is the filing system used to hold

student work until it is sent home. I will sanitation station where there will

be a tissue box, sanitizer, a first aid kit, and wipes for students to use.

Picture Examples

Pictures Continued…

Communication/Involvement of parents
On meet the teacher night I will give parents a form to fill out with

questions about their student as well as their contact information such as

email and phone number. I will also hand out a get to know your teacher

paper with some information about myself. Also, I will have a “how to contact

the teacher” to pass out to parents that will have my email and talk about

the program our school uses (if there is one). If there is a schoolwide

program used like “ClassDojo,” then I will explain to parents that will be our

main form of communication. Personally, I do not want to give out my phone

number to parents, but I can give them my room phone number and if there

is not a schoolwide program used I will ask if I can establish one for my

classes. There will be certain hours that I am available for contacting and

scheduling meetings such as during my planning period and only an hour after

school. Scheduling meeting with parents is another form of communication

that I plan to have to talk about student progress or if there are any issues

arising in the classroom then I will enlist the help of parents by scheduling a

meeting. I would also love to send home monthly newsletters telling parents

about the skills we are working on in class to keep them updated about the

work that students are doing in class. Furthermore, weekly folders will be

sent home that contains students’ grade and recorded work. This is another

way that parents are able to see the assignments students are doing as well

as see their progress. In the student's folders there will be one pocket that

says “leave at home” and on the other pocket, it will say “return to school”

this way if there are any papers parents need to sign and return they can

send them back in the folder. Also, when students need to correct an

assignment it will be sent home but will need to come back, so there will be

an effective way of communicating that along with a note attached to the

assignment. One way I would love to include parents is by having a special

guest come to talk or read a book to the class every other Friday.

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