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The First Day

5. Describe how you will greet the children when they arrive on the first day.

I will welcome them as they enter the classroom, confirm they are in the correct class, ask who is

there as an elective vs required, and then begin with an introduction to who I am and then the


6. Describe the rules or Procedural expectations that you will have already in place and

how they will be presented to the children.

Rules: No cheating, no harassment, you get 3 unexcused absences and after that points will be

deducted from the final grade, phones are allowed.

Procedural Expectations: walk in and sit down, lecture will start promptly when class begins,

I will present these to my future students in my syllabus on the first day of class. I will present

them on the smart board and verbally cover them, a digital copy of them will be available for all

my students.

7. Describe how you will have the children contribute to these rules and expectations.

I will have a box for suggested rules that the students can place suggestions in at any point.

8. Describe your classroom procedures for the following:

● Absences: Work will be assigned online so they are still responsible for turning it in on

time. The only exception is if they email me and a serious situation arises. They must

reach out for the exemption.

● Assigning Helpers: N/A

● Being in classroom before/after school and during recess: N/A, it would be up to the

colleges policies
● Bringing toys/plants/pets to class: students can bring in any fidget toy they may require as

long as it is not distributive. No pets/plants will be allowed.

● Collecting notes, money, forms: I should not have to collect any of these. However if the

situation arises I will have a paper tray in front of the class and they will put it in there.

● Distributing and collecting materials: N/A, all students are responsible for bring their

own materials

● Eating and Drinking in classroom: Students will be able to both eat and drink in class. All

I ask is that they have quick meals such as salads and sandwiches, nothing that will take

up their entire work area.

● Going to bathroom: they should get up and go, no need to ask permission

● Late arrival and early dismissal: if they arrive late they should enter quietly and see me

after to hear what they missed. If they need to leave early they should raise their hand, let

me know they are leaving, and then exit.

● Movement in halls: N/A, I will keep my classroom door closed at all times

● Storing personal belongings: They will keep them in their bags next to or under their


● Use of pencil sharpener: They should get up and use it whenever they need, not need to


● Use of teachers desk: no student will use the teachers desk

● Using the water fountain: They should get up and go, no need to ask permission

● Using other materials of equipment: calculators and other materials that the students

bring can be used at their discretion as long as it is not distributive. Calculators will be

monitored only on test days.

● Wearing hats or other materials of clothing: I have no personal dress code

● What to do in an emergency situation: I will follow the procedure laid out by the college.

● What to do when visitors appear: If it is a quick question I will pause and answer them, if

it will take a minute or 2 I will put up a practice problem while I deal with the visitor. If it

will take longer than a few minutes I will ask the visitor to find me after class or tell them

to email.

9. Describe the class or morning opening; the class or day's closure.

Students will enter at the beginning of class, they can enter class early if the door is unlocked.

Class can pack up and leave at the end of the class period or leave when dismissed early.

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