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Positive to Comparative:

Rule 01: No other + noun + so/

1. েশেষর Noun/Pronoun শুরুেত বসেব।
2. Comparative Degree + than any other/ than most other
3. Structure: last Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + comparative degree + than + any
other / all other + First Noun/Pronoun + ext.

Rule 02:

1. েশেষর Noun/Pronoun শুরুেত বসেব।
2. Not + Comparative Degree + than
3. Structure: last Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + not + comparative degree + than +
First Noun/Pronoun + ext.

Rule 03: Not + so/

1. েশেষর Noun/Pronoun শুরুেত বসেব।
2. Comparative Degree + than
3. Structure: last Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + comparative degree + than + First
Noun/Pronoun + ext.

(যিদ �ান পিরবতর্ন না করা হেয় থােক)

1. First Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + less + comparative degree + than + last
Noun/Pronoun + ext.

Rule 04: Very few/few + so/

1. েশেষর Noun/Pronoun শুরুেত বসেব।
2. Comparative Degree + than any other/ than most other
3. Structure: last Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + comparative degree + than + any
other / most other + First Noun/Pronoun (গুণবাচক) + ext.
Positive to Superlative:

Rule 01: No other + noun + so/

1. েশেষর Noun/Pronoun শুরুেত বসেব।
2. the + Superlative Degree
3. Structure: last Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + the + superlative degree +
First Noun/Pronoun + ext.

Rule 02: Very Few/Few

1. েশেষর Noun/Pronoun শুরুেত বসেব।
2. one of the + Superlative Degree
3. Structure: last Noun/Pronoun + to be verb + one of the + superlative
degree + First Noun/Pronoun + ext.

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