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1) Order the words to make questions:

Buy / your brother / Did / ? / a new phone /
Did your brother buy a new phone?
1. To the park / you / go / last night / Did / ? /

2. She / Did / drink / ? / a orange juice /

3. Her dad / drive / Did / ? / very good/

4. Did / pass / your exams / You / ? /

5. She / drive / to Scotland / Did / ?/

2) Write this sentences in questions and negative form:

He worked in London.
Did he work in London?
He didn´t work in London.
1. They played tennis yesterday.

2. She drove to Barcelona.

3. He broke the computer.

4. My best friend forgot my birthday.

5. We went to the cinema last night.

6. They came to my house last summer.

7. I went to Salamanca two years ago.

3) Write this sentences in affirmative:
1. We didn´t come to your house.

2. Did you forget your new table?

3. We didn´t drink water with the food.

4. Did you go for London last summer?

5. I didn´t come to Cordoba four years ago.

6. The dog didn´t be in the park.

7. Did you drive a red car?

4) Complete with past simple:

1. He _________ (not go) to the park with his sister because they _______(forget)

their wallet.

2. I_______ (buy) a new car because my old car ________( break) yesterday.

3. We ______(not drink) nothing but we_______ (eat) a lot of food.

4. I ________(be) very angry with you, because you ________ (not go) to my party.

5) Vocabulary:
- Supermercado: - Shopping Center:
- Fábrica: - Oficina de correos:
- Iglesia: - Castillo:
- Library: - Cine:
- Banco: - Parada de bus:
- School: - Centro de deporte:
- Museo:
- Restaurante:
- Theater:

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