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The genetic basis of facial skeletal

characteristics and its relation with


Derya Germec Cakan1

Feyza Ulkur1
Tulin (Uğur) Taner2

Successful treatment of any orthodontic problem depends on an appropriate diagnosis of its eti-
ology. It is well known that the genetics, as well as environmental factors, play an important role on
the etiology of skeletal anomalies. Recent studies and advances in genetic sciences allowed the or-
thodontists to better understand the effects of genetics on the etiology of dentofacial characteristics
and pathologies which in turn supported the effects of the genes in the development of dentofacial
complex. In orthodontic practice, the genetic basis of a skeletal anomaly should also be considered
during the diagnosis. Therefore orthodontic treatment plan should be chosen accordingly. However,
further genetic studies are required to clearly determine all the specific genes leading to a particular
skeletal variability caused by the polygenic nature of craniofacial traits. This article includes the cur-
rent information on the association between orthodontics and genetics, an outline of the evidence
based impact of heredity on dentofacial development as a review of the etiological factors of skeletal
anomalies from the genetic point of view. (Eur J Dent 2012;6:340-345)

Key words: Genetics; orthodontics; facial skeletal anomalies

The pioneering work of Gregor Mendel has facial characteristics and pathologies have come
initiated an interest in the field of genetics in the to light. Understanding the role of genetics is
19th century and since then; genetics has been an becoming necessary in diagnosis and treatment
important part of the studies carried in both bio- planning. Since the genetic proof is directly re-
logical and medical sciences. In orthodontics, the lated to the diagnosis of familial dentofacial prob-
effects of genetics on the etiology of some dento- lems, modern orthodontists need to be aware of
the basis of the genetic sciences, recent advances
in the genetic researches and their application in
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Yeditepe University, Istanbul, TURKIYE the orthodontic practice. Once the hereditary fac-
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of tors are determined and isolated, the clinician
Dentistry, Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKIYE
may clearly ascertain and distinguish the environ-
mental factors and carry out the treatment plan
Corresponding author: Dr. Derya Germec Cakan
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, according to etiology. Therefore, it is a necessity
Yeditepe University, Bagdat cad. No 238 Goztepe
to clearly outline the association between genet-
Istanbul, TURKIYE
Tel: +90 216 3636044 / 6425 ics and orthodontics. Although, there has been ex-
Fax: +90 216 3636211 tensive literature concerning genetic basis of the
dentofacial abnormalities and malocclusions, data

European Journal of Dentistry

Cakan, Ulkur, Taner

provided by these studies were quite sparse. Fur- for only the 40% of the skeletal and dental varia-
thermore, studies dealing with genetics consti- tions resulting in a malocclusion and the genetic
tuted only the 0.5% of the total in the orthodontic component was higher for skeletal pattern than
journals since 1980’s,1 the majority of which were for dental features.11 Similarly, the assessment
published in non-orthodontic journals. of the longitudinal data of the siblings revealed
The objectives of this review were (1) to col- that the heritability of skeletal characteristics was
lect the comprehensive data about the interaction stronger than the heritability of dental character-
between orthodontics and genetics, (2) to add the istics.17 A series of studies by Corruccini et al9,12,13
current genetic information in the orthodontic lit- also showed variable and frequently insignificant
erature, (3) to discuss the evidence based impact of genetic variance for dental characteristics such
heredity on the development of malocclusions and as, sagittal molar relationship, overbite, overjet,
(4) to introduce the cause and the consequence re- posterior crossbite and rotations of anterior teeth.
lationships between genetics and malocclusions. The study of genetic influence on dental arch form
and size demonstrated the predominant effect of
The effects of genetics in dentofacial skeletal environmental factors rather than genetic ones.18
characteristics In another twin study, the evaluation of the dental
Malocclusion is a developmental problem. It arch and the structure of individual teeth of sever-
is known that both hereditary and environmental al monozygotic twin couples led to the conclusion
factors have important influences on craniofacial that identical twins were not occlusally identical.10
development. However, one might not be able to The existence of a genetic component is likely to
determine for certain whether the malocclusions be present where facial proportions and jaw rela-
are determined by the genetic code or environ- tionships influence the characteristics of a mal-
mental factors or a combination of both.2 The rela- occlusion. However, dental variations seem to be
tive importance of environment versus heredity determined more frequently by the environment.
has been controversial since the days of Angle. The role of heredity has been extensively inves-
For the majority of the malocclusions, the etiology tigated as one of the causes of malocclusion. In
could not be easily categorized. However, rapid ad- craniometrical and cephalometric studies of fa-
vances in molecular genetics have been providing cial similarities, the evidence has supported the
new information about growth and development. concept that facial form was mostly a product of
Evidence gained from population studies, espe- the person’s genotype19-23 and therefore facial ap-
cially family and twin studies, have shown that ge- pearance seems to have a familial tendency. The
netic factors play an important role in the etiology method of superimposing lateral cephalograms of
of malocclusions.3-5 On the other hand, research siblings on those of their parents to evaluate the
on siblings and even identical twins suggests a similarities of craniofacial bones and profiles, re-
significant role for environmental factors besides vealed a concordance for many craniofacial struc-
genetic factors in the development of occlusion.4 tures.24,25 In 1970, Hunter, using linear measure-
Twin studies have provided a unique tool to ments on lateral cephalograms, demonstrated
evaluate the interactions between the hereditary that there is a stronger genetic component of vari-
structure and environmental factors as suggested ability for measurements in vertical dimension,
by Galton for the first time.6 As twin studies are rather than for measurements in the sagittal di-
relatively easier, they are more frequently used mension.25 Manfredi et al,16 in a more recent study
in order to obtain heritability estimates.7 There on monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins and same-
has been extensive literature concerning mono- sex siblings, assessed the inheritance traits of the
zygotic and dizygotic twin samples investigat- orthodontic cephalometric parameters and they
ing the interaction between the heredity and the also suggested that the vertical parameters were
craniofacial complex.8-16 Significant hereditary more genetically controlled than the anteropos-
variations in the anterior cranial base, mandibu- terior ones, heritability seemed to be expressed
lar body length, total facial height and lower facial more anteriorly than posteriorly and mandibular
height were shown in monozygotic adult twins.8 shape seemed to be determined more geneti-
Hereditary factors were found to be responsible cally than the mandibular size. In accordance with

July 2012 - Vol.6 European Journal of Dentistry

these findings, Savoye et al26 also reported that tendency toward retrognathic facial proportions
the vertical proportions are highly under genetic and most of the Class II malocclusions are likely to
control. The most frequent inherited malocclusion be genetically controlled.27 In 1975, Harris36 sug-
was found to be the facial deformity and openbite gested the concept of polygenic inheritance for
malocclusion with dolichofacial pattern. The high- Class II division 1 malocclusions. The other mal-
er prevalence of anterior openbite in black popu- occlusion type in the “Class II” category is Class II
lation compared to the white population and the division 2 malocclusion and is characterized by a
higher prevalence of deepbite in whites may re- well-developed mandibular basal bone, prominent
flect a different inherent facial morphology rather chin, decreased lower facial height with anterior
than environmental factors.27 rotation of the mandible and smaller mesiodis-
Although, the inheritance of the anteroposte- tal tooth size.37 Although, the phenotypic traits of
rior dimensions have been found to be lower than Class II division 2 malocclusion are obviously dif-
the vertical dimensions, certain malocclusions ferent than Class II division 1 malocclusion’s traits,
caused by sagittal discrepancies of the jaws show both malocclusions have polygenic inheritance in
a familial tendency. The influence of genetics on common. The results of the twin studies showed
facial features was obvious in some families.28 Es- that the identical twins demonstrated 100% con-
pecially, this was the case with the Class III mal- cordance for Class II division 2 malocclusion,
occlusions. This phenotype has been known for indicating a strong genetic influence in the de-
its appearance in certain European noble families velopment of Class II division 2 deep-bite maloc-
such as Hapsburg royal family.28 According to ped- clusions.3 Later in 1998, the heritable skeletal and
igree analysis, the mandibular prognathism was dental pattern of this malocclusion was supported
found to be segregated during 23 generations in by Peck and coworkers.37 In Marcovic (1992)’s clin-
the thirteenth of those families and its penetrance ical and cephalometric study intra and inter pair
was 95,5 %.30 Different inheritance models have comparisons of 114 Class II division 2 malocclu-
been suggested for this malocclusion, such as sions, 48 twin pairs and six sets of triplets were
simple recessive31 or autosomal dominant with in- made. The concordance-disconcordance rates for
complete penetrance.32 In most of the cases, the monozygotic and dizygotic twins were determined.
mandibular prognathism have been accepted as a 100 per cent of the monozygotic twin pairs were
polygenic trait which means the phenotypic trait is concordant and almost 90 per cent of the dizygotic
caused by the simultaneous segregation of many twin pairs showed disconcordance.5 As a result
genes. But in some cases, this phenotype has of these studies complete penetrance and vari-
been thought to be determined by a single domi- able expressivity of autosomal dominant genetic
nant gene. In a study of Litton et al,33 a group of impression is indisputable. In addition to these
probands, siblings and parents with Class III mal- studies in a polygenic model rather than being the
occlusion was analyzed and in 1/3 of the parents of effect of a single gene for entire occlusal malfor-
the subjects severe mandibular prognathism was mation, a simultaneous expression of a number of
observed. They also followed the way of transmis- genetically morphological traits are determined
sion and found out that if the number of females Furthermore, the presence of strong masticatory
and males are equal, there was no association muscle pattern in Class II division 2 cases could
between genders. Suzuki (1962)34 studied on Japa- have been explained by the genetically determined
nese families and reported that in the index cases, muscular and neuromuscular system.15
in comparison to families of individuals with nor-
mal occlusion (7.5%), there was a significantly Malocclusions associated with genetic
higher incidence of mandibular prognatism in oth- syndromes
er members of their family (34.3%). In their study In some cases, the malocclusions with severe
results Schulze and Weise (1965)35 also reported skeletal discrepancies might be accompanied by a
that concordance of mandibular prognatism on genetic syndrome. Some of the genetic syndromes
monozygotic twins was six times higher than di- are known to influence the development of cra-
zygotic twins. niofacial complex. Chromosomal aberrations,
As in Class III problems, there is an inherited deficiencies, transpositions, breakage, deletions,

European Journal of Dentistry

Cakan, Ulkur, Taner

or enlargements usually lead to abnormal devel- fibroblast growth factor receptor -1 is found to be
opment of the first branchial arch.38 This genetic responsible for Pfeiffer syndrome.50 All of these
situation results in micrognathia, malocclusions, malformations exhibit autosomal dominant in-
facial asymmetry, facial and oral clefts, oligodon- heritance.41
tia and other dentofacial disorders accompanied Hemifacial microsomia is known as one of
by different types of deformities and deficiencies the most common syndromes resulting in facial
in other parts of the body.39 Mandibular deficiency asymmetry, hypoplasia of facial musculature and
associated genetic syndromes are Pierre-Robin, mandibular deficiency. Hemifacial microsomia
Treacher Collins and Marfan syndromes. Pierre- is a common birth defect involving first and sec-
Robin sequence is an etiologically heterogeneous ond branchial arch derivative. Its phenotype is
disorder40 and shows autosomal recessive inheri- highly variable. Although most cases are sporadic
tance. An X-linked form also exists.41 there are also familial cases exhibiting autosomal
Treacher Collins syndrome is an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive or X-linked inheri-
dominant monogenic disorder caused by mutation tance.51
in the treacle gene (TCOF1) mapped to the long Apart from these syndromes, one of the most
arm of chromosome 5. It affects the craniofacial challenging problems to an orthodontist is per-
development and expresses itself as microgna- haps caused by cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P). CL/P
thia, hypoplastic zygomatic bones and frequently is a congenital malformation inherited as a dis-
cleft palate.42 continued multifactorial trait.52 When the balance
Marfan syndrome is fibrous connective tissue’s between the genetic and the environmental influ-
heritable disorder. Increased height, dispropor- ences exceed a certain threshold the malforma-
tionately, long limbs and digits, mild to moderate tion occurs. The further the threshold is exceeded,
joint laxity, increased overjet, retrognathia, mi- the more severe the malformation. In the mildest
crognathia, narrow and highly arched palate with form, the lip alone is unilaterally cleft, whereas the
dental crowding and dentinogenesis imperfecta- lip is bilaterally cleft and the palatal cleft is com-
like tooth conditions are frequent skeletal and plete in the most severe form.
dental features of this syndrome.41 De Coster et Although, many environmental and develop-
al43 concluded that there is a strong correlation mental factors are known to play role in CL/P etiol-
between maxillary/mandibular retrognatia, long ogy, the genetic factors have also been defined as
face, highly arched palate and Marfan syndrome. the causes of clefting conditions.2 The cleft studies
Moreover specific morphogenetic aspects of cra- carried on twins showed that the monozygotic and
niofacial complex can be explained by a combina- dizygotic twin concordance rates were 35 per cent
tion of both intrinsic genetic and environmental and 5 per cent, respectively and these results re-
factors. Westling et al44 reported that about 70% flect the heritability of the condition.53
of the patients with Marfan syndrome had been Approximately, 80 % of the cleft lip and pal-
referred for orthodontic treatment because of ate cases are isolated cases whereas 10-15% of
crowding and large overjet. In 36 % of them, the them are familial and 15% are syndromal.41 Since
orthodontic treatment was carried out before di- the genetics of CL/P is very complicated, many
agnosis or suspicion about the Marfan syndrome. candidate loci have been examined to identify the
Mutations in the Fibrillin (FBN) 1 gene are the ma- major gene. Transforming-growth-factor-alpha
jor cause of Marfan syndrome.45 (TGFA) was found to contribute to the development
Human craniofacial malformations such as of CL/P in humans.54 However, in another study, an
Crouzon, Apert and Pfeiffer syndromes have cra- association between TGFA gene and CL/P could
niosynostosis, maxillary hypoplasia, relative man- not be demonstrated, instead MSX1 and TGFB3
dibular prognathism and related dental problems genes were suggested to be responsible for the
and malocclusions in common and these syn- pathogenesis of clefting.55 Nonsyndromic CL/P
dromes are caused by discrete point mutations in generally shows an autosomal dominant inheri-
the fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 (FGFR-2) tance, whereas X-linked recessive forms have also
genes which are known to affect suture develop-
been reported.56
ment.46-49 In addition to FGFR-2, the mutation in

July 2012 - Vol.6 European Journal of Dentistry

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of a malocclusion will no longer be a dream as the
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July 2012 - Vol.6 European Journal of Dentistry


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