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Organic Farming

Good afternoon , my dearest friends.

Have you ever heard about organic farming? I bet, all of you have ever heard that
words. But, do you really understand about the organic farming? Okay then, today I’ll inform
you once again about organic farming generally in some aspect which is the description and
how to do it, the advantages also the disadvantages of organic farming. Today, I’m going to
talk about the organic farming generally also summarize my speech.
First, I’m going to talk about what organic farming is. Organic farming is a farming
system which only use somethings that can degraded rapidly because of the carbon content as
the input. The input of the organic farming usually also not contain of synthetic chemical
compunds. For examples, we can use compost or manure as the basic fertilizer which given
while land processing. We can also use fungus such as MVA which can help plants on
synthesis Phosphor or bacterial such as bacterial that can solven Phosphate; rhizobacteri
which can helps plants in syntesis nutrient also give endurance for plants; and so on. For the
pesticides, we can use organic pesticides which originated from plants extract such as garlic,
soursop’s leaves, Lantana camara and so on. We can also use bacterial such as BT or fungi
such as Beauveria as the bio-pesticides. Beside that, we can also apply crop rotation system
to avoid the lack of nutrient, even the pest, weed either disease. Planting of legumes also can
be means to add more nutrient especially Nitrogen in the soil by synthesis it. To avoid the
lack of water and weeds we can use organic mulch such as from straw and banana’s leaves.
We also can avoid pest by companion planting especially with garlic or onion, which have
chemical compound that can handle the pest.
Second, I’ll tell you about the benefits of organic farming. Organic farming has many
benefits such as the low cost, sustainable production over long term, not damage the
environment and so on. Why organic farming has low cost? Because the input that farmers
use is available around us and no need to buy synthetic fertilizer or pesticide that usually has
a high cost. The production will be sustainable over the long term because of the organic
farming not produce residu which can degradate the environment, also the use of organic
fertilizer will provides nutrient in long term because of its slow release trait. The organic
farming will also not dangerous for the farmers and also the product because it’s not use
synthetic chemical compounds.
Last is the disadvantages of organic farming. The disadvantages of the organic
farming is need the long time to get product in significant amount. It is because of the use of
organic fertilizer which has a slow release trait. Moreover, the marketing and the distribution
of organic farming product might be not efficient. Beside that, the disease and the pest may
happen more often because farmer only use natural pesticide or only control the pest
mechanically, and also the farmer have to work harder on it.
In conclusion, there are a lot benefit of organic farming beside the disadvantages of it.
However, that disdvantages is not comparable with the advantages of organic farming,
because as we know organic farming is good for the environment and even for the people’s
health. So let’s succes the organic farming program to keep our health also environment.
I think that’s all from me. Thank you for your attention, and see ya!

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