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Celine Naoum

Mrs. Godfrey
15 May 2019
Final Reflection

For my Leadership Practicum, I shadowed Jennette Mello, a dental hygienist, at Hyannis

Dental Associations. I was able to begin my Practicum with the help of Dr. Jack Massarsky, the

father of a girl whom I used to attend school with. Through him and emailing many people

throughout the association I was able to complete my leadership practicum. He was able to help

me shadow Jennette Mello for the duration of my hours. I am thankful for Dr. Jack Massarsky

for giving me this opportunity to experience my future at a first hand basis. Everyone around the

office was kind and very helpful with basically anything I needed.

Leadership has taught me lessons that I am going to take with my throughout my life. It

has already begun, as speakers come to talk to us at school, I automotically rank them according

to the levels of leadership. Jeanette Mello was a level 3 leader: people follow you because of

what you have done for the organization. Law of the lid: ​“Leadership Ability Determines a

​ he lower your ability to lead, the lower the lid on your

Person’s Level of Effectiveness.” T

potential. The higher your ability to lead, the higher the lid on your potential. Law of influence:

“True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and

that cannot be mandated. It must be earned.” ​What makes a leader? Honesty and Integrity,

Inspiring other, ability to learn, and relationships. Law of process: ​“Successful leaders are

learners. And the learning process is ongoing, a result of self-discipline and perseverance.” ​The

longer you work in the Dental office, the more experience you gain and the higher up you get.
By accomplishing this, you will make more money and your leadership skills increase. But this

does not mean people won't follow you unless you prove growth, success, and kindness to


In the dental office, I was able to learn my way around the association. In the office, each

dental hygienist gets their own cubicle with the chair and supplies that they are going to need to

assist each patient. Each section of the office is split up into the x ray rooms, cleaning room, and

business meeting room. Although each part is very different, they all serve in benefiting the

place for the better. Jennette was in between jobs weather it be checking people in, or cleaning

people's teeth I could tell she loved her job because of the enthusiasm she puts in each and every

hour. Seeing her in action gave me confidence that people truly can have fun at work. She loved

what she did and one day I hopefully will follow her energy. Jeanette Mello amongst everyone

else at the office always carried a contagious smile while around their patients. They were able to

create bonds in ways I have never seen before. When I visit my dental hygienist, it is a quick

cleaning and I am on my way. At Hyannis Dental Associates, they take the time to fulfill your

dental needs in an environment that puts you at ease.

I got to experience many amazing things. There were so many issues with people's teeth,

not having insurance, and trying to get away without paying in some cases. Jennette and the

others were able to use tactics and resources to overcome these obstacles and get on with there

day. In the dental office, I was able to use many leadership skills that I have learned in class to

dig deeper in my work.

Interning at Hyannis Dental was an amazing experience that I thought I was never going

to be able to achieve, at least not while being in high school. When entering the workplace I was
able to see a different setting that I am usually used to. Coming from a different background

already, I had some education on what to expect in the world. Some things still came as a shock

to me. Some dental hygienists barely spoke english and it didn't even matter because they knew

what needed to be done and they accomplished it professionally. It allowed me personally to get

a sense of the real world. Getting the opportunity to work and meet with people of all ages and

ethnicities was new to me, but something I found myself loving. I now have a better

understanding of what's to come in the future working environment.

My future plans consisit of attending Stonehill College in the fall. Here I planned on

entering the Health Science field and possibly becoming a Dental Hygentist. When I worked at

Hyannis Dental I loved it dont get me wrong, but I felt like the buisness side was more my style.

Mike Lauf for example was the best speaker all year. He is an educated all around well rounded

guy who worked hard to achieve what he has. Each and every day Mike works with all different

types of people and administers the hospital just like any job you are going to have. I plan on

now majoring in Healtcare Administation because of my expierences and Mike Lauf.

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