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Fecha: 31/03/2019

Politécnico GranColombiano

Hi, my name is Steven Daza.

I admira my father, because is a person who has a lot of experience. His long life he
wiht many people, is a person with a great personality.

His name is Orlando, 53 years old and from Bogota, Colombia.

He is a manager in his own Company, the Company is more tan 10 years old in the

We visited Las Vegas nevada for the first time, one city from USA. This city is beautiful,
it has larger buldings with many lights.

In Las Vegas i had an experience a little bit difficult, because we were on a tour by
Presa Hoover, and of the visit i got lost in a momento. I got lost becouse i did not listen
out the instructions. This day my father taught me to pay attention to the instructions.

We once a travel to melgar and my father rent a house by Internet. The house was
beautiful and big, the cost of the rent was betweenfive hundred thousand pesos and
one millón pesos but i don`t remember well.

When we arrived the house`s owner did not answer and my family was angry. My
father taughtme to be quiet in difficult times to do the correct decisión.

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