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Topic Defense
September 26, 2018

Grade 12 – Information and Communication Technology – 1

Sanglay, Prince Andrew William

Austria, Cyrill Joshua
Castro, Eiro
Condeza, Dolly Ann
Los Baños, Adrian Adam
Mabale, Kenneth
Correlation Between MOBA Games and the Behaviors of Senior
High School Students

Subject Matter:
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) and behaviors of players

Senior high school students playing MOBA games in World Citi Colleges (WCC)

1. To determine how much time did the MOBA players consume in playing.
2. To determine the behavior of senior high school students.
3. To determine the correlation between the rate of MOBA gaming & senior high school

Beneficiaries of the study:

The School Administrator and Staffs.
This research will help the school to know how playing MOBA games can be a factor
that can change the behavior of a student. The school will also know how much time the students
are consuming in playing MOBA games.
The Students.
This research will help the students to realize the correlation of playing MOBA games to
their behaviors. The students will also know the correlational rate of playing MOBA games to
their behavior.
The Parents.
This research will help the parents to know that playing of MOBA games can be
harmless or harmful to the behavior of their child.
 What are the MOBA games?
 What is the necessary background information on our topic?
 What is the correlation rate between playing MOBA games and the behaviors of
senior high school students?
 What are commonly seen as aspects of MOBA games?
a) Negative physical aspects.
b) Negative cognitive/psychological

Quantitative method
Correlational study
The quantitative method that we will use in conducting this research is correlation study.
This method is designed to discover relationships among variables and to allow the prediction of
future events from present knowledge.

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