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Portfolio 2018-19

Academic Artifact
Future career interests (if known): Law Enforcement or Coast Guard

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1.time management

2. communication

Description of artifact/assignment:
Vocab test from my english class

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts/assignments?

I chose this because I got 50/50 on the tes

What academic skills did you use that are specific to this artifact/assignment?
I used time management

What general academic skills did you use (skills that would be used in any academic class)?
I used time management and communication

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
Artifact/Assignment? Explain.
Yes i did see growth because I used my time wiser and I also asked for help when I needed it

Provide an example of how these academic and/or soft skills are used in a career in which you
are interested.
Communication is used in law enforcement because you have to be able to tell people what they
did wrong if you pulled someone over and you also have to be able to control yourself.
Portfolio 2018-19

Future career interests (if known): Law Enforcement or Coast guard

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

Time management, communication

Description of artifact/assignment:

Binder check for economics

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts/assignments?
I chose this because this is one of the best binder checks I have had this year and it also shows
that I am very organized and I do my work in that class.

What academic skills did you use that are specific to this artifact/assignment?
I learned organization skills

What general academic skills did you use (skills that would be used in any academic class)?

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
Artifact/Assignment? Explain.
Yes I did see growth in my soft skills because I didn’t do this binder check the day before it was
due, I did it way before to make sure I had it done and I wasn’t missing any assignments

Provide an example of how these academic and/or soft skills are used in a career in which you
are interested.
Communication is used in law enforcement because police officers have to communicate to a
person on what they did wrong and they also have to read them their rights if they have made an
Portfolio 2018-19

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