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Best Practices
White Paper

© LSA Global.  All rights reserved.  800.889.6452
6 Manage
M ement Practice
P es that Make tthe Diffference
between Effectiv
E ve and Extraordinary y

Superstars in the manaagement arena arre rare.

But when they emergee, they have an enormous impact
i not onnly on their ow
wn teams but also on the
departments and organnizations that their protégéés go on to leaad. High perfo
formers are tyypically two to
three time
es more produ
uctive than their peers. Th hey are able tto get results while simulta
aneously attra acting,
developing and engagiing the next generation
g of leaders.

What is it that they do to

t get high pe
erformance th
hat the rest off us miss? That is what we
e set out to

nal Attrib
butes of Great
G Man
After two plus decades s in the field of
o leadership development,
d , here is whatt we have com me to understtand
and appre eciate. Great managers are e self-confide
ent and authe ntic; they are creative and willing to takke
risks; they
y are competitive but alway ys act with inttegrity. These
e are their perrsonal traits.

Get Aligned. Stay Aligne

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nd product names are copyrights, trademarkks, service marks, or rregistered trademarks of LSA
Global or its Parrtners.
What mak kes them truly y remarkable,, however, is that they are extremely su
uccessful at atttracting and
nurturing top talent along the way.

Six Pra
actices th
hat Make the Diffe
The truly great
g manageers follow these practices when
w it come g, selecting and grooming
es to attracting
talent for high performa

1. Great
G Man
nagers Ne
ever Setttle
G managers hire only th he best and th he brightest, nnot necessariily the most q
qualified. High
erformers are e noted for the eir ability to le
earn, adjust a nd create inn
novative new ssolutions to
prroblems. The ey consistentlly show flexib bility when thin
ngs go awry aand have the intelligence aand
discipline to prrioritize and fo
ocus on what really matterss most.

G o consistently identify emplloyees with unusual gifts a
managers are able to and are willingg to
ake a chance on putting the
em in positionns of merit evven if they lacck the more “tyypical” experiience
annd credentials
s. They inves
st the time to always hire ttop talent.

2. Great
G Man
nagers Modify
G managers feel obligatted to change e job descripttions and role
es to squarelyy fit the specifiic
alents and des sires of their high
h performeers. This goess counter to the convention nal wisdom o of
neever changing g a company “for the peop ple.” But smaart leaders andd coaches kn now that their “A”
ntribute far more if given an assignmentt that takes a
pllayers will con advantage of ttheir strengthss
ather than beiing forced to work
w within th
he constraintss of what the jjob is “suppossed” to be.

By playing to strengths,
s great leaders ac ormance and create loyal employee
ccelerate perfo
dvocates williing to give moore discretion
nary effort.

3. Great
G Man
nagers Va
alue Quality
G managers understand d that high pe
erformers thrivve best when
n working at a fast pace witth
otther high perfformers in a way
w that introdduces new ch hallenges in th
he areas thatt they love. T
allso understan
nd that top talent often movves on to takee advantage oof outside pro
omotions and

G leaders don’t try to im
mpede the proogress of theirr protégés. In nstead, similar to college spport’s
oaches who must
m recruit new
n talent eacch year as theeir players gra aduate, greatt managers fo ocus
onn what is best for their peoople (internally
y or externallyy) while consstantly looking
g for fresh new

4. Great
G Man
nagers De
Beyond assign ning tasks effe
ectively, greatt managers trrust in their fo
ollowers’ abilitty to deliver. T
on’t need to hover
h over the
eir employees s or have timee to microman nage. They give their top
mployees spa ace to grow and
a learn.

They map out exactly what they expect, ensure a commmon understtanding of success and faiilure,
ain a clear co port and ensure accountab
ommitment, prrovide the necessary supp bility.

Get Aligned. Stay Aligne

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arks, service marks an
nd product names are copyrights, trademarkks, service marks, or rregistered trademarks of LSA
Global or its Parrtners.
5. Great
G Man
nagers Ex
xpect Mo
ore and R
Reward More
G managers consistentlly model the way w while exp pecting and reewarding high h performancce.
This means cle
early defining both success s and failure iin a way that is clear, unde
erstood, fair,
ccurate, poss
sible, transparrent, inspiratio
onal and mea aningful.

To inspire extra effort from their

t top work anagers also ensure that the greatest sshare
kers, great ma
off rewards are distributed to
o the highest performers in
n a way that iss meaningful and proportio
Because of this, their “A” pla o accomplish the extraordiinary.
ayers strive to

6. Great
G Man
nagers Mentor
G managers thrive on th
he success off those they ccounsel and e encourage. Th hey excel at
ands-on guidance and insppiration and build
b life-long relationshipss with those th
hey mentor.

The Bo
ottom Lin
If you asp
pire to reachin
ng superstar status
s as a maanager, these
e six practicess make the difference betwween
merely efffective managgement and extraordinary
e managementt. Try one or ttwo at a time to see if it ma
ce for you and your team in terms of hig
a differenc gher performaance, increassed engagement, improved d
retention or
o a decrease e in employeee relations iss

Get Aligned. Stay Aligne

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A copyrights, tradema
arks, service marks an
nd product names are copyrights, trademarkks, service marks, or rregistered trademarks of LSA
Global or its Parrtners.
Founded in 1995, we are a consulting and training 
firm that helps high growth companies get there by 
aligning their culture and talent with strategy.
Who we work with ‐ Leaders
Our clients are typically mid‐market leaders of high‐tech, life‐sciences, 
and service companies who want to avoid the culture and talent 
mistakes that keep so many great strategies from becoming a reality. 
They want more than what traditional consulting and training  Get Toolkits
approaches can deliver.  They think systemically and demand results.

What we do – 3X Alignment™
We get results by creating strategic clarity, building high performance 
cultures and differentiating talent. We call this 3X Alignment™.  
Operationally, we are organized in seven key practice areas: Sales, 
Loyalty, Leadership, Management, Project Management, Change, and 
Assessment & Measurement.  Download
What we know – 3X Alignment™ Research
Highly aligned companies grow 58% faster and are 72% more 
profitable while outperforming unaligned companies at these rates:
ƒ Customer Retention 2.23‐to‐1
ƒ Customer Satisfaction 3.2‐to‐1
ƒ Leadership Effectiveness 8.71‐to‐1
ƒ Employee Engagement 16.8‐to‐1 Read Client
Our Guarantee – Pay for Performance Results
We formally measure everything we do and tie our compensation to 
quantifiable outcomes for your business.  Fiercely devoted to the 
success of our clients, we guarantee results.

© LSA Global.  All rights reserved.  800.889.6452

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