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Geography and Sociology

1. Which of the following refers to the dominant religion of the society with an elaborate formal
bureaucratic structure with its hierarchy of official and well-developed dogma and rituals?
a. sect
b. cult
c. church
d. denomination

2. cThe following are crimes against person except…

a. Homicide
b. Prostitution
c. parricide
d. murder
3. Brothers and sisters are example of ____kin .
a. consaguineal
b. fictive
c. affinal
d. adoptive
4. Of the following , which refers to a group who have similar level of weakness hence exhibiting
the same lifestyles?
a. Social status
b. Social class
c. Social aggregate
d. Social aggrupation
5. According to Weber , the following are the three related dimensions of stratification EXCEPT…
a. rank
b. power
c. prestige
d. Economic resources
6. Self –made individuals who have become very wealthy and have moved to the upper class are
a. Noveau riche
b. Bourgeois
c. Pauper
d. proletariat
7. According to Freud which is the mediator between the needs of the individual and the world of
reality and strives to delay tension until the suitable environment exists?
a. Id
b. Superego
c. Ego
d. Self
Geography and Sociology

8. The following are the typical features of bureaucracy EXCEPT…

a. Division of labor
b. Personalism
c. Rules
d. Professional qualifcations
9. What type of groups are San Miguel Corporation , Philippine Long Distance and Philippines
a. informal
b. Secondary
c. Primary
d. In -group
10. Crowd , masses and public are temporary groups. Hence they are called …
a. Reference
b. Social category
c. aggregate
d. Collectivities
11. Anthropologist prefer to call foragers…
a. Band
b. hunters
c. Food collector
d. horticulturists
12. What federation of Southeast Asian countries did the Philippine become a founding member in
c. Bandung Conference
13. Of the following statements which is UNACCEPTABLE?
a. Persons successfully rehabilitates offenders /deviants
b. Freedom and diversity encouraged deviance
c. Crime is a behavior that acts against the interests of the of the most powerful groups in
d. Cultural lag may give rise to deviance
14. When we say the Pampangos are artistic and extravagant , the Tagalogs are progressive and
proud , the Bicolanos are friendly and fun – loving, we are making use of …
a. Fads
b. falkways
c. Craze
d. Taboos
Geography and Sociology

15. When laws are formalized by authorized persons or governing body , they become…
a. laws
b. mores
c. Folkways
d. sanctions
16. A status obtained by an individual as a result of the application of an effort leading to victory
and splendid or performance such as being declared as PINOY IDOL is termed…
a. Assumed status
b. Achieved status
c. Ascribed status
d. Awarded status
17. Due to age teenagers adopt cultural patterns that set them apart from other segments of a
society’s population. This reflects their…
a. ethnocentrism
b. multiculturalism
c. Sub culture
d. counterculture
18. Upon which is the claim that there is no single standard to be used to judge any culture based?
a. Cultural diversity
b. Culture shock
c. Cultural relativism
d. ethical relatives
19. Through the process of socialization the individual is able to____.
a. Become an adult member of the society
b. Satisfy the personal needs and drives
c. Learn to dialogue with peers and adults
d. Function of a contributing member of a group.
20. When you say a Filipino makes use of spoon and fork in Canada instead of the knife as the
Canadians do, the Canadians call you “pig”. What feeling do the Canadians express ?
a. Ethnocentrism
b. Stangeness
c. Antagonism
d. Xenocentrism.
21. One’s position in society is always inherited from one’s parent. What does the situation
a. Caste system
b. Slave system
c. Estate system
d. Class system
Geography and Sociology

22. On which Filipino trait does Gawad Kalinga capitalize and at the same time perpetuates?
a. Adaptability
b. Personalism
c. Bayanihan
d. Joy and Humor
23. Which one best describes social interaction?
a. Joining groups and mingling with each other
b. Relating interpersonally in an institutional setting
c. Acting in relation to others and attuning one’s response to other’s responses
a. Acting in conformity with the majority
24. Mormons once practiced the act of having multiple wives. What level of social behavior would
such act violate in today’s society ?
a. custom
b. mores
c. folkways
d. law
25. The Chinese have borrowed from the cultural patterns and values of Filipinos and the Filipinos
have also adopted some Chinese culture and values. What is this process called?
a. amalgamation
b. Reciproctiy
c. assimilation
d. acculturation
26. A Filipino Home Economics class made beautiful and functional bags out of used illustration
board .Which Filipino trait is demonstrated?
a. Adaptability
b. Creativity
c. Flexibility
d. optimism
27. Which does not belong to the group as an effect of the Filipinos faith in God?
a. Bitterness in times of tragedy
b. Courage
c. Danng attitude
d. optimism
28. Which is one effect of the extreme personalism in Philippines? The base of political support and
followership is ___
a. Gratitude and personal favors
b. Loyalty to ideas , government principles and policies
c. Identification with the truth
d. Loyalty to one’s political platform
Geography and Sociology

29. What do the phrases “Brown Spaniards” and “ little brownAmericans” point to? The Filipinos
a. Lack of patriotism
b. Mania of things foreign
c. Lack of national integaration
d. Adapatability to foreign ways
30. In the context of cultural relativism , how would I Evaluate the practice of polygamy among the
a. Muslims view and beliefs
b. Belifs of scholar
c. Christian belief
d. Law of theland
31. How should an anthropologist understand other people’s culture. From the ____.
a. Perspective of the anthropologist conducting the study to be truly scientific
b. Point of view of authorities in anthropology
c. perspective of the insider
d. Point of view of the outsider for
32. What does the principle of cultural relativism enhance?
a. Xenocentric feeling
b. Ethnocentric attitude
c. Respect for cultural differences
d. Prejudice towards primitive culture
33. Meritocracy seem to be not fully operated in our systems. Which is a possible consequence?
a. Adherence to “pwede na” mentality
b. Pursuit of excellence
c. “kami” mentality
d. “ talangka” mentality
34. The Filipinos tends to joke about the most serious matter. What does this reveal about the
Filipino character?
a. Tends to leave everything to God
b. Tends to be indifferent
c. Tends to be superficial
d. Tends to be lazy
35. Which supports the Filipino desire to pursue excellence?
a. “make-do” mentality
b. meritocracy
c. Intolerance for opposing views
d. “ looking good” but not being
Geography and Sociology

36. The family into which one is born is called the ?

a. Nuclear family
b. Blood family
c. Extended family
d. Family of procreation
37. Children learn culture from parents and teachers . What is the process called ?
a. Accomodation
b. Assimilation
c. Enculturation
d. Acculturation
38. The students in PEHM class were tasked to note down the Spanish influences in our arts and
culture. Which process explains the Spanish influence?
a. Inheritance
b. Evolution
c. Cultural diffusion
d. interbreeding
39. Which of the following statements reflects a strong school culture?
a. Definitie organization core values
b. High standards of performance
c. Network of communication
d. Informal rules of behavior
40. As a teacher , we need to correct the attitude of some arrogant students who keep on seeing
their own way of doing things as the right way and everybody else’s wrong. What do you call
this kind of attitude?
a. Cultural relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. multiculturalism
d. Cultural pluralism
41. What is the principal means through which culture is transmitted from generation to
a. Community action
b. Church
c. Language
d. family
42. If you keep seeing your ways of doing things as the right way and everybody else’s wrong, you
tend to have the attitude called
a. Xenophobia
b. Cultural relativism
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Ethical relativism
Geography and Sociology

43. When a person shows the ability to to understand and appreciate the similarities and
differences in customs, values , beliefs of one culture he/she is said to be ____
a. Possess social literacy
b. Socio-cultural aware
c. Possess multi-cultural literacy
d. Possess global awareness
44. The Japanese rebuild their communities to show their good character after an earthquake.
Which does not describe the kind of character Japanese have?
a. Unity
b. solidarity
c. Superiority over nature
d. fortitude
45. What is the biggest reason why Philippine political system is so flawed from the time of the
Datus to the Spanish encomienda system that has always been a system of patronage, with
political power vested in the hands of the few families?
a. Sibling rivalry
b. Indigenous group
c. Tribe
d. Dyansty
46. Teacher Jill stressed the whole picture if the Philippine Social System and the application of
knowledge from dfiferent fields to understand various aspects of Filipino behavior. What is the
point stressed by the teacher?
a. Universalism
b. Holism
c. adaptation
d. Integration
47. Children learn how to open a coconut and other common chores in a coconut farm. In this
instance culture is transmitted by:
a. Acculturation
b. Immersion
c. Assimilation
d. Enculturation
48. You will be in good hands when your host is a Filipino because outstanding trait of a Filipino is :
a. cleanliness
b. industry
c. thrift
d. hospitality
Geography and Sociology

49. Material culture refers to the tangible and concrete objects produce by man. Which are
examples of material culture?
a. Moriones Festival
b. Sinulog Festival
c. Ceremonies of Ivatan
d. Stone Walls of Tasaday
50. When can we say that a person has values?
a. Enjoys life of leisure and pleasure
b. Works toward self aggrandizement
c. Live a life of merriment in the company of others
d. Live a life of integrity , sincerity and commitment
51. You have to take extra care when you critique the work of a Filipino. Your negative comments
may be mistaken to be an attack against the person. Upon which Filipino trait is this advised
a. Adaptability
b. Sakop Mentality
c. Bayanihan Spirit
d. Extreme Personalism
52. Through the process of socialization , the individual is able to:
a. Function as a contributing member of the society
b. Learn to dialogue with peers and adults
c. Satisfy his personal needs and drives
d. Become an adult member of the society
53. Which term to the social aspect of sex or to socially defined roles and expectations that are
associated with sex?
a. Social class
b. gender
c. Cultural context
d. Social differentiation
54. Which of the following is a fundamental moral principle ?
a. Health is wealth
b. Cheating is immoral
c. Do good , avoid evil
d. Stealing is wrong
55. What is the focus of multi-cultural education?
a. curriculum
b. Context
c. perspective
d. assessment
Geography and Sociology

56. Which major social institution is entrusted with enforcing rules of society ?
a. Religion
b. Family
c. Government
d. Education
57. Which is true about peace?
a. Way of force and violence
b. Radical revolution
c. Way of brotherhood and solidarity
d. Absence of war
58. One of the stages in moral development approach which is instrumental relationship is best
illustrated by :
a. I will do what I think I right no matter what happens
b. Good work is rewarded and bad work is punished
c. You scratch my back and I will scratch yous
d. Everyone is an instrument for good deeds
59. Man is to be hailed as social being. What does this line mean?
a. He must introduce himself in social gatherings
b. He necessarily attends social events
c. He does not live only for himself
d. He does not need other people
60. Sometimes we Filipinos are perceived to be playful and cynical when we laugh off our miseries.
Whicg positive trait is described?
a. Joy and Humor
b. Creativity
c. Faith in God
d. Adaptability and adjustment
61. To which is stratification most closely related?
a. Assimilation
b. Social Identification
c. Social Differentiation
d. Social Disorganization
62. Left with no choice , a number of Filipinos make a living from garbage dumps. This points to
which Filipino trait?
a. Basic optimism , ability to survive
b. Indolence and extravagance
c. Indolence
d. Extravagance
Geography and Sociology

63. In the analysis of culture , most anthropologists agree that the emphasis should be upon:
a. Traits that are learned and shared
b. Giving equal weight to all traits
c. Traits that are solely individual or personal
d. Biologically inherited traits
64. The bad effect of the population program was:
a. A media’s lack of ethics
b. The abusive use of contraceptives
c. The lowering of people’s morale
d. The disagreement in principles of the
church and state
65. Society may be said to exist in and by communication between individuals when:
a. They are involuntary involved in society
b. They are found almost unavoidably in society
c. Individuals as they grow up voluntarily from society
d. Their normal environment is in association with each other
66. It is a philosophical view that educational institutions are the agencies for the propagation and
perpetuation of cultural traits:
a. Pragmatism
b. Existentialism
c. Essentialism
d. progressivism
67. It is the corporate mind of the pupils and the teachers organized around some principles of
knowledge in which all minds are thinking as one:
a. Individual mind
b. Social mind
c. Educative mind
d. Philosophical mind
68. To what school of educational philosophy can this statement be traced? “In the end the
learner’s identity is found in his commitments. What he chooses, that he becomes”
a. Idealism
b. Absolutism
c. Realism
d. pragmatism
69. Which, according to research , is related to increased aggression in children?
a. Eating junk foods
b. Viewing violence
c. Playing with toy guns at an early age
d. Coming from single parent homes
Geography and Sociology

70. What is the inner source of strength of the Filipino destitute to keep going?
a. Faith in God
b. Physical Stamina
c. Bounty of natural resources
d. Athletic body
71. Hazing rites in school persist despite their being outlawed. Which is the purpose of such rites?
a. To mark changes in an individual’s status
b. To preserve tradition
c. To foster patriotism
d. To minimize culture shock
72. How is the term acculturation defined?
a. Occurrence of similarities between cultures that have neither contact nor history of cultural
b. Cultural exchange that occurs when unlike cultural experience contact over an extended
period of time
c. Ethnocentric grouping of traditions among diverse cultures
d. Abandonment of a social custom , behavior, pattern or belief that has been a part of a
73. Which illustrates conformity?
a. Daring to speak out one’s mind
b. Getting along with the behavior, attitude , and belief of a group
c. Sensing another person’s feeling and responding appropriately
d. Putting oneself into the shoes of the other
74. What trait/mentality goes with the Filipino sakop-orientation ?
a. Pagmamalasakit
b. Kanya-kanya mentality
c. Pakikisama
d. Extreme personalism
75. Which is a characteristics of a secondary group?
a. Impersonal relationships
b. Strong emotional ties
c. Small size and intimacy
d. Permanence over time
76. In which country do pastoral industries play an important role in the economy?
a. France
b. Germany
c. New Zealand
d. Canada
Geography and Sociology

77. It is a narrow strip of land in Northern Philippines . There is not much to cultivate so its
adventurous people migrated to other parts of the country and the world. Which region is
a. Ilocos
b. Palawan
c. Cagayan
d. Zamboanga
78. Because of its geographical location, Philippines _____.
a. Is economically poor
b. Is not prone to calamities
c. Has a warm climate
d. Has low literacy rate
79. The Philippine is in the Pacific plate. As a consequence , it is prone to ________.
a. Earthquakes
b. Drought
c. Typhoons
d. flood
80. Which is the 2nd largest island in the Philippines?
a. Leyte
b. Luzon
c. Palawan
d. Mindanao
81. Which one serves as a rice granary in the northeast Philippines?
a. Cagayan Valley
b. Nueva Ecija
c. Ilocos Region
d. Cordillera administrative region
82. Which may be an effect of the island character of our geography?
a. Multi-cultural diversity
b. Widespread poverty
c. Indolence
d. Low literacy
83. Which is considered the longest river in Luzon?
a. Chico River
b. Agno River
c. Angat River
d. Cagayan River
Geography and Sociology

84. Mt. Everest is to the world, as _____is to the Philippines

a. Mt. Apo
b. Mt. Pulag
c. Mt. Arayat
d. Mt. Makiling
85. The marble supply in the country originates primarily from ____
a. Romblon
b. Biliran
c. Masbate
d. Mindoro
86. To which province will I go If I want to see the Chocolate hills and tarsiers?
a. Siquijor
b. Bohol
c. Cebu
d. Samar
87. Which is one of the smallest island province in Visayas which is famous for its sweet mangoes
for export?
a. Antique
b. Bohol
c. Guimaras
d. Southern leyte
88. Which big tourist attraction in CAR symbolizes early Filipino engineering skills , patience and
a. Ivatan homes
b. Hot spring
c. Rice terraces
d. Wood carving
89. The Cagayan valley serves as the rice granary of the Philippine. This is made possible by the
irrigation from ____.
a. Cagayan river
b. Agno river
c. Chico river
d. Buad river
90. Which region is dubbed as the land of promise because of its spacious and rich agricultural lands
a. Central plain of luzon
b. Mindanao
c. Visayas
d. Luzon
Geography and Sociology

91. What statement is true about Mindanao?

a. It Is the 3rd largest island in the country
b. It is where the smallest deer can be found
c. It is the biggest island in the country
d. It is the 2nd biggest island in the country
92. Which biome contains the greatest biodiversity in the world?
a. Tropical Rain Forest
b. Savannah
c. Taiga
d. Deciduous Forest
93. What percent of the earth’s surface do the 4 oceans and numerous seas cover?
A. 71%
B. 80%
C. 65.5%
D. 75%
94. In what province were the evidences of artifacts and tools used by man belonging to the “homo
erectus philipinensis” discovered?
a. Cagayan
b. Palawan
c. Agusan
d. Batanes
95. Which city was first named by the Spaniards as Nueva Caceres
a. Naga
b. Cebu
c. Vigan
d. Manila
96. Where is the “Moriones” festival celebrated?
a. Marinduque
b. Cebu
c. Davao
d. Aklan
97. In which place in the Philippines is DOLE pineapple plantation found?
a. Cotabato
b. Zamboanga
c. Cagayan de oro
d. Bukidnon
98. The Philippines Central Bank has used an icon for its advertisement . It is ___.
a. Pigeon
b. Hawk
c. Eagle
d. Parrot
Geography and Sociology

99. Which volcano errupted in June 1991 , which made Region II a lahar region?
a. Mayon Volcano
b. Taal Volcano
c. Mt. Kanlaon
d. Mt.Pinatubo
100. Drought in the Philippine could be attributed to warm ocean current termed ___
a. La niña
b. Tsunami
c. Amihan
d. El niño
101. Which is the largest island in the Philippine Archipelago?
a. Palawan
b. Luzon
c. Visayas
d. Mindanao
102. Which one has a soil of volcanic origin?
a. Ilocos
b. Babuyan Island
c. Catanduanes
d. Cotabato
103. Which province in the north thrives in salt and fish sauce making , fishing and tourism
because of its hundred islands?
a. Ilocos Norte
b. La Union
c. Ilocos Sur
d. Pangasinan
104. If Bukidnon-Lanao are is a plateau, Zamboanga is more of a/an___
a. Valley
b. Island
c. Archipelago
d. Peninsula
105. In what city did Gen. Tomuyuki Yamashita surrendered to the Americans during the last
days of the Second World War?
a. Zamboanga
b. Ilo-ilo
c. Baguio
d. Laoag
Geography and Sociology

106. The irregular coastlines of the counrty make possible the presence of several ___
a. Harbors
b. Lighthouses
c. Bus terminals
d. Railroads
107. I want to go to the largest upland area in the Philippines. Where should I go?
a. Southern Island of Mindanao
b. Zambales Mountains
c. Panay Islands
d. Cordillera Central in northern Luzon
108. Which province attracts people from Luzon because of its swimming pools which are
naturally heated by hot springs?
a. Palawan
b. Biliran
c. Ilocos Sur
d. Laguna
109. Tourists from this city bring home otap , dried mangoes and dried fish such as danggit
for pasalubong. Which is referred to?
a. Cebu
b. Tacloban
c. Davao
d. Iloilo
110. What province in the Philippines was often referred to as Ma-I by the Chinese in the 14th
a. Mindoro
b. Palawan
c. Manila
d. Sulu
111. What province in the Philippines was often referred to as Ma-I by the Chinese in the 14th
a. Mindoro
b. Palawan
c. Manila
d. Sulu
112. Which is the tuna country in the Philippines?
a. Zambales
b. Gensan
c. Bohol
d. Batanes
Geography and Sociology

113. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?

a. It has very limited forest resources
b. It abounds only in metallic minerals , not in non metallic minerals .
c. Fishing is the top source of livelihood for its people
d. More than one fourth of its total land area is devoted to agriculture
114. Where do we fin most of the islands in the country?
a. Luzon and Mindanao
b. In luzon
c. Central Visayas
d. Mindano
115. What building was the only one left intact after the destruction of Intramuros during the
Battle of Manila?
a. San Agustin Church
b. Manila Cathedral
c. Quiapo Church
d. Manila Post Office
116. Which is a small city in the highlands that attract tourists all year round because of its
cool climate?
a. Baguio City
b. Tuguegarao City
c. Tagaytay City
d. City of San Fernando
117. Which is the correct arrangement according to are from largest to smallest ?
a. Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan
b. Luzon, Mindanao , Samar
c. Luzon, Samar , Mindanao
d. Luzon, Palawan , Mindanao
118. What is the study of the earth’s surface and physical features
a. Geology
b. Geography
c. Cartography
d. Topography
119. Among our forefathers , why were the Bisayans referred as Pintados?
a. They were the most tattooed with various design
b. They had homes which were colorfully painted
c. They loved to wear brightly printed clothes
d. They were fond of facial make-up
Geography and Sociology

120. If the seven continents were arranged from largest to smallest , in which order does
Australia fall ?
a. 4th
b. 5TH
c. 7th
d. 6th
121. The smallest continent in the world often referred to as a continent and as a country?
a. Antartica
b. Australia
c. Europe
d. Africa
122. The following are located in the Southern Hemisphere except?
a. Europe
b. Antartica
c. Lower half of Africa
d. Australia
123. The big land masses lying on the major plates of the earth are the :
a. Islands
b. Continent
c. Archipelago
d. peninsula
124. In Philippine history who was known as The Greatest Dissenter?
a. Eulogio Rodrigues
b. Camilo Osias
c. Manuel Roxas
d. Claro M. Recto
125. The world’s tallest mountain which was formed by the tremendous pressure from the
tectonic activity of the earth’s inner crust.
a. Jaja peak
b. Fuji
c. Kilimanjaro
d. Everest
126. It is the name for the estimated measurement of the groud motion that occurs during
an earthquake?
a. Crichter scale
b. Reachter scale
c. Richter cale
d. Homerian scale
Geography and Sociology

127. Which is a large part of the ocean or sea partly enclosed by Land?
a. Canal
b. Straight
c. Lake
d. Gulf
128. It demonstrates interconnectedness between social and environment injustices.
a. Desertification of verdant regions
b. Highly industrialized countries’ toxic waste disposed to poorer countries
c. Temperature warming and rising sea level
d. Extinction of rare animal species
129. What kind of energy source has been explored from volcanic resources?
a. Scalar energy
b. Crude oil energy
c. Natural gas energy
d. Geothermal energy
130. The most violent natural phenomenon , typically only 30 meters in diameter?
a. Typhoon
b. Tornado
c. Cyclone
d. Tsunamis
131. He wrote 17 volumes of books with a wealth of information on classical geography?
a. Aristotle
b. Strado
c. Homer
d. Ptolemy
132. The physical phenomenon which raises the temperature of the earth’s surface .
a. Atmospheric winds
b. Ocean heat
c. Global warming
d. Hurricane
133. An environmental law which requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and
bans the use of incinerators:
a. Greenpeace Act
b. Anti-Pollution Act
c. Environment Security Act
d. Clean Air Act
134. The following are archipelagos , except:
a. Japan
b. Philippines
c. Indonesia
d. Korea
Geography and Sociology

135. Which is the largest continent , covering one fifth of all the earth’s land surface?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Antartica
d. Australia
136. The which country do mountain climbers flock to climb the highest mountain in the
a. Sri Lanka
b. Nepal
c. Pakistan
d. Bangladesh
137. Known as the “Provincia de Comintang” during the Spanish Period?
a. Bataan
b. Palawan
c. Cavite
d. Batangas
138. What region of the world is located between the tropics of caner and the tropic of
capricorn with a generally hot climate?
a. Polar
b. Tropics
c. Mid Latitude
d. None of the Above
139. Known as the “Isla de Pintados” by the Spaniards?
a. Luzon
b. Visayas
c. Mindanao
d. Samar
140. What fixes the permanent position on the surface of the globe?
a. Location
b. Direction
c. Destination
d. Elevation
141. What are the lines running around the earth in an east-west direction maintaining the
same distance from each other?
a. Meridians
b. Parallels
c. Antarctic circle
d. Arctic circle
Geography and Sociology

142. The 180th meridian lying opposite the prime meridian.

a. Special Meridian
b. Antemeridian
c. International Date Line
d. None of the above

143. The oceans of the world cover almost ____of the earth’s surface.
a. Two-fifths
b. One-fourth
c. Fourth-fifths
d. Three-fourths
144. A flat landform where the surface is raise above the surrounding land
a. Valley
b. Plateau
c. Hill
d. Plain
145. What element on the map explains the different symbols/signs used on the map?
a. Scale
b. Title
c. Legend
d. Direction
146. The Philippines is located on the track of the typhoons that originate in the region of the
Marianas and Caroline Islands of the :
a. Indian Ocean
b. Pacific Ocean
c. Antarctic Ocean
d. Atlantic Ocean

147. The location of places in relation to surrounding bodies of water is referred to as the
relative ___location.
a. Exact
b. Maritime
c. Geographic
d. Continental
148. The Philippines is composed of ____island and islets?
a. 7,107
b. 8,000
c. 7,000
d. 8,107
Geography and Sociology

149. The supercontinent that broke into different continental masses approximately 250
million years ago is :
a. Gondwanaland
b. Pangea
c. Planetoid
d. Laurasia
150. What is the imaginary line extending through the earth from the two geographic poles
around which the earth rotates?
a. Prime meridian
b. Equator
c. Tropic of capricorn
d. Tropic of cancer

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