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Directions: Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. A social science discipline that problematizes the unjust results of the exercise of power and not the arrangements of power
relations itself however unequal.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Political Science d. Political Sociology
2. These sciences (anthropology, sociology, and political science) show the three facets of the social, with each discipline
representing a unique facet on it. They provide precarious yet captivating portrayals of social life, EXCEPT?
a. impinged upon social forces c. constantly enmeshed in power relations
b. routinized by cultural practices d. necessary for the governance of social relations
3. Why culture plays a major role in our day-to-day living?
a. Have major influence on a person’s behaviour and attitude.
b. They serve as broad guidelines in behaviour in all situations.
c. It can be observed that human behaviour, whether individual or collective, are propelled by powerful motivators.
d. That complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols,
knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society.
4. Social stratification categorizes groups of people into hierarchy on the basis of wealth, status, or power. The following are
the major types of social stratification, EXCEPT?
a. Caste b. Class c. State d. Slavery
5. Cultural idiosyncrasies are perfect examples of this concept.
a. Social diversity b. Cultural conflict c. Cultural diversity d. Social stratification
6. A quality of the mind that enables its possessor to grasp the intersection of biography and history.
a. Political maneuvering c. Sociological imagination
b. b. Sociological perspective d. Anthropological wandering
7. If the perspective zeroes in on power relations and how these produce layered modalities of opportunities among social
actors, then the discipline is called?
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Social Science d. Political Science
8. If the perspective underlines the role of cultural structures in organizing human interactions, the discipline is referred to?
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Social Science d. Political Science
9. If the perspective highlights the external influences that facilitate or constrain human actions, the discipline is called?
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Social Science d. Political Science
10. It is the institution that has authority to oversee a country or state.
a. Agency b. Public c. President d. Government
11. In sociology, social difference is usually equated with social stratification, which describes?
a. Power relations in the economic context.
b. A clear manifestation of the diversity in culture.
c. Forces encouraging change and forces resisting change.
d. The relative social position of persons in a given social group, category, geographical region, or social unit.
12. Which of the following is FALSE as to culture?
a. It is a strong part of people’s lives.
b. It influences their views, values, humor, hopes, loyalties and their worries of fears.
c. Has the capacity to bond the members of the society together.
d. Creating conflict and tension among members or groups in society.
13. The world is visibility divided into different countries. Each country has its own _______________________.
a. people or constituents
b. strong part of people’s lives
c. major role in a day-to-day living
d. political system to run its government.
14. Which of the following statements is TRUE and the most visible form of social stratification?
a. Based on social class (e.g., rich vs. poor)
b. Based in their shared conception of morality
c. Based in the ways they interact with their environment
d. By a system of governance to rule its people or constituents
15. A person’s position is based upon achievement.
a. Slavery b. Estate c. Class d. Caste
16. Which form of norm is codified ethics, formally agreed, and written down and enforced by authorities?
a. Laws b. Mores c. Folkway d. Prescriptive
17. Which of the following type of norm that tells us things NOT to do?
a. Mores b. Taboos c. Proscriptive d. Prescriptive
18. What kind of society that occupational specialization became even more pronounced, and a person’s vocation became an
identifier more than his or her family ties?
a. Pastoral society b. Industrial society c. Horticultural society d. Post-industrial society
19. What kind of society relies on the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and plants in order to survive?
a. Pastoral society b. Industrial society c. Horticultural society d. Post-industrial society
20. Which form of norms is also known as customs, for they are norms for everyday behaviour for people to follow for the sake
of tradition or convenience?
a. Law b. Mores c. Taboos d. Folkway
21. A kind of society which the division of labor is based on gender.
a. Hunting and gathering societies c. Agricultural socieies
b. Horticultural societies d. None of the choices
22. It is a type of norm that tells us things to do.
a. Laws b. Mores c. Prescriptive d. Proscriptive
23. It is a form of norm that society holds so strongly that violating it results in extreme disgust.
a. Mores b. Taboos c. Folkway d. Proscriptive
24. A kind of society where productivity increases and as long as there is plenty of food, people do not have to move.
a. Pastoral society b. Industrial society c. Agricultural society d. Horticultural society
25. A kind of society where the economy is dependent on tangible goods and the people must pursue greater education.
a. Pastoral society b. Industrial society c. Horticultural society d. Post-industrial society
26. A ___________ describes a group of people who share a common territory and a culture.
a. culture b. society c. politics d. state
27. Culture refers to a ____________ whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts,
symbols, knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society.
a. complex b. broad c. politics d. state
28. _____________ is an example of material culture.
a. folkways b. norms c. clothing d. mores
29. Cultural components that are visible and tangible are called _______________.
a. culture b. nonmaterial culture c. material culture d. cognitive culture
30. Components of culture that are intangible or without physical representation are called ______________.
a. culture b. nonmaterial culture c. material culture d. cognitive culture
31. What is the reverse of xenocentrism?
a. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural relativism
b. Culture d. None of the choices
32. Which of the following show(s) the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding?
I. It gives biased judgement by an individual towards other cultures.
II. It helps one to make sense of a different culture.
III. It provides opportunity to person to understand the culture of others.
IV. It lowers the confidence of a person
a. I, II, and III b. I, II, III and IV c. I and IV d. II and III
33. It is the tendency to see and evaluate other cultures in terms of one’s own race, nation, or culture.
a. Xenocentrism b. Cultural Relativism c. Ethnocentrism d. Norms
34. If one does not understand the culture of others, what will likely to happen?
a. There will be a discrimination c. There will be no socialization at all
b. There will be a harmonious living d. There will be a mutual understanding
35. It refers to the complex whole which encompasses beliefs, practices, values. attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols,
knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of society (E.B. TYLOR 1920)
a. Culture b. Society c. Politics d. Beliefs
36. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the true nature of culture?
a. Culture is learned from the interaction with other people.
b. Culture tells us how we ought to act and believe.
c. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance.
d. Culture helps us solve problems and adapt to our environment.
37. The world has became a global village, what sound practice is expected of students?
a. Ethnocentrism b. Ethnic cleansing c. Respect of diverse cultures d. Xenocentrism
38. Which of the following is the characteristic of cultural relativism?
a. It views things in which one’s own group as center of everything.
b. It views one’s own culture as superior to other culture.
c. It views that no culture is superior to any other culture.
d. None of the choices
39. Juan de la Cruz a resident of Dapitan City went to Manila to seek for a job. On an interview, he showcased the beautiful and
historical place of his hometown. His interviewer had bad criticism about his answer. What cultural orientation did Juan’s
interviewer possessed?
a. Acculturation b. Cultural Relativism c. Global solidarity d. Ethnocentrism
40. On which concepts is the cross-cultural undertaking advocated by anthropologists and sociologists based in order to
prevent ethnocentrism?
a. Acculturation b. Cultural Relativism c. Global solidarity d. Ethnocentrism
41. What term best characterizes a peaceful community?
a. Ethical b. Harmonious c. Spiritual d. Tolerant
42. One of the bad attitudes of students is being arrogant who keep on seeing their own ways as the right way and everybody
else’s wrong. What do you call this kind of attitude?
a. Xenocentrism b. Cultural Relativism c. Ethnocentrism d. Norms
43. It is the concept that states that no culture is superior to any other culture.
a. Xenocentrism b. Cultural Relativism c. Ethnocentrism d. Norms
44. A term used to equate social differences which describe the relative social position of persons in a given social group,
category, geographical region, or other social unit.
a. Social differences c. Social variations
b. Social structure d. Social stratification
45. This refers to the study of past culture.
a. Archeology b. Paleontology c. Sociology d. Ethnology
46. If history is what is happening or the events in time while _________ is the personal experience of individuals.
a. Memoir b. Ethnology c. Biography d. Archeology
47. This is mainly concerned about how humans emerged & evolved through time.
a. Cultural Anthropology c. Human Paleontology
b. Physical Anthropology d. Biological Anthropology
48. It aims to create a plan to develop programs that would be sufficient and adequate to societies.
a. Public policy b. Political theory c. Public administration d. Political relations
49. These places more emphasis on the role of the individuals in society.
a. Microsociology b. Macrosociology c. Archeology d. Sociology
50. It is a subfield of political science that studies politics among nations. In the subfield conflict, diplomatic affairs, and
international law being studied.
a. Public policy b. International relations c. Public administration d. Comparative politics
51. What sociological term that refers to a constitution of social actors in constant interactions?
a. Sociology b. Society c. Culture d. Anthropology
52. It is an anthropological term that refers in a set of practices and traditions that define a specific society.
a. Sociology b. Society c. Culture d. Anthropology
53. It deals with systems of government and the analysis of political activity and political behaviour.
a. Political Science b. Political structure c. Political system d. Political relations
54. Is a subfield which studies how laws are made and being applied on a certain nation or state.
a. Public policy b. Constitutional law c. Public administration d. Political theory
55. The study of recent and or present cultures.
a. Archaeology b. Anthropology c. Sociology d. Ethnology
56. It enables us to grasp the connection between history and biography within society.
a. Macrosociology b. Microsociology c. Sociological imagination d. None of the choices
57. What is considered as the holistic “study of man”?
a. Archaeology b. Anthropology c. Sociology d. Ethnology
58. Focus on an issue such as pollution, poverty or hunger both within and beyond discipline boundaries with the possibility of
new perspective.
a. Disciplinary b. Interdisciplinary c. Multidisciplinary d. Transdisciplinary
59. Epistemologies, assumptions, knowledge, skills, methods within the boundary of a discipline (e.g., Physics; History;
a. Disciplinary b. Interdisciplinary c. Multidisciplinary d. Transdisciplinary
60. Is a subfield which studies the politics within other nation.
a. Comparative Politics b. Political Theory c. Public Policy d. International Relation


Prepared by:

SHS Teacher II

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