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day 1

drink a cup of green tea with no sugar
2 tomatos and 2 boild eggs

have two egg white
two oanch of fish boild or baked
and drink a cup of green tea

between lunch and dinner you can have snack

one green apple

you can eat vegetables watever you want but
they must be steamed
and drink a cup of green tea with bo suger

Day 2


Drink a cup of unsweetened green tea

Eat 2 boiled eggs and a banana


Two egg whites

4.2 ounces of chicken

And green tea

between lunch and dinner you can have snack

one green apple

A piece of rusk or toasted bread

A cootage cheese or white cheese

Low fat milk or skim milk

Day 3


A glass of tomato juice

2 boiled eggs


Green tea

Two egg whites and

4.2 ounces of cooked red meat

between lunch and dinner you can have snack

one green apple


Green salad

Two baked potatoes

And green tea

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