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c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8

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Review Article

Renal tubular acidosis

Gopal Basu*, Golla Sudhakar, Anjali Mohapatra

Department of Nephrology, Christian Medical College, Vellore 632004, Tamil Nadu, India

article info abstract

Article history: Renal tubular acidosis is a collection of renal tubular disorders of diverse etiopathological
Received 15 October 2013 states that present with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis due to failure of net renal acid
Accepted 22 November 2013 excretion. This review attempts to simplify the underlying physiological basis, the path-
Available online 15 December 2013 ophysiological patterns, and the clinical manifestations. An algorithmic approach to di-
agnose RTA along with a description of most of the tests used is provided. The clinical
Keywords: approach to RTA is followed by a brief note on its therapy.
Renal tubular acidosis Copyright ª 2013, Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2. Physiologic renal handling of acid base

Renal tubular acidosis is a collection of renal tubular disorders
of diverse aetiolopathological states that present with hyper- The average Hþ generated by the adult diet amounts to
chloremic metabolic acidosis due to failure of net renal acid 50e100 mmol/day (0.75e1.5 mmol/kg body weight) and this
excretion. Renal acid excretion is impaired by an inability daily load is excreted by the kidney. The mechanisms of acid
either to conserve bicarbonate or to excrete the Hþ ions. Renal excretion vary by tubular segment. Firstly, the necessity to
tubular acidosis (RTA) commonly manifest with polyuria, excrete a net acid load indicates the need for all of the filtered
polydipsia, renal calculi, failure to thrive, growth retardation, bicarbonate (4500 mmol/day) to be reabsorbed. Secondly,
and musculoskeletal abnormalities. First described in 1935,1 it excretion of 50e100 mmol/day of acid as free Hþ ions would
was confirmed as a renal tubular disorder in 1946.2 The term result in lowering the urine pH to 1.0. As the lowest physio-
“renal tubular acidosis” was designated in 1951.3 The disease logical urine pH is w4.2, and the average urine pH is 6.0, the
most often affects children, making it imperative to diagnose excretion of Hþ ion is aided significantly by luminal buffering.
and treat it effectively to preserve growth potential and pre- The quantitatively important buffering agents in the renal
vent ill-effects of systemic metabolic acidosis. In this article tubule (other than bicarbonate) include ammonia and phos-
we review the pathophysiology and clinical approach to RTA, phate. The net effect of secretion of each Hþ ion is associated
with a brief note on its therapy. with the generation of one HCO3- ion in the plasma.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 41 62282053; fax: þ91 41 62232035.

E-mail addresses:, (G. Basu).
2211-9477/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8 167

Conversely, with every HCO3- lost in the urine, there is addi- the NHE3. Two-thirds of PCT Hþ secretion is by NHE3 while the
tion of one Hþ ion to the plasma, reducing the net acid rest one-third is by the Hþ ATPase on the luminal side.5,6 The
excreted. Thus, the net acid excretion by a normal individual secreted Hþ combines with luminal HCO-3 with help of luminal
in urine is expressed by the equation: CA-IV forming carbon dioxide and H2O. CO2 diffuses into the
     PCT cell through the luminal membrane and is rehydrated by

NAE ¼ ½TA þ NHþ
4 U HCO3 U  V the cytosolic enzyme CA- II, to re-form Hþ and HCO-3 , thus
where NAE is the net acid excretion, TA is titrable acidity, and effectively transporting the HCO3- from the tubular lumen into
the urine V is the urine flow rate. the cell. The HCO-3 is then reabsorbed in to the systemic cir-
The titrable acidity is defined as the acid load excreted culation along with Naþ ions by the basolateral Naþ-3HCO-3
(predominantly by phosphate buffer) and determined by the cotransporter, (NBC1). Thus proximal tubular acidification is
amount of alkali required to bring the urine pH to 7.4. closely linked to Naþ reabsorption. However Naþ reabsorption
While on a standard diet, the usual bicarbonate excretion is in PCT could also be independent of HCO-3 reabsorption, via the
negligible, NHþ multiple co-transporters that transport Naþ into the cell along
4 excretion is 50e60 mmol/day (about 15% of
maximum capacity) and titrable acidity is 20e30 mmol/day with glucose or phosphate or citrate or amino acids. PCT acid-
(about 40% of maximum capacity).4 In systemic acidosis of ification by HCO-3 reabsorption is influenced by various mech-
non-renal origin, the net acid excretion can exceed 300 mmol/ anisms. Higher luminal HCO-3 concentration and higher
day, primarily by an enhanced NHþ luminal PCO2 increase proximal Naþ and HCO3- reabsorption,
4 secretion and subsequent
reduction in pH of the urine. During alkalosis, the net acid while increased peritubular HCO-3 concentration reduces it.
excretion can become negative, by increasing the quantity of Lower extracellular fluid volume, a-adrenergic stimulation &
HCO-3 lost in urine, thereby increasing the urine pH. These renin angiotensin aldosterone activation increases NHE3 ac-
changes are considered “appropriate” responses of kidney in tivity and proximal reabsorption. A similar effect is noticed
the respective acid base disturbances. with glucocorticoids. Higher parathormone (PTH) level in-
Proximal tubular acidification of urine is achieved predom- creases luminal electro-positivity, stimulating Naþ and HCO3-
inantly by bicarbonate reabsorption and to a small extent acid reabsorption. Fig. 1 depicts the various mechanisms of prox-
secretion. The PCT reclaims up to 80e85% of filtered bicarbon- imal acidification in the PCT.
ate (w4300 mmol per day), thereby contributing to the reduc- In addition to the bicarbonate reclamation and acid secre-
tion in the final bicarbonate concentration in urine to negligible tion, PCT cell also helps in synthesis and secretion of the
amounts. The major players in PCT bicarbonate reabsorption ammonium ðNHþ 4 Þ, which forms the source of ammonia (NH3)

are luminal Naþ/Hþ exchanger (NHE3), brush border carbonic buffer for the distal acidification at the collecting tubule. NHþ
4 is

anhydrase IV (CA-IV), cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrase II (CA- generated in the PCT by metabolism of glutamine (to gluta-
II), basolateral Naþ-3HCO-3 cotransporter (NBC1) and the Naþ/ mate) and is secreted into the tubular lumen by the NHE3, as
Kþ ATPase. The negative potential generated by low intracel- the NHþ þ
4 is transported by binding to the H binding site on this

lular sodium concentration due to the Naþ/Kþ ATPase activity, exchanger. Increased ammonium production and secretion
favors sodium reabsorption which is coupled to Hþ secretion by serves to buffer and mop up excessive acid secreted by the

Fig. 1 e Proximal Tubular Cell pathways of acidification.

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renal tubules during non-renal systemic metabolic acidosis. balance. The remaining 10e20% of the bicarbonate that enters
The rate limiting enzymes in the proximal tubular ammonia- the distal nephron is reclaimed with secretion of the Hþ. The
genesis e glutaminase and Phospho-enol pyruvate carboxy active Hþ secretion is achieved by a-intercalated cells with
kinase,7 are induced by metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia and their luminal Hþ ATPase and Hþ/Kþ ATPase. The Hþ ATPase is
glucocorticoids and inhibited by hyperkalaemia. Despite the recruited from the intracellular tubulovesicles, which are used
massive bicarbonate reabsorption during the transit in PCT, for the storage of the transporters. The secreted Hþ ions bind
the luminal pH changes from an average of 7.4 to 6.74 by the end with the remaining HCO-3 ions to form carbonic acid/
of PCT, indicating a negligible net pH change effected by the H2O þ CO2. Tubular secretion of each mole of Hþ is accom-
acid excretion/bicarbonate reclamation in the PCT. panied by intracellular new bicarbonate generation (approxi-
The loop of Henle contributes by a further 10% bicarbonate mately 50e100 mmol/day) in the intercalated cell, which is
reabsorption, and reabsorption of NHþ 4 (in the thick ascending then reabsorbed into circulation, in exchange to a chloride ion
limb or TAL) through the Naþ/Kþ/2Cl co-transporter (NKCC2), via the basolateral bicarbonate e chloride exchanger (AE1).
by substitution for Kþ on the luminal binding site. The TAL Intracellular chloride concentrations are kept low by the
reabsorption of the NHþ 4 is influenced by the systemic potas- basolateral chloride channel (ClCKb) and to an extent by the
sium balance and availability of Kþ within the luminal fluid to basolateral Potassium chloride co-transporter (KCC4). The
inhibit NHþ 4 binding. However, systemic acidosis will enhance deficit left by expulsion of the hydrogen ion is addressed by
the NHþ þ þ
4 reabsorption. The reabsorbed NH4 loses the H in the diffusion of a bicarbonate ion or secretion of a Kþ ion by the
tubular epithelium and diffuses into the interstitium as NH3. intercalated cell.8 The principal cell, activated by aldosterone,
NH3 freely diffuses across the medullary interstitium and with creates an electrochemical gradient (luminal electronegativity
the help of the counter current multiplication moves into the varying from 5 to 30 mV) favoring acid secretion by the
collecting tubular lumen. NH3 that enters the collecting tubule intercalated cell. In addition, the non-leaky tight junctions
effectively buffers the Hþ ions secreted from the distal nephron, permit steep concentration/pH gradients, allowing acid
to from NHþ 4 ions, which gets excreted as such in urine, secretion to continue. Ammonia that enters the collecting
contributing to net acid excretion. Increased NHþ 4 excretion is a tubule effectively buffers the secreted Hþ ions to from
major adaptation to acid load. NHþ 4 production and excretion ammonium ions, preventing a steep fall in the luminal pH.
varies according to physiological needs in keeping with the Distal acidification is influenced by several factors. Systemic
considerable flexibility needed to handle the day-to-day varia- acidosis increases Hþ secretion, increases ammoniagenesis
tions in the acid base balance. The net NHþ 4 excretion can in- and its buffering capacity, thereby facilitating renal acid
crease from a basal normal 30e40 mmol/day up to >300 mmol/ excretion. Increased luminal PCO2 reduces distal acid secre-
day in conditions of severe systemic metabolic acidosis. Fig. 2 tion. Increased distal Naþ transport by principal cells, medi-
depicts the ammonia generation, reabsorption and secretion. ated by aldosterone via the ENaC channels create luminal
The distal nephron e collecting ducts have specialized electronegativity, which increases Hþ secretion. Aldosterone
intercalated cells that take part in acid excretion (uncoupled also increases ammoniagenesis. Hypokalemia not only in-
from bicarbonate reabsorption), and help in adjusting the net duces distal Kþ reabsorption and consequent Hþ secretion
urine acid excretion to effectively maintain the acid base (causing alkalosis) but also increases ammoniagenesis.

Fig. 2 e Ammonia cycle.

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Apart from ammonia, the phosphate buffers play an certain extent. However, unlike the NHþ 4 buffer, this capacity is
important role. The pK for the equilibrium between H2 PO 4 limited up to a urine pH of 5.5. Fig. 3 represents distal acidifi-
and HPO2
4 is 6.8. As the urine passes through the collecting cation mechanism. Defects in acid secretion by intercalated
duct where the pH is lower, HPO24 accepts protons and gets cell, principal cell mediated electrochemical gradient, and/or
converted to H2 PO
4 thereby buffering excreted acid: buffering mechanisms cause “distal renal tubular acidosis”.

4 þ H 4H2 PO4

4 is major urinary buffer that accounts for buffering 3. Renal tubular acidosis
about 10e40 mEq Hþ/day. This could be easily measured by
amount of NaOH to titrate urine pH (of 24 h urine collection) to 3.1. General considerations
plasma pH (w7.4 normally). Hence, the Hþ thus buffered by
4 is called “titrable acid”. As the tubular fluid pH is reduced, The classical review by Rodriguez-Soriano and Edelmann in
the amount of Hþ buffered by phosphate buffer increases to a 19699 defined renal tubular acidosis (RTA) as “a condition in

Fig. 3 e Distal acidification (Panel A e principal cell, Panel B e intercalated cell).

170 c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8

to have a reduced renal threshold for bicarbonate reabsorp-

Table 1 e Etiology of proximal RTA (type II).
tion with a developmental immaturity of the proximal tubule,
1. Isolated defect of proximal acidification which normalized subsequently. Since then, type III RTA has
been essentially dropped from the classification scheme of
- Hereditary
 Autosomal dominant (NHE3) e associated with short
stature and osteomalacia14 Subsequently, patients with aldosterone deficiency were
 Autosomal recessive (AR) with cerebral calcification and found to have defective distal acid secretion (resembling distal
mental retardation e (CA-II) e CA2 gene on Ch 8q2215 RTA) but had hyperkalaemia instead of hypokalemia.12,13 This
 AR with mental retardation and ocular abnormalities form of RTA was then referred to as type IV RTA. Currently,
(NBC-1) e band keratopathy, glaucoma, cataract, the diagnosis and classification are made on the basis of
dental defects, pancreatitis and basal ganglia
clinical features and biochemical measurements.
- Sporadic e Transient infantile pRTA
3.2. Proximal renal tubular acidosis (Type II)
 Secondary (carbonic anhydrase deficiency) e Acetazolamide,
sulfanilamide, mafenide
2. Fanconi Syndrome e generalized PCT defect e see Fig. 4 Proximal RTA is characterized by failure/impairment of prox-
imal acidification, which essentially is due to a reduced HCO3-
reabsorption. The threshold serum concentration for HCO-3
which there is a defect in renal excretion of hydrogen ion, or reab- reabsorption is reduced from a mean of 24 mEq/L to 15 mEq/L.
sorption of bicarbonate, or both, which occurs in the absence of or out However, distal acidification and ammonia excretion are intact.
of proportion to an impairment in the glomerular filtration rate”.9 The reduced renal threshold for HCO3- is secondary to a defect in
This definition holds good to date. The hallmark of renal one or more of the following: Hþ ATPase, NHE3, Naþ/Kþ ATPase
tubular acidosis is the inability to appropriately acidify urine or deficiency of CA-IV, or NBC1 or a generalized defect in the
in the presence of systemic acidosis, despite adequate proximal tubular function (Fanconi Syndrome). These defects
glomerular filtration rate. Depending on whether the renal could be inherited or acquired. Isolated defects of PCT are rare.
tubular defect is in distal acid excretion or proximal acidifi- The etiological conditions are given in Table 1 and Fig. 4.
cation, RTA was classified10 as type I (distal or classic) and type Chromosomal mapping of the inherited (primary) Fanconi
II (proximal), in chronological order of their descriptions. The syndrome has now been defined18:
proximal and distal RTA was firmly established by 1969.9 A
third type, type III RTA, was described to display features of  Autosomal Recessive Fanconi Syndrome e Ch 4q21
both type I and type II RTA. However, following the description (SLC4A4 gene)
by McSherry et al, in 1972, where patients who displayed  Cystinosis e Ch 2p21/19p13.1 (SLC3A1/SLC7A9 genes)
features consistent with both forms of RTA earlier, evolved  Tyrosinemia e Ch 15q23-q25 (FAH gene)
into the classic type I RTA on follow up.11 They were thought  Galactosemia e Ch 9p13 (GALT gene)

Fig. 4 e Etiology of Fanconi Syndrome. (The common conditions are highlighted in yellow letters) (MLD - metachromatic
Leukodystrophy; HFI - Hereditary Fructose Intolerance, VDDR - Vitamin D dependant Rickets, VDRR - Vitamin D resistant
Rickets, MGUS - Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, LCDD - light chain deposition disease, PNH -
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
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 Dent syndrome e Ch Xp11.22 (CLCN5) 3. Buffer defect distal RTA: There is decreased NH3 delivery to
 Wilson DiseaseeCh 13q14.3-q21.1 (ATP7B gene) the distal collecting tubule, resulting in loss of buffering
capacity, steep rise in luminal pH and early loss of gradient.
Loss of bicarbonate results in systemic metabolic acidosis With less NH3 buffer, secreted Hþ overwhelms the phos-
with normal anion gap. The proportional loss of bicarbonate phate buffer creating an early loss of gradient. This further
declines as the serum bicarbonate reaches the new threshold impairs Hþ secretion. Due to lack of Hþ secretion in view of
of <15 mmol/L. The bicarbonate that is lost will be accompa- impaired Hþ clearance from lumen, Kþ is lost. This type is
nied by a mole of cation, to maintain the electroneutrality. The also called the low buffer type dRTA (e.g., Nephrocalci-
cation is usually potassium and, to a lesser extent, sodium. nosis, chronic interstitial nephritis)
Sodium loss results in volume depletion and polyuria. Hypo- 4. Voltage defect distal RTA: This type results primarily from
volemia stimulates renin -angiotensin -aldosterone axis, principal cell dysfunction, causing a loss of luminal elec-
initiating angiotensin II mediated preservation of blood pres- tronegativity, thereby impairing acid secretion by the
sure and increase in thirst. In addition aldosterone mediated intercalated cell. The principal cell defect is primarily a Naþ
Naþ reabsorption and Kþ excretion causes blunting of hypo- transport defect, characterized either by defective channel
volemia and worsening of hypokalemia respectively. Thus, (ENaC), or drugs associated with similar effects (ENaC in-
the clinical manifestations include polyuria, polydipsia, and hibitors). The necessary voltage gradient for Hþ secretion is
hypovolemia with low normal blood pressure and hypokale- not created. Thus Hþ secretion is reduced and Kþ reab-
mia with muscle weakness/paresis. The increased distal Naþ sorption increases. Thus hyperkalaemia is a common
increases distal Ca2þ wasting, resulting in hypercalciuria. feature in this type of dRTA. The voltage defect, associated
However the increased citrate excretion complexes the cal- with hyperkalaemia is often classified as hyperkalemic
cium and prevent renal calculi or nephrocalcinosis. The type I RTA, is different from the type IV hyperkalemic RTA.
increased loss of bicarbonate causes systemic acidosis, which It is commonly seen in conditions such as urinary tract
is partially mitigated by the intact distal tubular Hþ secretion. obstruction, sickle cell disease, salt losing congenital ad-
Thus in steady state, on reaching the threshold serum level of renal hyperplasia (CAH), and use of Lithium, Amiloride,
bicarbonate (15 mmol/L), bicarbonate wasting is minimal and Trimethoprim and pentamidine.
therefore hypovolemia and hypokalemia are rare. However, a
bicarbonate load will precipitate volume loss and hypokale- Figs. 5 and 6 list the etiological factors of distal RTA.
mia. In Fanconi Syndrome, the generalized PCT defect, in The inherited forms of distal RTA are often due to the AE1
addition to bicarbonaturia, there is tubular proteinuria, uri- defect or a defect on Hþ ATPase. Defects of Hþ/Kþ ATPase
cosuria, glycosuria, phosphaturia, citraturia, aminoaciduria, have not been well described. Childhood dRTA is often pri-
and refractory vitamin D deficiency state (rickets or osteo- mary/inherited. The following mutations and phenotypic
malacia). Additional clinical features of proximal RTA include patterns have been observed:
growth retardation, failure to thrive, and bone deformities
(refractory rickets/osteomalacia). 1. Autosomal dominant dRTA e AE1 defecteSLC4A1 gene on
Ch 1720 e manifests as dRTA21 with hypokalemia, hyper-
calcemia and nephrocalcinosis, short stature and osteo-
3.3. Distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) malacia. There is misdirecting of the AE1 channel to the
apical membrane of the a-intercalated cells. It is also
Distal RTA is characterized by failure of distal acidification associated with hereditary spherocytosis (HS) and South-
mechanism. The distal acidification defect due to failure of east Asian Ovalocytosis (SAO).
distal Hþ secretion (secretory defect) or a secondary defect 2. Autosomal Recessive dRTA:
with intact secretory mechanism (nonsecretory defect). The a. Hþ ATPase B1 subunit defect22 e ATP6B1 on Ch 2p13 e
classification of distal RTA is dependant on the cellular typical distal RTA with bilateral sensorineural hearing
etiopathogenesis: loss.23
b. Hþ ATPase A4 subunit defect e ATP6V0A4 on Ch
1. Secretory defect distal RTA: This common variant of distal 7q33-3424 e distal RTA with late onset sensorineural
RTA is due to an inability to secrete Hþ by the intercalated deafness.25
cells. The defect is assumed to be in the luminal membrane c. AE1 defect e SLC4A1 on Ch 17 e More often in childhood
Hþ ATPase or Hþ/Kþ ATPase or the AE1 (HCO3- /Cl and in Southeast Asians.
exchanger). Secretory dRTA is sometimes known as
“classic dRTA” or rate e limiting dRTA. In this type, the Hþ In adults, dRTA is often a complication of systemic lupus
secretion is impaired and Kþ is lost instead of Hþ. erythematosus or Sjogren syndrome. Sporadic or autosomal
2. Gradient defect distal RTA: In this type, the ability to recessive distal RTA manifests with sensorineural deafness
secrete Hþ is retained, but the gradient is not maintained from birth or in late childhood.
due to back-diffusion of the secreted Hþ due to either an Distal RTA results in hyperchloremic non-anion gap meta-
abnormal membrane permeability or loss of properties of bolic acidosis. As Hþ secretion is impaired the HCO3- reaching
cell junctions. Thus, to compensate for the reversal of Hþ distal nephron is lost in urine. Chronic acidosis results in bone
secretion by back leak, Kþ is lost. This type is also known as matrix calcium resorption and progressive osteopenia/osteo-
the back leak defect. The prime example is the dRTA malacia.26,27 Luminal alkalinization inhibits calcium reab-
associated with Amphotericin B therapy.19 sorption resulting in hypercalciuria. Acidosis induced proximal
172 c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8

Fig. 5 e Etiology of distal RTA (SNHL - sensory neural hearing loss, Hyper-PTHism - hyperparathyroidism, Hyper-VitD -
hypervitaminosis D, MSK - Medullary sponge kidney, HIVAN - HIV associated Nephropathy, SLE - Systemic lupus
erythematosus, Tx - transplant, NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Li - Lithium use, IPF -idiopathic pulmonary

citrate reabsorption causes hypocitraturia.28,29 Hypocitraturia Acidosis induced reduction in proximal fluid reabsorption
results from increased citrate utilization in proximal tubule and sodium depletion results in polyuria, ECF volume
cells due to intracellular acidosis, resulting in an increased contraction, RAAS activation, and hyperaldosteronim. The
gradient for tubular reabsorption, and due to the high luminal increased distal delivery and hyperaldosteronism significantly
pH favoring conversion of citrate3 to the readily reabsorbable increased Kþ secretion resulting in hypokalemia. Clinical fea-
citrate2. Hypercalcemia with hypocitraturia predisposes to tures in distal RTA include polydipsia, polyuria and con-
nephrolithiasis/nephrocalcinosis. Progression of nephrocalci- stipation, impairment of growth, nephrocalcinosis,
nosis may lead to chronic renal failure. nephrolithiasis and hypokalemic muscle weakness or

Fig. 6 e Etiology of voltage defect distal RTA.

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paralysis. Growth retardation has been observed in children mineralocorticoid deficiency. The various causes are listed in
with dRTA. In 1981, McSherry and associate11 reported a Fig. 7. Pseudo hypoaldosteronism (PHA) type 1 is characterized
blunted growth hormone release in children with RTA. The by salt-wasting, hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis in the
pulse amplitude, area, and total growth hormone secretion presence of markedly elevated plasma renin activity and
were diminished in acidotic rats, while the pulse frequency aldosterone concentration. PHA type 2 is an autosomal
remained unaffected in the acidotic animals.30 Distal RTA may dominant syndrome of arterial hypertension, hyperkalemia,
exist in complete and incomplete forms, the incomplete form metabolic acidosis, and suppressed plasma renin activity.
being more common. Pseudohypoaldosteronism Type I result from the loss of
Incomplete distal RTA: This condition may be much more function mutations of the aldosterone receptor gene, the MRL
common than recognized.31 Characteristic findings include an gene. Both autosomal dominant and recessive patterns of
absence of systemic acidosis on normal diet, hypercalciuria inheritance are observed. The pseudohypoaldosteronism
with urolithiasis, hypocitraturia, urine containing more NHþ 4 (PHA2) type II or Gordon’s syndrome,34 an autosomal domi-
than expected considering the urine pH, and failure to reduce nant disorder with renal aldosterone resistance presents with
urine pH below 5.5 either spontaneously or following an acute hyperkalemia and hypertension. Mutations in the gene of two
acid load. It was first described in 1959 as a subset of patients isoforms of WNK serine-threonine kinases, WNK4 and WNK1
with RTA32 and may represent an early stage of overt dRTA, genes were identified in patients with PHA2.
characterized by initial increased ammoniagenesis by the Aldosterone increases Naþ absorption creating a negative
proximal tubule with consequent ability to maintain net acid intratubular potential facilitating luminal secretion of Kþ. It
excretion.33 Daily net acid excretion is maintained by induces basolateral Naþ/Kþ/ATPase, causing increased urinary
enhanced ammoniagenesis. Kþ losses. Aldosterone deficiency or resistance is expected to
cause hyperkalemia with subsequent inhibition of ammonia-
3.4. Type 4 (hyperkalemic) distal renal tubular acidosis genesis and acidosis. In type 4 RTA, maximally acidic urine
(<5.5) can be formed, indicating the ability to establish a
Type 4 RTA is associated with hyperkalemia due to aldoste- maximal Hþ gradient. However, despite the maximally acidic
rone deficiency or resistance to action of aldosterone. This urine, the rate of ammonium excretion is low.35
results in failure of Hþ and Kþ secretion in the collecting duct.
This RTA is characterized also by decreased ammoniagenesis
(1 defect or 2 to hyperkalaemia on PCT), impaired distal 4. Laboratory investigations and approach to
acidification (subnormal NAE and low NHþ 4 excretion) and diagnosis of RTA
hyperkalaemia. However, unlike voltage defect distal RTA
(type 1), the ability to lower urine pH in the presence of sys- In the traditional approach to diagnosing RTA, the important
temic acidosis is intact and there is no nephrocalcinosis or pre-requisite for considering the diagnosis is a non-anion gap
urolithiasis. Type 4 RTA is associated with obstructive urop- metabolic acidosis e otherwise called as hyperchloremic
athy. Older children may develop type 4 (RTA) due to metabolic acidosis (compensatory increase in chloride). In the
advanced tubulointerstitial renal diseases leading to miner- face of non-anion gap metabolic acidosis, measurement of
alocorticoid resistance, anti-mineralocorticoid drugs, or with urine anion gap differentiates the renal and non-renal causes.36

Fig. 7 e Etiology of Type 4 RTA (B/L - bilateral, H’ge - hemorrhage, CA - carcinoma, NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug, SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus, ACEi - Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, ARB - angiotensin receptor
blocker, MCKD - medullary cystic kidney disease, CIN - chronic interstitial nephritis, HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
174 c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8

Urine Anion Gap (UAG) test is based on the assumption that indicates a renal acidification defect. Conditions with renal
metabolic acidosis due to extrarenal HCO-3 losses (diarrhea) is causes of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis which can
associated with high urinary NHþ 4 excretion, whereas NH4
present with urine pH < 5.5 are Type II RTA with low bicar-
excretion is low in patients with RTA. Direct measurement of bonate load and systemic acidosis and Type IV RTA. Urine pH
Urine NHþ 4 is unreliable and cumbersome, requiring examina- has several false positive states, including chronic metabolic
tion of fresh urine. Thus urine anion gap gives an indirect es- acidosis (increased ammoniagenesis and ammonium excre-
timate of NHþ þ
4 excretion. The measured urine ions include Na , tion), chronic hypokalemia, chronic hypovolemia and pres-
K (cations) and Cl (anion). The unmeasured ions include NHþ
4 ence of infection with urealytic organisms. However, in many
(cation) and HCO3- , PO3 2
4 , SO4 , organics (anions). Thus, cases of proximal acidification defect, the urine pH may be
 þ     <5.5. In incomplete distal RTA, a compensated state reduces
Na Ur þ Kþ Ur þ NHþ4 Ur þ ½minor cations
  the systemic acidosis and therefore this interpretation may be
¼ Cl Ur þ ½minor anions impaired. Thus urine pH needs to be interpreted after
inducing systemic acidosis, by acid loading. This can be ach-
UAG ¼ Naþ Ur þ Kþ Ur e Cl Ur ieved by Ammonium chloride loading test (Table 2). Ammo-
nium chloride loading test can cause gastric irritation, nausea,
The difference between the anions and cations as given
vomiting. This test should be performed under medical su-
below is relatively constant at an approximate value of 80.
pervision. Ammonium chloride is contraindicated in patients

Naþ þ Kþ þ NHþ4 ¼ Cl þ 80; or
with chronic liver disease, in whom calcium chloride can be
 used as an acidifying agent at a dose of 2 mEq/Kg.
4 ¼ 80e Naþ
þ Kþ  Cl
When urine Naþ level is < 5e10 mEq/l, distal Hþ secretion is
low because inadequate negative gradient generation in such
4 ¼ 80eUAG
circumstances. Therefore, a high urine pH might not imply a
Hence, a urinary anion gap would give an approximate defect in distal urinary acidification in subjects with low uri-
estimation of ammonium generation in the kidney. Daily nary Naþ concentration.
average NHþ 4 excretion is w60 mmol/d. The normal urinary To further characterize the RTA, a sodium bicarbonate
anion gap is usually positive, and during the conditions of loading test can be performed by either by intravenous or
acidosis with a normal kidney function NHþ 4 excretion in- oral dosing of sodium bicarbonate (Table 2). The secreted Hþ
crease significantly which would make the urinary anion gap in the distal tubule reacts with luminal HCO3- to form car-
negative. Thus, UAG value is negative if there is increased NHþ 4 bonic acid, which dehydrates slowly in the medullary col-
excretion (gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss, proximal acidifi- lecting duct to form CO2 that is trapped in the renal tubule. In
cation defect). In presence of systemic acidosis a positive UAG normal individuals with the serum bicarbonate being in a
indicates inappropriately low renal NHþ 4 excretion as is steady state at 23e25 mEq/L, alkaline urine (pH > 7.5), the
exemplified in RTA (distal acidification defect). The interpre- urine CO2 should be > 70 mm of Hg with a urine-to-blood
tation of UAG is valid if urine pH < 6.5. Above this pH, ½HCO-3 Ur PCO2 gradient (U-B PCO2) greater than 20 mm Hg. Similar
becomes significant and needs to be measured and adjusted values are observed in those with voltage dependent RTA or
for before interpretation. In addition, interpretation is invalid aldosterone deficiency (type IV) as the Hþ secretion is well
in the presence of other unmeasured ions (cations e lithium, preserved and increased sodium load negates the voltage
etc., anions e acetylsalicylate, carbenicillin, ketones). In the gradient as well as aldosterone deficiency. In classical type 1
presence of the other significant anions the better measure- RTA with decreased Hþ secretion, a urine PCO2 less than
ment for differentiating between the renal and non-renal 50 mm Hg and U-B PCO2 <10 mm Hg is seen on bicarbonate
causes of the normal anion gap metabolic acidosis is the urine infusion test. In back leak distal RTA the ability to generate
osmolal gap. high urinary PCO2 is preserved, because alkaline diuresis
Urine Osmolal Gap (UOG) is another alternative indirect does not favor Hþ back-diffusion. Fractional excretion of bi-
measure of NHþ 4 excretion. The measured urine osmolal sub- carbonate (FEHCO3) is calculated after adequate alkalization
stances are Naþ, Kþ, Urea, Glucose, while the unmeasured during the bicarbonate loading test. Fractional excretion <5%
osmolal substances are NHþ 4 , organic acids. Thus, Urine is normal as 90% of bicarbonate is reabsorbed in the proximal
osmolal gap, the difference between the actual urine osmo- tubule.
lality and the calculated urine osmolality by adding up the
urine bicarbonate  plasma creatinine
measured osmolal units, is given by the formula: FEHCO3 ð%Þ ¼  100
plasma bicarbonate  urine creatinine
UOG ¼ ½OsmUr e 2 Naþ Ur þ 2 Kþ Ur þ ½UreaUr þ ½GluUr
When the serum bicarbonate is normal (>22 mEq/l), a value
UOG 100 mmol/L, if there is increased NHþ4 excretion. In
>15% indicates proximal RTA indicating increase renal
general, UOG/2 is approximately equal to ½NHþ4 Ur excretion
wasting of the bicarbonate. Levels <5% are also seen in classic
(after converting concentration to rate of excretion). However, distal RTA although HCO-3 absorption is incomplete at low
interpretation of UOG is invalid in the presence of other sig- levels of plasma HCO-3 , its absorption increases with
nificant amount of unmeasured osmolals (e.g., lithium). The increasing levels. In hyperkalemic distal RTA, the FEHCO3
next step in evaluation is measurement of urine pH. varies from 5 to 10%.
Urine pH: Urine pH is to be measured in fresh random early Despite normal proximal HCO-3 reabsorption, variable de-
morning urine sample (collected preferably in a closed gree of fixed bicarbonaturia may occur in type 1 RTA due to the
container). Urine pH > 5.5 in the presence of systemic acidosis high urine pH. Thus, even in type 1 RTA with urine pH < 6, the
c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8 175

Table 2 e Ammonium chloride and bicarbonate loading tests.

Ammonium chloride loading test Bicarbonate loading test
 Short test  IV Bicarbonate loading test (takes 3e4 h to achieve target
 Oral NH4Cl @ 0.1 g/kg dose Se½HCO3-  of 22e26 mEq/L):
 Hourly ABG and urine pH measured  8.4% NaHCO3 as 2 ml/kg bolus followed by 2 ml/min infusion or
 Normally e If the plasma total CO2 content falls by 3e5 mEq/L  4.2% NaHCO3 infused at 3 ml/min and takes 3e4 h to achieve
in view of the acidosis induced hyperventilation, the urine pH steady state
should fall to <5.5  Oral bicarbonate loading Use of proton pump inhibitors to gastric
 Urine pH > 5.5 while systemic acidosis / distal acidification distention with CO2. 1 g NaHCO3 ¼ 12 mEq of bicarbonate.
defect  Full dose: The total dose in mEq required for bicarbonate
 Prolonged test loading ¼ (30 e ½HCO-3   Body weight  0:6
 Oral NH4Cl @ 0.1 g/kg dose e divided doses between 12:00 and  Half dose loading can be performed by administering 2 g
21:00 h on 3 successive days NaHCO3 q15 min
 4th day 7:00 h bladder emptied. 300 ml plan water ingested.  Urine pH is measured every 30e60 min e Three consecutive
Remain fasting for next 2 h samples with urine pH of 7.5 / termination of the test.
 8:00 h and 9:00 h ABG and Urine pH and net acid excretion
 Normal response would be an increase by 3e5 times the
baseline urine ammonium by the third day of induced acidosis.
Normally urine pH < 5.5 and NAE 58 mmol/min

FEHCO3 is 3%, while at urine pH > 7 it may exceed 5e10%. It with x-ray and ultrasonography, special urinary tests for an
does not indicate the co-presence of a proximal defect in HCO3- underlying error of in born metabolism, ocular, otological and
reabsorption as was proposed for a type III RTA. neurological evaluation for associated syndromic clinical fea-
The other tests that are helpful in diagnosis of RTA are tures. In addition, connective tissue disease work-up and eval-
given in Table 3. uation of paraproteinemia are useful. Table 4 shows the
In addition, other investigations that provide supportive differences in the investigations between the various types of
evidence include, radiological imaging for nephrocalcinosis RTA.

Table 3 e Other tests useful in renal tubular acidosis evaluation.

Urine citrate: Citrate is filtered and reabsorbed (PCT) e not secreted. Frusemide test: Frusemide infusion reduces IV
Source of HCO3- . Excretion is less (or reabsorption increased) with volume / avid PCT Naþ reabsorption with loss of
fall in luminal and PCT cell pH (h systemic pH) Naþ reabsorption in TAL, resulting in increased distal
Naþ delivery / avid distal Hþ secretion
 Normal range ¼ 1.6e4.5 mmol/24 h (adult) or 100 mmol/mmol creat
in spot sample  Tab. Fludrocortisone1 mg PO at 22:00 h prev. day þ
 Normal in proximal acidification defect (luminal pH is high) overnight fast35
 Reduced in distal acidification defect (luminal and PCT cell pH is low)  Morning baseline urine pH and serum electrolytes
 If Urine pH < 5.5 / precludes need for further
Urine calcium: Hypercalciuria is common in distal acidification defect testing
 Give Tab. Frusemide 40 mg PO.
 Measure urine pH (& Na, K, Creat) q30 min  5 h
 24 h urine calcium Normal  4 mg/kg/day
 Normally Urine pH falls to <5.5. Failure to do
 Spot urine Ca/creat ratio Normal  0.21 mg/mg creat
so indicates distal acidification defect
 Useful to screen for incomplete distal acidification
Tests for phosphaturia defects in the presence of urolithiasis

 Tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TRP) is calculated as

Transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG):
Estimates action of aldosterone on cortical
Tubular reabsorption [ 100 e fractional excretion collecting tubule

 Fractional excretion of phosphate (FEPO4) is calculated as:  TTKG ¼ ½Kþ Ur  ½OsmPl O½KþPl  ½OsmUr
urine phosphate  plasma creatinine  Normal TTKG >4 usually 6e12. With normal
Fractional excretion of phosphate ¼  100
plasma phosphate  urine creatinine renal responses, TTKG in hypokalemia <2 & in
 Normally 5e12% of the ultrafiltered phosphate is excreted and the tubular hyperkalemia >10
reabsorption is 88e95%  In hyperkalemia if TTKG <8 /
 The tubular maximum corrected for GFR (TmP/GFR) is proposed which can be hypoadlosteronism/impaired distal Kþ secretion
derived from the Walton Bijvoet normogram37
urine phosphate  plasma creatinine
TmP=GFRðmg=dLÞ ¼ plasma phosphate 
urine creatininesss
 The normal value of TmP/GFR is 2.8e4.4 mg/dL. Older children have lower
values as normal range
176 c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8

Table 4 e Differences in evaluation of types of renal tubular acidosis.

Test/Feature Proximal (type II) RTA Distal RTA (type I RTA) Type IV RTA
Hypokalemic Hyperkalemic
During acidosis (or with acid loading)
Urine anion gap Neg Pos Pos Pos
Urine NH4þ excretion N/Y Y Y Y
Serum Kþ N/Y N/Y [ [
Urine calcium N/[ [ [ N/Y
Urine citrate N/[ Y Y N
Urine phosphate [ N N N
With bicarbonate loading (or with normal blood pH)
FEHCO3 >10e15% <5% <5% >5e10%
Ue B PCO2 >20 mm Hg <20 mm Hg >20 mm Hg >20 mm Hg
Other features
Other tubular defects Often present Absent Absent Absent
Nephrolithiasis Absent Present Present Absent
Bone Disease Often present Rare Rare Absent

Fig. 8 provides the algorithmic approach to diagnosis of acidosis can restore normal growth in children with dRTA and
RTA and the appropriate use of the detailed investigations decrease the incidence of hypokalemia, nephrocalcinosis/
discussed earlier. calculi and CKD progression. However, patients with proximal
RTA, especially children, have comparatively less impressive
improvement, although improvement in skeletal growth and
5. A brief note on treatment of RTA reduction in the severity of rickets/osteomalacia is noted.
In infant or child with type I or type II RTA and severe,
Despite advances in diagnosis, therapy of RTA remains mostly symptomatic metabolic acidosis (serum HCO-3 less than
unchanged over the decades. Correction of the systemic 12 mEq/L) intravenous bicarbonate should be given for a rapid

Fig. 8 e Algorithmic approach to diagnosis of renal tubular acidosis.

c l i n i c a l q u e r i e s : n e p h r o l o g y 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 6 6 e1 7 8 177

correction, at appropriate dose required to achieve a desired potassium binders may be necessary. To compensate for the
change in serum bicarbonate.38 metabolic acidosis, bicarbonate of 1.5e2.0 mEq/kg per day is to
be supplemented.
Dose required ¼ desired change in serum bicarbonate
 body weight in kg  0:6:

This formula assumes a bicarbonate distribution space of 6. Conclusion

60% kg body weight. Half of the dose calculated should be
given over first 8 h and the rest in the subsequent 24 h. Renal tubular acid excretion exemplifies the complex inter-
However, in patients with moderate metabolic acidosis with action of various systemic and tubular players in carefully co-
serum bicarbonate concentrations of more than 12 and less ordinating and maintaining the body’s acid base balance in a
than 17 mEq/L, instead of intravenous therapy, oral bicar- precise manner. Renal tubular acidoses due to proximal and
bonate therapy will suffice. Thiazide diuretics and low sodium distal acidification defects have varying etiological, patho-
diet are employed to decrease bicarbonate wasting and physiological, and phenotypic features. A clear understanding
thereby reduce the bicarbonate requirement to maintain the of the normal physiology and the pathophysiological changes
blood pH and consequently reduce the requirement of po- in these disease states is very rewarding, not only satisfying
tassium supplements for hypokalemia. There are various the academic interest, but also carrying several important
combination formulations available. Shohl’s solution (or clinical and therapeutic implications. Although they appear
Bicitra), which contains citric acid and sodium citrate is more complex to diagnose to the untrained eye, once the basic
palatable than sodium bicarbonate, providing 1 mEq/ml of principles are clarified, they become simple disorders that are
base.39,40 Polycitra K solution contains potassium citrate to logical to diagnose and easy to treat.
provide 2 mEq/ml of alkali and 2 mEq/ml of potassium,
designed to correct both acidosis and hypokalemia.39,40
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relatively normal serum bicarbonate concentration
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