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Linda L. Liu

Acids and Bases
Acidemia and Acidosis
Base Excess T he concentrations of hydrogen and bicarbonate
ions in plasma must be precisely regulated to opti-
mize enzyme activity, oxygen transport, and rates of
chemical reactions within cells. Each day approximately
15,000 mmol of carbon dioxide (which can generate
Buffer Systems
carbonic acid as it combines with water) and 50 to
Ventilatory Response
100 mEq of nonvolatile acid (mostly sulfuric acid) are
Renal Response
produced and must be eliminated safely. The body is able
MEASUREMENT OF ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES to maintain this intricate acid-base balance by utilizing
Blood Gas and pH Electrodes buffers, pulmonary excretion of carbon dioxide, and renal
Sampling elimination of acid. This chapter will define concepts
Temperature Correction important for understanding acids and bases, discuss clin-
Oxygenation ical measurements of blood gases and their interpretation,
and present a diagnostic approach to common acid-base
Adverse Responses to Acidemia and
Respiratory Acidosis DEFINITIONS
Respiratory Alkalosis
Metabolic Acidosis Acids and Bases
Metabolic Alkalosis An acid was defined by Bronsted as a molecule that can
Diagnosis act as a proton (Hþ) donor, and a base is a molecule that
OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDED BY BLOOD can act as a proton acceptor. In physiologic solutions, a
GASES AND pH strong acid is a substance that readily and irreversibly
Ventilation gives up an Hþ, and a strong base avidly binds Hþ. In
Oxygenation contrast, biologic molecules are either weak acids or
Cardiac Output Estimates bases, which reversibly donate Hþ, or reversibly bind Hþ.
Acidemia and Acidosis
A blood pH less than 7.35 is called acidemia and a pH
greater than 7.45 is called alkalemia, regardless of the
mechanism. The underlying process that lowers the pH is
called an acidosis, and the process that raises the pH
is known as an alkalosis. A patient can have a mixed disor-
der with both an acidosis and an alkalosis concurrently,
but can only be either acidemic or alkalemic. The last two
terms are mutually exclusive.

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

Base Excess
Base excess (BE) is usually defined as the amount of strong [Base]
pH = pKa + Iog10
acid (hydrochloric acid for base excess greater than zero) [Conjugate acid]
or strong base (sodium hydroxide for base excess less than
zero) required to return 1 L of whole blood exposed
in vitro to a PCO2 of 40 mm Hg to a pH of 7.4.1 Instead Figure 21-1 Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. [Base],
of an actual titration, the blood gas machine calculates concentration of base; [Conjugate acid], concentration of
the base excess with algorithms utilizing plasma pH, blood conjugate acid.
PCO2, and hemoglobin concentration. The number is sup-
posed to refer to the nonrespiratory or metabolic compo-
nent of an acid-base disturbance. A BE less than zero system (H2CO3/HCO3-), (2) hemoglobin buffer system
(negative) suggests the presence of a metabolic acidosis, (HbH/Hb), (3) other protein buffer systems (PrH/Pr-), (4)
and a value greater than zero (positive) suggests the pres- phosphate buffer system (H2PO4-/HPO42-), and (5) ammo-
ence of a metabolic alkalosis. In vitro, the number has nia buffer system (NH3/NH4þ).
been accurate, but in the living organism, because ions
do cross beyond vascular and cellular boundaries, a pri- BICARBONATE BUFFER SYSTEM
mary acute change in PaCO2 sometimes can cause the BE Carbon dioxide, generated through aerobic metabolism,
to move in the opposite direction, despite an unchanged slowly combines with water to form carbonic acid, which
metabolic acid-base status.2 Anesthesia providers often spontaneously and rapidly deprotonates to form bicar-
bonate (Fig. 21-2). In this system, the base molecule is
use the base excess as a surrogate measure for lactic aci-
dosis to help determine adequacy of volume resuscitation. bicarbonate, and its weak conjugate acid is carbonic acid. III
Less than 1% of the dissolved carbon dioxide undergoes
this reaction because it is so slow. However, the enzyme
carbonic anhydrase, present in the endothelium, erythro-
REGULATION OF THE HYDROGEN ION cytes, and kidneys, catalyzes this reaction to greatly
CONCENTRATION accelerate the formation of carbonic acid and make this
the most important buffering system in the human body
At 37 C, the normal hydrogen ion concentration in when combined with renal control of bicarbonate and
arterial blood and extracellular fluid is 35 to 45 nmol/L, pulmonary control of carbon dioxide.
which is equivalent to an arterial pH of 7.45 to 7.35,
respectively. The normal plasma bicarbonate ion concen- HEMOGLOBIN BUFFER SYSTEM
tration is 24  2 mEq/L. The intracellular hydrogen ion The hemoglobin protein is the second most important
concentration is approximately 160 nmol/L, which is buffering system because of multiple histidine residues.
equivalent to a pH of 6.8. Histidine is an effective buffer from pH 5.7 to 7.7 (pKa
Physiologic changes to acid-base disturbances are 6.8) because it contains multiple protonatable sites on
corrected by three systems—buffers, ventilation, and the imidazole side chains. Buffering by hemoglobin
renal response. The buffer systems provide an immediate depends on the bicarbonate system in order to get the
chemical response. The ventilatory response occurs in carbon dioxide intracellularly. Carbon dioxide freely
minutes whenever possible, and lastly, the renal response diffuses into erythrocytes, where carbonic anhydrase
can provide nearly complete restoration of the pH, but it resides. There, it combines with water to form carbonic
can take days. acid, which rapidly deprotonates. The protons generated
are bound up by hemoglobin. The bicarbonate anions
Buffer Systems are exchanged electroneutrally back into plasma with
extracellular chloride (chloride or Hamburger shift)
A buffer is defined as a substance within a solution that (Fig. 21-3). At the lungs, the reverse process occurs.
can prevent extreme changes in pH. A buffer system is
composed of a base molecule and its weak conjugate
acid. The base molecules of the buffer system bind excess
hydrogen ions, and the weak acid protonates excess base Carbonic
molecules. The dissociation ionization constant (pKa) anhydrase
indicates the strength of an acid and is derived from the CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3–
classic Henderson-Hasselbalch equation (Fig. 21-1). The
pKa is the pH at which an acid is 50% protonated and
50% deprotonated. The smaller the pKa value, the stron-
ger the acid. The most important buffer systems in blood, Figure 21-2 Hydration of carbon dioxide results in carbonic
in order of importance, are the (1) bicarbonate buffer acid, which dissociates into bicarbonate and hydrogen ions.

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individual PaCO2/ventilation response curves, but minute

ventilation generally increases 1 to 4 L/min for every
Erythrocyte 1 mm Hg increase in PaCO2. Under anesthesia, spontane-
ous ventilation will cease when the PaCO2 decreases to
Hb– H++HCO3–
less than below the apneic threshold, whereas in the
CI– awake patient, cortical influences prevent apnea, so the
apneic threshold is not ordinarily observed.
HbH Peripheral chemoreceptors are at the bifurcation of the
Carbonic common carotid arteries and surrounding the aortic arch.
anhydrase The carotid bodies are the principal peripheral chemore-
ceptors, and are sensitive to changes in PaO2, PaCO2, pH,
CO2 + H2O and arterial perfusion pressure. They communicate with
the central respiratory centers via the glossopharyngeal
nerves. Unlike the central chemoreceptors, which are
more sensitive to hydrogen ions, the carotid bodies are
Figure 21-3 Hemoglobin buffering system: Carbon dioxide most sensitive to PaO2. Bilateral carotid endarterectomies
freely diffuses into erythrocytes, where it combines with water
abolish the peripheral chemoreceptor response, and
to form carbonic acid, which rapidly deprotonates. The protons
generated are bound up by hemoglobin. The bicarbonate anions
patients have almost no hypoxic ventilatory drive.
are exchanged back into plasma with chloride. The stimulus from central and peripheral chemorecep-
tors to either increase or decrease alveolar ventilation
diminishes as the pH approaches 7.4 such that complete
Chloride ions move out of the red blood cells as bicar- correction or overcorrection is not possible. The pulmo-
bonate enters for conversion back to carbon dioxide. nary response to metabolic alkalosis is usually less than
The carbon dioxide is released back into plasma and is the response to metabolic acidosis. The reason is because
eliminated by the lungs. This process allows a large frac- progressive hypoventilation results in hypoxemia when
tion of extrapulmonary carbon dioxide to be transported breathing room air. Hypoxia activates oxygen-sensitive
back to the lungs as plasma bicarbonate. chemoreceptors and limits the compensatory decrease in
Oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin have dif- minute ventilation. Because of this, the PaCO2 usually does
ferent affinities for hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide. not rise above 55 mm Hg in response to metabolic alkalo-
Deoxyhemoglobin takes up more hydrogen ions, which sis for patients not receiving oxygen supplementation.
shifts the carbon dioxide/bicarbonate equilibrium to pro-
duce more bicarbonate and facilitates removal of carbon
Renal Response
dioxide from peripheral tissues for release into the lungs.
Oxyhemoglobin favors the release of hydrogen ions and Renal effects are slower in onset and may not be maximal
shifts the equilibrium to more carbon dioxide formation. for up to 5 days. The response occurs via three mechan-
At physiologic pH, a small amount of carbon dioxide is isms: (1) reabsorption of the filtered HCO3-, (2) excretion
also carried as carbaminohemoglobin. Deoxyhemoglobin of titratable acids, and (3) production of ammonia
has a greater affinity (3.5 times) for carbon dioxide, so (Fig. 21-4).3 Carbon dioxide combines with water in the
venous blood carries more carbon dioxide than arterial renal tubular cell. With the help of carbonic anhydrase,
blood. These two mechanisms combine to account for the bicarbonate produced enters the bloodstream while
the difference in carbon dioxide content of arterial versus the hydrogen ion is exchanged with sodium and is
venous plasma (25.6 mmol/L vs. 27.7 mmol/L, respec- released into the renal tubule. There, Hþ combines with
tively) (Haldane effect). filtered bicarbonate and dissociates into carbon dioxide
and water with help from carbonic anhydrase located in
the luminal brush border, and the carbon dioxide diffuses
Ventilatory Response
back into the renal tubular cell. The proximal tubule
Central chemoreceptors lie on the anterolateral surface of reabsorbs 80% to 90% of the bicarbonate, while the distal
the medulla and respond to changes in cerebrospinal tubule takes care of the remaining 10% to 20%. Once the
fluid pH. Carbon dioxide diffuses across the blood-brain bicarbonate is reclaimed, further hydrogen ions can com-
barrier to elevate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hydrogen ion bine with HPO42- to form HPO4-, which is eliminated in
concentration, which activates the chemoreceptors and the urine. The last important urinary buffer is ammonia.
increases alveolar ventilation. The relationship between Ammonia is formed from deamination of glutamine.
PaCO2 and minute ventilation is almost linear except at The ammonia passively crosses the cell membrane to
very high arterial PaCO2, when carbon dioxide narcosis enter the tubular fluid. In the tubular fluid, it combines
develops, and at very low arterial PaCO2, when the apneic with hydrogen ion to form NH4þ, which is trapped within
threshold is reached. There is a very wide variation in the tubule and excreted in the urine. All of these steps

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

Figure 21-4 Three mechanisms of renal compensation

during acidosis to sequester hydrogen ions and reabsorb Reabsorption of HCO3–
bicarbonate: (1) reabsorption of the filtered HCO3-, Renal tubule Bloodstream
(2) excretion of titratable acids, and (3) production of
ammonia. Filtered Renal tubular cell
+ Na+
H+ HCO3–
H+ + HCO3–

CO2 + H2O CO2 + H2O

Formation of titratable

HPO42– Na+
H+ H+ + HCO3– HCO3–


Formation of ammonia

NH3 NH3 Amino


H+ + HCO3– HCO3–


allow for generation and return of bicarbonate into the intraoperatively, analysis of arterial blood gases have
bloodstream. The large amount of bicarbonate filtered increased our diagnostic ability and the accuracy of our
by the kidneys allows for rapid excretion if necessary measurements.
for compensation during alkalosis. The kidneys are
highly effective in protecting the body against alkalosis
except in association with sodium deficiency or mineral- Blood Gas and pH Electrodes
ocorticoid excess. pH ELECTRODE
The pH electrode is a silver/silver chloride electrode
encased in a special pH-sensitive glass that contains a
MEASUREMENT OF ARTERIAL BLOOD buffer solution with a known pH. The electrode is placed
GASES in a blood sample and measures changes in voltage. The
potential difference generated across the glass and a ref-
The ability to measure arterial and venous blood gases erence electrode is proportional to the difference in
has revolutionized patient care during anesthesia and hydrogen ion concentration. Both electrodes must be
in the intensive care unit. Although pulse oximetry kept at 37 C and calibrated with buffer solutions of
and capnography can be monitored continuously known pH.

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OXYGEN ELECTRODE Temperature Correction

The O2 electrode is known as the Clark or polarographic
Decreases in temperature decrease the partial pressure of
electrode.4 It has a silver/silver chloride reference elec-
a gas in solution, even though the total gas content does
trode that is immersed in a potassium chloride solution.
not change. Both PCO2 and PO2 decrease during hypother-
Electrons are formed by the oxidation reaction of the
mia, but serum bicarbonate is unchanged. This leads to
silver with the chloride ions of the potassium chloride
an increase in pH if the blood could be measured at the
electrolyte solution. The electrons are then free to com-
patient’s temperature. A blood gas with a pH of 7.4 and
bine with O2 molecules at the platinum cathode. The
PCO2 of 40 mm Hg at 37 C will have a pH of 7.58 and
platinum surface is covered with an oxygen-permeable
a PCO2 of 23 mm Hg at 25 C.8 Unfortunately, all blood
membrane (polyethylene), on the other side of which
gas samples are measured at 37 C, which raises the issue
is placed the unknown sample. Current flow is increased
of how to best manage the arterial blood gas (ABG) mea-
if oxygen concentration is higher and more electrons
surement in hypothermic patients. This has led to two
are taken up. The current is directly proportional to
schools of thought: alpha stat and pH stat.
the PO2.

CARBON DIOXIDE ELECTRODE Alpha refers to the protonation state of the imidazole side
The carbon dioxide sensor was first described by Stow in chain of histidine. The pKa of histidine changes with
1957, and then modified by Bradley and Severinghaus.5 temperature so that its protonation state is relatively con-
The carbon dioxide electrode is a pH electrode immersed stant regardless of temperature. The term alpha stat devel-
in a sodium bicarbonate solution and is separated from oped because as the patient’s pH was allowed to drift with
the blood specimen by a Teflon semipermeable mem- temperature, the protonation state of the histidine residues
brane. The carbon dioxide in the sample diffuses into remained “static.” This concept arose from the observation
the sodium bicarbonate solution producing hydrogen that “cold-blooded” poikilothermic animals functioned
ions and bicarbonate. The measured pH in the bathing well over a wide range of body temperatures, yet they
solution is altered in direct proportion to the logarithm relied on a similar complement of enzymes as “warm-
of the PCO2. blooded” homeothermic animals. During cardiopulmo-
nary bypass, an anesthesia provider using alpha stat
would manage the patient based on an ABG measured at
Sampling 37 C and strive to keep that pH at 7.4, while the patient’s
Arterial blood is most often obtained percutaneously true pH would be higher.
from the radial, brachial, or femoral artery. Peripheral
venous blood may serve as a good approximation for pH STAT
PCO2, pH, and base excess, and save an arterial puncture. pH stat is different from alpha stat in that it requires
Venous PCO2 is only 4 to 6 mm Hg higher and pH only keeping a patient’s pH static at 7.4 based on the core tem-
0.03 to 0.04 lower than arterial values.6 Venous blood perature (similar to that of a hibernating, homeothermic
cannot be used for estimation of oxygenation because animal). During cardiopulmonary bypass, an anesthesia
venous PO2 (PvO2) is significantly lower than PaO2. Also, provider using pH stat would manage the patient based
depending on the site of the venous blood draw, differ- on an ABG that is corrected for the patient’s temperature.
ences in tissue metabolic activity may alter PvO2. With hypothermia, this usually means adding carbon
A heparinized, bubble-free, fresh blood sample is dioxide so that the patient’s temperature-correct blood
required for blood gas analysis. Heparin is acidic, and gas has a pH of 7.4. The lower pH and higher PCO2 main-
excessive amounts of this anticoagulant in the sampling tained during pH stat may improve cerebrovascular per-
syringe could falsely lower the measured pH. Air bubbles fusion during hypothermia; however, there is still
should be removed because equilibration of oxygen and debate about which method provides better outcomes.9
carbon dioxide in the blood with the corresponding par-
tial pressures in the air bubble could influence the
measured results. A delay in analysis can lead to oxygen
consumption and carbon dioxide generation by the met- The same physical properties exist for oxygen and hypo-
abolically active white blood cells. Usually this error is thermia as for carbon dioxide. Decreases in temperature
small and can be reduced by placing the sample on ice. decrease the partial pressure of a gas in solution, so tem-
In some leukemia patients with a markedly elevated perature correction of PO2 remains relatively important
white blood cell count, this error can be large and lead for assessing oxygenation at the extremes of temperature.
to a falsely low PO2 even though the patient’s oxygena- To be exact, the change in PO2 with respect to tempera-
tion is acceptable. This phenomenon is often referred to ture depends on the degree that hemoglobin is saturated
as leukocyte larceny.7 with oxygen, but as a guideline, the PO2 is decreased

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

approximately 6% for every 1 C that the patient’s body

temperature is below 37 C. PO2 is increased approxi- 120
mately 6% for every 1 C that the body temperature
exceeds 37 C.10

(beats per minute)

Heart rate change
pHa 7.35

pHa 7.08

Acid-base disturbances are categorized as respiratory or

metabolic acidosis (pHa lower than 7.35) or alkalosis
(pHa higher than 7.45). These disorders are further strati- 160
fied into acute versus chronic based on their duration,

Blood pressure change (mm Hg)

which is gauged clinically by the patient’s compensatory
responses. It must be kept in mind that a patient may
have a mixed acid-base disorder. The approach to man- pHa 7.35
aging acid-base disorders should first involve searching
for the causes, rather than an immediate attempt to nor-
malize the pH. Sometimes the treatment may be more
pHa 7.08
detrimental than the original acid-base problem. III
Adverse Responses to Acidemia and Alkalemia
Adverse responses can be associated with severe acide-
mia or alkalemia. Consequences of severe acidosis can
Norepinephrine (μg/kg)
occur regardless of whether the acidosis is of respiratory,
metabolic, or mixed origin. Acidemia usually leads to
decreased myocardial contractility and release of cate- Figure 21-5 Diminished hemodynamic response to
cholamines. With mild acidosis, the release of catechola- intravenously administered norepinephrine in a canine model of
mines mitigates the myocardial depression. Permissve lactic acidosis. (From Ford GD, Cline WH, Fleming WW. Am J
hypercapnia, which is used as a protective lung ventila- Physiol 1968;215:1123-1129, used with permission.)
tion strategy for acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS) patients, has been quite well tolerated. No
significant impact on systemic vascular resistance, pul- Respiratory Acidosis
monary vascular resistance, cardiac output, or systemic
Respiratory acidosis occurs when alveolar minute venti-
oxygen delivery has been seen.11 With severe acidemia
lation is inadequate relative to carbon dioxide production
(pH < 7.2), myocardial responsiveness to catecholamines
(Table 21-1). This can occur with a normal or elevated min-
decreases, so myocardial depression and hypotension pre-
ute ventilation if carbon dioxide production is increased
dominates (Fig. 21-5). Respiratory acidosis may produce
from sepsis or overfeeding or if there is decreased carbon
more rapid and profound myocardial dysfunction than
dioxide elimination from ARDS or obstructive lung dis-
metabolic acidosis because of the rapid entry of carbon
ease. Decreased carbon dioxide elimination from a low
dioxide into the cardiac cell. In the brain, this rapid
minute ventilation can occur with volatile or intravenous
increase in carbon dioxide can lead to confusion, loss of
anesthetics, neuromuscular blocking agents, or neuro-
consciousness, and seizures. This is probably due to an
muscular disease. The last cause of respiratory acidosis
abrupt decrease of intracellular pH, because chronic
is from increased rebreathing or absorption, found with
increases in carbon dioxide as high as 150 mm Hg are
exhausted soda lime, an incompetent one-way valve, or
typically well tolerated.
laparoscopic surgery.
Severe alkalemia (pH > 7.6) can lead to decreased
cerebral and coronary blood flow due to arteriolar vaso-
constriction. The consequences of severe alkalosis are COMPENSATORY RESPONSES AND TREATMENT
also more prominent with respiratory than with meta- Over the course of hours to days the kidneys compensate
bolic causes because of the rapid movement of carbon for the respiratory acidosis by increased hydrogen ion
dioxide across cell membranes.12 Acute hyperventilation secretion and bicarbonate reabsorption. After a few days,
can produce confusion, myoclonus, asterixis, depressed the PCO2 will remain elevated, but the pH will be near
consciousness, and seizures. normal, which is the hallmark of a chronic respiratory

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Table 21-1 Causes of Respiratory Acidosis Table 21-2 Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis
Increased production Increased minute ventilation
Malignant hyperthermia Hypoxia (high altitude, low FIO2, severe anemia)
Hyperthyroidism Iatrogenic (mechanical ventilation)
Sepsis Anxiety and pain
Overfeeding CNS disease (tumor, infection, trauma)
Decreased elimination Fever, sepsis
Intrinsic pulmonary disease (pneumonia, ARDS, fibrosis, Drugs (salicylates, progesterone, doxapram)
edema) Liver disease
Upper airway obstruction (laryngospasm, foreign body, Pregnancy
OSA) Restrictive lung disease
Lower airway obstruction (asthma, COPD) Pulmonary embolism
Chest wall restriction (obesity, scoliosis, burns)
CNS depression (anesthetics, opioids, CNS lesions) Decreased production
Decreased skeletal muscle strength (residual effects of Hypothermia
neuromuscular blocking drugs, myopathy, neuropathy) Skeletal muscle paralysis

Increased rebreathing or absorption CNS, central nervous system.

Exhausted soda lime
Incompetent one-way valve
ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CNS, central nervous Respiratory alkalosis is compensated for by decreased
system; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, OSA, reabsorption of bicarbonate ions from the renal tubules
obstructive sleep apnea. and increased urinary excretion of bicarbonate. Treat-
ment of respiratory alkalosis is directed at correcting
the underlying disorder. Mild alkalemia usually does
acidosis. Respiratory acidosis with a pH less than 7.2 not require treatment. In rare cases, severe acute respira-
indicates the need for tracheal intubation or increased tory alkalosis (pH > 7.6) may require sedation. During
ventilatory support. In patients with chronic respiratory general anesthesia, acute respiratory alkalosis is easily
acidosis, the key is to avoid overventilation. The alkalosis remedied by decreasing total minute ventilation.
from overventilation and relative hypocapnia can result
in central nervous system (CNS) irritability and cardiac Metabolic Acidosis
ischemia. Also, the kidneys will now start to lose bicar-
bonate. The increased bicarbonate has allowed the patient Metabolic acidosis is present when accumulation of any
to maintain a normal pH with a relatively lower alveolar acid in the body other than carbon dioxide results in a
minute ventilation. Losing the bicarbonate will increase pH lower than 7.35 (Table 21-3). An increase in ventila-
their work of breathing when ventilatory support is tory elimination of carbon dioxide starts in minutes after
decreased, making it difficult to wean from the ventilator.
Table 21-3 Causes of Metabolic Acidosis

Respiratory Alkalosis Anion Gap Acidosis

M methanol, ethylene glycol
Respiratory alkalosis occurs when alveolar minute venti- U uremia
lation is increased relative to carbon dioxide production. L lactic acidosis ¼ CHF, sepsis, cyanide toxicity
In a few cases, it can be due to decreased production from E ethanol
hypothermia, or skeletal muscle paralysis can also cause P paraldehyde
respiratory alkalosis. More often, it is due to increased A aspirin, INH
alveolar minute ventilation from a variety of causes (iat- K ketones ¼ starvation, diabetic
rogenic, CNS disease, liver disease, drugs, or pain) Nongap Acidosis
(Table 21-2). PaCO2 is diminished relative to bicarbonate Administration of 0.9% NaCl
levels, resulting in a pH greater than 7.45. The decreased GI losses—diarrhea, ileostomy, neobladder, pancreatic
PaCO2 and increased pH trigger the peripheral and central fistula
chemoreceptors to decrease the stimulus to breathe. Dur- Renal losses—RTA
ing prolonged respiratory alkalosis, active transport of
bicarbonate ions out of CSF causes the central chemore- CHF, congestive heart failure; GI, gastrointestinal; INH, isoniazid;
ceptors to reset to a lower PaCO2 level. RTA, renal tubular acidosis.

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

the development of metabolic acidosis to provide a near determine the extent of a clinical acid-base disorder, they
normal pH. Some patients, however, may not be able to do not help determine the mechanism of the abnormality.
sustain the increased minute ventilation, and require Instead, he proposed that the independent variables
tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. responsible for changes in acid-base balance are the
strong ion difference (the difference between the
ANION GAP completely dissociated cations and anions in plasma)
The best way to categorize the differential diagnosis (Fig. 21-7), the plasma concentration of nonvolatile weak
for a metabolic acidosis is to divide these causes into acids (ATot), and the arterial carbon dioxide tension
those that cause and do not cause an anion gap. The (PaCO2). The strong ion approach distinguishes six pri-
anion gap is the difference between measured cations mary acid-base disturbances (strong ion, nonvolatile
(sodium) and measured anions (chloride and bicarbonate) buffer, or respiratory acidosis and alkalosis) instead of
and represents the concentration of anions in serum that the four primary acid-base disturbances (respiratory or
are unaccounted for in this equation (Fig. 21-6). A nor- metabolic acidosis and alkalosis) differentiated by the
mal anion gap value is 8 to 12 mEq/L and is mostly com- traditional Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. Under nor-
posed of anionic serum albumin.13 A patient with a low mal conditions, the SID is approximately 40 mEq/L. Pro-
serum albumin concentration would likely have a lower cesses that increase the strong ion difference increase
anion gap value (each 1.0 g/dL decrease or increase in blood pH, whereas processes that reduce it decrease pH.
serum albumin below or above 4.4 g/dL lowers or raises For instance, in the case of massive volume resuscitation
the actual concentration of unmeasured anions by with normal saline, the major ions are Naþ and Cl-, which
approximately 2.3 to 2.5 mEq/L). An increase in the gives the fluid an SID of 0. Because infusions of saline
anion gap occurs when the anion replacing bicarbonate would lower the normal SID of 40, this leads to a strong III
is not one that is routinely measured. The most common ion acidosis. With the Stewart approach, administering a
unmeasured anions are lactic acid and keto acids. solution with a high SID, such as sodium bicarbonate or
Metabolic acidosis with a normal anion gap occurs when THAM, should treat the resultant strong ion acidosis
chloride replaces the lost bicarbonate such as with a The major practical difference between the two the-
bicarbonate-wasting process in the kidneys (renal tubular ories (Stewart vs. Henderson-Hasselbalch) is the inclusion
acidosis) or gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea). Aggressive of the serum albumin concentration in the Stewart
fluid resuscitation with normal saline (>30 mL/kg/hour) approach, which provides some increase in accuracy in
will induce a nongap metabolic acidosis secondary to certain clinical settings. If changes in serum albumin
excessive chloride administration, which impairs bicar- concentration are accounted for in measurement of the
bonate reabsorption in the kidneys.14 anion gap, the more complex Stewart approach does
not appear to offer a clinically significant advantage over
STRONG ION DIFFERENCE the traditional approach to acid-base disturbances.16
A second way to look at categorizing metabolic acidoses
is by the strong ion difference (SID) introduced by Peter COMPENSATORY RESPONSES AND TREATMENT
Stewart in the 1980s.15 His major tenet is that although The compensatory responses for a metabolic acidosis
serum bicarbonate and base excess can be used to include increased alveolar ventilation from carotid body
stimulation and renal tubule secretion of hydrogen ions
into urine. Chronic metabolic acidosis, as seen with
chronic renal failure, is commonly associated with loss
of bone mass because buffers present in bone are used
Anion gap = [Na+] – ([Cl−] + [HCO3−]) to neutralize the nonvolatile acids.
Treatment of metabolic acidosis is based on whether
an anion gap is present or not. Intravenous administra-
tion of sodium bicarbonate is often given for a nongap
Figure 21-6 Calculation of the anion gap: the difference metabolic acidosis because the problem is bicarbonate
between the cations and the anions equals the concentration of loss. Management of an anion gap metabolic acidosis is
unmeasured anions in serum. guided by diagnosis and treatment of the underlying

Figure 21-7 Calculation of the strong ion

difference: the difference between the
SID = [strong cations] – [strong anions]
completely dissociated cations and anions in
= [Na+] + [K+] + [Ca2+] + [Mg2+] – ([Cl–] + [SO42–] + [organic acids–])
~ [Na+] + [K+] – [Cl–]

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cause in order to remove the nonvolatile acids in the cir- COMPENSATORY RESPONSES AND TREATMENT
culation. Tissue hypoxia leading to lactic acidosis should Compensatory responses for metabolic alkalosis include
be corrected if possible with oxygen, fluid resuscitation, increased reabsorption of hydrogen ions by renal tubule
and circulatory support. Diabetic ketoacidosis requires cells, decreased secretion of hydrogen ions by renal
intravenous fluid and insulin therapy. Minute ventilation tubule cells, and alveolar hypoventilation. The efficiency
can be increased in a patient who is mechanically venti- of the renal compensatory mechanism is dependent on
lated to compensate until more definitive treatment takes the presence of cations (sodium, potassium) and chloride.
effect. Bicarbonate therapy is more controversial, but Lack of these ions impairs the ability of the kidneys to
may be considered in the setting of extreme metabolic excrete excess bicarbonate and results in incomplete renal
acidosis as a temporizing measure, particularly when a compensation. Respiratory compensation for pure metabolic
patient is deteriorating. Sodium bicarbonate administra- alkalosis, in contrast to metabolic acidosis, is never more
tion generates carbon dioxide, which unless eliminated than 75% complete. As a result, the pH remains increased
by ventilation, can worsen any intracellular and extracel- in patients with primary metabolic alkalosis. Treatment of
lular acidosis.17 A common approach is to administer a metabolic alkalosis should be aimed at reducing the acid
small dose of sodium bicarbonate, and then repeat the loss by stopping gastric drainage or fluid repletion with
pH measurement and monitor hemodynamics to deter- saline and potassium chloride, which allows the kidneys
mine the impact of treatment. Newer alkalinizing agents to excrete excess bicarbonate ions. Occasionally, a trial of
that do not generate carbon dioxide have been developed acetazolamide may be useful in causing a bicarbonaturia.
but have not yet been shown to reduce mortality rate in Life-threatening metabolic alkalosis is rarely encountered.
patients with severe metabolic acidosis. Such agents
include Carbicarb, which is equimolar sodium carbonate
and sodium bicarbonate, and THAM, which is tris(hydroxy-
methyl)aminomethane. Alkalinizing agents, because of The diagnosis of an acid-base disorder should occur in
their osmotic properties, introduce the risk of causing a structured fashion. Figure 21-8 shows a stepwise
hypervolemia and hypertonicity. algorithm for blood gas interpretation. Step 1, which
determines oxygenation, will be discussed later in this
chapter. Step 2 is to determine whether the patient is
Metabolic Alkalosis
acidemic (pH < 7.35) or alkalemic (pH > 7.45). Step 3
Metabolic alkalosis is present when the pH is higher than looks at whether the etiology is from a primary metabolic
7.45 due to gain of bicarbonate ions or loss of hydrogen or respiratory process. Metabolic processes involve a
ions. The loss of hydrogen ions is usually from the stom- change in bicarbonate concentration from 24 mEq/L,
ach or the kidney. The stimulus for bicarbonate reabsorp- and respiratory processes involve a change in PCO2 from
tion or gain is usually from hypovolemia, hypokalemia, or 40 mm Hg. If the primary process is respiratory in origin,
hyperaldosteronism (Table 21-4). In hypovolemia, then step 4 is to assess whether the abnormality is
because of insufficient chloride ions, bicarbonate is chronic or acute (Table 21-5). If a metabolic alkalosis is
reabsorbed with sodium. With the adoption of low tidal present, then the next step is to skip to step 7 and deter-
volumes (4 to 6 mL/kg) and permissive hypercapnia for mine whether appropriate respiratory compensation is
ventilatory management of ARDS patients, a compensa- present (Table 21-6). If the measured PCO2 is more than
tory metabolic alkalosis is often a common finding for expected, a concurrent respiratory acidosis is present.
the critically ill patient. If the measured PCO2 is less than expected, then a con-
current respiratory alkalosis is present. If a metabolic
acidosis is present, then an anion gap should be calcu-
lated (step 5). If there is a gap, then a △gap should be
determined. The △gap is the excess anion gap (anion
Table 21-4 Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis gap minus 12) added back to the serum bicarbonate level.
Chloride Responsive If the number is less than 22 mEq/L, then a concurrent
Renal loss—diuretic therapy nongap metabolic acidosis is present. If the number
GI loss—vomiting, NG suction is more than 26 mEq/L, then a concurrent metabolic
Alkali administration—citrate in blood products, acetate in alkalosis is present. The last step, step 7, is to determine
TPN, bicarbonate whether an appropriate respiratory compensation is pres-
ent for the metabolic acidosis. If measured PCO2 is greater
Chloride Resistant
than calculated from Winter’s formula, then the compen-
sation is not adequate and a respiratory acidosis is also
Refeeding syndrome
present (see Table 21-6). If the measured PCO2 is less than
Profound hypokalemia
calculated, then a respiratory alkalosis is present. See
GI, gastrointestinal; NG, nasogastric; TPN, total parenteral nutrition. sample calculations in Figure 21-9.

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

Figure 21-8 Seven steps for acid-base 1

diagnosis. Dgap ¼ anion gap – 12 þ
[HCO3-]. If △gap is less than 22 mEq/L, Determine
then concurrent nongap metabolic
acidosis exists. If △gap is greater than
26 mEq/L, then concurrent metabolic
alkalosis exists. pH <7.35 Determine pH >7.45
Acidemic pH Alkalemic

Respiratory Respiratory
or metabolic or metabolic

[HCO3] < pCO2 > pCO2 < [HCO3] >

24 mEq/L 40 mmHg 40 mmHg 24 mEq/L

Metabolic Respiratory Respiratory Metabolic

acidosis acidosis alkalosis alkalosis

Anion gap AG <12
AG >12 Acute or chronic III
Gap Nongap

Δ Gap

Table 21-5 Determining Whether Respiratory Process OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDED

Is Acute or Chronic BY BLOOD GASES AND pH
Acute Process
pH △ 0.08 for every 10 mm Hg △ in PCO2 from 40 mm Hg Aside from acid-base problems, additional measurements
and information available from a blood gas include the
Chronic Process patient’s ability to ventilate and oxygenate and cardiac
pH △ 0.03 for every 10 mm Hg △ in PCO2 from 40 mm Hg
output estimates.

Table 21-6 Determining Appropriate Compensation in Ventilation

Acid-Base Disorders
PaCO2 reflects the adequacy of ventilation for removing
Metabolic Acidosis
carbon dioxide from blood. A measured PaCO2 above
Winter’s formula:
45 mm Hg suggests that a patient is hypoventilating
PCO2 ¼ (1.5  HCO3) þ 8
relative to carbon dioxide production, whereas a PaCO2
If measured PCO2 > calculated PCO2, then concurrent
below 35 mm Hg suggests that a patient is hyperventi-
respiratory acidosis is present.
lating. Increased dead space ventilation markedly
If measured PCO2 < calculated PCO2, then concurrent
decreases the efficiency of ventilation. The VD/VT ratio
respiratory alkalosis is present.
is the fraction of each tidal volume that is involved in
Metabolic Alkalosis dead space ventilation. This value is usually less than
PCO2 ¼ (0.7  HCO3) þ 21 0.3 due to anatomic dead space. When minute ventila-
If measured PCO2 > calculated PCO2, then concurrent tion is held constant during anesthesia, the gradient
respiratory acidosis is present. between PaCO2 and end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) will increase
If measured PCO2 < calculated PCO2, then concurrent if dead space is increased (pulmonary embolus or
respiratory alkalosis is present. reduced cardiac output).

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Figure 21-9 Example for calculating

A 23-year-old man with insulin dependent diabetes presents to the emergency acid-base abnormalities.
room with somnolence, influenza like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, and anorexia.

Laboratory values: Na 130 mEq/L, Cl 80 mEq/L, HCO3 10 mEq/L

ABG: pH 7.20, pCO2 35 mm Hg, pO2 68 mm Hg on room air

Step 1: Determine oxygenation:

A-a gradient = [(PB-PH2O)FIO2 – PaCO2/RQ] – PaO2
= (150 − PaCO2/0.8) − PaO2
= (150 − 35/0.8) − 68
= 38
There is an A-a gradient, possibly from pneumonia or aspiration.

Step 2: Determine pH: pH <7.4, so acidosis

Step 3: [HCO3] <24 mEq/L and pCO2 <40 mm Hg

Primary abnormality is from metabolic acidosis.

Step 4: Not applicable here since we are going down metabolic acidosis pathway.

Step 5: Determine anion gap

Anion gap = [Na] – ([Cl] + [HCO3]) should be <12
= 130 – (80 + 10)
= 40 mEq/L
There is an anion gap, probably from starvation or diabetic ketoacidosis.

Step 6: Determine Δ gap

Δ gap = anion gap – 12 + [HCO3]
= 40 – 12 + 10
= 38 mEq/L
There is a concurrent metabolic alkalosis probably from vomiting.

Step 7: Is there appropriate respiratory compensation?

Winter’s formula = 1.5 [HCO3] + 8 = expected pCO2
= 1.5 (10) + 8
= 23 mm Hg
There is also a respiratory acidosis probably from somnolence.

Oxygenation altitude such that the decrease in inspired oxygen can

become significant. Hypoventilation leads to increased
Oxygenation is assessed by measurement of PaO2. Arterial
PCO2, which encroaches on the space available in the alve-
hypoxemia may be caused by (1) a low PO2 in the inhaled
olus for oxygen and dilutes the oxygen concentration. The
gases (altitude, accidental occurrence during anesthesia),
alveolar gas equation estimates this decrease in alveolar
(2) hypoventilation, or (3) venous admixture with or without
oxygen concentration by subtracting an amount equal to
decreased mixed venous oxygen content. Acute hypoxia
the carbon dioxide divided by the respiratory quotient.
causes activation of the sympathetic nervous system with
endogenous catecholamine release, which augments blood
pressure and cardiac output despite the vasodilating effects ALVEOLAR-ARTERIAL GRADIENT
of hypoxemia.18 The increased cardiac output will increase Calculation of the alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient provides
oxygen delivery from the lungs to peripheral tissues. an estimate of venous admixture as the cause of hypoxia
(see Fig. 21-10). Venous admixture refers to deoxygenated
ALVEOLAR GAS EQUATION venous blood mixing with oxygenated arterial blood
To judge the efficiency of gas exchange, the alveolar oxy- through shunting. The A-a gradient formula calculates
gen tension much be calculated first. The alveolar gas the difference in oxygen partial pressure between alveolar
equation estimates the partial pressure of alveolar oxygen (PAO2) and arterial (PaO2) blood. Normally, the A-a gradient
by accounting for barometric pressure, water vapor pres- is less than 15 mm Hg while breathing room air due to
sure, and the inspired oxygen concentration (Fig. 21-10). shunting via the thebesian and bronchial veins. Age
Atmospheric oxygen is a constant 21% of barometric increases the A-a gradient due to progressive increase in
pressure; however, barometric pressure diminishes with closing capacity relative to functional residual capacity

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

Figure 21-10 The alveolar gas equation,

calculation of alveolar-arterial (A-a) Alveolar gas equation: PAO2 = (Pb-PH2O)FIO2 – PaCO2/RQ
gradient, and estimation of percentage of
shunt. PAO2 = alveolar partial pressure oxygen (mm Hg)
Pb = barometric pressure (760 mm Hg at sea level)
PH2O = partial pressure of water vapor (47 mm Hg at 37⬚ C)
FIO2 = fraction inspired oxygen concentration
RQ = respiratory quotient (0.8 for normal diet)

A-a gradient = PAO2 – PaO2

For patient with PaO2 of 363 mm Hg and PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg breathing FIO2


PAO2 = (760 − 47)(1.0) – 40/0.8

= (713) − 50
= 663 mm Hg

A-a gradient = 663 − 363

= 300 mm Hg

% shunt = 1% for every 20 mm Hg of A-a gradient

= 300/20
= 15% III

(FRC). Increased inspired FIO2 can lead to a larger gradient should have a P/F ratio below 200. A ratio under 200
(up to 60 mm Hg while breathing FIO2 1.0). Vasodilating suggests a shunt fraction greater than 20%.
drugs (nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, inhaled anesthetics),
which inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and
_ Q_ mismatch, can also increase the A-a gradient. Cardiac Output Estimates
increase V=
Larger A-a gradients suggest the presence of patho- Normal mixed venous PO2 (P v O2) is 40 mm Hg and is a bal-
logic shunting, such as right-to-left intrapulmonary ance between oxygen delivery and tissue oxygen consump-
shunts (atelectasis, pneumonia, endobronchial intuba- tion. A true P v O2 should reflect blood from the superior and
tion) or intracardiac shunts (congenital heart disease). inferior vena cava and the heart. It is usually obtained from
The A-a gradient provides an assessment of the patient’s the distal port of an unwedged pulmonary artery (PA) cath-
shunt fraction and is more sensitive than pulse oximetry. eter. Owing to the complexity and risks of placing a PA
A patient may have an SaO2 of 100% but have a PaO2 of catheter, many clinicians simply follow the trend from a
only 90 mm Hg while breathing 100% oxygen. Signifi- central line placed in the superior vena cava. If tissue oxy-
cant shunting secondary to a pulmonary or cardiac pro- gen consumption is unchanged, changes in P v O2 reflect
cess has occurred despite the reassuring pulse oximeter direct changes in cardiac output. The P v O2 will decrease
reading. In patients with large shunts (>50%), adminis- when there is inadequate cardiac output because the
tration of 100% oxygen will be unable to raise PaO2. peripheral tissues have to increase oxygen extraction for
To estimate the amount of shunt present, when PaO2 is aerobic metabolism. The P v O2 will increase when there is
higher than 150 mm Hg, the shunt fraction is approxi- high cardiac output (sepsis), peripheral shunting (AV fistu-
mately 1% of cardiac output for every 20 mm Hg differ- las), or impaired oxygen extraction (cyanide toxicity).
ence in the A-a gradient. Below a PaO2 of 150 mm Hg or
when cardiac output is increased relative to metabolism, FICK EQUATION
this guideline will underestimate the actual amount of If PaO2, P v O2, and hemoglobin are measured, the cardiac
venous admixture. output can then be calculated by using the Fick equation
(Fig. 21-11), which states that the delivery of oxygen in
P/F RATIO the veins must equal the delivery of oxygen in the
The PaO2/ FIO2 (P/F) ratio is a simple alternative to the A-a arteries minus what is consumed (VO2). The delivery of
gradient to communicate the degree of hypoxia. Stan- oxygen is cardiac output multiplied by the amount of
dards have been created to define the P/F ratio for acute oxygen carried in the blood. The total amount of oxygen
lung injury (ALI) versus ARDS in order to recruit more in the blood is the amount bound to hemoglobin and the
homogeneous research subjects. Patients with ALI need amount dissolved in solution. Because the vast majority
to have a P/F ratio below 300, while ARDS patients of the oxygen content in blood is bound to hemoglobin,

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Figure 21-11 Calculation of cardiac output via

Fick’s equation, arterial and mixed venous oxygen
content, and arteriovenous difference in normal,
Body septic, and heart failure patients.

DaO2 VO2 DvO2

DaO2 = CO × CaO2
DaO2 = VO2 + DVO2
CO × CaO2 = VO2 + CO × CvO2
CO = VO2/(CAO2 − CVO2) Fick’s equation

DaO2 = arterial delivery of oxygen

DvO2 = venous delivery of oxygen
CaO2 = arterial carrying capacity of oxygen
VO2 = oxygen consumption (~3.5 mL/kg/min)
CO = cardiac output

Normal patient:
ASSUME: VO2 = 250 mL O2/min, Hgb = 15 g/dL
CaO2 = (1.34 mL O2/dL)(Hgb)(SaO2) + (0.003 dL O2/dL/mm Hg) PAO2
= (1.34) (15)(1)
= 20.1 mL O2/dL blood

CvO2 = (1.34 mL O2/dL)(Hgb)(SvO2)

= (1.34)(15)(0.75)
=15.1 mL O2/dL blood

CaO2 − CvO2 = 5 mL O2/dL blood

CO from Fick’s equation = VO2/(CaO2 − CvO2)

= 250/(20 − 15)
= 50 dL/min

CHF patient:
SvO2 = 65%, Hgb =15 g/dL
CvO2 = (1.34 mL O2/dL)(Hgb)(SvO2)
= (1.34)(15)(0.65)
= 13.1 mL O2/dL blood

CaO2 − CvO2 = 7 mL O2/dL blood

Septic patient
SvO2 = 85%, Hgb = 15 g/dL
CvO2 = (1.34 mL O2/dL)(Hgb)(SvO2)
= (1.34)(15)(0.85)
= 17.1 mL O2/dL blood

CaO2 − CvO2 = 3 mL O2/dL blood

the amount dissolved can often be left out of the equa- The normal arteriovenous difference is 4 to 6 mL/dL of
tion in order to simplify calculations. The amount dis- blood. When tissue oxygen consumption is constant, a
solved becomes important in situations such as severe decreased cardiac output (congestive heart failure) leads
anemia, when the amount carried by hemoglobin is low. to higher oxygen extraction, which increases the arterio-
venous difference. An increased cardiac output (sepsis) or
ARTERIOVENOUS DIFFERENCE lower extraction (cyanide poisoning) leads to a lower
The difference between the arterial and mixed venous arteriovenous difference.
oxygen content (arteriovenous difference) is a good esti- When the delivery of oxygen is first reduced, oxygen
mate of the adequacy of oxygen delivery (see Fig. 21-11). consumption remains normal because of the body’s

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Chapter 21 Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis

ability to increase extraction. With further reductions in

oxygen delivery, a critical point is reached when oxygen
consumption becomes proportional to delivery. When
oxygen consumption becomes supply dependent, cellular hypoxia
hypoxia occurs, which leads to progressive lactic acidosis Increased O2 extraction
and eventual death if uncorrected (Fig. 21-12). Lactic



1. What are the two most important physiologic buffer VO2

proportional VO2 independent of
systems in blood? How do they work? In a patient to delivery O2 delivery
with metabolic alkalosis, what mechanism serves to
limit the respiratory compensation? Oxygen delivery (DO2)
2. What is the compensatory renal response in a patient
with respiratory acidosis? What is the expected time
course? Figure 21-12 Relationship of oxygen consumption (VO2) to
3. What is the strong ion difference (SID)? How does oxygen delivery (DO2): when oxygen consumption becomes
supply dependent, cellular hypoxia occurs, which leads to
management of acid-base disturbances using the SID
progressive lactic acidosis and eventually death.
differ from the traditional approach?

The editors and publisher would like to thank Dr. Joseph

F. Cotten for contributing a chapter on this topic to the
prior edition of this work. It has served as the foundation
for the current chapter.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2017. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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