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Decress Light Development Activation

Decrees For Creator Realization And ... The

Light Development Activation... And ...
Making Exalted Choices For Life By Shanta

I Am The Creator embodied as (say your name). I Am completely merged with

Mother/Father/God - One Heart - One Love - One Consciousness - One Mind - One
Power. I am in complete alignment with all that is the Creator...and I experience all that is the
Creator as fully as possible with my every breath! My every breath is both the Energy of the
Creator, and the Christ Consciousness Energy of Love in action in me and thru me, healing &
uplifting us all.
I Am channeling the most divinely perfect Creator Energies and Mahatma Energies
throughout my Whole Being with my every breath. I choose to experience a Creator
Empowered life - & do so daily! (The Mahama Energies are the divine energies that enable you
to synthesize and use The Creator Energies in your daily life).
I am channeling the Energies of Forgiveness from my Soul & The Creator, and from the Angelic & Ascended
Master Realms, along with the Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being with my every in-breath, and
with my every out-breath these divine energies of Forgiveness flow throughout the Universe of the
Creator....and I now experience my Whole Being in perfect divine balance & harmony and alignment with the
Creator & the Creator Energies Now!
I Am channeling Regenerating & Healing Energies from my Soul & The Creator & Gaia, andfrom the
Angelic & Ascended Mater Realms, along with Mahatma Energies throughout my whole
body with my every breath. My Whole body is Now completely healed and regenerated and is
now expressing celestial well being, vitality, & good health - completely Illumined in the
Creator's Perfection!
I Am channeling the Energies of Completion from my Soul and from The Creator, along
with Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being with my every breath, (you can choose
anything in your life that you desire completion in for this decree), creating new templates of
completion and ever new platforms for my spiritual growth. Let yourself feel as if you are taking
on templates of completion into your entire being, and aligning and anchoring them into every
aspect of your being related to the divine completion that you are affirming. Affirm, "I Am the
Embodiment of My Soul & The Creator's gift of completion. I fully accept divine completion
into My Whole Being & reality. I Am an embodiment of the Creator"
I Am channeling throughout my Whole Being with my every breath the Christ Consciousness
Energies of Completion from my Soul and from the Creator, along with Mahatma Energies.
These Divine Energies Now bring my Whole Being into perfect divine alignment with the Christ
Consciousness energies. They are now transforming my Whole Being as I embody them with my
every breath. I now experience my Whole Being becoming Illumined in Golden Christ Light! I
Am Now experiencing and embodying & expressing all the qualities of the Christ Consciousness
with my every breath !
I Am channeling Love from my Soul & The Creator, and Love from the Angelic & Ascended
Master Realms, along with Mahatma Energies throughout my Whole Being and to every human
being and all of Gaia with my every breath. God's Love is now anchored and grounded in us all,
and is uplifting and healing us all. We are all now experiencing God''s Presence within us, and
experiencing our highest potential Now !!!
Thank You God for manifesting everything I have affirmed and decreed, or better, for the
highest good of all! And So It Manifests!

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