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PROLOGUE A Doctor and A Gamer!

A red moon hung in the night sky, reflecting the light of the sun, send them back toward the
earth. Tonight, a full eclipse will happen at aproximately 23.59 PM. That was what the local
news said. The eclipse made the night look alive.

In the nurse station at the intensive care unit of a certain hopital, a young man in white doctor
coat sat down while his hand dancing on his smartphone. His thick glasses reflected the
smartphone screen. There, his avatar brandishing her sword, killing monsters. Yes! He was
grinding while at night duty. As the one of the strongest enchanter in the game, he must not slack
off or else he will be left behind.

“Enchant Weapon !!! Draw Autoskill !!! Magic Barirer !!! Limit Break!!! Qadal!!!” the log of his
avatar signify that multiple buffs stacked together! Then after that the avatar called Sicca, a cute
purple gothic loli with purple hair, raised her translucent sword and ran towards nearest monster
on the vicinity.

Level 289 Baum Warior

What a frintening Mob!

But Sicca didn’t flinch at all. The she shouted.

“Stone of Skin!!!”

After that green halo surrounded her forming a barier. With the overcap point of agility, sicca
dissapeared from her previous location leaving purple afterimage. Instantly she appeared behind
the baum warior! Slashing down her raised sword. The movement seemed to be blur.

“Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

And in one second sicca made a total of 4 slashes. After that, multiple color of different
elemental magic hit the baum warior. The baum warior turned to light particle then dissapeared.
The last bunch of notifications appeared in the battle log and that was the notification of one of
the four slashes that sicca launched.
“You dealt 5.250 physical damage!”

“Dealt 124.250 additional fire slash damage !!”

“Spell Critical!! Dealt 224. 520 additional fire slash damage !!”

“Spell Critical!! Deal 250.777 additional meteor shower damage!!”

“Qadal Explotion!! Dealt 525.040 Enchant Weapon damage !!

“Killed level 289 Baum Warior”

“Gained 224.000 Experience”

“Got an Orichalcum”

“Got baum log (3)”

“Got Potion L (1)”

“Muahaha! Very cool! That is my Sicca! OMG youre so OP Sicca!”

Sicca is an enchanter. What is enchanter? Enchanter in this game was basically a magic
swordman. In this game, enchanter is the fastest caster! Because you didn’t need to chant, you
just need to swing your weapon and then boom! Your magics will be triggerred! For example,
what sicca did just now. In 4 sword slashes, she cast around 15 kind of magics. Very

Not only that, her survivability is also high. Her signature defense skill is Stone of Skin! Well
that was not an impenetrable defense. It is just that, this skill is spammable as long as you have
mana. For that, the most important thing is, enchanter has infinite amount of mana because of a
certain skill. That skill is Mana Recharge! Using 10% of HP to convert 2x amount of sacrified
HP to Mana. As for HP, she has Drain Skill that can drain enemies HP and make it to fill her HP
bar! Hahaha, what an OPNESS! But of course she has weakness, that is dispel skill, in this game,
a lot of bosses had that skill.
The young man in white opened status menu to see the grinding progresss.

Level 347 Enchanter!
EXP 12%
VIT 256
INT 404
AGI 401
DEX 287
Unalocated status point(s) 34

Why it just has only 1 STR and CRT. Because the amount of status points are limited. She was
not some jack of all trades you know in certain novels!

When he was imagining Sicca, suddenly.

“Ding !! Ding !! Ding !! Ding !!” The monitor beep’s alarm rang

That was the sound he hate the most in this world! It notify that there was a dying patient!
Without any care, he left the smartphone on the desk. A friction of second later, a young and
beautiful nurse shouted to call the help of other nurses,

“Code Blue! Code Blue! Patient Number 13!”

“What a bad luck number you got man!” the doctor thought as he ran to Room Number 13 while
quickly put on safety mask and gloves.

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