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Eunice Leon-Guerrero

Lesson Plan Title: Celebrating Cultures

Topic to Teach: Writing

Grades: 2

Time Frame: 1 ½ - 2 hrs.

General Goal: The goals of this activity are to introduce children to their cultures as well as their peers.

Specific Objectives: The student will be able to write descriptively about an even that they celebrate in
their family, relating to their culture. They will then be asked to share their experiences with.

Required Materials:
• Paper
• Pencils
• Smartboard

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Show students clip from holidays around the world and ask them about their
families’ holidays and what they celebrate. Get the group engaged.

Step-By-Step Procedures: Classroom will have a discussion using the smart board to help identify some
of their family holidays. Clips from holidays around the world will be used to help illustrate. Questions
will be asked to engage the class: What holidays does your family celebrate? Where is your family from?
How do you celebrate? Do you know why they celebrate? What foods do you eat in your celebrations?
Students will then be asked to draw their favorite holiday. Students would be involved and actively
communicating with each other. They would be eager to throw out their ideas and interested in what is
being said. They will then write a short description (one paragraph); using correct grammar, sentences
and punctuations.

Students will be provided handouts to illustrate their families’ celebrations and write their paragraph
about why their celebration is so special and what their favorite part about it is. This section could be
given as a homework assignment. Students will then do a show and tell presentation engaging their
class in their holiday.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): In a closing discussion students will be asked identify other cultures
holidays they learned about and what they liked about them.

Assessment Based On Objectives: Watch for class participation and check for student understanding.
Categories 25 15 10 0

Comprehension Student shows Student was able Student was Student was not
ability to follow to follow unable to sit and willing to
instruction and instruction but did follow instruction participate.
understanding by not participate. not able to
Participation. participate.

Homework Student Students’ Students’ Student did not

illustrations and sentences and sentences and turn in any part
writing are clear grammar need grammar need of assignment.
Effectively uses improvement. improvement or
full sentences, Illustrations one part of the
correct correlate with assignment is not
punctuation, writing turned in.
spelling and assignment.

Participation Students Students Student is Student takes no

participate fully in participates refusing to part.
class discussion. minimally in class participate but is
discussion. actively engaged.

Final Assignment Student was able Student was able Student did Student didn’t
to successfully to successfully minimal work. take part.
identify complete
classmates’ assignment but
holidays and make did not try to be a
their own holiday part of the
presentation. presentation.

Resources used to make this plan was:

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